#traditional real pearl jewellery
rizykim · 5 months
Found you / Kim Sunno
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Pairing: Prince Sunoo × Princess Aliona (Instead of y/n and cause this is for a friend ✨)
Summary: Aliona is mated by the higher ups for the future of the kingdom and the only way to find their partner is by attending a ball. She was upset about how she wouldn't be able to be with her real lover since childhood but for her surprise it was him.
Word count: over 1K (Didn't check,sorry ;-;)
Warning: Fluff,angst and crying
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"Your highness..." The maid called out from behind the door along with three knocks,gaining my attention from my trail of thoughts "It's time..." She said as the princess sighed heavily. A sad frown decorating her beautiful features painted with a light touch of makeup to bring the best of her beauty. Her hair styled to a lovely wavy bun with white pearls from the purest of bays. Her body wrapped in the most expensive fabric, tailored by the best Taylor of the kingdom. Light yet worthy jewellery on her neck and ears,representing her status. Her hands covered in silk gloves to complete the whole dress. She looked breathtaking. Almost unbelievable of how she looks perfect as if from a painting.
She stood up,adjusting her pink poofy dress,grabbing her white mask,a brief moment of looking at it with bored eyes "And so,my fate is decided by a pathetic mask" she tsked,annoyed of how a mere piece of face coverage gets to decide who she will have to spend the rest of her life with.
It has been a custom since the earliest of the era,the royalty heirs-who does not have anyone in mind to get engaged with are set up with an yearly ball. The kings and queens;their parents choose their partner after a negotiation with the other family and sends their child a matching mask to which they must wear at the ball to find their partner.
As childish and fun it sounds,Aliona despises her parents for setting her up instead of giving her a chance to reveal who is in her heart. The mere thought of not being able to spend the rest of her life with him makes her heart break into a million bits. Her eyes tearing up,almost spilling out of her painted eyes but she didn't let them fall.
'I am the future leader of the kingdom my mother and father put their heart and soul into bringing this towns people to wealth. I can't let them down. I will find a way to be with him' She consoled herself with deep breaths, tarring her eyes away from the mask as she put it on her face,tying the ribbon behind her head tightly as she huffed a breath out one last time before her fine heels clicked against the marble tiles to the door,leaving to her carriage.
At the ball,the first thing she saw the moment she entered the grand venue was the already matching couples dancing and talking with smiles. Happy of finding their mate. She scanned the area,the light traditional instrumental playing in the background, gorgeously dressed couple of various kingdoms already begining to elegantly away with the melody.
Aliona couldn't help but to picture herself with him,dancing just like this 'but that would take a lot longer to happen' she told herself walking through the room,in search of her specific other.
She looked wherever her heels took her to but there was no site of her own mask. She huffed,starting to feel annoyed of how she'd have to search for her mate-when she felt a small tap on her shoulder. With curiosity,she turned her head to see a dashing prince,dressed in all white along with his hair which was stilt with a ravishing slick. Her eyes widened slightly realizing that he had the other mask.
"Good evening m' lady" he said in a polite manner and bowed with one hand behind him. Aliona felt his heart accelerating,she felt a rush of all sorts of emotions she couldn't understand. Fear? Anger? Relief? She couldn't pinpoint it "G-good evening" She said briefly,her voice almost cracking if it wasn't for her looking away and offering her hand. He took it gladly and laid a tender kiss on her hand that she felt like a electric feeling was sent through her body at.
"Mind for a dance?" He requested,his arm extended in asking for her hand. With hesitant movement,she let her hand come in contact with his hand as he pulled her to the center of the room,his hand finding it's way to her waist while the other interlocked fingers as their bodies collided with the melody.
Both of them starred into each other's eye closely,observing every detail of their faces and masks,taking in the fact that the person Infront of them is indeed their fated other.
"You look beautiful tonight my lady" He complimented with a smile,his round soft like cheeks spreading at how he smiled so vividly. Aliona looked away,not pleased with how a man other than who she loved finds her beautiful.
"Is something...wrong?" He asked worriedly,his smile dropping with sadness of how his words were ignored.
"No...nothing is wrong..." She said stopping her steps,letting go of her grip on his hand and shoulder and stepped back "I-I need to step out a little" She said quickly,still avoiding eye contact and left.
The man reached his hand out and was about to speak when she had already left through the doors to the front garden.
The princess hugged herself to keep herself warm from the chilly breeze. Her eyes admired the starry night above the grassy lands. Her feet lightly walked along the small stone path leading to the big stilt lake.
Another tired sigh left her tinted lips. Her heart feeling heavier with every thought about him. The heir of another kingdom. Prince Sunoo of I-Land.
They were kids of 6-7 when they first met at a gathering. Sunoo was being the little mischievous boy he is and was running around in the open field while both families talked over matters. No one was paying attention to him as he ran through the lavender fields. Everyone was occupied under the big tree,gathered around a table to discuss matters while the little girl was giggling to herself watching him when suddenly a yelp came from him as he disappeared.
Worry took over the girl as she stood up and rushed to the last place she last saw the boy. She tried her best to scurry herself through the flowers to see him on the ground. Holding his wounded knee and in tears.
That was when her sweet gesture of helping him to calm down by giving him her precious candy that everyone knew the little princess was too greedy of sharing. He was stunned,his crying came to a stop seeing her hand him her candy without any hesitation. He was surprised if how the grumpy girl was being thoughtful.
Ever since that day,they have grown closer and closer. Playing,studying,sharing their happiness and sadness with each other always. It was platonic and pure untill they grew up. Sunoo was the first to confess which took Aliona by surprise but she didn't hurt his feelings by turning him down, because she had also developed feelings for him too.
But, unfortunately it didn't last long since he had to travel far from home for family matters. 5 years,5 torturous years went by with only occasional letters sent between the 2 lovers. It was shattering when the princess heard she had been mated with a man she doesn't acknowledge.
"Seems like you have a lot on your mind princess" A voice suddenly spoke from behind, gaining her attention as she looked behind to see the man she is paired with.
The princess stayed silent. Ignoring his presence to adore the night view of the slow breeze on the water, wavering so peacefully. The moon shining down on the surface,bringing the whole scenery togeather.
"Alright..." The prince nodded his head in understanding her silence.
"Why are you so upset princess?" He voiced out,only to hear nothingness.
"I thought you'd be happy to hear my voice again"
"And why would I? Do I know you? I think not" The princess sassed with tone.
"Oh,have you forgotten me already?" He said "I'm sorry,do I know you?" She repeated with emphasis,looking at him.
"Indeed,I was one of the few people you let to be at your side" He announced with a smile which only confused the princess even more.
"Sorry but I don't remember letting anyone associate with me closely" She said turning around to leave when he spoke up again,making her stop at her tracks "Says the little arrogant princess that shared her precious strawberry candy with me once. Hm,that was such a long time ago" she turned around to face him. He was facing the lake,his perfect skin glimmering under the moonlight along with his white medieval wear. The golden bordering showing itself more detailed under the light.
She would be lying if she said she doesn't find him attractive,but her heart has already chosen her other and refuses to comply against her decision.
"Beg your pardon?" She waited,hoping for him to continue whatever he is trying to imply on.
"I think we were around at the age of six or seven if I remember correctly. I still remember the worry face you made. That was the moment I began loving you within my heart" He said,slowly turning around to face the princess with his tender smile still decorating his lips. He connected his eyes with her confused ones. He chuckled to himself 'She is still adorable' he thought to himself and reached his hands to his head. Untying the dark blue silk cord of his mask and removed it.
The princesses face dropped,an audible gasp making it's way out of her tinted lips. She was at disbelief. She was awestruck. She felt like her eyes were betraying her. Her heart felt like thousands of emotions were swirling inside of her,but none of them-she could express nor point out.
"It's been a while, princess" His words began to make her heart beat. A feeling she lost with him back then,came back to her. She was still shocked in place. Her hand slowly made it's way towards his face to feel if he's actually there or if she's dreaming,when he took ahold of her hand and snuggled it against one of his plush-like cheeks. His eyes falling at the warm sensation.
"Is...is it really you?" She happens to voice out meekly.
"Who else would it be,my love?" The small smile along with his loving tone set it off for her. With a slick move,she threw away her mask and hugged him tightly. Her arms wrapping around his torso as she started to sob into his chest.
"Aliona,oh dear don't cry hm? Please don't cry" One of his arms found it's way around her small shoulders while the other patted her head dearly. He wasn't expecting such a reaction from her. He hated seeing her cry ever since they were kids and seeing her do so because of him pained his heart.
"How can I not cry dummy! How-how could you do this to me! I was beyond the verge of losing myself for how I would have to engage to a man I don't love and you,you are here playing tricks at me!" She yapped through her sobs,slightly hitting his chest in anger.
"Aw my deepest apologies my love,I didn't mean to hurt you. I only wanted to make an appearance when you least expected it to" He said holding her close to him. A smile spread on his lips with realization of the moment. He was finally back and was at the moment of holding his dear beloved in his secure arms.
"Aliona...Thank you...for still holding onto me. I thought you would have long forgotten me and moved on with another man. But I was wrong. You held onto me" He said making her look at him with his thumb and index under her chin.
"How can I ever forget you? You were my first and I wanted you to be my last for a reason Sunoo..." He brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear,looking more closely at her long waited beautiful face.
"I apologize again for making you sad. I really am hm?" He said staring into her eyes,his hand resting at the side of her face,holding her like she was the most fragile of all he ever made contact with. His eyes were beginning to tear up with a mixture of many emotions. Happiness, sadness,glad and most important of all,the feeling of finally having her by his side.
"it is not a problem,what matters is that your back" She said,a tear rolling down her cheek as she smiles brightly at him. Sunoo wipes it away with his fingers,hating the sight of seeing her cry.
"I am so ashamed of myself for making you cry Aliona,I feel so guilty-"
"No no, don't" She cut him off,shaking her head "It-it was alright. I mean it,all I care is that your here now"
"I promise,I won't make you cry again once you're my princess" He said kissing her forehead. His heart was still feeling heavy with regret.
"You know I love you so much princess. I really really do. I came back just for you. I was ready to see you with a different another,as long as you were happy and safe-when I heard the rumours of us being paired,I was more than thankful. I rushed back to the kingdom as fast as I could,just so I could prepare myself to present Infront of you. I thought I almost lost you"
"No,never...I won't ever leave you" She said with a laugh making the latter laugh along. Their foreheads connected as they laughed at their silly moment. Both of them were in tears but were happy and laughing.
"I love you so much Aliona...I love you...I love you..." He repeated a few times,his thumb caressing her cheek.
"I love you too Sunoo...I love you with all my heart" She said staring deeply at his eyes when he pulled away. He took a breif moment to admire her beauty once more.
"If you don't mind,may I have the permission to kiss my beloved?" He asked in a joking tone to which she nodded her head and before any other thought could cross her mind,she felt his soft lips land on hers. Their long awaited love of years,where now finally flowing through their hearts.
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Arting ask on this round because I love hearing about the nuts and bolts behind your work. What styles and/or real world elements do you take inspiration from when you make fantasy art, and how do you put them in dialogue (this is totally where I'm fishing for an excuse to ask you about the Central Asian inspo for your Dunmer character design, but anything else you want to bring up too!) Is there a specific feeling you hope the viewer to get from your paintings? And finally, are your writing and your art in dialogue in some way, or are they totally separate processes?
Bonus: What do you not enjoy drawing/painting (if anything)?
Yes, an excuse for me to waffle on about process! Under a cut because this is long and full of pictures!
Stylistically I'm heavily influenced by Baroque, Roccoco, Pre-Raphaelite, and Romanticism. I rely quite heavily on chiaroscuro, I really love that luminous look that high-contrast darks and lights give to a work.
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Girl with a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer
Throwing in a well-known Vermeer because the contrast in this painting is what I want to achieve in my own.
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Luminous, I really feel that coming through in this particular piece. I really love the contrast between dark and light. Plus it means I don't have to detail that damn back wall.
I also really love the movement in this painting.
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The Swing, Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
Probably one of my favourite artworks!
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Emma Hart as Circe, George Romney
I take a lot of portrait inspo from Rococo and classical court painters as well as a lot of influence from John Singer Sargent.
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Portrait of Madame X and Lady Agnew of Lochnaw, John Singer Sargent.
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I just like to play with light a lot! I ran into a problem when I was designing Sydari, I didn't want her wearing half the clothes that you find in vanilla. She's from Skyrim but doesn't feel like she belongs there. I wanted to give her a more dunmer-influenced style (this was like a year ago now when I got back into TES, also pre-including Teldryn in like everything).
Playing around in Morrowind and modding the heck out of Solstheim so that it looks like it's actually a part of Morrowind made me think about clothes...yep, I do that.
I noticed a lot of influences from Central Asia, East Asia, Sumer, Neo-Assyria and Akkad in the visual language of the game, as well as influencing a lot of the language, names etc. I decided to go with a general mix of these but most of my focus went towards a more Central Asian/Eurasian Steppe feel. The reason was these.
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And this outfit
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I loved those shoes, they were perfect in every way. The outfit was a good starting point too. Though this is costuming from a movie so I wanted to look for more traditional versions.
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And congratulations, I have a colour scheme!
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More costuming but I fell in love with this one and have used it a few times.
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I fully plan on utilising this style for Sydari's Skyrim arts.
I just sorta fish around for influences when I'm not working or painting. I use a lot of Bronze Age Levantine and Mesopotamian influences too, Vivec's jewellery is ripped from the Royal Cemetery of Ur.
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Beads are murder! XD
So, my art is influenced by what I'm writing, or what I plan to write.
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This one should take place towards the end of Part 1 of the fic. I made this way before I decided to bite the bullet and actually write anything.
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And this should occur right before Diplomatic Immunity. Which is in Part 2.
I also create art for an upcoming tabletop game which is influenced by Bronze Age Mediterranean history (can't show it) but a lot of it is influenced by both historical dress and mythology from that time period.
As for feelings, I like to put a lot of small character-specific details in my art. I get a kick out of people commenting about what they notice. For example, I intend the Moon and Star ring to not actually fit Teldryn's finger (it's stuck) and I love that people have picked up on his vein attitude. I'm waiting on people to notice that the eyes move if you move your head. I do like that my art makes people happy. That makes me happy as well.
Bonus! I have a love/hate relationship with painting metal and jewellery in general. I get impatient with it and always leave it to last.
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The Beauty of Indian Necklace Designs
From 100 decades ago to date, traditional necklaces have been a unique stamp that sprinkles India’s heritage culture.
There are no boundaries to wearing it on just the bride's outfit. It can be worn by an aged mother in her simple cream-coloured saree with a delicate traditional necklace set. It symbolises her evergreen beauty. 
A modern young girl can pair her Kurti with a traditional Indian necklace; it symbolises that she is staying connected to her Indian roots.
And most preferred by a beautiful bride when she is all set to step into her marriage mandap in a bright red saree paired with a heavy traditional necklace, it conveys her emotion of being excited.
That is what Indian traditional artificial jewellery designs stand for: the spirit of an Indian woman, irrespective of her age, colour, creed, and where she lives.
Here are some of the traditional necklace designs that create a royal look.
Kundan Necklaces
From Bollywood movies to celebs who are totally loving these traditional necklace designs and have been experimenting with them for a long time now.
Kundan Necklace sets have been favourites among Indian women for years, and they are also listed as the Best Online Fashionable Artificial Jewellery.
This type of imitation jewellery is owing to the distinct Kundan work and unique designs to lift up outfits' shine. Statement Kundan Necklaces are the new recent trend and are eye-catching, like the Art Nouveau Kundan Necklace.
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Rani Haar, or Long Chain Necklace
As the name suggests, such rani haar designs give you the feel of a queen that does total justice to your Indian traditional outfits and matches your festive looks.
They are long, made with pearl beads or other stones like Amaira Long Kundan Necklace Set, and can be worn with matching chokers, on sarees or lehengas for weddings or any festival.
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Diamond Necklaces
This Diamond Sapphire Necklace is for those of us who can’t afford real diamonds. These inexpensive yet expensive-looking diamond necklaces can be our best choice as they are suitable for all occasions, whether it is an office party, bachelor party or festival!
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Why should you buy them? The answer is pretty simple: to create a unique presence with diversity. Some of the necklace sets are polished with either a gold or silver finish metal and many a time, are also paired with colorful stones!
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levinkgeever · 1 day
Cheap Imitation Jewellery in Thrissur: A Guide to Affordable Elegance and Style
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Jewellery has always been an essential part of Indian culture, deeply rooted in tradition and symbolism. For centuries, it has adorned women on special occasions, adding a touch of grace, beauty, and status. However, with the soaring prices of gold and other precious metals, the demand for affordable alternatives has surged. This is where cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur has gained immense popularity, offering a perfect blend of elegance, affordability, and variety.
Thrissur, known as the cultural capital of Kerala, is a city rich in tradition and famous for its opulent weddings, festivals, and grand celebrations. Jewellery, particularly gold, plays a significant role in these events. But today, as more people seek affordable options without compromising on style, imitation jewellery is becoming a go-to choice for many. In this blog post, we’ll explore the rise of imitation jewellery in Thrissur, what makes it such a popular choice, and how you can find the best and most affordable pieces for any occasion.
1. Understanding Imitation Jewellery
Before we delve into why cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur is such a hot trend, it’s essential to understand what imitation jewellery is. Unlike real gold or diamond jewellery, imitation jewellery is made using non-precious metals such as brass, copper, or silver, which are then plated with gold, silver, or other materials to give them a lustrous finish. These pieces often incorporate artificial stones, beads, pearls, and even crystals to mimic the look of expensive gems.
Imitation jewellery has come a long way in terms of design and craftsmanship. Today, many imitation jewellery pieces are indistinguishable from their real counterparts, making them a desirable alternative for those who want to make a fashion statement without breaking the bank.
2. Why Choose Cheap Imitation Jewellery in Thrissur?
Imitation jewellery is not just a budget-friendly option; it has several other advantages that make it a popular choice, especially in a culturally rich city like Thrissur. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why cheap imitation jewellery is in high demand.
a. Affordability
The most obvious reason why people gravitate towards imitation jewellery is its affordability. Gold, diamond, and other precious jewellery come with a hefty price tag, making it difficult for many to invest in such pieces, especially for one-time events like weddings or festivals. Imitation jewellery provides a cost-effective alternative, allowing people to purchase beautiful, ornate designs at a fraction of the cost of real gold or diamond jewellery.
In Thrissur, where grand weddings and traditional events are common, imitation jewellery enables brides and their families to save on costs while still achieving a stunning, regal look.
b. Variety of Designs
Imitation jewellery offers an incredible variety of designs. Whether you’re looking for traditional Kerala-style temple jewellery, modern statement pieces, or minimalistic daily wear, there’s something for everyone. The ability to mimic real gold and diamond designs means that you can find cheap imitation jewellery that looks just as elegant and sophisticated as high-end pieces.
In Thrissur, a city known for its diverse cultural and traditional practices, this variety allows people to choose pieces that complement their unique styles and the occasion they’re celebrating.
c. Safe to Wear
Another significant advantage of imitation jewellery is its safety. Wearing real gold or diamond jewellery in public or during large gatherings can sometimes be risky, with concerns about theft or loss. With imitation jewellery, you get the peace of mind to wear stunning pieces without the fear of losing valuable assets.
This is especially useful in Thrissur, where large events like weddings, festivals, and temple visits often attract crowds, making safety a concern. Imitation jewellery ensures that you can enjoy the event without constantly worrying about the safety of your jewellery.
d. Perfect for Experimentation
Fashion is ever-evolving, and jewellery trends change just as frequently. With imitation jewellery, you can easily experiment with different styles, trends, and designs without feeling guilty about spending too much. Whether you want to try bold, chunky necklaces, colorful statement earrings, or delicate layered chains, imitation jewellery allows you to explore these styles without a massive investment.
In a culturally rich place like Thrissur, where traditional and modern aesthetics coexist, imitation jewellery allows people to blend old and new styles seamlessly.
3. Types of Imitation Jewellery Popular in Thrissur
Imitation jewellery comes in various styles and designs, catering to different occasions and personal tastes. Here are some of the most popular types of cheap imitation jewellery available in Thrissur:
a. Temple Jewellery
Temple jewellery is one of the most iconic styles of traditional Kerala jewellery. These pieces are characterized by intricate designs featuring deities, elephants, peacocks, and other religious symbols. Temple jewellery is often worn during weddings, festivals, and temple visits.
Cheap imitation temple jewellery in Thrissur allows people to own beautiful, traditional pieces without spending on real gold. These designs are often plated with gold or silver to give them an authentic look, making them perfect for special occasions.
b. Bridal Jewellery Sets
Imitation bridal jewellery sets are a favorite among brides in Thrissur. These sets usually consist of a necklace, earrings, bangles, and maang tikka, designed to give the bride a royal and opulent look. From traditional gold-plated pieces to more modern, diamond-studded designs, imitation bridal sets offer something for every bride’s taste and budget.
With weddings being such grand affairs in Thrissur, imitation jewellery sets help families save significantly while still ensuring the bride looks stunning on her big day.
c. Statement Necklaces
For those who love making a bold fashion statement, imitation jewellery offers a wide range of statement necklaces. These chunky, elaborate pieces often feature colorful stones, beads, and intricate designs that can elevate any outfit. Whether paired with a sari, lehenga, or even a modern dress, statement necklaces are perfect for weddings, parties, and festivals.
In Thrissur, where traditional attire is often complemented by bold jewellery, these necklaces offer a perfect blend of tradition and modernity.
d. Earrings and Bangles
No traditional outfit is complete without matching earrings and bangles. Imitation earrings come in various styles, from classic jhumkas to modern chandelier earrings. Bangles, too, are available in traditional gold-plated designs, colorful glass bangles, or even sleek metal designs for a contemporary look.
In Thrissur, where accessorizing is key to completing an outfit, cheap imitation jewellery offers endless options for earrings and bangles that match any style or occasion.
e. Daily Wear Jewellery
Imitation jewellery isn’t just for special occasions. Many women in Thrissur prefer wearing light, delicate imitation jewellery for their everyday needs. Simple chains, stud earrings, and bangles that mimic real gold or silver are popular choices for daily wear. These pieces are affordable, lightweight, and easy to maintain, making them a practical choice for everyday fashion.
4. Where to Find Cheap Imitation Jewellery in Thrissur
Thrissur is home to many shops, markets, and suppliers that specialize in imitation jewellery. Whether you’re looking for bridal sets, temple jewellery, or casual pieces, here are some of the top places to find cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur:
a. Kunnath Gold
Kunnath Gold is one of the most trusted names in Thrissur when it comes to imitation jewellery. With over 30 years of experience, Kunnath Gold offers a wide range of high-quality imitation jewellery, including gold-plated, temple, and bridal designs. Their pieces are known for their durability, intricate craftsmanship, and affordable prices, making them a go-to choice for many in Thrissur.
b. Local Jewellery Markets
Thrissur has many bustling markets and bazaars that sell imitation jewellery. Places like Kuruppam Road and Round East are known for their jewellery shops that offer a variety of affordable options. These markets are perfect for finding unique, one-of-a-kind pieces at competitive prices.
c. Online Retailers
Many people in Thrissur now turn to online shopping for their imitation jewellery needs. E-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and other specialized jewellery websites offer a vast selection of imitation jewellery at cheap prices. Online shopping allows you to browse through thousands of designs from the comfort of your home and often provides discounts and deals that are not available in physical stores.
d. Wholesale Shops
If you’re looking to buy imitation jewellery in bulk, wholesale shops in Thrissur offer some of the best deals. These shops provide cheap imitation jewellery at discounted rates, making them ideal for weddings, parties, or even resale purposes.
5. How to Care for Imitation Jewellery
One of the concerns people often have with imitation jewellery is its durability. While imitation jewellery is not as long-lasting as real gold or diamond pieces, proper care can extend its lifespan and keep it looking as good as new. Here are some tips on how to care for your cheap imitation jewellery:
a. Store Properly Store your imitation jewellery in a cool, dry place, preferably in individual pouches or boxes to avoid scratches and tangling. Keep them away from direct sunlight and moisture, as these can cause tarnishing.
b. Avoid Chemicals Perfumes, lotions, and other chemicals can damage the plating and stones in imitation jewellery. Always apply these products before wearing your jewellery and avoid spraying perfumes directly on your pieces.
c. Clean Gently Use a soft cloth to wipe your imitation jewellery after each use to remove any dirt or oils. For a more thorough cleaning, use a mild soap solution and a soft brush, but avoid soaking the jewellery in water for too long.
d. Handle with Care
While imitation jewellery is affordable, it is often more delicate than real jewellery. Handle your pieces with care, especially those with intricate designs or stones, to prevent breakage or damage.
6. Conclusion: The Rise of Cheap Imitation Jewellery in Thrissur
As the demand for affordable and stylish jewellery continues to grow, cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur has become an essential part of every wardrobe. Offering a wide range of designs, from traditional temple jewellery to modern bridal sets, imitation jewellery allows individuals to embrace elegance and luxury without the high cost. Whether you’re preparing for a wedding, festival, or simply want to accessorize your daily outfits, imitation jewellery provides the perfect solution for affordable fashion.
With numerous suppliers, local markets, and online retailers offering high-quality imitation jewellery in Thrissur, there’s no shortage of options for those looking to make a statement without breaking the bank. So, explore the world of imitation jewellery and add a touch of affordable elegance to your jewellery collection today.
1. Where can I buy cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — You can find affordable imitation jewellery in Thrissur in popular markets such as Swaraj Round, Palace Road, and various street vendors. Many stores and online platforms based in Thrissur also offer budget-friendly options.
2. What types of cheap imitation jewellery are available in Thrissur?  — Cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur includes a wide range of products like earrings, necklaces, bangles, rings, anklets, and bridal sets. Both traditional and trendy designs are available to suit different preferences.
3. What is the price range for cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — The price of cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur typically ranges from ₹50 to ₹500 for individual pieces, depending on the design, material, and craftsmanship. Bulk purchases or special deals may offer additional discounts.
4. Are there any wholesale options for cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — Yes, many stores and markets in Thrissur offer wholesale imitation jewellery at lower rates. Buying in bulk is an ideal way to get cheaper prices, especially for resellers or event purchases.
5. Can I find traditional Kerala designs in cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — Yes, even in the affordable category, you can find traditional Kerala designs such as Palakka, Nagapadam, and Kasu Mala, which are popular for weddings and festivals.
6. What materials are used in cheap imitation jewellery from Thrissur?  — Cheap imitation jewellery is usually made from materials like brass, copper, and alloy metals. These pieces may be gold-plated or adorned with faux stones like cubic zirconia, glass, or crystals to give them a more luxurious appearance.
7. Is the quality of cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur reliable?  — The quality of cheap imitation jewellery can vary. While the materials are less expensive, many suppliers offer well-crafted pieces that are durable for casual or occasional use. It’s important to shop from reliable sources or inspect the items for quality before purchasing.
8. Where can I buy cheap imitation jewellery online in Thrissur?  — Many Thrissur-based jewellery stores offer cheap imitation jewellery online through their websites or popular e-commerce platforms. These stores often display their collections with detailed pricing, making it easy to shop from home.
9. How can I care for cheap imitation jewellery to make it last longer?  — To prolong the life of cheap imitation jewellery, avoid exposure to moisture, perfumes, and chemicals. Store it in a dry, airtight container when not in use and gently clean it with a soft cloth after wearing.
10. Are there any seasonal discounts or sales on imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — Yes, many jewellery stores in Thrissur offer seasonal sales during festivals like Onam, Vishu, and Diwali. Off-season discounts or clearance sales may also help you find imitation jewellery at even cheaper prices.
11. Can I buy cheap imitation bridal jewellery in Thrissur?  — Yes, Thrissur offers a variety of budget-friendly imitation bridal jewellery sets. These sets provide an affordable alternative to gold jewellery while still offering intricate designs suitable for weddings.
12. Are cheap imitation jewellery sets suitable for gifting?  — Yes, many cheap imitation jewellery pieces make great gifts, especially for casual or festive occasions. You can find beautifully designed sets that are both budget-friendly and attractive.
13. What is the difference between cheap and premium imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — The main difference lies in the materials and craftsmanship. Cheap imitation jewellery uses more affordable base metals and stones, while premium imitation jewellery may have higher-quality plating, better stones, and more intricate designs.
14. Can I find both modern and traditional designs in cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — Yes, Thrissur’s markets and stores offer a wide selection of both modern and traditional designs, ensuring that you can find affordable jewellery to match your style, whether it’s for daily wear or special occasions.
15. How do I choose a reliable store for buying cheap imitation jewellery in Thrissur?  — To find a reliable store, check customer reviews, ask for recommendations, and visit stores that are well-known for their quality and pricing. It’s also a good idea to inspect the jewellery in person to ensure its durability and appearance.
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srishti-123 · 10 days
Buy Polki Sets Online
Source of info : https://www.jadaavjewels.com/blog/buy-polki-sets-online
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Introduction Experience the classic style of Polki sets, which are known for their stunning uncut diamonds and fine workmanship. Purchasing Polki jewellery online from Jadaav Jewels is an investment in unmatched quality and originality. This reputable brand promises that every item in its excellent selection of modern and traditional design elements is an original piece of artistry. Discover the stylish design and tradition of Polki jewellery from Jadaav Jewels, your trustworthy source of fine accessories. The Beauty of Polki Sets Uncut diamonds are used in many of the complicated designs that make polki sets famous. Polki diamonds, instead of to cut diamonds, maintain their original shape, providing each piece a special and natural appeal. Pearls, emeralds, and rubies are all commonly used as complementary stones to the uncut diamonds that are set in gold or silver. This combination improves the jewellery's overall attractiveness and produces an eye-catching contrast. Indian culture is deeply expressed in polki collections, which have long been linked to beauty and royalty. These sets are treasured memories rather than just a single piece of jewellery since they are often passed on down through the generations. Polki jewellery is designed with unmatched creativity, with artists working countless hours perfecting each item. Why Choose Jadaav Jewels for Polki Sets? When it comes to online Polki jewellery buying decisions, Jadaav Jewels is a brand that is known for trustworthiness and high quality. Here are some explanations for why Jadaav Jewels need to be your first choice:
Exquisite Craftsmanship Jadaav Jewels is well known for its fine workmanship. Handcrafted by talented artisans who have developed their technique over many years, each Polki piece is unique. What separates Jadaav Jewels from the competition is its careful attention to detail and accuracy with which each uncut diamond is placed.
Authenticity Guaranteed You can be confident that a Polki product you buy from Jadaav Jewels is real. The company is dedicated to utilizing only premium metals and real, uncut diamonds. You can feel secure about your purchase since every piece includes an authenticity certificate.
Unique Designs A wide variety of Polki jewellery, including both traditional and modern styles, are available at Jadaav Jewels. They provide something to fit every taste and desire, whether you're searching for a trendy design for a special event or a classic item to wear on your wedding day.
Customization Options You can personalize your Polki sets from Jadaav Jewels to fit your own style. You can create a unique item that represents your personality, from what type of metal to the placement of the stones.
Convenient Online Shopping Purchasing Polki jewellery from Jadaav Jewels online is a smooth process. You can browse through the brand's wide collection, examine high-resolution photographs, and read detailed reviews of each piece on their user-friendly website. With safe and dependable delivery methods, you can easily have your selected Polki jewellery delivered right to your home. Tips for Buying Polki Sets Online Online Polki jewellery purchases might be difficult, but with these guidance, you can choose wisely and guarantee a positive experience:
Research the Brand Consider doing some research on the brand before making a purchase. Examine customer testimonials and reviews for confirmation of the brand's credibility and dependability. Jadaav Jewels is a reliable option for online Polki sets purchases due to their proven presence and favorable client reviews.
Check for Authenticity Make sure the Polki sets you are purchasing have an authenticity certificate attached. This certificate confirms the quality of the metals used and the authenticity of the uncut diamonds.
Compare Prices Since Polki sets are an investment, it's important to compare costs between various brands. Even if Jadaav Jewels has reasonable prices, it's a smart idea to compare prices to be sure you're receiving the best deal possible.
Read Product Descriptions Carefully Examine the product descriptions on the website carefully. Pay attention to information on the kind of metal, the size and quality of the uncut diamonds, and any other stones that were used. You may make an informed choice with the support of this knowledge.
Check Return and Exchange Policies It's important to understand the brand's exchange and return processes. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you should be able to easily return or exchange the product. Jadaav Jewels guarantees your happiness with each purchase by providing a return policy that is favorable to customers. Conclusion Any jewellery collection would benefit from the classic and polished element of polki sets. They are a representation of luxury and history because of their beautiful workmanship and long history. Jadaav Jewels is the name to trust when purchasing Polki jewellery online since it provides a wide range of beautiful patterns, certificates of authenticity, and a perfect shopping experience. You can make an informed choice and take pleasure in the beauty and grace of Polki pieces for many years to come by paying attention to the suggestions provided above. Check out Jadaav Jewels' beautiful selection of Polki sets and give your jewellery collection a royal touch right now.
Source of info : https://www.jadaavjewels.com/blog/buy-polki-sets-online
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itnseo91 · 1 month
Buy Polki Sets Online
Source of info: https://www.jadaavjewels.com/blog/buy-polki-sets-online
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Experience the classic style of Polki sets, which are known for their stunning uncut diamonds and fine workmanship. Purchasing Polki jewellery online from Jadaav Jewels is an investment in unmatched quality and originality. This reputable brand promises that every item in its excellent selection of modern and traditional design elements is an original piece of artistry. Discover the stylish design and tradition of Polki jewellery from Jadaav Jewels, your trustworthy source of fine accessories.
The Beauty of Polki Sets Uncut diamonds are used in many of the complicated designs that make polki sets famous. Polki diamonds, instead of to cut diamonds, maintain their original shape, providing each piece a special and natural appeal. Pearls, emeralds, and rubies are all commonly used as complementary stones to the uncut diamonds that are set in gold or silver. This combination improves the jewellery's overall attractiveness and produces an eye-catching contrast.
Indian culture is deeply expressed in polki collections, which have long been linked to beauty and royalty. These sets are treasured memories rather than just a single piece of jewellery since they are often passed on down through the generations. Polki jewellery is designed with unmatched creativity, with artists working countless hours perfecting each item.
Why Choose Jadaav Jewels for Polki Sets? When it comes to online Polki jewellery buying decisions, Jadaav Jewels is a brand that is known for trustworthiness and high quality. Here are some explanations for why Jadaav Jewels need to be your first choice:
Exquisite Craftsmanship Jadaav Jewels is well known for its fine workmanship. Handcrafted by talented artisans who have developed their technique over many years, each Polki piece is unique. What separates Jadaav Jewels from the competition is its careful attention to detail and accuracy with which each uncut diamond is placed.
Authenticity Guaranteed You can be confident that a Polki product you buy from Jadaav Jewels is real. The company is dedicated to utilizing only premium metals and real, uncut diamonds. You can feel secure about your purchase since every piece includes an authenticity certificate.
Unique Designs A wide variety of Polki jewellery, including both traditional and modern styles, are available at Jadaav Jewels. They provide something to fit every taste and desire, whether you're searching for a trendy design for a special event or a classic item to wear on your wedding day.
Customization Options You can personalize your Polki sets from Jadaav Jewels to fit your own style. You can create a unique item that represents your personality, from what type of metal to the placement of the stones.
Convenient Online Shopping Purchasing Polki jewellery from Jadaav Jewels online is a smooth process. You can browse through the brand's wide collection, examine high-resolution photographs, and read detailed reviews of each piece on their user-friendly website. With safe and dependable delivery methods, you can easily have your selected Polki jewellery delivered right to your home.
Tips for Buying Polki Sets Online Online Polki jewellery purchases might be difficult, but with these guidance, you can choose wisely and guarantee a positive experience:
Research the Brand Consider doing some research on the brand before making a purchase. Examine customer testimonials and reviews for confirmation of the brand's credibility and dependability. Jadaav Jewels is a reliable option for online Polki sets purchases due to their proven presence and favorable client reviews.
Check for Authenticity Make sure the Polki sets you are purchasing have an authenticity certificate attached. This certificate confirms the quality of the metals used and the authenticity of the uncut diamonds.
Compare Prices Since Polki sets are an investment, it's important to compare costs between various brands. Even if Jadaav Jewels has reasonable prices, it's a smart idea to compare prices to be sure you're receiving the best deal possible.
Read Product Descriptions Carefully Examine the product descriptions on the website carefully. Pay attention to information on the kind of metal, the size and quality of the uncut diamonds, and any other stones that were used. You may make an informed choice with the support of this knowledge.
Check Return and Exchange Policies It's important to understand the brand's exchange and return processes. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you should be able to easily return or exchange the product. Jadaav Jewels guarantees your happiness with each purchase by providing a return policy that is favorable to customers.
Conclusion Any jewellery collection would benefit from the classic and polished element of polki sets. They are a representation of luxury and history because of their beautiful workmanship and long history. Jadaav Jewels is the name to trust when purchasing Polki jewellery online since it provides a wide range of beautiful patterns, certificates of authenticity, and a perfect shopping experience. You can make an informed choice and take pleasure in the beauty and grace of Polki pieces for many years to come by paying attention to the suggestions provided above. Check out Jadaav Jewels' beautiful selection of Polki sets and give your jewellery collection a royal touch right now.
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manekratnajewels · 2 months
Buy Online Luxury Jewellery
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We believe everyone who loves ornaments deserves to flourish and feel extraordinary at Manekratna. Our exquisite collection of fine jewellery is designed to complement your distinctive sense of style and enhance your natural attractiveness. From dazzling diamond necklaces to dainty pearl stud earrings, we offer a vast selection of exquisite items that will captivate you. We also make it convenient for you to buy any jewelry online in India. We also offer customization services even when you choose to buy jewelry online in India, allowing you to construct a one-of-a-kind item that expresses your uniqueness. Our team will collaborate closely with you to bring your vision to life while ensuring every detail is flawless - wholesale necklace sets.
Whether you favour traditional elegance, or contemporary minimalism, our diverse selection of designs has something for every taste and occasion. Our diamond collection features splendid diamonds, illuminating any room with captivating radiance. Our collection of gemstones is a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, featuring rare and precious gemstones that are as unique as you are. If you seek enduring elegance, our pearl collection offers a refined selection.  These lustrous jewels are skillfully fashioned into exquisite necklaces, earrings, and bracelets that radiate grace and beauty - artificial jewellery wholesale market.
We believe every woman deserves to feel beautiful and confident, without breaking the bank. That's why we offer a stunning range of high-quality imitation jewelry that looks and feels just like the real thing, but at a fraction of the cost. Our team of experienced designers and craftsmen is passionate about creating exquisite jewelry pieces that are both timeless and contemporary, using only the finest materials and techniques. From elegant necklaces and bracelets to sparkling earrings and rings, our collection offers something for every occasion and style. For more information, please visit our site https://www.manekratna.com/
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jadaavjewels01 · 2 months
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Buy Polki Sets Online
Source of info: https://www.jadaavjewels.com/blog/buy-polki-sets-online
Introduction Experience the classic style of Polki sets, which are known for their stunning uncut diamonds and fine workmanship. Purchasing Polki jewellery online from Jadaav Jewels is an investment in unmatched quality and originality. This reputable brand promises that every item in its excellent selection of modern and traditional design elements is an original piece of artistry. Discover the stylish design and tradition of Polki jewellery from Jadaav Jewels, your trustworthy source of fine accessories.
The Beauty of Polki Sets Uncut diamonds are used in many of the complicated designs that make polki sets famous. Polki diamonds, instead of to cut diamonds, maintain their original shape, providing each piece a special and natural appeal. Pearls, emeralds, and rubies are all commonly used as complementary stones to the uncut diamonds that are set in gold or silver. This combination improves the jewellery's overall attractiveness and produces an eye-catching contrast.
Indian culture is deeply expressed in polki collections, which have long been linked to beauty and royalty. These sets are treasured memories rather than just a single piece of jewellery since they are often passed on down through the generations. Polki jewellery is designed with unmatched creativity, with artists working countless hours perfecting each item.
Why Choose Jadaav Jewels for Polki Sets? When it comes to online Polki jewellery buying decisions, Jadaav Jewels is a brand that is known for trustworthiness and high quality. Here are some explanations for why Jadaav Jewels need to be your first choice:
Exquisite Craftsmanship Jadaav Jewels is well known for its fine workmanship. Handcrafted by talented artisans who have developed their technique over many years, each Polki piece is unique. What separates Jadaav Jewels from the competition is its careful attention to detail and accuracy with which each uncut diamond is placed.
Authenticity Guaranteed You can be confident that a Polki product you buy from Jadaav Jewels is real. The company is dedicated to utilizing only premium metals and real, uncut diamonds. You can feel secure about your purchase since every piece includes an authenticity certificate.
Unique Designs A wide variety of Polki jewellery, including both traditional and modern styles, are available at Jadaav Jewels. They provide something to fit every taste and desire, whether you're searching for a trendy design for a special event or a classic item to wear on your wedding day.
Customization Options You can personalize your Polki sets from Jadaav Jewels to fit your own style. You can create a unique item that represents your personality, from what type of metal to the placement of the stones.
Convenient Online Shopping Purchasing Polki jewellery from Jadaav Jewels online is a smooth process. You can browse through the brand's wide collection, examine high-resolution photographs, and read detailed reviews of each piece on their user-friendly website. With safe and dependable delivery methods, you can easily have your selected Polki jewellery delivered right to your home.
Tips for Buying Polki Sets Online Online Polki jewellery purchases might be difficult, but with these guidance, you can choose wisely and guarantee a positive experience:
Research the Brand Consider doing some research on the brand before making a purchase. Examine customer testimonials and reviews for confirmation of the brand's credibility and dependability. Jadaav Jewels is a reliable option for online Polki sets purchases due to their proven presence and favorable client reviews.
Check for Authenticity Make sure the Polki sets you are purchasing have an authenticity certificate attached. This certificate confirms the quality of the metals used and the authenticity of the uncut diamonds.
Compare Prices Since Polki sets are an investment, it's important to compare costs between various brands. Even if Jadaav Jewels has reasonable prices, it's a smart idea to compare prices to be sure you're receiving the best deal possible.
Read Product Descriptions Carefully Examine the product descriptions on the website carefully. Pay attention to information on the kind of metal, the size and quality of the uncut diamonds, and any other stones that were used. You may make an informed choice with the support of this knowledge.
Check Return and Exchange Policies It's important to understand the brand's exchange and return processes. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you should be able to easily return or exchange the product. Jadaav Jewels guarantees your happiness with each purchase by providing a return policy that is favorable to customers.
Conclusion Any jewellery collection would benefit from the classic and polished element of polki sets. They are a representation of luxury and history because of their beautiful workmanship and long history. Jadaav Jewels is the name to trust when purchasing Polki jewellery online since it provides a wide range of beautiful patterns, certificates of authenticity, and a perfect shopping experience. You can make an informed choice and take pleasure in the beauty and grace of Polki pieces for many years to come by paying attention to the suggestions provided above. Check out Jadaav Jewels' beautiful selection of Polki sets and give your jewellery collection a royal touch right now.
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thewajewelry · 3 months
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A melange of finely carved 23 K Gold Thewa in floral pattern carved on red glass, & beaded with pure cultured pearls & real ruby gemstones! , fusion with silver kundan work pieces and Jhoomki in earrings , to add a traditional touch to your ensemble!
In Focus :
Material Used - 23 k Gold , Glass , 925 Silver Gold Plated, Cultured Pearls, Ruby Gemstones,Silver kundan .
Man Hours/ Time Taken - 220 hours
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dastoorjewels · 4 months
The Price of Perfection: Unveiling the Beauty of Affordable Jewellery at Dastoor Jewels
Forget the misconception that exquisite jewellery requires a hefty price tag. Dastoor Jewels unlocks a world of stunning artificial jewellery, priced to make your inner fashionista sing! We offer a dazzling array of pieces, from captivating sets to individual treasures, all with clear and transparent pricing so you can shop with confidence.
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Embrace Affordability, Embrace Style: Buy Artificial Jewellery Online
Ditch the limitations of traditional jewellery stores and explore the vast world of online shopping at Dastoor Jewels. We offer a curated collection of artificial jewellery, conveniently accessible from the comfort of your home. Browse through our diverse range – from statement pieces to everyday essentials – all displayed with clear prices, allowing you to find the perfect adornment that fits your budget and style.
The Art of the Set: Buy Artificial Jewellery Sets with Price Transparency
Cohesive and effortless, jewellery sets offer a complete look that takes the guesswork out of accessorizing. At Dastoor Jewels, we present stunning sets featuring earrings, necklaces, and sometimes even bracelets or bangles, all designed to complement each other flawlessly. Explore a variety of styles, from classic pearls to trendy tassels, with clearly displayed prices for each set, making it easy to find the perfect ensemble within your budget.
A Touch of Timeless Elegance: Buy Artificial Gold Jewellery with Prices Listed
Yearning for the luxurious look of gold without the hefty price tag? Look no further than our collection of artificial gold jewellery! We use high-quality materials that mimic the look and feel of real gold, allowing you to embrace timeless elegance at an affordable price. Each piece showcases the price clearly, letting you choose the perfect gold-inspired jewellery that fits your budget perfectly.
Sparkle Like a Star: Buy Imitation Jewellery Online with Clear Prices
Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but imitation jewellery can be your stylish and affordable companion. Dastoor Jewels offers a captivating selection of imitation jewellery crafted with high-quality cubic zirconia and other materials that capture the brilliance and sparkle of real gemstones. Explore a variety of cuts, colours, and settings, all displayed with clear prices, so you can find the perfect sparkle to match your outfit and budget.
Shop with Confidence: Knowing the Price Before You Buy
At Dastoor Jewels, we believe in transparency. Every piece on our website displays its price clearly, allowing you to confidently navigate our collection and compare options with ease. This ensures you find a beautiful piece of jewellery that not only elevates your look but also fits your budget perfectly.
A World of Possibilities: Explore Individual Pieces
While our jewellery sets offer a complete ensemble, Dastoor Jewels understands the desire for personalization. We offer a vast collection of individual pieces, allowing you to create your own unique look:
Long Necklaces: Make a dramatic statement with our captivating long necklaces. Prices are clearly displayed, allowing you to choose the perfect cascading piece that complements your neckline and personal style.
Gold Plated Earrings Online: From classic studs to trendy hoops and dazzling jhumkas, explore our stunning collection of gold-plated earrings. Each pair displays its price, making it easy to find the perfect match for your ears and budget.
Rings Online in India: Discover a diverse collection of rings in India, catering to all tastes and occasions. Each ring showcases its price, allowing you to find the perfect symbol of style or love that fits your budget comfortably.
Online Hair Accessories in India: Add a touch of elegance or whimsy to your hairstyle with our curated selection of hair accessories. Prices are clearly displayed, letting you choose the perfect crown, headband, clip, or pin that complements your look and budget.
Artificial Nosepins Online: Embrace the tradition and beauty of a nosepin. Explore our collection, with prices clearly listed, and find the perfect touch of cultural elegance to complete your look.
Anklets Online in India: Add a touch of femininity and elegance to your step with our captivating collection of anklets. Each anklet displays its price, allowing you to choose the perfect piece to adorn your ankle and fit your budget.
Celebrate Every Occasion with Affordable Elegance:
Festive Flair: Dazzle during Diwali, Dussehra, or any festive occasion with a vibrant piece of jewellery from Dastoor Jewels. Explore our collection, with prices clearly listed, and find the perfect statement piece to capture the spirit of celebration.
Haldi & Mehndi Magic: Embrace the vibrant colours and joyous energy of pre-wedding ceremonies with a carefully chosen piece. We offer an array of jewellery with clear prices, allowing you to find the perfect piece that complements your look and fits your budget.
Bridesmaid Bonanza: Planning the perfect bridesmaid look? Look no further than Dastoor Jewels! Explore our collection of affordable and exquisite individual pieces, with prices clearly displayed.
See more:
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dhanrajjainjewellers · 5 months
Get The Best Gold Jewellery Design from Hyderabad Jewellers For This Wedding Season!
Are you looking for beautiful, classic pieces of gold jewelry? The busy streets of Hyderabad show that every item there is a mix of skill and heritage. There is a huge range of classic and modern jewelry at the best gold jewelry shops in Hyderabad, so there is something for everyone and every event. Take a look around the world of sparkling gold jewelry in the City of Pearls.
Gold Jewelry In Hyderabad: Why It Will Always Be Beautiful
In Hyderabad, a place with a lot of different cultures, gold jewelry is very important at all of the celebrations and ceremonies. Best gold jewelry Hyderabad has a timeless draw that appeals to people of all ages because of its exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Looking At The Most Beautiful Gold Jewelry Designs In Hyderabad
When you go into the world of Hyderabadi gold jewelry, you'll find a wide range of traditional and modern styles. Every piece shows how different things have shaped this busy city and tells a different story.
There is a wide range of best gold jewellery shops in Hyderabad to fit all tastes and styles, from the traditional beauty of Kundan to the more modern look of temple jewelry. There are a lot of options. You can pick from the intricate filigree work of Nizam patterns, the delicate Meenakari designs, or the bold lines of Polki.
In Hyderabad's jewelry shops, the narrow alleyways are full of unique pieces that blend new ideas with old ones.
How to Choose the Right Gold Jewelry in Hyderabad to Find the Perfect Piece
With so many options, it might be hard to find the right piece of gold jewelry. These tips will help you get around Hyderabad's jewelry market, whether you're shopping for a wedding or just want to dress up an everyday outfit with a little sparkle.
Look Into And Learn About:
Look at a few different colors and styles for a while before making a choice. Visit a few gold shops in Hyderabad to get an idea of what's available.
When It Comes To Quality:
Think about the quality of the gold jewelry more than the amount when you're investing. To be sure that a piece is real, look for jewelry that has been hallmarked and comes from a reputable jeweler.
Think About Who You Are.
You should choose jewelry that goes with the clothes you're wearing and your style. You can choose things that speak to you with either classic or current styles.
Smart Budgeting
Set a budget and stick to it before you go shopping. There are many gold stores in Hyderabad, but it's important to find one that strikes a good mix between price and quality.
If you want to find the perfect gold jewelry for a wedding this season, Hyderabad can help you. The City of Pearls is a great place to shop because it has a lot of history, great craftsmanship, and a lot of different styles. So, go to the best gold jewelry shops in Hyderabad and enjoy the classic beauty of gold jewelry, which is the perfect mix of history and grace.
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angleberry · 10 months
Bangle Artificial Jewellery - Best Bangle Artificial Jewellery Online Shopping in India for Every Occasion
Bangle Artificial Jewellery - Best Bangle Artificial Jewellery Online Shopping in India for Every Occasion
Are you in search of latest design bangles? Then here is a vast collection of all type’s bangles for women and girls. Trending collection of bangles for daily wear and traditional occasions. Bangles Indian Jewellery is very common wear for girls and married women.
Bangles comes in various design and pattern such as color, size, shape, etc. Bangle Artificial Jewellery Online at best price with wide range of options. Bangle Artificial Jewellery is made of non-precious materials such as brass, copper, glass, metal alloys, plastic, etc.
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Other name of it is Kangan, Chudi, Bangadi, etc. It is circular in shape. It is worn around wrist on both hands or a single hand. Best Bangle Artificial Jewellery Online Shopping at cash on delivery all over in India.
We offer an exclusive range of Bangle Artificial Jewellery Online which can be paired with any outfit and various occasions. Our fashion jewellery products are highly durable and are available in various colors and designs at reasonable price. Our chudi set is colorful and made of high-quality materials.
Buy Artificial Bangles Online of Square, Round, Triangle, Hexagon, etc. shapes. Simple and designer kada style to wear for daily use at office and at home. Stunning Bangadi collection from traditional designs to modern-day styles we offer endless options to express your unique stylish personality and add a touch of glamour to your ensemble.
Bangle Artificial Jewellery Online Shopping at best price for wedding, bridal, dulhan, festive wear, etc. Explore a wide collection of traditional, modern and fashion chudi designs at our website. It wear is worn around the wrist. It comes in various types such as thin, broad, kada, according to the design.
Types of Bangles :-
Metal Bangles
Thread Bangles
Jadau/Kundan Bangles
Polki Bangles
Kada Bangles
Adjustable Screw Bangle
Antique Bangles
Meenakari Bangles
Golden Bangles
Kalire Bangles
Chuda Bangles
Silk Bangles
Silver Bangles
Moti Bangles
Wooden Bangles
Choora Bangles
Chuda Bangles
One can mix and match the different bangles to make the chuda to wear on saree, lehenga, chaniya choli, western wear, etc. So, create unique and customized look that reflects your individual personality and fashion style. It comes in a large variety of designs, styles, colors, and pattern making a popular choice for everyday wear.
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Pearl, moti, diamond, stone, jhumkas, kundan, mirror, etc. accessories to make kangan stylish and eye-catchy. Affordable luxury bangles costume jewellery at reasonable prices in India at your doorstep. Upgrade your style with these affordable yet stunning accessories for any function.
Bangles Size :-
Explore the world of artificial bangles for Daily Wear, Wedding Function, Western Wear, Engagement, Lakh, Bridal Set, Rajputi, Jaipuri, etc. According to different place such as Rajasthani, Bengali Loha, Kundan, Kerala, Punjabi and Hyderabadi Bangles.
Different colored stones are used to make the design look stunning and beautiful. This is affordable and expensive jewelry which give the look of real gold at reasonable cost. From daily use to traditional design all types are available at our website. It includes motifs of various things such as flower, leaf, temple, animals, birds, god, goddess, etc. so enhance your style with newest collection of Kangan.
Ornnaz is the Best Bangle Online Shopping Site for Artificial Jewellery in India for Women and Girls. Other than Bangles we also offer wide range of imitation jewellery such as Mangalsutra, Mala, Bracelet, Earrings, Pearl Long Set, Necklace, etc. Add royal and classy look with this beautiful jewelry design to your collection.
Buy Kangan Online in India we offer collection of style, versatility, and affordability for women. Kangan must have in your fashion jewellery collection. Choose from a variety of options like AD Kadli, CNC Two Tone, Antique High Gold Kada Bracelet, Brass High Gold Antique, Antique 6 Piece Set, etc.
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Enhance your look with our stylish collection of artificial ornaments for your upcoming special event or day. The biggest advantages of kangan is that it is versatility and can be pair with any costume. Whether you are attending a formal event or casual event this collection can be worn at any time.
Also called Bangadi in Gujarati, Kangan/Chudi in Hindi, Valayal in Tamil, Kada in Punjabi, Gaaju in Telugu, Bale in Kannada, Chura in Nepali, etc. It is consider as Saubhagya for married women in India Culture. From simple and understated designs for everyday wear to bold statement this allows you to smoothly elevate your fashion style.
What are bangles made of ?
It is made of copper, brass, metal, gold, silver alloys, bronze, oxidized, etc. materials.
Which city is famous for bangles ?
Firozabad city is famous for bangles. Firozabad city is near Agra in Firozabad district in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India.
What is the size of an Indian bangle ?
The most common sizes for Indian bangles are 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8 and 2.10 inches.
Can we wear single bangle ?
YES, off course one can wear single bangle.
How do you wear kangan?
Kangan is worn on wrist of the both hands.
Which colour Kangan is best?
Red colour Kangan is best and consider as symbolize energy and good luck for women.
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atlasphoebus · 1 year
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I wanted to keep the theme of hair jewellery and mourning jewellery going and somehow incorporate it into the final work. I had seen these examples of "hairy" jewellery, like this pink mohair and pearl bracelet made by Karu Koru Jewellery or Martin Bernstein's chain and pearl works, and thought that they were really interesting examples of how hair could be used other than in the traditional weaving style. I have a variety of real and synthetic pearls from old jewellery given to me by my mum, aunty and friends that has accumulated over my lifetime and I like to pull things apart like this to repurpose and give new life.
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For the necklace made with my own hair, I used a mix of plaiting and knotting with the pearls to create a very strange hairy necklace. I really enjoy the colour of my hair and the colour of the pearls, and that it almost looks like a chain of Neptunes Pearls that have washed up on the beach.
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For the bracelet I used the skein of yarn that I had from my Elon Musk sculpture for his hair, I love that it almost could be a merkin. I was able to shove the pearls down the length of the yarn and create something similar to the Karu Koru piece but with it looking a lot more passable to human hair.
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I also had an idea of being able to crochet the hair into something like a lace doily, but after some experiments with plaiting the hair into 3strand lengths and using it with a crochet hook, it was far too slippery and I just didn't have the skill or the right hook to be able to work with it.
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alishaclarkeblogs · 1 year
Mala Artificial Jewellery Online Shopping in India - Choose Trendy Mala Artificial Jewellery Online
Find the latest collection of Antique Mala Designs from Ornnaz…
Welcome to Ornaaz!! If you have been looking for Mala Artificial Jewellery stores online in India and are on the search for Latest Fashion Jewellery Online, your hunt is end here!
Here you will find various Stunning precious stones Mala sets crafted in metal will provide a sparkle to any occasion. Whatever you prefer trendy simplistic styles or traditional Mala, there are options to fit with your style. Explore and select a lovely Mala necklace and earring set from ethnic and modern designs to immediately increase your style sense.
Collection of Ornaaz Mala Artificial Jewellery:
AD Latkan Antique Fancy Mala with Single Strand Chain
Antique Mala with White Pearl and Golden Beads Balls
Dual Tone Fancy Mala with Black American Diamond Ball on Centrepiece
Fancy Antique Mala with White American Diamond Ball on Centrepiece
Fashionable White Pearl Fancy Mala Delicate Moti Chain
White Pearl Fancy Mala with Round Pearl Pendant
Keep in mind, when buying new ornamental jewellery designs, choose items that match your attire and are appropriate for the occasion. Online, you can get a large variety of embellishments in popular themes. Swipe through the alternatives and choose from Semi-Precious Stones, White Pearl, Moti, Latkan (Tassel), and Semi Gold Plated and many more. Aside from Mala, Necklace and earring sets, Bangles, Bracelets you may also look at trendy maang tikkas while shopping online.
Benefits of Ornnaz’s Mala Artificial Jewellery Online:
Extremely Durable: One of the supreme benefits of our imitation jewellery is the reality that it is long-lasting. The imitation jewellery is additionally plated with high-polished gold, which helps to preserve its appearance and provides volume to the original piece.
Variety: Imitation Mala Jewellery sets are available in a wide range of unique designs, motifs, and colours that are difficult to identify, and none compares to imitation jewellery in terms of individuality.
Reasonable: One of the most significant advantages of purchasing artificial jewellery in India is the low cost. With the capacity to recreate the appearance of expensive metals and stones, you may purchase outstanding pieces of jewellery for just a little of the price. Artificial jewellery is a cost-effective solution that does not sacrifice elegance or quality.
Security: Wearing artificial gemstones rather than real jewellery such as gold will make you feel safer. If you need to travel a long distance to attend a particular occasion, it is best to put on imitation jewellery since you can feel comfortable while carrying it and will be able to attend the event freely.
Suitable for All Occasions: Artificial jewellery is perfect for all events, making it a multipurpose piece that may be worn at work, special celebrations, or just about everywhere. You can simply find thin stuff that match your unique style and the event with so many types and designs to pick from.
Ornnaz is a Top Online Shopping Store has a collection of trendy jewellery; let’s buy Mala Artificial Jewellery Online India and upgrade your wardrobe. Ornnaz offers you stylish jewellery online at very reasonable prices. Our specialists do a great amount of research to bring you recent women’s fashion trends. Our array of products includes Indian as well as western fusion.
The stunning Mala jewel sets ooze charm and perfection, creating an attractive appearance to the wearer. Pair the elegant Mala jewellery with a saree or lehenga and you are ready to take on any occasion. Look through the contemporary selection if you need jewellery for informal occasions. However you're a fashion-forward individual or just seeking for a low-cost option, authentic jewellery is a wise decision that focuses both in terms of design and quality.
Fashion styles are constantly evolving, and they change with the passage of time. And jewellery is necessary for fashionable people, especially those who are stylistically conscious. In reality, it is a surprising fact that wearing fake jewelleries makes everyone appears outstanding. They can achieve a stunning and exquisite appearance by wearing replica jewellery, which is significantly less expensive than other types of ornamentation on the marketplace.
Single Chain Mala Artificial Jewellery is very attractive piece which is suitable for formal attire, it looks elegant and simple. In actuality, replica jewellery is stunningly attractive and beautiful jewellery items. It's a wonderful investment that will not harm your financial account too much. They are designed to be paired with any fashion, whether that is a lehenga, saree, Casuals, Formal, Kurta pair, Plazzo pair, Kurti Pant, Dress, or another western-style outfit.
Artificial Jewellery is available in very affordable prices. Stylish replica jewellery pieces like as necklaces, Pendent set, Bridal ornaments, Bracelets, Anklets, Hath Punja, choker necklaces, bangles, studs, rings, statement earrings, and a lot more can be purchased at a cheap price. Purchase our excellent Mala Artificial Jewellery Online India from our collection of one-of-a-kind, personalized, and handcrafted items. We provide imitation jewellery at very low costs and in a range of designs and styles. On every occasion, the women favour wearing ornamental jewellery instead of actual gold jewellery.
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manekratnajewels · 6 months
Polki Jewellery
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We’ll take a glance at the development of polki necklace designs specifically and the history of Indian jewellery normally. If you want to hold your total look and outfit easy. Still, you need to draw extra attention to your face, particularly to your ears. Affordable, fancy, and simply available artificial jewellery has all the necessities to make it to your record of everyday style essentials. While Kundan is an expensive form of jewellery, you might have wavering faith about buying it online. However, if you're on the lookout for Kundan jewellery sets with comparatively low costs, you'll be able to go for artificial Kundan jewellery crafted in fake metal with gold plating - Wholesale jewellery online.
Our groomers and chunky earrings are simply completely & gorgeous and look extra real than the actual issues themselves. Also, the color of her gold plating is nice- it's a beautiful bronze look, not the icky yellow look. Temple jewellery, as the name suggests, was the jewellery used to adorn the idols of gods and goddesses in the South Indian tradition. They are chunky and heavy, often studded with gems, and even manufactured from plain gold. Temple jewellery normally has designs that are influenced by the South Indian culture.
This polki jewellery is a must-have for any ethnic or Indo-western outfit. Because of the uncut diamonds hidden amid the emerald layers, this choker necklace is fitted to a queen. If you may be looking for an ideal pair of Payal in your wife or new bride. Therefore, do not forget to verify the Manek Ratna polki jewellery Payal collection. Try to do something different than your common silver old-fashioned Payal that's available at each jewellery retailer. The polki distinctive minimized stone embedded inside these anklets provides you with the feeling that they're created from diamonds. Your lady will be impressed by your choice and without any doubt will love these - artificial jewellery.
They use colours fabulously as is obvious within the set above and the pieces usually are not cookie-cutter synthetic jewellery items. Pearl jewellery is like an exquisite present from nature, created from valuable gems that kind inside oysters and sparkle softly when worn as necklaces, earrings, bracelets, or rings. When mixed with any outfit you're sporting it provides elegant enchantment no matter if dressing up or preserving issues casual. For more information, please visit our site https://www.manekratna.com/
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yuvan123 · 1 year
Which place in India is famous for imitation jewelry?
Sparkling Secrets: Unveiling the Top Destination for Imitation Jewellery in India
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India is a land of diverse cultures and traditions. One of its most vibrant and colorful aspects is jewellery. From the ornate gold designs of South India to the elaborate silver jewellery of Rajasthan, each region of India has its unique style. One kind of jewellery that has become popular in recent times is imitation jewellery, and it is manufactured in plenty of places in India
However, not everyone can afford the extravagance of real gold and diamonds, which is why imitation jewellery has become increasingly popular. And when it comes to imitation jewellery, there is one place that stands out amongst others - Welcome to the famous place for imitation jewellery in India!  In this article, we will explore the most famous place in India for imitation jewellery.
Jaipur - The Pink City
Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is famous for its heritage, culture, and architecture. The city is also known for its royalty, spices, and traditional jewellery. Jaipur is the hub for imitation jewellery in India, and it produces a wide range of classic and trendy designs. The Pink City is renowned for its kundan and Meenakari jewellery, which includes enameling on gold, and works with pearls and colored stones. The women of Jaipur have a knack for creating jewellery designs that blend traditional and modern styles seamlessly.
Gujarat-The Diamond city
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When we talk about the imitation jewellery market in Gujarat, we cannot ignore the city of Rajkot, which is famous for its imitation jewellery. The city offers a wide variety of designs and an excellent collection of jewellery. They use a lot of chunky stones, which gives the jewellery a magnificent look. The intricate designs and affordable prices make Rajkot an ideal place to buy imitation jewellery.
In addition to Rajkot, there is another city in Gujarat, Surat, which is known for wholesale trading of imitation jewellery. Famous for its diamonds, Surat has become the city that produces maximum imitation jewellery. You'll be amazed by the extensive range of imitation jewellery they have to offer.
Hyderabad - The Pearl City
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Hyderabad, the Pearl City of India, is famous for its traditional Nizami jewellery. The city has a rich heritage of pearls, and its imitation jewellery is no exception. The jewellery manufacturers in Hyderabad create beautiful and elegant designs using pearls, Kundan, and other precious stones. The imitation jewellery made here is known for its intricate and delicate craftsmanship, which resembles the real deal.
India is a treasure trove of riches, ranging from its colourful landscapes, vibrant culture and traditional jewellery. The imitation jewellery industry in India has evolved and grown exponentially, and the places mentioned above are just a few of the best-known hubs in India. When it comes to imitation jewellery, India has something for everyone, ranging from classic styles to trendy pieces. We hope this blog article was useful in helping you identify the best place for imitation jewellery in India. Happy shopping!
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