#thoughts on chapter 276
teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 276
Brief summary: Lock realizes that Ryan was manipulating the beastmen to enter their berserk forms. Ryan is aware of what Cale's group have been doing in his land. Letao and Eru are angry upon seeing Maren's wingless state.
Half of the chapter focused on Lock. He tried to figure out what was causing the beastmen to go berserk, and realized that the cause was Ryan's manipulation. Gone was the timid wolf as Lock decided to confront Ryan to stop the beastmen's suffering. Of course, we got a poetic description of his silver blue fur, and the suffering beastmen seeing berserk form Lock. More Blue Wolf god misunderstandings...😂
There was also a touching part where Lock thought of his companions as family. Particularly, Cale was like a father to him, so when he sensed DA, he felt reassured that Cale would resolve everything. 🥰
As for Ryan, he might be beast-like, but he was rather clever. He knew what Cale's group had been doing in his land, but ignored it because he was busy. He also figured out Cale's powers and Cale's role in Xiaolen and Central Plains.
Letao and Eruhaben were angry when they saw Maren's wingless state, so it became a 3-dragons fight with Cale stepping aside for now to find the corrupted divine item.
Ending Remarks I thought this was going to be a battle chapter, but we only got Ryan attacking Cale, and Eruhaben blocking it. And Letao and Eruhaben attacking Ryan. Yeah, those were all the battle scenes today.
I liked Lock's character growth in this arc. And I also liked how he is slowly mesmerizing all wolf beastmen and making them think he was their Blue Wolf god. 😂
Next chapter would be on Cale again as he searches for the Howl of the Sunset. Expect the Purifier to be back in action!
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bratshaws · 7 months
through the hourglass 312. brb x oc
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a/n: bada bing bada boomccc(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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How was he going to do this? Should he talk to Cyclone? No he needed proof or else the vice-admiral would toss this away.He sat alone in his bunk, towel on his shoulders since he just left the shower, allowing the solitude to reach his thoughts.
He needed a plan—something concrete to address the growing tension within the squadron. The encounter with Mark had left Rooster with a gnawing sense of unease, and the need for proof became more apparent. Without tangible evidence, any accusation against Mark might be dismissed, and Rooster couldn't afford to let the internal discord persist.
He opened a drawer beside his bunk, retrieving a small notebook and a pen. As he flipped through the pages, he paused at an empty one. Rooster began jotting down his observations, creating a timeline of the incidents involving Mark.
His mind traced back to the encounters in the locker room, the condescending remarks, and the private conversations. Rooster scrutinized each detail, searching for a way to connect him to the breach.
Fuck he was nervous.
He never dealt with stuff like this before. Annoying pilots? Sure. Possible threat that could ruin a lot of lives? Never.
Rooster continued to document his observations, creating a meticulous record of each incident. His thoughts drifted to the cryptic conversation Mark had with McAllister. It was a potential lead, a thread to pull, but Rooster needed to approach it cautiously. He considered talking to McAllister directly, seeking more information without revealing the gravity of the situation.
But he also wanted to make sure McAllister wouldn’t be harmed if he did talk…he rubs his chin, still thinking about what he should do. How do you prove that a pilot, a Lieutenant just like he was, was involved in such a thing?
Rooster's fingers drummed on the notebook as he mulled over his options. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, and he couldn't afford to make a misstep. 
He decided to start with McAllister, someone he trusted and who had inadvertently given him a glimpse into the mysterious conversations. Rooster closed the notebook with a snap, tucking it away, and made his way to find McAllister.
The squadron's common area was relatively empty as most pilots were still wrapping up post-mission tasks. Rooster spotted McAllister reviewing some mission data on one of the computer terminals. Approaching quietly, Rooster cleared his throat to get McAllister's attention.
"McAllister, can I have a word?" Rooster asked, keeping his tone low-key to avoid unnecessary attention.
McAllister turned toward him, after jumping in surprise a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Sure, sir. What's up?"
“Not here, follow me.”Rooster motioned toward a quieter corner of the room, away from prying ears. Once they were a bit secluded, Rooster leaned in, his expression serious. "You mentioned Mark and the breach,what did you get?"
McAllister's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of nervousness crossing his features. He hesitated before responding, "Well, sir, recruit Haltzman and I were talking after the mission, and he seemed... agitated. He mentioned something about the breach, but he didn't go into specifics. I asked him why and…he said that Mark was bothering him about it."
Rooster's brows furrowed as he absorbed the information. "Did Haltzman mention anything else?" Rooster asked, his voice low and focused.
McAllister shifted uncomfortably, glancing around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "He said Mark was pressuring him to share information about the breach. Haltzman seemed spooked, sir, like he didn't want to get involved. At all."
Rooster processed the revelation, his mind racing with the need to connect the dots. "Did he say how Mark approached him? Any specifics about their conversations?"
McAllister nodded, recalling the details. "Haltzman mentioned that Mark cornered him in the locker room after the mission. He wanted to know if Haltzman had overheard anything about the breach, and when Haltzman didn't give him any answers, Mark got... intense."
“Did he hurt him?"
McAllister shook his head. "No, sir. He just scared him. But he didn't want to say too much. I didn't push him, didn't want to make things worse for him."
"You did the right thing, McAllister. It's crucial to handle this delicately. We need to gather more information before taking any action."
McAllister glanced around, ensuring their conversation remained private. "Sir, I don't want to sound paranoid, but do you think Mark might be involved in the breach somehow?"
Rooster sighed, rubbing his eyelids. "I don't know, McAllister. But we can't ignore anything. We need to find out more, discreetly, without tipping our hand."
"I'll keep my ears open, sir. If I hear anything else, I'll let you know," McAllister assured.
"Good. Stay vigilant, McAllister. We can't afford to underestimate the gravity of this situation," Rooster emphasized. "And for now, let's keep this between us. We don't want to create unnecessary panic until we have more concrete information."
McAllister nodded in agreement. "Understood, sir. I'll be careful."
As Rooster walked away from the conversation, his mind raced with thoughts and strategies. The need for evidence became even more crucial, and Rooster realized he had to tread carefully to avoid any potential backlash.
He noticed the Daggers sitting together and he beelined over to his friends, leaning down to the table and muttering a ‘a word?’.  Payback and Jake shared a look before standing up, then Phoenix tried to be as subtle as she could, busying herself with her watch while Bob followed behind them, adjusting his glasses.
Rooster led the Daggers to a quieter corner of the hangar, away from the prying eyes and ears of the squadron. He leaned in, his voice low but firm. "Alright, listen up. I need your observations, discreetly. Something's off with Mark, and it might be connected to the breach."
The Daggers exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from casual to alert. Payback, the intuitive one, spoke first. "What happened, Rooster?"
“Too much.”
Rooster quickly briefed them on McAllister's encounter with Haltzman, emphasizing Mark's suspicious behavior and the potential connection to the breach. If they were surprised…they didn’t show it.
Phoenix crossed her arms, snorting. "I knew it."
“You did?”
“Well…I had a feeling.”
Rooster raised an eyebrow at Phoenix. "You had a feeling? Care to share?"
Phoenix leaned against a nearby crate, her expression thoughtful. "Mark's been acting strange for a while now. I thought it was just the stress of the missions, but if there's something more..." she says, “Besides we wouldn’t do that shit.”
Jake chimed in, his voice low and serious. "...what should we do then?”
Bob adjusted his glasses, a glint of determination in his eyes. "I'll discreetly check the network logs, see if there's any unusual activity that might be linked to Mark. If he's involved in the breach, there could be a digital trail."
Payback crossed his arms, his expression grim. "I'll talk to the recruits, see if anyone else has had strange encounters with Mark. We need to gather as much information as possible."
Rooster nodded, appreciating the initiative of his team. "Be discreet, and don't escalate the situation. We need to find out what's going on without causing a panic. Jake and Nix, what will the two of you do?"
Jake glanced at Phoenix before turning his attention back to Rooster. "I'll keep an eye on Mark during the next mission. See if there's anything unusual in his behavior or actions. If he's involved in something shady, I might be able to pick up on it."
Rooster nodded in approval. "Good plan, Jake. Just stay subtle and don't provoke anything. We need evidence, not confrontation."
Phoenix, her arms still crossed, chimed in. "I'll help Bob." and that was it, “What about you,Rooster?”
Rooster sighed, running his hands through his hair. "I'll talk to Vice-Admiral Simpson. Inform him about the situation without revealing our suspicions. We need his backing if we're going to investigate this properly."
The Daggers dispersed, each embarking on their assigned tasks  and Rooster? Rooster made his way to Vice-Admiral Simpson's office, and he had to elaborate on a few things.
Beatrice could feel the earth sticking to her gloves as she dug into her garden, digging enough to create a little hole in her front yard so she can plant the newest addition to her plant family: begonias!
It was one of Shells’ gifts…as in the plant she got thinking she’d care for but didn’t, so she gave it to Bea. Shells was still in her house, being a great babysitter for the babies and the dogs by napping on the couch with the twins on her chest and Nicole on her stomach all the while being surrounded by Jack and Eleanor.
Meanwhile, Jolene was lying next to Beatrice’s feet outside, keeping her company.
The sun bathed the garden in a warm afternoon glow as Beatrice continued planting the begonias. She carefully placed each seedling into the soil, patting it gently to secure their place. The occasional chirping of birds, and the distant sound of laughter from down her street made this a perfect day.
Rooster was safe while deployed, the kids were safe, she was safe…
Nothing could ruin her day.
“Hello Beatrice.”
Beatrice’s back straightened up like a rod as she kept her eyes forward, clenching the hand trowel tight and not turning around to greet the woman but muttering a “Hello,Miranda.”
Miranda's voice held a peculiar mix of sweetness and a subtle undercurrent that hinted at something unsettling. Beatrice's pulse quickened, but she maintained her composure, focusing on the begonias before her.
"What a lovely garden you have," Miranda commented, her footsteps approaching.
"Thank you," Beatrice replied, her tone polite but distant. She continued to work on the begonias, avoiding direct eye contact.
Miranda, undeterred by Beatrice's reserved demeanor, circled around to face her. Dressed in a flowing, elegant dress that seemed almost out of place for a casual neighborhood encounter, Miranda observed Beatrice with a piercing gaze.
"Yes, begonias," Beatrice replied, trying to keep her voice steady. She could sense Miranda's eyes on her, probing and searching for who knew what. "They're lovely plants."
Miranda smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Lovely indeed. Such delicate flowers, yet resilient. A fitting choice."
Beatrice continued her work, planting the last begonia with a deliberate focus. She saw Jolene move forward and place herself between the two women, with her back against Beatrice’s, keeping her eyes on Miranda.
"How’s Rooster doing in his mission?" Miranda said, her voice carrying a note of feigned concern. "Good?"
“Yep. How’s Mark? Good?”
“Oh, I don’t have to worry about Mark.” Miranda tilted her head, her gaze unwavering. "He’s an amazing pilot,after all."
Beatrice suppressed a sigh, her patience wearing thin. "That's good to hear. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some gardening to finish."
Miranda stepped closer, seemingly unfazed by Beatrice's attempt to create distance. "You know, Beatrice, I've always found gardening to be such a therapeutic activity. A way to nurture and tend to something, watching it grow and flourish."
Beatrice shot her a sidelong glance, her tone cautious. "It is. It helps clear the mind."
Miranda's eyes narrowed, the facade of friendliness slipping for a moment. "Clearing the mind can be a double-edged sword, Beatrice. Sometimes, it's better to confront the things we'd rather avoid."
Beatrice tightened her grip on the hand trowel, her patience fraying. "I'm not avoiding anything, Miranda. Now, please, I'd like to be alone."
Miranda's smile returned, as if she hadn't just veered into unsettling territory. "Of course, dear. I won't keep you. Just remember, should you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. We're neighbors, after all."
Beatrice licked her lips, then tilted her head “...you know Miranda.” she looks up at the woman, Jolene’s head turning to look at Beatrice, “...Rooster is a great pilot too.”
Miranda's expression remained calm, but there was a subtle tension in her posture. "Of course, Beatrice. Rooster is indeed skilled. But sometimes, skill alone isn't enough to navigate the challenges life throws at us."
Beatrice shot her a quizzical look, her suspicions growing. "What challenges are you talking about, Miranda? "
“Well I–’
“Do you know our challenges Miranda?” Bea stood up, placing a hand on Jolene’s head when the pittie tried to move forward “Do you know what me and Rooster went through before?”
Miranda's facade faltered, a flicker of discomfort crossing her features. Beatrice's direct question seemed to catch her off guard, and for a moment, the poised demeanor cracked.
"Beatrice, we all have our struggles," Miranda replied, her voice attempting to regain its previous composure. "I meant no offense. I only offered an ear should you ever need to share your burdens."
Beatrice crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing as she studied Miranda."I appreciate the offer, Miranda, yet again" Beatrice said, her tone measured. "But I don’t understand what you want here, you think I’m not aware? Do you think I’m dumb?"
Miranda's composed facade wavered further, and a subtle bead of sweat formed on her forehead. Beatrice's direct confrontation seemed to have rattled her, and she took a step back, her eyes momentarily avoiding Beatrice's probing gaze.
"Beatrice, you misunderstand me," Miranda said, her voice a touch strained. "I never implied—"
Beatrice raised an eyebrow, unyielding. "Then what did you imply, Miranda? You come into my garden, talking about challenges, offering an ear. What's your game?"
Miranda took a steadying breath, attempting to regain control of the conversation. "There's no game, Beatrice. I'm merely expressing neighborly concern. We're part of the same community, after all."
‘Are we?”
It was like a vocal slap against Miranda who just stared flabbergasted. “It’s the…fourth time you say stuff like that, and honestly, I don’t buy it. I don’t like how you think I should flaunt Rooster’s abilities against Mark, I know that’s your plan.”
"Beatrice, I assure you, there's no ulterior motive. I'm here as a concerned neighbor," Miranda stammered, her eyes darting around as if searching for an escape route.
"Concerned neighbor, my foot. I–” she pauses, “...I love Rooster. I love him. And he’s not a trophy I toss around…he’s my husband, he’s the one man I’d break bones for…his happiness and wellbeing are what matter to me…so if you are here trying to…I dunno, be weird, you should go.”
Miranda's attempts at maintaining composure fell apart like a house of cards in a gust of wind. Beatrice's raw honesty, fueled by her love for Rooster, had dismantled any facade Miranda had tried to construct. The air between them crackled with tension, and Miranda, for the second time, seemed genuinely unnerved.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Beatrice. I'm not here to—"
"Don’t lie to me," Beatrice cut in, her eyes unyielding. "I can see through the act. Whatever game you're playing, it won’t work. Rooster and I have been through enough. We don't need someone stirring up trouble."
Miranda's eyes darted around again, searching for a way to salvage the situation. The serene facade she usually wore had crumbled, revealing a woman who was uncomfortably out of her depth.
Beatrice took a step closer, her gaze unwavering. "I love my husband, Miranda. He means the world to me. I won't let anyone jeopardize our peace."
Miranda swallowed hard, a nervous tic playing on her features. "Beatrice, you're misunderstanding. I have no intention of causing any trouble. I—"
"Save it," Beatrice interrupted, her tone firm. "I don't know what your game is, but I won't entertain it." Beatrice turned away, focusing her attention back on the begonias. Jolene, sensing the tension, remained vigilant by Beatrice's side, her eyes never leaving Miranda.
Miranda, flustered and off-kilter, struggled to regain control of the narrative. "Beatrice, I assure you, there's no ill will. I'm only here to—"
"You've said enough," Beatrice replied, her voice unwavering. "I think it's best if you leave now."
Miranda hesitated, her eyes flickering with a mix of frustration and anxiety. "I—"
"Now," Beatrice reiterated, her gaze piercing.
Miranda, realizing the futility of the situation, nodded reluctantly. She turned on her heel and made a hasty exit from Beatrice's yard, leaving behind a trail of unresolved tension. Beatrice watched her go, shoulders finally relaxing as she just allowed herself to drop on the soft dirt…and groan out.
She’ll have to talk to Rooster.
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pandalexoxo · 5 months
i can’t stop imaging myself being transported into tokyo revengers. though, personally, i believe it would be bitter sweet.
i’d love to imagine meeting takemichi, and confiding in him that i know about his power, that, i too, have a secret. i would tell him that i’m not even from this universe. he thinks time leaping 12 years is weird? try telling him you’re from another reality (basically) where he’s an anime.
to sum up my thoughts (i wrote 13 paragraphs before deleting it bc this is suppose to just be a ramble lmfao, maybe i’m uploading it later and get your guys inputs) i just feel like i would try to be the sunshine guard dog protector, y’know? not necessarily swoop in to save takemichi (tho, i’d definitely swoop in to beat some characters asses just bc i have a personal vendetta) because damn! look at how badass and hot takemichi is, whenever he fights?! (that ass. thiccimichi 😩😼)
now, here’s where my heart aches and my brain fries from overthinking. do i tell takemichi that i watched the anime (read the manga too) and know who will die in the end? do i tell him that i know of the anime but haven’t seen it or read the manga?
so, we know that in chapter 275 of the manga (probably season 5 in the anime if we’re lucky) takemichi ends up dying by mikey’s hand, a blade through his chest (heart? stomach? idk i haven’t read the manga in a few months. i sobbed hysterically over his death and refused to open the manga back up. that was until chapter 276 came out, how foolish of me to believe takemichi wouldn’t stand back up like he always does. what a true mc)
funny enough, by using mikey’s hand, he’s able to time travel him and mikey, not just 12 years, but back to when they were kids (i think they were 8 or somewhere around there). thus they are able to help each other create their perfect ending.
though… this “perfect ending” can’t happen unless the characters who died stay dead. shinichiro, baji, emma, izana, draken. with these deaths, mikey indulges in his “dark impulses” and thus the kanto manji gang and toman gen 2 end up fighting to lead to takemichi’s death and end with the perfect book closing page.
it’s unfortunate. it makes me tear up, sob, want to throw up (maybe throw myself out the window) but everything needs to happen. not only the deaths but takemichi’s mental health diminishing needs to happen to. this (others teaching him how to fight and his visions) helps takemichi in the last battle to dodge, punch and get close to mikey.
though, how easily takemichi forgives?! boy just smiles off his pain and forgives others, especially in the final chapter??? he just has his beautiful dopey smile on his face when mikey recognized him and then they ride off into the sunset to save their future??? hell. no. i need everyone to put their fists up, stand in a line, and eat my fucking fist.
i need a takemichi villain arc series. would someone be willing to make that for me? what do you want? a cookie? therapy? a hug? emotional and mental stability? no mommy and daddy issues? (i can’t provide the last two unfortunately, still trying to figure that shit out myself lmfaooo. though, my dms are always open. i love chatting with people and sharing dark humor. muah!)
then again, this is why i whole heartedly admire takemichi. he may not be physically strong like the others but as mikey says, he’s incredibly mentally strong. he gets back up. he stays standing. he’s determined and won’t fall until he wins. he’s too kind. i love him so much guys you don’t understandddd. hina, please share, fuck i am on my knees, foaming at the mouth and barking.
ugh :( it’s okay michi. you get your perfect future, though, are you truly happy and at peace? just keep smiling, okay? anywhooo, you know, i could treat you better anyway! xoxo 😼🕺😽
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carica-ficus · 7 months
"Gideon the Ninth"
03/12/2023 Reading progress: 276/443 (62%) Read through since last update: 133
I've been reading through the book, but just wanted to give myself more time to write out my thoughts. And I wanted to make a longer compilation, rather than many smaller ones. (I believe it's a bit more easier to follow.) I'm thoroughly enjoying the book so far. So much so, that I try to make time for it every single day and feel really excited about coming back to it.
Recent reactions and thoughts:
Hell, yeah! Gideon got back the key from Harrow. No more dicking around for her. Jail time.
A book bound in human leather... Interesting... There are more than a few instances that suggests that Earth and humans do exist in this story, and necromancers are somehow derived from them (including their culture and religion), so I am interested to see whether or not this gets explained later on. If a aci-fi book connects to Earth somehow, to "reality", it usually offers some sort of hint at what happened with it.
"Maybe rigor... mortis," said Gideon, who assumed that puns were funny automatically." Yeah, well, I too find them funny automatically. So she's not wrong.
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Ok, that thing with Harrow controlling Gideon?? So cool.
Anybody else completely lost during Magnus's and Abigail's anniversary dinner? Maybe I was just tired, so I couldn't follow what was going on, but still...
Loved the scenes of Harrow and Gideon working together through that fight!!!!! Fuck yeah!!!
I'mma be mean and say good riddance, lol. (Last chapter of act 2)
Dulcinea is so full of it!!! "You wouldn't duel me, would you?" I would when you say it so suspiciously!!!
I find it so incredibly funny that I read "Put it in the hole, Griddle", stopped and laughed at the innuendo, and then Gideon does the same. *insert that meme of two guys waving at each other and saying "same hat", but it says "same brain" instead*
Oho! Another Gideon mentioned in the notes. Could it be the one she got named after? And the G in the "G. & P." must be this Gideon. Interesting... I have a funny feeling about this and I wonder if it'll turn out to be correct... 🧐
I'm glad Harrow and me are on the same page with Dulcinea. This is why I like Harrow. She gets it.
Muir really went for the jugular when she wrote 4 full pages of Gideon violently dying.
Another murder... Hmmm... Things are getting tense...
Corona seems to be avoiding all and every chance to show of her necromancy skills. Suspicious, if you ask me. 🤔
YES YES YES!!! VICTORY TO CAMILLA! (That dislocation was so awful. Loved it!)
And Jeannemary too 😭😭
Aw, man. :( No fight.
I love how much credit Palamedes gives to Gideon when in reality she knows jack shit.
Of course Gideon's only thought was Sex Pal. Why would it be anything else?
I am fighting for my life with the need to look at fanart because I am a little worried about seeing spoilers. I did see one (whoops!), but luckily it just approved of one of my suspicions hehe. Still, I am saying clear of the tag for now. My thirst for content will have to wait until I finish the book. That's it for now. I'll return with a new update soon enough. <3
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asukaskerian · 6 months
monthly word count + year total
TOTAL FOR DECEMBER: 3 844 words. ..hhghgb i thought it was moooore
POSTED: nothing.
IN PROGRESS: -madatobiizu ABO cherry wine verse (979 words) -bleach pack fuckening ABO verse, baby cuteness (450 words) -bleach suburban ot4 (1 414 words) -bleach psychic wolves (377 words) -bleach bloodsport (624 words)
jan: 4 700 feb: 6 014 mar: 4 512 apr: 4 889 may: 1 719 jun: 1 184 jul: 2 271 aug: 1 615 sep: 3 026 oct: 2 109 nov: 4 272 dec: 3 844 TOTAL: 40 155 AVERAGE: 3 346.25
yeah so the downward trend is getting obvious. HHHHHH.
2010: 136 235, average: 11 353/month. ... :X :X :X 2011: 167 675, average: 13 973/month. :X 2012: 332 396, average: 27 700/month. eeeeeeee. 2013: 396 917, average: 33 076/month !!!!!!!! 2014: 315 332, average: 26 276/month ... :X 2015: 206 403, average: 17 200/month. 2016: 127 495, average: 10 625/month. >:( 2017: 80 828, average: 6 736/month. .__. 2018: 128 033, avergage: 10 669/month. FUCK YOU 2017. 2019: 159 609, average: 13 300/month. huh! 2020: 105 791, average: 8 816/month. ... hhghhrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh flops. 2021: 101 776, average: 8 481.33/month. =__= 2022: 73 461, average: 6 121.75/month. hhAHHJZVB WORSE THAN 2017 2023: 40 155, average: 3 346.25/month. this used to be three months' worth. hgh.
-Howling Outside Your Door : Grimmichi pack fuckening : Chapters 5, 6 and Epilogue -Cherry wine chapter 8 (madatobiizu ABO) -Ichigo centric sequelette to Howling Outside Your Door (grimmichi pack fuckening ABO)
I did work on suburban ot4 and STILL don't wanna post it in public but otherwise it's still all half-dying fics trying to crawl back to the surface. no new ideas or anything. this *sucks.*
have some teasers anyway.
-- cherry wine --
"Don't joke. The cheeky omegas are already coming out of the woodwork as it is."
"Ah… Yes? Your fault for reacting to that girl the other day. Now they think that's your type."
Madara didn't truly change his posture but suddenly he looked a little more tired. "I thought that was why Raiha's niece seemed to have had a personality transplant."
"Aheh." Izuna hadn't even been sure he had noticed. "Mmh. Yes."
Huffing, his brother leaning on one elbow, fist mashed against his mouth grumpily, and glowered at the Lightning envoys who were doing nothing to ask for it.
"I didn't even want her, I just thought she was amusing. Who even wants to take someone to bed that they could break in two sneezing too hard?"
Izuna tried not to look too amused as the Lightning envoys went to sit and the Water ones started up the alley, lest they take it personally.
"Hm, yes, let's not tell people you like dangerous shinobi better, if that's all the same to you. They'd have a much better chance of assassinating you."
Madara threw him an irritated glare that became a watchful glance over Izuna's shoulder. Izuna fanned himself absently and took his time turning to see which of the Water Country envoys had --
Why was this little blond brat dragging behind to grin at Tobirama.
bleach pack fuckening ABO
Ichigo feels so stupidly nervous watching Grimmjow's pack investigate his apartment. His apartment with the huge bath he never uses and the sunken living room-couch area and fuck, all his pillows and blankets are in the cupboards after the grueling wash they all needed last time his pack stayed over. Renji makes a mean cocktail but by god they stain.
He's going to look like he's trying too hard if he gets out the cushions now, isn't he.
"You, uh. Need--"
"You going to close the wards, Shinigami?"
Ugh. Ichigo makes a face at the blond one. He seems to remember he's an asshole.
Wait, they're all assholes. They hang out with Grimmjow. Have to be just to survive him, no doubt.
As he turns to seal the wards again, he catches a glimpse of the man himself, standing wih shoulders loose and hip cocked as he surveys the place. In the crook of his arm is the b-- his -- Ichigo does up the wards.
suburban ot4
"Ichigo made a pretty big decision on his own, and he didn't talk to me. He shared it with this other person as a, a done deal thing, and he didn't even talk to me about it."
Grimmjow whistles low and quiet between his teeth. "Yeowch. I'll dig a hole behind the gazebo."
Orihime blinks. "To put his--"
"Corpse, yeah, I'll make it square so it doesn't pop up too much, we just gotta fold him up a bit."
"… Pff."
"Plant some flowers on top to make it look legit with the loose soil. Gorgeous blooms."
Orihime presses both hands against her mouth, and still cackles. "Mean!"
"Or hey, tomatoes, some peppers. Delicious."
She giggles some more. Ah, it fixes nothing, and yet it's like being tickled out of a heavy coat. Freeing, like she can breathe a bit better as it drops around her feet.
"Sounds -- hehe, sounds good. Adzuki beans? Mm, I could make my own paste."
He smirks, just a little bit.
"… Haaaaa. I should probably try talking with him before the… gardening."
Grimmjow-san scoffs. "Quitter."
"Yeah, yeah, maybe. I mean, you're giving up an occasion of growing his namesake on the corpse of the guy who wronged you, which is the coldest, most badass shit, but you do you. Tch'."
… She'll feel a little bad in a minute that she laughed, because strawberry jokes are the lowest of -- hahaha -- hanging fruits.
bloodsport (ichigo, charlotte, luppi)
"… What's your names, anyway," he mumbled a fifteen minutes' bullet train ride later. "And do I, um. Pronouns."
Being laughed at was almost more of a relief than it was embarrassing.
"Listen, home is just kinda -- hngh. I mean? Gay people exist--"
The small one's face spasmed; their emotions -- yeah, Ichigo didn't want to notice that howling disbelief or the edge of hysterical hilarity that went with it, thanks.
"They still have to marry and have children. I mean, if they're echt. Duty to the blood. Whatever. So gender stuff is, uh. Yeah. Not really. Fuck."
Askin concealed a grimace a beat too late. The tall one grinned genially, leaning toward Ichigo and Askin with their hands linked sweetly behind their back. "You poor deprived chickies! You confused sweethearts. I am going to open your minds so wide--"
"Ugh," the small one cut in, rolling their eyes, and got a toothy, brilliant smile aimed their way along with a sharp threatening I-will-cut-your-neck gesture.
"To start with! Arrancars have been known to reproduce asexually. In the first couple generations, or maybe when the blood is very strong, but!"
"Didn't Starrk bud out a little girl ten years back."
"That guy's a freak though. Leading to! Two, the gender binary is for squares. Still with me, chickies?"
"Uh. Yeah."
"Three, I'm the womanest woman who has ever womaned."
"Oh." Yeah, good thing Ichigo had asked. Her voice was, uh. Deep. And the contrast between her mannerisms and makeup and her T-shaped frame, thick with muscle--
"But also, transcending the restrictive gender binary inherited from our caveman ancestors back on Earth is excellently beautiful and I am, naturally, first place at it."
grimmichi psychic wolves
"So he just… decided to ditch us."
Yylfordt said nothing for a few seconds, and then all at once grabbed a chair and flung it to the floor, along with the clothes and books piled up on it. Nakeem watched the books scatter, sliding along the linoleum.
"What the fuck! What the fuck?! Why would he do that? We're the best, baddest fucking squad, we're fucking black ops at the top of the game, what fucking reason would he have to fucking leave?"
More silence, out loud. Inside their minds everyone was buzzing incoherently, tidbits of denial blurring past.
Makes no sense, what about his pride, we were gonna be so great--
"He hated the sex," Nakeem said.
He got stared at.
"… The heat sex?" Di Roy asks eventually. "But he always said it was the best sex of his life."
Nakeem considered it. Not wrong, but. "Also the worst."
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14muffinz · 1 year
Statistics Rambles!!
so, before we begin, this includes unposted/never to be published chapters, going from old drafts of the 07 crossover to the beginnings of a cassandra-centric adventure in the bayverse, but here is the calling out statistic post that nobody wanted, made in the nice hours between 1 and 4 in the morning
Some characters have not appeared yet.
Spoilers, obvis. Some is from deleted which I will not be specifying but still.
So to clarify names:
slipper_slime = 18!Sunita kickin_karai: 12!karai nardo87 = 07!Leo
If you do the math, the 07 boys could have been mutated in 1987, which is obviously something that this fandom would find nice enough to headcanon. It's not just me. anyways.
For each individual universe, here's who (percentage-wise) talks the most! (Sorry mobile users)
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In order:
2012 Dontron97 24.7% - 473 happy_Mike 20.2%% - 387 newage_red_artist 19.1% - 366 Cpt_Leo 13.7% - 263 sticks_n_pucks 10.6% - 204 ello_yello 7.6% - 146 kickin_karai 4.1% - 78
I was honestly surprised by how close Casey was to Leo? I knew he was gonna catch up despite his late entrance but have I not been including Leo enough or is Casey just everywhere.?
I thought that I had April talking a lot more than i did, lmao. Then again I have a few chapters in my notes app that aren't in these numbers yet so maybe she's a lil closer than will be shown in the images.
Rise NeonLeon9000 27.3% - 512 Bootyyyshaker9000 21.7% - 407 mystic_mike 17.5% - 328 red_Raph 14.7% - 276 sherlocked_corn 7.3% - 137 free_brownies 6.1% - 114 CJones 4.4% - 83 slipper_slime 0.9% - 16
Raph's number in comparison to his bro's is where I expected 12Leo to sit. Percentage-wise the two are essentially the same, but Leo is way behind his mikey whereas raph is only about 40 messages away, which mind you is still a lot but its less noticeable.
Cass is definitely further up because of the times her name is used in the 600 word abandoned draft of an actual fic I mentioned previously, but other than that her being just barely below April is what I guessed. CJ being so close, though, was a surprise.
Bayverse sleepdeprived_shell 26.9% - 286 im_blue_katanas 26.5% - 282 dear_pizza_supreme 23.3% - 248 callme_rafi 21.1% - 225 Casey 1.2% - 13 April 0.9% - 10
I knew Don was going to be first. Not a doubt in my head. I expected Mikey to be above Leo, but I guess I had a little too much fun writing the blue one. I did also use Bay mike as a conversation starter rather than a carrier a lot, so I guess that's why he's so little to what I remembered. Raph's expected, I removed him for the entirety of the winter arc which is like 1/6 of the fic rn.
Poor April and Casey 😭. I'm sorry but Bay April is confusing and Bay Casey is annoying and that's how they're probably going to stay for the durration of the fic.
2007 secretly_mike 56.9% - 112 don_247 29.4% - 58 raph87 10.7% - 21 nardo87 3.0% - 6
Leo and Raph were in an old draft of the first 07 appearance. In that draft, Mikey also sends 34 messages, apparently? I was surprised when I saw it, but it turns out i just had him do triple messages a lot.
MM sarcasm_stabs 33% - 35 tech_hits 27.4% - 29 actually_mike 19.8% - 21 blueberry 19.8% - 21
Next up: who do I write the most.
There was a version of this with every character in the fic, but it is way too eye-hurty and way too long for me to list out each individual character in this post, but here's the simplified version that combines each iteration into one person.
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Same numbers as last time, just combined differently.
Characters Don 24.6% - 1149 Leo 21.4% - 998 Mike 21.2% - 990 Raph 18.6% - 871 Casey 7.5% - 351 April 5.4% - 251 Karai 1% - 47 Sunita 0.3% - 16
I knew Don was gonna be in first. Hes the fav. Leo being in second? Surprising, but Leon was the most talkative person which is not only on brand but theres also 2 leo cult chapters and I'm always a sucker for some disaster twins. I expected Raph to be 2nd, so him being 4th? Shocker.
I knew the Caseys would be bigger than the April's just because there's an extra one for their possee. I considered making JR his own collumn but decided eh whatever.
Also Rip Karai n Sunita I love you both but self control <3
And of course, finally, by dimension. We already knew the results but here we go.
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By Iteration Rise 40.1% - 1873 TMNT 2012 32.9% - 1539 Bay 22.8% - 1064 TMNT 2007 4.2% - 197
Yep. Just as I guessed. Rise, then 12, then Bay. And then of course 07 who haven't even been given a chance to shine yet.
I'll get to them. At some point.
Anywhizzle, I'll come back to this post a lot just to edit numbers if I'm bored, but the images probably won't ever change, so take then with a grain of salt.
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
AO3 wrapped
I liked the Ao3 wrapped questions so thought I’d do a bit more of a summary of what I’ve gotten out there this year.
Works published: 40 ( That seems like a lot 😳)
Words written: 357,910
Hits: 106, 467
Bookmarks: 1,907 by readers- 276 for me better get reading I think
Most popular by kudos: If You Break It
Most hits: 12 months 12 Kisses cos multi chapter fics will do that
Longest: of course it’s the dragonrider au one (sorry I’ll stop going in about it soon) both fics together (to fly skies 60,894 and fly away home 104,682 ) give a grand total of 165,576. That’s like a book😳
Shortest fic: a moments rest (500) although most of the Moments Series are 500 words until I cheated for the wedding one and went multi chapter
Most comments: if you take out the dragonrider au it’s 12 months then Moments from Now to Forever in the Moments Series
Fic that made me cry: A Boy Like That
Fic that made me smile: I amused myself with the antics in A Matter of Perspective especially the cupcake scene which is where I actually started the fic.
Gifts: 1 received and 2 planned as Christmas gifts
Collaborations: nope
Events taken part in : @ronordmann ‘s reverse prompt, Five Alarm Fire Fest, Buck Week 2022, 911Halloween week.
If anyone else wanted to share their AO3 year with no pressure though obviously I’m tagging @the-likesofus @monsterrae1 @elvensorceress @shortsighted-owl @rogerzsteven @ajunerose @megslovesbooks @jacksadventuresinwriting @blaidddrwg1982 @sibylsleaves @fleurdebeton @loveyourownsmiilee @hetrez @lostinabuddiehaze @swiftiediaz @yelenasbuddie @buddierights @lilbuddie @dickley-buddie @fiona-fififi @bekkachaos @anxieteandbiscuits
And of course anyone else tag me in I’d love to see
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joukhr · 2 years
When I saw chapter 276, I immediatly thought of you and your fic lmao. How does it feels to have kinda predict the ending of TR ?
oh yeah i tweeted a bunch about this i’m still in shock. honestly if kisaki is redeemed that would make kisa canon too and i will sob /pos
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 1 year
If I Could Turn Back Time
Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader
A/N: This fic is cross-posted on Wattpad and Ao3
Chapter 3
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
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First period had started ten minutes before as I rushed into the building. The halls were void of students and staff, and the only sound was the squeaking of my coffee-sodden shoes on the white tiles. 
Every head in the classroom shot up from their phone as I burst through the door, setting my bag down and taking out the soaked papers to dry. “I am so sorry, guys!”
“Miss Foster,” one kid said. “Is that coffee on you?”
I paused and stared at them like a deer in headlights. “Um–uhh…yeah.” I began to set up my desk–booting up my computer, filing away papers, trying my best to not cry at the feeling of wet socks–while simultaneously trying my best to form a coherent response. “Little accident at the Weathervane. I ended up spilling all of my latte on me…and another customer.”
I took a deep breath and fixed my shirt, sighing as I tried to gather my thoughts, but something–her–she lingered in the back of my head. Larissa. Not even ten minutes together and her eyes, her smile, her very person was already imprinted in my mind. “Okay–uh…what class is this again? First period? Right, okay. Where’d we leave off yesterday?”
“The intro to the Russian Revolution of 1917,” a girl in the back answered.
“Right!” I moved to the white board and took a marker, drawing a long line with dashes here and there. When the timeline was built, I began to lecture the students, smiling to myself when turned away from them, knowing that they had no clue I had first hand experience with the subject at hand.
“Okay, the Russian Revolution…” I started. “As we learned yesterday, the revolution was initiated in February of 1917. The first revolt was centered around the capital at the time, Petrograd. This would later become Saint Petersburg. Tsar Nicholas II eventually stepped down from the throne after being convinced by the high ranking military officials that in doing so, the mutinies and turmoil would subside. This would allow the new government, led by the Russian Duma, to take over, and this becomes the Russian Provisional Government.” 
I looked across the sea of students all looking at the board, some taking notes, and one trying to not fall asleep. “Can anyone tell me what was a major contributing factor to the 1917 revolution?”
A girl in the back shot her hand up quickly. “Oh! The Russian Revolution of 1905.”
“Good!” To know that at least one of my students was paying attention and that I wasn’t talking to the wall always filled me with hope–especially in a town like this. “As we learned last week, the events of Bloody Sunday caused a lot of upheaval. If you turn to page 276 of your textbook you can see a primary source image of propaganda from 1905, and if you turn to page 301 you can also see a comparison of the multiple revolutions Russia had pre-World War One and throughout…”
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The soft glow of lamplight encases the living room as the TV plays quietly in the background. I scan over tests, marking each incorrect answer and unfortunately recording more D’s than A’s. 
I glance at my phone. It had been an entire day since I spilled coffee on Larissa. I had no idea who she was or what she did for a living, but scenarios crossed my mind as to why she hadn’t reached out yet.
What if she was just being polite?
What if she wants nothing to do with me?
I barely know this woman and I’m already craving her approval and attention.
What the hell is wrong with me?
I don’t even know her last name and I’m already clinging to her.
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It had been three days since the incident and now I was convinced Larissa wanted nothing to do with me. I stood in line at the Weathervane, staring off into space. As I stepped up to the counter, I smiled and placed my order before moving off to the side to wait. But once again I was a complete idiot.
“Wow, I really need to start looking where I’m going,” I huffed after running straight into her.
The softest smile from her sent butterflies through my chest. It was incredible, the effect this woman had on me. “Well, at least there was no coffee this time.” 
Larissa’s giggle was the sweetest sound to grace my ears. 
“Oh, by the way,” she continued. “I just wanted to apologize for not messaging you sooner. I’ve been quite busy recently.”
I smiled back, relieved it was all in my head. “That’s fine! I completely understand. I’m a history teacher at Jericho High School, so I’m well acquainted with ‘busy’.”
Larissa paused for a moment. “Would you want to sit down with me? I have some free time so I didn’t order my coffee as takeaway.”
“I would love that,” I said after taking a second to think. “But, unfortunately, I have to be at work in fifteen minutes.”
I could’ve sworn there was a look of disappointment in Larissa’s eyes. The blue hue grew ever so slightly darker and her smile faltered briefly before widening. “That’s quite alright. Your students come first.”
“Well,” I chuckled. “More like my need to pay the bills comes first. The students can be a pain in the rear, but you do have a point. The students are our future. And to have a better future they need a good education.”
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The entire day I couldn’t stop thinking about her. It got so bad to the point where I actually had to give one of the classes a free period. “I need to catch up on grading,” I told them. 
What a lie.
I spent the entire time thinking about Larissa. How her hips swayed when she walked. How her perfect red lips would curve into the sweetest smile. And how her eyes could tell you every emotion she ever had. 
“Miss Foster?” 
“Miss Foster?”
A voice brought me from my trance and I looked up at the girl. How long had she been standing there? “Oh god. I’m sorry, Macy. What can I help you with?”
“Well, I just had a question about this section of the assignment you gave us yesterday…”
As she explained her problem it was hard to focus. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my phone screen light up with a text. My heart practically burst at the unknown number and suddenly, for the time ever, I didn’t want to help a student. 
But, I did. I answered her questions, and I helped her answer an essay prompt about the early civilization lesson we were going over. As soon as she sat back down I picked up my phone, and sure enough it was Larissa.
‘I was just wondering if you’d be available to go to dinner tomorrow night? A new restaurant opened up in the square, and I’ve been meaning to try it.’
Dinner. She does want to go to dinner. 
‘And what about the dry cleaning?’
‘The lady said she couldn’t do anything about it. The fabric was too light.’
‘I’m available anytime after 4.’
‘Is 5:30 okay?’
‘Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.’
I don’t think I had ever been so impatient in my life until then. It was less than a day away and my heart was already fluttering uncontrollably, and it felt like years before the final bell of day had rung, dismissing the students from class.
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blxssom-221 · 2 years
A lot of people were confused about the last time leap at the end of TokRev and here’s my take on it:
So the whole reason Takemitchi was able to timeleap was because Shin transferred his power to Mitchi
And the reason why Naoto was his trigger was because they shared a mutual goal and desire to change specific events in history which in this case, Hinata’s death
But when we got to Bonten arc, Hinata was alive and ready to marry Takemitchi. This was the first timeline that we get to see where Hinata gets to live and have a happy ending
So for Naoto, his mission is complete. His sister gets to live and Kisaki was no longer a threat to her. That’s why Takemitchi no longer get to use him as a trigger
Because even tho Takemitchi isn’t done yet (wanted to save Mikey and make sure he also gets a happy future), Naoto is. They no longer shared the same goal
But Mikey and Takemitchi did. No matter what act Mikey put on and no matter what he says, he did want to be saved. Because even tho he’s willing to sacrifice all that he has for his loved ones, there was still that inner child in him that wanted to be happy, to be able to live a good future surrounded by his friends and family
So during that scene where Mikey jumped off the building and Takemitchi caught him by his hand, a new trigger was made
Takemitchi wanted to save Mikey and Mikey wanted Takemitchi to save him
So jumping to chapter 275-276, (and this all just how I interpreted it, so if you disagree, feel free to say so) when Mikey stabbed Takemitchi with the katana, Mitchi was at death’s door once again. Alive but only barely
And that one panel when Takemitchi was dying on Mikey’s lap, we see Mikey grasped at Takemitchi’s hand
At that moment, it was either Takemitchi’s doing or Takemitchi most likely transferring his powers to Mikey because I’ve read that that was what most people thought.
But regardless on who timeleaped and who was the trigger, I personally don’t think it really matters cause either way, they still share a similar goal
Seeing how everything went down, how no one got what they wanted, how almost everyone they’ve cared for and loved is gone, Mikey and Takemitchi probably only had one wish
They wanted to get a second chance to redo everything, to gain back what they’ve lost, to live the life they’ve always wanted
So with their hands still holding, the power went into effect and they timeleaped, both still having the memories of the other timelines they’ve lived
Ik everyone has different opinions on the ending and that’s okay cause we all have different interpretations feelings and thoughts about it
I personally liked it cause everyone is genuinely happy now, they get to all have a bright and good future together and I no longer have to fervently deny any one of my favorite character’s deaths
I’m not exactly sure how Chifuyu was able to remember bits and pieces of the other timelines he’d lived but I’m happy he remembered
I hc that all of them get like deja vus or dreams of their other lives which is also kinda sad if you think about it seeing how most of them had a lot of unresolved trauma…
Anyway that’s it! I hope Wakui will continue Tokrev in some way like spin offs or extra chapters on what other possible endings there could’ve been
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I have procrastinating on writing this since chapter 275 came out. So here we go.
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Why did Takemichi's "friendship is magic" worked.
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But Pah-chin's didn't.
Well, I have two theories about this, and no this isn't Mikey cares about Takemichi more or anything like that. He loves all his friends.
Theory no.1:-
It's because Takemichi is a Timeleper.
The root of the dark impulses is the curse of the homeless time leaper who was probably also cursed by his predecessor.
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This curse seems to be linked with timeleaping. Maybe because this curse was given by a timeleaper it can be broken by a timeleaper.
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You may be wondering why didn't the curse break earlier? This isn't the first time Takemichi tried to save Mikey. Well, I wondered that at first as well and almost scrapped this theory but then I remembered that Takemichi wasn't aware of the curse. At first, he thought the problem was Kisaki.
Side theory here: Remember how unusual Kisaki's death was? Truck-kun came out of nowhere.
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Takemichi said this before
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What if he cursed him? That's why he died? What if the "like it or not, this is the final resort" was not referring to the gun but the curse?
After Kisaki died, Takemichi found out it was Mikey's impulses that were the problem but he didn't know what that was. What if when he was aware of the problem his powers automatically reacted like with the curse on Kisaki?
Maybe he needs to know what he wants at that moment. He wanted Kisaki to die, that's why Kisaki got cursed and died. He wanted to break the curse that's why it was broken. Cursing and breaking the curse are linked to time leaping that's why Takemichi was the only one who could do it.
That is the end of this theory. The next one....
Theory no. 2:-
Friendship isn't the answer. The curse is not broken.
The main point of the curse is to make people suffer right?
So, what if the curse isn't gone? What if it wants Mikey to see what 'he' did and suffer more?
This is the first time in this timeline that "Mikey" killed someone close to him. Many people close to Mikey died, Mikey's parents, Shinichiro, Baji, Emma, and Draken. But none of the deaths were directly caused by him.
This is the first death of a loved one by his hands for this Mikey.
We know when his dark impulses take over he doesn't realize what is happening. He sees things but doesn't understand.
From what I can understand these dark impulses are a completely different entity and this entity wants Mikey to suffer.
How can Mikey truly suffer without seeing and fully understanding what 'he' did? He killed one of his best friends, one of the people he promised to protect.
In conclusion I think the curse wanted to make Mikey suffer more so it gave Mikey control for a while. And from what I can see it worked, look at Mikey screaming and crying.
I personally like the 2nd theory more. Can't wait for chapter 276. It's probably out already lol. Anyway, bye and have a good day.
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bratshaws · 7 months
through the hourglass 296. brb x oc
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a/n: dude i love writing angry rooster uwu(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
“You…are not being serious,right?”
Well, that’s going well already.
Beatrice just chews her lower lip as she sits on the couch. The twins are sleeping on their cribs while Nicole is busy on her playpen close to Bea, leaning against Jack’s massive form as the dog sleeps. Evelyn is by the door, one hand propped on her waist while the other arm holds little JJ who is peacefully asleep. “...well…I mean, you saw the skeleton on the way over.”
Evelyn's expression shifted from disbelief to concern as she processed Beatrice's words. "You're telling me this is not some elaborate prank or hallucination caused by sleep deprivation, right?"
Beatrice chuckled, tiredly. "I wish it were that simple, Ev. But no, it's real. Miranda has officially declared a Halloween war on the neighborhood, and she's chosen July as her battleground."
Evelyn sighed, adjusting the sleeping JJ in her arms. "That's a whole new level of... audacity."
"Yeah, tell me about it," Beatrice replied, her eyes reflecting the exhaustion already bubbling. "I woke up to the sight of a giant skeleton with glowing eyes right outside my window. It's like living in a twisted version of a holiday movie."
Evelyn lowered herself onto the couch beside Beatrice, carefully settling JJ in her lap. "Well, at least you have a front-row seat to the chaos. I can't believe she did that so early in the morning.”
Nicole, oblivious to the early morning drama, continued playing in her playpen, her giggles adding a single touch of innocence to the moment. The twins, peacefully asleep in their cribs, seemed undisturbed by the Halloween war waging outside.
Evelyn glanced around, taking in the familiar surroundings of Beatrice's home. "You know, I never thought suburban life would involve Halloween wars. Maybe a heated book club discussion or a dispute over property lines, but not this."
"Welcome to the neighborhood, where every day is an adventure. Seriously, though, who declares war on Halloween decorations in July?"
Evelyn shook her head in disbelief, her eyes narrowing in mock seriousness. "Miranda, apparently. Did she give any reason for this…spectacle?"
Beatrice sighed,shrugging with her hands clasped. "Not really. I think it's just Miranda being Miranda, taking a mundane rivalry to the next level. Maybe she thought she could catch everyone off guard by springing this on us in July."
Evelyn raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what's your plan of action in this Halloween war?"
Beatrice frowns,rubbing her forehead. "I…have too much in my mind. I am upset, don’t get me wrong but…ugh…it’s just so much.”
With a gentle smile, Evelyn reached out, placing a hand on Beatrice's shoulder and keeping it there. "Bea, you've got a lot on your plate, especially with Rooster being away on his mission. Handling Halloween wars in July should be the least of your worries. How about you take a step back, let the neighbors deal with Miranda's theatrics, and focus on yourself and the kids?"
“You think they will?”
“Well,that woman has a huge skeleton in her yard in July.” she shrugs,”Your neighbors are nice…but I doubt they are that nice.”
Beatrice met Evelyn's gaze, then dropped her eyes to her hands. "You're right, Ev. It's just... sometimes, I don’t get her, you know? And with Rooster away, it's like I'm juggling more than ever. Why is she so…ugh,annoyed with me? I mean,I dislike her too but–"
“Sometimes people just clash, and it's not about you or anything you've done. It's just her way of navigating the world. As for why she's annoyed with you, well, she probably doesn't even have a solid reason."
Beatrice nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know you're right. It's just hard to ignore, you know? Especially with everything else going on."
Evelyn leaned back on the couch, still holding JJ in her arms. "Of course, it's hard. You're dealing with a lot. Rooster being away, the challenges with the kids, and now this unexpected Halloween war. It's okay to feel overwhelmed."
Beatrice let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping and her fingers rubbing her temples. "I just want some peace, you know? Like, a day where everything is normal, and I don't have to worry about giant skeletons or mysterious Halloween wars. Is that too much to ask?"
Evelyn chuckled, a warm and understanding sound. "Not too much at all, Bea. In fact, I think it's exactly what you need. Maybe we can plan a quiet day for you and the kids, away from all this chaos. How about a little escape, even if just for a while?"
A small smile tugged at the corners of Beatrice's lips. "That sounds nice, but…I dunno Ev."
Evelyn adjusted JJ in her arms, the little one seemingly content in the warmth of her embrace. She considered Beatrice's hesitance and the exhaustion etched on her friend's face. "Bea, trust me, a break would do wonders for you. You've been shouldering so much, and a moment of respite might be just what you need. We can plan something simple, a little escape to take your mind off things."
Beatrice pondered Evelyn's suggestion, the idea of a temporary escape from the chaos of the neighborhood wars and the challenges of everyday life. A sense of relief flickered in her eyes at the thought of a peaceful day. "Maybe you're right, Ev. I just need to clear my head for a bit. But, what about the kids?"
Evelyn chuckled, "We can make it a family affair. I'm sure the kids could use a break too, and maybe a change of scenery will lift everyone's spirits. We'll keep it low-key, no giant skeletons in sight."
Beatrice nodded, a faint smile returning to her face. "Alright, um…when?"
“When do you want?”
“Well…I have work tomorrow, thursday and Friday, so maybe…Saturday?” Bea asks, “Oh,I also have to check with the pediatrician for the twins on Saturday and I need to check on the grocery list and-” she went on and on and on. Evelyn just watches as Bea lists her life without looking away from her hands.
Evelyn patiently listened as Beatrice unraveled the web of responsibilities and commitments that seemed to entangle her life. The intricate dance of managing work, appointments, and the daily demands of raising a family unfolded before Evelyn's eyes. She could see the weight on Beatrice's shoulders, the weariness in her expression.
As Beatrice continued listing her obligations, Evelyn gently interjected, "Bea, take a breath. We're just planning a simple day out, not orchestrating a military operation." she smirks, “Rooster is the Lieutenant, not you.”
Beatrice looked up, a sheepish smile playing on her lips. "Sorry, I tend to go into overdrive mode when things."
“I know. But remember, this escape is meant to be a break, not an added stressor. Let's keep it light and enjoyable. We can work around your schedule and make sure everything falls into place." Evelyn smiles, “Okay?”
Beatrice nodded, her fingers absentmindedly tapping on the armrest of the couch. "Yeah, you're right. Saturday sounds good. A day away from the chaos would be a welcome change."
Evelyn grinned, "Perfect. Now, let's focus on the positive side. What do you and the kids enjoy doing together?"
"Well, the kids love the park. Maybe we could start with a morning at the park, let Nikki run around, and just enjoy being outdoors." she pauses, “Take the dogs too.”
Evelyn nodded, "Great idea. Simple, yet effective. Kids always find joy in the simplest of things. What about after the park?"
Beatrice tapped her chin, contemplating the possibilities. "Hmm, maybe a picnic? We could pack some sandwiches and snacks. Keep it casual, you know?"
Evelyn approved with a nod, "Love it. Anything else you'd like to include?"
Beatrice pondered, her mind racing through the potential elements of their escape day. "How about an ice cream stop? …at Mr.Scoops?"
“I think that sounds great.” Evelyn smiles, rubbing her friend’s shoulder, “It’ll be alright,Bea…did you tell Rooster any…any of this?”
“No.” the brunette immediately shakes her head, “No,I don’t want him to be bothered by this, you know? Besides…I can resolve this here.”
“...you sure.”
“I am. I–”
“--am not sure of this.” Rooster says, Mark is standing in front of him in the office at the base. Rooster has his arms crossed, clearly not open to any other of Mark’s suggestions right now “It’s..hard to say with the breach that just happened,Mark.”
"I understand your concerns, Rooster," Mark said, his tone dripping with an insincere sympathy. "But we can't let a minor breach disrupt the entire operation. We need to move forward and adapt."
Rooster's jaw tensed as he uncrossed his arms, meeting Mark's gaze head-on. "Minor breach? Mark, this was no minor breach. Our communications were compromised, and we can't just brush it off. It puts the entire mission at risk."
Mark waved off Rooster's concerns dismissively. "We're addressing the issue, but we can't afford to let paranoia hinder our progress. This mission is bigger than individual insecurities."
Rooster took a step forward, narrowing the physical distance between them. "Individual insecurities? Mark, this isn't about personal issues. It's about the safety of the team and the success of the mission. We need to reassess and strengthen our security protocols."
Mark's gaze hardened, his arrogance morphing into irritation. "Well, didn’t the higher ups said we have the go? Then we go!"
A tense silence hung in the air as the two men locked eyes. The office, usually a hub of strategic discussions, now bore witness to a power struggle fueled by conflicting egos.
Rooster, unyielding, refused to back down. "I still prefer to be cautious. For everyone. No one will be at risk in my command,Mark. You included.”
The office air felt thick with tension as Rooster's stern gaze bore into Mark's eyes. The clash of their wills reverberated through the room, each word spoken echoing the deep-rooted discord.
Mark's condescending tone had always grated on Rooster, but now, in the aftermath of the security breach, the disdain in Mark's words had reached a new level. Rooster's commitment to the safety of the team clashed sharply with Mark's brash disregard for the severity of the situation.
"We can't let paranoia hinder our progress, Rooster," Mark repeated, his voice laced with impatience. "We have the green light from the higher-ups. It's time to focus on the mission at hand."
Rooster's jaw clenched, his frustration simmering beneath the surface as he holds out his hand to enunciate his words. "Mark, this isn't about paranoia. Our communications were compromised, and we need to address it before moving forward. Ignoring the breach is a risk we can't afford to take."
Mark leaned against the desk, crossing his arms in a show of arrogance. "You are too cautious, Rooster. It's time to take bold steps, especially when we have the opportunity laid out in front of us."
“Like the maps you showed me?” Rooster cuts him off, “The ones you didn’t say where exactly you got it? Those bold steps?”
Mark's eyes narrowed, a fleeting flicker of discomfort crossing his face at Rooster's direct reference to the maps. He quickly masked it with a practiced veneer of indifference.
"Rooster, the source of the maps is classified. You know that. What matters is the opportunity they present for the success of our mission," Mark retorted, attempting to steer the conversation away from the unspoken questions hanging in the air.
Rooster remained undeterred, his gaze unwavering. "Classified or not, Mark, we can't afford to ignore the implications of a security breach. If our communications were compromised, what's to say the source of those maps won't be exposed as well?"
Mark's dismissive attitude persisted. "We have our priorities. The mission takes precedence. We've been granted the green light, and it's time to execute."
The frustration etched on Rooster's face deepened, his voice firm. "I'm not saying we abandon the mission. I'm saying we address the breach, shore up our security, and then proceed. We owe it to the team, to everyone involved."
Mark unfolded his arms, straightening up with an air of superiority. "Rooster, your caution is holding us back. We can't let minor setbacks dictate our actions. This is an opportunity we can't afford to miss,do you understand me?"
“My caution?” Rooster hated pulling rank, but right now? Right now it was needed ,”...I am the leader of this mission, I am responsible for everyone. Their safety. I lost no one in the years I’ve been in the Navy,no one…and this won’t be the time it will happen. Do you understand me?”
The atmosphere in the office crackled with tension as Rooster's stern gaze bore into Mark's eyes. The clash of their wills reverberated through the room, each word spoken echoing the deep-rooted discord.
And he could finally see…Mark falters. His eyes shake almost in fear and desperation…he knew that look. Young recruits had them, Jaws and Raptor, months ago when they tried to take over the mission had that look.
Mark was a man that got what he wanted but he will not get it from Rooster. 
Mark, not accustomed to facing such resistance, could feel the weight of Rooster's authority pressing against his own inflated ego. He was about to reply, shakily so, when McAllister entered the office, “Sir I–” the young man stops, hand on the handle as he holds a pile of paper, eyes going wide “Oh,s-sorry,I-I knocked and I–I assumed– should I come back later?”
Both Rooster and Mark turned their attention to the young man, who stood frozen, a pile of papers in his hands, his eyes wide with surprise.
Rooster, ever composed, gestured for McAllister to proceed. "It's fine, McAllister. Mark,” and he drops his eyes to him, “Was just leaving…right?”
Mark hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting between Rooster and McAllister. The interruption had disrupted the power play he was attempting, leaving him momentarily off balance.
 With a reluctant nod, Mark mumbled something about checking in later and exited the office.
Rooster's stern expression softened just a fraction as he turned his attention to McAllister. "What can I do for you, McAllister?"
McAllister, still visibly flustered, managed to stammer out an explanation. "Sir, I have the latest reports on the mission objectives and the security protocols we discussed earlier. Thought you might want to review them."
"Thank you, McAllister. I'll take a look at them," Rooster replied, his tone composed. As McAllister handed over the reports, Rooster couldn't help but notice the young man's nervous demeanor. It was a stark contrast to the arrogance of Mark.
“Anything new?”
“No sir.” he replies, “No one has seen anything out of the ordinary. Seems everything is…back in order. Hopefully.”
Rooster nodded, his focus shifting to the reports in his hands. "Good work, McAllister. Keep a close eye on the security protocols. We can't afford any lapses.”
McAllister, visibly relieved that Rooster wasn't as stern as he initially appeared, nodded vigorously. "Yes, sir." As Rooster started going through the reports, McAllister hesitated before speaking up. "Sir, if I may... about the breach. It's just... well, it's been making everyone on edge."
Rooster glanced up from the reports, recognizing the concern in McAllister's eyes. "I understand, McAllister. It's a serious matter, and I'm doing everything I can to address it. We can't afford any compromises in our security."
McAllister nodded, the tension in the room palpable. "It's just... we trust you, sir. But with everything that's been happening, it's hard not to feel a bit uneasy, you know?"
Rooster sighed, acknowledging the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "If you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to voice them."
The young man seemed reassured by Rooster's words. "Thank you, sir. I just wanted to... you know, make sure we're all on the same page."
 "Communication is key, McAllister. We need to be transparent with each other, especially in situations like this. Now, anything else you wanted to discuss?"
McAllister hesitated, glancing around the office as if checking for eavesdroppers. "Well, sir, it's just that... there are rumors circulating among the team. About the mission and the breach."
Rooster leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. "What kind of rumors?"
McAllister bit his lip, choosing his words carefully. "Some of the team members are speculating that there's more to the mission than what we've been told. That maybe the breach wasn't just a random event."
Rooster's eyes narrowed slightly, a trace of concern crossing his features. "What are they saying, exactly?"
"Some think there's a mole within the team or that there's information being withheld from us. It's all whispers and speculation, sir, but it's creating a bit of tension," McAllister explained laughing nervously, “...I-I mean, yeah.”
Rooster processed the information, his mind racing. The notion of a mole within the team was a serious accusation, and if left unaddressed, it could erode the trust that held the unit together.
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, McAllister. I'll look into it discreetly. Do not talk about this again, not until it’s resolved, understood?" Rooster said, his voice measured.
"Understood, sir. I won't mention it again," McAllister replied, relief evident in his voice. The weight of the information he carried seemed to lessen as Rooster assured him that it would be investigated.
Rooster studied McAllister for a moment, his gaze unwavering. "I appreciate your honesty, McAllister. It's crucial that we address any concerns within the team promptly. Now, let's focus on the mission. What else do you have for me?"
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hprarepairfest · 2 years
Rare Pair Fest III Works - Day 3
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Title: hunting like an animal Author: dalula Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4400 Warnings: Underage Summary: Regulus knows what his brother likes: tender caresses, fingers touching under the table, pretty eyes innocently looking up to him, rescuing his fragile little brother from getting in trouble like a hero. He knows how to get Sirius to do anything he wants, and what he wants is for Sirius to stay. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HPRarePairFest_III/works/41322567
Title: Moon Life Author: aleysiasnape Ship: Sirius Black/Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin Prompt: 276) "This is not how I thought my life would turn out." Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1200 Warnings: None Summary: Hermione and Sirius is trying to find a Wolfsbane solution for Remus. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HPRarePairFest_III/works/42294387
Title: The Tilted and the Tamed Author: arwrite Ship: Remus Lupin/Ron Weasley Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7800 Warnings: None Summary: Ron and Remus have both been through so much. One more chance, one more chance to be happy. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42225255/chapters/106018203
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Before there was Six, there was Zero.
Hello my beautiful people! So this has been in the works for a while, I'm currently on a week holiday from my big girl job so thought I would take some creative time to finish this and hopefully finish editing the OG Zero To Six. It warms my heart so much to see people still reading ZTS daily on here and on Wattpad (where it's got 68k reads, 1k votes and 276 comments) so to bring you a new little piece of the puzzle makes me extremely excited. Love you all, and thanks again for showing Zero and Four so much love <3
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I thought I would tag the old supporters from the last chapter of ZTS so if you're tagged and you aren't bothered about this anymore I'm deeply sorry for bugging you! And please let me know if you would like to be I tagged. I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night <3
Warnings: Swearing, Violence.
tags: @i-am-sarah​​​ , @whothefuckstolemykeds​​​ , @drowsyrrog​​​ , @culturefiendtrashqueen​​​ , @rogue-barnes-16–main-account​​​–main-account , @alliwantfromyouistomakelovetome, @valerie-weasley​​​ , @sueeatstheworld​​​ , @bleona2808​​​ , @pippin248​​​ , @myfatbottomedgirls​​​ , @httpfandxms​​​ , @cooliosmosh​​​ , @speckles-s​​​ , @walking-disgrace​​​ , @itsmeaudrieee​​​ , @fight-the-freaking-fairies​​​ , @irrelevant-pumpkin​​​ , @captain-sparkles-who​​​ , @podcasts-8-my-heart​​ , @foulvintagenature​​​ , @imjustboredso​​​ , @loophoria​​​ @tealaquinn @raylan-c
The only thing she could feel was how her lungs burned as she ran and still then it wasn’t fast enough, but nothing could stop her as she could hear the angry shouts in the distance getting louder and louder and yet there was no way back. Skidding into a alley way she looked for somewhere to hide herself until she was sure the man had passed, ducking behind a dustbin just in time. Peaking around, she could see him stop in front of the alley it was almost like he could sense that she was there.
Eventually he seemed to moved on to which she let out an audible sigh now that she knew she was finally alone and out of danger.  Just to be safe she waited for another good five minutes just to make sure that he had actually moved on. Calmly she started to hoist herself up from behind the bin and started to make her way towards the entrance of the busy street. Just as she was about to turn the corner, he suddenly popped out from seemingly nowhere and stood firmly in front of her. 
“Shit.” She started to take steps backwards, hoping that she wouldn’t bump into anything as she kept her eyes firm on the man in front of her. But he only followed, mocking each step she cautiously took.
“Hey sweetie, you can’t hide from me, I will always find you. I promise that.” He tried reach for her but she dodged out of his way just in time, throwing a punch to his stomach and sending him to the floor. 
She started to run again, only to trip when he reach out a hand and grabbed onto her ankle which in turn slammed her to the floor. 
She jolted awake and found herself bolting upright in bed, chest socked with sweat as she breathed heavily.
Looking to her bedside table where the alarm clock blared at her she saw that it was only 3am, sighing she rubbed her face with the palm of her sweaty hand. Another nightmare. She had, had them a lot recently ever since her parents had passed away, but for some reason they seemed to be getting stronger as time went on this one being the worst. She was meant to be at the cafe at 7am for her shift and to meet with Tim so she honestly didn’t see any point in going back to sleep. It would probably just be filled of more nightmares.
Things had been rough recently. Scout had been in need of money and being a hacker came with specific skills that specific but sometimes scary people where in need of. But most of the time it was the people who were being hacked that she had to worry about and her past few jobs had been very suspicious, but money is money and she need it to survive. That and she trusted Tim to keep her safe.
Luckily she hadn’t run into any trouble as yet, but the dreams she kept haven’t felt like someone was trying to tell her that she was playing with fire and she was eventually going to get burnt.
Scouts life had always been complicated and strange, enough that she was used to anything people could throw at her. In two days time her and Tim would go about their biggest job, with the biggest pay off they had ever got. Of which most of the money she wanted to save but there were a few debts she needed to pay and then that would be the end of them and she would be free.
She was sceptical of the job at first when Tim had talked her through it but then he mentioned how much the guy would pay she thought to herself why not, they had probably been through worse. But how wrong she was going to be. But one bad thing can lead into something amazing that will change your life forever.
"You look tired."
"Gee Tim, thanks for pointing out the obvious!" Scout put down Tim's fourth coffee of the day, he'd been in since 7am which was when she had started and was working on notes for the job. "Says you on your fourth coffee."
He just smiled up at her. "Yeah well these notes aren't going to write themselves."
She looked over at her boss who looked like he was deep in conversation with a difficult customer one that had short dark blonde hair that was sort of slicked back and even from where she was standing she could tell his eyes were a deep ocean blue, she’d been stealing glances at him ever since he came in.
She decided to take a seat across from Tim and try without annoying him too much to get some details about their mission that he’s been keeping very secret about for months now. "How far have you got? We nearly there?"
"Nearly! but We'll talk about it tonight. Cant talk about it here, too many people you never know who might be listening." He peered over the top of the laptop giving her a scowl. "Go on bugger off and do your job I need peace and quiet if this is to go smoothly!"
"Geez okay crabby! I'm going, I should take that coffee off you." He didn't respond, nor even look up at her again so she walked away shaking her head in disbelief. She headed back to the counter where her boss now stood alone at the cash register, she was surprised and saddened that the mystery handsome man had seemingly left before she could get one last good look.
She didn’t know it then but the next following weeks would bring her much trauma and pain but this evil was necessary for her to die and be reborn again into a new family that would actually care and love for her the way she’d always wanted to be loved.
That and she’d gain the most important person she’d ever met, or had they already met? And they didn’t even know it.
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yesterdays-royal · 1 year
On 'Oscar Wao'
Author Junot Diaz puts a very long run-on sentence from pages 276 to 278 in his novel "The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao." The full sentence describes the experience of Oscar DeLeon on vacation in his ethnic homeland of the Dominican Republic. It follows a pattern of "After [Oscar] did ___," finally ending with "he decided suddenly and without warning to stay on the Island for the rest of the summer with his mother and tio. Not to go home with Lola." (Diaz 278) Diaz (or Yunior, the narrator) includes mentions of the "mind-boggling poverty" (277) that defines the DR Oscar visits. (Diaz includes the quoted phrase multiple times in the sentence.) In the DR Oscar gives his taxi money to beggars and his scrap goods to "shirtless shoeless seven-year-olds," (276) wipes his ass with a corn cob and calls it entertainment, and reckless (but presumably not wreck-less) traffic. Oscar gets a cold, diarrhea, and still lots of embarassment. Everything Oscar experiences points away from him liking the DR experience, but he decides to stay anyway. Notably, toward the start of the sentence, Diaz writes that "Oscar refused to succumb to that whisper that all long-term immigrants carry inside themselves, the whisper that says You do not belong." (276) Oscar did not mark these experiences as negative but as authentic. In Paterson, his "home," he feels out of place, like he is not fulfilling the stereotype of sexually "successful" Dominican male. Here he still has the same embarrassments and un-masculinities, but at least he does not have to worry about his Domincian-ness, since he is Dominican enough having the ethnic heritage and residing on the Island.
Diaz' use of a run-on sentence puts focus not on the grammar but the imagistic content of the sentence. Diaz fills the sentence with images and scenes that could make up episodes or even chapters, but instead he condenses them into a sentence comprising one unifying thought: this is the DR. It is meta-pictoral in this way. The sentence shows the relationship of imagistic text. Diaz shows Oscar's justification for staying in the DR as an argument based on image memories. In fact, in one part of the sentence, Oscar looks over old photos of his sister Lola in a sort of comparison of Lola's life to his. Oscar defines his life by images (hence why he loves comic books and nerdy TV shows) and compares himself with other people's images. The sentence paints a meta-picture of Oscar absorbing an image of the DR that appeals to his search for Dominican-ness, one that denies his heritage as defined by sexuality and instead as defined by abject poverty.
It is no surprise that he finally loses his virginity to a Dominican prostitute.
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semper-legens · 1 year
170. Undoctored, by Adam Kay
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Owned: No, borrowed from dad Page count: 276 My summary: Adam Kay quit being a doctor for the far more lucrative career of comedy writing, on the back of a traumatic experience that left his mental health in tatters. He now recounts his experiences of working as being trained as a doctor, as well as his later experiences with being a patient in the NHS system, exploring and examining the impact his career and training had on his life. My rating: 5/5 My commentary:
I really enjoyed Adam Kay’s previous books, This Is Going To Hurt and T’was The Nightshift Before Christmas. Fortunately, so did my father, and so when I was kind of stumped on what to get him for Christmas, my mother pointed me towards the fact that this book exists, and I wanted to read it. I mean, I thought it would be the perfect present. No ulterior motives here. Anyway, so I nicked it off him on Christmas afternoon, and had read it before the end of the day. Kay’s writing is exceptionally engaging, it just sucks you in, and before you know it you’ve read the entire book without it seeming like any time has passed.
One thing I really appreciate about Kay’s writing is how he is able to deliver serious topics and serious messages while still keeping it light. Yes, the NHS is underfunded and has a culture of hazing and bullying new doctors in a way that perpetuates that violence on the next generation of doctors, rinse and repeat, but Kay is not going to make this book a completely depressing read. Which makes it all the more impactful when the comedic overtones drop as the book takes a sharp right turn in the later chapters. Kay’s recounting of this particular event is sobering, treated entirely with the seriousness that it deserves, and in return it is an incredibly harrowing and heart-dropping read.
The overall message of the book is that the culture inside the NHS is abusive, the service itself is underfunded and overworked, and that Kay himself has trauma from his experiences on the job that went entirely unaddressed and unacknowledged while he was in it. And yet, Kay knows how to poke fun at himself and the people around him, not necessarily in a mean way, just in a way that makes the book all the more engaging. I’d highly recommend it if you’ve read his previous works, you will definitely enjoy this one just as much.
And that’s the last one for this year! 170 books in one year isn’t a bad total, all told. Join me on New Year’s Eve for my yearly roundup!
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