#time gets a bit fucky in the dreamlands and a lot fucky in kuranes' domain. its on a dreamer by dreamer basis how attuned they are to this.
kurancs · 1 year
in ooth-nargai all of time exists all at once. well — all of time exists all at once everywhere, but in ooth-nargai that's perceptible even to human dreamers. humans experience time in linear fashion so it can be difficult/impossible to conceptualise, and so to most it feels like time simultaneously does and doesn't pass in ooth-nargai, but in reality every moment is happening at the same time. it's how upon kuranes' return to celephaïs no time had passed between his childhood visit and the decades since. at first he also thought that time just hadn't moved forward, but after ruling for a while he realised that time does flow only to figure out that no it doesn't, actually. it's how he can shift how old he appears — because he is every age he's ever been at the same time.
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