#tw people stuck in 2021 that thinks its quirky to make 'revolutionary take' about a problem that mirrors real world issue
sethdomain · 5 days
dont tell me u saw that fucking aspd c!Tommy analysis and the post where they called him a sociopath too because I've been pissed about that take for months now. I get that c!Tommy struggles with empathy at times or at least struggles showing it but he does not lack empathy entirely
THE POST SUCKS SO FUCKING ASS, its clear the OP has some fucking weird bias againts ctommy and lacks basic media literacyyy honestly i would usually just go "smh stupid take i bet this person love twink sexy cdream" and mind my day. But if you fucking put a constantly demonized personality disorder on the line for your stupid analysis im fucking pissed as fuck.
AND YESS c!Tommy literally has empathy ITS SO DOGSHIT the post literally DISREGARD, take MANY CONTEXT OUT OF EVERYTHING for the sake to make c!tommy look like someone devoid of humanity, aka booo scary pshycopath! boo!
Also i swear to god c!drm apologist be also inputting every goddamn boring lore that i do not know of, like god man ok sorry i didnt know ctommy farted on badboyhalo that procceed to fucking kill his yearly annual crops, have you considered that maybe theres a reason why people do not acknowlege those stupid lore that mainly just consist hinjinks and pranks because most if not its just him being a swiper the fox villainy on ctommy parts or its literally just miscallenous stream.
c!drm apologist continously being delusional over their faves being this anti-hero that want to save the server will always be funny because c!drm as a character is also as delusional as them.
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