#twin au: don't ever claim you're inferior for in my eyes we're equally skilled and flawed / naoto & kazuki (chibitantei)
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@chibitantei​ asked: ◎ = taking care of them while ill . (twin me)
Send me a symbol to receive a reaction from my muse to XYZ / not accepting any longer
The drabble in question is under Read More since I kiinda wrote it longer than 400 words. (and the roles are reversed bc I can(not) read)
Naoto wasn’t at times sure if her twin knew self-preservation skills or if she occasionally forgot them like Naoto did on all-nighters and trying to cram in two cases at the same time. The recent reason for her concern – or rather, a concern for everyone in the Shirogane Manor – was that Kazuki had gotten a seasonal cold virus and was now stuck in her bed with a water bottle and her favorite book.
The fact that she could keep herself company wasn’t the issue since both were capable of doing that, instead it was the eating. Kazuki hadn’t left the room in at least five hours and all of them were fairly certain the usual symptom of cold, namely lack of appetite, was affecting young Shirogane’s health in a drastic way. The plan to get her to eat at least something so she wouldn’t starve was easier said than done since she needed sleep but
“I can try to convince her to eat, Yakushiji. Can you prepare me a premade ramen with chicken flavor?” Naoto seemed to at least willing to try something while her grandfather was asking if she thought one ramen was enough. The reaction he got was a firm no and that she already had a plan to get Kazuki to show up to eat something more than a meal not meant for one day’s food.
The execution in the said plan was rather simple and was successful without a hitch: sneak into the room, leave the already prepared bowl of store-bought ramen next to Kazuki’s bed while she was clearly taking a nap with a written note in a location she wouldn’t miss it and leave. Maybe she should’ve dragged her down to eat, but Naoto knew how Kazuki hated it when people offered her help when she didn’t think it was that necessary. If she could persuade or reason her to eat it’d work better and she’d hopefully get at some point that people need food and water to survive.
The tone in the written note was the usual Naoto Shirogane, especially the last sentence in it.
I know you’re probably hungry and too tired to leave, so I brought you one already prepped ramen. Please try to eat it if you’re hungry, I don’t want you to starve.
If you want more food than this, you’ll have to come to downstairs for that. Yakushiji got me and Grampa fried rice with shrimps and green tea flavored ramune.
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Verse drabbles: twin AU, part 1/?
Title: Enforced Ankle Care
Word count: 536
Verse: Twin AU w/ @chibitantei (Naoto & Kazuki)
I was supposed to write a drabble for an icon thing but whoops, ig I wanted to write more for these gremlins. Here you go Liz uwu (the icon thing will appear today bc I am on a roll for Naoto toniiight)
“…I still cannot believe you just thought you’d be fine after you sprained your ankle.” The marginally older twin wasn’t fussing over the other in theory, in her eyes it was closer to making sure Kazuki wasn’t a dumbass and trying to walk right after the immediate pain on the ankle incident had faded away.
A reminder tor the future: never chase a criminal in a grassy path where there can be holes in the way and where you can trip if you can avoid that from happening. She sighed out of frustration and huffed on how at least the criminal was caught because they hadn’t assumed the other to throw them with a rock and cause them to trip. It had been really cathartic to see the bruise caused from him falling and arresting him right after from using physical force to an officer and suspicions of criminal actions.
Considering the current circumstances she’d probably get the question on her condition sooner or later, so she might just bite the bullet and ask a question neither of them wanted to really get.
“…Kazuki, are you sure you’re not needing more care on your leg? Basic First Aids is inevitable, but more than the fundamentals are likely to occur.”
“I’m positive on that. It isn’t that bad.” Naoto would’ve asked more on if it was wise to compare an ankle sprain to a worse injury like a bone fracture she had personally dealt with earlier that year but was interrupted by an officer from whichever PD had requested for the Shirogane-trademarked help. She didn’t even bother to remember that detail since in 24 hours they both would be back at the manor, trying to figure out how they’d micromanage a case while getting straight A’s from middle school exams.
“Hey, Shirogane – is everything OK there? The chase you had sounded and looked nasty.”
“We’re both fine. My brother merely needs an ice package for his leg and a possible health check-up if he thinks it is needed.” She looked at Kazuki and got the assumed answer of how it wasn’t a deadly injury.
“If you say so. Can you help him get to the station so the nurse at hand can check the ankle sprain you got? She can take a look at it while you’re double checking if we got all details right”. Naoto nodded and mused to Kazuki how those were the orders.
“Let’s get to it, Kazuki-san. Sooner we’re agreeing to their excessive documenting on events, the better chances are on us catching next train to Numazu Station.” With a resting bitch face, the other Shirogane leaned on the other’s shoulder and tried to limp towards the nearby building as quickly as possible. Naoto did her best to ignore the reluctance of her twin and how they both needed to play the part of professional male detective prodigies until this case was over.
Though, for now the biggest strike to both of their ego was that if not for the “cheap” tactics that guy would’ve gotten away and Kazuki would most likely complain how the ankle would be in the way of playing billiards to unwind from work against Yakushiji or her twin.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
Naoto in the twin AU w/ @chibitantei be like
Naoto: I am older than you, so of course I am worried on you. Kazuki: Naoto, nobody cares if you’re one second older than I am. We’re both short detectives and people mix us up anyway.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 3 years
@chibitantei​ replied to your post “Naoto is lacking Naoto is lacking 1) willpower 2)...”
*hands her sister some spaghetti
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“Extremely funny, Hayato. I may have been hungry but only spaghetti isn’t going to be a fully functioning meal. A source of protein like fish or meat is missing: only eating carbohydrates isn’t a smart idea from any standpoint.”
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thedetectiveofinaba · 3 years
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Today on how I can & will meme on my biased verses (and get my daily reminder on why I am gay for Naoto, the P4DAN sprites are godtier): this thing is because @chibitantei​ reminded me of the Cooler Daniel meme :) Hayato would claim Naoto is the cooler Naoto btw 
Liz I dare you to add your version to this, it’s a meme-off on how bad shitposts on Naoto can get and how the twin AU we have is great to write 
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thedetectiveofinaba · 3 years
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@chibitantei​ said: "Oh, you should have let it squirm." — from TwinAU!Hayato
NCIS — Season 2   {Sentence Starters}
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Naoto looked amused at what her twin had said after a sparring battle. Opposed to her slow and steady killing she’d gone straight for the heart and disposed of the opponent who had stunned her for a moment - and this had caused a comment from her dear twin? Color her surprised of this. “Hayato, I didn’t know that you had a sadistic streak over defeating Shadows. I’m not blaming you for that, though: they are great stress release,” 
She didn’t even mention how she might’ve said that to lessen the body count number they always seemed to compete over in a light-hearted manner.  
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thedetectiveofinaba · 3 years
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"If it comforts anyone in this situation, my twin Hayato is incredibly bad at accepting compliments and always turns them to a direction of 'no you're better than me because you seem more professional'. I have seen this situation earlier with both her and her Shadow Self and can assure you that yelling isn't a solution. I'd go with a string of hidden and clear compliments to confuse them."
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thedetectiveofinaba · 3 years
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@chibitantei​ said: Looks Like They Could Kill You and Could Actually Kill You (from twin AU!hayato to naoto)
“Uh... I suppose that it is fitting, considering how my close-to explosive temperament and words as harsh as you can imagine coming from me. That, and I’d really consider pulling a stunt which is close to the law if times required me to do as such.” She didn’t have the heart to tell Hayato she might’ve assumed she might’ve reflected on her own mindset to this since she knew damn well she wasn’t able to actually take a life even though she had one Hell of temperament. 
She preferred words and harsh trusth compared to physical violence, and might be capable to cause a wound by words only. But killing a person without remorse? Hell no. She had way too much emotions and understanding on how actions had consequences to deal with that kind of torment.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
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@chibitantei asked: !! - twin AU edition
Send ‘!!’ and I’ll write a three para description of your muse from mine’s perspective
Twin AU - Naoto & Hayato
Naoto didn't at times have any clue on how her twin was tolerating her when she was either acting like the big sister of the two or when she let her temperament show way too clearly. She acknowledged clearly how the age difference was only a second but the tendency to look after her and ensure nobody would hurt ot roast her twin on her watch had stayed for at least six years.
It would be a miracle if at least her Shadow Self mentioning this hadn't bugged the other already. One of the few reasons she had told it to shut up was this one in particular since she'd never think that sort of thing about the closest family member to her who she'd always take a hit for.
Hayato was always the one to tell her to calm down, to react less and to have the nerves of steel, while most likely wanting to tell her sister to shut up and leave her alone for some time. She didn't know when this chain - or her self-deprecative comments on her social skills - would stop for good but at least shd was trying for both of them.
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