#thrashin' 86
komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 973
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2022
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Tyler smiled as he watched his girlfriend (Y/n) skate around, on the skateboard he bought her for her birthday. Then without warning another skater raced past her. (Y/n) squeaked in surprise when the guy harshly shoved her, effectively knocking her off her board, and sending her skidding across the ground. Tyler held his breath with his heart in his throat, making him swallow thickly. "(Y/n)!" He cried out before rushing to her side, his heart hammering in his chest with worry. Radley and Bozo were quick to berate the offending skater for hurting their friend, but the skater didn't give them the time of day. "Are you okay babe?" Tyler asked as he helped (Y/n) to sit up right, his hands holding her shoulders, and his eyes raking her body for injuries. "I'm okay." (Y/n) groaned softly, her back a bit sore. "You're bleeding." He pointed out the skid on her knee, his hands gently grasping her shaking leg. "Oh I didn't even notice that." She murmured softly, suddenly aware of the pain in her leg. "Stay here, I'll be right back babe." Tyler pecked her forehead before rushing off to confront the skater that had shoved his girlfriend. Radley and Bozo were still arguing with the skater when Tyler approached, and without a word he punched the skater in the face, knocking the guy out in one hit. Without another word he walked back to (Y/n)'s side, Radley and Bozo following close behind him. "That wasn't necessary Tye." (Y/n) frowned softly at her boyfriend, who quickly swept her up into his arms, carrying her bridle style. "I think it was." He retorted with a small smile, his words making (Y/n) smile as she nuzzled into his neck. "Well thank you Tye." She hummed softly, ignoring the teasing sounds Radley and Bozo were making. Once they were outside of a nearby convenience store, Tyler sat (Y/n) down onto a low brick wall. "I'll be back, keep they boys company yeah?" Tyler pecked (Y/n)'s lips softly before rushing off into the shop. "You alright (Y/n)?" Bozo asked as he and Radley sat down on either side of her. "Yeah I'm okay, Tyler's being a little dramatic." (Y/n) joked softly, knowing they would be taunting Tyler for codling her so much for just a scraped knee. A few minutes later Tyler came out of the shop with a First-Aid kit in hand, smiling brightly at (Y/n) as he approached. "This'll sting a bit babe." Tyler warned as he opened a disinfectant wipe from the kit, gently cleaning the blood and grime out of the cut on her knee. "Sorry." He frowned when she hissed in pain, trying to make quick work of cleaning the cut. "Alright that's over with." He announced before tossing the wipe away, and grabbing some Band-Aids afterwards. After making sure her cut was cleaned and covered, Tyler stood up properly, pecking (Y/n)'s nose. "Thanks Tyler, love ya." (Y/n) hummed with a smile, her heart feeling full and warm in her chest. "Love you too babe." Tyler cooed before kissing her properly, the pair of them laughing into the kiss when Radley and Bozo gagged dramatically like children.
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@markoslostgirl How was that? This is only the first of a few oneshots with Tyler! (^_^) I hope they'll live up to expectation!
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igorjordi · 7 years
"Skate or Die" song from the Advection Stride's Dynamicron Album. Footage from '86 movie Thrashin' You can find us on: bandcamp, soundcloud, spotify...
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thirteenthieves · 5 years
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Do you ever wonder where memories come from? Like when you see or hear something, you are instantly transported back to that time and place, and the associated memories begin playing on the movie screen of your mind. Recently I've been looking at old issues of Thrasher Magazine. In the September 1989 issue and ran across an article on the Red Hot Chili Peppers. When this page loaded, there was nothing special about the article; it was a Q&A piece, pretty standard stuff. As I was reading, I felt so much joy. This simple article initiated a journey with the Peppers that unfolded in my mind. I instantly remembered the first time I heard of them. They had a brief musical cameo in the 86 skate movie, Thrashin. After that, I don't remember much of the RHCP until 1989. The Higher Ground video played in heavy rotation on MTV, and then they blew up with Give it Away and Under the Bridge in 91. These memories I watched play made me wonder how memories are recalled. Long-term memories happen to be stored throughout the brain as groups of neurons that are primed to fire together. They do this in the same pattern that they were created in, which means that if Hotel California was playing on the radio when you were in a terrible car accident. Subconsciously whenever that song played, you would get tense and stressed immediately — essentially reliving that experience. Our long term or explicit memories, when forming will run straight to the thalamus which acts as a relay station in your brain. The thalamus shoots that memory to other areas in the brain, including the hippocampus and amygdala. The hippocampus is responsible for the memory, and the amygdala does the emotional processing ultimately tying them up into a cute little bow for later recall when you least expect it. When you see, hear, touch, or taste something, if you have a connection to this sensory information, your brain will recall it. Have fun with this, find something that makes you cringe and try to figure out why. When you find something that lifts you into space, try to find out what experience sent you over the moon. Dance in your memories, the good and bad, they have shaped the person you are today. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2MuI40i
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