#tldr miss anna is female rage embodied. and i think one of the most cathartic things on this planet to hear as a woman is “i'm sorry” HFASKH
suusoh · 25 days
Reverse au ask :)))!! I wonder if Anna will have the same goal as canon Johan?
Oki so I'm just gonna ramble here so bare with my uncohesive thoughts and flow in explanation. So I think Anna wouldn't have the same goals as Johan per se. Because although this is a reverse au, it won't exactly be the same as if Johan were just a girl version.
Some main points that I think Anna's goal would differ is that wherein Johan wants to eliminate all things (except select few: nina and tenma) because to him all lives are equally dead to him.
Anna would difer in the way that she would want to eliminate all things that she personally thinks would get in the way for her new world. Think something like makima or daenerys (done right... not the season 8 mad queen writing fhasjdk).
Because to me, johan represents the kind of evil where no life has meaning... but anna is a special kind of evil where only *certain* lives have meaning. BEcause it's fuckign terrifying yes that to johan everyone is an ant and you could die at any second because evey life is equally insignificant to him
anna has this fucking terrifiyng element where some lives do matter, and SHE deciedes wether u live or die or not, SHE chooses, little miss unhinged playing god.
("all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" animal farm anyone?)
And this ties to the fact that she was given up as a kid, so in that way, she believes that maybe some people are worth sacrificing if it means a means to an end. And in her path to a better world where little girls don't have to be given up by their mommies, she decides who gets to stay in that world or not.
but i guess the thing that becomes the same is that little rainy rurenheim night where she gives up on her goal and would just end herself instead.
I think a lot of her plans in this alternate monster universe is powered by some internal rage ofc to her personal experiences so something something noone is equal blah blah something something i was never the favourite, something something i never had anything GOOD in my life, I was the one mom chose to gave up right Johann? Mom chose you.
Which is why i have this vision in my mind wherein the inverse of Nina's iconic "I forgive you." is Johann telling Anna— "I'm sorry."
(because he empathises and knows what she's going through and god after all the bad shit that's happened to you, isn't that something you want to hear so badly? something you needed to hear. that it borders to the point of catharsis )
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry I was the one mom saved.I'm sorry she gave you away. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you i'm sorry it was you and not me.
I'm sorry anna. You don't deserve any of this. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.
something like that!! Anyways will edit in the morning bleep bloop :^)
(also it makes it sooo nice that alternate universe johan's— or "Johann" if we should differentiate him ehehehee— key to saving his sister is using that god levels of empathy and EQ seen throughout the monster anime. He always seems to know the right thing to say, so I think it's be neat to apply it here, where he knows exactly what it is that Anna needs to hear the most in the world)
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