#to be clear it's not german-phobic post or smth
unrelatedsideblog · 4 months
I randomly remembered about admiral born in Germany who ditched Germany and come to Poland and it's navy. When he got cought by Germans during WWII, they tried to win him over to their side. Józef (I think that was his name...), however, declared that "1 September he forgot how to speak German". He remembered the language, of course, but during his imprisonment he spoke only in French (I think), and would insist on having a translator present if he was spoken to in German. Call it trolling
Basically I think that Sanji should do it with Vinsmokes. Just to be a petty little shit
Sanji on Sunny: *speaking to himself fluently and cursing flowery in French/whatever language we decide Germa 66 commonly speaks* *Time skip to Germa 66*: Ichiji: Bon retour parmi nous, mon frère. Sanji: *In East Blue common language* The fuck you're sayin'? Ichiji: De quoi parlez-vous ? Parlez-moi dans votre langue maternelle. Sanji: No idea what you're sayin'. I'm afraid I don't remember language anymore, too bad. Ichiji: ...
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