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romanitas · 11 months ago
look at me go, it hasn't even been a month! we're back with (i think) the penultimate part of the spy au !! thanks to @perseannabeth who helped me figure out some plot points literally irl for the final stretch. there's always been a vague plan for the end, hopefully it lives up! also again available on ao3 if tumblr formatting screws up.
Annabeth hasn’t seen Percy for four and a half weeks. She’s been off the Jupiter Industries case for just as long, what with Luke Castellan’s involvement; they’re currently restructuring the plan forward. She’s not used to boredom, but she’s not sure she could consider it full boredom when her brain will not stop churning. She’s aware it’s usually a stomach churning, but no, in this case, her mind is on the go in a thousand different directions. She doesn’t feel nauseous or sick - just overwhelmed mentally, which as far as she’s concerned is one of the worst kinds. She’d rather be vomiting.
She’s back at her apartment - her real one. It’s nearly as empty as the fake one. She doesn’t keep a lot of things around, not wanting too many distractions on top of the fact that she feels like she spends very little time actually in it. The most personalization is an owl throw pillow with a matching blanket on the couch and a few architectural prints across her walls. It feels emptier than it ever has, and she cruelly imagines what it might be like if Percy came here. She really, really needs to stop thinking about him, but it feels impossible, because if she’s not thinking about him, she starts to think about Luke. And that’s worse.
She faceplants directly into the owl blanket with a groan and lays there, ignoring the wafting smell of her Korean BBQ takeout sitting on the countertop. This has been her life each day for the last week: different dishes but a very familiar static and face full of fluff, followed by dejectedly eating lukewarm food. And then she just gets mad at herself for being such a sad sack. She’s Annabeth fucking Chase. What the hell did Percy Jackson do to her?
Reyna checks in periodically. She sends minute updates, but not enough for Annabeth to start doing her own poking and prodding. Frank stops by a few times to make sure she’s eating, and she does welcome his company in an absent way. He brings some of the best takeout, but he knows all her favorites. He carries the conversation in directions that serve the best distractions.
“You should use this time to get out,” he says one day, dragging some naan through the rest of his curry. When Annabeth stares at him, he clarifies. “I mean, maybe think of it like a vacation? You never take a vacation. Do things you’ve always wanted to.”
She grumpily shoves her own naan into her mouth to avoid answering him. But maybe he has a point. Maybe she does need to leave the house more often, if only to refresh herself. To get back on her feet. It’s only a matter of time before they give her a new assignment, and she refuses to fall into distractions again next time.
She takes herself out. She ventures further than a ten block radius and tries a new Pho place she’s been wanting to check out. She looks up a current run of temporary exhibitions around the city, buys tickets for three of them. She makes a reservation for herself at one of the museum restaurants, uncaring that it’s definitely overpriced and she can get a burger down the block for half the cost. She is utterly determined to give herself a good, clean, solid break from her time with Percy, so she’s prepared for the next chapter. Whatever it brings.
Naturally, it’s at one of the exhibitions that she runs into Sally Jackson.
Annabeth isn’t sure she could have been caught more off guard by Luke. She turns the corner and nearly runs into the woman, but her instincts make her sidestep at the last second. She’s not fast enough to avoid eye contact, because Sally moves at the same time, an apology on her lips.
“I’m so sorry - Annabeth?”
Why is this her life? Annabeth freezes, and she can feel the guilt rain down on her like a tsunami. She’s very rarely caught off guard like this, but this warm, wonderful woman unnerves her in an unexpected way. She just assumed she would never see her again, another casualty of her break with Percy.
Despite it all, Sally offers her a small, tentative smile. “Hi,” she says, tone infused with that very same warmth Annabeth knows she doesn’t deserve.
She swallows. “Hi,” she replies, weakly.
Sally reaches out to give her arm a gentle squeeze, and Annabeth nearly combusts on the spot. But the older woman can sense her discomfort, because she pulls her hand away just as quickly and sighs. “Will you get a coffee with me?”
Every single part of her is telling her to say no; every rational, logical piece of her being knows this is a bad idea, but there’s a quiet desperation that wins out against her better judgment, and Annabeth nods mutely. Sally smiles again, then walks them both towards the museum cafe. She orders Annabeth’s coffee exactly the way she likes it and orders herself a chai latte. By the time they sit down at the table, Annabeth’s nerves are shot, so she just wraps her hands around the cup and takes a sip, burning her tongue immediately. She winces, and Sally offers her a napkin.
“Percy told me you broke up.”
Annabeth almost laughs, hollowly. There’s no way he would have told her anything - Percy might have been royally pissed at her, but he’s also not cruel, and she knows he wouldn’t jeopardize her by spilling all the beans to his mother. He also wouldn’t want to put his mom in danger. Instead, her shoulders sink, and all she can do is nod once.
“He didn’t really tell me why,” Sally continues, wringing her hands around her own cup. She gets a thoughtful wrinkle in her forehead that looks so much like her son Annabeth almost flinches. “He said it wasn’t his place to share your history, but he did tell me you lied about a lot.”
She doesn’t know if hearing that from Sally is worse than her whole exchange with Percy a month ago. She doesn’t say anything, but her lack of answer is its own confirmation.
“My son is everything to me,” she says, and Annabeth prepares to be reamed out. Why wouldn’t she be? She just broke this woman’s son’s heart, and they’re two of the kindest, best people she’s ever met. “And I have never seen him so miserable.”
It’s not yelling, but it might be worse for real this time. Which is why the next thing Sally says is the most surprising part of all.
“I think he misses you.”
Annabeth’s head whips up so fast, and she says the first thing since her awkward greeting, which isn’t much more articulate. “What?”
It’s Sally’s turn to be quiet, again looking thoughtful as she finally takes a sip of her own drink. “I’m only telling you this because I know he was happy with you. Happier than I’ve seen him in a long time. And I know what he’s like now. I’m not going to ask you what happened. I know you hurt him, deeply, and I know maybe it’s not my place to sit here with you and tell you all of this. I know maybe things have been damaged too greatly. I know it’s his life, not mine. But what I want to ask you anyway is if you want to fix it, and if you still love my son.”
Annabeth’s eyes well up. She can’t answer this one with a nod. It’s everything she’s been trying to push away, the impossibilities of Percy chasing her down more harshly than Luke in the alleyway. “I love him,” she admits, and saying it aloud to someone else nearly knocks the wind out of her. “But I don’t know if I can fix it. I really, really hurt him, and there are parts of it that feel too broken.”
She shouldn’t be sharing this with Percy Jackson’s mother, but there isn’t another person who’s spoken to her about Percy specifically like this. A person who prioritizes Percy the way he should be, no matter what her own stupid heart and head are doing. Frank worries about her, but she’s the one who needs to grovel, and Sally will always, always put her son first.
Sally takes another sip, watching her carefully over the brim. She’s never felt more scrutinized in her life, and she’s a goddamn spy. Annabeth’s been alone for a very long time, and those months with Percy and his friends and his family were the closest she felt like a real, normal person in a long time. But she isn’t normal. She can’t just slip into a real architect’s life and become a new Annabeth Chase.
“Are you willing to try?”
She’s taken aback by the question and the way it connects to her thoughts, and she’s sure the surprise is on her face. “I don’t think he wants me to. It should be his choice, not mine.”
Sally hums. “Will you give me your address?”
“He’s not going to come to my house.”
“It’s for me. Not him. I won’t give it to him.”
She hesitates. She’s unlisted for a reason, her residence deeply under wraps. She still gets mail, of course, and it’s not like she lives there most of the year. But then she stubbornly takes the receipt from the drinks, scribbles the P.O. box on the back before she can second guess herself, and slides it back over. “Can you memorize it and burn it?” she says teasingly, trying not to feel ashamed of joking about it.
Sally slides it into her pocket. “I’m giving you a chance now, because I love my son and I want his happiness more than anything else, but I can see you're in just as terrible a state as he is. I wanted to see for myself, after I realized it was you.” She lifts her drink again, and Annabeth’s not sure if the pause for dramatic effect is intentional or not. “This is not forgiveness. It’s not my place to give it. This is me having a conversation with you, because you’re a very smart, put together woman who has spent a significant amount of time with Percy.”
Annabeth doesn’t feel very put together at the moment, but she’s hardly going to interject.
“And above everything, Percy is my son.”
It’s not a threat, but it almost feels like one. In lieu of another response, Annabeth takes a cowardly sip of her coffee.
“Thank you, for having coffee with me,” Sally says, and it sounds like a goodbye. Like this might be the last thing they ever say to each other. They sit in silence for a few more minutes, finishing their drinks, and it’s Sally who leaves first. She climbs to her feet in a cool movement and adjusts her bag before giving Annabeth a nod, then walks away from the table.
Annabeth sits there for another thirty minutes, though what she spends it thinking about, she doesn’t really remember.
Three days later Annabeth receives a package in the mail, with Sally’s return address. She holds the box in her hands and doesn’t really know how to process it. She sets it on the kitchen island and stares at it, afraid of opening it for stupid reasons. Watching it out of the corner of her eye, she heats up a box of frozen mac and cheese, then reaches for a steak knife to slice open the packing tape as the microwave beeps.
Inside she finds a dozen chocolate chip cookies, wrapped up neatly in a transparent blue bag. Underneath them is an envelope, which she nervously lifts and carefully opens. There’s a note inside, and what looks like two tickets to - to an aquarium. Not just any aquarium, the one where she met Percy - or rather, where she orchestrated her meeting of Percy. Puzzled and sad all at once, she reads the note in Sally’s loopy writing.
I bought these for you both a month ago. I’m giving them to you alone now as a final gift from me to you, and I hope you use them. Use the time to think about everything. Don’t try to return them.
Perhaps one day we’ll see each other again. Take care.
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theendorisit · 6 months ago
magnus protocol season 1 final part - praise and credits
all right my haunted maggot clowns, Season 1 is OVER, we are at our Magnus protocol hiatus until FEB 2025 and you know what that means?
No, not hysterical weeping! 
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It’s time to recap the last ten episodes, epilogue and fluff of Season 1, so SPOILERS AHOY!! Including TMA Spoilers. If you haven’t listened, come back later! Ok? Ok!
Part 1 (eps 1-20) is here:
All praises to the guest writers:
Harlan Guthrie, for more of his work visit https://www.malevolent.ca/
Alex C Telander, for more of his work visit https://ostiumnetwork.com/
Muna Hussen, for more of her work visit https://www.thesiltverses.com/ I honestly cannot rave enough about how much I adore The Silt Verses, strongly recommend to everyone. 
If you have enjoyed the guest writers, I also recommend the Nine To Midnight annual series, lots of writers, all brought together by Harlan Guthrie: https://linktr.ee/ninetomidnight - Check it out! This years halloween episode is GOING TO BE AMAZING!
The Magnus Protocol Episode 21 – Breaking Ground
CAT2RBC4254-04011998-12042024 Architecture (landmark) -/- corruption (entropy)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Intriguing case, I enjoyed it thoroughly, though as a Brit it is very disconcerting hearing about the millennium dome in a horror context. It’s like a fleshy bouncy castle. Spooky, but also plain weird. Hello, Dr Welling. Of course the star of this episode is the consequences of Gwen trying (failing) to be authoritarian. Delightful escalation of Ink5oul’s powers, as the mere presence of a tattoo can be manipulated. I adore Magnus stories for the implications they provide - what might a scorpion tattoo do, hmmm? Crawl under the skin? After all, some scorpions can burrow up to 2m underneath the surface, using complex tunnels. Sting and sting and sting again until death? Mind you, some scorpions only paralyse their prey, before they feast. The compulsion scene is delightful, amazing performance by Anusia, and ALL OF THEM, MINE: So amazing, giving me shivers. All of them: All people? All normies? All OIAR? We’re back in the terror, the horror, the mystery, compelling statements again. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 22 - Mixed Signals
CAT13RBC4488-14121924-15042024 Experiment (brain) -/- imprisonment (existential)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: I love existential horror. What makes a person a person after all? If there’s someone screaming in pain and terror and loneliness but you never hear them, see them, know of them - do you know, or care, of their personhood at all? Also, as with Archives, the question of why we’re hearing about certain cases is floating in the air. There are certainly voices speaking in the void, yet unable to make themselves heard. Office tensions are rising, we are getting some juicy backstory hints. Shahan and Billie getting some real frustration into their voices, Sarah and Anusia have all the terse company-line bullshit vibes and I love Lowri’s conspiratorial name-dropping bombshell to a mood-killing baffled response.
The Magnus Protocol Episode 23 - A New You
CAT13RBC3536-20062018-18042024 Transformation (dysmorphic) -/-doppleganger (infection)
Written by Harlan Guthrie, for more of his work visit https://www.malevolent.ca/
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall and Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: One of my top three episodes in Season 1. This case makes my heart sing. It’s delightful, insidious body horror, with a sweet side of social commentary. What’s not to adore? And a piece of coral (a living skeleton with multiple identical lifeforms inside) being referred to as She is so intriguing to me. I feel I could spent a long time trying to unpick the nuances of this piece. Especially as there’s a key story element in the fact that something goes wrong at the end, and the forum mods don’t want other people to know. So far things have felt every individual and separate… but maybe things are more connected than we think? Do we have cults and followings like in Archives? On a related note, ngl I cackled when JS and MB’s fates were revealed because I know Jonny and Alex had fun writing that. However, I don’t trust such suspiciously merciful deaths, at all. (Also, were those deaths a Koji Suzuki reference? Hmm) Wonderful performances from Anusia and Billie in the final scene. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 24 - Raising Issues
CAT1RBC1375-29022024-23042024 Baby (demonic) -/- Delusion (exhaustion)
Written by Alex C Telander, for more of his work visit https://ostiumnetwork.com/
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall and Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: This is the first time a Magnus episode has made me physically cringe in sympathetic pain. Please keep the demon child that wants to chew through my tit and into my chest cavity far away from me. Nope, no, nuh-uh, nah mate, f* off with that nonsense. The medical gaslighting, the exhaustion and the dark acceptance of pain, oof. Plus the new parent not-knowing-if-this-normal? Brutal. Painful realism came in kicking with this one, and it’s very good. Also, demon baby likes Celia. Lady Mowbray likes Celia. Celia is an external magnet. I enjoy the multi-person dialogues in Protocol, everyone giving their best, reminds me of the intervention scene in early Archives. Also, yay, Basira! I love Plummy Teacher Basira, she’s so baffled by these two randomers. Great performance by Frank Voss.
The Magnus Protocol Episode 25 - Gut Feelings
CAT2RB2474-07022024-24042024 Food (Gorging ) -/- compulsion (disgust)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall
Thoughts: Ah, the McWeevil episode. Tasty. There are all sorts of wonderful implications here that I dare not type in case someone is eating while reading. Also I love the dance we’re doing with the old consent/compulsion/choice dynamic. In Archives many people tried and failed to escape from horrors (shout out to Robin Lennox), but there have been quite a few cases in Protocol with the victim struggling and managing to walk away (though with unclear consequences - the OIAR team aren’t doing follow-up in the same way as Archives). Also Colin, Colin my sweet, you might be the most sensible person in this universe, but this sort of thing will only get you murderised. I love Ryan’s acting, such a desperately agonised breakdown, which you can see a bit of here: https://youtu.be/xlERmS-okTI The universe persists in teleporting Celia towards Oxford for shits and giggles. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 26 - Catching Up
CAT1RBC4463-14042024-02052024 Exhaustion (athletic) -/- compulsion (tape)
Written by Muna Hussen, for more of her work visit https://www.thesiltverses.com/
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall and Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: Magnussing - creator approved! I really enjoyed this case, because Mr Jarrod is set up as a mysterious figure, like what’s this guys deal - nvm, he’s fucked. The character narration (as a witness statement) is engaging and draws you in, right down to the horrible end. I can’t recommend Muna’s writing enough. Alice connects all the dots together, and we get the wonderful Imogen Harris as Helen again. I am increasingly wondering why some people seem identical to their Archives counterparts, and others are quite different. Is it a natural variation? Does it mean something. Also, while I love Helen’s laugh, I kind of wanted Helen to finish with ‘come back anytime, my door is always open!’ (too on the nose perhaps). Celia, get the tory baby to sleep, it’s sexy time. “with additional voices from Jonathan Sims.” Alright, it’s official that Jonny’s making the baby burbling noises (/silly). 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 27 - Driven
CAT3RB5535-18021845-10052024 Kidnapping (carriage) -/- consumption [letter]
Written by Jonathan Sims
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall
Thoughts: Another one of my top three episodes in Season 1! On the same theme as above, Jonah is a twat in this universe too! I wonder who ’N’ is. Victorian Paranormal Monster Pursuit? Yes please, more please! Such delightful gore, very delectable, much fun. So many thoughts on how such a monster would hide in our world. And ‘no cost too great’ indeed. The ancient Magnus rite of sacrificing assistants reigns eternal. Curious emphasis on ‘if there are already such monsters in this world’. Hmmm. Maybe the gap in reality has been discovered? Ooh, weird emails. Sam, now Gwen. Very interesting that Celia, having been repeatedly teleported towards Oxford, now wants to take Sam to Oxford. Something will get revealed…
The Magnus Protocol Episode 28 - Interruptions
CAT2RB2578-17081998-13052024 Transmutation (human) -/- ceremony (academic)
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Goodbye Dr Welling. And this, children, is why we don’t roll a critical fail when casting reanimate dead. It’s spooky scary skeleton time, and Sam dun fucked up. Though honestly, if I had experienced something this traumatic as a result of wandering off into a place I wasn’t supposed to be, I don’t know, I think I might have a severe aversion to doing that? Sam, wtf is wrong with your trauma response? Though I am curious on the mechanics of statements - are people only saying things they know, or can information they’ve long forgotten be brought up? 10/10 case, superb, love it. Every episode is getting me hyped. Gwen doesn’t take shit lying down, and while corralling externals is not her forte, backstabbing office politics clearly is. I love Ian’s brusque minster, it’s pretty damn accurate and really gets me in the room with the characters. 
The Magnus Protocol Episode 29 - Keyed In
CAT2RB4254-30012020-13052024 Drowning (subterranean) -/- key (metaphor)
Written by Alexander J Newall
Script Editing by Jonathan Sims 
Thoughts: Now something else (not Celia) is pushing Sam to go to Oxford. Interesting. Alex makes Jonny try to pronounce things in Czech. This is a curious case, and I think it’s speaking to keeping secrets, unlocking doors you can’t close again, and the floodwaters are rising. All things Gwen needs to hear. The fact that Lena considers that the Visit went well, ouch. Also, I am convinced Teddy is working for the Response part of the OIAR, and he’s the one dropping off Sam’s weird paperwork. That ending: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN…. (Alice, just pop over to Victoria, get the Oxford Tube, it’ll drop you off in Headington, it’s fiiiiiine). Presumbly the archivist got the train down from Manchester in the first time. Perhaps it has a (Communications) Network Railcard?
The Magnus Protocol Episode 30 - Dead End Job
CAT2RS3366-13052024-13052024  Transmutation (human) -/- Isolation (urban) 
Written by Jonathan Sims 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Light a candle for the Scottish in the Magnus Multiverse, they are doomed. Ryan’s performance broke my heart. Robin as the custodian is a gem, and then he’s the hilltop golem. Spectacular sound design. Turns out the Welsh aren’t doing so hot either. Lena moonwalks backwards out of the whole situation, Gwen, yer fucked, luv. IT IS MINE  - Is this Celia being an external magnet or is the rift what the Archivist is actually after? Makes sense, an entire multiverse of suffering would definitely be satisfying! Plus see previous comment about Magnus Institute and the rift.
London Exclusion Zone has a delightful 28 days later ring to it. I do hope this means what I think it does: that Celia is wrong and the wound is not a pathway to her world but to any world. Which means we’re in Magnus Mk 3, and there could be ANOTHER Jonathan Sims here. In fact, wouldn’t it be something amazing, if here was a world where the Archivist succeeded in taking over as the conduit, and managed to control the horrors into a smaller area, namely London? If so, fucking brilliant, cannot wait… a few weeks until the premiere, and my relentless hunger for lore is satiated.   
The Magnus Protocol Season 1 Epilogue
Written by Jonathan Sims
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall
Thoughts: Anusia and Billie smashed this one, some great emotional beats and as they now comprise 66% of the office staff (assuming Celia doesn’t just book it), I’m looking forward to watching their dynamic change over the next season. Important point: apparently there was a full description of the horrors that were seen, but we don’t get to hear it. Yet. Maybe. So until we do, all that happened was that Gwen yanks out a server rack, the phone rings, and Alice says ‘oh Colin...’ because she can see that Colin has been relentlessly ringing his exes and sending dick pics to everyone. Gwen screams because she spots Colin, drunk out of his mind and naked on the floor, having broken into Lena’s other secret alcohol stash (she has like 5 of them). 
Colin in Season 1: Dinnae fash yersel', I'll sort out this machine!
Epilogue: Did ye, aye?
(But yeah, I’m mid way between gruesome flesh packed inside the servers, with hairy skin peeling off the circuits like lichen on tree bark, or Colin being in the phone, like the ringing brings up a picture of his face that’s been flensed and matrixed with wires and LEDs, because whatever happened, it was a) not immediately obvious, aka the room isn’t splattered with gore, and b) immediately obvious that it was Colin. So either his face is on show, or a defining feature like a tattoo.)
The Magnus Protocol Season 1 Fluff
Written by Jonathan Sims (except that intro and ending, that is clearly all Alex) 
Script Editing by Alexander J Newall 
Thoughts: Alex, you are a delight. Never change. All the characters are absolute train wrecks, and we are here for them (and their pain and suffering)
Featuring (in order of appearance), and where you can support them:
Lowri Ann Davies as Celia Ripley (https://x.com/lowritweets?lang=en)
Shahan Hamza as Samama Khalid (https://linktr.ee/shahanhamza)
Billie Hindle as Alice Dyer (want to support gender affirming treatment for a trans creator? https://ko-fi.com/F1F2XMJRD plus check out Billie’s latest role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eDt3bYqDT0) 
Sarah Lambie as Lena Kelley (https://x.com/baabuzz)
Anusia Battersby as Gwendolyn Bouchard (@anouchard, https://x.com/AnusiaBattersby)
Vera Chok as Ink5oul (https://x.com/Vera_Chok)
Callum Dougherty as Bystander (https://rustyquill.com/crew/callum-dougherty/)
Beth Eyre as Archivist/[ERROR] (https://x.com/BethEyre)
Tim Fearon as Augustus (I think: https://www.mandy.com/u/tim-fearon/)
Jonathan Sims as Chester (@jonnywaistcoat, @macguffinandco, https://www.patreon.com/macguffinandcompany/posts)
Alexander J Newall as Norris (@rqbossman)
Faye Derham as Mother (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8335409/)
Frank Voss as Basira Hussain (https://x.com/AvoidedDrowning)
Ryan Hopevere-Anderson as Colin Becher (https://linktr.ee/ryanhopevereanderson)
Mark Nicolson as Ticket Attendant 
Imogen Harris as Helen Richardson (https://x.com/ImogenCHarris)
Ian Hayles as Trevor Herbert MP (https://x.com/IanHayles)
Kazeem Tosin Amore as Teddy Vaughn (https://x.com/KazeemAmore)
Kai Partenie as Ticket Officer (https://www.instagram.com/kai0997)
Pip Gladwin as Taxi Driver (https://x.com/pip_gladwin)
Robin Hellier as Custodian (I think: https://robinhellier.com/#qualifications-credits)
Executive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton
Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice
Produced by April Sumner
Dialogue Editor – Lowri Ann Davies
Sound Designer – Tessa Vroom
Mastering Editor - Catherine Rinella
Music by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson)
Art by April Sumner
Fabulous work everyone! See you at the Premiere!
Official transcripts:
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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On October 15th 1902 Edinburgh's Balmoral Hotel opened its doors for the first time.
Look out for my own connections to this grand old hotel, both in a personal sense and through my home town of Loanhead.
Back then it was called The North British and in Edinburgh a lot of people, myself included, still refer to it by the initials NB.
On Wednesday 15 October, 1902, on the front page of The Scotsman newspaper, a small advert appeared: “North British Station Hotel. This hotel in direct communication with Waverley Station is now open F.T. Burcher, hotel manager.”
According to the hotel’s official history, the North British was “a vanguard for the railway company which built it, a surrogate for the grand station they had never been permitted to erect in the sensitive site between Old and New Town.” The architecture, executed in golden sandstone, features towers and balconies galore. It’s a glorious mash-up of influences from across northern Europe. Expensive to build as well as to run – it gobbled upwards of 200 tons of coal every month – the hotel was seen as a “sign of the future heralded by the railways, the newly opened Forth Bridge and the electric lights switched on in Princes Street just seven years earlier”.
Nevertheless, some believed the Caledonian, which opened a year later, boasted the more advantageous location. And some detractors found the sheer size of the hotel gauche, complaining “it is coarse and obstructive at once”.
The hotel – working name “Waverley Station Hotel” – was the brainchild of George Wieland, a former NBR company secretary who retired to its board in 1890. Having toured some of the most lavish hotels in the world – where he realised the importance of having a banqueting hall to bring in business – he hired W Hamilton Beattie to draw up plans for Edinburgh. The hotel would have 300 bedrooms, 52 bathrooms, and 70 lavatories, and was designed to encourage the circulation of fresh air. Lifts shot people straight from the station into the hotel’s foyer, and beyond that, to rooms furnished with mahogany, leather and crimson moquette. It’s said that the bill for plants and flowers exceeded the bill for gas, and there was even a special machine to burnish the silver. Weiland made sure the new hotel’s cellars were full of the finest champagnes, hocks, ports, and whisky, the better to entice his ideal customers – wealthy, landed families moving between their multiple residences.
In 1922, the hotel became part of the London and North Eastern Railway Company and by all accounts the hotel sparkled from top to bottom, but after the Second World War, when the railways were nationalised, and Prestwick airport began getting transatlantic traffic, things began a slow downward trajectory. Even so, the hotel remained the destination for Edinburgh society events, be they corporate or personal. In 1983, British Rail sold off its rather faded North British Hotel. In 1988, it closed for refurbishment, it was in dire need of this, some of the rooms were looking a wee bit shabby, the wooden window frames unable to open fully, and how do I know this? Well I used to be the window cleaner in the hotel and the windows that didn't open meant I had to find one close by and edge along the crumbling sandstone ledges, the worst affected, and highest were on the south of the hotel and there was a six storey drop down to the train station below.
At the start of the 1990s, Balmoral International Hotels, an Edinburgh based company, bought the venue. In 1997, the Balmoral became the first hotel bought by Sir Rocco Forte as he assembled his portfolio of hotels. It currently boasts Scotland’s only Bollinger Bar, as well as the Michelin-starred Number One restaurant run by executive chef Jeff Bland, a spa, and ten function rooms accommodating up to 450 people.
Famous guests over the years have included Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Palin, Beyoncé and JK Rowling, who finished the last Harry Potter novel here, on 11 January, 2007, and then daubed her signature on a bust in her room.
A second wee link with the hotel, is Charles Forte, Grandfather of the present owner began his working life in my home town of Loanhead when he moved to Scotland from Italy.
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enigmaticxbee · 6 months ago
tell us 5 boring facts about yourself tag game
Tagged by @b0oker18 thank you for the kind words!
1. My apartment building is a 5th floor walk-up and my office is a 4th floor walk up and I have a dog so I do a lot of stairs and yet they don’t get easier 😰
2. Ten years ago I read 50 books a year, not including rereads. In 2020 I read only 4 books (although I did read a lot of fanfic that year). This year I’m back up to 30 books, including rereads, which makes me happy.
3. I’m an architect and somehow I now own 50% of my company which means now I’m responsible for invoicing and payroll and retirement plans etc. They don’t teach you business stuff in architecture school 🤪
4. I don’t let my dog sleep in my bed except when we’re traveling because she insists on sleeping directly on top of me - she’s only 13 lbs, but still!
5. The most exciting thing I’ve done this fall is hire a cleaner, so I don’t have to spend all my free weekend time cleaning my apartment woohoo!
Tagging (if you want) @edierone @bakedbakermom @mulders-too-large-shirt
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jordanianprincesses · 2 years ago
Meet Rajwa Al Saif
the Jordanian
Princess-to -be 🤍
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"Teenager Rajwa at the age of 15"
She was chubby and lovely, love the Red Lipstick too !!💄
So who is Rajwa ??
Name: Rajwa Al Saif
Birth: 28 April 1994
Place of Birth:Riyadh,Saudi Arabia
Parents: Azza Al Sudairi
Khaled Al Saif
Siblings: One sister
Two brothers
[Rajwa is the youngest]
1/Studies :
She completed her secondary education in Saudi Arabia.
Then she proceeded to complete her higher education at the 'Syracuse University School Of Architecture' which is quite similar to her father's study field : Civil engineering!
•Double Artist•
Well if you consider architecture as an art, then Rajwa is two times an "Artist".
In fact, she has also earned a degree from the "Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising".
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"Rajwa at her graduation day from Syracuse University"
2/Super rich and eh, ... a very generous Daddy!!
Her father is a Saudi businessman Khaled Al Saif, CEO of the privately-owned Al Saif Group.
He founded Al Seif Engineering Contracting Company  along with a number of companies operating in other sectors.
But wait ... !
In 2016, ten architecture students from Syracuse University went on a 9 day study trip to Dubai that was totally funded by a Saudi-based firm ' El Seif Engineering Contracting Company'
Rajwa said: "What made this trip so memorable for me was seeing the students in the studio experience Arabic culture and architecture for the first time"
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"Rajwa with her university friends in Dubai"
In the top right picture: she's the one wearing black shirt.
In the other two pictures: she's the one wearing blue djeans with stars.
3/Saudi Royal Links !!
Her mother Azza Al Sudairi is a first cousin twice removed of King Salman, the current king of Saudi Arabia.
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"Rajwa with her cousin HRH prince Abdulaziz Al-Saud"
4/Energetic Rajwa... !!
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"In the second pic Rajwa is drinking energetic drink RedBull"
Euh well, am not talking about drinking Coffee or RedBull ..
Rajwa is indeed very energetic ! 💥
She strikes me as a very lively, enthusiastic and cheerful person !
I think she's so fun to be around ..
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Look at those smiles !
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Here she is!!
On the left : At a car race in Texas.
On the top right : At a university event with friends.
On the bottom right: At a fashion art show in London 2015.
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"Young rajwa with friends... and older Rajwa at work!!"
First pic on the top: Rajwa with highschool friends I think!
Second and Third: Working at Patterns in Los Angeles, USA.I think she's really passionate about her work !
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" Guess she knows well how to have fun"
On the top left:I like her short hair and her genuine smile.
On the bottom left: I LIKE her stare!! I LIKE the black marks under her eyes 🔥
5/What the stars say about Rajwa and Hussein .......🌟
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Hussein's Zodiac Sign : Cancer ♋
Rajwa's Zodiac Sign : Taurus ♉
Taurus and Cancer are so compatible that they feel like soulmates.
These two are affectionate and nurturing and share many of the same values and interests.
As a water sign, Cancer flows naturally into the earth sign Taurus, to make one of the "strongest matches" in the zodiac.
6/My opinion on Rajwa:
I don't give myself the right to talk about her since I don't know her in person but I think 'judging by the pictures I've seen of her' that:
She is an extrovert and a chill person.
She is very sociable and well liked by her friends.
She is friendly and enthusiastic.
She is a free spirit ✨ and open to try new things.
She is carefree
I like her style, her shiny sneakers at her graduation, her messy half up bun hairstyle at work , her accessories , her dark nail colors and specially the way she wears her caps "backwards" 😂
Say what you want about Rajwa, but one thing 's for sure she is not your usual Princess....xD
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mirzablogs · 10 months ago
Josip Heit Reviews: A Comprehensive Look at His Ventures and Successes
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When it comes to business moguls who have successfully diversified their portfolios across multiple industries, Josip Heit Review stands out as a remarkable figure. His ventures span luxury vehicle leasing, real estate, technology, and other innovative sectors. This blog delves into the multifaceted business empire of Josip Heit, focusing on his vehicle leasing in the luxury goods sector, his wide range of products, and other business pursuits. We’ll provide an in-depth, positive review of his achievements, highlighting ten key positive reviews that reflect his exceptional business acumen and customer satisfaction.
Vehicle Leasing in the Luxury Goods Sector
A Leader in Luxury Vehicle Leasing
Josip Heit has made significant strides in the vehicle leasing sector, particularly with luxury cars. His company offers an array of high-end vehicles that cater to clients looking for premium experiences. From luxury sedans to high-performance sports cars, the leasing options provided by Heit’s enterprise are second to none.
Why Choose Josip Heit for Vehicle Leasing?
1. Exclusive Fleet: Josip Heit’s leasing company boasts a fleet of the latest luxury cars from renowned brands like Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Lamborghini. This exclusive selection ensures clients have access to the best vehicles on the market. 2. Customized Leasing Plans: Understanding that each client has unique needs, the company offers tailored leasing plans. Whether it’s for short-term use or long-term commitments, there’s a plan that fits every requirement. 3. Exceptional Customer Service: Heit’s company prides itself on providing outstanding customer service. From the moment a client expresses interest to the end of the lease period, the customer journey is smooth and satisfying. 4. Maintenance and Support: One of the standout features of leasing a vehicle from Josip Heit is the comprehensive maintenance and support services. Clients can enjoy their luxury cars without worrying about upkeep, as all maintenance is handled by expert technicians. 5. Competitive Pricing: Despite offering premium vehicles, the leasing company maintains competitive pricing. This ensures that luxury vehicle leasing is accessible to a wider audience without compromising on quality.
Positive Reviews from Satisfied Clients
Here are ten positive reviews from clients who have experienced Josip Heit’s exceptional vehicle leasing services:
- The selection of luxury cars is unparalleled. Leasing a Bentley from Josip Heit’s company was a dream come true! - I was impressed with the personalized leasing plan they offered. It perfectly suited my needs. - Customer service is top-notch. They made the entire process so easy and enjoyable. - Maintenance was never a worry. The company took care of everything, allowing me to enjoy my car stress-free. - Competitive pricing for such high-end vehicles is a game-changer. Highly recommend! - The fleet is always updated with the latest models. I felt like a VIP driving my leased Lamborghini. - Flexibility in leasing terms is a big plus. I appreciated the ability to choose what worked best for me. - Support staff are knowledgeable and always available. They truly understand luxury vehicles. - Leasing from Josip Heit was a seamless experience. From selection to delivery, everything was perfect. - The attention to detail in their services is commendable. They exceed expectations every time.
Innovative Products and Business Ventures
Expanding Horizons Beyond Vehicle Leasing
While Josip Heit’s luxury vehicle leasing business is a cornerstone of his empire, his ventures extend far beyond. Heit has a keen eye for innovation and has successfully diversified into various sectors, including real estate, technology, and renewable energy.
Real Estate Ventures
Josip Heit’s real estate business focuses on luxury properties and sustainable development. His projects are known for their architectural excellence and environmental consciousness. By integrating cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, Heit is redefining luxury living.
Technology and Innovation
In the technology sector, Heit has invested in several startups and established companies that are at the forefront of innovation. His interest in tech spans artificial intelligence, blockchain, and renewable energy technologies. These investments not only promise high returns but also contribute to the advancement of critical technologies.
Renewable Energy Projects
Understanding the importance of sustainability, Josip Heit has also ventured into renewable energy. His projects include solar farms and wind energy installations, which are aimed at reducing carbon footprints and promoting green energy solutions.
Positive Reviews from Business Associates
Here are ten positive reviews from business associates who have partnered with Josip Heit:
- Josip Heit’s vision for sustainable real estate is groundbreaking. His projects set new standards in luxury living. - Working with Josip in the tech sector has been inspiring. His investments have propelled our company to new heights. - His commitment to renewable energy is commendable. Josip Heit is truly making a difference in the fight against climate change. - Partnering with Josip Heit has opened numerous doors for our business. His network is vast and influential. - His strategic insights are invaluable. Josip Heit is a visionary leader. - The level of professionalism and expertise he brings to the table is unmatched. Highly recommend collaborating with him. - Josip’s dedication to innovation is evident in every project he undertakes. He is a true pioneer. - His focus on sustainability is inspiring. Josip Heit is leading the way in green business practices. - Working with Josip has been a game-changer for our company. His guidance and support are unparalleled. - Josip Heit’s business acumen is exceptional. He consistently delivers results that exceed expectations.
Josip Heit’s business ventures are a testament to his extraordinary vision and entrepreneurial spirit. From luxury vehicle leasing to sustainable real estate and cutting-edge technology, Heit has successfully established a diverse and thriving business empire. The positive reviews from clients and business associates alike underscore his commitment to excellence and innovation.
Whether you are looking to lease a luxury vehicle, invest in prime real estate, or explore innovative technologies, Josip Heit’s ventures offer unparalleled opportunities. His dedication to customer satisfaction, sustainable practices, and technological advancement makes him a standout figure in the business world. As his empire continues to grow, Josip Heit remains a beacon of success and a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs.
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georgieluz · 1 year ago
JULIAN!! I need to know about all your ocs! So I’m probably gonna send a few of these 😂
📚 🎶 💯 🌈 🐶 ❤️ 💔 for all your ocs. I’ll find some more specific ones for each oc too 🩵 thanks
JESS! hello <3 thank you for always being so enthusiastic and excited about them 🥺 ilysm !!
okay, let's get started! gonna put a read more here because this is going to be pretty long since it's for all the ocs!!
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
oliver hardwick has an undergraduate degree in classical literature and latin. he was lined up to do graduate level studies, but then the war broke out, so now he's an intelligence officer in easy company instead! he actually didn't want to pursue any more studies after undergraduate anyway, despite his parents pressuring him to do so. not that going to war was preferable though.
tommy monet graduated high school, just about. he has the smarts for more, but always claimed it wasn't for him, or people like him. he would laugh in the face of someone who suggested otherwise. his bad behaviour at school was less of a lack of enthusiasm for learning and more a way that he could easily blend in with the people he grew up with. he secretly would have loved to spend his time reading, expanding his knowledge and writing, but he couldn't stomach the idea of being seen as a "traitor" to his upbringing.
charlie scott also graduated high school, and he also wasn't interested in pursuing any higher education in an academic institution. instead, he basically started learning how to fix vehicles and different engines under the tutorship of a close family friend. so most of his knowledge and skills come from that training.
rhys llewyd was studying medicine before the war broke out and that's how when he joined up he was immediately chosen to be a corpsman. before the war, he was dead-set on becoming a doctor and was sure it was his passion in life. that changes during his time in the pacific and leaves him feeling pretty lost.
max jacobs does not want to be near any educational facility whatsoever lmao, but he did manage to graduate high school. the only form of "school" he enjoyed was the sniper training course he did in the marines. he actually really thrived in that environment, whereas in more traditional learning scenarios, he'd always found himself uninterested, distracted and frankly, just didn't really care. his fellow marines often make jokes about him "finishing top of class" and being the scout sniper "teacher's pet" despite almost being kicked out of every school he'd enrolled in before he joined up.
matty carter, my love, my baby boy, was very much in a similar situation as his best friend, ray person. they were both set to go to university after graduating high school, but then ray decides to fuck it and join the marines instead. naturally, he asks his best friend matty to join them with him too, and well, matty would rather be by ray's side than in a lecture hall, so that's exactly what he does. he joins the damn marines. he's very good at maths and all of the sciences, and was planning to study physics at university. he was a little bit obsessed with space as a kid, but always dismissed his love for it as being "the same as any other kid's".
caleb dawson, oh boy, here we go. pre-zombie outbreak, he's a final year architecture student, but that's not very descriptive of his educational background. his upbringing isn't quite as straight forward as how schooling usually goes, he travelled around a lot and was taken along on jobs with his father after turning ten. this meant he was in and out of schools most of the time and a lot of his education came from the group of criminals his father worked with. one of those taught him how to hack from an early age and he began joining them on jobs after a few years. his love of architecture and building design came from the earlier years when he was left in hotel rooms whilst they went out on robberies. he would sketch buildings from the window of those hotel rooms and eventually began to design his own. obviously to study architecture, you need good, and more importantly steady, grades and a high school diploma, so he always assumed it was out of the question for him. after a series of events that leave his father in prison and caleb having to find his way in life alone, he eventually does the work and gets onto a degree.
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🎶  MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
oliver likes anything he can dance to. he's very much a fun of some uptempo jazz and loves nothing more than getting drunk and twirling around the room in a daze! he wants to listen to anything that will make him feel... no matter what emotion, he just wants to feel it all. mostly so he can forget what he actually feels inside!
tommy is very much a "i don't really care about music specifically" kinda guy. he'll appreciate and enjoy a lot of different styles but in a very passive kind of way.
charlie is pretty chill so generally he's into slower tempo more relaxing stuff, but if he can enjoy a bit of everything.
rhys trained in dance growing up so he's versed in a few different genres and styles of music, and even though he enjoys more gentle sounding music to listen to, he's absolutely down for the upbeat fun stuff too! he's pretty shy about his dancing, but if you get him out there then you'll be surprised by how free-spirited he really is!
max is your classic punk/pop-punk listening skater who has never played an instrument before but swears he would kill it in a band. but yeah, he's very into skateboarding culture and his music tastes reflect that pretty predictably. jesus of suburbia wasn't released until a year after the events of gen kill but that's very much the vibe.
matty also primarily listens to that kind of music.. y'know some soft rock, pop-punk, indie kinda stuff. but he probably consumes a bit of everything and is pretty versed in most music genres. he's also ray's best friend so yes, lots of singalongs.
caleb listens to film scores whilst he hacks. he can't bear to listen to anything with lyrics whilst he works but thinks purely classical music is a bit pretentious, so film scores are his go-to!
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
he actively tries to bring shame to the family name
he hides his rage behind a carefree attitude very well
he dumbs himself down on purpose
he cries reading poetry
he smokes but dislikes the smell of cigarettes
he talks to every cat he meets
he's a really fast and strong swimmer
he grew up surrounded by mountain ranges
he hates hot weather
he speaks fluent welsh
has a pretty big fear of heights
can play piano
enjoys fighting in quite a masochistic way
ran away from home multiple times as a teen
definitely has an element of naivety when it comes to his own safety and wellbeing. he constantly provokes others and gets himself into fairly dangerous situations.
is a sweet baby boy who i love.
okay, no, i'll be serious, sorry i just love him so much.
has a smile that could power at least a whole county
is really really really good at playing tekken
he's also a maths whizz but is very lowkey about it
constantly leaves cold mugs of coffee about the place, like literally all the time. especially if he's working on a hack
will NOT admit he's into speirs, despite the entire world, including every damn zombie out there, knowing about them
is secretly jealous of gwen's open and trusting nature, despite him constantly calling her out about being too naive
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🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc’s sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
so all of these ocs use he/him and are queer, but i also have female ocs and nonbinary ocs that are a part of my hbo war f1 au! as well as my oc jess who uses she/her and is straight.
tommy is probably the character where sexuality is most relevant to his arc and inner conflicts. him being gay is quite a big factor in his family relations and past, so it does have a big impact on the way he carries himself and his sense of self.
oliver's sexuality is something he both clings to and tries to weaponise against his parents. he uses the disgust and prejudice of the era as a shield and there's a disconnect there between his sexual identity and who he really is. he would likely identify as gay but he's also slept with women if there's something to gain from the situation. he often jokes that he could never settle down with a woman though, as it would please his parents too much.
the other's queer identities are less clearly defined and the labels aren't really a big part of who they see themselves as. max is bi but tends to have a preference for men. matty isn't fully sure if he's bi or gay or not and he's kinda stuck in a situation where his romantic attentions are pulled toward one specific person, who happens to be a man, so he's very much still figuring things out. rhys and charlie are also in a similar place of figuring things out and likely won't find too many answers about that during the war either. rhys is closer to knowing what he wants in this regard though.
caleb is openly gay but he's out here fighting for his life against zombies so the topic of his sexuality isn't a massive part of his storyline other than y'know, speirs turning up and pinning him against a wall with his mouth just to shut him up. but yeah, he identifies as gay and doesn't really hide it from anyone either.
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🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
tommy has a cat named badger and is basically a cat magnet wherever he goes!!
matty has an australian shepherd named polo who follows him around like a shadow. it's very cute.
oliver's parents never allowed him to have a pet growing up, it was one of their rules when they got married.
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❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc’s positive traits?
he's very open about his flaws and never tries to hide them or pretend that he's a better person than his actions prove him to be
he's actually a very smart and competent person when it comes to planning schemes or missions, and carrying them out, but he's often reluctant to show this as he despises being praised for his achievements due to the way his parents brought him up
whilst his charismatic nature is somewhat of a defence mechanism for him, he genuinely cares about his friends once they're in his life and will go to really far lengths to protect them
he's genuinely caring and protective of his family and friends, even if he's not necessarily on amazing terms with all of them
he's very very observant of other people and can read them pretty well. this usually means others feel very seen by him and often appreciate the way he remembers and notices aspects of their personalities and lives. he struggles when he meets anyone similar to him though, as he's very in denial about himself
he's not afraid to stand up to people who deem themselves above him or others, even if he knows it will get him in trouble
he's very patient with other people and is pretty calm when faced with criticism or other people's anger
has a pretty healthy way of expressing his emotions through his writing, especially his journals
he's very attentive to details, both with other people and in regard to their equipment and machinery
he has a very soothing and gentle presence, even in the chaos of war, and marines often say they feel safer just having him around
knows exactly how to distract the guys and cheer them up, using small jokes and telling stories about his hometown. he also teaches the men welsh, even though they're all terrible at it, because he thinks it keeps their minds off the heavier stuff for a little while
would absolutely sacrifice himself for any of the k-company boys, but also knows his skills are needed to save them
isn't afraid of bullies or bigots. will happily get his fists or face bloody just to stand up to them
in some ways he's very carefree and manages to truly live in the moment, even if it's mostly a response to "suburban fuckery" as he likes to call it. it's a bit of a challenge when he joins the marines and loses some of the anti-establishment non-conformity that he always claimed to live by, but he also gains a taste of camaraderie there that he starts to think is worth the trade off.
genuinely believes that failure is just a trial run and that he can accomplish anything that he wants if he tries hard enough (i'm putting this in positive traits, but it does have some mixed results and negative consequences as well, but it does get him through a lot of scrapes due to his sheer audacity to try)
have i mentioned he has a smile that can light up the whole world yet??? because yes... yes he does!!
is very graceful in defeat and enjoys watching his friends succeed and do well, he has so little jealously in that regard
he's pretty self-less honestly and can put aside something he wants if it goes against the majority's needs
he lives for making other people laugh or smile and other people's happiness genuinely brings him a lot of joy.
i'd also say he sees and appreciates the little things in life and usually knows what's important in a situation
he very much subscribes to the "never leave a man behind" motto and will put himself in danger to make sure his friends are ok
would much rather get hurt than let the people he cares about suffer. this often leaves him in vulnerable situations where he leaves himself open to people who want him to suffer
despite all his trust issues and inability to let his guard down, he cares. he cares so damn much. and he's gentle really, he tries to hide it but it's there, pouring out from him as much as his rage
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💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc’s negative traits?
he's a hot mess, and before the war, he has little care for the consequences of his actions and how they affect the people around him, as long as he can say a fuck you to his parents
he's the textbook definition of self-destructive. he will intentionally fuck himself over, which inevitably fucks others over in the process
he knows exactly how to twist the knife with his words. he can and will snap at the people close to him if they try to look out for him or call him out on his self-destructive behaviour
tries really really desperately to be someone he's not, and this constantly prevents him from reaching his full potential
can't decide if he hates himself or his father more, and in that confusion, decides that maybe it's just the world in general
does not know how to process emotions, whatsoever, and pushes away anyone who dares perceive him
sometimes his calm nature can be mistaken or seen as a lack of care or concern for his relationships. this isn't necessarily negative by itself, but he does play into this and uses it to create a sense of detachment from having to show any vulnerability
tends to read people well enough to know a lot about their motivations but also closes them all off to his own. this tends to make people feel a bit locked out of his thoughts or emotions and he often needs to remind himself that he has to be vocal about how he feels in a lot of situations
whilst he writes a lot about his experiences and emotions, he doesn't always know how to actually share them with other people, especially when it comes to big important things
he tends to hide behind his role of looking after the men instead of facing up to how the war is affecting him. this is pretty standard but he does heavily rely on this as a way of avoiding thinking about his own emotions. he feels like he's in a position where he's not allowed to feel any pain because the men rely on him to be the one who is there for them when they need it most. eddie's presence and their relationship is vital in this, due to eddie's position as an officer, and rhys viewing him in a different light to the others
actively tries to hide and diminish his light
uses his shyness as an excuse not to put himself out there
gets into so many unnecessary situations because he can't accept that sometimes the fight isn't worth it. he truly doesn't know when to just shut up and keep his head down and it does often result in others having to take the hits alongside him
tends to avoid thinking too deeply about his own emotions and his method of always running and creating havoc to distract himself from the nothingness that surrounds his life is mentally exhausting in the longterm, not just for himself, but everyone else
really struggles when the higher ups fuck up during his time in the marines and gets real close to suffering the consequences of speaking up a number of times. this isn't a negative trait necessarily, but again, his mouth gets others in the shit with him and he actively needs to be held back and told to stand down, so it's pretty tiring for other people to deal with
his selflessness can make him too passive sometimes, he doesn't always stand up for himself when he should
he tends to settle for what he's given in life, with little fight when he has to sacrifice or give something he's worked for up
he's also very flippant about his life and future too. for instance, when ray asks him to join the marines with him, he doesn't need much convincing to change his plans of going to university to study physics, which realistically, could have offered him a path to a well paid career. instead, his best friend wants him to join the military and stay by his side, and regardless of whether this decision is right in the long run, he doesn't think very hard or long in the moment about how it will effect his life and future
this boy is STUBBORN. like, really really really stubborn. he won't give up when he's arguing a point and it's extremely hard to get him to admit that he's wrong about something (when i say extremely hard i mean pretty much impossible)
he can also be kind of hypocritical too. he constantly calls gwen out on being too trusting and naive, but when someone who he feels he has loyalties to walks into their lives and is acting noticeably sketchy, he buries those suspicions deep, and chooses to put that loyalty first instead. despite this fucking everyone over, he doesn't tend to see it as naivety because he's too pre-occupied with the glaring trust issues and suspicions he has toward everyone else around him. he seems to think that protects him from displaying any qualities of naivety anywhere else
he's argumentative af and tends to bicker with people and fight about petty things to hide his anxiety and panic. he can't bear the idea of people seeing that side of him, even those closest to him
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omg jess i think that's the longest response i've ever written to any ask lmaoooo but it was also so much fun to answer so thank you for asking them and if you (or anyone else) has read this far then well, damn, well done, you deserve quite literally the stars in the sky!
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year ago
hey, it's nix! thanks for this wonderful event! for day 20, can you do number 30 from prompt 11? ⋆。ʚ🍓ɞ˚
also, while i’m at it, i just wanna chat for a bit. i did mention to you before about being shy when it comes to public performances, but yesterday, i was assigned to work at a psychiatric institution for our related learning experience as a student nurse, and a patient & i bonded over our love for “don’t look back in anger” by oasis. she had asked me to play it on the piano in the main hall, and we ended up singing together. surprisingly, everyone, even other patients, joined in listening. i’m not sure how i feel about my clinical instructor and classmates discovering my musical ability 😂 (because i initially wanted keep a low profile and stay out of the spotlight), but playing for that patient helped me get more comfortable performing. now, every time i listen to that song, i think of her. it’s a small step, but i’m hoping to improve even more. i just know that sho-chan would be proud! haha
Hey Nix! It’s so nice to hear from you (especially since I needed to reach out to you anyway about an ask you sent in, just to clarify I don’t keep anyone’s match-up send in after it’s done, so I would really appreciate you resending that in, please and thank you!!) But onto the ask! I’m so, so glad that you and the others seemed to enjoy the event this time! The response I got for asks was amazing and it makes me really happy! Also, I loved hearing about your experience at the learning experience! You are right, Sho-chan would be so very, very proud of you! Heck, I (and I am sure the other readers) are very proud of you too! That’s an amazing thing you did, both overcoming a slight fear of public performances and making that patient’s day, as I am sure you did. Just as you think about her now listening to the song, I’m sure she’s always going to remember you when she hears the song now. As someone else who doesn’t really like to draw attention to themselves, I personally find what you did very inspiring 😊 Anyway, I’ll move onto answering the question you asked and again, thank you for sending in a question and for sharing such a lovely experience with me and the other readers!
What is your favourite thing to do?
As with everything else, I really do struggle to pick favourites. It’s hard to say ‘this one thing is better than anything else’ for me, because there’s so many things that bring me joy. Some of the things that really make me happy doing them are:
Of course, writing ranks pretty high up on this list. It’s therapeutic and fun to get out of my life for a bit and fall into characters and other worlds and on top of that, because of the nature of this particular blog, there’s a really pleasant social aspect to it that helps me feel like I’ve found my people, even if just online.
The library is my safe place and I visit it at least once a week. I love just browsing the stacks, taking the time to pick my ten books for the month, as well as talking and catching up with the librarian’s and their lives, plus any cool events the library is hosting in the upcoming weeks. On top of that, my library is really cool in that they do up mystery bags they sell where you get several used books in a particular genre, and I treat myself to one of those and some discounted coffee from a local coffee company when I go! I also love reading manga and books I already own. Again, falling into another world for a little bit – it’s the most wonderful escape.
 I love crafting. I do diamond art and I sew, embroider, and cross-stitch. I recently got news that a friend is pregnant, so I’m working on a cross-stitched baby blanket top that I’ll quilt up for the couple and I enjoy zoning out and doing it.
I’m a house (architecture and interior design) nerd, I admit it. I love looking at the online listings and I have a couple of dorky friends who get together with me and we go to open houses within an hour or two of us. It’s fun to scope out houses and we have fun discussing how we’d change, fix up, and decorate the places after we act like nosey Nellies.
I also love getting outside. I’m a pretty big hiker and throwing on some music or a podcast and even just getting out for a couple hours on the nature trails is lovely.
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the-red-mafia · 2 years ago
The Chase
When Mad and Rhyme's hangout is crashed by a mysterious woman, the duo are forced to hide out in the mall. Who is the woman, and how does she know Rhyme's name? Also available on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/TheRedMafia Next Update: [Updated] Word Count: 2654
5 weeks after “The Door”
“Hey Velvet, are you busy?” Mad called out, knocking on the doorframe into the kitchen. The teen looked up from the book they were reading.
“Oh, no. I’m just sitting here researching for no reason, you know?” 
“Great. Can I ask you a question?” 
“Mihi deōs, cōnfectus,” she muttered, setting the book down, “What do you want?” Mad walked around the kitchen counter and sat down next to Velvet at the table. The teen closed the notebook they had open and set the book down on top of it before taking a sip of their energy drink.
“Do you know anyone by the name of Eliza Gracy?” As soon as it finished its sentence, Velvet let out a loud groan. 
“I fucking hate that woman.”
“So you do know her?” Velvet leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes.
“Yeah, I do. She’s got this horrible high-pitched voice that gives you a headache the instant you hear it. Why do you ask?” 
“No reason,” Mad said quietly, “How do you know her?” Velvet opened their eyes and raised an eyebrow.
“She was one of Unor’s business associates. Pretty sure they had a thing, though.” A question mark appeared on the robot’s screen.
“Nevermind. She runs the Veris Mining Company, I think that was the one we were going up against on Palniux.”
“Ah. This is gonna sound kind of weird but-”
“I can guarantee that I’ve heard weirder, Mad. Spit it out. I need to get back to reading.” Mad’s screen went blank, which caused the teen to raise an eyebrow.
“Did she have any, like, kids?” Velvet narrowed her eyes at them.
“Did something happen when you went out yesterday?”
“Sort of.”
“Are you gonna tell me?”
“I can’t.”
“Of course,” they mumbled, crossing their arms, “Well, I think she had a few foster children over the years. Met a few but they never stuck around. It always seemed to be the kids’ fault but considering how close she was with Unor, I’d guess Mrs. Gracy took on some of his parenting tactics.”
“Did you ever meet one named Rhyme?” Velvet’s eyes widened and they quickly sat up in their seat. They hit the table slightly with their leg, nearly knocking over their drink. 
“Are you saying that Diamonds is Rhyme Reuter?”
“What?” Mad exclaimed, “How did you-”
“Not important, answer my question.” 
“No, not until you answer mine!” Velvet groaned and picked up their energy drink again.
“I may or may not have followed you that day when you and Rhyme went to the roller skating rink.”
“You what?” 
“Listen, I didn’t know what his goals were with you. I didn’t want to have to stage a rescue mission down the road.” Mad put their hands on the side of their T.V. and groaned. 
“That’s…really messed up, Velvet.”
“Whatever. Now that we’re on the same page, tell me what happened yesterday.” Mad motioned towards the books.
“What about your research?”
“That can wait. Spill.” Mad looked at the Red Mafia’s ‘leader’ before sighing.
“Alright, fine,” it replied, snatching Velvet’s energy drink can, “But I’m throwing this away first.”
The sounds of the city were loud as Mad navigated its way through crowds of people. Stores lined the streets, people pouring out of them with various goods in hand. There were a few robots around as well, escorting various families around the new pop-up city. From the looks of it, they were all recent models of Mad’s original design. They featured rectangular screens and thin, grey metal bodies that were about ten centimetres taller than Mad’s. A few of their screens went blank when they looked at it but they were quickly ushered on by their people. 
The buildings in the distance were still under construction and the road was roped off by bright yellow caution tape. They were based on ‘ancient American architecture’, although they appeared to be basic suburbs. Even the shops had the looks of family homes. Mad’s phone buzzed twice and they quickly pulled it out. Before they could even read the message, someone grabbed onto their right arm.
“Come on, let’s go!” 
“Stop them!”
The person pushed Mad behind a dumpster in an alleyway. They caught themself as the person shoved themself next to them.
“Hey Mad.”
“...Rhyme?” She turned around, putting up two finger guns toward it. 
“The one and only.” They chuckled.
“Do you always have to kidnap me whenever we hang out?” The thief smirked.
“What can I say, stealing is kinda my thing.”
“Right, right.” 
“Anyways, this time that wasn’t the intention,” he said, pulling the dumpster lid open so it covered their heads, “Caught a bit of attention earlier. Hard to avoid it, considering how fabulous I am. Turn your screen off, please.” Mad obliged, looking the teen up and down. She was right, it was hard not to notice her bright rainbow jeans. The pockets and seams were lined with purple gems that matched the newly dyed streaks in his brown hair. Her shirt was just as extravagant, consisting of a black shirt with x’s made of diamonds. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, revealing a few scars on the outside of his arms. Footsteps thundered past the dumpster accompanied by shouting voices. Rhyme sat unsettlingly still, barely breathing. Mad watched her as the voices faded down the alley. The two of them waited for several minutes before Rhyme laughed.
“Stupid cops,” she mumbled, closing the dumpster lid, “Although, I’m sure you know that.” 
“One of your little team got arrested, right? Read something about Velvet shooting the Queen of Gazra.”
“She what?” Rhyme glanced at it before bursting out laughing. Mad just stared at him. 
“Oh god,” the teen said, wiping a fake tear from her eye, “They didn’t tell you about that?” 
“No-” Rhyme laughed again. 
“I’m not surprised. Everyone make it out ok?” 
“For the most part. Velvet, uh, got shot.” The teen raised an eyebrow. 
“Mhm.” Rhyme laughed again.
“Ain’t that ironic.”
“What do you mean?” Rhyme didn’t respond, instead standing and holding a hand out to it.
“Let’s go, the mall is gonna close soon.”
“Oh, right.” 
“I’m surprised you wanted to come clothes shopping with me, Mad,” Rhyme called out from behind the changing room door. The droid looked up from the bench.
“Well, I’ve never been to a mall before.”
“Really? Not even back in the 2050s?” Mad chuckled.
“No. Back when I was with my creator, I didn’t leave the AET other than to go to space. And Velvet didn’t make it a priority to catch me up on modern things like that.”
“But she let you come today?” Mad looked towards the ground.
“Not exactly. They’re with our boss today doing something for his…well. I’m not fully sure what it is. Some kind of cult?”
“Your boss runs a cult?”
“Any cult I know of?” 
“That depends, have you ever been to Earth?” Rhyme laughed.
“Oh fuck no, that place is a wasteland nowadays. You trying to tell me there’s a cult on Earth?” Mad was quiet for a moment.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” The latch clicked, causing the door to swing open. Rhyme stepped out, their rainbows nowhere to be found. Instead, he was dressed in a knee-length emerald green dress. There were several layers of ruffles at the hem and the u-neckline that seemed to be irritating her skin. Mad looked him up and down before its screen went blank. The thief broke out into laughter.
“Looks that bad, huh?” 
“No, no. Just- It looks good.” Rhyme narrowed her eyes at them before looking down at the dress.
“...You sure your camera’s working? ‘Cause I think this is the ugliest thing I’ve willingly put on my body.”
“Then why’d you try it on?” Rhyme sighed and sat down on the bench, letting the changing room door close behind him.
“I’ve got a heist coming up and none of my current clothes fit the dress code. Trust me, that is nowhere near the standards for my clothing.” 
“I would’ve thought you owned all types of clothes.”
“Not clothes for a Christian charity ball, thankfully.” A question mark popped up on the robot’s screen, slightly startling their friend. 
“So is Christianity still a big thing?” Rhyme raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I guess. Don’t know if it’s the same as you remember, though.” Mad’s screen went blank again, causing the teen to frown. 
“What about you? Got any wacky robot religious revelations?” Mad shrugged, looking over at her.
“Not really. Elanor was religious, but I find it hard to believe in a god, considering I work for one.” Rhyme blinked at it a few times.
“Mad, I need you to be honest with me.”
“Do you work for Jesus?” Mad burst out into laughter, nearly damaging their speakers from the noise. 
“No, no, not Jesus.” 
“Damn, imagine the looks on people’s faces if I told them I knew someone who worked for literal Jesus. Wouldn’t that be something…” Rhyme’s voice trailed off, leaving the duo in silence. A few minutes passed and they watched various patrons enter and exit the changing rooms. Eventually, the thief groaned.
“Yeah, I don’t think this is gonna work. It’s itchy as fuck.” Mad laughed, a smiling emoticon returning to its screen. Rhyme stood up and smiled at them.
“Why don’t you try it on?” he asked, opening the changing room door again, “I think it’ll look good on you.” 
“Me? I don’t have any money.”
“...I know you did not just say that to me.” Mad chuckled quietly. 
“Yeah, I’m realising that now.”
Rhyme pulled Mad, who was now carrying a black bag in their left arm, out of the food court. He tossed a brown paper bag into a nearby trash bin before taking a  sip of his soda. They walked down the mall’s walkway as people streamed past them. A few of them gave Rhyme weird looks, but the young thief didn’t seem to notice. Various shops lined the walkway, some of which were already closing. Rhyme shook her drink slightly, but only the sound of ice remained. He frowned.
“Finished your soda already?” Mad asked. Rhyme rolled her eyes. 
“You would’ve too, it’s really good.” The robot laughed. 
“Anyways, are you ready to go?” Mad glanced at him.
“But you didn’t get what you needed.”
“Oh well,” the thief shrugged, throwing her empty cup into a trash bin as the duo walked by, “I’ll just get it somewhere else-” The teen suddenly stopped, letting go of Mad’s arm. A question mark popped up on the droid’s screen. 
“Rhyme? Are you ok?” He didn’t answer. People went past them, a few mumbling angrily in a language it couldn’t understand.
“Rhyme, what’s going on?” When the teen didn’t answer, Mad grabbed one of her arms and pulled her out of the walkway, stopping in front of a vending machine. Rhyme looked down at the ground as Mad put their hands on his shoulders. 
“Rhyme, I can’t help if you don’t-”
“We have to go.”
“We have to go!” The young thief gripped its left arm and took off sprinting towards the exit, nearly knocking Mad over in the process. Before they could reach the door, two large snake-like people blocked it. One of them was a large blue snake with a face and arms, one of which gripped a large rifle. The other resembled Medusa, donning multiple snakes on top of their head. A few screams erupted from the shops as Mad pulled Rhyme to a stop in front of them. The snake raised their rifle. 
“Out of my way,” Rhyme growled, causing Mad’s screen to go blank. The snake shook their head, smirking. A loud, shrill laugh echoed down the hallways. Mad spun around to the loud clicks of a pair of heels on the tiled floor of the mall, but Rhyme didn’t move. 
“Get. Out. Of. The. Way,” Rhyme repeated. 
“Oh, Rhyme…where do you think you’re going?” A woman stepped out of a nearby makeup store, staring directly at Rhyme. Mad saw their friend tense up next to them. The woman, whose long, pure white dress swayed softly as she walked, stopped a metre or so from Mad. Rhyme still didn’t turn around, instead attempting to push the snake-man out of the way. The woman frowned when the snake shoved her to the ground. 
“Rhyme!” Mad called out, turning its head around to look at him. In a blink of an eye, he was on his feet, a gun pointed at the woman’s head. Mad watched in horror as Rhyme, her face blank, fired a shot. The bullet soared towards the woman but was stopped by a young man, maybe 20 or so, who jumped in front of her. The snake-haired man tackled Rhyme to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. Mad attempted to push them off but the snake grabbed it from behind. He shoved them down too, nearly shattering their T.V. screen on the cold tiles. Rhyme attempted to squirm out of the snake-man’s grip to no avail. The woman let out a quiet chuckle.  
“Stop struggling, dear. You’ll get wrinkles.” She kneeled down, lightly lifting Rhyme’s head so he was forced to look up at her. Mad couldn’t see his face, but the lady simply frowned. 
“What did you do to your hair?” She demanded, picking up a strand of purple. Rhyme jerked her head back, banging the jaw of the snake-man. 
“Ow- fuck-” Rhyme shoved him off and scrambled to snatch the gun off the ground. The lady kicked him down and picked the weapon up, pointing it toward him. Rhyme jumped up and pulled out her tiny gun. He shot both the snake men before aiming it at the woman. The snake man tumbled off of Mad and it quickly scrambled to its feet. The two humans circled each other, weapons raised.
“Rhyme, what’s-”
“Mad, you don’t want to be here for this,” the thief told it, not even glancing back. The woman laughed and looked the droid up and down.
“Well hello there~” she called out, “Mad, was it?”
“Mad, go.” Mad looked between the two before focusing their camera on the woman.
“Who are you?”
“Mad,” Rhyme hissed. 
“Oh, do you not have facial recognition? My name is Eliza Gracy. I’m Rhyme’s mother.” Rhyme cut her off, firing a shot that grazed her left arm. She let out a loud shriek and fell to the ground. Rhyme quickly spun around and grabbed Mad’s arm, dragging the stunned robot out of the door. 
Mad and Rhyme slid behind the dumpster once more. Alarms blared around them, various shouts and screams echoing behind them. Rhyme was breathing heavily as Mad quickly pulled its phone out of its pocket. The teen glanced at them.
“What…what are you doing?” he asked between breaths. 
“Calling Velvet.”
“No!” Mad turned to its friend with a question mark on its screen. Rhyme covered her mouth. 
“...why?” Rhyme sighed, letting his hands fall to his sides. 
“Look, Velvet can’t know I have any relation to Eliza.”
“So that lady was your mom?”
“Foster mom,” Rhyme corrected in a monotone. Mad’s screen grew dark once again. 
“Oh…are you okay?” The teen looked back at them. Her face was blank, but her eyes were distraught. He looked them up and down before sighing.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just hate her. A lot.” 
“The feeling’s mutual, Rhyme dear! Unfortunately for us both, I have a reputation to uphold.” Rhyme pulled Mad behind them and scanned the alleyway, but Eliza was nowhere to be found. 
“Mad, go.” 
“But what about you?” The thief glanced back at it, smirking.
“I’ll figure something out. I’ll call you later?” The assistance droid’s screen lit up with a large smile emoticon.
“Alright. Stay safe, okay?”
“You’ve got it, strange robot.”
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‘Welcome to Corvid house,’ Vale said, stepping out of the doorway and ushering Irene and Kai inside. ‘You will have to forgive how dark it is, it has always been like this, a trick of the architecture I believe.’
It was gloomy inside, even if it wasn't for the trick of the architecture, as Vale called it, there were heavy curtains drawn across all of the windows, the floors were dark wood and the wallpaper was dark too.
‘Thank you for coming,’ He sighed and slumped his shoulders. ‘Plenty of things for me to be doing and yet nothing that can keep my attention for more than a moment or two.’
Irene set her small case down as the door was shut behind them. ‘What do you need our help with?’ She asked, looking around, not that there was much that she could see in the gloom. ‘Is something wrong?’
‘Or did you just miss our company?’ Kai’s smile was cheeky and toothy and he managed to draw something of a smile from Vale in return. ‘Wait. Really?’
‘I have been putting off my responsibilities here for too long and there is a lot of work that I need to be doing, however,’ He spoke with a pained slowness that made it obvious that he did not want to be confessing this. ‘Doing it without anyone as company when I do take a break is particularly unpleasant. I hope that I am not taking you both from anything important?’
‘You’re here alone?’ Kai said. ‘Your siblings and mother?’
‘Columbine has her work, I do not care to keep up with whatever Aquila is currently up to and my mother simply cannot stand to be in the same house as me for longer than an hour,’ He shrugged. ‘I don’t take it personally any more.’
‘Well,’ Irene said. ‘We will unpack and then we are going for a short walk, you look pale and definitely need some fresh air,’ His something of a smile was back, a little brighter this time. She stepped forward to kiss his cheek. ‘And you are going to have to show me the family Library, assuming that there is one?’
There was, in fact, Vale’s bedroom was the one closest to it.
‘We don’t all have to share,’ Vale said. ‘There is plenty of space for the three of us in here but you can have your own space.’
‘It is cosy,’ Kai said. ‘Perfect,’ He put pulled his jacket off and draped it over the edge of the bed. ‘Unless you would rather we take another room.’
‘No,’ He touched Irene’s arm as she pulled back heavy curtains to peer out and see what kind of view Vale had. Another reason for the dark, the curtains were made out of a thick heavy silk brocade, some ten years out of date in terms of interior decorating, smothering any sound of light that could make it inside.
‘I’ll show you the gardens,’ He said. ‘I don’t think anyone has bothered with the curtains for years, I don’t think choking on the dust would be a good way to spend the day.’
It was a surprisingly sunny day for early spring but it was still cold enough that they all wrapped themselves up again to step outside. There was a path leading down the centre of the garden lined with cherry blossom trees, the flowers wouldn't last long but the few weeks that they were there would fill the garden with the scent and turn the grass pink with shed petals.
He led them over a rough stone path. The house was on top of a hill and a decent way away from any actual city, town or village. By horse and carriage, it was a two-hour long, very uncomfortable ride from Leeds Aeroport.
They leant over a stone wall and looked out across the Yorkshire Dales, the wind whistled around them and rustled through the trees and grass. Kai turned away, sneezing several times as they breathed in the smell of flowers and grass, proving too much for his sensitive nose.
Vale had to be up early the next day, taking a pot of strong coffee and a plate of toast, at Kai’s insistence, into the study and locking the door. Irene and Kai shared a look before rolling their sleeves up and pinning back their hair.
‘The curtains?’ She asked as Kai started to look through the storerooms just off the kitchen.
‘There should have been servants stopping it from ever getting to this state,’ He muttered.
‘You know Vale,’ Irene said. ‘He probably forgot that he would have to come back here, or assumed he could just keep putting the work off.’
‘Either way. He has been here for two weeks, breathing in all of that dust, it can’t be good for him. Now, can you tackle the Library without getting distracted or do you want to take on the bedroom?’
Irene almost pouted. ‘The bedroom,’ She said finally. They’d left her to her own devices in the library the night before, Kai and Vale retreating for a game of cards, splitting most of a bottle of brandy that Vale had retrieved from a dusty wine cellar, bringing Irene up a glass to sip on as she perused the books.
She had found many books that she was itching to get back to and was never one for resisting temptation.
‘You are going to want to wrap a handkerchief around your mouth,’ Irene said, pulling out her own handkerchief. ‘So you don’t choke. Should we be doing this with your allergies?’
‘It isn't like we can go and hire a couple of people to deal with it for us,’ Kai shrugged. ‘I will be fine.
By the time it was noon (Irene was unhappy that Kai had suggested that they all get up and have breakfast together) Irene was aching and covered in more dust than she thought could have been held in curtains. She was pulling fluff clumps of dust out of her hair and flicking it away as Vale came in, blotting ink off his cuff.
‘What… are you doing?’ He asked, stopping in the doorway.
‘Cleaning,’ Irene said, she had succeeded in beating the dust off both of the curtains and pulling them open to bring bright sunlight into the room. ‘When was the last time you had someone in here?’
‘I don’t think I have ever arranged for someone to clean.’
‘Your mother?’ He shrugged.
‘I believe she just arranged for her own space to be cleaned as well as the areas that she uses, the dining room, sitting room and drawing room seem fine, and I haven't checked her bedroom’ He brushed some dust off her hair and smoothed some errant strands behind her ear.
‘You didn’t have to do this,’ She pulled the handkerchief around her mouth down to her neck.
‘Kai has pointed out that breathing in all of the dust is bad for your health,’ She said. ‘He’s been working on the library, we are doing the study next, whether you like it or not.’
‘Why?’ He spread his hands and Irene could see that he’d probably spilt the ink bottle onto his hand.
‘Because,’ Kai said, Irene hadn’t heard him approach but Vale clearly had as he hadn't jumped, merely turned to regard him and step into the room and out of the way of the door. ‘We want to do something to help you.’
‘Kai wanted to help you, I wanted to read,’ Irene said. ‘Luckily, he is very persuasive,’ Kai put a hand on Vale’s back and brushed a kiss to his temple.
‘We couldn’t leave you to deal with it for however long you are stuck out here,’ Kai said. ‘Besides, we spend a day or two cleaning what we can and then the rest of our time here distracting you from your work with various elaborate methods.’
‘You will both be found with your noses in books and no knowledge of what year it is.’
‘That too,’ Kai smiled. ‘Are you taking a break?’
‘I just needed to change my shirt,’ Vale said, raising his hand so that Kai could see the damage. ‘I have had a casualty during budgeting. I should have asked Columbine to look at it, she is much better with that kind of stuff than I am. It is boring.’
He stripped off his jacket and shirt, Irene and Kai sitting on the edge of the bed, or at least, Irene was sitting, Kai flopped backwards with a sigh. He stretched out and yawned.
‘The country air really just takes it out of you,’ He said. Irene reached down and began playing with his hair, idly curling strands of pure ebony around her fingers before pulling them free and winding them back in again. Kai’s eyes half shut and the corners of his lips curled into a smile.
He very nearly started purring as he tilted his head back to press his head into Irene’s hand like a particularly needy cat, not that he would say that connection out loud, but Vale probably would have done.
‘It is a lot easier on you than the London air,’ Vale admitted as he tossed his shirt into the laundry hamper and started to pull on a new one. Both Irene and Kai turned to watch him, rewarded with a brief glimpse of taut muscle seamed with scar tissue much in the same way that they were.
Irene pushed herself off the bed and took Vale’s wrist in hand to do his cufflinks for him, stroking her fingers across his skin before doing them up.
It wasn't common that Vale’s smiles were pure, genuine happiness, but when it did happen, Irene swore it was one of the best things that she had seen.
‘Thank you for coming here,’ He said, not meeting her eyes. ‘I needed the company,’ Irene touched his cheek, like Kai, he tilted his head to press into her touch. ‘Love…’ His voice was low and soft.
He was so tired.
‘You should get some rest,’ Irene said. ‘If Kai is tired as well, I’ll go and make some lunch for us all.’
‘I’m fine.’
‘You are a terrible liar,’ She dropped her hand. ‘Just a quick rest, for me.’
‘Emotional manipulation? Really, Winters?’ She pushed him towards the bed.
Irene's hands were black with soot as she cleaned out the grate in the sitting room, it looked like it hadn't been cleaned out after it was last used. She cleaned off her hands as best as she could on a rag that was streaked with ash.
The good weather had taken a turn and Vale was certain that the thick grey clouds were going to bring heavy rain and a few days of it at least. Kai was happy with that news and was currently out in the gardens, breathing in the smell of petrichor.
She and Vale were less than keen on the heavy weather as it would keep them inside.
She added newspaper to the bottom of the fireplace, there was a stack of it already put to one side for this use, before going outside to collect wood from the small shed at the side of the building, making several trips to retrieve enough so that if the weather was nastier than anticipated, no one would be having to run out and hope that the wood doesn’t get too wet.
She didn’t light the fire, she just lay it ready for later on when they would want the warmth.
The front door opened and, wiping her hands on her dress, Irene peered around the kitchen door and into the dark hallway, expecting to see Kai shaking the rain out of his hair and kicking off muddy boots but was instead met with the sight of a woman a few inches shorter than her with steel grey hair and a thick fur coat of some years old.
The woman’s eyes were sharp and cold though she supposed that they could be the same hazel as Vale’s if perhaps they contained any warmth, there was no doubting who this woman was.
‘What are you doing in my home?’ She demanded in a voice cold as those eyes, sharp and with obvious disdain as Irene somewhat reluctantly stepped into full view.
‘I am here upon the invitation of your son,’ Irene said. ‘Assuming that you are who I think you are Lady Vale?’ Vale had never given a first name for his mother, nor much in the way of description. They had never asked.
‘A likely story,’ She sniffed. ‘And where is my son?’
‘He is working, ma’am,’ Irene said. ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ She wasn't sure if Vale would be very happy about her inviting his mother into the house but she didn’t want her storming off and interrupting Vale.
She sniffed and after a long and hard look at Irene, she headed upstairs.
‘Really, ma’am, he doesn’t want to be distracted,’ Irene said, following her up. ‘He’ll be wanting a break soon anyway, I’m sure we won't have to wait for long,’ Lady Vale continued to ignore Irene and threw the study door open before Irene could stop her.
Vale shot up out of his deckchair, an uncomfortable thing of brown leather and dark wood.
‘Mother what are you-’ He swallowed. ‘How may I help you today?’
‘You’ve taken to keeping your mistress here?’ She gestured to Irene. ‘Well, I suppose that I should be proud that you finally found a woman who wants to stay around.’
‘Excuse me?’ Irene snapped.
‘Mother, if you are not going to be polite to my friend then I think that you should leave,’ Irene wasn't sure which hurt more, being assumed to be a mistress, or being just Vale’s friend. She knew why he said that, their relationship would be heavily scrutinised if people knew. But still.
‘Well, you have a woman kept in the house with just the two of you,’ She sneered at Irene. ‘What should I expect?’
‘She is visiting me with her husband,’ Vale said. ‘I believe he has stepped out for a walk, Mrs Strongrock?’
‘He left about half an hour ago,’ Irene said. ‘He shouldn’t be much longer.’
He turned back to his mother. ‘I advise you to keep a civil tongue about my guests in my house, especially if you want to keep access to it.’
‘Well,’ She sniffed. ‘I see I failed to raise you with proper respect for your own family.’
‘I do respect my family,’ Vale said. ‘My family, the ones that I chose. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some work to be getting on with. Stay away from my friends whilst you are here. And shut the door on your way out.’
She slammed the door, making both Irene and Vale wince.
‘Are you alright?’
‘Shouldn't I be asking you that?’ Irene perched on the edge of the desk and took his hands in hers, squeezing lightly. ‘I did try to get her to stay downstairs.’
‘I didn’t think she would come here knowing that I was-’ He smiled and smeared away ash from her cheek.
‘She probably assumed that I was the help,’ Irene said. ‘I think I would rather that than a mistress.’
‘I am sorry about that,’ He sighed. ‘And saying that you were just a friend, you are much more than that. So much more.’
‘I know,’ Irene said. ‘She can’t know what is really going on, if she would even understand it, I’ll try and move mine and Kai’s things into one of the other bedrooms.’
‘Hopefully, she will go away soon,’ He said. ‘When she figures out that she isn't going to get the results that she wants.’
‘I will go and find Kai and let him know that we are married now,’ Irene smiled. ‘Not how I saw myself getting married but here we are,’ He shook his head before kissing her on the temple and pushing her off the edge of the desk.
Vale lay in bed staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep. The bed was too big and empty, he hadn't enjoyed sleeping without Irene and Kai before they had arrived. It was torture knowing that they were probably sleeping easily in the next room.
The work wasn’t taking as long as he thought it would, it was fairly easy once he managed to focus on it, the focussing was the hardest part and took the longest. It didn’t take much energy to get through and now he was still wide awake.
He couldn’t even go out and get some fresh air as the rain had well and truly started and he wasn't stupid enough to try and withstand the squall that had started whilst Kai had cooked them dinner.
He was left to either lay in bed or get up and wander the house and with his mother around, option one was the far more preferable option. The rain outside lashed against the windows, shaking the glass in their wooden frames and loudly rattling them.
Kai found it a comfort and when they were together, the nasty parts, the soaking wet clothes, the chill, etc., were all well worth it just to see how happy it made him when soaked through. He’d watched Kai run out into a storm before dragging him out into it as well, they had shared a kiss hidden amongst the heavy branches of an oak tree that sheltered them from prying eyes but let enough rain through the leaves to still shower down on them.
With Irene, the rain was perfect for working inside in quiet companionship, side by side with their own things, fleeting touches and the brush of her hand on his as they reached for the same piece of paper, shared cups of tea as they watched rain run down the windows, comfortable and warm inside, the sounds of the rain warring with that of the roaring fire.
He got out of bed and put on slippers and wrapped his red dressing robe around himself, he wasn't going to be getting any sleep and there was no point in laying there trying to sleep when he had work he could be getting on with instead.
He could smell dust left from Irene and Kai’s cleaning as he let himself into the study, they had kicked him out whilst they had tackled it together to cut down on how long it would take, emerging two hours later, both tired and covered in dust and the study curtains wide open to reveal the garden.
If the work was interesting maybe he would find it easier to concentrate, as it was highly dull, he sat there staring at it for a few minutes before sighing and finally putting pen to paper.
His eyes were burning as the sky began to paint the sky pink, the storm clouds blown away by the wind, for now. Kai knocked and let himself in, he locked the door behind himself before giving Vale a cup of coffee.
‘Have you been up all night?’ He asked.
‘I slept,’ Vale said. ‘Thank you,’ He reached for the coffee but Kai slid it out of reach.
‘Don’t lie to me,’ Kai said. ‘How long did you sleep for?’
‘I didn’t count the hours.’
‘Peregrine,’ Vale winced.
‘I think it was more than an hour?’ Kai slid the coffee back towards him. ‘Was that necessary?’
‘Apparently, yes,’ He said. ‘What can I do to help?’
‘If you are thinking of killing my mother, don’t.’
‘I wasn't planning on it,’ Kai smiled. ‘Irene on the other hand… I will let her know not to,’ Vale didn’t wait for his coffee to grow cold when he started to drink it. ‘I will bring up something for you to eat as well, Irene is in the library and we haven't actually seen your mother this morning, she could have left early.’
Vale shook his head. ‘No, she came here for a reason and she wouldn't have come just to mildly irritate me, she probably wants something.’
‘I know a good many things and what I do not know I know how to find out, except for one thing. The way that woman’s mind works,’ Kai chuckled. ‘Women have always been hard for me to understand and she is the hardest.’
‘We will try to keep her away from you.’
‘Leave her to do as she please,’ Vale said. ‘I can tolerate her behaviour, I don’t want to risk her saying something to either of you two that could cause offence.’
Vale locked the door to the sitting room that Irene and Kai occupied, a tray of tea and cake between them, as well as a stack of books that they were making quick work of. He leant against it heavily.
He was entirely silent as they marked their places in their respective books, he crossed the room, shaking off his jacket and discarding it onto the back of one of the armchairs before collapsing into the space between them.
It was with an unspoken agreement that Irene drew the curtains and Kai folded a blanket around Vale before holding him close.
Days without something to test his brain were always hard. His mind wanted to wander and it was easier to let it go, even if it brought back hard to deal with thoughts and urges.
There were few benefits for living in the middle of nowhere, no one to purchase morphine off for starters.
Irene sat down again before neatly draping herself comfortably over Vale’s lap, resting her head on his thigh, a comforting weight, familiar and much needed. His hand found a place in her hair automatically.
Kai’s arm was around his shoulder and Vale rested his cheek on him.
‘Get some sleep,’ Kai murmured. ‘It’s okay.’
His mother had never tried to understand the way that he was nor had she ever accepted the fact that his inclinations did not match up with what most people expected of him. There was no desire to produce an heir nor find a wife, he had never found the interest in taking a mistress or many.
She had interrupted his work several times already reminding him that he had indeed yet to take a wife and that locking himself away in the countryside with another man’s wife, regardless of whether or not her husband was there, was improper behaviour and people would make their own assumptions.
He had ignored it all of course, it wasn't like he hadn't heard it all before, he had been hearing it all from the age that he became aware that girls were indeed a thing that he was supposed to take interest in.
It hadn't mattered to him then, why would it? There were more interesting things to see and do than find someone to settle down with, he’d first thought that maybe he would find an interest after university, and then after a few years of his work, and then it was just a matter of meeting the right woman.
But there was no right time, no right woman.
And he was entirely happy with that.
His mother had other ideas though and had suggested a long list of eligible women. He had started distancing himself from everyone but his sister long before graduating. He found comfort in the letter his mother had sent him, the last letter in fact.
She was giving up on him.
He felt Kai’s lips touch his temple.
He didn’t need anyone’s approval.
He had what he wanted.
What he needed.
Who he needed.
He woke up stiff from sleeping sat up, but Kai was still holding him and Irene was still laying over his legs, they were talking in low voices. The room was dark when he slowly opened his eyes, the fire was the only light and the warm glow turned Irene golden, Kai too as he turned his head to him.
‘Sleep well?’ Kai smiled. Vale yawned.
‘Better than I did last night,’ He nodded. ‘Thank you,’ Irene sat up with some reluctance so that he could get up and stretch, his back clicking in a few places.
‘Dinner?’ Kai suggested. ‘I’ll cook.’
Lady Vale cleared her throat and Irene and Kai turned to her before they could stop themselves, Vale ignored her and continued to eat. She coughed again.
‘I have some cough syrup in with my luggage if you need some,’ He said, he still did not look at her as he reached for his wine glass. ‘Though perhaps a glass of whiskey will do the trick, you obviously know where to find that.’
‘I honestly thought I had raised you to have more respect for your own mother,’ She sighed dramatically. ‘But apparently, I have failed, I, instead, am ignored whilst you wine and dine another man’s wife in front of him.’
Irene put her fork down.
‘Don’t,’ Vale said but she ignored him as she turned to Lady Vale.
‘Madam, you may make one of two assumptions, that your son has decided to pursue a relationship with another man’s wife, or that he has no issue with being pursued by a married woman. Which would you rather?’ Irene smiled brightly as she got out of her seat and stood in front of Lady Vale.
‘I don’t mind what you think of me,’ She continued. ‘I have never really bothered myself with the opinions of those who judge without any true knowledge in their heads.’
‘Irene,’ Vale almost whined.
‘No,’ He brushed her off. ‘I have had the honour of meeting two of your children and honestly, they must have got their intelligence from your husband because you certainly seem to be vane and entirely obsessed with what other people may be saying about you.’
‘Regardless of how little you think of me, it means that you would have utterly failed in raising your son and I think that says far more about me.’
‘Are you done?’ She asked.
‘I was thinking about hitting you, I will be honest,’ Irene raised her hand and turned it over. ‘But I wouldn't want to ruin these gloves,’ Despite Irene saying that she wouldn't hit Lady Vale, the elder woman still flinched like Irene had struck her. ‘Now I am done,’ She sat down and picked up her wine glasses, staining her lips blood red with it.
‘I forgot how mean you can be,’ Kai smiled. ‘It is always pleasant to watch.’
‘She’s left,’ Vale let himself into Irene and Kai’s bedroom without knocking, it wasn't like he hadn't walked in on them enough times for any of them to actually care enough about it. ‘I know we are only here for a few more days, and it is going to rain again tonight but…’
‘How much work do you have left?’ Kai asked.
‘I’ll probably be finished by noon tomorrow. If we want to return to London sooner, we can do that.’
‘We can stay, a holiday of sorts,’ Irene said.
‘You have a reading list to get through, don’t you?’
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vvatchword · 2 years ago
I play Guild Wars 2. Not because I like it, but because I like my friend, who loves it, and who I introduced to its predecessor (in a joke that crosses space and time). The game itself is agonizing with a gameplay loop one can describe as "soporific" at best and "tedious" at worst. This game has a mechanic where your character will switch from murdering a small bitey plant to aggroing a Champion three-fourths of the way across the map because you turned left two degrees. Its story is somehow boring despite being full of dragons, characters with widely varied personalities and backgrounds, perfectly suitable writing and voice acting, and vast countries packed full of history and interesting architecture. I only remember two parts of the story fondly and they happened so briefly that it's easy to believe I dreamed them.
It has a dedicated section to platforming called "jumping puzzles." The only puzzle involved is "why does someone think 'unforgivably broken' is a feature." Controls are unintuitive--after years of gameplay, i still don't have a good feel for jumping. Sticking landings grows more difficult with larger characters (in my ignorance, I chose an enormous cat person), mechanics that feel like operating a bag of wet cement, environments where you can't accurately judge distance or height, and settings that are difficult to traverse because there is no standard for what edges will hold you and which ones will dump you into a ravine filled with monsters. A mushroom the size of my apartment might have hitbox edges like greased ceramic--or those hitboxes might not exist at all. Surprise, it's a phantom mushroom and it exists along your path for some reason! You have to start over from the beginning! Why? Fuck you.
Dan described it as "Dark Souls jumping challenge" and that's probably the best way to envision it. It's extremely cursed and I have deeply loathed it since the first day I attempted to jump to the top of a house. I very, very rarely ragequit, but almost every time I have is when I am forced to jump somewhere in Guild Wars and a surface has turned out to be a Joke.
Naturally, I have been playing it since launch day and spent hundreds of dollars on it in total, which is both deeply embarrassing and shameful. (I dearly love Niina and this is the best way to enjoy her company, so dressing up gives me a reason to live. I made myself as hideous as possible. In a game where everything is beautiful or cool, it's the only real way to stand out. And EXPRESS MY HATRED.)
Since platforming is its worst aspect, improvements are (quite naturally) locked behind time gates. These are the mounts. The best one? The dragon mount. The dragon mount specializes in hovering and vertical ascent/descent. Once you have it, you can ease up and down cliffs. If a surface decides to dump you, who cares? You just fall a couple meters instead of a couple hundred, and you don't have to spend ten minutes getting back to your goal.
Do you know how you get the dragon mount?
It takes hundreds of hours to earn. Hundreds. You have to play through the three main stories, beat Path of Fire, and then complete an absolutely brutal series of fetch quests and jumping puzzles.
l am now within viewing distance of having the goddamn dragon. I have ragequit for months at a time. I found ways to cheat the jumping puzzles because fuck them. I now need four stacks of rare stones 250 deep each, 100 more trade contacts, and need to visit 20 or so locations and complete a ritual at each one, and the goddamn piece of shit dragon will be mine.
And the game will be goddamn playable at last. Ten years later. Fuck me.
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transformhubb · 2 years ago
10 Breakthrough Technologies & Their Use Cases in 2023
Today's technology is developing quickly, enabling quicker changes & advancements and accelerating the rate of change. 
For instance, the advancements in machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) have made artificial intelligence (AI) more common in 2023, as part of a digital transformation solutions. 
Technology is still one of the main drivers of global development. Technological advancements provide businesses with greater opportunities to increase efficiency and develop new products. 
Business leaders can make better plans by keeping an eye on the development of new technologies, foreseeing how businesses might use them, and comprehending the factors that influence innovation and adoption, even though it is still difficult to predict how technology trends will pan out. 
Here are the top 10 emerging technology trends you must watch for in 2023.1. AI that creates graphics and assists with payment
The year of the AI artist is now. With just a few language cues, software models created by Google, OpenAI, and others can now produce beautiful artwork. 
You may quickly receive an image of almost anything after typing in a brief description of it. Nothing will ever be the same. 
A variety of industries, including advertising, architecture, fashion, and entertainment, now employ AI-generated art. 
Realistic visuals and animations are made using AI algorithms. Also, new genres of poetry and music are being created using AI-generated art. 
Moreover, AI will simplify the purchasing and delivery of products and services for customers. 
Nearly every profession and every business function across all sectors will benefit from AI. 
The convenience trends of buy-online-pickup-at-curbside (BOPAC), buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS), and buy-online-return-in-store (BORIS) will become the norm as more retailers utilize AI to manage and automate the intricate inventory management operations that take place behind the scenes. 2. Progress in Web3
Also, 2023 is witnessing a huge advancement in blockchain technology as businesses produce more decentralized products and services. 
We now store everything on the cloud, for instance, but if we decentralized data storage and encrypted that data using blockchain, our information would not only be secure but also have novel access and analysis methods. 
In the coming year, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be easier to use and more useful. 
For instance, NFT concert tickets may provide you access to behind activities and artifacts.  
NFTs might represent the contracts we sign with third parties or they could be the keys we use to engage with a variety of digital goods and services we purchase. 3. Datafication
The breakthroughs described in the list of technological trends for 2023 will inevitably lead to the datafication of many businesses. 
The act of converting or changing human jobs into data-driven technology is referred to as the process. 
It is the first important development toward a fully data-driven society. Other branches of the same customer-centric analytical culture include workforce analytics, product behavior analytics, transportation analytics, health analytics, etc.  
Due to the vast number of linked Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it is possible to analyze a company's strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities using a greater number of data points. 
According to Fittech, when the market for datafying sectors surpasses $11 billion in 2022, it is evolving into a profitable business model. 4. Certain aspects of the Metaverse will become actual 
The term "metaverse" has evolved to refer to a more immersive internet in which we will be able to work, play, and interact with one another on a persistent platform. 
According to experts, the metaverse will contribute $5 trillion to the world economy by 2030, and 2023 is the year that determines the metaverse's course for the next ten years. 
The fields of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will develop further. 
In the coming year, avatar technology will also progress. If motion capture technology is used, avatars will even be able to mimic our body language and movements. An avatar is a presence we portray when we interact with other users in the metaverse. 
Further advancements in autonomous AI-enabled avatars that can represent us in the metaverse even when we aren't signed in to the virtual world may also be on the horizon. 
To perform training and onboarding, businesses are already utilizing metaverse technologies like AR and VR, and this trend will pick up steam in 2023. 5. Bridging the digital & physical world
The digital and physical worlds are already beginning to converge, and this tendency will continue in 2023. This union consists of two parts: 3D printing and digital twin technologies. 
Digital twins are virtual models of actual activities, goods, or processes that may be used to test novel concepts in a secure online setting. 
To test under every scenario without incurring the enormous expenses of real-world research, designers, and engineers are adopting digital twins to replicate actual things in virtual environments. 
We are witnessing even more digital twins in 2023, in everything from precise healthcare to machinery, autos, and factories. This is a part of the best digital transformation solutions in this new era. 
Engineers may make adjustments and alter components after testing them in the virtual environment before employing 3D printing technology to produce them in the actual world. 6. More human-like robots are coming
Robots will resemble humans even more in 2023, both in terms of look and functionality.  
These robots will serve as event greeters, bartenders, concierges, and senior citizens' companions in the real world. 
While they collaborate with people in production and logistics, they will also carry out complicated duties in factories and warehouses. 
One business, Tesla, is working hard to develop a humanoid robot that will operate in our homes. 
Two Optimus humanoid robot prototypes were unveiled by Elon Musk, who also stated that the business will be prepared to accept orders in the next few years. 
The robot is capable of carrying out simple duties like watering plants and lifting objects. 7. Digitally Immune Systems
The launch of the Digital Immune System must be included in any list of technological trends for 2023. 
This system alludes to an architecture made up of techniques taken from the fields of software design, automation, development, operations, and analytics. By eliminating flaws, threats, and system weaknesses, it tries to reduce company risks and improve customer satisfaction. 
The significance of DIS resides in automating the many components of a software system to successfully thwart virtual attacks of every description. 
According to Gartner, businesses that have already implemented DIS will reduce customer downtime by around 80% by 2025. 
So, if you are looking for the best digital transformation services company to introduce digital immune systems, TransformHub is here to guide you. 8. Genomics
Genomic research has improved our grasp of life and contemporary health analytics while also advancing our understanding of brain networks. 
In the upcoming years, fast-developing technologies such as scarless genome editing, pathogen intelligence, and NGS data analysis platforms will use AI to interpret hidden genetic codes and patterns, elevating genomic data analysis and metagenomics to the top positions in the biotech sector.  
Functional genomics, which uses epigenome editing to reveal the influence of intergenic areas on biological processes, is becoming more prevalent in 2023 technology trends. 9. CRISPR 
The gene-editing technology, CRISPR, has quickly moved from the lab to the clinic during the past ten years. 
Clinical trials for common illnesses, such as excessive cholesterol, have lately been included. It originally started with experimental therapies for uncommon genetic abnormalities and might advance things much further with new variants. 
Due to its ease of usage, CRISPR is quickly becoming a common technology employed in many cancer biology investigations. 
Moreover, CRISPR is entirely adaptable. It is more accurate than existing DNA-editing techniques and can essentially modify any DNA segment within the 3 billion letters of the human genome. 
The simplicity of scaling up CRISPR is an additional benefit. 
To control and analyze hundreds or thousands of genes at once, researchers can utilize hundreds of guides RNAs. This kind of experiment is frequently used by cancer researchers to identify genes that might be potential therapeutic targets. 10. Growth of Green Technology 
Climate change is a fact. It is a rising issue that disturbs governments and society at large and poses a threat to human health and the environment. 
The use of so-called green technology is one method of combating global warming. 
Globally, scientists and engineers are working on technical solutions to reduce and get rid of everything that contributes to climate change and global warming. 
Here are some incredible uses for the same: 
Emissions reduction 
Management of waste and recycling 
Treatment of wastewater 
Solar power 
Tidal and wave power 
Green vehicles 
Smart structures 
Farms and gardens in the air 
TransformHub: Keeping Ahead of Technological Trends 
These innovations have the power to completely alter the way we live, work, and interact. It's critical to be informed about these changes and take their effects into account. 
The epidemic has sped up the necessary industry-wide human-AI collaboration and it looks like 2023 will be the year we catalyze this cooperation into some truly extraordinary inventions. 
For more information on how contemporary automation and AI are fusing all the defining industries of our era into a single data-driven civilization, stay up-to-date with one of the best digital transformation companies in Singapore, TransformHub. 
We take complete accountability to digitally transform your business by providing precisely tailored solutions based entirely on your requirements. 
Let’s connect and bring your vision to life!
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hqsportwear357 · 2 days ago
Stunning Architectural Designs by the Top 10 Architects in Chennai
Chennai is home to some of the most talented architects in India. It is renowned for its modern infrastructure as well as rich cultural heritage. Your luxurious home, office, or commercial space can be built more conveniently by hiring the right architect. If innovation, sustainability, and craftsmanship interests you, here are the top ten architects in Chennai that are sure to fulfill your needs.
1. Murali Architects 
For luxury residential, commercial and institutional buildings, Murali Architects is among the most sought after firm in the city. They have a reputation for blending style with functionality, which is commendable. They ensure that their stunning designs are innovative. 
2. Dwellion Architects 
Dwellion Architects is relatively well-known for smart homes and energy efficient sustainable designs. People specializing in residential, commercial, and industrial projects know them best. Dwellion Architects claims the top spot in their field by having efficient, contemporary, and sustainable designs.
3. Ansari Architects 
For over two decades, Ansari Architects has been winning the hearts of their clientele for luxurious villas, modern apartments, and commercial buildings. Their clients appreciate the combination of style with practicality splashed in their designs.
4. SJK Architects 
Have you heard of eco-friendly and climate-friendly designs? That’s right! SJK Architects makes sure to blend nature in all their resorts, high end residences, and educational institutes.
5. HFOA Architects
Their hallmark is clean, simple, yet eye-catching details that make them a choice for modern homes and office buildings. They also pay attention to the effective use of space and the inflow of light.
6. Form and Space Architects
This company designs modern architecture that is functional as well as environmentally friendly. They have handled numerous residential and commercial projects, each one differing from the other in design.
7. Vikram Architects
Vikram architects stand out because of their focus on heritage conservation and contemporary city architecture which makes them one of the top ten architects in chennai. They integrate traditional and modern values in design.
8. Stapati Architects
Stapati architects is a well known name in the industry. They have famous residential resort style homes and hotels and commercial buildings. Their designs are sophisticated with an emphasis on luxury and sustainability.
9. RSP Design Consultants
RSP design consultants from Chennai is one of the top architects specializing in the construction of houses, offices, and factories. Their method employs fresh ideas with common principles of engineering.
10. WDA Architects
WDA Archjtects are famous for their designs of integrated landscape architecture, urban planning, and private housing construction. They aim at developing attractive and functional buildings and structures.
Why Choose The Foremost Architect in Chennai?
Modern Showpieces: Innovative designs by top architects at eye-catching showpieces help enhance the property’s value.
Resource Efficiency: An increasing number of firms are offering green solutions including creating resource-efficient houses.
Operational and Beauty: An experienced architect designs with style, practicality, and space optimization in mind.
To Conclude
Those who want to find the top 10 architects in Chennai, this list is a perfect starting point. All these firms have distinct capabilities which makes them suitable for varying projects. You could be building a house, an office, or a commercial space, bringing on board a talented architect will definitely get your ideas turned to reality!
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topwebdesigndubai · 4 days ago
No.1 Swimming Pool Company in Dubai, UAE
Swimming Pool Company Dubai
For over a decade, Green Creation Landscaping has been a trusted name in the UAE for designing, constructing, and maintaining swimming pools. Our commitment to delivering bespoke, high-quality pool solutions has earned us a reputation for excellence in both residential and commercial projects. We specialize in creating custom pools that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality, ensuring each design meets the unique requirements of our clients. Our diverse portfolio highlights a wide array of completed projects, ranging from luxurious inground pools to innovative above-ground and fiberglass designs. With over 100 above-ground pool designs, 50+ fiberglass models, and custom concrete pools, we cater to every client’s vision, delivering exceptional results that exceed expectations. Whether you seek a modern, minimalist pool or a lavish, resort-style oasis, our team has the expertise to bring your dream pool to life.
Swimming Pool Construction In Dubai
Green Creation Landscaping is a leading provider of premium swimming pool construction services in Dubai and the wider UAE. With over ten years of experience, we have mastered the art of crafting pools that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional. We recognize that a swimming pool is more than just a recreational feature—it’s a centerpiece that enhances the value and appeal of any property. Our process begins with a detailed consultation to understand your vision, lifestyle, and space requirements. From there, our skilled designers and engineers work closely with you to create a pool that reflects your personal style and complements your property’s architecture. Utilizing top-quality materials and cutting-edge construction techniques, we ensure every project is executed to the highest standards. Our end-to-end service includes design, construction, and post-installation support, guaranteeing a seamless experience from start to finish.
Swimming Pool Repair / Renovation / Maintenance In Dubai
Over time, swimming pools are subject to wear and tear, particularly in the UAE’s demanding climate. Without proper care, pools can deteriorate quickly, leading to costly repairs and reduced functionality. At Green Creation Landscaping, we offer comprehensive repair, renovation, and maintenance services to keep your pool in optimal condition. Our team is dedicated to providing transparent, cost-effective solutions that address both minor repairs and major renovations. Unlike other providers, we prioritize honesty and efficiency, ensuring that every repair is tailored to your needs without unnecessary expenses. Using advanced computerized water testing systems, we maintain perfect water balance, eliminating harmful bacteria and ensuring crystal-clear water. Additionally, we handle debris removal and structural repairs to restore your pool’s beauty and functionality. Whether it’s a simple fix or a complete renovation, our goal is to deliver a hassle-free experience, ensuring your pool remains a safe and enjoyable space for years to come.
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knick-nudiex · 5 days ago
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Here's a list of ten renowned bookstores, known for their unique atmosphere, extensive collections, or historical significance, that book lovers often consider among the best in the world: according to various sources [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14]:
Top Ten Bookstores:
1. Livraria Lello (Porto, Portugal):Renowned for its stunning neo-Gothic architecture, including a striking staircase, and rumored to have inspired J.K. Rowling's descriptions of Hogwarts. 
2. Shakespeare and Company (Paris, France):A historic bookstore and literary hub, a favorite of writers like Ernest Hemingway and James Joyce, and known for its cozy atmosphere and literary significance. 
3. Strand Bookstore (New York City, USA):A legendary bookstore with a vast selection of used and new books, famous for its "18 Miles of Shelves" slogan. 
4. Powell's City of Books (Portland, Oregon, USA):The world's largest independent bookstore, offering an immense selection of books across various genres. 
5. El Ateneo Grand Splendid (Buenos Aires, Argentina):A stunning bookstore housed in a former grand theater, with a unique blend of books and cultural events. 
6. City Lights Bookstore (San Francisco, USA):A legendary bookstore and publisher, a cornerstone of the Beat Generation literary movement. 
7. Libreria Acqua Alta (Venice, Italy):A unique bookstore situated on the canals of Venice, earning it the nickname of the "floating bookstore". 
8. Eslite Dunnan (Taipei, Taiwan):A 24-hour bookstore that offers a wide array of books, along with cafes, art exhibits, and cultural events. 
9. Rizzoli (New York City, USA):A renowned bookstore specializing in illustrated books on art, fashion, architecture, and design. 
10. Atlantis Books (Santorini, Greece):A bookstore with a unique atmosphere, overlooking the Aegean Sea, and filled with a mix of novels, poetry, and biographies. 
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mojo-homes-official · 1 month ago
How Construction Technologies are Changing the Industry 2025
One of the oldest and most vital sectors of the world economy has always been the construction industry. The world we live in has been significantly shaped by construction, from the colossal buildings of ancient civilizations to the high-rises and vast metropolitan developments of today. However, construction businesses are using cutting-edge technologies to address the increasing demand for more economical, efficient, and sustainable solutions on a worldwide scale.
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The construction sector is essential to the growth of commercial, industrial, residential, and infrastructure areas. To satisfy the needs of customers in a variety of industries, construction businesses provide a broad range of services. we are the top construction company in Trivandrum. Construction companies offer crucial services that guarantee a project’s success from inception to conclusion. This blog will examine the main services provided by construction firms and how they help ensure that high-quality projects are completed on schedule and within budget.
In order to assist clients in navigating complicated building codes, laws, and permission procedures, construction businesses also provide advisory services. By ensuring that the project complies with all legal and regulatory standards, these consultations help to prevent future delays and expensive fines. Setting clear goals and developing a plan for successful implementation require planning and consulting services.
Architecture and Design Services
Any construction project, whether it involves the development of infrastructure, office buildings, or residences, is centered on design and architecture. To provide clients specialized design solutions, a lot of construction companies either work with architectural firms or have their own in-house architects and designers. Usually, these services involve producing precise building drawings, floor plans, and 3D renderings. Building firms concentrate on developing designs that strike a mix between usefulness, aesthetics, and Effective planning is the first step in any successful building project. Comprehensive project planning services, which include determining the project’s viability, laying out schedules, creating budgets, and establishing objectives, are frequently offered by construction businesses. During this initial stage, experts including project managers, engineers, and architects work together to ascertain the It is anticipated that these developments will completely transform the construction industry by 2025.
Automation and Robotics: Increasing Accuracy and Productivity
The growing use of automation and robots is another technical development that is revolutionizing the construction sector. Over the past ten years, robots have been progressively added to building sites, and by 2025, they will probably be commonplace. Robotics will be essential to everything from automated cranes and bulldozers to bricklaying robots, functioning in enhancing building procedures. Compared to human workers, robotic systems can do labor-intensive and repetitive jobs faster and more precisely. This technology boosts overall productivity, guarantees on-site safety, and lowers the possibility of human error. For example, robotic arms can aid with welding, assembling, and even 3D printing building components, and autonomous construction trucks can help transfer materials around the site. Significant cost reductions and quicker project completion times will result from this. In the upcoming years, drones will also be used more frequently for surveying and tracking the status of construction projects. best top construction company in Trivandrum. Real-time aerial views of construction sites can be obtained by drones fitted with cameras and sensors, which can also collect detailed photos and data for study. This lowers mistakes by enabling more precise measurements. and boosting productivity while building. Construction crews can use augmented reality (AR) to examine and interact with 3D models of the project on-site, enabling them to identify possible issues in real time. AR, for instance, can be used to immediately project the location of electrical, plumbing, or HVAC systems onto walls, assisting installers in avoiding expensive errors. This results in a more precise building procedure and less rework. In a similar vein, before construction starts, VR enables clients, engineers, and architects to tour the project in a completely immersive 3D environment. This facilitates improved decision-making and provides clients with a clear picture of the finished product. By enabling employees to practice real-life circumstances in a safe virtual setting, virtual reality (VR) is also transforming construction training by enhancing workers’ abilities without placing them in risky situations on the job site.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Optimising Predictive Analytics and Decision-Making
Due to its ability to analyze data in real time, enhance decision-making, and automate difficult operations, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more important in the construction sector. It is anticipated that artificial intelligence will be extensively incorporated into construction project management, design, and operational effectiveness by 2025.
AI-driven software, precise building procedure, and less rework. can forecast possible hazards, delays, and cost overruns by analyzing enormous volumes of data, such as market trends, construction site data, and information from previous projects. leading top construction company in Trivandrum. Construction firms may better allocate resources and proactively manage risks with the use of these predictive capabilities. Additionally, automation powered by AI will enable more intelligent building tools and gear. Efficiency will rise, and less manual intervention will be required when machines are able to learn from their surroundings and modify their operations in real time. By forecasting the personnel and skill sets needed for different building tasks, artificial intelligence will also assist with labour management.
One of the most fascinating developments revolutionizing the construction sector is additive manufacturing, also referred to as 3D printing technology. Using materials like metal, plastic, and concrete, this technique enables builders to “print” building components layer by layer. 3D printing will be used more frequently in both home and commercial buildings by 2025. Furthermore, 3D printing offers more customization and design versatility. Without the limitations of conventional building techniques, homeowners and builders can create distinctive, custom homes that satisfy their individual requirements and tastes. Because it offers an economical way to construct inexpensive, sustainable housing, this technology is particularly helpful in tackling the world’s housing need. The increasing use of renewable and recycled materials, such as bamboo, recycled steel, and reclaimed wood, is one notable trend. These materials not only lessen the negative effects of construction on the environment but also encourage a circular economy through material reuse. Additionally, the building sector is moving towards net-zero structures, which use energy-efficient designs, wind energy, and solar panels to generate as much energy as they consume. AI and BIM technologies, which optimize the use of materials, energy, and resources throughout the building’s lifecycle, are also improving green construction techniques. best top construction company in Trivandrum Energy consumption is being decreased, and sustainability is being enhanced by smart building technologies that regulate lighting, heating, and cooling systems based on real-time data. In conclusion Construction technology will continue to influence building design, construction, and maintenance as 2025 draws near. In addition to speeding up and improving the accuracy of construction procedures, these technologies will make it possible to create more energy-efficient and sustainable structures that can accommodate the demands of the world’s expanding population. Although integrating these technologies into the construction process necessitates a significant financial outlay and training, the long-term advantages greatly exceed the early difficulties. Sustainable practices and digital transformation will drive innovation in the building sector as it enters a new era. Construction firms may produce better structures, lessen their environmental effect, and eventually help create a more technologically sophisticated and sustainable future by adopting these innovations.
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