#tim and kon fully aware that if there's a falling out between them that bernard and kamala get each other in the divorce
Just thinking about Kamala Khan and her boyfriend Kon-El, and her two boyfriends-in-law, Tim and Bernard, and look. She and Bernard would be allowed to hang out unsupervised ONE (1) time. Tim and Kon lost contact with them for a week and when they finally popped back up they had uncovered a centuries old conspiracy like :DDD wym you thought we were dead or kidnapped or worse? what's worse than dead or kidnapped? oh yah don't touch that it's cursed :) very sweet of you to worry DON'T YOU DARE TAKE THAT MOUNTAIN DEW IT'S MINE
They drive home because the logistics of Kon flying all of them is a bit dicey and ten minutes into the drive Bernard and Kamala are snoring in the backseat
(To be clear, Tim and Kon do NOT count as supervision)
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