#twst second years x reader
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nosyp · 3 months ago
Second years as yanderes
First years | Third years
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle’s obsession comes from his need for order and control. He believes that everything, including your relationship, must follow his rules. Hence, he creates ridiculous rules to keep you like 'don't talk to anyone beside Riddle', 'don't go outside without Riddle' and stuff like that.
Riddle grows more possessive as his obsession deepens. He insists on being the only person in your life who can set boundaries, especially when it comes to who you can talk to. “Don’t talk to them. They don’t matter like I do.”
He's very attentive to rules but don't think he's over guilt tripping though. His guilt-tripping is subtle but effective. If you try to distance yourself from him, he’ll manipulate you with phrases like, “I thought you cared about me… Why would you leave me now?”
Just like the others, he’ll gradually start isolating you from others, convincing you that you don’t need anyone else because he’s the only one who truly understands you. "I’m doing this for your own good."
Jade Leech
Jade is a more intellectual person. He'd rather watch you from afar, learning your every move, and slowly working his way into your life rather than suddenly appearing and taking control of you.
He claims that he’s just being “helpful.” But the truth is, he always has his eyes on you, always thinking of ways to pull you closer.
Jade is skilled at manipulation. He’ll make it seem like you can’t live without him, often giving you small 'gifts' or 'favors' to make you feel like you owed him. “You wouldn’t want to refuse my help now, would you? It’s the least I can do for someone so… special.”
His obsession is more about control and making you dependent on him. If you start drifting, don't be surprised when he suddenly swoops in and tries to convince you that you need him. "Isn't it a little dangerous to be so far from me? You'll get hurt"
Jade's a stalker so sometimes he'll show up unexpected you under the guise that he's only trying to be helpful, showing up at places you didn’t expect and when you try to ask him, he only answers with “Oh, I just happened to be here too…” and then he walks away, going back to his hiding place.
Floyd Leech
Floyd is intense and unpredictable yandere. His moods can shift between euphoria and rage, but they will always always circle back to his obsessive need for you. He’ll act sweet one moment, then snap if you dare to give attention to someone else. “You’re mine. Don’t forget that.”
Floyd has no problem letting others know you’re his, often being openly jealous and even physically pushing people away from you. If he sees you with another person, say goodbye to that person cuz it's most likely you'll never see them again.
If someone dares to stand in his way, Floyd will resort to violence, laughing it off like it’s nothing. He sees you as his prize and only he can have it. And anyone who dares to try and take you from him won't meet a very satisfying ending.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul's just as controlling as the others, wanting you to follow each and every one of his demands. He’ll manipulate you into believing that you’re bound to him for life, using the idea of a 'contract' to tie you to him forever. "You don’t want to break the contract, do you?"
If you try to back out, Azul will guilt-trip you mercilessly, making you feel as if you owe him your loyalty after he does one small thing for you. Telling you he deserves a reward for his action, no matter how big or small.
Azul will try to control every aspect of your life, from who you talk to, where you go, and what you do. He believes it’s all to “protect” you. He tells you that he only has good intentions with you and would never hurt you.
He’ll often remind you of how much he’s done for you, making it clear that you belong to him and no one else. "You owe me, remember?"
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie’s need to secure a future with you motivates him into being a yandere. He’s used to being the one who does all the dirty work for others, and when it comes to you, it's not any less.
He's good at manipulating and wouldn't hesitate using those skills of his on you. Guilt tripping you into always making it seem like he’s the one who’s been there for you the most, and you can’t possibly leave him behind. “Who will look after you like I do? Don’t you trust me?”
Ruggie can get possessive over you, though in a more silent way. He’ll constantly remind you how much he’s sacrificed for you and how much you owe him. And every single time, it hits you straight through your heart like a bullet.
His loyalty to you is overwhelming, and if anyone tries to threaten your relationship, they’ll face his wrath. “You belong with me. No one else can take your place.”
Jamil Viper
Jamil’s a jealous and controlling guy. Once, he starts seeing you as a prize that he must have, he's going to do anything to get you. He'll start to try and manipulate his way into your life, making you into thinking that he’s the only one who truly understands and cares for you.
Jamil is very possessive, and it only gets worse when he believes someone might be trying to steal your attention away from him. He’ll create situations where you have no choice but to rely on him and only him. And it never fails, of course it doesn't.
Jamil doesn’t mind resorting to underhanded tactics to maintain control, such as spreading rumors or making others look bad in your eyes. Convincing you that he's the best person for you out there and that everyone else are assholes.
He'll guilt-trip you into staying, claiming that you owe him for all the “sacrifices” he’s made. “You can’t just leave me. I’ve done everything for you. Please don’t abandon me.”
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim’s obsessed with protecting and caring for you. His enthusiasm can become a bit much but you couldn't really do much about it. He showers you with gifts, attention, and love, and if you don’t reciprocate, he’ll get frustrated. “I thought you liked me too! Why aren’t you as excited as I am?”
As time passes, Kalim grows possessive over you, believing that if anyone else gets too close, they’ll try to take you from him and he does not like that. So he'll turn to ask you for reassurance that you'll never leave him, you never will, will you?
If you try to distance yourself, he’ll guilt-trip you by acting heartbroken and confused. “I don’t understand. I’ve always been here for you. Why would you leave?”
Gradually, Kalim make himself the only person you ever interact with. He'll go out of his way to make sure you only spend time with him, preventing you from seeing anyone else. “You don’t need anyone else. I’m all you need.” he says before enveloping you into a hug.
Silver’s yandere tendencies is quieter. He’s often calm and detached, but his need to protect you becomes intense very soon. He’ll follow you wherever you go, ensuring you’re always safe, even when you tell him you don’t need it.
Silver may not be as outwardly possessive, but his attachment to you is deep. He’s always by your side, never letting you out of his sight. Wherever you go, he follows.
If you try to push him away, Silver will act hurt and confused, as if he’s failed you somehow. Then, he starts to interrogate you to know what happened, why are you avoiding him like this?
Over time, Silver will slowly try to distance you from others, believing that he is the only one that can truly protect you. "You don’t need anyone else when you have me."
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mscherub · 7 days ago
Hallo, if it’s alright could I request the Second Years (if it’s too many then just Ruggie, Azul, Jamil and Silver) x fem!reader who’s insecure of her belly pooch? Romantic please :3
To keep it kinda short, whenever reader sits/lays down she’s reminded of it, also holding her arms in front of her, slouching to try and minimize it. Trying various things to seem slimmer.
Feel free to delete if the topic’s too sensitive, but if you do thank you in advance!
A/N: AHHH HEYYYY!!! thank you thank you thank, my lovely, for this request. I smiled when I read it ngl. ANYWAYS. I added a few things, barley, just so I could get some storyline :3
Let’s see if my writing got any better cause like…man I’ve been struggling, lmao. I tired to keep it a little funny, that’s just how I write, enjoyyyyy.
Reader is Fem!reader, although I don’t use she/her, Fem!reader is heavily implied, called various pet names and Shrimpy (by Floyd)
Characters: Second years!
Tags: Belly pooch, Romantic ❤️, short headcanon list + fic, slightly and implied established relationship but not mentioned
(If suggestive it’s cause of the leech twins…)
Talks about readers belly
Sensitive topic…
Spelling -_-
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Fem!Reader x second years
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Riddle 🌹:
Riddle is indifferent to most things you do. You break a rule? No you didn’t…not in his eyes at least
Same rule applies with your body. Man will worship it if you just give him a chance— he thinks that way, but when presented he will back out
He doesn’t care so long as you’re happy and healthy ❤️
If you’re not happy then of course he’s gonna need to cheer you up somehow. He may not be a pro, but he’s determine
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“Hello, my Rose.” Riddle smiles uncharacteristically wide. It’s funny to see such a big goofy grin on his face, but it’s the telltale sign that he’s just so overjoyed. “I’m very thankful you could finally attend an unbirthday party again. It has been a while since you’ve been able to.” Grim being Grim, zooms by and takes his seat, barely controlling his little paws from grabbing at every piece of food within sight.
Riddle brings you over to the decked out table, every other student who had helped to set up the party on edge and awaiting the cue for him to let everyone run loose. Riddle pulls out the chair for you, which was stationed right next to his, rightfully so, and then he begins the unbirthday party with a swift speech and the wave of his hand before he settles down in his own chair. Everyone scrambles about the table, loosely following etiquette as much as they can to stay in line, well, at least to a certain degree.
Laughter rumbles about, jokes are poked around, people eat with bright smiles, Cater snaps away at the confections before pushing the plate off to Grim then grabbing himself something other than sweets. At least they’re having fun…you sigh and lean forwards in your seat, idly messing with a sugar cube you had dropped n your tea and watching it dissolve.
“Do not slouch…bad posture can lead to many problems. Also, may I add that your elbows should be off the table. We’ve been over the proper etiquette, no?” He gives you a critiquing gaze. With him it was practically a sixth sense to correct anything out of the ordinary, but his words were not harsh as they usually were with others, they were just a gentle reminder out of care. You give a small nod and sit up straighter, well, as straight as you could manage while still trying to conceal your stomach. You fold your arms and attempt to cover it that way, it still looked a bit odd but it got the one done.
Riddles attention drifts off to the tarts, taking one down off of the display and placing it onto his plate and quickly doing the same for you.
“Oh…I’m not in the mood for a tart…not now.” You look away at a card tower to lessen the awkwardness. The silence between you two now is far from comfortable. You can feel Riddle boring holes into the side of your head with his incessant staring.
“Are you alright, my Rose?” He blurts out, the tart long forgotten on his plate.
“I’m fine.”
“It is against the rules to lie to the Queen. Do not have me collar you now. Come, let’s head to the rose gardens and discuss this. I will not allow you to dwell.”
“Riddle since when—“
He gets up and offers you his hand. You take it and the both of you escape off for a moment.
“What’s the matter? Now do not lie.” He forces you to sit down on a bench with him, watching you do the same actions to cover your belly.
“Ok, geeez, chill out.” The exasperated look on your face says everything and gets him to shut up. “I just…I mean look. I was just trying to hide this flabby thing. So sorry for with messed up way I sit.” You gesture to your stomach, shaking your head and looking down.
He tilts his head, slowly, his brows quirking upwards and his lips pursing as he tries to understand. “I don’t follow, my Rose…what is wrong?”
“What’s wrong? My stomach…that’s what. Pokes out.” You murmur out weakly.
“How is that wrong? It is not healthy to be just skin and bones…muscle and fat is there to protect all the vital organs within.” He adds on.
“You don’t need to get scientific.” You roll your eyes.
“My Rose, you needn’t worry over such things. Why does it matter to you what others may think? It certainly doesn’t bother me in the least.”
“You’re…I don’t understand.”
“What? That you having a healthy body doesn’t bother me? Now why would it? I’ll always love you for you, my Rose. Get rid of whatever mindset you have about yourself, you’re…too sweet to let something like that affect you.”
“Riddle, honey…” you sigh. You lean in and kiss his cheek, earning that usual priceless reaction of him going as red as his hair. “Love you.”
“Love you always, my Rose.”
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Ruggie 💰:
He doesn’t care. Like why would he?
In his defense, there’s more to love, and more to claim— WHO SAID THAT—
Loves you no matter what. You already like…belong to him, so why are you worrying?
His top priority is that you’re happy and not on the verge of wanting to kill him or throw him out, very important things
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“Yooooo, baby, I managed to get leftovers from my shift at the lounge today, so we can cuddle and binge away, Shyeheehee!” He comes over to the bed with a bag and he plops it down, flopping down himself and sprawling himself out over the sheets with a small groan of pleasure.
“Cmere…we can watch a movie too if ya want.” He stretches his arms above his head and lets out a small yawn before sitting up quickly and practically ripping open the bag and pulling out multiple containers of random leftovers from the day.
“Sure…I guess. I’m not hungry right now, though.” You murmur, settling down next to him. Just out of insntinct you reach for a pillow and nestle it comfortably in your lap to conceal your stomach. You felt more covered and secure that way, and it helped to hide what you hated most.
“Baby, move the pillow, cmon, I need cuddles here, not that shitty thing. I swear that thing gets more attention every time you’re in my room instead of me, your actual boyfriend. I might start taking offense here.” He huffs, glaring at the pillow as if it insulted him itself.
“Huh? I…sorry.” You murmur out almost weakly, still reluctant to peel the pillow away from your body. If you did then, well, in simple terms you’d feel exposed. It’s not a thing your proud of—
“Hey…you ok?” The bed creaks slightly as he sits up and looks you dead in the eyes. His gaze is unwavering and he searches for something slowly within your pupils, trying to understand something deeper that you won’t even tell him.
“I’m good…”
“Don’t pull that. What’s up?” He shakes his head. “You know you can tell me anything, right? We build this relationship on trust and understandings.” He pushes a finger into the pillow and narrows his eyes at you.
“I’m not withholding any info. You’re just crazy.” You roll your eyes at his antics.
“You knew that when you started dating me. Baby, you know I love you for everything? Even if you steal my food…which you’re on thin ice there, but whatever.”
“S. P. I. L. L.” He spells it out.
“Fine…I dunno. Just my stomach. I hate it, like it pokes out.”
Ruggie is silent for a moment, longer than a moment, maybe equivalent to a few minutes before he straightens up and gives you the most confused look you’ve ever seen cross his face.
“Ok? I don’t get it? Why do ya hate it? I think it’s hot. Andddd, bonus, great pillow. You shouldn’t care what others think…unless you’re trying to win their gaze?”
“Ruggie! No, that’s not what I’m…look it’s just something engraved in my brain. Can’t help it.”
“I’m messing around, it’s ok. Seriously, though, you’re gorgeous. Now shut up and let’s cuddle.” He moves the pillow away, and to prove his point even more, he settles down and wraps his arms around your waist, nuzzling his cheek right into your stomach.
“Fucking comfy. Now pick a movie…”
“I…you’re something else Ruggie. I love you and your stupid antics.”
“Awww, you do? Heyyy, I’m just playing. I love ya too, Shyeheehee! But I’d have to argue your boobs make a better pillow—”
“That’s enough out of you.”
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Azul 🐙:
He’s been there before…he knows it well, that uncomfortable feeling of being in your own body
But you shouldn’t be thinking like that…
He loves you for you, and that’s all that matters, no? He just needs you to be the way you are
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The lounge is as busy as always and super loud with all the hustle and bustle and other students sitting and yapping away. You can see Jade and an unenthusiastic Floyd wiping off tables with a scowl on his face. You walk briskly past them, of course for your own sake so you don’t have to face the wrath of one of Floyd’s moods, nope! You choose life today, and you weren’t here to pay them a visit anyhow.
You knock on the door once, then twice, before you slip in seamlessly, shutting the door behind you with a click.
“Hello, my pearl.” Azul shifts in his chair, leaning back and taking a few documents with him in his hands.
“Working as always, I see.” It’s common to find him hunched over his desk running on fumes most times, though, he looks a little better than usual today. You sit down on the, still, stiff couch in his office. You lean forwards a bit and drape your hands around your stomach as you do so, an action you do without even thinking about it.
“It’s a must…of course to find better business opportunities, as well. I can’t pass up the chance, you know.” He spares you a small glance before he’s back to reading through the papers swiftly, flipping pages in a matter of a few seconds.
“What are those papers for, anyways?”
“The documents?” He asks. He finally takes a look at you, a good one, and he notes your posture almost instantly. “Bills and what not…the usual conundrum of running a business…” He sits back up and adjusts his glasses.
“Oh, mkay…” you purse your lips and look at the table in the middle, noting the never ending sea theme on everything in the dorm.
“Anyhow…I’m not so busy currently.” He stands up and walks over, taking a seat next to you. His actions are so smooth, the wrapping of his arm around your waist, but when you look at his face, the tips of his ears betray his true feelings as they turn a crimson shade. “I have some time to spare.”
He urges you to scoot closer and he tries to push your hand out of the way. “Azul…”
“I don’t mean to point it out…but I couldn’t help but notice the things you do…” he sighs and takes his hat off, pushing it to the other side of him on the sofa. “It’s most likely not the best way to approach a situation like this, but when I was younger I had the same posture to…lessen…the visibility of my stomach I suppose. But just no there’s no need to be self conscious about such…beautiful things.”
“Azul…don’t make me cry what the hell, dude…” how did he manage to be sweet but also kinda scary at times?
“I’m just stating a simple and obvious truth, my pearl. You don’t need to try and hide it. You’re amazing in every way imaginable, and you’re more than what I could have ever asked for.” He leans his head against yours. He locks his arm around your waist tighter and he turns his face away from yours. He’s embarrassed, but he’s trying.
“Your cheeks are beet red, honey—“
“Shhh, you’re imagining things.” He grumbles.
“Sevens I love you, you know that?” You murmur out, giggling quietly at the sight of him. He looks so stupid.
He chuckles and nods along to your words. “You make it an obvious fact.” His eyes meet yours again and the embarrassment fades into unashamed admiration and fondness. “I love you more, if not more.”
“It’s not a competition, Azul…”
“I know.” He stands up and walks back over to his desk. “Would you like to stay for a late dinner with me?”
“Sure. You’re paying right?”
“When don’t I…” he rolls his eyes.
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Jade 🫧:
He likes it
Squishy, comfortable, adorable, that’s how he thinks, doesn’t show it per se, but the thoughts are persistent
I don’t know what else to say here so pretend I’m actually saying something factual yes yes yes. LOOK IM SAYING LIKE ACCURATE THINGS WOAHH
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Jade links his arm with yours as he drags you off to his dorm room, his sharp teeth glinting in the hallway lights betraying his enthusiasm ten fold.
You had agreed for him to give you another tour of his newer terrariums that he had made, as well as his ever growing mushroom collection, and he’d be happy to show you that as well if you wanted to see it, just saying—
“My dear, I made one with one of the plants you had picked out…I must say it holds a certain charm to it.” He pushes open the door and lets you step in first.
He walks over and pulls it down off of his shelf that he kept his most prized ones poised on. He sets it down on the table and ushers you to stand by him with a small side glance. He never usually showed this much enthusiasm, but this time he was especially happy to be able to show you something he was proud of, the thing he made that represents you.
“Dear, whats you your input on this?” He already knew what you were going to say, his pieces were never not short of being pretty. It’s like he managed to shrink down an actual fairy forest and put it into a jar.
“As amazing as always…I know I say it every time, but I think this is your best one yet.” You nod.
“Would you like to try your hand in making one? I believe it would be a…what you call a bonding experience.” He murmurs. His hands idly grab items already.
“I don’t wanna mess it up.”
“Nonsense, I’d show you, of course. Though, it would be funny to watch you fail at such a simple thing.”
“As are you.” He retorts.
“Ok…why not. I’ll try it out.”
Jade nods curtly to your statement. You decided to just clear off Floyd’s side and take his chair, but before you can, Jade yanks you down into his lap and snakes his arms low around your waist, pressing right against your stomach.
“What is wrong? I don’t see anything wrong?” Oh…that sly bastard—
“I could have taken Floyd’s chair—“
“He would not have been appreciative. Trust me.”
“Baby, no offense, trusting you is sometimes a bad idea”
“You’re going to make me cry.” He sighs and shakes his head. Of course he was just fucking around with you like usual. He always does it, but you’ve discovered it’s his way of affection, as awkward as it may be…
“I didn’t think by bonding you meant melding to me…” you grumble. His hands wander a bit across your abdomen, dancing about and tracing light circles and a few other shapes which suspiciously kinda feel like mushrooms, but whatever.
“It is nice to have you like this.” He nods. “I feel my body relaxing. How peculiar. Plus, you make quite the comfortable thing to hold. Especially here.”
Now he’s done it. His hands come to a halt on your tummy and he grins even wider. It was hard to tell if he was enjoying his absent minded caresses, or if he was just enjoying seeing you squirm and try to move away. Probably both.
“Hands off!”
“My, my…what are you so sensitive for?”
You stop moving. You slump your shoulders and accept defeat. There was no getting away from him in the start, anyways.
“What’s the matter with it?” He asks
“I just don’t like it.”
“Why?” Did he have to know just everything?
“I just don’t like it. That’s really it.” You repeat.
“And you think i wouldn’t like it? Opinions and bias can be skewed and differ from person to person. It depends on the viewpoint. It does not bother me, dear. Simply…enthralls me. Your beauty is certainly unmatched. You outshine many others.” He sets his chin on your shoulder and leans his head against yours.
He’s…being oddly docile.
“Need I go on? I have a whole mantra if you’re interested.” He smirks again, bearing his sharp teeth.
“I thought you couldn’t get any weirder.”
“You must not know who I am, then. I love you, dear.”
“Love you, too, Jade. Let’s start these terrariums then, shall we?”
“Of course.”
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Floyd 🫧:
Squishy! (I can’t think of anything else being his mindset…)
He loves it. More to squeeze on ya, and that’s important
Cuddles are always amazing with you. He stands by that. Anyone else who says otherwise will get squeezed in the bad way, of course
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It was yet another long day at NRC, running around, doing everything and anything for students, teachers, Crowley…anyways, and the last thing you wanted to do was get dragged around by Floyd, but, you know, he was, quote, “your main priority now”. You picked him, so now you gotta deal with him. Simple. So when you think you finally get a moment alone, you’re wrong. So wrong.
“Shrimpyyyyyy, cmon. Let’s have fun.” He giggles from behind, wrapping his arms around you tight and resting his chin right in the crook of your neck. “I’m bored…” He lazily traces abstract shapes onto your arm with his fingers.
“I can tell…I’m tired, though…I don’t feel like doing anything.” You shake your head.
“Still doesn’t mean we can’t have fun… Hmmm, I don’t wanna be walking around right now either…me and you should just go cuddle shrimpy. Come come.” There’s no room for protests with his words. He shimmy’s his hand into yours and holds on tightly. So now you’re being yanked along by Floyd down the path from your dorm to the mirror chambers, then into Octavinelle, and then right into his dorm room. Could have just used your room, but, it’s Floyd after all.
Floyd drags you down with him onto the bed with a muffled plop as the sheets morph around the both of your bodies. He pulls you against him, your back against his chest, and his hands wrap around your waist and rest right on your stomach…and if he couldn’t make the situation any worse, Floyd does what Floyd does, and he practically palms it through your shirt, an almost goofy grin spreading across his face.
“Very Squishy.” Of course his actions are…not exactly what you had intended, let alone wanted from him.
“And you’re very ignorant.” You huff, rightfully so, and try to move away, shooing his hands off of you.
“Hmm? Ignorant?” Floyd grumbles. “What did I do?”
“Move your hands somewhere else…”
“Because…it’s awkward. I don’t like your hands there.” He blinks a few times, really considering and weighing your words out in his head. You seemed mad— about his hand placement, nonetheless— he was confused, and him being called ignorant kinda ticked him off. He didn’t do anything bad! “What did I do? I didn’t do anything…just held ya? Is that against the law now?”
He sat up, then you sat up. He crossed his arms and then you followed suit. He didn’t like the mimicking.
“We’re supposed to have fun Shrimpy…not you being mean to me!” He pouts. His anger is building up, you can tell, and he’s honestly a lot less cumbersome to deal with if you just let him do what he wants instead of making him mad and then having to deal with a soured mood Floyd.
“I just don’t like your hands on my stomach. So drop it.” He sees the way you drape the covers over you so they rest in a way to cover up. He notices how you hunch over, now kind of looking like an actual shrimp…he narrows his eyes at you for one more moment before it finally clicks. He lets his arms back down to his sides and he smirks at you.
“Aweee, just like Azul when he was just a lil octotwerp! So self conscious about his little tummy!” He giggles. “Don’t be like ‘zul, Shrimpy, I like it. More to squeeze.” His sharp teeth glint in the light. “And if anyone else has anything to say, I dunno, maybe a bad thing, then tell them they can come to me for a lil chat.”
No other threats are made, so that’s good, but he pushes you back on the bed, hovering over you before he lowers himself down, resting his cheek on your abdomen. He gets all comfy, shifting around and— for sevens sake is this so embarrassing! Like what was he doing, what was he trying to accomplish—
“More to squeeze…and did I say bite too? Guess I just gotta show you how much I don’t mind it, huh? Silly Shrimpy. Heh…”
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Kalim ☀️:
Bro didn’t notice in his fits of admiration for you. Can you really blame him though? You are a work of art in his eyes, and on top of that, you’re his?
Like, you’re his to cherish and love? Say the word and he’ll spend millions
He wants you happy. If you’re happy, he’s happy, so, cue the confused nosies of Kalim when he says something, without knowing, that people find insensitive
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“Baby!” Kalim hums happily. He swiftly approaches you in the hall of Scarabia, Jamil apparently no where in sight…oh that’s kind of concerning. Whatever, your with him now. The smile on his face grows even larger as he gets closer to you, of course that bounce in his step as clear as day.
“It’s been like…a day since we last seen each other!” A day, dude—
“Sorry, I’ve been busy.” You shrug. He pounces on you and laughs melodically, the blissful tone heightened.
“I could always help…or Jamil! I know how hard you have it , I think Jamil wouldn’t mind too much to help—“
“I think Jamil is busy enough.” He simply shrugs and giggles happily.
Completely ignoring any other words, he takes your hand and drags you off to the lounge. He throws himself down on the couches and hastily pats the spot next to him, to which you give a small nod and settle down on the cushions as well. He scoots closer and clings to you tight, his grip clearly showing he’s not going to let up anytime soon. PDA was a big thing with him, so…other students watched you two, and when they catch your eyes boring right back into theirs, they turn their heads and look away quickly.
“Your stomach when you sit.” Kalim smiles.
You freeze. Sure you loved him, but that was really rude of him to say…you pry him off of you and scoot away. Other students look over and snicker at Kalim’s “mess up,” though he didn’t know any better since everyone knew his social cues were in the lacking.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” His brows furrow in confusion and his head tilts.
“That was…kind of insensitive you know…geez. Didn’t have to say it outright. I’m gonna go…” you stand up but you don’t get very far before Kalim follows you like a lost puppy, sputtering out apologies in attempts to mend the situation.
“Wait! I’m sorry, what did I say? I’m sorry, please…” His voice is a quiet murmur and, sevens does that hurt you to hear him like that. You stop and turn to him. It was a sensitive topic…
“I know my stomach is…well. You know. You just didn’t have to point it out. Kinda rude…and I don’t like that.” You cross your arms. Kalim, in turn, tilts his head even more and seems horribly confused.
“What did I do? I just…”
“What you did was saying something super insensitive…around people too? Like…” you grumble. It was pointless trying to argue with him whenever he didn’t even know what he did wrong. Like talking to a brick wall.
“What? No, no, no, no, no, I didn’t mean it like that baby. That wasn���t…I think it’s cute! I love you always, no matter what! I didn’t…I’m sorry.”
You let the words sink in, but he continues to blab on to further prove his point, hitting you with the most fluff filled sentences ever.
“I love you so much it kinda hurts, and— you’re gorgeous! So, so, so gorgeous! You know what, I’d even love you if you were a worm.”
“Seriously, Kalim…” you finally crack. It’s comical the way he brightens up again at your positive feedback, so much so he pounces on you and tackles you into a hug. He wraps his arms around you tight and pours all the love he can muster into it…and it’s a lot.
“Sorry…but no, I mean it. Love you always…you’re my sunshine. You make me happy all the time and then I’m never lonely when I have you. I’d never say anything mean like that…I didn’t know you didn’t like it. Oh! What if I buy you whatever you want to make up for it? You’re budget can be any amount of money. Thousands, millions, billions—“
“Kalim…that’s not necessary.”
“But—“ he whines.
“I don’t need it. All I needed was you to understand and now you do.”
“Can I marry you now?”
(After denying his offer to spend so much money on you, you could have sworn you heard a breath of relief that almost sounded like Jamil…)
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Jamil 🐍:
What he doesn’t care. More food tho?
Like all the other ones, he just wants you to be happy and content, for if you are that way, there is a less likely chance that he’ll have to also supervise you
He already has Klaim to deal with, don’t do this to him…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“When you said baking I thought I’d be actually helping you…not just sitting here.” You lean your elbows on the counter and glare at him with your bored expression. Baking with Jamil, sounded fun! And of course you’d bake with him, you loved him, but what you didn’t have in mind is that he’d force you to just sit down while he did all of the work…you wanted to pitch in at least a little.
“I’ve decided I just want you to sit there and look pretty while I do the work.”
“That’s not fair…I wanted to help.”
He smiles and looks back at you over his shoulder. He likes this sight, just you gazing at him. It’s something simple, the shared time you two partake in, that’s so special and dear to him. “It’s as fair as it will be. Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” He chuckles.
“Just sitting here is boring…I could be actually contributing to the cause of making cookies…” you shake your head. “Really, Jamil…”
He slips the tray with the rolled up balls of dough into the oven and closes the door to it with a clink. He’s quick to set the timer then wash off his hands.
“I don’t know why you’re complaining about having to not do work…” he hums softly as he dries off his hands on a stray towel before strolling over to you.
“Because I just wanted to help…baking is fun.”
“Just being able to talk to you without distractions is fun for me.” He smiles softly. He gently spins you around on the stool you were perched on. Your arms instantly fly to your lap to cover your stomach and you hunch over a bit.
“Oh, are you ok?” Jamil’s eyes go wide for a second and he looks you over.
“I’m fine…sorry.” You reassure him.
He goes silent for a moment, piecing things together but he doesn’t say anything else, instead, just wrapping his arms around you and hugging you.
“What’s up? looks like you have some things on your mind…” his words are softly murmured, his hands splaying across your lower back.
“You’re one to talk, honey…but I’m ok. I promise!” You smile.
“You do that every time I’m around you…when you’re sitting at least. I just wanna know if something’s wrong…”
Oh…well, ok then. Of course he’d pry into it…
“It’s nothing concerning you—“
“You’re important to me so it should concern me to a certain extent.” He pulls back and places his hands on your shoulders. “Now say it before I make you say it.”
That…threats from him were not nice. “Ok. Since you just have to know…i mean…look it’s a sensitive topic and I’m not proud, ok? I know it’s not—“
“Stop stalling.”
“I don’t like my stomach when I sit, ok? Happy? Now can we drop this.” You mumble.
Jamil cups your cheek gently. “It doesn’t bother me…it’s natural.” He shrugs. “And it won’t ever…I’ll love you always no matter what.” His cheeks flush with a small tinge of pink and it’s an adorable sight to see, and an even greater look to witness on him.
“You’re…something else.”
“I tend to have to be that way…I may not be the best at reassurance but…you’re always gorgeous in my eyes so…”
He moves his hand off of your cheek and he moves in to press his lips to yours, but—
The timer for the cookies rings and echoes throughout the room. Has it really been 30 some minutes already? Jamil gives you an apologetic smirk as he backs up and slips on the oven mitts before he pulls the tray out of the oven. It clinks against the top of the stove and he takes the gloves back off.
“They need to cool a little more…but they’re better when they’re still warm…do you want one?”
“Jamil, who in the right mind would say no?”
“Alright then…”
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Silver ⚔️:
Another one that doesn’t care. Why should he? It’s not his body…and plus he loves you so much anyways
He’s here to protect you as your personal knight so let him do that :3
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The forest critters chirp and chatter about as you and Silver walk under the tree shaded path, flowers and other plant life dancing away carelessly in the wind. It was peaceful, walking around like this without a care in the world it seemed.
Silver wanted to show you the animal population around school again. You two escaped to just hang out with the animals for a little and bask in each others presence along with the wildlife. It was fun!
Silver‘s hand was intertwined with yours, and he drags you under one of the tall trees along the path. He settled down on the ground and you follow suit. Almost instantly, birds start to flock around and land on branches above your head, squirrels climb down and glance at the both of you, making small squeaks of acknowledgment and interest.
“This is always nice…” you murmur. A deer pops up from behind a bush in the distance and prances over.
Silver pulls out a small acorn from his coat pocket and hands it off to a squirrel that had jumped down and perched on his shoulder.
“There seems to be a lot more today…” he matches your tone of voice, keeping quiet and to set the example of not scaring off the animals.
“Mhmm…” The deer bends down and begins to eat at some of the grass. But, as usual, Silver yawns and you know your time with him being awake will be a little cut short.
“I’m sleepy…” his words are slurred and his eyes droop closed slowly.
“Do you wanna head back to your dorm then? Mine?” You suggest.
“I won’t make it…too tired.” He turns to you, and instead of leaning his head on your shoulder like he usually does, his head takes refuge in your lap and he pushes his face against your tummy, keeping his arms lazily wrapped around you. He yawns again, practically burying his face against your stomach. He places a few small kisses which do everything to make you even more embarrassed, and of course he’s oblivious to it.
“Love you…” he mutters. And then he’s out like a light in the matter of a mere second.
The varied array of animals also seem to quiet down, moving to rest up against you two. Bunnies hop over and move to rest along your legs, the birds quiet their chirping, the deer kneels down and rests its head on Silvers leg…the scene is surreal and comforting.
It’s no use waking him up. The situation is insanely awkward, but you don’t have it in you to wake him up, and you most likely wouldn’t be able to, anyways. Silver is smiling blissfully as he lays there cuddled up against you like nothing else mattered…and that tells you all that you really need to know.
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I got it done somehow? I tried…sorry silvers was the shortest one. Anyways, LOVE U, MY LOVELIES <3
Master List
Please don’t steal or copy any of my work! You may, however, reblog if you’d want to!
Pictures belong to Disney Twisted Wonderland but are edited by me :)
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hibiscuslovecandles · 5 months ago
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Genre:Fluff,angst,crack,GN!READER,Platonic and romantic,TIMESKIP
Warnings: fluff,death,implied cannibalism, not proofread,may be ooc,Let me know if there's any warning I missed! Featuring:Silver,Ruggie Bucchi, Jade leech
Note:I left a explanation at the bottom of the post dw
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⚔️After graduating from Night Raven College…Silver moved back to Briar Valley to become a official guard for Malleus.
⚔️Coming back to the manor without Lilia present was a strange feeling but he adjusted to the empty feeling and always enjoys whenever he receives a letter from his father, Lilia updating Silver on all the fun he's having and giving Silver tips as a official knight in training.
⚔️Silver and Sebek were already ahead of all the other knights in training having been preparing for this their entire lives.
⚔️Both them are greatly respected by the official knights training them and by other knights in training because the two of them did guard Malleus during his time at Night Raven College.
⚔️He wasn't fully prepared for when him and the rest of knights in training all went out for the night and they found three kids in a tree throwing acorns at them and cussing.
⚔️Silver and the other guards tried to calmly tell the kids get down, go home because it was WAY late for some grade school kids to be out, but that did nothing. Sebek's method didn't work either… the kids advanced to throwing little branches at them in response to Sebek's way of things.
⚔️The back and forth continued for a few minutes before you pushed through the group of wannabe knights, you knew the sound of those high pitched potty mouths, you were incharge of them.
⚔️So there you are with a cigar in your mouth, instantly getting those kids down from the tree by manually climbing up the tree and pushing them off to land in the training guards arms.
⚔️Silver caught one of the three kids while the other two landed in the arms of his companions and boy did his companions have words for the way you did things.
⚔️Silver didn't mind how you did things, he was more focused that he's never seen you before. He's seen the kids before but not you. His companions were meanwhile scolding you but you took the children away from them, waving them off, Silver didn't say anything just handing the kid to you.
⚔️He remembered seeing the three kids when he was a teenager, very few times but he did, he'd see them sometimes swimming with their father when he'd walk past the river. You were a fae that he was unfamiliar with though.
⚔️He was suprised to see you in the castle walls washing sheets while smoking.
⚔️You almost caught him, all you saw when you turned your head to see who's eyes were burning into you was long white hair disappear behind the doorway.
⚔️Occasional glances would be shared between the two of you after this. You knew it was him that was staring at you because know other guard or guard in training had armpit length white hair.
⚔️The glances you two would give eachother were different. His trying to figure you out, Yours ready to fight his ass.
⚔️It was like this for months. You'd be carrying a basket full of sheets and pillow cases that need washing, he'd be leaving the training grounds, as you two walk past a glance. Months.
⚔️You two never uttered a word to eachother. Until it was time for Silver and all others in training to become official knights. It was a long ceremony but after the ceremony and having a quick sweet conversation with Malleus he walked into the garden.
⚔️And look who's in the castle hours after their shift ended, sitting on the stone bench, with a wine glass in hand. That's right, you but he'd know it was you even if he was blind because of the heavy tobacco stench that comes from you.
⚔️Silver spoke to you first, asking what were you doing and you laughed in response, he sat next to you and exchanged names with you. Any questions he asked about you were pushed off and you asking about him instead.
⚔️After finding out he kept looking at you because he didnt know you, You didn't mind sharing some wine with him, pouring some into his hands, when he drank it probably half the wine you poured into his hands stained his chin.
⚔️Silver fell asleep in the middle of the banter, head on your shoulder. You just sat there awkwardly for minutes until a guard saw you two while walking past the garden and got him off you.
⚔️Silver woke up back in his empty home.
⚔️After that interaction Silver and you would give eachother a nod of acknowledge whenever two passed by eachother.
⚔️Silver would also see the three kids more often when he's heading to the castle, he'll see them early in the morning like too early for a kid their age, following you like a bunch of ducklings back home with groceries in hand. Grocery shopping at 5am. Hm.
⚔️You’d always come to work late but the most you'd get was a sigh.
⚔️Sometimes, not often, Silver would be stationed outside the castle while you're just making it to the castle and the two of you would converse plus let him take a few puffs.
⚔️Silver didn't mind you, sure he was curious but he didn't dislike you unlike other servants in the castle, you weren't the most popular among the staff but Silver didn't understand why. You always got your job done with perfection.
⚔️Silver enjoyed the small talk between the two of you whenever you had time to stop and chat him up a little before getting back to work. He's no closer to knowing you than he was at the start.
⚔️You’d throw a freshly clean sheet over him whenever you see him sleeping. Silver would wake up wearing a sheet like a ghost.
⚔️Silver didn't realize until 2 weeks of you not showing up you had been fired.
⚔️He'd go weeks without seeing you. Some time later he finds the three kids playing cards by the river.
⚔️And now he's on a mission with these kids to find you because why are three kids outside at 1am.
⚔️The three kids didn't care too much about his concerns as to why they were out so late and where you were, hell they even cussed him and changed the topic when he asked. So now he's aimlessly looking for you with no clue where you could be while carrying three rowdy kids.
⚔️…The stares he got on the street while carrying these screaming kids.
⚔️Inevitably he found you walking in the direction of the river and he stopped you to return the kids to you.
⚔️You reeked of alcohol and tobacco but seemed completely sober. He quickly got his explanation when the kids ran into your ams to saying they were practicing blackjack. Getting them started young I see, that's why you smell like that.
⚔️He walked you guys back home much to your annoyance. Once the kids were inside the house you and Silver just sat on the porch together in comfortable silence, staring at the night sky.
⚔️Silver finally got an answer on who you were after all these months. You moved here from across the country to specifically take care of these kids since their dad was in jail.
⚔️The kids became more acquainted with Silver, whenever they didn't have enough money to buy candy from their favorite vendor, if Silver was there it was a guarantee he'd pay for them. If one of their shoes are untied he'll tie it for them.
⚔️You appreciate that Silver always returns the kids back to you after you were stressing out about them sneaking out.
⚔️Whenever he sees them around without you he keeps an eye on them.
⚔️The kids are groaning everytime you and Silver see eachother in public because they know you two will be chatting for like 20 minutes.
⚔️You thanked Silver formally for doing all that when he was stationed outside during the festival, he was annoyingly humble about it.
⚔️Instead of joining the dancing in the streets like everyone else you sat by Silver watching the kids and just talking.
⚔️While Silver couldn't join in on the festival activities due to being on the job he got to dance with you long after the festivities had ended when the two of you accidentally walked into eachother.
⚔️He fell asleep mid dance.
⚔️Silver ended up sleeping in your living room.
⚔️He was asleep and the kids manually moved him to the kitchen table so he could join them for theor 5am breakfast even if he was unconscious, so when he woke up he had a long since soggy bowl of cereal infront of him.
⚔️…You have to explain why he suddenly woke up in your home…
⚔️By the time he woke up the kids had long had left to school and you just sat down poking him.
⚔️He ate the cereal despite being late to work already not wanting to waste food, even though the cereal was a unsatisfactory level of soggy.
⚔️You and Silver in the same general direction, him to the castle and you to the market you two obviously eventually went separate paths but the two of you had a very pleasant conversation about your lives on the opposite side of country.
⚔️Silver went back home after work and thinking he was going crazy since he could hear the kids and you in the back of his mind.
⚔️Silver to say thank you for allowing him to sleep at your home brought a basket of food in the aftrernoon but instead the door opened and it was one of kids! You weren't home yet…
⚔️He was a smidge less alarmed when the kid told him that the reason why you aren't home because you got a job. Only a smidge though, you still left three kids home alone.
⚔️Turns out you sell snake oil. Hm. Technically legal but still hm. That was a fun conversation to have when he saw your stand in the market.
⚔️Not really a job you're proud of but you'll manage.
⚔️The letter from the triplets father wasn't the only reason as to why you moved across the country, something something too much drama something something evil ex.
⚔️The place you lived in was arguably one of the most chaotic places in the country, shit thats why your friend left and started a family across Briar Valley, the only thing that really kept you there was that your favorite musician lived there. Now they died.
⚔️This side of Briar Valley either hates you and thinks you're uncivilized or they think you're so cool and are jealous of you. Both are fucking stupid.
⚔️You’re dissatisfied with the work you're currently doing, your life back in your home town was shit, you're just trying to get by life one cigar at a time.
⚔️But if selling people fraud medicine means keeping these kids alive then so be it.
⚔️You don't say anything when Silver starts spending more time around you, just going with the flow and seeing what happened.
⚔️You appreciate the company he provides during late nights on the porch smoking together, a nice silent ambience, Silver doesn't understand why your former coworkers didn't like you.
⚔️You like Silver, he's a nice guy to you but you just feel he's too worried about you and the kids and he just needs to let himself and you breath, and he actually takes your advice since he doesn't want to suffocate you with his pressence.
⚔️You feel you should be the one providing for the kids not him it's your responsibility, your the one trying to avoid death and jail here.
⚔️You don't appreciate seeing other people flirt with Silver but you can't blame them too much, you're just friends and he is attractive, still you feel bitter whenever you two are out in public together and it happens.
⚔️You and Silver standing next to eachother sure is a sight to behold, his well off cloths next to your rags, he understood completely why you and the triplets felt overwhelmed when entering his manor.
⚔️The living room that night is when he awoke to the shining sun and the kids surronding him. You were in the kitchen making breakfast at this point. The manor wasn't empty anymore. Something clicked in Silver's head that he needed to court you.
⚔️He sent letters to Lilia for courtship advice and he got plenty of recommendations that weren't silly and actually worked. He was told to smell nice and you complimented him, he had his animal friends help him by leaving flowers on your window seal, the thing that immediately clicked for you was when he left a really pretty rock on your porch. He was courting you. Youd didn't realize humans had similar courting habits.
⚔️Sebek even gave him advice when he found out someone caught his eye though Silver isn't sure if he should trust the guy that hasn't been courted or courted someone.
⚔️Silver spoke to Mr. and Mrs.Zigvolt about their expirence as a human-fae relationship in Briar Valley and if there's any hoops he'll have to leap through for the two of you to work. Just everything from start to now and the good to the bad to the ugly.
⚔️You handed him a equally as pretty rock to show his affections were returned.
⚔️Now you have a reason to be sour whenever someone tries to woo him.
⚔️For your first romantic outing with Silver you let the triplets dress you, much to their persuasion. You looked like a mess but Silver couldn't care less, you're a amazing person so he doesn't have anything to complain about, you're lovely in his eyes.
⚔️Silver was teased by his fellow guards like kindergartens about your relationship.
⚔️Unlike the rest Sebek applauded Silver for managing to find someone who loves and cares about him.
⚔️Suddenly the people that have hated you are showing you respect now for being Silver's partner. Noted.
⚔️The manors backyard is a wonderful place to fall asleep in. Laying down in the soft grass drifting off to sleep with the sound of the kids running around and play fighting fading into the background and your legs splashing in the pond infront of you two. This is probably the best noise Silver has ever fallen asleep to and the best thing he awoke to was his romantic companion tucking him into bed.
⚔️Silver felt his heart thump in his chest when he saw you on a horse to pick him up from the castle after his shift was over.
⚔️He invited Lilia to see him again to introduce the two of you.
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🍩After graduating from Night Raven College…Ruggie became a servant within the castle walls.
🍩The job pays relatively well, he's able to take care of his grandma and himself so he's set.
🍩Ruggie doesn't see Leona too often despite the fact that Leona is the one that helped him even get this job, Leona has other servants to drag him into royal events so hey less work for him.
🍩He primarily works in the kitchen though he'll be told to do other things on occasion, annoying as fuck ‘cause some of these things are definitely not in his job description but he won't use his unique magic to overthrow the government.
🍩To a hyena that grew up in the slums Ruggie and you are living in luxury.
🍩The two of you live in the same apartment building, you two grew up in the same slum, you two don't talk to eachother.
🍩Ruggie only knows one thing about you and it's your profession for being a magic teacher at one of the top schools in Sunset Savanah
🍩The most interaction you two have to leaving the elevator door open for the other to hop in.
🍩Hell the most interacinteraction you two had in the slums was fighting over some canned fruit.
🍩Why should you two talk to eachother? You two haven't seen eachother since grade school.
🍩Thats why he was surprised when he saw you standing infront of his apartment door. You don't even have the same floor.
🍩You explained that you whenever you have leftovers occasionally you'll give them to grandma Bucchi(Ooooh that's where all those paper plates came from) to which he jokingly said that they don't need your handouts.
🍩You didn't find the joke amusing.
🍩You just handed his grandma the plate and left. Talk about sensitive.
🍩You'd ignore him everytime you came to drop off your good to his grandmother, not that he minded, kinda has been you two have been doing for the past 6 years.
🍩He did mind that dirty look you gave him everytime he'd open the door for his grandma. What the fuck is your problem.
🍩He would ask you if everytime you were near him you wouldn't immediately speed away from him.
🍩Ruggie knows he's not the most approachable looking person with the piercings and burn scars but like he hasn't done anything to give you whatever impression of him you got that has you acting like that.
🍩So when you two were in the elevator together after he left it open for you and was direct.
🍩“Whats your issue?”
🍩Ruggie understands why his coworkers don't like him, he's a hyena from the slums now walking among them in the castle, a stupid reason to not like him but he understands. He doesn't understands what your problem is since you're a hyena from the same slums too.
🍩You didn't even respond to his question just silence. He tried pressing two more times before he accepted you just weren't going to talk.
🍩Ruggie is used to getting stink eye from other servants in the castle especially the older ones who simply can't understand why he was allowed to step a foot in. Very rarely getting praised in his hardwork in and outside the work. Yeah he might want a pat on the back for helping kids in the slums attend school.
🍩Like a couple of kids Grandma Bucchi forced you two to sit down in the same room and talk after Ruggie entered the apartment and saw you and his grandma siting at the kitchen island eating together and the moment you noticed him you were marching to that door.
🍩You two barely spoke, Grandma Bucchi watched you two carefully, the clock on the wall being the only noise before one of you would try to break the ice and the other would immediately shut it down with a dry response.
🍩Honestly Ruggie found this more funny if anything, meanwhile you thought this entire thing was horrid.
🍩Ruggie and Grandma Bucchi both got that message post sit down when you just started leaving the food on the welcome mat.
🍩Yeah even Grandma Bucchi started wondering what's up.
🍩So when the two of you were in the elevator together he tried to crack a joke to lighten the mode. You stayed silent but your eye twitch spoke words.
🍩You’re going to be so fun to mess with.
🍩You always internally groan whenever you see him in the corner of your eye. He looks like he's still from the slums and that's embarrassing.
🍩Your keys and lanyard always makes noise when you walk so while Ruggie is in the elevator he immediately knows its you just by the sound. Annoying as hell.
🍩“I'm not having sex with you.” you say bluntly before getting off the elevator; so blunt it caught Ruggie off guard because no. That was not his intention at all so he just went his entire trip back to his apartment in silence. D-…did his actions really come off like that-
🍩The next day when you were the one holding the door open to the elevator for him, when he stepped inside he immediately clarified his actions weren't like that, you just smile and say you were making a joke…Ruggie couldn't tell if you were being honest or sarcastic but shit he'll take it.
🍩You were joking. He'll never know that though.
🍩You did find it weird and strangley empty when he didn't come on the elevator after work, you didn't really mess with him like that but he kind of became apart of your afternoon.
🍩That afternoon you cooked some dinner and went to the Bucchi's apartment to give his grandma your scraps instead when you got there he was in process you opening the door with his key. Gym bag. That's where he was.
🍩You just planned on leaving the food on the mat but you ended up talking to him first a few minutes in the hallway before handing it to him cautiously not wanting any sort of physical contact with him, he's probably still as grimey as he was in the slums.
🍩Ruggie still can't tell what the fuck is your problem when you sped walked away. He thought you guys are chill now.
🍩He still looks like he's from the slums, doesn't smell it or dress like it or even act like it but you didn't want to associated with that anymore even though you know that Ruggie is a genuinely nice guy you're reminded of your origins when you look at him, the origins you're ashamed of next to your coworkers origins.
🍩Grandma Bucchi listens closely to the words that come out your mouth whenever drop off your food, amused by your tales of teaching these rich kids magic, you were suprised when she mentioned that Ruggie went to Night Raven College. Rarely people from the slums slums that privilege, not even you did.
🍩Hes arguably doing better than you.
🍩Time to self reflect!
🍩You like him, he's a good guy, and you formerly apologize to him over your behavior towards him in the elevator. Even though you personally think your apology was medicore at best Ruggie for some reason accepted your apology, frankly you don't understand why but you'll cope.
🍩You were shocked when you found him outside your apartment with food he and his grandma made for you afterwards.
🍩In response you made them food.
🍩Weird. You two are hanging out now. Like occasionally but still standing side by side, sitting across from eachother, nothing passive aggressive between eachother.
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🐬After graduating from Night Raven College…Jade joined the family business.
🐬He’s attends a university in the Coral Sea but it's more a ruse of normality. Jade is jotting down notes at his lecture the day after a family of three went missing.
🐬His parents find it funny, his grandmother finds it strange, his brother finds it boring and doesn't get the point, you find it annoying at best.
🐬Jade would be a liar if he said you weren't apart of the reason why he decided to return to his home. He's been with you since you both were in middle school and unsurprisingly you two wanted a future together after so long.
🐬Unfortunately you physically can't leave your home.
🐬He remembers swimming along when he sees something that he's hadn't explored yet. A cave with its entrance blocked out by rocks except the very center of this curtain had a hole.
🐬Jade made his way to this cave and stuck his head inside only to be headbutt out by another moray eel.
🐬Obviously rubbing his head from the recoil you stick your head out instead and apologize to him “My parents don't like strangers. At all.”
🐬And thats how you two met, you repeatedly told him not to tell anyone that he's visiting you or tell you to other people else your parents find out that people know your existence and do sevens know what, Jade wanted to tell his brother about you but he understood that he couldn't keep visiting you if the water became red.
🐬So he kept you a secret for years, visiting your cave that your trapped in sometimes with food he caught, games, or things from the surface that found their home at the bottom of the sea.
🐬When he told you he was going to the surface for high school you were apprehensive, wanting him to stay by your side, he reassured you that everything will be fine and he'll adjust to land
🐬…He was amused to see your expression of seeing him human for the first time.
🐬You always talked and listened with intrigue everytime Jade would return for the summer and he'd yap to you about the surface and his new mushroom and hiking hobbies and whenever he'd hand you a photo of these things your quick to share your own observations.
🐬Things haven't changed much now other than just being a head peaking out its now also your torso!
🐬When that new development appeared he immediately wrapped his arms around you, he wanted to also wrap his tail around you but this is just as good.
🐬Jade is very vague on what the family business is, you think from the clues he's dropped that it's probably a funeral home but he'll never confirm your guesses.
🐬His mother has tried to introduce him to other moray eels but only one has a place in his heart.
🐬He loves your piercing sharp teeth, he loves the two fish hooks you've attached to your collarbones, he loves the fins on your elbows, he loves your skin pattern, he loves the slightly different glow of your skin, he loves the sounds your lips make that you don't even notice, he loves the way you laugh.
🐬He wishes his family could see how he loved you.
🐬Jade is disgusted internally everytime someone at his university confesses their attraction towards him but externally he rejects them politely since he's aware that he simply can't say he's with you.
🐬You'll forever be suprised whenever Jade gifts you expensive items, you shower him with praise and affection for taking the time out of his day to get this for you without knowing who was eaten to retrieve that trinket for you.
🐬His family does raise a brow whenever he returns with a doll made of actual junk.
🐬Floyd was nearly attacked by Jade when he reached to touch one of those weird dolls then Jade grabed his arm.
🐬They don't understand why he's so attached to literal garbage but if he's happy they'll turn a blind eye.
🐬You have been missing him more though now that he's actually in the sea and yet hasn't been spending as much time with you, his studies taking up most of his time now.
🐬You voiced this to him and all he did was cup your face and tell you he'll manse his time better.
🐬You asked if he'd like to stay the night, to which he was surprised, he didn't think you'd be brave enough to let him in your cave with your parents and everything, but that really meant you’d help him study till he fell asleep directly outside your cave.
🐬His parents were worried sick when their son didn't return home from school, that maybe he was eaten on the way home or worse, though Floyd and grandma shrugged it off since he's an adult now and he's probably just out.
🐬Floyd and grandma were right, Jade returned home without a bite taken out of him, despite his parents having been worried beyond human comprehension they didn't bother to ask.
🐬Best not to ask that son.
🐬Jade almost felt sad at the family gathering wishing he could introduce you to the family after all these years, almost, he understands that for your safety it's best if they didn't know.
🐬Understood, didn't mean he didn't long for that day.
🐬He was living three lives truly: the one with you, the one in the family business, and the one in school and he was managing all of these lives perfectly.
🐬Until exams.
🐬Jade’s attention began to focus on his studying, his family were slightly agitated by this but you didn't mind simply telling him you'll wait for him to finish.
🐬Jade felt a bullet of sorry go through his chest every time he'd swim above your cave since the most socialization you'd get was with him and your parents who refused to let you leave, it must get rather boring.
🐬All the things you missed out on. You don't even know how to hunt by yourself something he mastered by ten years old.
🐬But to keep up his illusion of a good student he needs to pass his exams and not just bribe the professor like how his brother recommended.
🐬Whenever he'd be doing his school work his mind would every once in awhile return to you causing him to space out and daydream about the two of you if you simply had freedom and if your parents were out the pic-
🐬Azul had to snap his fingers to get Jade back on task and if Azul was being honest he does not want to know what Jade was zoning out about.
🐬Jade’s own family had started having to do that to get his attention on literally anything, they just assume that he's thinking about the up coming exams.
🐬Jade can't help it, your voice, you, simply consume his being and his mind as of recently.
🐬He can't wait for exams to be over for him to spend some good time with his love.
🐬So Jade swam to your cave, simply to be in your presence.
🐬You were in the middle of eating when you heard Jade’s voice calling out for you from the hole. You quickly swam to the entrance and accidentally headbutt him.
🐬He came over just to see your face. You didn't exchange much words after saying hello to one another, just in silence loving the company the other brought you.
🐬It was only fifteen minutes but it was amazing.
🐬Jade gently caressing your shoulders as he lays kisses across your face and the top of your head for those fifthteen minutes. When those fifteen minutes were up and he had to return to studying you'd never forget the lovestruck eyes he had.
🐬He's an anamoly that noone understands including you but you think he's alright.
🐬Laying in your cave bored craving him and being with him whenever he spends a significant amount of time away from you.
🐬Drawing a portrait of Jade in the sand you sleep upon with a smile on your face, a smile of longing.
🐬Jade finished exams and he passed with ! Family matters call!
🐬Jade was frustrated that he was being forced to spend even less time with you but he kept his lips zipped tight, instead taking out his frustration on the poor people who decided to get funny with the family
🐬His family knew that he was frustrated because when they told him he needs to focus on the family his face stayed calm, his hands though…
🐬His grandma has noticed actual bite marks on those trash dolls. She's disgusted because why is he chewing on actual garbage? but she didn't say a thing.
🐬There has been arguments with his parents when they found out that hes collecting some jewelry from their families former clients instead of giving it to the family and he refused to say why he's hoarding these jewels.
🐬Floyd is just having fun watching his brothers new weird habits, he doesn't understand why he speeds fo his room now after lectures but he couldn't give a flying fuck.
🐬Jade is just waiting to present the bone necklace he made for you and all the riches he's collected for you.
🐬His fellow students speak in hushed voices around him because “He's going to snap one of these days.”
🐬Clients of the leech family have been more than obedient lately, the idea that they might die inbetween the teeth of Jade is enough to keep them pretty and if one of the clients did trip up with the family they would pray that they sent anyone else but Jade after them.
🐬The Coral Sea has felt slightly more murderous than usual.
🐬You’ve been actually clawing at your walls waiting for Jade and Jade has been clawing his walls till he could see you again.
🐬His room is neat, clean, as if noone lived there but small things like the claw marks on the wall was cause for concern.
🐬His mother tried to talk to him about it when they all went out for dinner at La Grotta which resulted in the rest of the dinner being in silence.
🐬After that dinner Jade immediately swam into his room. He couldn't wait anymore.
🐬He tossed as much of the gifts he could fit into a bag and swam out the window.
🐬He reached your cave and you weren't there, understandable you didn't know he'd be here what was not understandable was the blood swirling out the cave entrance.
🐬He pushed himself through the entrance, panicked at what was happening to you. A half eaten merman laying on the rocky ground with bones of other merfolk.
🐬Jade looked up, he saw you, a siren.
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In Jade’s I did my own world building: Sirens are above merfolk in a predator sense. Sirens can disguise themselves as merfolk from the waist up but the tail is the only thing they cannot change, having wing like fins on their tails that give them away.(think bat wings.)
And as for the length I didn't do the rest of the second years because I didn't want to write for 8 characters and for it to only get 2 reblogs lol maybe if this one does good I'll make a part 2.
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macaqueconfession · 1 year ago
What if the mc overblots & how.
Ok what if the mc is like a sponge and absorbs the blot magic every time their exposed to it. Like in ch1 when riddle used his unique magic on every one and the mc just absorbed a little magic. It increases as time goes on, and depending on how ch7 ends they just brake.
They can't stand the thought of leaving and running the risk that could forget all about twisted wonderland and all their friends and the adventures they had(they might think it was a dream) they can't leave them. And at first it starts off like an emotional scene where their talking to the people who they spend most of their time with in twst, and then chaos hits the fan. The mc overblots whether it some body horror/a semi regular overblot, the dorm leaders and dorm mates rally together to bring back the mc to their senses and help them like they helped them.
If the game continues after ch7 which I think it will hopefully, they can send the mc home but have it so that they either visit or view the twst boys throw a mirror or something.
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z3rinn · 1 year ago
I was listening to the song "if you seek amy," and I thought to myself. how long would it take the twst cast to realize what the song really meant? so uh-
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As soon as the chorus ends they understand. Soon, a mischievous smile form's on their face, never once leaving until you finish the song up. You cant help but expect some over dramatic reaction- but instead ur met with nothing!! They clap as soon as you end the song- commenting on your vocals with an overzealous smirk on their face. They try to act innocent, trying to coax you into explaining the lyrics- but you quickly turn down their remark. Leaving them to laugh at your misery.
- ROOK HUNT, ace trappola, RUGGI BUCCHI, leona kingscholar, LILIA VANROUGE, JADE LEECH...
Although not as quickly as others, they do eventually understand the song. And as soon as they figure out the hidden meaning you can bet on your life that their practically as red as a rose. They enjoyed such a song?? Why would someone even make a song like that in the first place??? Why were you even singing it in the first place???? It'd be funny showing them even more embarrassing songs, but it is fun to see them all flustered of course. All embarrassed- for such a dumb reason.
- RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS, jack howl, AZUL ASHENGROTTO, epel felmier, jamil viper, SEBEK ZIGVOLT...
It takes a second... or two... or three. Maybe it's just easier to explain it to them? Once you do they're completely confused !! They didn't even notice the double meaning- and probably wouldn't have until someone told them. They were far too busy enjoying your singing to actually pay attention to the lyrics it seems. Also surprised at the meaning- however more intrigued by the subtlety then what the actual lyrics mean. But if you look closer you can see a hint of blush on their face--- maybe it was a good thing that they weren't paying full attention.
- TREY CLOVER, kalim al-asim, MALLEUS DRACONIA, silver, DEUCE SPADE, neige leblanche....
Gets up and starts dancing and singing with you !!! The song and beat is just so catchy how couldn't they? If they pick up on the meaning they won't say anything- being too immersed in singing with you than to actually say anything. If they do mention the song, it won't happen until the end- in the most actual way ever. They twirl you around as the song plays, acting as your backup as they sing the chorus with you. Don't be surprised if you stay there for a while, cause now it's karaoke time !!!
- CATER DIAMOND, ruggie bucchi, LILIA VANROUGE, KALIM AL-ASIM, rook hunt, chenya....
your singing instructor !
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twstjam · 2 years ago
HAHA it's not a Matcha fic if it isn't edited and posted at 2-3 AM amirite I don't know what this is I was just brainrotting about Malleyuu + Yuu and Sebek friendship + my take on post-NRC and this is what came out of it. I INITIALLY planned to only write the first and last parts but then my brain decided that it would be a good idea to come up with all the other shit in between and now this mess exists 👍 This also features a few theories and hcs based on Book 7 Chapter 4 lore, like how Malleus hatched and how Draconia babies are made. Summary: Sebek goes missing and with Malleus's first child with you on the way the prince is anxious about the affects of unexpected events on his family and the future.
There aren't many things that can scare a dragon.
But then correspondence from Sebek's party stops, and Malleus swears his blood freezes.
He's sure he wears out the floor with his pacing, blood humming with restless surges of magic and throat hot with the urge to release fire as he waits with patience that wears thinner by the hour. Silver stands in the doorway, the disapproving gaze he'd imagine on his father reflected exactly on the guard's face as he tells Malleus to go to bed.
Malleus would laugh at the irony if he didn't instead begin to worry about the emptiness he'd leave next to his spouse if he remains awake until dawn again. Well, not that you'd be entirely alone.
Your arms are encircled around a massive black egg, held close to your chest like you used to do with the monster cat curled up against it. Grim rumbles like a motorboat, the only sound that remains when Malleus enters the bedroom and all conversation is halted.
You sit up, not without keeping some part of you touching the egg in some way, eyes alight with hope. Malleus's heart sinks at the way your expression falls at the frown he wears.
Referring to you and Sebek as "close" would be an understatement. Since your first day at the castle, the both of you have practically been attached at the hip, falling back into the familiar roles of your years together as students at Night Raven College. Malleus would call it an imitation of Sebek's excessive devotion to him back in those years if it weren't more personal; the two of you are often whispering secrets or nonsense, laughing, bantering, and smiling with each other despite your roles as guard and master. It's nothing like how Malleus is guarded and he sometimes finds himself feeling the ugly curl of envy at the thought.
Malleus can't fault Sebek for keeping his distance. He knows that his role as the future king forms a boundary between them that cannot and should not be crossed, but that doesn't mean that Malleus is any less upset about it.
Sebek isn't with you now though, and neither is he with Malleus, nor Silver. Malleus remembers a time like yesterday (at least to him) when Sebek would sob upon being torn from Malleus's side, but he recalls that on the day of the guard's departure, he had been insistent. Dedicated, as always, to anything and everything that would keep his lord and friend safe. You'd hugged him goodbye and waved him off cheerily, grin wide as you shouted at him to "Don't forget the souvenirs!"
"I'm doing reconnaissance, not going on a vacation," Sebek had groaned when you'd told him the same thing prior, shooting Silver a glare when the other man had muttered under his breath, "Seven knows you need one." He had redirected it, tired and pleading at Malleus when the prince had laughed.
(Malleus tries to remember what it was like; laughing. When he had lamented this aloud, you had called him a Drama Queen, but that doesn't mean you're any less worn with worry even if you don't share his admittedly exaggerated sentiment.)
"We should just go look for 'im!" Grim grouches, disguising his own worry behind drained patience at everyone's trepidation. He's practically your other half, (and more in tune with your feelings than Malleus is, he'd begrudgingly admit.) so he's as tied to Sebek as you are.
""We"?" Malleus questions sharply at your nod of agreement.
"The longer we go without a word from him the less I think I can wait, Tsuno," you plead. Malleus looks down at you understandingly, but his eyes are sad as he places a careful hand on the egg nestled in your arms. Guilt crosses your face, but the determination remains in your eyes.
"Stay with the egg," you tell him with finality, but if anyone can fight you on this it's Malleus.
"I care for Sebek, truly." Malleus cuts you off when you open your mouth to argue that I didn't say you don't— "But I will not risk the chance of our child growing without either of us by their side."
It's something that he has a firm stance on and you know that you can't ever argue with it, even if you're not willing to give up the vision in your mind of both Silver and Sebek also being by their side when they hatch. You curl up around the egg further, resigned, even as you murmur, "What do we do, then?"
"We wait," Malleus says, apologetic as he gathers his child, the love of his life, and their cherished animal companion in his arms. He curls his tail around them protectively despite his family being in the safety of his arms and his nest. He can feel Grim vibrating with unrelenting purrs against his chest, the furry little beast squishing his face against the egg as he kneads little biscuits over its curved surface. You settle with your head against Malleus's chest, dissatisfied but resigned.
Malleus watches you shriek when you lay your eyes on Ace and Deuce right before you bowl them over to the floor in excitement and he knows he made the right call inviting them to the castle.
Few humans ever set foot on the castle floors, not many fae keen on just the idea of it, but Malleus is the future king and he can do whatever the Hell he wants and that includes letting your friends come over for a few days to cheer you up, traditions be damned.
With Ace and Deuce around, the castle is alive in a way it hasn't been in weeks. It's not just a product of their making but yours as well, the three of you along with Grim at your heels always up to something in the castle when you're all together. Malleus is more than happy to watch over the egg as you catch up with your friends, but that doesn't mean he's free from your attention any less.
"How much longer is it gonna take for it to hatch?" Ace says in both amazement and curiosity while Deuce tries to wrap his head around the concept of a magically conceived and hatched egg (It's not really that complicated. Malleus can't understand what might be so confusing about it.). They're both standing around the egg at a distance but still closer than anyone else you and Malleus have allowed in the unborn heir's presence.
(That is, if he doesn't count Silver and Sebek.)
"Like, half a year, or something like that." You tilt your head up at him for confirmation. "Right?"
"Indeed," Malleus crows proudly, hand smoothing over the egg's shell. Grim hops up onto Malleus's lap and rubs up against the egg, butting up into Malleus's palm when he raises it to pet him. You smile with excitement, lips pulled between your teeth as you hop in your seat across from them.
"I can't wait," you chirp, linking your arms with your friends' and bouncing them along with you. "You guys have to be there when it happens, so make sure you've got nothing going on."
"Oh, you bet," Ace laughs, eyes shining with mirroring eagerness.
"Are you kidding? Like we'd miss your kid being born! Uh.... hatched?" Deuce muses.
Malleus hums, pleased at their assent, hands cradling the egg's sides lovingly. Along with Ace and Deuce, you were also planning to invite your other old friends from NRC to witness the hatching, which Malleus had agreed to without missing a beat.
Though he hadn't even been a minute old, Malleus remembers his own hatching. He doesn't think he can ever forget it; the overbearing loneliness as he broke the shell and gazed into tearful red eyes. Despite the waves of love that had urged him to come out, the room had been so empty except for the fae that had coaxed him out of his eggshell.
Malleus doesn't wish for such an experience to ever be known to his children.
He knows the image you see in your head of your child's hatchday, can see you proudly presenting his heir to the eager eyes of your friends. He can see them all now, gathered around you with the privilege to lay eyes on the future ruler of Briar Valley before anyone else; Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho... and Sebek.
Malleus's fingers curl, claws lightly scraping against the shell of his child's egg.
Sebek will be there. He knows that you haven't given that up in your mind, and neither will he.
Malleus still remembers the day, a year or so ago, when the two of you had finally announced that an egg had been successfully conceived.
His grandmother was the first to come see it, of course. She had manifested, eyes wild and frantic, in a burst of green flames. She at least had had the decency to appear outside of his and your chambers instead of coming right in, but the moment Malleus opened the door to greet her she was brushing right past him.
It was the first time you and Malleus (and possibly anyone really) had seen Briar Queen Maleficia so emotional. You had awkwardly patted her back in an attempt to soothe her surging emotions, but it had instead gotten you pulled into a stifling hug that had you breathless. Malleus had watched with both amusement and tears in his eyes as his grandmother murmured "thank you"s to you over and over on repeat while you reached for him with your arms, silently begging for assistance.
After that, it was time to introduce the egg to the rest of his family.
Though it wasn't her egg, Maleficia had to be convinced to allow other people close to it, relenting with a pout. She remained in the room though, so when you had returned with Silver and Sebek in tow, her presence was the first thing that they registered. Sebek had gotten so caught up with stuttering formalities that he didn't even notice the egg for a full five minutes.
Everybody else in the room were already prepared for when he finally did, hands held over ears round and pointed alike as he screeched in surprise.
"An egg! You have an egg?!" he'd screamed in disbelief. You'd laughed as he grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you. "I'm not dreaming, am I?! Please tell me I'm not—!"
"You're not—!!!" you'd shouted, and the two of you had both shrieked with glee as Sebek picked you up and spun you around the air. He had chanted his congratulations while you vigorously repeated "Thank you!"s.
He had put you down awkwardly when he remembered again that Maleficia was in the room, clearing his throat and recollecting his composure while you continued to giggle. His joy was so infectious though that it even had Maleficia cracking a smile despite being in the face of some of her subjects.
"Do I not get a hug also?" Malleus had tried to be lighthearted but he couldn't help the pout on his face. Though he was reluctant and still alert to presence of the queen, Sebek had relented and given him the privilege. It wasn't anything like the hug he had given you, but it was meaningful and personal nonetheless. Silver had joined at Malleus's beckoning and the prince had held them both close, so many words of relief and gratitude going unspoken but communicated between the three of them nonetheless through one shared gesture.
Malleus had looked up at the quiet shuttering of a ghost camera and saw you show a polaroid to his grandmother with a proud grin.
"Could you perhaps make a duplicate of that for me?" she had mused.
Malleus is unsure if Ortho's surprise visit to the castle could be considered a pleasant one. Perhaps, if it were under different circumstances. Perhaps, if he had returned with Sebek and he wasn't practically painted with injuries.
Malleus was in the middle of his duties when he had found out. He had been discussing with the council the search itself for Sebek and his party when a member of the castle staff burst through the door and unceremoniously interrupted the meeting. They were quickly forgiven when they'd frantically informed him that Sir Zigvolt had finally returned.
Malleus had torn through the halls in a billow of black robes, legs carrying him thoughtlessly to his destination, eyes like green spotlights in the dimly-lit halls. The servants parted and made way for him wordlessly.
When he finally arrives, both you and Grim are already there, sitting by Sebek's bedside and on his lap respectively while Ortho hovers at his other side. Malleus is momentarily relieved that you'd been informed first, but then he sees the state Sebek is in and he's next to you in an instant.
Sebek's slit pupils dart to him for the briefest second before looking away with a grimace. He seems to sink further into the pillows cushioning his back at his sitting position, shame evident in his eyes and the way his lips are twisted in a way that morphs the cuts and bruises on his face.
"My liege—" he rasps, and the fire in Malleus's chest roars and pulls.
"Silence," he commands, a little too sharply and it aches how Sebek shrinks further into himself. Malleus sucks in a breath and forces himself to calm down. He sits down on the bed, holds out his hand, and speaks, softer this time, "Be still."
Sebek opens his mouth to retort but you shoot him a reprimanding look that has him going quiet again. Malleus notices how Sebek doesn't retreat from you and he feels that familiar pang of jealousy again.
Now is not the time for such trivial matters, boy. Your family is hurt. a voice chides him in his head. He holds his hand over Sebek's face, and though the halfling twitches slightly in discomfort, he closes his eyes to the warmth of Malleus's magic as his injuries begin to heal.
As Sebek relaxes, the tension easing further out of him as his pain fades away, Ortho begins to explain what had happened, how he had found Sebek, and why.
As it turns out, the treacherous group that Sebek's party was sent to observe was also being investigated by S.T.Y.X.. Sebek and his group had gotten ambsuhed and captured— At this, your hand tightens further around Sebek's much larger one. It draws Malleus's attention, and a low growl escapes him at the redness of iron burns peeking ever-so-slightly from beneath Sebek's sleeve.— and when Ortho had discovered this, he had gone in and rescued them as fast as he could. Sebek's injuries had been worse, apparently, and there was only so much Ortho could do with his built-in medical procedures in such a short amount of time.
The young humanoid seems to sag defeatedly at this, but you're quick to reassure him that "No, you did great. I mean it, Orr. Thank you."
Even Sebek had opened his eyes to shoot Ortho a reprimanding yet grateful look.
"I can confirm. I might not be here currently if it were not for your action, Ortho."
Ortho's eyes go wide at this and he scrubs at them with the heel of his palm as dribbles of liquid stain his cheeks.
"Y-You're going to activate my crying simulation again, Sebek!" he chokes out. He suddenly looks up, teary eyes meeting Malleus's, and Sebek looks like he wants to stop him from speaking but he's too late as Ortho blurts out, "I hope you are not disappointed in him, Malleus Draconia, though I don't think that you are! Regardless, you should know that Sebek was really cool, even though he was the one being rescued! He was suffering from severe iron burns and yet he stood up to the enemy captain anyway and bit his arm off when he tried to grab me! It was like he was the hero!"
An embarrassed blush spreads over Sebek's cheeks at Ortho's retelling, his flustered gaze suddenly finding interest in Grim's silky fur beneath his fingers. Despite his demeanor, his voice is as sure as ever as he says, "Well, of course I couldn't just stand there and let you be hurt after all the trouble you went through because of my blunder!"
At this statement, Malleus turns to him questioningly. "Sebek—"
"It was due to my shortcomings that we were captured, Lord Malleus," Sebek admits, shamefully and yet boldly as he looks up to finally meet his master's eyes. "It was my fault. The solution was so simple. If only I had...." Sebek's brow furrows in frustration, his fists clenching, the one holding your hand wrapping around your fingers fiercely. "If only I was—"
"Sebek," Malleus says, gently yet firmly, a mere mimicry of your reassuring tone, but it works to cut Sebek off before he begins his tangent. "That does not matter."
His hands draw downwards, brushing against yours before carefully wrapping around Sebek's wrists. Sebek inhales sharply at the sting of contact but eases again at the warmth of healing magic.
"What matters now is that everyone is safe. Is that you are safe. That you have returned to us."
He knows it's selfish. As prince, he knows it's unfair and unwise to be so forgiving of one of his guards' failures— A single wrong move could mean the downfall of the entire kingdom, after all— but Malleus finds that he doesn't care. He finds that, with Sebek back in the safety of the castle, with his family— All of his family— back in the safety of his arms, he doesn't care.
After weeks of worry and weariness and heavy thoughts of paranoia and doubt, Malleus for the first time feels a weight lift off his shoulders and it's like he can breathe again. He remembers again the feeling of relief.
Your hand that's not holding Sebek's reach for one of Malleus's. He accepts it gratefully, looking down to return your equally relieved smile, but when he meets your eyes, the expression on your face is not what he expects.
Instead of warmth, instead of anxiety flooding out of you and tears gathering in your eyes, your expression is cold and detached; eyes distant, lips pulled firmly into a thin line, and brows fighting to not draw down in what he knows would be the most fearsome glare he's ever seen in his years of living.
There aren't many things that can scare a dragon, but right now, as he watches you, the barely-restrained fury on your face  and the chilling desire for damnation in your eyes, Malleus feels the fire in his chest snuff out, retreating to make way for the real beast.
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luxthestrange · 2 years ago
TWST Incorrect quotes#432 Real History
2nd years-In History Class
Ridd: What the hell do they know? It's just a word, They can't change your whole life just by calling you property!
MexYuu: Bullshit! You better ask my ancestors! One minute, you are in Mexico, washing your clothes in a river, Titties out you good!-THEN...Then all of a sudden, you getting fucked Hernan Cortes!
Kalim*Looking at You in Awe'd*Wow! You make history come alive...
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We gonna teach these whiteboy's real history...
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years ago
No place like home...
Word count: 2.2k
Warning(s): Slight B6 spoilers, angst, believed character death?, slight gore mentioned in like one sentence
A/N: Based on this post, I've been wanting to write this for so long and I finally remembered lol. Don't ask abt the title just made sense in my head and im not changing it
The sky was dark, it was early afternoon but no one would have been able to tell due to the thick dark grey clouds that covered every inch of the sky above this prestigious school. The sun seemed long gone with not a single ray making it through those clouds. The only source of light for the students and staff was the large overbloted beast with a mane of blue fire right in the middle of what used to be the prestigious Night Raven Collage.
Everything was in rubble, a mess with every step you took, and large fires that were scattered all throughout. It looked like a war zone, and might as well have been. Most of the student body had been evacuated to the other side of Sage Island long ago, and most of the staff stayed behind to take care of the destructive beast. A handful of students refused to leave, most insisting they could help. 
Among these students was a first-year friend group, one of which was the magicless student that had lived in the abandoned dorm with the once small fiery beast. 
Most of the first years earnestly instructed Yuu to evacuate with the rest of the students to RSA, but they refused, Grim was their closest friend if not family. They'd be damned if they were going to leave him when he was like this. Their friends soon gave up, they knew there was no point trying to change Yuu's mind when they had it set on something. But they made sure to keep them close so they'd be protected.
So many people were on the ground injured, all covered in bruises and burns from either being swatted at by the beast or just nearly dodging its fire. The more of those people Yuu recognized the bigger that feeling of dread and fear grew in their gut. 
They saw so many upperclassmen just scattered around, like Cater that had been staying in the back but went just close enough to be able to cast a spell, but was hit with Grim's fire before he could do a thing and was knocked out when he hit the ground. Yuu could identify a few more people, they saw Ruggie's ear twitch as he laid face down, they couldn't tell if it was Jade or Floyd but they saw bright teal hair peeking out from the other side of some rubble. 
Yuu knew they couldn't fight, they were basically useless in this battle, and like all the other overblots, a burden. They decided to make themself useful by trying to get as many of the injured somewhere safe as they could. They might not be the strongest but they are still capable of carrying someone.
"Epel! Come with me!" 
"W-what!? I'm kinda in the middle of somethin' here!" 
"Just come here, you're going to help me get these guys to a safer place!" Though the two were barely 15 feet apart they could hardly hear the others voiceover the beast's constant cries whether it was of pain or rage was unbeknownst to any. 
But Epel understood what Yuu was getting at as they tried to pull Ruggie's unconscious out from some rubble and onto their shoulders. He soon followed his friend's lead and started using his unique magic to help carry more people at once. Neither Epel nor Yuu could see each much other, mutually agreeing to spread out so the injured could get to safety faster. 
Yuu searched just off to the side in between two larger pieces of rubble, it was hard to see much of anything while inside. It was far darker than they had expected, Yuu could barely see an inch in front of them let alone the stray fireball coming straight for the pieces of concrete that leaned up against each other. 
The magicless prefect only had a moment to realize what was happening and what was going to happen, just long enough to realize they wouldn't be able to avoid it. But it was still just a moment, a moment that was soon over and replaced with pitch-black darkness. The sounds of Grim's powerful roars, spells being cast, and orders being barked, quickly came to halt only to be replaced with... an alarm...? 
*Beep*  *Beep*  *Beep* 
Yuu shot up, nearly falling off their bed. Wait- bed!? Why would they be in their bed? Is- is this some type of afterlife or something? They turned the alarm off and sat on what on what they weren't to sure was their actual bed for what felt like hours before slowly sliding off it, weary of whatever had happened. They slowing began to feel around the room to see if this was truly real or just some sad dream. When they finished, they stumbled back, very unsettled by the acracy, they didn't want it to be real. No wait- yes, yes they did want this. 
But if so then why was there such a deep pit in their stomach? They pushed that thought to the back of their head, they needed to focus on building the courage to walk out the door. What if their family was there? How would they face them after they had been gone for so long? Or did any time pass at all? Yuu's room looked the same so maybe..? 
Yuu scanned the room once more just to make sure, and sure enough, everything was just how they left it. The clothes they had absentmindedly tossed around the room just hours before they were thrown into Twisted Wonderland were still scattered all around, and in the same condition they were before they left. Nothing had gotten substantially more dusty or anything that would show being abandoned for a year. Then again their family could have kept it clean... 
As they thought of the possibilities a dreadful thought came to mind, what if it was a dream? A painfully realistic dream. Yuu had heard of baby/family dreams before which are dreams where you build a whole life and family years into the future. Could Twisted Wonderland just have been one of those? But- no... that- that can't be it... can it? Can all the relationships they built and the trauma they went through really just be a realistic dream!? 
Yuu began to panic at the thought and quickly began to search their body for any proof that the past year was real. They needed it, it had to have been real! They had woken up in their pajamas so there was no chance there was any material possessions were on them. Any one of the many scraps and scars from their time in that school would be more then enough. 
But... there was nothing... they looked over and over but still... nothing. No scars no scrapes. Nothing. Tears of frustration and desperation bleared Yuu's vision, they didn't know what to think.
Was it really all just a dream...? 
The smoke slowly began to clear as the small fires were put out. The sky could almost be seen again, but it had grown a darker blue since the last time anyone on Sage Island had seen it. The battle had ended just barely an hour ago, the injured were being treated and those who were well enough were helping where they could. Grim miraculously survived his overblot, though he was unconscious and heavily injured. The staff of both NRC and RSA began discussing what should be done with him once he is well enough. Most of the uninjured were helping with the rubble and looking for more people.
Among these uninjured were some first years, but they were looking for one person in particular, the magicless Ramshackle prefect.  Jack did his best to keep everyone calm but they were all quite frantic a worried, you were magicless and had no means of protecting yourself during this disaster. Epel was possibly the most frantic having been the last to have seen them. Eventually as the hours past, Yuu was the only person unaccounted for and many had joined the search. Luckily there hadn’t been any casualties so far but many were starting to worry that would change. 
Riddle was the one that came across the tattered scolded piece of ceremonial robes that stuck out from under a large piece of rubble that lay flat on the ground with another large piece leaning on it as if they had been leaning up on each other before they fell. Riddle began to panic and called others around over for help to lift up the two pieces of concreate.
He had hoped it was just a ripped piece of the robes, but to his and the other's deep dismay, it was the full outfit with small splatters of blood lingering on it. Leona, one of the others that came to help lift the rubble, was very confused. This was way too little blood for someone who was crushed, actually, there was no viscera of any sort, save for the small spatters that could be easily explained away by getting scrapped or having a nosebleed. He was far from the only confused one either, after a moment of panic Riddle quickly realized the same, along with the others that helped. 
So they continued the search, and for days as they cleaned and repaired the school they kept a keen eye out for the missing student. But no, not a thing. 
The only thing left of Yuu was the robes, which Crowley cast a spell to concurred that it was in fact the prefects clothes. Everyone was confused, it was as if Yuu had just disappeared inro thin air.
Ace and Deuce refused to accept any answer other than Yuu being alive somewhere in Twisted Wonderland. Even going so far as to say the Mirror was wrong and that they did have magic and they used teleportation magic or something! And other very outlandish explanations like that. Epel, Jack, and Sebek were far more reasonable than the Heartslabyul duo but still had many questions and were shocked by how quickly the situation changed. First, they had to worry about how to stop and save Grim, then how they were going to stop Yuu from fiercely protecting Grim from whatever punishment he would receive from the headmasters. Then... how they would have to explain to the fiery beast that his dear friend Yuu might be dead.
And now, well they haven’t told him anything about what was happening since he woke up 4 days after the incident. Thankfully he woke up with zero memories of what happened. The first years refuse to allow anyone to even mention his overblot to him, at least not until they get any kind of answers or are able to find Yuu. 
And until that time comes, if it ever will, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, and Sebek all do their damnedest to keep both headmasters and the possible authorities off Grim’s back. Ace insists that Yuu knew Grim the best and should be here to defend him before any type of legal action is taken.
Eventually, too much time passes with no sign of the prefect there is no other way to take it than the passing of the young student. And Grim... he inevitably found out what had happened, his overblot and Yuu’s disappearance, or possible death. 
I’d be lying straight through my teeth if I said he took it well, how could he have? His closest friend and only family was probably dead and just cause he didn’t want them to leave him! 
Grim wasted no time running away, whether to find Yuu or just escape the headmasters and authorities no one knows. . .
Yuu’s family was worried, Yuu was perfectly fine, acting normal one day, then acting weird and out of it the next. But not just the next, they were acting like that for weeks. They would talk to and spend time with their friends and family but it never seemed like they were actually there, as if they were constantly off in another world. Every time someone asked what happened they would just brush them off saying everything was fine. Yuu began buying strange things, old warn books in Latin and other seemingly ancient languages, but also, so.. So many mirrors. That's all you could see in their room, just so many mirrors ranging in so many different sizes and shapes. Some had even been smashed, but Yuu refused to throw any of them away. 
There was one mirror that they recently got ahold of though, it seemed to have enthralled them. They barley said a word anymore, let alone leave their room. The mirror was a large classic oval mirror, just over half the size of Yuu. It had a gold rim with intricate snake designs around each of the sides and a crown at the top. Truly nothing too special, you could find it at almost any antique store, but it was all Yuu cared about anymore. 
All they did, day in and day out, was stair at the mirror as they cried. Sometimes Yuu’s family could hear faint begging coming from the teen’s room.
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hathay · 1 year ago
twst second year halloween hc’s pt1<3
warnings: horror movie mention?
includes: jamil, kalim, silver, & ruggie!
tis but a silly little halloween spur of the moment hc post, i’m gonna do the other second years as well most likely:)
- he really enjoys dressing up for halloween. it makes him feel cool, especially if it’s something powerful/scary. he doesn’t know why he likes it so much, but boy does he.
- i think he likes candy idc. i just think he’s picky about it. he likes certain candy and if you ask him nice enough he’ll pass over the candy you asked for with a roll of his eyes (he’s totally hiding a small smirk/smile thing)
- as much has he may WANT to claim that he does not want to hand out candy to kids, (he swears he can’t stand them and it’s a waste of his time) he sure as hell seems to be sporting a small little smile.
- trying to convince him to match costumes is a FEAT, if he decides he cares enough he will, but it better be worth his time.
- i think you could try and convince him to carve pumpkins, he’d be able to use it later for pumpkin curry, but he’d try his little heart out for going all out on his carving.
- he’s a smug man when he watches a horror movie (and pretends it has no effect on him) and the people he’s watching with are very scared especially if he feels like he is ‘protecting them’ (not without some teasing.)
- (also may feel the need to check candy like a worried parents. not just kalims, give him yours as well, or please just be careful, you don’t know who you can and can’t trust)
- he loves halloween but unfortunately doesn’t last for long, he is a sleepy boy after all.
- he honestly prefers giving candy to people than receiving it himself.
- more than anything he just enjoys dressing up and spending time with the people closest to him.
- you wanna match costumes? done deal, he’s fully committed and feels so special about it.
- he doesn’t get scared very easily (much to lilia and others dismay) he just lightly laughs it off
- he will definitely watch halloween movies with you, but you may have shake him awake (gently pls) when it starts to get good.
- LOVES halloween stories, especially if you have ones he hasn’t heard, he is so interested in it, he may seem like he is passed out but trust me he is intently listening and will ask so many questions.
- loves halloween so bad, he just loves seeing people all dressed up and happy.
- he IS the rich neighborhood, he buys the biggest bars of candy and is absolutely willing to give it out.
- after getting candy he likes to trade with others especially to get more of his favorites. (he makes sure to trade some specifically to get more of jails favorite candy to give him)
- tries to be scary, SO HARD, but fails, how can anyone find his lil face scary? but if he does manage to actually scare someone he laughs it off, but apologizes if he thinks he went too far.
- he would be OVER THE MOON about matching costumes, he’d feel the need to tell everyone and make sure they ALL know who he is matching with.
- begs to watch halloween movies because he just doesn’t want the night to end, as a result he ends up clinging on for dear life to whoever’s closest.
- totally steals candy i don’t wanna hear it. he usually doesn’t steal from younger kids though (unless they’re being snotty douches yk?), usually it’s from older people he finds out.
- those bowls that just have a note to ‘take one piece’ of candy. HE DOESN’T. he will take handfuls, he’ll leave enough that other people can still get some, but he is definitely taking his fill.
- needs, NEEDS to go to the wealthy areas because he knows they give out the good candy. (kalim here he comes)
- makes sure to bring someone like jack or kalim who he knows will give him some of his candy.
- he can go all right, so many rounds, even changed costumes to go around again for more candy.
- sometimes he sees some cute kids and gives em a few pieces of his candy, especially if they don’t have a lot.
- he’d tease the HELL outta you for suggesting matching costumes (but would completely wear them anyways, as long as he gets to pick what y’all wear when you go around again for more candy)
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some-beans · 2 years ago
omg omg omg I think requests are open right? I hope they are cause I saw the lapis lazuli fic and I've always wanted to request from you <3
Could I ask for a Fem!Zuko!Reader (ATLA)? In twst, with the second years (mainly Azul, Jamil, Kalim, Ruggie and Riddle)
The rest is up to you 👉🏼👈🏼 feel free to ignore if requests are closed tho
dghsfvghsdf yes yes they are open atm, tho they come out very slow 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ life tingz and i'm just gonna do the second years, kk??
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✎...pairing: twst second years x fem!zuko!reader ✎...themes: hints to past trauma, shenanigans ✎...notes: reader is awkward, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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surprisingly, or not, you two often butted heads
having been both brought up in strict households, your different views on how to lead often collided
tho, somewhere down the line just after his overblot, riddle realised how relatively similar your childhood was to his
i mean, sure his mother was stuck up bitch about the rules, but at least she didn't disown him and had you chase after someone to gain the right to be the next in thrown
plus, you had a psycho sister too
and after the whole blot stuff, you quickly noticed how awkward you were when it came to socialising like a normal people
cuz yk
someone talk smack = fireball
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he was, tbh, both intimidated and sceptic of you
cuz 1. you're a fairly strong and intense woman, and 2. you kept mentioning that you needed to restore your honour or something like that to be able to be next in line
hmm. . . why do sound like the opposite version of his housewarden??
sevens! you have a scar on the same eye too!
he did like that your awkwardness was endearing and what you call fire-bending ー which, is not magic, apparently ー was fucking dope
he definitely has used you as a shield when he pissed off the wrong people
they certainly backed off once they saw your glare
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similar to ruggie, azul was intimidated by you
i mean, when you two first met, he walked in on flaming [ literally ] some other merfolk that wouldn't take a hint that you weren't interested
ya girl almost rolled their asses into deluxe sushi
and azul wasn't about to turn into takoyaki
he does try to lock you in a contract and fails lol
you stared into his eyes for too long and he crumbled
jade and floyd did laugh at his misery btw
rook better watch out for his title cuz jade's out here stalking
he is fascinated by you
such a complex character
and you always seem to know when he's watching you
eventually learns that not only can you fire-bend, but lightning-bend too??
great seven! you are so interesting!
no wonder why azul tried to make a contract with you
the definition of fuck around and find out
he fucked around and found out, that's for sure
this left was with a burn mark after he tried to squeeze you from behind
bro had sparkles in his eyes
he definitely likes to see you fire-bend bc his little arsonist side definitely gets a kick out of it
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why does he remind you of a certain avatar??
his cheery disposition threw you in a loop and may have made you turn back to more. . . harsh ways of socialising
this was heightened once you learned about his background
your quick-to-anger and fire abilities were terrifying, to say the least
poor jamil is gonna have a heart attack
you may almost flamed kalim once. . . or twice
but after jamil's overblot a.k.a. life-changing experience with kalim, you two became unlikely friends
he really does remind you of that air bender
mans about to grey by 20 at this point
he saw how you were around kalim and had his guard up
but then had the blue screen of death pop up once he witnessed you casually talking to him
you confuse him greatly
tho he secretly appreciates when you help him cook by controlling the flames
also enjoys tea time when he surprisingly gets the chance to sit down and chat
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you two vibed tbh
his simple and calm nature put you at ease the majority of the time
this can sometimes be accompanied by talking over tea
the first this had happened, it almost brought tears to your eyes, which caused silver to panic
you had told him that this setting reminded you of your uncle
silver was so lost but accepted nonetheless
he definitely asked for you to try and teach him fire-bending in order to use to protect malleus
which found admirable
it didn't work, but you still taught him techniques that can be applied to hand-to-hand combat if needed
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lorelane · 2 years ago
In which, you accuse the boys of cheating on you with your sister 😱
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He almost collapsed. Where did you get that from? He was only talking to them? He didn't think he was flirting, he was just talking about the up and coming anniversary. Once getting his bearings, he was questioning where you got those vibes from. Are you sure? After all, this is a big thing to accuse. (What he doesn't know is your sister is in on it.)
— Azul A., Riddle R., Deuce S., Kalim A., Silver,
═══════════( シ )════════════
𝗧𝗛𝗘 '𝗘𝗛',,
He really didn't know about these so called "text messages". He didn't care either as he was confident he wasn't the one who sent them if they were even there. The worst type of person to prank, as they're too fucking smart (or oblivious). Mfs don't know how to play along 😒.
— Jade L., Jamil V., Trey C., Malleus D., Vil S., Leona K., Jack H., Epel F.
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He lets out the most scandalous gasp, a look of horror on his face. " How did you find out?" It said in and of itself. It was more dramatic with his acting, and a crowd had formed. It was the perfect reaction, you had to keep a smile from forming on your face. "I knew all along." You turned your face away. He could almost laugh. The both of you do it again.
— Ace T., Cater D., Lilia V., Ruggie B., Floyd L.
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Just fucking faints, or yells before fainting. Is so appalled that his brain just stopped.
— Rook H., Idia S., Sebek Z.
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alastor-simp · 1 year ago
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Don't forget to comment your zodiac and who you got below. Enjoy
Scenario #4 - Who Do You Have A Crush On?
♈ Aries:-Leona Kingscholar🦁
♉ Taurus: Jack Howl🦁
♊ Gemini: Deuce Spade🌹
♋ Cancer: Malleus Draconia🐲
♌ Leo: Rook Hunt🍎
♍ Virgo: Idia Shroud🔥
♎ Libra: Jamil Viper🐍
♏ Scorpio: Floyd Leech🐙
♐ Sagittarius: Azul Ashengrotto🐙
♑ Capricorn: Sebek Zigvolt🐲
♒ Aquarius: Riddle Rosehearts🌹
♓ Pisces: Silver🐲
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rain112-darling · 1 year ago
Choose carefully
And FYI READER IS YUU IN THIS (and a selection of one person per year in gifs so you can help decide
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 2 years ago
Beauty in the Hands, Silver’s route
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Notes: Silver x fem reader, fem reader, fluff, newly established relationship
Back to Prologue
As someone who had also been a bodyguard you and Silver immediately got off to the wrong footing. One would think two bodyguards would always see eye to eye, but that wasn’t the case for you two. At the beginning of the relationship, you would scorn at Silver for always leaving Malleus’ side, saying you never knew when an attack would happen. This all came crashing down on you when you took over Silver’s post for a day. On that fateful day you grew to learn what it was like to work with Malleus and why Silver reacted the way he did. After that you and Silver grew closer and eventually became lovers.
As of late there were rumors floating around saying that you didn’t have hands at all, which is why you wore gloves. You thought the rumors were all a bunch of fun nonsense, but Silver had gotten curious as of late. Every so often you would catch Silver looking at your hands whenever you met up. At first you thought he was checking out your glove, yet after hearing the rumors it all came full circle.
Making up your mind you made the decision to ask Silver if he believed the rumors to be true or not. After cornering him in the back of the classroom you asked the question.
You: Silver, do you think I have hands or no hands?
From the looks of it Silver believed the rumors because he started sweating bullets. Looking at you nervously he answered back in an unsure voice.
Silver: I believe you to have hands.
Taking hold of your right hand he took it and interlaced it with his.
Silver: Us holding hands is proof that your hands are real. But, if you don’t have hands, then I won’t think of you any less. I’ll still love you.
With that Silver gave you a princely smile which melted your heart, so you chose to share with him the truth of your hands. Releasing your hand, you took off your gloves which you always wore. Much to your surprise Silver looked at you in awe as he saw there really were hands beneath those gloves.
You: See, Silver I have hands, they’re just not the prettiest of hands. All these scars aren't pleasant to look at and I don’t wanna scare anyone which is why I always wear these gloves.
Since Silver seemed to be shocked at the sight of your hands you felt a tad uncomfortable and tried to put the gloves back on. Before you could do so, Silver took hold of your hands and placed kisses over your scars. Then he pulled away to tell you the words that would wipe any worry away.
Silver: I don’t mind them. It’s proof of your work and I love that about you.
Those words meant the world to you. Knowing the person, you loved wouldn’t be fazed by the looks of your hands made you fall even deeper in love with Silver. However, this lovely moment would soon come to an end. There was a loud gasp as Ruggie who had been watching the scene unfold was shocked by the results. Turns out Ruggie wholeheartedly believed you to not have hands.
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macaqueconfession · 1 year ago
Sickfic ideas twst version
(OK I'm back but I don't feel so good rn so have these thoughts)
Ok so mc catches a twst world sickness, those who were born in twst have a cure like the common flu/cold medicine, but it doesn't work on reader.
* the reader/mc starts off feeling sickish(sore throat, sniffles ect)
*these symptoms continue and/or gets worse as the days go by.
*eventually the mc can't put up with it or pushes themselves past their limits and passes out with a really high fever.
*the twst boys find out what the mc did and what they have(the twst sickness) and think that the remedy and some rest will put them back on their feet. But they still help them in any way they can.
* the mc however gets worse, their fever hasn't broken yet, it will lower then spike rapidly and they don't stay awake for long. They out slept leona at this point.
*eventually someone figures that because the mc isn't from their world the remedy won't work or at least isn't as effective. So they have to come up with a way to cure the mc or convince the head master to take them to a hospital or something similar.
*at some point the mc starts to get better and the twst boys are relieved, they help the mc with their homework that needs to be completed, or tutoring them in any materials they need help with.
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z3rinn · 1 year ago
imagine watching a horror movie with all your favorite twst boys. will they just not react? will they scream bloody murder? hmm, more and more questions without answers. you wonder how it will turn out…
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He screams and yells everytime a character does something stupid. Why would you walk through that dark hallway that obviously has a ghost or murderer hiding in it??? OMFG don't you DARE walk through that door- don't you know whatevers in there is gonna come out and kill you!?!? He's either jumping around and yelling or making obnoxious gestures and continously pointing to the screen while still yelling.
- SEBEK ZIGVOLT. deuce spade. ACE TRAPPOLA. ruggie bucchi. epel felmier, riddle rosehearts IDIA SHROUD... plus all your faves !!!
What? A horror movie? Yeah no. Unless you drag him out he's not going. Did you just call him a chicken?? OK fine. Gets tired after like five minutes of watching it and "falls asleep" on top of you. That or he pays attention closely and scoff at the stupidity of the main characters. Are the main characters actually gonna split up? Really? How stupid. Oh and hes rolling his eyes cause they're gonna get killed by a machete--
- LEONA KINGSCHOLAR, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, FLOYD LEECH?, azul ashengrotto.... and all your favorites !!!
He's actually enjoying the movie !! His eyes are locked on the screen, and he’s actually giving normal reactions (sometimes). He's usually watching with a smile on his face (even if the scene doesn’t call for it. But I mean at least he agreed to join. Just by glancing at him you can tell how immersed he is in it. He’ll make a comment or two on why the main character is being stupid but in the end it’s all just fun and game’s right? (some of them like the blood as well….)
- KALIM AL-ASIM, ortho shroud, JADE LEECH, rook hunt, LILIA VANROUGE, cater diamond, malleus draconia… and whoever else !!
The most normal movie experience. Just watching calmly and intently. It's almost like a movie theater with how immersed everyone is ngl. His gaze is set on the TV, but you can see sweat and fear in his eyes when a scary scene comes on. A pretty average reaction to movies if anything. He's laughs it off though, stating that he knows it's fake. Eventually though, as the movie goes on you notice something. It looks as if he's fallen asleep on your shoulder. (Just leave him there)
- SILVER, jack howl, TREY CLOVER, DEUCE SPADE... and whomever else you like !!!
Actually jumps when a jumpscare happens. Then goes back to normal. (He's actually gonna die omfg)
Is happy to just be there if anything. Oh is someone being mailed to death? Oh who cares. He was invited !! He can't help the smile on his gorgeous face. Of course hes going to be happy. Especially with you.
Ate all your snacks.
- GRIMMY !!!!
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