#though if anyone wants to give me suggestions for Harold and Cap's names that would be cool
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tstain-is-an-idiot · 1 year ago
(WIP) ummm lets just say that theoretically
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I mucked around with some genders
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because it would be interesting if these two were inspired by different things while creating their version of Cap
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weirdwhovian4lyfe · 6 years ago
Summertime Reveals (a CU oneshot)
Another day has been saved by the amazing Captain Underpants. The Waistband Warrior stands over a thwarted villain triumphantly, posing while pictures are being taken by adoring fans and students of Jerome Horwitz Elementary. George and Harold stand on the sidelines, watching in pride as their friend gets his 15 minutes of fame for the day. The two can't help but feel a little bit jealous, as they played a significant role in the fight that ended a few minutes ago, but they can let it slide.
“Alright, Cap!” George calls, waving a hand. The Captain looks in his direction. “Show’s over. Gotta get back to HQ!”
Captain Underpants nods and quickly dismisses the reporters that have begin to crowd him. He pushes through the crowd and approaches the boys, scooping them up in his arms before taking to the skies.
The Captain lands on the grass near the Treehouse and sets his sidekicks down gently. They jog over to the ladder to the recently named Head-Quarters and pull down the ladder. Together, the three superheroes climb up into the small house.
“Another great job, Captain!” Harold congratulates his friend as he grabs three cups from a small compartment carved into the tree.
“All thanks to you two,” The Captain replies with a small bow and takes a seat on the floor. “You guys came up with the plan, I simply did the legwork!”
George pulls the trigger on the water gun that contains grape soda. “Give yourself a bit more credit than that! You work really hard, Harold and I just give you tips.”
“I believe it is you who should be given more credit,” Cap responds, genuine concern on his face. “The press never seems to acknowledge you two. I don't like it.”
“Cap, it's fine,” Harold says, handing him a cup of soda. “Really, we'd rather you be in the spotlight. Remember our secret identities?”
“Oh, right!” The Captain takes a sip of his soda then places the cup on the floor. The boys would rather their mothers not see the two of them putting themselves in danger in the company of a half-naked man. “So, what's next on the agenda?”
“Wanna make a comic?” George suggests to Harold. The blond nods and picks up a pencil. The two move to the floor and begin to draw and write respectively. Cap watches in silence, sipping on his soda idly.
This is how most afternoons in the summer went. The boys would go over to Mr. Krupp's house early-ish in the morning and snap their fingers. Even though there wasn't always a threat, the boys liked hanging out with the Captain. They figured that Krupp got to enjoy the school year and was miserable during the summer most of the time anyway, so why not let Cap take advantage of the spare time? After all, he was as much of a person as Krupp was, right?
At first, dealing with the Captain full time was a challenge. Much like them, Cap had a hard time sitting still without something to do. Unlike them, however, what the task was didn't matter one bit to the caped crusader. He was more than happy to do just about anything to keep himself occupied.
This became a problem primarily when George and Harold began working on new comics. They didn't dare let the Captain go into town on his own, especially without clothes. They had actually had a conversation about that very topic once. When presented with the requirement of clothing, the Captain was less than happy. He stopped asking to go into town since then.
That was when George and Harold began to use the Waistband Warrior as a soundboard for their comics. The two began asking their caped friend for feedback, even if they had it already figured out, just to keep him busy in some capacity.
Over time, however, Captain Underpants began to become more and more involved, even introducing entirely new storylines for the comics. George and Harold welcomed the fresh ideas, and their comics were turning out better than ever. The three had become an unstoppable team, both on and off the battlefield.
Back in the present, the sun has begun to set. The boys put down their pencils and look at the Captain with a bit of sadness in their eyes. Cap knows the looks by now and stands.
“Time for me to 'go home?’” he asks, a smile on his face despite the sad tone in his voice. The boys nod. Together, the tree climb down from the treehouse. Cap scoops them up in his arms once more and takes to the skies, flying toward Krupp's house.
A question has been plaguing the Captain's mind for some time now. He sets the boys down in the grass and follows them to the door. They open it with a key and invite themselves in. Cap grabs his cape and fiddles with the end of it nervously as he watches the boys go to the kitchen.
His sidekicks emerge once more, holding a cup of water. They stop when they see the Captain's behavior.
“Cap, what's wrong?” Harold asks.
“What happens to me? When you splash me with water? Why can't I remember?” The superhero blurts before he can stop himself.
George and Harold look at each other knowingly. They knew this time would come eventually. Krupp already knows, it didn't take the principal overly long to connect the dots. Cap, however, has much less context than Krupp ever did, so it doesn’t surprise the boys that he hasn't figured it out yet.
“Do we tell him?” Harold asks.
“I think he have to. He has the right to know,” George points out. Harold nods. They look back to the Captain.
“You may want to sit down for this, Cap.”
The superhero does as suggested, taking a seat right where he is on the floor. George and Harold sit down close to him. They look at each other, not quite sure where to start.
Slowly and carefully, they explain the situation to Captain Underpants. The hypnosis, the water, Mr. Krupp, even the destruction of the ring. When they are finished, the boys stare at their friend silently.
The Captain looks at his hands. “You… tried to get rid of me?” he asks quietly. His voice is small and sad, which takes the boys entirely by surprise. Suddenly, they wish they had left out the part about crushing the ring.
“What? No, Cap we would never--”
“But you did.” He didn't look at them. “Am… am I really that much of a burden?” He looks up now. His expression breaks George and Harold's hearts. Now they really wish they would have left that part out.
“No! No way!” George cries, waving his arms frantically.
“Yeah! We love you, Cap! You were never a burden to us, we just…” Harold trails off, trying to find the right words.
“We couldn't quite… handle you yet,” George finishes quickly. He cringes a bit at his own words. Not the best way to put it.
“Oh,” is all Cap says in response. He sits for a while, silently looking at the floor between his outstretched legs. A million thoughts are racing through his head, thoughts an optimist like himself would usually dismiss without hesitation. However, the Captain wasn't so sure he should. He has caused so much trouble, all while thinking he has been doing the right thing…
“Cap, you know we don't think of you like that anymore, right?” George asks, leaning forward to try and see the superhero's face.
“Yeah! You've grown a lot, big guy!” Harold adds with a nervous smile.
“How do I know you aren't just…. Saying that?” Captain asks with hesitation. The negativity feels weird coming out of his mouth, but the thought keeps plaguing his mind like a fly on a garbage can. His fingers find his cape once more, playing with it absently as he continues to stare at the floor.
For a moment, the boys are speechless. They look at each other in horror. They never expected this, and now that is happening, they don't know how to deal with it.
“Listen, Captain, we--” George cuts himself off when he notices Harold stand up. The blond moves over to the superhero without a word. Suddenly, he opens his arms and hugs Captain so hard that the caped crusader almost falls over.
George soon joins him, wrapping his arms around their friend tightly.
“You could never be a burden to us, Captain Underpants,” George says quietly. Harold nods in agreement. “Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself.”
George could hear Harold's stifled sobs despite his friend's best efforts. They never meant to hurt the Captain, and the thought that they may have done so beyond repair was a bit too much for Harold.
Cap was stiff underneath them at first. Then, the boys felt an arm each slowly wrap around them. The Cap simply muttered a quiet, “Ok,” before squishing them tighter to him. A happy smile spread across his face and he closed his eyes. They truly meant it, he could feel it.
After a few minutes, the three separate. Cap stands and straightens his cape, clearing his throat as George picks up the glass of water.
“How long until I see you boys again?”
“Tomorrow morning, around ten o'clock. Sound good?” George asks. Harold nods, sniffling and wiping his nose.
“Sounds great. See you then, sidekicks.”
Hey! I hope that was ok, its my first time writing anything CU related. I hope you enjoyed :)
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