#tybalt never intended to actually kill mercutio and when he realized what he did he let romeo kill him
Imagine if the story went that Romeo and Mercutio were actually in love and happy together. They were planning to run away after crashing a party. Then some thirteen year old girl shows up and ruins everything by announcing her undying love for Romeo as if he's some famous popstar ("Romeo I love you please marry me within the next 72 hours"). Then that makes Romeo question himself and think he's caught feelings for Juliet and he starts to think "maybe this thing with Mercutio was actually a phase, just like mom and dad told me over and over". And then he breaks Mercutio’s heart by saying he loves a girl. And they don't speak again for two days until Tybalt stabs Mercutio. And of course that's the moment when Romeo realizes it actually WASN'T a phase. And then when Romeo watches Mercutio's last breath leave his chest he just completely breaks down because his true love was just murdered, and now he's stuck with some little kid for a wife. And that's why he kills Tybalt, because Tybalt killed his one and only true love. Then he's banished and Juliet's all sad and he's like "Ah well what are you gonna do, it's the law, ya know, can't break it, so sad". And after he's left she STILL thinks they're all together-forever and shit, and she makes that whole plan with Friar Lawrence. But remember the letter doesn't get to Romeo? So then Romeo arrives because he's heard she died. And when he sees her he thinks Juliet's ACTUALLY dead. And  he feels sooo bad. Then he drinks the poison by her deathbed because he blames himself for this little girl's suicide, because he led her on and let her think they were in a relationship and in love. And he thinks he killed her because it seems like little Juliet was so dependent on men that she just couldn't live without him (pun intended). He has nothing and no one to live for anymore. And then Juliet wakes up and she’s just like "HHOLY FUUCK HE KILLED HIMSELF BECAUSE HE THOUGHT I WAS DEAD, THAT’S HOW MUCH HE LOVED ME, FUUUUCK WHAT HAVE I DONE", and then she cries for awhile because she thinks her true love couldn't live without her (when, in fact, he could've). And then she stabs herself. It's an echo of Mercutio being stabbed just the day before, because everyone who loves Romeo eventually ends up with a knife in their gut. Friar Lawrence finds them, the funeral is held, etc, no one knows the true story, they all assume two children from different families were in love, etc etc etc. But the ending line "Never was there a tale of more woe than that of Juliet and her Romeo" is still true because Romeo did kind of let Juliet own him, so he is Her Romeo, and he was owned his whole life and could never be free to be with Mercutio, his true love, who is now dead just like him. Romeo wasn't in love with Juliet, he was in denial for a day too long.
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