{ S E R I M N E }
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NAME Serimne
TITLE Lord of Nightmares
AGE ???
SPECIE Fallen Muse
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Evil
"You, my beloved, are not immune to emotions...no one is.
And as long as even just a miserable shred of pity and remorse remains in your frail soul...
I'll be superior to you."
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Serimne has fallen.
Malevolent, theatrical, megalomaniac, mischievous, obsessive, manupulative.
A sadistic puppeteer that moves other people's strings, dragging them in the most gruesome, tragic and tremendous situations. All to try and satisfy his unquenchable thirst for something more, something stronger, more intense, more amusing...something that could make him finally feel fullfilled.
A fallen Muse that inspired artists and poets, now plaguing them with endless nightmares and unspeakable horrors.
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" The choices i made gave life to this monster. And now...the only thing left to do for this wretched fallen Muse...is to fall even deeper. "
{Powers and Abilities}
After his Fall, Serimne became a being powered and sustained by negative emotions, first influenzing poet's minds to inspire something beautifull, now manipulating other's nightmares to instill terror.
Serimne has the power to enter other people's minds and nightmares, influencing someone's toughts and fears. He gains power by absorbing the negative emotions of his victims, and in order to lure them to him, Serimne often stipulates pacts and contracts with mortals, offering his tremendous power in exchange for a stable source of "food". And when he has to forcefully bring out someone's fear to feast on his emotions, he aids himself using another ability of his that allows him to manipulate shadows. This way he creates nightmarish creatures, often altering his own appearence too, to instill terror in every one around him.
He does this to keep himself strong and powerfull, but...mostly to keep himself entertained.
The world is a stage and the puppeteer can't wait to move his strings to create the most dramatic, terrifying and tragic stories for his amusement.
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#trikomics = For all of my drawings
#trikOC's = Everything related to my OC's
#Saint Seiya Fluffy AU = All about my Saint Seiya furry designs
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