#twy's flags !!!
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permababy · 10 months ago
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my pewsonaw take on a pewmababy and babyfwuid fwags 💛
dis is my second twy at dese fwags using my own cowow pawette; my fiwst attempt was a mix of -baby and -toddwew fwags, but ended up wooking wike a swightwy pawew -toddwew fwag
cwedit is weawwy appweciated, but not wequiwed
(pt: my personal take on a permababy and babyfluid flags 💛
this is my second try at these flags using my own color palette; my first attempt was a mix of -baby and -toddler flags, but ended up looking like a slightly paler -toddler flag
credit is really appreciated, but not required)
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mochabeanzz · 1 month ago
pics in front of twy flag are automatically 10x hotter <3
they're my fave band! 🖤
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candyic · 3 years ago
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a flag for those who use pup/pups pronouns ⊹ this flag can be used by those who use exclusively pup/pups pronouns or use them alongside other pronoun sets
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right is seven stripes. the first and seventh stripes are the largest, all the same size, and the fourth stripe is slightly smaller. stripes two, three, five, and six are the thinnest. the colours, from top to bottom, are: desaturated light pink, light brown, beige, brown, beige, light brown, and desaturated light pink. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of a puppy with his front paws raised off the ground in the same colours as the flag; END ID
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a flag for those who use the dog/the dogs pronouns ⊹ this flag can be used by those who use exclusively the dog/the dogs pronouns or use them alongside other pronoun sets
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right is seven stripes. the first and seventh stripes are the largest, all the same size, and the fourth stripe is slightly smaller. stripes two, three, five, and six are the thinnest. the colours, from top to bottom, are: desaturated light blue, light brown, beige, dark brown, beige, light brown, and desaturated light blue. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of dog doing the downward dog pose in the middle in the same colours of the flag; END ID
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mogai-infirmary · 3 years ago
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with label // without
☁️ requested by tyoma anon
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cg-twys-daycare · 2 years ago
Hello Little ones and Caregivers! This is my pinned post!
DNI: kink, ddlg, abdl Anti-LBGT, abliest, and Racists ETC! This is a non -sexual platform and will NOT be sexualized on my page!
This is SFW and a safe place for Littles and caregivers to be themselves and to enjoy their time here. Any blank accounts will be blocked.
If anyone wants to talk or needs a helping hand, my messages and asks are open! This is completely platonic!
If you want to get to know me more outside of me being a caregiver or AgreDre, please refer to my main blog @twyla19 . I have come to the realization that some regressors like talking to me while not regressed. I think this would be easier to separate possible adult conversations. I know many of you have trauma around them and do not want your regressed self to possibly see those conversations.
I made an Instagram! There is nothing on it yet, but I hope to share stuff on there as well!
I have an AgeDre blog!
@cutiecorner made my new background. It's a CG Twyla flag!
I made my own profile picture!
I have commissions open! Go here for the post! 2 slots open!
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Below is more information!
✨️Looking for asks?
I have found a thing called help, heard, hug. This means what you need the most at this given moment. I tend to always want to help littles when feeling sad or down about something. I know that isn't always what you all need, so if you put in the number (1) like this, it means you want help. (2) for a hug and (3) is to just need to have someone listen or be heard.
You do not have to use an emoji if you do not feel comfortable. Or giving me a nickname or pronouns. Do what makes you comfortable!
✨️Rules for asks
NOTE: This will continue to change as this page grows.
What is OKAY for asks:
babbling, being silly, wanting to see how I am doing or tell me about your day. Showing me the drawing or things you get, asking me questions, of course, general light topics like missing someone or wanting to chat.
What is NOT OKAY: talking about self-harm, especially thinking about harming oneself, any kind of trauma.
Since i am back at school, i will be quite busy. I might still post or reblog things, but I can be overwhelmed with all my school responsibilities, online friends, asks, and so on! So Asks will be answered on weekends when i have more time and DMs are going to be more prioritized.
Note: If you are someone who does not feel comfortable with DMs, please make sure that you do not talk about something that might be triggering for others. I want to celebrate things while also keeping asks a safe space since they do get posted to my blog and are public.
Please do in DMs:
Vent about trauma, about your day, anything that is just weighing heavy on your mind. Longer conversations (during school year)
Last asks note:
I wanna be here for you all while also making sure I am safe as well. I do not have any topic that can be taken off the table. However, I want things that are super personal or may be triggering to be in my DMs since Asks are public. I want this to be a mental health safe space. I want you all to talk about the tough feelings, and if it gets super personal, I just want you all to stay safe in all ways. Many littles come to my page for different reasons. Some want to get away from their stress and traumas, and some are involuntary regressors due to their trauma.
In conclusion, I'm just trying to look out for everyone, plus myself, and staying safe is my most important thing, kiddos!
Taken emojis for Anon:
🐊🦀🍼🧵🥁🦈🦦🍄💫🔮🐨🦋🌹🦭📻🐈‍⬛💥🐻‍❄️🖍🕯🐇 🧨✨️🦇
Double emojis
🎨🎸, 🐬🪼
I also have systems who use multiple emojis per alter.
✨️About me, Caregiver edition:
Nicknames! So far, I have Twy, Baba, Mx. Twyla, and Twy-Twy !
I welcome any and most nicknames and will be happy with anything.
I am not looking for a long-term kiddo at the moment. I will gladly talk with you if you need it! I feel more comfortable being a babysitter or just someone you talk with while small.
I do prefer gender neutral or more masculine ones! Especially compliments.
I am an open book. Nothing will bother me if you want to talk about it. I have the mental capacity to listen! I do not judge you for your past or what you have gone through.
[This section will be updated as I see fit]
✨️About me, personal:
Here are a few things about me that I think would be helpful! I am disabled, nonbinary, and asexual. I have gotten myself into Bluey, and I collect monster high dolls. I am a disney person! I usually like princess movies or the young kid tv shows like Good luck Charlie or Jessie. I'm in college to become a music teacher and my main instrument is violin! I love any shade of purple and definitely a cold tone person with green and blue being 2nd and 3rd for my top 3 colors!
Oh! I LOVE squishmallows! I have quite a bit of a stuffy collection. otherwise, they're in storage, sadly due to me not living with my parents.
I personally feel like my interests haven't changed since being a kid, just my maturity has aged. With this being said, I have found that I do regress, but it is so intertwined with my personality and who I am today that I can not specifically regress or know my age. Some things just make me so happy, and I have found a few words that made me feel smaller in comparison to myself now.
✨️If you want to find stuff specific to my posts, here are some tags!
#Caregiver-Twyla: will be my main one for this blog.
#TwylaAnita Art: is for all my art I post!
#caregivertwyla asks : This is for any and all asks from anyone on this page!
#Cgtwyla reblogs
#Twylas sfw agere moodboards
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captaincanute · 3 years ago
Charlie Goes to Camp
You’re a fine one for the boy to make a friend of!
Yes, I am, Lord help me!  But tonight he’s a liar, and a thief and all that’s bad!”
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 “Can’t you guys just ignore each other?”
“I’m twying to ignowe evewyone but he keeps yelling at me!”
“He won’t stop singing and kicking the bed!”
“He’s just so annoying!  Can I go outside and wead?”
“Sorry, no, we are supposed to be on our beds during rest time.”
“Let him!”
“I will sit wight next to the cabin.”
“Okay.  Do it. I just need everyone be quiet.”
Reading time was over too soon.  I wish I could have adventures like Sam instead of being at camp.
“Can you be my buddy again, Bwadley?”
“I guess.”
“What adventuwes should we have today?”
“There’s Russki spies putting bombs all over camp but Batman and Robin will capture them!”
He always wanted me to be Robin but I’d rather be Spiderman.  It didn’t matter as long as could run around on the beach.  The nurse said I shouldn’t go in the lake.   I only forgot twice.    I had to go in, otherwise the bad guys would have gotten away.  
After, the nurse washed my leg again and put some cream on it but didn’t put on another bandage.  Then we had the banquet.  The dining hall was decorated like a party and the lights were out and we had ham and peas, no scalloped potatoes, and cake for dessert!
Then the director and the lady who told us about all the games called for attention.  They had the boys that won the relay race come up and we clapped and they got a prize for the party tonight.  Then they had the girls from the Kickapoo cabin come up and get their prize for cleanest cabin for the week.  Then came the important announcement:
“At the beginning of the week we challenged campers to join the Polar Bear club. Every morning, while the rest of us were sleeping, these campers took up the challenge and ran one mile and then cooled off with an early morning swim even when it was raining!  When I call your name, come up:  Lisa from Potawatomi;  Michael, David, Robert and Jim from Wyandot;  John from Menominee;  Billy and Chris from Sauk and our youngest camper, Charlie, from Odawa!”  He gave me a blue ribbon with a white polar bear on it and a whole bucket of Lemonheads to share with my cabin.  
When we sat down they finished by giving prizes for memorizing Bible verses. It was the most important competition. No one from my cabin memorized even one.
For wide game after supper we played Capture the Flag.  It was boys versus girls.  We used the whole camp, not just the playing field, to hide the flag in and run around.  I got caught every time but I didn’t care.  I had my polar bear ribbon pinned to my shirt.  I gave the counselor the candies, after I tasted one.
For chapel we were told we have to let our light shine in the world.  We need to let people know we love Jesus by what we do and say.  But it doesn’t make sense to me.  Why would a person want to be a Christian because of what I say?  I like God because He’s nice to me, not because of what other people do.  
Everybody was excited for the party.   Not me.  Even Frank was going to stay in the cabin.    We had cookies and chips and Kool-aid and my lemon candies for snack.  I just had some more of my candies.   I got undressed and crawled into bed.  I tried to sleep but it was too loud.  I don’t see the light with my eyes closed but I hear the talking cause I can’t close my ears.
“Counselow.  I can’t sleep.  It’s too loud.”
“We’re just having fun, Charlie.” “You should stay up too and not be such a baby.”
“I have go to sleep now ow I will get too hypew.  Can I sleep somewhewe else?”
“There is nowhere else, Charlie.  All the other cabins are having a party too.”
“I ate four cookies!”
“Can I go sleep with the Diwectow? Please?”
“That wouldn’t work.  He stays up later than all of us!  But let’s go see if he can help.”
The director was walking around camp.  He looked happy to see us.
“I need to go to sleep ow I will get hypew but the talking is keeping me awake and they won’t stop having the pawty but I have to sleep now so can I sleep in youw cabin?  Please?”
“That wouldn’t be appropriate…. But I want you to be happy, Charlie. Let’s go talk to Sharon.”
The counselor went back to the party.  We went over to the nurse’s cabin.  I was going there a lot.  The director knocked on the door instead of just going in.
“Good evening, Sharon.  Charlie is getting too agitated in his cabin and would like a quiet place to sleep tonight. Would you be okay with him in the infirmary?”
“Of course, Mr. Steeves.  Come on in, Charlie.”
There was a little bedroom behind the nursing room.  The beds were already made.  “Can I sleep in the top bunk?”
She laughed. “Of course.”
I took off my clothes and climbed up the ladder.  I was happy.  
The nurse laughed again and picked up my clothes and put them on the lower bunk.
“Why awe you smiling?” “You remind me of my little brothers.” “You have bwothews?”
“I have three of them.  They are older than you now, but you remind me of them when they were younger. You’re a lot of fun.”
“I am?  Why?”
“Because you love life.   Because you don’t care.  Because you are okay being you.   I wish everyone was like that.”
She turned off the light but stood in the doorway, smiling.  I closed my eyes.  Everything was perfect.
“What’s that song?”
“What song are you singing to yourself?  It is nice.”
“It is fwom Olivew!.  It calms me down.  Stephen doesn’t like it.”
“Could you sing it for me?”
“Whewe is love? Does it fall from skies above? Is it underneath the willow twee That I've been dweaming of? Where is she? Who I close my eyes to see? Will I ever know the sweet "hello" That's meant for only me? Who can say whewe she may hide? Must I twavel faw and wide? 'Til I am beside the someone who I can mean something to ... Whewe?   Whewe is love?”
“That was lovely!  You are a really good singer.  You sound just like the boy in the movie!”
“That’s what my mom says.  She has me sing it too hew lots.”
“Lucky her. You are very talented.  You should sing more.”
“I sing in the choiw.  The diwectow says I am good but keeps weminding me not to be so loud.1  I got to sing the fiwst vewse of Silent Night by myself at the Chwistmas Concewt and then the west of the choiw joined me aftew!”
“Well keep it up.  I’ll let you go to sleep now.  See you tomorrow!”
It was late. I went right to sleep.  I didn’t even need to rock.
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 1 This is partially true.  I did sing to myself all the time and I love this song and the choir director did regularly ask me not to sing so loud but he never said I was good   :D  
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heytaliaisdead · 7 years ago
1637p! Nyo! Mer! Depressed! WW2! DeadInside! Human! Hawt! Anime! Ancient! Italy x Abused! Canadian! Bullied! Gay! Reader Chapter 1
Summary: when reader-chan is packed into a luggage and forced to move to Italy to escape the Canadian FBI who captured her abusive parents (owo), she meets a strange italian who she falls in love with (uwu)
Words: so many owo
"Oh no! My parents have been captured by the Canadian FBI!!!" You shouted while running away from your house trying to escape the giant man who was trying to slash you with his katana.
"Pwease don't hurt me!! I'm a small gay babie!!!" Reader-chan had to act fast to escape the giant men. You run all the way to the airport, where you hide in a pink hello kitty luggage.
"Good thing they won't find me in here uwu" you sigh, happy that the giant men are gone now. You have been abused by your parents your whole life for being a gay emo. Why don't your parents understand your pain!! It's not a phase!! You are also happy that your parents have been killed by the Canadian FBI, now you can live in piece without your mom yelling at you to wake up from school. Gosh she's so mean!!
"Owo I'm hungwyyyy" your tummy grumbled inside.
"I wonder if there's any food hewe??!!" You look around the bag until you find a plastic baggie with green paste inside.
"Uwu look at this Japanese food!! So yummyyy" you open the bag and lick the paste.
"YummmmyyYyy!!! I'm so anime OwO" you continue eating the yummy paste until you realize
"Oh no!! Where am I going owo????!" You feel the luggage moving and the plane in the sky. You try unzipping the zipper but it's stuck!! Oh well, you decided to stay inside the luggage until someone opens it.
An twenty hours passed and you were starting to feel funny.
">w< I f- feeel like thwowing upppp" you throw up in the bag but just then the the zipper unzips and you see a large man.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BAGGGG???!??!??74&" he shouts. You start to cry and run away.
"Pweease don't hurt meeee I'm just a smol gay!!!" You run into the streets and away from the mean man. Once you're far away, you stop to pant. You're so tired!!
"Wh- where am I *o*???" Suddenly, you look up too see a giant Italian flag on the top of a building. You gasp with surprise.
"O- Owo am I in italyyy??????!$?!!" You suddenly realize where you were and cry agin. Why did this happen to you?? You walk around to the river and sit down with your feet in the water.
"QwQ I'm sooo sadd!!!" You continue crying. Just then, a face pops up from the water.
"Can u stop that??? I'm twying to sleep >0<" she looks up to you with her sleepy red and empty eyes, her damp rainbow hair glistening in the sunshine.
"Owo I'm so sowyyy I'm just sooo sad because my pawents abuuused mee" the hawt girl stared at you.
"Owo my pawents abused me tooo. My gwandpa Rome used to hit me and my bwother punches me and makes me sadd" she cries with pain. Suddenly you reach into the water and hug him. She understands your pain too. You get a secret crush on her. She jumps up from the water to reveal her pink mermaid tail and she hugs you.
"Uwu I'm so happy someone is also depwessed like meee." You look down at her tail.
"Owo wots this" you reach down to touch it but she slaps your hand.
"B- bakaaaa don't touch that >w<" she cries and bushes red.
"Owo I'm sowyyyy. My name is reader-chan what's your name???" You ask the pretty girl.
"Mai name is Ita-chan and I'm Italian!!" She tells you. Owo she's so hawt you think. I wish I could kiss her you also think.
"Owo that's a weally pwetty name. I'm from Canadian and I'm a smol depressed gay" you say too.
"Owo I'm also gayyyy!!!$&&:$$" she says "wanna be my giwlfwiend???" She asks to you. You can't believe this is happening!!! Your whole life you have been bullied.
"Yes uwu!!!" You reponse. Ita's eyes light up.
"Yayyyyy" she says. "Wanna kiss uwu???!!!" You blush bright red. You've never kissed anyone before but you really love ita-chan.
"Y- yes b- but I've never kissed anyone befowe so go easy on meee >w<" and with that she leans in and kisses you on the lips. You explode inside at her warm lips on yours. You're so happy right now. After a while she pulls away.
"Owo you like that baybie??" She says.
"Y- yes senpai." You stutter out. She smirks.
"I love You reader-chan" she says.
"I- i love You ita-chan" you say with embarrassment. You smile though because you're so happy.
To be continued...
Owo that was the first chapter of my fanfiction!! I- I hope you guys like it *blushes* uwu. If you guys like it then I might right chapter 2 but for now this is all you guys get. Anyway, byeeeee.
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thewargameswebsite · 8 years ago
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(via New TWY Flags From Baccus)
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candyic · 3 years ago
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∞ ⦙ KIDREAMCORIC: a gender related to, influenced by, or otherwise connected to the kidcore, pastel colours, and happy aspects of dreamcoric
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right has five stripes, all horizontal and evenly sized. the colours, from top to bottom, are: light pink, violet, light blue, sky blue, and mint. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of a moon and three stars in the same light pink colour as the flag; END ID
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candyic · 4 years ago
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∞ ⦙ CATBOYLEXIC: a gender that's connected to, or otherwise related to, the word "catboy," and someone who is catboylexic may or may not also identify as catboy is
IMAGE ID: three flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the left has six even sized stripes, the colours from top to bottom are: pastel pink, pink, yellow, light blue, blue, and dark purple. the next two flags are nearly identical: they both have five rectangles within each other. the colours from outside to inside are: pink, pastel pink, yellow, pastel blue, and dark blue. the flag in the middle has a dark purple PNG of a cat silhouette, the same emblem featured on all catgender flags; END ID
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candyic · 3 years ago
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a flag for those who use fae/faer, cu/cute, and fluff/fluff pronouns ⊹ this flag can be used by those who use exclusively fae/faer, cu/cute, and fluff/fluff pronouns or use them alongside other pronoun sets
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right has seven stripes, all horizontal. stripes one and seven are the thickest, stripes two, three, five, and six are the thinnest while stripe four is in the middle. the colours, from top to bottom, are: pastel green, off-white, light yellow, light green, light yellow, off-white, and pastel green. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of a cloud in the middle with a radial gradient using the same green colours as the flag; END ID
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candyic · 3 years ago
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a flag for those who use drea/dream pronouns ⊹ this flag can be used by those who use exclusively drea/dream pronouns or use them alongside other pronoun sets
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right is seven stripes. the first and seventh stripes are the largest, all the same size, and the fourth stripe is slightly smaller. stripes two, three, five, and six are the thinnest. the colours, from top to bottom, are: bright lavender, light orange, pastel orange, off-white, pastel orange, and light orange. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of a crescent moon in the middle in a light blue with darker blue shading and a few light blue z's inside the cresent; END ID
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candyic · 3 years ago
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∞ ⦙ FICTIONALFLUX: a gender that feels more masculine or feminine while thinking about different characters; whether someone feels more masculine or feminine depends on which character(s) they are thinking of
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right has five stripes, all horizontal and evenly sized. the colours, from top to bottom, are: mint, light green, light orange, orange-red, and pastel red. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a circle in the middle. the inside of the circle is green and there is an orange-red outline. behind the circle is a think wavy line also in orange-red and inside is a thin wavy line in the same colour; END ID
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candyic · 3 years ago
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a flag for those who use kandi/kandiself pronouns ⊹ this flag can be used by individuals who use exclusively kandi/kandiself pronouns or use them alongside other pronoun sets
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right is seven stripes. the first and seventh stripes are the largest, all the same size, and the fourth stripe is slightly smaller. stripes two, three, five, and six are the thinnest. the colours, from top to bottom, are: bright red, orange, neon yellow, neon green, neon yellow, orange, and bright red. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of a rainbow in the middle; END ID
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candyic · 3 years ago
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BABYRAMIC: a gender related to, influenced by, or otherwise connected to baby rams and particularly how their horns haven't fully developed yet
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right has five stripes, all horizontal and evenly sized. the colours, from top to bottom, are: off-white, blue-grey, light blue, desaturated navy, and dark navy. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of a cartoon ram in the middle with a pacifier in its mouth, both in the same colours as the flag; END ID
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candyic · 3 years ago
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∞ ⦙ POUNCATGENDER: a subset of catgender related to, influenced by, or otherwise connected to when cats' eyes are dilated hugely before pouncing
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right has five stripes, all horizontal and evenly sized. the colours, from top to bottom, are: light forest green, light maroon, brown, beige-purple, and light beige. the flag on the left is the same, but there is a PNG of the outline of a cat's side profile in the same light beige colour as the flag; END ID
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