#tomorrow i'm gonna get beat up by a hot babe
sardonic-simp · 11 months
Date that ends with my hand on their throat and my dick in their ass when?
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rdng1230 · 2 months
Random orphan scenes
Since I'm done with the multi chapter I was going back to some of my old bucktommy WIP's and I cannot remember where I was going with some scenes in one of them and honestly wherever I was going with it I kinda don't want to write anymore but I do still like the scenes so here ya go:
“So I see he didn’t crash and kill you both.” Eddie pants as he dodges a couple of Tommy’s quick punches. “I like to think,” Eddie’s returned blow grazes off Tommy’s left shoulder, “I’m not a bad teacher.” 
They continue their sparring around the center of Tommy’s garage, fluorescent lights buzzing faintly above them. The sun had set but the Los Angeles heat hadn’t gone with it. Both of them wore ratty black tank tops, mostly just to have something to dab up the sweat.
The two had fallen into a quick routine since their meeting at Harbor a few weeks ago. Tommy’d met Christopher picking up his father for a basketball game. It was pretty much impossible not to be charmed by the kid. He also had the added benefit of not having to be asked for intel on Evan. He opened up immediately upon knowing that Tommy had flown his father and his Buck, Tommy’d raised an eyebrow at that one, into a hurricane. 
“Wow, so what does this superhero do on his off hours?” Tommy had inquired, after Chris was done recounting the tale of Buck and his father saving a girl in a runaway hot air balloon. Tommy’s budding crush was growing a little more with every story. Chris paused, “We play a lot of video games,” he starts, “Buck’s always trying to get his recipes right so we cook and bake a lot together.” 
Eddie landed a punch straight to Tommy’s sternum, jerking him back to the present. His breath sputters and Eddie looks almost apologetic before his smirk returns “You daydreaming, Kinard?” he taunts good-naturedly. 
“Maybe a little,”  Tommy says, lifting his knee. “Not enough to lose though.” With a leftward push to the abdomen he shoves Eddie out of the ring. 
Back at the Diaz house, Buck lounged out on the couch watching Chris do his math homework. Chris had now surpassed the point where Buck or his Dad could really assist. Eddie was in the kitchen catching up on dishes when there was a knock at the door. 
“Are we expecting anybody?” Eddie called to the living room. 
“Yeah yeah, It’s Tommy.” Buck responded. “He’s picking me up.” Eddie could hear Buck’s tall frame rise from the sofa and start toward the door but Eddie had him beat. 
On the porch, Tommy started at the sound of the swing door opening. Eddie was wearing a dish towel over his shoulder with Evan a pace or two behind. 
Eddie made a move to hug Tommy but Buck barrelled past him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s shoulders while Tommy’s instinctively wrapped around his waist. Tommy gave Evan a tender kiss to the cheek. Opening his eyes, he found Eddie’s gaze had remained fixed, and an unidentifiable emotion flashed in it, gone as quickly as it had appeared. 
Releasing Tommy from the hug, Evan grasped his hand and started pulling him toward the car. 
“Hey, aren’t you gonna say goodbye to Cristopher?” Eddie called after him, crossing his arms. 
Buck bent backwards to get a clear view of the front door around Tommy’s broad shoulders. “Chris, I love you buddy, I’ll see you tomorrow!” Buck called into the hallway. 
There was a pause, the sound of Chris putting down his paper and pencil and leaning towards the back of the couch. “Love you too Buck!” he called. 
Buck flashed Eddie a cocky grin and climbed into the passenger seat. When Tommy joined him in the driver’s, Evan immediately seized back his hand. Tommy loved how much his boyfriend seemed to need to touch him in some way all the time. “Thanks for picking me up, babe.” Tommy looked to his side mirror as they made the turn off Bedford, catching sight of Eddie still looking at them from the porch. 
“It’s no problem.” 
Was I going for pining Eddie? Was I going for "being worried about Buck drifting away from him and Chris" Eddie? Was I going for a totally separate Gay! Eddie arc? fuck if I know.
Absolutely nuts how you can read your own writing even just two three months later and it's like somebody else entirely wrote it. Like "Damn where is this bitch going with this? Motherfucker this bitch is YOU?!?!?"
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krirebr · 9 months
So, one year at Christmas -when I was working this really shit job- I had to work over the holidays- straight through. Didn’t have the time off to travel to my family to celebrate and it was really lonely. Which babe is going to help me get in the holiday spirit and what would be their go to ways to cheer me up?! 🥺
Oof, I've definitely had working holidays before. They really suck. This would have made it a lot better:
A Merry Little Christmas
Pairing: Jake Jensen x GN!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff and feels
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You stepped into the blistering cold to realize that it was snowing. Ugh. Maybe another year you’d be able to appreciate the perfect snowglobe effect the weather was currently giving to Christmas Eve, but not this year, when you’d not only had to work, but you’d had to work late. You were so tired and now you’d have to walk through all this to the bus stop and wait for the bus that was probably running late. You didn’t even want to think about the fact that you’d just be back here tomorrow to do it all over again on Christmas Day, instead of at home with your family, hours away.
You started to make your way down the sidewalk when you heard someone call your name. You turned towards the parking lot, where you saw Jake, standing in front of his beat-up car, waving at you. He was wearing a little Santa hat and his nose was pink from the cold.
“What are you doing here?” you asked when you got close enough. “I thought you’d gone to your sister’s?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, well, I changed my mind. I couldn’t leave you all by yourself. Not on Christmas.” Despite all your best efforts to remain cool, you started to cry. “Hey, hey, no,” he said quickly, as he pulled you into his arms. “What’s wrong? What’d I do?”
“No, nothing, you didn’t do anything wrong!” you cried into his shoulder and then pushed yourself back, just a little so that you could look at him. “I’m sorry, I'm just so tired. And this is really nice. You’re really nice.” You hadn’t even been together that long, just a few months. Certainly not long enough for him to sacrifice his plans for you.
He smiled at you, big and genuine. “Come on, let’s go back to my place. I’ve stocked my kitchen with lots of hot chocolate and I’ve got Christmas movies all queued up. And your family’s gonna gather so you can Facetime them. Then in the morning, I’ll drive you back here and pick you up when you’re done so we can have Christmas dinner together. I’m gonna make us a big, fancy meal.”
The “I love you,” just slipped right through your lips. You stopped and stared at him, a little horrified. You hadn’t said that to each other yet. But standing there, in the snow, looking at his red nose and his dumb, little hat. You knew that you did. How could you not?
His smile, somehow, got even bigger. “I love you too,” he said. “I’ve been dying to say it for weeks, but I didn’t want to freak you out.” He kissed you, sweet and tender, and despite how cold it was, you felt a warm glow spread through you. He pulled back and rested his cold nose against yours. “Merry Christmas.”
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@stargazingfangirl18@drabblewithfrannybarnes @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @bval-1 @km-ffluv @texmexdarling @ladyvenera
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Tomorrow's a big day for me so I of course woke up in the middle of the night in a spiral and can't get back to sleep, so I'm gonna try to get out some thoughts I've been having about chemistry and sexuality on screen, especially in the stuff I've been watching lately.
When I'm referring to sexuality here, I'm most often not referring to sexual identity, but to how characters experience sexual desire and respond sexually to each other, which is directly related to ideas of onscreen 'chemistry' as it's seen and judged by audiences. I see chemistry often conflated with heat levels by audiences as well, and I definitely think those are two separate things. This is a thing that's been coming up for me over and over again in the BL space as I find myself...let's say often not into the pairs that others are into, and more into pairs that others don't see as having chemistry. I'll also I guess come out here and say I've been on my own journey of discovery recently, realising I'm acespec, very likely demi, and alongside that (because as I've mentioned often both here and on @the-conversation-pod that I process my feelings through media) thinking about how I bring that lens I didn't even know I was looking through to my analysis of The Stories™️.
@absolutebl has written a lot about their 3 dimensions of good chemistry as physical, emotional and intellectual, and I've found that to be a useful frame. I tend to use 'vibes' a lot to describe what I feel in character interactions, because a vibe between people is such a specific and personal thing for me, and sometimes resists more objective and perhaps useful explanation. 'Vibes' also mirrors my own experience of sex, romance and attraction. To use ABL's frame: physical, emotional and intellectual dimensions of attraction/chemistry are just inseparable for me. And perhaps most importantly for the way I view sexuality on screen: physical attraction is driven for me by intellectual and/or emotional attraction, but never the other way around. In other words, I can see how being intrigued by a person or emotionally invested can make you horny for them, but horniness on its own, while fun to watch, is not really something I get.
Right, with all that preamble out of the way, here are some recent characters and pairs I've found myself really feeling the vibes on that I thought were maybe misunderstood.
Kawi, Be My Favourite
Even when Krist does the work to beat the 'bad actor' allegations it seems he can't catch a break...lol. Kawi is the character who finally compelled me to write this, because I think Krist was doing some great subtle work on emotional attraction and sexual discovery via emotion that got lost in a Disk Horse stampede based on a throwaway line from a secondary character. Kawi had to have feelings for Pisaeng, and then think about what that meant, in order to reach a place of sexual desire. And then that desire didn't look like desire is expected to look, and so its genuineness was questioned. Audiences don't generally see fondness and deep affection as 'sexy', or accept sexual desire as something one has to think about. But I truly appreciated seeing Kawi take this particular journey towards having sex with Pisaeng and having a clearly joyous experience once he got there. The chemistry these two have isn't 'hot' but it is very grounded and emotionally resonant and I found it very affecting to watch.
Cher, A Boss and A Babe
I mentioned on the pod when we talked about ABAAB last season that I very much enjoyed Cher's journey of sexual discovery from 'do I like this?' the first time he and Gun kiss progressing through 'I think I like this' and 'I definitely like this' and eventually to 'gimme dat body' when they have what I called 'married sex' near the end of the show. @bengiyo mentioned on this same episode liking that Cher has to try out physical intimacy with Gun multiple times to determine how he feels about it, and I agree. That's a very undiscussed paradigm, that sex is often not immediately enjoyable/desirable, and wanting to try again because you're still not really sure isn't a bad thing. Their big final sex scene is another scene that isn't 'hot', but there is a very specific and deliberate heat in Cher's eyes when he undresses Gun and looks at his body that sells the physical dimension of their chemistry.
Ray/Sand, Only Friends
I enjoy how grungy and unromantic the sex is on Only Friends because that's how a lot of casual sex actually is. These people are mostly getting their rocks off, not really falling in love or even connecting emotionally or intellectually...except for Sand and Ray. Sand is the kind of man who probably feeds stray cats, so he finds Ray intriguing despite knowing he's a disaster area. Ray is desperate to feel something other than the void inside himself, and he likes the way Sand spars with him. Neither of them is really horny for each other in the traditional sense, and the sex is almost rote in its progression but was definitely fire for the two of them regardless because of the intellectual stimulation driving it. Alas their minds can't fuck, so their bodies will have to suffice.
Basically, people wanting to inhale each other is definitely fun to watch, I'll grant that, but I like getting to explore different kinds of functional sexuality and chemistry on screen, and don't buy a lot of the 'no chemistry' reads.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"My mother did not mean to hate me, she did not even know she hated me, and yet I was hated. And I carried that hate with me through life with more pride than it perhaps deserved. A bruise of honor." -I lost the author but this made me think of lbaf for some reason
My fave inmortal trio🥰🥰 love me some Ragnor being grumpy and Catrina being lovely and Magnus having an inmortality crisis around the corner kshdjdbd
I'm actually surprised that Ragnor seems to be the most calmed one here....
Max, a warlock who now knew warlock math, would finally have a purpose. how do I explain this to you, babe😔
I didn't expect to be attacked with inmortality, death and angst this early but ok :)
Alec once again being the true legend for creating the Downwolder -Shadowhunter Alliance 😎
Max is not there, is he?
It took them less than a minute to find him – with the magic of tracking and pure parental terror. Omg that scene was so stressful but the way Rafael could call Magnus and both Alec and him going immediately is making me cry 🥺
Couldn't they just...idk, kick around the seashell and get it into the portal?? It's just a suggestion!!!
Magnus knew that look.
The look of a parent who had just realized their child was gone.
Too many lbaf II flashbacks 😭😭
Me @ Hunter after he found everything was real: you must be feeling really stupid right now huh??
Honest talk, I hate the Devlins, but it must suck that he finally sees what his son saw and finally believes him, but now Marcus is dead... Shit.
Camilla better wake up from that coma or I will lose my shit ISTG-
Then Gigi had gone home hoping to talk to Camila tomorrow.
Then tomorrow had come, but Camila had not.
You can't take aways this friendship!! Please😭
That is life in this bitch of an earth 😔
The mystery is killing me!!
I trust this precious babe with my life. You got this!!! No pressure tho...
“I still can’t believe he is dead. I feel like he is just gonna pop tomorrow and say ‘surprise, bitches’ or something.” don't tempt the fates!!!
Other Max haunts me in my sleep too. I need even the tiniest of hints🥺🥺🥺
“You’d look fucking hot with gray hair,” she said. OMFG I literally said this 10 seconds ago dkvdkdjdk
Idk why i love the nickname guapa so much. And I love that you can also use it with friends (at least I do lol) and it's so cute and fun and- ok, ok. Getting away from the point jdhdkdk
Max really took "I love a challenge" to the next level😂😂
“She is a good one, isn’t she? Good friends are important, Rafael. Because good friends become family.” STOP I HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR FRIENDS BECOMING FAMILY TROPE😭😭
Arjun and Camilla. It has to be. It makes sense. Also Arjun is amazing 🥺🥺
“It’s a privilege to be someone’s namesake,” bapak smiled. “It means someone loves you and respects you enough to want more of you in their world.” This whole thing made me emo. I can't even mention my favorite part!!! It's not fair of you to give me Lightwood-Bane fam feels in this moment 😭😭
Mallory is crazy!! I mean we all know that already but still... This family is full with psychopath holy shit!!
Hunter, this is on you for not believing your son... Idris has nothing to do with it!!
Wait, Claire knows something 🤨
Look at them. Finally coming together. Working as a family.
Yeah... I don't thinks that's particularly healthy....
I am stress 🙂 I better get to watch someone beat the power out of her (David👀) or I am suing!!!!
To say that I'm obsessed with that quote would be an understatement. It's so fucking on point.
Here is a song rec for you. You might know it but the live performance must be viewed for hoe reasons.
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jenny1p-l0ve · 8 months
A rainy day
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pairing: jeongin × gf!reader
genre: fluff
summary: You and your boyfriend needed to meet,but it turns out that he arrived all wet,from head to toe.
wn: Please let me know if you enjoyed it!💕
Today was a big day. It was Saturday morning,and the sound of the rain wakes you up. You open slowly your eyes,the light hitting your vision. You get up and look through the window. You were unlucky. It was supposed to be a happy and exciting day,but the hard rain and the cold wind broke it. But this didn't stop you to see your boyfriend,Jeongin. This thought made you smile again,forgetting about the bad weather and focusing on the meeting with Jeongin. You two were together for one year,but you feel like you know him for an eternity. Sometimes he was immature and clingy,but that made him special. He cared about you more than anything and also,he was very romantic. He made small and simple gifts for you,but in your eyes,it was more than gold.
But in the past months,the work separated you two from each other. You couldn't meet each other,just to speak on the phone on video calls. And it felt like eternity. It felt like he was miles away from you,and sometimes you felt so lonely that you could only have a breakdown. But you stayed stronger,knowing that the holiday will come and you will see him.
And this was your lucky day. After months,you're able to see him again. His angel face with his cute smile,his big brown eyes and feel his soft blonde-brown hair through your fingers. And of course his lovely kisses that felt like heaven. You two planned to go for a walk in the park,eat some ice cream and coffee,and talk about your past few months. But the rain was imprevisible and it broke all your plans.
After you took a shower and dressed in comfy clothes,you grabbed your phone and called Jeongin wanting to know what is the new plan for tomorrow. And not after a long time,he picked up.
"Morning Y/N! How did you sleep? Did the rain wake you up?"
"Hey! Well,I slept well,but I didn't expect to see rain outside when I woke up. Do you have another plan for today?"
He thinks for a moment,before answering your question.
"I think the best is for me to come to your house. I don't want you to catch a cold or something, so you can prepare the food for us."
"But babe-" You started but he cut you off.
"No. I will be good,I promise. It isn't that bad,and I can take a taxi too. So don't worry,prepare breakfast."
You weren't sure if it was better to accept or not,but he was right. It was better for both of you,plus,you were very sensible,so you can get sick easily.
"Fine, fine. Just be careful and dress thick."
"Okay,I will. I love you."
"Love you too." And with that he ends the call. Of course you were worried but he was a strong man,so he will come fast. Instead of being lost in your thoughts,you walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
You thought he would like some pasta,since he will come from outside,he will need something hot to warm,but also will be a romantic moment for you two. As the time passed,the pastas were almost ready,but he didn't arrive. You started to get worried about him. You knew that he would do anything to make you happy. He will even go to another country for you only to make you happy,so he's a bit crazy,but a romantic boy so this is why you love him so much.
You looked outside,just to see the rain falling harder on the ground. You decided to grab your phone to call him since he didn't arrive for about thirty minutes. After you put the pasta on the plates,you went into the living room,grabbed your phone and called him. One call. Two calls. Nothing. No answer from him. It wasn't enough that you were worried,not that you started to be anxious too. You left the phone on the table and you started to walk in a circle in the livingroom,hopping that your boyfriend isn't that fucking crazy how you thought.
"Oh my gosh,I'm gonna beat that ass of you. God please,give me a sign."
You were sad. You put your hands in your hair,but before you could say anything,a knock at the door interrupts you. For a moment you weren't sure if you should open the door or not,but you walked towards it with small steps. With shaky hands,you open the door just a bit,pecking your head outside to see who it was.
"Innie" You were shocked,opening the door bigger. You were so happy that the first thing you wanted to do was to hug him,but you stopped. His hair,his clothes,his shoes were wet. He was wet from head to toe. But a thing that made you more curious was a rose that he was holding in his right hand,a small shy smile on his lips.
"Babe,what is wrong with you? Why didn't you answer the phone? I was so worried. Why are you fucking wet? Why are you holding a rose? Why didnt-" You started to say worried and a bit annoyed,but more relaxed now that you know he is alright,but he cuts you off.
"Y/N,I swear I will tell you everything but please let me go inside. I'm shaking." He says,his voice cracking a bit at the end,that made you chuckle.
"Fine,come. I made pasta for us so you will warm up." You sad,letting him walk inside the house. After you closed the door,he grabed your wrist pulling you closer to him,but not too close so you can't get wet either. He smiles sweetly at you and lends you the rose.
"I thought you would like it. It's your favorite flower so I wanted to make my angel happy with a small gift."
"Babe...it isn't my birthday,I don't need it. But..I can't refuse you and this little flower." You smiled,holding slowly the red rose in your fingers. You moved your attention to him,pressing a sweet peck on his lips.
"Thank you. I love it,I love you."
"I'm glad you like it. I love you too,angel!" He returns the peck before going to your room to change his wet clothes. After he changed into one of his hoodies,that you keep it in your wardrobe for anything. You wanted to ask him why he bought you the rose and why he came to your home wet from head to toe,but he was too hungry so you enjoyed looking at him,enjoying his hot dinner. After that,both of you sat on the couch in the living room,to watch a movie. In the middle of it,you got bored so you moved yourself in his lap,your chin pressed on his chest,looking up at him with a big grin that caught his attention.
"Are you okay,angel?" He asks confused and curious,caressing your hair with one of his hands.
"Why did you buy me the rose? Why you arrived wet?" You asked curiously.
"Ooh...that was it. Well first of all,after you called me,I rushed to leave my house,but when I wanted to get a taxi,I saw that I forgot my phone at home. I was too far from my house so I walked till your home. But I saw that beauty rose and it caught my eye,so I stopped buying it. And all this happened because of the rain.”
Well,all this makes sense. Now you weren't mad anymore,just happy that he is fine.
"Well... you won't catch a cold,right?" You asked,pouting.
"Of course not,baby." He smiled, pressing a lovely kiss on your lips,making you smile again.
"So you like the rose,right?"
"Of course I like it. I love it!" You said chuckling, moving your eyes for a moment at the vase with the rose. You closed your eyes,pressing your head on his chest,feeling his slow heartbeats.
"Aw,my little angel is tired."He whispered,before kissing the top of your head,and wrapping his arms around you,holding you tight and close to him.
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luvvvvangelssssstories · 10 months
What's luvvv?
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~ Chapter 4 ~
TW: Just cussin, N word usage and flirting
WRITTEN BY ~ Me (with the support of my bsfs Krissy, Yuri, Andy, Kevo and TJ! Thanks for believing in me when no one else did!)
When we started dating he just got his ass beat. But it was the fact he got his ass beat for me. It's been a week now, DeShawn ain talkin to us and Javier's just friends with everyone still. Me and Deandre? The closets we've ever been. We hated each other since childhood but now we're dating?? The shits crazy. Today me and him finna just watch netflix an shi. "Whatchu wanna watch. AND GET YOUR DIRTY ASS SHOES OFF MY BED! ALWAYS SOMETHIN." he rolls his eyes and flips me off while taking his shoes off. "Anyways I wanna watch spiderman" I pass him the remote and lay down with my hot cheetos.
45 minutes later
"Babe. Respectfully. Miles is so fucking fine. I'd smash." I say while sharing a honey bun with him, "I should be the only one gettin ta smash." he says at me while kissin my cheek. "Technically....in the first one with Miles on it I'd let him smash...you was my boyfriend for only a week so far. He's been my mans for like...eternity." he sits up from his spot, "I'll be ya mans till we die." he turns my head so that way he can kiss me on the lips but as soon as we do my mom walks in, "Ahem. This don't look like no friendship. Look like a goddamn relationship." I feel my cheeks get hot as hell, perks of being black is you will never see me blush. "Uh I was gonna go ina minute Mrs. Aiyannas momma. Uh cya tomorrow." he walks of as if he's embarrased too. Soon as he leaves the house shit goes down. My mom drags me downstairs to face one dad and over protective older brother.
"Guess what I just caught ya damn daughter doing Dante?" dad looks towards me and narrows his eyes "what the fuck you do?" before I can even open my mouth mom says it for me "She was over here kissin a boy with the goddamn door closed. And that only leads ta babies." my older brothers stupid ass just says "Whats his name. Finna beat that niggas ass. On god bro." I push my brother aside. "The only thing u finna beat is ya tiny ass meat. Lonely ass." he flips me off while moms talking about putting me on birth control. After a while I learn how to tune her out. I head upstairs and I see a phone call from Deandre. I call him back and we talk.
D: "Babe. Be real here. That shit was embarrasing as fuck.
A: "Uhm for me. Hows it embarrasing youuu?"
D: "Im the boyfriend of they daughter. Thats just akward on my end."
We go back and forth until I start getting tired. "Lil momma you sound tired as fuck. Go to sleep, schools back in tomorrow anyways." I only sigh out a sleepy "mhm.." then I think "I'm sorry you and DeShawn fell out because of me." he goes from sweet to pissed real quickly. "He put his hands on you, so I don't care" I sink into my pillow while he talks about shit going on. I fall asleep listening to his voice
5:12 A.M
I wake up and I start getting ready for school. It's not until I get out of the shower I notice he's still in the call. He does a face time request and I walk to the mirror. "Mkkk guys! It's time for the GRWM school edition!" I say in my best youtuber voice which makes him laugh "Anyways want me to pick you up? I don't want you on tha bus with DeShawn rude ass." I mumble something "When we first met I was tryna stay off the bus from your rude ass" he flips me off and rolls his eyes in the camera. "Anyways I'm on my way and we can pick up some starbu-" before he can finish that sentence I run downstairs with my phone and poke my head out. "Im ready! Where ya at bae?" He just shakes his head then pulls up 6 minutes later. Once we get my food and drink we head to school where we see DeShawn with this pretty ass girl. I know I have a boyfriend but the was DeAndre's looking at her it makes me feel jealous on the inside. She walks up to Deandre and hugs him. When she hugs him DeShawn smirks as if its apart of his plan.
I know this week finna be hard as fuck to survive through.
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yn-bishop · 2 years
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Kate’s Girlfriend
Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
Word count: 1082
This is from my Kate Bishop x reader oneshots book on Wattpad: Steinfan5247
"You know, some people actually call me the worlds greatest archer"
Kate looks towards the older archer.
"Oh yeah? Are you one of them?"
He stares her down.
"Well, Uh, one of them is me, yes but my girlfriend also calls me that"
"Hmm, yeah, I wonder why"
Clint mumbles under his breath.
Kate unlocks her door and here's a voice.
"Katie, are you home?"
Y/N comes down the stairs of the large apartment.
Kate walks over to her and wraps her arms around her girlfriends waist.
Y/N wraps her arms around her girlfriend and leans her face into Kate's neck.
"Hey baby, are you okay?"
Kate leans her head on top of Y/N's
"Yeah, I missed you"
Y/N let go off Kate when she noticed someone behind her.
"Is that Hawkeye?"
Kate had a look of realization as Y/N said that.
"Oh! Y/N, that's Clint, he helped me beat up a bunch of guys in track suits. Clint, this is Y/N, she's my girlfriend"
"It's nice to meet you" Y/N walked over to Clint and noticed something next to him.
"Katie, did you get a dog?! He's so cute! What's his name?"
Y/N looked over at Kate as she pet the dog.
"He's not mine. We can't keep him so don't get too attached. I've just been calling him Pizza Dog. You know, like earl of sandwich"
"So, Uh, what happened to the black suit? You looked really hot in that. I was looking forward to you coming home"
Y/N ran her hand down Kate's arms and chest.
"I, Uh, I had to take it off for this one. I can get another one though, I can get it tomorrow"
Clint clears his throat.
"Speaking of suits, can you give me that one? So I can get back to my family for Christmas"
Clint tells the girls with an annoyed tone.
"Oh right. I'll be right back"
Kate says as she walks up the stairs, mumbling about Hawkeye.
"So how long have you been together?"
Clint asks the H/C girl, while walking around the apartment and looking at Kate's awards.
"Uh, This year will be the 7th, right Katie?"
Y/N calls out to the other girl.
Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs.
"Yeah, that's when I kissed you in the school corridor. Here's the suit"
Kate banded Clint the suit and he spoke up again.
"So, 7 years and you're still not engaged?"
Clint looks confused mixed with shocked.
Kate's eyes widen as she gives him a looks to shut up.
"Yeah Katie, when's that gonna happen?"
Y/N looks up at her with a teasing look with curiosity and hope.
"I'm working on it babe, don't worry"
Kate brings her arms around Y/N and puts a lingering kiss on top of her head.
"Yeah, well, as cute and gross as this is, I need to know if anyone saw you in this suit"
Clint says seriously.
"They didn't, I kept the mask on the whole time"
Kate replies with a small smile.
"I need you to be sure"
"I am"
"Well, what did you do in it?"
Clint eyes her.
"I just beat up the bad guys, saved the dog, some light BnE"
There was a yell of Kate's name outside of the apartment before a fire stick was thrown through the window.
"By the way, my name's on the buzzer!"
Kate yelled over all the chaos.
She pulled out her bow and shot the fire extinguisher so it flew out the window.
"Grab the dog and lets go!"
Clint yelled.
"What about the suit and all our stuff?!"
Y/N yelled back.
"I'll come back for it!"
They were all walking down the stairs of the train station before Kate spoke up.
"So, where are we going?"
"I need to pick some supplies up"
"Is it avenger supplies?!"
Kate asks with her excited puppy face.
"I don't think so babe"
Y/N replies, taking Kate's hand in hers.
"This is kind of a let down, Hawkeye"
Kate says she Clint grabs some cotton swabs from the pharmacy.
"I told you not to get your hopes up, Katie"
Y/N tells her girlfriend as she holds the dog in one hand and Kate's hand in the other.
"Your girlfriends right. Can you get some of that rubbing alcohol on that shelf?"
Clint asks Kate before she grabs a few bottles of it.
"What are we doing after this?" Y/N asks as Kate put the bottles of rubbing alcohol in the basket.
"I need to find a place to stash you guys so I can clean up your girlfriends mess"
Clint looks at the both of them as he answers Y/N.
"Stash us? We're not bags of money"
Kate says in an offended tone.
"You're right. Money would be useful. Hey, merry christmas"
Clint tells the cashier.
Y/N squeezes Kate's hand, knowing his words must have hurt her.
"I actually do know a place a few blocks away. Would money know a place?"
Kate says from behind Clint.
He just continues to pay for the supplies before leaving the store.
As they all get to the apartment block, Kate goes over to the buzzer and pushes a few buttons, hoping to be let in.
"Hey, we've got pizza, uh huh, yep, piz-"
She's cut off by the door opening as she shrugs towards her idol and her girlfriend.
Kate pulls out a lock pick to open her aunts apartments door.
"Is there a cat in here?" Clint asks as they all walk around the apartment.
"No, just cat hair" Kate replies.
"We should get a cat" Y/N directs towards Kate, who just looks at her as she gets a ball of water.
"We already have pizza dog, that's enough right? "
"But you said we can't keep him, we could call it pizza cat"
"If no one goes looking for pizza dog, then we can keep him, but baby, as much as I love you, I'm not getting a cat"
Kate tells her as she puts her hand over hers.
She leans in for a small kiss.
"Alright, I'm going back to your apartment to get that suit, you guys stay here and clean your wounds"
"Sure Clint, you can enter our apartment, don't you need our keys?"
Kate calls out, his reply being no.
Y/N just shrugs towards Kate as the door clicks.
They both lean in for a kiss.
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generallybarzy · 3 years
an: this is something that is very very personal to me. This, alongside my fics "Every Side of You", "Come Tomorrow Morning", and "Not Despite, But Unconditionally", are part of a collection of fics (with no plot or order) I'm going to dub the "Comfort Collection", which all deal with serious topics and Mat comforting you through tough times. Each and every one of these fics is going to be personal and close to my heart, whether they were written for me or for a friend.
summary: seeing something on the most recent Instagram post Mat made with you set you off into a destructive, toxic path.
triggers: eating disorders, body image issues, self-deprecation. Please don't read if this content will affect you negatively.
word count: 3k
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You weren’t hungry.
Both you and your boyfriend Mathew cherished your mostly weekly routine of movie nights and take-out food. It was something you'd been doing since the beginning of your relationship, and something that had helped you grow closer and closer in the past few months. But tonight, something was wrong. You knew, and you had an inkling that Mat felt something was off too. Usually, you were cuddled up in his side, laughing and joking around at whatever dumb show or movie you put on. Tonight, though, you were withdrawn, scrolling through Instagram. Usually, you never hold back around him. You weren’t afraid of pigging out on some junk food with him, and he was always comfortable enough to claim it was his cheat day, but tonight, you weren’t hungry.
That’s what you kept telling yourself, anyway.
God, that girl has such pretty legs- so long and slim… and her tummy is so flat, how do I get that???? Her boobs are so perky too, her arms are small enough for Mat to basically wrap a hand fully around her bicep….. Like every night, every post you scrolled past on Instagram made more insecurities pop up from within you. Mat definitely wishes I was her, why wouldn't he? She's so hot… much more than you. He's probably wishing you were that small, small, and skinny enough for him to pick you up like that. But you just have to keep eating, don't you? Can't stop putting on weight...
“Babyyyy.” You heard his sweet, familiar voice from beside you, and you glanced up from your phone to see Mat smiling and poking at your plate of take-out food with his fork. “Babe, I’m gonna steal all your food if you don’t eat it soon.” He smirked, knowing that you hated when he stole off your plate.
You couldn’t find the words to form a good sentence, let alone answer him in the playful, happy tone you’d been faking for so long. So you stayed quiet, giving the smallest, fakest half-smile and pushing the plate towards him. "You can have it if you want."
A beat of silence passed between you, the only sound being the movie on the TV.
The soft whisper- filled with so much love and intensity, a pure, earnest worry- was enough to pull you out of your trance. Your eyes lifted slowly from the plate of take-out food in front of you that you'd barely even picked at since the two of you sat down, crisscrossed on the floor by the coffee table. You looked up, up to his worried face and his questioning hazel eyes. His hand reached out across the edge of the coffee table and found yours, lacing your fingers together and squeezing. Mat knew this wasn’t like you. You weren’t meek, quiet, and withdrawn, not with him, at least. This wasn’t the girl he grew in love with, who was never afraid to be herself around him. "What’s wrong?"
Something was wrong.
Mat was beautiful- so handsome, borderline physically perfect as if built by the gods themselves, and you- his girlfriend- were… well, you. Just you.
After the first Instagram post of the two of you together, you were initially overjoyed with the support. Everyone was happy for Mat, happy he had someone who made him happy, but there were a few who didn’t seem too supportive, who were "overprotective" of their favorite hockey player. If you weren't insecure before going public, before all the attention, now, all the comments, no matter how harmless- "I can't believe he'd like a girl like you", "usually Barzy only dates skinny girls"- those definitely stung a bit. But it wasn't just the well-intentioned bad comments like "wow, I didn't think barzy would date a curvy girl!". Those you could see didn't truly mean any harm. But a handful of people were still less than thrilled about Mat's public relationship.
"wow, he really downgraded after me, huh? didn't expect him to go after a fat girl 🤷‍♀️"
The first time you saw that comment, you realized just how much you actually cared about what other people thought of your relationship. It hurt you, as expected, and while part of you was shocked that someone would come at you like that, another part of you knew it had only been a matter of time. You wanted to ignore that comment, go on with your life, but you couldn’t help it. You went on a "quick" look through the girl’s account and found a picture from the summer before you met Mat, where she was clinging onto none other than your boyfriend in a tiny bikini, his big hand on her tiny, bare waist, and his lips on her cheek, looking so happy. And then, her words started to hurt a little bit more. It hurt more than it really should’ve to see pictures of Mat kissing someone who wasn’t you. You knew he dated before, of course he did, and you weren’t gonna be upset that he’d had girlfriends before, but it still made you feel a little insecure. She was his ex, she was literally model-gorgeous, and somehow, Mat had gone from her, to you. You knew you should have put your phone down then, you know what you were about to do was so stupid and would only leave you more insecure, but you looked through who Mat was following, and there she was, along with dozens of other pretty girls- Instagram models? His exes? Both? Or something worse?
You couldn't stop the toxic thoughts from filling your head with words you saw in the comments.
"Does he actually sleep with her? Probably just a pity fuck"
"Does it suck to not be able to be on top or else you'll crush him?"
"The girl on top is his favorite position, at least it was with me, don't know if he'd like seeing such a fat girl on top of him."
It wasn't long before you reached a toxic decision: Mat was way too perfect for you- in your current state at least- and he deserved a better-looking girlfriend. You'd been trying your hardest to lose weight for the longest time now, but nothing seemed to work. The longer it took, the more desperate you became- Mat would realize soon that he could do better than you if you didn't do something quick. So, in a moment of self-destruction and pity, you decided you wouldn't gain weight if you simply didn't eat.
It's been three days now, at least you think so, and the most you'd eaten was a strawberry that Mat had cheekily fed you, trying to be romantic and cute and a cracker here and there that you hated yourself for. Other than that, water had been your only substance, and you'd assured him you'd already eaten whenever you came over to his place and he offered food. Were you hungry? Absolutely. But you were waiting desperately to see those numbers drop on the scale, and you weren't about to sabotage your mission. You’d keep telling yourself you’re not hungry.
But you didn't want Mat, precious Mat, to worry about your stupid insecurities, so you simply shook your head and forced a smile.
"What do you mean?"
"You're acting weird." You shrugged and looked back to the movie on the screen, trying to let the conversation fall dead. But Mat knew you too well. "Hey." Mat's thumb rubbed circles against the skin of your wrist. "Look at me, seriously. You've barely eaten tonight."
"I'm just not hungry."
"This is your favorite."
"I'll save it for later."
"Actually…" Mat's eyebrows furrowed. He stayed silent for a few moments in thought, his hand squeezing yours gently. "I don't think I've seen you eat at all today. You turned down my offer to make breakfast this morning. I know I'm bad at cooking, and all I can do right is the eggs, but you still never turn it down. We always end up cooking breakfast together on days you sleep over here. We always do." Your heart started to break. He could see through your facade, he could see and he probably hated it.
"Sorry." You choked out the word in a stupid, sputtering sob. You didn't realize the tears were coming until it was too late.
"Oh, hey, no no no no." Suddenly, the movie was paused and the food was forgotten as Mat pulled the sobbing, shaking mess that was you into his arms. “I didn’t want you to cry, baby. I don’t mind that we didn’t make breakfast together.” He held you, his eyes watching you gently and softly, his lips grazing your forehead in a delicate kiss. "C'mon, hold onto me, babe."
Your arms curled tight around his waist and clung on for dear life, sobbing into his chest.
"Please, baby. Let it out."
You cried into his shirt, breathing in the scent of his day-old cologne, a light, crisp and clean scent that clung to the side of his neck. You were surrounded by his aura, the comforting scent of him, his big, strong arms wrapping you in a little shield and protecting you from any of the mean comments that were plaguing your mind, that he didn't even know about.
"Please tell me what's wrong, baby. I can't stand seeing you cry."
“I, I don’t…”
He waited a few moments. “Don’t know what's wrong? Or don’t know how to describe it?” When you still didn’t respond, he continued to pepper kisses on your head. “Take your time.”
You stayed like that for a few minutes, just holding onto him and losing yourself in your thoughts again. What would he think when you told him how you were feeling? What would he do when you told him you looked through his followers on Instagram, that you found pictures of him with his exes? He would think you’re insane, insecure, jealous. He’d freak out, you had no right to go through his Instagram, did you? What would he do when you told him you hadn’t eaten in days? You didn’t want to tell him any of it, but you knew he wouldn’t let this go. Mat was persistent, and there was no way you’re getting out of this one.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I… I have a problem.”
“Okay, we’ll work it out together, alright? Just let me know what’s up.”
You uncurled your arms from around him and instead focused on playing with the hem of his shirt, running the fabric through your fingers and focusing on that while gathering your thoughts. “I feel like… like, you could go for someone better than me.”
“What? No-”
“You’re like… so hot and fit and I’m… just fat. Don’t you wish I looked as skinny and perfect as your exes?”
“What?” There was a hint of anger in Mat’s voice, and you flinched at the way he scowled. He noticed, quickly, and settled back down. He knew you needed comfort, and even if he was upset that you'd even think that, your needs came first, and you needed softness. More gently this time, he asked “What? Baby, you’re joking, right?” His eyes bore down into yours, gentle, begging you to answer him. “How’d my exes get involved in this?”
“That post we made on Instagram, it got a lot of… upset comments. A lot of people don’t think I deserve you. Your ex commented. I saw the pictures of you two kissing, being all cute and couple-y.”
“Oh, baby. I’m sorry. I- I thought she would delete those by now.”
“No, I’m not upset about that, we both have exes, I just… she’s so… perfect, she looks like a model, and I saw that you still follow her. You follow a lot of models. Do you wish I looked like them?”
Now, Mat’s eyes went frantic and worried. “No, no, no, babe. You're gorgeous, you're perfect, don't listen to them. I- I genuinely forgot I was following any of them. I’m not on Instagram a lot anymore, not enough to scroll through all those posts. I’ll unfollow and block all those girls, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t want to make you feel like that."
"No. You don't need to. I don't want to control who you follow just cause I'm a little insecure."
"No, I swear, baby. I should've unfollowed her- all of them- months ago. The only girl I need is you. You are so, so amazing. I don’t ever want you to think I want you to change anything about yourself. You’re perfect." He pressed tender kisses to your wet cheeks, his arms tight around you. Then, as if he was worried about what the answer might be, he asked hesitantly “Is that why you haven’t been eating tonight? You think I want you to lose weight?” You said nothing still, but nodded, your face pressed against his chest. “(Y/N), I don't want that. I would never tell you to change anything about yourself. Especially not your weight… are you kidding me? Your weight should be the least of your worries. A fucking number on a scale doesn't define you, baby. No matter how much your weight changes, whether you gain or lose 50 pounds, your worth will still be the same.. and that worth… it's through the roof, babe. You're priceless."
“Stop…” You smiled against him, overwhelmed with his compliments. Part of you was convinced now that maybe you were overreacting over it.
“No, I won’t stop.” He pressed his lips against your cheeks, over and over again, something he always did to cheer you up. "You know what the first thing I thought was, when I finally saw you naked for the first time? The first thing I thought was 'oh fuck that's hot, I can't wait to wreck this sweet pussy.'"
“Mathew!” You cracked a smile and playfully smacked his arm. Of course, even when comforting you, he was still himself.
"Kidding! Kidding! Okay, it was more along the lines of 'I can't believe I have such a beautiful girlfriend…. I can't believe she puts up with my shit, I can't believe she chose me, cause she's hot as fuck, and amazing as fuck." You hid your face in Mat’s chest, sniffing back the tears. "Hey, look, you're smiling because you know how hot you are, come on. I love your smile.” He continued to hold you, squeezing you against him and willing to sit there like that as long as you needed. Suddenly, he remembered the food sitting on the coffee table, and with a slight bit of urgency, he motioned to it. "So that’s the reason you haven’t eaten today?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
He hesitated as if he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer you were going to give him. “Okay… When was the last time you ate? Like, ate for real?”
“I- I don’t know exactly.”
“Maybe a few days ago…”
“What?" He looked shocked, cupping your face between his hands and looking at you with the most serious expression you’d seen on him in a while. “Are you actually serious? No, no, no, (Y/N). ”
“Sorry, I was just… I was telling myself that maybe I’d lose weight if I didn’t-”
“Well, no more of that, okay? Listen, I promised you I wouldn't ever let anyone hurt you, and that includes you hurting yourself, baby. That's not allowed. Not at all. Ever."
Mat moved you out of his lap and back onto the floor beside him, his eyebrows scrunched into a scowl and his eyes gentle and worried. “What would you think if I decided I’m not good enough? And if I stopped eating so that I looked good enough for you? What would you think?”
“That’s dumb, Mat. You’re perfect.”
“Exactly. So are you. That’s how I feel when you tell me you haven’t been eating. Would you want me to starve myself?”
“Of course not.” You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes again, realizing just how dumb your whole plan had been, emotional at the thought of putting Mat through whatever you were doing to yourself.
“So don’t do it to yourself, baby. You want to treat me the best, treat yourself just as amazing, okay? We’re gonna come to a compromise, alright? Listen.” He put his fingers on your chin and tilted your face up to look at him, teary eyes and all. “Listening, babe? Here’s how it’s gonna go. Whatever you eat, I eat. If you eat nothing, I eat nothing. If you actually take care of yourself and eat, you take care of me too.”
The sudden realization of how much your actions were affecting not only you, but your boyfriend too, was making you emotional again, and you nodded quickly. “Okay.”
"Pinky promise?" He reached out his pinky for you and, with a smile, you linked yours to it.
"I promise."
Mat smiled and brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss against it before settling it against his crew-neck cozy chest. “I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I don’t want you to look or be like any other girl. I want you to be you. Because I love you.”
“I love you too, Mat. Thank you. I’m sorry for getting all insecure and stuff.”
“Nope, nope, don’t apologize for this. Don’t ever hide something like this from me. We’ll work through everything together, okay?” You nodded again, and Mat finally gave you his beautiful smile. “So, (Y/N), am I gonna get to eat tonight? Are we gonna eat?” You glanced back at the food on your plate and realized just how much you’d been missing out on in the past few days. You realized just how prominent the grumbling in your tummy was, just how hungry you were. Mat had gone out of his way to bring your favorite foods over, to cuddle you and laugh with you and watch movies, and you were here worrying about what his exes thought of you when he was right here showing you just how much he loved you.
“I’m so hungry, Mat.”
He smiled, loading his fork with your favorite food and lifting it to your lips. “Alright! Let’s dig in, baby!”
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
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Jealous and protective pt3.
This one's gonna be a lot longer then normal just becuase it has alot more charcaters but since Bi-han already has his own with this I'm leaving him out of this lot. (As much a it pains me) I'm keeping these all with the gender neutral them becuase I find it easier writing that in a whole unless someone partially ask for a set gender. So without further delay enjoy.
Warnings: swearing, curssing, gore (it's mortal kombat), nsfw hinted in some spots, Sex. Talk of sexual harassment.
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Rain- Jealous and protective
-Rain despite what he believes, he is a very jealous man. Not to mention he is very over protective borderline possessive.
-He as killed people for the fact he does not like them nesr you and has made it clear on multiple occasions to others. But Rain can be quite sweet when alone.
- he may be egotistic but he also has a soft spot of his S/o.
-He loves showing his partner off but at the same time wants no one to know about them. It was very much a learning curve with his S/o very different cultures, life experiences and such.
-This man hasn't had the best experience with lovers, has been turned down on multiple occasions.
-So once he has you, your gonna have a hard time getting him to let go of you.
-this man gets it many fight becuase of you.
-does not like other Kombations being near you, and has made it very clear to everyone to stay away from what is his.
- for someone known for being a traitor he's loyal as fuck to you as long as you do not betray him.
- man radiates bratty bottom energy an the knows he does.
" Hello my treasure" Rain whispers as he pulls his lover into his embrace. They smile lightly as he rest his head in the crock of their neck.
"Hello my Prince, where have you been off too?" They ask lightly running their hands up to his masked face and slowly remove it. He smiles lightly as his lover runs their hand over a bruise in the side of Rain's face.
"Babe did you get into another fight?" He lets out a huffed breath while trying to look away from his lover only to have them grab his face and force him to look back at them.
"Rain baby, look at me" they say softly as his eyes flick to then. They smile lightly at him and press a soft kiss to his lips. He hums in contentment arms snaking around his lover. His lover pulls away gentle running their hand up to pull away the rest of his head gear.
"So.. who pissed you off and how badly do They look now?" They ask lightly making him laugh gently. His S/o runs their hands thought his hair pulling at the soft strands
"I discarded his body, you will not find anything left of that wretched man." He huffs pulling them closer as he holds them.
"Now what did he do to piss you off so badly Rain?" They ask pulling him in for another kiss. He hums lightly once again enjoying having ha I lover in his arms and indulging in the moment.
" he called you my Whore, and he bragged about how he could make you scream, as you can guess. I did not take kindly to that" it's quite between them again as she sighs into their shoulder.
"I do not enjoy degenerates who do not know their places, they will learn to respect you or end up dead" he said moving away and grabbing his lovers hand. They walk thought the quite corridors together.
"Rain, thank you. I know you might not understand it from my side but thank you for telling me. I know I'm not the easiest to love and I know you are trying your best too. So knowing that you're willing defend me over something like that, it.. it means alot to me" They say to their lover. Rains eyes flick over to his treasure. Pride filling him.
"No one gets to touch you, you are mine. To love to make scream and to claim" he can see their face go bright red at his comment.
"Love you too my Prince"
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Johnny Cage - jealous and protective
Younger Johnny is alot more jealous then older Johnny. But older Johnny is more protective.
Young Johnny- this man could rival Rain with his Ego. He gets jealous when people take your attention away from him.
-He is kinda an attention whore.
-he likes making sure people know you are his weather that be thought leaving marks on you, giving you gifts or always hanging off you.
-he's very hyper, he does calm down as he gets older but this man is very energetic and wants to fight any and everyone who flirts with you.
- man radiates the " I'm a kick your ass becuase I want to show off and so they can stare at my ass"
Older Johnny - older Johnny has alot more life experience, he doesn't get jealous as easy as he used to but he is very protective.
-Man's a Dilf he's knows what he wants and knows how to make people back off and leave you alone.
-will wrap a protective arm around you, place a kiss on your cheek and as you if this guy is annoying you.
-unlike his younger self he radiates "if you hurt my S/o I'm going to deck you into next Tuesday"
Young Johnny
"Johnny!, Johnny are you ok?" The man looks up and smiles his face bloody. He pulls them into a hug kissing their forehead as he stands victorious.
"You know you don't have to fight every person who talks to me babe" they sighs wrapping their arms around his shoulders. Johnny laughs lightly as he picks his partner up and heads for their seats.
"Baby!, that guy slapped your ass what else what's I suppose to do, stand back smile and wave?" His lover gives him a worried smile. He leans down to kiss them into for them to push him away a little.
"Nuh uh your lip is busted you have a black eye, before anything, I am patching you up you gonk." They say to him as the pull out a handkerchief and begin to wipe the blood off his face.
"You know one to these days Johnny your gonna get into a fight that your not gonna win, and I'm gonna have to pick you broken and blooded body up and put you back together" they sigh givign him a quick peck on the lips. Johnny smiles brightly pulling them closer and deepening the kiss.
"Well as long as I have you to put me back together sweetheart then I'll happily enjoy every moment of it" he says which earns him a punch to the shoulder from his s/o
"Hey what was that for!" "Becuase your an idiot, but I guess your my idiot huh?" Johnny gives a lopsided smile to his lover pressing another kiss to thier lips.
"My hero huh?" He asks earning a snort from his lover before they cover their mouth.
Older Johnny
Music plays in the background of the little area that had been converted into an office for Johnny. Both himself and his S/o are working away filling out reports and fixing up files for his daughter.
"Baby do you have those report for me?" Johnny ask turning around to face his S/o. A small smirk crosses his lips as he sees them bent over a desk digging thought some boxes. He gets up quietly making his way over to them.
" already on your desk hun, along with the incident report from yesterday" they call back to him. They only forward feeling a set of hands grip their hips.
"Hum.. well I see another incident report coming up soon" he chuckles pulling them closer as the stand back up.
"Oh well you, get to do the paperwork this time babe" they say giving him a kiss on the cheek as they continue working thought files.
Johnny pulls them away front he table gentle and spins them around to the music softly dancing and swaying hips.
"Johnny, holding out on the good moves are we?" They ask with a chuckle pulling him in for a gentle kiss. He picks them up and sits them against the table hands roaming lightly.
" Yo!, I didn't know older me was getting it on with that hottie!" A very familiar voice calls out front he door way making both johnny and I groan.
"Kid you have five second to get the fuck out or I'm decking you into next tuesday" he says turning around and giving his younger self a death glare of a life time. His younger self take the hint and disappears but can be heard in the distant going off about it.
"God i hate him, he so insuffable" Johnny grumbles earning him a laugh from his partner. "Is that jealous I hear baby, do you miss your golden days?" His lover says trying to get under his skin.
"Not a chance, besides I doubt he'd be able to keep up with you" he chuckles. "Well I do have to say younger you is very much a brat. Glad to see you aged like fine wine" they reply pressing another kiss to his lips.
"Keep that up baby and I'll be railing you into tomorrow, this old man still have some life in him" he jokes earning him a look from his lover.
"Bring it on then hot stuff"
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Kabal- Jealous and protective.
- kabal gets jealous when people over step their boundaries when it comes to his lover.
- he doesn't take shit from any one who wants to try and flaunt their good looks. He knows he looks like shit but he'll be damned if someone takes the one good thing he still has.
- he loves showing his S/o off. And spoiling them, but some people (Kano) decided to make cracks about it and he loses his shit at them.
- he loves cuddling with his partner to make sure they are safe.
- he hates having to leave for missions becuase he worries about them.
-has and will beat the shit out people who don't back down from flirting with is S/o even after they have stated they are claimed.
-been in to many brawls with Kano over the mans foul mouth when around his partner.
-sweet beef jerky man. You look after him and help him with things and he's gonna be puddy in you hands.
- please give him love man's been thought alot.
"Sweetheart! Have yo uy seen my moisturiser?, I'm starting to flake again and it ain't pretty" Kabal yells our from the bedroom. His s/o quietly makes their way to the door way.
"Big box on the top shelf has a collection of them in it, I got a whole lot for you when I was shopping so we don't have another accident" they say walking up behind him and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
"What would I do without you" he says leaning back into them lightly. They laugh lightly pressing a kiss to his neck and pulling away.
"Trip crash and burn, no pun intended baby. But that's mostly how it would go" they chuckle. He shakes his head and heads to the shelve with the box of lotions, moisturizers and pretty much any available skin care thing in it.
"Would you mind doing my back while I get what I can reach?" He ask lightly even tho he knows they would never pass down the opportunity to touch him. He strips off his shirt leaving on only what was necessary of his gear.
His s/o hovers over his back gently pouring moisturiser onto his back and lathering it up. Kabal sighs feeling his lovers hands gentle run over his back pressing into sore spots and flakey areas.
"Hey babe, I have some of the guys coming around tonight, just let me know if any of the bastards step out of line ok?" He ask looking over his shoulder to them.
"Ok baby, I'll let you know if I need you to knock Kano out again" this makes Kabal laugh as his lover continues to take care of his back.
After finishing up on his shoulders and back Label roles over onto so that he can face his lover. "Gods I love you, you know that" he says pulling them down to lay on his chest.
"Baby let me finish doing you moisturiser then you can cuddle ok" they say beginning to repeat the process again.
"Kabal you Cunt!, where you at?" Kano yells put from the kitchen before malign his way to the bed room to find Kabal laying down with his S/o on top of him. Kano leans against the wall taking a mouthful of beer before staring them down again.
"Your beers shit, get something decent like fucking XXXX gold or Iorn Jack becuase ethos is like drinking piss" Kano huffs as he finishes the bottle.
"Good to see you too Kano, you only one here so far?" Kabal as he sits up. His S/o moves from his lap and gives Kano a small wave.
"Hi Kano" "hey love, and yea only me here so far other fucks are probably pissed out of their guys, might show don't know wirh them fellas" Kano replys before heading back to the kitchen.
Kabal throws on a shirt and he and his S/o make their way to he kitchen to find Kano making himself at home.
"So you gonna break anyone else arm tonight becuase boys and I have bets it being Wade who has a go at em" Kano says, he opens another beer and puts his feet up on the table.
"Kano, feet off table. And if he decided he's gonna try it he's gonna get broken. Y/n is already aware" he explains earning a smile from his S/o.
"My bets on James, man's been getting hands. Remember Kano if he has a go and I break his nose you'll owe me" Y/n says wirh a bright smile.
"Hahah Kabal you got yourself one of a kind"
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Hasashi Hanzo- Jealous and protective.
-when Hanzo gets jealous a part of scorpion shows it's head. He's death glare is a killer.
- he tends to distance himself more becuase he does not wish to hurt his S/o
-other times he with become clingy becuase he just want to be close, he wants to tryvand prove to Himself that he is aloud to be happy again.
-his jealous stems from a few things but mainly his own thought. Nightmares and dreams cause him the most pain with it.
-and after all who wants to try and hit on Scorpions S/o other then Johnny. (Man ahs no care for his life)
-very beefy and warm man, needs a good hug and to be told he's doing well. He just wants someone to tell him he's doing great.
- man's a grumble blanket, his glare tells people to fuck off as it is. And not only that it's very well known that you are the partner of the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Hanzo's brow twitches as sweat roles down his face as he sleeps. Eyes flickering under his lids as he fights in his sleep. His S/o peacefully asleep beside him as he fights his dreams.
The room begins to heat up more then normal. Blankets scatter as Hanzo shoots ups his eyes glazed.
"You will not touch them!" He yells. His s/o shoots up blanket throw off them as they look to their lover.
"Hanzo!, baby, hey it's just a dream your ok" they say moving to him. His head shoots to them. His glazed eyes focused on them.
" Scorpion?, scorpion I need you to let Hanzo come back to me ok?" Their voice is gentle as they place their hands on his chest.
"I can not, you will get hurt, we must protect you" he says voice filled with pain as he continues to scan the room.
"Babe, we are in the fire gardens, in your room. Come back to me honey. What are five things you see?" They ask, scorpion twitches under their touch.
"I see you, Satoshi's baby blanket, the walls, our blankets, Harumi's orchid" he says as he pulls them closer his lover rest against his chest and his eyes fade back into the sweet chocolate brown.
"Now handsome four things you can hear" they say kissing thier lover softly. " I can hear cicadas, your voice, the wind and my heartbeat" he whispers. His lover runs thier hands thought his hair untangling small knots and curls in his hair.
"Now three things you can feel baby" they whisper to him as he pulls his lover to lay on his chest as he falls back onto the bed.
"Your lips, your heartbeat, your skin" he says curling up around his lover. "Baby, talk to me are you ok?" They ask kissing Hanzo softly on the cheeks and then his lips.
"Forgive my sweet love, I did not mean to scare you." He replys, they move to lay on top of Hanzo straddling him. "Hanzo, baby you don't very have to apologise for something like that, understand. You have been thought so much and I am never going to hold that against you. They are both quite for a moment.
"My dream, you were taken from me, forced to love another. I became jealous that someone had taken you from me, I let scorpion take over. But no matter how close I came to you I could never reach you" Y/n can see the tears shimmer in his eyes.
"Its ok hun, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here with you. And I know you will fuck up anyone who tries to take me from you." They smile pressing their lips to his. Both humming in contentment.
"Let's go back to sleep baby, I'll keep away your demons" they whisper as he rest his head against their chest.
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Kuai Laing- Jealous and protective.
- Kuai out of the lot is a lot more closed off to jealous, he does experience it but stays quite about to msot times.
- he becomes very cuddly for the fact he doesn't wish to lose his lover.
- man can be scary when needed.
- he really is the definition of a polar bear. Cute cuddle but also ready to rip someone's face off if they hurt his family.
- kinda man who is really shy in person but is a monster in bed.
-him being jealous transfers to that he may not say it with words but his actions speak very loud.
"Kuai, I've been looking for you" the cryomancer peaks up hearing his lovers voice. He turns to see them walking towards him. He's smiles lightly patting the spot beside him.
"Forgive me I've been meditating most of this morning" he says lightly. His lover moves to sit close to him, they place themself in his lap and wrap their arms around his shoulders.
"Now a little bird told me that you might be feeling down, am I correct?" Kuai smiles shaking his head.
"My live I have you now why would I be feeling down about the most precious thing I love" he says pulling them a little closer.
"Hmmm... well then I believe your shadow of a brother has been spreading rumours babe, sad you were a little jealous of him being back" at that Kuai sighs leaning his forehead against his lovers.
"I do not knwo why he spread rumours, I am quite happy to have him back, I do not particularly like the way he 'whores' himself out" the cryomancer replys earning him a small giggle.
"Has he tried to make a move on you?" It hurt him to ask, he didn't believe his beloved would go for his brother after choosing him for his personality and enjoying his company but he still wished to be sure.
"He's made a few.. comments but no hasn't tried to get in with me baby, besides I happen to enjoy my cryomancers shy, easy to rile up and a sweet kisser" they remark leaning down to pull him into a kiss. He returns it before pulling away.
"As much as. Would love for this to continue beloved, I do have work that had to be done." He sighs.
"I'll see you tonight them my handsome, strapping and gorgeous man" they say giving him one last kiss before disappearing.
"Bi-han we need to have a word"
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writersblog20 · 3 years
Everybody has a hard time, from time to time
Tom Hiddleston x Freader
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Warnings: reader being drunk, little bit of anxiety but disguised as nervousness.Angst but not too much. Language. And feeling worthless. Readers boss gaslighting her but it’s not much. age-gap reader is 25. Implied smut sort of? But also not really
Words: 3470
Summary: The reader meets Tom Hiddleston and he asked her out on a date. But on the date she gets a call from her extremely drunken best friend….
A/N: I just went with it and I don’t even know what it turned out hahaha I'm also sorry for the spelling mistakes and stuff
Everybody has a hard time from time to time
Y/N was walking down the streets. Headphones in and 4 coffees on a tray. She sighed and started walking faster back to her stupid job. Her boss gave her a really hard time but lately it had gotten worse. She tried to calm down and take a minute but balancing lunch and coffee was definitely not on her resume. She was so lost in her thought that she got back to it until her butt hit the pavement pretty hard.
Everything went so fast and she felt the very hot coffee on her chest soaking her blouse. “Fuck!” she cursed out. “oh my god I’m so sorry” the man said who was kneeling besides her now trying to help her. “it’s fine. Just going to get fired now. but honestly it’s fine” you said in anger.
You looked up and to your surprise you saw it was your favorite actor Tom Hiddleston. Worry filled his pool blue eyes. you wanted to freak out but honestly you were more freaking out about your boss right now. “God I really am sorry ma’am. Let me pay for some new coffee!” he told you kindly. You carefully tried to dry your blouse. Tom got a dry sweater from his bag.
“please take it, god I’m so sorry” He told you with actual more worry in his eyes. “is there anything I can do for you? I can walk with you to your boss to explain what happened” he told you a little panicked. You chuckled at the sweet gesture and started to feel sorry for him because how bad he felt.
“It’s okay. I doubt that would change much.” He nodded. “are you hurt?” he asked you helping you up. “eh no I’m fine I think.” You told him. “I’m really sorry please take my jumper. I know it isn’t much but at least it’s dry” he told you and almost shove it in your hands. “thank you!” you told him and he looked a little more relaxed that he at least could do something for you.
“well I should go now.” you told him. “I do need that jumper back” he told you with a grin and you started to feel flustered. “right I’m sorry I….” he cut you off before you could finish that sentence. “I ehm never really do this but how about you give it back on our date? If you would gladly accept of course. My treat for what happened.” You were starstruck but you thought he wanted to take you on a date out of pity. “ you don’t have to do that Tom, you don’t have to take me on a date because you feel bad. Gives off the wrong signals.” You told him while cleaning your pants from the dirt on the ground.
“I’m eh Tom” he told you. You chuckled “yeah I know. Big fan” you said still chuckling and he giggled a little. He waited for you to say your name but you were lost in thoughts again. “oh I’m sorry I’m Y/N” he giggled and gently took your hand and placed a kiss on the top of it. “it’s really nice to meet you. And again I’m very sorry how we met” he said scratching his head. “it’s not all your fault. I was very lost in thought so I should've looked where i was walking” you told him.
“I want to take you out on a date because you are magnificently beautiful and now I have more of a reason to make it up to you. That’s why I want to take you out.” He told you with a gentle smile. “oh ehm well then I would love to go on a date with you” you told him flustered feeling extremely dumb at the moment. “Are you free this Saturday evening?” he asked you. “yeah absolutely” you told him. he gave you his phone and you put your number in it. “I’ll text you.” He said with a wink. “okay” was all you could say. You stood there for a minute before going back.
On your way you changed into Tom’s jumper and got new coffee and lunch. You made your way back to your job. You obvious got shit from your boss and you told her what happened but she wasn’t taking it. “you are absolutely worthless! You can’t even get some fucking coffee! I don’t even know why I hired you in the first place. You can go and you don’t have to come back” she told you
It made you furies. There was no way she would take you back and honestly you wouldn’t even want that. “That’s fine cause I wanted to quit either way. You are one horrible person and treat people like shit but honestly you are the biggest piece of shit in this whole building. Probably even in this whole city. So I don’t mind. Bye!!!” you told her and she looked dumbfounded by your sudden outburst.
You walked out of the building with your head up high and a big smile on your face. You really felt more alive at this moment. You got back home and that’s when it hit you that you still had to pay your rent. You started cursing and kicked a chair. You called one of your friends and he came right away to you. “Girl! You got some bad bitch energy! How you stood up against her… I mean damn. That and you have a date with The hot Tom Fucking Hiddleston! Girl you’re so lucky!” he told you while shaking a cocktail for you both.
You chuckled “I’m not gonna drink right now” you told him. “Girl you have better plans? You just got fired and you have nowhere to be right now so just take that drink and live a little! You’re 25 for god’s sake!” You chuckled again and took the drink from him. “you know what you should do? Sell your art! Finish that book that you were writing! I mean I’ve seen your work and it’s absolutely amazing! And since I’m in the art business I might be able to help you out in that and give you an exposition! ” He told you. “let me think about it okay?” you told him a little sad.
“babe you’ve got to stop being scared! You are absolutely amazing on every front! Everyone can see that except for you. So please let me do this for you” He told you. “I just don’t want to get my hopes up and be declined like almost always. I don’t feel good enough and I don’t think I can take another rejection again” you told him honestly.
“it’s life babes…. There will be times where you’re still going to get rejected but don’t let that bring you down. You have to keep fighting for it. And your art is worth fighting for. Believe me! I’m your most honest friend and I’m telling you this from the bottom of my heart. You are good enough! Hell you are more than that! You just have to believe in yourself!” you smiled at his kindness and thought about it. “you know what? Fuck it! Let’s do it!” you told him feeling strong! “yes queen! that’s my girl! Bad bitch energy!” you giggled and got immensely drunk to celebrate it.
~time skip~
The week got by pretty quick and as Luke told you, you got accepted and they were more excited to give you an exposition. You started to search for jobs that you would actually like and started writing again. Life was going good again and you felt so strong and confident until you had the date which would be tomorrow.
You were so nervous. Tom didn’t text you yet and you didn’t have his phone number so it was hard to get in touch with him. Anxiety got the best of you. What if he forgot? What if he forgot about you or changed his mind? Just when your mind got into overdrive you heard your phone pinged. You quickly got it and saw an unknown number. You felt your heart pound in your chest. You opened the text.
“Hello Love, It’s Tom. Are you still up for tomorrow? I’m sorry I didn’t get in touch sooner, it was a chaotic week.” It felt like you could breathe again and texted him back immediately. “Hey Tom, Yes I’m still up for tomorrow. Can’t wait!” You send the message and immediately thought you should texted him a different message. Your phone went off again. But this time he called you. You drowned your wine for some confident.
“Hey Tom.” You said a little nervous. He chuckled. “hello darling” your heart skipped a beat at the nickname and you felt butterflies I mean it was Tom Hiddleston for god’s sake! “I’ll pick you up around 5. Is that okay?” he asked you. “eh yeah of course sure! I ehm am looking forward to it!” you told him honestly. “me too darling” he told you with a chuckle. You both said your goodbyes and you put your phone down.
You tried to watch a movie to get your mind of off your anxiety. When the movie was over you tried to go to bed but you kept staring at your ceiling. I’m not like the other girls he dated. You thought to yourself. But then tried to set it straight by saying maybe that’s the point but then other thoughts consumed you. You tried to fight all the thought by positives one until the early hours of the morning. You finally fell asleep around 5 AM.
Once you woke up you got very excited. It was already 2 in the afternoon since you slept so crappy. You texted your Luke but got no response. You figured he was still asleep. You picked your clothes and 5 PM got around faster then you thought it would. You heard your doorbell and opened up. There he was standing Tom Hiddleston. Alongside with some flowers. No other date had given you flowers. He checked you out with his lips slightly parted. He chuckled: “wow you look amazing!” he said with a small blush creeping up on his cheeks. You giggled. “you too mister Hiddleston” you said boldly which made him chuckle again. He really did look great. He wore a small blouse and a blue blazer over it and jeans. “oh eh these are for you” he told you. You could tell he was nervous as hell which made you feel a little bit more at peace knowing that you weren’t the only one.
“come inside. I’m just going to put these in some water.” You told him and he followed you inside. He loved your apartment. It gave off such a warm cozy vibe. It felt like home. He looked at your art work on the wall. “I adore your apartment.” He told you which made you smile. “thank you” you told him kindly. “I’m ready to go” you told him with a chuckle. You got your coat of the hanger. “Here let me, please.” He told you and got the coat out of your hands and helped you in your coat. It made you flustered and swoon. God you were already falling head over heels for this men.
You both walked into a restaurant but it wasn’t a fancy one but more cozy. You loved it. You talked for hours and both drank some red wine. You both hit it off so well and you were absolutely smitten. And he was too if not more. You both were so much on one line it was amazing. You knew you would never find this again and it kind of scared you. You told him about your boss since he asked if you got trouble that day you first met him and you told the story until you got a call from Luke.
You frowned a little. He knew you were on a date and he would never interrupt you unless it was an emergency. “everything okay?” Tom asked you. “Yeah I just have to take this. I am so sorry!” He chuckled it’s fine” he told you reassuring. You nodded and walked off to the bathroom and picked up. “Luke? What’s wrong?” you asked when you heard him sobbing on the phone. You could tell he was absolutely smashed. “Can you please come to my place? I really need you right now. you can even take Tom with you but please” He begged you with an obvious slur. You felt your heart break for him. You sighed. “alright I’m on my way. Can you hang on?” you asked him. “yeah” he told you still crying. “Thank you so much Y/N I’m so sorry” he told you. “I know it’s okay. I’m on my way okay?”
You hang up the phone and went back to Tom. “everything alright?” he asked you and you felt so guilty. “I eh my friend he needs me right now. he is absolutely smashed and crying and I don’t know what is wrong but he asked me to come to him.” Tom looked at the table “I’m so sorry! I had a lovely time and I would love to do this some time again! If you still want to of course…” You said the last part a little softer. He smiled at you. “I eh could go with you if you’d like and if it’s okay with your friend.” Tom told you. “Are you sure? You really don’t have to” you told him. “I’m going to be honest with you. I really like you and I don’t want this evening to stop…. So if that means taking care of your drunken friend to be with you, I will. But I understand if you feel different.” This time Tom said the last part a little softer. You chuckled and felt your body filling up with love. “I really like you too Tom and in that case… Let’s go” you chuckled. He looked a little surprised but happy.
Tom paid the bill even when you tried to intervene but he wasn’t having it. “next time you can pay” he told you with a wink. You were flustered. He helped you to get your coat on and you both made your way. You slightly touched his hand and put yours in his. He looked a little surprised down at you. “I eh is this okay?” you asked him a little nervous. “it is, love.” You looked down a little with a smile. His thumb caressing the back of your hand softly. “I’m really sorry about this.” You told him honestly. “really it’s okay. I totally understand!” he told you truthfully.
You got to Luke’s house and you used your keys. “Luke? It’s me, where are you?” you asked him. you heard Abba blasting through the speakers. You immediately turned it down a bit. Empty bottles were laying everywhere. “Y/N?” Luke called out to you. You followed the sound and saw him laying by the toilet. You took of your coat and walked over to him and sat him down by the toilet. “What happened?” you asked him. he sniffled a little. “Cooper broke up with me and even over a text message” you looked at him a little sad for him. you went with your hands through his hair. Tom stood behind you but Luke didn’t notice yet. Luke started to laugh. Great mood swings you thought. Tom gave you a glass of water and you smiled a little at him. You gave the water to Luke. He looked up and saw Tom. Tom waved at him a little. “oh he’s so cute and hot!” he told you like Tom wouldn’t hear it. You started to laugh. You looked at Tom and he chuckled.
“I’m sorry I ruined your date” he looked at you and Tom. “we’ll there’s going to be a second so don’t worry too much about it” you told him and you looked at Tom who winked at you. Luke started to throw up and you both looked away. You softly touched Luke’s back to let him know you weren’t going anywhere. “you okay?” you asked after he was done. “yeah I think I can get up now.” he told you. “okay good let’s get you upstairs then.” You helped Luke up which was a challenge on its own. “here let me” Tom said and took Luke over from you. He put Luke’s arm over his shoulders and helped him upstairs. Luke started to stare at Tom.
“Luke…. You’re staring.” You told him. “I know.” Luke told you serious and furrowed his eyebrows at Tom. “Look. I’m thankful you help me but you better take care of my best friend alright! She’s an angel and don’t you dare to hurt her!” he slurred at Tom while you were already in Luke’s bedroom. “I’m not planning on it mate. I promise.” He told Luke. He narrowed his eyebrows. “yeah I believe that. Finally a good guy Y/N!” he yelled happy at you. You flustered again. You mouthed: “I’m sorry” at Tom and he just gave you a reassuring smile. You both put Luke into bed. You put an extra pillow under his head for the nausea. You put down a bucket and a glass of water beside him.
“please stay the night. I don’t want to be alone and your boyfriend can stay too” you were both flustered at the last part Luke said. “I’ll stay don’t worry. But you need some sleep now.” Luke nodded and turned around. “I love you” Luke told you sleepy. “I love you too” you told him and closed the door and leaned against it. “I’m really sorry about this. Normally it doesn’t happen” you told Tom a little embarrassed. He put a hand on your cheek “it’s okay love. Really we all have moments like this” you nodded. “well I need a drink now…. You want one?” you asked and chuckled. “yeah sounds good” he said and chuckled as well.
You both went downstairs and took out the empty bottles and after that made you both a drink. You sat down on the couch and Tom next to you. You both talked into the late hours and started to get drunk. You were leaning against Tom by now. you looked up at him and he looked down at you with love and adoration in his eyes. “please stay tonight.” You kind of asked him. “only if you want me to” he told you. “yeah I do. But just to clarify I never took a guy back home (or well my friends house) to stay the night” You told him with a chuckle. He laughed as well. When it got silence you just stared at each other.
His face ,slowly, started to get closer to you giving you enough time to pull away but instead you softly put your lips on his. His hand caressing your cheek and your hand in his hair slightly pulling at it as the kiss started to get heated. He pulled you on his lap, both of your legs on either side of him. His hands going under your shirt and stayed on your back. He slowly got up and laid you down on the couch with your legs around his waist. You broke from the kiss and put your hand on his chest. “Tom…. I don’t want to do it on the first date and definitely not here” you chuckled which made him giggle as well. “totally understandable!” He told you.
“I can go I you want me to” he told you. “no, please stay.” He gave you a warm smile that made your heart melt. You made some space so Tom could lay down as well. You laid your head on his chest and he went with his hands through your hair. Well this was definitely not the perfect date…. But luckily it was with the perfect guy.
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Falling for someone like you
Chapter 9 ? What a day
Previous chapter here
Tags : fluff and slight smut warning ⚠️
The next day went swiftly, you both had a great time at the mine and then the museum, afterwards you both went out for dinner, in the small restaurant she had spotted before. Wilhemina offered to pay since you had already done so much for her those few days. "I insist baby..you've been amazing and I was the one who suggested it... Let me get this one"
"Okay fine...don't make a habit out of it you know I love to spoil you, my darling" you had responded placing your hand on her cheek. That night you had gone to bed early, exhausted from the day spent. Your lover laid by your side, your arms around her protectively and her leg draped over your body, and fingers upon your collarbones. "Y/n ?"
"Mm ?" "What are we gonna do tomorrow ? I tried to find something to vis..."
"Amusement Park"
"Huh ?"
"Tomorrow that's what we're doing"
"Oh...you do kn..."
"I checked if it was something you could do, and there are many attraction available"; "Good..." She said before yawning. "Oh baby sleep you're tried"
"I don't want this day to end"
"It doesn't have to...in your mind never" You turned slightly, putting your hand around her hip and under her head, and hers went to your neck. Your legs found the spot between hers and the one still on top of your body. On Sunday you woke up a little bit early to pack stuff in the car before traveling to the park, your girlfriend watching the landscape pass by the cars window. Your eyes fixated on the rood and right hand in hers on her thigh. You arrived and went inside. The place was kinda crowded but since Wilhemina couldn't stand for too long waiting wasn't a problem, you could easily enter attraction in another line. "I hate their faces when they see me cut the line" she said growling from anger and you caressed her hair while explaining "Hey baby... You're not cutting line, your simply taking another one. If they don't like it they can try and live all their life in a body that aches like yours. They'll see if taking that line is worth the trouble."
"I guess you're right"
"I am...if they aren't happy about it they can suck my dick"
"OH so they can but you barely let me do it ?" You playfully feigned being offended and slightly pinched her arm. "That's not even true.."
"It is. Whenever I wanna do it you don't pack"
"Well I'm not going to pack every single day love"
"Well at least some of them baby"
You giggled and subconsciously started walking towards a small Russian mountain.
"Are you up for that mina ?"
"Of course. I'm up for anything", "You Sure ? It seems pretty scary". "It's not. Besides if it wear it would say not for people with back problems"
"Okay okay... Well when you throw up just make sure it's not while the wind is in our way."
"Haha very funny"
:read more:
She said as you took her hand and leaded her to the side line, after a few minutes you got in the seats. Wilhemina held your hand a little tighter than usual, so you nuzzled behind her ear and told her she was more than safe with you. She relaxed a bit and then screams and squeals of joy were the only thing that could be heard. You both moved throughout the park, doing things left and right, pointing at beautiful landscape and designs. You stopped at a flying swing and encouraged wilhemina to come with you and do it together. But she didn't seam to keened on it. Even as you took her hand and tugged her towards it she held her ground. The mushroom tower started to rise and everyone started cheering as the chair flew around in circles and people moved in their chairs."Look it's fun honey" "It's for kids."..."No. It's not. Watch there are plenty of adults her and besides it didn't bother you in the flying elephants."
"That was different"
"Absolutely not, look if it's because you don't stand the movements it's okay, but at least tell me"
"I do stand it" you went closer to her, your hands on her hips as you kissed her cheeks "Babe tell me what the real problem is, no bullshit please"
"I don't have. Anywhere to put my cane in there."
"Well we can leave it in the entrance"
"I'd rather not"
"Why, you don't need it during the ride, and I'll get it for you at the end baby"
"Who knows what will happen during the ride. I don't want to find it broken, not only because you gifted it to me, but because it is my life, I refuse to let it be broken or lost by those incompetent people"
"Hey..hey no need to insult anyone here, baby I know that, but just like when you go to bed you leave it to the side, you can let them take care of it"
"Baby I promise nothing bad will happen"
"How can you do that"
"I'll make sure it doesn't, do you trust me ?"
"Of course I trust you. I just don't trust anybody else"
"But you learned how to trust me, so maybe you can try and give a little trust to that"
"Fine. One session"
"Yay ! I promise you'll love it" You said as you both went to it, and as soon as wilhemina was sited you went up to the people managing the attraction and asked them to keep her cane during the ride.
"Oh and by the way. If anything happens to it. Even the slightest impact, i will make sure you all lose your job, and ruin your reputation so much no one will go to a park that is unacceptable with disabled people."
"..we..yes. well, we will take good care of it"
"You better do." You went back and sat just next to Wilhemina on the double sided chair. "Did you te..."
"It's okay baby. They'll handle it carefully"
"Oh okay..." The swing raised above the floor, and progressively your feets hanged down as they stopped touching ground and The ride began. the wind hit your face faster and faster and you both smiled and yelled as it spined. Wilhemina had to keep her hand on her skirt so it didn't lift up and give everyone else a great view and you giggled. You whispered in her ear as the world around you kept turning and turning. "Don't traumatize these children and get arrested for public nudity I'd hate to have to get you out of jail and runaway together..."
"Is it weird of it actually sounds good"
"Depends on which part"
"The last bit you fool"
"Well my anxiety could never...but keep dreaming darling" You both laughed and held hands as the chairs were turning even faster. At one point the air was to rapid through her hair and it detached her hairdo, you Heard her groan as her hair moved everywhere including her face while she looked at you. "Oh come on why"
"It's fine mina just let it go"
"It's a good thing this was not a wig"
You laughed again as You pushed the hair out of her face and saw her eyes shining with joy, you don't think you ever saw her so happy your whole life, and you thought maybe she never has been.
"I love you y/n"
She said as her hair flew behind her like a beautiful main. You couldn't help but put your hands around her face and bring her for a kiss. Your lips lingered on hers for a while, hands stoking her cheek and breathing linked and she pulled away questioning. "Why the kiss?"
"I just couldn't not kiss you right then"
"But in front of all these people ? Children"
"They won't die because I kissed the woman I love. They've seen people kiss before, they'll be fine"
"But the people here ?"
"I don't give a single fuck about them, I love you and they better get over it."
"I love you too" You enjoyed the rest of the ride, and after you got down you went to get wilhemina's cane for her, and as it took a little longer before she got out of it like the rest you heard someone tell her to get off the swing because people were waiting. You immediately turned around and went up to him, her stepped back a little "What did you just say ?"
"I..i said that this bitch needs to get off of the swing or learn to leave others their turn"
"You better shut the fuck up now, or else you really aren't going to enjoy the ride with a broken nose and bleeding face."
"Is that a threat ?"
"No it's a promise."
"It's unacceptable she ne.."
"And you need to stick your patience up your ass and fuck off. She'd be out of there in a second if you were able to keep your fucking mouth shut, now I bet you don't have any one in your life who has a disability except you because you are clearly having a stroke so let me tell you this. You say anything offensive to my wife. And I'll have your fucking ass in the floor."
"How dare you ? Telling all this in front of my kids"
"Maybe it'll teach them not to be complete assholes to people. Now your kids didn't say anything you did. So maybe you could thing about that"
"M'am you have to hurry..and keep your distance with the rest of the clients" The bold men tried to respond.
"But...i..i" ."
"we'll be out in a sec.. You. Save it. I honestly don't give a shit about your opinion, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for her. Because if she weren't there I would have already been in jail for beating your ass. I'll say it once. Stay. Away. From. her. And keep your thoughts to your two inches long brain."
You went back to give her her cane and you both left the swings, glaring one last time at the men, who looked like he was about to piss his paints.
"Don't bother him, he's an ass"
"You don't always have to get in trouble for me"
"You're kidding right ? He was practically begging me to tell him off. Besides no one talks to you like this and gets away with it on my watch"
"He looked like a kid cought cheating have to admit watching you It was a little hot." She whispered in your ear
"Happy to oblige" you said as you pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and grazed her cheek. After that she bent forward a little and lifted her arms to try and do her hair back which you knew could hurt her.
"Hey hey no.. leave it" you said as you put your hands on hers.
"Let's sit over here baby"
You said while taking her to a small stair bench.
"Sir over here I'll sit on the one higher.
"Oh okay"
You settled her between your knees and asked for her hair tie.
"Do you really want to put it up again ? You know I love your hair down like this, you look so beautiful"
"I know you do, but it's our thing you know, I don't want it to become banal, I like that you're the only one who sees me like this, it makes it special"
"We have other things that are private darling, just because you go out with your hair down it doesn't mean it's not special anymore. I still get to see you in your nightwear or with a messy tee-shirt and a lazy bun."
"I know but still, I prefer keeping it up please"
"Okay baby no problem, can I put it up how I want ?"
"..fine yes, but no funny business"
"Of course" you said as you kissed her neck. You started sectioning her hair, brushing it through your fingers, huming softly. And you started breading, strands of hair between your hands, one over the other. Starting from up and then going down. Wilhemina relaxing visibly in your embrace, letting her head slightly back.
"Oooooooh, I am not the only traveler, who has not repaid His debt, I've been searching for a trail to follow again take me back to the night we met, and then I can tell myself what the hell am I supposed to do.
I had all and then most of you some and now none of you. Ooh
Take me back to the night we met.
"Here done"
"Can I sea ?"
"Let me just ..there "
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"You don't like it ?"
"No..no i do like it.. it's different than what I'm used to"
"I figured you don't usually bread it because it's probably to painful, so I wanted to do something nice". "I love it y/n"
"You look beautiful"
She blushed softly before you kissed her lips.
Afterwards you were both a little hungry, so you took wilhemina to a candy shop, they sold many things like sugar canes and candy floss
You waited before asking Wilhemina what she wanted, and ordered a pomme d'amour for starters, and decided you would take candy floss to walk.
"It's going to be messy y/n we have to cut in"
"No..baby the whole thing is to bite it at the same time"
"I swear if you get my shirt stained"
"It won't willy"
"Oh you know I hate that nickname"
"That's why I use it willy"
She groaned and you both stood while you held the food.
"On three"
"Wait does that mean we bite on three or after three"
"Oh just bite it on three love"
"Two" you both said
You both took a bite out of the apple, juices covering your taste buds and the sweet sugar envelope cracking.
You giggled with your mouths full  and finished the apple as much as you could, heads turning around to find a good angle and sharing the same space.
You noticed Wilhemina had sugar on her top lip corner.
"Baby you have a little something here"
"Oh..thank you"
She tried getting it off but it wasn't efficient. So you stepped closer.
"Here..let me do it" you said before setting down the rest of the dish and pressing her against you while your hands found her jaw and you kissed her soundly, she moaned a little when you bit her top lip. And grazed it with your tongue. It asked for entrance and Wilhemina granted it to you. You made out together for a little bit before parting a little and just holding each other for a while, pairs of hands around shoulders and hips.
After that you bought the candy floss and started walking around the park once again.
You both picked in each others sticks, exchanging looks, smiles and kisses.
Feeding each other bits every now and then.
After a dozen minutes you had both finished
And you kissed her again, sharing the taste of sugar between each other. Her cane pressed against her and her cheek in your hand.
"Thank you y/n"
"For what ?". "For giving my life purpose"
"Aw baby why do you have to be so damn cute ALL the time"
"I'm serious"
"Me too...and you don't need to thank me, you mean everything to me. Come here."
You said before taking her inside your arms, inhaling her sent and circling your arms around her frame. You pressed kisses in her hair and she place them in your neck.
"I love you so much Wilhemina"
She started to tear up a little bit before sniffling and hiding more inside your body.
"I mean it...baby you don't ever have to cry about that again..for I will hold you till the end of time itself. And in every one of your future life's I'll have you in my heart."
Time passed as you held each others before slowly getting going again.
You arrived at a shooting game, pushed animals were hanging from the walls and ceiling.
"Oh here let me win you something !"
"Oh come on darling these games are money black holes"
"Not if your good at it" she starting turning around and walking away
"Besides it's gun shooting you're not going to be any good at that love you don't own any. Also I think it's quite funny that yo..."
"Here m'am, ya just need to get those target over there to ya win"
"Huhh come on y/n, do you even know what I said"
"Ssh baby I gotta focus"
"Sshh? So you shush me now ?"
You ignored her rambling as your hands settled their positions and you started shooting the first few bullets hitting right on the targets, five bullets later you heard a ringing sound and the guy stunned by your performance started
"Well m'am I'll be honest I wasn't expecting ya to win on the first try. But here ya go, you can pick one of them little stuffed animals"
"Mm I'll have this one for my lady over there "
"Excellent choice...here there ya go ... have a nice day birdies"
You giggled and thanked him as you went up to Wilhemina and gave her the white furry bunny you had won.
"So since you were so supportive I'll just keep it to myself"
"...I'm sorry baby...i just didn't want you to waste your money" "I know"
You said as you handed her the toy, "it's for you baby", "Oh.. really ? Wow it's the first time my lover...well anyone wins me something at a game"
"Looks like I'm your first on lots of things babe"
"Heyy" she responded while jabbing your shoulder "Aww why do you always do that, I think I need to go check it at the hospital."
"Oh don't be A baby y/n"
"Well you're the one standing with a bunny in your arms so who's really the baby huh?" She frowned before she joined you in laughter. You walked hand in hand with her gift under her hand. The sun was starting to set slowly as you both chatted and enjoyed the rest of the day.
"Let's get married"
"...What ?"
"Here let's get married now"
"..y/n ? I don't understand...I'm not sure it's a good idea"
"Chill baby I meant there" you said as you pointed the small church in the middle of the other attractions.
"It says it celebrates unions and marriages, but nothing actually official"
"Oh .."
"So let's get married here darling. Let's have our unofficial official ceremony now"
You said as you led her to the counter
"It's okay you don't want to"
"No..no I definitely want to, I'm just straddled, and what If they don't celebrate our 'marriage', baby there are no legal obligations here"
"Well I don't care if they don't celebrate 'Our' marriage. I'll find another fake church that does, but we have to try frist right ?"
She nodded and took your hand.
"Hello ladies how May I help you"
You both looked at each other and she smiled.
"We would like to get married." "Alright, are you married irl ?" "Nope"
"I have to inform you this is all outside of any actual legal union, this mariage is only valid here, and in your hearts."
"We know"
"Perfect then. Follow me" You arrived in a room filled with dressed and suits, the man asked if you wanted to pay before or after, you decided to do it now, Wilhemina didn't even notice you did. "I'll let you approximately 30 minutes to choose your formal wear and get dressed, an hour to prepare your vows and will Then accompany the... well brides walk down the aisle"
"If it's easier i don't mind being already there."
"Oh yes good. Anyway, I'll let you change, there are two different Rooms with staff so you don't see each other until marriage"
"Thank you". You both said before picking your outfits and trying on dresses and suits. After some time the man came back and took Wilhemina before letting you know where was the aisle. You waited there with the pastor, who didn't look used to celebrating marriages between women, but who wasn't mad about it. The music started and there was no one else in the church except for the few staff and you both. The doors opened and you saw your girlfriend walk arm in arm with the guy who welcomed you in. She looked ethereal, beautiful you had never seen such beauty before, her hair was in a beautiful hairdo, half down half up, a bunch of colored flowers in her hair and even a purple orange make-up.
She walked gracefully, her dress following her and a veil attached to her flower crown.
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"Hey...wow, you...look... amazing...I'm so lucky" she blushed before being handled her cane and replied "Well...I must say You're not so Bad yourself y/n"
"Erm erm.. We are reunited today. To celebrate the union of two beautiful souls, linked together by life. Two hearts beating at the same pace, two bodies sharing one path. We are here, in the evening of this bright full day, to make the two women standing here, married, for better and for worst until death do them apart...If i may have the rings. " He took them and turned to Wilhemina "You will now exchange your vows"
"Oh..lord..sorry. this is the part I'm not going to be good at. But you already know that.
You know every part of me. Every single piece I've yet to discover. You hold them, in your arms. Steady, fierce, protective, bringing me the safe home i could have never hope to have. And yet here you stand. By my side every day. You hold my heart, and you make my sun hang, so bright yet so easy, in my sky. I didn't believe I could ever be liked. And you showed me unconditional love.
I didn't believe I was pretty, you made me feel like the most beautiful goddess in the world. I didn't believe I could feel it, but darling, you are the person I love like I would have never believed such feeling existed.. I am not good at expressing feelings, I find them to abstract, to volatile to be caught by my words. So I chose the ones of someone else that resonated with me so hard I believe them to be our own.
'You belong with me, my love. And I belong with you. We should live life side by side, In everything we do. You belong with me today, For now and ever more. And I belong with you, my dear, The one that I adore. We were meant to be, I know; It’s written in the stars. I love the way we are as one, And everything you are. Just think of all the moments Aligning for us to meet, So once we found each other, We were bound to feel complete. But this part of our story, We’ll sit and write together. Hanging memories on the wall,of the home we’ll share forever. So, both of us are certain. As we each say ‘I do’, That you belong with me, my love, And I belong with you." As she was done and the tears spilled from your eyes the pastor gave her a ring and spoke again.". "Now you will repeat after me as you place the ring on her, -I take you, y/f/n" "I take you y/f/n" ; "—to be my wedded Wife" "To be my wedded Wife"
"— to have and to hold from this day forward"; "To have and to hold from this day forward"
"—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer''; "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer" ; "—in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"; "in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,". "—till death do us part"
"Till death do us part"
She said as she finally settled the ring she picked out on you.
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"You will now exchange your vows to your bride."
".. Wilhemina, every time I dreamed about love, it was always me finding it, searching, like a lost salior for my beloved boat.But little did I know, love would find me, it would find a way through my heart, in between the cracks of it, sunshine would bring healing. I remember when I first fell in love. The intensity, the warmth, I remember her smile, her hair. I remember how hard I loved. How wrong I may have, probably because of the youth. I remember how much it had hurt. When she was taken away from me. When I could no longer hold her body, when everything from her had immediately and indefinitely turned to dust. I remember how I cursed at the wind, yelled, screamed, cried, abused whatever God had been responsible for it, responsible for this pain love had brought. I swore, I swore to never love ever again. And I tried, I begged for love to leave me alone. I dreamed it would never hurt again. And I remember when I found you, and you found me. How utterly lost we had been. How stupid it was for me to think I would not fall for you.
For your smile.
For your laugh.
For your eyes.
For your tears of joy and sorrow. For every single beat of your heart. How stupid I had been, To think I would never fall again. But the truth is, I spent all these years climbing, to afraid, to hurt, to coward, to actually jump. But the more high you gain The longer and harder the fall. And man, did I fall. And man, how did it feel so terribly perfect to do so. And man, little did I know, you could make me fly. I wasn't scared anymore. It didn't hurt. It was the answer I had been searching for all of my life. The one I didn't know was within me all along, the one you brought to life. It was love, love was the answer. No Our, our love was the answer. I'm so completely and unapologetically in love with you. You, you, you it's always been you. And the stars are watching, they are jealous, and they talk because never in the eternal burn they experience, never did they see souls shine so bright. Our connection goes beyond speaking, you choose words to express what you want to say. I want words to choose how to express what I say.  In truth, we married each other that first night, in bed, we had been married by our bodies, but now we stand in history—what our bodies had said, mouth to mouth, we now said publicly, gathered together.
'I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz, or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:i love you as one loves certain obscure things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself, and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose from the earth lives dimly in my body. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams... We, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight, live coiled in shells of loneliness, until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity, In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love, which sets us free.'.. Today i stand here, as i will stand for as long as my fragile body allows me to, perhaps then I will sit, or lay, by your side my dear, always. And love within me blooms, and makes flowers from every cell in me grow. I will choose you over and over again love, I will hold you close, I will give you peace, I will bring you home. In me. In my heart."
"Now, for the ring.."
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He gave you the one you'd picked for her, a thick golden string with amethyst, and Carnelian.
"-I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"-to be my wedded Wife"
"To be my wedded Wife"
"- to have and to hold from this day forward"
"To have and to hold from this day forward"
"- for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer"
"-in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"
"in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,
"-till death do us part"
You finally slid the ring on her finger before saying.
"Till death do us part
"Perfect, you may now kiss the bide."
You turned to Wilhemina, picked the veil covering her face, lifted it and placed it backwards before taking she took her face in her hands and yours grabbed her hips, bending her slightly backwards before stealing her lips in the most beautiful and delicious kiss you both had the chance to share, oxygen wasn't even needed as your whole body experienced full Bliss, during the embrace you heard, no felt her mumble 'i love you' to which she know you replied by kissing her harder tumbling a little before parting away, faces close, smiles on both of your lips. You walked down the aisle tightly pressed together her hair darked than usual with the dim candle light. And as you went through the door, bells rang and you felt rice being thrown at you from somewhere you couldn't spot. Eventually you got outside, turned to your wife and spun her around before kissing for what would most definitely not be the last time of the day, body pressed together like it will be during your Wedding night.
When you came back home both of your touch yas tender yet urgent, you took no time to
Set your things, just immediately riding her of her day clothes and coat, slamming the door with your feet and taking her upstairs. Before the bedroom door you lifted her up over the threshold, "tradition is sacred my darling"
"Shut up and just make love to me"
Shortly you were both in your underwear, your body on top of hers, cradling her with kisses and caresses, your lips all over her body.
You began to take her nipple in your mouth and play with the other one, her back arched and she moaned loudly, you were starting to kiss your way down her body but she stopped you.
"I..I..want us to cum...together"
"I can't refuse my baby now"
You dragged down her body before teasing her inner thigh and kissing her clit, making sure she was wet enough, you went up her body again, your hand between her legs stating to work her up. Your own hand finding yourself, toying with your panties before sitting back and touching yourself for her to see. Once you were both ready you aligned both of your centers, and lowered yourself on her. Hearing a moan from both of your throats as the contact was a delightful bliss. Your moans filled the room as you rubbed your clitorises faster, wet sounds coming from the friction. "Uh..uH baby I'm getting close"
"..wait a bit for me.. can you do that ?"
"Uhh..yeah..yeaH" You doubled your efforts and before you knew it she was cumming all over you which triggered your own orgasm. You fell on her body, legs intertwined as your bodies sank into each others. Still catching her breath Wilhemina couldn't stop herself from laughing.
"...We got married...in an amusement park";
"We did baby...".
".....I love you";
"I love you too baby"
A/n: the italic pieces are bits of different poems, I couldn't settle for one, if you think cutting a poem is sacrilegious I'm sorry but I believe that Words and art is ment to be movements, live and change though our experiences of then, pieces of structure that you can use to build. your own.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Hello there, Lucy! I really enjoyed the injury aspect of the O'darwin fic, I thought it felt very maturely handled to me. I was wondering if you'd perhaps write a continuation based on the last sentence where he stays busy healing in Gryffindor by spending time with Finn? I respect that you don't take hurt/comfort prompts so I'm very sorry if this is too much angst for you but I was hoping we could see Finn helping his brother through his recovery, please. Thank you!
Hi! Sorry this took so long to do 🙈 This isn't 100% what you asked for, but I hope it is satisfying!
You can read the prequel to this fic here which will provide context.
CW: healing from an injury
Rating: T
Let me know if you think I missed any content warnings or need to change the rating.
All characters and the sweater weather universe belong to @lumosinlove
Alex watched mournfully as the bright yellow ball soared past him again, the muscles in his thighs twitching with desire to chase it. Not even a year ago, he'd have met Natalie's serve easily. “Alright, that’s me out," he sighed, pride swelling in his chest. It was still difficult to temper his competitiveness like, but he’d learned his lesson the last time he’d over - done it. Besides, the berating he’d received off his physio hadn’t been worth the slight smoothing of the dent of his ego. 
"You good?" Finn spun the racket in his hands, hair plastered with sweat against his forehead. By this point Alex had gotten used to his brother's boring stare searching for any hidden ribbons of pain in his face. 
"You know the doc said I’m good to play again as long as I listen to my body. I’m listening. Do you want me to bring you a signed permission slip?” Alex bit back a comment about how Finn was only so concerned, because overstepping his limits was well within his own remit of personality flaws too. 
“Sorry for caring, dickface.” Finn stuck his tongue out and picked up a slow jog across the court to grab the ball. He tapped the edge of his racket appeasingly against Alex’s shoulder as he passed. “Blizz, Nat. You two play. Winner stays on?”
“Sir,” Kasey drawled, knocking the tips of his fingers on his temple in a lazy salute. 
Alex met Natalie's eyes across the net just briefly before their mouths split with a loud laughter. Next to her, Kasey blinked slowly at the two of them, his expression clearly indicating he thought they’d lost their minds. It only served to make them laugh harder until air forced itself out of Alex’s nose in a snort. He clutched his side, the muscles there beginning to complain about the lack of oxygen they were receiving. “Did Finn just possess you?” Alex finally managed to gasp out. 
“You become more of an amalgamation of your team each day, Sugar,” Natalie said, a smile still settled on her lips as she pressed them to Kasey’s cheek. “Now go -" she pushed him away playfully, "- onto the other side. I have a game to win.” 
“I’m influential," Finn grinned.
“You’re something, but influential isn’t the word I would choose." Kasey raised an eyebrow. The ball was thrown in his direction at speed, but he plucked it from the air with ease, Kasey's expression smug as he curled long fingers around it. "Do you want another attempt at that, Harzy."
"Just watch your back, Winter," Finn laughed lightly, showing Kasey his middle finger. 
Kasey snorted. "Well, alright. While Finn perfects his supervillain act, Nat, are you good to play first to ten points?" 
"Sure thing," Natalie nodded, her ponytail bobbing. She snaked her tongue over her lips to wet them and smirked. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you, babe."
"No you won't," Kasey deadpanned. 
"You're right, I won't, Natalie laughed. Alex loved that laugh; it was almost childlike, loud and unapologetic but warm and inviting, just like the rest of her personality. It made Alex want to laugh when he heard it.
"I get ripped into when I look at my boys like that," Finn said, nudging Alex’s shoulder as they sat on the bench, metal warm against the back of their legs under the unseasonably warm early afternoon sun. 
“Like what?” 
“Like you’re falling in love all over again.” Finn had flung his towel over his shoulder, head tipped back slightly, gulping water from the bottle pressed to his lips. He looked far too nonchalant for the sentence that had just left them. 
“You really should have been a brooding artist," Alex teased. Brooklyn would welcome you with open arms." Finn wasn’t wrong though. Alex seemed to find a new way to fall for Natalie and Kasey every day. 
“And deny the world the joy that is Finn O’Hara on the ice? I think not.” 
“So modest.” Alex nudged Finn this time, taking the opportunity to swipe Finn’s water bottle from his hands. He had his own, but he’d dumped his backpack on the other side of the court. Finn made a weak protest, huffing as he hauled his bag onto his lap, grumbling something unintelligible whilst he dug through it. After a lifetime of living with Finn, Alex had learned not to try to decipher the conversations his brother had with himself, instead drumming a beat against the bench until eventually Finn pulled out a silver pouch, grinning triumphantly.  It looked like the sort of thing you would take on a long hike. Alex peered closer at it. “Is that tuna? Just plain tuna.”
“I’m gonna put hot sauce in it,” Finn said, setting the pouch carefully to the side. He shoved his hand into the front pocket of his bag, seeking out a fork and the aforementioned hot sauce. Alex watched in horrified silence as Finn tore the top of the pouch open to release a waft of fish and dumped an obscene amount of the sauce in there. 
“I -” Alex had so many questions he wanted to ask, except he knew asking them would probably only result in having more questions. “That is so gross.”
“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” 
“I’ll pass, thanks.”
Finn shovelled a forkful into his mouth, smacking his lips together noisy. “More for me.”
Alex was too distracted to respond. Kasey had just won his first point; Natalie having taken the first, and he took the lull in play as an opportunity to remove the thin headband keeping his hair out of his face. He shook out the brunette strands, neck exposed as he stretched to comb his fingers through it. 
"Didn't he do a shampoo commercial like this once?" 
Alex hummed, glancing briefly at Finn before setting his eyes firmly back on the view in front of him. "A while back...think I'd just left for Florida. I watched that thing more times than I care to admit."
He didn't have to look to feel the eyeball directed at him. Alex expected some teasing quip, but Finn's voice came at him concerned. "How are you-”
“My knee is fine, Finn," Alex sighed, a little irritated. He just wanted to enjoy watching Natalie and Kasey play. "Stop fussing, will you? I'm still the big brother here.”
“You know you can be a real bitch sometimes. I was going to ask how you were feeling about everything." Finn leaned forward, hand outstretched and precariously close to Alex's eye. He laughed as Alex leaned back to avoid the digits. 
"Do not put your tuna fingers near my face.” 
"Stop changing the subject," Finn admonished. "Where's your head at? You said last week you were struggling to find stuff to fill your time?"
Alex scratched at the stubble sprouting along his jawline. "God, when did you get so mature? You were knee high last time I checked."
"Alright, old man. 30's really hitting you hard, huh?" Finn dug his fork back into the foil pouch, pouting when it came out empty. "I've got water balloons in my backpack if that makes you feel better. Not full of water, of course."
"Of course," Alex laughed. "Why do you have water balloons in your bag?"
"Harry is coming over tomorrow afternoon and since the weather is a little nicer now -" Finn paused, halfway through crumpling the pouch into a tight ball. "-Hey, I see what you did there. Stop trying to distract me." He finished compressing the ball, cocking his head slightly to look at Alex properly. "You really don't want to talk about it?"
Alex breathed out heavily, slouching back against the bench. "Not today, Finn. Today I just want to enjoy," he gestured vaguely at the court. "But, I promise we'll go for breakfast sometime next week and we can talk."
"I just don't want," Finn started, the opening and closing of his mouth resembling his nickname. "No, you're right. You're a big boy. If you say you're okay then I'm going to believe you. Just...I'm here if you need me, alright?"
Alex sat up pulling Finn into a hug, his brother's arms wrapping tight around him. "I know. I know. I really am doing better, sometimes I just don't want to have the conversation, y'know? Love you, kiddo."
"Don't call me that," Finn grumbled, squeezing Alex tighter one last time before he pulled away. "Love you too."
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Still loving you
Johnny Lawrence x reader
Request: Awesome! If I may submit 2, 1) where reader likes Johnny, and Johnny is going back and forth with Daniel bc of Allie, and reader breaks it off with Johnny and angst then they get back together. (it's hardly anything like the request and I just realized that and I'm so sorry)
Warnings: mild language. Angst. Fluff at the end!
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You Was Seated at a booth with your boyfriend Johnny and his friends at a dinner, listening to them joke around and and just talk about how their karate training went today. You was seated beside Johnny who had a arm wrapped around you, his red cobra Kai jacket on you as you leaned into his side.
"God the waitress is hot, I'm gonna ask her for her number next time she comes around" Bobby, one of Johnny's friends said, causing the rest of the gang to laugh at him.
"she's twice you're age idiot, she's not going to" johnny laughed out, eating a French fry off your plate which makes you swat his hand away playfully.
"oh yeah? 20 bucks says I can?" the boy bets, making you shake your head at him.
"you're honestly betting on it?" you lift a brow at him, shaking your head. Tommy throws 20 dollars on the table causing the rest to do the same.
"if she gives you her number you're not only winning this money, but my respect Bobby" Dutch tells him. You roll your eyes at the boys and finish up your food. After a few minutes the waitress came back to hand you your bill, which Johnny payed for, and you nearly choked on air when Bobby give the older woman a smirk while leaning back in his seat.
"hey babe, I was wondering if maybe I could get you're number?" he said confidently, looking the woman up and down. She scoffs and shows him a ring on her finger.
"I'm married asshole, the only thing you're grabbing is a ride out of here" she growls while stomping away. Everyone at the table burst out laughing, including yourself. Bobby flips you all off and stands up. Causing everyone to follow him out the door.
"you really know how to speak to the ladies Bobby" Tommy laughed, slapping him on the back as you all walked outside into the night air. Johnny still having a arm slung around you pulls you closer. But you can feel him tense up, looking up at him your about to question him what's wrong, but then you see his eyes focused on the new kid larusso and Johnny's ex girlfriend ali.
You couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, you knew he still felt a little something for the girl. He always gave her lingering glances, his eyes lighting up with anger when the larusso boy hangs around her.
It made you feel a little pinge of hurt whenever you would catch him staring at them, especially since you and him has been dating for nearly a week or two now, you feel so in love with the boy, he was so sweet towards you, funny and loving person. And he was so handsome, any woman would kill just to be in your position, having Johnny Lawrence have his arm around them. But you didn't feel as lucky when he looked at ali...
"look at that loser, who the hell does he think he is strutting around here?" johnny seethes while looking at the two, watching how Daniel put his arm around ali. But poor Daniel stops in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights when he sees Johnny and his gang.
"oh no...." Daniel muttered, "maybe we should go..." he looks to ali. But Johnny, pulling his arm away from you stops him from moving by pushing his shoulder, causing Daniel to stumble back some.
"where do you think you're loser?" johnny asks with a smirk, the anger in his blue eye's caused you to give Johnny a confused yet angered look.
"don't be mean to the poor kid Johnny, let's just go" you said trying to get him to leave the boy alone. But he doesn't listen, Johnny's friends watching this go down with snickers and chuckles like it was funny. But for you, it was far from it.
"look man, I don't want any trouble I'm just trying to grab something to eat with my -
"you think I'm gonna let you get away with what you done larusso?" johnny questions while pushing Daniel back again.
"johnny stop being such a jerk and just let us be" ali spoke while standing behind Daniel.
"yeah Johnny let's just go please?" you say but Johnny only scoffs at you.
"and let this loser -
"johnny please?" you whisper, placing a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to calm down. But he doesn't even pay attention to you.
"I don't wanna fight man, but I will if you don't back off" Daniel says in defense, causing Johnny to laugh at him mockingly. You feeling anger bubbling up inside you at how childish your boyfriend was acting.
"did you hear that boys? Larusso thinks he can beat us!" johnny snickers, but Daniel shakes his head.
"just let us go prick"
"who you calling prick loser!" johnny grabs Daniels jacket and ali grabs Daniel while you push Johnny back, his glare falling on you.
"leave him alone Johnny! God you're acting like such a child! Picking on someone so - so innocent!" you say, face flushed with anger. Johnny rolls his eyes and looks away from you.
"so what? You're taking his side now?" he asks, venom dripping from his voice. You scoff, watching how he glares at the ground, jaw tense and fist clenched. "is he taking you to? Stealing you away from me like he did ali?" he questioned with the same harsh tone.
You feel a wave of shock and disappointment wash over you. "why would you even think that? For one thing he never stole ali Johnny, she broke up with you! And another I'd -
"then what the hell do you call that!" he points at ali and Johnny, ali holding Daniel back as he glared at your boyfriend. You feel a wave of fresh anger and glare at Johnny.
"of you can't stop being such a asshole then I'm leaving you Johnny! So you can choose right now, either leave them alone or I'm leaving" you state, crossing your arms. You expected Johnny to calm down, to wrap his arms around you as his tough guy facade washes away for a split second to keep you with him. But you was wrong, instead he let's out a un-amused chuckle.
"go then! See if I care! All you do is nag me over stupid shit like this!" he motioned toward the fight, his once blue loving eyes cold and heartless. You feel hot tears filling your eyes as your bottom lip trembles. You only stare at him hoping he would realize what he said and take it back. But he doesn't, he only gives you a glare.
"okay then, I guess that's that..." you muttered, tears falling from your eye's as you push past him and leave him standing there with his friends, Daniel and Ali.
You walked home that night, heart broken into a million peices. You had thought Johnny was different, that he was the sweet heart of a man whenever you both started dating, the sweet things he would say to you, the way he couldn't stand not holding your hand every second. You thought his soft kisses and exclaims of love for you was genuine, that he actually loved holding you close to him, loved you...
But now you know that was all a lie, the Johnny you thought you knew was just a dream you couldn't even have... Once you was home you laid in bed and cried, the pain of knowing that Johnny didn't love you hurt, the feelings you felt for him apparently unrequited.
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The next morning at school was unbearable, seeing him laugh and joke around with his friends as if nothing ever happened, as if he didn't end things with you. But the next few other days was worse, so bad you skipped a day of school, that day being today. You was laid in bed just reading a magazine when your phone rings, ignoring it you continued reading the dumb magazine in hopes of taking your mind of things, but the phones insistent ringing forced you to throw the magazine down and reach over your bed to grab the ringing phone off your bed side table.
"hello?" you grumbled into the phone, but you feel your heart drop, the dark cloud of sadness you've pushed away for the day came right back.
"hey y/n, I know you really don't -
You hung up on Johnny, tears swimming in your eye's. His voice sounded glum, cracking slightly as if he was on the verge of tears. But you knew he wasn't, at least that's what you thought. Because over these past week he seemed happy without you.
Just as you was about to pick the magazine back up the phone rings again, this time you wipe your eyes harshly and pick the phone up.
"look Johnny I -
"it's Bobby, and before you hang up I wanted to let you know that Johnny has been a absolute mess without you... He hasn't been showing up to training at the dojo lately, he's skipping school and he won't even barely talk to us..." he explained, and even though you wanted to forgive Johnny, you knew that it should be in person.
"if he really wants to fix things tell him to meet me at the dinner..." you muttered while playing with the phones curly cord.
"what time?" Bobby sounded relieved and happy. You let a small smile grace your face.
"tomorrow evening at 3pm" you said, hearing Bobby bid you goodnight before hanging up.
You sigh and laid down on your bed, wondering if forgiving would be the right decision. Or if not forgiving him was the wrong....
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The diner was full, friends laughing at one another, family having a great time. And then there was you, waiting at a booth by the window alone. It was nearing 3pm, but Johnny was nowhere to be seen. You sigh and can't help but feel slightly disappointed by his absence, you thought he'd actually missed you, regretted his decision that unfortunate night outside this diner.
Looking down at your watch you see Johnny was already two minutes late, sighing your ready to stand up, deciding Johnny needed some time to gather his thoughts...
But you sat back down when you spot Johnny walk through the doors, blond hair a mess atop his head, black cloth that's usually tied around his head gone. He wore a faded old t-shirt and jeans, his blue eye's holding a glum glow about them as he looks up and spots you, quick to stride over and slip into the empty booth with you. You give him a emotionless expression as he opted for gazing out the window.
"penny for you're thoughts?" you asked harsher then meant to. But Johnny looks at you, big blue eye's holding nothing but regrets.
"I - I'm sorry for what happened that night... I was wrong for saying what I did... For pushing you away -
"being a big jerk?" you added to the list. He nods and looks back out the window with a deep sigh.
"I miss you y/n... Please just - forgive me" he whispers, voice holding a genuine hurt tone to it. You sigh looking over Johnny's face, taking in how miserable his eyes are, showing the misery he truly was in over this past week. Reaching over the table and grabbing ahold of his hand you give him a gentle squeeze, causing him to look up with a hopeful glint.
"as much as I hate how you was doing Daniel that night... I suppose I forgive you" you muttered, his face lighting up as he tries to say something but you cut him off "if we start dating again I expect you to leave Daniel and Ali alone Johnny" you explain, giving him a pleading look, begging for him to at least listen to you, promise you.
"okay, done. But if he starts it I'm not letting the little prick walk all over me y/n" he tells you with a serious look. Which causes you to roll your eyes.
"only if he starts it and throws the first punch" you confirmed with a small little smile. Johnny squeezes your hand that he held in yours atop the table as he gives you a little smile of his own.
"and one last thing to discuss..." you trail off, looking away from his concerned and confused eyes.
"what is it?" he swallowed thickly, worried by the look in your eye, how you looked afraid, hurt and skeptical.
"stop making me feel like I'm only just you're friend... I see how you look at ali, the only reason you hate Daniel so bad is because he - what you claim, stole her away from you..." you struggle to look at him, knowing your insecurities was starting to boil over the top. "I know she's prettier and -
"y/n you're the most beautiful woman I've ever lied eyes on, if you even for a moment think I'd ever leave you for ali your wrong. I love you, more than anything and nothings gonna change that" he interrupted your train on insecure thoughts. You feel your heart skip a beat and melting at his words, the way he gazed at you with love and truth, a genuine smile on his face as he let his eyes roam every detail and feature about you.
"johnny - I love you too..." you stuttered as you felt a wave of emotions hit you. Causing tears of happiness to form in your eye's. Johnny let's a little smile tug at his lips as he leaned closer, halfway across the table to cup your cheek.
"I know ya do babe, and like I said before, I love you more" he gives you a quick peck on the lips before bringing your hand up to his lips placing a lingering kiss to your knuckles. Heart fluttering at his sweet little kisses.
That day in the diner you and Johnny sit and talked for hours, his eyes on you never leaving once. He regretted the night he had hurt you and pushed you away, but he knew that if he kept his promises to you that nothing could ever keep you both apart.
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A/n: here it is! I hope it isn't as bad as I believe it to be lol, it was rushed. I've been incredibly busy with work and have hardly any time to myself lately!, but here's this and then I'll work on the other one!
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karlajoyner · 4 years
It’s Perfect (Reggie Peters x Reader)
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A/n: So I wrote this up after having a mental breakdown listening to Unsaid Emily on repeat. No regrets. But yeah you guys should comment some requests!
Warnings: Mention of abuse
“Yeah well at least I'm not a dead beat drunk!" I yelled at my father who stood a few steps away from me with a bottle of liquor at hand.
As soon as the words left my mouth I should've known I wouldn't get away with it.
My eyes burned as I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I held it, in pain. Tears stinging my eyes.
"A bitch. Just like your mother was" He said taking another swig of his drink.
I quickly sprinted out the door with nothing but the clothes on my back. Hearing the man that once dried my tears when I fell on the playground shout out awful slures towards me.
I wasn't daddy's girl anymore.
I ran. I ran as far as my feet would carry me. Until I reached a familiar house 9 streets away.
I ran into the driveway quietly. Knowing Bobby's family would be asleep by now. I panted reaching for the garage doors pulling them open and running in shutting them immediately behind me.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice spoke from behind me. I turned around seeing two of my bandmates getting ready for bed. I took a few steps forward trying to steady my breath.
"I-" I didn't even get a word out before I broke down completely.
"I'll call Reggie" Luke spoke leaving out the doors I had just come from.
Presumably towards the house that had the landline.
"It's okay" Alex whispered pulling me close in a tight hug. I cried into his chest as we sunk down to the floor.
I cried for what felt like hours before the door opened once more. I looked up through blurry eyes seeing my boyfriend standing there in a white tee shirt and black jeans. With his lucky red flannel tied around his waist.
"Baby" He whispered coming to sit next to me.
"Thanks guys. I've got her from here"
"We'll give you guys some time"
"Feel free to pull out the extra air mattress for tonight" Luke said before him and Alex left the studio.
"Baby what's wrong?" He whispered in my ear pulling me close.
"I-it's my dad. I can't-I can't be there anymore. I won't" I choked out letting my tears fall freely.
"Shhh it's okay" He attempted to soothe me. Each hair stroke making me feel safer knowing he was right next to me.
Ready to protect me from anything and everything. I cried as he lifted me in his arms moving me over to the couch never releasing his tight embrace on me.
"It's not Reg. He called my mom a bitch and then called me a bitch and then he slapped me" I cried. The boys jaw clenching.
It was very rare that you saw Reggie angry but when he was it was blaintly obvious you did not want to mess with him.
"He did what?" He asked clearly aggravated.
"He laid his hands on you" He spoke again trying to stand up.
"No Reggie. Please don't leave me" I whisper holding onto him. His tensed body seemed to ease as he held me close.
"I'll never leave you baby. You know that" He said the room going silent as we enjoyed each other's company even in saddest of moments.
"Your never going back there again" He spoke after a while.
"Where will I sleep?" I asked.
"Here. Alex and Luke won't mind. Niether will Bobby. You'll move here"
"I- I don't know if that's a good idea"
"I already talked it through with the guys"
"It's true" A familiar voice spoke from the doorway.
Our heads whipped towards the door to see the rest of the band standing there with frowns upon their faces.
"We all talked about it and think it's best"
"My parents won't mind. Just like Alex and Luke your apart of the family and are welcome anytime" Bobby said as the three boys got closer.
"You're our bandmate"
"Our friend"
"Our little sister"
"And we'll protect you from anyone who hurts you" Alex finished making my eyes well up once more.
"I love you guys" I smiled as Reggie placed a kiss on my temple.
"We love you too baby. And once Sunset Curve plays the Orpheum. The first thing we'll do is buy a house where we'll have our own room. Our own privacy" Reggie said running his hand up and down my arm.
"Cool it man no need to get all hot and bothered right now" Luke said making me giggle.
"Plus I think there's something you need to do before that" Alex said winking at Reggie. I looked at the two confused as Reggie nodded his head.
"What? What does he need to do?" I asked watching smirks beginning form on my bandmates faces.
I watched as Alex ran towards the loft. His figure only becoming visible again when he threw a small object over the balcony down towards Bobby. Again I watched as he caught it tossing it towards Luke who walked it over the a Reggie.
"I was gonna wait until we got signed after our big show at the Orpheum. But some things happen for a reason I guess" Reggie spoke nervously.
I watched as he kneeled down beside me. My body immediately sitting up in worry.
"Y/n, god where do I start. We've been best friends since elementary school. And lovers for 2 years now. After I wasted way too many years trying to make you jealous instead of telling you how I felt. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was not asking you this sooner. Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" He asked making my eyes widen as he open a black velvet box with a beautiful ring inside.
I look around at the other boys who had smiles spread across their faces.
"I may not be the smartest, the funniest, or even the hottest of the group" He spoke playfully glaring at Luke.
"And I really don't know why you chose me out of all of us. But you did. Its all I can offer right now but if you stick through it with me I promise one day I'll give you the world" He said a smile forming on my face.
"It's perfect Reginald. Your perfect" I spoke. Taking in his beautiful features.
"So it that a yes?" I heard Alex ask. "Yes. Yes! Oh my god yes!" I yelled pulling him up for a hug.
I grinned as he slipped the ring on my finger hearing the boys around us cheering. But the only thing I was focused on was the boy in front of me.
A boy who had only been known to show me lust, compassion, and love.
I giggled as Reggie pulled me into a passionate kiss the cheering dialing down.
"She said yes!" He shouted as soon as we pulled away.
"Congrats man" Luke said patting Reggie on the back.
"You know man you should just move in too while we're at it" Bobby joked.
"No!" Luke and Alex shouted at the same time.
"We do not need them consummating their marriage a few feet away from us while we try to sleep"
"It's only a matter of time boys. We do need to do that though huh?" I joked looked at Reggie.
"I'm not complaining" He said a lopsided smile forming on his face. I giggled as the boys began to make sounds of disgust.
"We'll head to your place first thing tomorrow and get your stuff for tonight you can barrow some of my clothes" Alex spoke going to his suitcase as pulling out a pair of boxers for me to wear as shorts.
"Thanks Alex" I smiled watching as Luke and Bobby moved under the loft to pull out the extra blow up mattress there for anyone else who needed to stay the night. Which usually was usually me or even Reggie sometimes. When things got real bad at home.
"I've got her shirt" Reggie said removing his flannel and handing it to me.
"Thanks babe. I know how much you love this thing"
"I do. But I love you more. Plus you look hotter in it than I do"
"I don't know about that. Something about your James Dean rocker look gets me turned on" I whispered in his ear.
I giggled watching his eyebrows raise in surprise. His usual pink tinted cheeks going red.
"Hey! No sex before the wedding" Luke joked.
"Let me live Patterson" Reggie said taking my hand to lead me towards the small bathroom in the back of the garage.
"Where are you going?"
"To consummate our marriage" I joked. Sort of.
Reggie and I laughed as the boys groaned in annoyance.
"I mean I am staying the night" Reggie said pulling me into the small room.
"Your sleeping outside" Alex called after us. Reggie not hesitating to shut the door behind us.
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noel-noa · 4 years
post game adrenaline
suna rintarou x reader
tw: suggestive themes, nsfw, oral
EJP Raijin just won their first game of the season, you were high, everyone were high. After the game everyone immediately went to Komori's place to party. Why his place? because he was the only one who was ready to party at any given time and had dozen of contacts.
Booze were everywhere, everyone was cheering loudly, playing a game, drinking or making out. They didn't know a clue about what their all doing exactly, it probably because of all the high tension left from the game.
And certainly for Suna, the post game adrenaline still rushed through his veins. Likely there were still too many left, since he was no dropping a beat from fucking you at such an high speed since the game was over. You two were away from the crowd huddling in Komori's living room. Suna showed no mercy, fucking you hard on Komori's kitchen counter.
"F-fuck, rin!"
You whimpered, gripping his hair, balled a hanful of them with your fist. He forced his tongue deeper than ever in your wet cavern. His pace was rentless, assaulting your insides with his damned skillfull tongue.
He gripped your thighs with both of his hand roughly, there would be bruises on there for sure tomorrow. You could felt his lips that touching your other lips went up making his trademark smirk. Ooh, this wasn't going to be nice.
"Rintarou don't you dare-"
All of sudden he fastened his pace, making you gripped his hair more tightly, yanking him deeper than he ever was inside yours. He loved how your fingers raked around his hair, he couldn't help but wanted to tease you more. His tongue easily found your sweet spots, lapping and curling in it until you were crying his name and making incohorent noises you didn't know you could make before. It was a surprise no one came for you two being how loud you two were here, but they probably were too busy fucking around with each other to care.
"Don't yer like it babe?"
His breath hitched in front of your lips, making you shudder. Shit, your insides were clenching tightly again. He looked up to you, his smirk going wider when he saw your flustered state. Oh, how he was going to enjoy ruining you this night. Before you could make a come back he dived in right into you again, honestly his tongue was god given with how he could made you begging for your release. Hitting all your sweet spots inside, suna knew your body like it was his. Your thighs hugged his head more tightly, wanting for more frictions from his tongue.
"R-rin i'm gonna-"
Your breaths were unsteady, he knew it too by the way your walls clenched around his tongue, you were close.
"Then come for me baby,"
And with one curled tongue inside you, you came undone. Liquid flowed from your body, painting suna's face white. It was not the first time, but you were still embarassed no matter how much times he already eating you out. You refused to meet your eyes with his, still looking away and your hands covering your blushing face.
"Oh c'mon miss lawyer, ain't the first time we done this right? Well technichally the first time in public since we were official"
Then he chuckled, your face turned into a pout. You glanced at him, attemping to make a come back and failed again this time. You saw suna licking the white as much as he could with his tongue, then gathered the place his tongue couldn't reach with his fingers then licking it to your mouth. God, that was hot. You pressed your thighs together again just from that sight. Obviously the sly fox knew you were looking at him, he put that show for you after all.
"The night is far from over princess,"
Suna then stood up, lifting you up to continue this in either one of Komori's empty guest bedroom. You looked over him with that smirk and bulge from his pants, you knew you wouldn't get much sleep tonight.
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