#though I must readily admit I don't know that much about either's abilities to really draw a conclusion for certain
true-blue-sonic · 9 months
How would Silver deal with a robot designed to defeat him in the same vein Omega did with Shadow in 06?
Hmm, would that have to mean he was on good terms with the robot first before it got reprogrammed to capture him? I'm actually wondering just how Omega managed to defeat and capture Shadow... I know Omega was made specifically by Eggman to keep Shadow contained, but Shadow is the Ultimate Lifeform and insanely strong on top. In a battle between them, I am not sure if Omega can come out as victor. Was that ever touched upon in '06?
That being said, if there's a robot that can defeat Shadow, I think it's not impossible to create one that can defeat Silver. I figure it'd be smart of its creator to make one that directly plays into Silver's PK, either through no-selling or countering it, as that is Silver's main mode of attack in most games. As for what Silver would think of it, I do think he'll take the threat seriously once he sees that this robot can absolutely have a victory over him. For all his black-and-white thinking, I figure even Silver knows that if he's defeated and captured, that is it for the safety of the future. It's not something I can imagine he's willing to risk! Thus, retreating from the battle might be his best choice, though I doubt he'll be happy with that. But better to live to fight another day, I do suppose!
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beaufale · 2 years
BruAbba fic outline I don't if i'm gonna write
Firstly, this story centres on a weird Bruno, I mean an off-the-wall unhinged Bruno. He is extremely weird in canon and, though i do like it from time to time, the fandom really woobifies him. This idea is going to take is weird creepiness to the extreme.
It takes place after Bruno has recruited Abba and finally has a non-teenager on his team he feels he can explore his stand on. This Bruno is aware that Leone would do anything for him, but he doesn't realise it's from a place of romantic adoration and not extreme mafia loyalty, with a lil bit of sexual attraction. I'm thinking this Bruno has been a little warped by growing up in the mafia and finds it hard to tell the difference between love, lust and loyalty.
Anyway, Bruno approaches Abba with something he's been wanted to test out with his stand, basically he wants to try out potential torture technics, or just the limits of his stand, without actually hurting Leone, but he's lacked the ability to do so. Depending on who's on his team, he either has one or two teens and he never felt right about faux-torturing them, and usually he just kills any enemies outright, and things work differently on him because it's his stand, but he'd like to stretch his usefulness in Passione and gain rank.
Abba is wary, though he loves the man with all his heart and knows he's good in a way most mafioso couldn't be, he's also been on missions with Buccellati and has seen how terrifying he can be. But he can't say no to Bruno so he agrees readily.
Bruno doesn't actually want to hurt Abba in any way, so he does his best to sanitise the kitchen and gets Abba to lay on the bench before unzipping his chest like an autopsied corpse. He begins to touch the different organs, asking how it feels, squeezing them just to the point of pain, applying pressure in different ways, etc.
Leone's trying not to show it, but his gripping the bench with white knuckles, more than a little freaked, but somehow a little aroused, which is only freaking him out more. It must be because of the direct attention and care from Buccellati, because he sure as hell can't enjoy getting his liver stroked and squeezed. (I don't have any medical knowledge, I'm just here for a wack time)
Then Bruno takes out Leone's heart, like he unzips it carefully and is so excited to see it still beats when unattached like this. He imagines how terrifying it would be for a victim to see their heart outside their body. Leone readily agrees. Bruno asks if it still feels like it's in his chest, and Abbacchio confirms it does, but he can feel his hands on it and it's definitely a weird sensation. Bruno then wonders how long he could keep Leone's heart for and how far away he could take before there's any consequences, which scares Leone, but he's also really in awe of the literal fact that Bruno has his heart in his hands.
Bruno admits he can't test that on Leone, not wanting to risk the man, and if something happened to Bruno, he'd die as well, so he shelves that idea, but not before imagining how useful it would be to store all their organs outside their body, so wounds can't kill them. Just before he puts the heart back, Bruno licks it, freak that he is, and asks Abba how that felt. Leone's lungs literally constrict as he chokes on air and Bruno can see them do so, so he does it again, lapping at it and watching Abbacchio's chest cavity.
Much to his horror, Leone is getting hard. The sensation is weird as fuck, and he can't really say he likes it, but Bruno mouthing at his actual heart is sending him. He tries to explain how it feels but when he tries to speak, a strangled moan comes out instead.
Both of them stare at each other, eyes widening and a ripe blush spreading over Leone's face. In the position that he's in, he can't do much to hide his hardness in his pants, so when Bruno's eyes wander downward, Abbacchio wants to die.
"Well, I didn't anticipate that reaction," Bruno says, "Is it because this feels good, or because it's me?"
Remember, Bruno knows Abba is attracted to him, just not that he's in love with him as well. Abba doesn't know this and thinks he's just given himself away entirely. He wants to run away but Bruno is literally holding his heart and his chest is fully open, with Bruno making no move to change this.
He stumbles through an explanation, it feels weird but not bad, he hasn't been this close to someone in ages, Bruno must know he's very attractive but Leone doesn't mean to jeopardise their working relationship in any way.
Bruno cuts off his rambling and says he understands, it's not easy to meet people while working in the mob, even just a hook-up can be potentially dangerous, Bruno's been sorely missing company too.
For a moment Abbacchio's sighs a breath of relief, his secret is safe. But then Bruno says
"If you're amendable, we could help each other with that. It'd be a very safe way for the two of us to find relief without risking our positions. But please don't just agree because I'm your superior. If i found out you only slept with me because you thought you had to, it would destroy me."
Leone damn-near dies on the spot. How the fuck could he say no? But is it wrong to start something like this knowing he feels so much more than Bruno does? Would he be taking advantage of him? In the end, Abba is too selfish to turn it down and the smile Buccellati gives him makes his heart throb. Literally.
Bruno reattatches his heart but pauses before closing him up.
"Now, I'm being very forward, I don't even know what your preferences are, but could I fuck you right here right now? Do you think we'd be able to see my cock moving in you? You're bladder might be in the way, but I could just remove it." The thought does make Bruno very aroused.
Leone chokes hard, god knows he wants too, he'd let Bruno do anything to him but it's a lot more than he anticipated their first time being like, if he'd ever even hoped he'd get anything from Bruno.
In the end, Leone stutters out "Is the kitchen the right place for this?"
"Oh how thoughtless of me, you must be really stiff (heh, no pun intended) from laying here already. We can do it another time."
"No! I mean, no, I want to do it, I really do. I just, if we could go to the bedroom or even the couch, I'd appreciate it."
"But the sterilisation..."
"Buccellati, you licked my heart, how sterile was that?"
"Aha, I suppose I got a bit carried away. Alright, if you're sure, then lets move to the bedroom. Let me zip you up first, i'd hate to have your organs fall out."
And then they fuck, if you want to see the smut, you'll have to convince me to write this for real. As it is, this post really got away from me damn.
Anyways, hope it intrigues someone, and if somebody else is inspired by this, pls send a link.
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