#though we're not heavy on the agere in this fic
anemodaycare · 1 year
This isn't going to format the way I want it to because I'm on mobile but here we go!
Surprise! - Little Asmodeus' Birthday
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Asmodeus was not happy.
That magical time of year had rolled around where he turned another year older. He knew that he had extravagant tastes and that occasionally he had asked for ridiculous things-
But to be completely ignored? On his birthday? Oh. That was unacceptable!
It started with MC blowing him off with Mammon. He reassured them it was fine, even if he wasn't thrilled and that familiar fog of regression was poking at the edges of his mind. It wasn't fair that he had his best friend stolen on his birthday, but he stopped himself before he spiraled too deep into those thoughts. He'd hate to sound like Levi.
After MC left, he went to go bother his brothers. They acted like they had no idea what today was!
Had he been in a more coherent headspace, some redflags would have been raised when Lucifer acted as if he didn't know that it was his birthday.
Left alone, Asmodeus sat himself on his bed with a pout and a huff. He crossed his arms, though the defiant gesture goes without notice. He's alone, of course.
And the thought sinks in.
He's alone. On his birthday. And his brothers forgot about him.
The thought is enough for him to slip. And the tears come uncontrollably. His crossed arms turn into a hug as he rocks himself in an attempt to self soothe.
He's not crying for long when the door is cracked open by one of his brothers.
Asmodeus turns away from the door, sniffling as he rubs his eyes with the heels of his hand.
"Asmo..?" The voice comes out- half slurred from sleep. Oh, of course it would be Belphegor. He probably didn't remember either.
"What.. do you want?" His own voice is trembling as he tries to keep it together.
It's quiet, though Asmodeus can hear the shuffling of Belphie's feet against his floor.
Belphie puts a hand on Asmo's shoulder, gently turning him to face. He frowns, using his sleeve to wipe away Asmo's eyes.
"You're crying? Why..?"
"Everyone-" he hiccups as he begins to sob again, "Everyone forgot about me..!"
Instead of responding, Belphie pulls Asmo into a tight hug. The avatar of sloth uses it to his advantage, picking the other demon up.
Asmodeus didn't even realize he had been picked up- or that he was being carried somewhere! He kept his head hidden in Belphie's shoulder as he sobbed- his words incoherent babbles at that point.
Belphie pauses outside of the doorway where the rest of them were, finally making more of an effort to calm Asmodeus down.
"Asmo," he whispers his name, frowning as he glances into the dark room. He shoots his twin a 'help me' look. Belphie wasn't the best caregiver, after all.
"Do you want to go see Beel?"
"No!" He shakes his head, though he's suddenly wanting to be down. Belphie is fast to stand him back up.
"You- you all forgot me! It's my birthday and you..!" He sniffles, wiping his eyes and turning to stomp away. Thankfully he turned the right way- ending up in the room Belphie was about to bring him into either way.
Belphegor is able to sneak up behind him and flick on the lights, allowing the rest of their brothers to hop out of their hiding spaces.
"Happy Birthday, Asmo!"
It catches him off guard, but the tears stop. Asmodeus' eyes dart between his siblings- and MC, who's standing beside Mammon with a nervous smile.
"You didn't..?" He's excited, of course! He should have known that his brothers wouldn't forget him like that.
"No," Lucifer shakes his head, "Though the surprise party was Mammon's idea."
The avatar of greed gives a thumbs up, "Well- it worked, didn't it? Gave ya' a good surprise!"
Asmodeus is smiling as he finally rushes forward to pull them into a bigger hug. It's difficult to get a good group hug, but he manages.
Despite not planning a single thing of his birthday, Asmodeus enjoys himself. Even if he's not exactly allowed to open the presents that are for his big self, there's an absurd amount of PG-presents. It's a whole dream come true!
His day might have started bad, but those sour tears from earlier had ended up in such a wonderful day!
.. just- maybe no more surprise parties for him.
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