#today's date had a very similar face to one of my exes
vampirefreakzdotcom · 2 months
went on a first date today and saw my last date ACROSS THE STREET AND SHE YELLS "HEY ZAN"
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an-aroaces-harem · 6 months
Ivy Chapter 20
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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The next morning ...
Ivy: Morning, Rina-chan.
Rina: Good morning, Ivy-san.
Rina: Thank you for last night. I feel much better thanks to your help.
Ivy: That's good. But don't push yourself too hard. ... Let's take you temperature first.
Ivy-san took my temperature with a thermometer he had brought with him.
(I don't feel feverish, I think it's going down already.)
Ivy: Hmm ... it's still a little high. You'll have to take a break from work then.
Rina: What?
(I'm not feeling sluggish or feverish ...)
But if Ivy-san, who measured my temperature, says so, then he must be right.
(And it's hard to see Yamauchi-san after what happened ...)
Rina: ... I understand. I'll take the day off.
Ivy: That's good. Oh, the termination date ... when is it?
Rina: This is my last week.
After hearing my answer, he smiled.
Ivy: I'll take care of that, too, together with the presentation result.
His smile is very encouraging in my eyes.
(If the result of the re-presentation is communicated, I won't have to quit Aegis once and for all ... I'm so glad.)
Rina: Thank you very much, Ivy-san.
Ivy: It's for your own good, of course.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked into my face.
Ivy: I'll take care of everything. You just stay here and rest like an adult today. Okay?
Rina: Y-yes ...
He gazed upon me sweetly from close up. ... When I answered with a nervous heartbeat, he smiled in satisfaction.
Ivy: Good girl.
Then, he kissed my forehead.
Rina: ! Ah, Ivy-san!?
Ivy: Hehe, sorry. I just thought you were so honest and cute. ... Well, it's time for me to go.
With a mischievous smile, Ivy-san left the room.
Rina: Hah ...
Ever since we got together, I have been at the mercy of Ivy-san's pace.
(But I don't mind at all. I want to know more of him ...)
Alone in the room, I let out a sweet sigh.
When I took my temperature at night, it had gone down completely.
(I think I could do the housekeeping job. With being in Macau recently, I haven't been able to clean properly.)
Then, while I was cleaning for the first time in a while ... Hitaki-san came in.
Hitaki: I heard you were in a bad shape, but you seem to be doing okay. Are you feeling better already?
With a smile, Hitaki-san pulled me closer to him.
... I remembered what he did to me before, and I couldn't help but be wary.
Hitaki: Have you thought about what we talked about before?
Rina: That's ...
Hitaki: I'm asking you to be my partner, both publicly and privately, exclusively for Gem.
Hitaki: I will treat you like a woman and not like a sister and never make you feel tired. That's what I said, right?
Hitaki-san almost hugged me again, and I hurriedly moved away.
Rina: I refuse. It's exe I want to support.
Rina: Besides, unlike back then, Ivy-san doesn't think of me as a little sister anymore.
Hitaki: Heh, he said that?
Rina: Yes. He told me that me and his sister were similar, so he was piling us on top of each other ... but now it's different.
I thought I had firmly rejected Hitaki-san's advances, but ...
Hitaki: ... I feel sorry for you.
And yet, he offered me a sympathetic smile.
Hitaki: You totally trusted him, got trapped ... and you were imprisoned.
Rina: ... What do you mean?
Hitaki: Ivy-san isn't who you think he is. He's a very scary person.
Rina: ...?
(I don't know what that means ...)
Rina: No, of course not. There's no one as kind as Ivy-san.
I remembered him shaking last night as he hugged me.
(How can someone who cares so much about me not be kind?)
Hitaki: He's kind, sure, but his kindness is an addictive that holds you, a bridge that keeps you in.
Rina: What are you talking about ...!?
Hitaki: Oh, and one more thing ... Ivy-san doesn't have a sister.
Rina: What ...?
(It can't be. Because ...)
Hitaki: You'll see. ... By then, it'll be too late.
After saying this, Hitaki-san left the room, leaving me confused.
(What in the world is going on ...?)
When I returned to my room with a hazy feeling, I saw a notification on my phone that I missed a message from Ivy-san.
[I'll be late for work tonight, so go ahead and get some rest. I'll check on you in the morning. Good night.]
I felt lonely, but at the same time, I felt a little relieved.
What did Hitaki-san mean when he said that?
... I went to sleep that night thinking about that.
... The next morning. As promised, Ivy-san came to my room.
Ivy: You still have a fever, so you'd better take the day off.
He took my temperature the same way he did yesterday and said so, but ...
(That's strange. I'm feeling fine now.)
... I felt a slight tug of war with my own senses.
Rina: I think there might be a mistake. I'll measure again myself.
I measured my temperature, and this time it was normal.
Rina: I think I'm okay after all. Here.
I showed Ivy-san the thermometer, but he just stared at it ...
Ivy: It's true. It looks like I misjudged earlier.
Yes, he smiled. His usual smile. There was nothing strange about his smile.
(... and yet it feels strange.)
... I turned away from it, feeling a faint sensation of discomfort.
Rina: Well ... I think I can make it to work.
Ivy: Yeah, you can. ... Be careful.
... I came to work with an unsettled mind.
As soon as I arrived at work, I headed for Mori-san's office.
Rina: I apologize for taking yesterday off.
When I apologized, Mori-san let out a sigh.
Mori Eiko: Suddenly feeling sick is a little too much of a distraction, isn't it?
Mori Eiko: Don't be discouraged just because your contract is about to be terminated. Just do your job responsibly until the very end.
Her words startled me. ... I noticed that the people around me were still looking coldly.
(The contract hasn't changed ... Have we received a response from the presentation yet?)
Ivy: I'll take care of that, too, together with the presentation result.
Ivy: I don't need any thanks. It's for you, my dear, so you deserve it.
--flashback end--
Ivy-san certainly said that.
Maybe they are still in the middle of talking, so it may take some time for the message to get across.
... I was thinking so, but slowly, I began to feel anxious.
Hitaki: Oh, and one more thing ... Ivy-san doesn't have a sister.
Ivy: It's true. It looks like I misjudged earlier.
--flashback end--
Memories of various scenes rushed through my mind along with the discomfort I have been looking away from ...
(... Essence just hasn't told us yet. I'm sure they haven't.)
(It's all in my mind. I believe you, Ivy-san ...)
As I was desperately trying to shake off my anxiety, the section manager entered the office.
Section Manager: Everyone, the results of the competition have arrived from Essence.
(Thank goodness! They just got the call!)
... But the next moment, I heard these incredible words.
Section Manager: Unfortunately, our presentation didn't go through. It seems the CM has been decided elsewhere.
Rina: !?
(Now, what ...?)
As if to break my confusion, the section manager further continued.
Section Manager: You, Kawanaga. Your contract expires this week, right? Make sure you finish up your work before you quit.
Rina: ... Uh, ... yes ...
... My mind went blank and I couldn't get anything done after that.
I returned home in a state of confusion and waited in Ivy-san's room for his return.
(There must be some mistake. There has to be.)
Ivy: Rina-chan, I'm home.
Rina: Ivy-san ...!
I asked Ivy-san about the presentation. I hoped he would drown out my fears, but ...
Ivy: Yeah, I turned down the presentation.
He said this matter-of-factly.
Rina: ... There's a reason for that, right? Ivy-san has his own ideas, and ...
Ivy: Of course. I knew you understood me after all.
HIs words add to my confusion.
Rina: Why ... Ivy-san, you told me I did well.
Ivy: Yeah, so I made it work.
Rina: ... What do you mean?
Ivy: You shouldn't be there.
Ivy-san said with his usual kind smile.
Ivy: A workplace with mean-spirited employees and dangerous men is not a good environment for you. You should quit.
Ivy: You don't have to be there to make the CM. Rather, you can make it under my direction.
Ivy: Then you'll be safe in the knowledge that I'm always there to help you if you need anything.
I can't get my head around his words.
Rina: I don't understand ... what you mean. Does it mean you're giving me a job at Aero under your supervision?
Ivy: No, not like that. Not at the office, but at my place.
(What are you talking about ...?)
Ivy: Your project has already received the okay from the members. If you go through an agency other than Aegis, there will be no problem.
Ivy: Why don't you join me as a director?
Rina: Oh no ...!
It has always been my dream to make a great CM at Aegis.
Ivy: ... Aren't you happy?
Perhaps not expecting my reaction, Ivy-san's face clouded over.
Ivy: Why? ... This is for your own good.
As soon as he said that, he hugged me tightly.*
Rina: ...!
I choked on the force of the pain.
Ivy: I don't want to lose anything important ever again ...
Ivy: When you were in danger, I was scared. ... I lost my sister in the same way.*
Rina: !
Rina: Lost ...? What do you mean? You said your sister is about my age ...*
Ivy: Yeah ... if she had lived, you would be around the same age.
Rina: !
Ivy: My sister died when we were little. She was always with me, and I should have protected her.
Ivy: The moment I took my eyes off her ... she died in an accident.
Ivy: That's why ... you should never take your eyes off the things that are important to you.
Ivy: I have to protect you from anything dangerous ... from anyone who tries to take you away from me ...
Rina: Ivy-sa ...*
Ivy: Rina-chan, you promised me that you would always be by my side, didn't you?
... Ivy-san's gentle arms embrace my body. They are tightly entwined, like a cage.
Ivy: From now on, we will be together forever. I will protect you. You don't have to worry about anything.
Ivy: I will protect you from everything that tries to take you away from me ...
... Speechless, I looked up at him.
His eyes, as deep as the deep sea, were filled with unfathomable thoughts, and they gazed only at me ...
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Note 1: At this point, the game switches to a CG (which, by the way, unlocks after chapter 21, don't ask me why), where Ivy hugs Rina with his signature dead eyes and he has them for the rest of this chapter.
Note 2: Omg, my assumption was correct, I can't believe it.
Note 3: Sorry for all my blabbering, but with the drama increasing, I just have so much to say. Anyway, no girl, he never said that. He said she's probably around Rina's age. Which was also the first sign for me that something's off.
Note 4: Not a typo, the hiragana for 'n' is missing
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jareaulover · 1 year
Could you do a Jennifer "JJ" Jareau x Will Lamontagne Jr one shot where Will or JJ have a kid from a previous relationship and having to co-parent which doesn’t always go well?
A/N: I hope you enjoy this! I was thinking about doing a part two, but I'm not sure if I will yet.
Read on AO3
or, full story under the cut
JJ had just gotten into New Orleans for one of her weekend visits with Will. She had rented a car and driven from the airport to Will’s apartment. When she got there, she knocked on his door and was surprised when his daughter answered. Of course, JJ knew that he had a little girl, but she also knew that he wasn’t planning on introducing her any time soon. 
They’d only been dating for a couple of months, and most of that time was spent long distance, since JJ was almost never home. Because of this, Will just hadn’t been ready to introduce her to his daughter, and JJ totally understood that. She also knew that he had an agreement with his daughter’s mother that they would not be introduced until she had met JJ as well. 
“Oh, hello.” JJ said, looking down at the little girl standing in front of her, “Um, is your daddy here?” She asked. The little girl looked up at her with big eyes,
“Who are you?” She narrowed her eyes on the older woman. JJ smiled, the same smile she often used with the kids she came across in her work, just a little less sad. 
“My name is JJ. I’m a friend of your dad’s.” JJ said, kindly. She looked up when Will entered the room,
“Riley, I’ve told you not to open the door.” Will said, coming up behind her. He looked up and gave JJ a small smile, “Ah, JJ, come on in.” He moved back, pulling Riley along. JJ entered the apartment and Will shut the door for her, “Now, you need to get back in there and finish your lunch before your momma gets here.” JJ smiled and set her bag down in the living room. Riley ran back to the kitchen and JJ looked at her boyfriend.
“I should’ve called first, Will. I’m so sorry.” She started and will shook his head,
“Don’t worry about it, JJ, I told Jody that you were going to be here at this time and she’s the one who’s late.” He said, “It’ll be okay.” He said, but it sounded like he was talking more to himself than to her. JJ nodded and followed Will as he walked into the kitchen, “Riley, I want to introduce you to my friend, Jennifer.” He told the young girl.
“Hi, Riley. I’m Jennifer, but you can call me JJ.” JJ smiled, Riley looked up at her,
“Hi, JJ.” She said, “You’re my daddy’s friend?” JJ sat down at the table with her,
“Yeah, I am. I work with him sometimes.” She explained. The little girl nodded in understanding,
“So you’re a cop, then?” She asked, JJ smiled,
“Well, I’m an FBI agent. Do you know what the FBI is?” She asked. Riley looked deep in thought for a moment, before shaking her head. “It’s very similar to cops, but we help them when they need us.” Riley nodded,
“Okay.” She nodded, “I get it.” Will smiled watching the two interact,
“Hey, Ry, are you almost done with your food?” He asked. She nodded,
“Yeah, I’m done. Can I go play now?” She asked. Will glanced at his watch,
“Yeah, go ahead. Your momma should be here soon.” He told her. Riley nodded and then ran off to play in her room.
It was about 30 minutes later when there was another knock on the door. Will stood up from the couch where he sat with JJ to answer.
“Sorry I was late,” the tall, blonde woman started, “I had to run to the grocery store and then pick up my dry cleaning and-” Her eyes landed on JJ, “Oh, who is this?” She asked, her eyes narrowing a little bit. JJ stood up and smiled,
“I’m Jennifer, but you can call me JJ.” She said, offering her hand to the woman. Will watched as they shook hands and he could tell that his ex wasn’t happy.
“So you introduced her to Riley? I thought that we had an agreement about this.” She said, turning to Will. Will kept his face neutral, not wanting to make his ex think that she was getting to him. 
“Rachel, I told you that JJ was going to be here today. You were the one who was late getting here.” Will said. The woman rolled her eyes,
“Well then you should have sent her away until I was able to pick up Riley. I told you I don’t want you bringing a bunch of random women around her.” 
“I’m not bringing a bunch of random women, JJ is the first person I’ve been serious about since we broke up.” Will said, sounding a little more heated now. JJ looked between the two of them.
“I’m just gonna…” JJ murmured and stepped into the kitchen. Riley was sitting on the floor of the kitchen, holding her knees to her chest, “Hey, Riley…” JJ started, “Are you okay?” She asked. Riley didn’t look at JJ. 
“It's fine… They don’t like to argue in front of me, but sometimes I listen to them and… I don’t understand.” She said, finally looking at JJ. JJ sat on the floor beside her,
“Sometimes adults just have disagreements. My parents had a lot of arguments after my big sister died and I hated it.” JJ explained, Riley looked at her.
“You had a big sister?” She asked, “What happened to her?” JJ smiled sadly,
“They passed away when I was young…” JJ explained, “Her name was Roslyn.” 
“That’s a pretty name.” Riley said, “I wish I had a sister or a brother.” Riley said. JJ smiled. Rachel and Will came into the kitchen,
“Riley, let's go.” Rachel said, still sounding a little upset. Riley gave JJ a hug, and then her father before leaving with her mom. JJ stood up and approached Will.
“I’m really sorry, Will… I could’ve gone somewhere else for a bit until she was able to pick up Riley.” JJ said. Will shook his head.
“No, no you’re perfectly fine, JJ. She shouldn’t have been late.” He said, “Plus, I’m glad that you met Riley. She seems to really like you.” Will smiled. JJ smiled as well and hugged Will.
It wasn’t long before JJ found out she was pregnant. She and Will were ecstatic. Rachel had moved to Baltimore with Riley a few months before, so Will decided now was the time to move to Virginia. He and JJ found a palace in DC and they moved in. It was perfect, they had a bedroom for Riley and a nursery for the new baby.. JJ was about 5 months along when they realized that Riley might not be as excited to have a little brother as they had thought. 
JJ had just gotten back from a case, she dropped her go bag by the front door and went to find Will and Riley. Will was standing at the kitchen counter, looking deep in thought. JJ smiled a bit and hugged him from behind.
“I’m home.” She said, trying to bring him from his thoughts, “What's going on?” she asked when he turned around.
“When I picked Riley up she didn’t say much and she’s been in her room since we got home. She hasn’t said a word to me…” He said. JJ tilted her head,
“Do you want me to try and talk to her?” She asked. Will sighed,
“Would you mind?” JJ smiled and nodded, walking to Riley’s bedroom. She knocked twice and opened the door when she heard the small, ‘come in’ from the other side.
“Hey, Riley. I’m home.” She said, sitting down on the girl’s bed. Riley was sitting in her bean bag chair with a book. 
“Hey…” She murmured. JJ watched her for a second.
“What’s your book about?” JJ asked, her hand was resting on her baby bump. Riley sighed.
“I dunno…” She muttered, not looking up. JJ hummed,
“Is everything okay with you, Ry?” She asked. Riley threw her book down,
“That’s daddy’s name for me! Not yours.” She snapped, JJ nodded a little,
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” JJ said, Riley teared up and crossed her arms, “Do you want to talk about it?” Riley shook her head. JJ bit her lip, “Maybe you could talk to your dad about it.” She suggested.
“Just go away.” Riley muttered, turning around to look out her window. JJ nodded,
“Okay, but you can let us know if you want to talk.” JJ said, standing up and leaving the room. She went back to the kitchen, “Something’s definitely wrong…” JJ said, Will sighed,
“Did she say what?” He asked, JJ shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Will.” She said, “But she’ll come around eventually.” Will nodded. They both turned when the little girl entered the room.
“Hey, Ry.” Will said, giving her a smile. She wiped her tears on her arm and ran over to hug her dad. Will lifted her up and held her, “What’s going on, princess?” He asked. Riley sniffled,
“Mom… Momma said that…that when the new… baby gets here you… you won’t want me any…anymore.” The little girl sobbed and buried her face in her dad’s shoulder. JJ bit her lip and pushed down the anger that rose in her. She quickly moved over to rub the little girl’s back,
“That’s not true at all.” Will said, “You’ll always be my little girl.” He said. JJ nodded,
“We’ll always love you.” JJ said, “And we think you’re going to be the best big sister ever.” Riley looked at her,
“Really…” She murmured. JJ smiled,
“Of course, Riley.” JJ said, Will smiled and kissed Riley’s forehead,
“Your little brother is gonna love you so much.” Will said. JJ nodded. Riley smiled.
Later that night, after getting Riley to sleep Will and JJ were getting into bed.
“Can you believe that she would say that…” Will said, he hadn’t let it show, but he had been seething since Riley had revealed why she was upset. JJ pulled the blanket back on her side of the bed and sat down
“I know, hun.” She sighed, “It’s wrong.” JJ’s face showed disgust. Will began unbuttoning his shirt,
“She’s such a-” WIll shook his head, “I just wish that she wouldn’t try and turn Riley against us.” He sighed and pulled off his jeans. He sat on the bed and JJ moved to kiss his shoulder,
“I know, Will… I wish there was something that we could do.” JJ said, starting to rub his shoulders. Will relaxed and moved one of his hands to rest on JJ’s.
“I love you, Jayje.” He murmured. JJ smiled and kissed the back of his neck,
“I love you too.”
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hoochieblues · 2 months
not been the best couple of months, but i'm getting back to it slowly. and because sometimes the tritest of things are true, the beafts with whom we share our lives really do make the difference.
anyone who reads my dog posts has probably seen me wiffle about chance, my long-term foster (yeah yeah, he's not going anywhere, i know, but i hold out hope). he's an older ex-street dog from Romania, and was released from a particularly brutal municipal kill shelter to the rescue i work with by accident - he looked very similar to a dog we'd booked (whom we subsequently did boost and she was happily homed btw) but when he showed up on the transport no one had a clue where he'd come from or who he was. all we knew was that he was fucking terrified.
he is, to date, still more or less the most traumatised dog we've had. Chance probably never had a good experience with a human his whole life. he's covered in scars and burn marks, and has a wonky-looking leg that's most likely an old RTA but he's still not ready for the trauma of a vet trip with x-rays (fortunately i have a vet physio buddy and some experience managing stuff like that so... we get along.)
i say all this every time i post about him, partly to remind myself where we started. it took six months just to touch him, a year before he was fully happy staying in the same room as me... every tiny milestone has been celebrated (...by me) as if it's a huge deal. because to him it is.
in the past few months, he's started enjoying belly rubs and sort-of-almost playtime (kinda), and begun snuggling on the couch more. i've been pushing his boundaries and doing bodywork up the ying yang, getting him comfortable with being held, moved, generally shifted around without freaking out. he's started to do better with the concept of his harness, though walks are still very much a wip.
i had a pretty shitty couple of days and, today, i got the full on 'crawling into the lap with the head on the shoulder' bit... and... he relaxed totally. boneless. soft lovey ears and sleepy eyes. he stayed there for more than just a few minutes before starting to get restless and nervous, too... he even made his little happy vocalisations. i might have had a sneaky cry. and tried to take sneaky pictures (which almost scuppered things: he hates the phone because objects in hands could yet be evil and dangerous. you never know. also, he looks hilariously crumpled from laying on his face). still.
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in this respect at least, it is a good day.
(also pictured: yes, yes. trashed couch, post-groom dog hair cloud, bits of quilt, and half-matted picture for the in-progress gallery wall. don't judge me. not pictured: peppy side-eyeing the shenanigans and preparing to dive bomb out of jealousy and sheer chaos gremlin urges. don't judge her either. she still baby.)
if you read this far, i hope something good happens in your day, small and unexpected or large and amazing. and if you have a beaft in your life, give them a hug.
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Episode One- The Swimmer, The Banker, The Chef
@bypine’s OC Chrys.
Narrator voice: “It was nine am. The sun was shining. The AC was up.
And three guys found themselves crammed in the back of a panel van together.”
The video clicked on before they could even introduce themselves to each other. “Uh, hey there, boys!” A girl with caramel skin and short black hair appeared there almost drowning in her oversized grey sweater, self conscious smile lighting up her face, “My name is Chrys. I’m a surgical nurse, I’m 27, and I’ll be snooping through your rooms today!” She giggled to herself, “They gave me ‘spy tools’ for the occasion. Gloves to check for dust, a black light- which I might just leave in the case-“ she wrinkled her nose, “And tongs? I guess in case I think something is too gross to touch. Here’s hoping I don’t need them!”
“Oh, man, I wonder who will be first. Levi, by the way.” He extended his right hand to the two of them, his left reaching up to scratch at his head.
“Nice to meet ya, mate. I’m Jasper.”
“Jake.” He nodded at them, arms crossing over his chest. “What made you guys sign up for this?”
“Thought it would be a laugh.” Jasper shrugged, “But if I get a date with her it might be worth it.”
Levi chuckled with a nod, “It was a dare on my end. My teammates always say that if I can’t smolder at a girl then she won’t be into me.” Jake frowned at that. Sure, he hadn’t signed up himself. Tim and Rohan did it for him. But he didn’t think these were good attitudes to go into this with. “Oh!” Levi pointed at the screen, “Looks like she’s at my place first.”
“Okay!” Chrys cheered to herself as she walked through the front door, “This place looks…very clean. Are you a neat freak?” She wondered aloud, wandering through. She grabbed the remote to the tv, scrolling through his DVR. “A lot of sports. An athlete? Or just a fanatic?”
“Bit of both.” Levi chuckled.
Chrys trailed herself down the hallway, cameraman never far behind, before she stopped outside the open door of his bedroom, “I just…I go in? Seems a little rude.” Someone off screen must have said something, because then she was walking in, peering around at the walls, “This room is just covered in frames.” Eyes wide, she leaned closer to one of them, “Olympic Qualifier…so you are an athlete.” He had his team jacket framed up on the wall, but she barely glanced at it, “Seems like something that takes a lot of time and focus. We probably wouldn’t get much time together.”
Levi sighed, “Yeah, I get that one a lot.”
“Could be worse, mate. Least she knows you got a good physique from all that training.” Jasper offered. Jake nodded, but just from watching her he didn’t think she cared about that. Not with way her left hand was twirling the black ring peeking out of her sweater sleeve as it sat on her right middle finger whenever her hands were empty.
“Oh, what is this?” She was holding his speedo up to the camera with the tongs, clearly trying not to laugh, “I get cutting down water resistance, but I’ve never understood why they literally only cover the bits.” She did the process of wiping the gloves on things, the tops of the frames coming back dusty, “Good thing they gave me gloves. I don’t need to deal with hives today.” She flipped through his closet, humming at the plain clothes, “We have a similar style. So that’s cool.”
Jasper glanced between the three of them, “Do none of us have prints?”
Jake shrugged, “I meet with investors at the restaurant too much. I need plain clothes so I can take my coat off.”
Chrys cringed as she pulled the black light from the case, moving toward the bed, “Okay, let’s do this.” She picked up a pillow, only to stop short.
“No! Oh, bollocks, I forgot that was there.” Levi buried his head in his hands.
“Oh, uhhhh, they were supposed to take all the pictures out of the house.” She held up a picture of Levi and his ex girlfriend, her proudly kissing his cheek, “I hope this isn’t your girlfriend? Kind of messed up to sign up for the show if you’re still with her.”
Jake’s jaw dropped open, “Mate-“
“No, no, no. It isn’t like that. It’s my ex. I’ve been trying to actually throw the damn thing away but I just-“
“You still kept it.” Jasper shook his head, “Not liking your odds now.”
“I suppose we are on to the next home now!” Chrys chirped at the camera, the short strands of her hair swishing with the movement as she bounced out the door.
Jasper groaned as the screen showed her in front of his place. He knew all the flat surfaces looked like a mess, he had work papers everywhere. And unknown to the two boys beside him, he was panicking over some very real things he knew were in his bedroom that he only just thought he probably should’ve taken down. Jake patted him on the shoulder, complimenting the exterior of the flat as they watch Chrys make her way to the door.
“Okay guys!” She grinned shyly, “House number two.” She walked through the living room, commenting on how sparse it was, “My living room looks just the same. No need for much when you live on your own, right?” She found an office, files piled everywhere, “Whoa,” eyes wide, she gently shut the door again, “I don’t know if those are private so I’ll just leave them be.”
Jasper was thankful for that. They contained customer information that he was not allowed to share.
Eventually she found his bedroom, and he refused to look at the screen or either boy beside him as she opened the door. Mouth agape, she stared at the walls covered in band posters. “We’ve got…*NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block, One Direction? Mate, how old are you?” She squatted down next to his stereo, flipping through the cases, “I didn’t even know people still bought CDs. You really like boy bands, huh? Boys in Motion, Five Seconds of Summer, Big Time Rush. Not all bad choices, but do you have any music that…ya know, isn’t a boy band?” She found a collage on the wall, pictures missing from it that she assumed had his face, while other pictures were of the concerts attached to the ticket stubs stuck beside them. She moved to the closet next, mostly dress shirts, but with quite a few shirts from the concert sellers thrown in, “You really run with a passion, huh?” She giggled as her fingertips trailed over the sleeves. “Okay, I think it’s time to head to number three, what do you think boys?”
Jasper blew out a puff of air, face buried in his hands. Levi spoke up first with a shit eating grin, “Boy bands, huh?”
Jake wasn’t pleased, “Mate, you shouldn’t be judging someone’s room when you had a photo of your ex literally under your pillow.” Levi scowled, but Jasper just offered Jake a grateful fist bump.
When Chrys got to Jake’s flat, he was nervous. Everything he’d seen about her already- he knew she was amazing, knew he liked her. But she had to like him based on his room. And he knew there wasn’t much there.
“Okay! Home number three.” Chrys almost skipped into the house, getting more comfortable with wandering around a strangers home, she flipped through his DVR like she had at Levi’s, finding a lot of Gordon Ramsey’s shows, “I love watching Kitchen Nightmares! Gordon is bloody good talent. Does this mean you like to cook?” She seemed to toss around an idea in her head, venturing past his bedroom at first into his kitchen. She opened the fridge, eyes lighting up at the fresh ingredients, “You do cook! That’s mighty impressive for a bloke.”
“Ain’t you a chef?” Levi asked, turning to look at Jake.
“Head chef, got my own restaurant. Certificate from culinary school is hung there, so she won’t find it at home.” Jake watched her carefully through the screen as the cameraman followed her to his room.
“The walls are so pretty.” She smiled, gaze drifting across the deep blue walls before landing on his bookshelf, “What do we have here? Cooking, cooking, poetry? Are you a romantic at heart, Number Three? I bet you’re the kind of guy that recites poetry to his girlfriend.” Jake felt his face burn, but couldn’t care as she continued, “I can get behind that, honestly. I love sweet gestures like that.” She kept moving, with more pep in her step than had been there before, opening his closet she pulled out one of his chef’s coats. “Oh, you don’t just like to cook! Wow, that’s great. Really.” She smiled softly, like it was just to herself before flipping through the other clothes, “This jumper is so soft. Makes me want to steal it from you.” She giggled.
Jasper leaned over to Levi, “I’m not liking either of our odds at this point.” Levi nodded in agreement.
“Whelp, boys, I think that’s all for now. I guess I’ll be meeting you soon!”
Next thing the boys knew, they were being led into a building and into Chrys’s flat. Levi let out a whistle, “Pretty empty in here.” He commented, there was really only the basics in furniture, scarce decorations hung on the walls.
“What flag is this?” Jasper pointed up into the wall.
Levi rolled his eyes, “Philippines.”
“What about this one?” Levi stared at it, eyes narrowing as he tried to place.
Jake turned to look from where he’d been looking at her bookshelf, distracting himself from the volumes of novels, “That’s the ace flag, boys.” When they stared at him blankly, he clarified, “You know, asexual? Didn’t you see her ring?”
“A ring is a ring, mate.” Levi rolled his eyes.
Jake just shook his head.
It didn’t take long before the three of them were sat on the couch, watching as the door opened and Chrys waved at them from beneath her long sleeve. “Hey guys! It’s nice to, ya know, actually meet you.” Jake chuckled to himself. She was adorable.
“Hey, good to meet you, too.” Levi gave her a hug that she seemed to almost shrink away from, so after Jasper did the same thing, Jake just offered her a nod in greeting that she seemed grateful for.
“Well…let’s get to it, shall we? I have to eliminate one person right away, so…” she took a deep breath, and Jake realized she was probably worried about hurting someone’s feelings right off the bat, “Room number one.” She looked right at Levi, which made sense with what she’d found, “I’m sorry, you seem like a very driven person, working hard enough to make it to the Olympics, but you still have what I assume is a picture of your ex. It doesn’t seem like you’re ready to move on.”
“I understand. It was good to meet you.” The swimmer gave her a kiss on the cheek before disappearing out the door.
“Okay…” she was twisting her ring again, “The second one I will eliminate is…room number two. I think it’s sweet that you have such a love for music, but I’m not sure our tastes wouldn’t clash. It doesn’t seem like you branch out very far.” Her gaze jumped between them, clearly unsure who she was rejecting, but Jasper gracefully nodded his head, offering her a handshake before he left the same way Levi did. She smiled shyly over at the last remaining boy, “I guess that makes you the chef.”
“Indeed it does.” He chuckled, “I’m Jake. It’s very nice to meet you.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, too. So…about the date…”
“I was hoping you’d let me cook for you?” He smiled, “And you were right. I do tend to write poetry for my girlfriend. Maybe when we get there I’ll have some inspiration.”
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
4 | Changing?
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 2149
Warnings: opening up, self evaluation, confusing feelings
Last: Knock it Off | Next: Conflicted
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"Don't you usually come in here after the session?" Tyler asks as I walk in. 
"I want a drink for the session." I walk up to him so he makes my hot chocolate then takes my money this time. 
"My dad said a bear apparently killed a woman last night. I over heard it was bad."
"I've been in those woods many of times and never seen anything that shows bears around. And I've hibernated with Grizzly's. I know signs of bears." I take my cup from him. 
"You keep surprising me with new bazar facts about yourself every time we talk." He tilts his head smiling. 
"Gotta keep you on your toes."
"Just be careful out there." He tells me so I time to face him at the door, 
"Where's the fun in that?" I give him a little smile leaving.
"Miss Addams." Kinbott smiles as I come in taking a seat. 
"What shall we discuss today?" I ask taking a sip of my drink. 
"How about your relationships at school. Staff and students." She takes her seat as I yawn tired. I barely got sleep having a nightmare about some ugly monster. 
"Fine by me." I yawn again. 
"Didn't sleep well?" She asks me. 
"Nightmare. Well, nightmares aren't really nightmares to me like to others. Just had this monster in it. Now my relationships?" I motion for her to go on. 
"How many friends do you have?" She crosses her legs. 
"Six; Yoko, Enid, Xavier, Tyler, Ajax, and Eugene. I don't count Rowan, Divina or Kent as friends but I talk to them at times. Then Bianca is a frenemy. We're very competitive against each other." I explain to her.
"And the faculty?" She asks. 
"Principal Weems cares about the school very much. She's nice but you can tell sometimes it's an act. I've noticed she compares me to my mother a lot in a sweet sour tone. Which lets me know she has something against my mother. I'm not close to any of the teachers. Ms. Thornhill is a good teacher. Tries to connect with the students. I like her but sometimes she seems too nice. I feel like she hides something behind that smile." I put my cup on the table next to me.
"How's your friendship with Tyler? Since you only see him when you come into town? Is it the least connection compared to who you see everyday at school?" She sits up more. 
"No, I would say it's the strongest actually. We have similar things we can relate to and talk about. You seeing him as a court order as well, you know what I mean. There's just something about him that draws me to him. There's more to him than he shows which makes me interested. I want to get to know the whole Tyler...both sides of him."
"You've had a boyfriend so you know what's it like to like someone in a romantic way. Do you feel that for him as well?" She asks making me blink at her, 
"No." I feel my heart kinda skip a beat which I hated. "As I told Xavier yesterday, You have to prove you're worth my time. And it takes a lot to melt my semi ice cold heart." I tell her as she watches me closely. 
"Why did you have to tell him that? Does he like you more than just a friend?" She makes me laugh, 
"He was telling me his ex things there was something between us. I told him I see him as a friend and I don't date."
"You think perhaps he might developed feelings for you? Or maybe Tyler as well with you? They're the two boys you're closest to." She makes me laugh, 
"I don't know why they would. I'm not exactly people's type." I take another sip. 
"They might see something in you that you don't see in yourself." She sits back some. 
"That would be odd since I know myself very well." I look away from her. 
"Can you see yourself falling for one of them? Or both?" 
She makes me close my eyes to imagine me with both. I reopen my eyes to see her waiting for a response, "No." I lie to her. 
"Remember everything we say stays in here. There's no need to lie. Today is about relationships."
"I never imagine with Xavier but closing my eyes and actually picturing... did. Tyler lately has been making me melt inside some when he smiles. Hell, Xavier's smile too." I rub my face annoyed with these feelings, "Why can't I be more like my sister in the department of feelings?" I groan. 
"Your sister doesn't do feelings for people?" Kinbott asks. 
"Hell, no. Not even 100% with family. She's very true to her words. Won't fall in love, won't get married and have a family. She refuses to be like our mother." I lean back in my seat. 
"Do you want all that? Love, Marriage, Family?"
"Unlike my sister yes but it's hard to find someone can put up with me, that can handle me, that can match my energy, or at least add to it. Won't judge me for things either." I explain to her feelings a bit defeated. 
"Valentine, I'm sure there is someone out there that will be perfect for you. Look, you finally found a school that understands you and you've made friends easily. You even have a therapist that has cracked yet." She smiles, "So believe me when I say there's someone out there for you. Maybe you already met them and don't fully realize it yet." She tells me and we end our session early.
I walk to the Weathervane thinking about what Dr. Kinbott told me about finding someone. I mean she was right about the school, friends, even herself. Was I turning even more softer being here? Nevermore was really changing me as a person. I was so in my head I just take a seat at a booth and pull out the sketch book Xavier gave me. While being in my own little world I didn't notice Tyler brought me a drink and snack. I guess he realized so he didn't try talking to me.
"You know if you wait any longer that hot chocolate will be room temperature chocolate." Tyler finally snaps me back to this world. 
"Sorry." I put my sketchbook down. 
"Your session ended early today." He takes a seat across from me. 
"Yeah." I drink my drink. 
"What was today about?"
"Relationships at school. Students and faculty. My friendship with you. Is it considered one of the weakest since I only see you when I come to town compared to people at school." I add. 
"And you said?" He waits. 
"I would say it's the strongest actually. We have similar things we can relate to and talk about. There's just something about you that draws me to you. There's more to you than you shows which makes me interested. I want to get to know the whole you...both sides of you."
"There's something about you too, Valentine. You're a very interesting person and when I say that I mean it. I'd like to know the tad unique psychotic side and the unique soft side of you." He gives me a smile. 
"That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me." I smile back. 
"I gotta get back to work. How long are you staying today?" He gets out of the booth. 
"When I feel like walking back. I walked here today because Weems was busy." I tell him going back to my drawing. 
"I could give you a ride when I get off? I don't work long today." He suggested. 
  "Sure." I answer making him smile as he goes back to work.
The entire time till Tyler got off I just drew him working putting in a lot of detail in the background and him. "Okay, and I'm done for the day." He sits across from me. 
"Me too." I show him what I drew. 
"Wow. That's amazing, Valentine. You never mentioned you're an artists." He looks at it closer. 
"Half of my work is really gruesome so I normally don't go around showing it because people don't see the art like I do." I close up my book. 
"I'd like to see it sometime. I think I can handle it with my dad being the sheriff. I saw the crime scene photos from the bear attack this morning. You probably would've liked it." He chuckles. 
"Maybe." I agree.
"Okay, you ready to go?" He asks so I get out and we head to the door. 
"I want you headed home." His dad shows up. 
"I will after I give Valentine a ride back to Nevermore." He says so the sheriff eyes me. 
I've never had a conversation with the sheriff but I knew he was Tyler's father. "Sheriff." I give him a head nod. 
"She's a friend?" He asks his son ignoring me. 
"Yes, I am." I answer for Tyler. 
"Dad, I'll go straight home after dropping her off. I don't want her walking back alone after someone was killed by a bear, that hasn't been caught." Tyler says as his dad looks at me. 
"Unless you want another body in the morgue, I'm fine walking back to school. It would be a good way to go out. I can imagine how it would feel and the horrific screams I would be letting out as it's claws rip into my flesh and it's tear pulling apart my body." The sheriff just stares at me while Tyler tries not to laugh.
"Home right after." He points at his son. 
"Got it." Tyler nods his head. 
"Nice meeting you, sheriff." I wave following Tyler out.
"The look on his face when you started describing your death to him." Tyler laughs as we walk to his car. 
"I could have gone dark." I say as he opens the passenger door for me. 
"Oh, I bet." He says as I get in then goes around to his side. 
"I appreciate this even though you don't have to." I look over at him as he drives. 
"We get to spend a little more time together." He glances over at me. 
"Since I started at Nevermore and we first met, have you seen a change in me?" I ask him wanting to know his view on me. 
"I've seen you have some character development. You're not as cold as you first were but you still can be. Why are you asking?" He tells me.
"In my session today... Dr. Kinbott asked me do I ever see myself in love, marriage, having a family. I said unlike my sister yes but it's hard to find someone can put up with me, that can handle me, that can match my energy, or at least add to it. Won't judge me for things either. And she said she's sure there's someone out there that will be perfect for me. Since I finally found a school that understands me and I've made friends easily. I have a therapist that has cracked yet. So that got me thinking since she was right about everything she said... Am I turning even more softer being here? Is Nevermore really changing me as a person."
"Maybe going to Nevermore has changed you a little or just helped you become a better you without realizing it. You finally find where you belong and feel comfortable being yourself without being judged. Like you found a second home and family... I wish something like that can happen to me. I hate being stuck here. My relationship with my father has been distant since my mother passed. He never wants to talk about her which makes me think he never loved her. I have no other friends. I dropped the only friends I had because that reminds me of the me I don't want to be and they wouldn't be any help to change. Sorry, I made this all about me." Tyler stops his rambling.
"No, it's fine. Remember I said I wanted to know the whole you and that means you thoughts and feelings. But you're right about me finding a second home and family at Nevermore... And having not friends isn't that bad, I never had any before coming here. Like Kinbott told me about people, things, and places for you... I'm sure you'll find whatever that makes you feel better and at home. I can't help you with the whole relationship with your father but I am a hell of a loyal friend." I say as we pull up to Nevermore. 
"You're the only person besides a therapist that listens to me. Thank you."
"Welcome, and never tell anyone I was this caring and open to you or you'll regret it." I give him a glare.
"Cross my heart." He laughs.
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stevestonbike · 3 months
Did a longer one.
It was a 103km. Adding that to my weekday rides I did 170 km in the week. I am actually now within striking distance of meeting last June's numbers. If I push very hard I may even make up the year to date deficit.
But that route reminded me of something. I want to go back to one of my little war stories.
The route I did was out to Gleneagles in West Vancouver. The route in W Van is "rolling" which means up and down.... a lot. You basically go from sea level to a few hundred feet elevation a few times over 15 ish km. It is a good route. I consider it the second toughest ride on the North Shore which is not a mountain.
A few years ago the Whistler Granfondo people held warm up rides a couple times before the big day. They called them the Prima Fondos. Typically they left from downtown Vancouver at a Craft Brewery and went out to West Van on this same route. I was in a club that volunteered to provide escort and leadership for the mobs of less experienced riders who had signed on to the event. Experienced riders knew the way, but about 300 or so did not.
My club had 5 people including me to assist. There was another club that was actually a riding team sponsored by the Brewery. Those guys took off and left the newbies to my club. After a few blocks and a panicked call asking "which way do we go?" I went up to the front and led the mob through the city. We went out to Stanley Park, over the Lions Gate Bridge and along Marine Drive in West Vancouver. I usually hang at the back as that is where people who need help are. Also it means I can dog it.
Once out to the turn around point I rested and filled my bottles at the very nice community center. As the mob started back I took up my "sweeper" position. There was one guy lagging pretty far behind. I pulled up and checked on him. A middle aged (whatever that means) slightly chubby man.
He told me he had been a regular cyclist and had been off a bike for a long time. He was an ex-pat living in Dubai and was on a holiday visit to a friend who lived in Vancouver. They used to ride together. That guy told him about this ride today and that he should do it as it was going to be easy. No mountains, just some modest hills he said. That guy was not going, but this guy could borrow his bike, just bring your cycling shoes if you can find them.
So here he was. Pretty out of shape and damning anyone who said anything about muscle memory. I said just slow down and find a pace you can hold. He was pretty red trying to keep up with the tail end of the mob. "Hey let it go."
After a couple of kilometers he said oh just go ahead. I said, "I specialize in the tail end. If you are here you need at least navigation. If we catch up to anyone they can join us." I hung around. We chatted about nothing in particular. One way of measuring effort is if you can talk. At the limit you cant. At a comfortable or at least sustainable pace you can talk. His face was less red now.
At one point on the road you come around a corner and can see the big bridge apparently far off in the distance. "Is that where we have to go?"
"Yes and a bit farther, but once over the bridge the hills are done."
The route has a lot of tough little hills. And the Bridge is a significant climb as you start basically at sea level.
I got him back to the Brewery and he bought me two beers. I went to find my club mates and they asked where I had been. "Sweeping", I said.
The next year they did the event again. The same thing happened where my club supplied some riders for escort and the Brewery Team took off. They were racers after all and some of the rest may have been able to keep up. It was the same route. I did basically the same thing as the year before.
On the return there was another guy lagging behind. Similar age as the one the year before. Also having trouble keeping up to the mob. He was local and could actually find his way he thought. I hung around just in case. After a bit he asked me, "Is your name Marvin?" "Err Yes!", responding a bit surprised. Last year my friend from Dubai did this ride and you helped him out. He really appreciated it."
I said, "It is what I do on these rides. He was saying not nice things about you." "I know."
0 notes
12.30.23 10:04pm
Oh no, I didn’t realize how late it was, and I got into bed with the heating pad before brushing. I was caught up in my plotting re: evalgate that I forgot that it’s so much easier to brush first! Dammit! At least I did my duolingo. I also sorted a lot of stuff to add to my hard drive. My computer will be so much faster! Life will be so good! Anyway, I’m going to edit my next post.
Okay, I caught up on every entry except today’s big ones. I actually had a nice day. I cleaned my room; I cleaned my files; we had friends over for dinner and then played Outburst. Our set is from the seventies, so it’s impossible to guess everything on each card which makes it more fun. It’s the first time we played, and mom wants to get rid of it because it doesn’t have the red sleeve that makes the words visible. We had to use the red bulb in a headlamp to read the cards. It was awesome. Eventually lots of people were at our house, and Arawen (childhood friend who’s the same age as Dinky) asked me if [Ex] and I were still together and in front of a room of ten people I had to say no. It wasn’t awesome, and my face was red for the entire rest of the night, but it was okay. Mostly, I’m still just annoyed about the work related exchange I had with [Ex] today. It was lame. I’m also clearly not ready to hear other people say bad things about [Ex] and VERY much not ready for other people to imply that I’m ready to start dating or that I’m better off without him. I feel okay saying it, but I don’t like hearing it from other people. I don’t know why. My first therapy appointment in a month is the Tuesday I get back from school. It will be nice to have something to talk about for the first time in a while. I mean this semester was terrible, and I had a lot to say in the first half, but I’m excited to dive into the implications of this breakup. I’d like to nail down what I feel is so incorrect about what he has done. I think it really boils down to him not wanting to support me emotionally. He did it because he didn’t want to have to care about me when it wasn’t convenient. And he thinks he might just be able to get back together with me when it benefits him more. He made the choice of an opportunistic coward. When he broke up with me the first time, it was similar. He was overwhelmed and felt like he was being a “bad boyfriend” and didn’t like the feeling of guilt, even though I felt fine about the way things were going. He literally just doesn’t enjoy anything about being with me long distance, I guess. He doesn’t get anything out of it. It’s understandable; that’s what happened to me and my last boyfriend, but it was mostly because we were going long distance for an indefinite amount of time. [Ex] has commitment issues, admittedly. He doesn’t want to commit to something so effortful and unpleasant as being there for me if he doesn’t know if he wants to be with me forever. Kind of sucks but makes sense. I would have probably done the same thing. Sorry I just stopped writing to read the Blink-182 wikipedia page. Because I have to be truthful to me, you know? I’m just being the most authentic version of myself. Anyway if that bastard thinks he’s getting back together with me after he gets back he’s going to have a lot of shit to eat before that happens. He is going to have to give me a PhD dissertation on how he’s a piece of shit. Hooray! Anyway. My hands are dry. He was always so dry. I wonder if he’s gonna miss me or how easily he can find someone he gets along with as well as me. Or is the degree to which we are compatible an illusion? We don’t know. There is no way for us to know. Let’s kiss. What? Haha. What? ;) love u pufpom I’m keeping u.
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greywoodrpg · 10 months
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𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕓𝕒𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕣
she was born twenty-nine years ago, is a witch and lives in downtown as a primary school teacher, and is in no coven. she looks an awful lot like margot robbie.
"Hush, when no one is around, my dear, you'll find me on my tallest tiptoes spinning in my highest heels, love shining just for you."
There wasn't a lot of talk when it came to the Baxter's Family. If they did it was probably about how they had been together for the longest time imaginable, having met in High School, dated and married quickly after graduation. It was probably where Olivia got the idea to do the same later in life, though for now, it was important to know that Liv herself was one of five children, an older sister named Amy who was probably one of her best friends a sister that she always looked up to especially when it came to anything feminine related.
An older brother whom Olivia wishes to get to know better, a trickster of a twin with whom she shared a womb with for nine months and has been trying to make a path of her own ever since and the youngest of all the siblings, Karter with whom she shares a very close relationship with, the dire need to protect him was intense and if there was anything that Olivia felt when it came to any of her siblings it was protectiveness. Anytime they needed something, anything, Olivia was there, she could be quite frugal with money not really choosing to spend it often so if they needed that support then she often extended her hand for that exact reason.
The older she got the more she learnt to appreciate the power of schooling an the education system, of course there were times that Tony her twin would deter her every now and again but she managed to pull her head in just in time for her to graduate in her final years with grades that she didn't even think were possible though considering the hard work that went into achieving those grades it would always be something she was proud of. So much so that only after a year's break and working small menial jobs in Greywood she actually went back to University to obtain a degree to teach herself in a classroom and do her part on today's younger generation, she felt it was integral to start them off young and teach them things that they could take on later in life.
But the more she was around kids the more she would see that later in life they could always be a crack in her future. Like her parents Olivia had always wanted a relationship that was going to last, but one thing she didn't account for was the way that she got way too excited about things an often liked the idea of things over the actual product she was faced with. University brought her many things but it was where she met her soon to be ex wife, It was a bad idea from the start falling from your professor and thinking it was going to be like it was in the movies.
The pacing of which was all too quick, jumping in over there heads after she accepted her proposal just after a year of dating. Marriage really showed them that they weren’t as compatible as one thought the lack of agreeing with things and butting heads had them them heading towards a speedy divorce. As much as Olivia didn’t want to be that kind of burden on her families lives and try to make it work, it was very similar to shoving two puzzle pieces together that just weren’t meant to be. The hardest thing for Olivia was that she did still care about her and there was always going to be an undeniable love there but she knew that if the other wanted children and a family and she was struggling with burn out from said children the minute she got home, she didn't know if she would ever be able to be the kind of wife the other wanted.
It wasn't the right thing to do but Olivia made the decision to leave in the middle of a fight not wanting to subject her to a world of waiting for something that might never come, if anything she would rather just have the other find the woman or person that ticked all of her boxes and lived the life that made her the most satisfied and happy. Which is where we find her today navigating and struggling with a few things but mostly content with the decision that had been made, they were separated for some time but now were officially divorced despite the softest part of her heart reserved for her ex.
Today we find Olivia single but struggling - not on the forefront like everyone would see or expect but more about about who she was as Olivia but also as a witch, she was covenless and one of the things that she feared was that it made her vulnerable and susceptible to other witches that were in covens, her fear and anxieties only escalated when she thought and considered about her generations of specie could affect the perception of others always cautious when approaching anyone that wasn't the same with her knowing that some had been burnt and hurt by witches, now she was aware that no specie was perfect but media and movies hadn't exactly painted them in a good light and it left Liv wondering about her future and how she fit into everything into the grand scheme of things.
The way she was dealing with things was taking it one day at a time, after all there were also things she loved about life, she had a good close knit of friends, had a stable and relatively good job that made her happy and most importantly she had family, one that she leant on and appreciated. That's what Liv was known for, being appreciative, she was kind, she was loyal, sure there were some terrible but hilariously good jokes that escaped her every now and again but she was a good person with good intentions despite the fact that saying that could sometimes make her even more unbelievable.
“what power did she attain when settling in greywood?”
Animal Interaction, Connection and Imitation - It was super obvious from the beginning, her ability to communicate and connect with animals was always there, they always took a shining to her and even though people around her thought she was kind of nuts she was so adamant on knowing that she knew what they wanted, having the ability to feel things that other animals could as well. It helped when one was in pain or needed assistance.
penned by... harls
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thelasttime · 1 year
Hi Madie! I am in this weird situation where I just don't know what to do or to feel... And I don't really have anyone I can talk to about it, but I need to tell this to someone. Hope it's OK, this might be long.
I dated this guy for 10 months, 5 years ago. He had a very close female friend whom I didn't like at first mostly out of jealousy. They seemed way too close. But whenever I brought her up, he would assure me there was nothing going on between them. And when I got to know her better with an open mind, I realised how sweet she actually was. I wouldn't exactly say we became friends but I had no negative feelings whatsoever towards her. And whatever doubts I had were all gone. So he and I dated for ten months, it was great, and then we broke up because I was moving across the country for uni and neither of us wanted to do long distance. We kept in touch at first but eventually, our conversations grew duller and we grew apart and now we only speak twice a year when it's one of our birthdays. A couple days ago, I got coffee with a girl I knew from high school who was friends with my ex's girl best friend. I'm gonna give everyone fake names this is getting complicated. Girl from hs, Anna was very close to Mary, when Toby and I were dating. Anna and I recently, coincidentally, realised we live very close to each other at the moment and decided to hang out. So as we were talking she said something that prompted me to ask if she was still close to Mary and she went, "Oh no, not really. But did you know she and Toby broke up" and I was like "what do you mean they broke up???? Were they ever dating?" and she had this look on her face like she said something very wrong. She immediately tried to change the subject but I persisted and she ended up telling me everything. So apparently, Mary liked Toby the whole time they were friends (as I suspected) and she actually told him about her feelings around the same time Toby and I started talking. He friendzoned her and then we started dating. But she got over it, or at least seemed like it, and so they acted like it never happened and kept on being very good friends. I didn't know any of this. According to Anna, nothing happened during the time Toby and I were dating but a little after we broke up, Mary admitted she still had feelings for him and they ended up making out at a party. A little after that, they started dating and they've dated for 3 years. THREE YEARS. In these three years, I would sometimes talk to Toby and he never ever mentioned a girlfriend once, which okay I can understand, but Mary's name would come up in conversation and I don't know- he'd say "oh I'm hanging out with mary this weekend" and all this time I thought they were just friends. I don't know how exactly one can say "Yeah the girl I told you not to worry about, I'm dating her now" but I would like to know? And how do I even trust Anna? Maybe there is more to the story. Maybe they were romantically involved somehow even when we were together? I don't know, I feel betrayed. I am completely over Toby, I've dated other people since, I moved on, but this new information is just... How do I trust anyone now? And also after we first broke up I was so incredibly upset and I was crying a lot about how I missed him so much and he was apparently making out with her at parties!
Anyway I had "traitor" by olivia on repeat today
this new information is definitely world-shaking ground-breaking news - i think i had something pretty similar with my ex boyfriend but it wasn't to the same degree (one of his friends also liked him while we were dating and then she also told her friends after we broke up that she had feelings for him but then he ended up not liking her which, because i am a petty bitch, made me feel incredibly good - sorry)
my perspective in this case is that it's so valid to feel upset and feel betrayed. it's also really shitty that he didn't mention at all that they were dating, i know it's not an obligation but it's definitely .. common courtesy and the right thing to do. i'm sorry to hear that this is happening AND he doesn't deserve anything good that happens to him. it also sounds like he's absolutely unworthy of any of your love and appreciation and your tears!!!!!!!
and it's possible to trust again, i think it will take time but i'm here to tell you that it's possible to trust people again. you're so valid in feeling like there's no ability for you to trust someone again, but i promise that in time, everything eventually heals. i hope this helps!!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
252 of 2023
why are you where you are right now?
Because I live here.
did you use to watch blues clues?
Never heard of it.
what’s your opinion on people wearing high heels to school?
I literally couldn’t care less.
what game system(s) do you own?
None, but my husband owns all PlayStations and one Xbox.
are you a twilight fan?
what are you hungry for right now?
when’s the last time you threw up?
I don’t even have a gag reflex.
why did you throw up?
God. Who cares about such things?
play any musical instruments?
No, I’m disabled.
what difficulty do you play on guitar hero?
I don’t even play it.
do you have any piercings other than on your ears?
Yeah, eyebrow and lip piercings.
what school did your father attend?
One of the schools in my countr.
are your nails painted at the moment?
I don’t paint my nails.
what will you be doing tomorrow?
Going to work.
do you still buy cds or do you just download everything?
Downloading is illegal in my country.
do you listen to any music that doesn’t have lyrics?
Yeah, quite often.
do you stutter when you get nervous?
I stutter all the time.
describe what you were wearing yesterday.
Clothes. What else?
that last person you talked to on the phone said.
What a boring question.
you’re at the grocery store, what 3 fruits do you get?
Strawberries, grapes and blueberries.
your lunch consisted of…?
do you attend church regluarly?
I don’t attend church at all.
any superstitions?
No. It’s silly.
what is your favorite superhero movie?
I don’t care about superheroes.
do you listen to cobra starship?
I barely recognise them.
do you watch gossip girl?
Actually I did for lolz and I turned out enjoying it.
what do you get whenever you go school shopping?
I don’t do school shopping.
do you have a temper?
I do, actually.
do you consider yourself responsible?
Yes. Especially at work.
what is the time?
anything special going on today?
No, just at Saturday.
are you tired?
Not that much.
what is your favorite kind of chips?
No chips.
last time you ate chocolate?
When I was a kid.
would you live in another country if you had the chance?
I already did. Glad to come back, but I liked it there, too.
what kind of mascara do you use?
I don’t wear make up.
what do you doodle most often?
Nothing, actually.
if you went to jail, what would you go for?
Can’t think of anything.
are there any bruises on your body right now?
Yeah, plenty.
what about scratches?
what are they from?
Forearms from my cats and face from shaving.
if you died next week, what would be the cause of death?
Laughing at this survey.
what do you think about dating websites?
Not for me. Not interested in dating.
what is your favorite thing to get at starbucks?
Hot chocolate.
what about at McDonald’s?
Bacon cheese fries.
do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses, contacts are too much.
your ex, do you still love them?
I do, but in platonic way.
are you two still friends?
Very much so.
what is one memory you have from elementary school?
Learning things I already knew.
do you own a pair of converses?
No, but I own similar-looking shoes. 200€ for a pair of canvas sneakers is way too much.
do you own a box or markers or crayons?
Yeah and yeah.
how many clocks are in your room?
Digital one in the kitchen, analog wall clock in bedroom, and analog in living room, but it doesn’t work.
how many fridges are in your house?
what about freezers?
do you like seafood?
I don’t. It’s strange for a Belgian XD
what is the best way to tell someone that they stink?
“You stink”. Really.
what time will you go to bed tonight?
I don’t know yet, but most likely quite early.
0 notes
Broken Bones Fix Hearts (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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In honour of game day here is and Alexia fic. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
The last few weeks had been hard. After Alexia broke up with you, you had found it difficult to not let it affect you at training. The girls on the team knew there was something wrong but you were sure they didn’t know what. You had both never explicitly come out to the team as a couple, you didn’t so much hide it but also had never confirmed it.
What the team could see was that the normally happy go lucky, attached at the hip nature of your twos relationship had changed. You no longer turned up to training together, you no longer partnered up in drills with one another and you didn’t constantly tease each other like you used too. What you did do was ignore each other’s presence and avoid one another as much as humanly possible.
The weeks break from games meant extra training, and extra training meant more time for the girls to get confused as to what in the hell happened to the two of you. Jenni had asked Alexia and got a very stern its none of her business in response, and Aitana had asked you only to receive a similar sentence of you don’t want to talk about it.
The main issue with this was when two of the co-captains didn’t get on the teams dynamic and flow was effected, and if the flow was effected then the games were effected. So far you had only had training since it happened but it was game day tomorrow and you were nervous.
Athletico Madrid were not an easy team to beat and they were a physical team, these were the games you least liked playing in. You were always so sure you were going to end up with bruises and you knew if the team were struggling with the dynamic that would only be worse. So that morning after your pre match coffee you made your mind up that you were going to talk to Alexia before the warm up and see if you could at least get out of this awkward funk.
With a plan in mind you made your way to meet the rest of the team and get on the coach ready to take you to the stadium.
You were slow to put on your boots, you knew Alexia liked to be last out. When you were dating you used to wait for her to get a good luck kiss before the game, you were no longer faced with that situation but a completely different one.
Jenni was the last to leave and as soon as she did you were calling your ex-lovers name. “Alexia, can we talk for a minute?” The woman froze in place but turned to face you fairly quickly.
“Si but quickly.” You could tell she knew what this was about but you were just grateful she was going to hear you out.
“We need to get to some sort of balance. The team is suffering because we are going through something and I hate that I’m letting my personal life effect my work, and I know you so I know you hate it too. Things happen and for some reason we didn’t work, but on that pitch we do. We did before and we will again today because we are stronger as a team.” You didn’t look away from the woman once, you wanted her to see you meant every word of what you were saying.
“We are. I’m sorry I’ve just been in my head and I shouldn’t have let that affect our professional relationship. Ready to go and kick some Athleti butt?” You smiled for the first time since she ended things. With a quick nod of your head you ran out of the changing rooms with the woman you still loved hot on your heels.
The match was brutal, you seemed to be on the floor more than standing so far and it had only been 30 minutes. You could see some of your teammates getting annoyed with the amount of fouls occurring and you could see Aitana and Alexia particularly getting pissed off when you were brought down time and time again.
You were baring down on goal, the ball just out in front of you. You could hear the sound of a defender running behind you but you knew you just needed one touch to get the ball out from under you so you could shoot. So you did just that, you touched the ball with the inside of your left foot to set up a right footed shot and as you powered your right boot through you felt the defender catch up with you.
Pain was all you could feel, you could hear the cheering of the crowd but you weren’t paying attention to that. Your head throbbed and your left ankle was burning with pain. Lying face down on the grass you couldn’t move, every little shift of your left leg caused worse pain to shoot through your ankle.
Alexia saw you go down straight away, she didn’t even watch your shot nestle perfectly in the bottom corner. She made it to you in seconds, you were prone and she could tell you were in pain. “Amor, can you turn over for me?”
“No Ale por favor, it hurts to move it.” you reached the hand not fisting the grass out towards the woman, she didn’t hesitate in taking it and giving you what she hoped was a reassuring squeeze.
The trainers had made it to you now and when Alexia went to stand up to move over slightly, you gripped her hand tighter. “I’m not going anywhere amor, just moving out the way a little. I’ve got you.”
The game was stopped, the ref called half time without playing the final minute of the extra added on. The trainers were not moving you and it was clear to see from their reaction and the fact that they were calling the ambulance and doctor crew that whatever had happened was serious. “Ale I need you to tell me what’s going on, I know my adrenaline is high right now so the pain is subdued a little bit but this quite is not helping.”
Alexia nodded, gave your hand a squeeze and then got up and walked to your left. You could briefly hear her whispering with the trainers and then you felt what you think must have been a blanket being slightly lifted up before you heard Alexia gasp. That was never a good sign.
When she came back into view she was visibly pale and had tears in her eyes. “What? Ale what’s going on?” you went to move but the woman got on her knees and held your face.
“No don’t move amor. You need to stay as still as you can okay. The doctors are coming. It’s not good okay I’m not going to lie to you, your ankle is in pretty bad shape but you are going to be okay. I promise you are going to be okay. I’m going to make sure you are okay, I’m going to make sure we are okay.” You didn’t know what to say to that, you could tell by the look in her eyes you didn’t want to know what was going on with your ankle right now.
When the doctors got there you were taken away from staring at Alexia by them asking you some questions. They were the normal how are you feeling ones until one of the doctors facial expressions got more sombre. “What can you feel of your left foot? Can you wiggle your toes?” This confused you, of course you could feel your foot. It was causing you immense pain, well it was.
“I, it doesn’t hurt.” You paused, the pain you felt when you went down had gone and you hadn’t noticed. “The pain was so bad, why can’t I feel it anymore.” You were panicking, everyone could see it.
“Calma amor. I’ve got you. Stay still for me okay. Look at me y/n, you are going to be okay and I’m not leaving your side.” You could feel the tears leaking out your eyes as you nodded for the woman, the doctors were moving you and before you knew it you were laying on a stretcher with your foot covered in a brace and blankets.
The next hour was a blur, you were taken in an ambulance to the nearest hospital where you were taken straight down for scans and now you found yourself in a room with Alexia running her fingers through your hair whilst you waited for the doctor to come and speak with you.
You hadn’t spoken yet about what this meant and if you were honest you didn’t want too, you didn’t want to do this on your own. Alexia’s presence calmed you down in every situation and right now you really needed that.
You were just slipping into a peaceful sleep when the doctor walked in. “Hey bebé wake up for a few minutes for me, the doctors here.” You blinked rapidly at her to wake yourself up, an action that brought a loving smile to Alexia’s lips. She couldn’t resist leaning down and pecking your lips once something that you knew was a reassuring action.
“Okay Miss y/l/n, your scans show you have broken your ankle bone as well as torn the ligaments and tissue surrounding the bone. As you can see from the x-rays there is nothing holding your ankle in place which is why you lost feeling and sensation in it. I would like to take you straight into the operating room and get your ankle stabilised and start work on rebuilding the support system around it.” You were shocked, you knew it was bad. The doctor had said it was not good when you walked in but to find out there wasn’t a lot holding your ankle to your body was terrifying. Alexia was squeezing your hand and pressing kisses to your hairline, whilst whispering anything reassuring she could think of.
“You are going to be okay. They are going to fix you up and we are going to get through this. I promise you I’m never leaving you side again bebé. I’m so sorry.” You just turned your head and pressed it as close to her neck as you could, it had always been your safe space.
You didn’t know what the future held for you, you didn’t know if you would ever kick a ball in a professional setting again. What you did know was you had Alexia by your side and that was all you needed.
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hitnran · 3 years
OBSESSIVE EX (gender neutral! reader)
how they deal with you having an obsessive ex
includes: ran, rindou
CW: obsessive behavior, cursing, stalking (ran), phone harassment (rindou), the haitani brothers lowkey kinda scary here (not to the reader) 💀 but i’m just trying to make it fit within their character
Getting into a relationship with someone like Ran, half of the charismatic brother duo that ruled Roppongi, almost means guaranteed safety wherever you go. His title itself is one that is feared when murmured. Whenever you two leave, he always has an eye and a hand on you. Ran knows well that even if he is feared, he can also be challenged and the last thing he wants is for you to get involved — you would make an easy target for his enemies.
You two were out together on a stroll around the city. Although there was nothing neither of you needed, Ran’s favorite thing is showing you off. Sometimes you start to feel similar to his younger brother, thinking that you’re just a shadow and only known as ‘Ran’s partner.’ But Ran’s intentions were opposite. He wanted everyone to know that it was him that belonged to you and it is him that people would have to deal with if you were ever tested.
As you two are walking, Ran noticed your eyes consistently checking itself to the side. He took note of that and eventually brushed it off since you stopped. But then he noticed that you were being especially keen and scanning the whole area.
“Are you okay, love?” Ran slightly hunches down, getting your attention as your face turns his way. He lightly smiles at you. “Did you see something you liked?”
You swallowed down hard. You could’ve sworn you saw a familiar face, but after trying to scan the area numerous times for the past few minutes, you thought it was just you being paranoid. The last thing you wanted was to worry Ran and cause a scene.
“I’m okay,” You shook your head, returning a light smile. You grabbed on his arm, this time a little tighter. “Let’s turn into this corner.”
Ran knows when you’re lying. He knew something made you uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to force you to tell him. Instead, he’ll make it his own problem too and deal with it himself.
This area was his territory and everyone knew it. It was almost as if Roppongi, a city known for liveliness, calmed down ever so slightly if one or both of the brothers were out. Everyone’s gaze wound be kept low and their conversations would go mute as they walk by.
At that moment, Ran could feel a pair of eyes staring your way. He won’t make it obvious though.
“Love,” Ran called out to you. You looked up his direction and he placed a hand against your lower back. “Rindou’s gonna throw a fit if I don’t bring back food for him. How about you go into the restaurant and order first while I call him and ask what he wants?”
You felt at ease hearing that you two were finally going to be in somewhere indoors, but it made you nervous that he would be separated from you for just a little while.
“Don’t wanna bring something back he won’t like and have him complain,” Ran lightly laughed, trying to ease your clear discomfort. He placed a hand over your head. Taking out his phone to add to his act. “I’ll be quick.”
After some hesitation, you gave in. It was a public space after all, so it shouldn’t have been anything to worry too much about. He watched as you entered the place before turning around, sending chills to the person who had been following you two around this whole time.
“Would be a shame if I left them alone for too long, wouldn’t it?” Ran gave off a sinister grin, slowly walking towards the person. “Wouldn’t want anyone to take them away…especially someone like you.”
Ran knew who this person was. He was an obsessive ex of yours that just would not leave you alone and accept the separation despite it being years passed. He gulped hard, nervously stepping back, not thinking that he would get caught.
“You were so bold to even follow us in the first place, why so shy now?” Ran smirked, hiking up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. “This is the first time you’ve heard of me or something? I should introduce myself to you well and hard then.”
Almost ten minutes had passed since you’ve been waiting for Ran. You sat patiently and waited. Your best guess as to what’s taking him so long revolves around Rindou. Maybe he was complaining about how he wanted food from a different place or being picky about menu opinions. Just as you were about to raise yourself from your seat to check up on Ran, you saw him enter.
“Did I make you wait too long?” Ran appeared, seating himself in front of you. The worse case scenario you had in mind was that he got into a fight, but in front of you, he looked just as how you last saw him. “You know how Rindou is.”
Your chest became relaxed and you gave a small smile, shaking your head, “What did he want from here?”
“I didn’t even listen to what he said,” Ran teased, opening up his menu and leaning back against the chair. You felt his legs sandwich your calves from beneath the table. “He can order it himself. All my money is going to you today.”
And that was how Ran liked it. Although Ran wanted everyone to know that he belonged to you, he knew how important it was for others to know that you belonged to him too. The image of the face of your ex is burned so clearly into his brain — face all bloodied up, mauled almost, as he failed to even whisper for forgiveness.
“I think there’s only one way I’m gonna let you outta here alive,” Ran kicked his body down with force, hearing something shift in his jaw. He couldn’t give half a damn about it. “Do you know what that is?”
Your ex was visibly beaten and weak now, barely able to even blink or properly form a sentence. Though, with his adam’s apple slightly moving from fear, Ran took it as a response.
Grabbing him by his hair upward, Ran bent down, looking straight at him, “You’re gonna leave them alone and never show your goddamn face again. If it wasn’t fucked already before, it sure is now. I promise you I’ll know if you’re even barely visible or a mile away, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Ran thought it was so disgusting how someone like you could ever have your time wasted on someone low like this ex of yours. Even if Ran saw him and his brother above everyone else, he always put you above him.
“Maybe even after this, I’ll send one of my men to go and beat the shit out of you every day so you could suffer for as long as you’ve tried to bother Y/N.”
Rindou can’t even remember what it took for you two to even reach this state of your guys relationship. He convinced himself that it was Ran, his older brother who wouldn’t shut up about how he was going to take you if Rindou didn’t make a move.
It genuinely surprises himself even whenever he looks your way, observing every detail and soaking in the idea that you are someone he can call his.
You two were watching a movie, or rather, supposed to. Rindou was too focused on side-eyeing you every now and then. You caught him a few times, but he would brush it off with comments like “this movie is boring” or “I’m just checking to see if you fell asleep.”
He would snap himself out of a trance after hearing your phone ring beside you. You eyed it once, looking at the caller ID and ignoring it. It wasn’t enough to cause Rindou to worry - it’s not his problem if you just didn’t wanna answer a call, it was your guys’ time anyway.
But then it rang once more again. Your ringtone dragged itself out halfway through before Rindou slightly raised his hand from your hip, pointing to the phone on the side of the couch.
“You not gonna answer that?” He asked.
You shook your head, eyes focused on the TV, “It’s fine. It’s an unknown caller ID.”
Rindou shrugged, ignoring it once again, but after a few more calls and your phone receiving back to back text messages, it was starting to irk him. He was close to just grabbing your phone and answering the call himself, but you were quick to act before him, just shutting it off.
“It must be spam or something,” You sighed, sitting back down.
“Yeah, well whatever it is, good thing you shut that damn thing off. That shit was annoying,” Rindou sighed, curling his arms around you again. “Let’s change the movie too or something. This one is boring.”
One thing about dating Rindou is that he seems uninterested in absolutely everything he does. Although you avoid thinking like that when it comes to your relationship with him, you always remind yourself that Rindou is someone who deeply cares for you. He shows it very differently compared to others, but you know.
He can recall a memory from a few weeks ago where you kept getting calls in the middle of your guys’ date. It annoyed him, but not as much as it annoyed you. You’ve pressed the red decline button at least five times now, stressing over it and spilling out everything about your previous ex.
At the end of your rant, Rindou grabbed your phone, picking up the call and saying words as simple as “leave them alone.” It was so simple, but for the next few weeks, it was silent. You finally thought you were free of harassment thanks to your boyfriend, but recently, they’ve been coming back as unknown caller IDs and more frequent than before.
Halfway through the movie, Rindou felt your body become more loose and relaxed beneath him. Your breath became slower and more steady. You had fallen asleep. He thought it was ironic to have someone as angelic as you in the arms of someone like him - a gang member always involving himself in trouble, even just for fun.
He stared at your phone just a reach away and then back at you. The last thing Rindou wanted was for you to be uncomfortable, or really, anything that isn’t where you aren’t happy.
When you woke up, the TV was shut off and you felt a blanket drape over your body. You realized you had fallen asleep from earlier, but you were expecting to find your boyfriend with you as well. That was when the door swung open and you were greeted with Rindou.
“Rindou?” You slowly let out, still adjusting from waking up. “I didn’t know you left.”
He raised a bag up midway in the air, it’s a bag from a bakery you often bought from, “You kept murmuring about it in your sleep. Didn’t want you to wake up all grumpy.”
“I don’t wake up grumpy!” You protested, watching as he took his seat next to you and unpacking all of your favorites.
“Yeah, okay,” Rindou joked. He listened to you puffing out before wrapping yourself around his arm.
“Thank you though,” You murmured out of embarrassment - maybe he was half right.
“It’s nothing,” He replied, softening his face into a grin. “Must’ve been hungry though if it got you talking in your sleep and drooling on my arm.”
You didn’t even know about half of the things he does for you, but he didn’t mind it, because if you were happy, then that was all that mattered.
It made Rindou feel guilty to turn on your phone and look through it. It wasn’t something that he ever felt the need to do - he trusted you and it felt wrong if you weren’t aware that he was using it. Though, at this time, he felt like it was for the better.
While you were silently sleeping, he browsed through your texts. It’s that same person - your ex back again to bother you. Rindou scoffed, making sure it wasn’t loud enough to wake you up, but he was angry. He clicked his tongue whilst composing a message.
Rindou knew you would never be so stupid as to meet up with someone like this, especially not after already experiencing it once. It was a good thing that it was just Rindou posing as you though. How delighted your ex felt to have finally received a response to you - ‘Let’s meet up here.’
Rindou thought it was so pathetic. This guy had no idea what he looked like, let alone that you even had a boyfriend. So when Rindou’s immediate reaction upon seeing him was to throw a punch, he was shocked.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Your ex cried out, trying his best to dodge his attacks but failing in between his words and attempts.
“Me?!” Rindou snapped, pushing him to the ground and twisting his arms. “Speak for yourself.”
The man beneath him screamed in pain, “I-I’ll call the cops on you and have you arrested!”
“Yeah? You think they’ll give me less time if I tell them I was just trying to teach a creep a lesson?” Rindou pulled back on his arms a little harder, tendons and muscles stretching themselves out of place.
“T-The hell are you talking about?!” He stuttered out.
“Don’t bitch around. Might end yourself up in there if you keep this act of yours up - I’ve been once before,” Rindou smirked, pulling back more and more on his arms. “It was fine for me. My big bro and I even got some respect while in there, so what’s gonna happen when they hear about your name from me? You’re fresh meat to them.”
“W-Who even are you?!”
Rindou scoffed, “The same guy who warned you once to leave Y/N alone. I should’ve honestly went to find you myself personally and beat the shit out of you, but I hate wasting my time.”
Your boyfriend let the man go. If his arms weren’t all bent out of place and dislocated, he’d be crawling away by now. It was a sight that Rindou would laugh at. Upon seeing that his phone had fallen out of his pocket, the same phone used to consistently harass you, Rindou stomped down hard, breaking it into bits and pieces.
“Don’t waste my time again. Next time you do, call the cops, I promise you I won’t care if they catch me killing you,” Rindou turned his back around.
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tinycutesuccubus · 2 years
💀Being Suguru Geto's ex lover waking up after 10 years of cryogenic sleep only to find out that your lover is alive again and posessed by a shaman named Kenjaku💀 - headcanons/scenario/short story (crack fic???) - angst
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Edit - I want to thank for the hearts, I don't really deserve your kindness sweet people of the internet, thank you for liking it
Okay, this is a reall weird pov but I wanted to write it, please don't judge me, I have read the manga up until one point and got too sad to continue it, I haven't seen the movie yet so if I make any mistakes please forgive me, this isn't supposed to be 100 percent canon anyway. For the first time I will write a bit of angst and not nsfw which is a shocker, the original plan was to make the reader either a necromancer or a demon but I decided against it. I apologize for the shitty writting I haven't slept in two days and have like a lot of things to do at home and probably start a job and am not my best self but felt inspired to write today, so here we go. The story is all over the place and may at moments be very random. Enjoy
Pov - being Geto's ex and being jealous of Gojo and hating him thinking he is the reason why geto broke up with you randomly, being so strong and unstable that you had to be put into cryogenic sleep by Yaga and wake up ten years later with amnesia only to find tokyo in ruins and that you are a cursed spirit being interwined as a human woman being forced to die and relive the same fate in the same body over and over again, being Sukuna's first and only lover and being destined to destroy Kenjaku and his plans. Warnings - f.reader
💔 You were awoken from your sleep basically by what felt like an earthquake, caused by the Shibuya incident, you woke up at the high school in a bed that looked similar to a coffin. Slowly waking up you looked around to literally see no one, expecting to at least see your childhood friends like Gojo or Shoko has left you puzzled since you saw their faces last, when you went to sleep
💔Basically you had too much energy and powers that you couldn't contain which attracted other cursed spirits to you, despite training in the school you never felt strong enough, at least not like Gojo, which hurt your ego and pride a bit, after lashing out and having a panic attack with a special grade cursed spirit, and destroying half of the city you were requested to train individually from now on, which made you feel lonely and eventually a deal was made, the higher ups wouldn't kill you but you would need to sleep for 10 years and not wake up, and that's what happened
💔You met Geto, Satoru and Shoko in high school and became best friends, you manage with your power to quickly recap everything that happened for the last ten years, learning that Gojo killed Geto, and the brain took over since his body wasn't disposed of, learnt about every and each fight among the new students, learnt about his goal about wanting to kill all nonsorcerers and Rika. That was too much information to take in all at once, your Geto would never do that - you thought as tears fell down your cheeks and on the ground, buildings fallen apart next you and dead bodies laying on the ground, his extremist views make you wonder if putting you to sleep was the right thing to do, maybe Gojo...maybe you could have saved him?
💔You learnt that Gojo was imprisoned in a cube, you take your weapon which was a scythe and teleport just like Gojo to the place where he is in front of him with the scythe laying on your shoulder. The students and the other socrers seem to look at you confused, but it seems some of them recognize you, who stare in disbelief, Yuji is too confused and just asks who is that and for the first time in a long time, Sukuna seems interested in something other than fighting, being arrogant asshole and Fushiguro Megumi.
💔You've always felt that Geto and Gojo had something going on while you dated him, and maybe that is why he decided to break up with you randomly for no reason after dating for two years, he never told you the reason, but you suspected it was because of Gojo and you learnt to hate the arrogant white haired rich bastard for that, for stealing geto from you, for killing him-Your emotions getting the better of you and swinging the scythe exactly to his neck ready to kill him but being too much of a coward to do so, Geto or whoever was controlling him seemed too calm as if he knew who you were and that you wouldn't kill him
💔 "Y/n L/n, hmm I have never expectected one of the five special grade sorcerers to come here, also known as Suguru Geto's friend, and ex lover, your technique and weapon is interesting though. But what are you going to do, your precious Geto is dead" his chukles mocked her " And the strongest jujutsu sorcerer is sealed in this cube" He looked at Yuji "I wonder what is your trump card, Sukuna's vessel or The destroyer of worlds" he then looked at you
💔Part of the reason why you were so dangerous and why Sukuna and other curses felt so attracted to you is because you were the reincarnation of Sukuna's first lover, another cursed spirit, who caused pain, death and havoc along side him, but both of your memories were stripped away, you found your self getting weaker and weaker and eventually had to mesh with a newborn baby girl whose mother left her in a basket inside a lake since she couldn't take care of her, you became your own curse, being forced to live though the centuries in the same body with amnesia and being seen and treated like a human who had too much questionable cursed energy to be an ordinary girl, too much destructiveness, too much anger to contain inside your small body
💔A fight broke after Geto attacked you, some of the others like Yuji tried to scream out your name but you couldn't hear him since you had to block Geto's attacks, as he sent you flying into a building breaking a few windows, as you tried to stand up he kicked you so hard that he made the building shake and start to collapse, making you and him fall a few floors under.
💔The fight seemed like it went on forever as Geto as destroying sorcerer after sorcerer in front of your eyes, holding them by the head and dragging them on the floor as blood spilled out their bodies, laughing like a maniac, this wasn't the Geto you know...this wasn't Geto, this wasn't Geto, you constantly thought as if the loud sounds finally stopped for a few minutes and you attacked him from behind only for him to attack you with the dead body of Panda on top of you. You took hit after hit, bleeding again and again as Geto got enjoyment from hurting you, thinking that he weakned you this way
💔It was like his laugh was never ending as you closed your eyes trying to find your inner voice for a moment " This isn't Geto " you still thought and opened them, now Geto being in front of you with a sick smile. "Y/n" Yuji tried to mumble as he was barely holding him self on his legs, you were suddenly reminded of Nanami and half of him being completely destroyed as he was trying to protect Yuji, you didn't want his death to go in vain, for a glimpse you thought you saw Sukuna's eyes flicker, with the same love flame that they did many years ago, did he remember, did he knew? And did Geto really know everything about you, more than you did your self?
💔You saw that Geto moved to attack Sukuna's vessel with your scythe in hands which he stole during the battle, wanting to make one final hit but instead pierced your stomach with your own scythe, he laughed at you saying how foolish and naive you are to do a sacrifice like that, making Sukuna livid as he transforms. But little did both men know that you had your own trump card in your sleeve, a place which nuetralized any cursed technique, a place where being attacked and hit made you two times more powerful? Now it was time for you to laugh, which stunned both Geto and Sukuna. You took the scythe out of Geto's hand with force that he didn't expect, especially coming from a woman, you turned to kiss Sukuna's bloodied lips, whispering to him how much you love him and after that slapped Geto for making you go through this, before pulling his hair harshly making him hiss. You licked his ear and whispered
"Domain expansion - Dismantled reality" before both of you disappeared in front of Sukuna, only leaving the cube on the floor as the biggest reminder that both of you fought seconds ago.
Yeah I know this sucks, please don't be too rude to me, I tried my best, I haven't slept in two days and feel so severely horrible and might just take a nap, good night yall
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cnderyne · 3 years
Your Happy Ending.
Summary: You have your happy ending with Diluc. He was there to mend what Kaeya destroyed. It isnt the ending Kaeya wants.
Part 2 of He Was Supposed To Be Yours.
Part 3: You Were Supposed To Be His
Genre: fluff and a bit of angst.
Pairing: Diluc x Reader (fluff) Kaeya x Reader (angst and very little of the pair)
Warnings: like one swear word and it is kinda long
Word Count: 1,325
A/N: Thank you @reveltica for requesting a part 2 and thank you @imnikki for the idea :D. I... may have went a bit to overboard on the relationship with Diluc so no jealous Kaeya is in this but I promise I will do a part 3 of this v soon. I also changed the title of part 1 to 2nd person bc it really didnt fit. Anyways, thank you for reading <33
You never actually had such a malicious intention to break Kaeya using his brother and you still don't. Even through all the torment and emotionally abusive things Kaeya has done to you, using an innocent person is unfathomable to you. Diluc managed to hurt Kaeya because he wanted to court you. I'll give an overview of how you got to the point of a relationship. 
After you saw what Kaeya did, you avoided him. There was no dramatic fight nor was there any confrontation about what you witnessed. He just… stopped being in your life. Of course you needed to let him know you guys were over so you opted to just send him a letter that you wrote while drinking at Angel's Share. 
Dear Kaeya,
I knew you never wanted me so I will let you go. I hope you are happier with Traveler. 
Y/N xx
Those kisses were meaningless and you hoped he would see the humour in that last sentence. Tears still welled up as you wrote that. Emotions were hard to get rid off after all. Diluc saw this. Everytime you entered the Tavern, his eyes lingered on your graceful figure but always lowered his gaze whenever you would run into Kaeya's arms. Diluc was conflicted at the time. How dare he hold feelings for you while his brother held you. That feeling never left after seeing you hiding from Kaeya whenever you were both in the bar. I mean, you were his brother's ex. Oh but how he wanted to indulge in a relationship with you. 
That all changed one week. Kaeya was out on a mission for a week so you allowed yourself to meander around Mondstadt with finally a genuine smile on your glowing face. The townspeople, who knew of the situation, were affected by your change in mood and soon, the whole town of Mondstadt shared a similar feeling. 
A night alone at your house felt lovely but now you could roam around, so you decided to go to the tavern to waste all your money on alcohol. You seated yourself at the bar so you could get your drinks quicker. This was something you never did and Diluc realised that. He was aware of his brother's absence and was rather grateful because he got to see the gorgeous smile you rarely showed after the break up. It really suited your face and he couldn't help but fall for you again. This time there weren't any problems with his feelings. 
"Hi Diluc! May I have a glass of dandelion wine?" Your energetic voice filled his ears, soothing him like a melody Venti would play. You noticed his… dazed look so you called out to him. His eyes widened a bit and began to process your request.
"Sorry. Let me get that for you." When he turned to prepare your drink, a dust of pink covered his cheeks. Diluc gave you the drink, with a bit of fumbling. You took a sip of the wine and the refreshing taste cleansed your palate. The drink dwindled and but there was still a craving for more. After a lot few glasses, your speech started to slightly slur and you that familiar lightheaded feeling comes that happenes everytime you drink. However, there is warmth surrounding you instead of that empty and icy feeling that always hurts.
"Aaah Diluc, your drinks are always the best. You're just what I need," you looked up at him and was met with an averted gaze on flustered face. You continued to praise him, "Diluc, I am being serious. I really like being around you. It makes me feel so warm and comforting. Are you my panacea or something?"
"I-I think you've drunk a bit too much." Diluc slipped the glass out of your grasp and placed it behind him, while you were frowning and holding his arm to get it back.
"Please let me have one more drink," You begged and gave his arm a little squeeze. This resulted in you stating, "Oh my! How big are your muscles? Sheesh, you're so strong!" An innocently intended question made Diluc jolt his arm back and the colour of his faced matched his hair. Startled by his sudden movements you immediately apologised. You may have been drunk but you still knew when you messed up.
"It's not your fault. I was just... surprised what you said and if you keep drinking, you won't be able to walk back home."
"Then you can walk me home. If that is okay with you that is." He informed you that it will be really late by the time he can walk you home. You responded with, "It's okay. I can wait for you."
And so, you and Diluc got closer than ever. The conversations shared that night flowed with ease.
The walk home was filled with laughter and subtle glances. The night air felt uncomfortable on your skin as goosebumps were raised to keep your body warm despite Diluc feeling like a portable heater next to you. Diluc saw your hands rubbing your bare arms in attempt to gain heat so he plopped his large coat onto you. The smell of alcohol and sweat invaded your senses but it wasn't as bad of a smell as you would think. You nestled into the oversized coat and wished you could stay in it forever.
"My apologies that it doesn't smell good."
"Don't worry about it. It smells homely and your coat is really comfy." He let out a light chuckle and you continued the conversation.
You told him the story of how you once got your ass handed to you by a whopper flower. An embarrassing yet humorous tale. The dim street lights eluminated Diluc's face to bless your eyes with his tender smile, obviously smiling at your ridiculous telling of the story. In return, he told you “one of many” stories he has about things that happened while he was working at the Tavern. As that story came to a close, you were at the doorstep of you house.
"Thank you for walking me home! I had a lovely time with you today. Here is your coat back." Taking it off, your body was exposed to the chilling air, which made you shiver slightly. It was a shame you had to take it off. It was really fun to wear.
"I hope it was able to keep you warm," Diluc took it into his hands and put the coat back on him. "If it is okay with you, can I take you on a date?"
"Only if you give me a hug." You attempted to be playful only resulted in you wanting to die of embarrassment more than when you told that story. However, Diluc immediately embraced you. He didn't want to miss the opportunity to hug you and get a date with you. The hug was unlike any other. You relaxed into his hug absorbing the heat he emitted. His hand was carefully placed your waist and the back of your head. He curled up around you and held you close, as if you were about to leave him for good. You decided that the hug would definitely happen again.
His embrace weakened but was still unwilling to let go. Soon after, he withdrew himself from the hug. "I'll pick you up at 6." With that, he walked away.
Despite how reserved he is, Diluc was very good company that night. He was also very good company for the following days that soon turned into weeks.
You hopelessly and utterly fell for the red head that brought you the company you craved. Unlike how you begged Kaeya for attention, with Diluc, it felt healthy. It felt right. You got your happy ending with Diluc and you are happier than ever with him.
However, Kaeya found out that you and Diluc. Needless to say, he wanted his "doll" back.
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dauntless-gothamite · 3 years
Prove Them Wrong [3/?]
Fandom: Divergent Pairing: Eric Coulter x Fem! Reader Summary: Y/N is a Dauntless transfer from Erudite, and she has a drive, an ambition that sets her apart--it always has, even back in Erudite. She brings her perseverance (and need to prove others wrong) to Dauntless when she transfers, and she uses her mind to make her way through the initiation process. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies, and she finds herself comfortable around the man most people in Dauntless avoid at all costs: Eric Coulter. A/N: I like what I did with the end of this one, putting a (hopefully) comedic/unique twist on a trope and adding something original :) feedback is very much appreciated, happy reading
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When you walked into the training room the next morning, everyone avoided looking at your face, specifically, your neck. Instead, people looked at the ground. You knew you had bruises around your neck from where Peter had grabbed you, but you hadn’t expected a group of dauntless to be so touchy about it; bruises were common here. 
“Alright, listen up!” Four yelled. “We are doing some target practice today, so line up and get throwing,” he said, pointing to the line of targets against the wall. At least you weren’t fighting today; your body could use a break. That fight with Peter really had worn you out, and since you guys had thrown knives a couple times already, you were starting to get familiar with the technique. 
You walked up to a free target and looked over the knives positioned on the table before you, holding one and turning it over in your hand. “Well? Are you going to throw that knife or just stare at it all day?” the gruff, aggressive voice of Eric asked. You turned to look at him, and a part of you was pleased to notice that he was looking you in the face, not avoiding your eyes and neck like everyone else around here. 
One side of your mouth quirked up in the beginning of a smile before you replied, “I’m about to throw it.”
“Then get on with it!” Without hesitation, you turned your body to the target, and you positioned your feet similar to how you would if you were throwing punches instead of knives. Gripping the handle, you drew the knife back, aimed, and twisted forward, releasing the knife as you traced an invisible arc over your head. The knife stuck to the target with a thud, but it was a little lower than you’d hoped it would be. Eric nodded and said “Get that figured out before I get back, and maybe I won’t yell at you,” before walking away to stand behind some other initiate, most likely to stress them out so much that they’d miss the target completely. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t yell at me very much, you thought to yourself. Because I don’t break under the pressure of his judgemental stare. After taking many math tests with teachers walking around the room, looking over each student’s shoulder as they frantically scribbled down answers, you were used to being watched and assessed. 
Picking up the next knife, you lined yourself up just like you did before and repeated the motion, letting go of the knife a bit earlier this time. The knife landed at the height you wanted it to, but it was a little far to the side. Grabbing for the next knife, you made sure that this time you didn’t twist as much, but you did everything the same way you did before, and the third knife landed just a few millimeters from where you’d aimed, but you were satisfied. Smirking to yourself, you looked to either side before walking forward cautiously to grab the knives from the target. As you grabbed the first knife’s handle and pulled it out of the target, you heard the sound of a knife flying through the air near your head, and in an instant, said knife embedded itself just a centimeter above your head in the target. 
“What the fuck!” you yelled. Whipping around to glare at whichever person’s knife had gone so far off course, you saw Eric standing where you had been standing to throw the knives with a smirk on his face. 
“Just testing you,” he said nonchalantly. You scowled in response, eyeing the knife he still held in his hands. You locked eyes with him, and his smirk grew wider as you backed up against the target, knowing what would come next, right before Eric’s second knife landed between your arm and your torso. You turned back around to grab your knives, and Eric said “Grab mine too, initiate.” While you were turned around, you rolled your eyes, but you did retrieve his knives for him, passing them back to him curtly. He grabbed them out of your hands, fingers brushing ever so slightly in the process, before turning around to torment someone else. 
At dinner, just as you were about to take a bite of your hamburger, Will asked, “How did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Get Eric not to hate you!”
“He doesn’t like me,” you scoffed.
“At the very least, he doesn’t yell at you every five minutes,” Tris butted in, to which Will and Christina nodded fervently. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “Luck, I guess?”
“No way, luck could not possibly get that man to be even a little bit nice to anybody,” Christina countered. 
“Ok, maybe not, but like I said, I don’t know! Maybe it’s because I don’t crack under pressure or something.”
“Something like that,” Will conceded with a sigh before turning on Tris. “Your turn; what’s going on with you and Four?”
“Nothing!” Tris replied. 
“Come on, don’t lie to us,” Christina said. You badly wanted to say something to try and get more information out of Tris, but you refrained just in case they decided to turn back on you and start asking about Eric again. 
“I don’t know,” Tris said. “He’s cute, though,” she admitted with flushed cheeks. 
The banter between you all went on like that for a little while as everyone ate their dinner, until Will got up and said, “I’ll see you guys back at the dorm; I want to get there early and hit the showers while everyone is still at dinner. Get a little privacy for once,” and stood up with a smile. 
As soon as Will was out of earshot, you leaned across the table to Christina and said “So, when are you finally going to tell Will you like him?” you smirked. 
“What? No,” Christina said.
“Come on, Tris, back me up here,” you said.
“She has a point,” Tris said with a nod. 
“You guys are unbelievable!” Christina said and stood up, prompting you and Tris to do the same, and then you all headed out of the dining area together to stroll through dauntless for a little while before going back to the dorm so as to give Will some privacy. 
“You know, I think I’m going to try and shower early as well,” Tris said as the three of you walked. “But don’t worry, Christina, I won’t look at Will,” she winked and laughed before peeling off towards the dorm.
“Hey!” Christina yelled after her as you stood next to her, doubled over in laughter. 
“Will, can you calculate the speed at which my fist hits the punching bag? Can you--” you teased Christina.
“Stop it!” she shrieked, her blush deepening.
“Just admit that you like him, it should be easy for an ex-Candor!”
“Fuck off!” she said, but there was no malice in her tone. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, and that was the last straw before Christina gave you a hard shove, making you stumble as you laughed at her expense. Then your body collided with something solid. You heard whomever you had just crashed into growl in frustration as you stared at their black boots. Eric’s black boots. Your laughter died in your throat as you stood, taking note of the numerous pages and folders that were undoubtedly full of important files in them scattered across the floor. You made eye contact with Christina’s, who at least had the decency to look guilty as she retreated down the hallway, as Eric said “Well, initiate. I don’t know what you were doing, nor do I care, but the rest of your evening will be spent reorganizing the files you just scattered everywhere.” 
You nodded as you made eye contact with him before bending over to pick up the pages on the floor. Once you had picked everything up, Eric started walking and you followed up three flights of stairs and down a hallway, eventually coming to a stop outside a door which he unlocked. You followed him inside as he turned on the lights, and looking around, you knew this was his office. “You will sort these pages by category and date, then leave them on my desk when you’re finished, understood?”
“Actually, I have a question,” you asked as an idea occurred to you. He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“Wouldn’t something physical be a better punishment? Just because I happen to be good at sorting, this feels like it’s--”
“No,” Eric said. “I know what you’re doing. Trying to get an advantage by extra training and building it into something you already have to do. I’m not an idiot, Y/N.”
Nervous to push him any further, you decided to throw one more thing out there, and if he didn’t take it well you would shut it and sort the files. “Well, of course not, you are from Erudite originally, so--”
“Who told you that,” Eric asked, annoyed. You weren’t sure, but you thought you saw a glimpse of something else in his eyes for a moment. 
“No one, it’s just that Ms. McKimmerer talked about you all the time.”
“That old math teacher? He asked incredulously”
“Yeah, she always said ‘Eric Coulter memorized more digits of pi than any other student in his year, try to be more like him’ and ‘It’s a shame he left Erudite’ when she taught us about pi.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Eric scoffed. “And don’t mention that to anyone, initiate!”
“I won’t!” you said, slightly amused. After a brief pause, you said,  “But you should know, there is even a picture of you from that year on her desk, with your hair combed back and a blue collared shirt.”
Eric paused for a moment, and you did your best not to break, but eventually you howled in laughter; his wide-eyed reaction was just too funny.
Scowl in place, Eric schooled his face into a calm, if annoyed mask, and said “get to work on those files. I will check back in a bit to see if you’re done sorting them.” Then, he walked out and shut the door behind him. Chuckling to yourself, you got to work on the large stack of paper before you.
The door opened loudly and you woke up to the sound of Eric Coulter clearing his throat. “Did you finish sorting the files before falling asleep at my desk, initiate?” 
Sitting up, slightly embarrassed, you nodded. “Good. Now get out of my office and go eat dinner.”
You stood from the desk, hesitating for a minute. “I actually wanted to ask you something,” you said, turning to face Eric. 
“Well, I noticed you have a few books in here, and I was wondering if I could borrow Mental Conditioning: Getting Your Mind and Body On the Same Page. I wasn’t looking through your stuff, it’s just on the self over there--”
“I know where my own damn book is,” he said, walking over to it and grabbing the book off the shelf. “Here,” he said, handing it to you. “Return it when you're done, and it better be in the same condition it is now when I get it back, understood?”
“Yes, thank you!” you smiled at him, pleasantly surprised that he was letting you borrow the book.
That night, when you got back to the dorm room, you read a few pages of Eric’s book before going to bed. It was a little hard to focus with all the noise--you’d find a better spot to read tomorrow--but you were happy nonetheless; while dauntless was great, you had missed all the books that were available to you at Erudite. As your eyes grew tired, you reached into your bag under your bed, which held your few belongings--every initiate got one--and pulled out a napkin you had been doodling some tattoo ideas on during lunch, placed it between the pages to act as a bookmark, and put the book away in the bag. You closed your eyes, surrounded by your friends, mind calm from reading, and for a moment, despite the lingering pain around your neck, you were completely at peace as you drifted off to sleep. 
Tag List: @shykoolaid, @taina-eny​, @parabatai-winchester​, @marvel-ousnesss​
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