#tsuzuru writing kumon and chikage's roles: (pen on fire)
asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Seasonal Event - Anniversary Game: Episode 9
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Izumi: (It’s almost time for the performance to begin, but Azami-kun and Kumon-kun…)
[Door clicks open]
Kumon: Sorry we’re late!
Azami: We made it back in the nick of time!
Hisoka: Welcome back, you two.
Izumi: We’ve still got time, it’s okay! Thank you for handing out flyers.
Izumi: (After the rehearsal ended, the two of them ran out in their costumes in order to hand out flyers and attract customers.)
Tsuzuru: Sorry, it feels like we left everything to you two.
Kumon: Not at all!
Azami: We’re the ones who said we wanted to do this. If anything, we left all other preparations up to you guys.
Azuma: Fufu, don’t worry about it. More importantly, it looks like you have no leftover flyers.
Kumon: Yeah! I guess the costumes really caught people’s attention, and the passersby’s reactions were really good!
Chikage: Here, have some water.
Kumon: Thanks!
Azami: Thanks, I’m parched.
Izumi: (They act like it’s nothing, but I’m sure handing out flyers till they had none left was difficult.)
Chikage: I made another announcement on our site and social media and uploaded pictures of the outdoor stage while at it.
Kumon: Nice going, Chikage-san!
Azami: I think lots of people would want to come see this after looking at these posts.
Azami: Wait, we don’t have the time to be relaxing like this. I gotta fix our makeup.
Izumi: Are you ready?
Azami: Yeah. All set.
Izumi: On to the stage you go, then! Break a leg, everyone!
Hisoka: Thanks. We’re off.
Izumi: (Woah, there's even more people than I imagined there would be here!)
Izumi: (Some people are holding the flyers Azami-kun and Kumon-kun gave out… Ah, and there’s the person Hisoka-san played chess with.) 
Izumi: (Everyone’s individual efforts have led to this moment.) 
Izumi: (Chess Garden... Here, it’s a country led by the brothers Red King and Blue King, who inherited it from their father, the First King.) 
Izumi: (But the two kings’ personalities are complete opposites, so they fight every day...) 
Red King (Azami): “You whine about every little thing, you’re so damn annoying!” 
Blue King (Hisoka): “I should be the one saying that. Just looking at you irritates me.” 
Red Bishop (Azuma): “Your Majesties, I bring grave news!” 
Blue King: “What’s all this ruckus about?” 
Blue Bishop (Tsuzuru): “The citizens... they feel suffocated in this country because of the rift between its leaders...” 
Blue Bishop: “A petition has been delivered to the castle, demanding some sort of action to be taken.” 
The Kings: “W-What did you say!?” 
Red King: “To think we’ve upset our precious citizens so...” 
Blue King: “We’ve made our beloved people feel like this...” 
Red Bishop: “Your personalities might be full of flaws, but both of you truly care about your citizens.” 
Blue Bishop: “That’s true...” 
Blue King: “The fact remains that our faulty personalities are what causes everyone’s anxiety...” 
Red King: “Then, we should decide who is most fit to be King...” 
Red King: “... Through means of battle!” 
Blue King: “That’s fine by me. The winner will be declared True King and rule this country.” 
Blue King: “The loser King and his subordinates will be completely obedient to the new King.” 
Red King: “Hah, that’s exactly what I want.” 
Red King: “The battle will take place three days from now. Us, the Kings, along with our Bishops and Knights, will do battle in front of our citizens...” 
Red King: “The first to win two battles takes the crown!” 
Red Knight (Chikage): “We have the physical advantage; we will not lose to them.” 
Blue Knight (Kumon): “Hmph. There’s no way they can match our brain with their brawn.” 
Izumi: (And on the night of the day the battle was decided...) 
Red King: “I will definitely be the victor.” 
Blue King: “No. I will.” 
Red King: “My subordinates, just like me, are strong people confident in their physical prowess. Your feeble subordinates have nothing on them.” 
Blue King: “You can say whatever you want. My subordinates are as intelligent as I am. We have no intention of losing.” 
Red King: “Well, this might not be entirely possible but... How about we settle things with a chess match, should the battles between our subordinates have no victor?” 
Blue King: “Fine by me. On the off chance that happens, I’ll checkmate you in the blink of an eye.” 
Izumi: (The two kings make a promise, and 3 days later, on the day of the battle...) 
Blue Bishop: “First, the Knights... will compete in a chess set maintenance competition, to see who can take care of the sets more quickly and efficiently!” 
Red Bishop: “So, a battle that will test both alertness and skill.” 
Red Knight: “Of course, I have mastered not only the sword, but also maintenance. If you’re going to surrender, you should do so now.” 
Blue Knight: “In order to efficiently clean up a chess set, you need knowledge of both the materials and shapes of the pieces. This battle is an easy victory for me.” 
Red Bishop: “Both seem quite confident. Are you ready?” 
Red Bishop: “You may... Begin!” 
Red Knight: “Haaaaah!” 
Blue Knight: “*putting things in place quickly*...!” 
Red King: “As expected of the Red Knight. What speed! What dexterity!” 
Blue King: “The Blue Knight is conscious of what’s more efficient. His dexterity is also brilliant.”
Izumi: (The Kings and the citizens are both left impressed, and even though the battle is close, the Red Knight loses in the end.) 
Red Knight: “Ugh...!” 
Red King: “Impossible! How could this be! The calculations must be wrong!” 
Blue King: “Haha, this is the logical result.” 
Izumi: (The next competition is a quiz battle between the Bishops, regarding their knowledge of Chess Garden and chess as a whole.) 
Red Bishop: “... Correct. So, you can precisely remember the moves of the pieces from famous past games... As one would expect of you.” 
Blue Bishop: “I suppose so... Well, here is the next question.” 
Blue Bishop: “The specialty dish of this country’s previous head chef was...” 
Red Bishop: “A soft stew with plenty of warm, sweet potatoes!”
Blue Bishop: “... But what is the special ingredient the chef put in that stew?” 
Red Bishop: “Wha...” 
Red Knight: “Wh-what a difficult question. If anything, this is simply you being a food junkie!” 
Blue Knight: “If the Red Bishop can’t answer this, we will be the first to two victories...!” 
Blue Bishop: “So, what will it be? Can you answer?” 
Red Bishop: “...” 
Red Bishop: “... Damn it all! ... Don’t move!” 
Blue Bishop: “!?” 
Izumi: (The Red Bishop, on the verge of losing, suddenly takes out a knife and takes the Blue Bishop hostage.) 
The Kings: “...!?” 
Red Knight: “You...!” 
Blue Knight: “Hey, calm down!” 
Red Bishop: “I don’t want to see the Red King lose because of me.” 
Red Bishop: “That’s why, I will bring victory upon you, even if it means killing him!” 
Blue Bishop: “H-Hiiie..!?” 
Red King: “Wait, Bishop! You are taking things too far!”
Blue King: “Calm yourself! Why would you...” 
Red Bishop: “Don’t get any closer, either of you!” 
Red King: “Either of you!?” 
Blue King: “Are you forgetting your place!?” 
Red Bishop: “If you get any closer, I will kill him and then myself!” 
Blue Bishop: “U... Uuuu.. I’m done for...” 
Red King: “I would have never expected... The usually gentle Red Bishop to resort to such violent measures...” 
Blue King: “I would have never expected... To see the usually calm Blue Bishop so scared and anxious.” 
Red Knight: “My King, what are your orders!?” 
Blue Knight: “My King, I am at your disposal!” 
The Kings: “...” 
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