#travel year in review
llondonfog · 6 months
i have not forgotten about diasomnia month i promiseeeee
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gifjakes · 8 months
I’ve been silent for a while - it was a busy but adventure filled Autumn and end of 2023.
Meetup in Porto, followed by an extra week in Spain that culminated in me playing acting like I was in the Vuelta and breaking a thumb in a bike crash. Then it was off to be in my friend Visrut’s wedding and some time with family on the east coast. I spent only 5 days in my own bed in September, exciting and terrifying at the same time.
Seattle autumn was abnormally dry so I got in a lot of biking and hiking in October and November before the long damp dark finally settled in over the PNW.
December resulted in more travel - I was in France for a week again which was a much less planned vacation that was super relaxing and enjoyable, and back home to see family once more.
The new year finds me back in my old haunts, entrenched in my usual ways - skiing and playing in the snow that took way too long to arrive on the Cascades. I’ve already been down to eastern Oregon once this month and will be back in a week for more mountain time.
This seems to have gotten kind of long, but that’s usually what happens when you’re tired and ready to ramble. Nonetheless, I just wanted to say thanks to all my friends, family, coworkers and any other cool people I’m grateful to have met or gotten to do cool things with in 2023. You all are really what it made it great. I hope 2024 is much of the same in that sense. See ya around.
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sonictoaster · 9 months
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Travel: 2023
Two family trips to the mainland this year: California, Oregon, California again, and Florida.
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boyruggeroii · 1 month
I might actually find enough articles to write a systematic review instead of a tesi compilativa??
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Media I Experienced In 2022 That I'm Thankful For
It's certainly been a big year in a lot of ways, and everybody makes sure that everyone else knows that, mostly through top lists and favorites and stuff like that. But I'm not good with favorites or Top 10s and the like, so I prefer to do things a little different. I want to take a look back at the year and look over the animanga that I was really thankful to have experienced this year. Fair warning, there's a lot of reading to do, sorry!
Jujustu Kaisen 0
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I remember this movie clear as day, come hell or high water I was watching it. It was a cool spring afternoon, I had to reschedule some meetings with professors and even skipped a class so I could drive 20 minutes to go to a theater that was showing it, and I even left early. Of course my luck, a huge traffic accident happened on the highway so there was a massive delay. Do I stick it out or fly down the back roads hoping to make it? Without somehow getting a speeding ticket I made it to my seat in the theater right when the movie started. It was incredible, beautiful even. King Gnu's song for the end credits sticking in my mind even as I went to peruse the bookstore next door with everyone else that watched the movie. Certainly something I'll remember for a very long time.
Heike Monogatari
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Initially, I don't even remember if I was going to check this one out, I only really ended up watching it because a mutual name dropped it saying I would like it. They were absolutely on the money. Such an emotional and modern approach to a traditional and incredibly classic story, Science Saru really outdid themselves. Whenever I think of this show, I think of the prayer to the fallen that ends the series. It's just so incredibly beautiful, it's hard not to get emotional when watching/listening to it each time, or reminiscing over the series in general.
⚠️Warning: Video Contains Spoilers From End of Series⚠️
Sasaki and Miyano
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What a lovely slow burn romance this was. I don't think I really had any sort of expectations for it, but once I got into it, I fell in love. The characters are all so unique and varied, and they work wonders in tackling the endless angles of same-sex romance, both from a personal and exterior perspective. It just sort of opened my eyes to the genre. I never had much experience with BL beforehand, and it doesn't really have the best connotation within the community, but this does wonders to change your mind. It's so fresh, and open, it gives you an entirely new perspective that Rom-Com watchers most likely do not have. Just a lovely approach that compliments the romance and comedy wonderfully.
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
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I was feeling very burnt by My Dress Up Darling's approach to a rom-com in the Winter season, so I was originally loathing Shikimori for how "popular" it'd become because of Shikimori. Morbid curiosity deemed that I at least check out a little bit of it and I was stunned. Everything that I despised of Dress Up Darling was rectified here. Warm and positive relationships, more than just the main characters, actual romance and development, hurdles, challenges, the triumph of youthful optimism. It's an incredible blueprint for a post-get together rom com. Izumi and Shikmori aren't just lovey-dovey, they don't get focused on alone, the romance has its challenges and steps forward. It was a shock, I really was shocked. And now I have all the volumes out in English on my shelf. It restored faith in the "traditional" rom com, it was such a breath of fresh air in a very much bogged down genre.
Shadows House Season 2
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This was more so awe. They changed up the ending for S1 in case it didn't get greenlit for a second season, and they kept expectations for it very low. I was stunned when they announced the second season, and was so incredibly excited to get it in Summer of this year. So more than thankful for what Shadows House itself did (though it's an outstanding mystery series), I'm much more thankful that it got its second season (and I'm hopeful of a third!).
Call of The Night
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Yeah, I might be pretty critical on the adaptation for stuff like voice actors, its average creative output, and how much important content it skips, but I'm still thankful for it alongside the manga this year. Some truly incredible character moments in the manga in regards to Ko's development and emotions. It's a beautiful series that takes a look at love and life from an entirely different angle than the norm, and I have to be thankful with the anime encouraging so many people to pick up the manga. And as always, if you want an idea of what the series is like? Listen/look at the lyrics for the song by Creepy Nuts where Call of The Night gets its name from.
Akiba Maid War
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The dark horse of the season, if not the year for me. An Uramichi Oniisan experience, where I saw it and thought, "Well, what's the harm in checking it out?", before being blown away by comedy, action, and camp in equal parts. It's a stellar tale of creativity and passion run wild that results in a compelling and helplessly engaging series that feels criminally underappreciated by the community for what it does. Anime Originals have been really rough, but this Fall 2022 season has given me so much faith via stories like this, or DIY!!. Just a moment of restored faith in the creative process outside big names and big productions, a reminder that creativity is still capable of appearing from anywhere and that it doesn't take a hail mary to get surprisingly good series.
Bocchi The Rock
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I mean, is this any surprise? Bocchi The Rock quite literally rocked the world of viewer's. It quietly appeared to be scheduled for the season, and after that first episode finished, it was pandemonium. Bocchisweep has trended on platforms like Twitter several times over, and it even toppled the most anticipated anime of the season (and perhaps even year) in overall rating (8.85 for Bocchi and 8.82 for CSM at the time of writing this). It's a beacon of hope to the measure of creativity and freedom in the medium, and for that I'm ridiculously thankful for what it came in and did in 12 episodes flat.
Our Not-So-Lonely Planet Travel Guide
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I was getting very tired of the traditional lens of romance and rom coms at the start of this year, so finding this manga alongside Sasaki and Miyano was really a blessing. Adult characters, a mature look at romance, and worldwide travel? It was really great catching up with the 2 volumes currently released (Vol 3 in 2023!), and it brought forward some great thoughts and approaches to LGBTQ+ romance through its main and supporting characters. Plus? It made full use of the locale to sell the story aspect and even inject some beautiful value about the wonders that the world and its people have to offer. Easy recommend to anyone looking for a nice take on romance that doesn't feel inherently gimmicky.
Nightfall Travelers Leave Only Footprints
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You might be thinking, "wow, that's a pretty cover", and you'd be right.... but also wrong. The actual art of the manga is even prettier. It's stunning. It's so unique and incredibly creative.
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I'm very much an impulse buyer with manga, and this ended up being one of those volumes. I saw the art and a brief synopsis, and as weird as it sounds, it was love at first sight. The concept was wonderful, discovering the beauty in horror and deepening an emotional and curious bond. It really is a one of a kind story, and along other very niche and off-color series like Sheeply Horned Witch Romi, is a reminder of the awe-inspiring work that waits patiently to be discovered still.
Everybody always says, "Oh this is gonna be the best year for manga! X is going to give us the greatest chapters of the series and this new (and often times generic) series Y is finally dropping!". In a way, they're not wrong, but I feel like it's a misconstrued reason for their hype. Comparison. Everything is compared to something, everything has a sibling that everyone wants it to perform better than, an author that has to one-up their previous work in every way. It's suffocating, especially with the incredible desire for people to rank and compare things in the first place. The reason each successive year is "going to be better" isn't because of some objective reason, it's because of everybody's perception of it. It's another year that you get to immerse yourself in the hobby and medium, another year that you get to set out and discover new series, new authors, new approaches and genres. It's another year of falling in love with all sorts of things. And I remain incredibly thankful for that opportunity. For all the weird and wacky series that I get to place on my shelf year after year, all the new and unique authors that become staple of my collection, the new genres and expanses that continually widen my horizons.
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mariathemillennial · 11 months
Abroad in Japan: Ten Years in the Land of the Rising Sun | Book Review
Are you looking for the right book to prepare your trip to Japan or have you already visited the country. Then you would probably love to read this humour filled memoir.
I have been searching for the right book about Japan even before I visited the country. I wanted to read something that would prepare me for my trip, and after my visit, I wanted a book that would understand my experiences there. However, such a book was hard to find. Here and there I read some interesting articles or found some valuable information in a book, but it was never really complete or…
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postalninja · 9 months
ask meme! :D
favorite character to write about this year a fic you didn’t expect to write
Just answered the "fic you didn't expect to write," but as for favorite character I wrote this year? My heart says Osvald V. Vanstein. He was my main character for Octopath II, and yes I will admit that I am slightly in love with him, but something about him just gives me the warm fuzzies, so I really enjoyed writing him (even though his role in the two fics I wrote were vastly different from one another)
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mytravelpov · 9 months
Another amazing year filled with adventure.
I've gained so much confidence throughout the year, I've planned a whole 2 day trip to Paris, I went on my first solo trip to Birmingham and managed to get lost and unlost in London.
I've been to London for 4 special occasions
× 10 years of learning Korean
× Hallyu Festival
× Disney Exhibition
× comic-con
I even got to stroke some Rhinos and fed Leopards
I've learnt that if nobody wants to do something then I can do it alone, but I've yet to gain the confidence to travel to Europe (Eurostar) alone but I can kinda feel myself getting there...slowly.
Let's see what 2024 has to offer me!
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nintendowife · 9 months
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My Nintendo Switch Year in Review 2023 is here!
My first game played in 2023 was Jump Rope Challenge.
I played 14 total games.
I played 433 total hours.
I played the most in January (62 hours).
My most played genres this year
RPG (51%)
Training (16%)
Narrative Adventure (13%)
Action (9%)
Boxing (6%)
Adventure (5%)
My most played games this year
Octopath Traveler II (129 hours)
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea DX (83 hours)
Piofiore: Fated Memories (57 hours)
Overall it seems like I haven't played that much on Switch this year. I find the hours I've spent on Octopath Traveler II hilarious - I've played it for over 120 hours and I've only finished 4/8 of the characters' stories. I've tried to solve all the side quests on my own and I haven't consulted guides, I've just gone with the flow and explored, so that might explain it.
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thethinkingman · 10 months
The photo album on my phone generated this year in review video. It pretty well sums up the year.
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vikktoriouxgames · 2 years
Octopath Traveler 2 is one of the best JRPGs I've played in my life.
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Octopath Traveler 2 is an instant classic, monumentally fantastic JRPG, and I recommend it on the same level that I recommend Final Fantasy 6 and Golden Sun. It is Amazing, however I can see that there is still room for improvement.
Octopath traveler 2 is better than Octopath traveler 1 in every single aspect. Dialogue, voice acting, writing, combat, exploration, items, world building and cohesion, connective plot, Characters, the literal only thing I can't bring myself to say Octopath 2 did better is the music because the music is absolutely amazing in both titles.
Most of the character's stories (Hikari's sucks) are actually interesting and compelling plot lines that made me want to see them through to the end. The connective tissue between these character's stories is much more present and makes them feel more tied together. There are a lot of very subtle references to things that occur in other character's stories or the places they go that make them feel like they're actually happening in the world. There much more character interaction, having 4 additional mini stories featuring groups of 2, and a lot of travel banter that is actually quite relevant and worth paying attention to. Towards the end of the game however we get to see all 8 of the characters interact and sadly it made me realize that if they could have had something of that level throughout the rest of the game it would probably be the best RPG I've ever played.
The combat is similar to the first game and you'll find no complaints from me there, I loved the flow of combat in the original. However, to freshen it up there is this new layer of strategy with some more mechanical depth that is very welcome. Every character in the game is given something unique to them and it just works, it's great!
The first game left me with a sour taste in my mouth at the ending because of how unresolved everything felt, but thankfully they were able to wrap things up in a MUCH better way. When I finished the first game I never wanted to play another game made by this studio again. I'm not quite sure what got me so excited for this one, but I'm glad I decided to give them another chance, because now I can't wait to see what they make next.
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rusted-phone-calls · 1 year
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Do you think I can ignore the instructions. And not write about one single scene but like the whole movie.
If you couldn’t tell which film I was gonna write about, it’s before sunrise. Which I absolutely love. Which I cannot disrespect and write just one scene because this movie flows as an experience as a whole and cannot be separated into scenes. So like. Do I beg future English teacher not to hate me or choose something else.
I think as long as you include 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 evidence you'll be fine? I refuse to believe that just because you write more than a scene they would discredit the entire thing. Especially if you write it because you are way too good at writing for that
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alienaiver · 1 year
i forgot to pee on the good train's toilet before changing to the other one :(
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rosemaryhelenxo · 2 years
RHXO Tips - Destination Hotspot - The Algarve
The Algarve region in Portugal is a stunning and vibrant place that should be on everyone’s bucket list. From its beautiful beaches to its delicious cuisine, the Algarve region has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing beach holiday or an adventurous European escape, the Algarve should be your next stop. In this blog post, I’m going to run through the five reasons why you…
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misusyaya-vlog · 2 years
Revenge Travel || My Year 2022
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
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I posted 1,137 times in 2022
That's 811 more posts than 2021!
193 posts created (17%)
944 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,115 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#ateez - 350 posts
#fic rec - 252 posts
#gif - 236 posts
#yunho - 114 posts
#mingi - 114 posts
#video - 97 posts
#gender neutral reader - 96 posts
#seonghwa - 80 posts
#i love laughter - 77 posts
#kpop fanfic - 77 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i like this idea because i have a lot of things that are just a scrap of dialogue and probably won't go anywhere but can always be revisited
My Top Posts in 2022:
Three Guys and Your Underwear
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
Yeosang is your boyfriend. Seonghwa is your roommate. Hongjoong is your best friend since preschool. One day you came home to find all three of them hovering over your dirty laundry basket inhaling the scent of your underwear. Can they explain what they were up to in a way that makes them completely innocent of doing exactly what they were caught doing?
2.5K words, Content note: gender neutral reader referred to with they/them pronouns, underwear sniffing, innuendo laden but still probably squeaks by for all tumblr using ages
There were three perverts standing around the laundry basket in your bedroom. Huddled together, your best friend Hongjoong, roommate Seonghwa, and boyfriend Yeosang had been sniffing away at a pair of your underwear. They were so engrossed that they apparently missed your greeting called from the front door on arrival. When you announced your presence in your bedroom doorway Hongjoong screamed and as a group they shot about six feet in the air being caught at their activity. Seonghwa looked guilty and Yeosang froze. You stared at them and they stared at you.
Bordering on yelling, nervously Yeosang claimed, “We can explain in a way that makes us completely innocent of exactly what it looks like we were doing.”
“Okay, try me. Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like.” The trio audibly relaxed a little until you narrowed your eyes and amended, “But make it believable.”
“It isn’t, I promise,” Seonghwa pleaded.  
You snorted. “Isn't what it looks like, or isn't believable?”
There was laughter at your comment. Yeosang cut it off quickly at your look though. He could be bold sometimes, but was not a fool.
Ever the rules lawyer, Hongjoong hedged, “What does it look like?” His attempt at innocent doe eyes did nothing for you.
You took in a deep breath while pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’m going to say this nicely on the very slim chance there truly is a reasonable explanation for you three to be standing beside my dirty laundry and huffing my underpants, but what is going on, guys? You need to tell me, now.”
See the full post
51 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Looking for something else to read?
Here are the masterlists of some of the K-pop fanfic writers I enjoy on here. Search their name on my tumblr to bring up fic reviews for that author.
All Tumblr Using Ages:
Blossom-hwa Masterlist, ATEEZ, Golden Child, Stray Kids, The Boyz
Catboymingi Masterlist, ATEEZ
Mingtinys Masterlist, ATEEZ, BTS, NCT Dream, Super M
Sorryimananti-romantic Masterlist, ATEEZ, BTS, Red Velvet
Thexautisticxkpopper Masterlist, Block B, EXO, GOT7, NCT, VIXX
Theaufanartist (Flashing GIF) Masterlist, ATEEZ, BTS, SVT, Stray Kids
Twancingyunhao Masterlist, ATEEZ
Warmau Google spreadsheet Masterlist, ATEEZ, BTS, NCT, Svnt, +
Wooahaes Masterlist, Golden Child, Seventeen, Stray Kids, Treasure
Writersrealmbts Masterlist, BTS, GOT7, Monsta X, NCT, Stray Kids, TXT, VIXX
Masterlists with at least some 18+ Material:
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59 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
The Quest to Fit Yunho
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
319 words, Content note: gender neutral reader, size references, hands
“My boyfriend, he's big,” you confessed in a whisper.
The woman you were speaking to encouraged you to tell more. “Go on, what else?”
Keeping your voice low, you added, “Well, Yunho's fingers, they are so large. It is a tough fit. Sometimes the stretch is too much.”
She gave a sympathetic nod, “I see.”
“I want to succeed where his previous partners have failed. He just wants to be able to slide his fingers in with ease. It seems like such a simple thing that would make him so happy but I need help.” A sad look crossed your face. Pleasing your boyfriend meant the world to you and this was something you had been trying to solve for quite a while now.
The lady was reassuring. “Maybe they gave up too soon. I believe I can be of assistance.” You smiled gratefully hoping there was a solution after so many attempts and false leads. “No matter his size, we do have models to fit in many colors,” she continued. “Let me bring you the extra-large range and you will be able to take something home for him today.”
“Thank you so much,” you gushed, “Yunho will be very happy when he opens his present. He has always spoken of wanting driving gloves but nothing at the market stalls ever fit. Driving gives him so much pleasure but in these colder months he complains. As often as he praises the seat warmer, he wishes the steering wheel had the same feature.”
The saleswoman beamed behind her counter, pleased to have helped. “It is a good thing you came to this department store then, isn't it? Once you decide on a pair I will wrap them for you.”
Purchase complete, you headed home smiling to yourself knowing how thrilled Yunho would be slipping on the first pair of gloves that actually might fit since reaching adulthood.
62 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
A Birthday to Remember
An ATEEZ Seonghwa x Reader fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
Seonghwa has purchased an adult toy for your birthday and is eager to help put it to use. If the night goes as he hopes, he will be playing with you for a long time.
1.4K words, Content note: Gender neutral reader, humor
Seonghwa knows what you want, knows how to please you. For weeks he has been keeping it secret but tonight he will reveal all. You have been dating almost a year now and he wanted to mark the occasion with something really special in honor of your birthday and he had just what you had been longing for. He understood you were curious if you were up to the challenge. The thought of getting to be the man who provided this first in your life left him restless and eager to get on with the evening.
He could see the excitement when he whispered in your ear what his plans were once he took you home. Tonight you would go all out and try something new. It was difficult not to speed through the rest of the meal in anticipation over what was to come. Your face displayed such open desire and Seonghwa could not help but feel an equal interest.
Abandoning plans for dessert, the bill was paid quickly and you rushed to his car. Looking for all the world like two young people in love, for that’s what you were, you kept glancing at each other and grinning. Once home, he escorted you to the bedroom where he presented you with the gift. From his hints at the restaurant you already knew what you would be getting up to and it had you salivating. Kissing him passionately before unwrapping, you marveled once you saw it in person. “I had no idea it was so big.”
“You flatter me,” Seonghwa laughed, “it is not like it is The Titanic.”
“It practically is.” Tracing the outline you couldn’t help but gasp as you took in all the details. “And so hard!” Although you had not opened the large box yet the picture on the outside told you a long-held dream was about to come true. Tonight you would enjoy an 18+ toy you had your eye on from that special shop you liked to browse together. “Seonghwa, I can't believe you. You spent a fortune on me!”
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67 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ATEEZ Reaction to Your Chest Being Uneven
A gender neutral fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
The reader has been hiding from their romantic partner the fact that their chest is more developed on one side than the other. I present one way the members of ATEEZ might react. This is not smut but instead written to be reassuring from someone who has the experience of visible asymmetry and it has never been an issue.
432 words, Content note: some are lightly suggestive but still rated safe for all tumblr using ages
Hongjoong would deliver a chaste kiss above each side when you confess your anxiety about being uneven to him. Hongjoong then would promptly fall asleep on your chest and much later wake up, happy to be there no matter how great your disparity.
Seonghwa would insist he is not with you for your body but for your personality. “No matter what, I still I think you are perfect just as you are.” As you stare into his flawless eyes, you understand completely.
Yunho would respect your emotional impact from being lopsided. “I am not going to tell you how to feel about your chest and will support you if you wish to have cosmetic reduction on one side or enlargement on the other. Please know though, that I find your appearance charming. You don't love me any less for my uneven smile and I feel exactly the same way about you.”
Yeosang would be over the moon and have a lot to say. “You are warning me because you are going to let me see your chest? How could I have any complaints about that step in our relationship?” Ever the scientist, Yeosang would also be a researcher and come back to you with facts. “Now that I have read up on the subject, I learned it is common to be asymmetrical. Estimates vary, but one doctor cited 90% of people with developed breasts have at least a 15-20% difference in volume, and truly if your measurement is precise enough nobody is actually identical. A mismatch can happen to any gender if muscles get a regular workout on one side more than the other. The difference may be more noticeable on you than others, but it is very normal and nothing to feel bad about.”
San would pointedly tell you some of his stuffed animals are small and others are large, but they are all equally loved and worth cuddling.
Mingi would have nothing to say if you draw it to his attention, merely joyfully diving back in to shower you with snuggly affection. Despite wanting to be supportive, Mingi would probably never even notice the size difference between sides of your chest.
Woooyoung's delighted and overly loud proclamation that a variety pack is a plus would be overheard by the whole dorm. Then comes the shared laughter as he discovers, “Look at this. I can make my hand look big or small depending which side I hold it over!”
Jongho would be warmly reassuring with the confirmation, “I love everything about you. How could I not love your chest as well?”
Masterlist of stories
85 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
My stats from 2021 Tumblr Year in Review
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