#too bad we won't get to hear them talk again soon just like juno said
multifanbrainrot · 5 months
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i keep thinking about what peter might have said if they didn't get interrupted, especially with how he was finally allowing himself to feel vulnerable.
add to that their talk of the future, peter trailing off with "unfinished business" then he addresses juno, lovesick moron juno with his "...yeah?" all soft and filled with yearning.
dare i say☝️🫣 .....perhaps....peter was thinking of his future with juno, that his unfinished business is a life with juno.....and maybe....juno is thinking (hoping for) the same thing
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - The Big Date
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After another long day putting in work at the restaurant, Sabrina's date night finally comes around. They meet Beau at a Western-style bar for good drinks, good food, and good company.
Beau: ...I just don't get it.
Sabrina: I know it's confusing, it was confusing for me too-
Beau: I mean, broiling just doesn't seem like a good use of the oven when you can just fire up the grill!
Sabrina: It has its purposes, but I don't use the function much myself either.
Beau: No one likes having to turn the oven on if they don't have to. I think there are just better ways to do it.
The evening progresses as the two talk about anything and everything.
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And Sabrina keeps the drinks flowing...
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Which eventually leads them to the dance floor...
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Which escalates before they even have a moment to even think about it.
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Sabrina hardly recalls the moment they and Beau ended up back at his place. "Still living in that townhouse" they muse, but the thought disappears as they sit on his bed — an upgrade from his college years — and feel his lips against their own.
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Soon enough, the sun begins rising on a fresh day. It's safe to assume neither slept much that night, the sun reminding them of that fact.
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Sabrina: Well... that was fun.
Beau: Yeah. It was.
The two stare long and hard at each other, milking in every moment. In this moment, all the struggles they've gone through, miscommunications and misunderstandings, they all seem like leaves in the wind, fleeting and growing ever-so distant. It prompts Sabrina to speak up again.
Sabrina: Being here with you again... it brings back a lot of memories. Mainly good ones.
Beau: Same goes for me.
Sabrina: Of course, you had a cheap single-person bed then. Quite the little upgrade you've managed in here. Still reeks of a bachelor pad though.
Beau chuckles.
Beau: You know me, never had much of an eye for interior design.
Sabrina: Yet, this place still always felt homey even despite that.
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Sabrina scoots a little closer and wraps their arms around Beau.
Sabrina: I really meant it when I said I wanted to build back to what we once had. And after tonight, I think we're gradually getting there.
Beau: I would have to agree with that sentiment.
Sabrina: I know I've been wishy-washy in the past, and I'm sorry. I hope you can understand where I was coming from. I've gone through a lot. Now that the restaurant is up and running, and Juno is aging up, I'm feeling like I'm finally getting ahold of my life. I have room for you now. And I want to make you a priority alongside everything else. Beau... I want to end our break. Is that... something you want too?
Beau: I won't ever lie and say I wasn't hurt by you. You've managed to break my heart twice already.
Sabrina's face falls a little, guilt etching into their features.
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Beau: But even despite that, we've had so many good times. No one makes me laugh like you do, or grin from ear to ear hearing them talk about flambés and beef wellingtons. I've watched you blossom from a wild 20-something college student to a business owner and parent. Your devotion to your family and, most importantly, yourself is honestly inspiring. So even though there have been some bad times, we have a true bond, and with effort and awareness, we can fix things. Let's try again. For real this time.
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Sabrina excitedly grabs his hand.
Sabrina: You really mean that?
Beau: I definitely do. I love you, Sabrina. Always have.
Sabrina: I love you too, Beau. I'm sorry I haven't always shown you that.
Beau: Water under the bridge. Let's just move forward with each other from this point forward, yeah?
Sabrina nods enthusiastically.
Sabrina: Yeah. I'd like that.
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