#totally didn't have a melt down while playing with these pics
dreamboykeery · 25 days
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you make heaven a place on earth ♪
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
So there was a bts pic of Homie’s bedroom and his walls were covered with historical photos of like George Washington and stuff. I have this hc that once his s/o realizes this, she gives him a photo of the two of them together in a frame and he is so overjoyed and touched by this, he kinda doesn’t know what to do. How do you think that scene would play out? I totally realize this is kind of a request but I just love your writing so and think you could do it such sweet justice 😊
"What is it?" Homelander asks, staring down at the gift bag in his hands. It's absolutely bursting with bits of festive tissue paper, but no glitter. You learned a while ago that he despises glitter for the way it sticks to him. His sense of touch is apparently as keen as his every other sense, making glitter akin to devil dust on his skin. You smile demurely at him. "It's a present."
"It's not my birthday," he says, looking up at you with furrowed brows. You expected him to make a joke, or scoff at your duh-worthy answer, but he looks genuinely bewildered. "It's not our anniversary." "No, I know," you say, your tone gentler now. "But, uhm... Well, go ahead and open it. I'll explain after."
After giving you a perplexed once over, Homelander looks back down at the bag and begins pulling the tissue loose. You hold out your hand to take it, leaving him free to carefully lift the picture frame from the bag. He stares at it for what feels like an eternity, blinking several times. Suddenly, you're starting to feel nervous. Does he not like pictures of himself? Maybe it wasn't for lack of consideration that he didn't have any personal photos in his own home. Maybe he— Homelander cuts your internal spiral short with a sudden laugh. It's a breathless noise, and as he continues to blink, you realize that his eyes are glassy. "Hey," you whisper, leaning in, putting your hand on his forearm. "Are you okay?" "Look at that," he says, gently tapping the back of his fingers off of the frame. It's not the most flattering or artistic picture, just a candid photo of the two of you from a private Vought event, leaning against one another, smiles bright in the way only genuine joy can be. "It's so fuckin'... Normal. No politician, no goddamn ribbon cutting, no promotional material. We're not shaking hands," he says, exhaling another laugh. "Just you and me." "Just you and me," you echo quietly, rubbing his arm. Homelander's entire life has been commodified so thoroughly, and it strikes you raw to realize this is perhaps the first photo he's been given that wasn't for an autograph. "You have so many pictures, but none of yourself, so I thought... You could use something more personal." You watch the way his thumb strokes along the outside of the frame. He sniffs lightly, clearing his throat. You wait patiently while he processes, and after a few moments, he carefully pops the stand out of the back of the frame, and sets it upright on the side table, staring at it. "You like it?" You ask, tentatively hopeful, though you're fairly certain these are good tears. The next thing you know, Homelander's hands are on either side of your face, drawing you in swiftly for a deep kiss, wringing a small noise of surprise from you. That melts quickly into delight as you relax against him, cupping his face in return and kissing him back. He kisses you nearly as long as he'd stared at the picture for. Even once the kiss breaks, he doesn't let you get anywhere. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes soft, still misty. You stroke his cheeks with your thumbs, rubbing your nose against his a little. It makes him smile, like it always does. "I love you," you say quietly, pressing another small kiss to his lips. Homelander sighs, his breath minty and warm on your lips. "I love you so much." You're definitely going to have to get him some more pictures.
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 3 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 9
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Chapter 9
Word Count: 3,432
We're going to skip the formalities Ashleigh," Colson strolled into the study and pushed Ashleigh's chair back, "Why did you you do it??"
"Colson I-" Ashleigh looked at him, frightened, "Slim said if I didn't do it then-it would have been me instead," she hung her head in shame.
"Hmm.." Colson held his chin and pretended to be in deep thought, "so you gave up Y/N instead..makes sense I guess," he shrugged.
"What?!" her head snapped up.
"Slim is a crackhead and is blazed half the time..what's your excuse for taking part in this Ashleigh," his eyes were fire and ice all at once.
"He threatened me-" she cried out.
"But you made conscious decision to help him f*ck my wife didn't you?!" Colson shot back, "you even spiked her drink with a double dose of the drug!" He shouted, "why did you do that? Huh?!"
"I was scared!" she said as the tears pooled her eyes,
"Ahhh..I see.." Colson stood up, " are you scared Ash?" Colson got up stared directly into her eyes.
"Y-e-ss.." she gulped and looked at the bodyguards that towered behind Colson.
"Good," Colson said with satisfaction, "it's good that you're afraid," he paced around her chair, "At least I've got the decency to plan this thing in front of you; and not behind your back like what you did to someone that considered you a friend," he stopped in front of her, "Now I'm going to get one of these guys to lock you in a tiny bathroom and have his way with you? How about that? Sound familiar?"
"Don't! Please! I'll do anything!" she fell at Colson's feet and grovelled.
"Guys can I have a volunteer to take this lovely lady into the restroom and do what ever you feel like with her? Actually I want you to go as far as Slim did with my wife..or further maybe? Rog? Andre? You're game?" Colson asked.
"Let me at her Col. I think I will do a good job than Rog over here," Andre motioned with his head.
"No, no, no. Please allow me Col? I will do a better job than Slim," Rog said smugly.
"Okay Rog you're our guy!" Colson patted Rog on the back, "don't worry Ashleigh I'll just turn a blind eye like you did and I hope, for your sake, there's someone that cares enough to come and knock the door down-like I did," Colson stepped away from her, "Hey don't forget to rough her up and spike her drink before-just like Slim did to my wife."
"Waaiiitt! Don't leave me! I'm sorry! Please! Slim made me do it-he-he threatened me," Ashleigh wailed.
"Why didn't you come to me?! You had a choice and you did the wrong thing Ashleigh! That makes you as bad as Slim!" Colson yelled at her, his blue eyes blazing. "By the way-enjoy your stay in prison," he informed her before he left the room.
"Take her away Rog and don't come out until she passes out just like Y/N," Jax looked down at her with disgust.
"Jax! Please don't do this!" she pleaded but Jax was having none of it.
"You saw it fit to do it to Y/N so why should I feel sorry for you? Take her away," Jax said.
"Noooo! Please!" Ashleigh screamed as Rog threw her over his shoulder; to carry out orders.
"How far do you want to take this Colson?" Jax asked as they walked to the car.
"As far as Slim took liberties on my wife," Colson replied tersely, "I want her to experience everything that Y/N went through. She should have a play by play version and we'll see how she feels being in the same shoes."
"So they're not going to actually...?" Jax raised his eyebrow.
"No! I gave them strict instructions not to take it that far," he reiterated.
"Okay," Jax opened the door for Colson and he jumped in.
"Please take me to the hospital? I need to check on Y/N before I lose my mind," Colson sighed heavily, "the doctor has assured me that he didn't..get very far."
"What a relief!" Jax sagged on the driver's seat.
"If he had-I was going to kill him with my bare hands," Colson clenched his fist.
"Not if I got to him first-with a bullet straight through his head," Jax said with conviction.
"I think we need to leave this place. Just me and Y/N," Colson said, "please make the arrangements?"
"Where are we going to this time?" Jax questioned, knowing he was part of the plan.
"Jamaica," Colson replied.
"Good morning baby," Colson sat on the hospital bed and held Y/N's hand. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned.
"You told him," she snatched her hand out of his grasp and turned aside.
"What?!" Colson asked, confused.
"I told you something in confidence," she cleared her throat, "and you told Slim so he could use it against me," she sniffled.
"Sweets.." Colson jumped onto the bed and lay in front of her, "look at me? Please?" he held her face tenderly.
"I honestly have no idea what you're going on about" his blonde hair flopped over his eyes and he tossed it back, "can you at least fill in the blanks so that we can be on the same page?" he stared at her intently.
"He knew," she whispered, "he knew about Bobby," she dropped her gaze.
"Who's Bobby baby?" Colson asked gently.
"My ex," she gulped as she twisted her hands nervously.
"I didn't tell him anything about it sweets. I swear. Maybe he overheard me talking to Jax the other day..I wanted him to help find him so you wouldn't have to worry about him coming back-I didn't want it hanging over your head," Colson explained "plus you never really told me his name.."
"Oh," her eyes focused on chest.
"You like my t-shirt?" Colson joked.
"I've always found plain white t-shirts fascinating," she rolled her eyes.
"This isn't just any white t-shirt babe-it's an original Levi," Colson held out the hem of the t-shirt and grinned.
"I'm sorry for spoiling your night," Y/N apologized.
"Hey..don't do that," Colson held her chin up and gazed into her e/c orbs, "I should be the one apologizing actually. I was supposed to protect you but-"
"Can we not talk about this?" she frowned and looked away.
"Sure," there was an awkward silence. "I'll go and check with the doctor if he's done with your discharge papers," Colson hopped of the bed and left the room.
Y/N looked up the ceiling and sighed heavily. How did she end up in this situation for a second time? If Colson hadn't kicked down the door when he did then-she didn't even want to think about it. She would rather keep it buried in her emotional archives.
"Good morning!" Jax stood at the door with his hands in his pockets, "is there room for one more?" he smiled.
"Jax!" Y/N gave him a genuine smile, "come in!" Jax got to her in two strides and engulfed her in a bear hug.
"You okay kid?" he leaned back and examined her.
"Yeah," she grinned.
"Good. The doctor has given you the green light, you can go home" he nodded with satisfaction, "did your husband tell you that we're going on honeymoon?"
"No Jax," Colson cut in, "but you might as well tell her."
"Tell me what?" Y/N asked.
"We're going to the Caribbean baby," Jax smiled.
"What?! Really babe??" Y/N gushed and Colson nodded with a smile.
"Let's get out of here I need to pack."
It was a beautiful day; the birds were singing, the sun was shining and all was alright in the world. For now at least.
Colson woke up early and went to take his usual swim. The beach was deserted as he walked towards the water, in his shorts and his towel slung over his shoulder. He loved to take an early morning swim as part of his workout routine because it helped him to think; and he had a lot of thinking to do this morning.
At the end of this week they were going back to reality and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. The press that constantly stalked him and pried into his private life unashamedly, his fake friends, the pressure of staying at the top and last but not least his dear mother in law. Mrs Y/M/F/N L/N had called him, breathing fire and threatening to castrate him as soon as his jet touched the ground of Cleveland. He would definitely chose dealing with the press over that any day.
While he understood that she had genuine concerns, Y/N was a grown woman and the only thing that mattered to him. The way he felt about her frightened him. After Dani he had promised to never fall in love again. Love was complicated, it was too intense and it made you vulnerable; but worst of all you could risk getting your heart broken. He had loved Dani more than was humanely possible-he could have done anything for her and he did, but after she slept with his best friend she did irreparable damage to his heart. He couldn't risk it again-and yet he found himself totally consumed by Y/N Y/L/N.
Her eyes captivated him and sent his heart spiraling to the ends of the unknown. When she laughed or smiled at him he felt like he could take on the world. Making love to her was an indescribable feeling..he couldn't put it into words even if he tried. She was always on his mind and he just wanted to be with her all the time. He was selfish when it came to her-he didn't want anyone else around when they were together; he wanted all her attention; all of her.
Colson swam back to the shore, his body was exhausted. He bent over and held onto his knees, trying to catch his breath.
"Smile," Y/N said and as he looked up startled she took a pic with her iPhone.
"Hey sweets," his face broke into a smile and his heart skipped a beat.
"I could wake up to this every morning..some girls have all the luck," she sighed and took a few more pics of Colson in his swimming trunks, water dripping from his gorgeous body.
"You know what Bambi..I think you need to be in the pic as well-"Colson lunged at her and grabbed her, making her wet. She was dressed in a short floral caftan dress which did nothing to protect her.
"Baker!" she squealed, "you're making me wet!"
"Just what I love to hear sweets," he crushed her against his solid chest and their lips merged, melting into each other. He wove his fingers into her silky soft hair and she in turn slid her fingers into his wet hair.
Jax stood behind them clearing his throat and got their attention.
"Just on time Jax-please take a video and post it on Instagram asap okay?" Colson handed the phone to him.
"A video??," Y/N asked. Before she got a response Colson swooped her off her feet and threw over his shoulder. He ran back into the water amidst Y/N's screams and protests.
She landed in the water with a splash and Colson laughed at her as she spluttered in the water.
"Baker you are dead!!" she jumped onto his back and they both keeled over back into the water. Y/N tried to escape but he caught her foot and dragged her back in. They continued a full out make out session and would have taken it further if Jax hadn't reminded them that they were in a public area.
"That's enough you two!" Jax yelled, "breakfast is served, let's go."
"Let's get changed first. Come one," Colson put his arm around her shoulder as they walked back to the villa. They had a quick shower and dressed up before going for breakfast.
"Can't we go out somewhere for breakfast?" Y/N suggested, "We're in the Caribbean so we might as well take advantage of it."
"As mi 'lady wishes," Colson bowed.
"Baker!" Y/N swatted his arm.
"But I went all out and made breakfast for you two?" Jax grumbled.
"Sorry Jax. Guess we will have to stay and eat," Y/N said.
"Killjoy," Colson muttered under his breath.
"Don't worry babe, we can explore after breakfast," Y/N squeezed his arm.
"Ooh, I like the sound of that.." Colson murmured and leaned in to kiss her.
"Can we eat now?" Jax complained.
"I would rather eat what I'm looking at right now.." Colson continued to suck on Y/N's lips and she giggled.
"Gosh! I think I'm going to throw up," Jax rolled his eyes, "I'm going to eat at my villa. I'll leave you kids to it." He threw his napkin on the table and stood up.
"Hey Jax," Colson said, "You're officially off duty. We'll call you when we need you."
"Thank you!" Jax said with a sigh of relief, "at least I won't have to witness you two sucking face any longer."
"Makes two of us," Colson replied. They laughed as they watched him leave.
"You're not a nice person Baker," Y/N said as she nibbled on a piece of bacon.
"I know but I'm still yours," he tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Are you really?" she asked with uncertainty.
"Sweets-let's not do this? Please?" he raked his hair.
"So nothing has changed," she nodded and her gaze as she twisted her fingers nervously.
"I'm going for a walk!" Colson pushed back his chair and it screeched as he stood up.
"Fine!" Y/N shouted at his retreating back.
Y/N thought that things had changed. That somehow his feelings had changed and he was finally ready to admit that he loved her, that this was more than a casual fling, that they had passed the stage of testing the waters. She had hoped they had established their relationship on a solid foundation but his outburst had proved that they were still on ground zero.
Two steps forward. Two steps back.
Y/N spent the day watching Netflix in the guest room at the villa. She had ordered room service because she didn't feel like cooking. She didn't feel like doing anything but wallowing in self-pity. Colson hadn't shown up for lunch or dinner and Y/N went into further depression. There was a fully stocked bar so she decided to take full advantage of it and drowned her sorrows.
She heard loud music coming from outside so she got dressed in her best outfit and headed out. There was no way she was going to sit at home while Colson was probably out there having a good time. She stumbled into a local club that seemed to be happening tonight and made a beeline to the bar.
"Can I have a cosmo?" she asked the barman and he nodded. She sipped on it slowly and watched the revelers grinding on each other; having a good time.
"Care to dance?" Colson came from behind and whispered in her ear.
"Get lost Baker," she retorted without swinging around.
"Look sweets, I'm sorry for walking out on you," he turned her around and he took her hands, "I shouldn't have done that-please forgive me?" he pouted.
"We can't make progress if that's what you going to do every time we have a fight," she said, "where have you been all day anyway?"
"I went scuba diving and surfing with Jax," he replied. "Can we just be Colson and Y/N tonight? For the rest of the week maybe?" he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, "No fighting, no arguing-no nothing-good vibes only. Just me and you enjoying each other's company? Can we do that baby?" he implored.
"Okay Baker. I'm sold," Y/N rolled her eyes and picked up her drink.
"I know we need to do grown up talk soon but can it be when we get back home?" he asked, "for now I just want to enjoy my honeymoon with my beautiful and sexy wife," he took her drink and gulped half of it down.
"Hey! Get your own," she slapped his arm. He ordered another round for them and then a couple of more. She was feeling light headed and her face was tingling. The alcohol had clearly kicked in and she could feel it.
"Let's go dance!" Colson pulled her to the dance floor.
"I don't even know how to dance to this music!" she shouted into his ear. She looked around her and all she could see was people gyrating on each other. If they didn't have any clothes on it would have been x-rated.
"There's nothing to it sweets. Just follow my lead," Colson started grinding against her and she followed suit.
They got lost in the moment as their bodies intertwined as they moved to the rhythm of the music. He turned her around and fitted her back into the contour of his body, his hands slowly gliding down her thighs. She weaved her hands in his hair and pressed her backside into him and he groaned into her ear.
"You're killing me Bambi," his lust filled voice whispered into her ear, sending chills down her spine. He gripped her hips tightly and sucked her earlobe and she gasped.
"I learnt from the best," she said breathlessly, as she continued to grind against him.
"Bathroom-now!" he growled.
"What?!" her eyeballs almost popped out. This was so hot but she had to be the voice of reason here. He grabbed her hand and led her to the ladies restrooms, "Colson-you can't be serious?!
"This is Jamaica sweets. We can't come here and not have hot, spontaneous sex in the bathroom," he slammed the door shut and made sure it was locked.
"What if we get caught?" she asked breathlessly, as he planted hot kisses on her neck.
"Too bad-they will just have to hear you screaming my name," he said in a husky voice, before he pushed her against the door and took her right there and then.
Welcome to Jamaica.
The rest of the night was a blur and just when Y/N thought she was ready to head home, Colson told her the night was only beginning.
"We've been invited to an after party at Sean Paul's and I have been trying forever to get a collabo with him. This is my chance," Colson said as they jumped into the limo.
"Can you maybe drop me off at home? I'm totally wasted," Y/N groaned and leaned back on the leather seat.
"Not a chance sweets," Colson leaned in and kissed her until she was breathless, "better?" he asked with a smile.
"Hmmm," was all Y/N could day.
"We won't stay long. Promise," he assured her but they both knew it was a lie.
Colson kept her entertained throughout the night and never left her side. They danced, talked, drank and danced some more. Finally she couldn't stand on her feet any more so they went to sit down again. The people at their table were smoking a joint an passing it around and Colson pulled on it a couple of times before passing it to Y/N.
"No way!" she pushed his hand away.
"Don't tell me you've never smoked weed sweets?" he looked genuinely shocked.
"Never..not interested," she slurred, "I don't smoke."
"This is different. Besides-we're in Jamaica sweets. You can't be here and not experience this," he looked at the joint like it was gold, "come on just try it. Just one drag," he coaxed and his new found friends cheered her on.
"Okay, okay" she relented. Against her better judgement she took it and smoked it until she choked on the smoke.
"Yeah!" everyone cheered for her.
"Well done Bambi," Colson chuckled and rubbed her back.
To this day Y/N couldn't remember how she got home that night.
Colson teased her about it the next day. Apparently she danced on the table and almost did a strip show but he had stopped her just in time. He even got a lap dance.
"You're a bad influence Baker," she groaned and went back to sleep.
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Hello there, my darling. It is me 🐣. Forst of all, sorry for leaving you on ''read''. I've been too busy with shitshow happening in my life. Finally, late at night I can indulge in our little world. Also, I am so happy that other readers have been participating! I've seen so many good points! Oh, but I felt kinda bad for the anonnie who was dissatisfied with Boba's lack of proper sexting. Sorry not sorry but I have a blast everytime we bully tech-grandpa Boba. Okay, onto your entries!
Yes, camping with Paz!!! He lives for hiking,
Also sharing a sleeping bag with him,
Yes, yes, especially since nights in the mountains are definitely cold 😉,
Oh god, oh yes, after some intense wrestling session, laying together and stargazing,
Paz with tatts??
Hell yeah!
I've seen noonies being onto idea that Paz is a geek,
So he definitely has a sleeve tatt with all of his favorite heroes,
Also Miles Morales! Omg, yes, Paz favorite movie is Into the Spoderverse!,
Also Paz has some inspirational/self-love related tattoos in this foreign language (mando'a?),
Trip too Zoo with our beloved clan = a disaster,
Lots of pics of Din holding Grogu while petting and feeding animals 😍,
Grogu and his weird food fixation, bless his soul,
Yes a frog stuffie!!! When you guys get back home, he waddles back to his cool space room and introduces baby Yoda to his new friend!,
Ah yes, the frog catching disaster,
You and Din discussing getting Grogu a pet frog,
Uncle Paz helps with getting the right terrarium kit!,
You often catch Paz babytalking to his Ad'ika,
Typicial, who's the good boy? Yes, you are,
Also Paz playing dead and his little companion jumping all over him to revive him,
Din as Mando, Grogu as Baby Yoda and you as Omera, you say?? Heck yeah!,
Also Razor Crest needs a costume as well!,
Uncle Boba throwing a huge ass Halloween party,
Big deal event, celebrities showing up,
Kudos to anon who pitched the idea of Bonnie and Clyde!,
Also Pedro Pascal shows up at the party too,
He is dressed as mando,
Shitshow is about to go down 😂,
People getting confused because Pedro and Din not only have similar posture but they also sound similar, it's too uncanny-valley,
Boba would definitely kidnap you from the dance floor to do some urgent wrestling!,
Also umm 😳 gunplay!kink Boba 😳,
You and Paz going trick or treating!!!,
Witch Paz once casted a curse upon a customer who was being a huge karen to the waitress,
He loves his employees dearly, so no messing around is allowed!,
His employees were shipping you with him long before you became a thing,
Paz once jokingly said that he would lick and eat anything off of you,
You were like hmm even spaghetti?,
And he was like heck yess,
Eww, Paz baby, gross!
Next time he was slurp slurping pasta from your body, srsly this goofball,
Afterwards, he cleaned you nicely, through and through no worries,
Giving Boba a head while he dives his expensive car? 😳,
Also he has a big hot tube and a pool in his penthouse!,
Drinking expensive alcohol while snuggling in the tub?,
Making Boba to loosen up, skinny dipping in the pool??,
You and Din were wrestling rather intensively, and he mumbled something about adding another child to you little family,
You didn't pay much attention to that,
Until he started to grunt about putting a baby in you every now and then,
You having a talk with him,
He shyly explaining that it was his deepest desire to have a big loving family,
Admitting that vision of you carrying for Grogu makes him bothered every time,
Also he said he couldn't get the image of you with a baby bump out of his head,
Omg Paz being infertile???
You've just broken my heart as wel...
But Boba and Kamino project to the rescue???,
Or alternatively, he would have no problem adopting children, being blood related isn't important to him at all,
Auntie Armorer comforting him about his problem,
But imagine if he somehow managed to get you pregnant... 😭😭😭
Also, Mr Fett senior looking up from the heavens at his son, thinking when he'd get grandchildren to carry on the family ''business'' legacy
Once again sorry for the lack of my participation I will try to tune in more often, my darling! Also, I didn't add much this time sorry my mind was somewhere else this time. I will try to add more ideas later! - 🐣
Welcome back darling!!! I missed you, and don't worry about being away take all the time you need. I am also glad that you enjoyed all of our other little rambles that I've answered!
Paz named his dog Ad'ika, this man most definitely has quotes/self love tattoos in mando'a, mandalorian ruins, or aurebesh
Paz has a tattoo for all of his fallen friends and teammates he lost while he was in military
Paz baby talking his dog is so fucking cute!!!
Paz definitely taught his dog all of the tricks, including play dead
When the two of you go trick or treating some of the kids do get scared of him because he's dressed like chewie and he's huge. He pouts because he didn't mean to scare them
Paz totally does little curses to the people who come in and are rude, you don't treat his employees like that, or the other customers without retaliation
His employees had a pool going to see how long it takes before Paz actually mans up and asks you out, and then another one fore how long it'll take before the two of you are married
If you would let him, Paz would never use a plate again. He would eat anything and everything off of you, but his favorites are sweets
Chocolate syrup, yes please. Paz makes sure to thoroughly clean you up 😉
Paz finally opens up to you about his impotency issues one night and you hold him close telling him that, that doesn't matter to you
Paz would and could adopt every child he meets if he could
But also like imagine, one day while you both are still dating, you've missed your period for a month or two, but you don't think much about it because you can't have kids with Paz right?
Well you go to the doctors because something is obviously wrong, and because it is procedure they run a pregnancy and it comes back positive and you're just floored
When you get home and Paz asks how everything went, worried about you, you just blurt it out and Paz freezes
He doesn't know what to think, he's overjoyed and he loves you, but he isn't supposed to be able to have kids, so is it his kid? He quickly yeets that thought away because he knows and trusts you
After that he goes full daddy bear mode and is protective of you and just constantly trying to hover over you
Also Paz helping Grogu with finding and taking care of a frog
Din absolutely melted at the sight of Grogu feeding the animals, it made him so proud of his son
Grogu loves all of his stuffed animals and he is constantly playing and talking with them
His favorite is ofcourse his baby yoda
GROGU POINTS TO PEDRO AND ALWAYS CALLS HIM DAD. He does this with the mandalorian and just any pictures
You totally introduce Grogu to bubble tea, and he absolutely L O V E S it
Din making little comments about about want creating a family with you
Din always begging to cum inside of you
Grogu once asked for a little brother or sister and Din almost combusted
As for what Razor Crest should be for Halloween, I would say either a ting Razor Crest ship or tiny Kryate Dragon?
Pedro would be so ecstatic to meet his basically identical twin
(You accidentally go up to Pedro and kiss his cheek at one point before you realize you mixed and Din pouts)
Boba's Halloween party is totally Great Gatsby themed
Boba totally keeps trying to get handsys and you have to push him away
Slow and passionate wrestling in Boba's hot tub
I raise you, Boba fingering the life out of you as he's driving
Imagine finding a picture of Boba and Jango and smiling at Boba telling him he looks just like his father
Boba joking about carrying on the tradition and making a little Boba
Then the both of you just look at eachother and pretty much jump eachother simultaneously
(Also imagine getting kidnapped by an enemy crime syndicate and Boba just going on a war path)
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zanessaconfessions · 3 years
Found this on live in love forum just a bunch of campfire stories or fan encounters
1. "im guessing you saw those pictures of them with the smoothies or whatever right?
well my friend and i just happened to be there when they were (okay so maybe i stalked them..) and they walked in holding hands zac was so cute. he was all caring and stuff. i wish my boyfriend was like that. so anyway they ordered and zac payed and locked hands with v and stuff. i think the pics kinda show everything that happened."
2. "ok so my dad lives in burbank, and i saw zac walking on the street, he was listening to music then he took out his phone and was reading something and he started smiling and looked around for someone. then vanessa came over and snuck behind him and was like 'guess who??' and smiled and interlocked hands with her and they were just like staring at each other it was cute!"
3. I think the ice cream one was just when they got ice cream while they were filming HSM2, then ice cream melted onto V's hand, and Zac licked it off..
4. While Zac and V were watching movies or playing video or something, I forgot what they were doing. But Zac was too busy watching/plating, and Vanessa wanted ice cream so she went to get one, and then Zac noticed and brought Stella and beat Vanessa to the ice cream shop, and got ice cream.
5. Another was one when Vanessa was really mad, and them Zac was all like, 'Are you PMSing?' and V was like 'No!' so he picked her up and started kissing her, and they both laughed.
6. One of the dancers from HSM2, often found Vanessa singing to Zac.
7. One of the HSM2 dancers found out Zac and Vanessa were dating was when, Zac saw Vanessa and grabbed her face and were making-out. THen they separated, but Zac pulled her back in and kissed her forehead.
8. Someone said that the pool story was when Zac kept touching V's butt, and she kept telling him to stop. And then he was like "You know you like it." and she laughed. And he said, "next time its my turn."
9. "Zac was behind the bleachers(where I was sitting his dad and grandparents were in there too!) and he was with V, then Ash called and for some weird reason I knew it was her lol. Then she said she'd be there in like 5 minutes. So they waited (and so did I LOL) the 10 mintues later she arrived haha! They had to sign some autographs for little kids that were coming and stuff. Then Zac asked V
"Where's the stuff?"
"In Front of the bleachers"
But Zac started looking in the back of them(but to him it was the front) and V's like
"No Zac the front!"
" I can't find them!" he said
"Zac they're in the front" and she pointed to the front
and this totally cracked me up. He's like "I don't know what front means!"
I started laughing but I didn't want him to see so I quickley stopped."
10. "lmfao actually i asked him that when sami was with me cuz my friend dared me too
and he was like a what? and i was like you heard me. and hes like um im a fan of both? and i was like nahh i think you like zanessa. and he was like uhh. and we were like we know about the poster in ur room. and hes like how do you know my friends just didnt put that there. and we were like you're so dating her and he was like i can not disclose that info. but he was all shy and like couldnt look us in the eyes and yeah he kinda grinned and that said it all cuz he knew we knew"
11. Well while Zac was in toronto filming hairspray I met him a bunch of times and one of the times Vanessa called I could hear her voice through the phone and he was like 'Hey baby...' and they were talking and he was like 'ill call you later. Love you...' and she said 'Love you.'
12. Then when me and my friend were hanging with Zac one time we saw a pic of Vanessa and we were like 'OMG she's stunning!' and Zac said, 'I know' and then his eyes went huge because he realized what he had said and then yeah.
13. I saw Zac and I asked if he was a Zanessa fan or a Zashley fan and he was like 'Ummm, kinda both.' and I was like Zac dont lie ur a Zanessa fan and he was like 'No comment.' And then I knew he was totally Zanessa.
14. K well it's cute but Zac and V were coming up the hill and Zac was helping her skateboard. so he was chasing after her. then like she started freaking out "STOP ME STOP ME HELP!" SO zAC stoped her but she was only going 2 MPH. LOL then Zac hopped on it and went cruzin' down the hill. Man he is so good at skateboarding and it's so fun to watch....way hot!
-Zac bought her a dress there.
-They were shopping and she dropped a bracelet on the ground. when she bent over to pick it up Zac slapped her butt.
-They gave each other massages on the beach.
-They were laying together on the beach and she rolled on top of Zac and was kissing his neck (like, little pecks)
-He was apparently seen rubbing her thigh a lot when she was wearing a dress
-some girls from Hawaii had gotten a hotel room after prom. they heard a couple next door having sex. The next morning Zac and Van walked out of the room.
not me already read this before and now its hitting me back with nostalgia BDJDBDJSJ
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