#turbo u egoistic shithead why can't u be nice for like 5 seconds
blastedroads-a ยท 12 years
Well, that wasn't very nice! Rancis huffed, folding his arms a little. "You've heard of me, then? I'm pretty good at racing too, you know," the boy mumbled. "Of course, I don't think I could match up to you, but I'm gonna get there some day, maybe. Gotta aim high and all that, right?" Letting out a bit of a hopeful grin, he couldn't help but glance up at Turbo again. If he'd known Turbo was still up and running, he'd have dropped by the Game Central Station far more often.
.... Wow. This one was actually a lot nicer than he expected. A grin cracks in response. "Ehehe, yeah sure kid, keep tellin' yerself that. Whatever floats yer ice cream float, but uh, spoiler alert: y'won't be able t'match up ta me! Hate ta break the news ta ya, but I'm just unbeatable. Maybe you'll come close, buuuuut nah, nobody'll ever be at MY glorious level!"
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