#tw transmisogny mention
stars-and-soda · 6 months
Oh btw plaidos has a history of being racist, when poc were upset that a lot of people only started to talk negatively about Harry Potter/JK Rowling when she began targeting trans women and not the racism in her series, she accused them of being trans misogynistic and said that people had these discussions for years (when that was part of the point. That poc have been saying that for years but it didn't make JKR a controversial figure or anything)
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draconifay · 9 months
Ngl as an abuse victim i hate this idea radfems and terfs spread that men are these "Vile, Disgusting, Ireedeemable Monsters by Blood whose chromosomes make them Evil by Default"
Aside from the ways they use it to justify their transphobia / transmisogyny, it's also an extremely flawed and harmful way of viewing things. Not only is it not fucking true because A.) Even if the patriarchy lets male abusers slide a lot of the time, there are plenty of non-shitty men out there and plenty of men who are willing to learn to be better, and B.) There are plenty of men who have been abuse VICTIMS and making this implication that they're doomed to be like their abusers is an incredibly cruel and anti-recovery thing to do. Not only are you hurting victims - you're also not helping stop abuse at all.
That, and: it leads to this implication that women, by contrast, are "Weak, Demure, Confused Little Creatures who can Do No Wrong" which, aside from how infantilizing that is, makes it seem like women are incapable of causing harm to others - which is ALSO not true. Everyone is capable of being incredibly cruel if they're not careful, and that includes women. And spreading this idea that women are "weak little creatures" not only harms abuse victims who were abused by women by delegitimizing their experiences- you're also giving a free pass to female abusers to not change and keep being shitty people. Not only that, but setting this precedent that they can do no wrong and that they will be protected just because they're women and their abuse is "not serious" (just look at the way authorities handle abuse cases where women are the perpetrators. So many times they don't take it seriously at all. It's vile.)
Abuse is a choice - it is not ingrained in someone's DNA. And making steps to improve yourself is also a choice. And, once again, everyone has the capacity to hurt others whether intentionally or unintentionally - which is why we have make the choice to be kind and make things better. You are not helping anyone by putting people into a box because of circumstances out of their control, and you are CERTAINLY not helping abuse victims nor are you helping women by saying "X gender are Monsters By Blood and need to all die"
(Don't even get me started on how their "evil by their DNA" rhetoric can so easily bleed into eugenics and this idea that certain people are 'undesirables' because of their DNA. I see so many ableist terfs who use disability to hurt others so it doesn't surprise me how their bigotry bleeds into ableism, too.)
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pointless-discourse · 5 months
hs diet/cooking skills headcandons :3
what would they eat. i prommy im not scrambling for ideas, i am being fully genuine when i say i think about (the majority) of these a lot. disregarding my trans hcs for consistency and to try to reign in my fanon perception and keep it at least semi-accurate
content warning for disordered eating
eats very well, if a little heavy on the sweets just based on how many are in his vicinity. his dad loves baking. there will be baked goods. despite how sick he gets of sugar, he's gonna nibble.
however, i'm sure his dad knows how to cook and passed that onto john, at least how to follow a recipe
i think john would be a recipe follower most of the time tbh
living with nanna on the ship wouldn't significantly alter his skills
maybe with all that free time he'd start to improv more in the kitchen?
anyway, he is a good cook and is probably going to end up cooking for his disaster friends a lot because he is a charming young man
well not really? like he'll be on it in a pinch if he's asked too, or immediately reminded that his friends can't fucking cook, but she, in typical egbert fashion, will remain doing her own thing a lot of the time
charming young june gets tradwife'd ig
fuck i transed her . oopsie
we've seen that his fridge is full of smuppets and he hides his food, so his stash is small and is made up of foods that don't need to be refrigerated
texan heat is def a catalyst for that rot
his stash is also made of cheap, low quality food, because i doubt he's getting a lot of money
just an assortment of non-ingredient food like apples and mcdonands
this is on the hypothesis that bro gives dave food money or dave's somehow monetized his skills
if bro is providing this food, it's probably semi-often paywalled behind weird shit or swordfights
TLDR: he likely doesn't have a consistent supply either. enough to sustain some muscle so he can live up to what we've seen in comic, but he's underweight
you think he'll learn to cook on the meteor? wrong. why learn to cook when you can alchemize? what's the point of alchemizing the ingredients for a PB&J and then assemble it when you can just magic up a sandwich?
he cannot cook. he will burn the water. the only appliance he can use is a microwave, and that is iffy in itself because, until he gets the hang of it, will leave a slightly lukewarm hamburger in there for ten minutes
plants. a lot of plants.
freshest thing near her. everything else she has to get through the airplane mail.
she'd forget to eat for a day or two, and then wonder why she's so hungry and then eat enough to feed a family of three. horses. three horess
she lost her grandpa at a young age and then was raised by a dog, so i doubt her eating habits are completely normal
she eats like a dog. jade does not use silverware because she does not like doing dishes. all food is finger food if you're not afraid.
what she eats is of very high quality. if she remembers to eat and can prepare her food correctly, she'll do fine.
on that topic, she's not a bad cook. her chem know-how would help her estimate what would work. but she's never had another person interact with her cooking, so it's lacking a lot of stuff.
research can get her cooking close to the real thing, but it's still mediocre. she doesn't even know what she's missing, because she's never known anything else.
she has a lot of weird tastes that can only come from an insane amount of time to kill. i'm talking mustard everywhere.
john and nanna might be able to reign her in a bit? they would definitely help her improve her cooking skills. watching her eat, there would still be something off about her.
however, she can cook for herself, and it tastes kinda good.
like john in that she had someone there who would cook for her.
mom lalonde is very absent, but she's still on top of things. she responds to rose's notes. she vaccums. she would still cook for rose on a regular basis, give or take a few off weeks.
that cooking would not be good, because she's wasted whilst making it.
even if the food was good, rose wouldn't admit it.
she often makes a show of pecking at her food, but still eats.
unlike john, mom never showed rose how to cook. rose never asked.
when she gets to the meteor, like dave, she alchemizes all the food she needs. there has never been a reason for her to learn how to cook.
she could probably put effort in and, with strife, successfully follow a recipe, but she is a horrible cook. she does not understand it for the life of her, and she won't until she studies it
she'll master it. eventually.
like june. their upbringings are very similar.
one exception is that she cooks more and is a much better cook than she is because jane genuinely cares about it.
she also has some mad pastry skills.
jane can make macarons.
she would attempt to teach her disaster friends to cook, but would quickly lose patience.
and then she would try to cook for them, but get sick of it a meal in. they are very picky and her temper is not long
survives purely off rations/canned food
again, dave's food is fuel mindset extends to him and he can stomach a lot of "gross" things, like an entire can of peanut butter. i may have mentioned that before, so i'll give you some PD lore. i have eaten an entire jar of peanut butter out of hunger and i think about that event a lot because it was not nice for my tastebuds
however, i think as a control freak he would be adamant about his food schedule, even mathing out the amount of calories he would need to consume for every meal proportional to what he does in a day
and then a half-hearted attempt to balance out protiens, fats, minerals, and the other stuff
he is very adamant about his schedule and consuming the food he needs to survive, but that schedule is fucked
ex. 3 cans of canned peaches for breakfast at 3:50 in the morning. two large, burnt mutated fish for dinner at noon. no lunch. or eats half a can of peaches for the twenty hours he is awake in a day.
he can cook, as in prepare meat to be consumed alright. it's edible, and it's not that bad. but he is assed at combining ingredients. he cannot create something successful. all his food tastes like shit because he does not pick up on taste. though, i believe if he was cooking for someone else, he could set aside a few days and come up with something that's high-tier in the mediocre range.
he eats only the meat of the beasts he's killed. he has scurvy.
he is a good cook (in the sense that he can competently prepare meat) though, and genuinely cares about the quality of the food he makes for the sake of his taste buds, and cooking is something he can get lost in
however: he has insane tastes. he is an expert in preparing food in this hyper-unique way that he is insane for but is absolutely disgusting to anyone else
ex. after years of eating similar tasting meat, he was motivated to use seasoning. he does not own seasoning. he is going insane and cannot eat the same thing again. he uses dirt. tastes bad, but god he is dying for something new after x years of eating the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner. he continues to eat it because he cannot eat unseasoned meat anymore and repetition-causes-complacency's himself into genuinely enjoying the taste of dirt.
dirt is just the tip of the iceberg
jake is also unintentionally bulking (bodybuilders eat a lot of meat to gain muscle). he eats a lot of protien. however, he hasn't herd of the concept of 'cuts' (where you stop eating as much to let the muscles show) so he has a bit of a tummy
but also, he's sixteen so he's not a fridge. i also don't see him as that tall (huss draws him as shorter than dirk anyay huehuehue) but he has muscle if you look. twunk if anything
genuinely horrid diet
so zoned out and depressed she barely recognizes her own hunger and even then has no drive to do anything about it
will eat sugary stuff for the happy chemicals
roxy is the one trans headcanon i have where i am completely unable to distinguish it from canon
she is trans in my head. that is as much a part of her to me as her love for cats is
anyway like a lot of trans women she's pressured to be petite and small in her portion choices so even when she has the drive to eat i dont think its a lot
because of her likely not weighing a lot shes a lightweight
part one million on how is roxy not dead yet
and as expected, she cannot cook
she also has some really weird tastes
she is really good at baking a few specific sweets that she eats on repeat (with a lot of recipes from jane)
once she enters the medium and works on her drinking problem i think her eating problems would also get less intensive
not drinking as much she has to face her hunger more
and being around jane, a big gal, face to face, i think that would do something to her idea that to be a woman she has to be small
troll rations
not only is he poor so no money for all the nice stuff i also dont think troll society has a big focus on cooking
their only main professions are military based and art doesn't seem to be a big focus, just a highblood thing
again probably some nasty cheap ration bars that keep him alive
but i do think he eats regularly and normal amounts, he has that fighting spirit to stay alive and get stronger
but yeah i don't think troll society would require you to put a lot of effort into culinary stuff. but he can prepare the food well
the meteor inspired no one to cook, but he'd get the hang of human food and probably enjoy it as compared to tasteless lowblood troll slop
humanstuck karkat is a kid chef. he is so fucking good at cooking. baking too.
mmmmm yummy troll slop
same as karkat
ghost aradia didnt need to eat anyway so i doubt that would've affected her diet habits
same with got tiger aradia? don't think she would bother with it, too much else to do
but once she starts hanging around in the dreambubbles, exposed to non-troll slop cusine, she'd have a fun time trying to learn how to cook and delight in all those new flavors
then when she gets to earth c she's a good cook who loves cooking
i dont have any headcanons fro tavros because is hate him
sorry tavros fans
uhh he probably eats POOP!!! and LIKES IT!!! because he TAVROS!!!
troll-slop-enjoyer, but also likes aradia's cooking
humanstuck sollux survives purely off doritos and g-fuel
utter chad
survives solely off the giant beasts she kills herself
ripped yet still small and nimble
her diet is entirely protein
no troll slop for her
unfortunately for her, this means missing out on non protiens and fats
nepeta has scurvy
humanstuck nepeta is less feral and also eats cute japanese cat themed sweets
dont know if it was stated in canon but she would garden alongside eating troll slop
yumy blood
roses blood
you would not believe it from looking at her but humanstuck kanaya eats a lot of spicy food and has a horrifically high spice tolerance
she's also pretty good at cooking, mediocre at baking
?????? chalk???????
hopefully alongside the slop
either that or troll chalk is really nutritious
despite technically being a highblood i doubt she'd engage in their fancy food
she eats to survive, not for the taste
she may have access to higher quality sludge though
i think this part of her would persist, but she does love june's cooking
pure, distilled protien and milk
so much milk
its not 2%, not 3.25%, it's 100% milk
he suckles it straight from the moobeast teat
it is really weird and he does not get invited to parties
humanstuck equius's diet is 1/4 food and 3/4 protien shakes, bars, and the like
he'd probably also be like those bodybuilding influencers who eat eggs raw or camel nutsacks
similar to roxy in that he's too checked out to remember to eat
but what he does have as a highblood is insanely high quality
sober gamzee does not require any sustenance to survive in a similar fashion as to how he got shot down by caliborn and was fine afterwards
humanstuck gamzee can bake. he cannot cook. he has the diet of an insane college student, ramen cups interspersed with weed brownies
occasionally he gets the munchies and eats enough to feed four full grown goku
i like thinking that someone realized he wasn't doing alright tried to help him, maybe roxy? in a universe where he didn't get lil cal'd
only the finest fish food for him
he dines like a king
he projectile vomits when in a 50 mile radius of the sludge
agile, but weak
doesn't cook, has other people do it for him
humanstuck eridan has a private chef and is offended if you expect him to cook for himself
finest fish food for her, dines like a queen
but also attempts to live like the normies once and a while
and take a bite of the (highblood edition) slop
humanstuck fef also has a private chef but helps out in the kitchen from time to time
gonna b real dawgs, i cannot concieve of the dancestors in this manner. peace
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iwas very uncomfortable during Chapter 13 of Jojolands but because, as someone who's been on such type of situations (though not in the same particular way Dragona was) it felt, in a odd way, like someone understood what the experience was and wanted to put it out in paper for others to have a aight into qhat a lot of people are forced to endure for no other crime than existing in a particular way
I think this is the "absurd" Dragona refers to, she didn't do anything wrong (using She because i feel certain now that she's a trans woman after this chapter), she just wanted to live her life in peace, yet was othered and antagonized and hurt for no fault of her own, the worst she did was accidentally hit someone with a volleyball, but it's heavily implied by her talk with Jodio that this has been going on for a good while now.
I firmly believe that, the "breaking of her heart" Dragona talks of was her will to live, and it made my heart stop to beat when, as i read, i realized that, had Jodio not intervened, Dragona might have turned suicidal, or st lesst apathetic to being alive, and i think that might be one of the reasons Jodio becomes so protective of her.
But Jodio was there, he stood up to one of the only three people he assumedly genuinely cares for, he showed Dragona how much he does care and love her, and that was what she needed to just miss the hand of darkness gripping her into worse.
I understand the criticism some have given this chapter but... from my personal perspective, as a queer woman, this was like a hard pill to swallow that Araki thought was necesary for people to start considering given the state of Trans safety and rights right now all over the world, let alone general rights of any memeber of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color and more.
From my perspective, i felt validated in my suffering, and had in a weird way, confirmation that what happened to me was real, and it was as horrible as i remember it, and it wasnt me just making a mountain of a molehill.
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queerbauten · 4 months
It’s strange as hell seeing nominally trans-inclusive sapphics online embrace compulsory heterosexuality uncritically as a concept, as though it wasn’t developed by a woman everyone would otherwise dismiss as a TERF
It’s not surprising, given how much TME anti-transmisogyny is purely performative, but still, it’s strange
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chasersofficial · 19 days
The only cis woman I ever dated was "on break from women" because her lesbian feelings made her feel predatory. And it's like, I'm woman 💁 But she did defend me when the guy giving her coke tried to convince her that I was predatory.
Small win
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brettdoesdiscourse · 2 years
T/rfs: Having a period is an integral part of womanhood! Trans women will NEVER have a period because it's an inherently feminine thing! Periods are some of the most feminine things and you'll never have one.
Trans women: Periods are so tied to womanhood and I missed that seemingly universal feminine thing when I was growing up. So now that I'm out, part of me wishes I could experience that.
T/rfs: D:< Periods are bad!! Do you think they're GOOD? That we want them???
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punkpuppylove · 2 years
i’ve only seen this once but it was still so upsetting i had to make a post about it. but Hey, maybe Don’t tag posts where you are trying to honor a murdered trans women with “terfblr” or “terf safe” or “radfem” or anything else like that. do not invite and call in people who are going to hate, shame on, and degrade the death of a trans women who was the victim of anti trans violence. she couldn’t get safety and peace in life and now your calling on humiliation in death. your not being an ally. your not being respectful. your not making a good memorial. just...what the actual fuck.
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beesbutreal · 1 year
terfs will always say shit like "well I've never actually been assaulted by a trans woman but i know it happens sometimes" like okay. i have been assaulted. i have been discriminated against. i have been harassed by random men on the street. i have been disowned. these aren't just some stories i found in the daily mail. these are things that happened to me and nearly every other trans woman i have ever known. trans women have the capacity for violence in the same way every human being who has ever lived has the capacity for violence. the difference is when one of us happens to be a bad person all of us get blamed for it because of the "violence gene" or whatever.
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gizdathemxel · 3 days
a really interesting thing abt male (and I suppose female) socialization is that there’s a difference between being a ‘boy’ and being a ‘faggot’. i read this really wonderful post by a trans woman who remarked that the privileges and the prestige that comes with being a boy/man are revoked when you stop ‘being’ a boy/man’ and start being a ‘faggot’. ik a lot of terfs when they use the “male socialization” talking point dont spot that being seen and respected as a “man” is a VERY conditional ordeal. there’s still a smidge of privilege but it’s HEAVILY overshadowed by the presence of severe homophobia and transphobia (i believe this is also a form of transmisogyny but idrk).
you only receive the benefits of ‘manhood’ if you are always a ‘man’ with not even a shade of ‘fag’
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sapphicpoetspost · 2 years
when a man identifies as gay, people don't typically ask him "well are you also attracted to women?" yet frequently lesbians are expected to have some kind of attraction to men. it's exhausting
I feel like lesbophobia is often at the intersection of misogyny and homophobia. and that's not talked about enough. also I'd love to learn more from transmisogyny impacted lesbians about how transphobia intersects with lesbophobia, and amplify those voices!!
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antiship-bad-takes · 2 years
Don't call me a fucking terf read my reblog you chose to ignore fuckstain. I said I'm inclusive of all lesbians in my separatism -Goddess
Then learn what a lesbian separatist is if you aren't actually a terf, or just admit that you're a terf using an outdated label for terf so people aren't as likely to call you on it, terf
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ceooflamp · 3 years
Okay so I'm seeing a rise of a very particular type of posting lead by TMEs that's really getting under my skin and i want to address it. I am TME myself so i can't speak for people affected by transmisogyny, but I feel like i should say SOMETHING at the very fucking least.
Okay so i keep seeing a term called "Transandrophobia" thrown around and i guess it seems inconspicuous (it really isn't though), but then it's usually always paired with "transmisandry" which literally doesn't fucking exist for one, but for two it insinuates that TMAs are oppressors of TMEs which is not the case.
Discussing the demonization of masculinity and perceived masculinity or misogyny they experience is something that many of these TMEs focus on too, but they do it in a way that completely leaves TMAs out of the discussion despite TMAs being specifically effected by BOTH of these things.
I don't want any transfems to get harassed from this post, so I'm making sure names are not mentioned. I will however not blur out the blog who made the post. At this point i know you all don't really go out of your way to harass TMEs in these situations also this person is very much a perpetrator of transmisogyny so I don't feel the need to.
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[ID: Tumblr user transgentleman-luke says "So are we ready to talk about transandrophobia being encouraged by big-name transfeminine authors yet? Censored name's latest essay was pretty decent- until she decided to include the hashtag #NotAllTransGuys in one of her paragraphs, in which she insinuates that trans men speaking about their experiences with misogyny are being transmisogynistic by… speaking about what we have faced." There is a screenshot of the transfem's article it reads "understandable (if infuriating) that some trans male/masculine people may play up their female socializations and the misogyny they've experienced in the past in order to cast themselves as victims of the patriarchy, without realizing that this particular framing insinuates that trans female/feminine people are the patriarchy" End ID]
I'm not going to spend the rest of the post using screenshots of what he (the Tumblr user) said because he goes on for the whole post focusing on this one paragraph because this transfem author didn't word some things right. But literally all the author is pointing out is that TMEs often use what misogyny they have and do experience to completely disregard transmisogyny or act as though they are just as effected as TMAs by misogyny which is very much not the case. And to top it, yes TMEs do insinuate that TMAs are the patriarchy just because TMEs are effected by patriarchy too. The term transmisandry being used alongside transandrophobia makes that very fucking evident, because misandry is women holding power over men, and therefore this frames TMAs as the oppressors. And so does transandrophobia.
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britishdisasters · 3 years
This is such a controversial take but here we go!:
Whenever I see someone defining a lesbian or lesbian attraction as “women and non-binary people” or “nonmen”, I have a lot of questions as to the true meaning.
Does your “women and non-binary people”/“nonmen” include AMAB non-binary people?
What about butch presenting trans women?
Does it include AMAB non-binary people who have chosen not to medically transition?
Does it include AFAB non-binary people who have chosen to do a “full” ftm transition and now have what would be considered “male” bodies?
Does it include masc-aligned non-binary people? What about masc aligned AMAB non-binary people (demi-men and such)?
Does it include AMAB non-binary people who choose to present in a traditionally male way?
How do you feel about trans men? Does how you feel about trans men depend on if they’ve medically transitioned or not?
A lot of the time it feels like when people say “women and non-binary people” what they really mean is AFAB/“female” looking people.
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(This ask has been edited to remove the link to the video, which was echoing triggering, misogynistic, and transphobic rhetoric surrounding menstruation and pregnancy.)
Dysphoric culture is?
Sorry but mod is confused. Are you cheering because you found out you can develop amenorrhea (not menstruating and therefore infertility) through extreme exercise and weight loss? Because that is dangerous and nothing to cheer about. Do not try it.
Also, this a horrendous video. It's a woman saying that menstruating and bearing children are essential parts of being a woman (which is bad because it excludes cis women who don't want to/can't do that, plus trans women and some intersex women who can't do that). The comments section is even worse and full of transphobic rhetoric referring to trans women as 'not women' and AFAB trans people as 'lying/self-hating women'.
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If ur a trans exclusionist ur not a feminist
Terfs aren’t feminists
If u disagree then just fucking get off my blog or block me or something, i have had enough of horrible trans exclusionists pretending to be feminists whilst being complete dicks to trans women and saying they’re ”just trying to protect biological sex” fuck you
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