#two unique princesses i didn't think i'd get <333
anapologethicc · 3 years
hiiiiiii love !!! sorry yesterday's message was sent a bit later had a busy mid afternoon but hopefully you'll get this one ok <3 (also very happy you're enjoying these!!) ahhhhh i had a feeling you'd like the anonymity (<- is that a word lol) of this all!! so thank you for not minding me staying anon for the time being xx
oh i knew you were a leo and love that, leos are truthfully one of my favorite signs !! (and yes unfortunately you do know my sign hehe) also your teaching career, ive seen your posts every now and then about teaching and your thoughts on it (and can i just say you're going to be a great teacher? also i know five yearsis a lot but you totally got this ok?) OMG YOU USED TO TAP DANCE???? I LOVE THAT !!!!!!! that's so cool and unique !!!! have you thought of maybe doing it again once uni workload isn't a lot?
ok ummm im trying to think of what i can tell you about me that is something i haven't posted about before... oh i know idk if it's interesting or not but since i was born and until my mid teen years i moved a lot (cant say where though (: ) and umm sorry idk why i can't think of other things but since you mentioned you did tap dancing, growing up i did so many different sports cause i couldn't commit to one for more than two years more or less (ive done swimming, gymnastic arts, dance, cheerleading, soccer football basketball and tennis)
i love you dearly💕 hope you're having a great weekend!! i'm sending you my biggest hug and all my kisses xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
hihi sweetheart <33 omg no dw abt it! i just missed u a teeny bit hehe. i'm literally enjoying this so much. and i think anonymity is a word. for a second even i was like wait...is it?? ahahha. (i swear i haven't shut up about how sweet you are and how wonderful i feel to anyone who will listen)
once again. response under the cut. because as usual i went off on multiple tangents but enjoy my lil story timeee babe <333
ughh okayy those were thing you alrdy knew about me. i do feel like i talk a lot about my life on here ahaha. (also omg ty for that!! i feel so nervous at times. where i'm like can i really do this or am i just screwing with myself. but THANK YOU SM MY LOVE!!!) AND YEAH I USED TO TAP!!! so much fun. and i wanna do it again sometime but like i don't really talk to the girls who i used to tap with anymore and stuff. so it's kinda bleh to do it alone. but maybe one dayy :)))
ouuuu so much travelling!! did you like moving around a lot? and do you like where you are currently? i swear i'm trying to keep my questions as vague as possible and you don't have to answer if you don't wanna obvs. dw abt it :)) ayeee you did so many sportsss!! ohmygod. also i've done swimming before. quit within a year. you'll see i have a long list of things i've quit. BUT ALSO GYMNASTICS. that was one thing i always wanted to try but never got to unfortunately. how was that experience?? also oof. sports. i stayed away from sports. i did get recruited for athletics and volleyball once upon a time. but i chose drama and dance over that. so you can see where my priorities and interests lie.
also fun fact! i've never played a female role in any of the dramas i've been in!!! like literally never. should've had hindsight and seen i'd turn out to be a non-binary lesbian but meh. ok so. when i was in like 5th grade. we did this french play in class (i've done french since i was 7. so for about 12 years. also a fun fact abt me) but it was about how this princess rejects all the princes because they're bad and she chooses the gentle prince at the end. and what happened was that none of the girls wanted to play the prince character cause we didn't have enough boys. so i volunteered to play a prince. i know i know. very generous of me. and that's how my long line of non-female roles started. so in high school. we did midsommar night's dream this once and i played one of the little henchmen gremlin type things. and then we did a short narnia play where i played Edmund. that was one role i quite enjoyed playing. and then we did this one other play about like pirates and stuff. and i ended up playing the role of a little boy. once again. who's pants get torn in one of the scenes. fun times those were. also both of those times i played a main character and both of those times we won first place in the drama competition!!!!
and dance ohgod. dance was like my little pocket of joy in a dreadful high school life. in our school you had to join at least one extra curricular and i picked dance till my very last year. and it was so much fun. we used to have classes every saturday morning. and i used to be the first one to arrive to class. my parents were like hell bent on getting me to quit because they wanted me to focus on studying. but it was the one thing i was stubborn about. eventually when i was in like 11th grade. my parents told me to quit. and on multiple occasions i've sneaked out early on saturday mornings before anyone was up to attend dance classes. that's how much i loved it. and cause i live in hong kong. my music teacher found bollywood songs and dance so interesting so me and my best friend used to have a dance duo. and we used to choreograph and perform all by ourselves. so much fun.
but ever since i've gotten to uni i haven't had the chance to do either. might have chance to do drama again (fingers crossed. heard some talks about the drama club at campus and things. so maybeee!!) and the dance. hais. i've only ever performed in groups or in duos. and every since uni began me and my best friend kinda drifted apart and i'm a codependent piece of shit on stage. so haven't properly dance in a while either. but hopefully will get back into both of those things soon!!!
also i'm just now realizing how much i've gone off about myself. but i hope you enjoyed reading it all!! you can ask me stuff if you want. clearly i love to go on about myself lmaoo.
also can i just once again say how much i adore you for sending me these asks everyday and being my valentine <33 (also literally me being all blushy and giggly because i've never had a valentine before) because i love and appreciate you so much for making me smile everyday!!! you are an angel and an absolute sweetheart my love <333 you deserve everything warm and lovely and wonderful in this world <3333
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i love you. and here's another kissy for you <3 i hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!! you deserve the world and everything more for giving me these little moments of joy <33333
(also if i think you are who you are. i think i might've had/have a mini crush on you just based on our interactions and your vibe <33 and also was terrified of interacting with you when we first became mutuals. and if you're not i really do look forward to getting to know you mwa mwa. you don't have to respond to this. just me doing my guessing.)
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marciabrady · 3 years
joanleslies submitted: if you are still doing the princess ask: tiana (princess and the frog) and giselle (enchanted) ♡♡
Princess Tiana
Favorite thing about her?: Ok I don’t want to focus too much on her race, because I feel like that’s unfair to her character, but I genuinely love that Tiana was the first black princess? And like, that they didn’t make her a whitewashed depiction of a black woman- they gave her the most beautiful deep skin tone and that broad nose, full lips, and big eyes look that is so iconic to her. I also love the way Annika’s voice sounds, it’s so unique and reminds me of when all the princesses were different. I think she was the last true princess we got- Rapunzel and beyond feel like Pixar characters to me. I also love that cooking is an interest of hers.
Least favorite thing about her?: How incongruous she is. I feel bad because I think way too many expectations were placed on her. Disney princesses have already gotten so many untrue criticisms that now the fact that they’re strong women has to be hammered down our throats until it’s unnatural. I definitely feel like the writing doesn’t allow Tiana to just be Tiana? Like…who the writers vs the directors vs the film vs Annika believe Tiana is are all different people. For instance, the movie focuses on Tiana being a workaholic as a negative. She forgot the message her father instilled in her- yes, wishing on a star won’t solve all your problems and hard work will have to get you there, but you also do need to retain that belief in magic and love. She totally lost that and it wasn’t until she learned to love and balance work with her personal life that she found her happily ever after. But people talk about pre-arc Tiana as if that’s what we should inspire to? The grind culture of it all is…but there was a panel a few years ago and the voice actresses of Tiana, Moana, Belle, and Ariel were there. When asked what their princess contributed to the lineup, they ALL answered- aside from Ariel’s VA- that their princess was the first to show you didn’t need a man. I don’t know how THREE princesses were the first to do this lol but to say this is also way too simplistic and ignores the plight of previous princesses. Annika said Tiana showed you can have your own dream and accomplish that without your love but Tiana literally shows the opposite of this in the film. She can’t accomplish anything because she’s working herself to death. She even kisses Naveen in his frog form because she thinks it’ll give her the restaurant she wants lol so like I said, she’s just very unclear from a storytelling perspective.
Do I like her movie?: Honestly, no lol I desperately want to and there are shining moments but Tiana’s incongruity really is distracting, I find Naveen unwatchable, and their dynamic is awful to me. I also just hate any portion of the film where they’re frogs. It’s childish and the fact that there’s legit SWAMP animals throughout makes me feel like I’m watching deleted Shrek scenes, like I need a little more glam than that lmao I’m hoping the Tiana series delivers!
Favorite outfit she wears? THE MUSTARD DRESS. It’s so insanely flattering!!
Favorite song from her movie?: Ok I just love when Mama Odie sings “your daddy was a loving man, family through and through; you your daddy’s daughter, what he had in him you got in you” reminds me of Cinderella and it SLAPS
Favorite animal (or human) friend she has?: I mean it’s not the firefly with gas issues lol I’ll go with Charlotte!
Which trait of her personality do I most see in myself?: I overwork myself too??? Like a good work ethic? Idk honestly Tiana and I really are not alike in any way
How would I rate her prince?: Bottom tier, he’s so annoying to me
Where does she rank on my top 10 favorite princesses?: Mid-tier! I think she adds value and we can’t have the princess line without her but she is missing a few things from being in my top. I wish she had more heart, but I’m hoping her series will address these shortcomings.
Princess Giselle:
Favorite thing about her?: I love her verse in True Love’s Kiss!
Least favorite thing about her?: Her wedding dress lol I also hate how they made her a parody of older princesses, like it felt blasphemous to me. Also, while I like Amy Adams, I don’t think her voice is special enough to be a Disney princess’s
Do I like her movie?: I loved it when it came out but I find parts of it grating. I think it’s good overall, and the musical numbers are great, but her arc irritates me and I think it has the worst ending of a Disney movie ever lol also I will never not cry over the fact that Mary Costa and Ilene Woods were going to have a cameo but didn’t!
Favorite outfit she wears? Her original animated pink look with the flowers in her hair is literally a DREAM and the way I wish they would’ve designed Rapunzel!
Favorite song from her movie?: Her verse in True Love’s Kiss, as mentioned before! But I like all her songs tbh
Favorite animal (or human) friend she has?: Hmmm I guess I have to say Pip lol but I actually love Idina’s character in that movie and the little girl character
Which trait of her personality do I most see in myself?: The romanticism and optimism she displays when she’s still an animated character.
How would I rate her prince?: TOP TIER. He’s so dreamy and romantic and brave and I love his dedication and commitment to Giselle. I’m sad the film makes it like Giselle becomes too ~deep~ for him after she becomes human as if traditional romances can’t have weight and nuance to them.
Where does she rank on my top 10 favorite princesses?: Mid-tier. I loved her as a child, like when she first came out, but she didn’t really have staying power for me as an adult. I do really like her though! I’m very interested to see how they handle her characterization in the sequel.
Put a Disney Princess in my ask and I’ll answer!
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