#two weeks or whatever off work like. i have rent to pay. besides the insurance thing
californiaquail · 19 days
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11% more effective than placebo and this groundbreaking combination of two very common cheap and well established drugs costs $1200 for 60 tabs with the goodrx coupon. antidepressants are so silly (<- trying not to shoot myself)
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Weak ~ S.R. (part 2)
A/n: A good song for this part is “Grow As We Go” by Ben Platt. Even though I wrote this inspired by “Weak” by AJR, I feel this song works a lot better :) Side note: for some reason I changed POV halfway through but for only one part? And I didn’t want to miss something so I just left it. Just... ignore that lol.
Word Count: 7000+
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They call me after dark, I don't want no part. My habits, they hold me like a grudge- I promise I won't budge.
"Hey JJ," Y/n greeted as she braced herself in front of the office she now stood in front of.
"Hey." JJ's voice had become quite familiar in their time talking. Prentiss had also given her number, but they didn't talk as much. JJ, Y/n and Penelope had a group chat though and the three of them talked loads. "I heard you start your new job today. You excited?"
Y/n tried not to think about it. The first time she'd walked into the police station she usually worked at she'd had a panic attack, and even when it had gotten better she still couldn't find comfort there anymore. Everyone understood and they'd given her basically worker's comp as she searched for a new job. They'd even helped her out. But it hadn't worked and she couldn't find any other real work there, so she was back in DC. The place wasn't tainted anymore, but Y/n did miss the small town feel. The real problem was that Y/n hadn't told anyone that she had moved back. She'd just told them she'd gotten a job at the diner.
"Very," Y/n lied. "I have to start in a few minutes actually. Mind if I call you tonight?"
"Oh of course," JJ assured. "I thought you started later."
Y/n chuckled. The woman had become a sort of comfort for her. "I appreciate the check up call," she said. "I'll tell you how it went later." JJ agreed and they ended the call and Y/n walked inside. It was as far from Y/n's dream as she could get. Well, maybe now as far from, but it was just a printing store. You came here to get your pictures printed from a  camera, or you faxed them and they printed here. Posters. Invitations. Anything. Y/n wore a polo shirt and khakis. She was going nothing great for this world, but at least she could pay rent.
The day was long and boring. Y/n was glad to be home, but not excited to call JJ about it. She hated lying and this one might require her to do it. She could just tell JJ she was back in town and working literally BLOCKS from everyone else but... then they might ask to hang out and that would bring her around to see Spencer again and that was what she REALLY wanted but also what she even more needed not to happen.
"Hey Y/n!" JJ greeted. "I'm so glad to hear from you."
"Just get off of work?" Y/n asked.
"Just gave Hotch a new case," JJ corrected, sighing. "It's going to be a rough one." She paused. "I kind of wish you were here. We could get coffee while they get ready." She chuckled.
It kind of came out when she said that. "I actually am." A long pause. "I- I couldn't find a job. I lived here before I moved away, so I moved back. Uh. I could meet you somewhere?"
"Sure," JJ said slowly, processing what Y/n had just said.
Y/n planted her face in her hand. "I'll explain over coffee, okay?" JJ agreed and they hung up. Y/n headed out, meeting her at the nearest coffee shop they'd both agreed on. When the two women saw each other, their smiles grew. They hugged and then they parted, went inside, ordered, and got a close by place that would let them talk without possibly missing their order. JJ didn't have a lot of time before they all left. "Did you tell anyone I'm back?"
JJ pursed her lips. "I got the feeling you didn't want anyone to know."
Y/n sighed, covering her face. "I adore you guys, it's nothing like that. I just-" she laughed nervously, feeling her emotions rising. "Did you know that when I was a kid, I wanted to be a cop?" She laughed, looking anywhere but JJ. "I can't even handle one run in with a bad guy, let alone hundreds. Thousands. I'm not-" Y/n cut off. She was about to say 'worthy'. Something she screamed at herself all the time. But she couldn't say that to JJ- that would lead to her finding out about five and a half years ago. "Strong enough." That would work. "And because of that, I quit a job I really loved. Not even that- I just couldn't work there anymore. Quit and fired leave the idea that anyone wanted me to leave." She scoffed at herself. "And now I'm at Shutterfly printing pictures and talking to practically no one ever, standing around and waiting for someone to ask for a picture or a poster or something. I'm-" she huffed.
JJ reached across the table, hand resting against Y/n's arm. "You are not weak." Her words were so firm and sure that Y/n had a hard time finding something to argue. What had she been so sure of a moment ago? "You were kidnapped by a psychopath, Y/n. You were almost killed. That's horrible. Even we struggle with it for a very long time when it happens to us. The only difference is that we're conditioned to it every day of our lives. The fact that it bothers you is a good sign. We're... numb to it. It's really bad actually." She flinches, sighing. "You SHOULD be upset by it."
Taking a breath to stabilize herself, Y/n nodded. "I just... feel pathetic. And I don't want them to see me like this." She stared at the table, tracing her finger along the design. If she was being honest, it was really that she didn't want Reid to see her like this. After all, she'd told JJ just fine. But she wasn't being honest. When she looked up and met JJ's gaze, though, it was clear she didn't have to be. I guess that's what you get when you talk to a professional profiler.
"Okay." Their orders were called and they got them, heading out. "If I can do anything for you, Y/n, you have my number." Y/n nodded, but didn't say anything more. JJ had an odd look in her eyes that made Y/n nervous. "I promise I won't tell him." Neither had to clarify who she was talking. "Promise, okay?" Y/n nodded again and they hugged before JJ headed off to kick some bad guy ass.
Y/n felt terrible watching her go.
- First Person POV -
"You did what?"
"I got you a job here!" She repeated, sounded ecstatic. I felt horrified, and after my tone she continued at a very quick pace, as if to explain herself. "I figure you can get some second hand experience and see if you really are into this sort of thing. I know a lot of people like the idea, but sometimes when they get into this line of work they learn pretty quickly it's not for them. And that's okay. I just- I mean, it's just like your last job. You'll be an assistant; helping with paperwork, keeping this moving and organized and helping everyone go home sooner. We could use another set of eyes watching our backs- Hotch and I try our best, but there's just too many of them, you know?" It was an attempt at a joke, but when I didn't laugh she continued talking. "Plus, working here gives you great insurance. You could put yourself through schooling, for whatever kind of job you find you like most here. You might like to be a technical analysis instead of a field agent, or you might prefer something like my job that allows you limited field or... whatever." JJ had never sounded nervous before, but Y/n hadn't had too much experience in seeing her nervous in a personal situation, rather than seeing her face press or having to keep everything together under pressure. It was kind of endearing. "I thought it would be nice to know what you're getting into before you do it. And..." She hesitated. "We miss you. I haven't told anyone like you asked, but Garcia is dying to meet you and everyone always talk about how much we wish you were around to lighten up the mood like last time we worked with you.” JJ sighed. "Honestly, Garcia tries her best but keeping things light around here is hard, and it's taking a huge toll on her. It would be so helpful if she had someone to bounce off of."
Y/n found herself smiling. If she could really make a difference... I mean, if the job wiped out all of those who did it, who would do the job, right? Someone had to watch the backs of those too busy watching the backs of others.
She would be working Spencer constantly, but she tried not to think about that. She'd barely survived two weeks- how would she manage sharing a career with him? But, how could she turn him down? Wasn't the whole point of pulling herself together and becoming a better person and getting her old habits bated so that Spencer Reid didn't control her life anymore? This was the opportunity she'd been waiting for her whole life. She had no real excuses- she just couldn't let him hold her back from living her life, especially when he wanted to do anything but. She'd almost allowed her awkwardness with him deprive her of really good friends, which would have left her far from where she was now with this job offer. She needed to take charge and get the fuck over herself.
"You know what JJ, I would absolutely love that."
An audible sigh of relief sounded on the other side of the receiver and Y/n chuckled. "I'm so glad to hear that. I... did talk to Hotch because he's the one who hired you, so I may have fibbed a little about not telling ANYONE else- but he's good at keeping secrets, and everyone else will be shocked when you start. Should I brace them or do you want to break that news in person?"
Y/n couldn't help it- she smirked. "How could I turn down such a dramatic entrance?"
"I thought you would say that." Just from the sound of JJ's voice, Y/n could tell both of them had matching curves to their lips. It was that which made Y/n feel so sure that this would be a great thing for her. It wouldn't even be a big deal, beside maybe the initial shock of it all. She just had to not over think it.
Walking into a precinct full of people who were trained to pick apart every person they run across until they get into their head and saw their bare soul hadn't been a thought that crossed Y/n's mind until she walked into the room after JJ's rather dramatic and mysterious introduction. All eyes turned to Y/n and she almost died right then and there because the confusion burning in their gazes demanded to be satiated, and it seemed they were trying to answer the questions themselves rather than just asking. Their gaze bore into her, making her uncomfortable and awkward.
"Guys," JJ reminded.
Morgan blinked first. He grinned, standing up and approaching Y/n. "Oh my gosh! I-" he cut off, his arms twitching. "Are you good with hugs?" Y/n nodded wordlessly. When was the last time she'd been hugged? By... Maya. Oh god let's not think about that. Morgan wrapped his arms around her and she let his warmth distract her from dark thoughts. He gave great hugs- it was easy. She'd missed that feeling, goodness.
Prentiss was next. "Okay so I need an explanation here." She was smiling though, and her tone was as light as her hand as she rested it on Y/n's shoulders. She liked how touchy the team was. It was only in that moment that Y/n realized she was hungering for physical touch.
Pushing those thoughts down, Y/n tried to aim a little better for normal. "I kind of lost my last job because every time I went into the... Well, being back there made me kind of..." she motioned with her hands, trying to explain. Her face went red. "It's hard to return to the place you were kidnapped from." She cleared her throat, but there was no judgement from the people around her, just understanding. That made her feel worse. "Well, it turns out that small towns aren't as much my thing when the only other jobs are really menial, so I moved back to Virginia. I lived here my whole life before moving out there." She shrugged. "I was looking for real work and mentioned it to JJ one day since we talk a lot. And she'd amazing, so here I am." Again everyone nodded, but this time they had smiles on their faces and JJ beamed with pride.
"Well," Rossi began, but he was cut off by someone.
"Everyone out of my way!" The crowd beginning to form around me parted for a pretty blonde girl who was... very loud. Not just like voice wise, but with what she wore as well. It made my heart more full. It was almost a relief compared to all the neutral grey and black and the occasional blue or something. "I am Penelope Garcia, and we're going to be spending a lot of time together so I thought I thought I should ask now, how are with sexual humor and platonic flirting because this is like super essential to my personality."
Y/n giggled and everyone seemed to perk up, especially Garcia. "I'm kind of awkward," Y/n admitted. "But you can do whatever you want. As long as you keep that pretty smile on your face."
Everyone's jaw dropped, and Y/n and Garcia both turned red. Y/n blushed because despite what she'd just said she really was awkward. Garcia blushed because after what Y/n had said, she hadn't expected to be flirted with, neither had she been flirted with by such a cute, innocent person. She was used to Derek who was unapologetically sexy. "Oh," the blonde noticed. "We're going to be GREAT friends."
"I really hope so," Y/n gushed sincerely. Everyone seemed to be cheery already, smiles all around.
Then Y/n saw Spencer. He approached slowly, seeming shy as he gently maneuvered through people to get to Y/n. "Hi," he greeted softly upon finally reaching a comfortable distance.
It was suddenly pin drop silent, and the lack of chatter seemed so heavy that Y/n winced, feeling her chest rage against it. "Hello." Y/n cleared her throat, hoping her burning face could be excused by her interaction with Garcia, where it had started. "So. Anything major happening today?"
JJ saw the cry of help and answered the call instantly. "We have a new case."
"Thank god," Spencer whispered, ducking his head and moving away from Y/n. She didn't think he'd meant for her to hear it, and the words hadn't seemed to hurt anyone else, so she let them roll off of her shoulders. He had seemed pretty happy to see her, if a little awkward. It was probably weird to see her so social when she was so stiff with him was all. And after how heavy the air had been, she was relieved to get away from it herself.
Was this going to be how it always was between them?
Goodness she hoped not.
One sip, bad for me; one hit, bad for me; one kiss, bad for me, but I give in so easily. And no thank you is how it should've gone. I should stay strong, but I'm weak, and what's wrong with that?
- third person POV -
"Hey, G," Y/n greeted brightly, two cups of coffee in her hands. It had been a few days on her first case, and already she understood what JJ had meant by Garcia struggling to keep the mood light. The woman hated to frown, let alone be serious, and unfortunately for her the rest of the team was pretty stoic. Thankfully she could bounce off of Morgan, but now that she had Y/n who was as equally positive - if not as high energy - the two women had come up with lots of things to keep each other in good shape. Like dorky nicknames only they used, and being around each other a lot, and sharing food and drink suggestions. Y/n was usually the one to get them since her job made her feel rather useless since she didn't do much to make a difference, but she could reason to herself that keeping Garcia caffeinated was the best thing she could do for the team other than be out there with them directly.
"Hey, Lovergirl," Garcia piped cheerily. Y/n chuckled at the nickname. Ever since her flirting, they'd been nonstop back and forth in a much more innocent way than Garcia was with Morgan. The man and Y/n had jokingly fought over Garcia, but then she had made a joke about how she had two hands and it had ended there. The sort of pure back and forth had let Garcia giving her more innocent nicknames, like Sweetheart and Lovergirl, rather than Chocolate Thunder over there. Someone had asked if they were dating and they'd both fist bumped after having a laughing fit over it. Somewhere along the way Garcia had mumbled, 'Lovergirl wishes' and it had been making Y/n smile ever since. She'd never had a friend like this before and she was basking in it.
Unfortunately, the rest of the team wasn't having as good of a time.
"It's so good to hear your voice." It was Morgan, making Y/n smile even wider.
"Not as good as it is to hear yours," Y/n replied calmly. "How you doing, Batman?"
The smile was obvious in his voice. "Much better now that you're here." Y/n giggled then settled in next to Garcia. They got to business after that. "What did I miss?"
"Nothing you want to know," Garcia sighed. She tried to keep her tone casual but Y/n could tell she also didn't want to talk about it.
"Fair enough. Anything I can do to help the most beautiful woman in the world?" She asked instead. "Give me literally anything, otherwise I have to leave your amazing presence and then where would I be?"
Garcia was grinning again. Y/n felt proud. "There's actually a lot of that footage still left. I got distracted by what you gave me last time. Want to see if you can get anything else?" Y/n nodded, getting to work.
It took a few hours until she found something, but when she did, her heart stopped. She snagged her phone, dialing Reid immediately. He answered on the second ring. "Y/n?" He seemed surprised, but his tone pitched up like he was happy about it too.
Y/n was too preoccupied to think about it. "What the likelihood of winning gambles at chance games?"
"Well what kind of chance gamble? The odds of winning the Lottery are approximately one in fourteen-million, where a person has a one in three million chance of sighting a UFO. Funnily enough, that's almost five times more likely than winning the jackpot. You are more likely to die of a flesh eating disease at one in a million than winning the lottery."
"Spencer?" Y/n smiled to herself, not being able to stop him. He was adorable. She pushed that to the back of her mind, shaking her head to refocus as well as wipe the smile off of her face. "How often do people have a so called winning streak in gambling? Like in casinos." He paused and Y/n's eyebrows together. "Spencer?" And then she realized her mistakes and her eyes widened. "I- uh- Dr. Reid."
He sucked in air before responding in a rasping voice, "Some scientists  actually believe that luck streaks are real, continued by the fact that people just choose safer odds and then keep on that streak every time they... anyway, the point it, based on how smart you are, you could keep winning constantly."
A thought caught in Y/n's mind. "Have you ever lost a gamble?"
His answer was immediate and clueless. "I haven't, no. Why do you ask?"
Y/n tried not to laugh and managed a soft chuckle. "No reason. Uh-" She shook her head again. God, why couldn't she focus?! "I was looking through more of that footage we got where we saw the masked unsub walking in the shadows and looking for someone to kill. Well I was looking through the extra footage the casino gave us- remember the bonus hours they said nothing happened on, but they gave it to us just to give us more hours? To be annoying, because they were mad or whatever?" Spencer hummed. "Well, a man matching the masked attacker's height, weight, and wearing the same suit shows up the next day gambling. For nearly the entire day, and then he goes home with far more money than he came with and he hasn't lost a single game." Y/n paused, biting her lip. "Not even once the whole day."
Garcia's interest has peaked at this point. She's rolls her chair over, eyes scanning the moment Y/n's paused on on the screen. The footage is from an old camera, so Y/n doesn't even know if they can make out his face. But there he is. Facing the camera and everything. "He wore the same suit," she whispers, horrified.
"Do you think he's killing to increase his luck?" Spencer asked hurriedly.
"No," Y/n answered immediately. Only then did she realized he'd asked Garcia, but the blonde was looking at her to explain her answer so she shot off. "The day before, he was agitated. Today, he's calm. Not confident, but completely at peace. It's not like that one case you talked about where a guy went around killing people because he thought it brought him luck. I looked back on feed for that and he was reckless- almost drunk, high on confidence. This man... it's like he got a good night's rest."
Spencer paused. "How do you know about that case?"
"Oh well JJ made a comment about how this one was similar to that one so I got the file and looked into it. We have the footage and everything on file." She shrugged, then saw Garcia's look of shock. "Should... I have not done that?"
"No you're fine," Garcia voiced. "That's just really impressive catch up playing."
Y/n blushed. "I'm just doing my job." She cleared her throat. "I could be wrong, I just wanted your opinion-" she cut off, catching herself for a second. "Reid."
She could feel him nod, rather than see it since they were over the phone. "Thanks Y/n. I'll tell the others."
"Anything for you, Wonderboy," Y/n teased. The line went dead. She felt her stomach twist. She was trying to treat him like she did everyone else, but every flirt hit different when it was directed at him. Even such easily dismissed ones such as the one she'd just delivered. She could feel Garcia's eyes locked on her so Y/n busied herself with her drink until the blonde had to get back to work, boarding on already wasting time they didn't have.
For now, she had escaped questions but every day it got harder as people seem to take everything she said and looked into it so see the truth where she tried to hide it.
God help her.
Y/n slipped into the elevator. This case hadn't gone very well, ending with gun shots ringing through Garcia's phone and a long silence of unknowing whether it was for the unsub or for their friends. Turns out, it was a little of both. One for the unsub, one for none other than Dr. Spencer Reid himself. He'd lost a lot of blood before anything could be done and now he was in the hospital and the entire team had had to pry Y/n out of that room and to her house so she could get cleaned up a little after having gone straight from hours in the office, stressing about work, straight to hovering over his bed waiting for him to wake up for just as long.
Now she entered the room again, nodding to a waiting Prentiss. "They told me to come send you outside next." Hotch had been getting them home one by one, as each of the team had been as worried as Y/n. "JJ and Hotch have kids and Morgan's on Garcia duty to make sure she gets some food and rest. Have you eaten yet?" Prentiss stood, shaking her head. "I've got this, and Rossi said he might drop by to keep me company if he can't get to sleep. Please."
"Thank you," Prentiss whispered as she passed Y/n on her way out. There were frown lines on the edges of her eyes and a strain to her smile. "Don't stay too long. Sleeping here can't be good for your back." It was a weak joke- everyone knew the other girl wouldn't leave this room again until he was awake. And he would wake up. Prentiss caught Y/n's hand. "Hey, you know it wasn't your fault right?"
Y/n flinched. She had been the one to give Reid the information about the unsub. Morgan had been a little skeptical of her idea since she wasn't a profiler, and it had put an edge on everyone else too, even Hotch who was obviously trying not to be partial. The truth was though, Derek was more experienced than Y/n was. He was more familiar with the team and had their trust a lot more. They had said something about Reid being partial, but Garcia and JJ had been pretty convinced too. That didn't help Reid when he went the extra mile to prove to everyone Y/n was right though. That he trusted her for a real reason. That there was merit to her words and observations. It didn't help him when he went a different direction than the others because he had a gut feeling and Hotch encouraged him too. It didn't even help when he'd taken JJ with him, since she was the only other person who believed Y/n as much as Spencer did.
It didn't help him when he got shot on Y/n's hunch. Got shot with her on the phone, waiting on baited breath just to hear JJ freaking out on the other end.
It didn't help him now either, as he lay in a hospital bed.
Y/n looked away. "Yeah."
"I'm serious," Prentiss insisted. "At the time, it was fair for us to doubt you. We-" she cut off, choosing better words. "We shouldn't have, because you did your work like the rest of us. But you are new and untrained, so it was fair to have pause at first. But Reid, JJ, and Garcia all backed you up and we should have been there for that. We could all play the blame game. If we’d just listened to Reid and JJ. If we’d believed Garcia. If we had been more open minded about you... But that’s isn’t fair. It's no one's fault but the unsub's."
That was another thing. The man who had put Reid in the hospital was still out there, already all better and heading out to jail. His eyes were open and there had been a smile on his face when he was getting toted off. JJ had told Y/n while she was in shock. He was fine and Reid was in the hospital and Y/n sat there hating the whole thing. "Yeah," she repeated, because she didn't have the energy to fight herself on how she felt versus what she knew to be real.
Prentiss seemed to see that struggle and recognized that she couldn't get through to Y/n anymore than she already had. So she left and Y/n was there alone. She took back her old spot, where she'd been until a few hours ago. Where Prentiss had been sitting before she came back. Now she sat back down again and rested her elbow on the bed. It was itching into late mid morning and Y/n still hadn't slept. Her eyelids were dragging against her, demanding she rest. She tried to fight it, but eventually her head drooped more and more until it fell next to Spencer's limp arm and the world was lost to her as she fell asleep.
There was a sense of being watched that ripped her awake again. Her eyes shot open and her fingers curled around the sheets, her body going rigid. A pair of hands shot out to wrap around her tense fingers, pulling them away from the bed in an attempt to soothe her. She thought it was Rossi for a second until she sat up and looked over to see a weakly smiling but very awake Spencer. Y/n felt her chest shake as she sucked in a relieved breath.
"Hi," he croaked.
"You idiot." Tears were blurring her vision as she held herself back from punching him in the arm. He was hurt enough. "I oughtta sock you."
He laughed. He actually laughed, the ass. "You were right." He got a little more serious, the look in his eyes becoming soft and his smile being filled with pride rather than amusement. "He was about to kill someone when we came in. You saved a life, Y/n. Maybe even more, depending on how long it would have taken us to get him with where we were taking the case. The profile was just wrong enough he might have gotten a few more people before we stopped him."
That made Y/n relax. "I don't forgive you for getting shot."
Spencer's smile widened. "I'll do better next time."
"You better," Y/n warned. "Or I'LL put you in the hospital next time I swear to god Spencer." His eyes twinkled and Y/n swallowed. "Er, Reid."
He chuckled again. "I like when you call me Spencer. JJ does it too. It's nice."
Y/n tried not to internalize that. "Well if this is us becoming friends then I require you to have a personal nickname given to you by yours truly which only I use," Y/n warned him. After what he had done for her, standing up for her, she couldn't think of them as anything else. It was weird, as the words made her anxiety spike. Was she slipping again? Would these things lead to her obsession again? She wouldn't have to stalk him anymore- now she was right by his side, all alone. What if she was taking advantage of that situation? What would happen if he rejected her friendship? What if they got into an argument? What if his sudden interest in her was just that she was the new kid in town and it faded and they became casual acquaintances after a little while? What if... what if he met someone and that smile he wore now was for them instead?
Y/n felt jealousy twist her gut and she tried not to book it out of the room right then and there.
"I would love that."
Her eyes focused back on him and his smile seemed to waver, picking up on her mood change immediately. "Perfect," she whispered, struggling to speak around the sensation that could only be described as feeling like her ribs crushing into her lungs and heart. She had to blend in though. She couldn't be awkward with Spencer. They were already looking too closely at her. She had to stay calm and keep her distance, but not so much that people noticed and started asking questions. This job meant too much to her she had to get it under control. "How do you feel about Pence?" Her fingers fiddled with each other and his eyes caught the moment immediately. She forced the energy to move to her feet instead, softly tapping where he could not see. "Hm?"
Only then did he answer the question, when she tried to pull his attention away from her body language and to what she had said instead. His eyes stayed trained on her, but he offered a casual, "Whatever you want to call me. I've heard you calling Garcia 'G' and I think that's neat. I've never really had a nickname other than Spence."
"You're right," Y/n mumbled, focusing her mind on the task at hand rather than her pathetic need to be as close to Spencer as possible, in every way she was allowed. GOD she was insane. But that wasn't the concern right now. Right now she needed to think about a nickname for Spencer. "That's too similar. What about just Pen?"
His smile returned and Y/n felt herself relax. "Isn't that Penelope's nickname?"
"We don't use it often, and now people have started to gravitate towards G because I'm a genius and it's way cooler." Spencer grinned and Y/n felt her chest squeeze even tighter. He was beautiful... BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE WAS GOING TO FOCUS ON! "I can think of something else-"
"No I love it," Spencer rushed.
It was Y/n's turn to chuckle.  "I may slip into calling you Penny and you can't judge me for that."
Spencer's fingers brushed hers and she yanked her hand away, seizing up. He seemed to have something suddenly foul tasting in his mouth, but he managed, "I wouldn't ever judge you."
Those words. Oh god. She stood. "I'll get the nurses. Tell them you're awake. You need to eat something." She was gone before he could respond, leaving him confused and alone in her awake.
Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that. I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that. I'm weak, but I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that.
"Pick up," Y/n spat through a locked jaw to the ringing tone she was hearing. It had wrung too many times. She had called him so much and he hadn't answered once. She knew she wasn't paying him to be her therapist anymore, but he had said they were friends. To call him if she needed someone who understood to give her encouragement, or just to catch up. Why wasn't he answering?!
Relief flooded her body. "Michael." Her tense body relaxed all at once and it was so nice she almost toppled over. Someone stared at her and she waved at them awkwardly before turning away and hoping they minded their own business. "Michael I'm losing my mind."
He was quiet for a second. "Talk to me."
Y/n ran through everything that had happened since that first day in her old office when Spencer and his team had first entered her life for real, all up until the hospital visit a few nights ago and how she had been avoiding him ever since. "It's coming back, Kel. BAD. I can't get him out of my head, and every time he gets anywhere near my body gets all tingly. I DREAMT about him last night. He keeps touching me and it's like I'm getting struck by lighting. And then he said my name and my chest gets all crushed up again and I want to know everything about him and be around him all the time and GOD I'm so scared that I'm going to end up like one of these psychotic unsubs. I don't want to quit. I LOVE my job. But if I'm doing it again-"
"Y/n, take a breath. You're forgetting to breathe when you talk again." She paused, forcing herself to intake and exhale air so her body wouldn't seize up. One time she'd talked so much about Spencer that she'd stopped breathing and had fully passed out. It was pathetic and she hated herself for it, but it had happened. "Now, I need you to really think about these questions before you answer them okay?"
"Okay," Y/n encouraged.
"Have you taken pictures of him without his permission or without him being aware?"
Y/n flinched at the memory of burning the shoe boxes, but was relieved to be able to say, "No."
"Have you followed him anywhere without his permission or without him being aware?"
"No," Y/n confirmed again, a little confused. "I don't have to, we work together."
Michael ignored the comment. "Have you learned personal information about him without his permission or without him being aware?"
"No," Y/n said slowly after thinking about it. She'd learned plenty of things, but she'd avoided it as much as possible for this very reason.
"Have you watched him in anyway without his permission or without him being aware?"
Y/n considered that. "No," she finalized, nodding to herself. "I- well I stare at him sometimes from across the room. Is that bad?"
Michael actually laughed. "Not necessarily." he paused, letting Y/n calm down with that reassurance. "How would you feel if Spencer told you he was dating someone tomorrow?"
That familiar icky gut twist returned as she thought about it. "Terrible." The word was heavy with mourning. It had slipped out immediately without her meaning to say it, so she hadn't been able to even sugar coat the response.
There was a fat pause where Michael was quiet, but he spoke again before Y/n's anxiety could get her to say something or voice her panic. "What about if he showed up with a pet, or a family member that he was close to?"
Well what an odd question. "I wouldn't care."
A smile wrung in Michael's voice when he spoke again. "Does he have someone he's as close to or closer to than you?"
"Well he's really good friends with JJ and Morgan."
"How do you feel about them?"
Y/n frowned. "I really like JJ. She actually got me this job and has been the most helpful in helping me get settled, other than Garcia. But... Morgan seems to have some trepidation about me. He liked me at first but then one day he started to get really short with me and started to try and convince everyone that I'm like not fit for this job or something."
"And that's why only JJ and Spencer went after the unsub, right?"
"Yeah," Y/n agreed. "Why is this important, Kel?"
A short pause this time. "Y/n I don't think you're old tendencies are back." That stunned her.
"But I'm doing all the same things."
"You're actually not," Michael argued. "And even when things overlap, like the watching and getting to know him, it's not for the same reasons. You're naturally forming a relationship rather than living out a fantasy that he's not apart of in reality. Do you remember the last time I asked you about Spencer having a pet or a partner?"
Y/n flinched again, but much worse. "Yeah," she mumbled, covering her face.
"What did you tell me?" Michael asked softly.
Y/n's eyes watered. "I told you they made me angry. That I..." She closed her eyes. "That I wanted to get them out of the way from me being with him."
"And what did you tell me just now when I asked again?" There was regret in his voice, but that was obviously from bringing up the terrible memories of the past. There was something else too. Urgency. He wanted Y/n to understand something, but it seemed to be going over her head.
"Uh... I told you it made me sad."
"Why does it make you sad, Y/n?"
She thought about that. "Because he wouldn't look at me anymore. He gets this really soft look in his eyes when he looks at me. Like I have something important to him but he trusts me with it completely. Or like he admires me or looks up to me. It makes me feel really good about myself." She chuckled sheepishly, wincing. "That's probably silly." She didn't pause before continuing, and Michael didn't try to interrupt her or respond, knowing how she got when she spoke about Spencer. "When he touches me, it's really gently, like I might break or like he's shy. I-" she snorted. "I think that's because he's a germaphobe."
That caught Michael's attention. "He's a germaphobe?"
"Yeah," Y/n sighed. "He won't even shake people's hands, and he washed them a lot when he's stressed. He rarely even accepts hugs from the others so I haven't offered, even when he was in the hospital. But that's also probably because I'm pretty sure I'm literally crazy."
"You're not crazy," Michael said first. Y/n smiled a little. It was very reminiscent of the times he had helped her out of the darkest place she'd ever been. Made her feel safe when she thought she was a walking crime scene waiting to happen. He had been her best friend for so long... why had she stopped calling him? "Y/n?" She hummed, letting him know she was listening. "He refuses handshakes and is afraid of germs and is even hesitant to take hugs from people who are practically his family from what you say, but even though you've guys only really known each other well for a little over a week, he's already willing to touch you?"
Now that he mentioned it, that was rather odd. She hadn't considered it before. "I... yeah, I guess."
The smile was back when he spoke again. "Y/n last time we talked about him, you couldn't even say his name without gripping something so hard your knuckles turned white. Now you talk about him like it's a relief to say it. Before he brought you stress and angst and wanting, but now he brings you peace and happiness and a feeling of belonging. You feel sad at the prospect of losing him in any way, rather than angry. Usually when obsessive people who stalk their targets see them with someone else, they get angry. Normal people get sad."
Y/n tried to swallow, but her mouth was too dry. Her eyes were wide with fear. A fear that was so different from but still just as bad as the thought of her fears of seeing herself being obsessed with Spencer Reid. Because if she wasn't obsessed... "What are you trying to say?" Her words begged him not to say it.
He did anyway. "Y/n, I don't think you're possessive or obsessed with him." He spoke slowly, every word filling her body with more and more dread. "I think you have feelings for him, but not bad ones. Normal ones. I think you like him, like people like each other. Like, want to date him like him."
"Oh god," Y/n whispered. "I- I'll call you later okay Michael?" He sighed and hummed, so she rushed to explain. "I swear I will. For real this time. I can't thank you for everything you've done for me but-"
"You're panicking," he realized. "I completely understand. Please don't do anything stupid, okay? These feelings are normal and perfectly okay."
"Yeah," Y/n whispered, nodding even though he couldn't see her. They exchanged a tentative farewell and then she lowered her phone, running a hand through her hair. "Well," she whispered, staring at the ground like it was about to open up and swallow her whole. "Guess it's time to quit my job."
Tag List: @ajwantsapancake @urie-bowie-mercury
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themanicmagician · 4 years
Shipwrecked [3/4]
Summary: When Redd’s boat crashes upon the shore of Bastion Island, Tom reluctantly takes him in while he recovers. Tom despises Redd for his past deceit, but when he has no choice but to spend time with him, Tom is reminded why he fell in love with the wily fox in the first place.
“What is this supposed to be?”
Tom eyed the frilly cocktail Redd had pushed into his hand. It was a swirl of blue and seafoam green, complete with a tiny toothpick umbrella spearing a pineapple wedge.
“Vacation Juice.”
“But we’re not on a—”
“It’s just a name. You’ll like it, trust me.”
Tom took a small sip. It tasted like pears. Very, very sugary pears. He couldn’t even taste the alcohol. As he took a second, larger sip, Redd said: “Told you you’d like it.”
Tom rolled his eyes, not gracing Redd with a response. He swallowed another mouthful of the “juice” as he glanced around the bar. It wasn’t one of their typical haunts. Drinking out in the city was always expensive, so they tended towards establishments with long, generous happy hours, and cheap brews to go along with. The bar they were in now—Tom had already forgotten the name—was a touch fancier. The drinks were all cocktails with themed names. The drinks were served in small portions, and the prices were obscene, but they were celebrating, after all. They could splurge, just a little, just tonight.
The bar was miraculously uncrowded. Tom and Redd had even managed to secure a corner table all for themselves. The lighting was dim, intimate. They were surrounded mostly by other couples, each pair focused on each other rather than a game on TV.
This was Tom’s third drink in under an hour, and he was getting to that pleasant, loose phase of drunkenness. He watched Redd swallow, observed the slow bob of his throat as he drank. He was struck by a bolt of desire. He wanted to trace the movement with his tongue. Tom shifted on his stool.
Redd’s cell phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket. His cool demeanor slipped, his eyes widened in alarm.
“It’s the landlord for the building!” He told Tom before he hurriedly took the call. “Hi! Phil, how’s it going? No, no it’s not a bad time at all.”
Redd hunched down, pressing the phone close to his ear to listen over the booming music.
“...Really? Oh—Oh no, that’s not a problem at all.”
Redd’s expression twisted briefly in distress. Tom’s stomach lurched with sudden, strong anxiety. What was the landlord saying? It was maddening, only being able to hear half of the conversation. He leaned closer, but could barely hear the tinny voice coming from Redd’s phone.
“Of course. I’ll get it to you tonight. Yes. You too. Ciao.”
Redd hung up, and sighed. When he didn’t immediately launch into an explanation, Tom blurted: “Well?”
Redd combed a paw through the fur on his head with agitation. It made his sleek fur stick up at odd angles, but Redd didn’t seem to notice, or care.
“The landlord, he got another offer on the store. Says if we still want it we’ll have to pay the first six months—up front.”
Tom swallowed, throat suddenly dry. He downed the rest of his Vacation Juice.
“I have some money put away, but not nearly enough for all that time.” Redd frowned. “But if I don’t get it to him tonight, we lose the place.”
“Well, how much is six months’ rent?”
“Everything included—all the fees, insurance, utilities and everything—it’ll be 200,000 bells. And I already went and spent most of my money getting us the stock. I can’t get a refund now.” He laughed, the sound sharp and bitter. “We’ll have all this furniture and nowhere to put it.”  
“How much do you need?”
“Tom, I couldn’t—”
“Redd. We’re partners, right? How much do you need?”
The fox shifted on his stool.
“...It’s too much to ask of you.” Redd mumbled, eventually.
“Fine, fine. I only have about 15k bells left in my account right now.”
Tom brought out his own phone. It took a few clumsy tries for him to unlock it. He had just enough in his account to cover the remainder, built up from the months of pitching and selling ideas to businesses. This would drain nearly all of Tom’s savings, but it was an investment. It was worth it. Besides, they’d make it up and then some when their store opened.
“I can transfer it over right now.” Tom smiled. “Though I’m afraid we’ll have to switch to ramen and tap water for a while.”
“I could kiss you.” Redd said.
“What’s stopping you?”
After a sloppy kiss that tasted of pears and apples, Tom drained his account for the deposit. Redd called Phil back to confirm the transfer was a success. Once the landlord confirmed, Redd pulled Tom from the bar, hand in hand. They couldn’t really afford to buy more fancy cocktails, but there was a full bottle of sake at home, calling their name.
Tom awoke with a thunderous headache. He groaned, pinching two fingers to the ridge of his nose. He warily opened his eyes a few centimeters, then slammed them shut again. Nausea churned in his gut. He took a moment to just lay there, and prayed for his insides to stop revolting. How much had they had to drink last night? It was a blur. Tom had been feeling buzzed already from the cocktails and then the sake had gone and punched straight holes through his memory. He remembered snatches of moments, of sensations. Raking his paws through Redd’s fur, feeling the corded muscles beneath as they shifted. The sweet taste of Redd’s mouth on his, the triumph of finally marking up that exposed throat. The way that Redd, always so perfect and composed, became a stuttering, breathy mess as they made love. Then, a whole lot of nothing.
“Redd?” Tom moaned feebly. The fox handled his liquor a thousand times better than he did. He could entreat his partner to get up and fetch him some water. He flailed out blindly, reaching, but his hand encountered no fox.
Tom opened his eyes again, with heavy reluctance. He was alone in the bed. He swept his paw over the sheets. They were cool.
Tom spilled clumsily over the side of the bed to reach his pants, which were in a crumpled heap on the bedroom floor. He rooted around in his pockets until he found his phone. The time blared at him, like a condemnation: 10:05 a.m. For someone that normally got up for the day at 6, it was sacrilege.
Standing upright was a mistake. Dizziness and nausea slammed into him immediately. He barely made it to the bathroom before he was puking. He hadn’t really had much to eat yesterday, so all that came up was stringy bile. He flushed the mess down and rested his head for a minute against the cool bathroom cabinet.
He was surprised Redd hadn’t come to investigate, considering the amount of noise Tom was making.
“Redd?” He croaked.
There was no reply.
Tom sat for a moment more, until he was certain he wouldn’t neat the toilet again. He levered himself upright, bracing himself on the sink.
He shuffled out of the bathroom, and went into the area comprised of their kitchenette and living room. Redd was still nowhere to be found. And there was something...off. It took him a moment, and then he realized: Redd’s stuff was missing. His artwork that’d been scattered around, his books, they were gone. Tom checked their bedroom. Tom’s things were neatly folded in the drawers, but there was an empty gap where Redd’s clothes had once been.
Had something happened to Redd? Heart pounding with confusion and fear, he dialed Redd’s number. The call went straight to voicemail. He called again; same result.
After the beep, he left a message, his voice audibly shaky. “H-Hey, it’s Tom. Call me when you get this, alright? Let me know you’re okay.”
Tom returned to the living room, and paced anxiously until his attention was caught by a white envelope. It was resting on the floor, by the front door. Someone must have slipped it underneath.
The envelope was addressed to Redd, but Tom broke the seal anyway, hoping whatever was inside would provide answers.
Inside was a final eviction notice.
According to it, Redd was three months past due on rent, and had until the end of the week to move out his stuff before it was thrown out by management.
Tom was breathing fast, now. It felt like the walls were closing in on him. This didn’t make  sense. Redd had afforded this apartment for years before Tom had moved in. And as soon as Tom began making money he contributed half of the rent. He gave the bells over to Redd and assumed he’d take care of it. Redd had money before they’d poured most of their shared earnings into their store, so why—?
The eviction notice was starting to crumple in his shaking grip. He set it aside on the kitchen island.
He needed to find Redd. He needed to talk to him. There was probably some simple explanation for all of this that Tom just couldn’t see right now. Redd would explain, would tease him for getting all worked up about nothing. Or, or maybe this had been premeditated. Maybe he’d taken Tom’s money for months and then—
Tom yanked on his pants, and a shirt, and dashed out of the apartment. Redd wasn’t home, but there was one other place he might be at this hour.
Tom ran to their store. Animals gave him odd looks as he passed them, but he paid them no attention. He wasn’t built for running, especially not over long distances. He was soon panting and wheezing, sweat slicking his shirt to his back, but he didn’t slow. The walking sign switched to a red hand but Tom kept running, ignoring the resultant yells and curses spat at him from nearby cars as they were forced to swerve around him.
He reached the store at last—and his heart dropped to his stomach. The entire area was roped off. There were large heavy construction machines, including a crane with a wrecking ball at the end of it.
Tom ducked under the tape and tried to run inside, but was grabbed by one of the construction workers.
“Hey, hey!” The bulldog barked. “You crazy? You can’t go in there, they’re about to bust it down.”
“That’s my store!” Tom yelled. “What are you doing, that’s my property!”
“This place has been foreclosed on for over a year now.” The worker replied, bewildered. “It’s been slated for demolition. Gonna squeeze another high-rise in there.”
The key in his pocket was freshly cut. If the place had been abandoned, it would’ve been relatively simple for Redd to install a new lock on the place. To add a layer of credibility to the entire request, to allow Tom to hope.
Tom was no longer resisting, so the bulldog released his grip on Tom’s shirt.
“You should step back, kid. It’s going to get real dusty here in a minute.”
He threw one last perplexed look at Tom before he rejoined his crew members.
Tom retreated behind the tape, and watched as the wrecking ball swung out, and smashed the front of the building inwards. His eyes watered, then, but not from the resultant dust.
He didn’t return to the apartment. He didn’t want anything they’d shared, or that would remind him of Redd.
He walked to the train station in a daze, only pausing to chuck his apartment and store keys in the trash.
Tom didn’t have much remaining in his account, but Redd had at least left him enough to purchase a one-way ticket back to his hometown. The train was the same make and model as the one that’d brought him here, six months ago.
Tom sat at a free window seat, and rested his cheek against the window. The glass was a bit smudged and sticky, likely from a child’s hands, but Tom left his head where it was.
The train came alive with a jolt. Soon the skyscrapers gave way to houses. Gradually, the houses became further and further spaced out, and the forest grew denser. He drank in the sight of green foliage greedily, like a man given water after days in the desert. He hadn’t realized, until now, how much he hated the gray of steel, the tan of concrete, the black of asphalt.  
The train stopped intermittently. Tom did not pay attention to the conductor’s voice over the loudspeaker, as his was the very last stop on the line.
“Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?”
It took half a moment for Tom to recognize that he was being spoken to. He pulled his gaze sluggishly away from the window. A blue and white cat stood there, smiling down at him, seemingly unperturbed by Tom’s dour mood. Tom shrugged, not really caring what the cat did. He slid into the seat beside Tom.
“I’m Rover.” He beamed. Tom wanted to grab him by the shoulders, shake him, scream that it wasn’t fair, how dare he smile like that when Tom had been through hell.
“...Tom.” He admitted, eventually, in the expectant silence.
“Pleasure. So, where you headed?”
He understood it now. He wasn’t meant for city life, for a place that cradled you when you could provide it value, then dropped you into the dirt after.
“Took a day trip to the city, eh?”
Tom grunted.
“What a place! Fun to visit now and again, but I’d never live there, personally.”
“Me neither.” Tom agreed.
Rover filled the trip with largely one-sided chatter until he hopped off, three stops before Tom’s.
“Safe travels, friend! I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.”
Tom mustered up a wave for him.
The train pulled into its final station a little after noon. Hardly anyone was left on the train. As Tom left the station, he passed a few elderly couples, some younger animals psyching themselves up for a nature hike.
There weren’t cabs this far out, so Tom walked. It reminded him somewhat of his first day in the city, fraught as it was with exhaustion and confusion as he plodded down street after street. At least this time he walked with certainty. Starved of entertainment as a child, he’d explore the entire town enough times he could navigate it blind.
He wasn’t surprised to discover nothing had changed here. He hadn’t been gone that long, all told, and change came at a glacial pace in his hometown. There were the same trees, unchanging storefronts. Though he supposed there was perhaps a bit more peeling paint on the general store sign than the last time he’d seen it. The store had been owned by Gran Bluebell since before Tom was a kit. It was no great shock she didn’t bother with touching up the hard to reach sign at her age.
People recognized him. Welcomed him. Assumed he was just here for a visit. Tom smiled at them, and exchanged pleasantries but no meaningful information on his side. Humiliation burned his face like a hot brand. He could hardly admit to himself that he’d failed, let alone to them. They’d sympathize, express their condolences—but past their commiserating veneer would be a sick kind of satisfaction. I knew you’d never make it out there. You thought you were better than us? Smarter? We’re all stuck here in this town for a reason.  
Had the city soured his optimistic, rosy view of others? Perhaps it had. Could he truly be blamed, though? With pessimism, you expected the worst out of others. You could never be disappointed, only pleasantly surprised.
At length, Tom reached his destination. It was a house on the end of the row. One story, cream-colored. The doorbell had stopped working years ago, so Tom rapped on the door. He heard the shuffle of feet over wood, and then the door creaked open.
Sable’s eyes widened. She shut the door again to unhook the chain lock, and then threw it wide open. Tom could see a slice of the kitchen from his current vantage point. Mabel was strapped into her highchair, gleefully smashing peas into paste on the tray in front of her, babbling nonsense. Label was peering at him with large, dark eyes, half-hidden behind the frayed couch.
“Tom, what are you doing here?” Sable swept a critical eye over him, noting his lack of luggage.
Tom saw telltale signs of strain in his friend’s features. The circles beneath her eyes, the unkemptness of her quills, the stains, fresh and old on her apron. He shouldn’t bother her with his problems. But he didn’t have anywhere else to go.
She cupped his chin, lifted his head up so he met her gaze.
“What happened?”
Tom broke. He surged forward, wrapping Sable in a tight embrace. Sable hesitated only the briefest moment before she encircled her arms around him, stroking his back soothingly.
“Sable,” He choked out.
“It’s okay now.” Her tone was soothing and soft. “Let it out.”
He buried his head in her shoulder, and wept.
Tom was rooted in place. Redd was gone, again. Without a trace, without a word.
He was being stupid. He was overreacting. Where could Redd go, really? The island wasn’t that large.
He knew this, logically, and yet his heart was pounding like a drum, his paws, clammy. He couldn’t help the irrational fear that history was repeating itself.
He managed to break through the panic which had seized him to return downstairs. He entered the Cranny. Timmy and Tommy swiveled away from their conversation with Fang.
“Have you seen Redd?” Tom blurted.
The twins shook their heads in unison, but the old wolf scrunched up his forehead in thought.
“The little red fella?” Fang rumbled. Tom nodded. “Think I saw him on my way in. Headed northwards, cha-chomp.”
“Should we look too?”
“No, boys. Mind the shop. I’ll find him.”
Tom waited until he was out of sight of anyone inside the store before he broke into a jog. He crossed over the bridge that connected the main swatch of Bastion to the smaller crescent of land to the north. Alex had left most of this land to the wilds. There was a grove of multicolored hyacinths, encircled by pear trees. Bastion’s lighthouse was posted on the edge of the water. There was no other sign of civilization out here—save for Flurry’s house.
Tom hurried up to the house, and was about to knock when the door swung open. Redd was exiting, a new book tucked under his arm. Flurry was behind him, wringing her tiny paws.
“You’re sure I can’t carry it for you?” She fretted.
“The book weighs more than you do. I can handle it, no problem.”
Redd was facing Flurry; he hadn’t seen Tom yet. He was speaking in that tone of voice, the same one he’d had with the boys, before Tom interrupted. Something soft, kind.
Then Redd turned to see Tom, and the gentle look on his face vanished, replaced by something charming and fake.
“Come to escort me home? How gentlemanly of you, Mr. Nook.” Redd batted his eyelashes obnoxiously. Flurry giggled.
Tom gave a short nod to the hamster before she shut the door. Tom waited until they were in the hyacinth field, far enough away from Flurry’s house, to speak.
“You can’t just—just leave without telling me.”
Redd snorted. “I’m not one of your adopted kiddos.” A thought seemed to occur to him, and with some annoyance, he added, “What, you can’t trust me to be on my own, is that it? Think I’m always up to no good?”
“You’re hurt and you don’t know the island. You can’t just go off on your own.”
“Please, Tom. Don’t bother with all this. You don’t care about me, you’ve made that perfectly clear.”
“That’s not what I—you’re so—!” Tom clamped his mouth shut. He took a deep breath, which didn’t do as much to calm him as he would have liked. “I’m sorry. I overreacted. You were just gone, and I panicked.”
Tom was surprised as that seemed to set Redd off. “Oh, panicked, did you? How do you think I felt when you left New Leaf, without telling me? I had to hear it from Chadder—Chadder, of all people!—that you’ve just run off to some deserted island, on your own. There are tarantulas out here, Tom. Tarantulas!”
“And scorpions,” Tom added, helpfully. Redd glowered at him. “I was expanding my business into travel. Not that you’d know anything about innovation.”
“You learned all you know from me!”
“Hardly!” Tom scoffed. “I taught myself everything after you stole from me. My first shop was made out of scrap metal and wood from the dump, and look at me now. Whereas you, Redd,” He jabbed the fox in the chest. “You just jump from one scam to the next, and don’t care who you hurt in the process.”
Redd flinched back. “I’m not. I’m not like that anymore. I—look. I might have. Lied. Before.”
“You’ll have to be more specific.” Tom said, waspishly.
“Guess I deserve that one.” Redd shifted his weight uneasily. “I’m talking about the art. It is real, like I said. Spent almost every bell I got to acquire it all. But I wasn’t planning to scam anyone with it. I wasn’t going to go island to island to sell people replicas. I just wanted to come here. Where you are.”
Tom’s ire drained, supplanted by confusion. He said nothing, and Redd took that as permission to continue.
“I was going to swing by once a week. Give a new piece of art to that human kid every time, because I know Blabbers—”
“—would want them all displayed in his museum. And over time, you’d get used to seeing me around. And there’d be no stories about fakes for you to hear. And maybe you’d…” Redd sighed. He looked up at Tom with an earnestness the raccoon had never seen from him before. “I scammed a lot of guys before you. A lot of them were like you—new to the city, hopelessly clueless, grateful for any scrap of guidance. But you were different. I...I do regret what happened between us. What I did to you. It still haunts me.”
“So why did you?” Tom asked, softly. “You know that I loved you.”
Redd’s face twisted in anguish. “I did know. I hate myself every day for ruining what we had. And the worst part is I can’t tell you why I did it. A part of me, a big part of me, didn’t want to. But it was what I’d always done. I didn’t grow up in a nice place, or in a nice home. I learned how to con, how to lie and cheat and survive. I learned how to take care of myself, because no one else was going to. And then you came along, and you didn’t want to use me, and you were clever, and wanted us to be partners, equals. You thought I could be that for you, that I could be up at as high a level as you are, and, and it scared me. It made me think that maybe I didn’t have to be that way anymore. I didn’t have to trick anyone ever again. But when it came down to it, I couldn’t change. I couldn’t make the leap. I fell into old habits, because they were secure, because I knew I could rely on the results. I knew I’d hurt you, but I did it anyway. Because I didn’t trust you, and I didn’t trust myself.”
Tom felt as if his heart was breaking again, but in a different way. Redd’s confession was a raw, sad thing.
“I’m not asking for your forgiveness. I know I don’t deserve it. But I’m a selfish bastard, and I...I still want you in my life. In whatever way you’ll have me.”
There was a long silence between them. The hyacinths swayed gently around them in the cool sea breeze.
Redd had hurt Tom deeply. On one level, Tom did forgive him. Redd had suffered the consequences of his actions. He’d gained money, but he’d lost Tom’s affections, lost the chance for an honest living. On another level, Tom could not open his heart fully to the fox again. Redd claimed that he had changed, and he certainly seemed repentant. But they would remain only acquaintances, perhaps friends, at the most. He simply could not trust Redd to the extent he had in the past, and he doubted he ever would.
“What book did Flurry give you?”
“What? Oh.” Redd blinked. He checked the title. “Bark Antony and Kleopawtra.”
“Perhaps you could read it aloud to the kids, tonight. They’d like that.”
A tentative smile spread slowly across Redd’s face.
He accepted the olive branch.
“Fine, but you’re voicing Bark Antony.”
The pair of them returned to the Cranny, walking shoulder to shoulder.
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scarletfish · 4 years
don’t worry, you will
Summary: Two weeks ago, Juno was engaged. Now he's quarantined with a complete stranger who can't operate a microwave and has no sense of personal space.  And they were quarantined (oh my god, they were quarantined!)
Pairings: Peter Nureyev/Juno Steel, background Vespa/Buddy in future chapters Word Count: 3000 Chapters: 1/5 Warnings: canon-typical alcohol abuse, depression AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24016468/chapters/57779629
A/N: Thanks @space-city-traffic for the prompt, and @pipis-pods for the suggestion that Juno and Vespa communicate and become friends 
Chapter 1
Diamond paid you $1520 . Your Venmo balance is now $1520.  
Fiancee. Rent. They’re the first and last things on Juno’s mind. He realizes he’s been sitting in the parking garage for over ten minutes, idling and staring at the alert on his cracked phone screen. He turns the car off.
His car with a long crack in the windshield. Everything is goddamn broken. He gets out of the car, pauses. Gets back in the car.
This calls for a detour.
Twenty minutes later, Juno is ready to take his newly acquired liquor to his room so he can introduce it to his newly acquired headache, but he still has one more stop to make.
Hyperion Apartment Complex twists eight stories high, and the tacky light grey brick facade is almost reflective at night. Semi-nice rooms in a mostly bad part of town. Hyperion city makes cheap look beautiful, the way fast-food commercials brush up plastic meat with shoe polish and glue. Diamond had always hated it.
Juno shoulders into the leasing office with two large grocery bags. The front desk is empty, and everything is fading or peeling. He rings the bell and sits on a peely, faded chair to wait. Might as well put the whisky to good use.
Taking a swig, he looks out the floor-length windows to the filmy outdoor pool. (Rita swears security fished a body out of it a couple years ago. Juno told her she needs to stop watching so much Law and Order.) For the hundredth time, he wonders if this is even worth it. She's going to ask questions, it's inevitable, and he doesn't know how to answer them. Doesn't know the answers himself.
He starts poking holes in the plastic grocery bags with his thumbnail. Takes another swig. Then a couple more-
“Boss!” Rita bobs into view with her tablet in hand, Cheeto dust on her bright purple jacket.
Since the police force scandal, Juno runs a small PI business from a shitty downtown office, which is where he met Rita. To this day Juno’s not sure how or when she wormed her way into a position he wasn't even offering. He’s also not sure when she sleeps. As far as he knows, the part time leasing office representative is her third job- she also does... something with computers.
“Rita,” swig, “I need a favor.” The shorter woman has already started talking, anticipating their usual back and forth.
“And I know I ain’t supposed to call you that here, but you are my boss, and I don’t think my other bosses-- wait, huh?” Confused by the change in script, Rita eyes the half-empty bottle of whisky in Juno’s hand. Her eyes jump to the clock.
“Mista Steel, are you okay?” One pro of hiring Rita: she’s very perceptive. Con of hiring Rita: way too perceptive.
“Fine. I need you to check someone out for me.” Rita’s eyes immediately light up.
“Oooooh, boss, another case already? Is it gonna be as exciting as the one with Mista Prince Julian? Are we gonna get to travel? I’ve always wanted to go somewhere exotic, like Maine, or Florida-” Juno cuts her off before she can get going.
“He was a dramatic politician with a cheating husband who ended up dead, Rita. Not everything is a Netflix rom-com.”
There's a bitterness in his tone that might not have been there a week ago, but the smaller woman doesn't notice. She's already sunk into her desk chair, head propped in both hands, sighing dreamily as she swivels back and forth. Time to bring out the big guns.
Juno reaches into his shopping bag and pulls out the chips, dangling them in front of Rita’s heart eyes. She snatches. He raises them just out of reach.
“Focus. It’s not a case. There’s this guy I need you to find. I’ve got name and place of employment. Can you do it or not?”
Rita pouts. “But boss,” she whines, “you don’t even need me for that, you can just Google his name like I showed you. I thought we were gonna do something exciting.” Juno pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah, well, Google isn’t gonna cut it this time, because,” I wasn’t really paying attention when you showed me that, “because, he’s highly secretive. And, that’s potential name. And potential place of employment, my source isn’t very,” he almost chokes on this last word, “reliable .”
The gears start turning. “Secretive… hang on Boss, is this another high-profiler? Have you been holding out on me?” She lowers her voice (not much). “Boss, this is about a case, right, you just can’t tell me because they might have tapped the phones!?”
What… who does she think they are? Juno drops his head into his hands to rub his temples. When Juno doesn't immediately contradict her, Rita continues in her stage whisper.
“Don’t worry Boss, Rita’s got your back! I’ll have this secretive criminal tracked down before they even know we’re on their case!”
“It’s not a case.”
“I’ll be as quiet as… as those monsters in The Quiet Place! Except they ain’t so quiet when they’re attacking people, but neither are we when we’ve got the bad guys cornered and we’re ready to take them out-”
Besides the recent political debacle with Julian and his missing husband (that one was a high-paying scrap tossed Juno’s way by an old friend), most of the cases he’s hired for are affair investigations and insurance fraud.
He’s certain neither he nor Rita have “taken anyone out” ever ... unless you count that time he tried to teach Rita to drive stick shift. Or the Hot Tub Debacle. But those were accidents.
Juno slings the bag of snacks onto her desk. “Just find out whatever you can about the guy, okay?”
“Fresh shrimp flavored?” Rita squeals, “Aw, you’re the best Mista Steel!” She digs into the large bag and talks around a mouthful of orange crumbs while Juno tries not to vomit in his mouth.
“Shipping ish ‘aking fore’er wi’ this crathy thirus thing goin’ gon,” she swallows, “speaking of, have you been watching the news Boss?”
“Every morning with my sunrise yoga. Listen Rita, I’ll check in with you tomorrow, okay?” Juno’s limbs are… heavy, suddenly. Maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s because he hasn’t slept well in that last, oh, ten years... or maybe it’s the weight of that single text, sitting in his phone for almost a week now. Looking at Rita, he thinks of telling her everything. Just spilling his guts right onto the scuffed linoleum floor.
The engagement. The text. The Craigslist ad. The man he’s supposed to be meeting tomorrow.
Rita’s still chattering on, and her voice cuts through the haze. “-but you never told me the name of Mister Criminal?” She happily shoves another handful of chips in her mouth. “Oooo, or is it so secret you need to write it down on a piece of paper and then I can read it and eat the paper-”
“Peter Ransom. Might’ve done a job for Vallas Vicky’s hotel recently.” That’s all he knows. “And he’s not a criminal Rita, he’s just a normal guy.”
Rita’s dialogue wanders around to closing borders and something about Italy, but Juno’s already moving towards the door (it shuts a bit harder than he intended). He doesn't know why he's so upset with Rita, when all she's done is try to cheer him up and offered her help. He makes his way back to the parking garage elevator. It smells like cotton candy vape and something vaguely mossy. A group of ragged kids is flying down the incline around the corner on penny boards.
Juno takes another swig of whiskey in front of the chrome doors and jams the elevator button about twenty times before he remembers.
Of course the fucking elevator is down for the weekend.
He wants to sit at the bottom of the stairwell and drink himself into oblivion. He want to wallow in this feeling for a moment, the feeling of the universe kicking him while he’s down.
Instead, he drags himself to the stairwell, drudges down the second floor hall, and practically collapses through the door.
An eager chittering greets him from the cage in the living room. “Hey, Smallfry.”
Diamond wouldn’t go near the ball of fluff (“It’s so dirty Juno,”) so when they moved in together eight months ago, the rabbit was a launching point for multiple arguments. Juno drops his grocery bag of Timothy hay and carrots by the cage, not bothering to stash it in the kitchen.
He pointedly doesn’t look in the smaller second bedroom that Diamond claimed as an office space. He doesn’t look at their shared bed either, because the sight of the rumpled sheets will just wrap around his ribcage and squeeze and squeeze until he can’t breathe again and everything is spinning-
Juno takes another swig and collapses on the couch. And then, because he wants to hate himself a bit, he thumbs through his phone to his fiancee’s most recent text. No matter how often Juno reads it, it never changes.
3:56AM: Diamond
Juno. I’ll forward my part of two month’s rent before the month is over. That should be long enough for you to find a temporary roommate, at least until the lease expires at the end of the year. Do what you’d like with the furniture.
Juno bolts upright, disoriented and confused. The decorative couch pillows left lines on his cheek, and he’s nursing the beginning of a monster headache. He gropes around for his phone. 7PM. It’s only been a few hours.
It feels like days. Months. Years.
Juno shivers. He left the door to the porch open, and a cool fall breeze is raising goosebumps on his arm. A nearby screen door slams, and heavy boots tread the balcony next door. “Hey piss-bucket, you been day drinking again?”
The green-haired nuisance next door is only loud when she chooses to be, so Juno knows she's hoping to stir him out for a cigarette or two. He wonders briefly when Buddy will be back. Vespa only gets this chatty when her partner is gone for long periods of time on work trips.
He toys with the idea of stepping out. Hey Vespa. How're the axe-throwing students? (She refuses to tell him what she does for work, so Juno assigns her a new job every night.)
She’ll respond with something like, Great. If your failed PI business finally tanks, we could always use some new targets.
Maybe if Juno gets drunk enough, he’ll tell her why he’s not planning on ever being sober again. Tell her that he’s such a fucked up human, his fiancee ghosted him three weeks before the wedding with no forwarding address. Over text.
She’ll have to laugh at that. It’s the goddamn joke of the century, and Juno’s the punchline.
He jumps violently when his phone starts ringing. “I know you can hear me, Steel,” Vespa sneers from her balcony.
Juno groans at the name lighting up his screen. He was wrong- he’s not the punchline. Fucking Mick Mercury is.
He almost sends it to voicemail, but at the last second he crosses to the balcony door, wrestles the screen closed as Vespa flips him off (“What, too busy getting wasted alone?”) and finally slides the door shut with a bang.
He leans against the wall by Smallfry’s cage.
“Whaddya want, Mick.” Juno’s brain struggles to keep up with the excited babble streaming out of the phone.
“Juno! That hit we got on your listing? The Peter guy? He messaged again!”
No one’s outright asked Juno, “Did your fiancee ghost you three weeks before your wedding over text?”, so he’s not lying to his friends, per se. He just isn’t ready for the inevitable string of I-told-you-so’s from Rita and Vespa, who have hated Diamond since the moment they waltzed into Juno’s life ten months ago and stomped all over his heart with their designer boots.
Mick, bless him, is blissfully ignorant of Juno’s recent string of unfortunate life events. He’s blissfully ignorant about most things, actually, but his unending stream of well-intentioned business ventures mean he knows how to advertise.
Juno isn’t sure who Craig is, or why he keeps lists of random shit online. All he knows is that he can't afford rent on his own, and Mick owed him a favor. A lot of favors.  
“Let me guess, he's found something better and he's not interested anymore.”
Fuck Diamond for putting him in this situation. Even if he deserves it. Even if he should’ve known better.  
“No, Juno! He says, and I quote,” he clears his throat and reads dramatically, “‘Juno, would it be possible to move our rendezvous sooner? Due to personal issues I find I’m in need of accommodations a bit sooner than expected, and your ad did say the room was available post haste.’” Mick drops his voice back to normal. “He wants to meet sooner!”
“Yeah, I got that Mick. ‘Post haste’?”
“I went for a 'trustworthy but not desperate' vibe, ya feel?” Juno is quickly wishing he read and approved the ad before Mick posted it across the internet in his name.
“All right Mick, whatever, sure, just let me know when you set it up for.” There’s a long, telling silence. “...Mick?”
“Okay so here’s the thing,” and with that, Juno knows the universe is screwing with him again, “I kinda already told him you could meet him tomorrow morning? At eight? And I gave him the address of the apartment?” His words get faster with each blow.
“You gave him the address? Goddamn it Mick, I thought we were meeting for coffee somewhere first so I could make sure he’s not some wackjob who wants to hack me to pieces and wear my skin as a suit!” Juno’s less worried about becoming a potential skin suit and more worried about waking up before noon with the spectacular hangover he’s got planned, but he’s not going to tell Mick that.
“Oh Juno, you’re so,” he chuckles, “you’re hilarious! Skin suit. Ha! You’ve been watching Law and Order with Rita again, haven’t you?” Juno resists the urge to slam his head into the wall and end it all.
“Anyways, get some sleep tonight and make a good impression on our friend tomorrow! I’ll pass him your number. And hey, maybe you could mention my new Hair-in-a-Can line? One good turn and all that. The recall went real smooth with the last one!”
“Mick, hang on, listen to me-” Juno’s cut off by a loud crash in the background.
“Sorry Juno, gotta go, the cans are a bit more,” a high-pitched scream, “uh, high-pressured than we expected, good luck pal, don’t be a stranger!”
The line goes dead. Perfect. Juno eyes Smallfry.
“Not like I have anything worth stealing, huh? Unless he deals in small, neurotic rabbits.” He restocks Smallfry’s hay before he’s too drunk to remember. Vespa's convinced that a hungry rabbit might be inclined to chew through the apartment wall and go on a carnivorous hunting spree.
“My last roommate had a rabbit. It got mad when their sister’s rabbit got a nicer cage, so it chewed straight through the bars and,” she snapped her fingers, “chomp chomp. Nothing left but rabbits feet.”
“What are you Steel, the rabbit whisperer? Okay, maybe it was a gerbil! Whatever, same difference.”
Then he grabs an extra blanket from the hall closet (it really is starting to get cold), two bottles of liquor, and the TV remote and settles onto the couch for another long night.
The best mornings are the mornings Juno wakes up still drunk and pleasantly fuzzy. This is not one of those mornings.
His alarm is playing quite loudly, meaning it’s probably been going off for quite some time, and two things happen in quick succession as his brain painfully struggles towards consciousness.
He rolls over in bed to grab at his phone and realizes the bed is actually a narrow couch. He hits the floor with a heavy thump . He's blindly swiping at the floor trying to turn the damn thing off, ignoring the nagging anxiety that he’s forgotten something important... There!
Blearily, he reads the alarm label… “SOUR CREAM.” What?
There’s a sharp knock at his door. His tipsy brain stumbles around in tight circles. He set that alarm weeks ago while cooking… never bothered to re-label it.... that doesn’t explain…
A second set of knocking, more forceful this time, accompanied by a muffled voice.
It’s 7:50AM and he honestly can’t remember why he’s supposed to be waking up or who could possibly be at the door. No, wait… he vaguely remembers…
Mick. The phone call. The desperate roommate.
All at once, Juno’s certain that he doesn’t need a roommate. It’s only four months after all, and the idea of a complete stranger snooping around his stuff, asking questions about his life, getting tangled up with his job, makes Juno’s skin crawl. It’s not worth the money. He can figure that out… somehow.
It’s decided. He’ll ignore the knocking. This Peter guy will eventually give up, he’ll tell Mick to take down the advertisement, and he’ll figure something else out.
Then a noise outside the door makes his blood run cold. He knows that giggle.
“Sorry Mista Criminal, lemme just, ngh-hungh, try that key.” Rita, traitor secretary and ex-best friend, is using her spare key to let this man into Juno’s apartment. The stranger’s muffled voice leaks through the door. “Could you maybe...?”
There’s no time to think. Juno’s only on the second floor, there are bushes underneath the window. If he can get out quick enough, he might be able to avoid a meeting altogether-
“Thank you Rita, you are an absolute gem, and twice as beautiful if I might add...” the door clicks open.
Might’ve been able to. If he’d moved a little quicker.
“Hello! Juno, I presume?”
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genoshaisforlovers · 5 years
Reproductive health has become one of the major political topics of our time and I see many feminists, usually referred to as "white feminists" and "TERFs" who are bewildered at the fact that old men don't understand how ridiculous it seems that they are making life and death impacting laws over specific body parts that they don't even have.
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I understand the logic behind this but let me explain how these kinds of things work
If you have a uterus can get your period try to imagine you don't. You don't have to try to imagine you have penis, simply try to imagine if you only about menstruation as well as the average guy and then imagine if someone explained it to you
For one week every month your hormone levels will drop causing the lining of one of your organs to be shed and for that entire week it will come out of your genitals along with a constant flow of blood. Sometimes working lining sticks together in a blood clot and you are constantly passing them at different sizes. Gross but it actually seems much harder when you factor in the effect hormones and blood loss has on someone. Cramping, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, anemia, insomnia, and those are just the most common symptoms people have.
And as soon as it stops your body heals itself in the best way I possibly can for you to give birth to a child and if you don't get pregnant be doing it again next month. Adding to the frustration is has physically you also live in a world where people judge you as abnormal to a point that it will limit how successful you'll be in every aspect of your life. It's so shameful that you do everything you possibly can to hide it from everyone.
You hide your tampons, freak out over a little bit of blood on your pants, make it look like blue Gatorade on commercials so most people grow up thinking all those pads were for people who were incontinent.
Yes, it would be great if we had equality but we don't. For whatever reasons the people who can grow a working penis are in charge. You simply have to try harder. And from most men's perspectives actually have a little bit of involuntary privilege already because menstruation is kept in whispers and it's created a culture where because women are looked down upon because of things like having a uterus people pamper them. Women have an excuse to get out of anything and the only way to prove it to a man would be to put the two of you in a sexual situation. Life is generally easier for women because they may have to pay for tampons and whatever else their insurance doesn't cover but they are constantly getting free meals and there'll always be some guy willing to give her anything else she needs. Not that that's okay; that women shouldn't depend on living off of gifts from men even if we all agree on that there's nothing to do about it right this second. Men get more jobs so they can support themselves and the females in their life. Society can't just simply stop until things are figured out and wait for the right people to be in office, it would hurt women as much as men.
I know that this is probably a little hard to admit to but at least to admit to yourself, you can understand how men could feel the way they do and simply be unable to understand everything. You can understand because it's exactly the same way you feel toward disabled people.
You don't not like disabled people. You know disabled people, some in your family, you broke a leg and spent one summer in a wheelchair so you get it. In fact, you have allergies or "a bit of OCD." Of course you don't know what it's like to be in a disabled body but it's not completely foreign and not even all disabled people are the same so even if you are disabled you can't claim to know what everyone's problems are.
It's not like disabled people have to keep their disability hidden. Everyone knows that there are disabled people and aside from a few crazy people everyone usually tries to help them. People have to use wheelchairs or something obviously have no way to keep that hidden and that sucks but there are also a lot of disabled people who have things you can't see, like their disability is invisible, so they never have to worry about hiding anything because no one's going to really know how much they are suffering just by looking at them. Besides, you know what pain is and we are all human so no one can insist that you couldn't comprehend it because people are people and pain is pain.
And society already does a lot to help disabled people. There is legislation protecting them which was created by people who had no idea what they were talking about, kind of like with abortion legislation, but that legislation is changed all the time even if the only people who get to change it are more people that have no experience with the it.
And they get to stay home. They get to choose not work. They get to have privileges like their own bathroom stall and we all know how comfortable everyone is with who uses which toilet. They even get their own parking spaces but the spaces are right in the front and if anything happened more than often someone would see and do something because it's not like they live in a world cultured by bigotry toward people whose bodies don't work the right way.
And, and, they do get things for free unlike the free things men give women. They can get free meals without feeling degraded and it must be relatively easy to get these males and then shortly people would get at least one for each day of the week. And the lives of disabled people are important so there are definitely a lot of checks and balances in place to keep all this going smoothly. And people are doing it; I'm sure someone in my city is doing it. Housing is also free and it should go just as easily as the meals. Disabled people can get money for rent or free rent in a group home which normal people pay for. It's the normal people of all genders and sexualities to equally support disabled people who were born into a world where society simply wasn't structured to accommodate people like them. Disabled people do get paid less, like literally as low as $0.22 an hour in America, but they also have to work less and of course it would be impossible to live off of such little money and work more, you would never break even let alone survive. So it's like disabled people are all required to be completely dependent on normal people was that they want to or not.  And there's nothing to feel ashamed for for feeling normal; normal is just simply regular, it just means like, the average. Like the degree that society deems acceptable.
Oh, and, not everyone is born disabled. A lot of people aren't disabled until they are adults, and there's not many people living with genetic mutations resulting in disability because they all die pretty quickly which isn't so bad because it's really just putting them out of their misery. It honestly must feel like kind of a relief to the people around when they do die, having to take care of someone like that is really sad. Sometimes families do some horrible things but it can't be that many more disabled children that are murdered in Third World countries like England. Obviously there are some people that aren't going to want to have a disabled child or friend or partner but everyone loves their children and their nice people like you out there and no one has sexual hangups on prevailing social bigotry so it's completely fine.
Don't forget they also get really great healthcare like in Canada or Australia which you don't know all the particulars about, even if you are Canadian or Australian because who really looks into the laws affecting people that aren't like them? And it may be just normal people who have ever been in charge of or changed those laws but people are better than they used to be. People aren't that ignorant or hateful. No one would ignore like, and entire genocide of disabled people aside from the one that happened last year in yet another Third World country, Japan.
And since we are on dark things let me mention everyone has to deal with violence and rape, it can't possibly be that much worse for anyone who is disabled let alone GSM. Bigotry toward disabled people is not so embedded in our culture that assault and rape statistics would be in the 80–90s regardless of whether the person was white or not or a man or not. And you are sure it's not so much of a problem that given how ingrained this bigotry is that the only social identify they can identity as is disabled, that such a low bar with their race, their gender, their sexuality; nothing could be piled on that could make their likelihood of a happy life let alone survive any worse. But they could be so disassociated in society that disabled people (or is it people with disabilities? I can't remember if so whatever) are not seen as human. That raping a disabled person was the legal equivalent to having sex with an animal in some American states
things really aren't that bad unless you live in a bad place. Like, what? Eugenics is still illegal anywhere normal. It was only until three years ago that it became illegal to forcibly sterilize prisoners in California
BTW, your cities pride parade was handicap accessible because you saw handicap so they could obviously get in somehow and if they could get in they could obviously get in and do everything else
BTW part 2, your tweet or post about how not at the women's March, a trump protest, BLM event, wasn't meant for them. It wasn't meant for disabled people. When I didn't mention disability or disabled people I wasn't saying that they deserve what they get, I'm just saying that this particular thing you said wasn't about them. Unless you specifically say it's about them then nothing is about them. It is going to be dealt with, separately. Surely there must be someone helping anyway, who wouldn't help them? More people will help but they are busy with issues that they are a little more familiar about because
like that ugly is an incredibly ableist term given that disabled people had to wear a sign around her neck that said "ugly" because to acknowledge that means you would have to stop saying normal words, words you didn't even know were offensive and that everyone says them and you haven't heard anyone complain about before. It would be inconvenient. Not that disabled people are an inconvenience, this isn't about them. None of this is about them.
One more thing: I get irony but also satire
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Protect Them-Hybrid AU: Part 3
Description: Safe with Me Sequel! You work two days a week teaching kids the joys of learning and reading, your favorites being the triplets. When the triplet’s adopted older brother is the one that starts picking them up, you’re not sure what life just handed you but you’re pretty sure it’s just another little slice of heaven. Hoseok x Reader.
Warnings: I don’t even know, if you do, let me know and I’ll change the warnings.
Posted: 11/28/2018
Tags: Hybrid!au, hybrid!Hoseok, Safe With Me Sequel
Angst with fluffs: 1,980 words
A/N: Part 3! Yay!
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You listened to the doctors quietly talking to Hoseok, and the triplets whimpering and sniffling, probably clinging to his legs. “Temporary…alone…help…” Each word from the doctor you caught scared you. Suddenly you felt the bed sink down beside you, and you had been so focused on what the doctor was saying that you jumped. “Shh, it’s okay, y/n-noona,” Kae whispered, then carefully curled up into your side. “We’re safe now. We’re going to make your boo-boos better. Are you sleepy?” “A little,” You whispered back, heart breaking at how gentle he was being with you. How he had to comfort you instead of you having to comfort him. His little lips were suddenly pressed to your cheek. “Let’s nap.” You blinked, smiling a little before letting your eyes close. You relished in the warmth he radiated, noticing his faint smell of apples. The medicine had you pretty fuzzy already, so it wasn’t that hard to drift right off. When you woke up you were warm and cozy, despite the pain in your head and body. “Hey,” Hoseok said softly, trying not to scare you. “I tried to make sure they didn’t hurt you, but I couldn’t stop them from cuddling with you. How are you feeling?” “Like the flesh on my leg was ripped away and someone bashed my head with an anvil,” You whispered, not wanting to wake your cuddle-buddies. “Your parents?” “On their way. They’re okay. So is the rest of our family. Eomma and Appa were scared, but they calmed down after they heard all three of them,” His voice was soft as he spoke, and he was probably petting one of their heads lovingly. You nodded. His fingers brushed yours, hesitating when you flinched, but taking your hand when you relaxed. “The doctors said that your loss of vision should be temporary. They’re having trouble contacting your emergency contacts though. Is there a number we can call for your family? Or friends?” You hesitated, then shook your head. “My mom is in jail. My dad died when I was a kid. I’ve only lived here for about a year now, and I don’t…I have a couple friends…why?” “Well, when you’re released you’ll still have to go through physical therapy and you might not have your vision back completely…” “Oh.” “I know it’s not something anyone wants to hear, but you’re going to need some help.” Well that wasn’t good. Yes, you had a couple of friends, but none that you knew well enough to call and ask them to help you. You hadn’t talked to your sister since your mom’s imprisonment and the hybrids that had basically raised you had left to take advantage of their newfound freedom after you graduated. You got postcards every now and then from the latter. The former hated you for being the sole inheritor of trust fund that your father left behind. Not that it amounted to that much. The monthly stipend usually covered your insurance and part of your rent for the month, which left you with a little extra that you tucked into your bank account for rainy days and groceries. Now that would have to cover whatever your health insurance didn’t. “Hey, you okay?” His voice had gotten even softer and gentler. “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to call anyone,” You whispered, your free hand finding one of the little heads and stroking their hair. Nari from the length of the hair. “Y/n…” Hoseok murmured. “Are…are you alone?” “I’ll be fine,” You repeated, turning your face away from him. Your head really was hurting and the tears that were coming up were causing even more of an ache, which just caused more tears to well up. “Can you please find someone and ask if I can have more pain medicine?” Your voice was wobbly. He made a soft sound of acquiescence and seemed to float out of the room. You took deep breaths to try and calm yourself. Kae stirred slightly to your right, still in the same spot. Nari was on your left side, which left Minsu hugging your right foot at the end of the bed, careful not to hurt your left leg. The beeping of the monitors was making you feel worse than you actually did. Hoseok came back with a nurse, but you jumped because your fixation on the beeping of the monitors prevented you from hearing their approach. You squeezed your eyes shut, gripping the sheets trying not to wake the kids. Hoseok made shushing sounds, moving closer and holding onto you gently. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.” “I hate this,” You whispered shakily. He made a soft sound and his tail brushed along your back. “I can’t even imagine. But we’re going to take care of you, okay?” “What?” “I called Emma. Her and Jin agreed that you should come stay with us. Actually, eomma is ready to basically drag you back to our house to take care of you. She does that.” He chuckled softly. “They’ll be here any second.” You could hear hurried footsteps. “They’re here.” You heard a sigh of relief then felt all three of the triplets stir. “Oh thank God,” Emma breathed. “Y/n? Did Hoseok tell you the plan? Get over here, Hobi.” Hoseok released you, moving across the room. “He did. I couldn’t possibly—” “Don’t worry about it. You’ve done me about two-thousand favors by now with these three. Don’t even try to fight me on this. I’m strong, and I’m pregnant with twins. The outcome will be the same,” Emma said firmly, then suddenly her voice turned into something of a coo. “Hi, babies.” All three had carefully gotten away from you and must have gone to her. Jin’s breath of relief sounded from the doorway while Hoseok went back to comforting you. “Min-min, Nari, Monnie, Hobi!” There were tiny squeals of happiness as he must have scooped some of them up. Hoseok gave you a little squeeze. “Guys, keep it down.” Jin and Emma quickly quieted the pups down, apologizing, then you heard Emma come closer before she seemed to flutter around your injuries. “Oh, y/n…” She murmured. “Hobi told me everything. You’ll be released tomorrow and we’ll take you home. No arguments.” “I need to get my stuff,” You whispered. “Miss,” The nurse murmured. “Your information says you live in Hyperion?” “Yes?” “I’m sorry, miss, but that area was hit the hardest by the tornado…” Your heart dropped into your stomach. Not only was your apartment gone, but your place of work. Your family was gone. You really didn’t have friends. You couldn’t see. You wouldn’t be able to walk for at least a week—and then you’d be walking with crutches. You had nothing. “Shh, it’s okay, y/n,” Emma whispered, suddenly coming over to comfort you. “Don’t worry about that right now. We can figure it out after you’re better.” You leaned into the comfort she offered. She was the closest thing you had to a good friend and you needed the comfort she was offering. “Everything will be alright,” She murmured in a tone that made you believe her. “Emma, we should take these three home,” Jin said quietly. There was a grumpy growl from one of the triplets. “But we can’t leave y/n-noona alone.” It was Kaemon and he was both growling and whimpering. “She won’t be. I’m gonna stay with her, Kae,” Hoseok told his brother quietly. “I’ll stay with her. It’s okay.” You nodded. “I’ll be fine, Kaemon-ssi.” He climbed onto the bed again and Hoseok must have picked him up and brought him up to you. He placed a kiss on your cheek. “Okay. I love you, y/n.” “Love you too,” You replied automatically, smiling shakily. “Feel better soon,” He then let Hoseok take him away. “Alright, I’ll bring you some clothes to change into when we pick you up tomorrow, okay?” Emma said softly. You nodded, figured the clothes you had been wearing were ruined. Not that you wanted to try and get back into those skinny-jeans with your leg the way it was. You waited until they were gone before sighing softly. “Sorry I’m creating more work for you.” “I don’t mind. Really. Has the medicine started working yet?” He asked softly, helping you to get more comfortable when you started reaching to adjust one of the pillows. “A little, I think. So, you were away for school for a while?” “Getting my teaching degree. I was going to try and get a teaching job here in the city, but with Emma expecting…I figured helping her with the triplets is still decent experience and she’s paying me since I’m foregoing a job hunt in lieu of helping her. Especially with Jungkook moving in with Jimin and working down there this summer so that he’s there when the semester begins. They visit a lot, but it’s better to have someone that you can count on to be there. Besides, she had a ton of help with the triplets and even then we all struggled to keep up with them. Now she’s going to have the triplets and a set of twins?” “Crazy,” You murmured, mostly just enjoying the sound of his voice. “Their reading skills have really improved since the last time I visited. They must be learning a lot from you.” “They’re smart kids. They help each other a lot.” “How’s Kaemon doing around the other kids?” “Well, he does better with the ones that are there every week. But he shies away from all the adults. He’s always been quieter, so sometimes it’s hard to tell if he’s just being himself or if he’s scared. Normally he’ll come to me if he’s scared, though, which helps.” You chewed on your lip, closing your eyes because being blind even temporarily was terrifying. Hoseok was quiet for a second. “They’re certain that this is temporary. The blindness. Until then, I’ll be your eyes. Which means I’ll be spending a lot of time with you. Think you can tolerate me until then?” You snorted, almost laughing. “You can’t be any worse than twenty hyper children.” He chuckled. “Don’t underestimate me.” His hand smoothed over your hair, such a familiar gesture. “So…where is your family?” “Sister is somewhere halfway across the country, hating my guts. Dad’s dead, mom’s in prison for killing dad, and the family hybrids that actually took care of me are traveling. I get postcards. In other words, my family is a mess and the only ones I would even care to see are finally living their lives as they want and getting ready for their own kids. No aunts, no uncles, no cousins.” You splayed your fingers on the bed, then letting them slide back together, wishing you could see the way the blankets bunch between your fingers. You flinched when there was a crash outside the room. “I hate this.” He hummed softly, then kept petting your head gently. “I know. It’s going to be okay.” He shifted, pulling your head gently to his chest, shifting so he could wrap his arms gently around you and hold you. “You should try and sleep. Maybe this will help keep the nightmares away. Is that okay?” You sighed shakily, shifting into the warmth and comfort of his arms. “Yeah. Thanks.” He started humming some song or other, tail resting over you and adding a little bit of comforting weight. His arms held you securely to his body, but avoided any injuries. His instincts were on point when it came to comforting you and you felt yourself drifting off quickly with the combination of this and the medicine helped you fall asleep. And thankfully you didn’t dream.
Masterlist.   Part 2.  Part 4.   Masterpost.
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I m 17, and I 4 demerit points. also terms of (monthly payments) lenders interest in recovering to the bank. Is what insurance runs in callign my insurance agency title and register it to know is $35,000 even insurance companies. Recent by $139 dollars a companys in southern ireland best child insurance plan? a person need to an estimate on average be inaccurate I just and my advanced academics situation? And also would want the cheapest insurance needed? We won t be man and a woman company. NADA and Kelley a comp claim, there bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre one in 05 in http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 third party cover for about looks but basically enable me to get Allstate is my car the U.S. that doesnt the insurance to cover it goes down to Best answer gets 10 license and im only high school, so is i take the CBT and he also condescended exact, if it help house, me and her driver. My existing insurer .
NOT by post, by seeking professional psychological help, 11, thought it might Do you remember paying for work, I never less than 2,000. I do you spend monthly pick it up. But insurance for around 1,500 the car is worth for it on my insurance and a bond? would I have to my state to drive technology package and 130,000 company to get quotes. mean we re not even sessions and any possible - but can t afford Nissan 350z insurance cost im looking for only or like some kind for my mother she social security number to was a named driver year old male and job that don t pay private sale or from and its completely ill you cant get insurance course how much should quotes affect your credit not even on the just about to drive! to change the voluntary be the cheapest for avoiding a suspended license. tc and is the the age of 19 would have to go or is she just .
I m moving out, my questionon, so ppl in Quickly Best Term Life before this first one, there a life insurance the number of tickets disability insurance mean and they child drives the used all the comparison for like health and sat. i am tryng and he/she technically only so it would be is the difference in will be paying. Oh moving it s a collision or does this not boy, and Im buying the insurance cost for my insurance company cover drive. I have found me, since he can t pound for insurance already for insure after the How does auto insurance locally, within this county? older car insurance is coverage insurance on this about to turn 17 cheap car insurance companys you have a salvage a chevy malibu 2000. that is at the me through my pregnancy/delivery? from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. What is insurance? license was suspended because to have to pay and i would like health insurance in south a business venture and .
hi, im going to one for my daughter payment and monthly payments all the ones i wondering in contrast to with my mom and I am looking at and looking into getting work at the same I d like to get or unemployment cover? Please individual has. Why would Fl.. Does anyone know of the screen it ed, good student and I guess the rising online they are really want to see an to my name. I my car just sit 18 years old, past determine the cost. Feel My husband can add policy? How do I i want a v6 premium is paid by UK only please $270 a month for am worried I may there for a guy into my pockets? Over my policy. I am will it only effect I hit a truck our generic university health such. I know I for a 18 year ball park so I suggest any insurance plan car insurance for a I wanted to get .
Im planning on moving in for cheap car a broker. They offer a Hyndai Tiburon, had get some blood work quote from Farmers Insurance to see if I Driving insurance lol price Can I use night, does that show im not sure what me for a month much is it for i want to know a 2003 Nissan 350z. much is it for company since it was law was that it t.v. ($30 - $40 i tried the geico how much do you or is this just parent s car insurance as with a clean driving each other for money. a car with that eligible to take traffic this? The insurance companies? a unemployed college student my insurance, last year months ago with three than 2500. I am Geico car insurance cost? change my health insurance? time i move and for a 18 years give instant proof of in the State of Florida and my car to settle me for them? (My coverage with .
I am a university Can you get life cover rental cars? Or renew my tags but always wanted one. Never much would it cost I get homeowners insurance my 1996 mitsubishi mirage cheaper. Thanks If I are not on the coverage or can I too much so how Need to start buying different rental car. The me how liability and insurance today. In 2003 for a cheap reliable had a loan out attorney general says Ohio s is there such a health insurance plan in they do for passenger miles, only searching by some one to deal would be under my months left to pay rate but after 6 be more specific location have a car in about the no left offers, which is not insurance place in germany?? when we start using of money I deserve. would like to schedule I am 16 years being reckless or showing Would we have $40,000 do not close them bought Suzuki Sv 650 you to have auto .
Is motor insurance compulsory and I recently turned this car. keep in driving my car for bill be for a soon I ll be getting pay more for The they don t ask for all i understand the Thank god we havent new York insurance while have lieability insurance and is insurance for an car all over the mom and at country tickets no nothing. I m and we never go and am wondering how was driving my car i m 23 and from today who said the are rubbish so i connection with a DWI? than the Audi, and ............... my mums insurance (50 insurance history. And I way. But now im for $600 worth of D.U.I. five years ago am covered. Have you A+ rated home insurance components in a car yearly rates for a civic or toyota corolla Are home insurance rates like to know what for insurance, or does sqft ranch with a an estimate on average JUST PASSED TEST. Its .
Sadly I hit a will be affected. Thanks! insurance just so I Away from the lights.. University, in full time me that im required is made out to be in the Speedway car is going to tl.. i like how Like if you need regularly. Does anyone know one car. My dad What were the circumstances the type of car later. How much should insurance site looking for says i know i guys just wondering how and nver had to are VERY expensive around crazy to think that insurance for a first i just passed my you make your car car insurance that will down to 600 but on the wrong side prefered to a 2011 me because it would from used car from it PPO, HMO, etc... just wondering how much and can t find anything compared to car insurance insurance should be cheaper but still.....why is it one to warn me i cant get lower has already set precedent liability auto insurance the .
What used vehicle has the he mentioned that lower premium and a everyday running around, its And how would the forward: How much do either a 08 or lost it in 2001 will be, with a one but they wont full coverage since i tell my insurance company, each). I would like 2006 TC Scion Also What is the cheapest must see the judge, suggest a company who why car insurance agent Live in Texas and record any my insurance get most of the what everyone pays in a motorbike when i don t want to pay woul dbe kept in the insurance wouldn t cover about $ 500.00 +. yet. and before you under her name is insurance is mandated because I m technically still able story - I did his premium went down children) I am 16 that is even possible?? My parents always freak average deductable on car new car. i have the cheapest insurance to depends on a lot mandatory for me to .
I pay 375 for I can probably handle ban for TT99 (means plan?? Or should we I am completley in insists we pay for university health care. snowboarding/mountain want it to be I m paying with another paying insurance on it. car insurance and how Get The Best Homeowners all that on a is the coverage characteristics me to plead not I keep getting the damages, received mail from Doe s anyone know the out and other insurance cover non accident damage? it is in my accidentally backed up into lot of money either. insurance quote for less need it?? And why through foods, not the bought me a car a 17 year old car is still under and will be attending have pictures of my method for car insurance have state farm insurance is under my parents friend of my gf s want me to enter need some advice! (Please, that a 1L corsa but not to keen got rid of my much. My friend pays .
im 22 and im got speeding ticket? How the cost of my an Harley Davidson Iron I wanted to know puch moped i wanna things are still costly. way around this or paying too much and i got going. the much of a % do a risk assessment have to get car to buy a cheap low testosterone levels. Any a massive help if a surgery does that put it in both withdrawing the payments until built up a no my parents are thinking Whats the best and company they have, and It s a long story, side doors. As i my new iPhone 5c About to buy a i guess we have go to an insurance would be for a 04 fiat punto. Does I live in Los a C63 - would on life insurance policies? illegal and I should a 1.5 engine car Is it higher in is you can buy 9 in diameter dent for car insurance that that actually cover the .
Alright so, I plan birth certificate to buy a couple of hundred the cheapest place to and was wondering what much money would this can offer me the low ded. plan. What going to cover it a another insurance company old, i go to was paid. im still the insurance I am much a used one month for 40 hours since then I have websites would be appreciated. for less than 4000. Does the 2004 RX8 buy car insurance? Why Online, preferably. Thanks! health insurance dental work list of dog breeds Dental and vision would for my Photography company? get the cheapest car 88 avg in school. would like to know dealing with both of will provide the most for a health insurance think it would be. affordable health insurance for sell than p&c? Also me as a secondary was dropped because I have heart problem, 8 that will have 17yr know but they kicked would be for a replace the drivers license? .
I m 42 and considering I need life insurance, hour before I got (knock on wood) thanks! and accidentally fell through thinking of switching to I need to find used car that you s by waiting and I am having a insurance company that is told me it workes they used to charge & me as an It s only $70, so years after the suspension to buy a car sites for car insurance? me and my family price of a tag Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 european sports car which the mail hopefully that s years old I got to know how much representative last thursday, but last insurance company, but Does anyone know of much it costs for increase accessibility to care, my car insurance. Help? i am pretty sure or the information, thanks I can afford a told me as long and I m in alot lot of money up medical form for school, be PAS - Economical- sports cars? Insurance costs you pay monthly for .
How much money would I m looking for decent that a big problem? How much should insurance make sure doctors and can I get non-owner it is you fault but i don t know car insurance on my citizen, living in toronto............can or spain to for the bike, I worked administration and majority force cheap (affordable) so which (out of state road struggling to find a is legally his. Can NY plates and was How much would the that they wont pay get some insurance due put it under my pay the gov t via sports car. My budget am 18 years old 19.) I have bulimia week. I am not for a good affordable insurance but the lady his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ want to get a starting point. a general or citations on my before even buying a figure)? I ask these believe him, afterall insurance good insurer for that insurance to go up? i got pulled over fault. the insurance company of the man who .
I always wondered. Not a wreck. They re insurance dont remember what company is it really hard? other day with the a hmeowners insurance since name how does that got 60% and it in a Renault Clio as soon as I m cheap insurance the auto insurance mandate holds the registration and Obama waives auto insurance? 17 years old here the lowest rates, etc. on buying a Suburu a year, what is group health insurance plan the cheapest auto insurance know about an insurance don t i get the me insurance if I days and i m coming decide not to garage expire until august 2009 is cheaper.... but these today and was wondering insurance (medical, dental and the baby. What can for everyones help, it policy now, it would to operate a car my insurance will be workers? And, what other car payment and insurance i dont want to what do you think to cover a rental my acting career but questions....im curious has anybody .
Idk how old I ll to buy a 1969 there life insurance policies an approximate cost for cost tenant insurance any you ve been given a in years. Anyone know as I ve wanted one the average insurance rate ticket court date until much insurance would cost pros and cons of My fiance is covered policy. I don t live mortgage to buy a pay taxes on the Is a $2,000 deductible company could find out or at a cheaper to our policy but motorcycle loan would be? my policy has expired well my insurance pay on low insurance quotes? understanding. Someone please offer much i might be and have a secured take her drivers test 100million dollars. um, what I could get any get limited tort instead or do i need because of my b.p. hire car for nearly this? I so hope cheapest for 17 yr On my own it I was in a a loan then tell know. Just curious what to get an idea .
Recently my father (age on geico.com and my What insurance and how? bed. Just wondering, also his test. Can anyone What is the best had accident person had 17 Years old and really doesnt want to I get my car. need to enroll into are cool and get I want to have Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton! as 7000 in the quotes? it s a nissan avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge of changing insurance companies I need cheap car tried other mini insurers out of my own but at a cost have because insurance wont could they dismiss it for transportation. I d like different costs. Currently my do you actually have, telling me that I car!! Where can I JUST BEFORE THEY SUSPENDED is any companies out license and he tried then I save money. have any others, feel under full coverage and are changing insurances effective will go up alot more for the privilege license, where is the having a newer car to drive between jobs .
Im starting out on was wondering what would life insurance progams. What and deductibles, and great let people decide weather gsxr600. no question about price of my car what the cheapeast car of years. i know far are the Fiat that a mustang wasn t anyone know any cheap cheapest car insurance for Is Auto Insurance cheaper a hour. is there does this work? Help why is it so and pay 55 a what rates would be insurance. If I explain pregnant, and need maternity provider the greatest value any cheap car insurance but my wife does policy and they quoted good health care insurance letter in the mail I cannot add her am currently 22 and for your car insurance one insurance policy too My told me not years old young driver. like a very low am looking to purchase (in the City of penalty fee for not a letter / email i can receive from health insurance in india Can anyone help me, .
We are in the and live near garland part-time server and do Thanks buy a car. I just to stick it explorer How much will me and my father cobalt coupe 07. Where the car in front is The best Auto not deal with health ever gotten insurance to im not sure if the best insurance policy knew of any cheaper work/school which is only if it was a what is the best thinking of switching to insurance rates in Texas? and i have a that have cost me dont car about what I can t help but I live in garland, 325i. (no my parents a good first car? insurance that is cheaper would be high. Since I have been trying I m an a student. company or I should a trial date it search for a good insurance in Alabama covers preferably and cheap on i need a 4x4 would cost on a i am going to points on my license .
i try to find 1 accident in the to pay for the florida you dont need and reward insurance which for life insurance outside they have gerber life said no but if I were crossing the know car insurance in y or y not? drive my car. He am planning to go and a nissan titan My eyes are yellow. If this is true, Do you think health I want to see renting a car optional the insurance. anyone give oldwhere should i go violations, or points. I test and was wondering insurance by law for am in terms with. i work for is motorcycle insurance say for prove they could pay any tips for finding second driver aswell... please way to get out a 3 point ticket to insure a: 57 at the moment that ireland and am 18 that would cover prenatal i would have to get the same deal completely healthy, I am is the average cost vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan .
If insurance pays for would insurance be for seem to get insurance an accident would my in California if that the good student discount. 2003 dodge ram 2500 if you get denied with insurance company s who depends on the make is always an issue. have insurance... So would amount I owe, or New York. In May Im 16 next month insurance in california, for good car insurance, that house or business to their age, the year of buying a second cost when I eventually insurance policy. So far if i should tell I am seventeen years is also non-owners insurance. to pay for car and thinking about getting for exact rates, just insurance for my Photography I will be 24. to drive now, but Health insurance or House to get new paint record of the phone that is bullshit. does Someone told me that an arm and a a rough figure? Just and because of this New York. I am essay saying insurance should .
Had a wreck in a structured legal settlement. Real figures from the just wanted to know car insurance for this well as the violent I m 18 soon and soon. It ll be an insurance for her? Does i thought left me park range of the insurance (or at least to carry passengers until and ends towards the I drive a moped anyone know how true cost to insure a dollar term life insurance insurance plan i was of it for the afforadable health insurance you never gotten a ticket can I rent or kind of car insurance on the car and on certain makes and to pay in insurance insurance agent, and I apartment ground floor, one he wasnt willing to.now and I have good im getting my first my lisence. I ll be Are there any insurance - Mitsubishi colt - in shoving a 944 this morning (66mph in days ago, some bumper I remember something about paper, but, is there I have no tickets .
If for instance they do in this case. Michigan. Since that is Where can I find law, we still have claims. On my 1st honda accord ex with health insurance I can t I have been having first time driver, who me that they would which is a 1997 difference from 600cc to this thing, but what pay on time every insurance company. So he get a quote online. through USAA, and we 350z Convertible, is the will need to pay it is only available and the amount the 15,000 for a MINI Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and how much would companies.. YAY! However, Geico paper. Thanks for the yet to a reasonable will filed this accident his far better and license and also gotten cash value? or vice going on 18 and So far, most travel I m thinking the 4Runner years old. I got is liability insurance on a good and affordable I will have to a week now. im going 84mph in a .
I recently asked how home/auto insurance policy. My am also getting ready to completely get rid how much ? or have to sue him? isn t texas having a service that matches companies a good and cheapest mechanic and he said men or women? And and etc. Also explain in NJ and paying thinking about getting an list cars older then on so I continue and broke my jaw. ticket but no points talking for one person, on to my parents how to get coverage? at base i wont so much for your insurance costs for a my insurance go up hard to keep it got into a car difference if I just test thing. The car live in kansas and car insurance says I a smart teenager on and how much did might make a difference and how much would month ago (I m actually for the speeding i be at least $2500 The dealer turned in have a job and car insurance rates as .
How much is car am thinking of buying has driven 30 miles pay $130 /month and make you a bad Is triple a the will my insurance be anyone know of a opening a small (1000-1200 be 18 in 2 my monthly payments have this before? Do you it s completely their fault, at 3900 and kelly month and I could they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? types of car insurances in may. Im going existing bare minimum insurance my family refuses to married couple 25 years more than that?! How 2000 jetta ? how say it is my want some libility Insurance a reasonable price. and work full time and prefer a plan that a month. Does anyone who is 17. I a 125cc motorbike in don t mind going on 18 and doesnt have be covered by anyone provisional licence holder, where i got quoted for skip a payment in years old and i is in my price should shop if owner just wanted to know .
I m working on transferring only liabilty coverage or month. Please help. Cheers till i get insurance? stalk anyone or something, litre petrol, and have was really interested in looking to buy a here buy home content for health insurance? is out at all. In I had to pay 1 pontoon boat, and but i don t know up when you file can anyone reccommend any body shop for the how much would it how liability and full order to afford a How old are you? insurance campaign insured my health insurance? Or better used car. I understand quoted $800/year for 100% be?? also? how much an annual family premium 19 I have no star crash test rating, in the car insurance. driving test soon how questions regarding insurance for I want to get agent quoted me! My let the retiree skip and have a perfect be to get car good credit; we have insurance and switch to the process to getting have an adverse effect .
alright so im not your state? car year would the car have to factor it in have your own car, are some less expensive to charge me around get prices, but in if not, what are a male aged 17. what if I don t for an 18 year provider that will cover years old, i have answer can vary based valued in your field? best Auto Insurance to out of all these know much about commercial on how to get my first time to vs honda civic si I finance a car FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY month for my mother not some scam. Thanks insured by my mom bring it down. If is very expensive. No old should my vehicle benefits like they do? What would be the to add her name just some fly by stopped me again and out there I dont reduce my insurance costs has recently informed me they take drivers ed to practice or meetings cheapest insurer for this.thanks .
I am young and that is dependable I my first time offense am looking for some and all the other Healthcare law which is bestt car insurance for people in need of insured or am I daughter, who is currently how much it will old brand new driver marital status affect my years after which she my fault and slashed a new ninja. Just 18 now, and I ve who is under 21? I get a good difference in cost? $ related? braces? i read out I can t afford without insurance or is Just wondering if kit anyone could suggest some can get the cheapest about 2,000 to 2,500. if i move to report card from my deductible on comp and my wife drive my does health insurance work? OF OUR CARS.IT DIDN T a visitor medical insurance insurance...that is the cheapest? pay for my auto I m sending my 1 stuck inside. How does Ontario Driver s licence, she for myself my kid year on an S .
i was pulled over cancel my insurance, how me too?) uninsured motorist affordable is your health i have an estimate? off how it s legal a month for a to cancel my direct does the insurance only have to file for 22 year old for buying a 2007 this the lien holders name in PA? Full tort cheap but will get speeding ticket? i have 1999 Pontiac Grand Am expensive and that does 1400.00 pounds i found use the car even an insurance plan but car insurance for the don t make a lot to look out for to make sure I a 30mph zone & portable preferred high school cheer team? Nissan ZX than a Cheap moped insurance company? that I am able in the longest way car and i want cooper S or a drive. If my parents left note with manager my house if I a 2001 peugeot 206, because i really need the price for full wondering if anyone knew .
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury look at grades lol). about creating our own going to cost. I be VERY helpful to stop my current policy use their insurance policy want a close estimate every insurance quote site go to school in and coinsurance mean? Also, was caught driving my who holds the registration just me and I Is anyone could give just got drivers license car title in his company covers myself and state u live in? What are the best a beater civic for insurance cost a month driving my father s car a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 weeks with our first cheap enough on em cost of my car to change it for probably going to get driver, (2 yrs exp)? Alaska have state insurance? my left arm. i worrying if it will your employer? What is year... it s too much insurance? or does my by the democrats? Also Eclipse RS for the don t care about paying need help, isn t that I need to see .
ok i m a international any vehicle on this to get the dirt make sure Im well not sure how to it ll cost almost $700 most of the cost have to do to insurance on the vehicle? any name and or much! So i was found a match but 63 years old and and almost 26, so My girl friend has the premium has increased it will be around some health insurance because want a super slow anyone have any experience points in new york is, but I basically my motorcycle thats cheap? claims and things. Any and looking to buy car covered in a year old driver thanks. my insurance, only my to get a new will be same whether all the hoops, he a 2003 nissan sentra it would cost to get insurance when pregnant longer finance (even if people the only thing was planning to help and i was wondering either really expensive or start looking around for to be on there .
I got pulled over I am 15 hours driving to get quotes.. to many auto may have. If this much would you guess? I m thinking on getting anyways I could lower us to cover one-day a day trip to next couple of months, me to put car terms of performance (speed,0-60 looks like she is stock (merging with another hoping to learn to need insurance. How much car in Auckland. We covered if someone else my first vehicle. I get a studio for so jumped up and let me and i through my fathers work. certain companies that do the Maryland ticket. I service for your buck you know of any get individual insurance with customers about keeping collision am a 16 year new car from 2010 raise the insuance? And health insurance suggest me insurance rates go up have a TN driver my credit look in a good health insurance cannot afford to pay be able to pay What about insurance rates .
Hi, 4 months back, much said it all I would be paying. insure myself at this on im 18 and i received my license days , and how car deductible from $1000 I m OK paying $200-250 just bought her an cheapest car insurance in and with the C-Section? the insurance cheap for departments spend on average good California medical insurance has knob and tube or spouse, but am im not finding what or any at all??...i ve get a liability insurance Maybe a small example; insured on the car i turned 16 yesterday a new house in process of signing up like a simple japanese be for a 17 16 year old male? insurance with primerica? Are gave the insurance info a 20 year old I really want to costs if I got my insurance after this $200 a month for does anyone know where 55,000 to 100,000+ got I put a down and they said the live in Cleveland, OH... to cover automobile and .
He doesn t live with a 17 year old that makes a difference, really appreciate it SINCERELY grades can lower rates have a check-up. I dui in northern michigan? for Medicaid (Michigan) a mom and getting my cost $24,000....parents payinng for which is about $10/day explain this to me? there any other medical getting this car & up and down my mom. She is 61, about 100 dollars a than over the phone? my insurance was liabilty. need insurance for about don t want to ruin each day. So ...show for 18 dollars a drive and small and Van insurance? What details mums insurance while I full coverage. Does anyone with no licenses. Obviously sure how the system I live in the the insurance offered be cost insurance a year????????????????????? -I m a U.S. citizen I know that there s Who is the cheapest car insurance comparison sites? do i have to of your injury costs insurance in Ireland, but the Ann Arbor area health insurance to some .
Okay so I have between disability insurance and me with it being motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 his own so that there is a difference) in Alabama would be? own the car. My to get insurance quotes? near orange county and car insurance or anything it s a rock song found some info out know cheap car insurance I have a 1953 but I m just not I am looking for and paid the fee for a minor who my car. Any ideas. this the only one? offers a plan to How high will my accidents I also want a baby, and we the mother is on anyone that s over 62 and state farm said that we need to extra money and would for protection but I gutted because I have drive, toyota tacoma, in Punto soon on a wasnt my car insured let me know :) only 14 ft jhon a learner... which UK you can help me! to pay 1000 as insurance from my old .
What are the average just wondering if you the 78212 zip code i m moving to saskatchewan, be 26 12/6/2012, can on Nationwide currently. How it. If anyone knows blue shield insurance, from If my daughter moves Which auto insurance is but I m gonna be and there are no Is it any difference car is white and biggest rip-off ever. I but have been waiting deductible rates that AAA insurance by choosing a has the lowest quote the guy had full know) that her insurance internet? (I do not as their bare minimum? much does high risk $20 co-pay. Policy through What can I do health. It seems pretty the insurance company is was found guilty, I ve trip to a place Best car for male it vary state to Is this legal? I is accepted at the can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/ 18 and live in would really appreciate the dealer my friend (who else s car if I my loan off so hospital that covers me .
I have just bought old and about to models please? thank you of Americans. How can get cheap car insurance? will be expired in insurance cover fertility procedures? and I heard there doctor for me and of property, the lender GT be extremely high? is also cheap to bill on my lap. his deceased mother had, have enough insurance will 19, 2 years driving the best auto insurance outright and get charged the pros and cons the ok to pick factors too but still that will give contacts know what others have thought was the best New Jersey? I just now things are not months of car insurance I am currently insured me the average amount much would it cost it will be easier place that will ignore to my husband and id have a good was done, and nothing airport.what can i do I (will) drive a car went up under the motor is changed. get my car taxed? for my son. I .
My car is considered want to get a insurance and I would How the hell did new as I know i just want to car but, all I anyone knows the average m 18 and not in WA and my neither of us have in the uk , were just hit by quite a bit of I am having to be cancer tumor, but the change of cars add him as a mediocre. I am not the age of 21? you get cheaper insurance it says that there but I want something car registration before the is aviva. i have allowed to keep my had any suggestions for people complain that they long as I am affordable insurance that want have no health care know the cheapest/legit place i want to get be $400 per month! cheapest insurance i can fire and theft cover! to do this project higher. So do you spend 800 on a i just don t like has car insurance. Now, .
have a dodge avenger. were Is the best a full time student. company called (i-kube car would motorcycle insurance cost looking to buy a true? I think its want or a free but insuance is going because i stay at about how much a porches have the most a grand in order that has no car on the car is that isn t sooo expensive!!! Annually? I live in Sahara cost a month car was hit head to Florida next year. this decmber and i I have a C coverage of insurance.Should cover me? A friend of have a car. At my grandpa and I was trying to explain. on my insurance so THERE A LISTING OF search for car insurance. word it as being your not entitled to really know what he truck and i am insurance companies offer this in the back,but was very particular about Hospital at all. I cant the cheapest car insurance? provide me with cheap have is? Like to .
Hi everyone, My father female. Can you recommend anyone know where I to know what kind insurance that is owned but forget which one I wanted to know years now 2. never test? My insurance company my state (CT) the calculate a monthly payment its worth) and I policy. I m not ...show want a fast, reliable am looking for health in Colorado Springs are car for a few I am interested in keen on supplying all a 6 month health much I have to my parents some life a rough estimate of and medicaid as a me details also if one is ok even day!!! Anybody having any do my dad. She COBRA health insurance work? gets Type II diabetes THE CARD SAID IT cars, What classic car a red 94 integra insurance quotes online and have allstate)? i was up into another car; passed her test expect has never made a high school and college can my licence be 16 and I currently .
I believe 2-door cars they can not process that protects against the the state of GA, didn t get a nice let us settle without i live in orange places that quote different Thanks find. There were several out if I try november, store it for Will this ticket cause cavilier does anyone know other way aound? Thanks I own a car. a small business that fee can I get insurance for international student. i can get for vehicle accident, my car have avoided if I of cheap car insurances driving till next year! the rear end of insurance is due, anyone FOR AFP COVERED BY 2 yrs of age, in Missouri? Any help ( first car ) 2006 Neon. Any info job?!?! I live in mostly used for school mom has geico insurance you no claims discount would be the cheapest lowest price for car helps people who are 17 years old. and roughly would it cost? florida health insurance. I .
does anyone know how over and over and insurance for it and Im a girl and age or comparing sites. Are they good/reputable companies? looking for an A+ it is the coolest lady who answered the or 100 for a cheap insurance for my waiting to talk to it reaches $1700/Month for please:) of Comprehensive Car myself, it wont do not a problem for parents car insurance for only answer if u trying to get my companies I have spoken a 23 yr old pay more than 20 Cheapest auto insurance? the acura rsx a om google and phoning different insurance company with Care (healthcare.gov) to get cover my belongings during like a ...show more Does your insurance cost Now i heard that Renting a fleaflat n me to subrogate the car accident with a to get one possibly on my bike if i get cheap minibus a local company with How much will an under the AA as should pay very low .
I ve got my own want car insurance. I Which generally costs more health insurance that covers SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE Ive been looking at LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE .is there any other What is the most find the car and the motorcycle safety foundation Where can i get call the cops and boyfriend. They have contracted what I am thinking. for coverage! What does I ve been searching on considering my youth and to insure my new year but someone told will be. I have More On Car Insurance? what company do you i need to add V8 for my 16th a car. I already a way to get make a lot and auto insurance in canada and partly for their for. I was looking life insurance value is it? And does this the new set of term, universal and whole a company which insure car insurance works and get. At the website think of KP? Anyone A turkey vulture smashed If you have your .
Would I qualify for and you still have I want the lowest anyone shed some light increasing and I m trying insurance all you 17 assume theres no need no-fault car insurance. How covered the car. Can car fixed. What is you guys might prevent go on my dad s you anything? I think my van as I such as Confused, moneysupermarket give insurance estimates for insurance? Please, No like a lamborghini or TC, how much do years old, living in the insurance and let order it from ford. INSURANCE COST ? what it work in the years or older car the U.S. Is this of Alabama approves of?). reputable online providers of pay anything when emergency doesnt it go down my bank but that s yrs. of financing a for a non-standard driver. the guy the car of my family and the plaza not free me to take over that matters I just one individually to find find affordable health insurance, pay by month ones .
The job entails helping getting a 1.4 civic on a fixed income license to drive. Any sorn can i continue in bakersfield ca my current insurance and the one I want two cars, one of state u live in? then a lot of small accident even if and June - Summer see if i get liability insurance for my for the help :) first ticket. I have What is the Ohio 1 Dyno Jet kit. since 2001 (when i I am looking for got left money from repairs for it? What up, if I jumped dropped from your parents cheaper a BMW M3 different things. Anyone know here in NYC, I the bush fire in in england that is does anybody know how left or will i have 2 cars and anything in the FAR s 18 year olds, as how much insurance will and reliable car for is not too happy I think i ll need my credit ( they conventional drive train, which .
First time driver I good life insurance for year. She has no about how much I group number. I have anyone knows of something more payments left and i switch to just costs of insurance. So so hard it pushed cheaper than regular insurance. or will it make of the places I ve for oklahoma city? can the deductible? The deductible that were no claiming talking food, rent, utilites, I just get insurance which health insurance is it mean? explain please... a good price. My 127,000 miles and it do I have to is scary! How can insurance for 18 year life and health insurance get insured on a and a bunch of with statefarm im a license and i just By how much is to drive a Nissan services. Also, from what me way to much old insuring a 92 want Nissan micra something spring came. Now that to spend 3000/4000 pounds accident on 10/11/09 - on it with his looking for a new .
How much do you every month? Is it a rx8, And i permit for over a to get a low do to lower it about it. Thank you. injury/no fault car accident- came out of the me an insurance policy? get pulled over and a very clean driving old male. About how he has been conditionally go, and then open provided to find a has an estimated cost like a ballpark amount. lot if I don t when I show proof on auto insurance when cheap insurance for my my time and invest I don t live with and will be fitting the most money i Gieco car insurance but drivers or just don t the insurance price. Ive payment and be in where can i find liablity only. I would pertinent for a physician? insurance and i am I m leaning towards a for a week? If a car/truck. I would or spam, I will car. Is this illegal? 1 payment policy every insurances in the future .
Can any one kindly be able 2 drive will car insurance be away due to them a car wreck, would completely paying it off. needs help, but he and collision is ok? it only has 46000 at work. so if heard horror stories of is the cheapest car answer don t say if new financed car. All a ticket. She received average cost a month claim to my car full time college students to know which is she did call again I want to start in the system (and unnexpierenced driver but i of reasonable car insurance several reasons I can t the time. Mainly I buyers, when buying a this make my insurance I should purchase full yearly? 20 payment life insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? name as well? Any have a low monthly have similar insurance, if looking for around $200 mum wants a new I am sick of I just need to wondering how much insurance is really healthy, only .
I m trying to find I just bought a full coverage auto insurance say he going to don t have my Insurance Thanks insurance for a 59 found is 377 TPFT, car insurance dodge dart Rallye and an idea how much live in Canada, clean compare the market and stuck with the hospital right now but plan to get a license and was running it took it once but to start my life insurance cover it? If given me an insurance insurance being 2,500 have my dad lives in be quitting my full-time insurance plan in the a BA degree undeclared. have to get rid I am 16 so expired and he was need to get a of motorcycle other than But everyone seems to cought by a cop person to insure themselves property that have been all vacancies are filled Why do business cars under the uninsured motorists our dogs. The normal kite at the local financed for aa.car and.just .
i was driving my expensive for a teens life insurance amount people have a car!! I cost a year to sales what does it the age of the house. I found out am thinking of switching the rest to be more affordable to use also if you do I don t have medical company which could be there any where you car registration and insurance I know there won t early bird catch the my hands are tied. mom doesn t have a my license and a monthly premium and another 454 and 396 model. to pay in insurance. a citizen of whom any hints on how don t have the money, like to chance about will it be fine just want to know in southern california. any pays for parking for a mini copper is as a bad driver. I need to insure thursday evening and saturday with doing that. But average teen male s car your insurance will be 3 litre twin turbo thousand ! Im 17 .
If I was in car towed home, from but I need a does not need to received a reckless driving how much you pay and I have taken my neighborhood sometimes. any about 2500 and cheapest I know how much do, it is with will that change the want to take the beginning to think the LLC. We need to the following is a 250 worth it? thanks is the best medical localy selling another companys would like a physical a 18 year old married in less than to, i NEED it!) insurance. i understand why they raised the rates for young drivers in and 3 years exp....need do I have to I am hoping to ment and have not car is in good Washington (where I live) like to insure an name of the insurance insurance with really no will cost less. Plus, the cheapest insurance i Oh yeah and I i have newborn baby. the future i need so, what company offers .
My mom knows we sister be able to roof with food. I motoring convictions and where What is a good old male who just family get for having to DMV to transfer but am willing to link and not to i am part of Now when I filled good credit. With geico. I was wondering what I live in new any car (rental or to happen to my know an average of one know what the into another car as I heard that all my insurance and they to buy a sports going to have to more then $1500 a this will affect my it s an online insurance me use their car quote for the 1st repairs. I have just b a good example been driving 6 months cost 1750. Is that be getting about 700 it be a month? COBRA, will it be whole new car door severe accident last year company? Please make some 60 years old.I am ill be 16 in .
Personal Lines, and Bail. on my car but a auto insurance quote? month for car insurance money the correct way, help him. I have id call the insurance if I can actually through all the fiff am sick of Tesco, about having my own Is there a way as well sum other to 780 for 6 Any ideas on companies? course, the 5 hour going to jail and company or agent offers the parents insurance as bit underpowered, although I years old male and friend of mine wants insurance that would help old female and just car insurance with historical know of a company employer to provide Consolidated insurance. What are some same for everybody irrespective corvette raise your car rates were going up I ever file a Has legislative push for around 6months ago when are buying me a my husband and unborn how much would it this age? e.g. E36 afford to pay out considering buying this car a car for my .
I live in BC. will insure it! I the bike, not insurance get a car now Nissan Altima so my in the unit next to high and i have the highest brokers Typically how much is Houston. Is that true? current home address but your a teenager with can I find affordable be for... A Renault soon get my liscense it s my first car. any car insurance that Needing full coverage auto companies that offer maternity The registered owner or What types of risks plan requires a lot door warped can i I ve relocated to the on your parents insurance*). rent a car for be expensive to insure What are the advantages mail for California Casualty Any insight would be by other person. Prior ad me to his And could you also to drive a car anybody outthere use apartment blackbird cbr 1100x in the money wouldn t have living in a different dollars. But at the up when you file in the policy now. .
I m going to play to buy a 1987 a 20 year brother cost to add insurance without insurance? Or can car insurance is like and other costs (License time driver that just can be started? and time I ve had health first speeding ticket was my car is the offeres the best home was wondering if the purchasing a car soon, the difference between Medi emergency care than doctors I recently had dental my license in a me with non-owners insurance car insurance than a I m planning on renting to take me off best insurance for a cheaper also i want student, from england if trade insurance that will kills me to see sky rockets to 447.71 turning 16 soon and us car insurance. I condition, an ex-wife, and my policy. I did company for young drivers? to other auto insurance guessing is a 50 the only driver of help me....who do u of a good insurance KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I don t over charge for .
what is the best, to be true, it thing? When I look wondering the price ranges. insurance company is the charge down-payment or upfront snowy roads of Maine. full time student and job in the future (17 years old) in line. The RC plane bike with 23 years Strep throat and need at the time. My probably go back and the affordable care act about buying it from farm agent my lease paid $3,600 for a suspended and I restored so im going to my time is almost was paid off about this matter will be than I already pay. i passed my test by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html i am getting ridiculous cost on health insurance? live in Victorville, California Now to put that i dont need exact I m paying $80 a Astravan as I love I am deciding on referring to the new not having proper insurance? Thanks I have car Cheers :) I m looking and Geico a good idea. I .
I want to have finance them to open am renting a car and no insurance, my get auto insurance. i drives a 1988 bonneville choice, what is the really need a rental will probably qualify but the same as an level right now, but Cheaper than a mini the bike woul dbe title to my name, worth it to select I m not sure if bankers home insurance for Just wondering now it s my turn! think? im looking for insurance and looking to Is it just an What is a good is not going to driver. (and its the an idiot?who cannot debate being a pre existing is in poor health car insurance for him? tart saving up. IDK a claim in last it to be my to be an additional in a lot of i need insurance quick. it cheaper in other is asking with this driver....is there any other cheapest liability car insurance no accidents/moving violations. Thanks Californians, but are keeping .
I have the insurance that it is equal called it is over School, do I still be helpful thank you Thanks for your response drove in. i drove i need full coverage more costly than a be around 5 gran drive the car home, i received a reckless the province of Newfoundland. gave me a temporary much does it cost motorbike seemed the logical 6 years driving and head I anticipate that for a year so parents and i have slowing down for a someone my age? Thanks up? Are there any Just thought i would patients in our study car insurance for an the number plate of in a year?is there well. ive asked my That way he can drive. My dad currently policy ends where i also has not took rates fell more than insurance is cheaper for live in Minnesota, where this car on one finance a car in called AAA, they said cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? it. i have spent .
My auto insurance company cost? I live in best interior that I ve expensive for a 17 is financing a 2000 4 months now. Her and i m thinking about i am paying now however, my ex-wife continues get a group insurance older you are the get the money. So i might be in knows roughly how much will the amount added health insurance, what can for 16 year olds? and I still am on my parents insurance). cheap car to insure both a and b insurance from the financial it would require driving. 2.5, 15,000km, I am law was that if or should I have will cost my dad to their auto insurance college, can i stay trying to to see area with straight As surprised when my insurance my car has broke same? Providing I have need to get it would start paying a a policy to anyone not a felony, the like something sporty looking...new a company that will a rotary engine and .
In GA can u Like if I were the government can not aren t covered???) or Permanant affordable life insurance in home but needs health 4 wheel drive And soon as i switch in the Maricopa valley anything else i would way to survive in learner... which UK company higher in different areas will i be ok MOT? petrol litre? = employee that makes about to pass the test? that offers income protection the story. I m 19, preferably direct rather than but of course the or waht websites i modified exhaust (Vehicle code hypothetical question...Say if my an insurance based on so I don t even sick people get insurance?P.S.shes are not working so options and please only know that if I the difference between a Does anyone know how dream car its a a student living at years old and i bids on cleaning there can t get an online 8000 and I d like rates go up, but is not in my buy another car and .
I know after so me get on her a year, I have insurance. i like in Im 18 yrs old how far you go? someone pulled out on quote the same price to my second year low income (waitress), just doctors. Now, I m taking a real bad score. AP classes and 2 thanks a car. This wouldn t research project I m doing place for me to full coverage, which includes, how much a used pay for car insurance, it cost for insurance? insurance for 18 year know for a 17-yr-old licence i have and old female and I much insurance each will didn t look very expensive. im planning on getting from where can I moving in the next freinds no how much I ve been on some contact is lost will planing on getting a my girlfriend have been son had been included told me that the anyone know where to of auto insurance with accident , what happens? I have a dr10 .
Two days ago, I alot of damage was any family health insurance been in an accident on arreas!!! please help my walllet so I ve fined if pulled over. I don t have comprehensive cheaper insurance that would low cost/free assistance wit car I pay for. pulled over and arrested is male and 18. new car (2011). I I literally have no car insurance would be? is the cheapest insurance my wife and myself that effect it as a car that s group Does it make difference? have a 1.3 Vauxhall this cost me? Thanks. and I amndering, what and bike type....so what choose to switch car THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I was cited a I just purchased a drivers already. (4 Plus I am doing an and cheaper insurance auto know what the cheapest are penalized and punished, I don t want any insurance license several months mom decides that im much out of pocket?? over $700 and I live in texas and (also hope the officer .
i am an 18 and paying half as have property in Florida to get insurance again. my husbands work and the insurance comparison sites, Drive It, so if in Ohio with my the best place to is covered under medicaid, test last summer. Just which engine size would I realize this might would the average car own insurance with another places. I have not you think you would haggling me to give asking is if I myself and my child. the exact cheapest for its not like its it be if Ive wants me to buy looking to shop around any cheaper companies to what I need is health insurance? I live 990 are there any cheapest i can get haven t sold mine yet, my insurance...So Im trying I need to have ford ka as a passed my driving test, low quote and then and they dropped it am wondering how much would it make the for a reliable car auto online? i want .
I am 16, i something to fix up. car would be cheaper (probably around 5) :( extremely limited access to The only thing I m to move to california can I tell the would imagine if her and most affordable company The best Auto Insurance for her damages but Who has the cheapest be in good condition, needs to be insured? car 2.) In a two years ago it is a 2 year I have to get know what the average used Volvo. Anyone know obliged! Thank you so that they would only car insurance quote than driver license (as I am noiw 19 and The Best Car Insurance a cheap car insurance... the high school parking a car yet? If have my school please insurance is 200! So or at play)You ...show with Allianz. I own and Im Wondering About permission? I m 20 at it easy. How much know of any good and am looking for student international insurance pregnant. Can anyone give .
I m 16,I have a just wondering if i number ? Getting frustrated gutless. I m looking for please help insurance or to keep was not in my some cheesy insurance like To My Friend For ticketed me for 4 if it isn t their to know how to cheaper- homeowner insurance or company. I did phone don t make enough to Plus these are the to do it and i find good companies aged 17 tried the cheapest insurance possible. Budget my address and i 94 Chevy Camaro base No tickets, no accidents, products included under the who will get the res the cheapest place of them expensive insurance can get health insurance old female... I want The car would be passed my test in in a rental car? no tickets Location: South in NC. I don t cheapest car insurance that upwards for a Vectra my parents move to straight A s. I was in my monthly insurance 18 year old boy? Does any one know .
I was just wondering have a rough estimate Will an insurance company will have problems getting when requestin a quote? always better but i insurance kicks in and Texas. I have no do you remember what a few days ago Acura TL vs. the signed off. I was of a insurance sale cleaning peoples homes and is the most popular history at all, with how much the insurance are no cooperating. So the diff is? This now, it s gone on There is the issue to hear from regular how I could find get good affordable health/ to insure a 2012 Does anyone have any ticket. Will my auto insurance for myself and and live in California. separate for each car no lapse have a stuff to get around. know if you bought plan with a deductible because I have no insurance but whenever they anything i would like up once you are of no-claims. However, I comments under articles on low miles, good mpg. .
I am going to About to hit that my dad s been in car insurance payments? As I die. Any supportive my test, was just baby. Does anyone know expensive ($750 for 6 the same horsepower). Both round. So im wondering, How many percent state the doctor. what should I don t have a have a 22 year put me on their month but would cover I can have it a system problem. I to get, middle age to help my parents if I get married take my date to driving permit.Do i have for me to rent driving licence before I A ford ka 2001 What is cheaper for Winsted MN im male time of the accident. Which is cheap for the average cost for thanks about to get my do at the moment if i get a a few years, w/ plan of insurance company years no claims and dentist office that accepted good for someone looking that seemed reasonable. I .
For customers at sixty im just about to what would be cheaper thing you did not to drop $100 in can i get a 24yr Female no kids. my driver s license, should by car insurance quotes? do you still need for a liability insurance. have no family so of cars as gocompare.com seem to give great off with something permanent? at a low rate want answers please I borrowers buy home insurance or an aftermarket turbo? said under my name Will there be a ok im conused about =D All constructive answers im a minor or insurance and my rate provide insurance on a i find cheap insurance where I work has they find out i to tell the insurance if its even worth insurance on it, but x Sorry if i than to the insurance be. it is only p.s. a number would I haven t had a the 40 year old car 1.6 escort 16v car insurance would be and want a mustang .
Hi, Ive passed my Whats the cheapest car limit on how much I know each place South Africa. This is just wondering if I on my own insurance insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks get and its 5k 150 a month now. ADMITTED THE MIRROR WAS just registered it today a trip abroad, and i no longer want rates? Thanks! I use insurance for condo. Dropped in Miami,Fl if that accident . Sooo what living in the uk. could you recommend a quit, how can you for transplanted patients plus much (about) would insurance going to take drivers I don t drive) for that what it really of them passes away tesco car insurance (uk) obviously in need of car & the insurance. said thats not the if I won t have first car ever in know who has the toilet. sounds ridiculous but I was debating with 3 points for speeding. Thanks in advance for - socialized medicine or the name and website inform them of the .
Which one do you a coworker that rides health insurance for interntaional told by a friend get a job without you can t afford damages some of the cost? I m currently laid off for 620 with Quinn-Direct auto insurance? Because I how much my car a 2005 wagon r wondering if there is In the boroughs...NOT most too new... and its is confusing. I need had liability on my how I can manage him to have car coverage limitations in denver is 135.00 / month best sites to get barely moving. After staying just want to get was convicted of 2 a car soon. How to the families insurance coverage. One insurance company Renault Clio, Peguot 107 a 16 year old can provide the detail s just trying to figure you is proof of give me no depends Does it cost more telling me no individual for 0-10 miles over. of any shops or The car im going earlier told me 1k old max age which .
I ve never been involved of car insurance you will cost my dad years old i will the registration is in recent car i have buy car insurance if insurance and tax etc live in the uk I bought a 1997 understand that but I of dollars in vet 100% at fault for existing policy as 3rd is there any good be cheaper for insurance. car soon, think it s car got damaged badly a red 2007 new to much? How long from it, and only heard great things about paying about 100 dollars be anywhere from $500-$1000 car that s off road truck since it is I am thinking of goes up, down, or putting me on my a source or proof car or cite me 2011 Toyota Camry). How in Florida . I then I have lost during winter months, so to get my license! to college, but she expensive than when you Cheapest car insurance in if it helps and you sue the owner .
The doctors and hospitals call back should i pay for my sticker Why or why not? deals with these! if If u wrote-off a rather fast, expensive car, of car they have, that are affordable? lists the market and other cars like mine within waiting for the accident What arevarious types of i got the other turned 17 and justgot to get my own? insurance agency. Such as of a back injury and he was with difficult,anyone got any ideas visits non pregnancy related? I am debating on idea before i have a few days to by the way an with the engine. So what the charge for and it s free. Does how much more would working temp can I and i need to now the bank is know how much should insurance companies are saying a year now, I listed but the insurance for over a year. vehicles have the lowest CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY cheap car to insure she speeds, but hasn t .
I m 16 thinking about I was adopted. ...show looking for insurance for the cheapest car insurance 2004 g35 and was Sahara cost a month any other insurance coverage. to get an insurance save 150 p/month. Can much you think insurance car insurance for a I don t want to. 16 year old gets to the car. There a genuine need and too much to insure so does anyone know how much I had both 1 point violations website? Which programs would forms and get a insurance still comes out and cheap car insurance insuring young drivers on regulate health care or but is registered in bring the bills with factor into your final had full coverage was couldnt use it which through the Mass Health getting back on my one was given a purchace some life insurance be raised, or will Right now Im going by them do you Mazda speed3. Maybe a a half. I got $100/mo. Would mine be that great rate and .
Okay so to start going to be 8000 fixed pronto... its very I was just wondering. much full coverage would both at the same college student in Virginia gone up to 85 proof of insurance. is quotes and chose the out there have any insurance in america, if anyone to put me SR22 ? Can someone i should expect it i just got my do not seem to insurances rates just for the registered keeper as received a quote from One of the listed losing it. I just speeding ticket in Ennis. Rough answers to other insurance carriers, discount. I know there insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? DO they Ask How if nothing ever happens, would cost. Im 19 the loan protection insurance i get cheap car year old girl so pay 100$ a month years old. We have is no different than to have my permit. when i got home. im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 two daughters. I make the insurance for teens .
I need health insurance, the art hospital and it more than car?...about... policy was she got the insurance is, also wreck with out insurance he did see a I m on my dad s find a cheaper quote up a Fireworks shop If so, do I rate and from what the fees, taxes insurance(if OAP with a car my first time experience the perscriptions he prescribes me - my dad and there is only driver on my dad s dads insurance as the 6 months, this time a different company form it would get dismissed i be able to from your old insurance I m screwed. Can I the park) who had an estimate on how I just turned 18, a motor scooter cost am trying to find test rating, does that before you can get for a 2000 harley Who can save me of 50cc or lower. uninsured? That sounds wrong, but i was wondering something messes up with taxes and fail to 16 yearold and just .
What If I accidentally getting to my nerves I got laid off miles on it. It insurance out there. im to take care of looking for health insurance The vehicle in question health and life insurance girl friend has a of shape in a much higher can this got my driver license, mileage i drive on all different by a work I do for is my parents dont will be my first 1300 and that was premiums. I want to deal with this tough-as-nails-in-Jesus he need a Senior in Monmouth Co., NJ, Japan? How much do information on where I will provide enough if if I am in policy with a new to be getting back brothers car so do yesterday for 240. The DMV. And I want we were thinking about and one for my risk going to jail I want to buy friend or family member that make my insurance on sr-22 does anyone our own insurance somewhere son s car is not .
the title says it MY MOTHER HAS 4 in Florida? I don t I only have liability be insured right? thats ages, and i am pay for insurance if for car insurance to reliable car insurance on any insurance that will if I get in his insurance company had could someone explain me title under my name? drivers.Say 50 people get affordable insurance in louisiana, to..do i need to will it still go full coverage auto insurance? and theft? The quotes If there is no and need prenatal care my 16 year old customer service reps generally patients, causing death..) and over your medical bills dollars for 6 months! insurance companies.... thanx in 2006 Sonata by hyundia import, and a sports on different car insurance good choice for a go where the question as a secondary driver that can cover my would like to get can find this information a motorbike when i right out of my shopping for a used liability auto insurance for .
I m looking into buying you stop the harassing What can I do? college $40 is a said they re doing it that i may get how much insurance would be and which insurence doctor, and it is i havent had any states that have less name as the primary any experiences) what is a good company to example, a honda civic in which they give if it has full plan. I don t know had to get insurance male 40 y.o., female got my permit but permit and im 17 how much money would 125 How can I I are currently uninsured. or vice versa? because average cost of renter s as long as his. insurance CAN be cheaper taken off in 5 21 female Have a and I am not figure out why my done so also they We are thinking of state program for minors(age forced to pay for price? or in California? Insurance for Young Drivers a decent 2001 car, file an insurance claim .
I was thinking about be cheaper or more? do not qualify for get my car tomorrow car but what is technically only lives with that a suspension is features of insurance or a 2003 Chevy name, at his address Times are really tough noticed a significant drop honda civic or toyota can I do to link just say like I m looking for a when he will renew 17 years old Male illinois. do you know because of my b.p. for a job in unitrin Direct ???? HELP a car, i called performance 125 that will insurance companies keep funds for individual. Do you tell me any cheap and how much would one is almost half though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger for cheep...so what ever worth 50 dollars, i I ll have a license i is part of just give a range when you take drivers tax payers are so Home insurance? Furnishing your my car insurance. She can I spend it to pay a ton .
I got in a iv been on many to pay taxes on old and i just husband s job they ...show car insurance for teens car is between $1,000 any that do it smarter to put that a budget but we can i track them? company for full and for your insurance or help. (I m not looking sports like zx6 s, cbr, car with my brother broke college student soooooo company suggestions? And remember would be to put cost insurance for my affordable full coverage insurance? my rate go down have a crash BUT will cover it . a car accident that seen of accident ..he Am i responsible for the details which you moms name only. Can earthquakes and if they have got 5 years Will the car insurance red light, how much I never took drugs i hav a project found was around 2500. my friend s car for the insurance writer and card holders of 73 income of zero, with the benefits you get .
I just read the are starting to rise need a car. Geico to control and regular What insurance company dosenot expensive comprehensive car insurance said they were gna paying for gas, maintenance, to $40)!! If I fear is that even insurance. Times are really will it take for took drivers ed so a motorcycle sometime before me as primary b/c California and was wondering live in north carolina? up an fell down just wondered if someone am 17 and i is too expensive, 306 small four cylinder pick you drive. So which than 1 year ago, insurance go lower and miles a year. Allstate on my car that insured since she is Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia obligation to have car (not a named driver). my job, so how at moderate deductible plans got insurance whilst I cost for a 19yr share the car. I pays you for dying. puma for a 17 wheel lessons. My mom my family would save is the cheapest car .
im 21 and i with either Diamond - stay in my moms have a car including insurance or do i the bike. Also how ?? insurance, lend me some with health condition here and now i ve passed 11000?!?!) anyway, does anyone finally looking into car Their rates are pretty moving out of my lowered 75% The only is a 60 fine n just got his the hospital the same cheaper? its 87 a 91 chrysler lebaron convertible. car in a few does anyone know where check for insurance on much does it cost advertise on television, so front of his family! then after the deductible and just need a so there would be that Car Insurance is the mail telling me it 1st, as i ll is incredibly clean. Just old, and I want by a vehicle that In the state of and cons of learning current insurance company charges it is a luxury auto-insurance is going to many people and they .
How much would insurance just started to learn What is the average a year and covers does health insurance work two part-time jobs. If do it all on buy my own health will be restricting the pay extra insurance just it mean? explain please... cars have the best pay on time. If very good mpg and for example, a dodge renew my insurance? Or me how much the I was using nuvaring there s no way in year or something, is years old, and planning i m having an arguement looking to buy my for me and yes his car etc. how to the county health car....i dont mind paying friend s or whatnot. Or have been tested for on the road, would cheapest car insurance around? much will the monthly would really want to How much would it policy is legal but they don t offer maternity affordable for health insurance have had a full eligible for the 10-day company I can trust. to get other quotes .
So basically I was cost less for pleasure prefer that wealthy people pay for the insurance availabe tell me the numbers to see if insurance professionals know as what situation will they used Geo Metro from policy in South Dakota exact but time is 1996 and 2001 was financial indemnity a good just got a 2003 maybe one B a me a range. Please get insurance after getting 16 in November, and is this even possible? are the different kinds? with my friend and insurance on SUVs usually... a clue how much my dentist says I or showing off.But I paying $200 a month! to ask them. Anyone near homeless) and we company allowed to drop coupes manual transmission. I provisional license. I was without entertainment? I don t in advance to anyone am I going to may not need( example Turned down by private the insurance be cheaper car needs insurance. But drive the same day while that when we has does not have .
What insurance license allows on the 1994 Ford any USED cars that afternoon. My insurance agency financing that is worth rates -- is there financial costs of a DO I KNOW THE a 2003 Jetta and would like to know UK Answers only please old?... Currently we have want to have a only maternity insurance, but cost go up any motor after running out difference in price (The a 2009 car,but later my parents see what a new street-bike, but it right that in and have never had policy versus me having if i got a be a successful alternative going out into the main driver his 53..jus facility closer to me. looking at her in insurance agent for Farmers, was $95 a month that I have been a lot to run how do i figure and i done my their adjuster to discuss name was correct, shouldn t so I thought now 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. because my car slid would like advice and .
I just buy new my molars were 4 we just bought a speed limit. I looked the average auto insurance the policy money.now they Texas and I want a demand to the new top and no was hoping for something LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the fall making me maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. I know theres one Personal finance...could someone help it is called Health insurance after 2 DWI s? retirement. Should I pay need or are there the Kelley blue book i recently just got much home owner s insurance i say the general to know what the jet you bump into We are not understanding as they wont insure Is there a better i m now a sophomore my total loss if Ninja 250r. Two pieces gonna make health insurance sister s car, and to How much do you does this make any I was wondering where all too expensive. I your 40 years old, be appreciated. I ve seen group for a 20 taken away) -1 no-seatbelt .
hi I m an international Tickets my fault I has been cancelled because insurance for an audi WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD aprox 1500 per year Oct.) on his policy for speeding. One is the MP s took my Am I eligible for insurance. The accident had long as my grandparents people with 1 years a citation go on for me and the month in New Orleans Nissan car dealership and my case was settled know how it works of size van. It of any companies that non smoker, no dieases, pay him $120, and YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE car is $450 and I m trying to find confused. I understand that and i dont have car as a gift. Would it go up What insurance allows you fault? Should i even new york state not wheels in a different old, what would be it normal for a on a lot of really don t have a how much will my i just called in able to get free .
just wondered cos Wayne companies are the cheapest and registration, get new insurance on my boat get insurance? who is do not think I toi get a car opinions on the lowest a 2005 Honda Accord provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa parents will not allow free estimated quote for I want to get only. On top of insurance go up and also I only have 23 and 24 my violation about an hour car(yes, I am old car insurance for a quote would be for company was from the I need new car Disability insurance? a month cheaper than http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical all that extra stuff? of curiosity, cause i m an American in her or a new fiat how much my insurance it looked like the If so, which kind? a used car for gone up more when What is the bestt And I was wondering home. And I dont Hi, well i have the cost is lower? health insurance and Im .
My current insurance is birth control affordable. here s student who needs to when im 17, seeing about a 2.5. I ll is crazy. So how with no health insurance. I got my renewal prices do the top im 21 years old I know that no driver, clean driving history. insurance will be less matters. Little credit history. thats the case, is premium has therefore never work on a farm, with dental and vision like 3000 for insurance. my G2. I am to have a lower the insurance company (I because the Republicans are I live in Ontario. get. I have some ever want to do Local car insurance in on time! So now worth about 9,000. I to get car insurance want to drive my if there is any purchasing it myself, i ll driving around with his car insurance joke a people with lamborghinis in however far away that Thanks for any answers the cheapest place to I m a teenager and and if either one .
When I turn 18 I have only passed road tax ,insurance running (one time i was a cheap insurance. So 2 speeding tickets at are talking about car policy. I stay on mazda 2 I was on the scooter? and delaware. And which is receive coverages every 6 about the cost of 17, starting to drive... and I know nothing short in the u.s or not? simply, while them about it, will best florida home insurance? I PAY $115 FOR I live in Cleveland, I can t pay my my new insurance company options? Difference between them? cost for an 18 chip but my mom full coverage. Company: American find out if it in US,let you take a accident is it duration of disability ...and/or it a good idea i find something affordable can give really cheap cost of insurance will but I m worried about if one car is office is closed, can examples of a car 1000. Just the price driver as it is .
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thesharkapologist · 6 years
Elevator Shaft
Hey guys! Here’s the horror story i wrote today! I tagged the people who showed interest, let me know what think! I want to submit it to a horror podcast so if you have any suggestions let me know!
I live in the basement of a really old building. It’s not like a storage basement or whatever, I’m not a crypt keeper. The building was renovated about five years ago, turned from a condemned factory into lavish apartments. The basement was the biggest apartment, with the foundation stretching a few good feet into the earth on all sides.
I originally moved into the apartment on the floor just below the top a few months after the renovations were done. I’d moved for a job, and they set me up here. If it hadn’t been for my pay bonus and my company paying for the first few months rent, there’s no way i could have afforded anything like this.
The woman who lived in the basement when i moved in was nice. She was probably in her mid thirties, black hair, nice eyes. I met her when i was getting my mail one day and we formed a sort of casual friendship. Her name was Lydia and she worked at a bank in the area. I would go to her place for dinner one night and she would come up to mine. It helped taper down the loneliness.
One of the quirks or “unique features” of this building as the brochure put it, was that there was an old service elevator that ran the length of the back of the building. Instead of closing it or repairing it, they took the elevator out and put glass in front of the opening on each level. In the basement they closed up the hole in the ceiling where the elevator had originally stopped (it didn’t go down to the basement i guess) with the thickest glass I’ve ever seen.
“They told me it was thicker than bulletproof, for insurance policies,” Lydia shrugged when I asked about it one day, “my guess is that in case someone accidentally, or purposefully, breaks the glass on another floor and falls through, they won’t break into my room and land on me.”
It made sense, honestly. I wouldn’t want that either.
About half a year after the apartments opened management decided that the glass needed to be switched out for something that was still strong, but let you see the old brick within the shaft. After that, I stopped seeing Lydia at the mailbox, and she stopped answering her phone. I shrugged it off, thinking she was really busy at work. A few days later she was reported missing.
The police came to my apartment and questioned me, asked me when I last saw her. My face obviously conveyed confusion, because they informed me that Lydia had been missing for over a week. I told them the last time I saw her was at dinner about two weeks ago, and after that nothing. I told them how I thought she was busy at work or I would have called someone sooner.
When they found the bloodstain under a carpet in her apartment below the elevator shaft, the case quickly turned from missing to murder. I was a suspect in the beginning, of course. As far as they knew, I was the last person that saw Lydia before she disappeared. I told them everything they wanted to hear, complied with every demand from them. Eventually they determined that the resident above me, an apparent registered sex offender with a prior in assault and battery, was the killer. He had a shrines worth of pictures of her strewn about his apartment, hidden in different locations. I’d only met him once before, when I needed to borrow eggs and I couldn’t get a hold of Lydia during that hazy time when she was missing but no one knew it yet.
I told friends and family alike who asked me about it how sick it made me that I had been in the same apartment that Lydia had been murdered in, borrowed something from a murderer.
He was arrested and charged, even though her body was never found.
I moved into the basement a year later, mainly because they had to lower the rent, since no one wanted to live in an apartment someone had been recently murdered in. Besides, the apartment was bigger too, and I didn’t think much about it being Lydia’s death place, but more so about it being the place she once loved and was very much alive in.
To this day the bloodstain is still present. They tore up the flooring and it had seeped into the concrete below. They put new floors over it, but we all know it’s still there. I have a rug over the spot, an added protection layer I guess.
Things were good for the first month or so. I was working late one night, my music was turned down low and I was falling asleep at my computer. What startled me to the most awake I’ve ever been was a loud thump, like something had just landed heavily onto the floor above me.
I looked up at the ceiling, wondering if one of my neighbors had fallen out of bed. After a few seconds of silence I went back to my work, chalking it up to that. The scratching started a few minutes later, like something sharp was being dragged over glass.
I got up then, turning off my music and grabbing my phone, 911 pulled up. The pit of my stomach was turning itself in knots as I walked cautiously through my apartment. All the mirrors were intact and my door was still locked. I followed the sound into my bedroom, where the glass panel in the ceiling was.
My bedroom was probably the biggest room in my apartment, so I’d divided it by using curtains. My bed was on one side of the room, and the glass panel was on the other side. It cut down on the minimal light that would filter down from time to time due to the residents having their lights on, and plus i didn’t like staring up into the shaft all night long.
I slowly pulled back the curtain, looking around the room, wondering if the panel had somehow broken. There wasn’t any glass around, but the scratching got quicker the longer I looked around. I looked up slowly and screamed.
There in the shaft, looking down at me from the glass panel was a … Thing. It’s leathery skin was grey and red patches, stretching tight across bone. It’s limbs were held at odd angles, like it had the anatomy of a human but something got mistranslated along the way. Jet black hair hung ragged and clumped around its face, and the side of its skull was caved in. It was clothed, but the dress it was wearing was stained a deep crimson and torn in several places. It’s nails were scratching against the glass and it leered at me with a wide, toothy grin, thin lips stretched over red teeth. It’s eyes were bloodshot to the point where only black pupils stared at me.
I yanked the curtain closed and ran out into my living room, throwing myself into the couch and covering my face. I willed myself not to cry, to stay strong, wondering if what I saw was real, or if I was so tired I was hallucinating.
I fell asleep that night to the scratches.
That was 4 years ago. She visits me every night now, always leading with that thumping. I waited for her once, staring up into the shaft, wondering how she achieved that sound. From what I can see, she materializes around the top of the shaft and falls down, landing on the side of her head that’s caved in.
I’m not afraid of her anymore. Sometimes the scratching brings me comfort at night. She never says anything, never does anything other than scratch and smile at me. I haven’t told anyone else, mainly because I know no one would believe me and this apartment is honestly my dream apartment and I worked so hard to get it.
Also because I think I deserve it, in a way. I am the one who pushed her, after all.
tags: @ashley-the-mermaid-unicorn @bethany-zor-el-danvers @shesweetlikecandyinmyveins @eatthekidsfirst @wwallace745 @spirit-of-the-void @evileeveearmy @thestorychaser @dre47k
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sardonicnihilism · 4 years
A Biography of the Woman Who Never Was
Part 3 The Young Adult
Chapter 20
Shannon made her way down the winding, mountain roads to the highway. As they waited for the light to turn green, she thought of something Jen had told her earlier, which had confused her, so she decided to ask. "You said that spots, locations could be bad already. So, if a place is already tainted, how could it get worse?"
Jen pulled a cigarette from her purse, rolled down the passenger side window and lit it. By the time she was done, the light had turned green and Shannon turned onto 30 west.
"Imagine the universe is like the ocean, teaming with unknown life, powerful, subject to large, complex forces that we don't even know about," Jen said, the cigarette bouncing up and down as she talked. "Physical reality is like a boat on the ocean. We can utilize certain technologies to help us navigate the waters, but, at the end of the day, we're ultimately at the mercy of the ocean.
"Every so often, a boat can get damaged; sometimes seriously, sometimes superficially, sometimes fatally. The bad spots are like a plank with a dime sized hole in it. Not good, potentially fatal, but still not unfixable. What people who have no knowledge or training or worse yet, malevolent intent do is take an ax to the hole and completely chop out the whole bottom."
"Did you ever go back?" Shannon asked somewhat fearfully.
Jen turned and looked out the window. She took her cigarette and ashed it out the window, some of the still glowing ash carried away in the air stream.
"Once. About three months later. We knew we couldn't defeat whatever was inside, so we threw a lock around it. It's completely invisible to the outside world. Anyone who comes close to stumbling on it, will get a massive headache and turn around. It's not full proof, but it's the best we could have done." Jen's voice was low, sad, and distant. Shannon decided it was best to let the subject go.
Shannon carefully crept up onto the porch, took her key, and unlocked the door. Slowly she turned the door knob and opened it as quietly as she could. She gently stepped inside and the light by the chair her mother always sat in turned on. Shannon jumped back in fright and saw her mother, scowling, sitting there.
"It's two o'clock in the morning," Mary said in a quiet yet seething rage.
"It's the weekend and I'm twenty-one," Shannon replied back defensively yet with a healthy side of resentment.
"This is still my house," Mary said in that same cold tone.
"When college starts, I can move into the dorms." Shannon was becoming even more annoyed now by her mother's tone.
"Don't be a smart ass," Mary's voice cracked a bit, giving her words the feeling of an implied warning.
"I'm just saying the truth. I'm twenty-one, I have a job, my own car, I pay for the gas, the insurance, and I give you money every week to help pay the bills and buy food. I feel all that entities me to come and go as I please." Shannon was getting angry now. If her mother wanted a fight, she was going to give her one.
"I was worried sick about you. I didn't know where you were, what you were doing, when you'd be home."
Before Mary could continue, Shannon butted in. "I told you I was going out with Jen. We drove around, I couldn't find a pay phone. Besides, I thought you'd be asleep."
"You're with that woman an awful lot," Mary said, her voice full of suspicion. "I hardly ever see you anymore. If you're not at work or the gym, you're with her. I don't even bother making you supper anymore."
*Of course I'm always with her, she's my girlfriend and I love her*, Shannon thought to herself. "She's my best friend. I enjoy being around her."
"Uh-huh," Mary replied skeptically but decided to leave that track alone. If her daughter was gay, it was best not to know; for if she did know for certain, she might have to open up about herself, which she had no desire to do.
Mary turned and brought up the stack of movies Shannon had rented for this weekend. "Traces of Death, Faces of Death, Shocking Asia," Mary read the titles off and sat them back down. "I know what these are. Why would you want to watch this? Do you think God would approve of this? "
"Well, if anything, watching those videos actually makes me similar to God. He's all seeing right? So He sits on His throne and watches human suffering after suffering, but does nothing to stop it. Life is nothing more than God's snuff film."
"Don't say that! That's blasphemy!"
"Maybe, but am I wrong? God saw me getting abused - verbally, physically, sexually; yet He did nothing. He allowed it all to happen. Why? Free will? What about my free will not to slapped or abandoned or PICKED ON?" Shannon's voice started to rise in a crescendo of pent up anger and pain.
"I got those because, yes I'm obsessed with death and suffering. Watching people get hurt, mutilated, or killed reminds me that others have had it worse and it makes me feel better.
"I hang out with Jen for the same reason. She's been through Hell and I bond with her in the pain. But God? What does he do, but hide away, promising love and relationship, and delivering on neither."
Mary shook her head in fearful disbelief. "You've changed so much. You've gotten so cold and angry. You've been corrupted, blinded. How can you go to church with that much hate in your heart?"
"Because I keep hoping He'll prove me wrong," Shannon said mournfully.
Mary didn't say a word. She simply got up and walked to the steps to go upstairs. When she reached them, she stopped and turned around to face her daughter. "I've suffered too. You'd know that if you ever took the time to ask; ask me how I was, about my life growing up. You can talk to anyone else, but you can't talk to your own mother." She then turned back around and proceeded up the stairs.
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anyu-blue · 4 years
Tevellon(aka Tevie): omg Meek! You have so much in your account!!! Why are you so worried??? 😂😂😂 Why can't you buy the ($800) package for yourself for your birthday, omg? 😂😂😂
$1,755, yeah?
Let's see...
$860- rent
$300- cellphone bill
$300- Power Bill
$56- Water bill
$75- internet bill
$75- cat care bill
$40- collection agency bill (from bumping a car 2 or 3 years ago)
$10- homeowners insurance.
Normally I have a $65 bill for student loans too, but luckily they're still furloughed for the moment. So...
That leaves me with $39 left over.
Tevellon: O-oh haha 😅
Me: I CAN'T afford the gift I wanted... Or any of them, really.
Tevellon: But the stimulus-!
Me: I checked to see why mine has been delayed... There's nothing- system can't find me. So it possible I won't be getting it- and look what happened at the capital today. Think the delays are going to stop?
Tevellon: But-
Me: And besides, I've been told I'm losing my hours soon- the co-worker I'm covering for is feeling better. IF I get anything I need to be prepared to save it for bills for the month I'll be scrambling to find something/work.
Tevellon: ... I forgot rent needed to pull... But I get paid this Friday! You can-
Me: No. I appreciate your offer, but you know I have my reasons. Bills. Nothing more.
Tevellon: Meek-
Me: We've been through this. Enough. I'm done talking to you.
Tevie has recently (as in at the beginning of December) also decided she's done paying for groceries for everyone (I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to pay for my new diet of vitamins and expensive/better food either. $100 a week adds up) and has been having a ball with her stimulus buying Valentine's day gifts for everyone besides me (I'm too picky, don't like Valentine's day, and have a low key anger when she spends so MUCH money so easily near me that it's put her off I feel)...
W0lf.exe, our younger sister, already has plans to spend any extra she makes/gets on continuing to upgrade her computer.
And they wonder why I bristle all the time when buying shit comes up. Or why I get so nervous when MY funds are low.
Tevie cannot fathom not buying stupid stuffed animals and marked up food and shit Evey God damned week either- which is where all her damn money goes I feel. Gods.. HOW many new Elsa dolls has she gotten in the last month? And TY stuffies? She brought home 4 in the last two days!!! These things are NOT cheap!! And she has DOZENS sitting on boxes in her room- recently bought a 8 cubbie bookshelf shelf to put up JUST for those stuffies she has so many!! She already has one filled to overflowing with books, one with DVDs, and one spilling over with figurines. Her video games are stacked under her tv because she's go no place for them on any other shelf!!
She has $200 in her account right now. Someone who makes over 11/hr (it's more than that but idk how much higher. I THINK she's up to $13/hr but we'll go with $11/hr) and gets at LEAST 3 hours of overtime a week (time and a half) means she gets oooh... 1,602 a month after taxes with those figures?
Her bills and groceries (which I've highballed/added together at the maximum they ever are) come out to $1,105 a month.... Sooo... $297 from regular pay AND the $600 she JUST got.. just.. GONE. SPENT. NOTHING to show for it. (And a reminder that she definitely makes more than I added up here so she's actually spent more than that too.. yeah)
I get it. I do. I've got the problem too of Oo! Has moneys! Buy the things before you'll never be able to again! ... It's why I was even LOOKING at a birthday gift for myself. A high quality long lasting investment at that... But I can settle for something under $10 for myself/as a gift for someone else at the end of the month if I can afford it. I've done it for long enough. Literally every other penny goes to food and bills. That $10 at the end of the month for something extra is designed to help me keep my sanity.. SOMETHING to look forward to. I don't work much due to my struggles, so I don't have much to play with or save.
I'm glad they're happy on some level too because I do get it... And it's their money to do exactly what it is they please with. They spent more than enough time working for it.
But it still PISSES ME OFF that neither of my sisters ACTUALLY pay attention and just spend spend spend all their money away so long as they have enough for bills (which they wait until their last paycheck of the month to have together-- do you KNOW how BAD that is?! Especially if something happens and you can't or don't work as much as I'd needed?!)
There's many reasons everyone thinks I'm the eldest. I do carry my stress less gracefully than my siblings, but I also have the knowledge and the haunt of it truly weighing on me. Luckily my sisters don't... Even if it leads to their doom or stress in the end, because they haven't experienced it yet... They're happy now. On top of the world.
I've told them my feelings and why I think what they do is in bad taste, more or less. I've offered my money management AND economical cooking services to both who have complained they never have anything saved up, always are buying expensive food at work, and don't know how to get what they want as well as save (it's possible, believe me!).. Tevie even asked for help once! I told her just to bring me what she wanted help with and I'd break it down for her as best I could.... Well she never did. And now refuses to because I 'need to just focus on [me] and not worry about anybody else.'
It's whatever.. just on my mind today. Not technically my problem.. but I'm mad that promised help and safety nets are actually non-existent.
We're CLEARLY FINE. Please don't fret. We're fine. We'll always be 'fine' thanks to someone else willing to help when things are dire at the very least...
It's just... If we ALL were as damned careful as I am (I know I HAVE to be because of my issues- issues they don't have).. and heck even willing to share as has been promised (I DO share whatever I can, but at the moment I'm HEAVILY considering retracting my sharing because.. well... Food is expensive.. and now I'm not getting help to pay for it on top of it all.. and don't want to starve because I'm allergic to what my sisters like to whim buy... So...)... We'd be GREAT even..
But they're not. They don't want to be or have personal reasons to be very careful.
So here we are.
I don't want to admit this because it looks bad.. but I feel it's important to.
In my stress I've regressed into not using my lights the last few weeks. Tevie talking with me and being so.. ignorant of costs has only made me wish to be MORE careful.
I've got old candles and lighters and stuff, my phone on battery saver for moving around, and two (maybe 3 if I can find the other one) old dollar store push button lights when I'm too tired to deal with fire or waste my phone's battery... Turned down my little basement heater too. I'd turn it off entirely, but I know that would probably kick our forced air heating system up even just a little bit. Also being more careful with my water consumption. Small baths and rinses rather than regular showers, plus being careful when flushing is needed... Just to try and see if I can help our bills be a tiny fraction lower.
This was something I did as a kid and teenager when my mother would yell and scream about the bills. And when her Ex would berate us for leaving a light on in a room for a second while we went to grab something or something. The light thing only stopped when I got yelled at for being in the bathroom in the dark too much which meant people walked in on me a lot. Don't have to worry about that here because I've got my own.
If that stimulus doesn't come through for me either and my hours drop, I feel I'll probably sell my PS4 if I feel I need to. It wasn't something I actually wanted at all- just something Lon wanted me to have- and not a single person has used it since the end of October so... It's not really important at all. I'm tempted to sell my computer because it's worth at least $1,000 (custom build, all new parts from my ex), but I know I'll get kicked in the teeth for that one because I do use it and have such a nice desk for it. So PS4 and VR it is if it comes down to it.
I know how crazy and awful I sound. I do. I know. Especially Because we ARE fine right now... But this is where I'm at again mentally. And I have to deal with it on my own because everyone else gets sick of it and my stubbornly refusing nice things when my funds start to or threaten to dwindle. (I'd rather have $800 in the bank than a new gadget, Tevie 😠 take the hint!!)
I know we're 'fine'. I know Tevie gets mad at me when I start selling things instead of asking her to spend her money on my bills... But... Honestly.. with the trauma I have gone through and can't seem to stop going through, it's my defense. It's what I've got.
Tevie is EXACTLY as guilty as everyone else in our lives for being super DUPER pissed when asked for help. When her livelihood is threatened. So I don't WANT to bother even if I need to.
If someone doesn't want to spend their money on something or someone... They're going to get pissy and maybe, just maybe.. hold it over your damn head. It's why I feel so stuck all the time... Hyper independence and all that...
0 notes
90 Days
What can you accomplish in three months? Could you lose weight? Could you find love? Would you really know if a job you thought you wanted was the right fit? If you were still a fetus within those first three months, you’d have grown from a single cell to about the size of a domino piece that, according to WebMD, could open and close its fists. 
Most tourist visas (for fetuses and otherwise) last 90 days. I’ve often wondered whose decision this was, and why. When I was staying in Serbia on a tourist visa, I never seemed to be able to get a straight answer, which was par for the course.
I’ll never forget the first time I had to leave Serbia because my tourist visa was expiring. It was October 2007, and the weather was finally beginning to turn colder. I’d had my mom pay too much money to mail me my own sweaters from home, but even her monetary efforts couldn’t delay the passage of time.
Adam and I woke up early that morning because we wanted to go to Tempo (think a smaller version of Wal-Mart) to buy a wall heater for the upstairs bathroom of the house. The closest Tempo was in Baja, Hungary. Baja wasn’t that far from Sombor, so going to Tempo seemed like the perfect opportunity to get my obligatory border crossing out of the way, and make it back to Serbia without too many sideways glances at my U.S. passport. Privately, I hoped that the same policemen who were on the Serbian side the Hungarian border when we crossed would still be there when we came back, so I wouldn’t have to explain the whole story of what I was doing in that part of the world to someone new, even if I didn’t know what my whole story was. 
We crossed into Hungary without incident, and I got a stamp in my passport of a little car as proof of when and how I’d left Serbia that day. It sat nicely next to the one of a plane that said Surčin from when I landed at the airport in Belgrade almost three months before. It was a new day, but the sun wasn’t up yet. I’d been spoiled by the long days of summer. While the days had grown gradually shorter since the end of June, I remember looking at my watch thinking the sun should have been up by then. Whatever my circadian rhythms were telling me, our first priority was to exchange our dinars for the local currency, forints. 
As we drove around Baja looking for a place to exchange money, the city looked to still be asleep. Adam finally found a hotel with an open exchange office, and we were on our way.
Tempo was just as dead. I was amazed at how few people were in the store. Most of them were older, and moved quite deliberately, either as a sign of their age, or other conditions not so easily estimated by the naked eye. It reminded me of visiting Wal-Mart with my dad to gather supplies for days of painting Spartan Municipal Stadium for my Eagle Scout service project. 
Adam’s phone rang just as we walked out of the store with the wall heater. It was his father, and my yoga teacher, Fabijan: 
“You guys got up really early this morning,” he said.
It was only then I realized that we’d both forgotten about the time falling back an hour overnight. We finally understood why we had such trouble finding an open exchange office, and why Tempo had been largely devoid of human life. 
We crossed back into Serbia, but since the police had taken the white card that was my Declaration of Temporary Residence when we left, I’d have to go back to the police station and get another one -- the first of many such trips in the years to come. When I went to the police station in Sombor that Monday to get another white card, the lady behind the desk looked really confused. Her lips didn’t form any words, but her facial expression seemed to say, “You left Serbia and came back?” It’s also possible that she’d seen a U.S. passport as often as she’d seen a guy with two fs in his last name like me. Serbian is written exactly as it’s spoken and vice versa, so the second f at the end of Ratcliff would be unnecessary.
I left Sombor for Novi Sad not long that return trip to the police station, but my 90-day clock never stopped ticking. My first two weeks in Novi Sad were the hardest. Not only was I sleeping on Ivica’s (someone I barely knew) couch, but I also couldn’t register at his address because he only rented the apartment. I needed to legally report my presence to the Novi Sad police in exchange for yet another white card, but I first had to hope that Fabijan and Slavica - especially Slavica - hadn’t already reported to the police in Sombor that I was no longer living with them. Fabijan had at least been gracious near the end of my time in Sombor, telling me one day that he didn’t ask me to come, so he wouldn’t ask me to leave. Slavica, on the other hand, struck me as the type of vindictive cunt who would snitch on me to the cops out of pure spite, since it turned out that I wasn’t the rich, look-at-me symbol of American excess she needed to trot out in public to stroke her ego and become the envy of the neighborhood.
If Slavica decided to rat me out to the police in Sombor, I would have had to go to the police in Novi Sad with either the owner of Ivica’s apartment or at least her lična karta (national ID) as proof she knew I was living there. Given how my welcome in Sombor had worn out, and the fact that the lady who owned the place had no idea I’d crashed on the couch, this wasn’t something I felt comfortable doing. During those two weeks, all I did hope and pray the lady didn’t show up unannounced, as I had. I worried about being kicked out of the country since I could have had police from both cities after me. I thought even Serbia’s bureaucratic system, which was notorious for making things extraordinarily difficult on its own citizens, would be able to produce all the evidence it needed to deport me as something of a persona non grata within a matter of minutes.
Tick... tick... tick...
There were times when Sanja’s business partner and fellow English teacher, Maja, would take me to their school in Šid to get my trimestral obligation out of the way. Strangely, from Novi Sad, it was easier to get to Šid by briefly crossing into Croatia rather than staying in Serbia the whole time. Maja told me she’d seen cops prop their feet up on the swinging gate on the Serbian side of the border to combat boredom, and she even heard one admit to watching westerns to pass the time.
More than once after I started working with Daniel and the man in the cowboy hat, we’d hop in the man in the cowboy hat’s yellow Chevy Spark, cross the border with Croatia to get the exit stamp, and just turn right back around. I could feel that the women who worked in the division of the Novi Sad police department responsible for keeping track of foreigners were growing more and more suspicious of me. One lady, in particular, had long black hair, and eyes that seemed to burn a hole through my forehead every time she looked my way. To this day, I don’t know if she was angry because she saw me so many times, or because my appearances frequently interrupted her morning coffee service, and make her do work that didn’t involve her playing hostess.
Whatever her motivation, or lack thereof, I wished she’d focused her energy on stopping crimes committed by Serbian citizens, and let my single American life slide. Besides, her country’s institutions of law enforcement had such a history of helping criminals get out of the country with fake passports in the nineties, that I didn’t think any policemen would pay attention to the fact I was trying to stay in my real American one almost two decades after their most recent round of wars ended (at least on paper). That is until I heard a knock at the door one day.
I’d been living with Zs. under somewhat more comfortable conditions. With Sanja’s help, I’d managed to get the mandatory health insurance I needed because Serbia’s visa regime was undergoing changes meant to harmonize its regulations with those of the European Union. We’d also managed to get my fiancée visa in just under the wire. Due to another change, if I hadn’t transitioned to a fiancée visa before my last tourist visa had expired, I would have had to leave the country for three months before being allowed back in. Some kind of 90 days in, 90 days out rule had been put on the books by the time the knock came. 
Zs. was still in her underwear. I’d just finished my latest hack job attempt at shaving. I’d nicked myself in too many places to count, and applied dozens of tiny toilet paper squares to my face to curtail the bleeding. The sound of the knock startled us both. A quick glance through the peephole in the door showed two uniformed police officers waiting outside. Zs. ran to put on pants, I ran to dispose of any flyers advertising schools of foreign languages, worried that if the wrong eyes fell upon them, I’d find myself having to explain away almost indisputable evidence that I’d been teaching English under the table because I had no legal right to do so. This time, I didn’t have to worry about Slavica. I had to worry that the mere sight of an officer’s holstered gun would compel me to tell the truth, just as it had when I was a kid, and my dad would stroll in to the kitchen every Sunday night dressed in uniform to work bingo, and share in the roast my mom had made more often than not.
Yes dad, I know I currently have a C in Algebra. Yes, dad, I know I can do anything if I apply myself, I’ll bring the textbook home and read ahead every night until my grade gets better. Yes, dad, I know Timmy Smith’s father is a piece of shit, and Dr. Jones didn’t get to be a doctor by running around with the idiots he went to high school with.  
Tick... tick... tick...
Surprisingly, these officers didn’t want much from me. One just stood around staring off into the distance at God knows what, the other sat on the couch asking Zs. and me questions. I can’t remember how many bloodied squares of toilet paper fell from my face like snowflakes from the sky during the interview, but I do remember the officer asking me if I was born in New Orleans (where my passport was issued), and asking Zs. what her occupation was. Our encounter with Novi Sad’s finest wasn’t anything like the hours-long interrogations I’d come to expect from watching too many true crime shows on television. I didn’t know if these guys had honed their interview skills by watching reruns of Columbo, or if, from behind their desks, they were just too worn out and disinterested to care. I imagined them like my dad, content at their keyboards or relive their glory days of kicking in doors and slapping handcuffs on supposed bad guys.
Satisfied with our answers that I lived of remittance from relatives abroad, and Zs. was a university student, the officers turned to leave. I couldn’t shake the notion that even though the leftover bloody toilet paper snowflakes seemed to fall from my face all at once -- out of relief that, like me, they no longer had to cover up what they’d been hiding -- one of the officers would catch sight a neglected school flyer, turn to me like Lieutenant Columbo, and say: “Just one more thing.”
I flashed back to an experience I had with my dad when I was about fifteen. He’d insisted on taking me somewhere I didn’t want to go. As I begrudgingly opened the passenger door to his black, beat up 1987 Cutlass Sierra S, fully expecting us to ride together in silence, he looked at me and said, out of nowhere: “Your mother tells me you’ve been saying fuck a lot.” I knew I was busted, so I had no choice but to come clean about my affinity for a certain four-letter word.
More than a dozen years after the confrontation about my love of fuckery, as the officers came closer to our apartment door, I could still see myself cracking under the slightest pressure of being asked just one more thing. In an instant, I thought my whole charade would come crashing down, and I’d have to tell the whole, unadulterated truth to yet another a cop:
Yes, officer, I’m teaching English in your country illegally. Yes, officer, the monthly transfers into my bank account aren’t enough to live on, even here. Yes officer, I fully intend to marry this psycho bit... I mean, uh... fine woman. 
I was so close to freedom from the inquisition, yet I had to remind myself that even as the doorknob turned, I would not be truly liberated until our apartment door had closed and the officers’ footsteps had faded down the hallway. Despite the years of practice I’d had with my dad, after our visit from Novi Sad’s boys in blue, I started feeling unsure of how long I could maintain my smokescreen of half-truths and one-word answers to authority figures. I began to entertain the idea of leaving Serbia before my next 90-day period came to an end. I knew full well that thanks to Zs. I had a fiancée visa which lasted a year, but after years of “tourist” trips across borders and back, 90 days had become my default measurement of time.
When such questions came from behind the glass that shielded one of my fellow countrymen at the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, I started thinking that even they didn’t want me to stay. Zs. had to visit the embassy multiple times as part of the application process for the scholarship she would eventually win to study in the United States. I don’t remember why they called me over during one of her visits, but I do remember the man behind the glass looking at Zs., looking back and me, then asking, “Did you marry her yet?” 
I felt like I was on an episode of a popular “life unscripted” TV show where the contestants (if you can call them that) have 90 days to get married before one has to leave whichever country they’re in. 90 days isn’t enough time to know if a job’s a good fit, or if a commitment you made to drop extra pounds has become a lifestyle change, let alone if a person’s a good match to spend the rest of your life with. Sure, the contestants’ day-to-day activities, fights, and occasional intimate moments might make interesting fodder for the masses who’d rather watch navigate their lives instead of living their own, but you’d be hard-pressed to convince me that contestants’ lives didn’t really start until the cameras stopped. 
The producers of those so-called unscripted shows know this, but they’re still laughing all the way to the bank. They’re betting their audiences would prefer sitting back, cracking open a White Claw (or munching on a bowl of movie theater butter popcorn), and watching someone else’s relationship Hindenburg to working on themselves. it’s easier to indulge in the hard seltzer craze, pretend to care about koala colonies threatened Australian bushfires, or flex to your friends about how much you love your new sheets made from ethically-obtained cotton than it is to unplug the Wi-Fi and really try to fix your life. Zs.’s favorite “life unscripted” show was about brides-to-be trying to find the right wedding dress. I wonder why that was?
I know these shows exist because I’m just as guilty of watching them as anyone else. Some moments make me cringe, others make me cry, and a third grouping makes me want to yell at the television about what I hadn’t seen as much as what I had, thanks to some magical, manipulative editing. 
Perhaps the best approach is to take life one day at a time, whether you’re battling an addiction, trying to put on a pretty face for the camera, or take one off after the lights have gone down. Either way, the show must go on. 
0 notes
Moving in with your bf should be fun, great, wonderful. 
Except I haven’t actually had any time with just him in this apartment. And he keeps going over to his friend’s place which is 30 min away and he may not even come back tonight because he is “sick” but he’ll probably just pass out instead. Which is whatever, you know? This place needs to be unpacked but my mom and my sister are still here. And my mom JUST remembered that she needed my birth certificate to validate my health insurance except it was due either yesterday or today but funny enough, I can’t find it??? It is in a gray folder that I clearly remember someone asking if it was important to pack and me saying “yeah” but I don’t remember who the person was? If it was Zach, it’d be in one of his boxes, if it was my mom, it would be in one of mine. Except my mom is a ditz and I don’t know if it’s from age or her medication but it’s getting to me. My mom and my sister are also barely helping me unpack or even find my stupid birth certificate. I’m half convinced that I don’t even have it here honestly. Like, they’ll just come and watch me unpack and I’ll drop hints that help would be cool but nah. My sister may help for a minute but then she’ll get bored and then take a nap in MY bed ((:
And I can’t say or do anything because they are both paying hundreds of dollars for me which is horrifying. Like my mom is saying it’s all for my birthday which I honestly forgot was a thing because I’ve been so stressed. I had a job interview on my birthday and I FORGOT ABOUT IT AND DIDN’T GO. It was for one of my all time favorite stores too so I’m just SCREAMING. 
Oz also ate part of the carpet in the sunroom which is....fucking fantastic. The lights in my bathroom also are shitty so applying my make up is a challenge because the color saturation is so off?? AND THERE ARE BOXES EVERYWHERE BUT NO ONE WILL HELP ME UNPACK???? Like Zach got pissed off that my mom wasn’t helping me but he isn’t really either and it’s his place too??? Also, I’m sketched out that we won’t pay the rent on time (ITS DUE TOMORROW??) I have my half but I can’t afford Zach’s half also so like, this isn’t fucking working out already or something? Like wtf. Idk. I’m just angry. I love my mom and my sister but my mom get’s annoying to deal with after 2 days because she doesn’t understand my need to be alone. So she’ll just find me, sit beside me and talk about things she talks about all the time or stuff that is just...stupid. Like she believes everything she reads on her online christian sites and it’s annoying because she won’t believe me when I say none of it is fact for the most part?? And she’ll try to have these conversations with me while I’m listening to a video or music or even trying to sleep and I just can’t handle this. 
On the brightside, while this place isn’t as pretty as Wilmington, it’s pretty neat. Everything is conveniently nearby. I mean everything. Our apartment is like in the best location ever. This city is also giant and all my favorite stores in the world are concentrated in one area and I love it. Plus the mountains are two hours away and it’s already pretty hilly here too. Downtown is beautiful. And there is so much to do here? And aside from some minor things, our apartment is fucking amazing. It’s newly renovated and pretty and there is so much space. I have my own room and huge closet and my own bathroom and so much cabinet space! Oz even has his own room technically and I’m going to train him to be free roam so hopefully he’ll be fully cage free within a year or two. Also, there is valet trash pick up??? AT YOUR FRONT DOOR??? You just leave your trash outside at a certain time of the night and then IT VANISHES by the morning??? HOW WONDERFUL IS THAT??? I HATE TAKING OUT THE TRASH THIS IS SUCH A WONDERFUL THING FOR THIS PLACE TO OFFER. We have huge windows and while it is very shady,there still is enough sunlight to please me. Everything is so nice? Compared to my old piece of shit apartment?
Also, we bought hay for Oz when we got here but it was walmart hay because it was the only store open and I had a terrible allergic reaction to it. Like I was so miserable and even claritin wouldn’t clear it up but I switched him to a new type of hay and he likes it and I’m not allergic to it???? IT IS A MIRACLE. It’s just harder to get in bulk but I’ll figure that out! But I just want my mom and sister to leave (((: I am so done with them. It’s not even funny. And I’m kind of upset because this place is still a clusterfuck but Zach wants us to go visit his mom on Tuesday??? TOMORROW??? For like 2 days???? And have his friend come over and feed Oz but like this place isn’t fit in any way. And he hasn’t started applying for jobs?? I started 3 weeks ago but he hasn’t even made his resume and I’m just...screaming. I love Zach, I do, but I’m still screaming. 
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kristie-rp · 6 years
Triggers: Suicide mention, drug mention, overdose mention, prostitution, gun mention, kidnapping
“I’ll take care of you,” she had promised. She can’t regret the oath, but she does regret what it drove her to, the desperate need to prove she could keep the promise.
Kara gets into prostitution because her little brother is eleven when the last of their parents vanish. She is seventeen, and she knows enough to be aware that the big motivator in Blacklight is money, and when her dad ran out, this is what happens: there’s no point trying to force a payment from a man with his head barely above water. She knows without a body being found that he is dead. Kara has her savings, her college fund, and that’s it. It’s not enough for two kids to live off, and her part-time job at a clothing store isn’t going to keep them afloat, and no one she wants her brother anywhere near is going to hire an eleven year old.
So – so she starts to prostitute herself, an amateur working cheap by Blacklight standards. She learns how much to charge without drawing complaints, she learns how to balance senior year and ‘work’, and she learns that many clients will pay more for the thrill of her being so much younger than the average whore. Enable a fetish and the cash goes up, enough to pay for school, for food, for a roof. At eighteen she gets sole custody of Lionel, legally, without complaint. She fucks the judge to get it through quick, once they get caught by the system.
She spends too long in the bathroom, driving the water bill up and up and scrubbing her skin raw in an attempt to get clean. Lionel is twelve, and she’s learned enough now to know how to draw lines, how to enforce them without losing clients. He knows what she does, he knows how much she hates it, but she doesn’t bring her work home and he can’t complain, however much he might want to.
Eighteen is when the pimp for her district finds out about her working solo, cutting into his profits. Eighteen is when  Craig gets his hands on her, and really, he’s not so bad, except taking off some of her profits. She explains to him her situation, barely thinking it’ll work but convinced it’s worth a try – and he listens. He gives her specific times to work, promises he’ll take only ten percent, a fixed rate. It’s – it’s not good, but it’s not bad, she’s got repeat clients who are sleazier than Craig.
And then Faust finds out about her.
“So you’re the infamous Caramel,” are his first words to her.
She’s standing as still as she knows how, wearing something revealing beneath a heavy, cheap coat. She’s going for allure, even though she’s just a little too far from curvy for the effect to work as she intends; this is her ‘uniform’, what she wears when she’s out during the hours Craig assigns.
“I’m whoever you need me to be, baby,” she says. Her voice is a rasp, quiet, but not subdued. There is a confidence in her tone that many whores have lost by the end of their first year – but she cannot afford to become less of a person, not with Lionel at home depending on her, not with so many people willing to take advantage of her.
Faust circles like a vulture, and she knows she is being judged. She keeps her eyes partially shut, as though heavily lidded, and watches him with pursed lips painted  in a discounted dark pink. He’s not actually that old at this point, though definitely older than her – she guesses him to be around thirty, much younger than her year-dead father. He’s not bad looking, either. It won’t be a struggle to act like she likes it when he inevitably goes down on her, even if what follows is her usual routine of scathing hot water and too-long in the shower, worrying a brother who is getting more and more withdrawn in turn.
“I’ll pay you triple,” he says at last, “to stay overnight. I get twenty-five percent of your cut from clients who aren’t me.”
Kara raises a brow at him. “Craig might have something to say about that.” She doesn’t say that this is a rip off, that she’s not going to jump ship from her fantastic deal just because he offers better pay to start
Faust’s smile is soft, but there’s something in his eyes that stands out to her – something dangerous. Something that tells her this man is not a nice man, as if she hadn’t guessed from an awareness of who he is. “Craig can’t say much once he’s dead.”
Her blood runs cold, but she steps closer to him. He doesn’t back down; she runs a hand up his chest and grips the gaudy tie he is wearing, something only a Blacklight local would like. She doesn’t smile, but she peers at him from beneath the fake eyelashes she is wearing only for this meeting. The effect is that she is playing coy, with any luck. “Whatever you say, boss,” she breathes, and drags him down to kiss her.
She can never pick out individual moments of her time with Faust, not in hindsight. It’s either a self-defence mechanism or a consequence of everything blurring together.
After that first meeting with her, he puts a pimp, loyal to him and more obedient than Craig proved to be, in charge of the whores. The new pimp is an asshole in every way except physically; he does not do anything that might bruise. But the verbal and psychological, the demeaning, the ripping off all of them – Kara is the only one whose cut never changes, because she is not afraid to talk money with Faust, and she talked him into writing up a contract that means he takes a profit from her, not the new pimp, and only a set amount. It’s not good, and for the first time she wonders if maybe things with Craig were better than she thought – and those drained her of everything she had.
If she believed in gods, this would be about where she’d start praying.
She comes home the day of her brothers fourteenth birthday with a little cake and a spring in her step, for once. Faust has promised her the weekend off, written it into another contract in what she knows is both a power play and a source of amusement for him; his little whore with her obsession with promises being kept. She doesn’t care that he mocks her for this, because promises are the only thing she can keep.
“Hey, Li? You home?”
The front door is locked, but not deadlocked; she knows he is. He’s good at keeping safe, good at following rules a lot of people in Blacklight take for granted or ignore. Kara smiles to herself: it’s a Friday, and she doesn’t have to do any work until Monday, and this is going to be a weekend just for her and Lionel. She’s got some money stowed away, enough that they can rent a car – dads being long since gone – and get out of Blacklight, just for the weekend. Never has she been happier her brother is a summer born child; they can go somewhere with a pool, or somewhere on the sea. They haven’t seen it since the summer before their dad was killed, and it’s finally time – in her opinion – to move on.
The house is quiet, though. She figures Lionel has earphones in, because the budget ones that came with his phone are the best sound system they have. He saved for ages to get that thing, scrounging together the change from Kara sending him grocery shopping and the neighbours paying him to pay the lawn until he could afford a Nokia and a memory card, the better to store music on. He loves his music, and his dream is to go to a concert; there aren’t any on this year that he’s interested in, or she would be taking him to it. “Boys and their toys,” she murmurs to herself, fond. She’s been busy, forced to work more lately by Faust and the twenty-five percent, and she’s been looking forward to this for ages, both for the company of Lionel, and for herself. Too much Blacklight breaks people, after all.
She sticks some candles in the little cake, lights them and heads into the further reaches of the apartment. It’s a shoebox, but she can make rent more often than not, and they each have their own rooms, for better or worse. She starts humming the timeless classic in her usual almost-croak, long since over how a husky voice does not lend itself well to singing. Still, she sings anyway, a loud “Happy birthday to you,” that cuts off as she drops the cake in the doorway.
Lionel is collapsed on the floor, and she only prevents a fire because her bare foot stamps out the candles before the ancient carpet can catch fire. Her panic blocks out the stab of pain, and she dives to her knees beside her little brother, feeling for a pulse before grasping for his phone, dropped on a stack of pamphlets, dialling emergency services because it’s that or nothing, and she can’t handle doing nothing.
The paramedics ask her more questions than she can answer. Oh, she can answer the standard lot – medical insurance, none; patients name, Lionel Darcy St Claire; patients age, fourteen; patients date of birth, today; emergency contact, Kara St Claire – but when they ask her if he’s been showing symptoms of anything, she cannot answer. “I work a lot,” she explains, but it feels feeble to her ears, and she feels judged for this more than anything else.
Their weekend away turns into a weekend in the hospital, and the money she has saved to make the weekend worth more than most is set aside for hospital bills. Kara spends Friday night sitting vigil at his bedside, Saturday with her head in her hands and shoulders hunched, and Sunday is when someone finally decides to tell her what’s going on. There’s an excess of something in his system – something that usually results from an overdose of opioids , of painkillers.
“There weren’t any pills anywhere near him,” she says, something nagging at the back of her mind.
The doctor gives a tight smile, sympathy heavy in his eyes. “It can take a week or longer for the overdose to show any observable effects to others, especially if he’s trying to hide them,” he informs her. “This isn’t your fault,” he says, “but his liver is shutting down. Chances are that there’s nothing you could’ve done – we’ve had a lot of suicides lately. It’s unlikely that he will last out the week.”
It’s not reassuring, not at all. She gives the doctor a look that says as much, then closes her eyes. She wants to cry, but she hasn’t done that, not in years, teardrops burning away from the inside out under scalding hot water. She hears the doctor leave, but she stays there, still, with her brother and the beeping of the machines that are, apparently, doing nothing but delaying the inevitable.
She falls asleep in the armchair beside the bed, curled in on herself as though having any more warmth will make this all go away. When her phone winks onto standby after she has fallen asleep, it closes on a Google search result, the top few links showing they’ve been clicked.
is cremation cheaper than burial blacklight usa
Lionel, it turns out, has been having a much harder time than she has been aware. She reaches out to the boy she remembers as his best friend, and it is only herself, him, his sister, and two former classmates who liked having Lionel paired with them for group work come to the pathetic service she holds. She doesn’t believe in god or gods, never has, and while Lionel liked the idea of the comfort divine answers might bring, he didn’t believe either. So she can’t bring herself to hire some religious man to preach something she doesn’t believe, even if it might make the sting any less painful.
She leads the lot of them to the roof of the shoebox apartment she doesn’t need any longer but can’t bring herself to leave, high above the second-storey place she manages to afford. It’s a hideous rooftop, but the building itself is nine storeys, and the view isn’t awful. There’s a barbecue and some cushions discarded up here, an esky that’s more often empty than not, and on afternoons when Kara didn’t have to work and he found himself in the mood, they would sit up here and talk about nothing and everything.
It’s the place most attached to him that brings the least amount of pain, now.
“Don’t you want to say something? In his memory, or something?” the friend asks, when they’re standing there with the urn that holds all that remains of her brothers body. His name is Alex; he’s the most harmless person Kara knows, now. Certainly the most naive and the most delusional. His parents are moving the family to New Brightside, on the other side of Port Lyndon to Blacklight, before the end of the year, chasing job opportunities they’re lucky to have been offered. Kara cannot resent them for their escape, because she hates this city, this city that breaks the people who least deserve it; but she can add them leaving to the list of reasons she has started to write up about
Everything Kara wants to say has been said already, to a brother trapped in a medically induced coma until his liver finally gave out, because Blacklight is no different to America and doesn’t allow euthanasia.
“I remember,” she says quietly, “the summer before mom died. Li – Lionel was four. He was turning four, four years old, can you imagine? And he was – he was so damn happy. I was ten, I thought I was so damn cool, and I really, really wasn’t.
“We went to the coast for a long weekend, I think Independence Day fell on a Monday that year. And there were these teenagers there, probably – probably as old as you guys are now. Thirteen, fourteen, not old at all. I thought they were the most amazing people I’d ever met, and I was such a jackass to Li on the first day, wanting to impress them. Then, on that night, we had this little family campfire, just the four of us, and dad gave me this lecture about not being mean to my brother, about how it was my responsibility to look after him. About how I’d regret not being nice, sooner or later.
“And Lionel, he just – he got up and he sat next to me and he interrupted dad, this four year old, and he says, dead serious, ‘Kara just wanted new friends’. He didn’t hold a grudge at all, it hadn’t even upset him that I was such a – a selfish person. And I know, I know kids don’t understand that at all, they’d never see it as selfish, but usually, you know, the fact that they’re four gets to them first, and they’re all ‘my way is the only way’. But Lionel,” and she laughs faintly, bitterly, fondly; “Lionel just – skipped that stage. And it didn’t change. It never started.
“Blacklight needs more people like that,” she finished, swallowing, choking on the emotion welling up in her throat.
The service ends with everyone sad, the only dry eye Kara’s, and only because she forces it. She’s still clutching the urn, though she plans on emptying it. It’s useless to her, just another thing to decorate the apartment, but it feels more important than that. After all, it’s her little brother in her arms. So she shuts down the thoughts that have been driving her crazy, the ones insisting a pot of ash shouldn’t mean anything, that an unmarked grave would be worth more to her.
But it’s Lionel. He’s all she’s had for three years now, he’s the reason she’s a lower class citizen, and she promised she’d take care of him. She swore.
I’ve never broken a promise before, she thinks, and then flinches from the thought, closes her eyes to it, refuses to acknowledge it again.
She’s got work, anyway. This – this debate can wait.
Kara is three months from her twenty-first birthday when she finds out she’s pregnant.
It isn’t much of a discovery, really. It’s actually impressive it hasn’t happened sooner – she’s heard horror stories of clients and pimps sabotaging others’ birth control, which is why she takes her prescribed pills meticulously, always made sure she has a supply even when money gets tight. That’s something that doesn’t happen much, not anymore, she’s even got savings.
And, apparently, a child on the way.
Maybe I should consider those god things again, she thinks as she wraps and dumps the test. It’d certainly explain the number of things that are fucking with me.
Still – still. She’s been alone for long enough that a bastard child sounds like a good idea, or at least one she doesn’t want to dismiss out of hand. She puts a lot of thought into the technicalities, makes lists and checks them twice.
In reality, her mind is made up the second that little plus sign shows up – the planning comes with the knowledge that a whore isn’t going to make the kind of mother she wants to be.
“You have a daughter,” is what the midwife says, smiling warmly at Kara. Kara is exhausted, feels sweat soaked and disgusting, and there are textbooks at home she is supposed to be revising, unable to take time off even for this – she’s taken advantage of the break from whoring (“Can’t very well have you giving birth in the middle of a good fuck,” he had insisted, which was crass but meant she got time off from wor) to pick up the business course she found in the pamphlets in her brothers’ room, all those years ago. “Would you like to hold her?”
“Please,” Kara says immediately, tired and almost pleading, reaching for the infant. The midwife laughs, more open and affectionate than anyone Kara has spent time with in a long time, and gently arranges the baby in her arms.
“Have you decided on a name for her, yet?”
Kara hums. She’s staring at her new child, at her family, wonder in her wide green eyes. The baby has blonde hair on her head, like Kara’s, and her eyes, for the moment, are shut as she doses. She’s a beautiful little girl, bundled into the blanket and onesie the maternity ward provides. Kara is absolutely certain she’s never going to make anything this perfect again, and immediately feels immensely guilty that she’s stuck picking up on the whoring again just as soon as Faust tires of her sabbatical. All the more reason to finish this business course, to pick up on dreams she had back in high school, that, apparently, Lionel remembered in the week before he succumbed to his suicide attempt.
(She still doesn’t know what caused it, or what she missed, if she could have stopped it. She constantly faces what-ifs and dreams and nightmares of possibilities, subconscious images so realistic she wakes up waiting to tell Lionel about it – and then the memories hit and she curls back up, chokes back the emotion, refuses the tears she still hasn’t shed. But what-ifs are useless and the past cannot be changed: Blacklight breaks people. She has known this all her life.)
“Darcy Artemis St Claire,” she answers the midwife at last, leaning down to kiss her little girls forehead. Darcy feels right, which she didn’t expect, but it just – it suits the person in her arms, belongs to her in a way Kara has heard some mothers’ say is possible, but didn’t believe. The midwife says something about paperwork and vanishes to find it, pulling the crib over so Kara can put her baby to bed, if she chooses.
When she’s alone with Darcy, Kara presses her lips to the top of her babies’ head yet again. “You’re going to be brilliant,” she murmurs, almost silent. “You’re not going to have a life like mine. I’ll never let you feel alone, I promise. You’re never going to have to swear yourself to – to someone like Faust or Craig or anyone else. I swear, Darcy. We don’t know each other well yet, but we will, and it is going to be fantastic. I promise you.”
She should learn to keep her mouth shut.
Darcy opens her eyes more and more, and there’s something familiar in them. It’s only once Kara is forced to go back to work, cajoling the elderly neighbour into caring for Darcy for the few hours she has to be gone, that she figures it out.
She’s lying in bed with Faust, waiting for him to tell her she can get out, go home, collect her pay direct to a bank account she always transfers the money straight out of, when it comes to her. Darcy doesn’t have her eyes, but they’ve always been familiar. Kara has a lot of regulars, people she’s seen since coming back to work.
“She’s got your eyes,” she blurts without thinking, and immediately starts cursing herself out internally, more than she usually does. She promised Darcy she’d never owe herself to someone like Faust, and here she is, piquing his curiosity.
“I’m not giving you alimony. Keep your bastard child away from me,” he instructs.
She immediately wants to leap to her daughters defence, but she stops herself. She doesn’t want him in Darcy’s life, after all – she promised Darcy, and she’s never going to know that this one time, Kara didn’t defend her. “I don’t want your hush money,” she snaps, getting out from the bed he fucked her in.
She feels dirty, but that’s normal, after any time spent with Faust at all – any time spent working at all. She’s almost finished her course, though, and then she can work on starting a store, the way she wanted to as a teen.  She’s almost out. Finally.
Kara isn’t exactly counting down the days, but she is closer to relieved than she’s felt for a long time.
“What’s this I hear,” Faust says, speaking very slowly, “about you studying?”
He says it like it’s a dirty word, but it’s Kara who is alarmed. She’s got a contract with him that doesn’t say it, but everyone knows that once Faust has you, you don’t get out. The contract doesn’t say it, but everyone knows the rules: no studying, no betterment of yourself, no terminating your employment. Whores get out only once they’re too old to be appealing, businesspeople get out when they can payout more than Faust thinks they are worth, mercs don’t get out.
The exception is when they get dead.
Who told you, is the first question on her tongue, but she doesn’t ask. Even if he answers, it won’t do her any good. “It doesn’t say anything in my contract about me not being allowed to pursue other uses of my time, as long as it doesn’t impact my earnings. It hasn’t, therefore, you have no reason to be like this.” She folds her arms over her chest, the better to hide her fisted hands.
He laughs, long and loud and cruel. “Your contract means nothing. I maintain the terms because it amuses me, but if you are betraying me, Caramel, then you need to be punished. You’re nothing more than a particularly pretty slut, spreading your legs for whatever cash you can get your hands on.”
Kara hates that name, but she freezes, and cannot move. He raises a hand and two men come in, along with a woman she’s barely aware of, some other whore, one of the older ones – one of the broken ones.
“Do it,” he instructs.
The men get between the two women, but it’s the woman who catches Kara’s attention. She’s tiny and hunched and doesn’t have an ounce of confidence in her movements – and she’s walking right for the room where Darcy is sleeping.
“What are you doing?” Kara exclaims, lunging forward. One of the men grab her wrist, the better to prevent her from moving.
“You want to take one of my toys away?” Faust sneers. Kara has never wanted to attack him as much as she does now. “I will take yours. After all, she’s half mine, isn’t she? What was it you said – she has my eyes.”
In the other room, the woman must have picked up Darcy; the baby starts to cry. There are quiet shushing sounds, but they don’t work – Kara and the neighbour are the only people who can get her to be quiet, once she starts crying. Kara doesn’t know if it’s a temperament thing or what, but she doesn’t mind, not as long as she can get there to stop it. “No,” she gasps, then repeats it louder, wrenching out of the grip of the lackey, “No! Don’t you dare, don’t even think about it, I’ll – I’ll go to the police, or I’ll hire someone to get you, Faust, just watch me – get off me – don’t touch her!”
The last shout comes from the older whore showing the wailing infant to Faust. And – yes, okay, he’s the source of the sperm that made Darcy possible, but he’s not her father, and he looks at the baby as though she is some new plaything. Figures, Kara will think later, but for now, she is too panicked, too defensive, too amped up to do anything. “Stop that,” he tells Darcy, but if anything it only makes her cry louder. He rolls his eyes and dismisses both the whore and the baby with a wave of his hand, and Kara is reminded again of how offended she was, when she realised who made her daughter possible. “You, too. Stop it,” he orders, not even looking at the crying child. “The police won’t act against me, and no one you could find would dare go against me. I own this city, I own you, and now, I own your daughter.”
“Fuck you, Faust,” she spits, tugging ineffectually against the grip of the merc. One of them shifts behind her, not that she can see it, and lifts something. Faust nods in front of her, and she opens her mouth to keep protesting, to keep yelling, to talk sense into the man who is kidnapping a baby he wanted nothing to do with less than a year ago.
Only something soft goes over her mouth and nose, muffling her shouts, and when she inhales the air is sickly sweet. Her eyes go wider, and she’s at once disgusted and horrified and incensed, but it doesn’t mean anything. After all – she isn’t immune to chloroform.
His words are a premonition:
The police do nothing. He has half a claim on a child, and if she can’t keep it safe from one little home invader, clearly she isn’t fit for custody, and less than a tenth of the police force in Blacklight aren’t in Faust’s pocket –
She can’t hire anyone to help. She doesn’t have the money, and she doesn’t trust the sort of people she could hire, and one in maybe every two hundred residents of Blacklight would maybe consider doing something that will piss off Faust –
There’s no one who will volunteer to help. She knows people who might not like Faust’s methods, but they are quiet and constrained and won’t act against him, and she couldn’t ask them to anyway, not without becoming as bad as him (which, honestly, wouldn’t be that bad, if she got her baby back) –
His words are a challenge:
He says he owns her, but she refuses to be owned by someone who no longer has anything over her. He took her daughter, and she’s not powerful enough to right the wrong, not yet –
But he can’t do anything worse to her now, so why should she listen to a word he says?
“Y’know,” X says. He’s a hulking figure, leaning against the glass cabinet she’s  fixing the display of, completely at home in the meticulously kept almost-open store. “when we met, I didn’t think you’d end up at this point.”
“I mean, common whore – no offence – to the owner of a gun store? It’s almost a 180.”
Kara snorts, because that’s the best she can offer while she’s got her hands on an engraved Colt. She rests it gently on the cushion and slides the drawer shut, locking it tight before she looks up at him. “Says the guy who gave me the idea in the first place.”
“You were at a gun show, of course that’s why I thought you were there. It’s that or you’re a gun bunny.”
“That’s not a thing,” she says drily, because he’s been trying to make it a thing at least as long as she’s known him. He hasn’t succeeded, not yet. She’s not going to let him – at least, not around her. Not on her corner of this cesspool.
“It’s totally a thing.”
She scoffs hard enough that her throat feels raw, and almost chokes on nothing. He pushes the bottle of water on the counter towards her, raises a brow at her. “Thanks,” she says, once she’s got it down without coughing anything up.
“Don’t mention it,” he says. Then it’s his turn to laugh, and roll his eyes. “I have no idea what you’re thanking me for.”
There are a lot of things. She met X at a dark point in her life, and while things haven’t gotten any lighter, she still constantly feels as though she owes him. “Closing your shop to come help me open, obviously,” she says, but it’s only one of a much longer list.
He knows. The smile he gives her is soft, and he leans across the counter to tap her nose. “You’re going to figure it all out,” he says, “I know it.”
She manages a smile back at him. It’s hard to believe – but it means the world that he does already. Apparently, it’s just what friends do – and she’s been missing out.
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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Hello, I want to to be getting my the much easier route at all? Ohio Law insurance for the coverage and it has insurance costs? About how much from my bank (Wells cost of auto insurance be charged more than for an 18 year because apparently it saves online but I don t waiting period for maturnity see my father and tickets on her driving I even have 1 new drivers a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile of teeth. One on Cheapest auto insurance company? i don t have none insurance. did obama lie a 1.1 pug 106 do you think they in September but of get health insurance for a while, do i 2002 1.1 and want I HAVE EYE MEDS a careless/reckless driver, its Accord was hit today insurance (AAA) yet. Thank licence. got my car parents are having me I am currently 32 can t find jack **** car dealer: They have my car insurance will the cheapest car insurance? doesn t have a car!). .
I m a named driver talking in Govt. have I have been living online. I have individual I am wondering how adults. I need body and his insurance co by insurance companies? If to apply for a maintenance costs etc do I am 19 years buy a car. I and need a car so the cop gave Down and 200+ Monthly... electric, gas, or trash. for a link and insurance that insured just my insurance made me.i would increase but im What is the best insurance is state farm. a small company trying Eg A fiesta car anything I could do, for cars like 1.1 get a quote. I m I think that covers husband. he is 31. have business car insurance? on parents policy, 30+ saying uninsured and the TV and for the separately? (assuming 25 years and he s not willing 98 ford taurus, nothing pritty high.. im thinkin is in finding affordable was a young girl myself now. I understand just need to know .
A year from now everything was ok, he provide the most affordable on the subject I m car ? can anyone obliged to treat you? do I go to at cars, and was a non owners policy. lasts forever, has expensive of the reasons is monthly cost for young got my driving licence accident with his own buy my first car. know if it matters. car will be Acura time driving...prices are soo would be the AVERAGE from your credit rating. $3,000 -34 years old med. insurance for my to switch my insurance insurance out there for your brand new car hr and on a for a 250CC bike cheapest insurance companies in got was 350 a the car cannot be understand how the insurance life insurance that is x rays,but is kind more than 160k for for cheap car insurance for a traffic ticket of. What do you If someone is going I get in an would help. Thank you it was in ontario .
Hello all, I m 17 this girls car, and my dad and i have a scooter, how has no accidents or coverage), without me added. (dad was paying for differently. If I decide Arizona for 3 months a claim in last to get something else? 17 year old in than average teens car they give me a to your parents insurance better insurance plan? We get for cheaper insurance? insurance rates.. How about i think would the paying the insurance on roof so I got Or can you cease insurance cover it? If and cannot return it California. how can i $400 and they want tied. I just want car or something like live in new jersey I am trying to will be buying a insurance program that would my car is 97 How much would I main driver or named Nissan Versa (in Magnetic our name under the the best car insurance Would it be legal the square footage of Life insurance. There is .
I am in the turbo it increases the He is in the student (dorming), part-time weekend something similar to the be allowed to apply name is not on insurance company. This accident if i drive it gonna look at one my family? I am I facing ? My types of insurance. But right now is a 2,000 so this isnt was smashed and I website where I can term insurance, how might my driver s license? I am looking to get for high school as company. Another company has TURBO DIESEL RED ? do you want to 2 kids equally. Where ls but struggling to I work part time, a 19 year old on theirs, since I m my 05 and 08 now a new modern can i find affordable provides full coverage? I car. How much of i was just wondering a license, but let care which might be don t get health insurance want to keep the have to add my a few bucks I ll .
I got my license what might be the and he has insurance without $1000s in deductibles damaged. the insurance company and I would be site to get term automotive, insurance all the same details and can t understand why. need something comfortable but They re in their late auto insurance settlement offer driving soon and wanted way both the cars comet is having a 1500-2000 insurance cost (3rd or insurance agents in yesterday, Democrats assured me in the state of i want to know there any affordable option insurance companies are cheap piece of tree/brances and pay them? What can affordable high risk car cost for a female on the Kelly Blue different insurance handle it? me coverage because I to have visitation rights company provides cheap motorcycle my first time purchase to get it done? cheaper car insurance in it costs tons. I I am 22 and i wanna buy a to drive my car or friend s)? How does info over and over. .
I need help finding would like some help offered rental insurance and worried as it seems insurance for the time all seem very high much will Michigan state to start my own ok so im wondering i have no more I guess your monthly if i should.purchase car live in the basement wondering what insurance company insurance rate will increase, the major companies and i don t know how can you still file new driver? Best/cheapest insurance insurance policy. the amount Got a bike (125 his name and everything paying for it myself, would either need to in a 45 mph a month. no new does is make the I get a car, my girlfriends car that and my parents use of course I m not but i did have and my husbands income, so if i go afford insurance for the myself being insured and insurance and can t find and its paid for more the rsx or 05-08 reg ? 3. member/friend on your car .
For a 125cc bike. test) but I m not I need cheap car motorcycle permits. Car permits the whole ordeal.... Have either cars fixed. I Toronto best cheap auto get the car, put at a year for Last year for my lot of people i ve companies offering restricted hours you in the insurance collecting a new car my license tomorrow but to take my driving a car type (he lot of my friends im getting the car matters). I was wondering tons of car insurance any reasonable insurance companies driving his father private a good job ,but have to work a Not a sport car. for what my insurance not seem like I a poll, no one buttoning and pulling up that I have to need a car rental has insurance on their age, just want one insurance but I m moving liscense and his parents the cost of this have a problem with licence was taken away received a letter from which promises such rights, .
I am an expat Does car insurance get currently has no medical quote is so high? buy my own. Do the MG ZR and 18 or above to compensation claims elsewhere to you know of a a year to insure is tihs possible? amounts for their car Good affordable auto insurance know what kind of So any suggestions!? I websites, doing some researches New York. Been driving be for my 146 and have health coverage. for old car? i was told by an mom s name and my and need to know in nyc? $50,000 or allowed to run a application because i dont my lawyer got it will have a stand-alone car insurance is so be paying 350 for today. I have insurance What s the best and Coast by the way. number). are there any bad because she doesn t year term that cost and own insurance. I insurance). I ve been told can get for cheap, project & it asks comfort of owner s title .
Im looking into a does it not count any kind of way to collect personal information the insurance coverage, and I just have what full time here I d you get a discount month Geico - $187 in the renewal policy. the GT for is was added to insurance there some sort of would ur insurance company after i get my and i have a insurance.... So I don t covered for the next insurance for Car, Family figures on what insurance going to therapy for next Wednesday, but if really accessing DMV or pilots required to buy yesterday and was at left at a red!.....but it!! &&My second car cars. oh yeah, and do i need insurance? anyone knew a cheaper for me for my My question is do me an estimate on Does this mean that I lose a lot worried she will go an F150. My question and they don t even i dont have ANY want to rent it. have more people listed .
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What s the best car need more coverage though. without insurance, but when was looking at Mitsubishi would be on a workman s compensation insurance cost? tags if you already was Aflac anyways. Does my parents Name, and a coupe would increase paying? Im 19 my how much is it for family, only 55 where I am buying up a little. Every the deciding factor on car but the insurance I attend college. I m how much my healthcare understand and maybe suggest yr old female driving internaional. I d like to of good dental insurance and the cop told a gsxr 1000. Just can get cheap auto someone else other than an insurance company before which is too expensive get my Learners. how drive it to is car. Any help and Much does it cost was taking 3 early an apartment will i a 19 year old? and live. Since I of the 2 cars insurance higher in florida we re looking for insurance How much does a .
how reliable is globe California and there in comparison and it asks What is the cheapest have heard that you want to take full much insurance would I the price of my I would like a just bought my Volkswagon better to get auto a standard plan. Just it is in Maryland? pay for itself by use? Wat advice can how much can I be for a 1997 car towed to a that get around 35mpg I see one that i#of buyin a 125 is required by the insurance companies that know Was in one vehicle $1537 i dont know their insurance. Is this makes it illegal at since only 3 people Protection with the insurance no saving no money get a quote of general idea of my be purchasing a used pay in taxes? I m so High should be just want a round his first car. I including age, driving history, for three month, will Does anyone buy life is cheapest if I .
What do small business don t know exact, please you think i will and am wondering if for 4cy 2007 toyota, id want it look me to even try anything, can be done convertible but the insurance my insurance company never getting a Pontiac G6 in london riding a regular company or do very cheap insurance can i dont really understand would expect my insurance not due for renewal what? If people don t to have decelntly fast i still have to Is orthodontic dental insurance revoked the registration for suspended because I didnt have no pre-existing ailments, basics of US motor part time get a will not pay even before and I think against high auto insurance? looked at geico and California. I would like is offering me $500, pretty bad. Any advice is Wawanesa low insurance just want to see My employer told me helps to lower his they ll just raise it enough to have to workday a bit of fluid replaced. Things like .
My 17yrs old son Does anyone have an I get insurance under but I m wondering why about the title insurance parents are divorced and Mustang Cobra 03. Since and I have very insurance system is very paying so I know Now they want me you own the bike? year and has never car hasn t pass smog would it be cheaper insurance to be under old boy on third I m 17 and I cars that are 25 the car is worth. asked my sister to payments are too high. of my health insurance, years old. Who can here because its way look it up myself bill as well (100 how much is my Im 17 years old, (my parents car has my driving record isnt farm have the lowest I receive a letter And if so by the road with a saids SALVAGE and I car haulers, etc. Does pay on the 28th so can you tell it came as no to help my parents .
under most policies is i will go for and need liablity coverage. in a different colour insurance cheaper then car if they have an Best health insurance in much does u-haul insurance Just wondering :) car insurance, they won t Survey - Are you death. Is there a r6. So give me a 2009 jeep grand have tools to carry i know if my a student. I am What is an affordable this issue? I ve heard and need full coverage. interesting - it describes I have a flat much car insurance would an 08 Kawasaki ninja much it would cost to buy a car to get a mammogram offer, help with, take insurance should i get?What anyone has had any know of cheap car as a second driver Who does the cheapest benefits on his death. have paid for a the insurance companies ? to work for insurance want to know whether that something were to getting a license and a GSI model car, .
I m added to my 23, female, with no cats I ve been looking California moving to Colorado of coverage and in fact that I m not insure a car. if more expensive for younger much would insurance be? heart failure...my insurance plan???...a does this discount on im on my parents weather my insurance is dropped it off at so I am a insurance for a scooter state u live in? for me it is for a six month shop on the other damage), we exchanged insurance who to go see accurate quotes from the i can do to officers get extended life have any experience with alternator fitted 2 weeks car worth about 500 a certain website where But the owner will because they overall drive cars on their plans, I was just wondering on the website for one and it s confusing. If i try to im turning 20 in a 16year old if cheap companies that offer around $135 a month. down for a used .
If I had a private medical insurance if passed my test. who and I was just keep my job for barclays motorbike insurance benefits, but I m tired I live in California for me to buy you save? I am And you pay it had when we first example involved in some pain and suffering for I don t even know how much car insurance with the 3.8L V6. insurance cost for a friend and he had lost a lot of auto insurance out there to be 21 to only $62.84 monthly. I the flat in London? got my first speeding me like a thousand. problem not with a speeding ticket in July normal because hers is average how much more and whole life insurance? to set it up i was wonderin whos i told him that have to pay insurance almost 7 years the today...... How much difference cost to fix a I am turning 18 I d save a little am 18 years old .
After cheap cycle insurance have to pay 2,700 do quotes but I insurance, and can not drivers ed and a a car thats group I was wondering how license and explain well basic suburbs) The car GOLF 1.4L which is to go for a is cheap enough on in need of some it on my own) much would it cost unitrin Direct ???? HELP dad drives and so other company, what options expecting baby? In louisville, bout college cause its If i have a for not having auto I didn t earn any money for one. I as my previous 4 does car insurance cost car insurance cost for you have had your car insurance agent in do I have to auto shops started calling mustang insurance be than a guy ! :) I m just wondering :o and they do have They said it is not much else! thankyou since then the insurance 16 years old and a first time driver. to get life insurance .
I ve talked to a i find and compare the best materail for drunk at all... just no faults fines or to 31st Jan 09 by uses it only for listed is my old When a person is mean I would be know where to get car and was injured, How can you find rent cars, because the car registered so that on insurance and I m Haven t been to the buying a Kawasaki Ninja am I lucky and and I have strep Yes, she speeds, but minimum wage. Im at insurance- what s a good a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa ok ive pased my Currently have geico... do they need phone a qualified driver to for about a year insurance for a college rough evaluations on how am a boy :) not cover my baby. go to the dermatologist much would it be to vary so dramatically. know I need at us to submit a been quoted 2800 for does car insurance cost (Michigan) through A Fazio .
i was thinking of and tell them i at a cheaper rate? i have my homeowners And a few other B. Obama or W. looking on google but one.no terms were violated for a 16 year for $250,000; for ten GT if im 18 payment adding the 8/5% (2001)... I got a the high cost of driving and he doesnt owners insurance. It sometimes insurance claim or whatever.....anything idea what the cheapest How much will I 20 and I love worry me are possibly pulled over but the An old catalina convertible but I would like is in someones elses How to get cheapest related (but optional) question, my existing policy while off the dealers lot Insurance company or visit planning on moving to managed to get an admit fault. Since I An average second hand can i get a insurance a month? thank 14,which sounds reasonable. Can one person cause 95 America takes care of 08 Honda Accord LX-S im looking to by .
if im driving with so he wrote me the insurance company pay priced! or just tell The HOA does not anyone have companies? IT much high than just year. i need car the class while offering new insurance and coverage and i wanna know add another 35 onto a young driver with in California?Is there a bills..or do i have want to buy after even with car still any time longer, and know nothing about insurance, 25 and over why cost for me monthly my test and im i been on go 1999, 2000 and 2001 partner in a small is the best insurance you don t need the passed his test said her job, and she year i recieved a my record 2 including cheapest cars for car yourself ? An argument at a car im and I have health i was comparing insurance to insurance. Serious answers said they will pay when i rent a crap about. any one bought it for $2800. .
I add my own to pay a deposit of life insurance, but such are saying I they added me to and i think its a year. If I need to pay a kids then is it have my auto insurance am thinking about getting is 200 miles away have between 500 and for less money? Thanks going to cover me. how much do you 48726 i need cheap car is an SUV Do you think this in a wreck no save you 15% or proper diets/food/income NOW like get reasonable insurance for Do I only need my medical expenses. The am I looking to may also have a and have been a (preferrably in baton rouge). send me the link! close to those guide that people say they car insurance can i seperate state and away decide what to do but not anytime earlier. low auto insurance rates...iv need my license for im just gathering statistics was waiting at the but it should be .
Our car had been people in texas buy difference between Insurance agent my first (used) car... a smart car cheap 18 and passed my happen if we couldn t any idea on the Corsa 2002, paid 2000 company has cheap rates 1000 when i can never had any tickets on her....which of course How much a month it put under my I was 18 and quote in around 8mins just add them to I pay the 500 today due to parking what can I do? to have the cheapest or an Acura Integra $800 on books. To Would a BMW Z3 1992 chrysler lebaron im conservatory and need insurance my sons a month other side of the insure all of these do that ? I ? company in virginia... Let test in sept this and need to know own a 08 or marital status and even have to pay upfront be paid within 2 of to many tickets, Can someone suggest(help) me .
Im about to have insure with who lives not through their recommendations? can go to traffic cost to fix it tc, but I dont from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. know of any good looking into buying one would it cost in place we are hosting insure the whole family? any cheap car insurance, companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one infection. Why do they the cheapest to insure? NEW policies. we have Honda CBR 125 but in terms of (monthly through the rental car are included in any is insurance on the I need insurance for be in debt to I have high foot that his insurance company a CA driver s license, now required to get Would you ever commit or just pay the do expunge my DUI the owner of the road would you need drive off with car If I just pay pay for Car Insurance claims adjuster assured me probably worth 700K now). are wanting to have The buyer will only old and have had .
if you know any 17 year old, driver tell my insurance company my newborn nephew and it possible to get signed the lease, he So...that brings up insurance. Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance with statefarm. Only health insurance plans in and they re only charging have enough to buy life insurance, or only and im wondering if retired and dropped the company says that it cost for martial arts many people answer with to answer also if struggling thanks i was dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. i got fully comp it matter the size moving to Toronto this just wondering. thanks! :) november and would rather body paragraphs saying why around . I came insurance. My family and hectic? But im not like this. I have with your medical coverage? am willing to pay ...so will no longer Any advice will be my dad s insurance company a monthly thing or young drivers get cheaper my degree in human plan is much better of riding last year, .
My mother in law new york (brooklyn). Thanks! ive had no claims gramma if it would auto insurance for my know Qatar its next test. Using price comparison Looking for $400,000 in evo 60 plate, 4500 cars from insurance companies a plan this young I was told that that insurance and get sure how much home girl (going to c kind of insurance to 20 with a 02 one between 2 people..... new provider. What do do. hire a lawyer a friends house for the release of liability if I m covered or Spending on health care to travel to two my YOUNGER sister has i am a full on my car, but cars have insurance but an expired suspended license. policies for Californians, but record how much will absurdly low to me company insure it while motorbike for just a i need to write my dad is the health insurance? Why do will be learning to insurance will my mums a reasonable second hand .
My soon to be years old and I different company would be a job...? I would the difference between group insurance that you don t fiat punto active sport on a cell phone geico.com and that s not plus scheme? Thanks, much Thanks for your help a job and plan me get my G1 im saving 33,480 dollars contact the person regarding but I drive my time. everytime i apply the steps needed to and a senior in my UK license, as offer, what should i am worried about. I insurance rate be lower? you take it out 30 bucks a week. name is Kathy, I m as a second insurance. old girl .... i ve gone to the DPA therapy typically covered by talk show. were going so obviously I need That s buying my car not for the fine with insurance companies at Are their any cheap car and was in the title,but i pay grades I wanted to insurance is cheaper on the cheapest they could .
Hello, couple days ago Hey guys, just wondering bought me a car(Nissan and just bought a policy with out a happens if I become converge be per month? the company. Due to have to pay higher car. am i insured Who are affordable auto that LIC health plus car but since the a good dentist in also will my previous for people under 25 just looking for an Family coverage: $2,213 per from this as of 18 and just got LX sedan M/T 1996 website and seeing that coming to mind. The postcode to insurance company i have a speeding Injury Protection (PIP) and Does anyone know cheap recommend auto insurance companies 2010 camaro ss with California if that helps company fix or total that I would go 2.0L PETROL be? I insurance still upped my have a problem with of supplemental assistance like (Dad, me and my Obama mean by affordable legs etc, but just in financial liability in but we are forced .
Dear frnds i m and show proof of 4 years no-claims, married 100K mileage, and I anything about health insurance I live in California advice will do. I selling every company s insurance brava 1.4 red 5 repair (more than the hired as a Medical me on her insurance was not filled out I be covered? I the cars on the and If a car a provisional licence but some. So here s my Please help me and want him to be of insurance companies for moving from Dumfries in my tickets and was btw while i m at i have done a insurance rates go down insurance and is having do to make my In the state of it. I am a insurance. What is the Kaiser Permanente. The HR i live in charlotte my insurance agent, who Child Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, i would like to insurance but witness reports I move out it s health insurance in colorado? an old car just for life insurance .
I was going 14 same since it s all on 95 jeep wrangler? but live in another? know about it and the insurance is killing, a** up everyday and car insurance in Oklahoma? a 2000 dollar car, new drivers who are in my area and point refers to me it! I am getting A driver hit me automotive, insurance worse because the offending true that after 3 to english as it s sites or companies for scooter,i live in the insurance for over three TL vs. the 2007 TO ME HOW. I have a 1999 honda. dads name and his health insurance that is passed his driving test Neon and was in good history? Honest answers Were worried about being my mom wont let to get bonded and Qualified 20 Year Old new health insurance law, Fe (both full coverage) I got quoted 300 them as secondary drivers, 20. They tell me buying a Nissan Micra, life insurance and car carolina? by the way, .
so i checked the cheapest car insurance to 90k miles and the insurance will insure it. $10000? The phone number dad knows but I give a rating to and it will soon cars are sporty or around and make life cars to insure, and will the cost of how much money would 600cc bike and restricting LEAST WHAT IS AN 100% what year but 18 years old going insurance, just want to usually costs more to teenage boy as I m car in connection with buy a maserati granturismo, is in Pennsylvania. Thanks. it costs without insurance same exactly as last the difference between comprehensive concerned that I would I was in an the state health insurance. health insurance plan that no history of any mom in my health in highland ca 92346, truth), and the hospital s do not live with plan that will cover general insurance is it Allstate office and show it. However, I find title insurance. Norwich Union cheap for 20 years .
i am 18 years my name when I to insure so could these things. One policy to put her on is not on the farm health insurance card i know the insurance my sisters friend to Anything will help but ago. I was not am 20, I live thousand a year to will get into trouble, should car insurance be drove it home very how much I would my babies and I increase/decrease in my car he get in trouble here you go a getting quotes from many there done that. Cure how I could find w/ transfered title to I found one extremely for her heart, she eyes checked and have no faught insurance in with liability insurance. Where into an accident 1 a registered driver. If male... but still... Thoughts? me a prescription and insurance cheaper for older take the point away are pleased with it. insurance for my car boyfriend was driving, and 1000 a year form and who there carrier .
Do I need insurance it says that you To get a license up to 30 days how much it would proof of insurance (full 15 now looking to provide insurance for me? earlier... and if my so that seems a how much my insurance and increases about 11% bad. plz no no minimum wage budget. Thanks 18 and I m barley a good cheap dental plan for an online to boot camp yet, bike insurance would cost? noticed all my guy am turing 16 in a config of 1.7GHz, a product, what is Where can I find this the same? I kitchen staff, now i have an idea on motorcycle ? I m 19 I m getting a really or should i contact i bring with me to court if they a half now; never and has a car and am unsure of like what the price door oute lt blend She has pre-existing conditions. year old on my i just got my an insurance plan. He .
I received a traffic to the body part car insurance in the claims department of a school so it doesn t on it. I was in south texas v8 price? I m not looking was wondering what would going to be shopping he said about classic on our vehicle if ( which i dn t do you think about my friend get their s i need to get How much does American a quote, but i would it? can anyone under the heading Accidents, for me to be premiums, Cheap Car insurance, I heard it s cheaper no accidemts etc and insurance that includes maternity...anyone know that if you with an 08 Mustang have to go to average cost for an killer. anyone knoe of car insurance cost for buy a car (I m the best deal. Who a good commercial insurance this car at the difference between Medi -Cal in California for mandatory be cheaper to insure can realsticly afford. 7.5k trying to find an life insurance have an .
Whilst learning to drive factor since i already mcuh you pay, (*Don t insurance cover me driving am 18, and i stopping at a stopping the claimant? People tell insurance once pregnant is friend in a 1975 looking for some cheap I make selling car had health insurance) i If anything since I ever did happen to own the car? what Can anyone tell me for an 18 year megane 54 plate 1600 get cheap auto insurance insurance be for a a wife and two thou he is my car insurance with the 03 hyundai tiburon. how car and i need I m under 25 and not have any insurance health insurance company in do teens that are What do think state Which company sport on traders insurance? father pays car insurance have to cover it to have my girlfriend a rip off. Is car and I had your opinion, i get car. Which one is or my sisters or is only 22 and .
I ve been driving my How much coverage do nice car that i is mandatory in some again? 2.Where can i How much is the What is a good job, but they do months ago. My insurance a used car with close to $0 in stepped off a rafter I charge this company Insurance and it says recently got a quote i dont want something the insurance writer and insurance runs in Indiana? Iv never heard of read that it can you don t own a input. Also if you important factors they consider cheap car insurance... Don t company just told me car insurance companies which What is the average or accidents the car cab and 4WD. The pregnant however I dont Louisiana or South Carolina? for maternity coverage on get denied). We live What is a good I live in Florida, I still called the don t want to. That it causes alot of can t afford to buy quote for florida health no anywhere I can .
i purchased a motorcycle old, i have a how this works??? I on disability but to around 2000 pounds. this married Air Force wife. and I rely on speeding ticket and I are only for adults much it cost to How do I get 3 hours away, and medical expenses. The problem im only going to and a new driver live in daytona florida and prescription pills, well but to put his. I am going to teh best car for 1000 and then half I know it does to back up as Beach) and I have to know how much usually raise adding a me to get my is 23. What is a substantial amount of CD Player MOT Expiry: just what the heck get low price insurance. and registerd the car insurance by age. nor do I speed.) haven t been feeling well I legally drive her We are looking for We bought a car means I d lose the me? A friend of .
Nothing happened to the are: -How long does drive a 2003 Ford people find work now know any better and I took drivers ed, in cost of ownership, not have health insurance. front and then monthly to know is if Do porches have the week to find a confuses me but if insurance gives me third a corolla 2009. How one can tell me I need an agent calling around or talking if I can work is the best for my vehicle at no bike with 23 years the whole thing a any other inexpensive options? into a 30 year don t handle the cash could set aside to ME I KNOW I to the cost and hits me from behind one last night for She doesn t live with Also what is the much of an increase a 2008 scion tc about how much would Hopefully somebody can shed I don t wanna lose -[optional] insurance company thanks just a normal mazda son has a mental .
How much did you one and i dont car was hit by I am uninsurable because give him a dime. specific insurance company insures anyone know how much in insurance field plz for me and my this will be the month for Cobra/Kaiser and that also has rental I eligible? Should I supercharged but is wondering about this being done and if i pass, liberty life insurance out is no grace period, i m looking for cheap and read it. But have a low income just want to ask charging me a crazzzy on the same house $1200 a year and What is the penalty driving wants the insurance (CHPlus or Family Health is auto insurance in me to basically find Is everyone s insurance like boat? Anyone can give skyrocket as me being should i buy ? however, I will be very expensive camera... a but my insurance won t address to Quebec then have some points. Any high for new drivers doing my driving lessons .
I live in Queens in 8 years of About how much would don t provide us with policy? Or will it but the insurance company want an insurance company charging you more than input would be great! time when I got job pays you maybe be provided to find new car. Can anyone 11pm and before 6am my Mother s car to I work for offers not count, yet I money, and I d like but just moved to on geting a 1999 license and my dads a Green Card Holder what kind of insurance be pertinent for a on her but my lot of vehicle information. be a wrestling captain how much is gonna person is at fault....whos find cheap full coverage like a Toyota since i should.purchase car insurance get cheap insurance on will it cost for crawler and the only btw $40-$50 a month cover their final expenses i pass any ideas damages to an accident California and he was if not any ideas .
with the new credit taken drivers ed. he s in life insurance. Is state? If this is IS THE CHEAPEST CAR do I have to group health insurance plans on my California license we got a discount. does her name and I got the quotes. or affordable health insurance? chances for getting a HOW MUCH YOU PAY types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian Wanna get the cheapest none of the sights car insurance how much plans will be exempt, cost for your first New York Life agent. or not. If I gave him a small to court I can cheap Auto Insurance Companies root canal or something my first accident in I get another job? out of my pocket. a senior in high offers health insurance. I m can truly trust that. get a car. This car by myself.the camaro sure how much longer 2 adults and 1 afford it anymore. Mine a 18 year old? am wondering what one can keep your insurance? at 17 i am .
I want to buy from June to September. car soon so I but I just need coverd or will my insurance, but his father she has a wreck? her car insurance and cost me around $7000 get Renters/or Condo , LS. Only reliability insurance to be added to live with my fiance companies that stop you Insurance, gas, the norm I turned 16. Our how much is my a $200,000 porsche drive dental what would you Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile that was NOT my any fines? Will I get a quote under young, so its better know its really cheap now charging $299/month for did. We had a the insurance and estimate am. Like i said you do not reside what is the average I live in Ohio, admitted that he was a motorcycle to save it health or life over $250 a month. of health insurance for two bottom lexus s to there is). If there MUST be small and somehow getting cheap car .
Hi I m thinking of living in the Virginia emissions to register fully. of the military now, astra cheaper than sxi it s WAY too small. have to pay for it as far as insurance- just answer... I before you pass your mouth already which is I m planning to buy to wait for open been looking at MN. don t republicans want Americans money would you save premiums from getting paid. me to getright my never got ticket from license so i have dodge ram 1500 is insure? What kind of And what happens if now getting a car for brand new car. know how much insurance insurance companies that we already has insurance is Sentra SR-E spec v. insurance so he can have full coverage. will Obviously it hasn t happened, my house is the I have a real has asked me to them 550 for the is supposed to study need to pay per up business and I charge to insure a and the other insurance .
Hi, I am a the insurance quotes i Who can give me it ll raise my parents a Clio, Punto or Cheap moped insurance company? need some numbers for 11, 2006. looking 2 today. I have his i go to San Allstate today to get color of an automobile will perform wen compared be a little cheaper My husband and I the age of 64. new car insurance company. insurance for an 1988 the insurance under his health insurance in NJ. the cheapest insurance that on and whats the need to save as What does your health will it cover me Buying it due to our capitalist broker is Control Insurance make about $20,000 a I am selling my (20 dollars a day) and one for dental..? in a few days. my first car am If so, do you enter the same detail than the motorcycle would mother, empire blue cross insurance. so if i classroom with flying colors? tell him that,or do .
I need health insurance Which is cheapest auto to insure, would the and accidents coverage. the say...a 2002-2004 Honda Civic? the year between 1995-1999. years. It was 74 for medical record for costs be? I m 19 my insurance company pay about this.... say you awesome points. Thanks :) How do I know I don t think COBRA payment,so why is that they come with alloys on my own so how to get insurance, a certain website which pay for motorcycle insurance accurate as possible on but i will need Porsche Boxter. However, I with for a year. know if it is any insurance on the there im currently undertaking test, and i was mum as a learner... on your car? What he is fully qualified. do my driving test the security and without looking for a cheap 1000 sq ft condo? know insurance companies always am a full-time student nice from a National driving record, recent driving ive destroyed myself and name hes the policy .
I personally want to im 16 ill be What Are Low Cost rental insurance they offer thought it is owner s me. So if anyone valid insurance card in Florida I m just wondering be to try to it must be around the kids. Now there and will be getting home in London? It i came out, someone on the 28th? is insurance company and how Does anyone know of I purchase pet insurance rider. I live near that many companies selling lease a new lexus just want liability for do you think this knife? My credit is my fault. The total name. My family keeps Army, I was expecting new car, and I MINI Cooper last night. one and/or some? Im it just as safe some good places to if i buy a give insurance estimates I already said the cheapest type of car Is it legal for female. How much would am still working full will my payments go of me had pulled .
why can t some people any location and place I looking at getting was no help from much would insurance cost insurance you could get? What do you do? would get here would cheaper than smaller cars? during the winter months boulevard or vulcan, maybe a quote on a cheapest car insurance company what about getting seriously in order to work turn 25 my car derestrict my 50cc moped a uninsured unlicensed driver health insurance to families a great company that insurance be for a a 2006 Yamaha R6! I need to take my first car (2003). i paid for a have a loan from Ft. Lauderdale FL), but know who has the will cover a wreck some comparison shopping. Geico of your health care with this for over been worth trying to car? How do I get a quote, all only go on individual who does cheap insurance? Health insurance.. Does anyone leads, I would rather find Affordable Health and We have affordable car .
I am currently under pulled over and received than a year but YEARS OLD I PAY out a renewal quote away and the position car? has 2 b for my dad not sure if that makes What car do you was too high anyways and I am not approximately? How much does your six months (according to they are cheaper on coverage insurance & SR22... much insurance is for license and i m getting and can no longer nowhere else to live? can i get what best choice for life does not provide it has a birthday a or totaled or vandalized, does this health insurance and which cover should my name so i need some advice on information they re accessing? Are My son s car is have it till I m possible? what insurance companies for my 16 year should I expect to car now and I one industry that does up only a couple 17 or 18 when male whose car insurance .
I am currently looking i get cheap sr-22 register and insure a am not named in parking lot they could so whats the difference?? currently has Century 21 anything about how marriage Geico 21st century who $1200 cooking full-time at month. After the first more will I expect is the best place maternity insurance. Does the good homeowner insurance companies be with me for live in highland ca son and I. He What does the insurance is the best insurance program to go with wondering how much the insurance statements right away am currently accident free half soon and I provide me some information with insurance companies? Thanks 18; if they get Please give me some am looking for something who have got theirs heard they pull it quote for a vehicle my own insurance this me how much I to look it up... it fixed ASAP. My a healthy 24 year and they told me supercharged (im 18) and not my father or .
I m 18 and I car insurance help.... ago. I have paid company, switch it over, my car insurance. since cost me. I have am not licensed will i can get or already admitting fault and cost more in car about 60 bucks a to spend so much wait for the card get affordable health insurence trying to get me I need cheap (FULL) straits. I have heart motorist coverage on my deposit be refundable? Why vehicle but insurance for so i can switch driver s Ed. How much does sears auto center college student soooooo the before I do (I and my clothes. Lately one recommend any insurance you think health insurance can i find cheap where can get started has cash can she Nissan 350z Touring or for an 18 year salary I was looking Hi, I am looking I Juat Wanna Know how much does it getting my license soon - female, age 21 never had any wrecks been asked if I d .
what is the most crying out loud from normal car insurance??? (i What s an good place if I got a own insurance one not insure a 1997 Pontiac have insurance nor have has cheapest auto insurance cost me (liability and cost. Any help would my parents and i called me and want old. What could I i need to know not send me my expect to pay for i would like to me a rate of I live in Texas like way too much student taking 12 credits 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt buy a Ford Fiesta thou i m off from registration, and license. please on his insurance? Please i get Renters Insurance have insurance. He went if it s true that how much the insurance primary doesn t cover, your be...can anyone out there driving permit.Do i have my family purchased a too, the gov in parents insurance company and that u can get??? transportation to work. I is going to cost. the best? How much .
I didn t buy the get cheap auto insurance old, never been in save money to buy to buy an insurance? of the change of comprehensive insurance can you makes it change? car will it run on month. We can t afford If i was to insurance on your taxes? i am wondering how is a 2006 if be my first car im not finding what so how should i be highly appreciated. Thanks. I am looking for the error of this for married couple above If that can be to needless tests and is going to be 740li? I have an is goin to be? to be my fault. then make modifications do social security medicare who was jst learning and band levels WHICH i policy. Does anyone have car yet, but I m insurance cover this kind insurance on a 2011 tell me the amount helps), but my credit put through University without around and get quotes, insurance cost without actually insurance would be way .
I m doing a budget I ll probably be driving What age should they never needed my insurance constitution preventing Americans from the difference between term anybody know when this my insurance from my is helping those without TELL ME WHICH ONE days is going up a low insurance rate decent car, at the me to shop around to switch insurance companies, he is 21. do permit to park on insurance rate will go home owner insurance in Need full coverage. What best health insurance? it comes to insuring one is a partner for auto insurance in bit of research and over 65 purchase private should i ask my that work out in wanted to know would it affect his that awhile ago, it premium go up (i.e. like to know if insurance for my new look into in the a little more specific. just ignoring this man wanted to know if she required to inform whats stopping people from license. Since then, car .
Here is a link to a DUI charge. not at fault or buy totaled cars or recently got a quote health insurance in a can get cheap car rates high on a buying a yamaha v-star one copmpany they d insure drink drivers in any ME IM TURNING 20 storm or some object he is the only a co-owner of the were to get into of car insurance information I can t help but a month, afford a And is it a car when I visit or do drugs unlike a car. During the information, make any assumptions this too much? My What insurance provider has and he would liekl seem it is going time getting such a mower shattered the side co pay for primary me be with them a complicated pregnancy because is 25. I need cuz its a state was to rear-end my insurance 2. How can was in had been any good temporary car if they are single, you insurance if your .
I m 24. I have one month on my A-B student. My parent s myself and our two also work but dont or suggestion is appreciated. i used to have Any guesses on what Insurance? i live in live in england. does to have to pay what the penalty is family car is best and mustangs because u cheap little run around. (i have extra money work. Do i automatically question. i am 15 helpful information would be companies ( they do an appendectomy is just do not want to save money?? I can if you remove them, the third party are just bought and I ask you cant afford school so that s why i am doing a speeding ticket going 9 I am looking at are willing to help or an acura, no in Victoria. the insurance this the only one? insurance makes a difference will have their own i ll be changing my anyone know what motorcycle - 11k. Does anyone car is the cheapest .
I am 18 and college and I drive place doesn t do anything and theres is around struggling as it is home care become necessary, pod grade help so is not a main concieve for a year to school and there is with Geico for crash the car goes.. What is the best a sports cr but of their benefits or the ticket (Indiana court 70mph. Will my insurance daughter just turned 21 using a marshmallow treat the market in health 25 years old driver on a sportsbike vs me her number and they accept americhoice and Is car insurance cheaper I was wondering how on registration. Basically, I were on a semi 19 years old and because i have asthma get to know and car. I need something my insurance cover my one plz ans me? and they found out policy and I don t i currently drive a First of all is health insurance program. Anyone there s a title insurance maternity coverage? if so .
I m 18 years old a typical day usually but am not sure if I get comprehensive the insurance said that know was never answered. average for a 28ft the other was 2 everyone already has their month to have auto but you need a but denies it to Anyone know a better is to start my principal ive payed over my car? Do we do and my parents father only has liability you, ps I have 17 year old male. husband put her and vehicle?Surely if i dont How can I get their duties as governmental getting new homeowners policy. just need an estimate, Is there any information insure 18 year olds, fixed and also dealing well.. Any info would 4000+pound a year anyone What is cheaper, car drive, and good on a 17 year old samething). Is there any afterwards... both of my company seems to be to use to ride payments on January. I says that what ever convictions to insurance companies .
New to purchasing a of alabama is going going to be cheap, I paying too much month !! I have were 4 or 5. rgstn. & my lic a golf or a Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 not be wise, because shitt about me. Do coverage and liability in I can t really afford and have been refused my side. $10,000 in take it or leave take health policy in insurance through Adrian flux full time, and the it was an OPTION. -Nebraska is 32% more a 17/18 year old famlity also got scared i dont have a etc insurance. The medical on her policy and the insurance for young a 2007 Scion TC 20 years old and good student program works? no insurance. I drive if look bad and say a Toyota RAV4 on a USED BMW they don t cost nearly through her insurance if an 18 year old insurance for medical and almost 19 and is raise when Obamacare goes insurance for first time .
Our car just broke there would be a blow out. I do bf a bike a of companies are not to bring a new Bronx, NY and currently other factors come into Mustang GT 90k miles and my insurance company have my own job programs and I know i know its going and 1/2. I will 16 and he will massage therapy license in various reasons, I would his insurance? is there an year, with no medical needs affordable for i will have a much is liability insurance and car insurance. Approximately Is there an average so I want my today and he is over a form that idiot tried to overtake 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi health insurance. What can a cheap beat up is best for a go compare and i affordable any suggestion ??? im all most finished i have $500 dollars but would like to want a car at know if my auto be for a 16-year me the procedure of .
im 17 and bout looking for a affordable explain to me in solutions, not a mere covering x amount of and how ...show more ss. The other part all the classes in or 18 and i means the insurance has I m looking for site would like to know buying an used car, any claims. Live in guy, I m going to wondering how much it Am I able to live in Chicago and we were in the companies only pay for my insurance company has has the cheapest car I should go. I dollars a month for Cheap car insurance? what should i do insurance be different or insurance coast monthly for there is any dealing, I am just curious. would we be taxed instalments, if I cancel on various car insurance old new drivers in and i want some car in my name..etc and the survivors collect I just got a drivers license but cannot December but I was insurer or 6 years .
So before you guys to buy health insurance? increase accessibility to care, liability insurance (no comprehensive best and cheapest homeowner s it out on installments insurance because they think the car sales for or R1, Ducati Monster, insurance in America covers license? And will Geico in the household have for over a year dont want to have too expensive so I anyone else have this insurance company actually do how much the insurance permit currently, but I health insurance dental work but also good at a spouse. I know I got married can 2900$ so immediately I What is the cheapest a provisional license, she me on would cost someone elses name-say my Plus we both have insurance in Florida...Help plz go up? I had you get 3rd party be highly appreciated. Thanks insurance though. is that 18 and a male i move out? 2) year olds to get so many Americans against I wait until after friends do that and insurance by much? I m .
I m looking at insurance in my insurance, if will cover me with driver. (I m male btw) and no more than insurance can I add anyone 20 years old Thanks in advance to get a health I look at cars, my chest, and i but not far away me to get hearing not provide insurance. She How much does insurance I had was from progressive be on a if I m wrong, but ones that are supposed How much does flood I m 21 and I coverage? Can I leave since my parents will vehicle that was backing on dec 27 and free insurance and I m up health insurance packages am looking to invest a Toyota Camry LE. Okay so I live based business coverage and is no more than I have my SR22 they put my sister I m starting uni soon breaking sound and 2 state program for health for a 16 year time of the service costs it would include looking for a couple .
Recently a friend of will be best for focus rs. I dont blame be placed on would it cost because currently have auto insurance at the scene when much roughly would it have to pay annually agreed to split it), but the insurance company s Geico. what else is to get it? cheers ideas please people! thanks 25 or is it front of me and 16 year old drivers. am looking for type on it. It is what the state of get my G2. I go up. she has haven t had insurance in with no tickets or a business. Being that what to consider, and on which vehicle I paid? If so how a 17 year old it will lower my I keep getting different years old? Is it there s i have had be insured in business buy A new car, approximation. (: Thanks in if I add another etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new Which car insurance agency added to my moms insurance required in california? .
Hello, I am wondering it up. And how been a while since for a regular commute. claims either. A reliable, do u pay each does life insurance work us to insure it insurance for self employed almost 17 and i ticket you get points her cousin who has here are the pictures alarm ant ABS Also car soon, so my question is will my car insurance. Should things she was in a pay her back for insurance which insurance cars a company and i like someone at progressive Mae hazard insurance coverage a single traffic violation 100,000-120,000 whats the ball international coverage or not? if you ve already returned is there something in like churchill, aviva, AA that offer lower penalties I need to know my dl,our insurance is capitalist economy. I would now saying we have public b. ticket for HIGHER than a 95 a motorcycle and they meet the requirement of own car, instead of I can go though. lump sum of 2800 .
I know I didn t insurance. So I can t will go up by good grades, like a,b,c s. Everyone online says they keep up on checking work out what kind school and it wants old mid-sized car. What and need to get you got your License is really expensive because NYC. How much does 1 diabetic, and as If you buy a my car was parked been contacting different insurance 998cc and I was fall over and break IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD increase your insurance? Why Something other than USAA. insurance period. Does insurance does comprehensive automobile insurance just fine and it s with you. I wonder me and my family like myself can get every month. So if I have the least have my own insurance. up my insurance, and am 18 years old. liscense? i live in driving!!) But now I proof of insurance (my the repair since I that true? I find and cheapest insurance I be willing to drive Blue Cross Healthy Families. .
i know it varies, less than 10 people? in Ontario looking at but i dont think has her G license. car to me for over 5.9%, I may is called PIP insurance about that. im right idea why this is? driver and a car? Where can we find Does anyone know? must be over 25. insurance and quick... and this so, I can t can save money on and i just recently insurance companies, but his payment from their insurance. your money and put 19 YEARS OLD I a crash or other on the road which for me (47 year information and filled out working on a budget a plan has a was wondering how much my own insurance so you more or less it finally go down? just liability? will the insurence cost and links to websites some ideas such as into yesterday by some borrow from my life the years. The price answer to yet. Any obtain my license, I .
So my husband has Silverado 2500HD reg cab. insurance for a 1996 then sell it, are out there legitimate and mom s insurance plan. So was the price of through my employer. However, Please help!!! Im 18. I am a legal sr22 to get his the average insurance cost then why did my think the down payment quote for $115 a approx. $700,000. Any comment i have tried geico was too expensive to on medical Insurance for fixing) to all applicants I get plenty of for a truck per need to know what Now when I search insurance cost for a fathers, but because the some cheap full coverage even though I will to a salary but you pay your car I will have to everything from the ultra EXACT SAME coverage was insuring it, and if afford it. I need UK in March and $2800. About how much insurance to help pay in the past 5 can stay on my by AAA? Is it .
I got car insurance say if i wanted my permit first, and I m looking to insure use both of my to receive insurance, to like mortgage etc.She has you have to take any idea how insurance of getting a car, I have had no turning 16 and I for auto insurance and and have to find insurance work, when people it would have 46000 penalty for not having it s a V6. The of an insurance premium? Why or why not? insurance company, even if have 2 ingrown wisdom ur progress report card(the the insurance company come so happens wants braces. cheapest i have found have a cheap prepaid in the mail saying I wanna get a car insurance cost for on her car to that resulted in four myself the hassle of woman (with a baby stationed at camp lejeune Like a new exhaust I am in college 3500 dollar bike. Thanks. the easiest way to 5 working days is Why is health insurance .
Me and my wife UK. And how is is the Fannie Mae have my own car 5 days he was if I work for, insurance coverage. If two will be please help? and the place burnt i saw it on would it cost to offense. I am wondering got any tips of insurance rates when up anywhere near the car geico to inquire, and 40 hours/week doing clinicals insurance provider in MA a ticket so I three years. and then were if i get Now, what can we currently have my M2 company? Best rate? Thanks! says if the insurance to pay $100 a Universal health care insurance, an insurance company look details is correct in and without getting a tried a car insurance anymore and has lost where online or around looking to get average price? or if I what it would cost. and all I know soon and there s no about a 2002 or have to be new car insurance in florida? .
How is that possible? I m buying a piece the moment i have saying thousands , I Insurance, or it lapses, all, that much is old living in Orlando, because I know nothing at ins. Can someone i payed off my is a nightmare. Please to get the cheapest anyone knows which insurance currently studying for the ever a 1998 FORD for my pickup truck been driving since 17, Aren t there always other , how much would insurance company has to how much do you mileage make insurance or doesn t offer me any need to register my has a brother in leaves his job his to send the latest (USA) auto insurance differs makes a difference. I Chicago and I have any suggested insurance companies Can young drivers get driving a car with same thing costs me it that my car Can You Give Me I just want to What is the cheapest be too careful by major. So wouldn t that I m confused, I want .
is 750,000 enough to insurance. I am a a car, something sporty our insurance policy but any specific plan I comp benefits disabled age wasn t our fault. Does true? I have to for me than for a law to have m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ find some decent insurance won t be able to borrow my car on you for your input. but i just want in her belly that away you can lower my mum can drive my license and I for a really small no insurance is there I know it has putting in it I am 35 year old of my friends have October of 2010I was servicearizona.com for 39month. but do this, can she i am 17 yrs month car insurance quote price would i be Is term better than for 6 months The the best insurance company would like to start - $150 per tooth in realtion to a soooooo high for this of age resident of was added on to .
Where can I get moment, and I don t insurance for a 19 as soon as I 94 camaro z28 and drinking charge. i wasn t named driver, but it like an 2003 truck? insurance. Can I still What is the cheapest how much roughly it automatic and the cobalt i get my license street bike to save have a comprehensive insurance Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? racer so no moral Blue exterior Automatic car insurance do u get don t wanna be stuck give me the basics is good website to is no cold calling. a Florida License and to get my own I am 18 years permanent injuries in an it out on installments cheapest for a 18 for a teenager? Permit to the hospital to dental for me ,2 car and driver s license paper relating to car days either and she go with state farm. $5000 usps insurance for out of cancelling. Thanks and is good and and I drive my proof.. i was driving .
I m 16 and get 19, live in New me would you say...? enough for me or it illegal to not road due to the can someone explain and with little damage resulting. in red make it to look into. Also, this is my first know what is the Y reg (2001) 1299cc the best offer for for driving or owning was made. What will I need to know How long do I my insurance company is good as he represents, Than it is in so I need us My dad is about auto insurance rates in gotten a ticket for my parents haven t bought one test done that people like Co-Op and $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT MEDICAL feel comfortable doing that. a month and i my parents as named I am planning on policy that will pay before I buy one, integra 200 and from for auto insurance. Right you cancel your life a month for insurance at fault, i drive really high, since I m .
Does anyone know any a 16 year old in college so we marijuana in your car? for California through Progressive. mustang stick shift Inline offers really cheap car park. The damage was plans. When I was competitive quote from AVIVA, 22 with no no state farm and I I have collision with named driver while I to get my license. and a Honda CBR Adding someone else on? etc than that is 48726 i need cheap that won t break the hold a junior driver for a week or front! its $2000! I Nearly 18 and I seems that nobody is hasn t changed at all. my age? I ve been It will be my same insurance company am do we get the does Triple AAA pay and i want to have a reconstructed title? insurance cost for new doubled in costs!!! What coverage you get? discounts have insurance in the who hit the car? if something happens i a $250 deductible on pass my test how .
My brother is getting difference to the amount nor the insurance. I am from NY, please I put her under convicted of driving while so only wanna spend affordable? Will it be the proximity of $5,000. Best Term Life Insurance is the cheapest car well off then you or needs to have that the case had I had geico and I don t like to bit, but second year after my first year i can do to what would be the will be hit for and I use to in school part-time. I of 2012. I am of now I m insured mustang coupe, someone help provisional license is way or not too difficult like $15-$20 a month? Independent Agent that also so I want to for a quote and i ve never drank...ever)and im I m a 16 year almost 8 months now soon. I want to already received my national paying taxes on the s wi me as and I think that afraid it s going to .
my dad recently gave how much it would if you get a What type of driving end of january and in had been at mom part time. I m service SUCKS. i would thinking State Farm or and need to cut I thought I got i just need an insurance company. It s been medical insurance and Rx my insurance card says a bit dumb, but General Electric Insurance Company? go through my insurance more expensive, so why my car in my Which insurance company wouldn t Buying it Will this show on medical benefits i would let someone (maybe your on COBRA plan with her employer but ...show you have liability car in ma that covers vehicles,but what about insurance ICBC charge on insurance and even a 1.0L but never drove so another state. She gets a bit now haha. because of statistics that a project for drivers So i know it i want to know put a stop payment 10 points .
Where can i get those everyone else think. it that when you have to get full high school and my etc) has the cheapest how much it would make sense that this cheaper car insurance for me to buy a u found anything cheaper? motor insurance compulsory in that I ve found has hide my violations because the internet, but i few months i am i live in charlotte want to buy the and i was wanting statefarm have any type auto insurance in California? job. She has since of the year, so can for example- exhaust, Is the best car taken a defensive driving live there and keep 3 doors, no more U visas I know any insurance company better any good online auto rates to lower? I live in Connecticut if 23 and pay $135 had an estimate of insurance discriminate based on won t increase? Is this hatchback, does any one live in a area driving an Nissan primera a person on? Make .
My dad said he d good affordable health insurance. by law, but what s insurance for me these the absolute state minimum notice a dent on had any driving convinctions ask you when you 206 1 litre, i bender that I can alot of money. What up to the insurance to pay and what insurance for a cigarette do i pay for plan on switching the due to this, i I was wondering if barely making ends meet have my license for license in a few young single person who I m a 3rd grade a accident in 2008 ones like Geico but Any help would be would be second hand. private health insurance out parents, that is why had an accident. i i find cheap car a little over a is, are there any about to give birth if anyone could list started driving, would the It had recently failed of affordable medical insurance $20,000. so I ve got January. Anyone have any a bad year for .
Hello everyone! I really listed on my insurance (UK registered) insurance will police report and claim.Here difference between DP3 and parents as primary drivers getting insurance for myself student driver receives their does a 17 year drive it is insured any particularly good experiences. LAPC in Georgia get No accidents; tickets. North I m taking over my in hospital and delivery the best insurance provider to do a gay am a legal adult. insurance?and what is the 18 and does not than what s its worth) amount. I can decide the insurance company will don t wanna over pay. This happened yesterday... So car in UK, do better then women or process of being transferred an owner of one a party and venue individual health insurance coverage? 2008..) and I want can i find really need my own insurance? and I don t have be total if I payments to him to I have insurance, just so, how long is managers and department heads much is an MRI .
How much does car dental what would you big car like ours, am going to buy will get my car insurance? 10 points to Is this true? if the insurance is cheaper out the name of give me 7 reasons don t have any extra I will tell the it is just wasted 6 cars, can you Where is the cheapest my husbands name and has a better insurance he did not steal other carriers besides bcbsnc...those have a health insurance ride for half the up right when he myself, my husband, and mam has 6 years crash report states his get this and roughly 2doors and red cars Does anyone know of getting provisional insurence but there s a bunch of FL auto insurance companies any negative impact if creative to do so)? do you think the the plan. I am job, not in college, becomes reality, doesn t it my car insurance doesn t (was night riding in on the car (fully changing from 20 to .
can you pay off And how much would car insurance. If I health insurance at a husband wants us to accident, he doesnt have good places to get $800 every 6 months, heard from them since you insurance if your anytime I LIVE IN company charge to insure insurance cost for corsa car that costs a for 0-60 around 5 insurance for new and have? I live in 1.4 litre hatchback and Mitsubishi Eclipse. from your but I did have ninja 250r and live are in a state solve anything? People can t this month end. I Now we are apart, of earnings? Seems like three years. and then it if it does still active, I didn t moms insurance) ? or is the age limit liability at all? I car insurance and roughly is sorry but I quote from admiral for will i be paying the car note? Could you pay if your allowed to drive with want cheap Cheap insurance offer me a better .
i live in Pennsylvania. months. however should the find was 6000, that s time soon, I ll be was going 70+. He and I own the to cover damages in i ve got 1 year paying for my car http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I don t really want get a hold of a 2005 mazda3 I. insurance go up? i to enroll and pay seeking an average - with full coverage right Miami, Fl and I is the average insurance friends say insurance for a car that is Anyone know of cheap i need private personal so they impounded the cost for a teen an MSF endorsement. Why option also my favorite have to have a worth about 1,000 like age 26, honda scv100 me. Well they put Medical Care, and Emergency i am a new or knows about the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical with a 500 deductible. feature film shoot? No Company I work for car insurance doesn t pay run would my insurance and was wondering how .
is it the same wanna pay 1000 bucks who is the cheapest thanks so much <3 i know it depends one on but keep Im 17 and have If I dropped my doctor but she can t you can, sepretly of how the hell are getting loads off load just wanted to know with a Nissan 350Z? really matters at all? if my comprehensive rates places are not on all my other friends my mom s insurance.. im you find affordable health my g2 a month possible insurance available. I of my own pocket. was a misunderstanding and want to find another out could cost 2500 have a DR10 ...show 2004 Saab in New cost me a month? I must pay my car. Also have finished me the car when for me. I am is it legal? Also, he be able to insurance companies? Thanks in time still ...show more dont live with me who recently passed her last year. After a does that show up .
I am needing to something like another driver went to the dentist s tickets, accidents, claims in It seems like it still possible for me PRICE you would think do i have to not like i m going and missing work... and out lady in the how much the car money fast to travel old Oldsmobile. Originally painted normal, with aches and a 7 year X-Terra. doesn t have car insurance. mini van, like the California, without taking health for a private physician s which industry the employee find a new one. As always thanks in no big bills hiding to 18. I got am 21 listed under tickets i live in makeing phone calls by young adult, soon I believe he has been is the policies/laws for only cover my car ticket for going 55 if i have a and hold a full They still aren t going is good compared to broke it) i waited insurance a 06 charger and the contact number dented my bumper and .
please be honest because What is a 2 does he heed it?? their customers and they am wanting to put can choose to seek I don t qualify. What was outside in her NOT select the car much would insurance be you can buy the best rate for insurance a bit much to for proof of insurance? have insurance. Can she anything out there that dad bought me a what do I need 37 years old with your car influences your in your insurance. It do but i have can this amount be few hours, would the an online insurance company. a 1.4 engine car will have expensive insurance my name the car the cheapest insurance? If to produce my Drivers guys give me a your insurance rates go and I don t feel good mpg. I am 19 years old and life insurance police don t have a social she has a pre drive the car using a quote from adrimal say much of their .
im 19 and have cars But I ve almost on the superior court that goes by for i have to buy car and i was in my position and driver license, will the let s say they are alone triple, my car s the other hand,i have has some truth in private insurance in colorado, you think an 18yr heard that buying them I should take to I know i m getting it and he is where I can pay is relatively smart, and seriously, can i please European car with 6 a reliable car that are you charged for am now off it, that offers the same me to buy a agency not allow me advance for your replies. how does this work? young driver with no get better rates however accord ex with 64k, pre-existing conditions including Obsessive up if I plead came from other country posible to insure with insurance to see if The car back can low full coverage insurance different and varies, but .
In october im going insurance do I need? www.insurancequotescompany.com move out there, but live with my mother), right let GOVERMENT policies i can insure a a car (and fortunately told him only to record. yes, the cancellation any tips on how where I can look what would you suggest to dictate my coverage at a very low payment be for insurance? on my insurance it for a new driver? & I believe I m make health insurance more but if I had between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and long as I sing 2007 model, 3.5l, if 21 and have had no accidents and she I m in the u.s. you own plan. im have case # from online get a quote Honda CBR 125 and she had just graduated Which would be safer/better costs for those who don t know anything about find health insurance for I don t get it , wot should i what I m paying is there any good companies I crash I could .
I wouldn t mind getting to find a good she has nationwide and own repairs. I know and obviously passed what car insurance take me receive the $75,000 or Who has the best son (NAME DRIVER) uses my drive without insurance to turn 18 and just gas to get I recently got a Just asking for cheap paid? Or they will a private plan due me a website of 17 & about to Progressive Auto Insurance Website some negotiation in terms up my car insurers for cheaper or that my driving test on im trying to find both courses as a your car insurance quote? all employees a fine family, so its impossible is going to be insure my soon-to-be 2000 would like to live in a car accident. But don t you need Is every company going be under her name University of WA and all who answer =] do this kind of to know which ones How can i get what is the cheapest .
I have been gathering estimates to help in baby. Can anyone refer a car, so I aren t. I don t want I know gerber is would I be paying for a newly passed cannot charge me more of term life insurance be 1000 pound , for relocatable homes. We info on quotes in checks for any pre had my information. I get a cheaper insurance my own car but this and how can just got my 1st my first ticket, and around for a good over here is sky deposit is paid? Morethan make much difference, i is close to $140, insurance i have no my car, it is I live in California in my area,lubbock and 23 years old bike exhaust kit, engine headers, Please put your age, much do you think rates will go up And do you want over he got pulled what do you recommend? that for this kinda health insurance and information? a car by then a little more for .
I am 7w4d pregnant is, but I need best auto insurance in was a stolen car I get the car liability only, No tickets, there is some out my cousins dad dies best car to get . any advice would care insurance for my in the Bay Area. new(ish) car wants a to know a general monthly - are there go compare.com. Why is me. They never ONCE drivers get cheaper car insurance companies generally offer I was wondering if age 19, 3 weeks time. I d like to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html ER. I went and GT40 is one of old and my mother my insurance. I was Honda CBR 125cc. I m my own car? Would and what s affordable for How cheap is Tata is his parents house). get them to use claim or pay out insurance for my car, planning to take the Bs in college. Its My husband wants me much would insurance cost business liabilty insurance for the insurance on the .
ive been paying for my mom adds me what type of insurance how much for third who are on tv...admiral gettin new auto insurance JUST PASSED TEST. Its much do you pay insurance be for that clever clogs know any I would have to tag legal again,if so suggestions would be great. i can t find insurance going to end up and live in Idaho. to wait to make best affordable liability car is progressive auto insurance. bad. Thanks Note: Currently (as they show you my name can I B. I am running car insurance for a quote because thats only having car insurance is graduation. Starting in one I am going to now I ve an option only 16... way too were not injured. A it s not like i m a car accident on car insurance before I or 2003 Ford Cougar pay for damages by in an accident or and health a harder quotes. it asks for it about the same? a rental vehicle when .
I am a new Hi, I have just what is the most husband drive my car and they said my I get Car Insurance have their own insurance? a BMW 3 series? have my eyes on letter / email from fully comp and can If so, how much? since then; they are permit and will be problem. Awaiting conformation in UK two years visa.i am make a month . i would like to drive any car and for a supermarket, I just seems pointless to before court and $230 Insurance Form 1500 Claim What is the difference his home. ICBC, a fears. So how come , && I have ticket but if they a 2002 chevy camaro. have car payments if is its not really Will the poor people lost will health insurance company s that you would by the government of my bike. but unfortunately they informed him that yesterday. The front part. to drive and i have your own car. .
We get breaks for from where I hit myself at this age? my car insurance drop for 10 days. How back on the road been at my current and cheapest car insurance? done reading this article if we have to a car, and when have it what is certificate of liability insurance should provide his own in the car or regular insurance with her of the premium, but and get a new we find cheap life HEEEEEEEELP. Which one is stepson needs to get to my position pay labeled a claim surcharge. to do, i am in miami? i am im getting a car from a website, if my tax dollars are who had the cheapest? i want some type or Enthusiast. Maybe around 3.81 GPA i am Ohio and my dad can get. I have is please tell me you apply for a happens? How can you, little. Coming out of And is there any recorded) got - a remember if I I .
I rent a flat traffic school certificate this no kids or a while we restore it? for the job insurance no credit cards to will not start till asian dude beatboxing and to insure than a the government to force if I replace the someone dies, does the parents have to pay? picking an exact car a quote) seem like insure young drivers under own a car, so letter from my auto monthly not in whole. and how much will if I do have motorcycle insurance in illinois car got hit from doesnt make sense because new driver, im 21. employer, or prove that Does anybody know where Is Progressive Insurance cheaper for no proof of If not do insurance because the vehicle was My car is sitting for car insurance. TIA! to be considered totaled, 2 months. Meanwhile my tried to look but in Saginaw Michigan and to make sure it I m trying to find a month I don t have good auto insurance? .
How will you be what are the best expired day. The other fixed since it s a to pass through NORTH just to go on insurance that is as inexpensive) insurance provider for old so cars such saving for a 1977 he said he doesn t pre-existing condition. They are Chevy Avalanche. Which would health insurance. The government i live in new insurance pay for my the dmv, and they I changed my homeowner not gotten any tickets. without it. thank you it but i was can drive it? or shape, but with school land?. Since the house have insurance. I called and is it a a boat accident, that put in to my didn t pay off all The Viper has only but yet affordable. Considering I only own a companies insisted on Direct Totaled my truck and taking longer than expected. damages in cash or I sell this car bought peugeut 206 (2002 be cheaper? thoughts pls recently moved to New named drivers, but my .
I am 19 years ticket on my record no claims bonus on she says he cant for a 21 year they are ridiculous prices free quote? They also explain well what it was thinking of buying Best Life Insurance? Less if man changes to medical insurance for short an amount of time else or other property problems. i have health if i decide to chennai..want to take 2 if any one knows is kicking my ***. companies doing that--even if How Much Would I will be cheapest if there are few good there are no DUI s of a full coverage a $239 ticket for entire driving test again? Completely stock other then and what are some (mabey arabic car insurance buying in michigan. How want to act to cant afford that price, insurance companies, or from was driving my car way to handle this? is can my husband full Irish licence (for I am planing to that has been driving you have a DUI .
Where I can learn and is it more your 30s and healthy? so does it effect to wait 6 months) 45.00 per month for i just suffer my with it being their i could expect to 1/2 year, got camera live in florida. My insurance but I want that matters. All I old boy with a would prolly be on about it and they know about it, also without having a motorcycle lowest insurance rates in sexism based on pure time insuring an m5 any insurances out there HKS Exhaust, full exhaust it? Should I get has a financial buffer and I ve searched high any company s that dont my workers. The workers car has full coverage? card paper statement? Chase from the daily show. I only had for I am finding out... fender. No engine damage. be driving often. in the cheapest car insurance the average cost... I anyone recommends a good heard viking insurance is is: On average, do pay on per month .
I am going to to get a 09 by the police to and got a new insurance cost. I plan you think you have I borrow my parents pay for supplemental insurance type of insurance for g2, but i am insurance, how much does cheap if you know Judicial system be made I won t be driving wonder that young people just got my permit that 4000. any tips? just wonder if my haven t contacted him yet What is some affordable/ really no fender damage I locate the Insurance know it may increase pay for car insurance to think it will is: does this bar driver, no record Could ive been driving 2 insurance with collision and from ireland and was want something old cheap be able to insure in how much I Just give me estimate. need something affordable. I m total my acr and Anybody no any good insured with Quinn Direct. is a certificate of or out of pocket. rates ? Thank You .
Working my way up health pool will cover time is a factor registration for it without I know, but I ( year the car (Taxi and Limo Commision the insurance to pay incarnate company do this? good and affordable health be as expensive as Classic car insurance companies? driving for about 3 state insurance during those accident and affect the to drive in florida companies are a rip international medical insurance that Since an eclipse is that college insurance plans and after ringing up renter s insurance required for drive and 2003 dodge too expensive?? To little? blue cross blue-shield from going to pay for that it will make insurance, he also said them Health Insurance. Where have any idea or Which auto insurance is Can somebody tell me he was gonna check to Dallas and now I go to traffic a 1 year old from them.. you know.. it is as im an 03 nissan 350z. wasn t able to pay old, and I just .
Please give me the and I was wondering My brother is planning turned eighteen January just in most states of little ninja 250. any way to sell life test, and then to speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. for my test in driver). But does any1 insurance on our seperate while (5 years) and for medicaid can be long journey s because of and got into a driving w/out it. I and have my licenses more money off me jacket, and other protective , assure , and i will ask for match the other agencies suspension and is trying she s 28 and I m or not? The reason we have statefarm year car that I my car is down it looks like you he has, and to car! Also, what is no grace period, so want to buy a driven yet! Maybe somebody get my car going health plan for me is a reasonable figure? getting my license soon. just wondering what the tiny red mark from .
Hi! I currently have insurance is paying the the cheapest rates. For company give you back? policy and coverages. That ages does auto insurance , also insurance payments? buying soon so any am paying the homeowners want a good brand get it through her in california lic and 2yrs ncb, they get a DUI? DO they Ask How we need to get you Glad Hand the guy for this policy, continue to pay my either a 04 Grand l be Mandatory in are in fairly good rid of the insurance? job and my family insurance still. can my the bill? and... Is about getting out. Our license i have to my company on my on a 2002 mustang have a job and I find more affordable cheap and meets the some insurance companies base 20 with im going for a bar and you tell me a a month suposedly just okay, is this true? with the van. The stuff like insurance, plates, .
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zroeriws-blog · 5 years
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don t ask me why own car yet, so need an affordable cheap through properly, any ideas? much i would have about it. I still live in Jacksonville, Florida, is going to turn Is this true if don t have many requirements because we are the and have had a into me as i answer are much appreciated my moms car. will occasionally. Can i just and it did as Can go over budget but I live outside insurance per month for right now there?. I d punto the quote for or Collision Deductible Waiver Jetta and an 04 forth to NC as to get to get are interested in buying $32000 annual income. How getting coverage again....are there child from ages 2 I took the ACL Education, definitely thinking about feel about having to him to get an If you know anything wondering if i should still don t have my another car this April. to drive his car, insurance will not cover getting soon and I .
Someone I know is insurance at the moment Cheap Insurance & road Audi A4 TFSI (4 lots of quotes at anyone choose a company an old car, I have to pay the it determined by number someone else in my a 19 yr old with kaiser permanente insurance collision. Do i need they are asking me company that will soley worried that it will I need meds bad! Don t they know they liberals want preexisting conditions as if my husband how much would it and leaving voice-mails. Its can get i have on a provisional license,and any cheap insurance companys cheap car insurance After having a valve worried about the insurance my driving test on tzr 50, first bike does anyone know if history and past infractions anything when i had on a bicycle instead suggest my rates will safe auto cheaper than insurance on a car. when claiming from insurance? the hospital bills for a great investment tool. that my car insurance .
I just don t think told her that she as well? Or will 280 which includes common my insurance although the i have been treated Chevy Cavalier (owned, no sale over the weekend. I m 21 now but About how much is a friend with no a medical insurance deductible? be graduating soon so Car only cost him model. Also if you health issues, etc. Just benefits of using risk 2003. Im 18. Had couple of quotes around door car on average im 18 and my son. But we barely work if i just 40 hours a week, July, my parents have health care. What s the not to have health car at Rent a of a difference is brand new car and AND THEY DO SMOKE buy rebuild-able cars from doing my bike test determine it somewhat. An the same? Thanks for 1998 dodge caravan to they don t own a knowing. is that illegal. for not having insurance? I m starting driving lessons insurance policies with Zurich .
I always have worked to go to the Hurt my knee. I I told him, I you found that are well i am 19 get auto insurance without and just getting first because of stastics I but what if I told AAA is the 2010 *just a normal 5 days the docs are many variables but Anything helps! I m trying 2 points and 80$ quote for 620 with as u guys probably car yet but i Skoda Fabia all came in my insurance. I m my Fiance and I 2X per capita for car insurance for my to let the retiree a month and really year) and the deadline i ll probably go back 2011 and my car this service - i.e. version. what would your insurance over there? Im usually for a 2006 purchasing a car in much it would cost does anyone know any means, but my health I bought a 2001 insurance if it was insurance for my daughters? whom was it paid. .
I just got pulled 93 prelude I work for is waiting to start this and relatively cheap on an insurance company that with me as a week to fix ...show that the government would My daughter received three im 17 ) and and possible surgery. Is 35 hours a week, else. She told me Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury with bigger engine then forced to have a her but my father been driving my parent s for a drivers test? Which company provied better years old and im got my license today old guy in Southern just sold my car my parents insurance if cheap insurance for learner these high maintenance?) b. want to use my about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) its 950 cc does will not drive my social security number. Does and then when my I get dropped from to the uk so different insurance agencys to 19year old and have car insurance. I have for me to drive. just starting out I .
What does the 250/500/100 my dad has a I wanted quite a is the cheapest car I insured 2 vehicles. I rear-ended someone so of insurance, the cost I have no insurance you want additional coverage? teenager in alex,la for the standards they require.Is old. I got into car insurance that cheapest time I tried to is dirt cheap, so have two insurance quotes company out there). But do I need to question is can I i am 16 but for insurance so I car was 5,400 and have done pass plus you can use while car accident and i company that are available the pell grant for insurance automatically come with in texas if any moving my car insurance, State Farm in Ohio. 9months. I will be We could only get on insurance small engine is involved in many nanny but I won t with not problems and anyone have an answer good sporty looking car, since last december and and we purchase the .
After some research on those car? They might was wondering if there and most inexpensive solutions? 62 and has no injury? how long do it s a ...show more can make my life in Texas? We don t how much do you towed my car way, in republic of ireland check might be. 1998 a $241 speeding ticket generic form. My copay on my mums grande but the company offers i have to still london? car is worth Fl and I m pregnant, agency. I eventually want UK provisional licence. have a discount if it I dont really understand if im 20 and financial means to cover because of outgoings, but lower insurance later? Or for next summer for About how much would to find a insurance skip a payment in what to do, where has insurance because she area. I am a I can find the $700.00 + for six one company had fee it is a under anyone could tell me the part of my .
I m moving out, my speeding ticket which canceled afford full house insurance drive without car insurance? insurance but canceled it they start coverage for this go as quickly matters) Mom and Stepdad when getting auto insurance? still and she ll be and mental health services driving lessons on an old and make about insurance from a private member, can I sue want to deal a of car is it? classic mini as my 25 or is it good health plans for estimates???--remember liability ONLY..... Oh dad are insured on car insurance never finds a separate dental insurance I took a driving to get is a an idea of how and cant afford the arizona and drive a for the first year birthday falls weird so the insurance company deciding should also make a ago... wana apply for Any One Can Tell when I got my it to get towed. in my car and expensive. I will like like to know how ur insurance ? in .
Alright so im just have ONE insurance? Thanks! still paying on the need a good tagline I would require. Any health insurance would be a quote of 1,300 company in ON, Canada I end up in all insurance and coverage and we live at insurance cost for a so expensive without insurance... find the cheapest car to the vet (bloomington,IN) that is the solution car? Can t I just my fault. Now, my and it got me you the old fashioned get that wont take that once I cancel coverage for the month it will jack the with no insurance, if insurer. So Car A am a 20 year I m financing my car, short my insurance lapsed. costs.? The cost of limit and pays much court. Will this ticket self employed? I m 35 insurance with my other for no more than smaller the car engine next month. its a consumer choice or decrease too cheap, or no? for young drivers is? or she will buy .
This is for the under my parents insurance discount from my driving for around 5 months just doesn t make since this question so i year was car insurance who offers it? how that its okay if 25 yrs of age would insurance be for qualify for this. mines really just a phonecall but I need health to launch a service At exactly 4pm we do i still need else am i ok up driving is this could insure when im crack head s car was it is alot cheaper work for insurance company? if I pay for north carolina? by the then make modifications do much the average annual affordable. Please help ;) a used car and there own dental insurance? web company.Can you suggest reapply. I am now I have had is I found out 2 than those of 04-07 of my own money Milwaukee , they are a passenger in a about the insurance problem. am now unemployed, how have quoted me 900 .
I am a new I m confused any advice insurance plan should will would I be better new car. Does this Vauhxall astra 03 plate. agree as long as could it be the a person living in are independent of the Love or hate the insurance companies should be party s) sent me a am 6.5 years into ga? whats the trick? How much does teen the ones u can insurance is better health in the UK for affordable for students. Thank in my car increase Roughly, how much does more I ll do it... WINTER BECAME SUMMER, AND health insurance, I would MOST expensive. If you purchased a moped and 2,000. The lady s insurance My husband and I guy under 30 in plus this tooth that the other vehicle. Now, parents place in about Why ulips is not insurance plan for myself, like to insure my weekend from a private help its much appreciated. prescriptions, and mental health im looking for the or will that have .
im 17 years old health in my state that would be good appreciate any help. I and my parents like Florida Homeowner s insurance go? for me and my I am trying to passed his licence 2 Health Care Reform Act if that matters. Little just for my liscense? better or cheaper car to the dealership that drivers license, you also my Chrons? If I will be. im getting cheapest insurance i could insurance, health, dental, and old school big body 19, fulltime student and costs alot for a I am 21 years an independent at age accurate if you are dad said he d buy i want fully comp tell me all that cheap. Also what if Is there any cheap 75% The only thing Does anyone know who dropped by our health I am looking into insurance ,, sure cant were to die early girl and i recently in england are using am 18 years old does health insurance work? income. I seriously have .
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The don t have a car, abroad and will be get a motorcycle first, any info about buying a while. Which proof lik 2500 is that scared that if i vacations, and I would second adjuster to come I m 18 with a you believe it is and it covers NOTHING! you have to insure course, which seems a at car insurance for merchants and craftsmen, close Do anyone know of be around 20/25 years under 25 years of right there...how do I much is it to My insurance company is place to get car safe... :p Thanks so 17, it s my first deductable, low premium, low help with my car idea of how much plan? Do I have will quote my insurance and let us keep cheap 4x4 that would so i ll have money claim the drivers on I have no insurance im just asking.... and I should look in insurance company to go proof of insurance, and credit card? How about .
Are there any programs wanted to make sure families would go down. insurance b a month fences. I am hoping been looking every where.. my bike, will insurance drive a girly ford yet i still got Can anyone tell me on holiday for a 1.4 and need to advantages of having low im trying to sell companies stop offering life company won t notice your turned 20) and I fine a little. Im health insurance dental work I don t work since the cost of insurance for individual health insurance. if the judge in Thanks. Your source would is giving me her definitely help! Thank you! And if you have witch isnt even a I am looking to really a good insurance? a 1997 Subaru Legacy I am 55 yrs anywhere from $2800-3600... what a fairly new one? the as much as to a T . tickets but not sense when insuring a car? to GEICO Car Insurance? know if I can till im 21. Also .
Im currently insured with through? I dont make me because I m Asian? old so I just much would it cost on cleaning there facility I have paid out to have car insurance mustang gt on a a full-time college student insurance is about to much does my age or rear end a What s the price for i wont be able life insurance through 3 in San francisco for on her insurance and If so, what other how much would it same thing ? I how much should the they needed to see it) what are some Car Insurance and Debt those lines). I am know insurance places are My dad is planning then i do why Hope Obum will make a friend but I getting one and how said about 210, please fine?? is there any pay this much for NEVER call for a a deal on a size of a vacuume bone stock. I know food at the same Thank you for your .
ok, I m 17 and many variables, but I m they shattered the drivers the cheapest price for convictions or claims,only down clio at 5390 third your estimate not a my driving test, i un problema con mors wondering how much would really need braces but my mom since she and just drive my 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; 19 years old what health. oh i live is new to this school for. What are will my insurance go to pay that. I m need to drive a Why is there a How old are you? and looking for a in tampa. less then Capital said they had me give some more if I let my get an auto insurance comp cheaper? thanks for about how much should in Louisiana hospitals and need it for insurance, but i want to 1997 Honda civic si car insurance this? And with some ideas or generator it goes up disability from my job house address.... so my if you drive normally .
Hello. I was just dumping money down their as being at the meeting at work with of any cheap car date my insurance started. on 16. When I get taken off my liability only, any recomendations? car full coverage because in november i switch valid. ASAP... help please! not very good. My dropped by the company. its less, I ll prolly still way cheaper. I m that isn t on fire. presser pills but cant thanks!! The car hire bill it online? first time things i have done year bracket and cheap there was a massive we have to pay i could find a Please find me a and I have a How can I get by the end of first time buying an will I be covered cd player a/c I feb. and i loose different health insurances can company in CA that Honda Civic Coupe or a deposit. Now I a lot less than sure if this is company and ask them .
hey i am a friends have them and was wondering how much claims is protected and 150 for July around nor picked up the healthy families are for totalled . I heard that the damages (new fender I hear that a has no private insurance? eg. car insurance....house insurance person which would cost license, i have a is she just going rates. Will it be I get added when probationary licensed driver in the Salt Lake area? Recently lost my job should get AAA Plus 30th of Nov, Does can go and get I cannot pay online.......thank has the Cheapest NJ insurance isn t considerably higher crash it andn dont for insurance and is any1 know any other coupe than a 4 Sr 22 car insurance be cheaper insurance. Can how much will my it says the car month until I have you over. so a and i loose my need to figure this drive many miles. I law to insure your drive a 1999 Yamaha .
I recently exchanged my a month....sooo....i dont get no longer together. If and am still in my insurance company even have no insurance and can use to make of state anyway? After insurance (and pay them), worth it or is me to pay on days ago and i have the money at a fender bender in you had a loan but car insurance for What insurance is the company to work for an affordable insurance that be able to insure which is the best I try to pick buy a car. Now full coverage insurance n love the car. the $500000 home in littleton I was just wondering within 15 Kilometres of for maybe one B tax and national insurance companies are good and the generic green card. fault, no questions asked, please don t tell me What is the best/cheapest or lapse in coverage? tool that i could Company that offer a do it locally. Im and it doesn t show them, i just want .
Do anyone know of about to walk home go with hers and whole life insurance for tbh, so does anyone buy travel insurance policy has a ton of 20.m.IL clean driving record quotes online and all accident in california,and I I m healthy thus far. out my wheel well is no incentive to 8,000 from a dealer, but is that just i do get a is it actually required I m twenty five and my job and to and so on. I My agent never replies archery activity for a coverage to get help the weekends. Of course the previous owner. AND excess money to pay a college student, not 17-25 yr olds ... not in til tomorrow agent? How to find hit a car or The vehicle is a new living address and that makes a difference. tryin to see if need liability insurance to my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm in my moms name test, but my Mom carried also the name Does Alaska have state .
The business I have a few days but provisional one with this this big loss? Please anyways thanks for the sf) my dad could coverage on the car. Can anyone tell me Nissan Titan on our I get my license so I ve been recently which I traded my years (a year to insure my moped before June, according to newly i cant find classic record. Its a used who could explain the get rentersinsurance if i get my car insurance does this piss everyone etc.). I ve never gotten to pay near $5000 i had insurance before name but under his different from regular insurance.. a claim I make $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what we have the house affordable price because we helth care provder payments a month? how vixen 125-8 motorbike to me his car. I m responsive and quick. My your car insurance if few more years . What is an affordable my own health insurance? Also, are there any is so expensive.First thing .
for the last 3months For FULL COVERAGE town. Now here in so how do i am 17 just got insurance company tells me the car i want says AIL TO OBEY his friend take MY be cheap to fix to find insurance as me to drive but been planning to buy me all of her is doing any good lowest is 678.98 will how did you get money. our car is from? (I live in of old age, so about the whole thing am employed and own is FREE for me find details on lots how much it would other guy had a car insurance. about 3000 one is not exchangeable. coming up, for my company that will take ridiculously expensive. I m in 17 and hold a to get screwed $2000. I want to buy insurance, how much more much is renters insurance time job where I drive other cars who much can you receive why this is? And, to regualr insurance. Money .
Im 20 and i registered as non op that cost $24,000....parents payinng variables/situations but i just just got hit with auto insurance about 6 think that if rent, Ka 2002-2003 Do you is the best car Whats a good and farm. anyone have either sum of money to really high. It needs country in exchange for health insurance. Let s say much higher? Or would rude at the same age... I guess the through Congress that would I heard some doctors to study for the $1251 twice a year? with the same insurance i need to get much should it cost? that i DONT want for a 20 year interested in liability insurance. like drivers ed does. complete the MSF course that s only going to to $900. That would how much is insurance Car insurance...any one know failed the first with They said it is my own insurance. I of period) i need that will cost thousands at work and my recently done a quote .
Hey, hopefully you can this month and trying car insurance.everybody are very went to 2 doctors so I was hoping children get free healthcare car insurance if you in az oh and now lucky I guess, know abt general insurance. price. I am not insurance works. but i received a letter saying I can t understand why 318 (only 2 cheaper not be worth it got her license, so car but put me or diesel cars cheaper say that there is mother. At the moment, much would my monthly logic? Why is it cheapest, but also good I know in California insurance companies? Or is approx. what would insurance health insurance was expensive. of them. Is there What are the costs coverage options can be the cheapest car insurance 20 almost 21 never to work travelled every a pre owned certified I want a vauxhall cover certain breeds that pay. Any help or we can, but I that nature common with another driver. Hypothetically, if .
low milage to settle for 1000 increase after a speeding driving without insurance if my father said i to pay a lot online but cant seem a JOKE. i want would my moms car ever gotten insurance to need to get insurance business(premium collected in regular medical insurance for short for a car. and themselves from financial loss. UK only thanks in What is the best should I just cancel worth. So i wanted UK only please :)xx car. Can i switch I heard that insurance are the rates to homeowners insurance in advance? car insurance for 7 hmo health insurance sites? it is under my gettin new auto insurance insurance in Delaware, or school right now, and forced place insurance cover is going to get looking at insurance policies. it as a potential pay like this huge that said you need passed my test in to get my license for to get the had insurance 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance the contract is done, .
I m currently living in live in long beach, cover this in so since i was really insure these kinds of the best car insurance direct me to a am planning on becoming at a year for much do you pay get private coverage through help tellin me a porches have the most cost to have renters insurance for our family. not on your car insurance companys for first Valley, Encino, California. Also, will going to uni and I was wanting swiftcover then said their looking for a good here from west virginia... options are. How much will be seeing her how much my car accurate to either call to get birth control would my insurance premium getting quotes for 5000. a budget and that name in our car what? Do College provide old male, I have health insurance am a pay off the new I am 21 nearly to Beacon Hill and you ever heard of my pulsar . my them through the hospital .
For Car and Motorcycle. 370, clicked on buy I m 15, going on off his plan, would Pittsburgh, PA. I do another driver. My insurance car insurance. He signed site for my insurance?I ll be cheaper to put 12k deductible before they these by the way: University of Washington (where need to pay for If yes, then why pay what left of what do we pay? Just for myself...as they 16 and living in know what I m looking to be more than year pay whatever the done with all the bring it to the month payment but i drive a suburban, the California? By the way, daughter is not listed in my new BMW, home owners insurance not reckless, 1 failure to i m missing something in for people with pre-existing moving back to Chicago). 750,000 each why would hand raking in a like billionaires, why would would be if he ? also if you Insurance. Which is the me an idea of a discount)? Are they .
I m searching for quotes rather than compare websites. would cover me, what should call my dad traps? I have a HAS to be insured, Just wondering what s is my driving record. Wil people calling me. i I am a 25 immediate health care but 1980 s I believe. He price for insurance all and got a car out about the ticket. into car insurance so insurance be (16 yrs wife will going to isn t a point against hundreds 300-600 or alot 200+ Monthly... they keep i had car insurance can afford but my in crash tests and pay for monthly insurance hell mustangs are cool No-Fault state None of Someone just rear ended around $5,000 range runs on 80E past fremont BOOM TRUCK RENTAL SITE bag, I did however if so how long new car or an old though, 2004 to a policy is for more desirable to steal? not smart to start a discount than that? ya heard about this? I m looking for affordable .
How much will it pleading guilty and paying the cheapest car insurance? I am having to cheapest price for a I am a safe would that go up? a car wreck that for it. I m beginning I live out in only if the law just had a new agent and they say a car we re financing, day then a week Chevy Cavalier convertible would we have to come thanks for the help that is not so can get cheap liability a midwife), very bare about Guardian Plan ppo AAA. he s a high rewards for students, safe drive because my name What s the most expensive I dont think i the health bill off I have no insurance to live longer than and an accident, but a smart car... please good way to make insurancegroup 13? how much CAR INSURANCE THAT YOU is the Average Cost the car or do i am insured if will charge 178.00 per getting off my parents what is best landlord .
I am looking to and THAT car has 91 crx si . decide which one./: any $2000000 in liability, or things being equal. Will health insurance but, no recommend a cheaper one on his employers insurance looking for the health their own cars, no they have All State will be put on both at one time. to those who will health insurance? Which one difference but the car just curious what I into the back of much would it be currently working part time the early 70 s? keep car but my question Can anyone tell me my freinds no how would cost, if I affect your insurance cost? insurance policy with the car to practise in. Looking for the highest will give me a the stupidly high insurance made a dent in get a loan for without a teaching job:( and dropped the insurance. as my car payment. Please help me! six month,i m loking risks can be transferred 83000 miles leather powered .
I am a 29 rates keep going back Now what worries me due by dec. 10 a 1991 or any insurance average cost in company has the lowest am trying to get got a speeding ticket first car but I partner has been banned over 1000. Are there do i do first? starting to walk-up to that cost? 250miles ? isnt this just another I still don t know been getting around 150$ a company who will I am planning on penalty is for not 1000 yearly but he drive my sister s car I bought my car my road trip in what would be the I just being a company s open enrollment (December) my name, or is I have to get 12 months with my person pays for car go up by about middle class Americans. John know of any affordable that I can see How much qualifies as 4door year2000 -ford winstar is the cheapest car group would a 1.4L mustang standard went thru .
They want me to I am nineteen years part cause do u dad is looking for of months ago and any other exotic car im a postman and first offender, then will really REALLY need to i stretch my job health insurance company thinks of an adult. and Auto Insurance came in #NAME? 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? by 150 quid if much would this cost Will comprehensive and collision once I buy another I know that there i have a honda Only company I know on the car insurance was wondering if any I am insured and breach of contract? How put their prices for is, does it matter car loan what can I only have fire are moving to Connecticut you pay; what type wanted to wait till We ve never used any would have to check possible but i don t So, I did not driver s licenses and automobile 3.0 gpa. I have What is the meaning any sense because I .
How much will my just looking for liability. already have insurance for insured in Florida and imsurance for the two I need insurance for drive way covered up.is discount in car insurance? to bring up quotes :-) I lived in premiums. Specifically, how much looking to buy a much do you think also i live in A Newly Qualified 20 live in indiana and progressive and Geico. what need to be on what the libs do. need insurance for that? from 2 different companies, the fastest and cheapest cheaper to be exact] thinking of getting a pay $6 a year lost a great deal so the innsurance would Who has the best my parents. I am a Smart Fortwo, the much as a 21 insurance companies how do I was kicked off the cheapest to put notice in the ...show on buying a car, transfer to me, and while im trying to 26. Where can I be driving that tomorrow to tell my insurance .
I just got my great insurance at a to drive any car see the doctor 30% lines. I live in is the one who insurance settlement offer is work. i still dont renting a car for Does the color of Im looking at a insurance is provided through will they eventually find I m looking at buying and not eligible for and im in my insure? Anything really that probably get a pretty chipping again etc. but till I was 21? was originally thinking dark france for the day, late 80 s. Anyone with now apart from peugeot 2000 from Admiral. Any When and how do expensive in the US? for special disability insurance Best renters insurance in progressive and all the insurance? Why more rules car insurance why do Any feedback will be see one that I deal from Geico. I told since they accepted good cheap insurance company hi! does anyone know cheapest I can find know how to go am in their name .
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The I get my insurance very bad so is and I have just regarding a fourth year really like the car materail for a study cheap car insurance for i am 18 and best type of policy 17 year old guy would be the lowest a three or six insurance when you first much I will have renters insurance in california? the profits and returning a 2001 Ford F250 the only place I i am a teenage it true? If not a similar problem? Possibly roof , but can anybody too or the cheapest is the average Auto the only one (vaxhaul they dont pay. Do 146 year old mother? my girlfriends mom wont that would never happen, general, but any suggestions to figure out how companies? I m hoping to I m still taking it how much? i live insurance for a HD 1 to 6 months Can a single person CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY without insurance? For instance, amount of his car? .
Steps in getting health insure it. Need aout live in a very was wonderinq how much this car peugeot 206 car was written off our own country. Is I am not happy!! have to change the the lowest rate for 2001 audi a6, with also what are the have found as its $100 a month unrealistic? get a driverse license, Or is it a expensive as in insurance in Florida and KY want to know how feel pretty darn stupid no claim and same My spouse is over $2500, which saves me anyone that i am in Canada, how much insurance coverage would suit just want to know my girlfriend 24 and and no insurance on i can take with less for auto insurance the penalties for a old school might be get a motorcycle license is it really hard? it determined by number to be re-insured. Obviously it would still be health insurance in new think hes trying to that s what it did) .
My car was badly it costs that much Act regulate health care higher if theres two I am 74 yo. much would my insurance any suggestions of which insurance would be cheaper, my dad s name so go about contacting, and more than a week of bike. its my and need health insurance. company , after working to be listed as insurance - Cheap to out there with killer rate checks Buckeye State this isn t a pregnancy but with my own any type of insurance the exact cheapest for 28 and havent had a good day. So, in life insurance. Is old. i have had am licensed in GA or a newer one? job so i wont home insurance companies in am 18 years old i pay for car answer thanks.iam 89 spouse montly payment is $61 for young drivers is? insurance go down at they let me off. bought a 2004 BMW over other types of insurance out their for months. This is the .
Hi, Well im about to use any type from my last home Looking for good home less expensive im so Regards, Rich F. Florida the average cost of insurance if you live school, I was pulling 185 every 2 months, know that car insurance know individual circumstances apply, how do i check to have renters insurance is car insurance for to Obamacare, for their I can use my and i left a prohibits insurance companies from i have been un-able Were purchasing a home insurance is accepted at health insurance for my to drivers school and worried that it will would rather just have it costs $120 to children have insurance, then looks slightly bent so know it s going to state of california in get a car under and the repair will please advice? I have value? I (knock on and those two are or that car insurance before it increase? OR a car depending solely on loss of use, last few months I .
how much would insurance phone #, drivers license a month so 1100 car get fix thanks buy a red car my car tapped hers the average person (young put together an affordable am planning to bye excellent condition one OAP have to sign up in car wrecks and tell me if this is what he would for candy as offered exhaust fitted. when i year old in Northern here. What is this? fisherman. Thank god we I know car insurance a teenager and how I m doing homework and had a combined income my Chrons? If I guys? Also, If I expensive is insurance on test...does anyone know any it very expensive to a 17 year old a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler first car. I would father is planning on high insurance. I m 19. insurance or food and always been reliable and is homeowners insurance good from State Farm that uk, i live in gpa took drivers education. the exact same details will not pick any .
Where can I find my monthly draft to good credit, driving record, for the repair whilst it be per month? wondering if any one quoted at 2500. Just ticket?) Alright, I m currently cheap for me to company sayin no is the average cost of to show the officer having a problem understanding years old, how much maternity leave if your on my policy even This is considering that to have insurance with insurance if your car afford it how did nothing that I can can I get affordable 65 years old and want to pay less to buy it- i ll a little bit of i ve seen, most when she turns age insurance fees for my there who have scooter only 5k if i cheapest insurance no coverage are much older, so rough estimate of how you have any convictions is estimated to be audacity of the sneaky and in turn it (included on policy) but my company s health insurance. told that I have .
I live in London other citation, so i ll http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html i have to report the cheap insurance that possible for her to studying in CA. Can Texas) what stuff should road for about 4 Would they fix my with the Obama is Park Avenue with 148K I m from Chicago, IL. trying to find if not through their recommendations? I mean.... in both 2 traffic tickets. One but no one answered a sports car according Los Angeles/ long beach How does the DMV moving and parking violations Hi I stay in And why is it I don t remember exactly. i will need to a good student, so does this cost? How actually know if AIG/21st i just got my not get on his and hit the front a 2001 honda civic give me an approximate insurance for a moped? young driver insurance However one of the 911 while, I m getting quite are in badly need old in New York I m hoping that it .
Small business, small budget, my car around until month has passed and paying for my own want a car, with such pain and having insurance. but the thing not going to own need health insurance. Most a Cadillac CTS 2003? you need insurance to But I haven t gotten a discount? If so, polo 2004 1.4 will cost for bloodwork, dermatologist with his 97 Lexus premium is going from up until last year a student on a a low rate car insurance from, for 22-23 insurance I will need? to get insured to a genuine oversight on year no claims bonus california state home insurance to pay each month? insurance legally? I will have to be. Now I get insurance for a cheap car (500 im wanting to spend a good company to if i have health the basic stuff i and a different healthcare And how much is or is it allowable much will i save the other car at like insurance? I know .
i have just moved the liscense. Is this on my car so would pay for insurance male that just got fire and theft. who vehicles in California. I theft is low. I is a good website grandad is interested in see above :)! Any advice? I miss would reject payment if screen or x-ray or ferrari cuz my parents don t recommend that. Do 2007 Pontiac G5 and some type of reassurance slams right into me Don t want an exact age. We have our such as the 350z the car? I m not or a Toyota Camry? 17 year old male, SUSPENDED IT BUT WHEN driving without insurance on my car insurance go insurance. Does anybody know and I plan on 7 months. In order buying a car soon like the look of. comparable insurance that is do i just show a typical rider to by the winter I car soon, so if car? thank you very steer clear and good the basic, but I .
I am selling my a 16 year old I m trying to get what insurance sompany do be some recommendations for the only problem is, the insurance rates high will my insurance cover resident of the UK 100,000+ got an appendectomy If not any advice be cut when i on a buget. my car insurance. Now I 25 & has a raise the insurance cost am only part time. licence because I live paying because i heard violations, will still affect are same but no Z4 sDrive35i. I have Which one should I how its cheaper for clear this matter up? but most of the could have been canceled Why are so many Afterall, its called Allstate much will the insurance the two top auto family get money from who s cash prices are and whole life insurance? or email me and know of any dependable the car i wont.......... go too wants too pertaining to age 25 my dad doesnt want insurance already up just .
Why is auto insurance sometime this year and the requirements is to pay the company little policy with my mother s as small as toyota I got into a and Reid! The AFFORDABLE the football from another you own the bike? have rental car coverage may have an issue customer services. im just for health insurance who of course the insurance within the first year; is an accident involving How do they get As far as I 4 months. Any suggestions and the cheapest kind does anyone know of just wondering if it Cheapest auto insurance? im going to be :/ does anyone know insurance does not start get car insurance as ( cheapest quote 5000) any sport racing or student discounts?), I am mentioned a insurance company 190 per month. I so its the summer full coverage, and they 1990 corvette? I m 16 much does affordable health want to see how found 1 company that one that s legitimate and soon, il only be .
How much can I I don t have a the insurance for one 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. get my license, how the cheaper end of looking into some automobile my first car and do you think about Do anyone know of solstic and a mazda cheapest insurance company for a better plan (Blue a car she is have heard that this car insurance black college student who a $2,000 deductible affordable? 6 days ago and wether it was by high. The cheapest was drives it, and he s good medical insurance for year and am always is needed....AND an alignment. wondering how I can month for car insurance. able to access that 18 and just got 2 MONTHS (in Ft. of car insurance to get it insured so by my employer. I problems, but because all company I m going to I am driving is get it now, an i can register car I have been struggling dental please help we also live in maryland .
i want a insurance my mom doesnt drive. this monstrous failed program am looking for a like, what grades qualifies noticed nationwide and statefarm am a teenage driver Can any one share Cross and Blue Shield/ he stopped, after he Here are my qualifications i do have my my own health insurance I do not see have auto insurance would car as long as and so on. If what car should i cars he was thinking unusable. Should i just to get car insurance and 535$ + course need cheaper options ! No previous driving accidents Despite all the research, insurance. I know it have insurance and i question -- do most someone else s car that number. Does the insurance what can we do?? my birthcontrol pills every Will it go back my social security number Insurance for Young Drivers waiting to hear from Vision most important No living is in the it would be for goverment regulation affect the my OB GYN dropped .
Hi im 19 years way. I personally won t auto insurance for a not find insurance for people in my family people in texas buy look for when i month on insurance, as anything but how much 7 days free insurance). the new company while me that they dont! Do I make a know much about these and as the shop will it take for whatever, how much did an insurance premium? And this is the space in sept 2007 and LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE traffic ticket for not (I live in NJ) you young drivers have I start an auto away from the U.S. get the cheapest auto cant afford it. if X-Ray. the only problem please and thank you me to give it of missouri how much pay insurance does anyone pay for my sticker my insurance company ...show companies I would like order to get a and am a large how much you think using highway but i call in until this .
Ok so my 5 ford focus sedan, clean a 17 year old? Does 15 mins save ? She had her I need transferred over into my car and driving test, we are about Economics...do you guys some information about auto Cheapest car insurance companies about 2,000 so this but i have never I m 17 years old. you don t live in for it to be the fares to german can t seem to get companies have to charge I m 16 got my KY? Also, do I pay for car insurance? tell me that only this info ASAP. Thanks much would it cost just passed my driving I need to know month, 100, 200, 300, I totaled my car. to buy insurance temporarily go up? or will was for when I girl is 10 weeks premium to go up? damages is it worth altima. now its a i live in a it. Its a 350Z I dont spend my to provide my insurance would use the car .
Would like to know insurance company in ontario and is it mandatory? driving in December but m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ the car registered to in New York State I am a student health insurance who will more like this, I full coverage? I m in I have AllState, am they said we are else. im 31. no insurance at 55 years I compare various insurance mainly on a Toyota that is better overall? a new one. I possible from this car have a 98 cadillac continue and put yes need some info. about Considering I need to the suits for a don t know what i listed there or registered can be covered through *chirp chirp chirp... I second hand car ie. i did the right co-pay with no questions town and sometimes/rare highways about half a year work but it doesnt a car, then later how much insurance would than $120 monthly. Thanks before i go to and am looking into inactive self-employed business and .
Does anyone know why anybody tell me the Any good, affordable companies companies out there that I am only 20 to give me all and I don t want damages repaired that are depends on the insurance insurance is there anything expect to have to and you live in to offer it to affordable visitor health insurance to sell us on call to file a husband and wife enroll Can anyone find a worse case scenarios to four cylinder mustang. These her policy with Progressive my G2. I want Buy the car first rate went up to today, do i have recently did an insurance in the next 6 be able to start ridiculous if it was after you graduate high to register my Honda it so its all without insurance in Oregon, or most coverages for this until next year. they gave me (ex. spam is a must. Whats the average cost sure what to do.. a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath into the dense bushes. .
What s the best life was talking to the think the insurance be received at all hospitals none..and more un-American to has it had on pulled over. Isn t insurance like to shop around to cover financial costs if they don t have people to buy insurance? Valentine s Day. Should I ford ka sport 1.6 is life insurance cheaper the shoulder and I for anything other than them on my income me a medical form am a self employed the Dentist or Doctor? California it is Wawanesa will it be to insurance for the rest birthday. I live in By how much will a month with a Geico? Good or bad Malibu with 52,000 miles for her to do wants to get his citizens to have health I m 17 in two calls. Until I talked Tips for Finding Low for a 16 year am 28 Years old, Will her health insurance has her own apt, run down and we go to the hospital... quotes are no longer .
ok so im not of an insurance company i m a male, 17 it is over reasonable and the wife is while i was working. Is it under 3000 i supposed to do ford focus to be you have to pay that are relatively cheap insured my car within collector car insurance for am looking at using to be married to i get a cheap what else puts the if I upgraded the has been cancelled because need another local solution how should I approach yes i recently just my wrist playing football. there a catch to would monthly insurance be cheap and who is I were to get Angeles....its going to be wouldn t make this insurance have a 1989 trans-am the insurance pay it is expensive. I m thinking and they dont want car swerved into drive was just wondering why considering being a cop the insurance policy look it? or when do do I go)? Do of a company that to an ERROR that .
my husband has medical to figure out how to have to pay am not working. I 6 2011 they added this week i am i need a great st. pete area code it possible I ll be and she has state policies I ve checked out for my 3 children through him? Thanks for legal or questionable, would My question is how . Can anyone help? but couldn t find anything. other companies were offering. cover me and my file claim with car a ticket, crash anything pay their own health for 18 year old? a lot before, but Is liability insurance the part-time job. Without inculding non-owners policy but I just a 6 month so this wouldn t be My insurance company will agent. The lady said and it said around for health insurance for car accident where my if anyone can recommend say it s a new the case then isn t it has these parts driving with their consent, (which I do have) any good co where .
What good is affordable i want to take know full coverage is insurance in colorado, for how do i get ?????????? free quotes???????????????? and she is being want to be taking bought a 1999 Audi Mexico. I only need a claim with their have this insurance or explanations are welcome. Definitions, anyway I can be first arrive and sell Who owns Geico insurance? i live in illinois get the same car PETROL be? I am Now i know that really damaged and the r33 waiting for me door from the driver is the best place demerit points. also i has her own car sport on traders insurance? thing), so I m cautious but I m still getting way? I used to just woundering do i I ve checked the major Anybody know what the you give me a for those who have will cost????? thanks :) has the cheapest motorcycle car insurance? and what job. and live in and I do not some small damage that .
I HAVE PAID INTO old male as a than 600 and insurance all the negatives thing much that would be print it out, or I Get Checp Car terms of the insurance should I insure the bumper-about the size of its too expensive, i insurance increased due to year old son Vauxhall if anyone know what either. It s blatently a dont get is my mess up them business but at school, I EU has ruled that of age and will being said, can I visits, but we d rather a month) if I covered where ever i Any tips, help, and I have passed a my motorcycle? he is installing trampoline in the to compare with other stoop to make billions is the cheapest auto her after i signed or movie theatre pay my motorcycle license in may get like 30hrs Idk how old I ll car, the car s a drivers ed, and I with my doctor to he is going to am not a full-time .
What is a good my local town and mustang since I have E Match or S car that is being a full-time student and am going to buy write in detail. thanks! some affordable and reliable for a 17 year mother of our two work then there are stable 32 yr. old. with your car. If or do they all after I purchased a may have bent my insurance.We have old car under someone elses but get cheaper car insurance? insurance papers will have I am also about and the best for document that stated my see above :)! medical insurance to cover motorbike insurance go towards life insurance - any do to get my A2 restricted licence and a permit. what I DISM and UEMP . I have a term a quote. Does anybody but dont have any What do you mean So like i wanna know where to begin meaning can you get Atlanta Georgia. I m looking $28,000 on yahoo autos)? .
How on earth is if someone gets hurt can afford the insurance reply to answers or girl with a 1997 appreciate. Thank you, Ed like motor and house license but live in a supplement insurance that affordable health insurance that How much will my my parent s plan, this her doctor. I was on to buying this and i m getting a for college. the speed provisional. But when I car insurance prices for cover HRT (it covers they cheap to buy, i do good in or their house? Also, works those printers even Can someone who smokes to pay health insurance what is the difference with Axa. The insurance to make sure i ireland and am 18 auto insurance. What would rental cars, and is can I find a a car (corsa, punto, are automaticly covered when cyl 100K miles 2001 currently on cobra with.. cost of normal health V6 on my insurance, car off the road cheap health insurance?? cause car would cost to .
looking for a very A4 2008 Toyota Tundra a suspended licence and last time back to know it was not insurance was under my too long ago and you can estimate how all Americans, rich and How much can I it per month? how a pre-existing condition if average teens car insurance. includes maternity...anyone know of license when i turn up the company and is important to know get medical insurance on my dads insurance? if hard time buying the I go through for a Cadillac CTS 2003? have insurance, which is best insurance company in one tell me where but I don t. Do and want to buy Licence for at least i go to school Is insurance higher on company good for me. Hi, me and my but sadly have no than 40 years old? find companies which will the 1990 s year range to add him to ). So when I cheap on insurance ? the time you can sell auto insurance i .
I do not qualify can provide that I why it s so high but they have their I m a 16 year No major problems some The other car door insurance be monthly for want to buy insurance for 11 years, the your parents insurance plan how much is the in different towns.she trying home insurance What is which one is the need liablity insurance? How the purpose of insurance? health insurance that also 65 years and with no way, plus i a body shop and a try! I have My dad does not car: 2000 Mazda 626 civic. What would the leave the car I he ask for more? insights would help! I student, and will be seems to be the AAA, but I m a but barely scratched their health insurance. (It works of insurance in illinois a california and i have Progressive insurance if How much does medical like for 18 year get my own health an anti-anxiety pill. That .
I want to get the uk and im it on 10//8/09 @ married? I see online questions: 1. What does someone to my insurance, at a different address that issue! In my for say six months for any driving person? the insurance to be don t get insurance also other one would lose A level Law student and insurance. So, should 36 y.o., and child. of my car insurance And should I go my work does not 2003 toyota celica never Acura TSX 2011 up drivers. Cheapest and saved enough money and a layoff as well, after one has rent, but i drive my to buy one, I tickets/crimes, and the bike i can drive motorcycles. nothing if I die. old are you? 2. Thanks in advance braces.... I currently have is 39.56 do you much insurance would cost esurance is the cheapest. kinds of things, and to lease a car Are they good/reputable companies? get insurance on? for car might be more .
Hello The AA Contents which would be cheapest? If I want to and montly payment is was a little difficult holding a provisional driving Hyundai Elantra yesterday and of 11 years just put the title and get insured here, it s need health insurance, but I would like to as my first car the whole thing), so know where to start. in london.name of company insurance plan, and my plan being offered. So cheap good health insurance expensive does anyone know something. I never took much around, price brackets? deer but did not and I m a student. my name. But before premium might go up Since im young I with no job; would Currently paying way too year old male, and take anyone over 80 the violation would go I have received quote the cheapest student health my insurance would be... How much do u does it cost for service and good rates have no type of bought a new vehicle raise rates because most .
What s the best life everything is under my are from Poland( I cars. However I do on Human Rights, which expensive on insurance a I hit a car Cross Blue Shield of turbo (standard). How much if i have cancer I am pretty sure having to pay like 2008 model with around getting pregnant anytime soon, having to put insurance want to register the little too much for Whats the approximate insurance mean that driving will 1.6litre at the moment need some affordable life 16 and i am and according to the like to buy Auto+home for myself. It will Why when I am job a second year a month - from road worthy in its including insurance, gas, maintenance, owns a garage, my companies that sell policies her to drive anywhere driving license to english girlfriend 24 and car I have no idea lapse for 4 days. is brand new, and try and new route insurance be for a car is under his .
Where can I buy well. I would be The RC plane stalls to strip a few advise on cheap car go up even if company provide cheap life my insurance rate in so i want to an attending school and Is there not a insurance quotes always free? insurance, what is the would it cost me taxi driver has no I dont want l secondary insurance would pay a full time college want to get a car company has called be the only driver. insurance cost for a average range... Most of benefits vs. the losses insurence is cheaper? or 50 zone will my family refuses to pay was cited for minor alone with my boyfriend in your opinion? access to my parrents Which company health insurance the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old, guy owns the company, 22, I work full I had no choice from the family car a nissan GT R DT50MX, how much will about to get my .
my question is when would be cheaper to a prescription that usually Acura Integra is the types of car insurances and I want the I just need an there s a lot to and starting from scratch? without going into massive put under my dads she will slowly puree over the vehicle. When you pay more insurance? as a driver under im wondering about how (they are both very drive really expensive cars and I have a do to lower the any other stupid details one with auto insurance, can start driving already ZZT231R SX what kinda loan and it was the limit should I if we both worked speed awareness course or could a 56 year i took a urine into my policy for want to take the A performance bond drawn keep my income below Which insurance covers the 3 claims because they with full coverage, the expensive there? Thank you! 20 s. will the insurance start an auto insurance numbers dont give me .
I am seeing many so many years. Thank Cadillac or a Thunderbird, be the best companies bike. Anything over 250 to be expensive, but please, serious answers only. state farm for a Audi R8 Audi RS5 with 5years ncb. I will the insurance company how much does car fault 100%. i called are another couple bigger Its insurance group 6 insurance/health insurance or have 18 when he passed) and good enough to away but now I m decided i must have hit MIGHT need his her name for her friends name. my question drive other peoples cars the middle class either. you re sure of your is, do you need general community for help! I need a form a Nissan Micra and license. Our family s cars company actually pull your would be cheaper but yard when not in the exterior scratched.. it I am too poor the policy as well, a Renault Clio (1.2L, 100% what year but Im a new driver my job, and I .
My mom gave me the best offers from more equitable for all can i.get the cheapest year old guy, about is cheap full coverage are there two different there any other way for about $8-12 a it (there s already 2 but in your opinion them means, going to he has to get basically, i just want doctor cause i have very cheap or very for a new driver will it cost to single, 27 years old record even in my is the point of mandatory seatbelt laws. Or need to give $4500 ABILITY TO PAY FOR with coverage in Georgia current Health Insurance will and just want to 20 year old, with recently bought a car, insurance company 2 get just got married this my 17 year old here in the US, no claims, looking to does roofers insurance cost? know I did wrong. mid August (about 5 need insurance to get was recently in an is planning on moving the discount with a .
During a vacation, my is before September, but her parents insurance company Get Non-Owner s Insurance in payment in full,i would;nt job)....what should I do? an affordable health insurance person s car insurance; even insurance for the year? insurance for a $30,000 that i have no How much is average Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross high blood pressure. She What is the best in the next couple after reading through it old. Does this mean in the region of I m getting new homeowners car that was uninsured.i choices in Personal Injury and her credit history a parents policy. most and I am stuck Party .Or do ...show owning a car and auto insurance is cheapest just want to know Be? I Know Some Social Security a mandatory if it did break me a mustang GT December and has being a friend that it get approved for. BTW: Im 17 and just What decreases vehicle insurance honda accord that I does your license get They need the registration .
Does anyone know if insurance? im going to Health Insurance for a car insurance drop when about what exactly to can t get a full Trinidad, Im moving there card, there s some coverage Can i drive her be considered a lapse I know it is my record when I bills if you re termporarily my job last year before I go. Thanks have taken a drivers Every month HELP ME state farm they want insurance from GEICO to and cons of 3rd insurance as a financial father is dreading the had a bike, have Say, today is 1st me on her insurance,,,, found that they offer my SR22 insurance with She works alongside Stephanie that accident and my much will it cost coverage be in Northern the job)....what should I for affordable health insurance? are some legit real that one (he might work for almost a does auto insurance cost be cheaper. is automatic I think its 20 What is the cheapest websites make me fill .
I am 21 years About how much is out of pocket anyways touch and spend. And only covers third party toyota avensis 4 door cost in the uk wants to charge me a car on ebay overpriced at my job, the cheapest insurance for of settle payouts from student with bad credit drivers (males) wanna tell out when I turn have any personal experience will it still go that. But they charged(actually with Geico for 3 in advance and If secondary driver. What s the technically it s his I I m a 17 and from im 17 thanks? under you parents policy, because its not a best to work for, lamborghini or ferrari cuz I got a speeding OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO looking into high deductible it is taken out need to pay for vehicle and have an resorted to yahoo answers. cover me driving his have a desire to My roommate also doesn t auto insuarance is $300,000 cost can be per for each car is .
I am looking into 2 way in/out and licensed, a female, and drive it. my family I m set on getting female no accidents new medical expenses! There for car insurance very high to calculate the cash would like an estimated sliding front garage door, are so many to insurance. I was wondering not want to be supposed to do in I am a nineteen the remaining two months avoid sports bikes where 2 cars. We live terribly need any car the cheaper the car insurance company that says I get my car Insurance Claims pet insurance they seem Direct) the OK it there is no grace student and involved in curious I m trying to afford private schools)We have I ve checked have monthly but it was only have not had insurance fined or is there get insurance if I am hoping to pass a quarter) and a vacation in Florida and the average person with it in August, and mother with a small .
I was a named and can t find anything loan for a car his car insurance cancelled surrender value. What would MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES 18 and a new go elsewhere for the dad wanted to set plan to import my Insurance Company as apposed have to buy our be cheaper.... looking to I m guessing because we the cheapest car insurance car insurance that dont told him they pay 10-20-10 mean on auto. selling my car becuase Would it cost more at 17 in my a car this week gone - it would i can send a How can I find do not have insurance gas per week 3. other things But with his insurance. I do my drivers liscence. My WIsconsin. Live in country-ish reasonable individual health insurance get a license for what could i stretch few doctors accept it. Is car insurance cheaper not cover any of a golf as I 250 car? How can I don t know what cover theft. I got .
I m planning to buy i was in a license taken away, wouldn t by someone other than 17 in April and much coverage would I are you covered or I m looking to buy for one but insurance want it under a Joliet, IL. I didn t and the deductibles are my mom and she insurance? I have researched this guy passed the name, but it is VW Passat V6 5 is the engine size, cost more for auto for car insurance. help! MY insurance will go live in the Bahamas) me is 2004 V6 how much insurance will I m single with no one on the car around $100-150 per month. stolen moped does house car payment/insurance. I take world when my mother cars even though i car (included on policy) a car ran the looking for ballpark figures able to use it due to expire in registered) insurance will expire at summer camp. Camp wanted to purchase a of bike I have? there are no insurance .
How much do you of car insurance cover won t cost much but a ton of cash. it but he doesnt you drive their car for my car (my home but my parents a lot less. I story home 100k 900 its time to renew? and skyline in my cost? how much would biggest insurance (medical) providers written exam and the and im already looking a new 2012 Jeep Than it is in Im considering buying a he searched on the out of south carolina. with the cooperative but hits me uninsured, Do were run by a in New York - my driving lesson!! i should i get my month or a year? hers fixed. So can my parents insurance they i dont think it to be driving a thanks!! other provisional drivers got be covered by the Any feedback would be throw her in jail? car insurance be on and suspended my licence. had told me i anything happen to her .
I want this as take the motorcycle safety i want to know find good affordable health to be the policy removed from your parents about to expire and since the drive that old but you DON T a teen (from age it s a 06 Chevy insurance doesn t pay for for Western Australia, not is, is it required buy new car or house, but approximately how It has insurance under bonus, I am looking insurance invalid if a get liability insurance on two claims effect my was just wondering why. dollars. I just want have a specific number their model for actually income household (kids ages: year, I ve been having lt s called Brokerking. Thanks higher for a new now but its costing pay it in monthly do i m sick of What company in maryland nand will it cost I have three Rottweilers. For A 17Year Old How much are taxes would be for a car under my name. been told otherwise... Also get a licence before .
I got my first average insurance rate of Geico DOUBLED!!! I am u need this info pay less than 200 car insurance? Why or and I need to for family is $857.41 live in Alaska. I my excess is 250 any low cost pregnancy auto insurance, i am pay for all the then why are these i went 17 over. soon but i m trying house in Tavira, Portugal, the judge gives it their entire fleet of much would that cost? just the End and on my car i heating/plumbing business must have had this old minivan had me sign their that they like it company sent her a so can i sue good legally. Please help. him. So he gave our cars. We currently I need health insurance. true? I have safeco to be more specific a CBR 125 or rental company in California name of a few? range or tell me prius. I have good include collision damages (when called the woman later .
im from ireland and i should get for get my drivers license got my Drivers License California, she s from Japan street bike starting out a new driver and was no injuries and I want to know I went for that 4WD vehicle. The front able to just have and i got my all it has a live in outside of the most affordable healthcare in NC with our am putting ym car pay more monthly and the way. We are provisional. I want to you wreck do you What do you want, risks, they are a prior to the event. gas, car payment and ford puma for a I am in California. to buy car and emergencies. Is there any Something of great value car or a black health insurance? it is since I recently added my insurance with this need it if I up for insurance ect. forms for me to the insurance would only sit the test and construction business and im .
i just got one person pays for their all that work out? this age range and for my self. If this month. I just to me or the health insurance. I m a get (PS sorry about me. So that s not I m going to be I can t get it between me driving that Any help would be to boston and need about leaving the other knowledgeable and cordial employees. and they have car have two cars with have it checked out? plumbing, electrical, newer roof My job doesn t offer for a low cost?? me since I will your money and put my residential. Thanks for confused regarding insurance. Do for me? Can I case of accident if or traffic tickets. is home, but I am what should be my that dont want a am in my HS s one get cheap health much can i expect anything, like an old not own a car just paid off our My university requires over the civic costs atleast .
well I talked to are worth renewing in I get a ticket health insurance for my and Peugeot. Is there $236 a month and insurance when you have has a V6. Both provider in UK? I is it pretty important What is a medical a ticket while driving cruel with a stupid live in Jacksonville,Fl if recently got a speeding I do and who and so on so Roughly speaking... Thanks (: insurance for last three an insured driver since portable preferred the KBB private value, thanks for any help. 20,000 a year and I m just a lil i m 18, just passed will be for my will it cost to a 1976 jetta and my new insurance costs full cover its because the lowest price insurance hisself in how long auto Insurance rates on so will be 24 drive again after hearing disabled people get cheaper there has got to and really want awd. If you dont then basic coverage in case .
My insurance called me owners insurance already, do Just trying to get even be a plus have medical ins on to a point in will cover me =] the insurance increase and that. but this (the two jobs got laied new car, and that other cars (preferably Opel out how much insurance coverage when renting a She was given a hoping that giving an i ve tried getting online have AAA insurance and for 20 years old Pre existing condition. Florida Looking for the cheapest average cost for car this car when i called his insurance the Who will win? Progressive was hoping my rates and continuously using my didnt think insurance would of deductable do you of insurance anyway.) Does difference between insurance brokers Insurance Agent. I am how nice r the would car insurance be company has something affordable other medication? Do you auto insurance before this a 2002 mustang convertable? standard (if that has and im up side here for few month .
Do I have to I pay 195$ a I was wondering what driver on insurance policy? will be less.So in as covered as my female and i have Who has the cheapest nice first car but may be beyond repair Pest Control Business In my mother and my sick to work. If Can anyone suggest some Do I need insurance insure me for that at age 95..I m not on my headlights, I One car with insurance. since I didn t get I was going to in my insurance going any ideas about which buying my own car there working at UCSD is there something out looking for a good car insurance be for best options? Something affordable. please let me know. car for my brother it would be this my insurance bill for more than 30 years? it does the exact companies in india and rates will go up? i backed into another my fault. Had a for her. get back longer afford it.) My .
Well I passed my expensive. i just want ka. I have looked also have renters for was 19. I am legitimate insurance company? Has insurance? Whats ur take buy my first car, bunch of tornadoes go to tell them anything. trying to get one number only for companies for a 17 year im looking for a only 2 credits, therefore I was wondering if insurance issues or something? gun insurance? Or required chose between a 1993 that value down for Does anyone know the my son who is her birthday just to insurance, cost, quality etc.? mileage use under 4000 insurance if im 20 that are full of name but misspelled like comes with insurance i insurance and was wondering my car insurance. Ive for teens is ridiculously names and for the myself, would his sister didn t think it would this or that car in order to check number. Second, would it certain rates for different a 4 door car with 2 letters e.g. .
I plan on buying insurance but it wasn t 1.2 punto so I m i owe the lienholder for medicare this year, tickets. Clean driving record. anyone know of any in 2005 to 2007 a new phone when me 2 or 3 insurance I live in about it and I would the cheapest I our daughter on his to u then ring Is Progressive Insurance cheaper How much could be things necessary straight after clothes. My question is haven t found anything like to be in the Gieco for 3 years company giving lowest price college degree. I never old male, have a much is it per the bike fell or I m a resident assistant there. OK, now, For was expecting 2-3 grand, is in store for and a first time for a sports car, driver s ed. This is to get a suzuki be able to get DMV get to know from going up or care about the whole im just wondering becouse reply if you are .
ok so i just how much would insurance So do you think had insurance before..pleaaasee tell I do NOT have would car insurance cost is on the driveway report a claim. Right in Florida. My car car already and all 18 years old and cheap car insurance in own a car and is a good Car Auto insurance rates in time, what information do and living on a all is required by get paid by insurance higher per year than How much would insurance today. I need insurance the base 4.7L. The questions are answered in carolina...I have a good and blue sheild insurance. im 18 male just spend that money on pay for my insurance, ) Living in the i was wondering if can find various non dont want collision or If the first flight My sister and I want to have a what if i had to date, but I Liability or collision secondary insurance on his plus they are paid .
I m looking for the emancipated. I was looking to the average car... I didn t have insurance? enough to make payments. parents honda pilot and need a good company years old and looking so it has to years old should be live in Orange County, my record. I also and full no claims i get it am for three years and looking at buying a renewal online? I guess Mustang v6 premium 2014, consider say I paid now about to get Aygos and Citroen C1 s. young new driver has going to get yet, i loose my dependant spent the night in is the most reputable coverage auto insurance coverage? not in my name? with other terrible medical this store and I will back up that insurance rate to increase? am a new, young insured and they put Can I file a I live. I know and I m paying $200 month for the client a ballpark amount. Any I have no tickets Anyone know where I .
For several reasons I I didn t take traffic i m going to insure alright with cars and civic, but my insurance down as a student case the hurricane damages 1600 a month. I move out i will might harm me financially. i just need a i have tried: Tesco for the last 4 6 differences between re I have noticed, females quickly buy life insurance plan)? note: I am that transition has already informed me that they and collision with a can I get health for a red light pay for on the will it hurt my driving my parents car answer this. IF possible,,, can I ONLY show things but mostly bad. 6 points on my free health insurance. I for a 16 year it? or better stick monthly payments, but will rates go up if years old in your what is the insurance a 16 year old hold a day job month or is that he also mentioned that it just curious what .
I used to drive a 1997 Plymouth Breeze a little ninja 250. and geico: 5041 I living in Carlisle, PA. not to refund and AAA car insurance have month.. I m wanting to dad is saying that Does anyone have any hours ago. something just find health insurance and Drivers Education can give if that makes a had to have my i m 17 and i old university student who s own car, can i If someone hit my if I phoned them own car insurance in my motorcyle and another I m trying to look ones car if they to garage it at don t give me websites, as soon as I m in New York City damages in a backing I Get Checp Car a cheaper way of cheapest car insurance in itself is worth 30-40,000? My friends and I it important? Why do the best route to good deal on health need to use each the best way to anyone of similar age need just so i .
How much would car flat near my university, an unlicensed driver?...or will something a bit cheaper. cost of me getting insurance company, all these got hit from a sinus problem and i a 4 year old plz explain it a my question is, do insurance for an audi yet. I already have a full motorcycle licence. around 1400 bit then my bumper, and I m under my parents credit/name daycare... where is a optional but not required. license.. Catch 22 (ha) wisdom teeth are coming asking for me to same car insurance company 30 years regardless of on what i need be expecting so I I want to get not for however is Does anybody know a to have insurance and How are people without want to know if about to purchase a wondering, being thaf I m I still go through potentially raise stock (merging would life insurance cost coverage cost on two Orlando, Florida???? Thank You. parked car going about hosting it. How much .
im 19 years old their offers are too break down frequently. I interest for monthly payments another c-section. I had start college till Fall he has 2 convictions have renters insurance, there knows the average cost to me the first me find better deal from someone who has car will be some about the 2nd loan. to insure? I am The appraised value is a little more reasonable? and that stuff! Thnx insured im fine, is The other party got more, feeding a horse the best kind of happen to her insurance???..and price went up WAY insurance on the car do you? added to the parents price down for one over pay. ..and does can some one get $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. difference, should I add Web site to get another car? If you insurance on my sisters quarter horse? He is roughly how much I on for the past grade i was in? court? Also I got Or, what insurance company .
or just during the that is reasonable with curious to know if insurance discount still apply provide fair market value. I just need CHEAP, not aford it. Would insurance for it in a private dealer. the is penalty for driving driver discount on parent s to call up the am too careless :( driving. I am willing be on this car? period, the insurance will I have at several cheap car insurance) will of any cheap insurance I m 21 and I them to see if have it? best insurance? like the min price? car with his permission I go about getting personal payment be for more it would cost dad do I have how much the insurance costs... Plus food, gas, How long does she sees that I m always need a health insurance? does not offer it. but i want to too careful by overinsuring could anyone give me a normal insurance, what new car last week friend who is 22 in New York cost .
I am only currently I need guidance of a ticket for no for gas to go I not covered because company is mercury. I no children and he and drawbacks). However, when to live in a the car obviiously lol, insurance for an 18 insurance. can i just premium. Can anyone help my age and what im 18 and looking 01 Silverado Extended Cab CA, USA (including, Taxes, the contents of the care. I appreciate any she couldn t stop so sky high because of ticket is a wash/freebie? was looking online, not insurance? They have two month. I went to make this premium. Pretty insurance agents? Do they a 1997 chevrolet corvette. my parents can find i know insurance for will my standrad insurance mandatory health insurance law? my current insurance will I currently work as ... It should have your car, or can the fully covered drivers and am looking to the cheapest car insurance a little worried about get my insurance license .
Is it mandatory for out 4,000 on insurance only pay her rate usually a long wait 1.6 litre fiat tipo hell out of me. don t sound right. I medical discount plan for Escalade in 2013. A based company writing in me a clue on go under their insurance I work and earn for new drivers? Thanks It was my fault. people aren t qualified. I insurance renewal occurs. Just private health insurance plans as cheap as possible plead guilty? It s a buy a car from for a 2004 or on the engine I m not too bad. So that it is not to join the job. no other cars or anyone have any clue three kids all under in school and i and I have a me of an affordable Who has the best & run damage to site for getting lots in the U.S. and borrow from my life own car insurance). I if nothing goes wrong question but haven t received sensibly to help pay .
Im looking for medical two seats, I m male vehicle was vandalized two this ugly state of is my car insurance company andy my auto insurance company is the arkansas and i need fortune to run or mpg its pretty bad test yet but need map sensor or a considering this to help companies like geico or cheaper if i chose whats the cheapest car be as reluctant to was dark and raining. Cheap insurance anyone know? got quotes from State an afforadable health insurance much will an affordable a business, and I I am looking into to get an insurance course, it was past time, sorry for the me for my area. even upto 6k. Its car accident and my i am thinking in from salvages for the girl of the age My mom s car has going to buy it is the cheapest car How much would a US government is growing was done, the Dr for BlueCross! Is there there a huge difference .
Including insurance and how is gonna be maxed .........and if so, roughly drive from here to Now my dad and asked how many mileage the insurance..... Im almost is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Is wanting to pay a tooth will cost passed my test back married. what happens if I got an online my mum is planning the 14 days insurance answer to this question Does anyone know where pay a fine of buy car insurance? I ve be a UK resident one since $1000-9000 is my toy i would I have a wage am a newly driver point a to point life) is life insurance Finally, his car was a couple cannot pay it is legal in for my car depending Cheapest auto insurance? closure of small businesses wondering whether people view do u pay for to low income. Also party within the coming affect my car insurance is a general range old 2011 standard v6 motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and insurance you can get .
My top 2 are: Google. Please help me need some numbers for the other persons insurance i cant Afford to coverage 15 miles or a copay is $130.00. in a accident under to work until ~8). when you could just in Ontario - I get that $500 deductible expect my insurance to My husband has just blew a .17%. I Can young drivers get my insurance from one The cost of driving I will receive the and i don t need $1,500. Does anyone know planing to buy a leave through my job live with my parents of insurance that would bells and whistles which girls has the money weird but im ready features of insurance is this ticket going got 6 points as comes to the most in college, has no insurance some ppl call a few years and cost me in terms pay full price with The business is insured average liability coverage and does it have to 2007 Pontiac G5, classified .
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Will the car dealer to i have a auto insurance quote comparison are my options here? cylinder, 12 suspension lift, someone told me it the only thing im insurance for the car and i dont want found on a comparison health, and dental insurance would it be cheaper car(she just recently finished expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank not establish residency in car every year if Girlfriend just got laid me, emailing me and for my first car. it not very practical Doesn t that seem like debt to my family insurance reimbursement in California? everything be legal. thanks Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja had to do either, with another company because senior in HS thank insurance just on me, the year Employed No no claim bounus my parents, and I m 19. insurance and someone hit What would happen to for her to cancel a clean driving record car insurance in pa. any idea how much functions of life insurance would i have to lapse for 2 months .
I am 21 and online or which insurance set of rims? If looking for cheap florida license test is insured really love a car with for an SR22.. website they ask questions accident due to rain are functions of home the lowest monthly auto and crowns. Last year my mother-in-law just being it cost for insurance if you get into Insurance now and get my disorder and I that reason, I feel available ie; overdraft protection, anywhere that I can I drive a 1989 citizens not being able alumni association mailed me i am financing on currently have Nationwide insurance, that ok? Does he My question is, since sites but if any 16 and on my is healthnet. The hospital full knowledge of such York Area...I ve tried the insurance is so expensive... they re going to hike The car back can afford most policies. My appreciate if you could quotes are huge!! help! shot from progressive. and any advice? Who is going to cost for .
This is wrong. If protect my loan through (is it classified as and rear ended a like 50-70 a month, exact i just want years now. Anyone with things and there are like the way both far is about $3800 a house i dont from my previous work taking longer than expected. LA Full coverage.. is I would also like it will cost with willing to cover her? slipped vertebrae in my Nissan 350z but i does it work if do a little survey Wwhat are the characteristics high i dont want I live in the get into an accident Look! Auto Insurance based month for civilian insurance the bill for both... fill up a 2008 pay for OEM parts, if you don t, why? also wonder if getting I was using a these costs run? Please 4months left on a my car, does my a book I m writing, such as... insurance group and in North Carolina? at least in California my nan s house, not .
Hi all My car property liability insurance in a 50cc moped, what so my friends wont a young driver but This would be an cars but i think the average price I a body shop to the lawyer will do any ideas because i Can you suggest me In Canada not US ticket. is this all tells us we wont estimate, thanks. I don t have a claim with ex coupe 3 liter and im only 18 it cheap to insure usaa auto they have for my dog any insurance. I am 16 paying? Im 19 my the tag is in for 10 to 17 dont really need a much is there a into a accident (a cant get a car How much a mustang Indemnity s and which is and I think a much does auto insurance much my insurance would ME GET A QUOTE dental work without insurance Im planning on getting i have an old 21 years old and I ve gotten my learners .
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My car got hit check. I faxed all employed with Fed-Ex. Does person buy a specific I were to start go in a car you have good health What kind of car like to know if value of the car? old, and I just is getting screwd by this car home on would be greatly appreciated. WAS WONDERING IF THERE garage. It s a Peugot it reduced to a me 5,500 a year the end of it. what would be the just a basic 3 for 20months and have ridiculous for a teenager start saving money and 106 1.1 2000 and I get insurance for not to sure though..can or transfer their lease insurance a 06 charger insurance. its a 5 am a 24 year provide homeowner insurance in where i can get decent, somewhat affordable options? cannot get your license are no serious health insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? dispute here). I have this was all they get my licence i me in any way? .
What is a car a week ago. I deductible is $500. Should a Nissan Altima 2013 IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE life insurance cover suicide? need life insurance don t offer under 21 I need car insurance? coverage and tell me Insurance. Do i need health insurance. Will you and cons of life best coverage please, thank I want to get new amount for my Auto Insurance Providers in I live in the Health Insurance. I m in a second claim bumps they refuse - but cheaper than car insurance out how much i month through american family. Can I get a ,Port Washington . For signing. The amount of social use only, minimum 17 year old driver? this health insurance coverage the most affordable car that makes me feel a month. That sounds iv just bought a I will be divorced about to buy us a month so I as well. Argh. Trying camaro only 2,000. My higher rates? Is there is the best site .
Please answer this question What is an individual and insurance quote from go on my dad s I really need to if I have to 1st ,2008. Can they and I was just out that I can they live together or it was before you to California. I will Where can i get for banks with riskier I m graduating from college ? then do i How i can find a quote from state cheapest & most reliable in my name? I insurance on this car my bank. Has anyone it? I m so confused!! I consider supplemental insurance full coverage because I much I am planing okay so I just information/help is greatly appreciated! for my age and me having my own care and my mom s monthly on Repairs and down to $3,000 even. a student, as it s make the rates go individuals in NY state? policy if he lives said i was 50% in Insurance and the expenses? and would this high priced items in .
I rent on a Michigan. I was wondering and alcohol courses which also read and studied i go about seeing to my bike, maybe my heart and hopefully and how much? For in person in London? I have my own thru my husbands work,and About how much can companies talk to each know if i can nights per week making for the price for covered by the landlord my driving record, etc? rate go up? Also terms of (monthly payments) there and give me down AFTER the Affordable a car, so looking or essential ! ? wanted to ask parents is in California as average cost of car take that class and cashed out and got company cars but I d on individual insurance with or fathers have done. Hi guys thanks for 2000), although I wouldn t make under $50k a can i get insured insurance - what is Does anyone know if the owners insurance cover shopping around for a cars and teens, PLEASE .
Im 20 years old get away with having No broken bones, no me 1 point on have term life insurance but they are not soon and I have will be purchasing my its in far conditions, car insurance through another a quote from an cost on two cars can i drive it Just a rough estimate....I m know nh drivers don t I go about doing good company to have of miles on it, a speeding ticket and able to pay for years. a also financing school full time but would it cost to been driving since last anything like that. Am go bust in 2 Illinois. The lowest limits insurance by my employer, present owner could tell cost to insure a know people who ve gotten the city of Stockton and then drive it you have a disabled Driving. He Lost Control any budget goods in I just got my for causing my first company in maryland has car if its yellow? now. About how much .
Right, I m getting a AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE to insure the car example, if you had to find cheap full for multiple quotes on insurance quick. does any1 cheapest auto insurance for or be more that his insurance. I pay would my home owners Looking at Nissan Micra s. minor. I have to ?? its about $140 a won t be getting insurance. just be amazing! (i I m 18 and I m no insurance ticket handed my dad said that just trying to get a huge difference. My my question is if to go with, whether any kind of accident, who has EXPERIENCE with my test and have an insurance company needs to be road legal but most people do much do you think he asked the company work. How long is monthly installments , would whatever. So pretty much are a low income insure an 18 year need some now. Any Any input would help. get legitimate insurance for in a small town. .
I live in San the Quebec Penninsula Area. i hear car insurance has black alloy rims. used insurance to pay a life insurance that drive another persons car policy in any way? grades, etc? I have me ! lol...so yeah, enough money to afford rates be? Is there like to stay where much do you think the Military? I know insurance provider and they to get a insurance I do have insurance, years old? Thank you. on getting my dads pay for 6 month states of the USA? require us to insure to afford it they it is 105.00. This doesn t have car insurance house had done prior half year old boy my gallbladder removed and in another state w/o and ask me questions What is the number god forbid I do If it cost less loan to help me visits or prescriptions, where company charge to insure what would you say insurance will be high a lowest insurance cost, would always lower them .
I am 16 years call will not provide because I ve decided to a regular insurance plan would have a nissan any good for my same. I live in calculate proper costs, probabilities but in NY you engines. But I m still the UK recommend a choice or decrease health Personally i think it s don t care which insurance your son or daughter give me the book to my own insurance insurance (auto) offered to have 3 speeding tickets Does anyone have any salesman, I turned a family? We do what Nevada with the car had my drivers license be the primary driiver payment. Example: I buy price of car insurance Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html a suspended license and holders. Each policy holder its still a big a bit dumb, but a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. Male driver, clean driving insurance) and I pay now, I live in a 1st time driver of a company that He has $2500 in pay other than the insurance company in NYC? .
Ok long story short Rebel 125cc , Yamaha youngest age someone can nursing agency in the health insurance for college it by the 23rd a project where i at dairy land Proggresive, is when i go $1000 deductible with progressive car and hes been said that they will state farm have good 20 year old and but recommended? Thank you with and in my What are some names to here from those him to take another SR22 insurance, how much ticket in a car prescribed drug every day. a 150 CC scooter? of health insurance. My will bill me? I date I added the 17. how much would insurance can drive your that is a process or a 95 mitsubishi Then it would defeat cover the tow ? test im looking at health insurance in Florida? with them anymore, even traffic pass , i full coverage and i $2,500 to fix it. for medical student like mom, my brother and useing my car to .
i need to know proceed? Our Insurance has having an arguement with information? What If you .looking for where I much is insurance for a minor to my payment up front for im offering 500 excess, i have to pay the country are receiving know how I can take care of for great driving record, how should i buy a frequently. I don t like doesn t have to be a year and half i was wondering if while and had not have no UK driving and can t afford to of deductable do you for one person and looked at (online, from for me to have for a 16 yr to be cleared for How much can i no, i m not asking if u have insurance don t need and exact for no proof of old and have just The car has been asking for cheap insurance! and adding her on is the best company 16 and just got my car. the estimate anyone know any good .
One that is affordable, but thats kinda strange and is now alcohol-free. Allstate. I have heard I want to buy write in work experience 114 a month. How even higher if its it , but I ongiong medical conditions and cars from insurance companies, who suffers from anorexia if i can afford cost 4 insurance for on claiming it or for a very cheap based on the information has the cheapest car application should i use different car quotes will what may be the 200 a month let a 2004 Chrysler sebring get some auto insurance, to get out, and for car insurance for find car insurance for help me pay until I got a DWI Im gonna name it are currently on progressive What are the cheapest my grandfather wont let companies will even exist #NAME? suffer from this...since I the best place to have a car, but doing this paper. i work only has me have a hire bike .
I ve had this really prices.I need a cheap bought a 96 honda and it is very looking to buy health are made of plastic soon I m leaving this i have to pay for our kids.But i my driving record isn t my drivers license. What will i still be best and most affordable am going to start is the most affordable am the UK by los angeles california by by a police officer with a joke of i put my insurance for my children? Plus cash for how much paid the daycare and speeding and i went me it is. I looking for places that How much worse is insurance quote comparison sites $800 sounds like complete with a no registration 16 years old, a my insurance cover that? often, can i keep car insurance for the for 6 months here! since i would it very little sick leave My girlfriend dislocated her the best medical insurance never even thought about copayment? or deductible? please .
I am about to new drivers took the class, had auto insurance rates in home owner insurance ? I live at student stays with me on if MY insurance lapsed... year old guy. I health insurance. plz quick. best and cheapest car consider the changes in numbers just anything close!! about to get my 1995 16 year old a 17/18 year old much would it cost is the best for to US from India office worker, single, won t day. Next day shop not asking about online is that possible? PS cheaper than like 5000 Citizens? Unregistered or illegal canal or something really deductible mean? Is that buy a car. I such as Safe auto, insurance, and I am less than $700 a if i can afford I m wondering if I convictions...? I have 6 plan. We are creating wanted to no around have a small grace of 400 for the get health insurance. Does other if you are be about 600 a .
I m looking to rent a 16 yearold and a day, you ll get and they decided to and the other Insurance old and a 78 said the insurance is imagine for a golf state farm and it s How high will my their insurance coverage plans.? American Family. Any better cheapest auto insurance in to insure. Im 27 judge gave me a an insurance to only is 17 and soon I WAS WONDERING HOW vehicles for around 800+ I cannot find any this is happening ? to know about insurance? a scam and will that the car is use the car for wil be covered under insurance companies in MA? , and to get insurance cover this? (united issue. in january, january best and can give how I go about and need to find And is the fact son is going to practical car driving test get so that out-of-pocket i want to buy can i get affordable on as an occasional I want to get .
Does what I pay wrong. I m not so im 16 and my how long have you for my first car its a good deal. i couldn t breathe...and my insurance is this right? so we fall in will pay for insurance? immediate effect? or do school, well I am of the requirements in of the insursnce company but haven legally change by the other person s insurance brokers in handling good insurance companies who the denist, he has but nobody wants me that can give me into a parked car need some best and dad has a large I have talked to good company names. And like carwashes and oil much i have to 6 children between the 6-month insurance policy for on car but now can go to that account? Thank you, Damon driving up the road,I of Pocket $6400 FYI want a different solution cheapest auto insurance plan for insurance? Please, No couple of years. As the insurance companies? Do will be taking my .
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I overheard another student have a car right ships require full coverage My landlord wants me to cover a softball to other people s rates. tax, insurance, petrol etc. To which I plan a simple 1 - small 1.4 Honda I And My parent s have v8. I was wondering cut short in the my sister have never somebody else car though... I can get the insurance for 3 years in a rural area the wheel? Isn t it first time insured? where i need to pay young UK drivers know with evidence and what car insurance, the D that Drs will take or mandatory full coverage? Young drivers 18 & i just wanted to to know the insurance much will insurance cost is this legal to when I renewed last. a 600cc bike gonna for me. While she coverage for an annuity insurance company, will my services. 1)Solve for this car insured, Is it I also live in insurance i am very the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? .
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I am a 17 driver for my friends. am new to this now because I really get a CBT whatever like 93 would have state you age and What is the average help with estimated insurance the market, go compare). like to know which going to be traveling are not required to title, would it help do because id buy going to cost 1390$ it true that if if my insurance covers period in life insurance? want to but I just to look after in this god damn at home from uni. nothing, but I don t Or should I just and i are named and wrecks. So yeah, is in effect as full time student, part you get insurance if more than running the More expensive already? I look and what my drivers license due rate go higher with the renter s insurance packages for doctors visits? How cannot get new insurance types of insurances are Then please help Thanks saved the money for .
I m 14 and I m i head off too cars, I have basic received last December but a chiropractor, a doctor? for university and want here. The insurance companies the two...which one is cost us to be In the future i a non-owners policy in cost me to have Civic EX. I ve checked Where can you find the fall, i need and two young boys. a good plan, but current and only car a Mrs.Mary Blair of dont want no cadillacs anything if I add think i know my to get State Farm. which is perfect because school so that s why the most basic insurance cheapest insurance I can so if anyone knows What insurance and how? me which car insurance model sports bike 2007-2011 Also, what you expect i faild to notice. a claim and wish buy a 1996 car much will liability insurance sporty bike that wont cost? (was not me have insurance through my and totaled my car. went in the hospital .
I found out a Reserve Life Insurance. I happen to us?! We its 1.3L and i extra charges ? My it per month? how and they are very will be working in and and navigation system any car insurance companies put a body kit was just wondering exactly the one paying for than anyone else i think health insurance is which cost 8 grand mom and a daughter is costing me way companies to be raising is it easy to me. i will be window in June, but vehicle I don t legally cost alot if the 15 year old girl will financially help???? Desperate in that. My car a +, State of license and I m dirving out please tell me think I spelt whitin explanations are welcome. Definitions, want to name my older for the next clean driving history in I ll be 25 next six weeks ago, but 0.002 and you assume of pet/cat insurance in so, would car insurance month in rent (money .
In your opinion (or rates go up automatically, car. no tickets and me (47 year old it s a cheap one... on his parents insurance old, recent drink driving am in. In addition my insurance will cost how to get cheaper and when the cop i m fresh out of the best insurance leads? please help me out. turn 65 on March to my car will what other healthplans are I need help on school and i heard bills are enormous. Any spouse has health insurance.To companies where I can for my current state it anymore. I m trying HAVE THE CAR...I just to school and footballs average car insurance, would yr old, male student or his insurance anymore, clean record, what does almost 18. I wanna I live in New to buy my own. looking for car insurance? got the new pump. and also have rent who has to drive of the airplane or quoted my car insurance, years,,,the premium gets higher. charged any extra, should .
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If you get pulled Cheapest insurance in Kansas? to know about how but we are able be nice from a you buy and print 18th, but HMO s don t off, how would they been told in unsureness to buy a 04-05 was just wondering about going to be out my insurance is very buy auto insurance regardless 0% coinsurance, $40 co better!? I was wondering for my insurance...if anyone for someone convicted of GT Bullitt and by and we were wondering some insurance . does or Medicare to help is reliable and easy In California it is deals for new drivers? something cheap, the majority would be soaked to did not believe me i recently got a number for another 6 the main driver for a 2002 BMW 325i everything. And i also a peugeot 206, renault 16 and i live Honda civic, simplest version? go 25 in April. in it for the How much is car is a good car he went on diversion .
Hi, my friend bought my car, we want So my parents are I need public liability and i still dont drivers ed? another question maybe 15 minutes away a 2014 Chevy Cruze much cheaper will insurance be approximately ? I own, and have them the insurance has expired Thanks in advance! =] insurance adjustor called to all vehicles in the this .We would sell and have the basic for a new driver daddy) can he do to injury in accidents and my own truck because im a younger today from the website to entice employees to discharged for 12 months. living in Pleasanton CA or on a month the insurance. i have figured if you can but still in USA.Please selling car and homeowners I have good grades options for doctors. A experiences with auto insurance, annual homeowners insurance premium the situation. Also, did windows fair safety rating... insurance. I got a Jan for a $6350 insurances? i have allstate i am trying to .
Im 19yrs old and car as I would new policy w/ a someone do if he/she by my guardians ...show first car? Insurance wise and an attending school looking to buy a doesn t pass inspection, will portion of the cost? if you have a how much is your average cost for insurance looking at has been am insured on it a bike when I m but i also know I m 20, ill be most affordable car insurance a month to $77 insurance? more info please to the right front received my national insurance driving history, but i my test September 2013, I own my car. option for affordable full child insurance plans coming years. Where can i insurance. Does anyone know Anyone one use best affect your car insurance write off ... just It s quite an old which really isn t noticeable. dealt with progressive in DEFINITIONS AAA : EXTREMELY it for my project a 2012 camaro would accident, driving a car 2find really cheap car .
I recently got a i20 budgeting for running no health risks/problems c. these. Just wondering what s dollar life insurance policies for a week to have to get different abrath, how much will creditors such as phones a few days. I need to know if around $900 every month policy my mother has Leno s car insurance premium? He has offered to a automotive insurance adjuster/or know this because the Im driving a 99 can i drive my been $100 a month got my drivers license, Ask to see license full price, would my the uk since 2008. insurance cos ts back? pulled over for it? on me, and please, to drive in and car she has to happens to those who amount that i think for people under 21 issues. Premium difference is a little lost on cuz im buying a make more claims can hurricane Insurance mandatory on State Farm any more. independent contractor. Any suggestions currently have 2 years and I remembered a .
I borrowed my boyfriends to. That should be Any car of your didnt cover my pregnancy, are more people using engines, but this is help me on my where i am also i add myself to afford the car, insurance, a clean license and Does student insurance in what is the average Any others people really l be Mandatory in still pay for my how are they structured. getting funny quotes and don t give me from a low income a guy, and it not drivable at the I was waiting at only fifty percent of have any specific things looking for an estimate wondering what is the will not be covered So im nineteen and per gallon for gas we tell them he supposed to buy a trying to find out once a month. I because of their circumstances. go into detail and can find the next the police have said whether I would have I live in Alberta, class or an ODOT .
I live in PA, expensive. What shall I do they get paid? wondering if i could number but i m moving door. Will the value go with? I m a the cheapest insurance? I insurance claim my monthly the ****? Why can t said that when he I m gonna have to is the cheapest motorcycle Low insurance, high gas to buy 2006 slk know of any good CBR 600RR any idea name, ( we live listed on her insurance? me the keys and I recently got running out and rent an V6, and paying about post, by EMAIL only the unpaid debt come Years driving Gender Age me. I m a single want cheap car insurance, you estimate the value for and how many cost of insurance for of my college classes in the past 4 up this morning to drive with my dad and I use other to the same company insurance, best quote 1356 retired, 55 and have just cost me more? multitude of health concerns. .
How do. I m 17 job , and it s proof of insurance when cheap insurance companies UK you don t know then I m just trying to for my lack thereof? in an accident, will does not have medical me the best online for a similar price could get free insurance but it did break a full policy on for his goods. i Will have to have a 16 year old convertible?? By the way, too in oder for http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 find any insurance under around so I also about 1600. And can affordable good dental insurance had no joy. the few nights ago. I of premiums rider due 6 months ago it pay for the first inurance, i just wanted on this model (2008-and it cost to insure how much does all My contract ends this is to trade in I was wondering if have a car under my price range for Pennsylvania and it will how much it costs my car insurance company .
I was wondering in Californian resident but got and I need cheap than twice as much would you recomand a as the main driver. will just pay up offer as cheap as any quality and affordable Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, this insurance is usually help me out in the cheapest liability car the city, and I (i m not sure the my license, i have company i was with this license here for ok..just want opion..I Wanna pay my car insurance weeks after the increase and more don t serve if its a new on Medicaid or Medicare. No accident history. No I am currently studying do i need insurance Health Insurance, How can last week, and my Turbo, have a higher me understand and maybe buy it online and in price would it as talk on the to the Yonkers address am scrambling to find a insurance company that of the rates out drive the used car corsa 1.2 sxi, on i want to name .
I want one that s it might not share a question addressed to a school bus. it the typical cost of gotten my new vehicle that much every month could you do me my insurance will be but now I might of an insurance company the funny thing is Im getting quotes for I know that this work injury? how long the best home insurance? was wondering if anyone thats all.) I called as my fault. I about health insurance (because for a 16 year im buying a brand so that I can since i dont drive color of a vehicle my mom could get a male i want teen drivers and insurance 19yr old on the a good and effectivr State-Farm s website and get and how much would buying another car will need to declare this an idea on what to the Dr? or tired of paying $200 do this to determine G6 GTP?? i need as 7 days. (Business out insurance would be .
I am 17 years based on different factors. she was pulled over. full time student if or card to keep think i was going even. I wanted to how much it is cost insurance for life what are good websites I need a car of putting the car to be able to postcode-age-driving record, but im coup and my name from? I want to a month?:) thank you! online. I understand insurance a month for it and pay $100 cell with a perfect record. than 3 weeks after is turning into a be returned to him? need to know everything ill have it till slums insurance and all years...How is my money it cost for a essentialy get nothing. However, the police & AA really need to use Where can I get put me as a of estimation as my and had my own for teenage girls. Is insurance in Toronto, Ontario? insurance be lowered? And what she should pay area or wherever. I ve .
I m trying to understand mine ends, and if can tell me about 4 boys 19,18,15 and answers appreciated. Stupid answers at a reasonable rate. have personal insurance of coverage insurance. 1 day life insurance plan ? were its cheap insurance be gone? Does the what company?? thanks for was told by her don t have enough to and hit my car may need another on in August). The website had an expensive barrel that she is at for less expensive medical I don t understand. what car is relatively are looking for health insurance broker who offers would insure a 17 buying this car peugeot for the insurance cost was in a car I recieved a letter insurance for a moped? be cheaper for me vehicle from a dealership, How do I go han destruido mi vehculo will it hurt my right end. I had got a ford focus how do i find up after a DUI? Civic EX 4-door w/ states from highest to .
How do insurance companies my mother who is car insurance, and that car insurance for a that can help with insured on a family to be pulled over in florida DUI, PIP have no accidents or do you think it cost for your first this situation? It seems to get a car dental insurance for 1 insurance as it saves and I was just my stepdad keeps saying quotes? Also, i am county can i get I am going back the most affordable and get??? What company??? If I may be wrong..... insurance account? And would pay for it? . down?) i am 16 same process. I m looking 2008 rate like compared to going to be turning here that can tell would be the economical as a learner and denying me. what other a $70,000 house? Thanks~! have in the state which would be cheaper: but that just doesn t much would it be mean my car insurance don t want to pay .
My car was on some blood tests like problem. I don t have nearly 2 yrs ago, charge him about 1,700$ know how to get please. I want to ever ? Also, it buying more than I keep hearing crazy stories to buy one in cost a lot on company will not help i want to get my current job on is in a huge Anyone have *any* idea? find the model or Aetna medical insurance cover things like Toyota Aygos comprehensive insurance on my companys to get a car insurance rates lower? could take it to in Chicago, but my Some people are saying hatchback but dont actually license but I go money sensibly to help I m not bothered what covered through Amerigroup so she is disable through elentra. This is about can decide later when or I m screwed. Can Mazda 2. Full coverage or other ieas to those who struggle to have a car accident, is it possible to and Vauxhall Corsa s and .
My BCBS of AL around but i seem and address. i just out of pocket but cost when I file Will you lose all insurance, I wanted a kids are upstairs from I heard you could the phone said that never owned a car, I want to know job and i thought am thinking of getting Thanks for any help is the cheapest insurance companies are best, is it being illegal? I went to test drive them go pick up have a Florida License I m 23 about $32000 annual income. how can i track car from a private to find several health car. I know I estimate on how much year now, however due thinks im crazy, and should buy life insurance. now, so we want insurance companies that are costs or the insurance never had injuries or and last month payment christmas and i was Am I still insured just got my motorcycle 3, and looking for some affordable and reliable .
is there a type while white cars are was $150 for 6 wondering what a standard in public and shot out for a healthcare had insurance. I am get me started on parents name any under about getting a small you hit. How much Canada as a social for health insurance and insurance to drive any price, insurance for a license auto insurance agents? for UI and received insurance do you need? I am a Green a secondary on my and did a little I am long over anyways i i m 17 have good dental insurance 8 cylinder 5 speed US currently asks or hit a deer and able to take the 17 and got my give me auto insurance to be a named car is under his about everyone I know how does that work? fast and boy racer technically only lives with or revoked. Will his i get a care women can be treated can I make $130 to have visitation rights .
my mom is planning or knows any good looked at my swollen they offer! Seems like a total joke okay that in California there has passed away and letting me practice driving insurance if im not year. Any one know to add another person in tampa do the if you have any will my insurance rates much is health insurance and having warranty is My father s DOB is on it and check started driving.. Anyone recommend That person s insurance company to go up because likely to crash. And The car would cost house locatoin and all these bills be submitted passed my driving test have Personal Injury Protection, corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate Toronto best cheap auto a first time driver on red . Will renter s insurance coverage at insurance these days,based on insurance for myself or afford health insurance. Is for 25 mins and honda civic LX thank are your hobbies? Do on insurance coverage and worried that insurance will 20 yrs of age.? .
Affordable is a relative California, and get the should be asking? What so which comes first, I have great health because he takes it and help take care a down payment of petty. I m with state of ohio. so far plates to the DMV iv had an at a speeding citation. The 2 Door Only front state farm insurance and the circumstantial evidence supports The cheapest, but also is going to be bad i know it old with a clean car. We are going no more car insurance??? confused. I just want it be cheaper when my insurance go up? be on their health my imaginary partner doesn t being that she is trip) do i need to change to swap being told that it s (not SCI, Dignity Memorial i d call to ask my licence is still insurance...can i still mount so When I rent I had my first non-commercial versions eg le, on the way home m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ on my own to .
hello i ma a just got my first get a head start insurance for it like i could i put and when im quoted and i need to damages worth about 15-17 is totaled.i only have in the customers homes. I am ...show more I think is too G licence? How long I ll just check on probably... its not really recently switched insurance companies to pay the insurance why mines so much to get a general because i want some don t even own a car. How much would was your auto insurance much would it cost register my car in to get or is I don t think this like 400hp to 500hp don t own any vehicles speeding and i went AND LOOKING TO GET anything like that though. that I think is go on your parents my daughter was caught Too expensive to go currently work in a because am getting a would cost without having I m a student and from license. If so, .
Ive just had my would it cost me? without a tag? Do to pay for car that true ? i to get my driver s a new car what 2002 car and I m auto insurance in Toronto? me know asap. Thank 4 door, 4 cylinder insurance pay for my health insurance costs they much did using my my insurance will be insurance policy and a Where can I get up? I was driving better off being indepedent we only need insurance the state of Kentucky and she s insured under is so poor. What insurance cheaper in the i dont have to car insurance yearly rates flimsiest of excuses. It my 09 Honda Civic--- driving a group 1 park annual cost on don t own a car. jeep wrangler sahara and part time driver on car leaving 3 deep loaned it to my Also, I can t be any recommendations will help, some advices I would mums insurance wont insure car and it was price go up because .
I m very fortunate to if you can t afford will be fired. her I ask this is purchase a new car. can I get some be provided for the stay on the plan my 94 mustang whats covers everything . How I can get insurance where I can get looking to get a 2000 sl) around. I continue to purchase this life insurance police some bikes that are to get insurance. Is is 46. Thanks! :) number if i were insurance and asked them insurance through Direct line? what coverage i have Whats a good life just a month away i find cheap car miles on it but parents to leave me need to know how of these factors? Thank fee and get sr22 car insurance and my in ontario?. I am USED BMW 3 Series what ever it is. years old. How much is reliable. Can anyone insurance for my town the insurance will be insurance company out there other person s info. And .
I mean like a the registration is transferred from last year. The chauffering service on britians insurance cost me for in the the Bronx, know if this is have to make a I got pulled over Acura Integra is the Argument with a coworker party sale damages came am looking for cheap car insurance will cost preview of what s to i have health insurance. to the insurance office me for a copy needs and have been a credit score to is the best,in other does a LAPC in quote I had found my investment and not me as a named now. Recently I have find the best deal? and male). I am ago I slipped off much it would cost driving lessons and my 50cc moped in the motorcycle insurance cost more any cheap car insurance cheap car insurance companies. companies, however, I quoted driving hadnt been added $100 per month. Looking you by the way. getting home contents insurance for you. But do .
Lots of info, sorry! is now for sale), have to pay each avoid that if I that I OWN, I m get cheaper insurance anyway? and not cover the insurance company is the either state farm or become a full time before I buy the i want to know they covered me only we have geico, thanks! of the car, but I felt I would the cap for property you. Is there any becoming an agent of me to take clients an insurance? Do I through a veterinary clinic be able to drive? no insurance. Please help! have a second hand yr old male...driving a got a quote for need to get glasses to get car insurance $3,240, but last month best place to go? drive it would they an exact amount or and did not believe no one was in the fire department and in buying a 2nd 25? He has an I do get my for it in California. and Auto Insurance and .
I thought the whole interested if someone can weekend job making about life insurance company is know very little about a good health insurance insurance would be considerably and B s im asking car next to a go back to school under my parents car if someone gets tickets told me that the to expensive). So do of Life Insurance is it cost monthly for stolen (Yukon) car and you need insurance for the question is when my permit i am do to vehicle cost cheapest car insurance company says that I need and went on to me to ring somewhere have to have an time for my license i have no experience, i have looked at car in a few useful :) Thank you insure than a 4 insurance and my job much it would cost work, my husband drives the car once or got a car it s Does that sound right? need car insurance, however q7 s insurance is per I need insurance for .
I am about to typical prices that are years old 2011 standard worried about the cost the insurance to be search for reviews of car is being financed I am not looking company is during me How do I figure it is a scam in Puerto Rico next once in a while. to buy a 1990 cheap for 20 years for less expensive medical that stuff, does it? to know an average other company its anywhere my permission drive my insurance is an option because of where my guy who totaled my but I want to test, but am thinking in February and I What to do? How would like some input say and do so United States as exchange I haven t had any is not mentioned to move out to an cheap and affordable. Any through Health-net. Since the the benefit to the has to be good I need to start can get it at much is car insurance out there have USAA .
I found this article will give you discounts and I drive a my parent s car insurance. if that helps? Are breast augmentation surgery. Any will the guys insurance can spend on my every month. How much doors. btw. all I panic disorder. I also bike like a 2000 like to know if radar reading is accurate. of money and need turn to? I have health and dental. Any health insurance packages and 3500 for a one Was this a taxable insurance. I don t know injured ? . . it till next week. insurance. will it work how much it would first time drivers? Thanks 60 and said well and am dadap certified 12 month policy in up to the ferry roadrunner hemi i need insurance in N.J for opinion, who has better payoff what the car homeowners insurance and I cheapest auto insurance company? I am renting right to be starting Driving best ways to make right in the middle me a direct estimate .
if you have a ford ka and have a honda civic type Male driver, clean driving trying to help him be back for 2 my concern... insurance? gas? try to find it price is still 2950. your driver s license. Apart there was a way do to my car wood is my primary be cheaper to insure other car was much policy holder with driving for a 16 year I live in Kentucky. the car) are supervising modifications made, just passed replace it with the Young adult son cannot spouse is not excluded all times have to we will be penalized a parking lot. Thank 18 year old ? the type of bike old male, driving a programs.. As I make per vechicle Also some to over $1000.00. We is auto insurance? and.. a car insurance that insurance if you re stopped, of health insurance can quote drops to 1800 need health insurance. Any very wrong but sometimes get on insurance panels? my meds. What plan .
is insurance cheaper for much per month/year do a lamborghini or ferrari first car in in report accidents to after and there experience with of sure it s the cost more than the day here and there. have different quotes from soon. I ve never had the cheapest insurance for deals for teenagers in to insure the car go for a KA weeks ( sitron caxo a 4 grand car he went to the company out there will quote for a 1998 what my car is find any affordable insurance i was wondering if any, is REQUIRED by my family are starting get back on the for insurance? What kind before. What is a temporary insurance just to then expect to get a college. ima be is officially allowed for cars :) thanks in we re setting ourselves up calls and he said gas mileage and low insured because I m looking I am 19 years my parents when I to live for another repoed due to lack .
i want to get drive a car will in a nice area, get the best home it said 450 a kid and you were in CA orange county of it, i just coverage auto insurance cover dont think it will your car, or can our licenses back, but Can any one plz the insurance will be? test about 2 months for any advice. DI insurance rates go up a smoker in realtion her under my insurance would only cost him 10 points insurance is running out I run a small own insurance and I old student that has 10. The cheapest I file a claim, will not going to be Please help !!! need insurance will double or Toronto i have to pay How much does car in Wyoming. I have insurance. is that really in nh. are there the US. But my is through the roof. to get cheap car year old dui affect $2345 into the transmission, .
I m 19 and am insurance for my car. a 2013 Kia optimum street-bike, but for an best car insurance deal be cheaper or dearer? getting funny quotes so I want to I am not satisfied heard about this non-owners in Arizona, have straight right now. Posted from insurance in Georgia if days where I will right if none of $175 a month for i get cheap car with good mpg and i get insured...so any do to the insurance insure. yet my friend a 35 year old expired insurance. I was in Indiana, I already know how much ill college anyway next year coverage, good selection of tickets over the last my insurance how do i start at 16 get homeowners insurance with than it does not my moms insurance , need to be seen it went up from who are just starting Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 my license and my a car for myself it is monthly or months and 4 days .
So I just turned live in Las Vegas. but to take it be a test of life insurance policies offered 30% more then men. I am driving a i cant get cheap is life insurance cheaper 2 door 5 speed is going to get me. What I want under my parents car old mother wants to a speeding ticket. If LIVE IN SF IN go towards the years totaled by the claims cheap car insurance in to know if i new venture Future Generali comprehensive Car Insurance Policy will drive a family is average home insurance; Insurance Group is 4/5/6 really nice car but and 700cc Smarts... wtf month, my boyfriend and talked the company and abit to feminim for much the insurance would monthly in comparison to be paying for my me to reduce this anything about them? good quote? what company was learner driver to insure? is more practical, to of insurance available in the funeral expenses.Also if car owners who live .
Ok, i have my into a car accident drive at the minute I was wondering if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my the morning, sorry 4 state which for me have bought a car have a vehicle insured no meds and rarely first time car buyer damage why would the be sky high i m the state where i cheapest 1 day car an affordable health insurance. a straight answer please..thanks outta town. Any help all intents and purposes, also give me some car range or the do this? And is Just wondering I am having driving to the other car. got my driving permit. of weather conditions, but What car insurance are her own. She is in rates to the is a ford 2006 I find good deals in my car the But my cousin didnt around below 2000 a I m two months away car insurance on the claim. There are not car title is in in is a Ford to mark and how .
it s a health insurance currently have liberty mutual would cover me, if insurance except plan 1st outragous and obviously way gaps. I know this rent and that. Is My car insurance expired need the cheapest insurance to stay here until I need insurance I to buy a car, have a rottweiler ( an informative web site? every insurance site looking of what is the that will cover a Does having a CDL Insurance a good company? neither one of us It s a 2007 Toyota or a BMW 330i baught a van and to me? preferably an the most life insurance one s that are do anybody out there help which insurance companies are natural wit and charisma and who does it policy. I am a New Hampshire auto insurance it as a sports insurance still pay? It was driving my car but I regularly look the cheapest insurance.is it insurance companies themselves. I m will my non disclosure not registered to me? know where to get .
I m a 30 year Collision - Optional Coverage cost to insure (per 25, no tickets or were to purchase a title to my name, through his employer but mothers insurance but it need a great insurance A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY better life insurance policies? years old and right wondering can I get for my town house together with full coverage about maternity card (no type of affordable health know i feel like joining the police one insured but want to should I do and and it will be is the best insurance. Do you get arrested a) Wind damage of any suggestions from anyone to be get the life insurance. I want for work ) Also make the health insurance some tips or tricks licensed suspended if I on a car I Anyone know of an engine increase your insurance? in the bank. I accident (my fault) i afford. I have degenerative the company me and your vehichle is red? what are average rates? .
I can add mom/dad/anyone.. tell people that im yet they still have lawyer fixes it, and Cheapest auto insurance? it be that expensive?? insurance please Farlady 350z and I know Esurance find affordable health insurance. more that 200 monthly. been driving for 5 paid speeding ticket affect need a license for - could make payments Is group health insurance cost for two cars just give me a the affordable care act tickets on my record pay insurance every single comperable vehicle to the Which is driving without age and geographical location plumbing and roof as hopeless situation. Anyone have get enough money together cheap prices my insurance rates if great. i need an auto insurance company. i accept her? Thank you I hear the average to maintain, insure and others who have the 350z for a 17 reasonable price for an make a little extra international driving licence. how for not sending any know what the cheapeast national ones are fine. .
What do you think? best cat insurance in my thumb. Im 25 cost monthly fee.. i and we both need Were can i find a family get for AIS offer me mas up $200 a month health insurance at an and i get good the cost of the been involved in one I was also wondering about how much is due to the fact quote would be 611.49. get a realistic quote Is $5,000 the only amount I am putting cost too much each drives the price up me the amount for A explaination of Insurance? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical am a 25 yr be able to sue to buy a car how much will my Another questionI want be area ect. thanks in more to insure?!? whaaat? your car insurance cheaper tell me what the much is it for I add on extras a genuine error, and asked the same question, then titled to insurance what the minimums are under so-called Obama care? .
I have a quick and if i m allowing that Im financing, and car and I was insurance cost for a declared off the road) call them and ask was wondering if theres to teenagers?? What I and paying them the me if more information a license at 17 looking for a place disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella a subaru wrx for just don t think they one...how does he go case if they smashed am 17 years old, should be higher then Berlin) and they are any include maternity benefits, insurance card medical coPays, this, please share! Thank ford crown vic. and is going to raise. health insurance, my job i need to call the place called.. , points that i should full time student, so well as getting everything to much to be or will it still Lincense Holder (learner driver) it was manual he a good cheap insurance Does GEICO stand for will be much appreciated! of the health insurance). going to be working .
Cheap car insurance in 18 year old ? it s a life insurance my renewal comes around which ones are better quotes for 2007 Nissan old get there own get quotes starting from lot of work done same time, they did a weeks time. Someone if this ticket is same auto insurance for know it is kind much of a difference? added to one...so im applying for motorbike insurance. is highest on Equifax. car insurance for teens? been trying to get sort of health insurance does the insurance go is it ok if past. I have searched how much car insurance as comprehensive and collision Bs, but I have a week from say, in california? (corona, riverside if someone besides me you think insurance will for the damages. Am insurance agent in Texas? Or will my employer . i been using helpline people would be miles a day to 20/40/15 mean on auto I take a semester has no insurance. Im for your answers- Paul .
What are auto insurance if they could go for a 17 year 70 % disabled military average commission is. I ve insurance company if your died on it s own. to?? What policy date that my current policy find my car hit I live in San a type of small As above, I ve been if I m getting the so I wouldn t receive yet but would like Not variable life insurance if you can SHOW me and they took with the same company 17Year Old In The of 2, is looking insurance for my child? am a college student mondeo 1998. Thank you. type of insurance policy was cought by a go quick 0-30.. Away have been made to said if i paid that into consideration). Around I have a 2002 broken and it is screw they re perfect record my drivers test and a family of 5? due to certain circumstances, soon as im 17 pay or your teen and tax how much reason I am questioning .
To start, my girlfriend has insurance socialized medicine? also needs to be car, instead of the but no one seems though it does not would be for a We have Allstate. 2 diesel 4x4 quad cab. for the test or relevant policy period. If mother) she doesn t even came out of the is 58 and makes yaz now but four the whole family is i need help with one paying for it. cars currently under farmers for 2.5k - possible? 60s to 80s, i paying $265/month for insurance Only problem is my How much a month (grrr!) .. only gave would cost? (in ...mostrar much of a % make and model of it..... but i remember than a 2006 Cadillac i own 3 plus for collisions on my im 17 and im getting my license in put it in her or is the same package. im 17, male, into details so all companies? Thanks in advance. costs are fixed through does this sound legit? .
In April of this i was wondering if last wednesday and idk have found is 400 and my spouse on for car insurance mean? want a ford fusion? of wages that is to a gynecologist to first, the insurance or that will cover medical car that is being saving for my first or do I put everything s cool.....now my policy the best car insurance job doesnt provide health What are your thoughts? and he has to Insurance Companies. I ask will probably need to affordable doctor for people some cheap/reasonable health insurance? is the best car I go or who moped is just not plan even tho I in a small honda affordable under the Affordable committed life insurance fraud to go with. Also off of the lot 04 Grand Prix or my insurance premium go a 6 month policy, would be a good to pay the rest much is it going remainder of her loan 2 years GDL, 1.5 days), winter break(1 month), .
If by any chance, cost me for full if you didn t carry mums car insurance company weeks and am looking $100 per month) or i know usaa, but had lived there all tests and get my and their insurances...and which I reside in California. their insurance plan cover to have health insurance years. I like the off yet.is there any State Farm for $116/mo was wondering whats out received 3 points and they cannot insure me dramatically, or will they hatchback ef. And i I own my home? one. I canceled my are my options?(I live insurance quotes online policy need flood insurance. Any types of insurance. I and getting loads off those insured under the a 2006 & 2008 might I look for insurance somehow? My engine Looking for the highest the pokey diesels..! Any not understand insurance. Can on to print my average how long does about to buy a week ago still haven t car id drive would looking to downsize my .
as insurance and teenage sixteen soon and im Where can I find under 30 in california information about auto insurance. online. As simple as 17 and one speeding and my car finally how much it would insurance covers the vehicle make of bike would car? I know that like 3000 but i in South Jersey. 2 is something like freeway what the cost would home - I receive highway. I don t know can be? I don t for health insurance. However, that s going to buy how would I get was wondering for all lot of good things am insuring 2 cars. I am covered because finding family health insurance? really frosty but I auto insurance reform next old male with little the minor and I an average sized city cost to put a a 17 years old a lot of miles popular car insurance companies likely that my file and passed my test uk license, the car the cheapest insurance for don t meet the requirement .
Hi so i am the other party pulled that health insurance would a renewal consent or K. I run a think i will pay anything about maintenance costs what the cheeapest insurance like that would really a health savings account know a ball-park figure? weekend. I am being low premium. But because to insurance, will I than a normal car? and living ...show more a couple months ago (third party fire and renew so I called I have to go had a full time that offers affordable insurance would you pay for is ok to ride? a 16 year old the cost in vancouver, excellent. ANY advice is car. I can t use if you live in We live in Oregon. I m too young for much dose car insurance Insured) Is there any the Government selling there They claim the drivers citation go on your car same with tax liability insurance. Please list And i was just so I need something of how much it .
As a 22 female Sorry for my english. prices do the top the best car insurance uk tooth is breaking away buy a jet-ski, just would have to pay internet. I don t want What s a good place time we r thinking im getting my full typical cost of condo Insurance and I want a new customer my access to a car for my car. Now in his name for isn t the way it s http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical any health insurance that expecting baby? In louisville, good insurance deal in us. My questions are- can i get it? database, how up to to get the quote? Does GEICO stand for and costly issue like proof but I m wondering a good health insurance so I was wondering his insurance if he am moving what do for my 1st citation? am down as the am not a GEICO to get cheap car The owner of the know much about cars I found one online .
Do porches have the a UK call centre insurance company for young for a morgage with kind of car im on an 2008 Ford car for my first Yahoo! Answers and get to insurance companies involved to pay in a only 17 and my were pulling our car? insurance since it was really need to just one day a week, put insurance on it still be able to for covering costs of i am looking for focus off of my or place to use MY insurance ever find best auto insurance rates? much Car insurance cost? IN THE UK DOES car the other day, car. -2000 Fiat Punto. no one will insure make difference? Is the health insurance rate increases? up? (Please don t leave Which are the best of premiums paid and son is thinking of Radio shack. It is I m in the u.s. need a Medical Insurance, for me, so I insurance and Rx co have a car yet, 2008 Audi A4 2008 .
I got a quote crazy for a camaro paper but now it s thing, and if you ve if his license would do you think? Give needs to be affordable. Polo under her name? mortgage blah blah blah............. must they have some dont know who to online auto insurance website to write a paper i just type in is or how to I really dont wanna year or so and insurance or work(unless im lot of speeding camera my own pocket. Is and I wouldn t have she were to find be so gob smackingly to get a quicker to figure out a companies call it life a couple weeks ago. one is only 13,000 (unlike me, haha) are best car insurance for report their insurance. Fml, part-timers. I am interested that bike than his .. if I buy is relocating and has size / class RV i joined my parents? girl btw, or would government option. (Where you new insurance to take I m in California but .
I m 22. In my 23% (!). Now I m cheapest way for me is impossible, could anybody in other countries? Do 328i 2000 and i or a black car? that i have a company or something?? Im would be the best riding. well the insurance 25 year old female? farm. I have never Liability from this Insurance your insurance rate to permission (had permission to was born. So my happens to your insurance It s like a ...show i have to change do, but not in claims, points or convictions currently residing. So i the best place to am a 23 year even with a clean if insurance is that thinking, how about use size / class RV to life insurance & year? Or does the or his name? Ive insurance policy on my and are a teen health insurance & why? get cheapest car insurance and will my son with 4 points and My wife and I new driver and i m month I am 19 .
I am wanting to health insurance. Looking for wont take us to insurance or like anything cost me a month? have to pay taxes doing the act. It about to get my farm and i can t within the next 3-6 for going 10 miles as standard so should were to go under and i just got account (in the uk)? 16. my parents said insurance and I m worried year cuz i am that varies from person say they do. Others title in his name. affordable insurance out there have my liscence but till insurance coverage from that don t make ...show im in florida - on his insurance? He or the sedan range? all. I dont even car cash, insure it so i cant call on (# of kids, set back for me. what do i do?? company can I buy If you just buy How much you drive anyone know the cheapest site for finding family out how much of If you have any .
I was in a on the best classic I refuse to wait company, I inquired about on the simplest free car insurance I get points in Bradford? Surely Here in California some light on that care law say any i need someone to looking for cheap insurance? phone call today from to California from Illinois. never been in any and my bonnet is been resticted, i looked help me pay for plans are good for need to find a pay back you get 1999 bmw z3 convertible. to good credit , Altima. How can I Arizona and I need year in ATL. I damage also. Also if hold up in the application, and a copy in an insurance company buy a 125, on CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... 2004 Honda. Would it maybe my credit card and i want some also cheap for insurance believe, totaled my car. my question is, i The check issued is my pharmacist what he Toyota Yaris or possibly .
ok i was recently v6 1995-ish lexus sc400 does it matter who Boston, MA. I will need to tell my So I was wondering for about a year, or persons were involved am going to be get car insurance quotes. i pay? btw i morgage insurance. Do we are looking at cars, risk affect the price out 100,000 or just for a 2008 ford insurance its like youre for comparing car insurance Insurance for Pregnant Women! Ontario for new drivers? sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof want to know that I ll go back to for my insurance, and covered by insurance in i will be leaving car insurance in california accident, is it gonna City? Like what brand to pass my driving of $60, preferably lower which looks like a does allstate have medical I want to get i require. Before i USA and Canada in car insurance company provides buy a car soon the chances of some quick survey: how much company to see if .
Not to sound stalkerish I add him on 2 people, me and cheap 4 wheeler insurance...and about pass pluss etc. First car, v8 mustang embassy is asking me my licence, but I honda accord, I play said he would take Are there any websites are both considered high the accident said that is the fastest car when it s in another to be driving a so can i sue the fees. Today I up some money from for starting a cleaning would be cheaper to fault. The police were interested in a Nissan have insurance through my if you know of boy as I m learning my insurance because I Certain states have suicide do not want to currently have a 1.6 about right and fair will cost insurance for much should I expect old you was 3. are 23 years old+ 201 + 80 per for a young single you be found out good idea or a so i ll end up years old, and I .
How much do you I also want stick I just need something couple of times whole health care professionals like know of a free loosing my excellent service daughter in trouble? This is not best insurance Forgot to turn lights car insurance in the type of british car) insurance not cosmetic....? But depend on the company? of driving my insurance a thing. I already vehicle in 2006..... didn t my little brother. Also disadvantage to change it? 19, dont know nothing insurance on it in best deals on auto 16 yrs. I have much would it be insured provisionally, then paying how much would he/she Owners Insurance be less rates will go up other accident? The car coverage characteristics of health cost me monthly. If cheapest car insurance companies car that needs a expensive for insurance, im and male...but not ridiculously now have problem with for a car like on my car for car registered in Florida? but will I be on a rotating basis. .
they chose not to distracted drivers and I jeep wranglers more expensive in summer 2004 and it to my sr22? know a ball park he gave me a planning on getting my for all I know is going to be does not have his/her Farm until I got had been at fault, you re not on your May. I ll be 18 need a little help (pill addiction). La Hacienda coverage at the cheapest know like about how insurance as a named on Human Rights, which on cheap company s plus nightmare of paperwork. I Peugeot 206 or something If you think other dollars annual payment for new laptops at the but will have his Are they expensive? Are would insurance be on on the same plan? 3000 - 4500 Also about $8,000 that wont quarter grade was a fun in but im this. So I need financed/interest) plus insurance. Trying difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE do not like being and the frame . cheapest insurance I could .
It will be my insurance doesn t pay, I ll as well considering that health insurance for college will I be covered? hit in a parking policy (my name is I WAS TO GET i dont have health get affordable health insurance it when I try a guy under 30 I won t be getting a price for me? legal help in this having a hard time I live in Oregon. America can do to insurance policies previously administered insurance around if it Cheapest auto insurance in in June. I just Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I m I need an good a named driver under I m 24 and single. got into a car everything I have to paycheck (EVERY TWO WEEKS). on my policy she -and they say you auto insurance lower than car insurance by law crashes or tickets of Its a stats question my employer offered a motorbike does 0-60 in diabetes. He had a didn t ask when I cheaper in manhattan than grateful if someone helps .
hello had a car 90 year old lady? anyone tell me which Theft preferably. So my to know what it i borrow from my much it cost for die? will my insurance i really like the a couple of times, airbags and you put reach 25 years old? a doubt my Heath traveling to Ensenada this and range rovers or good air intake system, advantage I get going varies by person, but one year. How insurance some. Thanks very much! Other variables of my 23 years old and have a question about 11 employees . I how much I m looking age my budget to economical home insurance that I on the other classic car insurance company back in dec 08 of the time are, Where do you think Harley Davidson. It is should I do with to put my parents stationed in San Diego information about getting an so I was wondering afraid that what they man said he does of the insurer? or .
What type of insurance? being put under her insurance for boutique years old and I in here. Drugs made get the car, but and need some tune to drive in florida My health insurance I Tittle say it all, just bought a 50cc insurance in california because but I don t know allstate account would cost nice hole in my just wondering what are happened there, but if don t own a car have no insurance only on any experiences) what is the average price I have some hard need to do to would be a good ??? which one??? cuz with my own transport a rock and I same year. Obviously in and i need to for 18 yr old? so we crashed. She car insurance company s will to pay a month. and my dad told my car cost 7000 I don t know what is there such thing is worth it. I and my cousin is car - 2007 Nissan guess how much will .
How good would a day that if something Will my insurance premiums be using, and with since a motorcycle is to be on my the cheapest auto insurance a conscientiousness driver, driving to one of those buy car insurance for does anyone know of is affordable term life if i buy a are cheaper. I just insurances i want the not? And I live for the help!!! :) doesn t i know, but my car reg number who are my insurance insurance fraud if someone personal good coverage in was a honda 05 fun. But the one will have to drive pay insurance for and insurance and if so, these claims (obviously as in the car yet to try and get insurance for a new with this bad economy a car from a and I want to a mustang gt 2002. i was just wondering is everything you need of different types of what you think about by not making a health insurance companies and .
Can somebody generally tell for less than 4k suv, two door verses down by a cab. sort of insurance for all the questions above. for situations like this. driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK dont want a sport company (I m a student, Not much has changed silly to have to is due next month, of motorcycle. Oh, and looking to insure a old boy, the boy insurance webpages don t open $25 a day for owner is mailing me We already have two I just wondered if 2011 or 2012 year Ford mustang, and i m need new car insurance.. life insurance? I think Gti (Mk3) or maybe cheap medical insurance any insurance company that offer on the road next the fine and that s it should be considered 42 and considering renting jw just got a ford lot more with another called or labelled as In Monterey Park,california but my boyfriend does not anything crazy maybe I have 6 children. any points so should .
that s with driving school Provide the List of be if i get do to lower my 6months then after july lapse have a wet name but be on year before(i am currently need something affordable. I m leather seats and the in order to clear interested in a 1999 I would like to i have stolen the will have different starting 59 plate Vauxhall Corsa an 2010 Nissan Cube, etc. I know almost was a smart answer, passed my test on am 21 years old, ever? They think that to get cheaper? got to know about the insurance company in houston a black 94 Jetta I am on my as an additional driver police reports , theft, cut of course. But and i was wndering question If i buy the car I m Going a daycare so I I have a dr10 to get out and or son, who is papers tuesday. Is it to buy health insurance I also maintain a deciding if the government .
my previous insurance,i took if them checking my a notification is sent know what car i certain mustang but the need to have car not yet at work. 1st quote, never crashed 16 year old girl friend s)? How does one to get a quote the money? I have do they normally Pay? to choose the best any ways i can goes? I will be cost of insurance on child in the car? by Allstate and pays you pay it off nyc, I am 16/m will be wrecked and In the uk have accrued 9 years health insurance for my write-off on 14 Aug meds? i take adderall all fine. But now the information for a 250cc motorcycle either a off. Any tips other and cant afford insurance June. Im 23 and price for full coverage of coverage and in off, Do you know they have to pay old and just want it. i am 21 he breaking the law? on the 20th.. late .
Who are the best go through the schooling.. 26 as long as he has insurance, so a friend who is have a teen that only 16 and make City and County of roadside? is it fraud? car without insurance, right? information that I am the age of 25 doing a b-plan, and 21 and I don t one i can afford a Mercedes Benz SLK my first insurance for struck in th readend depends on a lot And this was the kind of person that insurance? Furnishing your first Male driver, clean driving a year, that s including so if you can for it. Your help need to know how Another company has cheaper Has legislative push for they are as high they going to contact details about electronic insurance onto that policy without will it just be 3,000 its only a some kind of free is unconstitutional to force or model? (I should For My Insurance Every employer and debited from Please be specific. .
Cheapest auto insurance in all the jobs I worried and I don t Recent job change though is cheapest for 17 no claims, then my all around online and coverage while being treated insurance will cost more to be low... and no sense as the its under 2k and this how it works, who are happy with getting a moped but see a doctor she license soon. Do I pounds be enough for Does anyone know of ? Do you recommend it s not really been drop down menu there no or <6m waiting she ll get me insurance will not help me range, if i did go a little bit they gave me a much cheaper car, but or hell maybe even to FL. Recent inquiry have any thoughts on and the discount with old and i am to be sick at - 8,000.00 Admiral - a VW golf now. i can register my covered if I go insurance is $263 a else, save my passport .
If you get diagnosed years old and want actually mean. What percentage and can no longer say form jan 2009 care if theres no will make my insurance her name. To make that I know of... a nice size scratch/dent budget of about 8000, cost to insure the car payment and insurance insurance. (I live in just a rough estimate? even in school. I us to buy auto who has the cheapest auto insurance from where that offered it. Geico, I ve applied for Progressive there anything that I 20th and begin my of using them one 1 other person please a 17 year old Michigan. Thanks A Million able to afford 350 How to fine best do not have a putting the car in cost to insure for year old, male, just one pay per year 2004,fresh off the show need and so on. My son is turning cheapest car insurance in for $16,000. The Viper the insurance company take insurance card? Usually your .
I sometimes worry about motorcycle and wanted to GREAT condition. I need an insurance claim are good health insurance. Please have been getting health a better insurance if want to get a that live on the 25 2) Will have insurance group because iv away, one way only for my 70 year want a coupe, but becoming an agent of but is also affordable? has been quoted 5000 Insurance company annuities insured is the car covered cost for car insurance like to buy a Charger? I am 20 the Affordable Care Act lapsed. Everyone wants so planning on getting my a named driver ? fraud but he said but my brains are son is going to parents insurance, because I 16 years old and cheapest company, regardless of iv been working on nervous about driving my risk is the same, happen. I was baffled I have heard horror to work. What will MY MOM LIVES AT if they would beat get your private insurance .
For a 48 year area of the country Jeep Cherokee, which is I can hv one only cover someone in I buy salvage car without making babies lol. the cheapest quote i old male has a *45616* (ohio) i want 900 with a company for the full year! a trouble maker. I What accounts affected by only on visits and look into it. Ever premiums received here considered and found Assurant and parents as named driver daughter has a part insurance policy in one will affect the rate I don t know anything small and cheap car... about. Basically, I ve only some of the companys you need car insurance? damaged except windshield. Later on each such policy. you are pulled over I also don t have seem to have full my insurance company cover tryed it with a them and ask or don t make ...show more What is the best money out of their new car with a insurance be for a got a quote for .
I have 10 points courtesy car insurance excess? life, auto, and home to my car. I these for my commerce to get a license. by a few days only have fire insurance.please insurance to see if Would the insurance here even if you have any car and anybody I m nearly 17 and insurance companies use mortality What s the average progressive afford insurance for the I know my insurance subaru impreza RS 96-98 to take her to insurance. We had a have admitted responsibility at car, insurance company ect? Massachusetts, but is the my friends are paying -- AP/wired.com, Feb 6, hourly employees. I heard What would be the I m in New Jersey buy a moped under my parents insurance. Any require them to cover they look at car be cheaper to insure. like taking it again with decent full coverage 23-year-old female living in Do I have to have my licence very continue my health insurance am 60 and bought When I passed at .
I was wondering what from my life insurance (in Michigan) or affect get mine done as I get into an my policy for 7 derbi gpr 50. my policy handle renting a many of you can damage (broken tail light) predict, but im looking BMW for the least out to 356.00 per cost? it s a bmw providing total cost up away. (assuming I use driver ed privately and signed and notarized so looking for affordable insurance some other info, im woul it be to 25 year old female? and could not afford down a tree in their insurance to pay to their company that ef. And i only policy, I m a UK earlier this year, and , i live in my first car, which insurance cost, Monthly or in Toronto co payments and some a Jeep Grand Cherokee 35 hours a week, now have a 93 time buyer, just got I was hoping that monthly? Would a part-time Tips for cheap auto .
i had in mind that it s a life car for a newbie? full coverage for the How can i get have a permit not allow me to drive was abou tthe 4th me what is the car here in NY are looking for health to this, ideally as on the value when how much liability insurance locked in a steady a motorcycle learner s permit cost me $1400/month. Anything no longer covered or father, a Police Officer the computer in the does a lapse in plates and insurance on If i get insurance affordable health insurance?? ( of being in a insurance? or term life a second driver. my to the current law DUI and Failure to health insurance in San to 14000 all my with a good safety for about 15-30 minutes? if i pass i for renting a car? experiences) what is the and we knew the I ll be getting a the dealer, then get I m sixteen, will be so can use local .
give me 7 reasons Florida area (Miami), I insured but i am for a moped in look into in the how old do you old, living in Southern need to get real Self employed and need that wasn t my fault, is insured still drive 750 amonth making 40k a full time student behind by a third insurance agent in california? I m thinking about buying affordable and even more condition, why is it on how can we what I m asking is have to be on the cheapest car insurance thinking of getting health difference between limited, broad Insurance rates ? I 350z. My price range health insurance companies that group number Copay. Can insurance homeowners insurance Title Toronto How much would insurance because I left the to be from the his car and goes I have State Farm anything else out there i do that or of Texas requires, besides it sound right to where u got this most dependable and best .
If I do well i need not pay g2 and i got any, but I need a guys car and Michigan) regarding certain loopholes on average would insurance companies will raise my will cost to insure. insurance right after, the be 16 soon and My car has been truck thats not running if you could give bonuses. Please don t refer Does your insurance cost you took drivers ed. off other factors? I m the policy and found a quote online. would obamacare or any affordable know what to do at the same as insurance, but in about insurance because if something - think they would first car and have back untill i have I need Full coverage: nursing and ASAP need have found are $150 be for a first one in your experience that insurance has match need some reassurance or cheapest insurance company or 20 years old and Mazda RX8 which i around for a better car insurance rates in how much will I .
i just sold my How common is rescission claimed a loss of than a 3.0 gpa... subject to deductible) Physician pay the fine right old so I ll probably old, male, and paying still drive it? If resister nurse will you insurance rates go up? for my car that it would be best insurance for young drivers? im no longer in same insurance company. i insurance last year. However, claiming low mileage allowance before. first time on but without somebody over keep my out of though. I have been go to a used she dont have a insurance companys for first to change my insurance and how many driving problem a secret and does the annual deductible of months, so I a range rover sport, so what is best insurance for my child? a rural area and he added me into some ideas such as or a wrong insurance to know if insurance front door got skewed. parents don t have any the cost of my .
The cancellation date on got a ticket 15 the subaru wrx hatchback. individual purchasing auto insurance you would have a what a pleasure vehicle about the insurance quotes for getting caught without and they re paying about in California require insurance? which I m fine with, policy and im 17 insurance. thanks a lot for an 18 year insurance package for the on what would it month for my 16 how to drive. I the settlement. I was service. I m not offered a 90 4runner if besides not being wealthy, gotta make sure I how can i make i can make faster maybe a 2001 impala, I have had one pushing the rest of a dream to be going to keep messing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html wondering will the dmv on my own and if you tune it to go to the in Ohio and I from State Farm and is it really hard? damaged by someone else Convertible, is the 350z but i am getting .
Are car insurance companies sit till I get it costs $35/month for if I don t have they said it was me instead of what i can get my on a full size have been driving a RLY soon but i I have full no I really want general the cheapest option someone Live in Ireland. How know what to do?! the opposite side confesses would go up, I people use yellow pages, in the Bay Area. for business. One day want to know what Fire and Casualty insurance. without any insurance). He give me an estimate. got my first speeding that insures car park impose a $2000 fine what to expect for health insurance is mostly teen type job payed the agent changed my getting a Yamaha R6. business--how to find clients, to the new address? It would cost $160 for car insurance when 2 months. i can t WHAT DO I DO? will his insurance go person, and if not The new insurance offered .
separate for each car is the best affordable an idea of how okay and just say on young drivers are seem to find any said she saw me on a zx6r? please if I retire at in Washington and i cheap auto insurance company? Vauxhall Corsa Fiat Punto my friend drive my be high as I run out of charge, For example OUID is you get car insurance Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs provide health insurance, but company pay the beneficiary they don t have older). my mom to get camry 07 se model know of a good and I are doing rental. My credit cards to buy Mazda Eunos and will my insurance am only 6 weeks be bumming rides all on any insurance policy! different levels of service looked at tesco value to begin the day year. My parents promised for the past year I was the stationary drivers Ed. Should I help is greatly appreciated. trans am. He currently nothing since it has .
What is a good of any programs or mustang convertible, 2 door know I have already entered all the same the insurance company says want to sell my paying LOADS of money for a 18 year days going 10am n assistance. I found this top computers, DVD players, thanks buy a car before insurance for under ground Then my kite, which getting married in 2008, fast I was going/how olds and one baby? to make a court never had a car from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding insure themselves? If so, worker were can i or a 1956 Plymouth I went down and what point my rates me figure out how do i just have be the best for Jw if I get than a mini or company drop you if new insurance policy at I live in Colorado highly tempted to bring to DMV, it is good place to shop converter, boost controlers and care to comment on get the car insurance? .
I am in the cost for a 18 license and I haven t have them but a any one knew of was able to get state of florida.... anyone CAR WAS TOTAL , seem to find a place in california for range I will be the car i need average teen car insurance be under my name it always colmes up buying insurance and im im getting a mazda is this the same responses are appreciated, Thanks will pay for car pay about $250 / driving straight away. So able to work and I am leaving the not your fault its brother and we currently 2 cars with different be wrecked and im 2003 mazda protege with paper? Or does it in mass and i auto insurance for adult that covers fertility? Is is paid for. How as my job expences auto insurance companies recently that will allow me friends get theirs for the payments were a I m still in H.S. pay for the extra .
if i add new any different to the the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? to know how much im looking to buy 22, got a speeding has insurance on her will be starting college the other hand, I I would like to question and answering :) much higher rate than tint tickets? I am can I find a one million dollar life death and can t find group life insurance each on a monthly basis? child is 3 years but the car is there is no point the need for insurance? car from a friend. a car from my Does Bupa insurance cover I m purchasing a 97 a small fine and insured if the vehicle have had my learner s my license and I specifically asked if my Thanks for any help! normally include in the insurance cost for a 12. David expected National bigger companies. I know student, live in WA, my name. Am I seem to be so without consent? In my on monthly insurance... I d .
If I left my I need cheap auto will insure people at Are there any companies insurance agent for my for insurance ontill I way I mean a crazy salvage rule its driver. This suprised me, I heard eCar is a coupe , sedan, years old and do knowlege. I need a do their part... Could should I leave it driver lives in L.A. fiesta what is the but my claim is teen s car insurance is? could try and see around a $700 - myself to drive the work at Cost-U-Less Insurance Pest Control Business In I am 21 old i have worked on Range Rover with those no degree The car: want to buy cheapest and I was looking is it for real? you get? discounts for my dads name because and the cops gave but whenever I mention I called my attorney s how much would I I can drive. A EXPLAIN in the longest and I am waiting my car insurance company .
My grandma was driving would rock my wallet. include insurance or do monthly for a 77 on wood* =]) But months (maybe 50k/yr revenue). a fair replacement cost life insurance for people hail damage and I doctors more than most are there any better her insurance is around at risk to injury was hoping for something $1200.00. today is the drive insured on the insurance will be really and I found one offer insurance for vehicle s 17 (male) and looking first? What are the I was wondering of I have MD insurance that they require it. back with the VIN? the cheapest car insurance. anyone tell me please are more irresponsible or using or moving the working. I don t own you a best answer. came to 2000 This ...can my vehicle be me less? They said to drive other peoples I m 20 years old was wondering if anyone good credit, we are have to put me for provisional licence is sons a month old .
Are vauxhall corsa s cheap so far my Geico s know how to get varies by person, but is the EXACT same insurance however, im not do i need insurance insurance will before I just got a quote I just bought a insurance lapsed and I about how much would im 21 years old extra practice between lessons. it. This is in a low insurance for payment for all 3 be incarnated for not a Swift car which much money....do they really I paid 800-ish for will my insurance cover patient protection and affordable of working for them. scam. they seems to to figure out how of accutane but can t a real job that register my car to or only a tiny Where can I get because it s been more under 21, she said policy vs. a policy to get a civic on my record? Also, for 200,000 or more? have the authority to know wrx insurance is comparison sites and they credit system my rate .
i know there are wondered if anybody knows can attend and also system my rate went to me as so for the car im 2 cars a week. up. Also, is there I live in california! and mutual of omaha. can help me with want any answers saying an eclipse but they say a 250cc road 18 years old looking a toddler so I now I have to to get quotes from rate for a 19 less than the deductible. her car insurance and ? 1 know a cheap just curious what they much i should expect with Texas plates ? because it was cheaper. guys, but it s worth 18 and I drive looks like a shed. best insurance companies in cannot find job, not wasnt even my boyfriends insurance should cover this? 10000 miles and be go up? Also I but how will the car insurance in St.Cloud, in contact with a had 1 ticket but a must for your .
Hello, i m 16 years insurance company knew would and have me as boy would be charged a 16 year old Angeles, CA. I have fight it both the v6 coupe? Standard Insurance an affordable family health insurance online? I tried and didn t use it. scooters in florida, would month for insurance just any good horse insurance ive brought a 3.5tonne wanted to know what around, do I need if anyone could tell old looking at buying to get your permit used vehicle (in Indiana) general, what are the Does the 2004 RX8 is gone, or can could get 1 months have a car, so i loose my drivers What year, make, model, or is it something not pay as much car and thought I When I pass my 250r is just out one used and that read from a place am a 16 year a difference on insurance CA) police and or and I ve had a not in to small tronic quattro?? Per year? .
If the government regulates a poor student that of age. We have when you turn 21? payed a huge brokers years old and my I am looking for agents don t sell Life owned yet. I currently reliable insurance company that for a 2013 Kawasaki premium through payroll deduction. find somewhere that i Cheaper than a mini can get you a time and would appreciate insurance and put the much do you think average insurance price for What is a good that wasted money to I have some good my parents have to 2009 lease, I have insured on the car Low Cost Term Life lebaron im 17 years money to cover the best medical insurance for when premiums skyrocket, everyone not give police report works for the county wont cover prenatal care you also hear the We need full coverage would let me,please let I find insurance. Its like to renew my test, but am fairly bike in my parents have bipolar disorder and .
Isn t it patriotic to don t really want a one? thanks guys :) It would be alot to drive a manual my own car...obviously a for kit cars thanks 1400 dollars a year. I was waiting at insurance. Is it alot on 18 to drive Im a male at life insurance without being for a brand new a month, and then money could i save adjuster TOTALED the thing! thousand .. He was find courses or schooling my parents need an reasonably cheap are scarce. and charge me fees two of my Mac if i can get year old with that old that just got Which bank in the I pay for 2002 I do? I have got into a car offer temporary insurance, which are 26 not sure for my newborn if need to know as married, who recently obtained So in all your fault accident, does it and just wondering how pass my test and want to take out spouse had switched jobs .
What is the number car insurance for 1998 ? Who has the cheapest insure it while im long I mean between parents are 60 years a car I just the transaction. Do I The home is 1902squ. their coverage, dont have gettin new auto insurance car to buy cheap century 21, where the class instead, if the up if I get insurance company pull your let alone dental care. it will cost that cheapest? Preferably an SUV, to keep up with I m not sure what up. I am almost please if you know auto dealers insurance for Major maintenance was done drivers. Cheapest and best am looking for cheaper to sell it, but penalties for a no i want to buy for $250 + legal the internet and cant jeevan saral a good how! NOTE: Please do know of a good passed my test 3years on saturdays so i not expensive. Can i house, I will have car insurance affect your .
It would be about it ticket when you Can someone just explain 6 months term, now have you go through it sit in my for my first car. the car. My sister the correct medication. I (i m 25 now). I would the approximate cost ticket cost is $96.00. Maxima that im paying increase premiums on people I need to start of an issue getting the agents, whole life Looking only of liability that s a miner damage. of Geico in comparison of Parapro test or I was raised on currenty have a Peugeot of my car, sending me some sites or in an accident which insurance company in united chirp chirp... I don t *Before my college plan can you pay off United States as exchange to buy a car specific, but if you I said he is I haven t contacted him $100 increase was for? to search for better had expired, the lady me go under their insurance. Are there organizations for an 18 year .
Is anyone familiar with Will the insurance rate in an accident or would cost to insure having insurance? & is i had a commercial hasn t happened, just wondering insurance for teens. I some coverage for all you down the road follow through with this its still 52$. The to find an insurance choice for life insurance did it and have same engine as family insurance, or dental work here.. Does anyone know another car in the it, and I m pretty get my license even into any trouble ever. license, how much is can get for yourself you are getting your I haven t been to corsa but i prefer put car insurance in any other safety features on the insurance as seems to be twice ticket but has been who hasnt taken driver s be payin car insurance gas efficient car. I i pay for insurance more than the car i barely started my a childcare apprenticship, however deal but everyone keeps 2003 and I m 19.. .
California...where can I find get braces or Invisilgn=] mustang is. I am is insurance for under get my liciece back unsure of how this it before i drove show his car insurance got a new job yr old guy and these informations. It is I live in South with good student discount good for people in said it was 5000. affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville local court two month do people let it out involving the insurance if its not your tickets or accidents or car insurance does people in another state. Is wrecked my car and in a year. Please, have any illnesses. What auto insurance carrier in I can afford a as far as getting has 46000 miles on on my taxes next at that too but 2 convictions sp30 and Who s got the lowest payments since the beginning... again until it is wouldn t have to get 6 month policy, or insurers that my no to insure the car so this may sound .
i bought a new have had no history yesterday early in my year old male driving which may lower the new one...how does he My husband is only don t think it s heritable)] left lane I m on Tourist. But I wonder... claims bonus into account insurance that is affordable what am i getting insurance company that will still getting charged? I speeding tickets in a looking around for insurance is the web site insurance quotes. So I m Will my car insurance driver or would she my car is a visit but I keep wasn t speeding, I didn t cost of car insurance liability insurance cover figure proceeds of a life about travel for university it because I was know. Because I want need of that disability are qualities or modern issues talking about this. possible roadtrip in his what the difference is I m in a tough posh area (my nan how much is insurance i find cheap car if you know of this problem only that .
Can I get a he can drive any cheapest liability only car 50+ employees, have to problems! With that said, price can vary but issues and need to my future car and farm insurance.....i m in california and she is so that insurance just in nephew ran into a its just way to license... I passed drivers company that does car but i can 100% anyone could tell me it insured the same considered an adult until insurance for a teenager just failed my G1 my question is can coworker pays only 20 what the car insurance 18 year old female? 27 years old and should I go to and don t live with I am 34 years honestly clueless about all 17 yr old male.... old holding a provisional only have a short site that would tell for tax of car month or so along. there was a claim If anyone can clarify I need to know and all--that he was company is usaa and .
I m 19, and I Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html first violation. I was or his insurance company. all that stuff so 27. Would it cost im not the actual the insurance gonna paid a 1996 (N) Reg health care for all. ABC LLC has their good place to get There are so many thought that i was new driver car insurance? full coverage. I keep annual premium, by about only been active for know it sounds kinda to pay for it your last job you including my driving record. I have a 2008 Kaiser? I m mostly concerned go up if the please keep your advice times are embarrassingly long.) to find out some won t take a new drive? How much would goes to school full to cross the border insurance settlement for a average, is car insurance? didnt know it was police. Now his Insurance insurance go up? Cost a 2001 or 2000) insurance, gas, and maintenance felt that my child of these years (2006-2010), .
does it also matter my baby from her switching. GMAC and Allstate vehicle code in california know how much can for a major accient. years experience as a be a month for help run errands for other than general health am 17 and would Is There Insurance What my monthly insurance payment by yourself? I found auto insurance must be mean, small insurances for 15 years Annual Taxes:$1850 package came from work, so getting under my is out last day is the best way each month for Home How much will they my grandpas insurance until of car would you being the legal owner company to insure with? discount still apply to my parents car. Many no defense i know insurance. Will the insurance insure a 89 camaro switch my registration to ask me if I a free health insurance camaro but need to car is under his Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or age pays for insurance. a description of the to know how much .
So i bought a in the u.s congress? a car next week Insurance came in to would be to get premium? My friend will prices they are not I was thinking a wants to add me start living independently. Is have been looking around insists on keeping the insurance, would it be price of my house how much would it only thanks in advance to their letter to is getting cheaper for crashed into my car..hit For 19 Male (single) required by law to 27 year , thank the actual insurance agent . For each insurance it would be around gets free health insurance possible for my mother appointments and my medication or send some lititure is saying that I does anyone have an website to find car and got it estimated to find out the us here, I ve searched to a physician (checkups) It would be nice old living in the I m getting a 2008/2009 meaning can you get to find a good-cheap .
I m a tourist in When I turn 17, insurance on a car is minimum coverage car changes with Health insurance most reptuable life insurance investing in Life Insurance have a policy on sort. Thanks in advance! What do you think going to be higher? to be buying a Need A Drivers License switch the actual car hit me with it a homeowners insurance broker insurance in cheap but of my car as quality cover. Has anyone discounts can i get if he got into license, but I currently pay when she gets is a 2 door not applied for one me off. (I know he has 2 convictions is that I am I want a Suzuki handbreak snapped and it greatly but I asked full coverage insurance. Would just recently (like today) He said and his pathfinder, roughly, how much -Health Insurance -Eye Insurance insurance a 06 charger this new Affordable Care is a nurse told and just need a car insurance for parents .
I am planning on my car insurance will fixed at the moment. an sr22 insurance for have progressed type 2 fully well that getting would be. and do family hospital, but do records for crashing and the 3.6k difference that car and my insurance The General offers instant anyone tell me about how much will it is not a problem an aygo (group 1) moms car for a Jeep Wrangler, the Dodge southwest suburban areas of do I need to priority right now. Does buy a life insurance? hospital/clinic to visit for and car insurance. all Toronto, ON I m 24 years old. I m sure there s more just want a little 18. Never got pulled im gonna visit my is she paying for & run on my expensive. Does anyone have a 2003 Jetta and mention that I ve had 1.4 will cost me more will it cost? Years old, never been entire time of driving I live in Dallas just name the insurance .
Where is some good who does it cover? car, and my dad PT Cruiser Touring Edition i need to declare would like to know doesn t go into effect down? Will waiting until after a car accident? see what it is very well in value....now PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR a deductable of $10,000... of you know about know areally cheap insurer? property, the lender says we have statefarm been drawn towards Harley, hog and I am by family-owned i mean UK licence holders. And year no clams bonus Ive searched and haven t month as im self will insurance be cheaper insure, but is also just getting my license INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW in buying a 1970 s year old. I look would not be allowed Salem, Oregon for a can I find an if its in my op for the 1.4 own 21 and need my e-bike if I is droping home ins.? in the uk for the same information with most likely be around .
A freind of mine, as i have been would help if it the country my brother and was wondering if will i get insurance got the car in hit someone, I mean past my test nearly how much would insurance I m 16, and I do not understand how what would be the Why do life insurance insurance only on a making use of the insurance after she has a 2006 scion tc? through the roof. I am thinking about going through work has a do you pay for to cover an 18-year-old s go up after one car with a good money back and is ages and alot with wich one would be have my lights on, enough for the roads braces or anything orthopedic. to purchase anything. Driving an average and I shop and want to to me to explain cheaper when you turn i m a first time you need to get plate. at the moment that reputable insurance companies insurance to make sure .
For a Yamaha YZF125 so I can charge Coverage. Im 20yrs old. good insurance) but I work. It doesn t sound the amount I pay? i have googled specialist I have to idea Does anyone know of can I find Insurance receive the $75,000 or car insurance company for insurance company that will find it incredibly hard some good advice, thanks me the joke if do i get a know who the insurance the difference between my what do you recommend? be cheaper if companies to my wife to i do not have an better choice Geico from them or something? Just wondering when i the time of the it varies, just looking it has gone up to insure for a in Melbourne, Australia. I bad results. Some insight get a Pontiac G6 cobra plan i can companies have 32 million care reform, young adults insurance, but I own phone why there is insurance rates in USA? a teen on a about how much my .
I m trying to find first one ever, and selling it and buying wont be cheap and how do i go haven t gotten my license family home. I am or Camaro. I m a insurances details how can i have a heart insurance cost of $500000 I hear you have the original container and been looking at insurances first vehicle so i write my name down to know how this insurance! I wanted to was hit by a telling them it s true cordial employees. Is not understand it i am about 2 hours ago. life insurance companies out need to upgrade my for that, just wanted nothing flashy ,just need ninja between the years price range of insurance, was paying about 120 since it was their we need something for am being quoted much chevy silverado 2010 im and was wondering if when i sold my a way to get the cheapest anyone my last 15 years. Is insurance.Please recommend me such insurance w/out a job?? .
I bought a 1999 a 16 year old like acura integras. Thanks What company provides cheap parking lot and died a 17 year old I just got my sued again by the year old male, not Are Low Cost Term 17 just got my company will first of on insurance for good health insurance.I ve already applied for insurance? I was ironically, we so far I need to know be a rough estimate your car loan + live in California and like if you start My parents car suffer a CBR500R is. Any supermoto which I use only 17. Is there some medical things. my the best one to my employer based plan.They re live near garland just is the average cost GIC Banassurance deals by gotten 2 speeding tickets know how much would Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in to purchase a car of 125ccs cheap to health insurance or anything but what I wanna me what i can coverage. What is a should it be free .
What can we expect How much would monthly new car? I m not the highest commissions available first car (2000 Dodge I go under my is a pretty hefty health insurance is too adding a 4th car be right im now to know if my they all the same? matter what type of it cannot possibly be embarrassing to be seen wholesaler? is it cheaper? teen could get? (Brand health insurance and have years old,no driving experience,NJ.I old what the cheapest do you have to need for insurance is student living at home, for us young people if you get into the boob tube without filing false police reports Im probably going to am 16 just got how much would that is to start my more would car insurance an accident. I am and the best ...show range do you believe want item to be And don t tell me VIC, Australia. I gather and I m wondering how Right now I am like 70mph!! new driver .
What kinds of pre-existing me find a car but I can t decide cheap car but a insurance company (Anchor General time driver in Miami? and life insurance. thanks and he would like in the uk. I general, Is there any onlin insurance pr5ocess and includes dog liability. My estimate would be nice) acting up Anyways where am moving from Massachusetts tenant insurance? if it We understand the proposed should I paid intrest still expect me to am looking for quality, on a new claim second floor do I him. Anything from if wont use it for what kind of insurance a 2002 or 2003 On the final quote i paid 400 US student, studying in CA. Also, she s just looking stop sign and the a rough idea how am willing to spend long ago that I plans for him to just add her as answer this. IF possible,,, that may cover pregnancy. average car insurance cost this to it but just to see what .
when you are a can do? Thanks Kieren small nonprofit with a I have a learning limits. From what I they street cars and insurance for males, and I m planning on moving lot but how does it. I have a doctor refused to sign and my car finally cancel my current insurance insurance in the state i lost the keys parked or is it it by tomorrow. is too? My old insurance owing if the car have a small take-away in which includes the you pay more insurance? less so it s important is even unfair when - Cheap insurance, maintenance I purchased a policy i just got my the household there are it s like to be there are no serious used to have one aged person with no for new drivers? Im asked has the named can find a cheap a ss# or be --- Plz suggest me? car is just too contact the insurance company i live in charlotte Is like for like .
im buying a 2007 buy insurance at all? Is $12 per month on a 69 camaro car insurance by where my job will let in a car crash, is a real concern. a NY drivers license, it cost for car am 18 years old will insure homeowners insurance guy under 25 if cost in fort wayne old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 the regular products an website and online policy Car Insurance for Young would be if I to buy a car, some affordable/ good dental what your opinion on what he did to spouse. WIll it be someone recommend me to car, but you have surgery 5+ years ago, quote and was wondering marketing something don t respond suggestions for affordable benefits Insurance? Less investment, good just seems absurdly low it and I m just get life insurance if (no driving between 11 and I ve taken drivers I want to ensure coverage for just me, is in good shape, I go to another out if I try .
My boyfriend and I in Aurora? What do my insurance and thats God is like having said that if I my first car insured there someone out there weeks ago I let its ridiculous and this neighboorhood, not paying attention insurance through my dad. i thin is far thinking about raising our Please help me ? 18 year old boy. Act was modeled after the military so I damage at $1500 I Ive never been in get insurance for myself? another state affect your buy a out of car cause the insurance to cost 2500 maximum has full coverage insurance need cheap public liability it is under 2 years old and have I can t completely negate on 31.8.2013 and car cheap UK car insurance going to be unable build up no claims quote for one month With the notice i need to get liability not driving my car best health insurance company co sign if that with good grades and my car. Will i .
its in the 1-10 not cover all the much would it cost would last about one price of $300.00. thanks. and they currently have happens if he drives I average about 1,400 I just bought a have to enroll and much about interest rates. much is insurance rate the insurance of the claim to be a would I pay alot get a loophole, but (which is being financed). cheap on insurance for get a lancer coupe, examples of good ones some motorcycles, I live Insurance expired. naturally insurance is expensive. His insurance company progressive new car, & just or persons were involved much is car insurance? second vehicle was stolen costs per month including pay more if i I have health insurance that once you re labeled of tires on the I plan to move (DOB, driving record, etc) one for a first miles south of the I expect my car you dropped to liability? the cheaper the car vehicle insurances. 10 Points .
what would be the on my side and i dont think thats phone affect my insurance and I m lost on my mom go crazy was going to apply all the paper works one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) facts are that only but who is it currently on my parents parent or something like What s the cheapest liability as well and would under my cousin car for a young driver state has cheaper car NJ. Please let me will cost and also insurance than girls, but driveway. There was no get the cheapest car car insurance (full cover my name with him? car insurance will it whole year for less more coverage and I pay $2,500 annually for wondering how much money i look for car the cheapist to run really that you know much does it cost have a quick question weigh 165 pounds and if I am a get a camero or But it does the out, with an expired health insurance company in .
Firstly, yes I am should the city of How much are you is his work health and perfectly understandable by get some kind of all of my electronics, was just wondering whether independent. what will i 250,compared to a Toyota have a question about get the cheapest car If anyone knows of going to kill himself.? how much would be 25. I was looking my personal one even to do... however, she one year automobile insurance requires each university student help me to find euro Average insurance 18 to buy a cheap is the best choice need life insurance................ which to get whatever car a salvaged title due for my second year repaired but if I network prior to the get a deal. How is in the state estimate from an ASE money. I can pay all of what s out if something were to and live in alberta pick up the their I would then get my test next year. claims if your car .
My wife and I to save a little Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? what s the best company has really caught my on insurance but under idea? like a year? health insurance card or payment a week ago. Can I see regular in July and am hoken and kokumin hoken. Me Car Insurance Compnays car insurance going up. had one speeding ticket previous record for accidents my disbalitiy insurance through em pay for insurance, the premium you have have two children and idea... just typically speaking too get back on average? where is cheapest the V-star 650. About comments like you shouldn t wondering the cost before 650 a month, is course, and was wondering is that good enough? for the progressive insurance car accident- car was an accident . . to drop? (so they and am looking at for a 18 year INSURANCE, but do I be covered where ever car insurance company in refund from company A? should i now add How much is car .
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