#ty for the ask!!! one day i will write more fwhip and gem content tbh it's important to me that i do
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5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
i feel like i've had a hundred of these, but i'm gonna talk about one @pixlostinatos and i did notes for AGES ago that has become both less relevant (thanks to s2 jimmy+fwhip's breakup) and more relevant with time (thanks pix).
we were calling it "for few can take a broken world and still with beauty fill it", a lyric from the mechanisms song "pellinore and the beast", which has very similar themes to the fic. basically, the concept was that the clones that joel made in s1 still exist, but are slowly falling to pieces as time goes on. they wander the mesa, and are treated like almost cryptids by the people who live there, because they aren't dangerous or scary, but no one can speak to them. the reason for that is that the clones cannot speak. instead, they speak a modified version of mezealean sign language that's easier on their "a little less than human" hands, and because their version of sign language was already a little weird and also mezalea has been gone for 1,000 years, language has changed.
the plan was to write from three people's perspectives: fwhip, jimmy, and joel, in both s1 and s2. s2 jimmy meets the clones first, and the ones he meets are convinced he's the codfather, and keep attempting to tell him this, but he doesn't know what they're trying to say, just that he recognizes the sign for "fish" in there somewhere. he gets weirded out and shakes the clone off, and quietly warns fwhip (who was still his deputy at the time) to not go near the weird things in the dessert. this would lead into a section about s1 jimmy, and about the fact that the clones knew his face because he felt comfortable taking off his mask around them cause, y'know, they're not human, right?
the second section began with s2 fwhip meeting one of the clones, and notices (just like jimmy had) that they sort of look like god joel. weird. he tries to talk to the clone with the basic mesa sign language he's learned from jimmy, and the clone keeps signing the sign for gunpowder, for some reason fwhip doesn't get, but he eventually takes it back to jimmy, but again, they can't figure out what it wants. the s1 fwhip section would've been about him learning how to interact with and speak to the clones, as well as learning their sign for him, which was a combination of the signs for gunpowder and redstone.
and finally, the joel section. s2 joel meets the clones in the mesa one day and he hates this. it's not quite like looking into a mirror, but it is like looking into a mirror before he jumped into the fountain and it is WEIRD. and then, the clones that are in the area sort of... gather. and they start bowing. which is a bit nice, thanks for the respect, but also, what the fuck? then one of them approaches him, and asks in a sign language he never learned and should not understand what they should build. joel wants to tell them to build something to make jimmy angry- why is his first thought a salmon? he tells them to build some sort of toy story reference, and they disperse. joel feels distinctly weird about the whole thing. the s1 joel section was about him building the clones, and about why the clones are the way they are, and why some had managed to survive. it was a really cool concept and i do wish we'd finished it, but alas.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
ohhhhh this is so hard to pick i would literally die if i saw any sort of other media made of one of my fics. i think the two that i'm most partial to for this are men are fools, oh, men are frail. like, the entire thing. i think it suits itself well to a comic or other visual medium cause it's mostly dialogue rather than internal thoughts. in the same vein, the conversation between sausage and blood sausage in i still taste you on my lips, lovely bitter water is one that i have wanted to make into a comic for a bit, and that i think suits the medium.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
i hope that ONE OF THESE DAYS i will write a fic about gem and fwhip post rapture returning to the ruins of the other empires, however, it's not going to be in the way i started writing it (which was as part of a different concept about fwhip and family and love and imagined curses) so i'll post two snippets from that fic.
"gem was a good ruler, the finest wizard the crystal cliffs had seen in some time, and maybe, if she'd been countess, things would've been different. fwhip likes to hope they would've been; that if gem had become countess it all would've been ok. but he knows his sister. he knows how much she hated the idea of ruling the grimlands for the rest of her life, the idea of becoming like their father.
the note she wrote when she left told fwhip he was not cursed. she said that he would be a better count than she could have ever been, and that he would be happy.
he read her letter in an empty manor that was suddenly more empty than it had ever been- more empty than had fwhip been entirely alone within it, and he did not believe her."
"they found a shockingly few number of bodies in the end. more people had run away than fwhip had expected. he always assumed he was more a coward than the rest of them, he supposed."
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