#tpoh update!
modmad · 12 days
TPoH: Update!
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Update here on the TPoH website!
Read TPoH from the start here.
Have you still not got your nice warm Assok socks or a shiny butterfly pin? Head on down to Topatoco town and introduce yourself to my store for books, shirts, stickers and more!
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the-solar-system52 · 5 months
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So! Negative talking with the Butterfly definitely did something to him. Maybe he recognised their voice? Or he looked at him directly in their eyes? Some people have proposed the idea that Anxiety blinded Negative, and if that's the case, then I wonder how long the effect will last.
The Butterfly gave him a flashback to his human life, and I'm guessing its one that includes the Butterfly.
Its hard to make out, but we see a human hand extending out, and text that says "WAIT! Don't lea-" (I'm guessing 'don't leave') and "What do you say? We got a deal?"
What's even more interesting, is that RGB didn't get this flashback when he came into contact with the Butterfly. Only Negative did.
This tells us two major things:
The Butterfly used to be a human and they knew Human RGB
2. Negative has access to memories of their life that RGB doesn't
Starting with the first one, I think I'm beginning to figure out just what happened between Butterfly and RGB.
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It all starts with this infamous page. The Butterfly gave RGB a schism, which caused him to get a flashback. In this flashback, he is in a backstage acting room (judging that there's one of those fancy mirrors with the lights on them in the background) and he looks very tired and angry. He then tells whoever he is talking to that he hates them.
I assume that this is RGB talking to whoever the Butterfly used to be.
In the lastest update, the flashback gives off similar vibes. RGB and The Butterfly make a deal, but there is also text ("Don't leave") that implies one of them is backing out of the deal. I'm not exactly sure who is who in this situation though.
Either way, RGB did something that really pissed off the Butterfly enough for them to still be mad at them in The Land of Make Believe.
My assumption is this:
As we know, RGB was an actor. So I'm guessing The Butterfly was either an actor, director, or any professional job that would give them the opportunity to meet RGB.
Just like the Butterfly is trying to partner with Negative in this scene, Human Butterfly had a partnership with Human RGB long ago. I'm not sure what it was, but I'm guessing it was related to acting. (It also could've been romantic. Or both. RGB already has like three partners, I wouldn't put it past him.) But the Butterfly messed something up so badly that is caused RGB to get mad and call off the partnership, which is the scene we see on the "I hate you" page. The Butterfly begged RGB to stay ("Wait! Don't leave.") but he didn't.
This may have led to consequences that ruined the Butterfly's career. Either way, they were so hurt by this that they still resent RGB to this day. I have no clue how The Butterfly made it to The Land of Make Believe, since I don't think they were a hero, but it was probably something to do with how RGB treated them.
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So when The Butterfly asked Negative for a partnership again, not knowing who Negative was, he got a flashback.
The colours that come out of Negative's vents are Red and Yellow, Anger and Anxiety. Both emotions fit perfectly with this situation.
(Or I could be totally wrong. Since I don't know who's who, it could be the BUTTERFLY saying 'I hate you' and RGB saying 'Don't leave.' But I think the first version fits better with the overarching theory I have. So I'll assume RGB is saying 'I hate you' unless proven otherwise.)
Please let me know if anyone has anything to add to this theory! I think I'm really getting close to figuring this stuff out but there's still some stuff I'm confused on.
Onto the second thing!
I've already talked about this a lot in this theory, but I'd like the expand on it a bit. That theory is slightly outdated since now we know The Butterfly doesn't know who Negative is, but I think I was on the right track.
When RGB and Negative split, Negative took some of RGB's memories with him. (That, or whatever memories RGB sold to Time were given to Negative. I haven't decided yet but either way Negative has some of RGB's lost memories.)
Since RGB and Negative used to be a whole person as a human, parts of their personality in the flashbacks are influenced by both RGB and Negative.
More than that, we have visual identifiers as to which personality is being portrayed in these flashbacks!
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When Human RGB's eyes are covered and we see his mouth, it's RGB's memory. Since his TV self has a mouth and no eyes. This means RGB is the one having the flashback and the memory has him displaying more 'RGB-esque' personality traits. Like, in this scene, sleeping on the job and being woken up by a colleague is definitely something I imagine RGB doing, but no so much Negative.
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When Human RGB's mouth is covered and we see his eyes, it's Negative's memory. Since his TV self has an eye and no mouth. In this scene, he is displaying more 'Negative-esque' personality traits. He is being confrontational and cold, and straight up telling someone he hates them. That doesn't sound like something our resident coward RGB would do.
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And to add to this, blue roses show up as this flashback happens. This memory belongs to Negative, but RGB is viewing it because of his schism. And as I've said before, his schisms/gaps are definitely related to Negative.
So when they split, their human memories and personality traits were split up between them.
I really hope I am right, because I LOVE this facial feature detail! The fact we never see his full face at once gives the impression of him not being 'complete' bc he's not! He's literally being split into two people, so his face was split accordingly. Genuinely a genius visual metaphor on Mod's part. And it really makes me wonder if we will see his full face if RGB and Negative ever fuse back together again.
It's something to keep in mind for the next flashback!
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As for the lastest memory, I'm not sure if it's Negative or RGB's, since we don't see their face. It's a possibility it is either a shared memory or RGB's memory that Negative is viewing, which would explain why it messes up Negative so much. And why we see some of RGB's colour return to him.
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And what on earth is happening to Negative here? At first I thought he was going to faint and allow RGB to return, but now I'm not sure. Yes he is disoriented, but I think he'll be sticking around for just a bit longer. The blue roses haven't popped yet, and they tend to do that when he leaves. And I'm hoping he'll get a little more screentime since they still need to escape the house and everything, but I won't jinx it.
And what's with the yellow root in his leg? Those roses are mysterious as fuck, and I wanna find out what they'll do to him. I am still trying to figure out wether Negative completely controls them, or if they kinda have a mind of their own. They could make him stronger or make him weaker. They could charge that static electricity again. They could do something to his gaps. Who knows! But I'll be back next Sunday to figure it out.
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sincerely-sofie · 1 year
I waited ten long years for this moment…
get dadded, idiot
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November Character-a-Day Drawing Challenge (That I Made Up)
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Day 26: RGB (The Property of Hate)
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goosemagician · 6 months
An alternate cover for "Anti-Hero" (images in the background are from "The Property of Hate" by Sarah Jolley/modmad)
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fandommadnessthings · 6 months
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Is Negative gonna defy the laws of gravity? Miss Mod did said that Negative is now basically in the laws of "Cool" while RGB follows the laws of "funny" as in things don't really go well with RGB's luck
But Negative on the other hand has some really good luck so far!
Next page prediction: Negative just walks away on the ceiling twords the door now that he can reach it!
Again Hero is just going along with what's happening here LMAO
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ink-ghoul · 1 month
so how long has it been since you've thought of tpoh
I just read the new update this morning
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sqwdkllr · 2 months
what is tpoh? i keep seeing you rb stuff from it but idk what it acutally is or where to find it
Tpoh is an abbreviation of the actual title for the webcomic “The Property of Hate” by Modmad !
You can read the comic here <-
It’s about a girl who is chosen to carry the title of “Hero” by a television-headed man, named RGB, desperate to save his world and everyone in it- except it’s so sweet, angsty, and beautifully drawn absolutely love it. It’s so very worth it JUST for the dynamic between RGB and Hero. (If you love father-daughter dynamics you’ll love this)
The author is also a voice actor in the famous web page series “Welcome Home” ! So feel free to support Modmad as well they are a very kind individual !!
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lexezombie · 6 months
Hey! been a hot minute since I posted a Trolls thing-- sorry!
I've been waiting for the next 4 chapters of my Troll!Chef fic to be proof read -- but it's up now! Plus some art of Flores when she was alive <;3 (I need to draw her ghostly form)
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neraddycham · 1 year
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therealraewest · 2 years
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She FLAP!!!
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modmad · 3 months
A very special TPoH Update!
So of course I lead with the usual news that TPoH has updated-
Update here on the TPoH website!
Read TPoH from the start here.
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and if you're looking for something extra to cosy up to your cute lil companion here, perhaps you need just a dash of... Anxiety! That's right, you can BUY it now! WHAT A DEAL!
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REJOICE! Both of these wonderful items are now live on the Topatoco Store- have a look around while you're there, there's plenty of other lovely things (and The Princess and the Jester books are nearly completely sold out so if you want one of those you'd better jump on it! there's no guarantee there will ever be another run of that book so like, seriously) GO GO GO!
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the-solar-system52 · 8 months
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mystrixstory · 1 year
Y’all know that meme image of the dad holding his kid in the air by their leg at the beach?
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ouuma · 1 year
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this sneaky little-
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goosemagician · 3 months
Anti-Hero Update!
This one's a doozy, with 6 new pages!
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