#tw: mention of homophobia and racism
terfism-unmasked · 1 month
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it's interesting how someone was literally pointing out how her "feminism" is entirely performative and even at that it relies on utopian and impossible ideals so it's just a pretense for her to do absolutely nothing to actually help people and somehow label it feminism regardless and her response was "yaassss!". presented without comment
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onlytiktoks · 9 months
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feeling rly unsafe 2day, but it's specifically bc of being a trans guy, i keep seeing stuff from cis women abt how men r always the worst and how men hav a duty 2 make their lives revolve around women or else we're sexist, how apparently men need 2 all b willing 2 lay down their lives 4 any woman or else we're just as bad as the creeps who make ppl feel unsafe 2 go out at night and yes i said people not just women but they only want 2 acknowledge it when it's a cis woman that's the victim
i did not fucking sign up for this
i did not fucking sign up 2 sacrifice my life either literally or thru dedicating my life only 2 others just because the pronoun "he" fits me better than the pronoun "she"
i should not hav 2 worry that im an inherently bad person because of being a gay trans man
i should not hav 2 worry abt being perceived as a threat bc of being a queer man of colour
i've honestly started to hav thoughts abt de-transitioning not bc being a guy in the way i am doesn't fit me but rather out of fear of the scrutiny every action of mine will b placed under
i was sexually abused as a child but i guess that doesn't matter anymore because im a man now, boys don't cry they punch ig, apparently since im a man now it means im destined 2 become that which hurt me
all i want is to be a man, in a nonbinary way yes but still a man (demi-guy), i want to love men who love me back, i want to live a quiet life surrounded by love and happiness, i want to live a gentle life
but no.... because im a man now then apparently it must make me predatory in some way
i can't de-transition... i know i wouldn't survive emotionally... so i stick with it, with allowing myself to be a demi-guy.... but it hurts knowing that me being free is perceived as dangerous, that im seen as inherently a threat to women
edit: so a terf started clowning this post, just 2 make this shit clear, this is not a fucking debate blog this is a me posting abt my feelings blog, i would've thought the url "my-traumacore-sideblog" would've made that clear
also no racism and sexism is not the same thing
yes women face oppression at the hands of men and should be allowed to talk about it but men also face oppression at the hands of women and should be allowed to talk abt it, 4 men who r not in a minority group this is usually in terms of legal stuff (how r*pe is legally categorised, custody disputes ect) but this is even more of an issue and more every day when it comes to men in marginalised communities, yk like me, yk like what i was venting abt in my fucking post i should b allowed 2 talk abt my own oppression 2 and acting like me venting abt my own oppression in a post tagged as a vent post on my vent blog makes me the same as my white oppressors is not only terf shit but also racist and it shows a lack of political literacy, a woman has just as much capacity 4 violence as a man but a queer man of colour is seen as inherently violent and a white woman is inherently seen as always being a victim but ur ok w/ these white women using that power of perceived vulnerability 2 call 4 violence against queer men and men of colour and especially queer men of colour just say u want cis women klansmen and leave im not backing down from talking abt my own oppression bc of white woman tears
anyways person who clowed is now blocked so don't bother trying 2 respond 2 my edit
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Remember: white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, nazi ideology, terf ideology, etc. isn’t “just another view”. It’s hate. It’s violence. You do not have to listen to hate and violence. Nobody should listen to hate and violence.
You shouldn’t have a debate over your own human rights.
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a-sip-of-milo · 10 months
"Reverse racism/heterophobia/cisphobia is a thing nowadays"
Meanwhile, racism, transphobia and homophobia has always been a thing. That's the difference.
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
tw for fatphobia, racism, slurs, sexual harassment, death threats, homophobia, and harassment in general. This is extremely disgusting and discretion is advised. I can’t believe this troll had the audacity to say any of this
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also them:
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hm. I wonder why.
just block and report this person in hopes that they can get removed from tumblr please
Also support the original cars blogs they’re reblogging from and spread some positivity to them
(Also, these might be a bit difficult to discern from which is the actual post and which is the screenshots, and I apologize for that)
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nataliaheels · 1 year
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Tumblr please do your thing <3 This person has harassed me and my friends like this since February. We’ve all blocked them more than 10 times. They’ve called us every slur in the book. They keep making new accounts. They usually have the word spooky or goth in their user and they like to hang out on tumblr live. Thanks for reading pls comment any information you have on this person
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queerbauten · 6 hours
Western Joost fans when the Europapa Guy doesn't hate The Bad Europeans™ (Russians):
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cedar-sunshine · 6 months
Hey man I was thinking about that Really Cool Social Group/Totally Not A Cult that you've been telling me about. I'm kind of interested! I think I might join, can you remind me how all that stuff works?
of course!! (For context to others this relates to the cult in Star)
Prerequisite 1) be a hardcore extremist Christian who thinks all non-christians and queer people/poc/disabled people should die a violent death
Prerequisite 2) have been in the cult before the apocalypse happened, preferably born and raised in it but if you convert completely and give the church all of your belongings and money and give up your identity and individuality they might be chill with that
Prerequisite 3) be willing to violently murder anyone who disagrees with you/watch the priest violently murder anyone who disagrees with him/be violently murdered if the priest disagrees with you (or if you get sick)
Prerequisite 4) think chasing a couple traumatized trans guys around the wood with weapons is a really cool way to spend multiple years (god stuff yk)
Have fun!
(To be clear I don't think badly of Christians in general I'm just not in favor of organized religion in general if you don't think Christianity is the most likely religion of a religious apocalyptic cult please. Go touch some grass for me)
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just-antithings · 1 year
Do antis have any fucking idea how many people's parents, co-workers and especially fucking bosses are just straight-up homophobes and transphobes and racists and shit?
They want people to be hate crimed.
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hussyknee · 1 year
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What the FUCK @staff???? You're platforming Qanon propaganda now???
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squaloropera · 9 months
alright, I was originally gonna make this as a comic but I’m really busy so I can’t manage that. I swear, this is my last anti-fujoshi post and then we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled inane nonsense.
firstly, I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they dislike the term ‘fujoshi’ to describe these people because of its misogynistic origins. I find this to be reasonable, so I will be referring to them as maiali pervertiti instead. It’s Italian! Hope y’all like it xx That out of the way, let’s begin.
I have put real, genuine, actual research into this. I scoured maiali pervertiti blogs to find their arguments, their mindsets, their justifications. As far as I could find, there are four main arguments. These being the following: ‘It’s just fiction, not reality’, ‘Hating us is misogynistic’ ‘hating us is transphobic/homophobic’ and ‘hating us is racist’. I will be unpacking each of these, looking at them from both perspectives, and explaining why exactly they’re flawed perspectives. Hopefully, a properly researched and informed take on this will help to clear the waters.
Let’s start with the first take. The ever-quoted ‘it’s just fiction, not reality’. This is an argument you’ll find in a lot of places, mostly in any place which is in support of questionable things being treated as erotic. Pro ships and pro-shippers also love to tote this. Now, on its surface this argument seems logical. However it starts to fall apart when you think about it critically. When we consider how the brain works, you’ll see what I mean. To be concise, the human mind slowly accepts things the more it’s exposed to justifications for them, regardless of how reasonable those justifications are. It associates a bad thing with ‘but nevermind, it’s fine’ and you stop feeling shame or regret over time. This is why you’ll often see lolicons say downright atrocious things about child characters- they’ve justified it for so long that they don’t see a problem with it.
Now, on the ‘it doesn’t affect reality’ claim, let’s look at other groups for this. Think about how many studies have been done saying that men who watch rape porn are more likely to become rapists. Think of all the people raised on the ‘I can fix him’ mentality on tv growing up to get in bad relationships or romanticise abuse under the idea that they can make an abuser better by loving him. It’s no secret of society that, actually, fiction does affect reality. The most concise, albeit silly way I’ve heard it put was ‘But you’re still jacking off to it. It’s affecting your dick and balls’. And I think that sums it up.
Next, let’s look at the ‘If you hate us you’re misogynistic’ claim. The mentality behind this claim is that women in Japan were referred to as ‘rotten girl’ for liking yaoi and bl, and to continue that rhetoric of not liking them is the continuation of misogyny. Again, this is a take that seems logical right up until you pick it apart. First we have to understand that the reason these men were calling these women rotten was because they disapproved of them exploring their sexuality and reading erotic content at all. They don’t hate women for reading gay porn, they hate women for reading porn period. The gay people criticising maiali pervertiti on tumblr aren’t hating them for the same reason. We don’t hate you for reading porn, read all the porn you’d like, we just want you to stop fetishising us. The difference is in the context; the men who were shaming Japanese women were shaming them for exploring their sexualities, were shaming you for treating an entire minority of people like they’re a porn category and for spreading gross, abusive content of mlm because you think it’s hot. It’s also important to note that Japanese women mostly started reading yaoi and bl because of the culture toward female sexuality in Japan. They couldn’t read erotica of straight couples, or they’d be seen as perverts. They couldn’t read wlw erotica, or they’d be seen as lesbians and shamed. Their only option for exploring their sexuality became mlm erotica. You, Lindsey from California, do not share this same issue.
Next we have the ever-irritating ‘If you hate us, you’re a transphobe’ argument.
*deep, deep sigh*
stay with me, fellow trans achillians. We can get through this. This argument is based in the idea that transmascs, specifically mlm transmascs, might read yaoi to explore their genders through sexual content. Unfortunately, exploring your gender through erotica and having a fetish are two different things. I personally did explore my gender through gay sexual content. Mostly fanfiction and mental fantasy, but with the odd fanart or comic sprinkled in there for flavour. The difference is that I never had a fetish for it. Most maiali pervertiti seem to argue with a very subtle straw man by implying that reading mlm content is the same as reading the gross rape porn yaoi that ‘fujoshi’ spaces are steeped in. This is not the case- there is a clear divide. I personally consumed actual, healthy content of gay sex. To go further with this argument, I actually think it’s actively harmful to perpetuate the idea that young trans people struggling with their gender should be exploring it through the things that are spread in fujoshi spaces. I’ve read some pf this stuff mostly by accident or against my will and that shit should not be associated in a young trans person’s mind with their gender. It isn’t safe.
Next we have ‘it’s homophobic to hate us’ which is definitely. A take. The rhetoric here is that by hating on the fetishisation consumption of yaoi, you’re really just hating gay men.
this is just… can I drop the nuance voice here? It’s bullshit. It’s gross bullshit. Gross, steaming, cowpat bullshit. Okay, nuance voice back up, let’s explore. maiali pervertiti, please understand that it’s mostly gay people who don’t like you. This is, again, a straw man argument. They’re trying to yell homophobia so they can ignore the real criticisms. The problem isn’t the homosexuality, my dear sweet perverted little fucking weirdos, it’s the rape porn and incest and abuse. Just read normal fucking mlm content I’m begging you.
Finally, we have the ‘it’s racist to hate us’ argument. This is an example of what I like to call ‘the firemen diversion’. This name comes from an example where a person might take the statistic of their being higher fatality risk the more firemen walk into a burning building, and then using it as an argument to suggest that it’s dangerous to call the fire brigade if there’s a fire. There’s a tiny nugget of reasonable argument in there, but it’s backing up a complete and utter bullshit lie.
This is basically what this argument is. The idea here is that the term ‘fujoshi’ was originally a reclaimed slur, and that westerners are changing it to degrade women again and are therefore misunderstanding the actual language behind it.
Now, this is based in a little bit of truth. Westerners do, in all fairness, misunderstand the term. I can’t speak for the reclamation of the slur, considering how I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that the way it’s used has been quite incorrect a lot of the time. That’s the true bit. The rest of the argument, however, is nonsensical. While yes, some people misunderstand the word ‘fujoshi’, it doesn’t mean that the criticism of the culture (especially the culture in the western world) is racist. Please, don’t cry racism when you see people asking not to be fetishised. You will end up making the actual movement against anti-Asian hate crimes (which have increased in recent years, need I remind you) look less credible. Once again, I am asking allies to shut the fuck up talking for the minorities they claim to represent while being batshit insane x
TL;DR: no, it is not misogynistic, racist, transphobic or homophobic when gay people tell you to stop fetishising us. Stop arguing straw men and just take accountability.
Also, maiali pervertiti are the female equivalent of straight men who watch lesbian porn. But somehow worse. That’s all, have a good day.
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slopdoughnut · 29 days
I'd you are aroace + any other sexuality (aroace lesbian for me) unfortunately you are not allowed to exist bc one random person on the internet said so, sorry people turn in your sexuality permits
I would like to thank the people who have followed me, allowing this person to find me. The Deadpool and Wolverine movie bc that's what the post was abt. My own sexuality. And the invalidating, bi-phobic, racist, man hating, ass that gave me a good chuckle when I woke up and then promptly gave me the experience of euphoric bliss blocking them <3
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
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WHY do people keep commenting shit like this on my bisexual bob video. like thats not even TRUE @ the second comment There is no homosexual yaoi art of bob and teddy kissing (but there should be more imo) and that would not drastically change how the writers wrote for this American Animated sitcom even if it did. NONE of his gay scenes in that video being w/ teddy. HE CALLS TEDDY HIS FRIEND IN SO MANY EPISODES??? THE FOCUS OF THE VIDEO WASNT EVEN HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH TEDDY
no fucking clue what the first comment was about but it went on like that for about five more paragraphs. no idea if it was supposed to be homophobic or anti black lives matter or pro black lives matter??
deleted both these (and many many more homophobic or problematic comments) but not before replying this to the second comment bcuz it was truly so incredibly stupid. enraged. THE VIDEO DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE ROMANTIC SCENE WITH TEDDY AND BOB OF WHICH THERE COULD BE MANY. and the racism of saying its all r34 asian/japanese artists shipping bob and teddy??? thats not even true. did they get lost on the way to a south park fandom video
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anti--transid · 1 year
If we're allowed to ask, what's the worst radqueer label you've seen?
Trans'OMAP' (offending map), TransNazi, TransNeoNazi, Transrapist, Transracist, TransMurderer, Transaddict, Transtransphobic, Transhomophobic, Transabuser, and more that i can't remember
-Kismet/Esther/2eer, he/they/it
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Explaining everything
To those who have seen the posts a certain user has made about me and my gf @itsbarnaby, I'm just going to give you both of our sides of the story.
My side
Basically, @/the-pinkest-bunny-ever messaged me, telling me that she was going to hunt down and kill Juliette and I for both being female and dating each other. She then goes on to harass us in several different posts she made, and then when she said she was finally leaving Tumblr, I was happy for a while, but I really should've known that it wasn't going to last too long.
@itsbarnaby's Side
If you're following my gf on Tumblr, you'll know that she has posted a post talking about bunny threatening to sue her. And to those who don't know, my gf is 17, and Bunny is 20. Basically an adult threatening to sue a minor. She ALSO tried to get a lot of my other friends involved, like @yourdearestmailman, @bea-joyful, etc.
What is happening now?
Like I said, Bunny threatened to sue my gf, but she also acted racist towards @bea-joyful. Telling her to learn proper grammar while English isn't her first language. It's honestly disgusts me that she has reached this low.
Bunny, if you're seeing this, GET OFF OF THE INTERNET. WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE.
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