#to no one's surprise it's not even being sold in the US becuz it's all sold out in Japan
saotome-michi · 5 months
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Have you ever seen something so beautiful you start to cry??????
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cl-babydew · 4 years
Another Camp Camp one, and this is a long one: Name the Top 5 things that you like or love about *each* kid from the main trio (Max, Neil, Nikki) and the performing trio (Preston, Nerris, Harrison).
Okay, here we go! XD
1.) I love how real he is. You know? Like, he may be negative all the time, but most of those times, he isn’t wrong. The world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, and he’s always there to point that out. Which to me, keeps the campers a bit more grounded. Someone has to do it.
2.) The fact that he can be compassionate in his own ways! X3 Like, he doesn’t want to show that he’s protecting you, or caring for you, so he just keeps up the act he has, while still trying his best to sneakily be there for you and watch out for you. It’s like a sibling thing, “No one can call them that, except me!” I love that a lot! XD It’s cute!
3.) His relationship with the others! I really love seeing him interact with the campers, and counselors! XD It’s always fun! Plus, he tends to learn from many of them, even tho he’ll never admit that! X3
4.) The fact that he’s saved the camp more times then Space Kid can count!! XD The boy literally states that he hates the place!! He’s tried to get rid of it, or run away!! But obviously failed each time! Tho the one time he doesn’t do anything, the camp gets sold!! But yet, all he wants is to save it!! He saved the camp!! If it wasn’t for him, it wouldn’t still be up and running!! Gosh he’s grown so much, and it shows!! The camp’s basically became his home! We all know there’s something with his parents, so I always wonder if he ever were to escape, where would he go? We all know if he had the choice, he’d never go back to his original home. So where? I think now, more then anything, he’d definitely call the camp, home. JUST ADOPT HIM ALREADY, DAVID!!
5.) THE FACT THAT HE LOVES DOGS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER ABOUT HIM! XD AHHH I LOVEEEE!!! If you put him in front of a screen, playing dog videos, he’d most likely spend hours on end watching them!! XD We found one way to occupy him! XD Someone needs to get this boy a dog, stat! XD
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1.) Neil is a crazy sciencist and I love it! XD This boy does some crazy things!! He’s only what? 10?! For someone to be that age, and be that smart!! It’s crazy!! And I love that about him!! The poor boy just wanted his Science Camp! XD I’m glad he’s at Camp Campbell tho! Definitely wouldn’t be the same without him! XD
2.) The way he reacts when talking to someone he likes, is precious!! XD He’s a stuttering mess, and I couldn’t ask for more!! Not gonna lie, I really did like him and Erin!! X3
4.) This may sound werid, but the fact that he’s shy to use the bathroom when others are nearby, etc. is precious! XD Plus, I can relate! I mean, who couldn’t tho? XD
5.) Sometimes, he’s the sane one of the group, and sometimes he just really isn’t. And that’s okay! XD I love the fact that he tends to have his own crazy moments! He may be logical at one point, and then the next, he’s trying to steal Space Kids blood for an experiment! XD Poor Space Kid!
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I just— I can’t! 🤣
1.) I love how hyper she is, to the point she’d probably have to be kept on a leash of some sort! XD I wouldn’t be surprised if that already happened off screen, or soon will in an ep! She just has so much energy!! XD Idk where she gets it from, but it’s impressive!
2.) Her love for her friends is very admirable!! Like for instance, even tho she felt hurt by Max teaming with another group, she was still happy that he “found someone that makes him smile”, even if that wasn’t exactly the case! XD In my opinion, I think she’s the bow holding that trio together!! One more thing, “You know what else I love about Christmas? You guys.” X3 I love her so much!
3.) I love the fact that she hangs out with everyone!! Not just her trio, but she hangs out with all the other campers!! As we’ve seen in New Adventure!! Not only that group, but she’s hung around Harrison, being fascinated by his magic!! She’s just so out there, and it’s such a good thing to see!
4.) She’s pretty innocent, unlike the others! XD We’ve seen this many times! XD I love the scene with David tho!! XD “Did you...” snickers, “hold hands?” XD She’s so precious!! XD
5.) I love how dominant and tomboyish she is! XD I’m so happy she isn’t anything like the other girls from the other camp!! She’s herself, and not trying to impress anyone, or fit in!! She also knows how to stand her ground, she doesn’t need anyone to rescue her from her problems! XD She can handle them. Well, sometimes anyway! XD
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Max’s face makes me melt! X,3
1.) The fact that he’s a theater kid, is amazing! XD Bless the creators for creating him and adding him to that camp!! Granted, not all theater kids are the same, not as overdramatic as he can be, but most of us can relate to him! XD I hope that we have more episodes with him and his plays!! Hopefully they’re able to reference to some more popular musicals!!! XD That’d be so cool to see!!!! He’s already referred to The Phantom Of The Opera, and Les Miserables!!
2.) I love how overdramatic he can be! XD Also, his shouting tho!!!!! I kinda wonder if he does that becuz he’s so use to yelling at his grandma so she can hear him? I still find it funny how he tends to randomly do it at times! XD
3.) All he wants is for people to enjoy his shows! XD Sadly, not everyone tends to pay attention, and when they do, they aren’t even sure on what’s going on. Tbh tho, some plays/musicals are really confusing, or make no sense! XD I hope one day he’s able to achieve his dreams, and make it to broadway!
4.) I love how presistant and determined he is to entertain others!! Especially in the season 4 episode! He was trying so hard for the campers! He wanted to keep up the laughter and smiles! Deep down, all he wants is for others to appreciate his work, like many of us, so he tries to be satisfied with that one thing, tho we see it was getting tough. He wanted them to appreciate all his work, not just one joke he made. All of it. He’s put so much work into the others, and he wants that acknowledgement! It’s understandable by many of us! When you work so hard on something, but it doesn’t get that acknowledge, yet that other project that you didn’t even try on, got it! It’s nice to know that project got it, but it makes the progress you made, feel like it wasn’t worth it, or feel like it wasn’t progress at all. Okay, maybe I should get back on track! XD The point is, that’s most likely how he’s feeling! This just makes his character more understandable. (Maybe I just look too deep into things? XD)
5.) All in all, he’s a pretty funny character!! I just really enjoy seeing him on screen! I really hope we get more of him in future episodes!
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1.) I love loveeee LOVEEE her design!! Like, the first moment I met her, I just fell in love with her character design!!!! Her hair style is incredible, especially on her!! She has plastic adorable elf ears!! X3 FRECKLESSSSS!!! JUST FRECKLESSS!!!!! Her skin color just makes her blue eyes pop (especially in fanart)!! She’s so so pretty!! Not to mention her outfit is precious! X3
2.) Her lisp that she gets from her braces is so so dang cute!!!! XD Ahh I love it!! I love it so much!! She’s just so adorable!
3.) She can be feisty and I really enjoy that! XD Poor Harrison always being the one she picks on tho! We all know why tho! X3
4.) I just love the fact that she tends to spit out random facts and references to larping, even tho I never exactly understand anything! XD Her imagination is great! Not that all the others’ isn’t ether! XD
5.) She’s such a fun character! I would love it if we could have more of her!! And even if she can be a tad rude at times, she can be just as kind and caring, like with Ered!!! Gosh I hope we get more of her!!! XD
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And finally,
1.) He’s an awkward dork, and I love him! XD I love how one minute he can be totally confident in what he’s doing, and the next be completely awkward!! I think most of the time, Nerris is the reason for his akwardness, even tho he can sometimes fight back! XD
2.) The fact that his magic is actually real, is something I wasn’t expecting, but I loved! XD It’s crazy!! It’s also sad for many reasons!! This poor boy is seriously going through a lot mentally, and not to forget, physically! Someone plz help him?!
3.) He’s so interesting!!!!! I want more of him!!! A lot more!! There’s so many interesting things to learn about him, and those few episodes that focused on him only led to tons more questions!! GAHHHH I REALLY HOPE WE GET MORE!! XD
4.) Like Nerris, though not as loved, his outfit is pretty cute! X3 I especially love his little top hat and gloves!! Those are nice touches!
5.) At first, I didn’t really care for the way his voice sounded. It seemed at first that the VA wasn’t doing a good job. Though I have to admit, it’s totally grown on me, and I’ve grown to love it as the episodes progressed!! I learned that it wasn’t the VA at all, but how the character was! It really fits Harrison!
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Thanks for the ask!! XD This was fun!!
Sorry it took me a while to finish tho!!!
One main thing though, WE NEED A PREFORMING TRIO EPISODE! AT LEAST ONE?!!!!! 🙈 Gosh I want it so bad!
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