#tonsils stones
incognitopolls · 8 months
Tonsil stones are hard little whiteish things in your tonsils that smell really bad (calcified bacteria/debris). You might sometimes spit them up without ever having seen them in your tonsils.
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
...the 'almond room' thing in the unwanted guest IS a reference to/play on words on amygdala, right? (amygdala comes from the greek word for almond!) I didn't read that wrong? it is stupid sexy Ianthe coyly inviting Palamedes into a different chamber of her brain, as it were?
(also the pieces of meat -- the feeding or kissing, it's hard to say which of it all -- being present right from the beginning... ianthe DOES know exactly what has happened to her, doesn't she. palamedes is just cutting his way through her layers of denial and repression all merciless and scalpel-like to get her to admit it. or, she knows subconsciously at least -- each person comes in and feeds her something that she's helpless to stop from becoming a part of her even in her coffin, with bloody kisses. oh baby love is feeding me bad meat and I have no choice but to swallow it down. like yeah I suspect that is how human contact can feel when your sense of self and boundaries developed to be a specific kind of Fucked Up lol. that shit could make a person dream of being a diamond in a glass of wine; perfect, inviolable, untouchable, eternally separate and safe. In the words of Andrea Gibson in Prism:
They say the womb is where we learn love is knowing the cord that feeds you could at any moment wrap around your neck
that is quite literally ianthe's first introduction to love -- her sister, a cord around her neck. Corona is Ianthe's other self, a second soul running around outside of her body, and she seems to consider herself as responsible for (and entitled to) the preservation of Corona's soul as her own. the way this mirrors that growing up, Ianthe had to be two necromancers in one body to let them stay together. (twins and ghosts all the way down I guess.) she's still just trying to do the same thing, I think, she's simply put on some bigger boots about it. the central problem of lyctorhood, self vs. connection/love, rears its head once again -- Ianthe existentially wants total self-contained self-sufficiency, perfect control, sovereign sway and masterdom over her soul... but she wants that at the same time as being in uninterrupted (uninterruptible!), eternal and indelible intimacy with her sister, whose soul also cannot be allowed to change. which, you know. freedom and love don't coexist the way you want them to, Ianthe, no matter how clever you are there won't be a way to get what you want. (especially not with a sister whose idea of what love is seems to go more towards being consumed, made one, by whatever violence necessary -- 'she could have taken me'.) man. Ianthe is a spectacular and ongoing piece of work, but sometimes it's hard to see how she could ever have turned out otherwise considering the conditions she was born and raised under haha.
the two-way street of the horror of digestion, whether you're the devourer or the devouree. part of you in me, part of me in you, whether either of us likes it or not we're both changed by this. bad news: you can't get out of interconnectedness by finding the cleverest loophole around it, ianthe. nice try, though)
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necromancelena · 9 months
Love that one post going around that says that if you're over 25 and you still have your tonsils you should go get them removed. no the fuck you shouldn't. What the hell are you talking about? I love misinformation.
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woosh-floosh · 1 year
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comic about the mundanity of intrusive thoughts
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anistarrose · 4 months
My mom is normally not a reactionary, is very pro-queer rights etc etc, which I'm grateful for, but there's one thing that she does think is a trend invented by Gen Z on TikTok, and that's. Tonsil stones. She thinks that Gen Z invented getting tonsil stones.
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starseneyes · 2 months
Jaw Surgery: Six Weeks Post-Op
I’m one day off, but it has been mad, here, and there has been lots going on. But, I am thrilled to say I made the six week mark.
My surgeon said that as soon as the world opened up to normal food, the jaw starts to open more. He was right!
We are out of town, so I don’t have my own kitchen and ingredients at my disposal, but our friends recommended an Indian joint down the street.
Biting into a samosa was intimidating, but I did it. I know I looked to Matt with so much pride on my face! I did it!
The whole meal was so delicious—made all the moreso by the fact I was allowed to eat it!
Earlier today, my nose itched and I absentmindedly rubbed my knuckles against my nose as I’ve done most of my life to soothe it. And it worked.
It struck me that not only was my nose itchy, but that I could feel it and do something about it. Another step forward.
I am still dealing with some swelling and frozen face. I know good sleep would help, but last night was a rubbish night and I am unsure why because the night before wasn’t bad.
The good part about last night was four tonsil stones that I’ve been struggling with since surgery coming loose.
The pain from those things is pretty rough, and last night was the first night I could manipulate my tonsils and tongue enough to do anything about them since surgery. Huzzah!
I still can’t open my mouth fully, but it is much improved. I am still swollen and frozen, but that is also much improved.
This whole healing journey is a beast, but if I could go back in time, I would choose the surgery again in a heartbeat. Absolutely.
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consolecadet · 13 days
It's 73 F out but I am having hot tea because 1) it was cozy weather in the morning and I still have a hankering and 2) throat feel weird
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activesplooger · 9 days
this is super personal and kinda gross
cw: tonsil stones??
a couple years back i kept waking up with throat pain on one side of my throat and i was like wtf wtvr im just sick. but it was like a month into this pain so i was like imma j look this up. and a lot of results said “tonsil stones” and that u can check for them w a q-tip so i did that. omfg. so. fucking. many. it took me two days to get them all. there mustve been a hundred and i had to remove each and every one of them, large or small. it was actually so like scary doing that bc omg im sitting there for an hour gagging up tonsil stones and removing them w a q tip b4 i swallow them on accident. i would actually be so paranoid that i have them again. if i woke up (usually middle of the night idk why) and my throat was even slightly hurting id spring out of bed and check. and its weird bc i have like good oral hygiene. never had a cavity or anything like that and always brush n floss. so i j went the extra mile and did a bunch of extra stuff like gargling w salt water
and it worked i didnt get them again!!
2 years later i keep waking up w one side of my throat sore. so i grab a shit ton of q tips and check out my tonsils. not a lot, thankfully, but omg im so fucking annoyed. it actually is a nuisance on my life and it hurts.
ok thats all bye. super gross ik. i think i j have deep tonsils so they can get stuck easier. that shits like a cavern. and only on one side which is weird, but ive checked and the other side is way shallowrr than my other side that gets them
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epicdogymoment · 2 months
wowwwww period finally started and im like oh wow i hate this so much. when i was willing it to start
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cadaverousdecay · 11 months
if you need me ill be in the bathroom fingering my tonsil
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baldmultiverse · 4 months
Tonsil stones r really just human pearl
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foxgloveinspace · 3 months
my oral fixation vs. my giant tonsils
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mayonaisalspray · 2 months
Can I stop coughing up these gross and smelly rocks already
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tonsil stones my beloathed
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paginaniol · 5 months
Somebody please tell me that I was very brave and a very good courageous boy for removing a bitch of a tonsil stone I need it bad please
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env0writes · 9 months
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Janus Estuaries Vol. 3, 1.7.24 “Creation is an Act of Inevitable Destruction"
I have made you and yet Do not want you From my flesh, my bone, my salt, my spit You are manifest far from prying view I have made you and yet You hurt me The horrors of life persist And so shall I be I have made you and yet Think upon you with disdain Wondering why You cause me such pain I have made you and yet So might Sisyphus offend Carrying so great a stone failingly Let me too amend I have made you and yet Slice into me and part my skin To never be seen What little that connects us is so thin I have made you and yet I will bear your mark, from days of threat
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!   Photo by @env0
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