#top tier palette
yunwooz · 4 months
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heh. so you've laid a trap for me. / interesting... do you really think you can trap me here? / what a shame i can't stay and play with you a bit long... til we meet again, dear friends.
- scar, wuthering waves (2024)
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torgawl · 10 months
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i might actually be the luckiest diluc lover to ever exist... or the most cursed genshin player depending on the perspective
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Sneak peak at something I've had brewing in my sketches, i think i got a very good expression? I gave them a nose (i don't usually draw noses but this is a pretty good shape) and the optic looks a nice color of orange. I tried to make it so that they were like looking down at their partner, who i expertly cropped out because well it's a bit of spicy posing, but i think I'm getting better at making my robots seem more alive
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andyoullhearitagain · 3 months
Every Quarkfit Ranked From Worst to Best Part 4
Part 1
5. Space Zebra Print:
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Some more top tier pattern mixing. Neither of these are zebra print and yet to me they both read that way? Odd. I LOVE the colors on this one. My only major problem with this one is I oddly want MORE trim? I just wish there was some more detailing down the center front of the vest piece, and maybe something on the sleeves? We hardly ever see it full length from the back (bc like why would we?), but I LOVE the shape of the tails.
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4. Red and Blue:
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I like the yoke/stripe through the sleeves and the chest a lot, and I like that their contrast is the wrong side of the fabric. Love the little highlights of green and yellow in the bias trim. Love that the sleeves are super short to reveal the sleeve cuffs. The light colored shirt is very nice because it creates nice contrast right next to his face (this is why traditionally your shirt is the lightest part of your suit). It also looks great with the Klingon marriage fur robe thing.
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My only real problem with this outfit is that I think cutaway coats in general are a little unflattering tbh. This is the costume that he wears the most without the jacket and he looks like such a little businessman 😭.
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3. Mondrian:
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Quark is really demonstrating some high-level pattern mixing here but he's following the rules - different scales and similar but not identical color pallets. I love love love the texture of the shirt.
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In fact I think this is my favorite of his shirts, and I like that it bears pretty much no resemblance to a modern dress shirt. I love the little double trim on the collar and it's echo on the sleeve.
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And I love the weird little Space Fashion shape of the front hemline.
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2. Red Striped Tails:
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Love the color palette on this one, I'm a suckered for red and pink and purple together. Love the little bias panels down the front.
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And look at the pattern matching at the back of the collar!
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I also love that the tails go all the way down to his ankles!
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Cons: Once again it's a little too Earth for Quark. He looks like a regular Terran ringmaster. He also looks like the Mayor of Munchkinland, but I'm pretty sure the Mayor of Munchkinland is on Quark's fashion inspo mood board so that's fine.
1. Aztec Cherry:
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Aztec Cherry my beloved ♥️. I love her. Love the fabric. Love the shape of the lapels. Love the lovely soft roll line. Love the trim on the seamlines.
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My only quibble is that it's a little close to his skintone, but they balance it out by putting the blue right next to his face. I love how there's like eight fabrics in this costume but they all balance so nicely.
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toskarin · 7 months
komeiji iceberg top level: simple stuff like "koishi and satori's palettes are inversions of each other" and "satori isn't actually able to search people's memories for specific things and has to use hypnosis to make them offer those memories of their own volition"
komeiji iceberg middle level: honestly this tier would mostly just be explaining koishi's spellcard names
komeiji iceberg difficult level: satori and koishi are the touhou characters most closely connected to leon trotsky
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ironglorfindel · 3 months
Allllrighty! I actually got the motivation to get some good painting in this week, despite my tiredness, and I really like the results! Without further ado, the Blackjack C!
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Pulse lasers & Streaks, two of my favorite things. Loving how the blue of the LPLs turned out. Electric blue is truly in the top tier of colors.
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Paintjob is a little simple, but that's not something I'm worried about, it's meant to be a set, I didn't want to go TOO crazy on my first multi-mech palette.
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This also provides a pretty nice opportunity. I attempted basing a while ago with one of my first minis, coincidentally, also a Blackjack. Makes for a nice comparison. A recent paint, and my fourth. I'm glad I got into painting these things. It's a good creative outlet.
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ranticore · 7 months
pelagic spiral villages
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It's not the prettiest diagram and might be hard to follow. First off, the spiral is a region in the south of the western continent of Siren
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the spiral region is not limited to the actual physical structure of the land, where the characteristic ridges and valleys of Siren crumple up into a twisted shape, but also extends south as far as the icecaps, with the ridges continuing their spiral but underwater (on the map above, the visible spiral is only what extends above water)
It comprises all of the pale blue water in this map area, bordered by the darker deeper water and what is known as the Ice Wall in the south.
The most densely settled areas are within the tallest ridges at the middle of the spiral, as these ridges form physical walls and barriers which prevent many of the dangers of the open sea from entering villages without having to traverse what is quite frankly a labyrinth of narrow valleys beforehand. But at the edges of the spiral, nearer to the ice wall, lies the pelagic village of !uamaa. This is where Huarva comes from and what's pictured at the top.
it is populated by phocids and some selkies underwater and Ice Wall shortwings above water (they are similar to penguins). It consists of a huge three-tiered underwater hall with an air pocket trapped by a tethered tent-like cap made of transparent material derived from sipho scales. The bottom tier is stocked with oxygenating plants (i can only assume they are VERY productive). The middle tier is submerged and where the in habitants enter the hall (through the round openings pictured). Shelf-like beds attached to the sturdy woven walls provide platforms where a phocid can sit with their body submerged but their head out of the water, which is the most comfortable position for them as they do like to have water supporting their weight as much as possible.
The hall was built over a hot water vent in the seafloor. The vent water is directed up through a stone s-duct, which leaves a flat surface above the water which is constantly heated. This is used as a cooking stone; there is a pot of perpetual stew always bubbling here and every villager is expected to contribute something to it every day in return for being allowed to take as much stew as they like.
The other buildings are these balloon type structures which are anchored both to the sea floor and to the floating pontoons above. The balloons do not have oxygen generating plants, but must be manually raised and lowered to the surface to trap more air every day. The colour palette is overall a strongly contrasting black and white (fun fact, pelagic people are hypersensitive to the colour red out of the water, to the point where it might cause headaches)
What's life like in the village? Huarva is often asked this but he cannot truly answer, because he was never a villager. Living out here is extremely tough and demanding, and experience is valued above all else. The eldest and most experienced person in the village is called the All-Bearer and their word is law. The All-Bearer is a matchmaker among villagers, pairing those who are thought to work harmoniously together in arranged partnerships, similar to marriage. Huarva's parents were not arranged; in fact they were strictly forbidden from reproducing because they did not work harmoniously together. They fought and argued and struck sparks off one another, but were inseparable. The All-Bearer gave no blessing for them to have a child.
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^the All-Bearer.
In these cases it's not uncommon for the pregnant parent to find a matched pair and attempt to convince them to claim the child. That way nobody is harmed. But it didn't work out in time, on this occasion, so the child - Huarva - was born and immediately outcast from the village as a potential troublemaker. A pretty rough start all things considered. Huarva was an outsider, not a villager. they could hang around the place, beg, speak to people, but never be granted the elders' wisdom lest it be misused by a child of intrinsically bad character. They basically grew up homeless and uneducated in their village.
And this is a major handicap because of how dangerous this region is. Children are sorted into same-age 'generations' which go through a strict and standardised education before being unleashed as leviathan hunters. A couple years of that, and (assuming they survive), that generation moves on to the next-most dangerous job, replaced by the generation below them. And so on and so forth until what remains is the oldest generation, who are finally granted a safe and comfortable life in return for sharing all the wisdom gathered over the years working different professions. Few will remain by then.
The culture is cold. Repressed. Quiet. Fighting is an exile-worthy offense and disagreements are stifled. The All-Bearer makes every final decision and you cannot question them because you do not have the requisite experience to contradict anything they say. If you must be upset, do it where nobody can see, and never openly express discontent.
Huarva survived to adulthood by choosing to stick around the shallows on top of the underwater ridges. They tried many times to earn the All-Bearer's favour enough to earn a place in the village to no avail. Until the All-Bearer finally had enough of them and sent them away on a fetch quest doomed to fail, because Huarva did not have the education to know how to spot the warning signs of a flow of aerated water. Finding themself trapped under it, they panicked, never having learned any methods to slow their heart and extend their usable breath, and almost drowned. Sheer luck saved them; a leviathan-sized giant sipho flying for the surface caught them between its scale plates. It didn't notice its new passenger and ended up dragging Huarva almost the entire way across the dark and to the spire before they got free.
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lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui · 10 months
Reiji - House of Chanel
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Inherently, I think this went well especially with Chanel being such a traditional fashion house but also with its very feminine undertones. In comparison to some of the others, calling Chanel Reiji’s brand was more symbolic than realistic but I’ll explain.
Chanel in all its years since 1910’s has the same iconic look, the tweed structured suits, and the armoured corset dresses with delicate but impactful embellishments. It makes sense for Reji, he has this blunt yet sophisticated personality which physically manifests in his clothes; always well put together, tailored and steamed.
His suits may change but they maintain the same composition and colour palette, to the untrained eye they don’t look different but if you look closely he pays a lot of attention to what he wears.
He’s aware even as a vampire he still has the face of an 18 year old boy, there’s still that youthfulness present in his face, he makes up for it by wearing glasses he doesn’t really need but they highlight the aristocratic cutting of his face - with his sharp upturned nose, and bright red eyes.
He doesn't have his mother’s curls or his father’s pin straight hair but rather a wavy touch to his locks, he knows how it makes him look when it’s down, younger, softer …gentle and that’s just despicable! So he carefully styles his hair with mousse slicking it back, making him look more stern.
Reiji is also a lot more sensitive ( he’s a fussy, whiny little rich brat), so he can’t stand pungent smells ( blood, guts, drugs), that doesn’t mean he makes excuses to lose his composer so he has this strong cologne that is like sandalwood and kind of fruity? Like winter berries and tea leaves or something no one expected it to smell so good but he makes it work. Not to mention his hygiene is always top tier, so he has this freshly washed cotton and minty undertone. 
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So that's his main style right? So I was in between Dior and Chanel - and Chanel won of course 
Mainly I mentioned before Chanel has more feminine undertones which I think expands well with Reiji’s complex relation with his brothers; whilst the misogynistic response to his trauma is still present he almost takes on a maternal role towards his family as much of the fandom has noticed - the reasons as why he does this is quite ironic actually. In his entirety, the persona of someone being capable is important for him, if he cannot be successful in maintaining - not only his family's name and reputation through the dictatorship of his brothers - how he holds himself in public how does he expect to be King?
Yet, all the care and attention to detail he gives is almost seen as motherly. The sheer unseriousness of it is not lost on me, even with all the rampant comments on the inferiority of women within the Sakamaki Home, the most well-adjusted and competent man is seen as feminine.
In other readings of Reiji though his feminine undertones are more purposeful, they come from the fact that him and Shu are perpendicular to one another because of Shu’s immense strength being seen as this "laid back protector archetype" as intrinsically masculine so Reiji’s more mentally vulnerable, cunning, shrewd approach is seen as more feminine ;dissect that how you will. My favourite though is Reiji picking up on etiquette by copying his mother who was a figurehead for women in the vampiric society.
Also reflected in Coco Chanel who is  like, not a nice woman but she did have her moments - a cause for much scandal was her pioneering for trousers and women's athletic wear believe it or not, she was a big equestrian ( is that not the most Reiji sport ever?) and encouraged women to wear equestrian kits. 
I think this also goes really well with his character in terms of politics, the synonymous nature of being a traditionalist yet paving the way is a part of Reji. He very strongly believes in the House of Sakamaki and what it stands for but he also like his father wishes to further vampiric society from it’s barbarism; in some ways he is a cultural snob but in others he’s quite attentive to the the silver lining that maintains modernism and the old ways.
The House of Channel also does this; it has always had its roots cemented in the old ways of aristocratic luxury items, but unlike many other fashion houses it does try to adapt to the changing times sometimes successfully, others not so successfully.
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On a less serious note, in general I think it suits his aesthetic as well; as I’ve mentioned the iconic Chanel suits, but also the Corsets? Like Reiji is a big corset man I don’t care what anyone says, the timeless figure of archive Chanel pieces, the monotone colour scheme of darker colours. Moreover, even the chic pieces take inspiration from old money outfits: the arranged tulle of the Victorian era, the heavy contrast, the heavy gold pieces and brooches.
In comparison to Reiji’s fashion, with his fitted suits and tiny waist with the chain of his watch fob, as well as heavy contrast colours: blacks, reds, whites and navy’s. 
Also the chunky jewellery makes sense in my head, it’s like masterfully placed so it doesn’t overwhelm him but I think the jewellery Reiji has includes: obviously the different chains for his antique watch, but also chunky rings seem more his thing than thin ones especially ones with carefully placed family jewels (rubies, emerald's, obsidians - as I said: snob) , this would do for more traditional attire too. 
His outfits in the demon world definitely include brooches, and chains and pendants to embellish his outfit, eye makeup isn’t a big thing for him because it’s so fussy but he would definitely do darker eye makeup to bring out his eyes. He’s quite theatrical, and definitely plays into the ashy white vampire skin ( this is the skin of a killer Bella).
Overall, I refuse to believe he does casual clothing- like Reiji in sweats ( esp the juicy couture ones ) is a horrendous image. So yeah Reiji is a Chanel girl!
Also I can’t believe I completely forgot this but in the beginning Coco Chanel was overlooked by the media, in terms of her designs in the beginning of career because of a little brand called Polo…owned by Ralph Lauren that was also making athletic wear but also quite good friends with Coco Chanel 
It’s almost like A certain someone who I said represented Ralph Lauren (Shu) overshadowing Chanel at first before she split off to make her own name.
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lorz-ix · 9 months
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Dawn of the Monsters (2022)
Ah yes, one of those flavor of the month, indie beat 'em ups. This one has a theme that I happen to enjoy a bunch, I'm sure it could be fun.
I know the phrase gets thrown around a lot, but this is a love letter to kaiju and tokusatsu media. The story and world building hit every note and they hit it right. I absolutely adored learning about the setting bit by bit, and I fell in love with the cast of characters. It's wonderfully done. You love to see the environmentalist message, very adequate for the genre, and the effort put into making the conflict feel global, with most of the key characters originating from a completely different part of the world, each adding different human perspectives.
As for the playable characters, they give off this impression of "knockoff Godzilla or Ultraman", but the fact that they're not tethered to those franchises lets them put their original spin into the formula, while also paying homage to the icons. Each of them has a ton of alternate color palettes with even more fun references to other media. In combat, they're all very distinct, which is a treat, since it brings a lot of variety between the few of them.
That combat though. It's not my favorite beat 'em up whatsoever, but it's still relatively unique. RPG vibes, with emphasis on equipped passive skills, stat boosts and status effects. Each character has at least one non-damaging ability, or at least some sort of effect that incentivizes thinking about how you use said abilities, giving you buffs and the like. I particularly enjoyed mixing and matching the equipments to come up with strong combinations or new strategies.
Overall, this is a bit of a highlight for the end of the year. I never imagined a game like this to capture me so much, and especially not when I considered the moment to moment gameplay to be good, but not top tier. If what I already said sounds enticing, then I enthusiastically suggest you play it.
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
neat lookin color palettes from the internet + my top 5 kirby characters (in no particular order because i cannot choose)
-bandana dee. he's cute and simple and has so much potential for an epic character arc or a possessed boss fight (where is the epic rendition of the apple juice song. cmon hal.)
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-adeleine! i think she deserves more recognition!! she is sweet and adorable and is the most mature 12-year old out there (her dialogue in the kirby storytimes goes hard) and the last human thing!! i crave the lore plus she is just perfect
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-ayy taranza! silly little goober that i could write an essay about. i think he spent the first few months after TD being a sobbing mess, but picked himself up and no longer cries himself to sleep every night. he's gone back to being a royal prick, but he's... nicer now. (also his themes rock)
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-PRINCE FLUFF AGBDJENXNF. nostalgia has taken ahold of me. he's got that royal sass™ but probably has no idea how to interact with people without getting flustered. please let him come back. i miss him.
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-hands down BEST redemption arc. PEAK character design. TOP TIER moveset. GREATEST king of all time. he speaks for himself. (plus i gave him cheek blushies because if everyone in dreamland has them, he deserves them, too)
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mewsingsbynataliek · 11 months
NSR Halloween DLC ideas, just in time for Spooky Night!
The soundtrack for the Halloween DLC would feature instruments associated with the holiday being incorporated into the songs, such as pipe organ and theremin.
The Bosses
DJ Subatomic Supernova
DJSS is a scarecrow, wearing a straw hat, flannel shirt, and denim overalls (cut-off, of course!).
For the battlefield, the background of the Planetarium is a deep orange. The planets he uses to attack are replaced with pumpkins, and the asteroids are replaced by a swarm of crows.
Sayu is a cute ghost girl. (I felt it would be fitting since she’s a floaty character.) She's slightly translucent and sports a ghostly wisp-like tail rather than her regular mermaid tail. Her colour palette features off-whites and faded pastels, making her look more etherial.
Sayu wears a tattered white Victorian/Lolita-style dress, lacy cuffs around her wrists and a little bow on her head.
For Phase 2, her dress becomes poofier and more elaborate as small ribbons resembling tentacles appear around her waist. Her trident is completely white.
Phase 3 has her go full-on ghost bride. Her dress has a huge multi-tiered skirt, her hair is adorned with a long veil, and her tentacle ribbons have grown to full length. Her deep-sea mode has her face turn glowing green with solid black eyes, making her resemble a spookfish, while her “tentacles” feature flickering lights similar to a bioluminescent jellyfish.
Her final form is basically your stereotypical bedsheet ghost shape with her legs sticking out the bottom.
Sayu’s team are dressed in dark wizard-like robes, and each of them are wearing masks like the ones worn by Lock, Shock, and Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas. 
For the battlefield, the “landscape” is dotted with jack-o-lanterns, tombstones, and dead trees. The background is changed to a seafoam green color, with wispy little ghosts flying about.
Yinu and Mother 
Yinu is dressed as a cute little witch. Her hair is in pigtails similar to her Christmas skin, and her witch hat is adorned with fall leaves and little jack-o-lanterns.
Mother, meanwhile, is a spooky Halloween tree with spiders. Her dress is a dark wood colour with translucent, ragged-edged sleeves, and she wears a thorny hairband and spiderweb earrings.
The ends of her “hair” have been dyed the same colour as her dress, and she wears both black lipstick and black nail polish.
When she grows bigger, her branches begin to sprout large thorns, which end up making her cage form look more like a spiderweb. (There are even little fake spiders sitting on top of it!)
For the battlefield, the stage is decorated to evoke a bountiful harvest, with pumpkins, hay bales, bundles of wheat, stalks of corn, apple trees, cornucopias, and garlands of leaves.
Both the gate and the giant piano hammers are adorned with thorny branches and autumn leaves.
1010 are pirate ghosts. (As a fun gag, Blue could wear two eyepatches instead of his sunglasses!)
Meanwhile, Neon J is their ghostly captain, complete with a captain’s hat, a sword at his belt, a fake parrot on his shoulder, and – once again – a fake beard attached to his screen head.
For the battlefield, the flying limousine is decked out to look like a pirate ship, with a mast, a crow’s nest, and a tattered sail.
(I felt 1010 as pirates would be fitting since they're a navy-themed boyband and Neon J was a captain in the navy.)
Eve is dressed as Medusa.
Her dark green dress has a scaly pattern, and she accessories with a lot of gold, including spiralling gold sandals and a golden diadem crown.
Her hair has been dyed, shaped, and styled to look like several little writhing serpents.
Her backpiece is composed of even more snakes in gold and teal which wrap around her upper torso and spread out behind her like a peacock’s tail.
Eve’s pupils even become snake-like starting at Phase 2!
For the battlefield, Eve’s gallery has been transformed into an Ancient Greek temple, but with a postmodern/vapourwave twist. Stylized Greco-Roman columns with snakes wrapped around them line the walls, and an ancient looking gold chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The left side would be eggplant purple while the right side would be cerulean blue.
If the player gets hit by the eye lasers from Eve’s giant statue, they’ll actually turn to stone and be frozen in place for a short time.
For Phase 2, on Mayday’s side, the snakes wrapped around the columns have grown larger and are now looming over Mayday, their faces twisted into angry snarls (representing Eve’s derisiveness and hostility towards May).
Meanwhile, Zuke’s side features floating fragments of ruined columns (representing how lost and incomplete Eve felt after Zuke left her). 
Phase 3 is where it really starts to get trippy. Both rooms feature ruined columns and floating shards, along with giant brightly colored snakes slithering all over the background.
The shards in Zuke’s side reflect images of faces screaming in anguish, while the shards on Mayday’s side have limbs protruding from them- one shard has three legs protruding from them in reference to a trinacia. (Look up what a trinacia is to understand the reference!)
Tatiana is a vampire.
She wears black and red robes with bat wing-edged sleeves and a wide collar. Her earrings are coffin shaped, and she has small, pointed fangs that can be seen when she opens her mouth.
At the beginning of her battle, she starts throwing flaming bats.
For the battlefield, Tatiana's office/battle arena is made to feel like a vampire’s castle tower.
The whole room is lit with a deep red glow, and the tall windows that feature the NSR murals are topped with pointed arches, giving them a Gothic look.
You can even see some glass bottles filled with (ahem) red liquid on Tatiana’s desk.
Meanwhile, the Goolings' stage outside is decorated with jack-o-lanterns and hanging skeletons.
DK West
DK West is dressed as Frankenstein FrankenWest!
His look consists of neck bolts, stitch markings, and a dark ragged recolour of his original outfit.
His bull shadow puppet has matching neck bolts, which even emit shadowy electricity when it appears during the battle.
Bunk Bed Junction
Mayday is dressed as an imp, wearing a bright red dress with black sleeves and waistcoat, black wings, red horns, and a red tail.
Her guitar is deep purple and splattered with glowing orange paint. It emits a wolf howl when she powers it up for the Showstopper.
Zuke is a werewolf. Ragged clothes with fake fur poking out, extra fur attached to his forearms (don’t ask how got it on there), pointed ears, a bushy tail, pointed fangs, his nose has been painted. Pretty simple.
His drumsticks are splattered with glowing green paint and tipped with tiny light-up pumpkins.
The Other NPCs
Ellie has little bat wings attached to her back and wears a springy bat antenna headband.
And last but not least, 
Kliff . . . is just wearing a pair of Groucho Marx glasses. Yup. That's it.
Let me know what you all think. I’d love to hear some feedback. Thanks for reading! Happy Halloween!
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taylorswiftstyle · 1 year
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Out and about | New York City, NY | September 18, 2023
Vince 'Houndstooth Wool Blend Coat' - $845.00 Cartier ‘Agrafe Herringbone Twisted Necklace’ - $27,250.00 Versace 'Greca Goddess Medium Leather Top-Handle Bag' - $2,650.00 Christian Louboutin 'Pumppie Botta Leather Knee-High Boots' - $1,795.00
Watching people excel in their given field is always a pleasure and a joy to watch. It's how I feel seeing Taylor dancing with abandon at awards shows or singing to sold out stadiums of 70,000 people. But it's also how I feel when I see her step out in fall attire in NYC. What a thrill! She's always had a special knack for layers and colour palettes, but Taylor really does kill fall dressing. So much so that this latest string of outfits has been a consistent, "Yes I will copy + paste that onto my body" response from me. I’m just a sucker for a good piece of outerwear and an outfit dominated by black.
Speaking of black, two notes on her black accessories here.
Choice of brand is always something that comes to my mind, even when we see Taylor out and about in her daily life. Seeing her wear Versace immediately brings to my mind not only the recent memories of her outing at the MTV VMAs just last week (in classic black and gold Versace) but also me of Versace’s top tier placement in the Eras Tour setlist as part of her opening set. It’s subtle, of course, but I can see how even that simple evocation over into her street style would be a great way to keep top of mind her huge award show sweep and that she’ll be back on her record-breaking global stadium tour in less than two months. The bag itself has such a dreamy shape - love the curves.
The boots, on the other hand, immediately had me do a double take because they are incredibly similar to the 'Babel' Louboutins she would wear so often in her early years. Given Taylor's propensity lately for going back into her clothing archives, that really would have given me a shock. But no, this pair differs by a slightly different heel and a side zip.
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not a hc but can you rank lucy's stardresses?
A fit rank huh? Sure I can do that. Just gonna preface n say that obviously this is my opinion and whatevs and that I won't be includin any of the ones introduced in 100yr because I don't care about the sequel :]
Alrightie lets get into it! This gonna get long tho, so imma put it under read more so I don't murder ppl who are scrolling.
Aquarius Stardress
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This one honestly might be on the lower tiers for me. Like for the first stardress shown its rather, boring. The colour choice of green and yellow is weird, and visually disconnects it from Aquarius (like seriously? No blue anywhere?). The wrap skirt is cute and I do love how she has Aquarius' collarbone tattoo. That's fire. But the basic bikini top is meh. Overall its serviceable, 6/10 on the Phoenix scale.
Leo Stardress
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Honestly can't go wrong with a nice black dress. I really would've preferred a pants suit for this one but the dress regardless is fun. I has a nice shape with the asymmetrical skirt and I like the ruffles all over. I also like how the anime gave her stockings
If I had nitpicks i'd say to get rid of the center line down the middle of the chest, the two under the bust are enough and get rid of the purple hair clip, it feels tacked on and just tosses in a random colour to the palette. I'd also maybe change the yellow to something more orange so it pops more (maybe even make the interior of the dress something eyecatching to add some extra oomph visually when she's kicking.)
But good fit, 8/10
Virgo Stardress
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Well, it's about what you'd expect tbh. It's a maid outfit lol. There ain't much here to say cept that its cute. 6/10
Tauros Stardress
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Oh hell fuckin yea. HELL YEAH
Unabashedly this one is one of my favourites solely because of the uneven pants. It's so fun and stupid. I also like how she and Tauros have matching belt buckles.
The basic ass bikini top does bring it down though (sorry i'm a bikini top hater. If you're gonna put a character in a bikini top at least make it a different style! There's different types of tops that can be both sexy and interesting!!!!). It also looks wack at certain angles.
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My chest hurts lookin at this.
Apart from that I don't think the double buns works best with this dress, I think it'd work better if swapped with the double braids of the capricorn dress. Also I just think it'd be cool if this dress gave her an axe, like how the cancer dress gave her weapons.
but because of how much joy the stupid pants give me, 9/10.
Sagittarius Stardress
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Another banger stardress despite a glaringly obvious issue.
This shit's great to me. Good colours, fun patterns, i fuckin love that its backless and the high ponytail is great here. The issue?
That deep ass coochie cut.
On god it just looks so uncomfortable. The anime tried to even it out by giving her tights but that just tossed in another colour to the palette and just unbalances it. A simple fix would've been just to make it white leggings under there. Skin tight, sexy and still practical. Apart from the coochie cut the only nitpick I have is that I think the boob window should've been star shaped and i wish her sleeves also doubled as archery gloves.
Apart from that and how much the coochie cut haunts me, its a 9/10
Aires Stardress
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Now I have no idea why, but I was never exactly big on this one. Like it's not awful, all the stardresses have a baseline cuteness to them. The alternating pink and white tiers on the dress is nice, but the cut under the bust kinda kills the uniform pattern it had goin on. Likewise the leggings don't feel coherent to the rest of the fit. Like still cute, but the stripes and the introduction of black makes the whole thing feel busy and plain all at once. Though ironically when it's in the manga and purely black and white i think it looks better.
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But I dunno, i think this one actually might be my least favourite. 4/10
Gemini Stardress
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Ok. I like the alternating blue and white all over. That's cool. But, that headdress on top of the already busy outfit feels like its a lil too much on top. Also the random gold baubles on the outfit itself feels sorta thrown on. The belt can stay I suppose but nix the tassels near the collar and trade in the boob window for a deeper neckline.
We can just get rid of the headdress altogether and change her hairstyle to like, crown braid with a hanging blue and white ribbon on either side to keep with the alternating colours and we golden. 5/10
Scorpio Stardress
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Gonna start this off to say, not a big fan of the bottom (the leather panty thing with the chain on it? Dawg idk i don't like it lol). and the chain on it looks so silly and not in a fun way. If anything I think she should have a bigger tail, not as big as scorpio's but defs something bigger that what she has currently. And as much as I like backless fits I don't think it works here, the deep cut boob window can stay though. I do like the headband and how her hair frames her face but overall its another 5/10.
Also here's a scorpio stardress redesign that I like. Doesn't fix all my issues with the og but it's still pretty dope.
Cancer Stardress
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I like this because it looks cool and gives Lucy weapons. I don't like it because it doesn't connect well with Cancer the spirit visually. But Cancer's design sucks and I like this better than Cancer himself. Truly a design with conundrums for me. 6/10
Capricorn Stardress
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I don't like this dress! Not one bit! Why is it a bdsm tit dress! The hair is cute and I like the shades and the horn clips with the bows but the dress!!!!!!!! Why is it so visually disconnected from Capricorn the spirit! Why isn't it a skirt suit with sexy fishnet leggings like in the concept art!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why isn't this the canon design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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plushiecryptid · 10 months
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More monster high g1 appreciation, Honey Swamp!
She's my favorite g1 doll and one of my favorite characters. Her color palette and whole concept is top tier monster high to me. Did you know her shoes are little alligators and she has spikes down her back?
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alienssstufff · 11 months
i luv ur dr art recently @_@ if you don't mind me askin who are ur fav dr characters design wise (not personality/story?)
LOVE when people ask me stuff like this yes - i'd gladly <3
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Only included DR, SDR2, NDRV3 - we'd be here forever if it was the entire franchise. Also only accounting for their ingame default outfits
The placements on each tier is deliberate, the closer the character is to the top of that tier, the higher they are. I judge them by: >Prominence of the Talent, its practicality >Relevance to the character's identity/personality >Colour and aesthetics :]
[ramblings undercut]
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Like Gundham for example is an S-Tier design as it ticks all above boxes whilst still in a school uniform. The Four Dark Devas are important to the design, they go with him everywhere and the 5 of them are a UNIT which shows his strong connection with animals. I love the bandages and the eye-scar as it has a double meaning that indicates yes he works with animals (they can be rowdy), but as a character Gundham builds onto this detail using these scars to create this dark angsty facade. Aesthetic-wise by his hair he has a unique character silhouette, and I like how his purple is made the focal point by the blacks and whites of his uniform... both reinforcing the villain-facade and highlighting the importance of the Four Dark Devas.
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Similar reasonings for the other Top 2 of Souda and Miu this time toppled with the strong yellows and pinks in their design. It's eye-catching and easily conveys what their talent is. (I really wish they kept Miu's promo-art backpack into her regular sprites, imagine her emoting with 4 arms isn't that awesome >:] )
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Honorable mention to Impostor (Twogami) as well. While the regular Togami design is... mid. I really appreciate how contrasting Impostor's colours and accessories are down to the necktie and poses! Like yes they are impersonating Togami, but their values and personality as a person are not the same. The deception of Togami's dark clothing vs honest white suit of the Impostor's. Impostor fucking CLEARS regular togami any day on all accounts I will die on that hill.
A lot of the talent indications on this tier are more subtle in compare to S-tier but they get the job done and they do it in a pleasing way (I like the colour palettes on Chiaki, Mikan and Ibuki for example). Like I loveeee Sonia's uniform especially for it's simplicity. And yet the design still alludes to the Princess talent by elegance in the bow, the brooch, her crowned braid and how the shape of her skirt resembles that of a puffy princess gown. I also think the reds in the design like Snow White are a cute touch!
To me, Sonia should be the standard in what a Danganronpa design SHOULD be in accordance to detail.
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[ie the Green and Blue tiers] Reasoning why I put them here mainly because of wasted potential, either too basic (in a sense it doesn't tell much about that character) or not practical in any way for their talent... I HATE Ryoma's stripe leggings ik he went to prison but the execution of the concept looks awful.
And I hate Akane's and Sakura's outfits particularly cuz you KNOW why they made those skirts so short and I hate that. We could have gotten awesome gymnast of martial artist outfits but no......
I added Kiibo in that bottom tier because structurally even as a robot he is a visual nightmare if you're an artist trying to draw him. Especially when most of his suit is different shades of black and complicated chest cavity. And I despise the way that it looks like these robo-plates are attached on top of what looks like fabric long sleeves and pants as if the designer was too scared to fully commit to him being a robot. He is NOT 3D-optimised and he is NOT animator-friendly I'd throw up if I ever had to deal with him.
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kimdokjas · 9 months
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@demonlike-judge-of-fire HI YES OFC
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It's called Jinsolhan Segye (진솔한 세계), or Truth or Dare in English, with story and art by Yu Myeong.
The premise basically asks what would happen in a world without lies. If everyone in the world could only tell the truth, but the MC is the only one who can lie.
HEAR ME OUT THO I'm usually not into stories with high school settings but this one's worth it. Trust me. Like it straight up has some of the best writing I've seen in any manhwa. The foreshadowing and character depth are just. mwah. top tier. And the prose itself is so poetic and philosophical too.
What drew me in initially wasn't so much the art style itself but rather... the art's use of symbolism, paneling choices, and thematically significant color palettes. Does that make any sense. Like in terms of craftsmanship of both art and story it's such a hidden gem.
The thing I love about this manhwa though is how even though it revolves around the binary concept of truth and lies, there's no simplicity in this story.
It's more like a thought experiment that commits to playing out the scenario in its entirety, and it becomes a commentary on human nature as it poses deep philosophical questions.
This story reaches out to you, the reader, and makes you think.
What is a lie? What is a truth? Is the truth at a single point in time immutable or can it be changed? If the absolute truth is a lie, then is every spoken word the truth?
If truths are absolute then how does that affect human relationships? Is trust possible in a world of shallow truths? Does love come from understanding or does understanding come from love? Can you truly love someone if you will never fully understand them?
What is the meaning of existence when no one believes you exist? Does loneliness breed arrogance or starvation? Is being different an advantage or does it make human connection impossible?
Can you justify changing your fate if it involves blurring the dichotomy of true and false, right and wrong? Do you have any right to mourn the narrative if you're writing it yourself?
ANYWAYS lol I haven't even finished reading it yet but it's already making me want to reread bc holy shit. I need to see it in a new light. It's one of those stories that recontextualizes the beginning and in terms of analysis it's a gold mine. The writing is so good it's making me insane in real time
TLDR: read truth or dare for an existential crisis <3
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