#to be clear aa isn't jealous
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garianna · 4 months ago
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alright here's my pitch ok:
rory sucks
more specifically rory is a 45 year old mechanical worker brooklyn flirt with no sense of personal space
gary is shy but not immune
aunt arctic is going to blow rory up with her mind
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M/F 12/15
JUDE LAW (reserved by Kate AA) conqueror; king/emperor -- has recently made a conquest of his largest and most profitable kingdom yet && has decided that this shall be the center of his new empire; definitely a lot of unrest in the kingdom here and they would all much rather see their rightful queen KATIE MCGRATH restored to the throne; JUDE LAW is pressuring her to agree to marry him and she and her fam are to remain under house arrest until she complies; he already has several other wives (he's married once for love, once for lust, once for lineage and he hopes to marry KATIE for her lands); his line of succession is currently unclear and even he isn't sure who his heir should be tbh; can be heartless and cruel but there's more to him than that -- was once a much softer man. he doesn't believe in this place's ~old religion~ and hopes to snuff out an already dying flame.
LEA SEYDOUX - JUDE LAW's eldest and only child from his deceased first wife. his favorite -- she can literally do no wrong. lea's mother loved JUDE dearly but once he started to take other wives, she became more and more a shell of her former shelf until she eventually died (LEA believes of a broken heart). She believes her dad feels very guilty about what happened to her mom and tries to shower her with love and affection because of this. LEA has a lot of complicated feels re: her dad and honestly her entire family. Doesn't especially want to be queen, but feels she would make a better one than her brothers but despises the stupid games her step-mothers are playing to try to win their sons the crown. Super smart!!!!!! Can be sarcastic af; lots of men have offered her her hand, but her dad doesn't think any of them are good enough.
EVA GREEN - JUDE LAW's second wife. some say she is an enchantress to have drawn JUDE LAW into her bed when he was so in love with his first wife, but at the time, his wife had given him no children and he decided to bring back the laws of old, which would allow him to marry as many women as he liked. EVA promised him a son -- which she did eventually give him -- but not before he grew impatient and married again. EVA's son is not his oldest son, but he is the eldest son of his second wife (as his first one gave him none) and she believes that this is enough for him to have a claim as his father's heir. hates REBECCA FERGUSON with a fiery burning passion!!! Not a fan of his other kids either and it is said that she once tried to have BRADLEY JAMES and JULIAN MORRIS killed. did she or didn't she? that's one secret she will never tell xoxo
TIMOTHEE CHALAMET (reserved by lizzy) - EVA & JUDE'S son; booksmart; loves playing chess; can be manipulative to get what he wants; believes he's the rightful heir thanks to his mom; can be competitive with his half-brothers but isn't as hot headed as MAX IRONS and enjoys riling him up; no match for BRADLEY JAMES physically but he knows he can outsmart him; has a sarcastic sense of humor; fiercely loyal to those he loves; shameless flirt; spoiled af; currently into EMILY CAREY
REBECCA FERGUSON - JUDE'S third wife and the first to give him a son; actually loves JUDE which made her incredibly jealous of his first wife .... but also jealous of his second, too, since it was clear he's always been attracted to EVA. Very proud that she was the first wife to give him a son and the only one to give him more than one child. Fiercely protective of her kids and their birthright; doesn't understand why it's even a conversation -- the first son of the king should be his heir????? BRADLEY JAMES is her pride; SUKI WATERHOUSE is her joy; and JULIAN MORRIS is her comfort
BRADLEY JAMES (OR POSSIBLY MAX IRONS???) (reserved by Kate AA)- has some Lancelot vibes tbh (or maybe it's just because he's making me think of this) No one can beat him with a sword (or so he at least likes to think); thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread; flirts with all the girls but no one is worthy of his being his wife (so far); smarter than TIMOTHEE gives him credit for but dumber than he thinks he is;
JULIAN MORRIS? - the quiet sibling; honestly Evie Beaumont vibes??? lives in the library; tries to keep the peace amongst his entire weird family; the son JUDE LAW forgets about (him?); keeps his siblings out of trouble/keeps his mom sane; honestly the kid who is probably most suited to rule is the one no one remembers! has a thing for FREYA MAVOR perhaps???
SUKI WATERHOUSE (reserved by lizzy)- the baby and it shows! rolls her eyes whenever anyone tries to bring up who is going to rule like it's no big deal (it doesn't concern her so????) lively af!!! charming!!! smiles like she doesn't have a care in the world b/c she doesn't!!! happy little fool
CHARLIE HUNNAM (reserved by lizzy) - JUDE LAW's bro; in love with KATIE MCGRATH; torn between serving his bro and his feelings for her
JODIE COMER (reserved by lizzy) - sister to JUDE LAW/CHARLIE HUNNAM; engaged to LUKE EVANS; was once kidnapped by the resistance but pretended to be a serving girl instead of the king's sister to escape && pretended to be on their side and now she's a double agent working for her bro against them but it's complicated because she's developed ~feelings
KATIE MCGRATH (reserved by Kate AA) - rightful queen to a land that has been conquered by JUDE LAW. currently under house arrest until she agrees to marry the new king. Obviously does not want to marry him -- nor does she want to solidify the fact that he's taken over her home, but she also knows that perhaps more is at stake here and as long as her sister remains under house arrest, the sooner they will open the door for both gods and monsters to descend upon the earth
ASTRID BEGRES-FRISBY - KATIES half sister who the people also call a witch thanks to her mum but she definitely is clairvoyant and can see things people cannot. Possibly one of the few who still practice the ~old religion and is the last mine of defense between this world and the demons of the next or something idk yet exactly what’s happening here but KATIE is one of the few people who know about what’s going on with her
LUKE EVANS (reserved by Kate AA) super ambitious!!!! charming af; schemer!!! big bro of eva green and has enjoyed the wealth that being the bro-in-law of the king has gotten him but tbh he's not completely satisfied and wants more!! ambitious!!!!!! supporter of his nephew as the next king and hopes to essentially be his ~hand; engaged to marry someone???
ORLANDO BLOOM - LUKE EVAN's & EVA GREEN's bro; as a second son he needed an occupation so he's now the captain of JUDE LAW's kingsguard --- very genuine!! has fallen in love with EMILIE DE RAVIN (or possibly LEA SEYDOUX?) but has nothing to offer her :*(
SEAN BEAN?? - JUDE LAW's uncle & hand of the king. responsible for a lot of the more sane choices JUDE makes and helps keeping him from going too far off the rails; has seen his decent into ~madness~ and hopes to help pull him out of it; knows he is driven both by ambition but also feels responsible for the death of his first wife
PEDRO PASCAL - JUDE’s mage who supposedly has magic but it’s just science. From a country JUDE conquered but has a “can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” mentality and has been a loyal subject but also only looks out for #1 and would sell Jude to the devil for 1 corn chip; suspects what ASTRID really is not because he has the sight but because his mom did and he knows what to look for. Unsure how he’s going to use this information yet
IAIN GLEN - former love of REBECCA FERGUSON; still in love with her; potential real dad of one of her kids just to complicate things further
EMILIE DE RAVIN - grew up wealthy but her fam lost it all when her dad died in the war!! desperately wants a family of her own but also wants to marry well so she can provide for her sisters and they can stop relying on their evil stepmother!! Knows ADAM DRIVER has a huge thing for her and wants to marry. Not ideal but they would keep the estate and be provided for! Would ideally like to marry for love but doesn’t think that is in the cards. Loves books and storytelling and enchants her sisters with her tales.
IMOGEN POOTS (reserved by lizzy) - headstrong and wild. hair is always out of place; speaks her mind; wishes she was a boy tbh; despises her stepmother with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns; expert at archery and horse riding but can’t act like a proper lady to save her life
FREYA MAVOR — the quiet and shy one! the one who is taken most advantage of by their stepmother as she’s the sweetest and honestly just wants everyone to get along; deathly afraid of social situations and her stepmother has long since given up on marrying her off and instead wants to keep her as her servant for life; strong Cinderella vibes here; loves animals and has animal friends probs; also loves music and sings like an Angel but you probably aren’t lucky enough to hear it
EMILY CAREY (reserved by Kate AA) the youngest and most spoiled for sure; wants to marry for money and have lots of things and take care of her sisters; loves balls and fancy dresses; lots of energy and spirit; definitely naive and has been sheltered by her sisters; loves to paint and draw; helps IMOGEN play pranks on their stepmom and stepsister but never faces the consequences because IMOGEN always takes the blame for them both; flirting shamelessly with TIMOTHEE CHALAMET and likes him but certainly likes the idea that she could be queen 1 day (or at least the sister-in-law to one)
ANJELICA HUSTON (reserved by Kate AA) - evil stepmother to the above girls; mom to ADAM DRIVER; hates EMILIE with a passion b/c it is clear her son intends to marry her when he could do soooo much better; hates IMOGEN because she's impossible and a gd embarrassment; hates EMILY because she just might snag a prince; honestly FREYA is her only stepdaughter who is tolerable and she plays mind games with her to get her to want to stay and basically be her personal servant forever; manipulative af
ADAM DRIVER (reserved by Lizzy) thinks he's the greatest thing ever; his mom says he can do no wrong ever in his life and he believes her; demanding; angry when he doesn't get what he wants; thinks EMILIE DE RAVIN is the most beautiful women he's ever seen and he must have her even if she is his step-sister
CHRIS HEMSWORTH - ~member of the resistance~ that is trying to unite the men to carry out an assassination attempt on the king? possibly his heirs as well but possibly they believe there will be enough unrest and chaos re: who is going to take over that they will no longer be united and then weak enough for the locals to kick them out of their kingdom??? unwittingly has brought a spy into the group's mist b/c he's in love with her and has no idea she's working for the enemy??
SAM CLAFLIN -- Chris Hemsworth bro/ ~resistance member~
FLORENCE PUGH -- Chris Hemsworth's sister/~resistance member
HARRY LLOYD - stableboy working @ the castle who is in love with ASTRID BERGES-FRISBY; member of the ~resistance~
ALICIA VIKANDER - ~resistance member~
---------- later tiers -------------
DARIUS/MATT SMITH (reserved by lizzy) (god of death/ruler of the underworld???) comes to wreck havoc on the world; create chaos; drag a few souls back with him to hell but also here to party it up on earth as long as he's able to
XERCES/HENRY CAVILL (reserved by Kate AA) (matt's bro; god of winter??????) tired af; always chasing after his bro; crusty exterior
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netsumu · 4 years ago
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entering the cafe your friend asked you to meet up on, the sweet slightly bitter scent of coffee filled your nose.
"hey y/n, over here!" your friend waved at you, signalling for you to sit beside them
"so, what's up? what do you need this meet up for?"
"aww can't a person just miss their friend?" they joked, poking at you your cheek mischieviously
"cmon, i'm being serious here," you pushed their hand away lightheartedly
"okay, okay. well i need your help, tell me what a kiss feels like, or romance in general" they nonchalantly asked
choking at your drink at the sudden question, you looked up at them with wide eyes, "for what?"
"well i'm writing a romance book but, i just can't seem to describe this certain romance fluffy kiss scene. and i thought, why not ask you? i mean, you have matsukawa right?"
"can't you ask someone else?"
"i only have you though," they pouted with begging eyes, hands clasping in a pleading manner
"fine fine.. just tell me what you want to know," you sighed while rubbing your forehead, "the things i do for you.."
"AA THANK YOU! okay so just tell me what a kiss feels like," they hugged you tightly before preparing their notebook
clearing your throat, you placed down your drink, "well.. a kiss with matsukawa feels so.. light?"
"ugh y/n, be more descriptive cmon!" they urged, frowning slightly
"fine fine.. okay let me start over, just a kiss right?"
"yes! now cmon, i'll ask you about some otger scenes later on"
"but this is in my point of view so, it might be different than your character"
"shut up and start talking!"
"shh calm down, geez i'll start.. okay well a kiss with matsukawa feel light and feathery yet, it feels so passionate, you know? like uhm.. maybe it's just him but he has these soft lips that feels so.. alluring. a kiss from him feels so.. so teasing and it leaves you wanting for more. but, when it comes to intense moments, it differs a lot. it becomes much more raw and clear and pure, like every ounce of love he has is just there, out in the open. it feels like the ocean, in a way. his lips always crash on you gently but if you go a bit further, you can feel how he loves you. it feels so powerful and you can drown any minute. i don't know though.. it's just hard to explain but.. but.. it's real,"
there was a minute of silence, none of you talking. just the sounds of pencil scribbles and your soft sighs after you finished your long explanation
"....wow," they breathed out before looking at you, "i didn't know it feels like this to you.."
"yea.. i tried describing it as best as i could. i feel like the conclusion of it all is basically the ocean. his kisses feels like the ocean,"
"sobs i never knew my dearest y/n would ever have these emotions," they wiped a fake tear
"keep on teasing me and i'll leave," you pushed them gently while sticking out your tongue
"fine fine.. just tell me more"
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unbeknownst to you and your friend, matsukawa and his friend was sitting nearby the cafe, ears perking up at the mention of matsukawa's name
"aww matsu-chan, i'm so jealous of you," oikawa whined
"shut up shittykawa, they'll spot us if we're too loud," iwaizumi scolded while hitting oikawa on the head
"sheesh mattsun, hate to admit this but i agree with oikawa, i'm jealous of you," hanamaki sighed
but matsukawa, he couldn't reply to his friends' remarks. his eyes were glued to you and his smile gre wider by the moment, heart speeding up as you continued your conversation.
he never once had someone as special as you are, and knowing you feel the same way just makes him all flustered and happy.
he rested his head on his chin, smiling softly while letting out a sigh, "i love them so much,"
with that, teases from his friends and even some gags were thrown to him, complaining that he was too lovesick and it isn't good for everyone.
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"so, y/n."
"hm, yes 'sei?"
"i never knew you thought of my kiss as an ocean," he teased, face nearing closer to you.
"what?! how did you know? oh god.. you were in the cafe as well weren't you? you're eavesdropping ugh!" embarassed, you covered yourself before looking away.
"cmon, don't look away," he brings his hand to tilt your chin at him.
"i want to kiss you again"
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thatssonanii · 5 years ago
Oh, You Forgot?
"So, President, it was reported last night that your wife, Alaina, is the daughter of the notorious Parker family. Her and her brother are the only living members of the household."
Charles chuckled a bit and scratched his forehead, "I'm sorry, Diane. Was there a question in there?"
"I'm sorry," she smiled politely, "Let me rephrase, did you know that you married into a criminal trident family? I mean as known as they are, especially in the south where they originate, I can't expect that you didn't know."
"My wife and I have never had any secrets so the answer to your question, yes I know everything about my wife and her biological family."
"So you knowingly brought a criminal into the White House? Citizens may have some arguement about."
Again, Charles chuckled maintaining eye contact with the woman interviewing him. "My wife is not and has never been a criminal. Whomever this source is that brought this to attention did not do a very good job. My wife was estranged from her family before their untimely demise since her teens and had not seen them since. Her nor her brother.
Diane nodded looking down at her offsides them back at Charles.
"Well, yes, President. There were also reports that of molestation and rape accusations made by your wife against members of her family, mainly her brothers. Is there any truth to that? Is that the reason for the estrangement? And isn't it true that your wife's children belong to a Malone family member, another crime family?"
"Yes, we are the first family, Diane but some things are off limits. And as good of a journalist and reporter as you are should know that. You should also know that what you just asked about is one of those things," Charles explained with a relaxed demeanor. "I appreciate you having me but there are a few other things that need my attention that I need to get to. Thank you, Diane"
Sitting up on his sofa, Charles loosened his tie and tossed it to the side. He took a few sips of the brandy in his crystal glass before turning to the person who sat to his right.
"So what do you think? Good interview?" He asked calmly.
"I uh I ... yes sir it was."
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"You wouldn't happen to know how that got out. Would you, Landen?"
Sweat beaded on Landen's forehead as he locked eyes with Charles. Coming to see him was the mistake Landen knew it would be. He regretted not following his first thought.
"I asked you a question, Landen. And I would really like an answer quickly, I've never been accused of having patience."
"I am still trying to figure that out, sir. My team and I are working very diligently on that."
Charles watched the terrified man with a slight smirk. "You and I both know that that's not true, Landen. Now, I'll ask one more time. Do you know how any of that got out?"
Before Landen could respond, Lainey stormed into the room headed straight for Landen with Oliver, who was their chief of staff.
"You jealous ass bastard," Lainey she yelled lunging for him.
Oliver caught Lainey before she could touch him and started to pull her out of the room. Charles watched the interaction with an amused expression.
"I might not get ya ass today but believe me, my daddy and my five brothers will catch ya lil bitch ass slippin! And when we catch you it's over for ya pissy ass!"
Oliver struggled a little longer trying to get her out of the living room. Once she was out and with other members of the secret service Oliver stepped back into he room, closing the double doors behind him. He stood off to the side with this hands clasped in front of him.
Landen scoffed, "See what you brought into the White House, sir? She's an animal just like that criminal family of hers. The Parkers and her adoptive family."
Oliver stepped forward laughing while Charles glared at him. "Insulting the First Lady's family is not the way to gwr back in his good graces. And it's pretty tacky."
Landen rose from his seat, as did Charles, and turned to glare at Oliver. "How about you mind your got damn business, Oliver? This has nothing to do with you."
"If it involves the President it has everything to do with me."
"Just let us talk! Get out!"
"No," Charles interjected making both men look at him, "Don't leave, Oliver. I want you to stay, you are my Chief of Staff."
Oliver nodded with a slight smirk.
Landen approached Charles stopping at half an arm's length and sighed, "Charles, please. I did not do this. I can fix it though."
"Charles? What happened to sir and Mr. President?' Charles scoffed.
"I'm just trying to explain. Myself. Please."
Nodding, Charles removed his suit jacket tossing it onto the sofa. "Then explain, Landen. Explain to me how this happened."
Landen went on for a few minutes mumbling, Charles watched him letting the wheels in his head turn. Having grown sick of the rambling and back pedaling, Charles punched Landen in his mouth. The punch caught him off guard and knocked him onto the floor, he held his bleeding mouth staring up at Charles.
"Sir, please?"
"Please what, Landen? Please what? You did this because you're trying to get me to leave my wife which isn't happening. You were being a conniving little snake trying to embarrass my wife. But what you fail to understand that what you do to my wife affects me and vice versa."
Hearing the rambling again, Charlea sent a hard kick to his side.
"You thought I was gonna be okay with that?" He asked squatting to Landen's level. "Huh? Yeah, you did but all you did was piss me off."
"Sir," Landen choked out, "This isn't ... this isn't you."
Charles laughed, "Oh, you forgot? Yeah, you must have forgot where I came from. This White House and this secret service ain't for me it's for people like you who bother my family, they keep me from getting rid of people like you."
"I'm sorry, I ... I thought I was helping."
"Yeah and I thought I wasn't gonna have to beat your ass again. You would think after me knocking ya ass down last time and after my wife, our brothers and our father made you piss yourself that you would learn to stop messing with us."
Charles stood from his squat a smile on his face aa he grabbed for his crystal glass. He took a few sips watching Landen attempt to get off the floor, it was then that he noticed Oliver's slightly uncomfortable body language.
"Get out, Landen. You better pray that my wife calms down cause if she doesn't," Charles paused to whistle, "You're gonna wish I finished your ass off."
Once Landen was gone, Charles turned his attention to Oliver. He was sure he was confusing the slightly younger man with his calm demeanor but he didn't care.
"Yes sir?"
"I want that headline gone, I want any paper trail about that headline gone, I want any of my wife and her family's information gone. I want no traces at all. Do I make myself clear?"
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"Yes..yes, sir."
"And if for some reason you think I'm not serious let Landen be an example for you. And that was me being nice. I'm not somebody you wanna fuck with. Understood?"
Oliver nodded quickly. "Yes sir."
"Good," Charles grabbed his glass and went over to his liquor shelf. He poured more of the brandy into his glass then rolled his shoulders back trying to reduce the tension. Taking a sip, Charles sat the glass down and sighed. "Why are you still standing here? I gave you a job, go do it."
Quickly, Oliver shuffled out of the room closing the doors behind him. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and started to give out directions.
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eatingdisorderconfession · 8 years ago
Sometimes I honestly get jealous at the recovery/support networks for people with other mental health issues... Like why isn't there a FREE AA type meeting but for people with eating disorders.
Apparently there is!!! It’s called OEA! Over Eaters Anonymous! But it’s for all sorts of disordered eating.
There are also usually different support groups you can find in your city if you look for them.
You can try churches as well. They sometimes run groups like that with or without a spiritual aspect, although I can understand if you’re wary of churches and would rather steer clear.
- Tlawn
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