#trying not to give in and just make a character one bcz that'd be easier
Alrighty so I've pretty much made it an unspoken rule that I make an edit of a fandom I'm currently in with training wheels by melanie martinez
Ever since I started making edits I stg every single fandom I've been in that I've made an edit for has some kind of training wheels edit. First Danganronpa, then OMORI, then Eddsworld, then Inanimate Insanity. And it makes sense actually--training wheels is my favorite song to ever exist I love it so so much <3
So now I'm in the THSC fandom so I gotta make an edit with the song. Only thing is I dunno what the edit should be. A ship edit or a character edit? Bcz I've made 2 ship edits and 2 character edits with the song so far, so THSC will have to be the tie breaker.
There's not a lot of options for ships bcz most popular thsc ships (except for like rosemin and stickvin) don't have any screen time😭like bro how am I supposed to make a curtisson ship edit if they're not even in the same room during the game. There's not a lot of scenes with them in general either so I don't think I could make an edit with just Sven or Burt (unless I snatch fanart or use the same picture over and over again which I'm not gonna do LMAO)
Character edit might be easier tbh--there's more options there. That being Henry, Charles, Ellie, RHM, Reginald, Dave, and maybe Rupert bcz they get a fair amount of screentime throughout the game. The question is though...who? Hmm...I'm leaning more towards one of Triple Threat or Dave bcz the thought of the other three in a training wheels edit cracks me up so I probably wouldn't even be able to make it properly PFF
I'll have to think on it more--probably go for the easiest option bcz I haven't edited since like November 2022
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