#timeline reset verse;; is it wrong that i miss you? 'cause you never left
millionsnife · 10 months
❛i’ve had more than enough pain in my life, what’s a little more going to do?❜
@forgivenpunishment (your choice of canon/7, i figured canon but if you have an idea...)
"You don't know the meaning of pain." Knives sneered, staring down at Punisher for a moment, before he kicked him aside. "You think you do, but you don't. You've lived this pathetic little human life once, never experienced true death. You think being pulled apart on the doctor's table a few dozen times is terrible? You've barely gotten a scratch."
Annoyance flickers in his gaze.
"No, Punisher. You haven't experienced anything resembling pain yet."
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millionsnife · 6 months
’ Leave me alone to die. ’ (timeloop?)
"No." He drags him up, shaking him violently. "How many times do we have to have this conversation?"
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millionsnife · 1 year
tag dump 2 tba
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