#tim is adopted pre-dead Jason
nana-mizu-shiki · 7 months
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After 9 year old Tim accidentally trauma dumps
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gothamundernightlight · 2 months
Random Shit the Waynes Do on Social Media
- The white whale of D1 and Olympic gymnastics athletes; always stitches their stunts and challenges, executing them perfectly, but no one knows who he is or who trained him
- Shares pictures of random children, and the whole internet becomes a detective trying to figure out if Bruce Wayne adopted another kid or if his gymnastics students won another trophy
- Photo montages of Haley being the cutest, which slowly transitions into Haley in whatever cute hat the internet can send to Dick’s PO Box
- Random video of him skydiving while giving tips on what to do if your chute doesn’t deploy. He never deploys his chute doing the video and no one can tell if it’s a bit or not.
- AI Voiceover text posts providing surprisingly insightful analysis into classic literature
- A full six part rant on the Broadway adaptation of “The Great Gatsy”
- Random selfies complete with wildly made up backstories of any and every new injury he has
- Prank war on Damian specifically (this was intended for Talia but his finger slipped and now the whole internet loves it)
- Randomly goes live to do study/work/research with me sessions complete with an actually decent Lofi soundtrack that no one can find (He totally mixes it himself but won’t admit it)
- Did ONE social media vlog for WE’s marketing division and it went so viral he gets forced to do more. The dead eyed stare he gives the camera with every stupid dance the intern teaches him makes the video top-tier
- Cute couples videos with Bernard
- Skateboard tricks (and fails)
- Screenshots of text conversations between him and his siblings discussing the most random shit??
- Dance routines/pre-show/GRWM videos
- Shakily filmed videos of her kicking Dick’s ass and everyone just calls her a baddie in the comments. She doesn’t know what that means but she appreciates the love.
- Her and Steph’s late night food runs with the two of them just belting out to a song in a dark parking lot
- Posts riddles and puzzles and how to solve them. She’s really good at it. Riddler hates her.
- Apartment tour of all the purple shit she owns. She’ll never admit that the room she’s showing off is her Wayne Manor bedroom, so everyone believes she just has a moderately sized loft apartment somewhere and she just never shows the kitchenette
- Her and Cass’s late night food runs with the two of them just belting out to a song in a dark parking lot
- POV shots of her going up to the boys asking them random questions. Dick matches her energy. Jason tells her to fuck off. Tim is barely conscious. Damian always has an overly rational answer to take the fun out of it. Duke just stares blankly at her (he always comes back later with a proper answer now that he’s had time to think about it). Bruce just stares blankly at her
- Art reveals that never get many views but he’s still proud of nonetheless. Dick always comments on them to hype him up
- Accidentally recreates a popular vine that went viral and it’s just him insulting fellow GA kids under his breath but one of them says hi to him and he’s instantly polite back. His most popular video
- The multi-part experiment of him trying to Pavlov Tim, and when it actually works, Tim just chases Damian around the manor. The video cuts to black frames after Tim takes a flying launch at him
- All the pet videos. There are so many. People try to cancel him for exploiting them, but Damian clearly demonstrates that he would never force his animals to participate for views and how they will just leave if they don’t want to do something. Batcow is in the background just two-stepping unprompted
- Every morning without fail, he posts a daily sunrise pic of Gotham, with a positive affirmation caption. One day he’s sick and he wakes up to a thousand messages of people panicking because their favorite poster has disappeared. He never misses a sunrise again
- Passionate rants about local government. Will not shut up about it. He might be an anarchist, but he’s forever remain optimistic that one day the systems that define society will one day actually work for all people. Bruce has every single one saved so he can implement Duke’s ideas into reality
- Boxing videos of him training with Luke. It’s never meant to be a thirst trap…but sometimes it is
- Dumb selfies. Duke unironically loves taking them, no matter what face he pulls, what filter he uses, not even caring where he is. This gets him in trouble the one time he posts one of him leaning off the edge of a high rise roof
- Constant lectures on cybersecurity and internet safety. She teaches this at the library as a volunteer but feels she can reach a lot of people by building a platform
- Computer build stuff. Brands reach out to her for her reviews and she thoroughly discusses each product in length
- Rarely posts about her disability, but absolutely tears people to shreds when they make ableist comments about her. The only time she brings it up first is when City Hall takes over a month to fix their elevator and she calls them out on it
- Electronics repairs. She constantly takes things apart to teach people how to fix it, and this can range from toys to cars. On more than one occasion , her video has been interrupted by someone who planned to be using the vehicle she’s just taken apart
- 2 AM hair dye/maintenance sessions. She constantly gets comments from men being like “Therapy works too, y’know” or “No, you’re so beautiful? Why would you do that to yourself.” She responds to the comments with a video of a gun pointed at the camera with the sole caption being “Fuck Off.”
- Gym videos. She and Dick work out together and he’s the ultimate hype man
- Outfit montages of her getting ready for a random gala and she’s always pulling off the most masc-looking suits that look gorgeous on her
- Target practice. She does all kinds of trick shots and crazy crossbow stunts in a wide variety of outfits. Her most popular video is of her in a corset and platform heels.
- Her and Steph bonding over all things purple
- Outfit of the Day posts. The girl has expensive tastes and she absolutely shows it off.
- Occasionally does promo stuff for WE (because Tim refuses to do all of it, and their social media intern won’t back down)
- Shares absolutely wild stories from his college years that somehow always get proven to be true even when the whole comments section is just like “this seems false???”
- Kid tour. He saw one mom do it and felt sad bc he’s never get the kids to agree, but somehow they all did (Alfred bribed them.)
- Shares everything from each one of the charities he’s involved with. Has reposted every single one of their posts on his own personal channel. It raises them hundreds of followers each time.
- One of the kids posted a video montage of Bruce being Brucie and it’s so utterly humiliating? But he won’t delete it because all of the comments say he’s their favorite billionaire and that’s more than his own kids will say.
- Random Pride Month post. Every year it catches people by surprise and every gossip magazine always wonders if Bruce is coming out. He’s just being an ally (and potentially is in denial).
- Prefers not to use social media, but one of the boys filmed him doing random things to teach the internet how to do things properly, like making the bed, doing laundry, etc. Is the internet’s favorite grandpa.
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shamelessexplosions · 7 months
What I've learnt about the Batfamily from Tumblr
I know nothing about Batman - I have never read a comic, I have never watched a Batman series or cartoon or movie with him in it (except from that one scene at the end of wonder woman). This is what I have learnt about the members of the Batfamily entirely from tumblr and other social media.
1. Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne is Batman, and his superpower is being richer than God.
He lives in a mansion in Gotham, which is basically a city entirely made up of psychos
He cannot stop adopting children
Like I'm pretty sure he sees a child on their own with a vaguely traumatic backstory and has to adopt them.
Probably carries adoption papers in his utility belt for that very purpose
I'm not entirely sure how many children he has but that's okay because I don't think he knows either.
When he's in the mask his voice is really deep and he keeps saying "I'm Batman"
When he's not he acts like a complete idiot but probably tips a waitress by paying for their collage tuition
His parents are dead and this is very important - in a world of orphans, he is THE orphan
2. Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne's oldest adopted son
He was in the circus as an acrobat until his parents died in front of him
I think they were murdered
He was the original Robin
Then he got bored or something and moved to somewhere called bludhaven which honestly sounds Norwegian, and renamed himself Nightwing.
Has extreme big brother energy
3. Jason Todd
Robin #2 because apparently there's a second one
I think he met Bruce after stealing the tires off Batman's car (the batmobile?) and then hitting him with a tire iron which is such a power move, especially for some random kid
He died but it's ok because he fell in a pit and got better
He renamed himself red hood and became a mass murderer for a bit
I think it was just a phase?
He was trained in the way of murder by someone called Talia. He either slept with her or was adopted by her.
I hope it's the second one because I know Bruce slept with her
Likes guns
4. Tim Drake
I think he stalked batman until he found out he was Bruce Wayne
In other words this random kid did what no megalomaniac with a grudge against the furry that routinely beats them up could
But then I think he was Bruce's neighbour pre-adoption so maybe he just noticed batman flying out from under the mansion each night, which says something problematic about his secret identity
He became robin too like how many robins does one city need?
Jason refers to him as 'replacement' which seems cold given 1. He himself was a replacement and 2. tim got replaced as well
I think he's Red Robin now, so clearly not too interested in change.
5. Damien Wayne
Bruce's biological son with the aforementioned assassin/murder trainer Talia.
Was in something called the League of Assassins but left to find his father, which given the name is the League of Assassins sounds like a smart life choice
Talia may have sent Damien to Bruce so she didn't have to deal with a teenager, but it also sounds like he left after an argument with his grandfather and League head-honcho Ra's so not sure whats going on there
Also Robin but I think at this point someone is taking the piss - possibly Batman
Feral Child(tm)
Likes swords
6. Cassandra (Cassie/Cass) Cain?
Maybe her surname is cain? Or maybe it's not?
I'm really confused because I'm pretty sure there is both a Cass and a Cassie in the Child-soldier Justice League and I think one of them is a bat-family member and one of them has something to do with Wonder Woman and they may or may not be the same person
Was an assassin involved in the same organisation as Jason and Damien
Is this where Bruce Wayne is finding his kids?
Was a Robin too (yay for feminism, boo for originality? Get some other names for your feral murder children Bruce)
Now called Spoiler and likes purple
May have at one point been batgirl?
7. Duke ???
Honestly I have no idea, I've just seen his name a couple of times
He was probably Robin at some point - they all appear to have been Robin at some point
I think he likes the colour yellow
8. Stephanie Brown
Another person that I have only vaguely seen the name of
She might have dated one of the batkids, Tim maybe?
May or may not be a batkid herself
May be batgirl, or maybe that was Cassandra, or maybe both. There have been so many robins nothing would surprise me
9. Barbara (Babs) Gordon
Daughter of a police commissioner
Her father may or may not be aware of her extracurriculars, but Commissioner Gordon has a massive flashlight for summoning batman when he needs help with a case so I don't think he has any room to talk
Goes by Oracle
Not a proper batkid but I doubt that stops her being on the family Christmas card
May have at one point been a Batgirl?
But at this point I'm just guessing everyone was batgirl
Maybe Duke was batgirl!
May use a wheelchair but I'm not certain
10. Alfred Pennyworth
Indeterminate age, may be immortal
Bruce's bulter
Raised Bruce Wayne, but still calls him 'Master Bruce'
Also refers to the batkids as 'master xx'
May or may not be sarcasm
English, ex-army and all-round exceedingly polite badass
Correction, he's English, I can say with confidence it is sarcasm
That is all the people I can think of, sorry if I missed anyone
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kitkats-and-kittens · 8 months
One of my favourite things to think about is the rest of the batfam all having their own ‘Brucie Wayne’ personas. So here’s me listing how I imagine the main family members would front to the public.
I think would be very similar to Bruce with the same air-headed personality. As far as the internets concerned he can’t spell orange and pretends not to know any of the 50 states let alone which one he lives in. He also uses the fact that he never officially finished college to his advantage. As a kid he was more eccentric and people just knew him as that little kid whose constantly high of sugar and lollipops. Not much changes when becomes an adult.
Of course like father like son and he is also extremely charismatic. His persona is a little more goofy than Bruce’s and he’s known as the Wayne’s resident gymnast, at least in the air. He’s made a habit of acting as though any and all fine motor skills come to an absolute stop the moment he isn’t doing some complex flip, or cartwheel. There are serval videos on YouTube of him tripping over air, spilling drinks over his shirt, and stumbling into several guests, only half of these were faked. He also has a reputation of being an absolutely insane drunk. He went viral on twitter for doing a triple backflip in the middle of a gala which resulted in a shattered punch bowl, several traumatised guests and a fake news report claiming he’d died which sent the city into a riot for the next 24 hours all because he was a little bit tipsy.
Jason was pretty young when he ‘died’. Before hand he was the happy go lucky kid. With stars in his eyes and more energy than a Chihuahua hiked up on red bull and pure, liquified blue raspberry. Of course you had the occasional leech who saw in some news report that he used to be a street kid which resulted in several rumours about his ‘horrid violent nature’ but all it took was actually meeting him for most to completely disregard this.
After his death he doesn’t hang around the rest of the family much. Especially not in public and out of masks. However there is the occasional day (once every millennia or so) where he’ll stroll up to whatever part or gala or social event the Wayne’s are hosting that day, with his foolproof, impenetrable disguise Tayson Jodd absolutely no relation to Brucies dead kid, nor the elusive red hood who has a hate account dedicated to his very existence.
His whole thing tends to be a regular upstanding member of society. He acts completely normal. This wasn’t always the case. He used to change it every time he went to the parties, either acting as some depressed, lonely rich guy or an alcoholic and on one particularly memorable occasion a closeted drag Queen. However one time he showed up without a persona pre made and ready to go and just decided to wing it.
However Tim Drakes insane paranoia meant he stayed up a good 3 weeks after that night just to make sure Jason wasn’t trying anything and when Red hood found out he found it absolutely hilarious and resolved to be as respectable as possible while also generating maximum suspicion for all other members of his family.
Stephanie Brown
Although not officially adopted by the Wayne’s most people have gotten used to seeing her just roll up with the Wayne’s and it didn’t take long for social media to realise that Brucie had emotionally adopted her, if not legally. At first Steph didn’t really understand the need for a persona. She was already fine with keeping her actual personality and not turning it off for the cameras.
It took seeing Jason, who was having an absolute blast with his public persona to open her mind to the range of possibilities and she spent a full 3 months crafting a personality from scratch (putting that psychology degree to good use).
She cycled through a couple. Rich party girl, serious career woman, ditzy idiot. But eventually she landed on scheming socialite. She saw some tabloids slandering her for being Tim’s ex and although the rest of the family was not happy she took it and ran with it. Landing herself in the circles of the most gossip loving, shit talking, hot woman she could find.
She makes sure she exudes villainy at all times and has been seen eyeing Timothy Drake from across the room, stroking a cat (though no one knew where she got it from) and sipping a martini. Although she doesn’t particularly like how cruel some of her companions are she finds no greater joy than passively aggressively remarking about how Donna is wearing the same heels she was 3 years ago and oh my is she running low on funds? She was born to instigate and takes every opportunity to do so.
Tim Drake
If Tim is known for anything then it’s his ability to appear as though everything has gone to his exact calculations on the outside while internally screaming and just completely winging whatever half brained plan comes to mind. But one forgets, he isn’t just a Wayne but a Drake. Son of Janet Drake at that.
As a kid he was very much a mamas boy and would replicate her cold calculating air to the best abilities of a 10 year old boy. As he grew up however he realised that he much preferred letting people underestimate him. So in the end he settled on the stoner.
It was pretty unexpected for most of his family. Bar Dick who embraced it with all the reverence of a chaotic older sibling. Of course Tim Drake being as meticulous as he is meant when he made this persona built it from the ground up. He gave himself a favourite drug, a fake dealer, and he methodically updates his account balance every week, taking out just enough that it looks like he’s been buying.
Not only does this have the added benefit of explaining the random times he’s passed out in the middle of a party or those random compilations of him on YouTube simply staring into the abyss for hours on end, but it also means he had to try way less than his siblings when it comes to presentation. If Dick or Bruce show up with even so much as a slightly ruffled collar the tabloids will go on for weeks about the mystery guy or girl they definitely slept with. But when Tim does it, they just laugh. He gets a pat on the head and a glass of water shoved into his hands and no one thinks anything more.
And if he can also use it as an excuse for a few extra minuets of sleep then whose going to stop him?
Cassandra Cain
Cass didn’t need to do much of anything. When she first arrived in Gotham she was small, quite and not very well versed in social customs so it was practically written in the stars that she’d become an instant fan favourite. However unlike most of her siblings most of her fans aren’t focused on her what she’s been doing, or with who, but rather on trying to spot her.
She’s some aloof, mysterious figure to them and she’s also become a bit of a where’s Waldo meme. News reporters will post overview shots of the huge hall the guest are occupying, the grounds of the manor, the well kept lawns, the roofs, and the internet will go crazy trying to find her. At first it was difficult but only because she kept to herself, you’d find her in a corner of the room, or hiding behind one of the taller guests but ever since she realised what was going on she’s been making a conscious effort to make it as difficult as possible.
Some of her hiding spots include: under the table, the roof, inside the fountain, disguised as Dick Grayson, a statue, on the chandelier, and somehow as one of the reporters, camera and all. It’s become a bit of a game to see who can find her first and she remains Gothams favourite Wayne.
Duke Thomas
Duke isn’t really sure what to make of this whole public persona thing. He finds hiding such a big part of himself a little strange, and doesn’t much enjoy the idea of putting on a mask for others. So he does what he does best and puts the rest of the Wayne’s to shame with his sound logic.
He’s just himself. And somehow manages to cause the biggest impact. The people aren’t used to rich people not being overly eccentric. This is Gotham after all! And Duke Thomas’ actual personality is not exactly something they were expecting.
This is the same man who raised an army of teenage armies in the absence of his hero. To call him impulsive would be an understatement. Also he very much enjoys ‘eating the rich’ so to speak. He used his powers to convince one particularly nasty man that he needed full psychiatric care by randomly disappearing whenever he was in their line of sight.
He hangs out with Dick a lot, but only so when the worst of the Gotham socialites approach he can make them feel as uncomfortable as possible by questioning their thoughts and feelings on the working class, living conditions and all the other stuff they usually couldn’t care less about which leaves them scrambling for an answer that won’t completely ruin their reputations. Although he’s been branded ‘the responsible one’ that’s only because he presents himself as such to reporters. Most of the people attending the galas live in fear of him ever approaching them.
Damian Wyane
Being the youngest meant that people already had expectations by the time Damian showed up. Although most had no idea where the kid came from that didn’t stop them from making assumptions, and the rumours circulating from before he was officially introduced range from a mini Bruce Wayne to raging alcoholic. And yes, these were published when reporters knew damn well he was 10 years old maximum.
When the public do finally see him for the first time it doesn’t take them long to craft a persona for him. Damian of course sees this whole thing as beneath him, he doesn’t understand why he would need to hide himself, he didn’t train with the league for years to just not show of his skills. Dick tries to get him to think of it like training, as though he were on an undercover mission. This works a little too well and now he takes it so incredibly seriously it’s hard for the others not to laugh.
He arrived, squeezed in between Brucie Wayne who was blowing kisses to the camera, Dick Grayson doing a handstand, Tim Drake who looked absolutely blitzed and Stephanie Brown who was manically rubbing her hands together. Cass nowhere to be found and Duke giving his classic sunny smile to the camera.
So of course people realise this kid must be the adult. There’s jokes about how Damian must be the one doing the Wayne’s taxes, about how he probably drives Bruce to work, and other such things. Which is only further cemented by the kid himself. But he also doesn’t talk much (Dick said if he had nothing nice to say he shouldn’t say anything), and a few (illegally taken) photos show him drawing, as well as his small army of pets and so people are torn between this kid who is clearly far too mature for his age and this cute baby of a child who likes fluffy animals and crayons.
Damian is disgusted by both sides, but there isn’t much he can do about it and resolves instead to fuck with everyone by leaning into it and alternating on a seemingly random basis between clueless child and grown adult in a 10 year olds body. It mostly ends up terrifying the rest of his family because occasionally Damian (who several of them watched kill a man) will come up smiling and demand to be placed on their shoulders, and other times the same kid (who found a cow a decided immediately he was a vegetarian) will be found sipping straight vodka and going on about the good old days with people 8x his age as though he were some drunken world war 2 veteran.
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nepobabyeurydice · 21 days
New au idea: annabeth gets fatally injured in New Jersey and the closest safety is the Wayne manor. She’s with Thalia for the quest and the extent of Thalias knowledge of Annabeth’s dad’s side is what she accidentally let slip (much of which wouldn’t make sense without the context Thalia also has of being neglected by a parent) and what she babbles out through nightmares when they were on the street. Could either go the route of her still begging for Bruce even after anything, or being scarily quiet and only mumbling apologies. No matter what she knows, Thalia has her own idea constructed of him based off of Beryl and absolutely despises him. Annabeth has given Thalia his address at some point in time in case of something like this happens, but neither of them thought it was an actual possibility of them going back.
Either the Waynes have to desperately try to hide the bat thing while also giving Annabeth medical care, or have to immediately reveal themselves to Thalia. There’s lots of tension as Bruce is trying to reconcile as best he can while having flashbacks to the last woman who kept him from his son with an incredibly similar name, Thalia doesn’t believe in forgiving parents because of her own undealt with trauma and is also getting flashbacks to the last time she left a kid with a clearly incompetent parent for even a moment. Annabeth can be anywhere from wanting to leave as soon possible and only keeping Thalia from going homicidal because of her siblings, to wanting to also make amends.
Both of them are intensely protective of Damian because they see themselves in him, and a surprise adoption plot may or may not be on the rise. Tim is either mostly ignored or seen as evidence bruce is still a piece of garbage. Thalia and Jason either bond over the whole being dead thing, or she calls him out for taking it on a 13 year old kid (the same age Annabeth was when they finally reunited). Depending on Dick’s role in Annabeth’s running away, Thalia is either sympathetic because of being an older sibling, or thinks he’s just as guilty as the weird butler they have.
Obviously, Jason inspires some angst about identity and the fact he has the same as her brother. Bonus points if this is pre-hoo so Thalia is dealing with her own emotional train wreck without talking to anyone. Basically, everyone is trying to accomplish different things and coping badly with their own trauma. Bonus bonus points if Beryl and Bruce had dated when Thalia was super young or Jason was an infant, so she holds that against him for not saving her/them and he also feels super guilty that two kids he failed had to keep each other alive.
Annabeth calling Bruce while bleeding out in Thalia’s arm: come pick me up? I’m sorry to bother.
Bruce and Dick: WHAT THE FUCK??
Thalia: I see they don’t want you back.
Alfred picks them up and Thalia hates him immediately because I think they should be rivals, punk v british old man. Also, Alfred did not like grunge and really liked Britpop and Thalia fucking hates it.
Thalia already knows about them being vigilantes she just thinks they all suck at it and need to do systemic change with the amount of wealth they have. Yes, Thalia has read theory. I’d think this best takes place between SOM and TTC so we’re in like October-November, wait no October, I want a Halloween showdown.
I don’t think I like the Talia-Thalia thing because I’ll be honest, I don’t say them the same way, so instead, more about being kept from his child who he thought dead.
Thalia: You never learn do you?
Bruce: She wasn’t yours to keep.
Thalia: Technically I’m her aunt and pseudo-sister so fuck off bitchass.
Annabeth is mostly bedridden and ideally this means that Damian is also injured and thus they are bed rest buddies. Thalia is basically guarding their door and Damian feels oddly safe with her snapping off sparks and lightning every time Jason or Tim approach the door.
Dick is allowed in, in this AU I think that he knew Annabeth was abstractly alive since he thinks he would’ve felt it although he’s kept it to himself. Annabeth is touched. Also, I can’t be mad at Dick for too long given he was in SPACE for the whole thing.
Jason approaching the door to yell at Annabeth: You better let me in.
Thalia, summoning lightning: you better kill the joker first.
*zaps Jason when he pulls out the ‘I died’ card and kicks him several times before asking Annabeth if she wants to see him.*
He’s not allowed to complain when he’s got what she wanted for her own brother Jason.
IN LOVE with the concept that Bruce and Beryl dated which is now making my head spin with TRISTAN and Bruce dating for PR. Annabeth and Piper would die inside.
Basically, the moral of the story is that Thalia is the superior sibling/pseudo-parent and that everyone else are just clowns, also they steal Damian but give him back because Jon Kent started crying.
Makes TTC so much worse don’t you think?
Thank you for the ask!!!! Sorry for the lateness!
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Inspired by "Jason adopts Tim" fics on AO3, prompts by puppetmaster13u & others on here and that one AO3 fic where because Bruce told Jason pre-death he can take whatever is his and Robin is his it's fair game to nab Tim and the AO3 News Article fic where Red Hood decides the best revenge is tricking the world into thinking he's the Third Robin's dad, some of your posts—
—and my love for inhuman folks
Jason resurrects and he isn't human anymore. Dealer's pick on what he is precisely but he has become much more wary of just how fragile the lives of humans are
How fragile his own life may still be
+ he's got trauma piled on top of his fresh instincts and confusion on what happened after his death
Thus when carving his place as Red Hood, he is more vigilant in making Crime Alley a place where people don't just survive, but live and maybe even thrive.
Putting down threats like predators for good in death. But doing so too much will get Batman breathing down his neck
So he takes some inspiration from Batman after his death and before Tim to inflict some fates worse than death, and rubs it in the Bat's face whenever they face of against each other. "It's not killing B"
He tries—and due to trauma—fails to bring himself to kill Joker. Which crushes him with every crime the Joker (that he in a fucked up sense allowed) commits onwards
Onto the next best thing, acquiring wealth and asking for public donations all over Gotham to build up a sufficient bounty on Joker's head to draw in the most competent killers of them all
Whoever can kill and bring the Joker's remains as evidence gets the money, and the bounty price builds up over time
He'll even add more to the bounty time to time
Jason overworks himself on his Crime Alley to the point his own men compare him to a more benevolent Batman, one who doesn't need an emotional support child
"Could you elaborate on that? I had to spend time out of Gotham for a time and don't know what happened during that span of time"
Batman gave Robin to another
But he didn't revoke Jason's ownership, did he?
Humans are oh so fragile
He knows from experience
In classic not-human logic, that makes the new Baby Bird his now, no? Especially with Batman so incompetent as to depend on him
Titans Tower is not found with Tim bloody and broken
Titans Tower is found without Timothy Drake, and countless leads implicating several yet all seemingly frame job dead-ends
Penguins and Red Hood and Luthor. Joker and Two-Face and beyond
Red Hood is found in a meeting room by his men with a Third Robin—the Robin the city owes guilt and more to—in the Crimelords arms
"B always said that I could take what's mine whenever I want, and he never said it never extended to his . . . My kid. He's mine now . . . "
Words spreads in Gotham City. It spreads indeed
It's fitting, it's fitting. Inheritor of another's name, this Robin, this Red Hood is
Joker Junior and every other tragedy only solidifies Jason's resolve to keep and care for the kid
It's funny. Jason has barely felt human since he woke up from death, since he started overworking himself for his people
Now, with a baby brother in his life? With somebody to care for under his roof? Those domestic times he swore were killed alongside the Second Robin?
This is bliss
Jason feels a weight off his chest when his Merry Men sends a message that the Joker is dead, and the bounty has been sent to the killer
When Jason discovers the Fourth Robin, too dead and revived? when he finds her alive at all? Girl is getting snatched and doted on, especially if he finds her after she's had her baby
And I wouldn't be surprised if he tracked down her kid so she could have raise her baby herself and provided all the resources and support nessecery for it
[Daughter and grandchild acquired!]
When Damian comes and the Robin mantle is passed down onto him— yoinked by Jason again!
Damian is fuming because he wasn't told that this was part of being Robin!
"If you're right that Batman is trapped in the timestream, that everyone is wrong about him being dead, before presenting this to the Justice League I think this should be a family discussion.
"Because I know otherwise I'd do everything in my power to let him die for real. Ensure nobody is the wiser that Bat could've been saved.
"And at least one of the Bats will disagree with me. And this is a scenario where everybody needs to have their input accounted for."
Oooh! All of this is fantastic, but I especially love the end.
The end combines a healthier approach to the BruceQuest with a trope I love: leaving Bruce in the timestream because fuck that guy. Regardless of what they decide, I'm glad Jason at least indicated it was an option.
I wonder where Dick and Cass are in all of this. I'm also curious about how Jason would react to the We Are Robins movement. Does he adopt every Robin or just those acknowledged by Batman?
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kittykatninja321 · 5 months
(Ok, I’m gonna basically repeat something I’ve already said in my mutual’s replies because the urge to yap about this has been keeping me up at night). Anyways, to me the drama of Dick and Jason’s pre-DITF relationship comes not from not from conflict between them (I don’t think Dick was mean to Jason for more than a day), but rather from the fact that the relationship never reached its full potential. I kinda see their relationship as somewhat paradoxical, while they do have a special connection on account of being in each other’s 1st brother, they’re not as close as they could’ve been, certainly not as close as Dick and Tim.
I just don’t think there’s any way they could’ve been super close. Dick is a young adult in a far away city dealing with his own life, realistically it’s not really his fault if he doesn’t have the time to hang with kid adopted brother every weekend. It’s not that I think that they never hung out, (there’s been retroactive additions to interactions between Dick and Robin Jason, which have been pretty cute for the most part), I just can’t see them being super best brothers. Maybe they could’ve gotten there if they had more time, maybe they were in the process of getting there, but Jason dies before they get the chance, the tragedy of their relationship comes from what could’ve been.
Another thing that leads me to this interpretation is the way Dick talks to Bruce about Jason’s death in Titans #55
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Despite his intense reaction to the news earlier, when he talks to Bruce it sorta feels like he’s talking to Bruce about a relative that Bruce lost, but there’s a degree of separation between himself and Jason. Now this could totally just be me and no else see’s it that way, but that’s the vibe I got
But the main reason that I don’t think that Dick and Jason could have been particularly close follows the reasoning of “if Jason felt like he had someone like Dick Grayson looking out for him, he would’ve acted differently”. If there’s anything I think is a worthwhile take away from the infamous “Jason attacking Tim in Titans tower” issue is the part where Jason says something along the lines of “maybe if I had had the sort of friends Tim has, things would’ve gone differently for me”. Like YEAH Jason’s behavior pre-death does not align with the behavior of someone who has a robust social network/feels supported. He rushes to look for his mother after feeling rejected by Bruce because he’s desperate for family, and that sort of desperation doesn’t come out of nowhere. If Jason had felt like he had other lifelines I think he would’ve acted differently. So no I don’t think he could’ve had a super close knit relationship with Dick
To me the ultimate theme of Dick and Jason’s relationship pre death is “ mourning what could’ve been” which makes a great backdrop for all of the post resurrection drama. Like I genuinely lowkey think of brothers in blood as Jason’s honest attempt at brotherly bonding, he was leaving dead prey on Dick’s doorstep like a cat with a high prey drive. Murder just isn’t a love language for Dick the way it is for Jason 😔
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de-vespertiliones · 1 year
Hot take, but I don't think Jason is as unreasonable about his not being avenged in Lost Days/UtRH as we often think. Which: I definitely think his feelings in UtRH do come from a place of anger and hurt that isn’t very rational. That said, viewed narrowly, I think a couple moments from Jason's '80s Robin run make Jason's post-resurrection conclusions about how Bruce should have acted upon his dying make a kind of sense. (Full disclosure: I did not touch pre-Crisis content).
I know this panel from Detective Comics #570 makes the rounds fairly often:
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But the context is sort of interesting: the person Bruce "lost" is Catwoman and she's very much alive. The Joker just brainwashed her back to being "bad" after she had been on the straight & narrow. (Notably, brainwashed "bad" Catwoman still balks at murder and protects Bruce's secret identity under duress, so "bad" seems pretty relative here).
So Jason's holding Bruce back from murder not because The Joker killed someone he cared about, but because Selina's returned to her old ways. This is flat-out murderous revenge and no one even died.
I think, in conversation with the below panel from Batman #425, there's something to talk about:
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(For context, this is the father of the rapist who Jason may or may not have killed in Batman #424, who somehow magically intuits Jason is responsible for his son's death and is seeking his own vengeance.)
I don't think this necessarily reads as Bruce exonerating José Garzonas, but that he identifies the events of the comic as coming from "a father's righteous anger" implies that Bruce believes there is some degree of right behavior on Garzonas' part. Fathers, after all, avenge their sons.
Additionally, while I think from the perspective of the living that Tim being Robin wasn't intended as a slight against Jason (at least, outside of metatextual analysis), I think it's important to note that in terms of Jason's post-crisis origin, he's Robin to Batman long before he's anything to Bruce Wayne. Cf. Batman #409:
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This is two or three days after the tires incident. Adoption is not, at any point, discussed. Jason is Robin first. (Indeed, post-Crisis we don't even see Jason finding out about Bruce being Batman).
Thus: Jason's had to hold Bruce back from murder after losing someone important to him (who isn't even dead), Bruce has described José Garzonas as possessing "righteous anger," and Robin is probably inextricably tied up with his place as Bruce's son/ward.* After being resurrected, Jason wakes up and the Joker isn't dead and there's someone taking up his role, the very first thing he was to Bruce. Looking at events from Jason's (limited) perspective, I guess I kind of don't blame him for thinking Bruce would've killed the Joker, and thinking also that things, as they stand, imply a lack of care on Bruce's part.
I think there's a clear throughline of Jason's expectations from what we see in his original '80s run to Lost Days/UtRH. I also will reiterate that I'm approaching this not from what Bruce ought to have done, but rather what I think Jason might’ve expected.
* I do have one point of confusion, which is (as far as I could tell) in Jason's post-crisis iteration, there's no reference to Jason being adopted as Bruce's son (as opposed to ward) except in NTT #55, after he's dead. Bruce accuses Dick of disliking Jason because he was adopted when Dick was not, and Dick returns that he wasn't upset about the adoption, just confused. Did I miss something? Are we supposed to assume the pre-crisis adoption holds? Are the writers just doing the standard inconsistent thing?
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ectonurites · 7 months
Do the Robins really think of each other as siblings? I know they all consider Dick a brother and vice versa, but between all them, is there really a sibling dynamic/consideration? Do they ever call each other as such?
Okay, so, off the bat (heh) from the phrasing of this ask I want to clarify something:
Namely that the hero role of ‘Robin’ does not inherently have a familial tie.
‘Robin’ is a hero role that has (in main continuity) been filled by: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, and in a slightly less formal way Duke Thomas (he was a member of the We Are Robin movement and the most prominently featured of that group, though he did not really act as ‘Batman’s sidekick Robin’ which is why he’s kinda in his own category here but still worth mentioning).
However, that’s not to say there are no familial ties there. From the list of Robins… Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake are the adopted sons of Bruce Wayne. Damian Wayne is Bruce’s biological son. Duke Thomas was for a time fostered by Bruce, though that is not presently the case (he lives with his uncle instead nowadays). And, while not a Robin, it’s also worth mentioning that Cassandra Cain (Batgirl) is Bruce’s adopted daughter.
So, to answer the baseline question of ‘Do the Robins really think of each other as siblings?’ I would say 'most of them do, the ones that are adopted siblings'. But like, Steph isn't their sister, and they aren't her brothers. That’s simply not the case there, she's never been adopted by Bruce (not to mention one of them—Tim—is literally her ex-boyfriend).
I think it’s very safe to say that among the ‘Dick, Tim, Jason, Damian’ grouping, yes canon has pretty clearly shown that they do all have a brotherly dynamic. They don't all use the specific phrasing that frequently, but it's not uncommon for them to—whether to directly call one another brothers, or to talk about their shared (adopted or otherwise) dad. This isn't to say they are all close or all have good relationships with one another all the time (lol no, Dick & Tim are close/generally have a good relationship, and Dick & Damian are also close/generally have a good relationship, but aside from that things get rockier/vary a lot more) but at the core there's a brotherly thing with all the ups and downs that entails.
To pull some examples of either using that phrasing or showing that kind of dynamic from books published within the last few years:
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(Dick & Jason in Nightwing (2016) Annual #1)
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(Dick talking about Tim in Nightwing (2016) #80)
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(Dick talking about Damian in Nightwing (2016) #110)
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(Jason & Tim [& Cass] in Task Force Z #8)
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(Jason & Damian Robin (2021) #5. I do feel the need to mention that on Damian's end this hug was also a distraction to then electrocute Jason. That's just how he is sometimes. but the hug was genuine on Jason's end 🤷)
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(Tim & Damian [& Dick] in Batman #138)
That’s just some stuff I could think of off the top of my head, there’s definitely more examples (and also if I went further back, but I'm approaching this anon from a 'the current state of things' POV).
Also worth noting that Dick & Damian’s relationship does kinda toe a line between ‘brothers’ and ‘pseudo father-son’ due to Dick needing to fulfill a parental role while Bruce was dead (pre-N52, like, Batman and Robin (2009) era). They’re still more brothers than anything else, but with such a large age gap and the way responsibilities had to be taken due to the situation at the time, it makes things complex, ya know! In general, I think that’s something to keep in mind—it’s not that these guys all lived together as one happy family with Bruce at any given point in time (they did Not), but despite that they still are family. They each have a complicated relationship with Bruce, and complicated relationships with one another, but they are (and see each other as) family regardless. A messy and non-traditional family, but still a family.
The thing I think some people get confused with is the way that the greater 'Batfamily' is more what we think of as a 'found family' where characters don't necessarily fall into traditional familial roles... because that includes people like Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, etc—people who are bats but are not part of the Wayne family. Like... The Wayne Family and The Batfamily are not synonymous. The Wayne Family is a separate but partially overlapping thing. The Waynes are Bats but not all Bats are Waynes, ya know? And like, it's only further confusing because of how most of Bruce's adopted kids kept their original last names even after adoption, so it's not always clear at a glance who falls into which group if you're not super familiar with the characters.
NOW, the person I think this gets a bit fuzzy with in terms of placement is Duke… he's obviously part of the Batfamily, but where exactly he sits in relation to the Wayne Family has like, been different at different points in time. Because he was Bruce's foster child for a while, and now he isn’t anymore. So in terms of his relationship with the other Robins, it definitely is more familial than like, Steph's relationships with any of the others—because he was their foster brother—but it's not quite as strictly defined as among the 'Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian' grouping. I’m gonna link this post by a Duke-centric blog which goes into some of this more clearly!
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kindlingkeen · 6 months
hello ~ about your series asymmetrical warfare will there be a bruce-jason reunion? what was their dynamic before jason died? does bruce treat jason as his greatest failure the way he did in comics? (ignore if spoilers ofc) thanks!
Hi anon, thanks for your ask! Great questions (really respect that you went for the meaty one right out of the gate there /pos). Let me start out by not answering your questions at all, and I’ll work my way up to some answers.
I’ve mentioned in other posts that I don’t have a concrete outline in place when I write. There are things that I know will happen in Asymmetrical Warfare, and things that I know absolutely will not. In between all of that, there’s wiggle room, a lot of wiggle room. Something that I love about writing fanfiction is that, to me, it’s this neat form of collaborative story telling. At it’s core, AW is my version of the batfam and the story I want to tell about them, but it’s very much influenced by readers and the fandom at large (mostly via its tumblr presence). Comments on ao3, asks on tumblr, random internet convos, the comics I read, all of it influences how I think about AW. (For example, Harm Reduction basically exists solely in response to ao3 comments.) It brings a complexity and richness to AW that wouldn’t be there if I was alone in a vacuum writing the ‘verse from start to finish.
So, how does that relate to your questions…
will there be a bruce-jason reunion?
I honestly don’t know. Most of AW has the ‘identity porn’ tag attached to it. The ‘identity reveal’ tag doesn’t start coming in to play until the end of what I have sketched out so far. When I think about what comes after that, it’s all fade to black. I can make an educated guess based on core character traits, what’s happened so far, and the fixed events/timepoints I know are coming. But, it’s still open to infinite possibilities. At least until the timeline advances further and more details get locked down. The Storm, the arc that comes after Territorial Disputes (the companion piece to Guerrilla Tactics), is a pretty big inflection point. It’s also, you know, not written yet. 😉
what was their dynamic before jason died?
The granular details here are still evolving in my mind, but it’s built on a backbone of a mixed pre- and post- crisis Bruce and Jason. Jason was adopted at 12. They had a father/son dynamic. Bruce was genuinely trying to be a good dad, and he succeeded a lot of the time. Things got rough later on in Jason’s teenage years.
does bruce treat jason as his greatest failure the way he did in comics?
I’m not sure if you’re referring to how Bruce treated Jason’s memory during the period while Jason was presumed dead in the comics, or how Jason is actually treated post his reappearance in the comics, but here’s what I’ll say with respect to the former and AW. The AW Batcave has a Robin memorial with a ‘good solider’ plaque on it. AW Tim is well versed in the dangers of being reckless via the object lesson that is Jason Todd. Sometimes, late at night, usually after a bottle of whiskey or a dose of the good painkillers, AW Bruce thinks about how his greatest failure in life is actually how he’s chosen to cope with the death of his son.
Thanks again for the ask, anon! Hopefully this was as interesting to read as it was for me to write! My ask box is always open 🩵
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mzminola · 2 years
DC Bat comics have a lot of classism issues (among other problems) but thanks to the weird-ass way that wealth scales, any analysis that assumes Tim’s original family is closer to the Waynes than they are to the Browns is going to be full of holes. Or if you assume Stephanie’s family is closer to the Todds than to the Drakes.
Like, the Drakes when Jack still has the company are definitely in a different tax bracket than Crystal Brown the nurse & Arthur Brown the ex gameshow host turned costumed villain, but the Drakes & Browns are still closer to each other than they are to the old money Bruce Wayne whose company bankrolls the Justice League.
Plus the time when DI went under and the Drakes were relying on Dana’s income from working as a physical therapist moved them to probably about the same bracket until Jack picked up a job too.
Acting like Stephanie Brown, who grows up in the suburbs in a house her mom owns outright, can easily put herself up in a hotel room for a week or two when fighting with her mom, only needs a job in college to avoid student loans instead of to supplement them... is close to pre-adoption Jason?
Even pre-his-parents-dying Jason?
Tim & Steph have enough of a gap to have different experiences and sometimes talk past each other, but they’re still both much closer to each other than either of them is to the Waynes or the Todds.
Tim & Steph are both economically well off kids with abusive dads who decide to sneak out and fight crime. Stephanie’s mom is uninvolved in her life because of a prescription pill addiction (though she works past that to become more involved), while Tim’s mom is straight up dead, and the stepmom he gets later is nice but takes a hands-off approach to parenting (and then dies too).
This makes sense with Stephanie’s role in earlier comics being a foil to Tim (though she grows into a more independent character over time). They need enough similarities in circumstance that their different philosophies and crime fighting styles come down to personal choice, and they can argue with each other without mutually devolving into “You just don’t understand!”
TL;DR: economics and social class are fucking weird, Tim & Steph are foils, exaggerating the differences in their backgrounds messes up your analysis.
Bonus: You don’t need to make Steph even more of an underdog to appreciate her character.
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breadandblankets · 2 months
I’m so excited for means motive and opportunity!!!! Please tell us what the brain worms are whispering to you 🥺
heheheheh ill give you two lil tid bits, one from the next chapter and one for the future:
jason was dead for most of the events that had tim and cass introduced to the family, he has no idea where they are or what theyre doing, he thinks? cass is maybe homeless rn?? the thing is he Also never talked to them in the past, so they never opened up about pre batfam stuff so literally Jason will be going off conversations with duke+damian+steph+maybe rose. (hint, im going to have jason stumble ass first into finding cass in the wild)
(does this imply no mans land will be happening with jason this time? yes. will i write that? no, unless some bug hits im tired and i don't wanna)
jason and talia are going to be in contact, no one else in the family (outside of damian) will know about this, talia will be under the impression that jason is a civilian (not wrong, but not entirely right), this will have hilarious implications for the combined we are robin/red robin arc (im combining them cause it makes sense to me, also to minimize the number of bruce disappearances lmao)
talia: please come get your brother
jason: he's adopted
talia: don't care didn't ask he's a problem
jason: yes, your problem now, no returns or exchanges
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batfsm · 1 year
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Jason's "brother" first appears in the digital-first chapter Truth & Justice #10 by Jeff Trammell, Rob Guillory, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Becca Carey. This story focuses on Red Hood's time as a homeless kid. But he isn't alone in this version of his past; one of the people who helps young Jason is Max Dawkins, an older kid who once took care of Jason like a brother. Together, the two survive their childhood. After Jason Todd is taken in by Batman, Jason leaves some money for Max to help him get off the streets. Max turns his life around, even graduating from college — but is unfortunately murdered by Scarecrow. Killing Max off was a huge mis-step on DC's part, and bringing him back could give Jason Todd's character new depth.
So is Max before Nu52 or in New52? Because I never heard of him so I think he is New52.
Almost every member of the Bat-Family still has a powerful connection to their past life. Dick has had old family members reappear, like his uncle and sister — plus he owns the circus he grew up in. Barbara Gordon still has her father, and Cass Cain, for better or worse, still has her mother and father. Damian Wayne has his father, mother, and grandfather. But Jason Todd has no connection to his past life at all. Both of Jason's mothers are dead, and Joker recently killed Jason's father, meaning Jason has no connection left to his pre-Batman childhood. Bringing Max back into continuity would give Jason at least one supporting cast member who knew him before his death as Robin and his revival as Red Hood, which is something Jason desperately needs.
Jason has Crime Alley! He grew up on the streets, he knows the people probably the best than anyone in the family. He has someone on his side, the people of Gotham themselves!
This has to be New52 because I swear Willis was dead around the time Catherine died. Or still in prison. Wait, Catherine dies by the Joker? At least here. I thought it was the drugs who did it.
(This was where I saw it said Joker killed Catherine and Willis.)
Every other Bat-Family member, including Batman, has both a connection to their past and a civilian life with supporting characters. Jason has neither; rarely is he shown in his civilian life, and he has no supporting cast that isn't a fellow superhero. There is no doubt that, out of all the Bat-Family members, Jason is the one who has struggled the most to find his footing outside the team. Every Batgirl and Robin has their own supporting cast, and Red Hood deserves the same. Bringing Max back could be the first step to fixing that.
Who did Tim have before dating Bernard? Unless I’m mistaken, which I might be, didn’t he push Ives, Bernard, Darla(?), and his other school friends away to focus on Robin? Not to mention it seems as if he had no one to hang out with when Jack made him give Robin up...
Oh, I thought it was Dick’s grandfather who reappeared? Or do they not count William as a family member? Plus, isn’t Dick’s sister his parents killers adopted daughter?
Wait, who do they consider Bruce having as his supporting cast? His kids who technically are also his partners? His best friends who are superheroes? Something that ScreenRant seems to hate for Jason? Damian literally has no friends, that they show, besides Jon who is now Tim’s age, since they got rid of Colin and his other friends, including Jon, are superheroes or villains also.
Tim has Bernard and maybe Ives. Duke has his mom, same with Steph, and that’s about it I believe.
I’m surprised they counted Cass’s parents, Ra’s, and Talia in with Damian’s support. Especially since they didn’t put that Ra’s and Talia are as bad as Cass’ s parents…now.
Actually, if you get down to it, the whole family has each other to rely on also. So Jason isn’t alone.
Every other Bat-Family member, including Batman, has both a connection to their past and a civilian life with supporting characters.
Every Batgirl and Robin has their own supporting cast, and Red Hood deserves the same.
ScreenRant really reiterated themselves here.
DC really changed everyones backstory and made them worse didn’t they?
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✨✨DAY TWO!✨✨  
Check out the amazing works and de sure to leave kudos and comments for our lovely, awesome participants! 🎁🎉
1. Double the Bunnying for daemoninwhite [Fic - Gift, Explicit, Creator Chose Not To Warn]
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Tags:  Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Oral Knotting, Knotting, Deception, Under-negotiated Kink, Kemonomimi, Dirty Talk, Humiliation, Male Lactation, Lactation Kink, Tim Drake Has a Large Penis, Intersex Omegas, Vaginal Sex, Dry Humping, Nesting, Face-Fucking, Established TimKon, Threesome - M/M/M, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Rabbit Jason Todd, Rabbit Conner Kent, Red Panda Tim Drake, Slut Shaming, Omega Jason Todd, Omega Kon-El | Conner Kent, Animal Traits, Bunny Kink
Summary: What Conner displays are classic traits of an omega bunny during his never-ending, lifelong heat. The misty-eyed look of bliss, the constant humping with his little tail straightened behind him, leaving faint shadows of itself as his hips jerk rapidly against Tim’s thigh, long, gray-furred, lopped ears flip-flopping over his punk haircut. It looks like Tim’s finally found another omega to share his heat.
2. Carnivorous Flower for cadkitten [Art - Gift, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: Jason Todd/Damian Wayne
Tags:  Adult Damian Wayne, Smoking, Thigh Holsters, Safe Sane and Consensual
Summary:   Damian, and the love of his life.
3. Stifled for Llisona [Fic - Gift, Teen, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death]
Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Tags:  Angst, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Chronic Pain, Illnesses, Dead Joker (DCU), Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd Has a Bad Time, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Chronic Illness, Medical Inaccuracies, Medical Procedures, Emergency Tracheostomies, Choking, Hopeful Ending
Summary:   Jason Todd finally kills the Joker, but he made a miscalculation.
4. what baking can do for wewritefic [Fic - Gift, Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: Jason Todd & Family, Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Tags:  Cooking, Food as a Metaphor for Love, 5+1 Things, Fluff, (mostly), Jason's canonical traumas, Family
Summary: Five times Jason connects to somebody by preparing food, and one time he doesn't.
5. Jason's resurrection goes a little differently he is loved and missed for dragonpyre [Fic - Gift, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Summary: Jason had a rebellious streak in him but Jason took to the training like a fish to water. Jason and I were going to be a great team. That was all that mattered. Crime in Gotham beware. But Jason, the new robin came with an overloaded emotional luggage. My worst fear was that Jason would want more than justice for his father's death, when we discovered that Two-Face had done him in. I was afraid that Jason was going to be out for blood, like Dick had been all those many years ago. Like I had been after losing my parents. Then the moment of truth came, and my Jason walked away. That day I’d been so shocked and proud of Jason. Jason was better than me or Dick. At last, everything would be okay, or so I thought.
6. Free Tire Removal Service for G_of_Thorn [Fic - Gift, General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: Jason Todd & Tim Drake & Cassandra Cain & Stephanie Brown & Dick Grayson
Tags:  Jason Todd is Not Adopted, Jason Todd is a Menace, Jason Todd is Not a Batfamily Member, BAMF Jason Todd, Possibly Pre-Slash
Summary: Jason Todd was never adopted by Bruce Wayne, even if he did make a name for himself at fifteen by stealing the tires off the Batmobile and getting away with it.Some years later, Jason Todd has risen up the ranks in Gotham City as the crime boss Red Hood and controls the Bowery. Not even Batman himself will pick a fight with him, despite Jason stealing his tires three more times since he took over the Bowery.But the Bat kids are a different story. They don't understand boundaries.
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1st Nightwing Appearance: Nightwing (1996) #118 Other mantles: Robin, Wingman, Outlaw, Red Robin, Batman Secret identity: Jason Todd is the biological son of Willis and Catherine Todd and the adopted son of Bruce Wayne. He's officially dead, but has, occasionally, run his own gangs.
A year after Blüdhaven was destroyed by Chemo both Dick and Jason find themselves in New York. Dick hasn’t been Nightwing for just as long and hears about Jason’s presence as New York's murderous Nightwing through the news.
Jason dresses up as Nightwing to get Dick’s attention. He knows Dick was present when Blockbuster died and wants him to see the merit in killing criminals, hoping that once their views align, they’ll be able to team up. 
The first thing Jason does in New York is kill child kidnappers in front of witnesses. Because Nightwing wasn’t seen for so long after a traumatic event, many citizens believe the new murderous Nightwing is the old one.
Jason doesn’t let himself be stopped by Dick, but they eventually teamup to defeat the Pierce brothers, two criminal twins who were trying to make a name in New York. A third Nightwing, Cheyenne Freemont, helps them.
Appears as Nightwing in: Nightwing: Brothers in Blood (2006)
Jason was likely introduced as Nightwing in this story to draw a parallel to the enemy twins, the Pierce brothers.
“Brothers in Blood” is the story in which he gets temporarily transformed into a tentacle monster.
Jason was the first kid to be adopted by Bruce and the first kid Dick wanted to adopt. Bruce decided the responsibility should lie with him (Detective Comics (1937) #526). 
Jason and Dick had a good relationship before Jason’s death even if some canon gives it a rocky start.
Depending on canon, Jason has red or black hair.
At one point in time Jason thought Lady Shiva might be his mother.
Talia and Jason acquired Kord Industries with the resources of the League of Assassins to push Bruce out of the Board of Directors. Because Kord Industries was Wayne E's Research and Development branch, Jason gained access to both Blue Beetle and Batman technology.
Jason temporarily takes in a sidekick, a girl named Sasha who goes by Scarlet, who was traumatised by Professor Pyg. His second temporary sidekick would become Duela Dent. He later taught several metahumans he was introduced to by Lex Luthor, including a telepathic infant named Babe in Arms.
Jason has used the possible death of both Tim and Dick to rile Bruce up. When Jason held a knife to Tim's throat and when Jason fought Bruce while Blüdhaven got destroyed.
Natalia Knight aka Nocturna temporarily adopted Jason alongside Bruce Wayne.
Jason smokes on occasion since he was Robin.
Pre Crisis, Jason’s parents were named Joseph and Trina, however, after Crisis they were renamed Willis and Catherine.
After Jason stopped using Wingman, his father Willis took it up.
Writer Jim Starlin originally wanted to give Jason HIV, but the idea was rejected by editorial.
Though Jason is most known for his use of firearms, he has also used swords and a crowbar as weapons. During Brothers in Blood he uses knives. He also once killed a man with a taser.
As Robin, Jason had several nicknames from different characters including Jaylad, Toddster, and Little Wing.
Jason once found a dog, whom he named Dog.
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daringyounggrayson · 2 years
i don't get the hate some tim stans have for dick like i've seen fics recently in which dick is made out the be an awful brother to tim while jason is the good one and i'm ????? i mean yeah dick taking robin from tim without telling him was a shitty thing to do but jason litchrally tried to kill tim like twice? how is he the good supportive brother while dick's the asshole ajjdjfk
oof yeah, and when they have Jason lecture Dick for being a terrible brother to Tim?? like come on. *sigh* going into the Dick Grayson tag is filled with risk 😔
i don't know for sure why this happens, but i think there are a few contributing factors that lead to some fans adopting this perspective:
genuinely not liking Dick as a character. if someone doesn't like the character, they're probably more likely to read his comic appearances in a bad light, or even bash him in the content they make. and if there's any conflict between Dick and a character they like (e.g., Tim) in the source material, i can see why they might subconsciously (or even consciously) exaggerate that conflict, and in some cases maybe even create conflict
enjoying the dynamic between Tim and Jason. this isn't bad in and of itself or anything, and i actually think their relationship is interesting and can be fun to think about/explore from a bunch of different perspectives (for me, one would be Tim's shifting views of Jason pre and post death and later resurrection). but if this is someone's favorite dynamic and they want to explore Tim and Jason's relationship as not only brothers but each other's favorite brother, tearing down other competing relationships would be one way to highlight this. so maybe if they want to make Jason Tim's favorite brother, creating content where Dick messes up allows for Jason to step in
the comics they've read. mainly i'm thinking about if they're mostly reading more recent comics (and "recent" is used somewhat loosely here), though tbh i can't speak too much about this as i have more or less given up on current comics ✌ but from what i remember when i was reading these comics and from the panels that have managed to find me, Tim and Jason have more appearances now where they're getting along/working together, creating a kind of jumping point for their relationship as close brothers
the comics they haven't read. maybe they're just not aware of the relationship Dick and Tim have in older comics (both while Tim was Robin and Red Robin), or maybe they haven't actually read the comics where the original/imagined source of conflict actually took place (like where Damian was made Robin)
subscribing to certain fanon interpretations of the characters/comic events. *insert your most behated example of fanon here* and this is of course amplified if the person in question hasn't actually read the comics they're talking about
Drama™. some people just like drama, and what is a falling out between two brothers who loved and cared for each other deeply followed by a bond growing between the one brother (Tim) and a formerly estranged brother (Jason) who used to want that brother dead if not dramatic?
but whatever the reason for why some people like to make Dick out to be bad brother to Tim, i think the best course of action is to simply live and let live and try to just focus on the content you enjoy. block tags and unfollow people if you need to, and i would also encourage you to promote the content you do enjoy
i was going to add some of my favorite Dick and Tim panels, but then i thought about how long it would to take track them down and decided that I Don't Want To Do That, so have some Dick and Tim fics i like instead:
a soft place to land by unchosenone
Tim rubs the back of his head, trying to affect a joking tone. “I knew I should’ve just gone for the new escrima sticks.”
Dick is ready to be a good big brother to his grieving little bro. Tim flips the script.
She Might Not Make it Home by HoodEx
Dick looked anything but the composed leader of the Titans that he usually was. His drawn in shoulders made him look incredibly small, and his trembling mouth replaced any traces of his confident, charming smile. Part of his face was also bleeding and swelling up, which just made Tim’s heart break for him even more.
A retelling of the Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3 issue from Tim's POV.
Delirium by glitter_in_my_eyes
The one where Tim has to be the oldest for like five minutes and decides he doesn't like it (but does a good job anyways).
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