#title: (message received)
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starflungwaddledee · 1 year ago
what is the name of the awtdy au? it looks to be an acronym of some sort
(any more stuff about the au in general is welcomed)
correct! here's the two page comic i made to answer this question instead of just typing out five words like a normal person because i am nothing if not committed!
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prince-liest · 1 year ago
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I cannot emphasize enough that Adam's dialogue is SO fucking fun to write. I can only imagine how much of a blast Alex Brightman was having with this dude.
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if-mirrormine · 2 years ago
every time i see your tag, i'm like
"mmmm, *name*"
lol you're not the first anon and you probably won't be the last
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i23kazu · 1 year ago
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pose4photoml · 2 years ago
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Received these today - guess I have a new job title ~ Chaos Coordinator ~😉
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voyaging-too · 10 days ago
People often say LOTR is a story about hope. (I'm reminded of it because someone said it in the notes of my Faramir post.) And that's true, but it's not the whole picture: LOTR is in large part a story about having to go on in the absence of hope.
Frodo has lost hope, as well as the ability to access any positive emotion, by Return. He is already losing it in Towers: he keeps going through duty and determination and of course Sam's constant help.
For most of the story, Sam is fueled by hope, which is why it's such a huge moment when he finally lets go of the hope of surviving and returning home, and focuses on making it to the Mountain. To speed their way and lighten the load, he throws his beloved pots and pans into a pit, accepting that he will never cook, or eat, again.
When Eowyn kills the Witch King, she's beyond hope and seeking for a glorious death in battle. It's possible that in addition to her love and loyalty for Théoden, she's strengthened by her hopelessness, the fear of the Nazgúl cannot touch someone who's already past despair.
Faramir is his father's son, he doesn't have any more hope of Gondor's victory or survival than Denethor does, he says as much to Frodo. What hope have we? It is long since we had any hope. ... We are a failing people, a springless autumn. He knows he's fighting a losing war and it's killing him. When he rejects the ring, he doesn't do it in the hope that his people can survive without it, he has good reason to believe they cannot. He acts correctly in the absence of hope.
Of course LOTR has a (mostly) happy ending, all the unlikely hopes come true, the characters who have lost hope gain what they didn't even hope for, and everyone is rewarded for their bravery and goodness, so on some level the message is that hope was justified. But the book never chastises characters who lost hope, it was completely reasonable of them to do so. Despair pushed Théoden and Denethor into inaction, pushed Saruman into collaboration, but the characters who despaired and held up under the weight of despair are Tolkien's real heroes.
(In an early draft of Return, Frodo and Sam receive honorary titles in Noldorin: Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable, respectively. Then he cut it, probably because it was stating the themes of the entire book way too obviously, because this is what Tolkien cared about, really: enduring beyond hope. Without hope.)
Also, people who know more than me about the concept of estel, feel free to @ me.
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jjungkookislife · 6 months ago
Navigating Tides
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♡ pairing: ex-boyfriend!jungkook x f. reader
♡ genre: exes to lovers, angst, fluff, smut [18+]
♡ summary: A cruise is the last place you expect to see your ex-boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. You broke up six months ago, and your best friends Jimin and Yoongi assured you your ex wouldn't even remember this cruise that you booked a year in advance. However, on your first night on board, you discover your ex isn't only on the cruise ship, but there are no rooms available for him to stay in other than yours.
♡ wc: 18.9k
♡ warnings: alcohol use/mention, food mentions, mention of murder on cruise ship documentaries, threats of violence, sexual thoughts, jealousy, making out, marking (hickeys, biting, scratching), hair pulling, oral sex (f. giving and receiving), fingering (f. receiving), unprotected sex, creampie
♡ a/n: a huge thank you to the anon who suggested the title ❤
♡ date: September 1, 2024
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“Jimin, I don’t think this is a good idea,” you sigh heavily as you adjust your sunhat. Your large sunglasses keep the sun out of your eyes and make it easier to take in your surroundings.
Passengers stand around you, some checking their tickets, others counting their luggage, and your best friend scoping out your next boyfriend while he checks his phone for messages regarding his beloved cat, Moon.
“Come on! You bought the ticket in advance! You know Jungkook isn’t going to show. You broke up six months ago, he wouldn’t come on this cruise if you paid him!” Jimin exclaims trying (and failing) to ease your worries. 
“He’s right,” Yoongi chimes in once he gets a photo of his cat from his parents. “Jungkook wouldn’t leave his office to come on a cruise his ex and best friends booked a year in advance. He probably doesn’t even remember it.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you give in as the line moves forward. You pull your luggage beside you. “There’s no way he’d be here.”
Jimin nods as Yoongi moves their luggage. You stand in line with your ticket and passport in hand as Jimin rattles on about all the things he wants to do for the next seven days out on the ocean. You half-listen, looking around at the passengers,  hoping for a relaxing time. 
“We’re a few doors down,” Jimin continues, “but we’ll come get you for all our meals and we can figure out what to do that day. There’s a casino and a karaoke night.”
You nod, smiling as the line moves again. The breeze ruffles your hair beneath your hat and you close your eyes momentarily. 
A vacation was just what you needed.
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Jeon Jungkook is a strong man. He’s got a lean body and hands that could rip open a pineapple with ease. He normally doesn’t demonstrate his great strength, but the women are eating it up at the bar closest to the dock. 
His assistant had reminded him about his vacation last week. A cruise, she had informed him as she showed him the next ten days blocked off his calendar. 
Jungkook had denied taking the time off but his assistant had insisted he go. When he tried to protest again, the assistant threatened to call his mother. 
Jungkook took a bite of the pineapple before throwing a handful of bills on the bar. 
“Gotta go!” He yelled over the ruckus he had caused and grabbed his suitcase with his sticky hands. The women were sad to see him go, but Jungkook had minutes before the cruise ship left the dock. 
“Welcome,” Jungkook is greeted before his ticket and passport are checked. He was directed to his floor but Jungkook headed straight for the bar, where more passengers were gathered to get their vacation started.
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By the time you get to your room, you’re pleased to see your luggage waiting for you. You head to the balcony, admiring the view as the ship pulls away from the dock. 
You take a few minutes to fix your makeup and grab your sunblock before shoving your suitcase under your bed. Yoongi had insisted you cram everything into one large suitcase and he’d bring an extra one for souvenirs. Jimin had allowed you to sneak some more outfits into his luggage since Yoongi knew better than to try to limit his clothing options.
“That should do it,” you say to yourself as you head out of the cabin, just to spot Yoongi and Jimin heading your way.
“Let’s get something to eat and hit the pool,” Jimin grins as he takes your hand and Yoongi’s in the other.
Meanwhile, Jungkook has finished his drink at the bar and heads toward his cabin. 
He’s glad to see his suitcase has been delivered and he slides it under the bed easily. He takes his room key and heads back out to see what there’s to do on this cruise.
He wishes he had paid more attention to the details when you had booked it.
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Yoongi is soaking wet, shaking his long black hair, making you and Jimin scream. He laughs, his gummy smile makes Jimin melt.
“You’re drying yourself off like a dog,” you comment as he sits in the chair with Jimin. 
Yoongi shrugs, leaning forward to take a large bite of the watermelon slice Jimin holds out for him. 
Jimin had slathered the three of you in sunblock, lecturing on the dangers of the UV rays and whatnot. You knew better than to ignore his advice, seeing as he was a dermatologist and Yoongi was a plastic surgeon.
“Are either of you going to get in the pool?” Yoongi asks as he cards his fingers through his wet hair. Jimin bites his bottom lip as he watches Yoongi with a look that’s all too familiar.
“Don’t you dare!” You swat at Jimin with your book. The couple laughs.
“You promised I wouldn’t be a third-wheel,” you remind them.
Yoongi nods. “We promised.”
Jimin nods. “Of course, we’re just teasing.”
“More like setting up foreplay,” you mutter but they ignore you as Jimin hands you a slice of watermelon and a cube of pineapple. The two of you were waiting for this evening’s dinner to have drinks, though the cocktails of the passengers around you looked delicious.
“Since we’re on vacation, are you gonna be seeking a dance partner?” Jimin asks wiggling his eyebrows.
“You know, for the horizontal hula?” Yoongi smirks, earning a swat to his arm.
“No! I’m here to relax!” you insist as you open your book. You clasp your kitten bookmark before it can slip out of the worn pages. 
Jimin sighs dramatically as he falls over onto your chair. “Come on! You don’t have to marry anyone, just flirt.”
“Min,” Yoongi warns, noting the shift in your posture. 
Jimin mimes zipping his lips as he sits up. 
“I just worry about you.”
“There’s no need, Minnie. If it happens, it happens, okay?” you ask as you close your book once more, giving up on getting any reading done.
Yoongi places his hand on Jimin’s shoulder, tugging him to their chair. Jimin goes easily, placated for the moment.
You steal a grape from Jimin’s plate before lying back on the chair with your hat covering your face.
Jimin smiles as he grabs his book and lies back to read, his fruit plate long forgotten. 
As Yoongi reaches for a grape, his eyes catch a familiar tattoo sleeve but when he blinks, it’s gone.
Must have been the heat playing tricks on him.
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Dinner had been a blast.
Yoongi and Jimin had gotten every cocktail that you had eyes on earlier in the day. You danced, laughed, and forgot all about Jungkook.
“We’ll see you in the morning,” Jimin said as he walked you to your cabin. Yoongi waited out in the hall outside of theirs’ to make sure Jimin was in his eyesight. He’d seen too many documentaries on shit going sideways on cruises to leave either of you unsupervised.
“Goodnight, Minnie. Love you,” you hug him tight before he leaves you with a kiss to your temple.
Once he’s gone, you kick your shoes off in your cabin. It’s just as you left it. 
You let your hair down as you begin to unbutton your blue dress, allowing the thin straps to fall off your shoulders.
You’re startled when the bathroom door swings open, steam flooding out of it, obscuring whoever is there.
You scream!
The steam clears and out walks a man with a colorful tattoo sleeve on one arm, his other hand holding the white towel around his waist.
His doe eyes widen as he spots you.
“What are you doing here?!” you shout at the same time. “Me?! YOU?! Stop that!”
You both stomp a foot at the same time. 
Water runs down your ex’s sculpted chest and abs—you can’t help but stare. You remember tracing those delicious abs with your tongue, ending up on your knees with his cock down your throat.
A shiver rolls down your back.
“What are you doing here, Jungkook?” you huff, stomping your foot. You hope your next-door neighbors don’t complain about the noise.
“I’m on vacation,” he answers in a duh tone.
“In my cabin?” 
“I didn’t know you were going to be here! We haven’t talked since…” Jungkook trails off, sighing heavily. He feels the knots in his throat, the ache of holding back tears.
“You never take vacations. Why did you come?” you demand answers as you cross your arms over your chest, eyes widening when you realize your bra-clad tits are exposed. You immediately turn around, fixing your dress before facing him once again.
Jungkook rubs his nape awkwardly. He grabs the robe from the bathroom and puts it on.
“I know. My assistant insisted. I never canceled the vacation request and she made plans,” Jungkook shrugged. 
“Well, you can’t stay here!” you exclaim, pointing toward the door sharply.
Jungkook says your name, but you glare at him. He raises his hands in defeat.
“At least let me get dressed, okay?” 
“Fine,” you grumble as he grabs his suitcase from under the bed. You head to the balcony to sit while Jungkook gets dressed.
This was not how you wanted to spend your vacation. Was it too late to fly home from the next port? You couldn’t be stuck on the same ship with Jungkook for the next seven days and six nights. Just knowing he was on board would drive you up the wall.
Five minutes later, Jungkook is dressed as you reenter the cabin. You go with him to the front of the ship, flagging down someone who could help you.
Jungkook explains the situation, and the cruise worker listens while searching for any available rooms.
“I apologize, but there are no other rooms available. We’re fully booked. You’ll have to stay in the room, sir.”
“But-” You go to protest but the worker cuts you off.
“There’s nothing we can do, ma’am. I apologize but we’re in the middle of the ocean, hours from our first stop.”
“Thanks for checking,” you state in defeat as you turn on your heel with Jungkook behind you.
Back in your cabin, you go to the bathroom to shower. You come out in a robe, going for your suitcase to grab your pajamas before going back into the bathroom. 
Jungkook stays out on the balcony until you’re getting into bed.
“I’m sorry. If I had known-”
“Just don’t,” you stop him. He shuts up immediately. “I just want to get through tonight, okay?”
Jungkook nods as you pull the covers over your body. You tug the pillows and place a few between you and the spot where Jungkook will have to sleep.
Silently, Jungkook climbs into bed.
“Goodnight,” Jungkook whispers as you turn out the lights.
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Heat stifles you as you arouse from your sleep. You moan as you push the covers but the pillows’ warmth is still making you hot. You push at them, trying to shove them off the bed, but a grunt greets you instead.
“Quit,” a familiar sleepy voice wakes you up in an instant. 
You scramble to sit up, but you’ve wrapped yourself around Jungkook, who is shirtless. His bed head looks adorable as he whines at the loss of warmth before he tugs the covers toward him, sleeping some more.
Quickly, you get dressed and storm out of your cabin.
You could not deal with this without a stiff drink and your best friends.
Part of you hoped you were dreaming.
“He’s here!” you yell when you reach Yoongi and Jimin’s table. Plates of fruit, eggs, and pancakes greet you along with glasses filled with water, some with various types of juices, and mimosas.
You plop down on a free chair, reaching for a mimosa and then Jimin’s. Both men watch you with wide eyes as Yoongi offers you his drink.
“Who’s here?” Jimin asks, befuddled.
Jimin and Yoongi exchange a look. They had watched you go to your room before they retired for the night.
Who could you have run into?
“Jungkook!” You hiss in explanation. “He’s here!”
Yoongi frowns. “I thought that was him.”
You whip your head to face him. “You knew?!”
Yoongi rapidly shakes his head. “I thought I saw him yesterday but when I blinked, he was gone. I thought the heat had gotten to me.”
You cackle, nearly losing your mind. “Well, he’s fucking here! And he’s staying in my room!”
Jimin and Yoongi’s mouths drop open wide in shock.
“He’s what?!” Jimin recovers first as he waves down a waiter and orders more mimosas for the three of you. This revelation demanded a drink.
“Can’t he get a room for himself? Lord knows he can afford it,” Yoongi grumbles as he picks at his buttery toast.
“No, it’s booked solid,” you sigh as you cover your face with your hands.
“Good morning, everyone!” Jungkook greets you before he takes the empty seat beside you. He helps himself to some fruit and some of your mimosa.
Jimin and Yoongi stare at him with wide eyes. So you weren’t lying to go home. 
“Hey,” Jimin waves weakly. “Surprising to see you out of the office.”
Jungkook ignores the jab at him. “You look good, Jimin. Very good.”
“Watch it,” Yoongi growls. “Just because he’ll be amicable doesn’t mean I won’t wipe the table with your face.”
Jungkook raises his hands in defeat. “Just being friendly. We are spending the week together after all. Isn’t that right, roomie?” 
Jungkook nudges you with his elbow.
“Eat dirt,” you respond as you ignore him and grab a stack of pancakes. You drown them in syrup and ignore Jungkook and Jimin catching up. Yoongi glares at him the whole time before breakfast ends and you head back to your room to get ready to reach the first port.
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The first two days on board, you manage to avoid Jungkook after his appearance at breakfast that one morning. 
You were three days into your cruise when you were hanging poolside with Jimin and Yoongi once again. The warmth of the sun felt nice on your skin, even with Jimin’s nagging about flipping over and reapplying sunblock.
Your swimsuit was something sexy Jimin had picked out to accentuate your favorite features of your body. He had picked out a few outfits for you and Yoongi to match his. You looked more like a polytriad than a group of friends, but you liked the outfits.
Your sun hat and sunglasses kept out the gazes of any men who would have the slightest interest in you, much to Jimin’s annoyance.
Jimin sits on his sun lounger slathering more sunblock on his skin while Yoongi goes off to get the three of you drinks. You’ve been busy the past few days shopping, eating, dancing, laughing, and enjoying life away from the claws of capitalism.
Shade casts over you, and you look up to see Jungkook’s smiling face, dimples and all.
“What do you want, Jeon?” you huff as you sit up, removing your sunglasses. 
Jungkook stands over you, checking you out in your swimsuit. He briefly remembers the times he held you in his arms, when his touch aroused you, not repulsed you.
Jungkook sits down at the end of your seat. His body glistened as if he had just gotten out of the pool. You’re sure there’s at least a gaggle of men and women staring at the both of you. Jungkook attracted attention wherever he went. His glorious body, tattoos, hair, and a radiant smile broke more than just your heart.
His piercings catch the sun, the glint hitting your eyes.
“Yeah,” Jimin pipes up. “This zone is for loading future husbands only.”
You roll your eyes at Jimin but lean back as Jungkook’s body freezes.
“Yes,” Jimin retorts, “Husbands.”
“I didn’t know you were looking,” Jungkook said as he looked at you, perplexed. 
You shrug.
“I figure the next person I date will be the one.”
Jungkook remains silent. He cards a tattooed hand through his wet hair, and you curse him in your mind. He knew how hot he looked, he just wanted to make you suffer.
You weren’t going to give in to his tricks though.
You move your legs toward you, pretending you don’t want to get hit with water droplets but you can’t ignore the rapid heartbeat between your legs. 
“JK!” Yoongi shouts as he approaches, squirting Jungkook with a water gun. 
“Hey!” Jungkook shouts as he chases Yoongi, quickly catching up to the older man. A fight ensues as both men try to gain control of the water gun before Jungkook acquires one from a bystander.
“Fuck,” you groan as you put your sun hat back on.
“He’s fucking hot,” Jimin groans as he lies back. You look at each other and burst out laughing.
“He’s a menace,” you sigh but your heart flutters as you spot him in the pool with Yoongi. The two are splashing each other and some of the other passengers but they don’t seem to mind as they join in.
Jimin is silent for a few minutes before he turns to face you.
“Be honest with me, babe. You still love him?”
“Do you even have to ask?” you respond as you watch Jungkook shake the water out of his hair before he pulls himself out of the pool.
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Jungkook ignores the way his cock throbs at the sight of you in your sundress as you walk down the hall to meet Jimin and Yoongi. He nearly drools at the sway of your hips as your body shows off all your best assets.
His thoughts easily wander, you were the only one he ever felt like he could be himself. You were his best friend and he’d lost you over a heated argument about him working so much. He had said some things he had regretted, especially when he lost you.
He had spent the last six months thrown into work, avoiding any socialization wherever possible. He didn’t want to meet someone new, he wanted you. But you had blocked him, made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with him and now you were confined to a cruise ship and he would do whatever it took to get you back.
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You turn when you hear your name being called, and heat rushes to your cheeks when you spot the captain, Kim Namjoon. 
He looks divine in his crisp white uniform, his hat tucked under his right arm. 
“Good evening,” he greets you with a dimpled grin. You smile brightly at him, asking him about his day. 
He had heard about your predicament with Jungkook the following morning and had invited you to a special dinner with him tonight as an apology for the inconvenience.
Normally, you would have denied any sort of offer, not wanting to inconvenience anyone but Namjoon was hot, smart, and funny. 
Namjoon offers you his arm, which you take giddily as he escorts you to your private dinner. 
Within five minutes he had you laughing, wine threatening to shoot out of your nose. 
Jimin had encouraged you to go to dinner after he spotted the captain later that day, and now that Namjoon’s schedule allowed, you sat in front of him in a candlelit room with a spectacular view. 
A white ceramic vase sat in the middle of the table with fresh pink peonies. Soft music played from a speaker overhead, and the sound of the ocean filled the background. 
Namjoon’s eyes lit up every time he shared a snippet of his tales from the sea. You listened intently, batting your lashes whenever he’d smile with his dimples on display. 
You know this wasn’t a date, and it would never work out with how long Namjoon had to be out at sea, but it was nice to get back into the game after such a long time. You never imagined being tossed back into the dating pool after Jungkook.
The thought makes your smile waver for a moment, and you reach for your glass of wine instead. 
Two silver-covered trays arrive shortly, stopping Namjoon mid-sentence as he smiles proudly. 
“I caught tonight’s dinner. I had our chef cook it with a special sauce that you’ll enjoy,” Namjoon states as your tray is set in front of you and you nod excitedly.
All excitement vanishes as you see two little beady eyes staring back at you.
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Jungkook looks immaculate. His undercut is on display, his tattoos pop against his white-button shirt, and his smile can dazzle just about anyone… except Min Yoongi.
Yoongi is the first to spot Jungkook heading to the table where he sits beside his boyfriend. Yoongi had loved Jungkook, still did but his loyalty to you made him pull away from the younger man. An annoyance brewed where he held brotherly love for him once. If you decided to get back with him, it would take Yoongi a while to thaw out. 
Jungkook looks around the area, finally asking Jimin where you are.
“She’s on a date,” Yoongi smirks as Jungkook’s hopeful smile turns into a frown. The younger man toys with his lip piercings worriedly. 
“With the Captain,” Yoongi continues, ignoring the jab of his boyfriend’s sharp elbow to his ribs. “So she’ll be late coming to bed tonight… if she goes to bed at all.”
Jungkook’s heart deflates further as he twiddles his fingers. His eyes shine as he blinks back tears. Jimin scowls at Yoongi. 
Perhaps, he had gone too far. Yoongi slouches into his seat, abashed.  
“It’s just dinner,” Jimin tries to assure Jungkook. “They’re on the balcony by the lobby.” 
“Jimin!” Yoongi hisses before Jimin elbows his ribs again. 
“What? He loves her!” Jimin exclaims, gaining the attention of a few patrons. 
Jungkook feels his ears burn from the attention as he thanks Jimin quietly before leaving the couple to enjoy dinner. 
Heartache is quick to consume Jungkook despite Jimin’s poor assurance of you and the captain’s night. He remembered how mesmerized Captain Kim had seemed when he offered his apologies before asking you to dinner right in front of Jungkook. As if he were invisible!
Okay, maybe Jungkook was jealous. He never wanted to end things, and he didn’t mean any of the things he said that awful night of your breakup. He had taken steps to fix himself, working less, going home more, and prioritizing himself and his family. He was a new man, even his mother had noticed the change. She was hopeful you and him would get back together. 
Jungkook wallows in his sadness as he heads down one hallway and down another. He ignored the conversations around him and anyone who tried to strike up a conversation. 
Before he knows it, he arrives at the kitchen with the swinging doors. He’s about to turn away when he gets grabbed by a man in a white hat with a stern look. 
“Why are you just standing around?!” The man shouts as he hands Jungkook a silver tray with a thick lid that reflects his befuddled expression. 
Jungkook looks at the name tag on the man’s white coat that reads, Soobin.
“Listen,” Jungkook tries to protest but he’s shoved in the direction of the other doors that lead who-knows-where. Jungkook stumbles before righting himself as the staff in the kitchen zoom back and forth adding garnish, stirring bubbling pots, and plating elaborate dishes in pristine white ceramic plates 
“Hurry!” Soobin shouts from across the kitchen, his scowl sends a shiver of fear down Jungkook’s spine. He balances the tray in one hand as he pushes the black doors in front of him. 
Jungkook’s not even sure where he’s going, or how he got into this situation from just losing himself in his thoughts but now he had to deliver whatever was under the tray and look for an exit. 
Perhaps he could scale the side of the ship to get on another floor. 
There was no way he’d be facing Chef Soobin’s wrath again. That much he was sure of. 
“We’ve been waiting on you,” someone else hisses at him once he goes through the swinging door, biting his lip when one of the doors smacks his back and jolts him forward. 
“I don’t-” Jungkook tries to explain but is interrupted as someone apologizes to a man clad in white. 
Jungkook’s heart sinks as he recognizes you with every step he takes. 
“Here is dessert,” the person grins as Jungkook sets the tray on the table.
Your eyes widen in surprise when you see him, confusion forming on your brow. 
Jungkook looks to the side where the waiter is placing the remains of your dinner on a cart, and two black beady eyes seem to follow his movements as he shifts his weight from foot to foot. 
“Kookie?” You ask in surprise and his heart flips at the nickname he’d only allow you to use. 
However, before he can bask in the sweetness of it, you clear your throat and correct yourself, using his full name instead. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Jungkook bites his lip. This looks bad from all angles. The truth sounds like a fabricated lie and a lie would sound worse. 
Namjoon raises a brow at the two of you, quickly putting the pieces together. 
“Join us for dessert,” Namjoon smiles warmly as he waves over the waiter to ask for another chair but Jungkook shakes his head. 
“No, that’s okay! I just got lost is all,” Jungkook blushes as he cards a hand through his hair nervously. You follow the action closely, studying Jungkook and the way his fingers twitch at his side. He avoids your gaze and Namjoon’s, apologizing as he takes a step back. 
“I’ll go find my way back to Jimin and Yoongi. Please, don’t let me interrupt any further,” Jungkook can taste the vileness of his words but he’s at odds with his words and his thoughts. 
“Why don’t I walk you back,” you offer, surprising him and Namjoon. 
“Oh, no that’s not necessary,” Jungkook shakes his head but makes eye contact with the little beady eyes from before. 
Had Namjoon tried to feed you that prawn? Did he not know food with eyes freaked you out? How long had you stared at those bead-like eyes before the plate had been removed from the table?
“Of course it is,” you say as you rise from your seat. Namjoon remains silent as you thank him for dinner.
“It was a pleasure,” Namjoon responds as he stands. He takes your hand in his and kisses it, making you smile bashfully. 
“I’ll be going now!” Jungkook squeaks, his face red like the prawn still staring at him. Why hadn’t the waiter taken that abomination back to the kitchen yet?
Was he hiding out of Chef Soobin’s wrath too?
“Kook!” You huff, flustered as you take his arm to link with yours. Jungkook stays silent as you lead him out of the private dining quarters through a door he could have easily spotted if he hadn’t been so flustered by the events. 
Weakly, Jungkook waves at Namjoon, who watches the two of you leave.   
Jungkook gets a good look at the captain, admiring the long, thick hair that sits at his shoulders. He looks dapper in his uniform and hat, with thick arms and thighs to die for. 
Jungkook was glad he had appeared just in time, or you’d be Captain Kim’s wife before the end of the cruise. 
Hell, Jungkook would vie for Namjoon.
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You remain silent as you drag Jungkook by the arm. He goes willingly as you lead him toward the giant dining room with the rest of the passengers.
You come to a halt before entering, ignoring the hunger pangs in your belly. 
“What exactly is it that you are doing, Jungkook!” You ask as your anger bubbles over now that you’re alone with him. 
Jungkook steeled himself, biting his lower lip in the way you love. 
“I apologize,” Jungkook says sincerely, though the words taste like poison. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your date.”
“It wasn’t a date,” you respond automatically, cringing at the speed of your words. 
Jungkook visibly perks up.
“Don’t go getting any ideas,” you mutter as you cross your arms over your chest, drawing Jungkook’s saddened gaze for a moment. “Though I did need some rescuing, so thank you.”
Jungkook perks up again, smiling cutely. 
Before any more words are exchanged, your stomach rumbles loudly. Jungkook bites back his laughter as you cover your face.
“Oh my!” Jungkook giggles when your tummy rumbles again. 
“Kook!” You whine, stomping your foot. “Stop laughing!”
Jungkook continues to laugh, broad shoulders shaking as he does so. You pout, flipping him off.
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat,” Jungkook smiles as he takes your hand to lead you to the buffet. You thank him sheepishly as he hands you a clean plate to fill with food. 
You ignore the rumble of your stomach as you sit beside Jungkook in a booth.  The dinner rush has come and gone, only you and a few stragglers are left behind as the servers clean tables and stack dirty dishes a few tables away. 
“How long did you have a staring contest with that thing at the table?” Jungkook asks midway through dinner as he chews his food. For a moment he looks upset as he chews but you know it’s just him enjoying his meal. 
“Hey! Namjoon is a nice guy!” You retort as you move your mashed potatoes around your plate. 
Jungkook blinks owlishly, his cheeks stuffed with food. He resembles a cute little chipmunk.
He swallows, pounding his chest with his fist before he speaks. “I meant the prawn.”
“Oh!” you squeak as your body heats with embarrassment while Jungkook bursts into laughter. 
His eyes crinkle at the corners, his pretty nose scrunches and his teeth make an appearance. Your heart flutters in your chest, his laughter healing the wounds he’d left behind. 
No matter how much you tried to deny it, you were still hopelessly in love with him. 
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You’re up bright and early the next morning. Jungkook snores softly beside you, cuddled to the pillow between the two of you. 
His hair is splayed on the pillow, one arm tucked under it to support his head. 
His broad back is on display, the covers hanging on his hips as he rolls over an inch. You had spent several mornings waking up beside him, cuddled up, sharing kisses and each other's bodies. Mornings filled with happiness and love, memories you held onto, wishing to relive. 
Instead, you get ready for the day. Jimin and Yoongi are excited to get to the port. There will be tons to do today before coming aboard for dinner and a show.
You put your swimsuit on under your sundress. You pack a change of clothes, sunblock, sunglasses, wallet, water bottle, mini first aid kit, and lip balm in your bag before heading out. 
Jimin waits for you in the hallway, informing you that his other half has gone to secure a table in the dining room before the early risers can fill up the area. 
“Soooo,” Jimin wiggles his eyebrows as the two of you sit down with Yoongi. Your plates are filled with eggs and sausage, fruits, and muffins. 
“So what?” You ask as you eat a slice of an apple Jimin cut for you, the only way you could easily eat fruit. 
Jimin is exasperated as he rolls his eyes at you. 
“What happened on your date?” Jimin asks as he takes a sip of his iced coffee. 
“It wasn’t a date,” you shake your head. “Just dinner.”
“Dinner with the cruise ship captain,” Yoongi cuts in. “That’s a big deal.”
“A private dinner with the cruise ship captain,” Jimin rephrased as he gave you his undivided attention. 
A heavy sigh escapes your beeswax-sticky lips. Should lip balm tingle?
“He served prawns,” you whisper, looking around to make sure Namjoon and his staff are not around. 
“Oooh,” Jimin smiles. 
“No, they had beady little eyes like marbles. They stared into my soul,” you shiver at the memory. 
“Yikes,” Yoongi shakes his head in disdain. He knew how much eyeballs freaked you out. 
“I couldn’t eat it,” you continue as you munch on a grape. “Then Jungkook came in and I didn’t have to.”
Jimin and Yoongi exchange a bewildered look. “What do you mean Jungkook came in?”
“Yeah,” you nod as you stab a cube of watermelon with your fork. “He brought dessert? The whole thing was odd now that I think about it.”
“You didn’t ask him?” Yoongi questions but you shrug as you finish eating. 
“We came to have dinner and it didn’t come up,” you explain with a second shrug. 
Yoongi raises a brow at you. It wasn’t normal for you to be so nonchalant about this, especially with how you’d reacted to Jungkook interrupting your vacation so far. You always had a quip or snide attitude when it came to your ex, so interrupting your not date was major. 
“Your ex-boyfriend interrupts your date and you don’t ask him why?” Yoongi is blunt with his question, seeking a direct answer. Jimin would have toed around it all day but Yoongi wanted to enjoy his cruise, plus he needed all drama set aside when he proposed soon. 
“It wasn’t a date,” you remind him in a sing-song tone. “I didn’t want to eat the eyes, sue me if I was grateful he showed up.”
“Jungkook aside, how was dinner with Namjoon? Do you like him? Do you wanna go on a date date?” Jimin inquires, hopeful that his friend may move on from Jungkook at last. You seem to want to but he knows you still love the dark-haired, tattooed man. 
“No,” you shake your head firmly. “He’d be away too much. That’s why Jungkook and I didn’t work out. Why go get involved in the same situation?” 
“Fair,” Yoongi agrees as he clears his plate. “Come on then, we have a city to explore.”
“Yeah!” Jimin cheers as he takes your hand in his to lead you toward the exit with Yoongi in tow. You smiled brightly as you headed for the port, excited to spend the day with your two best friends. 
No matter what life threw at you, they’d be by your side always. 
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Jimin was excited as he watched the waves crash against the boat. 
You had stripped down to your bathing suit, and gotten lathered up in sunblock thanks to Jimin. 
Your sun hat sat on your head and your sunglasses nearly covered half your face as you laid back enjoying the breeze. 
You were doing your best to ignore Jungkook’s shirtless body. Jimin had rubbed his back with sunblock after he’d done you. 
The three of you had been surprised to see Jungkook jogging toward you at the pier, making it just in time to join you for your scheduled scuba diving session. 
Okay, so you were a little happy to see him. After all, you had planned this excursion with the four of you in mind. 
Though after the breakup, you never imagined it would be the four of you here in the ocean breeze. 
Music plays softly from Yoongi’s speaker. He’s got a thick book in his lap, as his sunglasses cover his shut eyes. He takes a cat nap, lulled by the sound of the waves crashing. 
Beside you, Jungkook puts his life jacket on, tightening the straps to keep himself safe but all it does is draw attention to his tiny waist, a waist you used to trace with your tongue. You flush at the thought, memories of you on your knees licking him up and down, teasing him just to hear him whimper and cry out your name…
“Hmmm?” You look up when you realize someone is calling your name. 
“I asked if you needed help with your life jacket?” Jungkook asks as he holds out the red monstrosity. You doubt it would look as good on you as it did him. You always felt like they were choking you. 
“I’ve got it, thanks,” you say as you take the jacket from him. Cordial. You could do this. It was your vacation, you should enjoy it to the best of your abilities. You should be relaxing, and thankful to be away from the world of work. 
The boat stops soon after and a tall, lean man comes to join you. Yoongi yawns as he awakens from his nap at Jimin’s prodding. He’d be damned if his boyfriend spent the entire vacation snoozing. 
“My name is Taehyung or Tae. Whichever you prefer,” the man introduced himself with a boxy grin. His dark curly hair moved with the breeze and his sun-kissed skin seemed to glow beautifully under the early morning sun. 
“Today we’ll be scuba diving in one of my favorite spots. We’ll be using the buddy system for this excursion, break for lunch, and then sail until four pm.”
You groan. The buddy system. You were shit out of luck as Jimin grabs Yoongi and leads him to the edge of the boat as Taehyung goes over a few more rules. 
Your two best friends hold hands as they get into the water, laughing as they resurface. 
Taehyung approaches you, smiling. “Let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything specific you’d like to see today. The weather seems to be cooperating with us this morning.” 
“Thank you,” you say graciously as you begin to snap the buckles of your life jacket. You cry out when your hair gets caught in one and Taehyung is quick to unsnap the buckle and release your hair. 
“Here you go,” he coos gently as he pulls your hair upward to tie it in a loose bun. “Safety first.”
You lock your gaze on him as he easily ties your hair. He’s so close it makes your heart flip. His minty breath brushes your skin as he leans in closer to make sure he’s got all of your hair in one hand before tying a scrunchie around it. 
“There we go,” he muses as he takes a step back to admire his handiwork. “Perfect.”
Jungkook glares at the back of Taehyung’s head, cursing him in his mind. Would pushing Taehyung off his boat be rude? Jungkook didn’t think so. However, he didn’t need to be charged and stranded overseas. So he’d play nice. 
For now.
“Can we get in the water now?” Jungkook huffs as he puts his goggles on. “We came here to scuba dive.”
“Yeah,” you nod as you put your goggles on with Taehyung's help, much to Jungkook’s indignation. 
“There we go, love. Don’t want you getting hurt,” Taehyung smiles warmly as he helps you into the water. 
“It’s cold!” You exclaim, giggling as Taehyung dips into the water only to resurface moments later. He brushes his wet hair back, and you bite your bottom lip as he shakes the excess water off. 
Jimin notices the interaction and swims toward you, easily escaping Yoongi’s attempts to stop him from playing Cupid in the middle of the ocean. 
“Tae, can we go down now?” Jimin asks pleasantly, ignoring the death flares from
Yoongi and Jungkook. 
“Sure,” Taehyung responds as he leads the group to an area a few feet away from the boat. He gives them some information about the sea creatures lurking about, warning them to be careful as all are not friendly.
Jungkook sticks close to you, grinning when you go underwater with him. 
The two of you take photos with his camera, giggling at the bubbles that escape underwater before coming up for air. 
“This is amazing!” You grin as you float on your back for a moment. Jungkook watches you, his heart fluttering giddily in his chest. 
All he wanted was for you to be happy. How could he have allowed his work to consume him to the point of breaking up? He always swore to himself he’d be nothing like his workaholic father, and now here he was recreating his old man’s mistakes. 
Never again, Jungkook swears to himself. He would not lose the love of his life over the company. You mattered more, you always would. He had lost sight of that but never again. Being without you these past six months had been torturous. 
Somehow he had spent days in bed, wearing ramen-stained pajamas to go with his red-rimmed eyes. Jungkook didn’t know your eyes could hurt so much from crying, that the ache would almost rival that of his broken heart. 
He didn’t want to imagine what you had gone through. The pain he had caused. 
“Earth to Kook! Are you there?” Jungkook is startled out of his thoughts as you wave your hand in front of his face. “We’re going to the boat for lunch.”
Jungkook follows you as you swim back to the boat. Taehyung helps you out of the water, offering you a towel to dry off with before joining Jimin and Yoongi. 
Taehyung gives the four of you space as the boat hits the waves once more. 
“I’m so hungry,” Jimin hums as he takes a seat to look at the spread on the table. 
“Ooh, guacamole, tacos, and burritos,” Jungkook nearly drools as you grab a plate for him and one for yourself. 
The four of you enjoy lunch before Jimin falls asleep with Yoongi’s head on his lap. You dab some sunblock on their faces, and hope the sun doesn’t hit them.
“Today was fun,” Jungkook said as he sipped his beer. He sets it between you, and you reach for it to sip it. You weren’t a fan of beer but now and then you’d enjoy a sip of Jungkook’s. Old habits die hard apparently. 
Jungkook remains silent at the indirect kiss. However, on the inside, he’s giggling to himself. 
“It was,” you agree as you lie back, moaning as your muscles relax. You could easily fall asleep right there with the waves gently rocking the boat. 
“I’m sorry for crashing your vacation,” Jungkook apologizes after a moment of silence. “I wouldn’t have come if I knew you’d be here.”
“Gee, thanks,” you huff, offended. 
“No, no!” Jungkook shakes his head quickly. “I meant because I know you wouldn’t want to see me after…”
Your heart sinks in your chest as you toy with the edge of the towel to distract yourself. The wind ruffles your hair as you stare out into the ocean. 
“Despite everything that’s happened, I’ve had fun on this cruise. We can be cordial, right?” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods, ignoring the crack in his heart. “Of course.”
You turn to face Jungkook, his dark brown eyes locked on yours. For a split second, you consider leaning in closer, kissing him for old-time’s sake but you don’t. No matter how many times you fantasized about being with him, he wasn’t yours. Not even the cute mole under his lip could tempt you enough to kiss him, and you loved that mole!
“I accept your apology,” you say, focusing your eyes on his instead of the mole beneath his lip or his tongue tracing his piercings like you used to. 
Fuck, why were you denying him again? 
“Friends?” Jungkook asks as he offers his tattooed hand for a handshake. 
Your eyes flit from his to his hand and back before sighing. “Friends.”
Jungkook smiles brightly, fireworks going off in his chest. 
“But try anything fishy, and you’re out of here!” You inform him. 
Jungkook chuckles but agrees nonetheless. “I’m not planning on feeding you beady eyes or anything.”
“Good,” you stuck your tongue out at him and lay back on your towel. Jungkook lies beside you as you stare at the sky. 
You’re dozing off, and you swear it’s just your imagination playing tricks on you when you hear a whisper, “I missed you. I still love you.”
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“They’re adorable,” Jimin cooed quietly as he looked at you curled up with Jungkook. 
“We should take a picture of them,” Yoongi agrees as he hands his phone to Jimin. Eagerly, Jimin takes a handful of pictures from different angles, all blackmail material for later. 
Once the photos are taken, Yoongi kicks Jungkook’s butt. “Get up! We’re here!”
Groaning, Jungkook stirs before Yoongi kicks him again. This time harder. 
“Hey!” Jungkook grunts as he swats Yoongi’s foot away. His shout wakes you, an annoyed frown on your face. 
“What is it?” You ask as you rub your eyes. The life jacket is still tied to your chest as you sit up. You probably shouldn’t have slept in it. 
“We gotta get back on the ship. We’re having dinner and a show, remember?” Jimin offers you his hand to help you up. You nod as you gather your belongings and Jimin helps Yoongi gather his. 
“I hope you enjoyed your time,” Taehyung bows as Jimin and Yoongi climb off the boat and onto the dock. 
“We did!” Jimin assured him as they waited for you. 
“Oh, need some help?” Taehyung asks as you struggle to undo the buckles of the life jacket. They had gotten tangled while you slept. 
“Please,” you pout as you try to untangle one strap only to tangle it more. Taehyung chuckles softly as his fingers make quick work of the buckles, setting you free in moments. 
“There we go, love. All set,” Taehyung smiles warmly at you as he helps you out of the life jacket. You thank him sincerely as you put your sundress over your bathing suit. 
“Thank you so much for today, Taehyung. I had a great time,” you say as you take his hand to get off his boat. 
Taehyung kisses your hand gently. “I hope to see you again, love. Take care.”
You giggle as you wave goodbye to the curly-haired cutie. 
Jungkook grunts as he gets off the boat last, rolling his eyes at Taehyung. 
He knew he had no right to be jealous but that was easier said than done. 
When you got back on the cruise ship, you were still smiling whilst looking at your hand. 
Jungkook was beyond jealous.
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“What was that between you and Taehyung?” Jimin clasps his hands at dinner. 
You giggle at his excitement, knowing you’re gonna nip any hope of finding a man at sea in the bud. 
“It was nothing,” you assure him. “He’s just friendly.”
Jungkook scoffs from his seat, his eyes glued to his menu. 
Yoongi kicks him under the table. 
The three men are dressed to the nines. Jimin wears a black tuxedo with a white button-down shirt and skinny black tie. Beside him, Yoongi looks just as hot in a matching tuxedo with a black bow tie. 
Next to you, Jungkook is in all black. He looks delectable, and it takes all your willpower to keep your eyes off him. He had the same problem earlier when you stepped out of the bathroom in your maroon A-line dress with the deep v-cut that made your breasts look fabulous. He nearly proposed to you then and there.
“Looked like something was blooming,” Jimin insists as a server brings a basket full of fresh rolls and butter. 
“We had a few conversations while I booked the excursion,” you shrug, nonchalantly. “Nothing came of it.”
“Until he kissed your hand,” Jungkook grumbles into his menu.
“Ow!” He yelps when Yoongi’s foot kicks him again. 
“Anyway, he kissed your hand,” Yoongi grinned devilishly. “Could mean something.”
You wave him off. “He’s just being friendly.”
“He wasn’t that friendly with me,” Jungkook muttered.
You ignore him. 
You take a roll from the basket, cut it in half, and share it with Jungkook out of habit. You don’t notice the surprised look on your friends’ faces. 
“Who’s headlining anyway?” You ask as you spread butter on your roll. “I heard the act had backed out and someone else took their place.”
“Kim Seokjin,” Yoongi responds as he sips his whiskey. “I looked him up before dinner. He’s got an amazing voice. You’ll like him.”
You nod, eager to get to the show after dinner.
Jungkook looks up Seokjin on his phone, pouting when he sees an image of him on the screen. 
Did everyone you came in contact with on this cruise have to be so fucking attractive?
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The lights dim as the last member of the audience takes their seat. Jungkook pouts beside you, not the least bit enthused about the handsome man who will be serenading the crowd in a few moments. 
Jimin is excited, chatting your ear off as he looks through the set list on the table. A few waiters come and go with trays filled with drinks and tiny napkins. 
The candlelit tables are the only form of light until the spotlight comes on and the first few notes of a song fill the air. 
“Welcome everyone,” a sultry voice greets the crowd from his spot at a piano. His hair is long and curly, it reaches his shoulders. He wears an all-white suit with a pink shirt underneath, the first few buttons undone to show a bit of his chest. 
His lips are plush and look oh-so kissable. He’s gorgeous, more so than his pictures. He is truly a vision that your eyes are blessed to behold. 
“Wow!” You breathe in awe as he sings a beautiful song about loving oneself. Jungkook frowns, what are the chances of him being able to steal the microphone and serenade you instead?
Nobody pays him attention as he watches Seokjin both in awe and jealousy. You seem enamored with the man as he dances with a group, never missing a note, and never sounding out of breath.
On top of it all, he’s funny too. After the first three songs, he takes a seat on a stool set out for him. He has a guitar beside him, and Jungkook wonders if there’s anything Seokjin can’t do.
“This one goes out to all the loves that could have been, the broken hearts, and the ones hoping for a second chance,” Seokjin introduces the next song as the lights dim and he strums his guitar. 
“And it feels like you’re getting further away,” Seokjin croons as his eyes mist with tears but he continues to sing.
Jungkook sits up in his chair, turning to look at you. You’re focused on Seokjin but tears are rolling down your cheeks as you take in every lyric, feeling as if it’s being engrained into your heart.
Gently, Jungkook wipes your tears with his monogrammed silk handkerchief. You gasp in surprise but soon smile through your tears, thanking him. Jungkook nods, remaining silent as the song comes to an end, and you take a shaky breath.
The show goes on, and after a few more songs, Seokjin rises from his seat. He does a few upbeat songs, getting the crowd clapping and singing along with him.
Seokjin pulls members from the audience to join him, teaching them simple choreography before he has them perform alongside him.
Yoongi and Jimin get pulled on stage, and they do amazing beside Seokjin. You cheer the loudest for them as they do body rolls all while sending flirty gazes to the audience. They both enjoy the attention, smiling as they thank Seokjin once the song ends.
Jimin blushes once he’s back in his seat. You hug him tightly, kissing his cheek. “You’re wonderful!”
“That?” Jimin giggles. “That was nothing.”
“Please,” Jungkook adds. “You were made for the stage. The both of you!”
You nod in agreement, smiling when people stop by your table to compliment the couple. Seokjin takes the stage once more, sitting on the stool for a moment while he introduces the last song.
“I’d like to end this night on a higher note,” Seokjin states as he looks out into the crowd. “Feel free to grab a partner and dance.” 
Seokjin heads to the crowd while singing. A few couples head to the dancefloor, swaying slowly to his beautiful voice. 
Jimin and Yoongi join the other couples shortly after, whispering sweet-nothings to each other as they go.
Awkwardness bubbles inside you, as you look down at the tablecloth. Would it be possible to leave the show unnoticed? Seokjin was nearby, surely nobody would notice if you made a hasty exit.
You rise from your seat sharply, surprising Jungkook. He stares at you with wide eyes, wondering where you’re going. 
However, before Jungkook can ask, Seokjin chooses that moment to take your hand, dancing with you at your table for a moment.
“When I’m with you, there is no one else,” he sings beautifully. Your heart skips a beat as you place your hand on his shoulder, smiling bashfully as he spins you once.
Jungkook is ready to head back to the cabin, not wanting to see another man fall for you just as he had. He knew when it was time to throw in the towel, and you may have accepted his apology and agreed to be friends, but how often did that actually pan out? Would you still talk to him once you weren’t stuck on a cruise ship? Jungkook wasn’t sure.
He wasn’t going to stand around and watch you fall for someone else. That much he was sure of.
Seokjin stills you once he finishes spinning you. He then places your hand in Jungkook’s before leaving to another table.
Jungkook’s doe eyes are wide with surprise. You look shocked, but lead him to the dancefloor beside Jimin and Yoongi.
“You were shining towards me, the only light found in the darkness,” Seokjin sings wholeheartedly as Jungkook holds you close. It’s been so long since the last time he held you like this; since he realized how perfect you fit in your arms. He promised if you gave him one more chance, he would make sure to never ruin it. He’d never hurt you again. He’d be more mindful of his words, he’d prioritize you over his company. Jungkook would make sure you never felt like you were an afterthought. It saddens him to think he had made you feel like that, and that it took losing you for it to snap him into reality.
How long had you been unhappy at his side? Was he selfish in wanting you back? In pursuing you still? Had his appearance on this cruise been a divine intervention or a simple coincidence? 
Jungkook forces himself to focus on you and not the downward spiral of despair brewing in his mind. You rest your head on his shoulder, swaying with him as he holds you closer.
Perhaps tonight the two of you could have a private moment to talk things out. Or maybe he’d be asking for too much?
Too soon for Jungkook’s liking, the song ends. He blinks his unshed tears away as you take a step back, clapping with everyone else.
“I’m going to head to the bar,” you inform him as you leave as quickly as possible. Jimin and Yoongi watch you go, and Yoongi places his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Tough break, man.”
Jungkook nods as he watches you squeeze through the crowd, disappearing soon after.
Jimin and Yoongi leave him by himself, the two enamored with each other after a romantic evening, both eager to get to their room for some privacy.
Jungkook is a little envious.
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“Screwdriver, please,” you tell the bartender once you reach the bar. You need something to take the edge off, just a few minutes away from Jungkook and your array of emotions.
“I’ll have the same,” the voice beside you says. The bartender nods as he goes to make the drinks. You turn to your left to see Seokjin.
“You were wonderful,” you compliment, smiling genuinely. You hope you’re not bothering him. Surely he has people circling him at all times, especially after his shows.
“Thank you,” Seokjin bows his head, his ears turning red. 
The bartender places the drinks in front of you on black napkins with a gold border. You thank him before sipping your drink.
“Fuck, I needed that,” you muttter as you take a second sip.
“Trouble in paradise?” Seokjin asks as he sips from his glass. 
“You don’t know the half of it,” you respond sadly stirring your drink with your paper straw.
“I’m all ears,” Seokjin smiles, disarming any protests you might have had. 
“Don’t you have another show?” You ask with wide eyes, surprised this stranger would want to hear about your woes.
“Nope, that was the last one for the night,” Seokjin informs you. He holds out his hand for you to shake as he introduces himself. You shake his hand after giving him your name.
The two of you scoot to the end of the bar with your drinks. It takes you a few more sips of your screwdriver before you fill in Seokjin about your trip thus far and how you were stuck sharing your cabin with your ex.
“Sounds to me like there’s a lot of love there,” Seokjin responds after you’re done telling your tale. He waves down the bartender, asking for two glasses of water before he continues. “If you’ve forgiven him, what’s holding you back?”
You bite your bottom lip as you try to make a list of your doubts. 
“What if he hasn’t changed? What if we get back together and I’m brushed aside again?” 
Seokjin thanks the bartender as he pushes a glass of water toward you. He clicks his tongue before shrugging. 
“There’s no way to find out unless you try. Second chances are few and far between. Some people don’t get second chances, most try to make it work the second time. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again,” Seokjin grins as he chugs his water. 
“So you do greeting cards on the side, huh?” You tease, playfully bumping into Seokjin. He laughs wholeheartedly, his eyes turning into half-moons. 
“I could, couldn’t I,” he says after his laughter has subsided. “But on a serious note, the two of you looked great on the dance floor. I didn’t know you were broken up when I danced with you.”
“Why do things have to be so complicated?” You huff as you finish your water. 
“They don’t have to be,” Seokjin assures you. “They’re only complicated if you make it so. You love him, he loves you, what more is there to it?”
You sigh heavily, you know Seokjin’s reasoning is a little half-baked but it makes sense. What’s keeping you from giving it a second shot? You love Jungkook so much, and despite Jimin’s attempts at fixing you up with someone, you always compare them to Jungkook. He was the love of your life, knew it from the moment you laid eyes on him in your flower shop. He had walked in looking frazzled. His black suit was well fitted and his broad chest showed from the few buttons left undone at the top. His hair had been brushed back, his undercut on display. 
Frazzled, he’d asked you for a custom bouquet. His mother’s birthday dinner was that evening and though he had a birthday present for her, he didn’t want to show up without flowers. She adored flowers, he’d informed you. All kinds, any color, any array. He never went empty-handed but the last floralist he’d ordered from had sent him nothing but stems and wilted roses. 
After that day, he made daily appearances, until eventually he asked you out. 
On your third month of dating, he had you meet his mother, her house filled with flowers from your shop. 
“It’s so nice to meet the woman responsible for my new garden,” she joked as she welcomed you into her home with a tight hug. 
Jungkook had blushed, hiding his face in his hands. 
His mother adored you right off the bat, and that’s when Jungkook knew he couldn’t live without you, didn’t want to. 
Your relationship had been perfect at first, something out of a fairytale. You spent a lot of time together, went on dates, spent the night, and tried his hobbies which involved rock climbing, kayaking, and bungee jumping. He tried yours, cooking, baking, painting, candle making. However, as your relationship wore on, Jungkook spent more and more time at work at his company. Business trips overseas, meetings late into the night, days off spent sleeping or moody. 
You understood at first. You were supportive and gave him space when he needed it but soon came the canceled dates, the forgotten anniversaries, and the forgotten birthdays. 
“I’m tired of coming second all the time, Jungkook,” you told him one day in his office after another canceled dinner. 
“I have to work, babe. I can’t put it off for dinner,” he said as he sat at his desk, barely looking up from his laptop. 
“It wasn’t always like this, Kook. You used to make an effort to come home,” you frowned as you placed your hands on your hips. 
“You know I would of I could,” Jungkook huffs as he rubs his face with his hands. He had a knot in his shoulders from the stress and a headache was building rapidly. He didn’t have time for this argument. The longer you interrupted him the longer it would take for him to finish and go home to your shared apartment. 
“Kookie,” you sigh, defeated. “I’m tired of waiting for you.”
“Nobody asked you to!” He exclaims as he shuts his laptop. 
His words shattered your heart and a knot formed in your throat. You held back tears, simply nodding. 
“Don’t worry, I’m done waiting on you.”
You had walked out of his office without another word. You headed straight to your shared apartment to pack up your belongings and crash on Jimin’s couch. 
Jungkook had gone home late that night exhausted from his day at work. He had been put off by the complete silence. The lights were all off which was unusual since you were scared of the dark. You always had one light on, whether it was the living room lamp or the light over the stove. 
Jungkook called out for you but got no response as he made his way to the bedroom. 
The silence was eerie, just like the darkness. When he flicked the light switch, his eyes widened and his heart sank in his chest. 
Drawers were open and emptied. Your half of the closet had nothing but empty clothes hangers. 
Jungkook shook his head, this couldn’t be happening. 
He rushed to the bathroom to see your makeup, face products, and toiletries were gone. He heaved, resisting the urge to puke as cold sweat beaded on his forehead. 
Jungkook went to the kitchen, opening cabinets to see if your favorite mug was gone. There wasn’t an item left that belonged to you in the apartment. 
You truly had grown tired of waiting for him. 
Jungkook fell to his knees on the cold kitchen floor. His heart felt like it was cracking into tiny pieces. He had lost you. He was sure of it. 
You were gone.
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“Hello?” Seokjin waves his hand in front of your face when his question goes unanswered.
You apologize before he repeats his question. “What more is there to it?”
Seokjin had a point. What was keeping you from making amends? Jungkook was here, you’d forgiven him, and secretly his mother had called you throughout the six months to check on you but also fill you in on Jungkook’s change. No longer was he missing dinner, he was at her home promptly at six every evening. He had his days off, and spent more time with her, which she loved but she missed the shine in her son’s eyes, the little sparkle he got when he was with you.
Fear wasn’t a good enough reason to stay away, not anymore. 
“You’re right,” you give in with a small smile. 
“I always am,” Seokjin chuckles as he reaches into his suit pocket and hands you a card. “Here, call me when you need a singer for your wedding. I’ll give you ten percent off.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Thanks, Seokjin.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “Think nothing of it. Now go, get your man back.”
“You only want us together so we’ll book you,” you laugh as his cheeks turn pink. 
“Hey, I gotta make a living somehow,” he winks at you to make you laugh. “Now quit stalling and go!”
“All right! All right! I’m going!” You laugh as you hug him goodbye, promising to update him before the cruise is over. Seokjin waves as you go, hopeful that you and Jungkook will make amends. 
Seokjin orders a shot, raising it in your honor before downing it. 
Perhaps his next endeavor would lead him to matchmaking. 
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You’re filled with nerves by the time you reach your cabin. You use your bracelet to let yourself into the room, hoping the butterflies in your stomach will settle. 
However, your nerves are for naught as you spot Jungkook asleep in your bed. 
Disappointed, you head to the bathroom to change and wash your face. 
Jungkook opens his eyes once he hears the bathroom door shut. He looks at the time and notes you’ve been gone a little over an hour. 
He hopes you and Seokjin will be happy together. 
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The next morning you’re up bright and early. You roll over expecting to see Jungkook, but instead, you find his spot empty and the sheets cold. 
Frowning, you get out of bed to get ready for the day. 
You were hoping to talk to him before reaching the next port. 
“Good morning!” Jimin sings as he enters your bedroom after knocking incessantly while you get dressed. 
“Morning,” you mumble as you grab your purse and sunglasses. Another sundress covers your body, this one purple with white flowers. Your bathing suit hides beneath the cool fabric, riding up a bit as you bend down to fix the strap on your sandal. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Jimin raised a brow at your response. “I thought you and Seokjin hit it off last night. At least it looked that way when we were heading to bed.”
“Nothing happened,” you roll your eyes at Jimin’s nosiness. “We talked about Jungkook.”
“Ew, talking about an ex on the first date is such a downer,” Jimin comments as he follows you out of the cabin and into the hallway. 
“It wasn’t a date,” you insist as you face forward. “Have you seen Jungkook? He wasn’t in bed this morning.”
“He’s probably at breakfast with Yoongi. I sent him ahead to get us a table,” Jimin explains. 
“Oh,” you say dejected. “So you haven’t seen Kookie?”
“Kookie?” Jimin’s eyes widen in surprise. “You’re calling him Kookie again? He’s not a dick anymore?” 
“Jimin,” you huff. “Have you seen Jungkook or not?”
Jimin shakes his head. “Not since last night.”
You frown. You wanted to speak with him sooner rather than later. Tonight was one of the last nights on board, and if he was nowhere to be found you’re not sure if you’d have the courage to reach out to him once you went back home. 
“Let’s have breakfast and go about our day. I’m sure he’ll show up at some point.” 
“What if he doesn’t?” You bite your lip nervously. 
Jimin scoffs. “Please, this is the man who somehow found you in the captain’s private dining room. He’ll find you.”
You giggle as you take Jimin’s arm in yours, feeling much lighter as you head to the dining area.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“Aren’t I always,” Jimin states cheekily.
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However, Jungkook isn’t at breakfast and he’s nowhere to be seen when you get off the ship at the next port.
“Don’t worry about him, babe,” Jimin links his left arm with your right. “He’ll show up.”
“I hope you’re right,” you sigh. “I need to talk to him.”
Yoongi shrugs. “Don’t let him ruin your day. We’ve got a whole day at the beach.”
You smile as you go with the couple to check out the market on the way to the beach. You fill your bag with souvenirs for your family and friends. Jimin buys you snacks, trying them all on the way to the beach.
“This weather is so nice,” you sigh happily as you rest on your lounger under a large blue umbrella Yoongi had set up for the four of you, despite Jungkook being nowhere to be found.
“I’ll go get us some drinks,” Yoongi volunteers as Jimin mentions wanting a blue drink with an umbrella that the person a few feet away from you was sipping on.
“Get me one too!” you call after him as he raises his hand over his shoulder to assure you he heard your request.
The sand is hot on Yoongi’s feet as he reaches the bar. There’s a crowd at one end of the bar, cheering as some shirtless dude rips open a watermelon with his bare hands. Yoongi rolls his eyes as he orders your drinks and a bottle of water for himself.
“JK! JK! JK!” The crowd cheers. Yoongi whips his head to the crowd, spotting Jungkook’s tattooed arm dripping with watermelon juice. He pours the juice into a few shot glasses, while the bartender adds vodka.
“Cheers!” Jungkook grabs a shot as do a few of his fans.
“Thanks!” Yoongi pays for the drinks, sliding the cold water bottle into the pocket of his swim trunks. He barrels through Jungkook’s onlookers, earning a few angry looks as he grabs Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Hey! No touchy!” Jungkook exclaims before he realizes it’s Yoongi grabbing his shoulder.
“Oh! Yoongi! What’s up?”
“You know your girl’s been looking for you all morning?” Yoongi raises a brow as he tugs Jungkook away from the bar, ignoring the onlookers’ protests.
“She’s Seokjin’s girl now,” Jungkook shrugs.
“You’re an idiot! You know that?”
“I do,” Jungkook agrees easily and Yoongi hands him his water. 
“Drink this and come join us. I’m proposing to Jimin tonight and I don’t need you ruining this for us.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen. “Oh shit! You’re proposing! Congrats! Does he know?!”
Yoongi’s forehead vein twitches. “I haven’t done it yet.”
Jungkook nods, smiling. “You should.”
“I’m gonna.”
“Good,” Jungkook grins. “You should.”
“I’m gonna,” Yoongi rolls his eyes at the younger man.
“You should.” Jungkook bobs his head.
“I’m gonna,” Yoongi insists before carding a hand through his long black hair. “Will you shut up?! Let’s go!”
Jungkook chugs the bottle of water before following Yoongi to where you and Jimin chat under the large umbrella.
“Hey stranger,” Jimin greets Jungkook as Yoongi hands you and Jimin your drinks. 
“Hey,” Jungkook waves weakly as he takes a seat on the end of Jimin’s chair. Jimin eyes Yoongi, silently asking him what gives. Yoongi answers with a shrug.
“Okay…” Jimin grins. “Glad we’re all here.”
You nod as you sip your blue drink, not knowing what to say or do. Yoongi sits on your chair, stretching out. You poke his chest, and he pouts.
“Be good,” he swats at your hand, making you laugh as you and Jimin talk about the drink. Jungkook remains silent as he watches the ocean, wondering what he can do to make things between you less awkward.
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Hours pass, and soon it’s almost sunset.
“It’s right over here,” Yoongi says as he leads Jimin by the hand to a place further down the beach.
“Hello!” A bright voice greets the four of you along with three giant horses.
“Horseback riding?” Jimin squeals in delight. He kisses Yoongi on the cheek. 
“I’m Hoseok,” the man introduces himself. “I’ll be giving you a tour.”
You all introduce yourselves.
Hoseok has Jimin and Yoongi meet their horse, becoming familiar with the steed before helping them onto Pepper, a beautiful black stallion.
“All right you two, you’re on Sugar,” Hoseok states as he hands you and Jungkook sugar cubes for the horse. “She’s the sweetest I own. Be good to her and she’ll be good to you.”
Hoseok helps you onto the horse, his hands gently guiding you forward so he can get Jungkook on behind you. 
“Place your hands around her waist and place them here,” Hoseok instructs before telling you where to place yours.
“Aren’t you a good girl?” Hoseok coos, and you giggle.
Hoseok pets Sugar, but winks at you before he gets on his horse, a beautiful sandy brown mare named Cinnamon.
Unknowingly, Hoseok is leading you to the spot Yoongi will propose. However, he takes the long way around, showing you as much of his beautiful city as possible.
Hoseok hangs beside you and Jungkook. He’s very outgoing, filling any awkward pauses with jokes, and information you’re eager to hear. 
“Why don’t you two hang back a bit?” Hoseok raises a brow, winking at you once more before he goes to Yoongi and Jimin. Sugar comes to a stop, and Jungkook jolts forward, his chest hitting your back.
“Sorry,” he apologizes as he grips your waist tighter to keep himself on the horse. 
“What’s going on?” you ask as you watch Hoseok lead Yoongi and Jimin further up before he hands Jimin a blindfold. Hoseok calls for Sugar, and she goes willingly.
“Whoa!” you hold tight to the horse and Jungkook, scared you’ll fall off and get a mouthful of sand in the process.
Soon, lights appear in the sand in the shape of a heart. Rose petals are spread perfectly throughout, spelling out the words, Will you marry me?
“Oh my god,” you whisper, tears immediately filling your eyes. 
“What’s going on?” Jimin asks as Hoseok helps him off the horse once Yoongi gets into position. A photographer and videographer stand nearby, waiting as Hoseok leads Jimin to Yoongi. Hoseok then comes for you and Jungkook, helping you off the horse before leading you to the side.
“You may remove your blindfold,” Hoseok instructs as he grabs the three horses' reins to get them out of the photos.
Jimin is confused but does as he’s told. His heart is racing in his chest, his hands have grown sweaty from nerves, and butterflies swirl in his tummy.
A gasp escapes him as the silk blindfold flutters to the sand. His hands cover his mouth as he looks at Yoongi kneeling in front of him with a black velvet box containing a perfect amethyst ring.
“Will you marry me?” Yoongi asks with hope in his eyes. 
Jimin nods, “Yes. Yes!”
You grab Jungkook, shaking him in your excitement as your two best friends kiss. Yoongi places the ring on Jimin’s finger, and you allow them to have their moment, waiting for the happy couple to turn to you and wave you over.
You wrap your arms around them both, squeezing them until they tell you they can’t breathe. You release them, admiring Jimin’s ring, giggling in your excitement as you begin talking about wedding plans.
“Congratulations,” Jungkook tells Yoongi as he watches you and Jimin bounce ideas off each other as Hoseok approaches with the horses.
“Thanks,” Yoongi smiles brightly, love in his eyes when he looks at Jimin.
“We should get going before the ship leaves without us,” Jimin turns to face the two, urging them onto the horses. Hoseok helps you back onto Sugar, his hand lingering on your waist as you settle. You laugh at something he says, gently swatting him as he laughs before he goes to help Jimin and Yoongi.
Jungkook gets on Sugar without any help, his hands gripping your waist as Hoseok gets on Cinnamon and leads the four of you back to his office.
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Jimin and Yoongi are all smiles at dinner. Champagne glasses in your hands as you toast their engagement before they go off on their own.
“I’m so happy for them,” you grin as you watch your best friends leave. 
Jungkook nods in agreement. 
“What should we do now?” 
“Want to check out the party on deck?” You ask as you see fireworks going off in the distance. Jungkook nods as he follows you out onto the deck.
The two of you haven’t had a chance to have a serious conversation due to all the excitement but now with Jimin and Yoongi gone, you were unsure how to approach the subject.
More fireworks go off as you find a spot for the two of you to watch the rest of the show, amazed by the beautiful colors and patterns of the fireworks.
Jungkook smiles as the last few go off before the passengers clap and disperse.
“Should we head back to the room?” you ask Jungkook as a chill runs down your spine, your hands rubbing your arms.
Jungkook nods. He takes his jacket off to drape over your shoulders as he follows you back into the ship, going down the halls until you reach your cabin.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” you inform him as you set his jacket on the bed before going to the bathroom with your pajamas in tow. Jungkook nods, as he hangs his jacket in the small closet. 
He cards a hand through his hair before he heads out to the balcony to watch the waves. Something about the endless ocean at night made him uneasy but he couldn’t stand the tightness he felt in his chest being in such a small room feeling somewhat awkward.
“Bathroom’s free!” You call twenty minutes later as you climb into bed before Jungkook can see you wearing one of his old t-shirts to bed. You had packed it with the thought that he wouldn’t be joining you on this cruise and now you were stuck hiding under the sheets.
“Thanks!” He responds before he heads into the shower. You scroll on your phone absentmindedly, humming until he comes out. He’s shirtless as he does his nighttime skincare routine, singing a song softly to himself.
You stare at his perfect abdomen, wishing you could run your hands over his broad shoulders and tapered waist. Your lips ache to kiss every mole and scar on his body, to taste him once more. 
“Jungkook, can we talk?” You ask as you muster all the courage you can. 
Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise, his toothbrush hanging from his mouth.
He nods as he rushes to the bathroom sink to spit out the toothpaste. 
You wait patiently for him to finish before he sits on the edge of the bed. 
Jungkook waits apprehensively for you to speak as you play with the sheets. 
“I’ve been talking to your mom these past few months,” you say, avoiding his gaze. 
“My mom?” Jungkook is surprised at the revelation. “Why?”
You shrug. “I didn’t break up with her.”
You’ve got him there. 
“She says you’ve changed a lot these past six months,” you continue as you finally meet his gaze. “That you’re different now.”
“I am,” Jungkook nods eagerly. “I swear.”
“I want to believe you,” you respond honestly as you focus on the sheets, tugging them to peaks. “I’m just scared of getting hurt again.”
“I know,” Jungkook sighs heavily. “I’ve been kicking myself for how I treated you back then. I was an idiot. I said things I didn’t mean. I missed so many events and dinners. I’m truly sorry.”
“I still love you, Jungkook. I never stopped,” you admit sheepishly as you feel heat rush to your cheeks. 
Jungkook moves closer, his hand gently cupping your face. He waits patiently until you meet his gaze. 
“I never stopped loving you, baby. I want to be the man you deserve. I want to be everything I wasn’t. You are my priority. I’m sorry it took me losing you to figure it out,” Jungkook gently caresses your cheek. Tears well in your eyes as you try to blink them away. 
When one rolls down your cheek, Jungkook tenderly wipes it away with his thumb. 
“I never meant to hurt you, love. And I swear that I never will,” Jungkook promises as he hooks his pinkie with yours. You smile through your tears, wrapping your arms around him to hold him close. 
Jungkook rubs your back softly, holding you tight, afraid to let you go. He can feel your tears land on his shoulder as he holds you, whispering assurances and sweet nothings until you’re sniffling instead of crying. 
When you let go, you wipe your eyes and smile at him sheepishly. 
Jungkook holds your hands in his, kissing each of them before pressing his lips to yours. His forehead rests on yours, and your gaze meets his hopeful one. 
“You are my everything,” Jungkook whispers. “Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life. I love you.”
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“One last kiss before we head out,”  Jungkook pouts as he stands in front of the door to your cabin, his back pressed to it. 
You roll your eyes playfully, but lean in close to kiss him. Jungkook’s large hands grip your waist, tugging you closer as he deepens the kiss, making you moan when he sucks on your bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” you curse when you take a breath. Jungkook smirks, his hand moving higher on your back. 
“We could say we’re sick,” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at you.  
“Please,” you scoff. “You know Jimin would break the door down if he thought I was sick.”
Jungkook pouts, “But we just got together. I want to make up for lost time.”
You run your hands over the smooth planes of his chest. You have lunch plans with Jimin and Yoongi, some wedding planning, and more celebrating you’re sure. It’s why you’ve decided not to announce your relationship to the happy couple just yet. 
Your plans for the day are very relaxed for your last night on board, until the farewell party this evening. Seokjin will be performing at dinner once again, and then the passengers will get to have one last big hurrah before going home in the morning. You were apprehensive about going home, would Jungkook keep his promise? Could you put yourself through a second breakup if things didn’t work out?*
Should you just come clean to your two best friends and ask for their advice?
“We can do all that tonight,” You assure Jungkook as you kiss the corner of his mouth and reach for the doorknob behind him. 
Jungkook smiles, nodding as he steps aside to let you by. 
“I was about to go banging on your door!” Jimin huffs as you and Jungkook sit at the table with Jimin and Yoongi. 
“So dramatic,” you mutter as you stab a cube of watermelon from Jimin’s plate. 
Yoongi looks at Jungkook with a frown. “I see you’re still here.”
“Where else am I supposed to go?” Jungkook asks with a raised brow as he reaches for a roll.
“Kinda hoped our girl here would have pushed you over the balcony by now,” Yoongi huffs, a disappointed look on his face as he turns to you. “I guess there’s always tonight.”
“Yoongi,” you roll your eyes. “Be nice. This is a happy time for the two of you. We should celebrate!”
“We have been,” Jimin giggles, ignoring Yoongi’s rosy cheeks. 
“Did you bring your wedding binder?” You ask Jimin as you sip your mimosa. Jimin shakes his head but hands you his phone where he keeps a digital copy just in case. 
“Of course, you’ll have to be my maid of honor!” Jimin exclaims as he shows you his ideas for themes and colors. 
“Duh,” you grin as you scroll onto the next page on his phone. The two of you are lost in wedding planning mode but Yoongi is watching you.
Something about you seemed different and he can’t quite put his finger on it. 
Jungkook eats his lunch quietly listening to you and Jimin chatter about the wedding. He keeps one hand in his lap as he tries not to look over at you too much. It’s harder than he thought pretending you weren’t back together. He wanted to hold your hand, to lean his head on your shoulder, or to even hold a conversation with you but he knew it would be too risky. 
If it were up to him, he’d announce it to the whole ship, so that they knew you were his once again. 
However, instead, he eats his lunch and keeps to himself. 
Yoongi can’t shake the feeling. As lunch ends and the four of you head to the pool, Yoongi keeps his watchful eye on you. 
He notes the way you laugh at Jungkook’s jokes, how you seem to lean into him more as the day goes by, sharing snacks and drinks when you would have poured them on Jungkook at the start of the cruise. 
Jungkook’s longing stares are almost nonexistent. He seems to have regained the sparkle in his eye as he laughs with you and Jimin. His nose is scrunched, and his eyes are closed into pretty little half-moons. 
“Something’s off,” Yoongi whispers to himself before the four of you split to get ready for the last evening on board. 
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Music played softly in the background as dinner was served to the passengers. Everyone wore their best gowns and suits. Diamonds, pearls, rubies, and all other colorful gems were in abundance on passenger’s necks and ears. 
The candlelit room gave a softer, more romantic feel to the evening as you awaited your waiter to get to your table. 
“I’m so sad it’s our last night,” Jimin pouts as he places his hand over his fiancé’s. 
“I know,” you frown. “I wish we had more time on board.”
“You can always honeymoon on a cruise,” Jungkook suggests as he reaches for his glass of water, trying to ignore Yoongi’s intense gaze. 
“Ooh, what a marvelous idea!” Jimin chirps as he claps. He turns to Yoongi with a smile, “What do you think, babe?”
Yoongi blinks once. “You’re fucking him.”
Jimin’s eyes widen as Jungkook chokes on his water. 
“What?!” Jimin is scandalized, protests sitting heavy on his tongue. He was most definitely not fucking Jungkook or anyone else for that matter. 
Yoongi looks pointedly at you, “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Of course not!” You hiss, shaking your head as Jungkook coughs repeatedly. You pat his back gently, asking if he needs anything as his face turns red. 
“There’s something up with you two,” Yoongi states as he stares into your soul. He quirks his head to the side as he notes the way you gently rub Jungkook’s back, offering him your glass of water and checking on him again. 
“You’re back together!” Jimin exclaims as he looks at Yoongi, who is frowning now. 
“Ew, I wish you two were just fucking again,” he spits. 
“Oh, you love me,” Jungkook laughs but doesn’t deny Jimin’s allegation.
“Can we not do this right now?” You ask as you smile at the waiter approaching the table. 
Surprisingly, Yoongi and Jimin remain quiet as your dinner is set on the table. 
Jungkook stuffs his mouth with food, nearly choking so he can avoid speaking. 
Once the waiter leaves, Jimin smirks. “So, are you two back together?”
Jungkook chews noisily beside you, looking at nearby tables instead of Jimin. 
“Technically,” you answer, giggling when Jungkook pokes your side. 
“Oh, no! They’re going to be insufferable again!” Yoongi whines as he pouts. 
“I know,” Jungkook chirps. “Isn’t it wonderful?” 
Yoongi groans, but despite his outward displeasure of your revelation, inside he’s delighted to have you happy once again. 
Though he will tear Jungkook a new one if he breaks your heart again. Jimin and you won’t be able to hold him back again…
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“I’m so exhausted,” you groan as you kick your heels off in your cabin. 
Jungkook is fresh out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel on his way to the bed as you unzip your dress before scurrying into the steamy bathroom with Jimin’s gift tucked behind your back. 
Jimin had insisted you walk him to his cabin despite his confused fiancé being at his side. 
“Go away, Jungkook! I’ll walk her back,” Jimin had pushed Jungkook towards your shared room, insisting he needed to talk to you. 
“What is it, Jimin?” You ask as you follow him into his room. Jimin waves you off as he lugs his suitcase in front of you.
He searches through his clothing and some of yours that he’s packed for you. He pushed everything out of the way until he finally came out with a pretty bubblegum pink gift bag. 
“What is it?” You ask with wide eyes as he hands it to you. 
“You’re welcome!” Jimin grins as he stuffs everything back into his suitcase. 
“Jimin!” You're scandalized as you see the tiny pieces of black fabric he expects you to wear for Jungkook tonight. 
Jimin shrugs. “I had hoped you’d meet some hottie on the ship and bang his brains out. The fact that it’s Jungkook works for me.”
You turn to Yoongi who shakes his head, chuckling. “Leave me out of this.”
“Go,” Jimin pushes you gently towards the door. “Fuck his brains out. Get an orgasm or six, was that the record?” 
Jimin looks over at Yoongi who holds up seven fingers. 
“Ooh, seven like that song we like. Fuck him to that,” Jimin snickers as he leads you out of his cabin and walks you to yours. 
“What if it’s too soon?” You whisper as you reach your door. 
“Only do what feels right. Whether it’s on the cruise or later on,” Jimin says. “The gift is yours regardless.”
You unlock your bedroom door, leaning against it. You hug Jimin tightly, kissing his cheek.
“Thanks, Jimin. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” you squeeze him once more. 
When you part, you spot Yoongi waiting for Jimin in the hall, you blow him a kiss and step into your cabin.
“Thank you, Jimin,” you whisper as you look at yourself in the mirror. You admire the way the ruffles are soft on your skin, the lace not itchy like some sets you’ve worn before. You’re thankful Jimin cut the tags off because you don’t even want to imagine how much your best friend spent on something to get you laid.
You smile, tugging on Jungkook’s shirt that you stole from his suitcase while he showered before dinner and hid in the bathroom for this moment. 
It felt surreal to be back together, and you swore you’d take things slow this time around but tonight had been so lovely. From dinner with your favorite people in the world to dancing the night away under the stars. 
Jungkook was just as he was, and you hoped he kept true to his word. You love him so much, sometimes it feels overwhelming but you’re sure he’s your person and you are his. 
Your love knows no bounds, and being back together makes your heart sing. 
“You can do this,” you tell yourself, trying to hype yourself up but it feels like the first time all over again. You had been nervous that night, spilled wine on his pants, and bonked his head with yours when you both reached for a napkin to dab at the wine. 
Jungkook ended up wearing some of your Kuromi pajama pants while his pants were in the wash. Who knew he’d look so good in them? 
Jungkook is in bed when you finally open the bathroom door. He’s shirtless, scrolling on his phone until he hears the door.
“Oh,” his doe eyes widen when he spots you in his t-shirt. You climb into bed beside him as he sets his phone on the nightstand.
“Hi,” you whisper shyly.
“Hi,” Jungkook giggles in response as you get under the covers with him. He lies on his side so he can face you, his hand rests on your hip while the other gets tucked under his pillow.
Silence envelopes the two of you, shy smiles on your lips. Your heart beats in tune with his as he pulls you closer. Your forehead rests on his, your noses brushed, and Jungkook breathed you in. 
It only takes a moment or two before his lips meet yours, kissing you softly. Slowly, your lips move with his feeling the slight pressure from his lip rings. 
You moan, gripping his bare shoulders as he tugs you over him, making you straddle his tiny waist. 
“I’ve missed you,” he breathes in between kisses and light touches. “So much.”
“Jungkook,” you whisper, afraid that speaking too loudly will pop this bubble of comfort. 
Jungkook hushes you with a finger to your lips, shaking his head befo he moves his hand to the back of your head to pull you towards him. Fiery lips meet yours as desire pools in your abdomen. 
“Fuck,” he curses gripping you tightly, afraid to let you go lest he lose you again. He’s not sure he could survive it one more time. 
“I’ve missed you. I love you. I need you.” Jungkook states as he kisses his way down your jaw towards your neck. Your fingers thread in his thick black hair, tugging as he nips at your neck. 
“I missed you,” you confess in a heady tone as he tugs the collar of the shirt to the side. He’s eager to kiss any bit of you within reach, wanting to familiarize himself with your body once more and hopefully hear those dulcet sounds he loves so much. 
Just hearing you moan his name might be enough to send him into the stars, dispersing among the sky. 
“I love you,” you admit. Jungkook pauses, his gaze locked on yours as his heart flits in his chest, a sweet grin on his lips. You kiss him. You kiss the mole on beneath his lip, the mole on his nose, the scar on his cheek, and the mole on his neck; your favorite. 
Perhaps later you’ll kiss the scar on his shoulder, the one on his ribs, and any new ones acquired in your time apart. You’ll familiarize yourself with his body once again, and become one just like you were always meant to. 
Jungkook’s hand cups your face, moaning your name as his hands grip the shirt you’re wearing. “Let’s get you out of this, love.”
You nod, raising your arms to aid him. 
“Wow!” Jungkook exclaims, admiring the lace that barely covers your body. He tongues his lip rings, his eyes dark and hooded as you grab his hands to place on your hips. 
“Don’t just stare, baby.” 
Jungkook nods, smiling as he pecks your lips before you guide his hands to your breasts. 
His fingers toy with the string tying the two cups together, knowing he could easily get this undone. 
Without a second thought, Jungkook easily flips the two of you over. You giggle when your head meets the pillows, your body caged between Jungkook’s broad shoulders and deliciously thick arms. You run your hands over his bicep, clenching around nothing when he flexes for you. 
The list of things you’d love to do to him is endless but right now all you can focus on is him and the needy whimper that escapes him when his cock rubs against your cunt. 
“I don’t want to rush,” Jungkook admits but a roll of your hips has him seeing stars. 
Your hand laces with his, your thumb gently stroking his skin. “We can go slow, babe.”
Jungkook nods as he kisses you again, his hand cupping your cheek as your legs wind around his hips to pull him closer. Your name escapes him in a groan, the sound shooting straight to your cunt. Your eyes flutter shut as you curse, kissing him hungrily as your nails drag down his back. Jungkook kisses you feverishly, his tongue meeting yours, sucking it into his mouth. He pulls back, nipping your lip before he kisses his way down your body until he settles between your tits. 
“I’ve missed these fucking tits,” Jungkook grunts as you tug his hair.
He smirks, “Soon, baby. Be patient.”
“It’s been six months,” you whine as you tug his hair again, earning a tiny bite on your wrist. 
“I know,” he responds, kissing your sternum. “But we have all night and I want these in my mouth.” 
Jungkook grabs the black string between his teeth and tugs until the bow comes undone. Your breasts are exposed as the thin lace material goes in opposite directions. 
It feels like heaven when his lips meet your heated skin. His soft lips draw out the sweetest moans from your parted lips with each kiss pressed to your skin. 
“So beautiful,” Jungkook whispers as his eyes meet yours for a brief moment. He grins when you whine his name, begging him to keep going. 
Jungkook aims to please as he takes a hard nipple into his mouth. He swirls his tongue around it slowly, gently tugging on it to make you groan before he sucks it into his mouth. 
His hand grips your other breast, rolling your nipple between his fingertips before he switches. 
Your nails scratch at his scalp, gripping his hair to hold him closer to your tit. He sucks until your legs clamp around him, your hips writhing as you grind against him. 
You’re soaking wet, dripping through your lingerie and soaking his sweatpants. 
“Stop teasing me,” you plead as you arch into him, head lolled back as your hair splays on the pillow. 
Chuckling, Jungkook releases you before he licks and sucks his way down your body until he’s gripping your hips with his hands. He tugs you onto his lap.
“I love you so much, baby,” Jungkook says as runs his hand over your mound. He pressed his index finger to your pussy, teasing you for a moment before he undoes the bows on your hips. 
You lay bare underneath him. He’s transfixed by your arousal slick on your thighs, and he licks his lips. Fuck, he’s missed you so much. 
“I love you, Koo,” you respond as he grips each of your thighs in his hands. He lies flat on his stomach as he drags you closer, draping your legs over his shoulders. 
His tongue is flat as he licks a stripe on your folds. His tight hold on your thighs makes you moan as he teases your clit with his tongue. 
A sigh escapes you as you stare at the ceiling, thighs trembling as Jungkook buries himself in the apex of your legs. Your hand reaches for his, fingers laced as he continues to feast on you. The sounds that escape the two of you are lewd, and if you weren’t so focused on the pleasure you’d be embarrassed by how loud you were being. 
“That’s it, baby. Pull my fucking hair,” Jungkook encourages as you do as he’s asked. You squeeze his head between your thighs as his experienced tongue makes you cry out his name, covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your pleasurable cries. 
“Don’t,” Jungkook huffs as he licks his lips. His dark gaze makes you clench around nothing as you focus on him. His lips and nose shine with your arousal, his hair is in disarray from all your tugging and pulling, and his eyes darken further as he moves your hand off your mouth. “I want to hear how good I make you feel. I want all your moans. I want everything.”
You nod, cursing as he slides two fingers into you and you arch, moaning when his thumb rubs your clit in circles. Jungkook kisses your thighs, his lips joining his fingers soon after. 
Heat races through your veins as Jungkook curls your fingers, watching you intently as you begin to unravel. Your breathing has changed, your moans have risen in octave, and you dig your nails into his shoulder as your orgasm hits, and your back arches off the bed as a loud moan of his name fills the room. 
Jungkook rubs himself on the mattress, your moans going straight to his cock as his chest fills with pride. 
“Kookie,” you whine when the last tremors of your orgasm leave you feeling overstimulated.
Giggling, Jungkook kisses your clit before sitting up between your legs. His hands move up and down your thighs, settling on your hips. 
“It’s been so long,” he admits in a soft tone. “Way too long.”
You sit up, cupping his face in your hands. Your noses brush as you look him in the eyes. 
“Let’s make up for lost time.”
Nodding, Jungkook kisses you gently, falling deeper in love, if that were possible. With each kiss, he promises to be a better man for you, to be the one you deserve. 
“Lie down for me, baby,” you instruct as you get on your knees to allow your “beefcake” of a boyfriend to take your spot. Perhaps you should have laid down a towel before ensuing your activities but it was too late now. 
With Jungkook beneath you, your hands are free to roam where they please. You straddle him, your bare cunt on his erection with only the sweatpants keeping you from feeling him. Soon, you promise yourself. Soon.
A kiss here, a kiss there. You kiss each of his moles, licking and sucking his skin beside his neck mole to leave a pretty little mark. Perhaps you’d be more cautious, knowing he’d have work soon but you don’t care in the moment. You’d cover him in love bites from head to toe if you could. 
Your finger traces the scar on his shoulder, and Jungkook watches you with bated breath. When you kiss it, he gives a quick anecdote of how it happened before you move across his chest to the scar on his ribs. You trace it as Jungkook fills you in on what occurred. 
Your hands run over his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath. Jungkook’s always had a wonderful body. Such a beautiful man, inside and out. Everything about him makes you fall for him even more. 
Your lips trail kisses down his taut abdomen, leaving hickeys on his hips, near his navel, and below his scar. 
Teasingly, you stroke his hard cock over his sweatpants. He moans your name, begging you not to tease him. You giggle, kissing his cock over the sweatpants before slowly tugging them down his thighs. 
You help him take them off before wrapping your hand around him, but your fingers still don’t meet. You smile as you stroke him, his soft whimpers making you wet. 
“So pretty like this,” you coo, and Jungkook gasps when you spit on his cock. 
“Please, baby,” he pleads as you lower your mouth, kissing the underside of his dick. 
“You can beg better than that, can’t you?” You smirk.
Jungkook nods hastily, begging for you to touch him and stop teasing him. You reward him by wrapping your lips around his cock, your tongue swirling around the leaking head. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook groans as you slowly bob up and down his length. His hand finds its way into your hair, gently gripping it to steady himself. 
You start slow, ignoring the ache in your knees as you slurp and tongue at his slit. His moans flow prettily from his pretty pink lips as you take more of him in your mouth. You do your best to take all of him but you gag, spluttering around him as you focus on breathing through your nose. 
“Don’t push yourself too hard,” Jungkook breathes as his eyes roll back when he hits the your throat and you choke on him before pulling off. A bridge of saliva connects your lips to his cock as your eyes water before you take him back in. 
You spit on him, using your hand to stroke him while taking his balls in your mouth. Jungkook curses, eyes squeezed shut as the knot in his stomach tightened. Fuck, if he didn’t know any better, he’d be sure you were torturing him to get back at him. 
But you want to please him, you’ve missed having him just like this. 
His whimpers encourage you as you release him, kissing the head of his cock once more before you bob up and down his length.
It’s Jungkook who stops you with a tug of your hair, wiping the tear that rubs down your cheek. 
“I’ll cum down your throat if you keep going, my love,” he chuckles as you release him petulantly.
“But I want more,” you pout as Jungkook kisses you, his hand on the back of your head as yours winds around his neck. 
“So greedy,” he chuckles before kissing your nose. “Don’t worry, I am too.”
“How do you want me, Koo?” You ask bashfully as you sit back on your knees, ready to get into any position he desires. 
“Lay down for me, baby. I want to look at you while we make love again,” Jungkook helps you lie down beneath him. 
His fingers lace with yours when you settle under him. Your heart races in your chest as he kisses you gently.. 
You spread your legs further for him, wrapping them around his waist to pull him closer. Jungkook lines his cock at your entrance, moaning when he slides home.
“Fuck,” he grunts as you curse against his lips. “Fuck, love.”
“I know,” you sigh as you take all of him, the stretch delectable as you remember. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you free your hand from his to grip his forearm. “Fuck, Kook.”
Jungkook tongues his lip piercings as he watches pleasure overcome you. He gives you a moment to adjust to his length. Your nails dig into his arm for a moment before your lustful gaze meets his.
“More,” you plead in a whisper as Jungkook pushes a little deeper, bottoming out when you feel like he’ll reach your throat.
Fire blooms in your belly, desire swirling deep inside you as you kiss Jungkook.
Jungkook pulls out nearly all the way before sliding back into you. Your back arches as he sets a pace that makes you moan incoherently. He kisses you, all teeth and tongues, and dulcet moans.
His lips trail kisses to your neck, sucking and biting, leaving marks behind as he moves his greedy lips to your breasts.
Jungkook’s broad frame cages you beneath him, his hips meeting yours as the lewd sounds of your lovemaking fill the room. 
“Jungkook!” you cry out as you drag your nails down his perfect back. 
“Baby,” he moans, slamming into you again and again, enthralled by the way your tits jiggle with each of his thrusts. You tighten around him, biting back a guttural moan as fire courses through your veins.
“So fucking wet for me,” Jungkook praises. His hand moves between your bodies to rub your clit while his lips find your tits. 
“Love you. I love you,” you gasp as he grabs your hips, squeezing as he pulls you onto his cock.
“I love you,” he responds, groaning when your thighs quiver at his sides. You whimper, eyes fluttering shut as his name rolls off your tongue in a heady tone that makes his head spin. 
“Jungkook, fuck,” you can’t think straight, too overwhelmed with pleasure to warn him of your approaching orgasm, but this is Jungkook, he knows you better than you know yourself.
“I know, baby. I’ve got you,” he assures you as your hips meet his, and his lips meet yours in a messy kiss that swallows your moans as you hit your high. Your body tightens for a moment, your cunt milking Jungkook as he moans your name into your neck.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he whines as he fucks you through your orgasm and then through his. Sweat beads on your forehead and his. His black hair sticks to his face as he rocks his hips, sure he’s fucked you full of his seed before he pulls out and lays at your side.
Silence envelopes you two for a moment before you’re giggling with each other.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” you grin foolishly as you roll onto your side to face Jungkook, who is already watching you.
“Definitely,” he agrees, his hand pushing your hair out of your eyes. “You’re amazing.”
“Don’t get cheesy with me,” you poke his chest, smiling when he bites your finger playfully.
“You love it when I’m cheesy,” Jungkook responds as he pulls you to his chest. You’re both hot, and sticky with sweat but you’re willing to ignore it for now, at least until you can drag yourself up to use the bathroom and shower again.
“I love you,” you confirm as you place your hand in his. He laces your fingers together, moving your joined hands over his heart, kissing them.
“I love you too, baby. I always have, and I always will.” Jungkook swears as you lay your head on his chest, beside your joined hands, falling asleep to the sound of his heart beating for you.
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The next morning is a haze.
You wake with Jungkook draped around you, his leg over your hip as he snores by your ear. You hate to wake him, but after you fell asleep, Jungkook had to wake you to shower, clean up, and change the sheets.
“Don’t get up,” Jungkook whines in his sleepy tone. “Stay with me.”
“We leave in a few hours and we haven’t packed,” you remind him. Jungkook groans as he clings to you.
You kiss him, morning breath not bothering you. “You’ll get more kisses if you get up.”
Jungkook whines. “No up, just kiss.”
“That’s not how this will work,” you laugh as you wiggle out of his grasp. Jungkook sighs as he sits up, his adorable bedhead makes you smile.
Lazily, Jungkook gets out of bed, yawning as he heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth and style his hair.
“I don’t wanna leave,” he says, well, you think that’s what he said with his toothbrush in his mouth. You shake your head when he spits into the sink as you pack your belongings in your bag, including the tiny pieces of fabric Jimin gifted you.
“We can vacation again soon,” you tell him as you shut your bag, and tug on the zippers to close it. It’s funny how you didn’t even want to come on this cruise, and now you weren’t sure you wanted to leave. However, you’d come without Jungkook and now you were leaving with him at your side.
Perhaps this trip hadn’t been so bad after all.
“I’ll hold you to it, babe. Now, when are we having breakfast? I’m hungry as hell after last night,” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “And this morning.”
You laugh at him, throwing a shirt at him.
Jungkook ducks out of the way, cackling as he shuts the bathroom door.
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Jimin and Yoongi meet you for breakfast. The two are in their bubble as you approach with Jungkook at your side.
You sit beside Jimin, kissing his cheek. “Thanks for the gift.”
Jimin brightens, “You used it?”
Jungkook and Yoongi look at each other confused.
“Used what?” Jungkook asks as he takes a biscuit from the basket on the table. He bites into it before Jimin answers.
“The lingerie.”
Jungkook chokes on his biscuit, hitting his chest with his fist before he forces himself to swallow. Yoongi hands him a glass of juice, and Jungkook thanks him with a thumbs-up.
“You’re so back together!” Jimin cheers as he hugs you tightly. Yoongi rolls his eyes in annoyance, but a pleased smile appears on his lips.
“Can we stop talking about them fucking and move onto our wedding plans?” Yoongi asks as he stifles a yawn.
“How about a destination wedding?” you offer as you rub Jungkook’s back soothingly. He smiles weakly at you, his cheeks pink.
“I like the way you think,” Jimin grins as he rattles off ideas with you and Yoongi. Jungkook is too focused on breakfast to offer any input, but he’s sure you’ll catch him up on the way home. 
Things were looking up for him.
Jungkook would have to give his assistant a bonus upon his return. 
“Do we have to go?” Jungkook whines as he wraps his arm around your waist. 
Jimin and Yoongi are packing the bags into the trunk of your airport shuttle. 
“We do, work awaits,” you remind him as he frowns. 
“What if we take a few days for ourselves? Just the two of us?” Jungkook questions. 
“Oh?” You raise a brow. “What did you have in mind?” 
“It’ll be a surprise until we get to the airport,” Jungkook smiles brightly. “I want you all to myself for just a little longer.”
“Then I am all yours,” you rest your head on his chest as he leads you to your friends. 
“Ready to go?” Yoongi asks as he shuts the trunk. 
“Definitely,” you answer as you take Jungkook's hand in yours. 
You’re not sure what the future holds for the both of you, but you’re hopeful it’ll be bright with Jungkook at your side once more. 
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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joeyfranchise · 5 months ago
cuz you know that’s it’s delicate
joe burrow x fem!reader
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summary: what happens when joe’s teammate slips a joke about your size difference and it sends you spiraling? being in love with joe since college has been tough but what happens when he starts figuring it out and trying to unravel you more?
warnings: SMUT, 18+ ONLY, MDNI. heaaaavy size kink, joe being a smartass should be it’s own warning, language, p in v, fingering, oral (f. receiving), roughness. probably more? this one was so much fun, plzzz stick around til the end. 🤭
word count: 3.1k!
note: heyyy everyone! my first joey smut 🤭 i hope y’all love it and again MDNI!! (shoutout to my boo @slimshiesty, hate me later and that stray ball part is rotting in my brain, so i snuck a lil of it in here as an ode to you. ily bbg. 💗) (also another taylor swift title bc i fr couldn’t think of anything else plus i used it a bit.. i swear i’m not trying to steal anyones thing i love all the joey swifties)
tags: @slimshiesty @starsinthesky5 (plz message me or send an ask to be added!) part 2
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sexual frustration has to be one of the worst things in the world. sexual frustration at the hands of your best friend, however, takes the cake.
it started at a party two weeks ago when you were invited out by joe, the star nfl quarterback, certified dweeb, and your very best friend all wrapped into one.
you were sitting around with joe and some of his teammates, listening in on their conversations and people watching the rest of the time. it was easiest for you to hang out with joe and ja’marr since you knew them from college, but the rest of their teammates and their teammates partners were really cool too, and all so welcoming to you.
everyone was laughing and joking, having a laid back time, picking on each other for random things. that was, until, someone mentioned how funny it was to see you standing next to joe, being that he was well over a foot taller than you.
“what? how’s it funny?” joe asked, glancing between you and his teammate. “because you make her look so tiny! like a little doll. get up and stand next to each other.”
you were reluctant to move from your seat, hating where this was leading. it was already hard enough having feelings for your best friend over the span of a few years, but this was crossing dangerous territory. kink territory.
for you, there was something about how much bigger than you joe was. he towered over you. his body was lean but built with thick muscles. he could quite literally pick you up and sling you around like a rag-doll. (and honestly if he did, you’d thank him.)
you hoped his teammate pointing out your size difference wouldn’t be turned into a big deal, but once joe pulled you out of your chair to stand next to him, it was like the gates of hell opened.
you stood side by side, your head barely even reaching his armpit. everyone around the table laughed, including joe. “damn, i guess i never really focused on how little you are, y/n.” joe laughed, and placed his forearm on top of your head like an armrest.
alarms went off in your head. ABORT MISSION. ABORT MISSION.
you cleared your throat quickly, and came to your senses, shoving joe off before getting back into your seat. “maybe i’m not small, maybe you’re just a freakishly large man.” you remark, trying to keep your voice even.
“nah,” he replied, sitting down next to you again, “you’re sooooo tiny.” he laughed, wiggling his eyebrows at you. you flipped him the finger. “fuck you big bird.” you snarked before downing the rest of your drink. god knows you need it. you hoped that your pink cheeks would be chalked up to the alcohol and that nobody else had caught on.
the next instance came a few days later, on a sunday, and it was much worse than the first. so, so much worse.
flashback to sunday
you came to the bengals’ home stadium to watch their game, and since it was early you figured you’d go down to the field to say hi to joe and some of your other friends on the team.
you made it down and waved hi to ja’marr, tee and sam before making your way to joe. he spotted you and smiled, walking in your direction to meet you halfway.
you decided on wearing one of his jerseys and a pair of jeans, something simple and comfortable. as soon as he made it to you, the first thing he did was look you up and down and then pick up the sleeve of the jersey before chuckling.
“damn, this thing is swallowing you!” he comments. you playfully smack at his arm. “shut up, joey.”
“it’s cute, though. you look nice. are you excited for the game?”
you don’t give yourself much time to process that “cute” comment. wtf does that even mean? who cares. ABORT MISSION.
“of course i’m excited! i can’t wait to watch you guys kick some ass today—“
your sentence is cut off abruptly as joe grabs you and lifts you, turning your bodies so his back is now facing the opposite direction on the field. his grip on you is so tight that your chest is pressed into his stomach. you look up at his face, his expression a mix between anger and concern. you can feel your cheeks heat up and your eyes widen in disbelief.
“um, joe, you’re bear hugging the hell out of me right now. wanna put me down and explain what happened?”
he lets you down gently, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. “stray ball was coming right at you. i didn’t want it to hit you, it would’ve hurt you pretty bad.”
you reach a hand up and pat his chest, feeling the thick muscles. “thank you!” you respond, once again monitoring your tone. “i’m gonna head up and talk to everyone, ok?” you ask, already moving to leave. “yeah, ok.” joe says, focusing his attention on the ground. you can tell he’s contemplating something, but you don’t want to ask. you want to get out of there as quickly as possible.
the final instance came a few days later when you went to joe’s house just to hang out and have dinner.
flashback to wednesday night
you park your car in joe’s garage and step out, tucking your phone and keys in your pocket before heading up the stairs. before you make it to the door, joe’s already opening it and waiting in the doorway.
“hi bub!” you call, pushing past him and stepping inside, kicking off your shoes by the door. he greets you back sweetly and the two of you go sit on barstools in the kitchen, just catching up on things that have gone on this week. you rant to joe about your job and he listens intently, offering what advice he can.
he rants back to you about things going on with the team, and frustrations he’s having on the field. you try to return the favor and offer him some advice, but you know you aren’t of too much help. joe appreciates it regardless.
soon after your food arrives, you find yourselves in the living room, sitting on the couch side by side as a movie plays. you and joe always loved just being around each other, you had so deep of a connection that oftentimes words didn’t need to be shared at all.
you both enjoyed those moments.
you felt yourself starting to doze off until joe laughed at something in the movie, the sound waking you a bit.
“oh, sorry. you can go to sleep.” he whispers, pulling you into his side and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. you appreciate his warmth and you rub your head on his shoulder as you get comfy. you hear joe chuckle.
“what’s funny?” you mumble, your eyes still closed. “it’s like i’m hyper-aware now of how small you are next to me. it’s so cute.”
you make no outward moves or sounds, but inside you are screaming. yelling. this is the worst one yet.
you don’t know it yet, but joe’s figured it out. he’s seen you get flustered three times now over these comments, and he knows something is going on in your brain when they’re said. he isn’t aware if you have feelings for him like he does for you, but he knows you liked when he picked you up so easily on the field the other day.
it was effortless to him, despite what you might think of yourself.
you sit next to him in silence, eyes still closed, trying to control your breathing. just try to fall asleep again you tell yourself, hoping that joe has no idea. if you only knew.
when you wake in the morning, you’re still snuggled on the couch with him as the soft morning light shines gold around the living room. you shake him awake.
“joey, i gotta get going. i need to go home and get ready for work and you have thursday practice.”
he pulls you in closer for a moment, hugging you bye, and then wishes you a good day at work. you bolt out the door and to your car as fast as you can, heading home to wash the previous day away in the shower.
end of flashbacks
so, this is where you are now.
it’s been almost a week since you’ve talked to joe, avoiding him because you aren’t sure what to say or do. part of you knows he has something figured out, but you don’t know what or how much.
you’re terrified to let him in on your feelings, what’s going on in your head, because you’re delicate and you don’t want to ruin something that has always been there for you.
the other part of you knows you have to tell him, you need to tell him. you love him, you lust after him. the comments that keep being made about your sizes are driving you to the point of insanity that nothing will fix it unless joe manhandles you as rough as you can take it and he fucks it out of you.
you’re pretty sure your vibrator is gonna be on its last leg soon.
alright, i gotta call him. i gotta get this over with.
you grab your phone off the kitchen counter and dial his number, listening to it ring for a few moments.
“hello?” he finally answers, sounding a bit upset.
“hey joey. sorry i haven’t been talking to you this week. i just— i think i need to talk to you about some stuff and.. would you mind coming over later?”
he says nothing for a moment, but you hear him blow out a long breath. “yeah, of course, y/n.” he finally says. “i can be over around 7?”
you check the clock on the stove, it reads 4:34pm.
“7 sounds great! see you then!” you say, hanging up quickly. now you play the waiting game.
all your chores are done, and you take a lovely everything shower to help calm your nerves, and you make sure to drink plenty of water and have a snack as you tell yourself affirmations.
it’s going to be okay, he’s my best friend. he will understand. he will still be my friend regardless, he’s always been there for me. if he rejects me, nothing will change that.
you sit on the couch and scroll your phone as you wait. there’s still just a bit over an hour before joey will arrive, so you waste time scrolling tiktok, cozy on the couch.
soon enough you hear the doorbell, and you jump off the couch to answer it, stepping aside to let joe in.
he sits on your couch, waiting for you to join him and start speaking. “joe, i, um.. i hav-“
he cuts you off. “you have feelings for me? you like it when people compare our sizes because it turns you on?” he smirks, leaning back on the couch, crossing his arms behind his head. he’s manspreading now, his thick thighs on full display. your mouth falls open for a moment.
“yeah. essentially exactly that.” you finally reply.
“so what are we gonna do about that?” he questions, pulling you into his lap. you place your hands on his chest instinctively, and before you know what’s happening he‘s pulling you in for a heated kiss.
his lips are soft against yours and he gently prods at your bottom lip, sliding his tongue past as you open it. he tastes like mint, it’s intoxicating you. one minute his large hands are splayed over your back holding you to him, the next he’s lifting you off the couch by grabbing underneath your armpits and carrying you down the hall, roughly body-slamming you on the bed.
“dude, save the UFC moves for ja’marr!” you groan, sucking in a large breath. joe jumps on the bed, caging you in by placing his knees on either side of your hips and his hands next to your head.
“no, i don’t think so.” he smirks, leaning in closer until your noses are nearly touching. you felt your cheeks heating up at his close proximity, and his eye-contact with you was starting to feel intimidating, even though you had just been sharing such a passionate kiss. you hated that you could feel your wetness soaking through your panties just from him trying to wrestle you.
he blows gently on your face and you shove at him. he laughs you off and leans even closer, pressing the tip of his nose to yours before moving away and leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“this would be a lot easier if you’d just admit that you want me to manhandle you. you want me to go rough, right?” he teases. you’ve had enough of his smugness. you grab the back of his neck and pull him in for another kiss, tugging at his hair and nipping his bottom lip. he groans into you. he stands from the bed, picking you up again, carrying you across the room before roughly slamming your body against the wall.
you let out a strangled moan, loving the feeling of him using all his strength on you.
“can i take your shorts off?” he asks, looking into your eyes.
“fuck yes, please.” you breathe out, exhilarated.
joe yanks your shorts and panties down your legs in one swift motion, kneeling down in front of you. he’s able to keep your body held up and pressed against the wall. he looks up at you with questioning eyes, making sure this is okay. you give him a soft nod in response.
he leans in and throws one of your legs over his shoulder. he starts by pressing the smallest kiss to your clit, and then licks a slow, languid stripe up your core. you hiss, your body arching off the wall at the new sensation. when you look down, you find him looking up at you, his beautiful blue eyes trained on your face.
your eyes roll back in your head as he continues his ministrations. you feel the hand that isn’t holding you against the wall rubbing circles on your inner thigh before joe slowly slips a finger into you.
you quickly approach your orgasm, your stomach tight with anticipation. joe doesn’t let up, working you there until your body feels like it’s being dunked into warm bath water, the feeling covering you from head to toe. it takes you a minute to regain your sense of self. joe pulls his fingers from your core and removes your leg from his shoulder, standing back up before lifting you so your legs are around his waist.
you waste no time pulling him in for a kiss. “holy shit, joey!” you moan, baffled at what just happened. he smirks into your kiss.
for the second time, you’re thrown onto the bed. you sit up, propped on your elbows as you watch joe stalk closer, his erection very obvious in his shorts. he pulls his shirt over his head and you do the same, unclasping your bra just after so that you’re completely bare for him.
you chalk your forwardness up to being comfortable with him, normally you wouldn’t have the confidence to act this way. neither would joe, actually, but you shrug it off.
you don’t remember seeing him strip his shorts off or climb on top of you, but you know you’re kissing him again. you can’t get over how good his lips feel. one of his hands traces your curves, he runs his fingers along your body until his large hand is cupping your breast.
he moves his kisses to your neck and you gasp, reveling in the feeling of him kissing and touching you softly and sweetly.
you look down at his throbbing cock and suddenly you feel intimidated. joe hears you gasp. he lets out a soft laugh.
“don’t talk a big game and then act scared of it, baby.” he teases, pressing light kisses to your cheeks. you swallow thickly.
joe reaches down and strokes himself, spitting on his hand to slick himself up. he looks at you once again for confirmation, and you nod to him. he helps you get comfortable beneath him, positioning your legs around his waist as he pushes his tip in. you suck in a harsh breath.
it stings, but it isn’t the worst thing. he moves against you slowly, sliding in inch by inch until he bottoms out. he looks down and you, your faces inches apart, and you giggle.
“what is it bub?” he asks, smiling softly. “they weren’t kidding calling you big dick joe.” you laugh out. joe laughs too.
after giving you a few minutes to adjust, he starts moving hips, rocking into yours slowly. you think this is what the peak of euphoria feels like.
he leans back down to kiss you, his hand finding your throat and squeezing ever so slightly. your back is arched, your chest pressed to his as your hands tangle through his hair. his hands move down, finding your hips and holding them down to the bed. you moan at the rough grip.
he starts going harder, his hips pistoning into yours as you continue kissing, both of you moaning out your pleasure.
“joey, i-i’m close.” you warn, your body covered in a sheen of sweat. you felt it again, you were so close to that warmth once again pulsing over your body.
knock knock knock.
what was that? you thought. you tried to focus on joe but everything seemed to be slipping away.
then, there it was again. the knocking. and the shrill of your phone ringing.
you startled awake, sweat covering your body. you looked at your phone screen. 7:10pm. one missed call from joe.
you threw your throw blanket off, trying to gather your thoughts. what the fuck? what is happening?
you thought you’d just had the best fuck of your life, that everything would be okay with you and joe but… it was just a dream? you dozed off and you didn’t even know it.
“y/n, let me in!” you hear joe yell from the opposite side of the door. you’re panicking, your body is hot, your clothes are stuck to you. still, you get up and almost sprint to the door. you open it, taking in his appearance. just like your dream.
black shorts, black shirt. backwards cap.
“can i come in? are you okay?” he asks. you watch as he takes in your appearance. sweaty hair stuck to your neck, your eyes glazed over.
“um, yeah joe. i’m okay. come in.” you step aside, inviting him in, just like your dream. he sits down.
“so, what did you wanna talk about?” he asks. you sit down next to him, blowing out a long breath. this was gonna be a longggg conversation.
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afterglowsainz · 10 months ago
Hey can I get a jealous Jude x female reader. Nothing too toxic lol l, it’s just some guys hitting y/n up on social media and somehow Jude sees the DMs and gets a little jealous. Then his petty self goes and posts a picture of him and his girlfriend on her ig or something petty like responds back with a “she’s busy bro”. Thanks 🫶🏻
jealousy | jude bellingham
obsessed with this concept already !!
summary: while you're getting ready to go out on a date with your boyfriend, he accidentally sees some dms he doesn't like and decides to do something about it
warnings: none
word count: 738
a/n: boring title booo i know i know i couldn't think of anything better :( i do hope you like the one shot tho it was fun to write about jealous jude <3
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you were getting ready to go out on a date with jude while he was laying on your bed waiting for you. his phone was charging somewhere in the living room so you gave him yours to play a game so he doesn’t get bored. you were putting on your makeup while singing along to your playlist while he was building some villages or whatever it was that they do on clash royale. however, jude got distracted when an instagram dm pop up at the top of your phone, it was from this formula 1 driver that he knew was always liking your pictures, he didn’t knew he was dming you as well. he thought about opening the message, but he didn’t want to invade your privacy like that, so he simply looked at you.
“someone dm you.” he says.
his voice took you out of your little world and you place your gaze on him thought the mirror you were applying your makeup on.
“lando norris.” he reads the name like he didn’t knew already.
“what does it say?” you hide a laugh and continue with your makeup routine.
jude opens the message and reads it out loud. it was obvious he was hitting on you by replying to a story you had posted earlier that day when you went to brunch with your friends and you felt cute.
“are you gonna answer?” he asks again, hints of jealousy on voice.
“not really, no.” you answer and go back to singing along and applying mascara on.
when jude goes back to the screen on your phone his thumb accidentally swipes left and your whole inbox is completely exposed to him. he didn’t meant to do that, but it really was an accident and he couldn’t help but see now that it was there, only he wished he didn’t have.
some of your dms were just conversations with your friends, but a lot of them were just guys replying to your stories and hitting on you, which made him even more jealous than before. you never replied to them, going as far as deleting some of the messages you received, but since you hadn’t checked your instagram since that afternoon a lot of dms from different guys complimenting you on your story were there for jude to find.
he frowns at the phone and takes a look at you, completely oblivious while doing your eyeliner. his eyes go back to the screen and he starts looking up some pictures that you took the week before of you two.
“do you mind if i post one of those pictures you took of us last week?” he asks out of nowhere. “so i can repost it on my story.” he clarifies.
you frown a bit confused because this is the first time he has asked you something like this, but after him seeing the other guy’s dm and feeling a bit jealous you connected the dots and smile amused.
“sure.” you say.
he nods and went to post a story with the two of you looking definitely like the couple you were. he spend a few seconds thinking about a good caption, landing on a simple “my boyfriend❤️”, very straight to the point. he also tagged himself big enough for everyone to see and posted the picture, a satisfied smile on his face.
when you were done with your makeup and ready to go, you approached him and sat on his lap, your phone still in his hand.
“let me see the picture.” you smiled. he shows you the story and you rolled your eyes, a bit amused at his possessiveness. “was that really necessary?” you point at the text and he just shrugs.
“i just feel like there’s a lot of people that don't know we’re together, you know? just wanna put it out there.” you nod, fighting the smile on your face and putting your arms around him.
“is that so?” you tease him, getting closer to him if that was even possible.
“yeah, lots of guys on your dms.” he confess. “they liked your selfie earlier.”
“hmm.” you answer. “i wouldn’t know about that, i only like one guy.” a treacherous smile takes over his lips and you take the opportunity to kiss him. “wanna go? we’ll be late to dinner.”
jude just nods and gets out of bed, never dropping your hand for a second.
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veltana · 11 months ago
Unleashed - Avengers!Bucky/Fem!Reader
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✦ Pairing: Avengers!Bucky Barnes/Fem!Reader
✦ Word count: ~4,2k
✦ Rating: Explicit
✦ Warnings/tags: Sex pollen adjacent kinda, smut, a bit fluffy, one shot, possessive!Bucky, co-workers/friends to lovers, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, forced orgasms, orgasm denial, dirty talk, praise, creampie, pet names (doll).
✦ Summary: During a mission, Bucky is exposed to something that removes his inhibitions and all he wants is you.
✦ Note: Previously posted on AO3 since I have basically no time or energy to write new stuff. It was titled You’re what I need before but I always hated that title so I decided to re-name it. Bucky is kind of an asshole in this, but it's just because he wants you! As always, reblogs, comments, and asks are very welcome ❤️
Masterlist | AO3
The worst part about watching from afar as a mission goes to shit is that you feel useless. Even as you dispatch medics for the team all you can do is tell them, "Help is on the way."
Captain America shouts orders that you hear through the comms. The wait feels endless until the crew of the quinjet declares that they have spotted the team and there's not much else for you to do but look at your monitors and wait for an update. When you get the call back that the team is secure you breathe a sigh of relief, but then the next message is to prepare the medical staff to receive multiple injuries and chemical exposure. You ask the crew to clarify, but they are too busy, so when you notify the medical center, they prepare a quarantine room.
Sometimes you wish you had a superpower and could be there with them instead of staring at your monitors and doing endless calculations on whatever the team needs. But then when they return they always compliment your work and tell you they don’t know how they managed without you. You try to remind yourself of those moments at times like this.
Once the quinjet is docked and everyone has been accounted for you push away from your desk and remove your headset, taking deep breaths and trying to calm your heart. A moment later a message pops up on your screen, probably because they couldn’t reach you through your comms. [Bucky wants you to come down here]
Your heart does a little flip in your chest, making you scowl. He is your friend and probably injured, you have no idea why he would be asking for you, but it’s not because he feels the same way you do. You grab your tablet and head to the MedBay.
When you get down you take stock of the situation. Nat and Steve have some scratches, Sam's arm is broken and Wanda has a few cracked ribs. Tony is bruised, his suit had taken most of the damage. You look around for Bucky but don’t see him anywhere and quickly deduce that he must be the person currently in quarantine.
When you get to the wing, you’re almost too scared to go in, afraid to see what could have happened to him. Inside, you find a team of medical personnel discussing Bucky's condition with him through a glass wall. His hair looks damp and he's wearing standard-issue quarantine clothing, soft black pants, and a black sweatshirt. When he sees you standing patiently at the side he says. "You can come back later. I need to talk to her more than I need to talk to you. Go away." His voice comes from speakers in the ceiling.
You're shocked by his behavior but smile apologetically as the white coats pass you on their way out. When you get up to the glass you hiss. "Bucky, what is wrong with you, don't be rude.” "You make it sound like I'm never rude otherwise," he laughs. "You're not rude to healthcare professionals, you know better." You glare at him as you wake your tablet. “Now what did you need me for?”
"Do you like me?" he asks. Your mouth falls open and your heart starts to beat faster. You’re happy your vitals aren’t monitored as you quickly collect yourself and try to deflect his question. "Of course I like you Bucky, you're my friend." But now it feels weird to look at him and you find a spot on the wall far behind him to focus on.
"What if I want more than friends?" is his next question and despite your best efforts, hope warms your chest. This is not happening. Of course you toyed with the idea of you and Bucky, he is always sweet to you, and if he has the chance he brings you gifts from the missions. But you’ve told yourself repeatedly that he needs someone stronger, who can keep up with him in the field and you’re not that person.
"Can we have this conversation when you are not high on some HYDRA drug?” you ask, trying to keep your voice from betraying you. They are monitoring everything in the room. And there is a sheet of unbreakable glass in between you both. If you're going to confess your feelings, it won't be like this.
"I'm not high," he huffs. "My mind has never been clearer." "I still think we should have this conversation later." "Doll, look at me." The command in his voice is so strong you don’t think, you snap your eyes to his and they are so blue and soft.
"I will feel the same tomorrow, and the day after, whenever this drug wears off but now is the only time I can't hold my tongue," he explains. You place your hand on the glass and he does the same on the other side. "It will be fine Bucky, I promise," you say just as the door opens and Steve walks in, making you pull your hand back to your side. He's showered, in a fresh pair of clothes and he swings his arm over your shoulder.
"Stop hogging her time Bucky, I know for a fact that she also needs to debrief," he smiles but Bucky looks as if he's seeing red. Through gritted teeth he presses out, "Get your fucking arm off her, punk. She's mine."
You and Steve burst into laughter because it has to be a joke, but then Bucky punches the barrier with his vibranium arm. The glass doesn't crack but both you and Steve stop short and step away in shock. Steve removes his arm and says, "I'll meet you upstairs." Before quickly heading out.
You turn to Bucky and point at him, anger rising in your chest. "What is wrong with you? Steve is your friend!" "That is what it’s like in here every day,” he points to his head. You're taken aback by his statement and his wide feral eyes. Clearly, whatever he was exposed to had messed with his head and he's not himself. “Bucky I need to go,” you tell him, and before he can protest you continue. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smile feebly at him and are out the door before he can say anything else.
After debriefing and having dinner you go to bed early. Your head is spinning with the day and most of all, Bucky.
It's way past midnight when you wake to the soft closing of your door. Since you always sleep with a night light the soft warm glow reflects off his left arm and leaves no doubt about who has entered your room. You blink at him but before you can ask a question he rasps out, pleading. "I need you. So bad. Please doll, help me." He moves closer to your bed.
You quickly remove your covers and get up, glad the giant t-shirt covers you to your thighs, ready to spring into action. "Anything Bucky, what do you need?" You stop an arm's length from him, but all he does is reach his hand out to cup your face, letting his thumb stroke your cheek. There is a wild look in his eyes but you keep calm. "I can't get you what you need if you don't tell me," you whisper, meeting his eyes and watching as his brow furrows.
"I need you. Right now. If I don't get to touch and taste every inch of your body I'm going to lose my mind," he confesses in a low voice. His words shock you and you hitch a breath. You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do. You have this great friendship. If things were different you would not have minded taking it to another level, but with the day in mind and the fact that he somehow got out of his containment room you say, "Bucky, you’re not yourself, you need to get back to-”
"Doll,” he interrupts with a hard voice. “For once, I feel more like myself than I have in a long time. The only thing the drug did, I think, was remove my inhibitions. For once I feel free. My mind isn't controlled by HYDRA or by fear that you'll reject me. All I know is that I crave you and I can't be quiet about it anymore.”
"Bucky… I…" your whole body is flushed with warmth from his words and you're not sure how to respond. "I dreamt about you and couldn't stop myself from going over here. I don't want to hurt you, doll, but I'm not sure this drug will let me leave. All I wanna do is move closer to you.” You swallow hard as he continues, thumb still stroking your cheek. “Ask FRIDAY to get Steve, or the Hulk if you want me to leave."
Instead, you step into him, making up your mind in an instant and resting your hands on his chest. "Stay, I'll be glad to help you with anything you need," you whisper honestly and by the way his eyes widen there was still some doubt in his mind that you would reject him.
Instead of saying anything his vibranium hand grasps your waist and pulls you closer. There is no escaping the smell and size of him and his hands on you got your pussy throbbing for him already.
"I hope you understand what you've agreed to," he whispers, leaning closer. "Once I have you I won't stop, you'll never be rid of me. I'll claim you against every surface of this fucking compound if I need to." That makes you whimper and press harder against him. "Fuck you'd like that huh? Are you a kinky little thing? Like getting fucked where people can see you and hear you moan, do you want people to see my hard dick spread you open?" "Fuck Bucky!" You exclaim and lean your forehead against his chest. Maybe that idea excites you or maybe it is just that the word ‘claim’ sounds so primal.
"You're going to tell me all your little secrets later, doll. But now, I'm going to take what's mine." And with that, he crushes his lips to yours. He backs you towards the bed, kissing you the whole time, letting his hands explore you. When you land on your back, he stands over you with eyes like a predator about to devour its prey.
You shuffle up until your head rests on the pillows, spreading your legs for him. Without taking off any clothes he crawls after you, settling on his knees between your legs and placing his hands on the headboard, crowding you with his large frame. "Mine," he whispers and it makes a shudder pass through you. He ruts his clothed cock against your core, slicking your underwear even more and making you whine, gripping the sheets under you.
"Yes," he almost hisses as the length of his dick presses on your clit and forces a mewl out of you. It's been a long time since you've gotten laid. "Bucky," you plead. "No doll, I'm going to enjoy every fucking second of claiming you, from the outside in. Did you think this would be hard and fast and that I would be gone before you knew what happened?"
He lets go of the headboard to put his elbows beside your head instead, his weight on you, pressing you down into the mattress. "When I leave you will long for me, spend every waking second wishing I was still inside you. I want your cunt to be permanently drenched so I can fuck you whenever I please." He kisses you forcefully and any coherent thought that was left in your head flees. "And when you're too sore to take more of my dick in your pussy I'm going to do the same thing to your mouth and ass."
He rids you off your t-shirt and instead of having to move from between your legs to pull off your underwear, he rips them apart. "Ah!" you exclaim when the force of his movements jolts you but he takes no notice, he just stares at you, letting his hands roam up and down your sides, up to your tits, cupping them and caressing your nipples with his thumbs.
Whimpers are coming from you with every pass of this touch. Then he moves down and lays on his stomach, not saying a word as he sweeps his tongue over your pussy before he starts devouring you with a throaty moan.
It doesn’t take long for the first orgasm to take you, his movements are precise and his words and actions have made you hornier than you’ve ever experienced. Or maybe it's because he is the hottest person you’ve ever laid eyes on and he only wants you.
When you’re finished and sensitive he dips his tongue into your hole to taste you and groans loudly, lapping up the wetness from your orgasm. "Better than I've dreamed of," he says when he pulls away. Now you’re the one that must be high because you can't help but giggle. "You seriously dream of me?" "All the time, doll. Every night when I go to bed I wish you were with me and then you plague my sleep with your soft curves and radiant smile."
You're about to tell him how his laugh makes you warm and fuzzy on the inside but at that moment he sucks your clit into his mouth, cutting out every thought in your brain. He's gentle but not hesitant, it's as if he's feeling you out and when you make a particularly loud sound he continues the same movement, making your whole body go hot.
The second orgasm is intense enough to send aftershocks through for a long while afterward. Bucky lays his head on your thigh as you tremble, caressing your skin and letting the fingers of his right hand skim over your opening.
Despite what he's already given you, you still crave more. His fingertips never come close to where you need them and when you whine at the back of your throat Bucky smiles up at you. "Don't worry, I'm not even close to done with you, but I don't want you to pass out on me.” One of his fingers glides inside, making you take a sharp breath just because it feels so good. Once again he is careful, moving slowly, listening to your breath and your body.
"Please Bucky, I need more.” "No need to beg, I'll give you everything you want… in time," he breathes and kisses the skin on the inside of your thigh. Slowly he moves his finger in and out. You're sure it's a form of torture. The sweetest kind there is. Your breathing is labored and when he finally adds a second, you start to quiver.
He nips at your skin and then kisses it before speaking. "You look like a goddess, doll, eyes filled with lust, your skin is gleaming. I'm going to worship you until you're tired of me.” "Never gonna happen," you whimper. Then his thumb lands on your clit, making you cry out. Everything is so sensitive and overstimulated.
"I don't- Bucky, I don't think I can again," you tell him even though his touches are causing your insides to melt. "Yes, you will," his voice is soft but the command is clear. So instead of trying to speak again, you sink further into the madness that is him playing with you. The third one takes its sweet time but you never feel rushed or stressed that it's taking too long. Bucky isn’t in a hurry.
Then it’s suddenly there, crashing through you. "Fuck Bucky, fuck you're gonna make me come." "So good for me, let me feel you come on my fingers," he urges. "I'm going to lick them clean afterward so make sure you get them nice and wet for me. I want as much as you'll give me." The climax reaches its peak and you come with a cry of his name, body convulsing and your hand shooting down to tangle in his hair.
"Just like that doll," he smiles up at you and holds your gaze when he pulls out his fingers and sucks them clean, moaning while he does. It's a filthy sound, but it turns you on as if he didn't just make you come for the third time. Then he dives in between your legs again, licking at your skin and your soaked hole. Letting go of his hair all you can do is just lie there, writhing, as he somehow coaxes a fourth orgasm out of you.
“Fuck me,” you plead when he pulls back. “I need you inside me Bucky.” This time he takes pity on you and moves away to take off his clothes. When he’s naked he kneels between your legs again and you spread them as wide as you can. "Want me, doll?" he asks with a smirk. He swipes his cock through your mess and then uses his hand to coat himself with you. "Yes," is all you can say. Both you and Bucky stare as he pushes his dick into you, filling you up completely. Of course, he takes it torturously slow this time too.
"This feels better than any dream I've ever had," he whispers almost in awe. You grip his biceps and arch into him, pushing him deeper, faster. That makes him tsk but smiles at the same time as he pushes the rest of the way, finally seating himself. Without giving you a chance to relax he starts fucking you, his cock pushes perfectly against your insides, pulling sounds from you that you haven't made in years.
He sits back on his heels lifting your ass effortlessly until your weight is resting on your shoulders and neck. It's like he is in a trance, pulling you onto his cock over and over again. Your body is his, your mind has fled, and all you see and feel is just him all around you. His eyes keep changing between his dick filling your cunt, your bouncing tits, and your half-lit eyes as if he is not sure where to look. "Mine," he rasps and thrusts hard to empathize the word. "All mine. Say it."
It takes some time for your brain to connect to your mouth and form the words but his gaze never leaves you. "Yours," you whimper. "I'm yours, Bucky." There is a familiar heat low in your belly that's steadily spreading through your limbs. It makes you wiggle and move because it's overwhelming. He is overwhelming in the best sense. Whining you reach down to rub yourself but he slaps your hand away. "I thought I told you, it's mine. I own this cunt. If you wanna touch yourself you have to ask permission." It's as close to a growl as is humanly possible and you don't understand how he can be so cognizant right now, because your brain is like putty. "Can I please rub my clit Bucky, I wanna come on your cock so bad," you cry.
"Good girl," he praises, and when he calls you that, your mouth falls open with a keening sound, gripping the sheets even harder, pulling at them because you want to come so bad. "Do it, show me how you get off when you're alone in bed without me." Everything is slippery and sensitive when you start with your fingers and you immediately know it's going to go fast. With his previous words in mind, you ask. "Can I come?" He meets your eyes with a wicked smile. "Fast learner. Yeah, you can come… when I tell you."
You rip your hand away, afraid you might fall over the edge at any second. The sound out of your throat is almost a sob. "Don't be like that, doll, I thought you said you couldn't do it more times?" "I can-I can! As many times as you want just please let me come." "Fuck, I like it when you beg with my cock in you." But he doesn't say anything else, just continues fucking you. He's not even winded while you're straining your entire body. Your hand wants to move back, anything to relieve the pressure inside you but Bucky was very clear and you don’t want to disobey him.
Then he pulls out and drops you onto the bed, but you don't get to relax because he flips you onto your stomach and pushes one of your knees up to the side before he presses in. His dick hits your G-spot dead on and you scream into the pillow under you. Bucky chuckles right by your ear. "Guess I found it." He's merciless, his hips hit your ass hard and if it weren't for his weight pressing you down you would soon hit the headboard.
"Bucky!" you wail because it's too much. You're losing the last pieces of your mind to the sheer force of the pleasure and you're scared you're never going to be able to come back to yourself. Then his hand presses in between you and the mattress. "Rub yourself on my fingers, make yourself cum. Fuck my cock and come all over me doll." You brace yourself as best you can and move your hips as he keeps almost completely still, just shallow thrusts in stark comparison to what he was doing to you just moments ago.
His fingers slide along your clit, his cock brushing your G-spot over and over again. You're breathless, sweat breaking out along your skin, but the climax you're chasing will be well worth it. You just know it.
"I can't fill you up until I’ve felt you come around me," he grunts, his voice tight with holding back. You whimper, the feeling of fire flushing your whole body, and building up to an eruption like no other. "Yes, yes, yes," he chants low in your ear. "That's it, come for me, make me proud. Fuck it feels so good." And he starts moving again "I'm going to fill you fucking full of my cum. That's it!"
The heat in you breaks and you come with a shout of his name, shaking under him. It gets even more intense when Bucky finishes right behind you, groaning your name. He collapses on top of you but his hips are still moving, slowly, as if he doesn’t want it to ever end. Neither would you but your body is wrecked.
When he finally rolls off, you're so close to falling asleep, but he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. "Pee." He points and you want to tell him that you know the drill, this isn't your first time, but all that comes out is a grumble before he closes the door behind him and you sit down on the toilet.
When you're done, you stumble out and have a moment of panic, thinking he left. But then the door opens and Bucky returns with two bottles of water, handing you one before leading you to the bed and sitting you down on the edge. Gratefully you drink and lean against his shoulder before asking. "How do you feel?" "Better than I have in a long time," he answers, kissing your forehead. You chuckle. "Yeah I have a magical pussy, it can cure anything," you joke and it makes him laugh. "You should get back to quarantine," you comment. "Before anyone notices." He shakes his head. "No I'm staying here, I'm never leaving you again." He takes the bottle from your hand and places it on the bedside table together with his own. Then he crawls beneath the sheets and you go after him, letting him envelop you in a tight embrace before you fall asleep.
Alarms blare and you wake with a start. "FRIDAY what's going on?" you ask out into the room. “Sergeant Barnes has escaped his confinement.” The voice echoes through the room. You sigh and glare at Bucky grumbling beside you, like the loud signal is just a regular alarm clock. "FRIDAY please inform the team that Bucky is here and everything is fine."
A second later the sound dies and with a sigh you get up to pull on yesterday's discarded t-shirt and find a pair of pants. Right when you're done there is a knock on the door and Steve asks, "Everything okay in there?" You open the door enough to show yourself. "We're fine, he broke out during the night and came here." "Oh," Steve says and there is a hint of blush on his cheeks.
Then you feel a presence behind you and Bucky’s arm goes around your waist. "Mine," he says and you can't see him but he's probably glaring daggers at Steve who backs away. "We'll be okay, I'll alert FRIDAY if I need help," you tell Steve. When you close the door Bucky turns you before pushing you up against it and kissing you hard. "Mine," he mumbles against your lips. "Fucking caveman," you tell him. He grabs you around the waist and throws you over his shoulder. "I'll show you caveman," he says and carries you to the bed
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op-sys-chaos · 7 months ago
DPxDC prompt (demon twins au)
A video from your son, the email was titled. Bruce was confused. Which of his kids would send a video to his public work email??
Bruce clicked play.
On the screen was a boy who look a lot like Damian, but most certainly wasn’t him.
“This video is for the eyes of Bruce Wayne only.
Hi Dad. I’m Danny. You likely don’t know I exist, and if you’re receiving this, I’m already dead. Well, more dead than I already was. Maybe it’s cruel of me to send you a message post-mortem, but you deserve the truth, and telling you earlier would’ve put you in danger.
This email is set to automatically send if I haven’t opened my computer for 3 days. I sometimes set it longer if I’m on vacation or expecting trouble, but I’ve mostly likely been away from home for a bit over three days if you’re receiving this.
I don’t know who killed me. Obviously. I’m recording this in advance. But it was probably either the GIW or my adoptive parents, the Fentons. I half-died at 14 and became a local ghost superhero, but they never realized I was trying to help and kept talking about tearing ghost-me apart molecule by molecule, so I bet that’s what happened. There will be nothing left of me to bury. Sorry about that!
The rest of the story is this. I was raised in an assassin cult, eventually escaping at the age of 6 when they sent me on mission and I successfully faked my death.
My biggest regret is that I escaped alone. And that’s the reason I’m reaching out to you.
You’re a civilian. If you know too much about the League of Assassins you’ll be in danger. But I need you to save my twin Damian. He’s likely still there after all these years. He never wanted to escape; he took pride in being the heir to the league. He’s probably going to be stabby; he’s an assassin after all. But it’s not his fault. Ra’s - our grandfather - brainwashed him a lot more than he brainwashed me because Damian was more susceptible to it. It’s not his fault. Please. Save him. I’m begging you. My biggest regret is leaving Damian in the league. You have a chance to save him. Please, please do it.
I wish it would’ve been safe for me to get to know you. You seem like a cool dad, from what I’ve seen of you on the news with your oldest kids. I bet you’re like that with the youngest you hide from the public too. I wish you all the best. Thank you for listening.
Your long lost almost certainly dead by now son, Danny Fenton.”
Bruce took a second to process this, then picked up his phone and dialed his youngest’s number.
“Damian, did you have a twin named Danny?”
“…Who told you?”
Bruce hung up and sent Damian the video. He needed a minute to process this anyway.
Damian called back a few minutes later, after watching the video.
“Father. I do not care what state he is in. We must discover exactly what happened to Danny. Even if there is only a single molecule left. We must discover the truth.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Damian.”
Dealer’s choice on whether Danny is alive. The few ideas I have for this are:
- they find him mid-vivisection and rescue him
- they find what’s left of him post-vivisection and post his core being crushed
- he’s perfectly fine and just forgot to open his computer (maybe clockwork made sure he forgot?) and now he’s panicking about the fact that his family knows about him and could be in danger. He wanted them to know he existed, not make themselves a walking target for the league by finding him and trying to bring him home!
- Jazz found the automatic email and, deciding to meddle in her brother’s life and him back to his family and maybe get a good parent for herself as a bonus, sent it early
- Technus decided to start shit and sent it while haunting Danny’s computer
- Clockwork screwed with time to make sure it got sent
Lmk what yall do with this!
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reiderwriter · 2 years ago
Everyone Looks Better in a Sundress
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (GN + AFAB)
Summary: The AC at the BAU decides to take a holiday during a summer heatwave, and when you decide the FBI’s dress code is merely a suggestion, you unwittingly catch Spencer’s eye.
Genre: smut (18+, minors DNI)
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, sub!reader, semi-public sex, fingering, car sex, degradation, name-calling, edging, praise-kink, dumbification, basically Spencer is a tease and the reader really gets off on using his official title.
Word Count: 3.8k
Authors Note: Hello! This is my first posted fic, so any feedback is welcome and absolutely appreciated (I tried to keep it GN!AFAB but if you notice any gendered pronouns pls lmk immediately!) I finally decided to start writing again after a few years, so I might be a bit rusty but I recently started rewatching Criminal Minds and I am so in love with Spencer! This little fic was inspired by @imagining-in-the-margins CM Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge, so big thank you to them for the inspiration! This could also develop into a multi part fic in the future, so if that’s something you’d be interested in, please let me know in the tags and comments! XOXO K
Part two!
After three years in the BAU, you should know that summers in Quantico, Virginia are nothing to play about. Sure, it could be cloudy sometimes, and summer rain did allow for some relief, but with a heatwave on the way and a week of office work ahead of you, it seemed every member of your team was excited for the office AC. 
That was, of course, until the maintenance department sent out an office-wide email telling you it was “undergoing work” for the foreseeable future. 
You received the email during your commute, and immediately turned around to change. There was no way you were surviving in your slacks and long-sleeve shirt, and, truth be told, you knew that your bosses wouldn’t mind if you were a little more relaxed in your workplace attire if you weren’t going to be spending time in the field. 
It took all of thirty seconds to shoot a message to Garcia, telling her that you’d be a few minutes late for your daily carpool, letting her know the situation so she didn’t hack into your car GPS (which she still claims she absolutely did not do the last time you accidentally slept in, but would in an emergency just to know you were safe). 
She quickly sent you a reply: “put on that floral number we picked up last week! Between you and Morgan, I'm hoping my eyes will be feasting today 😉.” 
You let out a little chuckle as you read the message, and quickly complied. A sundress didn’t sound too bad right now at all. 
The dress in question was perhaps pushing it slightly for office work. It was short, and you knew immediately when putting it on that you would spend the day pulling it down to a more appropriate length. But the shade of blue fit your skintone perfectly, and the floaty material was exactly what you needed to beat the heat. 
Grabbing your keys again before you could second guess yourself, you didn’t let your mind linger quickly on the thought that perhaps the dress was a little attention grabbing. And perhaps there was someone in the office whose attention you wanted to grab. 
The commute into the office wasn’t bad, but stepping out of your nicely temperature regulated car into a wall of heat made you thank yourself for your foresight. And it seemed that the rest of your team was dealing similarly. Walking into the office, you noticed that Prentiss had divested herself of her shirt, sitting comfortably with an iced coffee and red tank top, an electric fan inches from her face. Morgan was similarly outfitted in lighter clothes than usual, and you could audibly hear Penelope’s brain working to come up with the best heat related compliment for her work husband. You couldn’t see Hotch or Rossi, but you knew they kept their own back-up units in their offices, so they wouldn’t be struggling at all today. You assumed JJ, too, was in her office.
“Well, look at you Cutie. You’re gonna break some hearts today, I know.” You roll your eyes as you throw your bag down. You were used to Morgan’s playful teasing by now, but compliments and affirmations were always welcome. You grimaced looking down at your desk chair and realised you had another problem. Your very recent purchase of a black leather office chair was going to absolutely make your day a living hell. Before you resigned yourself to a day of sitting in the orthopedic seventh layer of hell, your heard the angelic call of your office BFF.
“It feels like the devil’s armpit in here, god, do not expect an miracles from me today, I’m collecting my laptop and immediately moving away from all the heavy heat-producing machinery in my cave. Anyone got any space at their desk for me to work at?” 
“Yes!” You replied a little too quickly. 
“Feel free to make yourself at home, Pen, I have to look over some files with Reid later anyways so I’ll just pull up a spare chair to his desk, it’s all yours.” You thanked your lucky stars that everyone was too hot to tease you about your imminent proximity to the office’s Boy Wonder. 
It turns out hiding a small, tiny, stupid crush from a team of FBI profilers wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but you were confident in thinking the only one who had clocked on so far was Penelope. And that was only because of your weekly girls nights and an unfortunate habit of spilling secrets while intoxicated. Sure, the others still teased sometimes, but that was only because the two of you were the easiest targets. And they just didn’t know how on the nose they were sometimes. 
She gave you a quick look, of the ‘we will be discussing this later’ variety but didn’t say anything else and quickly excused herself to collect her things. 
You quickly pulled up a (non-leather) chair next to Reid’s and straightened out your dress as you started searching for the file you were looking for. Although you absolutely had an ulterior motive to intruding on his space, you actually did have work to do. But the heat, and the knowledge that you’d be working closely with Reid again any minute now did nothing to help you stay focused. 
Of course, having worked on the same team now for three years meant that you’d been alone together before. In all honestly, he was your partner of choice for any field task and you complimented each other well. The two of you worked together on Geographical Profiles for the majority of your cases, using your people skills, and his practical knowledge to gain insight into the locations unsubs lived, worked, murdered and hid their victims. And of course, you were friends outside the office, too. But you felt there was a distance between the two of you that made itself known the minute you stepped off the Jet or out of the bullpen. 
As you searched the desk, you let your mind wander to what he would look like in this heat. You knew he didn’t deal with the heat well, and could often be found with his shirt sleeves rolled up and top buttons undone on the cases in the warmer climates. You thought about him panting in the heat, pushing his hair out of his face, glistening with sweat and grumbling quietly about the heat. You specifically thought back to a case from a few weeks back, where the two of you had an awkward run-in with an automatic sprinkler when you made your way to interview a witness. His purple shirt had ended up soaked, and on day six of the investigation, his go bag was thankfully short of replacement clothing. So he’d sat in the precinct, shirt semi-transluscent, completely oblivious to your brazen oggling and sudden lack of anything intellectual to say. Or anything to say in general. 
It was only as you felt yourself getting warmer (a particularly impressive feat on today of all day’s) that you had to pull yourself out of the fantasy. But of course, as you stood up to get yourself a cool drink, you realised you were face to face with the man of your fantasies. 
“Y/N? Did you need something?” He looked down at you, with a soft smile on his face. 
“Oh! No, it was Garcia, she, um, she needed somewhere to work because her office is practically a sauna with all those computers. And I was thinking, we still need to work on that report on the geographical profile from the last case, so I offered her…my…” You trailed off, noticing you were rambling and allowed yourself a second to look at the man in front of you properly for the first time that day. 
It was going to be a miracle if you got any work done ever again.  
Like you, he’d opted for a change in uniform. He’d rid himself of his usual waistcoat-cardigan combo and was left in a button down shirt. It was, as you’d hoped and prayed, open slightly more than usual at the top. You frowned unconsciously as you realised he had also pushed his shirt sleeves up to his elbows, unhappy that you wouldn’t get to watch him do it in-person, his veins popping out as he exerted himself in the smallest way. 
A few seconds of silence passed, and you had to make yourself tear your eyes away from a droplet of sweat that was neatly making its way down his throat, tracing a line that you could only hope to one day follow with your lips.  When you snapped your eyes up to his, he nervously did the same, gripping  his bag a little tighter to him. 
“Oh, yeah that sounds good, um, let me just put my bag down and we can, uh, get started I guess.” 
“Yeah of course. I was just gonna grab a drink first, do you want one?” 
“Sure, yeah, a coffee would be good.”
“Okay, I’m no expert but that cannot be healthy in this heat. I know you’re practically a caffeine addict at this point, but I’m getting you a glass of water and you’re going to thank me, okay Doctor?”
He rolled his eyes and settled comfortably into his seat, but made no complaints as you walked away. 
“This is ridiculous, how can they expect us to work like this?” Agent Prentiss grumbled from her desk. 
“Oh, come on now, Prentiss, you can’t be complaining about a little heat, now.” 
You rolled your eyes at your coworkers playful back-and-forth, doing your best to not melt into your borrowed seat. You’d been working side-by-side with Reid for the last three hours and the heat was now unbearable. You were stuck to the seat in an uncomfortable way, especially with the extra exposed skin from your dress. It had ridden up your legs more than you expected it would, so you were constantly shifting in your seat attempting to keep yourself decent. 
The heat rolling off your teammate didn’t help. You had assumed that his love of cardigans, scarves and layers in general meant that he usually ran on the cooler side, but he was practically burning up next to you, making any and all accidental touch near intolerable. 
Each accidental brush of his fingers as you passed files between the two of you, each knock of your knees together under the desk as you moved to read over one-anothers shoulders, and every time you got up for another drink, it’s like he’s read your mind because he stood up at the same time and you had to awkwardly untangle yourself from the mess of desk chairs and office furniture. With every touch, you feel yourself getting hotter and hotter, the heat pooling between your legs embarrassingly.
It’s only when, later in the day, he brushes the seam of your skirt with his fingers when reaching over you with his other hand for a file you know for a fact he does not need, you realise that all of those accidental touches may have been absolutely intentional. 
Lowering your voice to a whisper, you bring your lips closer to his ears.”Spence, what was that?” You try to keep your voice steady, but his fingers are stil lingering closer to your sensitive areas than you found comfortable.
He drops his eyes to yours, looking you in the eye for the first time since you started working together in a comfortable silence. 
“What was what?” He asks innocently, his cheeks flushes as he starts drawing small circles on your thigh.
“You’re touching me. You’ve been touching me a lot today, Doctor.”
“Oh, I’m Doctor now, am I?” He smiles at you before quickly moving his attention back to the file he was reading. 
“Don’t change the subject.” You feel your whole body flush, as he ignores you and continues his reading, not removing his hand from your leg the entire time. 
“S-Spencer, I’m serious.”  He looks at you again then, and your heart jumps into your throat as you realise he’s removed his hand from the hem of your skirt, only to have it return under the material, moving closer and closer to where you really wanted him. 
“You know,” he whispers under his breath, so quiet you’re sure that no one could overhear, “you look really pretty in this dress.”
Your brain is short circuiting as you feel his hand on your inner thigh, failing to register the implication of his words as you do your best to stammer out a reply. 
“A-actually, Garcia chose it out for me. She said that you would-” you cut yourself off before you can say anymore. You’re surrounded by a room of your close friends and teammates and you’re doing your best not to beg your incredibly attractive coworker to push his fingers into you right then and there. Biting your lip so you don’t say anything else, you try to stand and shift away. 
But Reid is there, and with his other hand he maneouvers you even closer to him somehow.  
“She said I would what, beautiful?”
He’s so close now and you find yourself again staring at his exposed neck, wanting nothing more than to bury your head in him and kiss and lick and bite until he gives you what you want. The little circles he’s drawing on your legs are removing your inhibitions quicker than any alcohol could. 
But then he grips you a little tighter, and forces you to look up into his eyes again and respond. 
“She said that you would, uh, she said that you would’nt be able to take your eyes off of me. We were shopping together and she was just teasing and, well, yeah.”
“All dressed up for me, then? You thought you’d test the theory and see if she was right?” 
And suddenly he’s ghosting his fingers across your panties and you’re doing your best to not make any other noises as he looks you deep in your eyes.
“Do you think she was right, Y/N?” He asks. But before your brain can catch up and choose whether or not to answert, he’s pulling away. He’s standing up and he’s walking over to Morgan, file in hand, asking questions about another previous case file, and you’re left sitting at his desk questioning if any of that actually just happened.
You spent the rest of the day in a daze. Luckily, your team was so busy complaining about the heat that you were sure none of them noticed the tension you carried through the rest of your day. With the AC still not working, Garcia had gained permission from Hotch to head back to her own apartment to finish up the day with more appropriate equipment, and had quickly evacuated your desk, allowing you to retreat back to your own space. 
Emily had finished her own paperwork early due to a well-timed bet with Morgan, and had taken herself off to JJ’s office, and Morgan was meeting with Hotch in his office to discuss a potential death row intervew. So with the end of the workday in sight, only you and Reid remained in the bullpen. 
After your little run in, you knew that you weren’t going to get any effective work done. Emily had once joked that Reid’s high IQ gets slashed to 60 every time he comes in contact with an attractive woman. At the time, you’d laughed, joked along. Nowthat it was your reality, it wasn’t as funny to you. 
He’d played with you, called you beautiful, had his hands on you in the most frustratingly dizzying way- and then just as soon walked away from you. It wasn’t as if you wanted him to take you right then and there, in front of the entire office. 
In fact, you’re quite sure that no matter how horny you were, you’d have stopped him before he went any further that publically. But you weren’t as sure you wouldn’t have dragged him off to a supply closet and forced him down on his knees and under your skirt. 
To be short, you were pissed. He had left you, hot and bothered, on a day where you literally could get no relief from the heat. 
You watched him work for a while after that. His desk faced away from yours, which meant you could covertly watch him whilst he worked and he would be none the wiser. After catching yourself staring a hole into the back of his head for the fifth time in an hour, you  grunted out a curse and started packing your things up for the day. Unfortunately, you were just loud enough to catch the man’s attention. 
“Leaving so soon, princess?”
“Yes. It’s hot and I’m tired and I just want to go home and take a cold shower and get into bed.” You started packing your things up again, but you quickly noticed that Spencer was doing the same. 
“Are you leaving as well?” You asked, your stomach doing a small flip in apprehension of his answer. 
“Yeah. I’m also hot, and tired and a cold shower sounds amazing right about now.” 
You flushed at even the slightest change of a double meaning. Did he want to shower with you? Was he really going to step over that line? 
He continued to pack up his things calmly, and you did the same. You walked towards the elevator, and it wasnt until he reached from behind you to press the call button that you realised he was so closely following you. 
“And besides, your bed sounds amazing right about now.” The hairs on your neck stood up as he whispered into your ear, his hot breath fanning against your neck as you felt heat pool between your legs for the second time that day. You froze up like a deer in headlights, and as the elevator dinged open, you felt Spencer walk you in, press the button, and close the door before making his next move. 
“You didn’t answer me earlier, you know? When I asked about the dress? Do you think Garcia was right?” He had crowded you into one corner of the elevator, and your brain was still short-circuiting. Shit, maybe you were the one whose IQ was cut in half, because the man in front of you seemed more confident than you had ever seen him before. 
His placed his hands on the guard rail either side of you, as one of his legs found its way between yours and you let out a small whimper, then cursed yourself when you saw the smirk growing on his face. 
“Come on, Princess, use your words.” He teased again. 
“She wasn’t right.” You breathed out. “You looked at me a few times, but nothing too long and nothing…inappropriate, but-”
“But what?” He pushed his leg further into you, moving his hands to grip the fabric at our waist,  and suddenly you were counting your blessings that no other agent in the building had decided to use the elevator right now. 
“But you can’t keep your hands off of me.” His lips crashed into yours the second you finished your sentence, as you desperately grabbed at his hair, desperate to feel more and more of him against you despite the sticky heat. 
He pulled away reluctantly as the elevator came to a stop in the basement carpark, but you still desperately clung to him, pressing kisses into his jaw and down his neck as you breathed in the scent of his sweat on his skin. Your words had failed you, but your body was desperate to communicate exactly what you needed. 
He chuckled as he pulled you off of him, stroking your hair as he pulled you to your car. Opening the passenger side door for you and taking the keys from your bag, he placed a kiss to your temple, pulling away only enough to whisper into your ear. ”Which one of us can’t keep their hands off the other now?” 
You were hot and delirious and you were not going to interrupt him now. He climbed into the driver’s seat, something you knew he didn’t do often, and placed his hand on your leg again as he drove. 
“Spread your legs,” he ordered as soon as you were far enough away from the building. You complied immediately, not wanting to interrupt anything the man might do to you. “Good girl,” he mumbled as he immediately picked up where he left off earlier, rubbing your sensitive nub through your underwear. Your dress was pushed up now 
“You know, Garcia was right” he spoke again, his fingers snaking their way under the elastic of your underwear. You could only moan in surprise, desperately close to getting exactly what you wanted.  
“I have been staring at you this whole day. You came in this short dress, practically on display for anyone to see.” His fingers were now slowly circling your clit, going torturously slowly as you bucked up your hips for some much needed friction.  
“When you got me that glass of water, I followed you, you know. Watched you reach for the glass on the top shelf, saw your skirt riding up. We’re you so desperate for me to notice you that you put yourself on display for the entire office like a little whore?” You moaned in surprise as his words registered in your mind. 
You tried to reply, to deny and protest your innocence, but he chose that minute to thrust a finger into you, the awkward angle forced by your position in the car creating a beautiful friction. You started rocking your hips quicker against his hand, opening yourself up to him fully, and grabbing his wrist so he couldn’t pull away for a third time that day. 
“You can’t even deny it, Look at you using my hand to get yourself off. Are you gonna come for me? Gonna do it right here in your car?”  You moan out a yes as he adds another finger, stretching you out further as you whimper around him. 
“Fuck, yes Spence, I’m a whore, your little whore.” You feel that familiar coil in the bottom of your stomach tighten and soon your releasing yourself all over his hands.  Gasping for air, your head falls back on the passenger seat, and you release your grip on Spencer’s hands. 
“Good job, princess, you did so well for me. We’re almost home now, let’s get you in that shower.” You whimper a little, nodding as you allow your brain to settle once again, completely comfortable with letting Spencer take control and do whatever he needs to do with you for the rest of the night. 
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f1fantasys · 6 months ago
Another day, another shitshow, another fuck
Summary - post Monza angst and smut. FUCK YOU MCLAREN.
Warnings - filthy smut, fingering, oral, m and f receiving, blowjob, p in v sex, over stimulation, anal, squirting, swearing.
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Should you be surprised that it was another shit race for Lando? Where his team, and teammate fucked him over again? No.
Did it hurt? Yes.
It hurt like hell to see Lando put in that position again. Were Mclaren so fucking blind that they couldn't see it was ONLY Lando who was in contention for the driver's championship?
Yes, the team need each other. Every single person is a valuable part to winning the Constructors Championship, but to see the way they were literally shoving Lando and his chances of the dc to the side - you were no okay with.
Before the summer break, Hungary was a shitshow. His team manipulated Lando and guilt-tripped him to give up the win. Saying ''the way to win a championship is not alone'' He literally gifted his teammate a win, and had to take the brunt of it, losing out every precious point more he would have scored to close the gap to Max.
Now today, all Lando spoke about was getting a 1-2 for the team, yet his teammate only talked about winning. Where were the team orders today? Where did the words from Hungary disappear to?
All you know is that Lando deserved better, instead of getting fucked time and time again when he is driving at his best and doing everything he can to be the team player and fight for his own title which he's dreamed about every sine he was a little boy.
You couldn't attend Monza as you'd just flown back to Monaco from a modeling job in Brazil. You'd landed just in time to watch the race, screaming at the tv and heart aching for what Lando had to go through because of his ''team''
When the race ended and you saw how defeated Lando looked, you'd sent him a message saying you were home and that you loved him, knowing a simple message like that would calm him down and tell him you're there for him.
A few hours later, as you were just chilling in the living room watching some tv, you heard the front door open. You shot up and winced when you saw Lando walk through the door, your heart clenching at the sight of him.
He looked tired, frustrated, angry, sad, helpless. The list goes on. He had a pair of joggers with an oversized quadrant hoodie on, cap hiding his precious curls as his eyes were red and swollen, face drained of his usual brightness.
''Lan, baby'' you whispered as you walked up to him, watched him drop his bags and take his cap off.
He looked at you, his face softening when he saw you, as you enveloped him in a tight hug, trying to pour all of your love for him into it.
You soothed his back and played with the hair at the back of his neck and Lando buried his head in the crook of your neck, breathing deep and staggered.
''I'm here, just breathe. Gonna all be okay Lan'' you said, trying to find the words to calm him down though it would take some time.
''I know, thank you'' he whispered, pulling back and kissing you gently as he cupped your face.
''Missed you'' he said, hugging you again.
''Missed you too my love. Wanna go shower and have something to eat? Just cuddle after?'' you asked, knowing thats' what he always wanted after a bad race.
''Yeah'' he said quietly before retreating to the bedroom while you ordered some food for the both of you.
You didn't press him at first, to start talking about today, or anything at all. He'd asked how your week was and that was it. Comfortable silence through dinner. Once you'd both eaten as much pizza as you could, you watched some more tv in silence, until your nerves gave up and you had to say something.
You pulled back from where you were cuddling Lando at his side and gently looked at him, hoping your eyes would tell him to please open up to you.
''Talk to me Lan'' you said.
He licked his lips. ''Not much to say really. Just fuck up after fuck up''
You sighed. You didn't want to show him pity, because that was the last thing he needed. But you told him how ''he needed to stop blaming himself and see that it was his team and teammate, as usual,'' and that ''you knew he did everything he could to give it his all, how he is driving at his best and it will all pay off soon, he just needs to give it time''
''Thank you baby, really, i don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much'' he said once you'd finished talking about the shitshow.
You leaned forward, pecking his nose. ''I love you too Lan, always''
You cuddled up again and watched something random again, just content to be with each other.
Lando had his arms wrapped around you, drawing lazy circles on your legs until his hands kept itching closer and closer to your core which was getting wetter and wetter with each movement. You didn't move or say anything though. You wanted him to carry on as he pleased, and use you as a distraction from everything.
He could probably feel your breathing increase though, and finally a few minutes later he let his hand slip into your sleep shorts, pushing your panties to the side and letting his fingers run through your folds.
Your breath hitched when he did that, and you opened your legs wider to give him better access, the both of you still not saying anything but letting your actions speak for themselves.
Your back was to Lando's chest, so he rested his chin on your shoulder as his fingers found your clit and started rubbing rough circles on it, pinching it now and then.
You closed your eyes, suppressing your moans, which Lando quickly told you not to hold in. ''Let them out baby, let me hear you'' he whispered din your ear.
So you did. When you felt his calloused index finger slide through your hole you let out a guttural moan, grinding yourself down on him as he added a second finger, thrusting them in and out hard and fast.
''Oh Lan, yes'' you whispered between breaths as he started nibbling on your sweet spot on your neck.
You were close, your body tensing at the feeling of a warmth starting to build up in your tummy and you realized you needed something to hold onto, so naturally, your hand found Lando's bulge, which by now had grown hard. You palmed him through his shorts, feeling his body jolt up with the contact.
''Fuck, y/n'' he said through gritted teeth.
''Lan I'm close, please'' you begged.
So he sped up his movements, fucking his fingers into you and curling them at just right time, sending you into an orgasmic bliss as your cum gushed all over Lando's fingers, messing your panties and shorts in the process.
''Fuck, god, Lando'' you breathed out, trying to steady it as much as you could to catch your breath again. You let your body fall back onto Lando's, only realizing now just how tense you'd gotten with his actions.
He slid his fingers out, bringing them up to his lips and licking them clean. ''My favorite'' he whispered.
Your cunt was still desperate for more, achingly clenching around nothing, and at the same time you could feel Lando's dick twitching him his shorts, also begging for attention.
Just as you were about to sink down onto your knees as give him some relief, Lando's words shook you to your core.
''Can I fuck you?'' he asked
Your brain was fizzled. Why was he asking? He knew he could do whatever the fuck he wanted with you, but also did he feel so reserved or upset that he felt the need to ask?
''Yes'' you said, eagerly, not caring how desperate you sounded, getting up form your position and watching how his eyes darkened when he saw you take off all your clothes and standing bare in front of him.
You stood there as Lando shamelessly let his eyes roam your body, licking his lips when they stopped at your dripping pussy.
He pulled you onto his lap, grabbing your face for a feverish kiss, not wasting time to let his tongue slip into your mouth as his hands wandered all over your body.
You kissed him back with as much urgency, as you let yourself grind on his thigh.
Lando let out a series of grunts as he looked down and saw the wet patch on his shorts that you left.
''Still wearing too many clothes baby'' you said, already working on taking his tshirt off as he raised his hips off the couch to rid his shorts.
Once he was finally as naked as you, you finally got onto your knees on the carpet, sitting between his legs and you took his thick girth and gave him a few pumps.
Lando's back arched off the couch as he settled his arms behind his head, resting it back and openly letting pornographic moans leave his mouth.
The noises he made as you took his tip into your mouth to suck on had you clenching your thighs together, you were sure you could cum by just listening.
You fondled with his balls as you pushed his cock further into your mouth until he was hitting the back of your throat, as you started a steady rhythm so fucking him in and out.
You looked up to see he has his eyes closed, mouth agape and he continued to let himself be heard, hips thrusting up every now and then at how sensitive he was everything his slit touched your throat.
''Fuckin hell, so good'' he mumbled, more to himself as you sped up your pace, eager to taste him.
Lando eventually bought his hands down to hold onto your face, thrusting his hips up to fuck himself into your mouth.
By now you were gagging around him, spit messing your chin and dripping down onto your thighs. Looking at that alone and hearing the sloppy sounded you were making was enough to push Lando over the edge.
He groaned as his dick twitched uncontrollably, his cum blasting out of him down your throat as his hold on your hair tightened.
You moaned at the salty taste of Lando as he praised your name like a mantra, praised you at how well you took him.
He let his body relax back, chest heaving as he was slowly coming down from his high when he finally opened his eyes and saw you still on your knees, wiping your chin with the back of your hand as your own breathing at reached new heights.
''Come here'' he said softly, pulling you onto his lap and cupping your face, gently this time, peppering your face in wet kisses as he finally licked your chin clean of the mixture of spit and cum.
He tucked your hair behind your ears as he bit down on your lower lip, feeling your grind yourself on him once again.
''Need to feel you love. Gonna let me fuck you now yeah?'' he said.
You loved when he spoke to you like that, used his words like that.
You quickly nodded your head, ''Please Lando'' you begged.
''Ride me first then I'll take you from behind?'' he asked again.
You didn't respond verbally though. You just braced your hands on his shoulders as Lando pumped himself a few times, running his cock through your folds before settling at your hole, letting you sink down on him fully in a single thrust.
Your foreheads were resting against each other as the feeling of pain and pleasure overtook your body, letting out rhythmic moans as your walls clenched around Lando.
''Fuck'' he breathlessly cooed as you bit down on your lower lip.
''Hmm'' was all you managed back.
Once your body was used to the intrusion, (you always had to have some time because Lando was bigger than average and it was stung bad at first) you lifted yourself up before slammed back down again, and you continued that rhythm as a string of obscene moans left both yours and Lando's mouths.
His hand were planted tightly on your hips, guiding your movements of riding his thick pole up and down as you couldn't help but lean down and take one his nipples into your mouth, moaned at how it felt to have it in you mouth as you bit and sucked on it. That had Lando a whining mess.
''My brat, so filthy. So fucking dirty'' he mumbled through gritted teeth, spit flying through his mouth as he said it.
Your pace was raw, riding him like your life depended on it, when Lando bought his hand down and let his fingers toy with your clit, quickly edging you on.
''Fuck Lando I'm gonna cum'' you said, panting in his face as his eyes were stuck on yours, growing darker with every thrust.
''Do it'' he said, sternly. The raspiness and hoarseness of his voice only turning you on as you leaned down and locked lips with his in a harsh kiss, both your tongues everywhere, so unable to even have a proper kiss - just licks and nips of each others mouth.
The moment he pinched your slit through his fingers, you were a shuddering mess in his arms. Your body shaking violently as your orgasm ripped through you, gushing your fluids onto Lando's dick, now running down your thighs and his as he took control of fucking himself into you.
''How do you manage to cum so violently baby? Are you okay?'' he asked, concerned etched on his face as he was always so shocked at how much cum you mustered up. Though not concerned enough to stop fucking you!
You breathed heavy, trying to talk and failing to do so he slowed his movements slightly.
''Fuck it you Lan, you don't know what you do to me'' you said, smirking at thinking how this will boost his ego.
''Yeah?'' he asked, picking up his pace again.
''Uh huh. All you'' you said, trying to keep up with him though your body was like jelly.
He sensed your weakness and gently pulled you up, man-handling your body to lay down on the couch as he placed himself between your legs, spreading them wide open before pushing his angry dick back into you, relentlessly chasing his own high now.
You shut your eyes and bit your lip when Lando leaned down and roughly sucked on your nipple, showing it no pity. Your hands found his hair, pulling at and tugging it roughly.
Lando continued his onslaught as his words started again. He was whispering how to were such a fucking good girl for letting him use you as a slut, taking his thick dick so nice, how one day he was gonna fuck a baby into you, how you'd be only his whore forever, and no one would ever get to know how good you are, how you ruined sex for him.
His words were quick to have you shaking underneath him again, an orgasmic bliss taking over your body as you were sure you would black out with the pace he was still going at.
''Uh fuck Lando, fuck me, oh god, please'' you moaned and begged, not sure what for.
He laughed, for the first time since the race ended. ''I am fucking you baby, and you're doing so good for me. I fucking love you so much'' he mumbled, putting pressure on your clit, sending you into yet another orgasm, fluids gushing out of your body uncontrollably.
Lando slowed his movements. ''Still want you form the back, get up'' he ordered. And as much as your body felt like it couldn't move, he made you move and positioned you nicely for himself, you were on your elbows, with your ass in the air and Lando sat on his heels and pumped himself a few times, letting his spit drop down onto this cock to lube himself before he finally pushed into your ass hole.
''Fucking love anal with you baby. So fucking hot'' he said through gritted teeth.
He pushed in all the way and by now words had long left your brain. All you could do was hold onto the pillow as tight as you could and shut your eyes, let them roll to the back of your head as Lando used you how he pleased.
You couldn't even muster up any energy to let any moans leave your mouth, so all you could do was pant and let out shaky breaths, with a few tears rolling down your cheeks.
Lando had pulled your body up, so you were leaning back against him and his hands snaked around to your front and squeezed and pulled at your boobs as he still slammed in and out of you.
''Lan, love you but I-I''
''Yes you can'' you interrupted, leaving open mouthed kisses along your neck and collarbone.
Within seconds he'd sent you over the edge again, body quivering in his arms as he slowed his movements again, riding you through your orgasm.
''I know baby. One more, yeah? For me?''
How could you not when he was talking to you like that?
You nodded, and he handled your body once again and lay down on the couch, resuming his place from earlier and slowly, painfully almost, gliding his cock through your cunt again.
You held your breath, unsure how your body was gonna take it because as good as it felt, you were sore everywhere.
''You're so good. Such a good brat. One more baby, then we're done'' he said, leaning down to kiss you softly, though the bottom part of his body (and yours) was everything but soft. He ruthlessly slammed in and out of your core as you were starting to see stars now.
''Hm Lando wha-I-I'' you couldn't even form words now. Your body was on overdrive and you swear you were starting to feel things you'd never felt. You couldn't even describe what you were feeling when he asked you.
But just as his dick hit over G-spot over and over and over again, your body gave way and all of a sudden you were squirting, left right and center, unable to control it.
When Lando released what was happening, he couldn't stop his own dick from twitching unexplainably harshly, shooting ropes and ropes of milky white cum deep within you.
''FUCK, Y/N WHAT!?'' he exclaimed, unable to stop himself from shouting it out as he couldn't believe it was actually happening.
You though - you were in a state of bliss. Body tingling and fluttering as you just experienced squirting for the first time, and boy did it feel fucking amazing.
As Lando finally came down from your involuntary actions, he was quick to pull out of you and lean down, slurping and swallowing at every bit of juice and liquid your body just gave out.
His tongue on your pussy sent waves of pleasure and when he slid it through your hole, without really knowing what was happening, you ended up cumming AGAIN.
''Fuck LANDO!'' you shouted, not caring if your neighbors could hear you.
He blew some cool air over your cunt as he pulled back and gave you a sheepish smile.
''Sorry couldn't help myself'' he said, breathless as you were.
He let his weigh collapse onto your body and you arms wrapped around him tightly, trying to calm the both of you down though you were starting to shiver at the cold air hitting you sweaty skin.
Lando's curls were stuck on his forehead as your brushed them up and ran you hand through his hair.
''I've always said it and i will continue to. You are out of this world y/n. Fucking incredible in every fucking way. How the hell are you so good at making me feel this good? And I'm sorry - but you squirting is the single most hottest fucking thing you've ever done.'' he said, kissing you straight away and not giving you time to respond.
When he pulled back, you couldn't help but chuckle.
''Lan, you don't get it. Its the effect you have on me. You seriously have no idea what you do to my insides when you talk act, do anything for that matter. You'd just the most amazing person i know inside and out and just the thought of you does crazy things to me. Don't get even me started on what you make me feel when we fuck. It's unlike anything I've ever felt and i wouldn't have it any other way.''
''I don't know what i did to deserve you, but i love you so so much'' he whispered.
''I love you too baby. But promise me one thing. You wont let that asshole of a team bring you done. You need to know how fucking talented and incredible you are and will always be. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. If they do, they'll have to come through me and i will crush them. But seriously, you are the best out there and i promise the good times will come, you will always be MY world champion. Forget what everyone else says. I love you so much.
''Thank you'' he whispered softly again.
The rest of the night was spent in bed with lazy kisses and dare you say more when you say Lando made you squirt again the next morning ;)
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jhdyuiee · 8 months ago
Million Dollar Baby !
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▫️pairing: idol husband!jaehyun x fem!reader
▫️tags/warnings: fluff, smut!, kissing/making out, fingering, oral (m & f receiving), 69, multiple orgasms, multiple positions (doggy, mate press, riding), breeding kink, creampie, breast play, biting, squirting, cursing, pet-names (baby&wife), absolute filth (sorry 🫠)
▫️w.c: 3.0k!
▫️a.n: god jaehyuns prada outfit this year had me combusting & having such obscene thoughts… this man truly shines! the title is homage to the song he chose for his original ig post hehe. anyhow i hope u all are well & i just got back from my trip & started taking a summer course so i hope i’m able be a but more active! stay safe & i love u all!! jiji out 🤍
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One long flight later, we arrived in Milan! We were only here for about two days, Jaehyun needed to shoot something for Prada so I tagged along. Unfortunately we left our kids behind with his parents whilst we came here.
“It would’ve been nice if the kids came,” I whispered to Jaehyun as we walked through the airport. It was quite crowded, fans stormed everywhere. It was only 3 in the morning, and here they were trying to get pictures and signatures from Jaehyun and occasionally from me as well. I wasn’t too big on the spotlight, but nonetheless it would follow me everywhere I go.
Jaehyun leaned down to my ear, a couple fans squealing. “Yeah, but I’m just excited to finally spend some time alone with you.” By alone he means absolute filth. I pinched him, causing him to chuckle. “Don’t forget you’re here to work!” I reminded my dear husband.
“Right,” he says in a strange tone, and it was only then that I realized what he would mean.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Finally having arrived at the hotel we would be staying at, his manager called him to take him away. He became incredibly clingy, not wanting to leave my side. “You’ll be back,” I reassured him. “But being one second apart from you saddens me,” he says. I sighed, opting to just pat his head. “NOW GO! I don’t want your manager getting upset with either of us now,” I told him.
Jaehyun reluctantly got up from my embrace. “I’ll try to finish and come back as fast as I can,” he said, kissing my cheek. I smiled, “Alright! I love you, have fun.”
I watched as he left our room, and then turned around to unpack. We wouldn’t be here for long, but nonetheless I had to do something. When I finished unpacking I laid on our bed, grabbing my phone. I was met with a message from him. God, this man really can’t go a second without me.
Jae <3 : Do you want me to bring back something to eat, or should we just get room service?
I’ll just get us some room service, makes you come back quicker.
Jae <3 : Ha, missing me already darling?
More or less.
Jae <3 : Oh, just wait til’ I get back.
Can’t wait!
We’ve been married for some time now and we still act like we’re in our honeymoon phase. Not even after having two kids has our love stopped. As I recounted our time together, I ended up falling asleep. The jet lag must’ve hit me.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
I hear the faint calls of my name. I try opening my eyes, only meeting a blurry figure. I wait til’ my eyes refocus, finally focusing on the figure. Jaehyun.
He smiled, “Rest well?” “Mmm,” I muttered as I tried looking out the window. The sun shining, so I wondered what time I must’ve been. 2:00 p.m, the clock read. “All finished?” I asked him, extending my arms.
“Yup, and like I promised I rushed back here,” he said, taking my arms around his neck and holding me in his lap. “You hungry? I didn’t get a chance to order the fo-“ I said before I was interrupted by his lips clashing into mine.
I moaned in surprise, his kiss was surely hungry and needy. He grabs the back of my head, deepening the kiss. He slips his tongue inside my mouth, practically consuming me. My hands start moving around his neck, urging him to come closer. I end up straddling his lap as we passionately kiss one another. I felt him smirk, whilst we kissed when I began grinding on him.
“Needy already baby?” he says against my lips. His lips no longer on mine, but all over my face– kissing my features. “Keep going,” he whispered into my ear. His hot breath turned me on even more. I did as he said, grinding more against his hardening cock. His hands traveled along my back, until they reached my ass, leaving behind a hot trailing blaze. The contact of his hardened cock and my needy pussy, left me so wet that I was sure if I were to get up right now, you would be able to see it on his pants.
Jaehyun’s lips reached my collarbone, where he gently bit into my skin. I winced in pain, but the feeling was also pleasuring. “Take it off,” he mutters against my skin. I begin taking off my shirt, throwing it somewhere in the hotel room. “How are you always so gorgeous, my wife?” His subtle comments always leave me a scrambling mess.
His lips made their way to the plush of my tits, kissing them delicately whilst his hands made their way up to unhook my bra. Once it was off and thrown somewhere in the hotel room, he began giving them his utmost attention. He alternated between the two: sucking, licking, and biting my tits. The tug on my nipples left me chanting out his name like a prayer. My own hands now tugging on his soft strands of hair.
“Such perfect tits, love 'em most when they’re all swollen and big.” Jaehyun kisses my tit and fondles the other, “How about it? Wanna have another one?” He lets go of my tit with a pop, looking at me with those chocolate-colored eyes of his. “God, yes!” I moan rather loudly. His lips clash onto mine again, going a tad bit more gently than before.
I should’ve known what it meant to accept his offer. Jaehyun was a determined man, he was going to make sure I got pregnant by the end of the night no matter if it meant staying up until the sun rose…
All our clothes were gone, scattered everywhere along this hotel room. Jaehyun laid his back on the bed, while both of my thighs were on either side of his head. I lowered myself a bit further down until I felt his wet muscle kitten lick my wet cunt. I let out a low moan and then a slightly louder one when he began licking my cunt up just a bit faster.
His hands worked their way with my thighs, squeezing them and then fondling them before electing one slightly harsh slap on my ass. The slap caused my body to fall forward, my face facing his aching hardened cock.
I practically drooled at the sight. His red tip leaking with pre-cum, I wanted nothing more but to take it in my mouth.
And so I did. I started with swirling my tongue on his tip, eating away his pre-cum. Then slowly beginning to sink my mouth into his cock even more. I felt as he let out muffled moans onto my cunt, eliciting a pleasurable feeling to course through me.
His tongue brushed against my clit multiple times, sucking it later on. My hips began moving on their own accord, grinding on his face as I worked my way with his cock. No matter how many years we’ve been together, his cock is something I’d probably never grow accustomed to. I admit that I struggled a bit as I tried fitting it all in my mouth. Muffled moans and gags spilled out of my mouth as drool went running past my lips.
I moved up and down along his shaft, going at a slow pace until I felt more accustomed, all the while I grinded ruthlessly against his face. His mouth was doing god's work on my needy cunt, he practically made out with the poor thing. He slurped up all my juices, not missing a single drop. “So sweet,” he murmured when he let go of me for a split second. He dove back in even rougher, slipping his wet muscle inside my hole.
He tongue fucked me so perfectly I could feel something rushing within me, threatening to release itself. So I began working my way on his cock, taking him even faster than before. I added my hands to the mix, fondling his balls. Bingo. His cock then began twitching in my mouth, signaling he was close. I continued a while more until his hot white cum painted my mouth. I swallowed it all before I too ended up cumming a while afterwards with a pinch to my clit.
I got off him afterwards, turning to see as Jaehyun’s face glistened with my release. It turned me all the more, I wanted more and I sure as hell was going to get it.
“Get on all fours, beautiful,” Jaehyun said in a low deep voice that made me quickly obey him.
My back arched when his hand touched me from my upper back all the way to my ass, in which he gave them a light slap. “Mmm, p-please inside! Inside me jae!” I moaned out rather loudly. I was growing impatient and so must've him since he rammed into me, no warning— no anything.
I jolted a bit forward due to the impact, but I didn’t mind. His cock fit so snug inside me, my walls gripping him. “So tight and so wet it slid right in,” he said chuckling. His hands gripped my hips so tight, I was sure to wake up with crescent dents on either side of my hips tomorrow.
His thrusts were just too overstimulating. Merciless and harsh thrusts, like a wild man. You’re cunt squeezing on his cock just right that it made it impossible for Jaehyun to even stop for a split second.
My head flings back as Jaehyun continues his thrusts, fucking into me even deeper. His cock kissed my cervix so perfectly I was starting to see stars again. No, no not yet.
“Gonna cum already?” he whispered into my ear before licking the shell. I groaned, “Ye-yes! Your cock just feels so— so good!”
He kissed the side of my jaw before saying, “Then let go baby, we got all night remember?” I moaned at his words, the reminder that he wouldn’t stop until I got pregnant edged me closer to my release.
He kissed me tenderly, his hands resting on my ass as he fondled it. Slap. And then another. Not gentle slaps like earlier, but harsher ones. Ones that made me clench around him even tighter. When he stops, a hand of his travels to the front of my body and down to my swollen clit.
Jaehyun’s fingers working miracles on my clit, abusing the poor thing. I chanted out his name, followed by moans until I let out a slight high-pitched scream when my orgasm came crashing out. I huffed, my eyes watered. I slumped onto the bed, but that didn’t stop Jaehyun— not one bit.
Jaehyun wraps his arm around my waist, bringing me back up and then using both his hands to support me. He continued pounding roughly into me, determined to meet his own release. After your orgasm hit you, he felt how slippery and wetter your cunt had become yet still so tight. He was gonna cum soon, he knew it.
He takes your arms in both his hands, thrusting into you this way. One thrust, then two, and on the third his cock twitched inside you, spilling his warm seeds inside. By the end of it, my insides felt so warm and full already.
Jaehyun removes his cock from me, and lets go of my arms causing me to flop onto the mattress. It felt empty inside me without him, but all I could focus on was how exhausted I’d become from the intense sex. However I knew we were far from done…
I lift my head to catch a glimpse of Jaehyun. He sat up, staring at my figure— his eyes traveling to my pussy where his cum began spilling out. “Come here,” he said. My body moved on its own, forgetting how exhausted I just was.
“Ride it baby,” he muttered in my ear, placing a kiss on my temple. I supported myself on his shoulders, taking his cock in my hand as I began to sink into it. I whimpered when I felt him inside me once.
Once I felt well adjusted, I began moving up and down on his cock. “Fuck, that’s it wife. Come on, ride it faster,” he groans. Gripping his shoulders, I moved faster like he told me to do so. The sensation of his cock stretching out my walls felt so pleasuring, hypnotizing; I loved it.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning closer to his chest. His hot breath fanned my ear, it felt tickling. My pace slowed a bit, Jaehyun noticing the change.
“Tired already? Don’t worry I got you,” Jaehyun says into my ear as he grabs my ass and starts plunging his cock onto me roughly again. The sensation caused loud noises to spill from my mouth and arch my back into his chest even more. “Lo-Look at me,” Jaehyun struggled to say.
My eyes met his, lusting and hungry eyes staring straight at me. He closed the distance between us, engulfing his lips onto mine. He drank up all my moans, his tongue running along my teeth and bottom lip. I pulled away first when he began massaging my clit. “Fu-Fuck to-too much ja-jae!”
“Ha, it’s alright wife, I know you can take it.” I laid my head on his shoulder, in which then my mouth bit on him. I heard Jaehyun let out a deep groan, “Shit, biting me now huh.”
I giggled, kissing the spot I had bitten. After a while I begun moving my hips on my own to meet his thrust. We both panted, nearing our end.
“You close baby?” Jaehyun whispered into my ear. I nodded my head, yes. That was all the confirmation Jaehyun needed before his lips met mine once more, causing us both to crumble down. His seeds spilled into me for a second time tonight.
His lips parted from mine this time, before he swiftly moved me to lay on my back. He hadn’t taken his cock out yet, instead he pried my legs wide open. He held my thighs as he slid out, leaving only the tip inside.
From this angle Jaehyun could see as his cum began spilling out. Oh hell no, he thought. So he plunged back into you again, on a mission to bury his seeds deep inside you. After all, he wanted to see you all swollen with his child again. Make you a mommy again, show you off to whoever he could.
I grip the sheets, then going to grab his shoulders. I watched as sweat trickled down his face, his face focused on where we connected. Jaehyun’s hand let go of my thigh, trailing it to my lower stomach as he pressed down that very hand on my stomach.
The feeling caused my back to arch, “J-Jae!”
“Can’t wait until you tell me you’re pregnant with my child. Stomach and tits so swollen. Mine, all mine. A proof of our undying love. God, how much I love you Y/N. You’re made for me, all of you.”
Jaehyun’s declaration melted my heart. I felt warm and fuzzy inside, making me forget for a moment what was happening until he grabbed my thigh again and began thrusting into me.
It wasn’t long until we both came again, and by now I was too stuffed, too full. I thought we for sure would have conceived by now, but in Jaehyun’s eyes it never hurt to try again…
So we went at it like rabbits until the sun rose. We both collapsed onto the bed, sweating and out of breath.
“You sure have some amazing fucking stamina, Jae,” I said chuckling. He smiled, welcoming his dimples. “Why thank you,” he says, coming close to wrap his arms around my body and kiss the top of my head.
“Rest for a bit, then i’ll help you hop in the bath,” he says softly. His demeanor now was a total change from earlier. Whatever, at least I could rest now.
My eyes fluttered and then closed. I rested in Jaehyun’s warm embrace and by the time I opened them again, I laid in the bathtub with my back pressed against his chest. “Good morning,” he says kissing my cheek. I smiled, “Morning, did I sleep for long?”
He pondered for a bit, “It’s about past noon now.” My eyes widened, I turned to face him. “Don’t you have a schedule to go to?!” He nodded his head, “Nope, I told my manager I would take the day off until we have to depart later tonight.”
“Ah,” I said leaning back into him. We enjoyed the warm bath together, with nothing too intimate besides kisses. And so once we finished a much needed bath, we enjoyed one another’s warm and loving company until it was time to depart.
Hand in hand, we walked along the airport though I admit I struggled to walk a bit. Curse you Jaehyun. Fans once again coursing around us.
And once we boarded the flight, I fell asleep some more and before I knew it we had landed and made it home. I embraced my children into a big hug, I admit I had missed these two little ones dearly but thankful me and Jaehyun were able to spend some time alone. Though, all we did was have sex…
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Yup, all that fucking me into oblivion worked.
That was what the test read, not that I wasn’t expecting it but now it felt a bit more real. Our third child. Our third blessing. I caressed my belly, whispering a small “I love you” to the child growing inside me.
And so when Jaehyun came home, I made the big announcement. He cried, “tears of joy” he stated. We couldn’t be any happier, our family was growing. Our love for one another would too.
“I love you Y/N,” he said softly touching my belly. “Thank you for everything my wife.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: ahh this one took longer than anticipated ughhh! i feel like half of it has to do with the fact i start stories and then start others ㅠㅠ ! pardon me tho plss bcs i am preparing lots for the future so pls stay tuned… this week, hehe. 🤍
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goldenchimmy · 2 months ago
Playing The Part
Pairings: Older!Jungkookxfem!Reader
Cw: age-gap, mentions of alcohol, Oral (fem receiving),Sex,pet names
Word count: 6.7K
Summary: needing money for college, you come across an ad for a female escort. You didn't expect the person posting the ad to be a rich, older man.
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"Having a nice night?" Jungkook asked, his breath warm against your cheek as he leaned into you from behind. His hand gently sliding over the silk of your dress to playfully grab your hip. His fingers light as he swayed with you to the music with his drink occupying the other hand. The party that surrounded the both of you was nothing short of extravagant; The music was low and classy and the other party-goers were swaying and dancing with one another in the large ballroom.
This wasn't where you pictured yourself at all when you answered that ad.
It was early winter and you were in your second year of college when you found out that your funds had run low. Your apartment rent piling up bill by bill and your fridge emptying faster than you intended. College here was expensive as it was and now you were about to be completely homeless. That was when you found an ad online requesting help from a 'Female Escort'. Usually you were the type to avoid situations like this. Ones that involved the words "Female" and "Escort". Most of the time that meant the person behind the ad was a lowlife man looking to exploit women. The worst kind you usually tried to avoid.
But this ad was different. It went into a little more detail than the title proposed. Your eyes scanned across the ad a few times, reading over the bold electronic words:
For safety purposes, I will be unnamed until the applicant reaches out to me.
I am seeking a female (age 20 to 27) who will accompany me to a few business outings. No sexual acts or public displays of affection are required to apply. I can assure you I'm not here for that. This will be a week long event and the applicant will be required to accompany myself to all events of the following week.
If she were to accept, I will pay a generous sum of money in return for her help. Seeking ASAP.
If interested, you can reach me at my business number: (xxx) - xxx -xxxx
You don't know how many times exactly that you read over the ad. Hell, you had even slept on it a couple times. But the deadline was soon and you were getting desperate. So, you grabbed your phone from off your nightstand, your fingers nervously typing against the screen as you entered the number from the ad into your phone. You had no idea what you were going to even say!
"Hey, this is a desperate woman needing money"
"I need money, I'm the girl. Pick me"
You huffed a laugh at that and shook your head. That sounded too needy and snobbish. And you definitely weren't either of those things. Eventually, you decided on a more simple approach. Even though you were nervous and your heart was beating hard against your rib cage, you tried to calm yourself as you sent the message:
'Hello, I'm interested in the ad you posted the other day.'
You waited. And waited. And waited...
Eventually you had fallen sound asleep in your bed, your phone laying on your slow rising chest, and it was still there in the morning when you rose. You were groggy as you sat up, your mouth tasting weird as you wiped the drool from your lips. Then your phone chimed and you were startled a bit as you looked at the open message screen.
Your eyes went wide as you read over the message reply from last night.
'Hello. Thank you for reaching out to me. Are you able to meet around noon today? I know that's forward but I'm crunched for time.'
Today? He wanted to meet you today?! That was a bit quick, but you shrugged it off. As you got ready for the day, you debated on even answering him. Maybe you were regretting this decision. But as you walked down the small hallway to your kitchen, your eyes caught the pile of envelopes on the dining table. Big red letters labeled "PAST DUE" marking the white parchment. That's when you took your phone and typed a reply back, your mind made up.
'Yes. I'm able to meet. Where?' you messaged, moving to the window overlooking the dirty, dimly-lit streets of downtown. It was still pretty early in the morning and you didn't have class today, so what else were you going to do? Nothing like meeting a perfect stranger to begin the day. You could only hope that you weren't getting kidnapped by this mystery man.
When noon rolled around, you found yourself sitting in a little street corner cafe. A small cup of tea on the table as you stared out the window. Watching as the people passed by. Inside the Cafe, you were mainly the only one sitting down. Other people taking their orders to go and rushing off to work.
You went to look at your phone then, passing the time by scrolling through posts and videos from friends. The quick chime of the bell above the corner of the door barely registered in your head as the time hit noon, and out of the corner of your eye you saw a pair of neat, slick shoes step over to you. "Hello." came a soft, smooth voice. And when your eyes met ones of brown, you could have sworn all the air left your lungs. This man standing above you was nothing short of the most handsome person you had ever seen.
"Uh-I-Hello..." you stammered, blushing faintly as you watched him take a seat across from you. He crossed his legs slowly, resting his hands together on the table as he watched you squirm a bit. "You-must be from the ad then?" You asked softly, meeting his gaze as you put your phone away. The man only nodded once, a small smile on his face. "My names Jeon Jungkook. I understand you're a bit nervous, but I promise you no harm." he smiled, flashing a row of platinum white teeth. He looked like a movie star.
"Uh, nice to meet you." you whispered, sipping your cup of tea that had grown cold. "You're right on time." you noted, the clock on the wall across the room striking noon. Faint jazz filled the air as Jungkook nodded. "I tend to keep a tight schedule. Its really thanks to my job." He chuckled, running a tattooed hand through his black locs. "Your job?" you asked quietly, biting your lip a bit as you tried making out what the ink read on his knuckles.
He moved them before you could as he grabbed the menu that was laying on the table, flipping through it quickly as a waitress came over to take his order. While you waited patiently for him, you gazed at him again. He was dressed in a finely tailored suit, a black tie resting on his broad chest. A silver watch on his left hand as he ordered what he wanted to the waitress who was busy flirting with him.
Jungkook had faint streaks of gray in his hair, suggesting that his age was older than yours by a few years. The laugh lines near his moving lips also another tell that he was well out of his twenties unlike yourself. You were only twenty-two. This man looked like he was well over 30. Maybe thirty-five or forty? You didn't ask, figuring it was a rude question to start out with as the waitress scurried away with his order. His attention turned back solely on you. His big doe eyes studying your face carefully before he cleared his throat, snapping you out of your deep thoughts.
"So, my job...", he started, smiling a bit. The ring in his lip moving as he did so. "I'm a CEO. I assume you've heard of Jeon Interprises? We are a start-up tech industry." He hummed, waiting for your reaction. The whites of your eyes showed slightly as they widened, nodding your head a few times. "Uh...yeah. I mean, I've heard of it. The buildings pretty huge." You smiled, tracing patterns on the wood of the table with your nail. You recalled a memory of one of your friends saying that whoever owned it was "Compensating for something." It made you giggle a bit, the sound not going unheard by Jungkook. "Something funny?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He had a piercing there as well. It was...kind of attractive for a man his age.
You quickly shook your head, biting your lip. "No, no...just something a friend said earlier. But yes, I've heard of it. Very impressive." you nod slightly, before the waitress came back over to set jungkooks order down on the table. A to-go cup of coffee and a donut. When she left, you started again. "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking." Jungkook only smiled, sipping at his coffee after blowing on it before he answered, "I'm thirty-two. I became a CEO when I turned twenty-nine, so I'm fairly new at it still. It was a hand-me-down from an older brother of mine."
You nodded, considering his words before asking another question. "So...then why the ad?" you smiled a bit, before continuing: "I mean, youre a fairly successful CEO, you're smart and probably rich, and you have model good looks. I'm sure you wouldn't have trouble finding someone in your...class that would attend events with you." After taking a sip of your coldening tea, you shrugged nonchalantly. "Just saying..." you smiled.
Jungkook chuckled a bit as he leaned back in his seat, studying you for a moment. "My class? You mean starving models, idols, and other business women who all act dumb and fall at my feet?" he laughed softly again. "Lets just say that I was feeling generous. I wanted to help someone who needed the money, and I wanted something...new. Normal."
"Normal, as in myself?" you asked, making the man chuckle again. "Mhm, like you. You're not swooning everytime I smile at you. You don't seem to care about my money, even though you answered the ad." He sipped his coffee again, "Which leads me to my next question, why did you answer the ad?" The question took you by surprise, although you should have expected it with something like this.
"Well, I'm a broke college student and I'm severely in debt. Theres not much else to it." You shrugged simply, watching his facial expressions. You didn't fail to notice the slight clench of his jaw. How sharp and defined it was. This man was definitely fine as fuck. and here you were, sitting across from him. In the oddest of situations.
"I see." he nodded. "well, then I'm happy you answered the ad. Not just because you need the money, but because you weren't playing with me and that you seem surprisingly honest." He chuckled. "That and you are extremely beautiful." He hummed. The compliment caught you offguard as you blushed heavily, nearly choking on your drink as you wiped your mouth with a napkin. "I- Thank you..." you breathed, laughing a bit.
Jungkook just smiled at you, drinking his coffee quietly as he stared out the window. The clocks hands slowly ticking as it neard half past noon. You needed to go soon, one of your classes was coming up. "So." Jungkook started again, looking back at you easily, drumming his fingers against his cup. "I suppose we should go over the events of the week before I have to go." He chuckled, pulling out a folded piece of paper and sliding it towards you. You unfolded it gently, reading over the written out itinerary. It was fairly simple:
*Monday - Dinner with friends
*Tuesday - Photoshoot for magazine
*Wednesday - Business meeting followed by dinner
*Thursday - Visiting sister companies
*Friday - Office Gala
Your head nodded at the words printed out on the sheet, before you looked back up at him. "So we're doing this?" You ask softly, making the businessman chuckle. "Of course we are. You're a very bright woman. You'll do well." He hummed approvingly, sitting up straight now. "And ofcourse I'll pay you every night for your company. A glorified escort if you will, although I hope we can become more like friends."
You nodded, smiling as you tucked the paper away into your purse before you stood up. "Alright. Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow Jungkook." You breathed, holding out your hand for him to take. The mans hand sliding into your gently, the rough calluses on his palm scraping against yours slightly. "Tomorrow. Oh, and don't worry about paying. I'll cover it." he grinned, winking playfully before he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of your hand, letting go of it after a few moments. You could have sworn your heart stopped and your face turned bright red as you nodded faintly.
"Mhm..yeah. Tomorrow." you agreed, before you grabbed the rest of your things and headed for the door, casting one long glance back at the older gentleman before leaving the quaint cafe and heading back onto the busy city streets. Were you even prepared for this? It sounded like a lot in the end, even as day shifted into night and you were comfortably in bed. Your mind racing. You sighed heavily, letting out a breath as you turned on your side. The upstairs neighbors noises slowly lulling you to sleep, mixed with the faint traffic sounds outside and the A/C blasting into your small room.
Tomorrow would definitely be an interesting one...
The week seemed to go by in a big blur. Dinner with Jungkooks friends had went surprisingly well even though you weren't used to the upscale dinners and fancy restaurants. Jungkook had prepped you before hand on everyone's names and had even took you out shopping for a few new clothing items. He had told you that the dress you wore to dinner looked flattering on you. You could have sworn you had caught his eyes wandering over your bare legs a few times during dinner that night.
But in the end, the older man had drove you home in his Mercedes and walked you to your apartment door, kissing your hand again before he left. Everytime he did that, sparks seemed to ignite under your skin.
Tuesday was calmer. You didn't know why Jungkook had wanted your company at a simple photoshoot but it seemed to calm his nerves whenever he'd get a break from the bright flashes of the camera, finding you seated in the same chair all afternoon. You were glad to help him, even though he should be used to this type of publicity. 
Later, as the two of you were walking the city sidewalks, he had said that photoshoots always made him nervous. "What if I had a stain on my tie or my zipper was down?" He had muttered to you, a light pink blush appearing on his aged face. It made you laugh louder than intended, the man shushing you quickly as he fought a chuckle. "Shh...you'll ruin me!" he had whispered, soon joining in your laughter. When he had taken you home that night, he kissed your hand again. "Goodnight sweetheart." He had mumbled softly, before handing you an envelope. 
In the silence and solitude of your apartment, you opened the seal on the envelope, your eyes widening at the cash nestled inside. "Shit..." you had breathed. This man wasn't playing around. This money alone would cover half your bills. Before you went to bed that night, you stuck the payment in a safe place to save it. Maybe by the end of the week you could be living a little easier...
The meeting on Wednesday ran long. Longer than Jungkook intended as you sat in the lobby of his building. The black dress you wore hugging your curves as you sat neatly in a leather chair. You found things to busy yourself though. Like paying your past due bills and talking to a nice security guard. The old man giving you some insight to Jungkooks life.  Apparently the man used to be a famous idol. You didn't really care about that part, but he had mentioned to you in passing that he was very good at karaoke. It made sense now. 
Jungkook had six older "brothers" too, who were also apart of the band. 
"Sorry I'm late." Jungkook breathed as he joined you, his dark eyes looking at the security guard and then you. "What did Jun tell you?" He asked playfully, clearly he knew the man well enough to not get mad at him. The conversation flowed in the car as well, you questioning him endlessly about him being a successful idol and him just laughing and explaining his tattooed arm now. Especially the ones tattooed on his knuckles and hand. 
When he had finished, he smiled at you and finally took in your appearance for tonights dinner. You watched as his eyes darkened slightly, his tongue flicking against the metal of his lip ring. "I like this one more than the last." He nodded, his veined hand moving to rest on the dark fabric covering your thigh. His breathing seemed a bit heavier as he parked his car. "I like it too." you mumbled, blushing a bit as you felt the heat from his palm through your dress. It never went farther than that though. Even through the dinner, Jungkook was nothing short of a gentleman. 
Everything seemed to shift slightly on Thursday though. 
Jungkook had paid you that morning, before he told you that you actually couldn't join him today. For what reason, you didn't know. But when he had shown up at your door that morning to tell you, his eyes were dark and tired looking. Like he had stayed up all night after he dropped you off. He also looked...angry underneath the smile lines. But no matter how much you wanted to comfort him, you remained quiet and just nodded at his words.
You had decided to clean your apartment when he left you. The two of you exchanging quick little messages here and there about the day and how you were doing. To be honest, it was weird being alone now. You were so used to Jungkook being there with you all week and now you felt...alone. You liked having someone there to talk to all the time and to laugh with. You had even told Jungkook this, messaging him more than he had replied back. Sure, you felt bad. What if you were interrupting his meeting? 
But the other side of you missed him a lot. And when your phone chimed an hour later, you didn't hesitate to check. It was Jungkook, but instead of replying to your desperate "I miss you" text, he had simply told you that dinner was canceled tonight. So was he even coming over at all? The question ran through your head more times than you'd care to admit. Instead of sulking like you had been doing though, you replied with a picture of yourself in the dress you were going to wear to tonights dinner. The red velvet garment hugging your thighs and breasts. The neckline dipping down between your cleavage slightly. Sure, it was revealing, and Jungkook hadn't seen it yet, but you liked it a lot. You quickly added a text after the picture was sent: 
"Too bad about dinner. I wanted to wear this for you."
You watched your screen after sending it. 
You watched it deliver.
You watched Jungkook look at it and leave you on read. 
He never answered, even as the hours passed and you had eventually took the dress off and showered for the night. Putting on a pair of sweats and a tank top as you grabbed your phone and flopped down on your old couch. It was about nine at night when frantic knocking sounded at your door. You weren't asleep yet, but now you were hyper aware of the sound as you stalked to your living room. 
When you answered it, you were taken aback by the disarrayed Jungkook at your door. His hair was messy and his tie was loose around his neck. He smelled faintly like whiskey as his eyes met yours. His pupils blown wide enough to cover the color of his irises. Before you could even ask what had happened today, he was on you. The older man moving inside the apartment with you before he closed the door and locked it. His large hands on your hips as he found the nearest wall to back you up against. His breath was heavy as he breathed in the scent of your slightly damp hair, his fingers digging into the gray fabric of your sweats gently. 
"Jungkook- what are you-..." You went to ask softly, your own heart racing as you watched him, his hand coming up to press a slender finger to your lips. "Now, what makes you think...you can just send me a photo like that when I'm in a meeting..." he whispered faintly, pulling away to look down at you. He wasn't drunk, that was evident on how clear his words were. So this...whatever this was, he had planned all the way here.
"I thought you'd like it..." You answered calmly, your eyes meeting his softly. "D-did you like it?" you asked, smiling a bit at him. The man chuckled and moved to press his lips against your cheek, his hands squeezing your hips as he tugged you closer to him. "Fuck yes." he growled lowly. "It made me want to leave my meeting so I could drive over here and rip it off with my teeth..." 
The suggestion in his tone almost made your knees buckle as a slight whimper left your lips. How long had it been since someone had talked to you like that? It felt like forever. But this...coming from an older man? It made your stomach do flips as you bit your lip. "O-oh yeah?" you asked shakily, your hand resting against his chest. Jungkook only nodded as his lips moved to kiss and suck lightly against your neck and jaw. His hands sliding to cup your backside and pull you closer against him. It was evident that he was hard in his slacks. But this...wasn't something that had been mentioned before. Sure, there had been light touches and flirting...but never this extreme. 
"Jungkook..." you started, your breaths heavier than they were before as you pushed against him slightly. The older man paused in his onslaught of kisses, pulling away at your pushes to look down at you. "I-i'm sorry. I know that the ad said no sexual favors. That's not what I intended..." he blushed slightly. He looked so boyish as he apologized, but you just shook your head slightly. "I-its okay...I just didn't expect it." you answered, "I just missed you." 
At those words, a cute bunny grin appeared on his face. "Missed me, hm?" he teased, his hands still on your ass as he studied your face. He was quiet for a long moment as he studied your lightly flushed cheeks and your dilated pupils. One of Jungkooks hands left your ass to come up and cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against the rosy flesh. The two of you were practically sharing every breath now. "Do you want me to leave?" he whispered. "Just say the words and I'll go." He mumbled against your lips. Your head swam as you were overwhelmed by the full force of him. The smell of an old cologne wafting off of his disheveled suit coat. The look was definitely affecting you, that and his hands on your body. 
Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but he didn't get a chance as your lips met his. The two of you working in a tandem as his tongue slid past your lips. Eliciting soft groans from you as your arms reached up to wrap around the mans neck, your fingers twining in the strands of hair at the nape of Jungkooks neck. When he pulled away, he smirked down at you and your slightly swollen lips. His tongue darting out to lick his own lips. "I've been thinking about doing that all week." he chuckled. "but...I should go now. Let you sleep...hm? Prepare for that party tomorrow night."
And that's how you ended up at this glamorous party, Jungkooks hand secured on your hip as he leaned into you. His breath tickling your ear as he hummed. "Did you hear me?" he asked, a soft laugh leaving the man. It snapped you out of your thoughts, your eyes meeting his as you smiled. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" It made him laugh again as his hands moved to turn you around. Your eyes meeting his dark ones.  "I asked if you were having a nice night?" He smirked playfully, the gray in his hair catching the light from the overhead chandeliers. 
"Oh.", you started, looking around a bit more. To be honest, it was a little overwhelming. All the people and the music. You had gotten to meet some of Jungkooks "brothers". Jimin and tae. That was a definite upside, as the two men were as nice and as teasing as Jungkook. "I guess? This is my first Gala. I have nothing to compare it to." You shrugged, smiling faintly up at the man. His hands tightened on your silk-clad hips then, his mouth meeting your ear as his lips brushed against it. "Maybe not..." He whispered, "maybe we can keep doing this...together." 
His words made you pause. Your eyes widening as you pulled away to look at him. "Keep doing this...Jungkook, what are you talking about? I'm a twenty-two year old college student. I'm not rich or used to all this! I would never fit in here or with your crowd." you whispered frantically, trying to get free from the mans gentle grip on you. He wouldn't budge, his doe eyes staring at you. His lips slightly parted. His tongue played with the piercing in his lip as you waited for a response with baited breath. 
"Come with me." He said suddenly, sliding his hand into your and heading up a grand staircase. It lead to the second floor, people watching from the railings at the party down below. A party that soon grew quiet as the man in front of you led you down halls and walkways. He was eerily quiet as you let him, before he pushed open a door that led to a lavish bedroom. A large bed against the far wall, draped with curtains. Modern furniture everywhere and a view that put any you'd seen to shame. 
"Where are we Jungkook? Why'd you bring me here?" you asked, closing the door behind you. You took a few steps into the room, your hands slack at your sides as you watched the man go over to a liquor cabinet and pour himself a small glass of whiskey. He downed it in one go, before he leaned against the counter he was behind. His dark eyes staring right into your soul. "This is my private room. I pay for it. I come here when I'm stressed or when I want away from my lonely apartment. Jimin owns this entire building." He smirked slightly as he watched your mouth part in surprise. 
"Oh." you muttered, before taking another slow look around. But you could feel the mans eyes on you. Like a predator watching it's prey. " I want to keep doing this." He started then, making you turn around to look at him. "And before you complain...let me say this," He held up a hand, smiling playfully at you. "I like you. A lot. You're different. You're beautiful." he blushed, the man still slightly bashful as he admitted this to you. A hint of the teenager underneath it all showing through. 
"And I know you're not rich. I didn't fail to notice your mail yesterday when I came over. You needed to be my escort for the money and I understand that. You wanted nothing more than the job and the cash that I offered." He shrugged. "I was prepared to pay you your final earning tonight actually, but I wanted to say this first," He paused, gauging your reaction. When you just watched him, listening intently, he continued.
"I want more than this. I want to take you to more than just galas and photoshoots." 'He smiled, taking slow steps towards you now. "I want to take you on dates and to clothing stores." he hummed, before he was in front of you, his hands taking yours gently and holding them. His dark doe eyes meeting your wide ones. "I want to travel the world with you..." he breathed, his thumbs rubbing the back of your hands. 
"I want...you."
The words came crashing down on you. Your heart racing as you stared at him in shock and disbelief. This man...wanted you? A rich, successful, older CEO wanted a normal girl from some no name town? You almost couldn't believe it. And you weren't surprised when you found yourself nodding at his words. With shaking hands you reached up and cupped his face between them. You had denied yourself since that night at dinner when he had kept looking at you. Had denied what happened between the two of you yesterday. You were done not giving in to what your heart and body clearly wanted. 
"I want you too Jungkook." You whispered, your lips meeting his in a rush of courage and passion. Only a second passed before you felt him kissing you back, his tongue asking for entrance as it slid across your lower lip. Jungkooks hands moved and wrapped around you then, his veiny hands grasping your ass and giving a playful squeeze as you opened up for him. The sound of your kissing and shared breaths the only noise in the room. 
When you moaned against his lips is when both your resolves snapped. The man easily lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you over to the large bed. He set you down easily before he pulled away, his eyes on you as he stepped back and pulled his tie free. Jungkook taking his time as he slowly untucked his shirt, unbuttoning it and letting it fall to the floor. A low chuckle left him at your awed expression. This man was so fine, it had to be criminal. His tattoo ended at his shoulder, and his body was toned. Like desire incarnate. 
"Fuck." you whispered, feeling your core clench and ache slightly. Maybe it had been awhile since you've done anything with a man. Your body felt like it was on fire. Jungkook just chuckled at the heat behind your single word, the outline of his erection pressed against his black slacks. He was big, and you wondered what it would feel like when he was inside you. Stretching you open so you could take all of him. Just the thought made you shiver, your legs pressing together under your dress. He took note of that, his pupils dark as he smirked. The man lowering to the ground in front of you, resting on his knees. "What's wrong babygirl?" He breathed, one of his larger hands sliding under your dress and up the bare flesh of your leg. 
The name alone caused you to whimper with desperation. Fuck, hearing that from an older man had definitely awoken something within you. Jungkook smirked at your silence as his hand only slid higher. He stopped when his fingers brushed your inner thigh. "Do you want me to?" he breathed heavily, waiting for your response. You looked down at him then, biting your lip as your legs parted on pure instinct. "Want you to what?" you asked playfully, your chest rising and falling quickly. 
Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he looked at you, licking his lips again as his hand only inched higher. You both clearly wanted this. "Do you want me to show you how a real man pleasures a cunt like yours?" he grinned, his fingers skimming the lace of your underwear. A gasp left you as you shivered, nodding quickly at his devilish words. At this point you let him do anything he wanted. 
That was all Jungkook needed as he slid your dress up your legs, bunching the material at your waist as his eyes ate up the image before him. Your black lace panties already ruined with an obvious wetness. He chuckled slightly as he ran a skilled finger over your covered slit, his eyes flicking up to meet yours. "See? Already ruined for me,hm?" he licked his lips. He gently moved to pull your underwear to the side, his other hand grasping your hip gently as you leaned back on your arms to watch him. Jungkook nearly groaned at the sight of your aching clit, begging for attentipn as he leaned up and kissed along your thighs. You were already trembling with need, and you were afraid that you would come just from this alone. 
The older man kissed and sucked along your smooth skin, before he slowly slid his skilled tongue up your slit and though your folds. His lips sealing around your pulsing clit. The moan that left you was loud and sudden, your hips bucking up against his wanting mouth. His hand gently held you down as he feasted on you like a man starved. His lips and tongue pleasuring you until you were a mess of cries and moans. Your hands grasping at the salt and pepper strands of his hair. "J...Jungkook-" you whined. "I'm going to cum if you keep doing that- please" 
Jungkook pulled away then, letting you catch your breath as he stared at you. His lips and chin drenched with your arousal. His tongue flicking his lip ring as he stared at you. "I know baby...I could tell." he smiled, before he stood up and unbuckled his belt. His slacks sliding down his waist, revealing black Calvin Klein boxers. His hardened erection straining against the material as he climbed onto the bed, hovering over your disheveled form. "I want to finish together." He whispered, leaning down to nip at your earlobe. His skilled mouth moving to capture your lips. The taste of yourself on his lips was enough to send you reeling, your back arching up into him so he could reach under you and unzip the dress you wore. 
Once that was done, he helped you shimmy out of it, the man throwing the pile of red silk onto the floor. Aside from your underwear being halfway down your full thighs, you were naked under him. Nipples perfectly peaked against the slight chill in the air. Jungkook stared down at you then, one of his hands coming up to roll and pinch one of them, causing you to moan and whine for him. "Please-" you begged quietly. Jungkook looked at you, smirking playfully as his other hand left you and tugged down his boxers. His considerable length slapping against his toned stomach. Precum beading at the tip already. It made you hungry. It made your pussy even wetter than it already was. 
"Please what, baby?" he whispered,pecking your lips. A hand leaving your breast and moving to cup your cheek. His other hand slowly stroking his cock. You watched him, stomach clenching as your legs parted for him to ease between. "Please fuck me." you begged quietly, blushing faintly as you stared at him. 
Jungkook nodded, smiling slightly before he kissed you. His hand around his cock slowly guiding him against you. His tip spreading your folds apart before he was slowly inching inside of you. His lips cut off the garbled moan that left you, your hands tangling in his hair tightly after you wrapped your legs around him. Once he had given you time to get a feel of him, he started pushing more. Until he completely bottomed out, filling you to the brim with himself as he slowly started thrusting. 
The moans that left the both of you were long and loud when he started moving against you. Sweat beading at his temple as he leaned down to kiss you again. His kiss gentle as his hips picked up a steady rythym. Your legs only tightened further around him as he did, pulling away to cry out in ecstacy. He felt so good against you. The warmth, the shared breaths, the absolute heavenly feel of him inside you made your toes curl as you felt that long overdue lick of pleasure slide down your spine and pool in your stomach. 
Jungkook knew it too. Could feel the way your walls clenched and tightened around him the fatser and harder his thrusts became. He was also chasing his own release, but he wanted to watch as the pleasure crossed your face. Wanted to see you turn to mush underneath him as he contimued to use you to reach his own orgasm. "Thats it baby...just a little more for me.." he whispered against your cheek, his nose skimming the rosy pink skin. "You're being so good...you feel so perfect around me." The praise went straight to your head as you turned his face towards you, lips meeting his in a sloppy kiss as you crumbled around him. Your hips met his slowing thrusts, riding out your orgasm. Moans and whined falling from your reddened lips as you looked up at him with hooded eyes. 
Jungkooks thrusts were getting slopppier by the second as he guided you through your climax, his cock aching for its own release. The mans hands propping him up above you slightly, tattooed hand dug into the blanket under you as his eyes raked over your sweaty, pleasure-stricken features. Soft moans still left your lips at his weakening thrusts, your poor cunt sensitive after the onslaught he was currently trying to end. Your hands tangling back in his hair as you kissed him. 
It wasn't long before Jungkooks hips pushed for the final time, making sure he was securely all the way inside you before he let his orgasm take him. His cock spurting out rope after rope of cum inside you. Painting your insides in white as he slowed, eventually stopping. Your thighs were sticky with sweat and release as it trickled out of you around him. A satisfied smile plastered your face as Jungkook fell on top of you, burying his face in your neck as he peppered your heated skin with kisses. 
The two of you layed there for what seemed like forever, until the older man rolled off of you, sliding out of you gently before he pulled you against his chest. Jungkook smoothed your hair back as he reached down and pulled a blanket over the both of you, a smile on his face as he kissed your forehead. You were both too tired to clean up. But you had all the time in the world with him now. Jungkook sighed in contentment. "Thank you." he whispered softly as the two of you lay there. 
You turned on your side slowly, already feeling the ache between your legs. You would worry about that tomorrow. " For what?" you asked sleepily, playing with a strand of his hair. Jungkook hummed and wrapped an arm around you, tugging you even closer to him. "For playing the part." He breathed against your hair, making you blush and laugh slightly. You only nodded, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "Starting tomorrow...I don't think I want to play a part anymore." Jungkook just smiled at your words, his heart felt full as he nodded, letting you doze off against him. 
What would the next few weeks entail? The next few years? 
But he wouldn't worry about that now. All he wanted now was to be close to you. To never let you go. So he wouldn't.
Not until you ordered him away.
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madaqueue · 5 months ago
the sensationalized bullshit around some dangerous serial killer tormenting the city is honestly pathetic. so no, you don't see the point in changing your routine, because you aren't a coward like everyone else. that is, until one wrong turn brings you face to face with him.
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pairing: serial killer!toji x f!reader
themes/content: dark content (gunplay, dubcon). smut. petnames (pretty, doll, slut), mentions of past murders, teasing, reader is kind of mean to toji lmao, begging, licking/deepthroating a gun, oral (m!receiving). 18+, MDNI (wk: 2.0k)
a/n: i would match his freak (he would literally kill me) (also sorry this title is so stupid but it made me laugh hahahaha)
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“There’s a serial killer on the loose!”
Everyday for the past week the message had been drilled into your mind - every news station, every text from your parents, every thought from the general public seemed to vibrate in sheer terror at the mere idea of some illusive murderer. And yet, you can’t help but roll your eyes at the theatrics.
A serial killer, seriously?
You thought everyone outgrew this overdramatic bullshit when they turned thirteen or something. The fact that not even fully grown adults dared to go outside out of fear just solidified how truly pathetic everyone had become.
So, you take the opportunity for what it is, boots echoing along the empty streets as you enjoy a barren town. Dead leaves blow along the sidewalk in front of you, scurrying out of your path. It’s a nice day, you think, the breeze tickling your skin and the sun warm despite the autumn chill settling in. Of course you weren’t going to miss it, your footsteps falling louder and more determined with each step.
Because you weren’t a coward.
A particularly cold wind brushes past you, the muscles in your legs shivering on instinct. Reaching into your jacket to check the time, you find your pockets empty save for a few hair ties and a small wad of cash. The image of your phone resting on your kitchen counter flashes across your memory for a moment as you silently grumble at your own forgetfulness.
But it’s no matter, you’ll just head straight home. Everything will be fine, you reassure yourself in an effort to shove down the growing nervousness in your stomach.
Rounding the corner, your vision catches an alleyway you’ve seen a few times on walks home with friends. Surely, that would get you home even faster, a real stroke of fate. Your feet stall for a second as you gaze down it, the darkness of surrounding buildings casting a haunting shadow. Taking a steadying breath, you will yourself forward.
Because you aren’t a coward.
Shoving your hands further into the worn material of your pockets, your shoes land heavily on the uneven cobblestone. A water droplet falls on your shoulder from one of the broken pipes overhead, and you grimace. This town gets shittier every year. That pit in your stomach is back, but sheer determination carries you onward.
Because you aren’t afraid.
In an instant, the sigh that had been building in your lungs is forced out as your cheek is shoved into the crumbling brick lining the alley.
Rough hands encircle your wrists, pinning them against your back.
The weight of someone much larger presses into you from behind.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doin’ walkin’ all by yourself?” His voice is almost impossibly low, carrying the teasing lilt of thunder before lightning. “Haven’t you heard there’s a serial killer running around?”
The rock in your stomach lodges in your throat as he laughs, hot puffs of air hitting your neck.
Trying to gauge your odds, you crane your head to get a view of him, roughly scraping your skin against the reddened clay. Just as your eyes manage to catch the dark cloth of his shirt, something presses to your forehead.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, doll,” he preempts. The gun in his hand trails lower, landing between your eyes, the cool metal making you shudder. “I would hate to have to hurt ya.”
Your mouth is dry as ideas course through your mind, running through scenarios to escape this fucked up situation you’ve found yourself in. “I-I have money! You can have it, if you let me go!”
He just chuckles again, and you swear you see a glimpse of a scar at the corner of his lips, adding it to a mental note of anything to help you identify him later. “Oh sweetheart, you can’t actually think I’m doing this for the money, do you?”
Your thoughts stall for a moment. “B-but…but why then…?”
Leaning towards you, his face is now only inches from your own. The scent of tobacco lingers on his breath. “Because I like to see the fear in someone’s eyes when they know they’re gonna die.”
You can’t stop the smirk spreading across your lips. You know it’s stupid - you shouldn’t taunt the fucking murderer holding a gun to your head - but you almost want to laugh.
“Seriously?” Your throat is scratchy as you stifle a chuckle. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?”
This time, he doesn’t stop you when you turn to face him.
“What, are you making eye contact with every single person you kill? You have a fucking gun, dude - are you really sitting there, this close, waiting for them to die? Or is that just some line you say to make people afraid, to try and make them beg for mercy?”
That scar shifts as his mouth twitches. Just as he inhales to respond, you continue.
“Oh, I get it! I bet that’s what you get off on, right? The begging?”
His eyebrows quirk, adjusting his position so green eyes stare back at you, mischief dancing behind them. “What if it is? Are you gonna beg me not to kill you if I tell ya that’s what it takes?”
The silver of his gun catches in the flickering sun as your gaze falls upon it. You look to it, then to him, then back to it.
Now, you know what it really takes to get you out of this. Because at the end of the day, he’s just some guy who got a weapon and a bit too much confidence. Sure, maybe he killed those people, but it’s only because they were too stupid to figure it out.
Men like him don’t want some pathetic little bug to crush under their shoe. If he did, he would’ve shot you already.
He wants someone to tell him ‘no,’ to shove around his ego a little. Someone to play with him.
Oh, and you’ll play.
Because you, unlike all those other scared little babies, aren’t a coward.
“I don’t have to fucking beg.”
Green eyes shine like poison as they watch your movements - your neck tilting, lips parting, tongue poking between them. Licking a slow stripe up the barrel of his gun, the taste of metal and dirt coats your senses.
When you reach the top, he lets out a groan, one that morphs into a breathy laugh.
“Well, isn’t today just my lucky day.” His scar delves into the creases of his mouth as he smirks. “Wonder what good deed I did to be rewarded with such a pretty little slut.”
Fucking pathetic.
You want to laugh at him, the predictability - it’s almost overused at this point, you think. The scary serial killer who just wants to get his dick wet, you’re practically quaking in your boots.
But instead of pointing out how boring his whole cliche is, you allow your eyelashes to flutter closed, taking the chamber further past your lips.
It’s cool against the heat of your mouth, tracing the crevices of it with your tongue.
You wonder if this is actually what he used to kill all those people - it almost tastes too clean to be a true murder weapon. Like he ran it through the mud on his way here to try and make his little act seem all the more convincing. Clearly, it didn’t work.
From behind, you feel something poke into your ass. Something hard. Using his weight to push you further into the bricks, his hips grind against you, his growing cock dragging along the curves of your body.
You gasp reflexively at the sensation, eyes shooting open only to be met with his locked on your face, dark hair falling over his forehead.
“Some fuckin’ mouth on you, heh.” It’s like you can watch the gears turning in his mind. “Let’s see what else it can do.”
Sensation begins returning to your wrists when they’re released from his bruising grip. It takes nothing more than a heavy palm on your head for you to land on your knees, rubble shifting beneath your jeans.
All too predictable.
With your newly freed hands, you make quick work of undoing his belt, tugging his waistband down to reveal his cock. It’s thick, flushed and hot in the cold autumn air.
From this angle, you can see the way he sparkles against the sky. Excitement vibrates his nerves as he leans forward, resting a forearm along the brick above your head. The muzzle’s cold metal presses into your temple, but it barely even phases you at this point, melting into the warmth of your skin.
You lick your lips at the way he twitches, watching you drag your palms up his thighs. One hand slowly wraps around his base as you place his tip between your lips, and the man above you moans.
You almost, almost, let a giggle slip.
Isn’t he supposed to be the one threatening to kill you?
And now, you’ve literally got his balls in one hand, the pistol in his fist dropped to his side.
Fucking hell, is this really all it took?
Some serial killer.
You continue pumping his length as you lightly lick the precum pooling along his slit, letting the salty taste linger on your tastebuds. Whatever, you’ll do what you have to do to get out of this.
But it’s not a crime to have a little fun with him, right?
Your tongue swirls around his tip before you take him further, pushing past the ring of muscles lining your throat. He lets out a choked gasp of, “Fuck,” and the rasp in his voice almost makes your pussy clench. Almost.
Taking him deeper and deeper, you can tell he’s getting close from the way he’s starting to thrust his hips forward, little by little.
But now, it’s your turn to play with him.
Pulling your mouth away, you admire the way his cock bounces as he whines at the loss of your warmth.
This time, you don’t stifle your smirk.
The palm wrapped around his base continues stroking him slowly, almost too slowly.
“W-what the fuck do you think yer-”
His parted lips nearly fold into a frown, eyebrows furrowed in some mix of confusion and frustration. But you didn’t stutter.
“C’mon now, mister ‘serial killer.’ If you wanna cum, you know what you’ve gotta do.”
Sliding up and down his base, you pump him in pace with his ragged breaths.
Between his ribs, his heart races. “Y’know I could fucking kill you.”
And your eyes glimmer, your pace slowing. A silent challenge.
But you won’t.
He tosses his head back, the muscles in his thick neck contracting as he swallows.
“F-fucking - fine. Jesus, fine, whatever.”
Shifting your weight, your thighs rub together in excitement. The silver of his gun flashes as he raises it to his head, scratching the back of his scalp with the muzzle in an attempt to diffuse the growing tension inside him.
“Make me finish already, doll.”
“Aww,” you coo, squeezing his heavy balls in your free hand. A shiver runs up his spine. “That’s not exactly asking, now is it?”
He hides his pleasure behind annoyance as he groans. “Just - fucking, make me cum already.” You bat your eyelashes at him, and he grumbles something under his breath. “Please.”
“See, was that so hard?” you hum, pleased. “Even serial killers can have some manners.”
Taking him back into your mouth, you trace the veins of his shaft with your tongue, just as you did with the barrel of his gun. Each ridge, following its path up and down.
Something metal clammors onto the ground behind you, but you pay it little mind. Two hands wrap around your head, holding you in place.
“Fuck, just like that,” he moans. “Fuckin’ take it.”
His balls twitch as he releases into you, hot liquid pouring down your throat.
As you swallow, the palms on your scalp release their tension. Looking up at him with wide eyes, you wipe the spit from the corners of your mouth.
He rubs his face with his forearm, a smirk plastered across his lips, that cute little scar decorating the corner. Beside you, something reflective catches your eye - his gun, laying abandoned on the ground.
Some fucking serial killer.
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