#to make a set of assets for a little test project. idk.
chromaji · 9 months
oh yeah i’m gonna run out of attachment for srpg studio quick until i change some of these damn default assets‼️‼️ especially the battle sprites and map tiles
which is unfortunate since the non-rtp asset scene seems barren.
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it's the anniversary... of the game's development. idek why I'm making these at this point, I suppose because it gives me some kind of purpose or motivation to continue on despite the shit that's been happening in my life. The massive burnouts, the lack of motivation, my dayjob eating up my time to the point that I'm unable to sit down and work on the game.. the depression.. but I keep persevering..
Last year I released a remade demo of the game, where I rehashed the entirety of the game, from the gameplay to the story, the entire thing was changed.. And there were lots of struggles and hurdles I needed to surpass just to release a (somewhat) perfectly functioning demo, completely bug-free.. That's an achievement if I do say so myself... I did take a break from the game afterwards and ended up making Escape Button, a.. quite short and silly little experimental game where I tried to emulate a 'point-n-click' setting.. It's possible, you just gotta be a little creative. *pensive* For the most part it worked, and from there, I applied what I learned in Esc and slapped it into burdel borble, you will see what I mean in a few.. enough sob stories about my crippling depression and burnout, you came here for the good shit, but if I end up wallowing in my own self-pity, that's on me. I'm a tired creature, that is all I am..
I unfortunately did not receive any questions, so I may as well make up some questions you might wanted to ask me.
To put it bluntly, I'm a one man developer.. People might misinterpret what I mean by that, so let me elaborate. Other than music and the assets I receive from volunteers who want to see my game come to fruition, I am left to do everything else that isn't in the music department or general assets. Which means coding, mapping, setting up events, story and dialogue, constant beta-testing, yadda yadda. Other factors play in this, and it has to do with my day-job. Since I started my day-job back in February, all my focus shifted onto my work, so I have been unable to sit down and work on the game..
I know people want to see my game get finished someday, but idk when exactly that someday will be.. Might not be tomorrow or next year.. My fg does not have a deadline and it's better that way, so I don't end up stressing myself out.. When it comes out, I hope to make it into a grandiose deal or some shit like that..
For the most part, I'm mostly re-working on dialogue and certain events in game to make it pop a little bit more and make it look more.. mine you know.. like I made it with my own 2 hands..
Finish the game ofc, and then begin working on new projects.. I do have something in mind, might be another experimental one, who knows.. And ofc, finally kickstart my twocrown tutorial channel, where I post rpgmaker related tutorials.. I'll keep that short haha.
Lots of things actually! Let's start with the most basic..
Animated facesets. It came to me in a dream lol So I wanted to try out a thing where the characters are able to speak. As in you see the faceset's lips move. This one took time to implement because I kept running into issues.. Then the bird brain awoke and was like: remember that large sprite tutorial for 2003? Make it for the facesets! And so I did!!
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Aleyes shop gets a bit of an overhaul! learning from Esc, I made a panorama for his little shop, where he will sell you goods. This is a point-n-click segment.. don't worry, there will be more, in the form of minigames and puzzles! they are fun to make!!
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First person battle. Think Earthbound. Just think Earthbound!! This one comes with it's pros and cons unfortunately.
The major Pro here is that it will not be necessary to constantly change the battle sprites, all i have to do is just change the faceset and I'm moving on with my life.. the con? well, when their HP reaches 0, they are dead, but they're unable to show.. I'm trying to figure out a way to overcome this, but I am drawing blanks.. i do see potential in the window c variant (the first person view), I haven't seen much people use this type (WITHIN the fangames!! not outside, within!!!)
and that's about it I suppose.. I don't have much else to show cuz everything else is spoiler territory and I don't want to spoil!
So yea, happy anniversary, and.. let's hope I finish this game someday..
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Words On My Skin (Part 8)
Bucky Barnes x Reader Soulmate AU
A/N: Sorry this took forever! My best friend is back in town, and I’ve been busy! To compensate, I made this part looong! Though, if I look at this part any more (meaning: going back and editing), it will never get posted! So forgive me, but I refuse to edit this! XOXO
Thanks for being patient! -Kristin-
Warnings: UNEDITED, swearing, idk... 
Main Masterlist // WOMS Masterlist
 “Oh, my god! You need those shoes!” Wanda gushed, grabbing your hand and dragging you into another store at the mall in New York City, boots clunking against the tiled floors of the busy mall. She skips into some fancy shoe store, hair swinging behind her, picking up a random pair of nude pumps with a peep-toe. “You would rock these heels.”
“You’re lucky Stark pays me an obnoxious amount of money and refuses to let me pay rent.” You huffed, shifting your multiple bags up your arm, “I think I’ve spent enough money to last me a lifetime, in just this short shopping trip.”
Wanda had made good on her promise, making sure that you updated your closet with things that were more stylish and updated. She’d taken you to a few random, name brand shops, and was now pulling you through some fancy mall in New York City. Vision and Caleb were trailing behind, chatting about Vision’s new interest in cooking… though you weren’t sure if he could actually taste what he was cooking. Caleb was talking about loaning him some copies he had made of his grandmother’s cookbook.
You thought you’d be fine shopping with just Wanda, but – apparently – Bucky had thrown a goddamn temper tantrum about you shopping without security, so Vision and Caleb had joined you by the third store. You’d let it go, deciding that it wasn’t an argument you’d wanted to deal with.
Even if he was such an overprotective dumbass, sometimes.
“If you’re worried about money, I’ll buy them.” She replied, flagging down a sales associate. “Stark set me up with a card.”
“I’m not worried about money, anymore.” You smiled, shifting the bags, again, “I have more money than I know what to do with, lately.”
“Do you want me to carry your bags?” Caleb spoke up from behind you, pausing his conversation with Vision, “I don’t mind.”
“Oh, my god, that’d be lovely.” You sighed, sliding the bags off your arm and into Caleb’s outstretched hand. “Thanks, man.”
He nodded, turning back to Vision to talk about the difference between baking soda and baking powder.
Meanwhile, the sales associate brought back the appropriate size shoes for you to try on, and Wanda gave her four more pairs of shoes to grab in your size. You hadn’t even noticed her browsing through the aisles. “Wanda, how the hell are we going to carry this back to the car?”
“We can just make Vis and Caleb bring them back while we go to the girly underwear store.” She winked, holding your flats while you shoved your feet into the pumps, nodding when you tested them out. “If your closet looks the way it does, I’m sure your underwear collection is just as sparse.”
You looked down, a blush warming your cheeks, “You might be right…”
“I figured as much.” She laughed, twisting one of her many rings around her fingers. “I don’t know about you, but a good set of underwear can completely brighten your day. I feel so put-together, with a matching set.”
“I’ll take any advice on how to feel put-together,” You sighed, slipping off the heels and grabbing another box that the associate had set on the bench. “I’ve been stressed out more-so than usual, because Bucky is projecting his stress onto me, without realizing it.”
“You can feel his stress?” She asked, eyebrows shooting up in astonishment, “I didn’t know that was something that could happen with soulmates.”
“He’s been overworking himself.” You rolled your eyes, zipping up the backs of a pair of black, caged booties, “Even if we didn’t have the soulmate bond, you can see it in his eyes. They get all dark when he is stressed out.”
“You should be the one overworking him, not Avengers business.” She winked, bursting out into laughter as your eyes widened and blush spread to your neck and chest. “You should be overworking him all night long.”
“Oh my god, Wanda, stop it.” You whined, clearing your throat as your heart rate sped up at the thought of you and Bucky getting intimate. “We’re still in the early stages of our relationship.”
She gaped at you, shocked, “Have you even kissed, yet?”
Looking down in embarrassment, you shook your head, “Uh, no. Not, yet. We’ve only really ever hugged and held hands.” You cleared your throat, again, unzipping the pretty boots and putting them in the ‘yes’ pile. “I feel like a fucking teenager.”
“How the hell do you deal with the sexual tension?” She laughs, shaking her head with a large grin on her face. “You two work out, together… I’ve seen that man work out, and I don’t know how you deal with it.”
“Lots of cold showers.” You giggled, slipping on another pair of red heels, “I don’t want to overstep.”
“You’re literally soulmates.” She rolled her eyes, swiping her hair behind her ear, nodding at the heels. “You’re meant to be together.”
“Still.” You sighed, slipping off the heels and putting your flats back on. “That doesn’t mean we need to jump each other’s bones right off the bat.”
She hummed, putting on what you liked to call her ‘plotting face’. You could tell that she was plotting some sort of evil plan to try and get you and Bucky to further your relationship. She’d tried it the week previous, by talking about how she was going to take you lingerie shopping, today, and winking at Bucky. She’d, also, got the rest of the team – sans Steve – to make sexual comments when you were both together.
It was awkward as hell, but you and Bucky just decided to ignore them.
“I have an idea.” She suddenly sprung up, a large grin on her pale face, white teeth fully on display. “You’re going to go along with this idea, whether you like it or not.”
Oh god.
“You scare me.” You gulped, shoving the shoes back in the appropriate boxes so you could pay. “I’m not doing anything I’m not comfortable with.”
“It’s nothing too terrible.” She smirked, following you to the cash register. “Just a little… revamping of your work-out clothes, underwear, and giving that chest a little… oomph.”
You glanced down at your chest, a frown on your face. It wasn’t that bad, you weren’t necessarily upset about your… assets. “What’s wrong with my chest?”
“Well, the grandma bra I guarantee you’re wearing, for starters.” Wanda giggled, ignoring the weird look from the woman ringing up your shoes, “You could use an upgrade.” She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms and giving you a smug grin, “Imagine the look on Bucky’s face if you walked into the gym with a sports bra that actually gave you boobs? He’d really want to throw you down onto the mat, if you know what I mean.”
“Wanda!” You hissed, face heating up in embarrassment as you glanced around at the other women in line and the woman ringing you up, “There’s people around.”
“So?” She scoffed, waving her hand nonchalantly and rolling her eyes, “You’ve been with Bucky for like… six months. You haven’t even kissed, yet. You two are literally the definition of a slow-burn romance. It’s infuriating. I hate slow burns. What, are you courting?”
“Shut up.” You mumble, taking your bags and thanking the sales woman, “I’m throwing out all your romance novels.”
“I’ll throw you through a wall, if you do.” She raised an eyebrow at you, lips pressing into a hard line. “I can move things with my mind, remember?”
“Quit meddling with my love life.” You grumbled, following her out of the store to reconvene with Vision and Caleb. “We’re getting to know each other. We have the rest of our lives for the… intimate stuff.”
“The ‘intimate stuff’ is the best part!” Wanda whined, looping her arm through yours, “Right, boys?”
Vision frowned, face scrunching in confusion as he thought about what you were talking about, “I don’t…”
“Just say ‘yes’, Vis.” Wanda chuckled, letting you go to grab Vision’s hand, “Anyways, us ladies are going to go girly shopping. Would you boys mind giving us some privacy and bringing the bags to the car? I promise we will be fine, and I will call if there’s an issue.”
“I suppose we can do that.” Caleb replied, a small smirk on his face. “Girly shopping isn’t really my forte, anyways. I prefer the fun stuff, like fast cars and food.”
“Such a manly man.” You rolled your eyes, lips turning up into a small smile, “Coming from the man who literally yelled at me for not knowing the difference between sorbet and sherbet.”
“I’m a food connoisseur.” Caleb laughed, lips stretched over his straight teeth as he juggled your bags onto one arm, so he could run his hand through his spiked up, dark brown hair. “You know the difference, now, don’t you?”
“Only after you sat me down and made me watch an entire video about how each of them are made differently.” You snorted, pulling at your sleeves as you noticed some civilians trying to slyly take pictures of your little group. “Anyways, we should get going. I want to be back to the compound by five, so I can finish my paperwork.”
“Shoot me a text when you’re done, and we’ll meet you.” Caleb nodded, stepping closer to Vision, “I’ll go show Vision around some kitchen stuff, so he can learn more about cooking.”
“Go nuts.” You waved, looping your arm through Wanda’s so you could follow her along towards the women’s underwear store. You stayed close to her, taking note of all the civilians who seemed to recognize the Avenger, and the soulmate of The Winter Soldier. “So, where did Vision find this newfound love for cooking?”
“He said he wanted to be able to make my favorite dishes, to lift my spirits.” She smiled, eyes lighting up, “Though, he can’t actually taste the food… nor does he eat.”
“It’s the thought that counts.”
When you arrived at the fancy pink and black themed store, you were immediately overwhelmed with lace and silk. There were so many different options, and you had no idea where to even start. There was lingerie, different types of underwear, all types and sizes of bras, robes, pajamas, garter belts, shapewear, and anything else that went under your clothes. There was even an attached subsidiary store for the younger women, which sold the work-out gear that Wanda was mentioning, previously.
“What size are you?” Wanda broke off from you, browsing the racks. “You look like you’re about to have an anxiety attack, just let me handle this.”
You repeated your size, fingers gliding over the silk material of the nearest robe, which was a pale, blush pink with large pockets and lace trim. “I like this.”
“So, buy it.” Wanda replied, hand already full of hangars and undergarments, “We’ll start with bras and lingerie, then move onto work-out clothes and underwear.”
“Do I have to buy lingerie?” You whined, grabbing the hanger with the robe and moving on to a silky nightgown that matched it. “I don’t think I really have any use for it…”
“Yet.” Wanda sung, branching away from you and filling her arms with more items.
Bucky: How’s shopping?
You grinned, waiting in the dressing room for Wanda to return with a different size babydoll piece that she claimed was a must-have. Though, everything you’d tried on that fit was apparently a ‘must-have’.
You: Pretty sure I’m lucky Stark doesn’t charge me rent. The dent in my bank account is pretty sizeable. How was your meeting?
Bucky: …do I have to keep going?
You: Yes. It’s part of your deal with the U.S Government.
You: I have no idea where the heck I’m going to put all of these clothes…
Bucky: Just make Wanda organize your closet. She did this crap to all of us. You’re her newest victim. Though, she’s nicer to you and Nat about it, than she was with us. She bullied me the whole time.
You: You’re three times her size you big baby.
Bucky: She’s thrown me through a wall. I choose my battles, now. I just let it happen.
Bucky: We’ve got a three hour slot for the gun range tomorrow, by the way.
You grimaced, as a knock on the dressing room door sounded through the small room.
“I got it.” Wanda called, as you got up and unlocked the door. “I, also, started a small check-out pile for you, so just give me the ‘yes’ pile, so I can go give it to the sales ladies.”
You grabbed the hangers, rolling your eyes as you traded, “Small, my ass.”
“Your ass isn’t small.” She grinned, sending you a wink, “Bucky’s a lucky man.”
“Shut up.” You chuckled, shutting the door on her. You sat back down, quickly typing your reply.
You: UGH. Fine. I’m going to complain, though.
Bucky: I expected nothing less, darlin.
You: Just for that, you don’t get to see anything I bought.
You realized just how dirty that sounded, right after you clicked send.
Oh god, this is how people start sexting conversations…
Oh Jesus Christ, what have you done?!
Your heart leapt from your chest as your phone buzzed in your hand, his reply popping up quickly.
Bucky: Oh? What might that be, darlin?
Say something snarky!
You: That’s for Wanda and I to know, and you to never find out.
Bucky: Wanda’s a lucky woman.
“Did you try it on, yet?” Wanda called, scaring you into dropping your phone and swearing quietly. “I want to see it.”
“Hold on!” You called back, quickly switching the top and trying to contort your arms, so you could close the clasps on the bra part of the outfit. “Okay!”
When you opened the door, letting Wanda slip in, she raised an eyebrow at your flushed appearance. “What’s up with you? Why are you all blushing?”
“I was… texting Bucky.” You admitted, adjusting the strap and looking away from her prying gaze. “I think it turned into something dirty.”
“Let me see!” She squealed, snatching your phone from your hand and glancing over the texts. “Oh my god, you’re flirting with him.”
“I flirt with him, all the time.” You grumbled, sitting down on the small, plush bench. “It’s never been this… inappropriate, before.”
“Wow… this isn’t even inappropriate.” She snorted, rolling her eyes and handing you the phone. “You should send him a picture of what you’re wearing.”
“NO!” You shrieked, hands covering your face. “I’m not ready for that, yet!”
“Fine…” She sighed, putting the items in the ‘no’ pile back on the hangers. “At least take a picture of the bag, so he knows what store you were just at.”
“That… isn’t too bad.” You bit your lip for a moment, willing your cheeks to stop flaming up and removing your hands from your hot face. “This is just… still so new.”
“You’ve had boyfriends before, right?” She asked, gathering all of the hangers of the outfits that didn’t fit. “That guy at the club was your ex, right?”
You groaned, rolling your eyes, “Unfortunately, my exes are all just like him. Self-centered, entitled jackasses.” You shook your head, remembering the faces of the boys your mother forced you to date. “I’ve dated 6 guys in my life, and Jack was the longest… and the last, before Bucky. We dated for a year, until I was eighteen.” You stood up, turning around to remove the lingerie and put your regular clothes back on. “My mother wanted me to date the types of boys who would further her connections as a lawyer. Rich people are always needing a lawyer.”
“Then,” You continued, pulling your shirt back on, “when I broke up with Jack for cheating on me, that’s when I decided that I was going to do what I wanted with my life. I told her I wasn’t going to college to be a lawyer, I got kicked out, and I decided to leave the state to get away from her. We were living in California, at the time, so I moved to Florida to go to college. I didn’t see her until the day I graduated, when she flew all the way to Florida to tell me how much she was disappointed in me…”
You swallowed thickly, willing the negative feelings to leave your body. “I left Florida, following my boss to Rhode Island, and continuing to be a Personal Assistant. She passed away four weeks before I got the job here.”
“I heard about that.” Wanda leaned against the wall, face soft with sympathy, “Pepper and Rhodey where talking about it a few days before you started. Pepper was excited to have someone who studied mental health and have assistant experience. She said she took a chance and was excited when she met you in the interviewing process.”
“Well, I have a lot of reasons to be an advocate for positive mental health.” You lifted your lips a little, meeting her eyes, “After all the shit I went through, in my life, if I could make one person feel like they matter enough to better themselves and have a positive outlook in the world… that’s a win in my book. It’s the reason I chose mental health. I learned so much in my time in therapy, that I wanted to be able to do the same for other people.”
Wanda was silent, eyebrows furrowed together, teeth pressing against her lower lip and chewing on it as she took in your words. After a few moments, her eyes looked a little misty, as she quickly cleared her throat. “You… remind me of someone. Someone who – after all the shit he went through – tried his hardest to help people.” She twisted one of the rings on her thumb, running a finger over the smooth metal, “I think that’s another reason why I like you so much. You remind me of him. He was too good for this world. So are you.”
With that, she quickly darted from the dressing room, muttering about putting the items on the return rack and needing a bottle of perfume.
You picked up your phone, biting your lip as you stared at the picture of you and Bucky from the sushi restaurant that was your background and lock screen. Your heart hurt. It hurt for Wanda, and the person that she was talking about. You didn’t know all the details about her past, but you did know that she had a brother who died. That had to be who she was talking about…
Your phone buzzed in your hand, and a little notification popped up from your old college friend, Farida. She’d replied back to your picture of a scarf you bought her from some fancy name brand store and called you insane for spending that much money on her. Her quirky little text brought a smile to your face, making you instantly feel better.
You quickly replied that you wanted to see her and her husband soon, since they’d moved with their new baby to the New York area, pretty recently.
Another text came in, from Bucky.
Bucky: What’s up? You went a little dark for a second, there. I could feel you from here. Are you okay?
You smiled at his concern, typing out a small reply of being okay, and that you were coming back, soon.
“Y/n, are you ready?” Wanda called into the dressing room, lightly knocking on the door, “The boys want to get back, and I think we’ve bought enough to start your closet.”
“To start my closet?” You scoffed, exiting the little room with the rest of your ‘yes’ pile. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to have to organize all of this for me, so I know where the hell to put it all.”
“I would love to.” She grinned, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the cash register. “I did that for everyone else who has no knowledge in fashion. Who do you think made Bucky buy the leather jacket he likes so much?”
“He does look good in that leather jacket.” You mumbled, sliding your card through the reader. Ignoring the fact that you just bought enough stuff that there was a goddamn comma in the total price and multiple bags of undergarments and work-out gear. “I can’t wait to see Bucky’s eyes bulge from his head at the new leggings.”
“That won’t be the only thing bulging.”
“Wanda!” You squealed, slapping a hand over your face. “I’m seriously burning all your romance novels!”
“Your reactions are just too good to stop!” She laughed, pulling you out the door. “Besides, you’ve been together long enough to start saying naughty things.”
“I don’t actually know if he considers us together.” You mumbled, removing your hand from your face with a small sigh. “I know we tell people we’re soulmates, and the world knows from the TMZ article… but we’ve never actually established any of that stuff.”
She frowned, rolling her eyes in exasperation, “You both act like you’re in a relationship, why not stick a label on it?”
“I don’t know… I don’t exactly see myself with anyone else.” You followed her out of the store, glancing around for Vision and Caleb – not spotting the dark haired man and the android, anywhere. “We just haven’t…”
“DTR? ‘Defined the relationship’?” Wanda supplied, a small smile spreading on her face. “I’ve been watching American reality TV. I’ve been learning the slang.”
“Ew. Watch something that’s actually worth watching… I’ll show you Netflix.” You laughed, as you sat down on the bench to wait for the guys. The mall was starting to get busy, people husting through the crowded halls of the giant building. You watched as a young mother pushed her toddler along in a stroller, her partner walking alongside of her as they made their way into the baby store a few shops down. “This soulmate shit’s weird.”
“I wouldn’t know.” She shrugged, eyes flitting down to your exposed tattoo on your wrist. There was no reason to hide it, anymore, when everyone knew whose soulmate you were. “I don’t have a soulmate.” Her eyes glossed over, lost in a memory that you couldn’t see. “My… my brother had a soulmate, though. He never got to meet her. The poor soul is without him, suffering, and there’s nothing I can do to help them.”
“It happened to my grandma.” You held her hand, which was surrounded in a twisting, red light. “It was the hardest thing she’d ever had to live with… but she managed to live her life. There is always hope.”
“I hope so.” She sighed, realizing that her powers were starting to show in public, and reigning them back in. “At least that’s one less thing I have to worry about in my life. Though… it’d be nice to know that someone is destined to love me… like in the books.”
“Someone does love you.” You smiled, catching sight of the boys, who were leisurely walking down the crowded path. Vision, though wearing civilian clothes, was catching the eyes of everyone around. “Just because you don’t have the tattoo, doesn’t mean that someone isn’t destined to love you.”
She followed your line of sight, cheeks flushing red at the sight of Vision walking with Caleb. “You might be right.”
“I know I am.” You pulled her up, thankful that Caleb had brought your bags to the car. “Now, lets head home. I have to mentally prepare to shoot guns, tomorrow.”
“It’s not that bad.” Caleb snorts, grabbing your bags from your hand and glancing around the shops – as someone with training always does. “Squeeze. Don’t pull. It’s fairly simple.”
“Speak for yourself.”
Part 9
Forever tags (OPEN): 
@bettercallsabs (<----THE REASON I TOOK FOREVER *wink*) @luckynumber1213 @sassyandclassyx @mrsnegan25 @impossiblepizzapeace @glitterquadricorn @pigwidgexn  @iamnothereimnotlistening @saltymaddiee @ladyxred @pabegay1 @kgbrenner @nataliehasgrace @mellorine-paprika @i-just-wanna-run-hell @igiveupicantthinkofausername @goshdarnitthatsalongname @trashimaginezblog  @ssweet-empowerment @thefridgeismybestie @wildefire @httpmcrvel @geeksareunique @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @breezy1415 @saltyy-fresh @artemis521 @usetheforce3434 @aparadoxsstuff @iamwarrenspeace @gaining-confidence-for-life @come-with-me-and-imagine @courtneychicken @impalatobakerstreet @tbetz0341 @softlysgtbarnes @castellandiangelo @churchs-little-girl @sophiealiice @sea040561 @jurassicjosie @punkrockhufflefluff @thatoneboredkidhelp
@fangirlinacoffeeshopweshare @lucky-fic-recs @st0onehearted @artemis521 @darkheartvamp @buckyflippinbarnes @sawdustandsugar @lovemarvelousfics @jadepc @importanttimemachinenerd @zainab-does-stuff @markusstraya @redcresent @bookdragonhere @shitty-imagines-95  @crazybutconfidentialaf @901seconds @slender--spirit @loving-life-my-way @wantingtobekorra @sebastianstandoms @polarbearnamedpanda @learisa @1stladyofhell @lovemarvelousfics @what-the-heck-life @bowties-and-wallflowers @fandoms-who @writing-in-winter @bitchy-ginger-1 @vechkinfan @amidblogger @iamwhoidecidetobe @winterquicksilver @bluethingsandmagic @artistic22dragon @ineedsleep-help @beckieandhertardis @mala-firebringer @this-is-happening @creation-magician @rosep16 @caticorndancingonrainbows @lovethroughthemiles @carrietoddrick @reallyfuckingangrylatina @vxidnik @attentionseekingprincess @charlotteannvogt @marvelouspottering @buckyssxxhair @absolukeyrh @tiasun897 @youtxbemusic @viioletdelights @part-time-patronus
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wowiejimin · 7 years
Safe - Chapter 1
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This is a rewrite of my previous fic, “Safe”, after almost a year of publishing it and not working on it ever since, I’ve come back to it but with a slightly new plot :) Enjoy!
I’ve made a hashtag under “wowiejimin safe fic” just to make it easier to find :)
Pairing: Gang Member!Jimin x Weak Heart!Genius!Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance, Lots of Action, Humor, Fluff, & Smut (In the Future)
Length: 3.2k
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Death, Smut (In the Future), Drugs, Drug Injection, Needles, IDK JUST A LOT OF TORTURE YKNOW OMG
Members Included: All of BTS, other KPop groups in the future
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In his world, being a part of a mafia gang, known as Bangtan Boys, is a bit terrifying. They were truly a filthy rich and powerful group that everyone feared. 22-year old Jimin was described as the stealthiest and most skilled member of Bangtan, playing an important part in their group. Whereas for 20-year-old (Y/N), a genius with a weak heart is suffering inside the cruel world as she is punished and experimented on the daily basis. Jimin finds himself protecting a gifted girl whose memory can hold numerous things in a blink of an eye. Jimin finds an interest in her, visioning that she may be a valuable asset to their group. Jimin has never paid attention to girls. However, that started to change when he met her.
The young woman was thrown to the ground, grunting in pain. The man then punched her in the stomach, growling before grabbing her upper arm, sitting her down in front of his boss, also known as the leader of the Void. He stared at her unamusingly, “You’re lying to me.” She shook her head, “I’m not.” She replies, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I swear–!” She rambled and he cut her off, shaking his head, “You’re lying, and if you don’t tell me the truth, I’ll be using that lighter over there and use it on your body.” He threatened as her breath hitched. The leader then took out a sheet of paper, holding up a pen to her face, “For the last time, give me the numbers.” He yelled, slamming the pen down on the desk, making every other object on the desk shake.
Loud cries filled the porcelain white hall, “N-No!” The young woman cried as the two men, carrying her by her fragile arms, dragged her towards the one room she despised the most. The Injection Room is what she calls it.
(Y/N) whimpered as they strapped her to the bed, stopping her from escaping. “A-Appa!” She screamed, “Please–!” She was cut off as the men wrapped her mouth with duct tape. Her muffled cries bounced off the walls and echoed in the hallway. The man whom she called Appa looked down at her, the syringe in his hand. She stared at the sharp and thick needle, little droplets of the drug oozing out. She took short breaths as the man smiled, covering her eyes with his free hand before roughly stabbing the thick and long needle into her neck.
Muffled screams and cries came out of the young woman’s taped mouth. The man slowly injected the substance into her before pulling the needle out. Although he finished, the muffled cries continued. The man nodded at his men as they all left the room, turning off the lights, leaving the woman in the dark alone.
(Y/N) loud screams slowly got quieter and quieter and she felt her body twitch. Her eyes then rolled back, closing her eyes shut. She couldn’t even hear her own sobs, couldn’t feel her hot tears run down her flushed cheeks. 
Her body was intensified with burning sensations yet she felt cold.
It was the only word that could come up, close to describing her current feeling. Her whole body felt frozen to the point she couldn’t imagine on ever moving again.
Deep breathes were only heard in her cell as she huddled her small body into the very corner of the room, shivering as she stayed away from the door as much as possible.
“You did absolutely amazing today, (Y/N).” The husky and rugged voice echoed in her cell as the man let out a little chuckle. “I’ve won thousands because of you.” He said, looking at the girl.
(Y/N) looked at the man who was her so-called father. (Y/N) didn’t do anything but stare back at the man with slightly terrified eyes. (Y/N) referred him to as Appa as he was the only person who kinda took care of her since she was abducted.
She wasn’t referred by her own name but was labelled as Tiny by the others as she was rather smaller than the rest of the test subjects. Although she was small, she was a genius. Her greatest strength lied in her intelligence.
(Y/N) shivered as the man chuckled once more before shutting the door, leaving the young woman in complete darkness.
She remembered the day she was taken away from her mother, never seeing her again after that.
(Y/N) wrote an equation on the board, correcting her teachers work, “Try it the other way, it adds up to 467. Only one answer is correct.” She erased her work on the board and turned to her teacher, “I mean no disrespect, Mrs. Soong, but your calculations are wrong.” The other students in the class giggled and the flustered teacher glared at the younger girl, “Office.” She says and everyone stopped. (Y/N) widens her eyes and obeyed anyway.
The principal sighed and twiddled with a pen. “Ms. (Y/N)…” He started, “We’ll be moving you to another school.” (Y/N) gasped, “Wait, what–”
“(Y/N), you’re smart, a genius. Truly a gifted child. You have to go to an appropriate school. You’ll make new friends.”
“Don’t be sad, (Y/N). We’ll always be your friends. I hear the kids in Daegu are cool, you’ll have a good time there.” Her friend reassured. (Y/N) was originally from Busan, but knowing that she’ll be moving to Daegu made her nervous. (Y/N) and her friends walked on the busy streets, coming home from school. (Y/N) sighs, “I don’t even like numbers. I like it here. I don’t want new friends.” She whined and her friend laughed, “Of course. But don’t worry, I’ll send you a letter every week.” (Y/N)’s face lit up, “You promise?”
“Of course. Think you want me to miss out on having a famous friend? It’s going to be great, (Y/N).” (Y/N) smiled up at her friend. Suddenly, a hand grasped her wrist and started to drag her away from her friend. “(Y/N)!” He screamed and the mysterious man shoved (Y/N) into the car, driving away. The young girl panicked, looking around. “Hold tight, kid.” The man smirked and they drove off to a peculiar place.
Within 20 minutes or so, they arrived at their destination. The man who grabbed her guided her to a building and led her to an office. A man in his 20’s was seated in front of a wooden desk and smiled. "Ah, (Y/N)!” He stood up and pointed at a girl her age, who sat in the corner of the room. “This is my niece, Soohyun. Recognise her?” He asked and she nodded, “S-She’s in my class.” The man nodded, “She says your mind is like a computer. We spoke to your teacher and she said the same thing. That’s why you’re here.” He rested his hands on her shoulders, “Lovely girl.” He mumbled as he grazed his finger softly on her chin. (Y/N) grimaced in disgust and he sighed, “Computers are so annoying.” He walks to his desk and smiled, “They say what you learn you never forget, is that so?” He asked and she shook her head, afraid of what was going to happen.
The man grew furious. He had an abacus calculator set on his desk and mixed the beads around randomly, “Then we will go to your home and kill your mother for making such a stupid girl!” He shouted making (Y/N) jump. He sat down and (Y/N) felt the tears welling up.
She had always known that her mother was always so ill. All (Y/N) knew is that her mother participated in projects as a test subject until she was pregnant with her. And with her being a part of a project, handling with tons of drugs and stress, (Y/N) was born with a weak heart. Other than that, her mother was all she had.
She quickly ran to the calculator and solved the problem as fast as she could. Within seconds, she finished. The man smirked, slowly clapping his hands. “So they are telling the truth. Mrs Soong said your father ran away when you were very little, left your mother, and your mother is very ill.” He looked at her as she held her tears in. “Soon you will be all alone. Do you want that?” (Y/N) slowly shook her head and he smiled, standing up. “Then we will take good care of your mother,” He turned to the man that drove her here. “This is Banjo, your new father. He’ll take you to Seoul, where you will count for us.”
It’s been almost 10 years since she’s been taken away. Now at 20-years-old, (Y/N) was trained by the man, Banjo whom she called Appa, in the laboratory through tests and experiments.
She was a subject of at least eight experiments which involved violent and unpleasant doings. (Y/N) tried her absolute best not to fail through these fights or experiments. But if she were to fail even just by a little bit, (Y/N) would be dragged into and locked in a cell with other punished test subjects for great periods of time with no food. She whimpered at the thought, remembering that there was a dead body present in the same room, probably died due to starvation.
This caused an experience of which severely scared (Y/N) with a fear of confinement and loneliness.
(Y/N)‘s breath hitched as she searched for warmth in her body. She winced as she gently grazed over a slightly swollen area on her back from a brutal whipping.
The things (Y/N) had to do with Banjo was absolutely tiresome and scary. After receiving many doses of the drugs, she was sent to underground gambling parties, using her intelligence to win the man tons of money. Sometimes she is even used for underground fights as a scrapper.
She was trained under a man to learn how to fight, who Banjo hired. But as soon as her trainer was killed by Banjo’s men for helping (Y/N) escape, she has been teaching herself.
Although her intelligence was her greatest strength, it doesn’t mean her physical strength is as powerful. However, her combat skills are shown to be more or less average, and she has yet to be shown successfully killing a target.
(Y/N) is noted as being one of the quickest test subjects mentally and physically when it came to problem-solving or fights. She is so fast that her fights only last a few seconds. As she can easily outmanoeuvre them, she is a very difficult target for others to catch, thus her agility and balance making up for her strength.
(Y/N) sighed before closing her eyes slowly, lifting them up every few seconds whenever a sudden noise was heard. All she had in her cell was a small tray of food and herself, tucked into the very corner of the room.
(Y/N) truly did not like to fight or use her intelligence for something that is not useful for her own being. At least in a way where thousands of people are bidding on you and where you’re forced to gamble or fight others in order survive or to not get punished.
She didn’t think that her life with her so-called new father would be like this. She thought far from that until he stuck the needle into her neck for the first time when she was only 11-years-old.
Not only that, but she had a weak heart. She knew was that her mother was a test subject as well and once she gave birth to her, (Y/N) was born with something called Heart Murmur. Although it wasn’t a disease, it may indicate an underlying heart problem.
(Y/N) hissed quietly, feeling the agonizing pain in her chest, placing both her hands to help ease the pain. The man that practically controlled her did nothing to help with her weak heart. But they did mention that they indeed put something to help ease the side effects of her weak heart in the drugs. However, (Y/N) thinks otherwise, knowing it’s only making it worse.
The fragile woman let out a cough before closing her eyes shut, hoping that the time before her next event gives her enough time to rest and heal.
(Y/N) sighed, rolling her side, placing a hand on her heart, slightly feeling the uneven heartbeat on her palm. She sweated nervously, waiting for the doctor. Once every two weeks, (Y/N) is checked up by the doctor and to hear if there was any other way to cure her heart problem. There was one way, but they deemed it was too risky. A valve replacement.
For as long as she could remember, her heart was in terrible condition ever since she was born. In short, she was born with an abnormal heartbeat, meaning abnormal heart murmur. It was the abnormal sounds of the heart due to turbulent blood flow. And that’s what (Y/N) had. Although there were innocent and harmless types of heart murmur, she just had to get the worst one, abnormal.
With the medicine she received, taking an anticoagulant, such as aspirin or warfarin, preventing blood clots from forming in her heart and causing a heart attack or stroke.
And finally, the doctor came in with a blank face. She hasn’t always liked him. Ever since she found out that he was the one who recommended the drugs, she despised his whole existence.
“There’s no other treatment, is there?” She asked quietly. The doctor shook his head, sitting down on a chair next to the hospital bed. The doctor takes out his stethoscope, lifting the earbuds to his ears and the chest-piece to her chest. (Y/N) watched as he listens to her heartbeat with bored eyes.
The doctor lets out a sigh before documenting notes on his clipboard. “It seems like everything is just fine, for now at least. You’re still going to have to use those anticoagulants, however. Although it seems like your heart is slowly shutting down.” He says as (Y/N) slowly sat up.
“Well, if it weren’t for those drugs that are constantly being injected into my body I would be perfectly fine right now.” She mumbled. The doctor says nothing but hands her a new bottle of medications. “Instead of taking one per day, take two.” He says before walking out.
And that’s how (Y/N)’s checkups went. They were short and boring but at least she knew how she was doing.
(Y/N) gave out a sad sigh, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. Who was she kidding, there was no way that she was getting better. Although the medication she was given actually worked, the injected drugs, the stress and pressure from the constant gambling and fighting worn her out more. Especially when it came to punishment, it was hard. Not being fed for a couple of days, not being able to take your medication and kept in a dark room for who knows how long. 
She shivered at the thought before closing her eyes, nuzzling her face into the somewhat comfortable bed. It wasn’t the best bed to sleep in, but it was by far the best thing she has ever slept on for the last 10 years.
(Y/N) sat in her dark cell; staring up at the ceiling as she chewed on the rock-hard bread she was given for breakfast. After scarfing down the bland bread, she opened her pill bottle, taking two of the small pills, swallowing them down dry. 
Suddenly, her door was opened as Banjo stood at the doorway with clothes in his hand, “(Y/N),” Banjo called and she looked at him from where she sat, “Mr. Han is here. Remember him?” He asked and she nodded, “The man that started all this.” She mumbled, referring to her life as of right now. Banjo then held up an outfit, “Take a quick shower and then change into these.” He threw the plastic bag of clothes to her chest, leaving.
(Y/N) scoffed before walking out of the cell, making her way towards the showers with two security guards following closely, making sure that she won’t escape. During her life here, all she wore was a hospital gown. But when it came to fighting or gambling, she wore something more appropriate for those events.
She locked the door behind her, placing the set of clothes on the counter before stripping the gown off her small body. She then turned on the shower, rinsing herself with the cold water.
She sighed, continuing to get ready.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) walked in wearing a simple black circle skirt and a white button down short sleeve shirt. Mr. Han smiled widely, “Ah, (Y/N), you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman.” He says walking towards her before guiding her to a table.
It’s been almost 10 years since she last saw him which was right before she came to the laboratory when she was just 10-years-old.
He pulled out a sheet of paper, placing it in front of (Y/N). (Y/N) scanned the sheet, noting that it was just full of numbers. “I want you to take this to your room and I want you to memorise it. Then—“
“I’ve memorised it.” She says and Mr. Han looked at her surprised, “(Y-Y/N), this is a very important number. For your mother’s sake, answer me carefully.”  He stared at her in the eyes, “Are you sure you’ve memorised it?” He asked and she nodded, “I’m positive. I can tell you without looking at it.” (Y/N) says with a blank face as Mr. Han chuckled.
Banjo came in with a smirk, joining the two, “If she says she remembers it, she remembers it.” He looked at her as she stared at him with slightly furrowed brows, “I can vouch for that.” Mr. Han chuckled, “Then I have an important job for you.” He turned to the young woman, taking the sheet of paper, crumpling it and throwing it into the fireplace, burning it.
They all left the laboratory, Banjo guiding (Y/N). Missions like these were normal to her, memorising many numbers and solving puzzles for Banjo. However, she never really knew why.
It’s been a long time since (Y/N) has seen the sun. Most of the time when she was out with Banjo, it was either midnight or it was raining.
She smiled softly, looking at the bright blue sky, loving the feeling of the warm sun on her skin.
“These are your instructions; Banjo will take you to a man who has the second set of numbers. You will memorise it and then you’ll be taken to another location where your final instructions are given.” Mr. Han instructed. (Y/N) only nodded, understanding the plan.
(Y/N) sat in the back of the car with Banjo and the rest of his men.
Banjo looked at her with a smile, “You’re learning fast, kid.” Is all he says before a van crashes into their car. The window was shattered and the glass shards stuck to everyone’s skin. Men then came out of the strange van, shooting their guns at the car they were in.
(Y/N) panicked, “W-What’s happening?” She muttered to herself as a gun was pointed at her face. She widens her eyes at Banjo, who looked at her with wide eyes as well. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let them have you,” Banjo says before a bullet was shot at the windshield, stopping him from killing (Y/N).
(Y/N) gasped and quickly got out of the car while Banjo was distracted, only to be grabbed by another man she didn’t recognize. More cars came into the scene, killing the rest of Banjo’s men. (Y/N) yelped and desperately tried to escape, only to have the man to hit her by the grip of the gun, throwing her into the van.
jimin will be making an appearance in the next chapter !! :3 thank you for reading ~~
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