#to look me IN THE EYES and say a dragon doesn't deserve the top spot is nonsense and you are cowards
the-nwah-embassy · 2 years
You cowards aren’t ready for the truth.
The top Skyrim sexyman will always be a dragon. Any dragon. 
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thedeathlysallows · 6 months
Is It Over Now? (10)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: Red blood, white snow
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Aemond confesses Luke's fate. Aegon is a sneaky bastard. Sexual assault.
Tag List: @callsignwidow
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"Be careful, my darling!" Laenor, your father, calls out in worry as you dash ahead of him. "Dragons can be dangerous."
"Not Vermithor! He isn't mean, he's just lonely and sad because no one understands him." You cross your arms and whirl around to face Laenor who simply sighs in the face of your five year old stubbornness.
"You look like your Aunt Laena when you do that."
"That's what grandfather says."
Laenor scoops you up in his arms and carries you the rest of the way to Vermithor's favorite resting spot: a large valley on the south side of the island. It's the perfect resting spot for him really. The size is perfect for the grumpy old dragon to rest his wings when he grows tired of the sky or his volcano.
That's where you happened upon him the first time. He was toying with some poor sheep before devouring it whole, and you could only stand and watch in awe. When he turned his massive head to meet your eyes upon hearing your shocked gasp you knew right away Vermithor was yours.
Your parents tried to argue with you, of course. They told you he was too old and you too inexperienced.
"Do you think Vermithor and Vhagar are friends? Mother says they're close in age."
Laenor chuckles at your question and says, "perhaps. Would you like them to be friends?"
You think for a minute, tapping your finger against your chin. "Yes, actually. I think they'd be very good friends. Maybe they'll even fall in love one day?"
"Maybe, my darling." Laenor puts you down as the two of you reach the top of the valley and kneels before you. You can see Vermithor just below watching you with an unspoken joy. "But for now I'm afraid you must wake up."
You frown. This isn't how the memory goes. "What?"
"Wake up, Aemma." Laenor's voice shifts and fear grips your heart.
"Aemma, wake up!"
You bolt straight up in bed, pushing away the hands gripping your shoulders. Your heart thuds in your chest and your skin feels sticky from sweating in the warm summer air circulating your bedroom. Tears continue rolling down your cheeks. Aemond looks down at you with concern. You've been doing nothing but sleeping and crying since the coronation, and he isn't sure how to help you.
"Oh," you finally manage to say. "You've returned. How was Lord Baratheon."
"As stubborn as you'd expect." Aemond sits beside you, taking your hand in his. "I saw Lucerys at Storm's End."
You visibly perk up, desperate to hear anything about your family. "How is he?"
There are few people in Aemond's life that can read his expressions and read them truly. His mother, Helaena, and you. He knows he can't lie to you about what happened, but what else can he possibly say? Not a soul yet knows what happened between him and Lucerys because he couldn't have word of it getting back to you before he could tell you himself.
He flinches at the feeling of your hand caressing his cheek. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve you. You're too kind, too beautiful, too utterly pure for this world. He knows there isn't a possibility of forgiveness, but he can't live without you.
So Aemond takes a steadying breath and says, "there was an incident."
"What do you mean?"
"We departed Storm's End at the same time, but our dragons seemed to be under the impression it was a chase. Arrax attacked first and Vhagar followed suit. I tried to stop it, but neither dragon would listen."
You blink, drawing your hand away from Aemond's face. "Aemond, what are you trying to tell me?"
"Lucerys and Arrax perished. I never meant for things to get out of hand-"
The blood leaves your face and you're left with an icy, lightheaded feeling. "It doesn't fucking matter what you meant! My brother is dead!"
"He wasn't supposed to die!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, did you try telling him that?" The venom in your voice is almost tangible and you hope it's enough to burn Aemond. "Get out."
"I said get out!"
Rather than fight you, Aemond retreats slowly. "I'll leave you to mourn in peace, wife."
Just as you hoped your words burnt Aemond, his burn you in return. "Don't call me that."
"You are my wife. I understand you're hurt, but that won't change the truth."
You choke back a sob, saying, "please, Aemond. Just go."
"As you wish. I'll return after I've met with the council."
You want to tell him not to bother, but the words won't come. Nothing comes except the irresistible beckoning of sleep. That's what you'll do. You'll go back to sleep and maybe this time Luke will be there along with your father.
But sleep won't come despite the heaviness of your eyelids.
You toss back and forth miserably for what could be minutes or hours, you don't know.
In the distance you can faintly hear the door open and close. Footsteps approach the bed, weight dips and shifts on the mattress, hands grab your waist and turn you over, you bury your face in his chest and breathe in the familiar scent of Aegon.
"I sent Aemond to keep an eye on the City Watch as they train," Aegon explains as he strokes your hair.
You say nothing in return. You aren't stupid. You aren't naive. You understand exactly why Aegon keeps sending Aemond on all these various errands and it makes your blood boil. He still sees you as a toy to fight over, to win. Even in the shadow of your brother's death all Aegon cares about is using your body.
As if in silent agreement with your thoughts, Aegon's hand slips beneath the thin cotton of your nightgown to cup your sex. His lips, once soft and inviting, feel harsh against your neck now. You wriggle against him, trying your best to force him off of you.
"I want you to leave," you tell him. "Get out of my chambers and bring Aemond back."
"You can't mean that, sweet girl." Aegon grinds his hard cock into your ass, nipping at your earlobe.
"I do."
Before you can fight him further, Aegon flips you over so you're pinned beneath him, his eyes burning with rage. He grabs your wrists and holds them above your head. You can feel the heat of his body through your gown and you hate yourself for the way it ignites a fire in your belly. Aegon is the reason for your current torment and yet you still find yourself craving him in some way.
"You don't mean that," he repeats. "Never say that again. Not you."
Aegon hates the blank look in your eyes. It's frightening, something he's never witnessed before. You've always loved him the most. Always.
"Tell me you don't mean it. Tell me!"
"I'll thank you to get off my wife, brother." Aemond's hand grips Aegon's collar firmly, leaving no option for Aegon except to listen.
You slowly sit up as Aegon's weight leaves you. The brothers glare at one another. You're unimpressed by their pissing match.
"I would like to write to my mother," you announce. "No, I will write to my mother."
"You can't," Aegon says without looking away from Aemond. "You'll have no contact with your traitor mother."
"What could I possibly tell her that would be so damning? I know nothing of your plans, all of you have made sure of that. Let me mourn with my family."
Both men are silent and you know the answer before Aegon says it.
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bayisdying · 2 years
Lucky Penny - Chapter Twenty-Four
A/N: is this short af? yes. is Lucky a total bitch? yes. do you blame her? no.
Tagging the hoes: @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @mrsjaderogers @cycbaby @callmemana @kloofspeaks @notyoursbutlewis @milesdickpic @callsignscupcake @breadsquash
Lucky hangs up the phone, praying that her putting her fate in Jake Seresin's hands had been a good idea.
"Ready to get your ass kicked in another flight sim?" Hermes' voice grates her nerves as she packs her cell phone away.
"Once again, you may be a pussy, but you can't just walk into the women's locker room."
"Whose gonna stop me? You? Your husband?"
She refuses to let him get under her skin, instead she puts on her boots and shoulder checks him on her way out.
"I don't know why you're being such a hoity toity bitch Lucky."
She still doesn't say a word, let him talk. That's all he ever did at Top Gun anyways. Running his mouth hadn't done him much good back then either, hence him not even getting a podium finish. 
When the two walk into the daily briefing, all eyes land on her, she usually took a seat in the back while their eyes trailed her. But instead she stood at the podium - Hermes' usual spot. Before the blonde could even open his mouth? Lucky gave them all a glare that made all of them sink a little into their seats.
"If you want this mission to be a success, you will all start listening to me. I was sent here because your lovely leader, Hermes, has an ego that makes Zeus look tame." She pauses, appreciating her little joke. "Egos like that lead people to death in the air. Egos like that wouldn't go back for their wingman, leaving them in the wilderness alone. Egos like that, don't survive the night in freezing cold temps just praying rescue finds them soon. Egos like that? Aren't leaders."
There is a silence that falls upon the men as they take in the sight of Lucky, her eyes cold.
"Oh and as the leader here right now, I don't need all of you on this mission. I'm only taking one wingman and a foxtrot. You will have to prove to me you deserve a chance to fly with me."
That hits their nerves, she much liked the way their jaws clenched.
"So you better start doing the flight simulation like you want a spot. Oh and Hermes? Jinx and Joker? Chaser? None of you will be considered. I already know you don't have my back."
Once she's in the air, they can tell she means business. She's a tyrant - pushing their boundaries, lowering the mission time to almost nothing to make them sweat. She will have to thank Maverick later for his unethical training practices. Hearing them cuss her out is just pushing her to be even harder on them.
At the end of the day, none of them have impressed her. Not even slightly. She's damn near ready to run the mission her damn self. She doesn't allow them to hit the showers either, she forces them to sit down and reams into them again. For an hour before she finally turns them loose. All of them are calling her names that she'd rather not repeat. Nothing she's not used to having thrown at her.
"You really think you can come in here and throw my men around?"
"Maybe if you ever disciplined them I wouldn't have to be such a bitch Hermes."
"You always were such a bitch."
She smirks, he's digging his own grave and he doesn't even know it.
"Good night Hermes, I hope you dream of me."
"You wish Steele."
"It's Garcia, remember?"
With that she takes all her notes and leaves him to wallow in his self pity. When she reaches her locker she does a quick look around to make sure nobody is in there with her. She takes the cell phone out from underneath all her stuff and checks for messages from Jake. Nothing yet.
"Damn it Seresin, I'm counting on you."
Back in California, Jake is sitting at his desk trying to do his task for Lucky. He kept hitting brick walls, but he was determined to get her what she needed. She had trusted him with this, he knew why she had. He refused to let her down, she certainly didn't need anymore ammunition to believe he was useless. Plus, as much as he hated to admit it, he admired Lucky. Sure she was a pain in his ass, but she was also the first one other than Cin who called him on his shit. She wasn't afraid to punch him even though he was damn near a foot taller than she was.
He had to help her, she needed him.
A/N: what is Jake up to? What did Lucky ask him to do? Wouldn't ya love to know.
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