#trying to end this like slaps my kyeboard like seal and hopes it reads half decent
nuclearanomaly · 2 years
16 - Deiform
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wc. 716 | Bloodborne AU | brief mention of @blackestnight​ ‘s Hanami
Grant us eyes, so we may see.
Estinien had taken to avoiding Oedon Chapel at the best of times. But with the night deeping and their group now whole they needed a place to talk about… everything Aymeric had rightly pointed out that the chapel was the safest and most well equipped place to do so. He couldn’t argue this fact, not without appearing insane anyway. Afterall, no one else seemed to see the looming figure clinging to the building’s side. 
As they approached he tried to look anywhere but at it, yet it drew his gaze as always. It was huge with its long almost spider-like arms, bent up at unusual angles as it clutched the side of the chapel. He was sure that as their group approached it turned its long porus head to watch them, tentacles writhing slowly as it did.
Estinien shuddered. 
“Something wrong?”
Prying his gaze away from the… thing, he looked down. Ninira had appeared at his elbow. It was impossible to know where exactly she was looking thanks to her mask but her head was turned as if she was looking in the same direction he had been. Though she was obviously not looking at the thing, no one ever saw it. 
“It’s nothing…” He mumbled. Shifting his spear in his hand as they approached the chapel steps. Focus on the door, don’t look at it. He thought to himself, but failed as once again he gave an apprehensive glance up at the figure as it loomed above them, closer than ever.
“The Amygdala won’t hurt you.” 
He blinked looking back at Ninira. There was no questioning it this time, her head was clearly tilted back as she looked up, directly at the creature.
“The what?”
She lowered her gaze, head tilting slightly. “The Amygdala. Forgive me I thought you were looking at it as–”
“You see it?” He hissed, interrupting her. Grateful that Aymeric and Hanami had already entered the chapel ahead of them, allowing him to discuss this without them overhearing. 
“Of course.” The matter-of-fact way in which she replied almost made him feel more insane. Since the day this Amygdala, or whatever it was called, had popped into existence he’d found himself alone in the knowledge of its existence. Time and time again he’d wondered if it really was there, or if it was just some blood addled part of his mind conjuring up sights to drive him even more crazy. Ninira hadn’t been there when he’d first started seeing things. By that time she had already been inducted into the high ranks of the Church so he’d been unable to ask her about it… if he would have even had the courage to do so. The one time he’d tried the bewildered look on Aymeric’s face had made him silently vow not to speak of it again. 
But now Ninira was back, and could apparently see the thing clinging to the side of the chapel.
“It’s always been there.” She informed him, “just not many have the privilege to see.”
He swallowed. “Always?” He had hoped that maybe it had only appeared because the Hunt was drawing close that it was some kind of sign.
“Always.” She looked back up at the Amygdala, the smile on her face almost affectionate. “The Great Ones have bestowed upon you the gift of their knowledge, the ability to see the truths of the world. You should feel honoured.”
Great Ones? Honoured? 
Footsteps echoed by the chapel steps as Aymeric reappeared in the door. “Estinien, Ninira?”
Ninira turned her gaze towards him. “Coming!” She responded as she brushed past Estinien. 
Estinien gave one last glance up at the looming Amygdala. He had not asked for gifts and sure didn’t feel honoured. 
“You can take your gifts back” He hissed, but the creature did nothing to acknowledge his words.
Clearly if he wanted more answers he would have to get them from Ninira. He turned to follow after her. She knew more, more than she had already shared, and more than he could possibly know. Though the interaction had left him with more questions than answers he could at least feel solace in the single fact that he was no longer the only one who saw the twisted beast clinging to the tower in the Cathedral Ward.
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