#to crarify! this is MY go-to flavor it doesn't mean other variations of benthan dynamic are inferior or not legit
grennefoam · 1 year
my go-to flavor of benthan is to portray Ethan as extremely tired and reticent; he's a vintage car engine that was forced to keep running because a/people expect him to keep running and working and being responsible and b/he expects himself to be responsible for pretty much everything he can care for. he's both macho and a princess. he's a self-sufficient tool of the narrative. he's larger than life. he's constantly beaten up. he's cursed with competency. he has one (1) rebellious phase and it fucked him up so bad it made him the way he is today. he acts like he's not 5'7. meanwhile Benji is the one bearing the amount of emotional clarity enough to power a team of 5 equally, disastrously, emotionally-constipated people. people thought he was polite and somewhat sane but in fact the most cracked of the two. he's the largest Ethan's simp. he's constantly nervous. he's a great liar. he is somehow more of a mystery than Ethan. he's a key and a magnet to pretty much every single emotionally-constipated person he's unlucky enough to come across. he has either a 0 Luck or a 10 Luck moment and there's no in-between
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