#trust me if there's a musical abt angsty teens i have pirated it
blankvort · 5 months
ok i know im probably asking too much of you and your abilities but now i want to know your favourite song from spring awakening!!!!
this may have been obvious from my mentioning of it in dms but don't do sadness/blue wind my beloved!! the dark, intense strings that you'd think would be saved for a villain song creating this foreboding feeling. the mutinous punk rock clamour morphing into something that seems both too full to contain and incredibly empty. the way the music after the line with summer wind in it borrows wendla's simple, sinking sound from the start of mama who bore me and probably a bunch of other songs i'm forgetting which again sets up super interesting parallels between melchior's best friend and his love interest. like you can tell Something Bad is going to happen to both but it's during don't do sadness that the discomfort truly boils over into doom and nothing is going to stop moritz from literally blowing his own mind, not even ilse singing the most haunting lyrics in the whole show. she's trying to save him by telling him that blue wind/sadness gets so lost but he's the blue wind! in his mind he's already lost! and then them singing together at the end is so satisfying to listen to which is awful because the song then ends so abruptly and then you see the gun and then asldkjasldjadja. this is less than coherent but in conclusion characters who are active suicide risks <3
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