#tomorrow hiatus
chanquokka · 5 months
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seungmin x harry winston | elle japan
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ahiz · 2 months
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✧˚ · .
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housecow · 2 months
i actually wanna cry/die rn. i bought a new bed (full size) w a 600lb weight limit. my new mattress only shipped today so i have a twin on the frame atm… the bed frame didnt come with instructions or anything so we kinda just winged putting it together ig but 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i literally turned over to fall asleep and the main support SNAPPED under my weight. before the actual mattress is even here and idk what to do 😭😭😭😭
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otaku553 · 3 months
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Drew some of my recent work fits to procrastinate on uh. Work
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slavhew · 4 months
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skirts suit strider
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inafieldofdaisies · 13 days
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It’s Pride month North Star! you know what that means…
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//thanks anon
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stergeon · 5 months
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> An extremely repressed truth.
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ALRIGHT! You get it! Vulnerability is on the agenda, it seems, despite the fact that it is perfectly abnormal for you to make such a display! Despite the fact that you do not have a SCHEME for this, nor time to devise one (apart from EMERGENCY SCENARIO #2493)!
Alright. Alright.
You confess.
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You confess to FERDINAND that his eyes are not deceiving him: you have, indeed, begotten him a namesake. It’s just that he was so insistent upon your PLANT having a name, and he is going away soon, and you thought he might like it but if he doesn’t you can change it immediately, and this doesn’t have to mean anything of significance as it’s simply a plant and a name (albeit your plant and his name), and good GODDESS what is that look on his face.
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That look. What is it.
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Oh. Alright.
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That... wasn't so bad? And FERDINAND did not come away thinking less of you for having revealed you are not impenetrable? You suppose that might not be the best choice of words, considering—well, never mind. Regardless, FERDINAND seems to have already known. And, what's more, he seems to be happy.
You are feeling a great many things right now. The feeling of feeling is less than pleasant, but the experience as a whole is not unpleasant.
With that, you have successfully removed FERDINAND, thereby completing your PRE-BREAKFAST TO-DO LIST. You are now ready to proceed downstairs to all that lies ahead of you on this perfectly normal day.
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#016 | << | <- | -> | JOURNAL | HOW TO PLAY | ALL POSTS
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defiledtomb · 19 days
hellooo, I hope you're feeling well! I was wondering however if ouroboros was still being worked on or if it's on hiatus. Hope I wasn't rude in asking
I don't feel it's rude, after all, I have been keeping the development close to my chest. It is still being worked on, edited and transferred into renpy with graphics and soundbytes galore! However, right now, since about three weeks back, I left my partner of 8 years in the middle of the night with just a change of clothes, my dog, and a laptop. I'm struggling hard but putting on a brave face-- right now I'm coming up with a concept of something else to work on until I get a proper apartment and can get my stationary PC back so I can get back to work on ouro. I'll make a proper post about it tomorrow, so keep an eye on this space!
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brodorokihousuke · 26 days
Went back to a save I made during the "Apollo Breaks Away" segment of Dual Destinies, and... man, the moment Wandering Heart starts playing, and he starts talking about Clay... I deadass get tears in my eyes, man.
I know it's because DD was the first game I got invested in, and I fixate on Apollo, but... god. that little segment of the game. that little segment fucks me up so hard
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hongseasons · 2 years
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BEOMGYU Sugar Rush Ride, 230127
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sneak peek for Rigor Mortis part 10!! y'all know the drill, 18+ under the cut xxx
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thewitchofbooks · 1 year
🎊Happy birthday Chevalier🎊
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Here is a concept "painted on Sun" just a cutie
Yea im a bit absent rn i just feel a lil overwhelmed and not so good so i will be talking and interacting less for a while... dw about me tho its all fine
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Pedri: Gavi is a perfect cinnamon roll who’s never done anything wrong in his entire life!
Robert: Never done anything wrong?! He set a city block on FIRE!
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transpat · 2 years
I think my favorite moment this week is when they're by han river and jaewon tells jihyun that there's smth he's always dreamed of doing but never tried like we see him talk to his therapist next and it's obv such a huge thing to him he can't even tell her what it is he just says that it is and it's smth he really wants but is scared to pursue and no one else in his life knows its smth he's only disclosed to jihyun like that's such A Big Deal.
we already know that jaewon's mask keeps cracking around jihyun and that's smth both alarming and comforting to him so when theyre alone w jihyun at han river and the atmosphere is just right he lets it slip then realizes he's too scared to spell it out loud and backtracks. but that he mentions it all really goes to show just how comfortable he is w jihyun and how serious he subconsciously is about getting to know him. he wants to know who jihyun is yeah, but he wants jihyun to know him too and for someone like jaewon who's at a stage where he's grown tired of ppl that's a huge deal.
later when he asks to walk back jihyun after work and lies that he's here coincidently (such a reasonable lie too he's so experienced), he asks jihyun what's wrong not expecting the truth from him. he hides so much himself he expects jihyun to too bc jihyun isn't like his loud, whiney friends. jihyun is quiet and working hard to improve himself. jihyun is still new to everything and was humiliated today by the one person he feels insecure about. but jihyun doesn't brush it off obstinately and opens up w a little prodding. and bc he's given him the truth, jaewon feels compelled to give back. it's the second time his words and not his gestures prove he's serious about them and this time it's done consciously and is something jihyun understands.
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