#toronto is not a place that people are born and raised as heroes. let alone supported and encouraged-- esp if you're not 'Normal'
komcrebi-moved · 5 years
   y’know what I don’t talk about enough?
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     ...feral Andi...
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mikrowrites · 5 years
all hail the magic man
•part eight•
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Doctor Strange x Apprentice!OC(platonic)
A/N: I like to think of this gif being Stephen seeing lil Charlie all grown up :,) Stephen is SO S O F T in this chapter I think he might be a lil ooc, oops sorry :|
“Charlie! Charlie!”
Charlie’s eyes flickered open, the girl letting out a groan. Tony helped her sit up, Charlie leaning against him as Steve and Thor were on their knees, concerned. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., do a scan on her.”
She smirked at them all. “I feel like I’m having Canada PTSD.”
“Well, did Canada give you a broken rib?” Tony scoffed.
Charlie laughed, hissing at the pain in her abdomen. She cast a ritual, fixing what she could and numbing the pain. “It was kinda a blur.”
Tony rolled his eyes, helping her up. Charlie finally gathered her bearings, following the three out of the rubble. Their eyes locked onto a familiar being.
“Well, when you mess with time, it tends to mess back.” Charlie seethed.
Thanos, well, Thanos from 2014 sat a couple yards away. His blade was embedded in the ground, the trademark helmet hung on it. Charlie tightened her fists.
“What has he been doing?” Tony questioned Thor.
“Absolutely nothing.”
“Where are the stones?” Steve asked.
“Somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn’t have them.” Tony hissed.
Charlie formed two shields over her fists. “So we keep it that way.”
“You know it’s a trap, right?” Thor turned to Charlie, an unreadable expression on his face.
Charlie shared a glance with Tony and Steve, all of them sharing a nod of agreement.
“Yeah,” Charlie sighed, fixing her eyes on the mad titan. “and I don’t much care.”
“Good. Just as long we are all in agreement.” Thor’s eyes glowed, summoning Mjölnir and Stormbreaker as he shifted into a suit. “Let’s kill him properly this time.”
The four began to approach Thanos, ready for the fight of their lives. Charlie held her shields at her side, phasing into a set of robes she had waited for this very moment to wear, the fabric a golden yellow. She had taken them several years ago, and now was going to put them to good use.
“You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you’ve shown me that’s impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.” Thanos stated to the four.
“Yep, we’re all kinds of stubborn.” Tony grunted.
“I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do.” Thanos stood up, walking over to his blade. He placed his helmet onto his head. “I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then... with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.”
“Born out of blood” Charlie spat.
“They’ll never know it. Because you won’t be alive to tell them.”
With a shout, Thor and Tony went straight at Thanos as the fighting began.
“Okay Thor, hit me!” Tony yelled. Thor brought both of his weapons together and sending a large jolt of electricity Tony’s way. His suit absorbs it, as Tony then shoots Thanos with it. Thor throws Mjölnir to try and hit Thanos, only for him to use Tony as a shield, the man falling to the side.
Steve and Charlie advanced on Thanos, the girl using portals to help Steve navigate around the titan to fight. But Steve is knocked away, thrown into Charlie who falls as well into the dirt.
Thor tried to attack Thanos, only for the mad titan to counter, choking him and punching him repeatedly. The god tried to reach for Stormbreaker but Thanos uses it, trying to imbed it into Thor’s chest.
Steve stood next to Charlie, as Mjölnir began to lift off the ground, suddenly returning itself to Steve’s grasp.
“I knew it!” Thor laughed, Thanos kicking Thor away, as Steve and Thanos fight. Charlie followed closely behind, ready to tag in if needed. Suddenly Thanos stabs Steve in the leg, the soldier letting out a shout.
Charlie ran forwards, notching an arrow as she shot three into the backs of each of Thanos’ arms. The titan merely turned in disgust, plucking them out.
She ran forwards, sliding under his fist as she used her shield to push against his stomach, having him stumble back. Charlie stood, shields raised as she held her ground in front of Steve, who was on the ground. Charlie held a dark and deadly look in her eyes.
“In all my years of conquest.. violence... slaughter... It was never personal. But I'll tell you now... what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.” Thanos grinned wickedly, an army of countless soldiers, Chitauri and Outriders combined.
Steve slowly got back to his feet behind Charlie, placing a hand on her shoulder before he stepped in front of her. In a fierce anger, he tightened his mutilated shield to his arm, the two alone standing against the army of thousands.
Death began to smile at Charlie.
Suddenly there was a crackling through both of their communicators.
“Cap, can you hear me?”
“Sam...” Charlie inaudiblely mumbled under her breath in shock, Steve stopping and looking around.
“Cap it’s Sam, can you hear me? On your left...”
They both turned to see multiple portals forming, Sam soaring out of one of them, T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri imerging from another.
Dozens of portals opened, thousands streaming onto the battlefield. Steve shifted his eyes to Charlie when she let out a dry, strangled gasp.
Doctor Stephen Strange descended from a portal, waltzing onto the battlefield with Wong and all of the Masters from Kamar-taj.
The heroes and people’s stood alongside Steve and Charlie, Steve letting out a shout. “AVENGERS!” He summoned Mjölnir to himself.
They all ran for Thanos’ army with a shout, Charlie bursting forwards with her shields formed.
She fought with everything she had, taking down Chitauri after Outsider, opting for using one of her shields, a pair of vaulting boots allowing her to walk the sky above the army, and a orange sparked talwar.
Charlie finished off another Outsider, leaning on her sword a moment to catch her breath. She ran a hand through her hair, inhaling deeply.
Her eyes became moist, Charlie turning to the man whom she had been focused on every day, had been fighting for the whole way.
“Hey there old man. Long time no see.” Charlie smiled.
Stephen rushed forwards, pulling Charlie into a tight hug. She clutched his cloak, burying her face into his shoulder.
“You’re okay? Nothing hurt?”
Charlie let out a shuddery sigh, pulling away with a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Better now.”
“God, you’ve grown so much...” Stephen smiled softly before sighing, his face hardening again. “We’ll talk more after. Stay behind me, shields up—“
“No funny business?” Charlie chuckled, forming her shield and picking up her sword. “I’m not a little girl anymore, dad.” She teased walking past him. A Chitauri ran at her, Charlie expertly and smoothly dodging, slicing though the soldier as she used her boots to run into the sky above.
Stephen stood with his jaw dropped, frozen at the sight of his little apprentice, now grown up, a Master of the Mystic Arts. It wasn’t until a smirk resided on his face that he shook out of his stupor.
- - - - - -
Charlie was helping Stephen hold back the water from the river when it happened.
She turned to see Stephen and Tony staring at each other, the sorcerer holding up a single finger. Charlie had to bite her tongue and squeeze her eyes shut when she realized they were condemning Tony.
Charlie broke away, Stephen calling her name as she ran towards Steve and Thor. The god was still unconscious, Steve slowly coming to.
“Charlie... the gauntlet...” Steve groaned, Charlie looking up with him with tears in her eyes.
“He’s... the one way to win... I’m sorry...” she murmured, healing him.
Steve narrowed his eyebrows in confusion as suddenly there was an explosion of light. Charlie lowered her head, standing and turning around.
Tony had snapped his fingers, Thanos and his army disintegrating into nothing. Charlie ran over to Tony, catching him as he fell to the ground, guiding him to lean on some rubble.
“Hey, eyes on me Tony.” Charlie begged, trying to heal him. Her hands shook when she realized he was beyond what she could heal. Charlie looked up at Tony with a wet smile. “Now who’s feeling like Canada?”
The man cracked a small pain-filled smile.
Charlie traced her hand along his cheek. “Thank you for everything, Tony.” A single tear slipped down her cheek, Charlie kissing Tony’s own cheek before standing.
She stepped back as Peter Parker, Rhodey, And Pepper arrived. Charlie felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to see Stephen with a solemn look.
Stephen wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his side as she leaned against him, adrenaline leaving her body. She let cries rack her body as the life left her friend’s body, her and Stephen along with the others around them kneeling to honor the man.
- - - - - -
Charlie groaned, rubbing at the blindfold over her eyes. Tony held her shoulders from behind, stopping her suddenly. “We’re here~”
“It’s a firing squad, isn’t it?” Charlie replied monotonously. “Oh thank God, it’s all I ever wanted for my birthday.”
“All right boys, take her out.” The billionaire joked, removing her blindfold.
His private jet was parked in front of them. Charlie let out a mock disappointed “awwww” as Tony pushed her up the steps.
“So, my dear Charlie, at the ripe age of nineteen, I’m taking you out for your first legal drink.” Tony grinned enthusiastically.
“Guess what dingus, Vegas still only allows 21.” Charlie raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but I have a buddy in Toronto. We are getting you absolutely trashed.” He rubbed his hands together, sitting in a plush seat.
“This makes me fear for Morgan when she turns fifteen.” Charlie sighed. “First beer in Germany.”
Hours later they were sitting at a bar in Toronto, Charlie looking through a drink menu. She turned to Tony. “I’ll get a Piña Colada I guess.”
“Fuck no, I’m not buying you a prissy drink.” Tony scrunched his face in disgust. “As your temporary guardian, I say go crazy.”
That’s why three hours and five tequila poppers later, Tony sat with Charlie on the floor of her hotel bathroom, holding back her hair.
“Oh my god Tony, I think I’m dying.” Charlie gasped, her voice slightly slurring.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know you were a lightweight! Now you probably have advanced liver failure.” Tony defended himself.
Charlie glared up at him. “Stephen would murder you if he were here.”
Tony smirked. “Yeah I’m counting on that.”
The next morning, several painkillers later, Charlie sat across from Tony on the jet, nibbling on a slice of toast. She looking up at the man, setting down the bread. “Thank you Tony.”
The man looked up at her. “For almost committing involuntary manslaughter?”
“My uh—my dad died when I was thirteen, and Stephen is a bit stricter that my dad was... it’s nice to get a taste of what having a dad is like again.” Charlie smiled to herself, looking back up at Tony.
Tony smiled genuinely at her.
“Any time, kiddo.”
- - - - - -
Taglist: @knightofreaders @imabookworm31 @lizlil @viarogers
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