#twin pain time let's goooooo
crmtn · 2 years
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@rcbcllixvs said: ❛  are you still mad at me?  ❜ (Touya) 🐝  *  ―  𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. || open
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He wants to be able to say no, of course not. Because he SHOULDN'T be angry, right? Not at Touya, nor any of his other siblings. They all suffered just the same. It'd be unfair for Akito to go thinking that he was the only one.
But for years he has been angry-- LIVID, even. Containing that much rage has been difficult, and for a long time now he's been ready to release it on almost ANYONE. Besides, it's not as if his siblings haven't hurt him too. Perhaps not to the same extent as their father-- and maybe he's even overreacting. Still, how readily some of them seem to be with the idea of their father trying to atone, and how he still feels as if the lot of them brushed him off when they were younger... That has always stuck with him, festering silently no matter how much he used to try to will it away.
And Touya... Well, Akito just can't understand him. To chase that same path that their father laid out for him, despite the way Enji ended up turning Shouto into his puppet and largely disregarding all the rest... Why would he want that for himself? Why not throw it all right back in Endeavor's face the way Akito had? He'd TRIED to convince his twin of doing as much, but to no avail.
Maybe that's why he's really mad. That feeling of being ABANDONED, this time by the one he trusted most.
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"What's it matter? We both know how this story's gonna end anyway." A scoff, then he gives a rather dismissive wave. "Get out of here already. All you're gonna do is get yourself killed if you stick around here, hero."
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dreamsb0u · 1 year
Ok so, I have another AU idea that I may or may not persue 
Imagine the bad guys but in og Dreamtale
NM accidentally falls asleep while reading and Dream is in the village doing labour for the residents so no one notices when this little skeleton kid creeps up to the tree and starts counting the beetles on it, Nightmare wakes up and is- understandably- a little freaked out and demands to know Killer’s intentions. Killer points out the beetles like it’s the most obvious answer ever and Nightmare just stares at him until they begin to talk and eventually Killer declares himself as Nightmare’s friend- so yay! Nightmare now has his first ever friend!
One day, Killer drags over a kid and his brother who are starving and injured and asks Nightmare to help them- Nightmare manages to heal them and Dream comes back, sees their condition and sneakily steals some food from the villagers (he is not a perfect angel). The kids talk after this and now Nightmare has another person (aside from Dream) willing to die for him.
Killer one day, along with Horror- drags up a kid who is very vocally NOT HAPPY with Killer and Nightmare is a bit scared of this kid who seems to be pretty angry and violent. Killer says that since Nightmare knows half of the gang he has to know the other half. Nightmare is a bit confused because there is not half of other people which Killer is dragging with him and asks about it. Killer says that the other member isn't allowed to come at the moment and Nightmare is introduced to Dust who is startlingly apathetic towards him.
It's been a few weeks since Nightmare's met Killer at this point and he isn't surprised to see Killer dragging up another kid at this point. This one seems to be very hesitant and talking to Killer about 'getting in trouble' or something. Dream is also here and he greets the two with Nightmare following after him. Cross is way too uptight with the twins even as they insist that (s)he doesn't need to use formalities. XGaster in this AU has drilled it into Cross's head that (s)he needs to treat the guardians with utmost respect. This eventually makes their meetings very awkward and Killer tells Cross to 'calm the fuck down' to which both Dream and Nightmare blank because where are these kids learning swear words? (Ignoring blatant hypocrisy here).
One day Killer runs up to Nightmare with a wooden sword and the rest of the gang and before Nightmare can react- Killer shoves the sword into his hands and demands he spars with Killer to prove he is strong enough to be part of ‘the gang’.
Killer is fast and confident but Nightmare has years of experience with fighting from protecting the tree so he quickly knocks Killer flat on his (non existent) ass and Killer, obviously, is a little butthurt (lol) but quickly gets over it and basically adopts Nightmare into their group.
Killer extends the offer to Dream after he is beaten by him too but Dream refuses, saying that he doesn't have the time. No one takes this to heart and boom shakalaka now Nightmare has some besties lets fucking goooooo
In this au, Nightmare doesn't get completely corrupted as a result of the apples- instead he's stopped by Dream and the gang from consuming more than 4 apples considering the fastest time anyone's eaten an apple in is like 30 seconds meaning that he'd have to eat at the speed of light to devour that shit quick enough. This results in Nightmare staying Nightmare but because of the apples- he has a vengeful spirit following him around and having short bursts of possession. This causes an immense amount of stress and Nightmare begins to get chronic pain from the weight the excess of the apples has on his bones.
The story basically follows a group of kids who have intense issues and a taste for pranks. There is a lot of shenanigans and hijinks.
Tldr; Nightmare becomes friends with the gang in his own AU where they're all children. they manage to stop him from eating all the apples and it follows their tomfoolery in the universe.
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babythegod · 3 months
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if you don’t like me or got any kinda hidden animosity,, understand , I don’t give a lovely mother fuckkkkk cause I bet you still watchinggggg cause I’m HER , on twin soul. I turn any pain into power &I’m not letting anybody get in the way of my GOD GIVEN mission , &purpose for my life. I don’t want any fake love or support around me, if you move like it’s fuck me ? It’s definitely fuckkkkkkk you. No matter who tf you THINK you are, tired of tryna make peace when mfs want warrrr , let’s goooooo! I’m equipped that’s what ARMATI means … GODBODY TINGS , I am priestess of the highest order &I will not be moved. Everybody will reap what they sow, &God sits high &looks low… I am THE prototype, never believe the hype … divine alignment is everythinggggg &my time is here ✨✨✨
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goraturtle · 4 years
1 - 43 please!
WHEWWWWW, i told myself i’d do these questions for two of my main current ocs i play in weekly motw sessions, Astrid and Frankie, if i got any, so let’s goooooo
under a readmore bc this is long and i’m not evil
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Astrid - if she’s with someone? Astrid could probably sit in companionable silence for hours, and she’s very much a “falling asleep on people as a love language” kind of person, so if she trusts u and has time to kill she Will fall asleep on you. If she’s by herself waiting for something to happen or already twitchy to begin with? she could probably stand like 3 minutes before getting agitated and pacing around or finding something to do
Frankie - if she’s ever in a spot where she can’t think of anything to do, she will Find something to do and then get so absorbed in it she won’t move an inch over the course of literal hours. either that or if she’s with people she’ll be content to just laze around and hang out
How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Astrid - not very easy at all, she’s more likely to roll her eyes at you if you try to say something funny or elbow you sharply in the ribs if she doesn’t approve of your joke lol
Frankie - extremely easy, frankie is generally pretty easygoing + especially loves to make other people laugh
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Astrid - this kid is kind of a mess so she’s very much one of those “go over everything in your head that could possibly go wrong in the future” kind of people, which, as you can imagine, doesn’t rlly help with sleep
Frankie - for plot reasons [tw terminal illness ///] (ie. Frankie is actually extremely ill and her backstory is that she came to town seeking a magical cure to save her own life) Frankie is usually so bone weary she doesn’t need a routine. From a young age she’s been good at falling asleep wherever/whenever she wants, but these days the second she hits a slightly cushioned piece of furniture, she’s out like a light (and also a very heavy sleeper)
How easy is it to earn their trust?
Astrid - surprisingly easy if you’re a decent person. she might still be slow to open up but that doesn’t mean that trust isn’t there. for all her prickliness, Astrid likes to believe in the good in people (to her frustration)
Frankie - Not that easy actually! Frankie likes to believe in the good in people too, but she tends to be highly suspicious of strangers
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Astrid - depends on the person, very VERY difficult if you’re someone she’s already trusted bc she has a hard time wrapping her head/heart around betrayal (even if she projects otherwise) but if you’re just some rando it’s easy to land yourself on her shitlist
Frankie - Also not easy, she doesn’t mistrust unless you give her a reason to. She’s just pretty neutral on people and tries to cover her bases until she’s got cause to believe otherwise
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Astrid - my baby was a thief for most of her life before getting scooped up and conscripted into being a superhero, so in general she does not give a shit about the law
Frankie - you know, for a law school dropout you’d think Frankie would care more about laws, but she doesn’t. not even a little bit.
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Astrid - I think seeing happy families for her is a unique trigger, reminds her of when her mom was still around and when her twin siblings were babies. She was separated from the twins for years, and has reconnected with one of them, so I think even spending time w/ her little sis has been triggering major nostalgia as well. She wants to tell her baby sister more about how things were (Caroline was too little to retain most memories from back then) but doesn’t want to push too hard, and doesn’t know how to open up about memories she’s kept close for years. The feeling is painful, but little by little she’s learning to cope w/ it and appreciate it.
Frankie - Happy families is probably a trigger for Frankie as well, since she left home after highschool after getting into a dumb argument w/ her dad. She was always going to go home after getting her law degree, but got her diagnosis + discovered the existence of magic and that changed everything. That nostalgia is extremely painful for her, and she tries to block it out as much as possible, since she knows that the next time she sees her parents it’ll either be after she figures out a cure for herself or once she gives up completely and goes home to accept her fate
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Astrid - she was a bit of a gregarious wildchild so it was a lot of exasperated “get DOWN from there” “Astrid stop RUNNING” “Don’t forget to hold my hand when we cross the street!!!”s from her mom lol. poor woman.
Frankie - Frankie was a very shy little kid, so it was a lot of gentle coaxings from her parents for her to speak up
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Astrid - fuck yeah she does, hers was probably “fuck you”
Frankie - absolutely. she probably swore the first time after hearing her dad cuss or something, so it’d be something like “son of a bitch” or something (her dad probably lost his mind laughing after he heard her say it, and her mom would NOT have been happy w him lol)
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
Astrid - She hasn’t told her baby sister that she was a thief before her current gig, and that makes her feel bad honestly
Frankie - the lie by omission about her general health and why she came to town in the first place. it haunts her literally every single day.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Astrid - she does not ask questions, probably acts like she understands/is above the conversation but you could definitely catch her side-eyeing people or eavesdropping to try and understand
Frankie - outright is like ‘haha what’
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
Astrid - will scratch herself on every single inanimate object she can reach, scowling the entire time
Frankie - complain very loudly to incite sympathy and help
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Astrid - she generally wears a lot of black/dark blue. She looks good in dark blue, but she also looks great in brighter jewel tones (she won’t wear them though bc she thinks it’s ‘Too Much’)
Frankie - she wears a TON of color all the time, think tacky buttondowns every single day, but she thinks she looks best in that soft peachy kind of orange (and she’s absolutely right)
What animal do they fear most?
Astrid - *takes a long draw off an old wooden pipe* Mankind
Frankie - she was kind of woodsy as a kid, living in montana, so i don’t think she’s really afraid of any animals. maybe a healthy respect for bears? now that she’s a werewolf i don’t think she’s scared of any animals at all
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Astrid - definitely an on-the-spot thinker
Frankie - she’s very careful about what she says, generally, but she can blurt stuff out if she’s feeling emotional/not in control
What makes their stomach turn?
Astrid - cruelty in general. She’s lived a hard life and isnt afraid to punch hard, but she doesn’t understand delighting in someone’s suffering
Frankie - thoughts of impending inescapable death
Are they easily embarrassed?
Astrid - depends, most things won’t rattle her but I think genuine affection when she isn’t expecting it will get her a little flustered
Frankie - no she’s a rock. the only thing that could make her blush would be like a genuine romantic confession + someone being interested in her in that way
What embarrasses them?
whoops, see above
What is their favorite number?
Astrid - does not care
Frankie - 420
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Astrid - she’d probably roll her eyes and be like “Don’t be stupid, do I really have to explain something so obvious to you?”
Frankie - “Well first of all if I wanna kiss them on the lips it’s romantic”
Why do they get up in the morning?
Astrid - more habit than anything most days, but she gets up for her little sister, for her teammates, and in the hopes that they’ll be able to find the other twin, her brother, very soon
Frankie - very much does not want to die or let down the people who have supported her since coming to down.
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Astrid - she’d get possessive but ONLY in private, afterwards. Astrid would react off the cuff and get pretty pissy, but get even angrier at herself for lashing out + leave/avoid the person for a while to try and control herself
Frankie - I don’t think she’s used to being possessive so it would take her completely by surprise. She’d get very hurt, and wouldn’t necessarily be aloof, but she’d try to remove herself from the situation so she’s ‘not in the way’. She’d probably get pissed at herself for even feeling hurt, when it’s not like she’s in any position to be laying the foundation for a future anywhere
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
Astrid - thief, so. she will definitely just take that shit provided there’s nothing else to make her hesitate (ie. it’s not a special trinket/memento and provided the person she’s stealing from isn’t struggling to make ends meet)
Frankie - I can’t see her getting envious over a possession or anything honestly
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Astrid - yeah, why not honestly. I think she’d be fine talking generally about it w/ anyone. She does NOT want to hear any details about her two madly in love middle aged coworkers fucking, though, please no
Frankie - definitely. not a lot of romantic experience, but Frankie is old hat at hookups/one night stands and doesn’t shy away from talking about it if asked. I think she’s more embarrassed about never having been in a real relationship than she is about her sexual history
What are their thoughts on marriage?
Astrid - her mom never got married (she has a different father from the twins, and in both cases the dad fucked off and left after her mom realized she was pregnant) and she is terrified of letting people down, so at the moment she isn’t rlly excited about that kind of thing. Her ex, Charlie, also betrayed her and hurt her pretty badly, and even though they were teenagers Astrid still thought of her as being The One, so she’s doubtful about ever finding or wanting to find a replacement. She’s still young and traumatized though, and I can easily see her mind changing
Frankie - literally domestic life would be bliss for her, but she doesn’t even let herself think about a serious relationship, let alone marriage, bc she does not anticipate living long
What is their preferred mode of transportation?
Astrid - she had this shitty old 2003 chevy silverado she drove for years that she’s still got a soft spot for, even if she’ll swear up and down to any witness that she hates the damn thing
Frankie - she’s got a little prius-c bc i wanted to shove her into a clown car, but she grew up on her parents’ horse farm in montana and tbh. nothing can beat horseback for her.
What causes them to feel dread?
Astrid - these days? being alone/feeling exposed. She’s gotten used to her backup. Also thinking about her lost twin brother has been a major source of dread/pain for her lately
Frankie - when she wakes up in the morning and the body aches and chills are worse than the day before
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Astrid - no and if she caught someone lying to her just to save her feelings she’d be SO mad, prepare to get ur ass beaten by this maladjusted 5′1 twenty five year old
Frankie - definitely not. which is hypocritical as hell for her, all things considered
Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
Astrid - she sets very high standards for herself that she can’t possibly meet, so no. she’s still trying to feel like she belongs as a superhero
Frankie - usually, but obviously her lying about her health is a major blind spot where she becomes extremely hypocritical
Who do they most regret meeting?
Astrid - i’d say on the surface she says she regretted meeting her ex, Charlie, but that’s not true, not even a little bit. She’s still heartsick over everything that happened between them
Frankie - there was an incident with a werewolf hunter (who Frankie had helped to save the life of) going after Lou and Selene. Lou got shot (Frankie healed him) and the two of them had to kill her, which was obviously traumatizing for them. Frankie still wishes that they’d never even seen the hunter in the first place and regrets saving her life
Who are they the most glad to have met?
Astrid - when she was conscripted into the superhero biz and given her powers, she was put onto a team with two other supers named Arsenal and Bullet (the other player characters, real names are Heather and Cyrus), who are middle aged pros very used to the field. Astrid’s only 25 so they naturally kind of leaned into the parent relationship, and Astrid loves them so much. It was rocky at first because Astrid was adjusting and wasn’t even sure she wanted to be there, but they have been so patient and kind at this point i think Astrid would literally do anything for them
Frankie - the other player characters, again (two twins named Selene and Lou who are members of the local werewolf pack. Frankie got bit in the first session to see if a werewolf’s healing abilities could cure her. It didn’t work), but especially Selene. They’ve been bonding a lot lately and as much as Frankie wants to keep everyone at bay in case she fails and has to leave town in the middle of the night, everyone she’s met in town has made a big impact on her.
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Astrid - her only ‘joke’ is that she rolls her eyes constantly. in the early games when she was still too emotionally constipated to really chat with Arsenal/Heather and Bullet/Cyrus i made her roll her eyes like every 3 seconds. She doesn’t think she’s a very funny person and spent a lot of time growing up trying to focus on keeping herself fed/safe so she feels awkward trying to crack jokes + has a (correct) feeling that most of her ‘stories’ from her teenage years would horrify Heather and Cyrus
Frankie - she’s been very cagey about details about her personal life in-game, but I am very excited for her to tell the story about when a horse kicked her and broke 3 ribs when she was like 8
Could they be considered lazy?
Astrid - definitely not. this girl would not know how to relax if you paid her
Frankie - if she’s stoned? yes. (she self medicates)
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
Astrid - hard, but she also doesn’t seek validation from other people. A pep talk from her two favorite work parents would probably go a long way (which is probably a small reason why she doesn’t ask for that from them, since she’s a little self-punishing)
Frankie - easy enough throughout the day when she’s busy, but feelings like that tend to come for you when things get quiet
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Astrid - not used to people coming to her bc they’re excited, usually ppl come to her w/ Problems, but she’d be very supportive, if a bit awkward
Frankie - VERy supportive, 10/10, will get extremely invested for your sake
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
Astrid - she sought it out with her ex Charlie, initially, when they were teenagers, and has been kind of closed off ever since, aside from the occasional one night stand here and there. Even those, she waits for it, though. Having your ex kick you out and try to hurt you does a number on the ol’ self esteem. She’s not really interested in romance currently
Frankie - doesn’t seek it out at all except in a purely sexual context when she’s bored (w/ others strictly looking for the same) bc she doesn’t feel like she’s got enough time left to give to someone right now. Also, genuinely, she’s got some self esteem issues as well and can’t fathom someone wanting her for more than just one night
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
Astrid - nope, not at all. If she did she would have gotten a lot better grades in middle school/early high school (she dropped out like freshman year)
Frankie - she just writes everything down in a notebook
What memory do they revisit the most often?
Astrid - the night that Charlie told her to get lost and then tried to kill her. She hasn’t come to terms with it yet.
Frankie - the last time she saw her parents. When her dad lost his temper and said “If you’re gonna walk out that door then don’t come back” and she, in all of her 18 year old stubbornness, followed directions to the letter. She had a good relationship w/ her dad, they’re both just stubborn and stupid. she wishes she could have repaired things sooner
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Astrid - extremely easy, she doesn’t exactly see herself as having a leg to stand on.
Frankie - easy, everyone fucks up, she’s more interested in communication and willingness to make things better than she is in perfection
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Astrid - EXTREMELY sensitive
Frankie - fairly sensitive, she’s very self aware of her shortcomings but stays quiet about them since most of them are really only apparent to her
How do they feel about children?
Astrid - loves kids, terminal big sis syndrome. will never want her own bc she’s terrified of fucking up and thinks she would make a bad mom
Frankie - likes kids, once again doesn’t rlly think about them as being a possibility for her. When she’s cured and ready to start considering a future (the gm isn’t gonna kill her i trust her too much we’re just in this for the angst) i think she’ll really want children, she’d consider it a privilege to raise a child. Also she’d be the perfect dad joke lesbian
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
Astrid - she went from a lonely thief to a superhero being slowly reunited w/ her family, plus she’s made a new kind of family in the process. All she wants is to find her baby brother right now, and she’ll do anything to make sure he’s safe and sound.
Frankie - so bad it hurts. what started out as her being purely scared of dying has also quickly turned into her wanting to live and stay more with these people she’s met.
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
Astrid - “Girls.”
Frankie - “Haha, why, you interested? *winks*” (but also lesbian as well)
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zoeology31 · 2 years
Ooh man, I wanted to make a smug post about a sweep so bad, but alas. Twins offense finally showed up this series and it was glorious, but absolutely brutal pitching collapse day 3 (seriously how do you blow the lead five times oh my god). Much better problem to be dealing with, “only” winning a series instead of sweeping, but this team really needs bullpen help. Still love to be living rent free in the White Sox’s heads and make some history along the way (8-5 triple play let’s goooooo lmao).
Also Arraez batting average up over .350 again 👀 love that guy. Also Polanco, birthday boy and team RBI king once again. I do love this team, they seem to really enjoy each other, and of course an explosive offense is always fun to watch. If anything, the past two weeks have really shown that the Twins are a top-of-the-league, playoff-caliber team with just a couple pieces missing, which leads to some very satisfying wins and very painful losses.
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