#thor with norse tattoos
pandagirl45 · 2 years
Thor: *walks out a lake during an avengers retreat* *tatted up*
Bruce: *stares in shock* when?!
Thor: oh *laughs heartily sitting by him* since I was a teen, you thought loki was the trouble maker? By odim eye, I gotten away with more than loki has
Loki: *not tatted up sipping a drinking* it is because you used the puppy eyes
Bruce: *looks away blushing bright green* <///<
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artofarklin · 2 years
Thor goes fishing....well eventually...ya know when I draw him in there...
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ancientskin · 6 months
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We just finished this step of the Nordic Mythology Sleeve including Skadi, Thor, Jörmungandr, The Elder Futhark Runes, Naglfar, Viking warriors, Triquetra, a Stanze of the Hávamál in Old Norse and symbolic Runes incl. a ship for the Family.
✍🏻 All done with machine at Ancientskin Nordic Tattoo Studio in Germany 🇩🇪 Nordic Tattoo Deutschland 📍73102 Birenbach
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
༒ destiny ༒ odin’s sons [thor, heimdall, baldur] x reader
↷ chapter one “the first sight” | masterlist
✧ summary: visiting the place odin gave to them for bringing a goddes to the asgard, none of the brothers accepted someone like ‘you’. they wanted to accomplish the mission as soon as possible but not you who gave them a rule if they wanted you to follow them into the asgard, getting praises of their daddy.
✵ wc: 6k
✧ warnings&tags: events take place before gow 4 and ragnarok. cursing/swearing, fluff, baldur is an ass, heimdall is not that cocky (not yet) but still; heimdall is heimdall, touchy and so confident!reader, girl boss energy, using magic, original creatures, blood, violence, death, disgusting requests (by creatures), & more in the chapter! enjoy. <3
✵ notes: to what I gathered from the web, the height disturbation is like these; thor > heimdall > baldur. I hope it is correct one but there is no much differences between heimdall and baldur, so, that’s it. & I tried to make it cannon as possible but I can’t help but add some non-cannon things into the fic since it is a fanfiction, so, I hope you will like them. ^^ thanks! [comments, likes and rb appreciated!]
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  “Oh, poor thing.”
Kneeling down to the level of a wolf, full of black fur around his body, you began to examine his wound on the stomach, probably because of another animal’s work which he escaped from. As your hands were standing on his wound, blood everywhere, the wolf growled in both pain and defensive ways; pain coming from its wound, and defensive because of you. He was afraid to be touched by you, not knowing your true intentions. To make it clear, you smiled to him, “Shh, I will just heal it, do not worry.” 
He looked at you for a few seconds before putting his head on the grass, taking heavy breaths. Slowly, you began to heal the wound with using magic, blue glows goes from your fingers’ tips to his wound, closing it. 
The wolf’s heavy breaths and painful moans changed into relaxed and happy ones thanks to the magic. When you finished, you smiled widely at him while cleaning the blood on his black fur with a wet cloth. “See? You are good as before!” 
The wolf howled to show he was good, finally. Then, he got up, moving his muscles to see whether the wound was gone completely or not. Turning to you, the wolf, probably old enough to acknowledge your kindness – not a wild one, allowed you to caress his head which you accepted gladly while smiling widely. “You are so cute!” 
“Oh, such a good compliment. Thank you, witch.”  
Rolling your eyes, you turned to the owner of voice, the wolf in sync. “And I was wondering when you would get tired of watching me and come out.” 
Smirking to you, he allowed for a few seconds for you to study him and his looking; different kinds of tattoos all over his body from neck to abdomen, traveling around the arms and hands, even fingers. His woad-blue tattoos of Norse runes looked good on him, you could tell from this away. You wondered if he had tattoos on invisible parts of his body, covered with clothes. He looked like the weather of any realms would not be a matter for him, not even the mystic weather of Vanaheim, the realm you were in at the moment. He was a God, clearly, looking all mischievous and egoistic. From the way he introduced himself, opening his arms widely towards you, with a smirk on his bearded face with marbles on his beard. He would look better if he hadn’t that irritating smirk on his face, looking so – bossy. His brown beard completed with his brown hair. His blue eyes were distinctive that had unmanageable sparkles, making you want to look another way. 
The wolf stood in front of you when the unknown God took a few steps towards your sitting position. As the wolf began to growl, you stopped him by caressing his head, calming him down and feeling happy to see that you gained his trust by simple healing his wound. Animals were so innocent for these realms, truly. 
“It’s okay,” He looked at you, calming down. “Let’s allow man introduce himself first.” 
Looking back at the God, you nodded for him to continue. He chuckled, “Baldur.” It was enough to introduce himself in his mind, and he was right, indeed, it was enough because how could you not know son of Odin, his best tracker as they said, Baldur. 
Being the untouchable God, he sure had gut and confidence at a high level which made you want to roll your eyes at his attitude, not feeling any fear or something like that. No, there was no man or woman that would give you fear, including Odin’s allies, the All-Father everyone was afraid of. 
“To what do I owe this visit, son of Odin?” 
He shrugged, “I do not know it either, witch.” He seemed angry for a moment, “Even though All-Father knew very well I dislike any witch, he sent me to take you the Asgard. It seems you are – special?” It was like a question he was asking to himself, disbelief of the ongoing events caused by Odin. Knowing the All-Father from your previous years, you knew he sent him to a mission in which he had to bring you to the Asgard. 
Smiling gently, you said, “Then, he sent you for nothing. I will not go to the Asgard.” Turning to the wolf that was licking your palm cutely, you added, “Therefore, it’s better for you to leave. Glad to meet.” 
Leaves’, that crashed under Baldur’s heavy steps, sounds came to your ears. Then, he stopped behind you, kneeling to the same level as you and making you to look into his blue eyes. Now, he looked demanding about the mission he had at the moment. However, there was something unfamiliar in those eyes – something you could not put a name on – maybe, he was interested in you? 
“You didn’t introduce yourself, so, I can not say ‘glad to meet too’ now, can I?” 
What a jerk. You chuckled, “Didn’t your precious father tell you about me, hm?” 
You were smart, he could give that and you knew he was more interested now thanks to your answer, not giving him any knowledge about you but he was determined. So, he looked at the wolf in your arms, looking back at him with threatening black eyes. The wolf looked like he knew you for ages. 
Then, you smiled to calm the air down, “Wanna pet him?” You asked and Baldur looked surprised for a while, then, he smirked. Straighten his posture, he shrugged, looking like he was drunk – and sounding like he was high.  
“Why would I want to pet – it?” 
Rolling your eyes, you stood up finally, giving the wolf last petting on the head, whispering his ear that he should go your home, using the magic to help him track your hidden house in the woods. He began to run, happy to be with you after you finished here. 
Turning to Baldur, you looked at his smirking face. He was irritating. 
While you were fixing the brownish cloak you had, cleaning dirt on it, you shrugged, looking confident of yourself clearly to make Baldur acknowledge that you would not go to there, not today at least. You had no intention to see Odin’s irritating face and from the look his son had on his face, they wanted you badly – not a good sign considering Odin. “I don’t know what made you think that I would come with you, but, to clear your mind, I want to say that I have no intentions to visit Asgard anytime soon.” Finally, giving him your nod, you said, friendly – not wanting to create a trouble for today. “Y/n, my name.” 
He looked you from head to toe without any shame, studying you. “I do not who you are miss but you had to be someone – important, so, you definitely will come with me – well,” He rolled his eyes at the sounds of men’s steps around you, “Us.” 
Turning to your behind, you saw two other Gods surrounded your environment. What a painful day you were having – so troublesome. 
You looked at them as Baldur’s head went out of behind, standing on your right, close to your shoulder but you didn’t move an inch, not wanting him to understand how you wanted to get out of this situation you were in without your control. He meant harm but not yet, so, you decided to be friendly. 
Baldur smirked as he pointed out the bigger man among them to you with his forefinger, “Thor, the God of Thunder, as you probably know thanks to – well, his deadly works.” The God – Thor looked so taller and bigger than you could imagine. He hadn’t any tangible cloth on his upper body except his armors on the shoulder and arms. His famous hammer was resting on his belt, looking cute from this far but you knew how many blood that hammer had on its surface. His orange and red mixed colored hair and beard was something unique to him, messy but still looking glamorous. He had tattoos on his body and blue eyes like Baldur had. They looked similar even if it was just a little. 
You knew very well Thor was bad news, worse than his brothers and sons – unlike Baldur who was the God of Light and Peace – yes, it was funny that he had these titles which were contrary to his own actions, Thor was the God of Thunder. People tend to call him as chaos bringer since the places he visited had faced with death’s itself by the hand of Thor – one of the most powerful sons of Odin as they described. 
Baldur’s breath touched your ear, giving you tickles, as he spoke again, “The other not-so-handsome one is Heimdall. Actually he only has one job, carrying that Gjallarhorn but All-Father insisted to bring him too.” 
Heimdall, the most loyal son of Odin who looked like he was having one of the worst days of his entire life with an annoying expression on his face, was the bearer of the Gjallarhorn, the mighty horn Heimdall will use to start Ragnarok – ending of the all realms. He sure had his unique features; golden hair that braided beautifully, glowing purple eyes – shinier than normal Aesir people who had Bifrost’ power in them thanks to Odin’s blessing, and cleaner armor than his half-brothers. He probably was taller than Baldur who stayed on your behind, so closely, and smaller than Thor who was standing like a stone beside Heimdall. 
Except Baldur and Heimdall who weren’t afraid of showing their own intentions and thoughts through their faces’ expressions, Thor was unreadable. He had no particular expression on his face except a little tiredness. He indeed was a man of action, not talking, unlike Baldur who took a step forward, standing in beside you while others stayed still.  
“Y/n, right?” He asked and you nodded. “Well, you see, All-Father not sent only me but my brothers as well which is,” He waved his fingers on the air, “One-thousandth event that happens. From this, I can tell you really had to come with us, but,” 
He smirked while Heimdall’s low voice heard from away that took your attention, “At least he can use his brain.” 
Thor’s deep voice heard after that, “Like even you had one.” 
Then, when Heimdall turned to say more to his half-brother, Baldur’s body stood in front of you, blocking your vision. He had more sparkles on his blue eyes. “I am not a patient one like my father. If you insist about not coming, I have to either take you with force or,” His smirk grew, “Kill you.” He winked, “Choice is up to you, miss.” 
While you were looking at him, Thor’s massive body which was built so strong, stood beside Baldur, looking down at his face. “All-Father said no killing, no hurting.” 
Heimdall took Baldur’s other side, making him look smaller between their bigger bodies. They would even look cute if they were good guys, not sons who listens their daddy without thinking twice. 
“When you begin to listen him anyway?” Heimdall asked, looking up to Thor’s face, unreadable still. 
They clearly didn’t get along that well. How you could blame though? – You asked to yourself; three powerful Gods, probably already broken because of being Odin’s – the most manipulative and cruel father out there, sons. They seemed to obey every command their father give with particular shagginess. If Odin sent them here like they claimed, he sure wanted you so – so badly and that made you happier since you were not going to there. Odin would only face his sons’ face, disappointed. 
Maybe you would go there secretly only to see that.
While they were arguing about something, you said, putting on the hood of your cloak, “I thought the Aesir Gods and Goddess, especially sons of Odin, had some stance enough to not to use any force, but, what a surprising era we are living in, don’t you think?” It was a question for Baldur but you didn’t need any response from any of them because the surprised look on their attractive and lovely faces – you had to give them that, was enough. Clearly, they didn’t except you to be that – confident and full of yourself. 
Then, with a wink to Baldur, you said, “And I am afraid there is no way you can kill me either. So, out of any options, you can give me – nothing.” Turning away from them, you waved a goodbye. “Glad to meet you. Have a good day.” – Oh they definitely weren’t having a good day – at all, and this made your day better. You could not tease one but three sons of Odin in one day after all. 
“Woman.“ Thor’s deep and dangerous voice gave you chills, making you stop walking into the forest just to go home. “All-Father has a request.” 
“Which I do not care about,” You said finally. Yes, indeed these men took your attention with their different and unique features – also, personalities. However, even they could not make you go whatever you didn’t want. “Look,” you said, turning to them, hands on the chest in a defensive manner. “Turning to daddy with an empty hand will do no good but it is dumb to think that I will follow three strangers into there.” 
“Strangers?” Heimdall asked, disbelief in his voice. All three of them had different type of speaking and voices but each of them was – special. “How could you not know the God of Foresight – the one who is Herald of the Ragnarok?” He was the most egoistic one – not so surprising. However, it was both annoying and – attractive. 
Smiling, you shrugged, “Titles means nothing. I had to know – you to know you.” 
Thor looked confused while Baldur smirked, “I told ya that she has a way with words.” 
Heimdall rolled his eyes, “Not impressed.” 
Indeed, he was impressed. You could tell that from the way his body moved; his glowing eyes on you – the most magical thing you witnessed in all realms, he took a few steps towards you, starting a new conversation, “Who are you?” He asked and now, you were the confused one. 
“What?” You looked each of them from left to right, slowly. When you saw their faces, you began to chuckle, “You say Odin sent you – for me but he didn’t tell you who I am?” Putting a finger on your chin, you said in a low tone, mostly to yourself, “Interesting.” What Odin was thinking about? What were his true intentions on this mission – bring you to his wings or another thing? He sure had goals about taking benefits from you but what were they – you wondered because the last time you used your real powers was long ago. He couldn’t remember you entirely – could he? 
“So?” Heimdall said again, “I can’t wait for another hour in this realm. My armor gets dirty.” 
“Don’t worry, daddy will get you a new one you brat.” Baldur mocked Heimdall, having real fun while teasing his half-brother. It was clear that Baldur’s relationship with Heimdall was different than the one he had with Thor who started talking when Heimdall was about to say another annoying comment. 
“It’s enough.” Thor looked bossy once again. Looking at you, he walked ‘till he reached you, leaving a certain gap between your opposite bodies. You had to look up to so him more. “Heimdall give her the letter.” 
Heimdall looked annoyed, saying, “Don’t give me order. I am not Baldur.” 
“Should be this an insult?” He sure was having his fun. 
Heimdall then gave you the letter, making your fingers touch each other in a closer way than before. The touch gave you jolt in an unexpected way. What was this? – It wasn’t anything like you had with other men who touched you with a simple reason like buying something from you or simply, greeting. It was different than that but you couldn’t think any further about it since they were waiting for you to open the letter, reading it and taking a decision. 
Possibly, even they didn’t know what was written in the letter, so, you opened it while covering words from their eyes. 
Dear L/N, I hope my sons do not give you any hard time since they are given a request from me; bringing you to here, a realm which you will face kindness and peace. 
Let’s have a chat in here. So, listen my sons, they will help you to come here. 
Waiting for your arrival soon. 
After finishing reading, the letter burned suddenly. Odin who even didn’t write his own name on the letter didn’t want you to hold it. He didn’t want anyone have something from him, possibly, because he had so many enemies and you could be one of them even if he was trying to see you as a new ally. 
Looking back to his sons, you studied their expressions. Except Heimdall, they looked calm and a little curious. Baldur’s focus was on you, and Thor looked like he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Vanaheim was a realm Odin could not enter, so, they had enemies in here. After Freya’s sad fate, Vanaheim felt betray coming from Aesir people and Odin’s himself. Therefore, Aesir people weren’t welcome in here – understandable. You weren’t a Vanir. You just found a safe home in here and you knew very well if you would not allow them to bring you into the Asgard, they would find your home – hidden in the woods after tracking you down, mostly Baldur. 
Sighing, you looked at them one by one and when you were about to say something, you saw how Heimdall looked so – shocked; a confused face, furrowing, looking both surprised and angry about something you didn’t know yet. When he caught your gazes on him, he made an angry sound, turning from your face to Baldur who was smirking. “Well,” He said, closing the gap between your bodies – a bold and confident one as hell. “What is your choice? Do not think that my brothers will not use any physical support to complete mission.” 
“Fighting is not my style,” Heimdall said, annoyed more than ever. “I outnumber them, unlike your wild acts Baldur.” 
Baldur rolled his eyes, not paying attention to Heimdall who was still angry but not showing any of it towards you but you knew something wasn’t right in his mind about you. 
Baldur stood in front of you once again, hands on his waist, looking at you to get an answer. 
Sighing, you nodded in defeat. They wouldn’t let you leave their sides if you said ‘no, they were too loyal to Odin for that to happen. Indeed, you were powerful but not dumb – trying to fight with all three sons of Odin who had great power; an invulnerable one, master of foresight, and meaning of strength, no, you couldn’t win a fight including three of them. Therefore, you said to them, “I will but,” You raised a forefinger to Baldur’s face, making him look at your finger to your face and he was – impressed? Clearly, no man or woman was this bold in his life. “I have one rule.” 
“Who do you think you are to give me a rule?” Heimdall scoffed, ready to give another roll of eyes.
You shrugged, “I am Y/n,” coming to his side you smiled, raising a hand on the air to greet him properly. He was only a naughty boy of his daddy who needed meet with someone other than Aesir people. “Heimdall, right?” 
He looked at your hand to get the gesture, then, finally – he took your hand on his, greeting you like the way he had taught – gentle. It was a funny tickle on your hand which you could not avoid because even though you wanted to deny it, it was clear that you had an interest on him. A knowledge Vanir Goddess told you about Heimdall, the most loyal one to All-Father, had a gift of reading minds and intentions of others. You wondered if he was reading your mind right now but even he was reading it, you couldn’t hide that you were curios about him when the Goddess gave you information about him. You imagined his purple glowing eyes and from this close, you already realized how he could take people under control with only his lovely eyes. 
Leaving his hand, you went for Thor next, giving him your smaller hand which he looked for a moment but didn’t greet. He was closed than others. He wasn’t talkative and open to strangers, you could see that but you wanted to give an expression that Heimdall didn’t take your focus. You could not trust them, not yet at least. 
“Nice to meet you too, Thor. I am Y/n, again.” 
“Cut the friendly attitude woman,” Thor said, sounding calm, not that hostile contrary to what he said. “Even if I do not like him,” He was referring to Heimdall behind you whose piercing gazes were on your face, studying you shamelessly. Neither Baldur nor Heimdall had any shame. They were bold ones. Thor continued, “You can’t give us any rule. We are not child.” 
“I didn’t say you were but if you want to be appreciated by your precious daddy, you have to bring me back with you. So, I give you a chance to do that.” You shrugged, still fearless. You turned to Baldur, smirking, “Choice is up to you, mister.”  
Baldur shrugged, looking not interested in the boring conversation. He just looked at his half-brothers, gathering their answers from the expressions. However, their faces were straight that you decided to start walking outside the wild forest of Vanaheim; beauty in the wildness, the realm always impressed you. You wished Odin never existed, bringing sorrow to realms. 
“So about my rule,” You said after a while, hearing their steps’ heavy sounds behind you. They were following you like three puppies. Chuckling inside your head, you wondered how Heimdall didn’t say a thing about the way you were thinking. Maybe he wasn’t reading your simple mind at all at the moment. “I can’t know whether you will prison me in the Asgard or not –“ 
“We would do it until now.” Baldur interrupted your speech, making you chuckle and looking behind for a moment to see his cocky face. 
“You could try.” Then, you continued to speak about the rule. “Anyway, if you want to make me come, you should wait ‘till I accomplish mine.” 
“Yours?” It was surprisingly Thor, asking this. “What’s your mission? Do you serve any God?” 
You shook your head in a negative way, “No. I bow to no one, including Odin. My mission is for the sakes of innocent people who need help.” 
“You want me to help lower lives? Do you think that my time is insignificant to do that? I am protector of the Asgard –“ 
“Blah blah blah,” Baldur said, mocking Heimdall, “Just go back to your daddy and leave it us.” He pointed at himself and Thor who was looking bothered from their half-brothers’ endless teasing. 
“You?” Heimdall laughed, “To make it clear, if All-Father thought you two would be enough, he wouldn’t insist me to come with you. Apperantely, you need me.” 
You wanted to say it was same either way; Baldur and Thor needed Heimdall and he needed them but you kept silent, not wanting to take any hostile behavior from them. You liked them. They looked – innocent. Not too innocent but not menace. 
“Talking talking talking. It’s all you got brat.” Baldur took a few steps. 
“And what you have except a mindless brain you dummy.” Heimdall returned his steps with his. They were close, dangerously. 
While they were talking nonsense, just to tease each other, Thor happened to be beside you, standing so tall and like a stone, covering your smaller physic with his massive one. Unreadable sparkles were on his blue eyes, looking so good with his red-orange colored hair and beard. Gifts, abilities and titles were not only things Odin gave them. They all had attractiveness uniquely, you had to accept. 
“What’s your mission?” He asked, sounding not interested but wanting to know. 
“Every realm has a magnificent magical stone – each one in all realms, contains imprisoned souls on them who need my help to reach their peace. I promised myself to do that. Now, I have an opportunity;” You showed them, “Three favorite Gods of Odin who can enter any realm they want.” It was true, you wanted to travel across realms to get free these souls but also, you needed something for your own as an addition which you would keep as a secret ‘till they gain your trusts, one by one, seeming impossible though. At least, it was impossible for now. Unlike Vanir people, you had no hostile feeling for Aesir people, especially them, but you were smart enough to not be their ally so soon. “I will come with you but in return, I have a rule; you should help me to visit the realms.” 
Lookin up, you saw how Thor was having a hard time to think about your offer. His face was confused for a while before turning a determined one. 
“It’s enough!” Thor’s deep and dominant voice heard through the forest, taking Baldur’s and Heimdall’s attention back to you. You could say that Thor’s power on them was high even if they would deny it – Baldur clearly had respect for him and you were impressed. You would tell Thor that if he wasn’t a bad God like people said. “It’s decided. We are going with her, then, she will come with us.” 
Heimdall didn’t like the idea of it in a bit but he kept his silence rather than speaking harshly like you expected. What he talked with Baldur back there – you were curious but your attention changed from Heimdall to Baldur who stood, once again, in front of you with his smirk. “About time to have some fun.” 
Rolling your eyes, you gestured for them to follow you. “First, we need to do one more thing,” You turned to Heimdall, catching him looking at you intensely and when he saw you looking, he turned to other side immediately. Was he blushing? – Oh, what a cute boy he was, not like that Vanir Goddess spoke. To make him feel ease, you added, “Don’t worry, it will not take long.” 
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Here you were; standing at the tip of a hill that happened to be taken from a mortal man who had a wife and little son by a group of predatory; the group didn’t hesitate to kill the man, take his wife for their own disgusting objects, and after that, killing her too, including the little boy – a disaster told by another mortal man who saw the event from away, running like his life depended on it, coming to your side to seek justice. 
There were some belongings of the group; little chairs to sit on, swords blunt but enough to kill mortals, half-eaten food, a foul stench, and dirty clothes. There were also bloods of animals which were their food. 
As you were standing there, Odin’s sons behind you, minding their own business but losing patient, the leader of the group who had different color of cloak screamed, his crew standing behind, disgusting looks on their faces. They weren’t mortal. They were some creatures looked like humans. However, you knew them very well; wildness filled their heart, no empathy, no guilt. They only wanted see pain of mortals – kill them and get their benefits from them. They made your stomach crumble in pure disgust. They needed to be punished. 
“Hey!” The leader screamed, “What the hell you think you are doing?” 
Removing the cloak’s hood, revealing your face to them, you left one of their blades on ground. You could see how Thor and Baldur were ready to fight from right and left sides of you while Heimdall was sitting on a stone, looking at the group, showing how he felt same about them as you did – disgusting creatures. 
With glowing new weapons from red to blue – mixed with magic they found in the realm, the group had enough courage to attack you anytime they wanted. It was a fact that they killed some Vanir people who could use magic for these weapons. They could not afford it, material and spiritual. They were not worthy. 
Taking a few steps forward, you asked to twelve men, avoiding their leader’s gaze who gave command to these mindless creatures. Even if they looked like mortals from outside, only their leader had a brain as functional and indeed, he choose it to be a support for his sins – killing innocent without thinking twice. So, they were the leader’s mindless tools. They just had instincts to survive, nothing more. Knowing this, you said, “I give you 10 seconds to leave. I will not punish those who choose to live.” 
From corner of your eyes, you could see Heimdall’s and Baldur’s gazes, looking at you. Thor didn’t move an inch but you knew he was listening and watching you carefully too. 
The leader laughed, and the group followed it – still mindless. 
“I didn’t know the man had a beautiful daughter like you. Only if I knew –“ The leader’s eyes traveled from head to toe of your body, judging it from the cloak you were wearing. “Ohh, how I could use that body of your after a good killing.” He laughed manically, “But don’t worry, I will do it now! Right?!” He turned to the group, “And you will have a taste too my brothers!” 
Their disgusting gazes began to travel on your body and you could feel how Baldur took a defensive manner as well as Thor who was ready to throw his hammer to them as soon as you finished. 
To prevent it, you touched Thor’s left arm, gently but he jumped a bit in surprise while his half-brothers were watching your interaction, possibly shocked about how easily you touched Thor – closely, without any fear. 
“It’s something I should do.” You smiled, “But thanks.” 
The leader’s face was confused, “Who do you talking to you bitch? Are you fucking out of your mind, huh?” 
Thor could never be more surprised, including others, freezing for a moment before Heimdall asked, “What is he talking about?” 
You waved your hand on the air, “I will tell later,” Then, you knotted the cloak's cord, causing it to fall slowly to the ground, showing off a black body clinging top with windows showing the sleeves and part of the chest, clinging black trousers, feathered boots in the same color and a warm jacket on your upper body. All black and red colors of them mixed with little brownish, holding you warm and well. “Now, I have to deal with them.” 
The leader and his group’s eyes began to shine in lust, making you want to vomit, but thinking about what they would face now, it looked funny. 
As their gazes were giving you ache in the stomach, other three Gods’ gazes who were around you were enough to make you feel hotness. You could sense their eyes upon you, traveling from head to toe as they acknowledge this look on you; how clothes were covering your body, giving some hints what was lying beneath. 
Turning back to the group, you smiled; ready to strike first attack as your hands began to move on the air, using magic to create two useful blades that appeared on the air and fell into your palms. “So, you wanted to play with magic?” You asked, slowly but dangerously walking towards them, leaving black mixed red colors on the ground you were walking on which were vanished after a few seconds only to be replaced by others. “I will show you what the real magic is.” 
And then, all of it started and you couldn’t tell which one of them screaming louder since your blades were passing through their mortal bodies, cutting them into lots of pieces, not leaving anytime for them to understand where attacks were coming from. They only saw you flying on the air, jumping into the middle with a hard pump sound – breaking the ground slightly. Then, it was all blades’ sounds and their own blood within the screams. 
Thanks to your ability's on speed, it took you only 10 seconds to kill them all, except their leader who was damaged heavy, losing his legs and one arm.
Standing in the middle of the group, now lying on the ground with slices of their bodies, so much blood and death flowing from them into the place, you looked back at the leader, crawling towards the useless blades he had on the camp as they called. 
As one of the blades vanished, you held the remaining one on your right hand. It began to glow in red from tip to the end while you were walking slowly to him. With each step you took, the leader’s effort to reach the blades grew bigger but he wasn’t fast enough. When his one hand tried to take the nearest weapon, your strong left foot found its place on his hand’s back, pushing it into the ground more and gaining another scream from him, coming like a melody to your ears, feeling some comfort to see his pain which he gave to that innocent family. 
“Look at me!” Poison were flowing within your voice, alerting Gods around you who were silent, and watching you completely. As he looked up to your face with his blood covered one, you put the edge of the sword on his neck. 
Man’s fear strengthened its effect when he saw your eyes as the innocent family’s each pain began to flow into his mere soul and heart, if he even had one, and bodies, making him feel a sudden shock because of facing a great pain at once. When his body was about to die on its own due to not being able to take all these pain, you started to count in your mind, and when he was the edge of dying, you moved your hand, cutting his head off with a single movement. 
As the bloods were pouring on the blade, you looked at the mess you made. Spelling a magic, they were all gone in a moment, leaving the soul of the mortal man appearing from a bottle. Apparently, the leader knew more magic than you thought, prisoning the man’s soul in a bottle which had a rune on it. 
“I don’t’ know who you are,” The man spoke, sounding like he finally found some relief. “But thank you! With seeing this, I can finally feel some comfort. They slaughtered us like we didn’t mean anything – like we were animals. My wife, my son –“  
He couldn’t finish his sentence, beginning to cry. You wished to give him more than this but you couldn’t. 
“I hope you will find much more where you will go, with your family beside.” 
He nodded, cleaning his tears away from his weary face. “I'm grateful. Have a good life my child.” 
Then, he vanished, reaching his freedom and hopely, his family once he lost on here. 
Sighing, you said, “Now, we can go.” 
They all stayed silent for a while before Heimdall’s nod, saying, “Hugin!” 
After his call, ravens started to fly around four of you, and you asked Heimdall gently while your bodies were close to each other than others, “Svartalfheim, please?” 
He rolled his eyes when you smiled, arms crossed over his chest, “As if I am your caretaker.” He was annoyed and he really looked cute like that. 
Baldur chuckled, “But you could make a good maid.” 
When Heimdall looked irritated by it, Baldur chuckled more and even Thor had a little nasty smile on his face. 
You were going to have your own fun, definitely! 
to be continued. 🍰
taglist it open! if you wanna get into it (special for this one) you can write as comment or message, thanks. <3
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charalysis · 9 months
GoW: Modi
I am certain by now a handful have seen my replies to that post about Modi from another poster, but I would like to take the time to put together a comprehensive post about my opinions on Modi, my personal analysis, and general thoughts. Without too many "what ifs" about his potential as a person or character, and minimal speculation where possible.
So in this post we will be looking at Modi's presentation of himself in the 2018 game, what others say of him in Ragnarok, and his relationships with family as are observable in game. I will be injecting my personal views on the character, obviously, similar to the Magni post.
When we are introduced to Modi alongside his older brother Magni. Physically, Modi is the smaller of the two, having inherited less of the physical giant qualities than Magni. However, between them, Modi is basically a copy of Thor. His hair, eyes, and build come right from Thor, for better or worse. Usually worse, it seems.
Modi is very much the stereotype of an ignored middle child, with the high achievement older brother, and baby princess sister. Modi is mentioned last repeatedly by Thor, and I do fully believe that it has something to do with how he looks, and not necessarily his behavior.
It's repeatedly mentioned that Magni was the favored son, getting all the credit for rescuing Thor from rubble, when it was both him and Modi. Magni was the heir to Mjolnir for the longest time, being stronger, smarter, and generally "Better" than Modi. Part of this is because Magni is "blonder", according to Mimir. I mentioned in my Magni post that this favoritism could come from association to Sif, who was likely seen as a fine addition to the family, and her being blonde made others associate the blonde Magni with her.
Modi looking like Thor and bearing what seems to be the brunt of the abuse from Thor could be tied together. Modi even tries to emulate his father's clothing and tattoos. Even the mace he has, which is not a typical Norse weapon, if it was at all, mimics the appearance of Mjolnir.
Thor has intense feelings of self hate, referring to himself often as a destroyer, and he even says all he's good for is "pissing mead and killing".
Modi possibly reminds Thor of himself.
The disdain he feels towards Modi is likely not really about Modi himself, and more about Thor. Because it does seem he loved Modi, even if he couldn't express it due to his own hang ups.
It's clear Modi admires his father, dressing similar to him, styling his hair and beard similar to his, trying to emulate his hammer as best he can... And it seems up to the end, he was trying to make Thor see him and appreciate him and his efforts.
We also need to look at Modi's upbringing.
Thor and Sif were absent in the boys' childhoods from what we understand. They were drunk and abusive (Sif and Thor do recall kinder memories with the boys when they were young, but generally they seemed to be absent). This likely left Magni, a child himself, to fend for himself and tend to Modi. Modi likely spent a good chunk of his childhood with Magni.
He does clearly love his brother, panicking and being distraught when Magni is killed, implying they're somewhat close, at least for Modi.
Being raised by another child wouldn't have given Modi a good foundation for emotional regulation, which could very well explain his poor emotional control post Magni's death (along with fear around Thor's reaction of course).
However, being basically raised by Magni likely meant he was also abused by him, as Magni would likely try to imitate what Thor did, for better or worse. On top of the abuse he suffered growing up, Odin ensured the environment he grew up in wasn't a free one. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Modi, and by extension Magni of course, were subjected to very strict rules by Thor because of Odin. Odin did not like his grandsons, calling them useless in the first interaction we have with him in the game.
It's quite likely Modi had severe control issues.
Living in the shadow of your older brother, having to do what he and your parents demand, being beaten repeatedly... It's not surprising to me that Modi seems aimless and a little lost after Magni dies. And it would explain his decision to attempt to kidnap Atreus and force him to be his new brother.
Modi wanted someone he could control for once, someone small and vulnerable like he was as a child. Because you know Thrúd was off limits in that regard.
Thor would have killed Modi had Modi done anything beyond brotherly teasing and messing about. (For the record, I think Modi treated Thrúd well, given the fact that it seems she misses him. I think Modi saw his tiny sister and wanted to be for her the brother he didn't have growing up. Modi's intentions, perceived or no, with Atreus as "his new brother" are formed in terror and heightened emotion.)
Fear seems to actually be a major component in Modi's character.
Let's examine his weapons and fighting style first.
Modi sports the mace and shield. The mace rarely is used in actual attacks, aside from lighting. He primarily bangs on the shield with it to summon his lighting and presumably to taunt. Where Magni charges in, Modi seems to try and keep his distance and remain defensive. Lighting lands sporadically around him, adding yet another shield of sorts to hide behind. He does not like facing things head on like his brother. I'd even argue that in the fight with him and Magni, he uses Magni as a shield to get to Atreus, letting the older Aesir attack Atreus's shield, Kratos.
We can also examine this defensive behavior in how he talks to others.
He's wildly, and even unnecessarily abrasive. He seems to enjoy goading people, particularly Atreus when face to face with the boy. He seems to put up a front of being confident and cocky, but I don't think he really is. It's more likely he's emulating the older or more favored relatives around him. Thor's combat confidence (which is well earned on Thor's part because he is a tough one to fight), Baldur's taunts and goading, and possibly even something of Magni's cockiness.
In his last moments, in his second to last encounter, when Magni dies... In those moments we see the facade slip. We see him for what he is: a cowering little boy.
Tl;Dr: Modi, like Magni, is a victim of abuse. There is no denying that, especially as one of his last experiences was being beaten by his father. But he was just as willing and likely to perpetuate the abuse because it's what he knew and he wanted to take out his grievances on someone smaller than him. He's a brat and a bit of a creep. But it is also very likely that inside, he is just a kid trying to emulate his idol, his father
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m-jelly · 8 months
Jelly, thank you for doing my request! Reading it made me feel better (I have a really bad infection rn but that's beside the point). Do you think you could do a part two? Where Post war Levi and Freyja!Reader are now looking out at the ocean, talking about all they went through. Reader tells Levi of Asgard and Levi tells reader of The Underground City. When Levi goes into all the stuff he had to go through in order to survive. Reader, not wanting to lose the love of her life after a world of hate with Odin, wants to make him a god, the god of Survival, Heroes, and Freedom. Feel free to ignore! :D
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Searching part 2
Levi x fem!reader
Canon world, reincarnation, Norse mythology, goddess powers, action, being in love, married, fluff, angst, reader has tattoos, reader has long hair with braids and beads.
In this chapter: Levi and you have a moment on the beach where you connect. You reflect on the bad memories and the good ones you made together now as a married couple. You want eternity with Levi and offer him a God position with you at his side. Reluctant at first because he doesn't think he'd be good enough, he accepts so he can be with you forever.
Part 1
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Levi's thumb ran over your hand as his fingers remained entwined with yours. The two of you decided to have a picnic on the beach for a date. While you were enjoying the sun and peace, the two of you just started talking naturally about your lives.
A long sigh came from Levi and paused as his story hung in the air. "I'm glad I got out, but the cost..."
"You were played by man. No matter where you go, there will always be greed." You lifted his left hand and kissed below his wedding ring. "I am sorry for your loss. You have grown and fought so much."
He smiled a little. "I fought to survive, but after you it was fighting to spend forever with you."
You leaned over and kissed him. "I am forever grateful. I love you more than words can say. My love for you is stronger than the walls protecting Asgard."
Levi blushed. "I can only imagine how impressive they are." He gazed at you. "You know about my life, what about yours? You said this is your second life."
You gulped hard and looked out at the sea. "Yes. I died in my first life all because of Odin."
"He was the King of the Gods, right?"
You nodded. "He was. We all trusted him, but he was...he was a terrible father to so many. I worked hard and made sure to keep a distance, but the things he did to his children. Poor Thor was always trying to make him proud, but he never achieved it. Odin's madness and desperate hunt for more power led us all down a path to destruction. Loki had enough and started the end, Ragnarok."
Levi stared at you. "What happened to you?"
You welled up. "I thought he loved me. I became his lover. I am ashamed of that."
"How did you die? Was it in a great battle?"
You shook your head. "Most people don't know what happened to me. My part is lost in texts and teachings to the people. Some thought I died in battle, others I killed myself and lastly people thought I was spared."
Levi called your name when he saw pain in your eyes. "Odin killed you, didn't he?"
You sobbed a little before stopping yourself. "He went insane. He was searching for the meaning of life and trying to beat Ragnarok. I was against it all. There is nothing wrong with not knowing the end. Sometimes life and things don't have meaning, they just happen. He knew he was losing me, so he killed me and buried what happened to me before the world ended."
"Tch, that piece of shit. I wish he was alive so I could kill him."
You giggled. "Thank you."
Levi gazed at you. "Is he alive?"
You shrugged. "Everyone probably is living their second life. I'm glad I'm not with them. I want to be here with you." You gulped hard and opened your little bag. "Speaking of you. When I arrived in this world, I had a bag with me, remember?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
You pulled out a bottle. "This has a special drink that can make someone a god." You looked over at Levi. "I want eternity with you."
Levi moved closer. "Me too."
"I think that you would be the god of Survival, Heroes, and Freedom. You would be incredible."
Levi whined a bit. "I don't know about that. I want eternity with you, but I don't think I would be a good god."
"Levi, you know what loss is. You know what it means to keep fighting even against all odds. People looked up to you and they still do now. You are incredible."
He smiled a bit at you. "You see me in such a beautiful light, but..."
"A God who doubts themselves and sees fault is good. Odin thought he was the best and fell. Other gods I knew with egos were the same. To know you can't do everything is true. As a god, you can't bless everyone and save everyone, but that's not always what they want. Sometimes they just want a person to listen."
Levi reached over and grabbed the bottle. "You'll be with me, right?"
"Every single step and I will shower you with all my love."
He kissed you and moaned in delight. "I'm with you." He brought the bottle close to his lips. "Plus, I am interested in the fertility part of your goddess role."
You gasped and felt your cheeks burn. "Y-You, flirt."
He downed the drink that tasted like custard. He flopped back onto the blanket as his body glowed and began to tingle. All the injuries and aches in his body went and only faded scars remained. He was born again but into a new life of love and happiness with you. It felt like he was breathing for the first time in a while.
He sat up and gazed at you. "I feel...alive."
You leaned closer and kissed him. "You've changed. Your wounds are gone, only scars remain."
Levi pounced on you making you squeal in delight. "I feel energised. I want to shower you with love."
You mewled in delight. "I'm all yours."
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runningw-thewolves · 7 months
Stray Kids X Fenrir Post (LONG POST)
(Cause why the Hell not?)
Today I found out that 1) someone made a Fenrir based tattoo sleeve design for Bang Chan and 2) not only has Bang Chan seen it, he has stated he might possibly get it. Now, I am a STAY, a Norse Pagan and a follower of Fenrir. I think you can figure out what my brain was doing processing all this.
(Also; THERE HAS BEEN HINTS TO NORSE MYTHOLOGY IN STRAY KIDS MUSIC VIDEOS!? STAY, do a wolf some assistance and pinpoint me to the videos and moments cause I NEED MY STRAY KIDS NORSE/VIKING CONTENT. Anyways...)
I am very Autistic when it comes to several of my favourite things coming together and creating a *chef's kiss* moment. This is no exception. It's why INK are my favourite band (metal, Emo and horror together? YES PLEASE) and now I have Stray Kids, Norse mythology AND LITERALLY MY FUCKING RELIGION? Holy fuck! *insert brain melt moment from Indiana Jones here*
So, I figured; let's talk about some of Stray Kids past works and Fenrir at the same time. Yep, a Stray Kids Fenrir themed playlist in the format of a Tumblr post by someone with Autism currently losing their damn mind.
Before we begin, let's get everyone acquainted who may be unfamiliar.
The Binding of Fenrir
'The Binding of Fenrir' is arguably the most famous tale involving Fenrir. Fenrir is the eldest child to Loki and Angrboda, his younger siblings being the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr (who has beef with Thor, to keep it brief) and the future death Goddess, ruler and caretaker of the dead and arguably an important figure in Baldur's tragedy, Hel (or Hela).
Why was Odin interested in Fenrir? For one simple reason; he had been told a prophecy where a large and powerful wolf would kill him. I should point out this part of Odin and Fenrir's story is a very medieval trope of the paranoid king and his son destined to kill him. This case is no different; the downfall of the king is because of his own paranoia. Everything he does to try and prevent his downfall only solidifies it into existence. It's a common belief among many of us Heathens that Fenrir might have never considered going after Odin if Odin had just left Fenrir alone the whole time. Hell, there was the distinct possibility that Fenrir could've likely been an ally to Odin and the Aesir if it weren't for their fear and paranoia.
So, how does Fenrir get bound? Odin and a few others ride to the Iron Wood, the home of the Jotunn and Chieftess of the Chieftains of the Iron Wood, Angrboda, and forcefully take her children from her. Jormungandr strikes and either Odin or Thor (heavily debated) throws Jormungandr into the oceans of Midgard. Hel is immediately exiled from Asgard and sent to what is often dubbed 'Helheim'. Fenrir was kept in Asgard, primarily to keep an eye on him. He was scorned and mocked and treated with fear by the Gods, and no one dare approach him to feed him. Aside from one God; Tyr, the God of Justice. (Also a God of War himself but ssh.) Tyr befriended the young wolf and fed him.
Naturally, Fenrir grew. And very quickly. He soon domineered over the buildings of Asgard and the Gods grew paranoid of his strength and size. It was then decided for him to be bound. They tried on three separate occasions, telling Fenrir it was a game. The first time was some normal, ordinary chains. Fenrir broke those with a single movement of his paw. The second was a reinforced chain. These were a little tougher but they too were shattered. The Gods then got in contact with the Dwarves to create for them a special chain, named Gleipnir. This chain was presented to Fenrir, and its appearance - similar to that of a ribbon or thread - immediately made Fenrir suspicious. He only agreed to have himself bound if one person were to lose their hand should they go back on their word. Tyr was the one who offered (this is a HUGE deal, as Tyr is basically associated with business transactions, oaths and the likes. Loki even goes on to call this out in the poem 'Lokasenna' (Loki's Flyting)). Naturally, Fenrir is bound, he can't break free, Tyr loses an arm. Fenrir snaps at the laughing Gods' ankles and Odin shoves a sword through Fenrir's jaws. Fenrir will only be freed by the violent thrashing of his brother come Ragnarok, to which Fenrir will kill Odin. Some sources also say Fenrir eats the sun and moon, however this is a tricky subject as that act is often attested to two other wolves. There's plenty of theories but for this post, they are irrelevant.
Stray Kids Everywhere All Around The World
Stray Kids first became known by a survival TV show in late 2017. At the time, there was nine members. (For the sake of avoiding drama and cause the matter is done, I will be talking about Woojin but sticking to the facts. Everything from the drama was false (which I learned the hard way and am still trying to learn from); do not attempt to bring up the controversy in reblogs or replies or I will block you.) The members included (in order, starting with team leader then oldest to youngest); Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, and Yang Jeongin. The group would debut in 2018 with the track "District 9". Upon debut, most of the members would continue using their names except for the following; Minho (would debut as Lee Know), Jisung (would debut as Han) and Jeongin (would debut as I.N.). Kim Woojin left the group in late 2019 around the time of the "Double Knot"/"Levanter" promotions. (Hence forth, Woojin is irrelevant. This is where we shall leave any mention of Woojin hence forth.
Stray Kids would go on to become a pretty big deal, even winning the competition TV show 'Kingdom' (let's not go over the whole MAMA bullshit, that would take a whole tray of paracetamol to get through), leading to the band being noticed by Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. In the past year, several of the members have appeared or modeled for various designer brands (ignoring the politics of this for now; good on them for their success however).
Bang Chan and Fenrir's Connection
As was mentioned in the TikTok I linked earlier, Bang Chan is the member of the group who was a trainee for the longest amount of time. Chan had been training under JYP Entertainment for seven years by the time of the pre-debut TV show. Chan has mentioned several times in the past the anger and sadness he felt, connecting with other trainees only for them to leave (either from being fired, changing career paths or debuting before him - this was especially noted to be the case with groups TWICE and GOT7, where Chan is friends with members of the groups and even shared a dorm room with members of GOT7). It's not hard to imagine the amount of pressure Chan was under to debut on the survival show. Or the amount of pressure he put on himself and the rest of Stray Kids. This amount of pressure would rear its head when members Lee Know and Felix were eliminated (but would be brought back later and debut with the group). A clip from Felix's elimination gives a glimpse into how hard Chan was on himself.
I will not speculate Chan's thoughts or feelings, but if you dig into it, you can come to some conclusions quickly based on the surrounding context and what we know about Chan and Felix's friendship post-debut.
Fenrir is bound and thus cannot be free to show his true strength and power, held back by the Gods for fear of what or who he could be. In essence, some could argue that this is what made Fenrir stronger and the wolf we know today but that comes with the ridiculous amount of pain and torture the wolf felt. Sure, he became stronger, but at what cost? I would say this is the same question to consider when talking about Chan and Fenrir. Sure, Chan is a wise and strong leader now, but what was the cost? He's made it clear that at one point before debut (and other members have backed this up), he actively avoided connecting with people cause of how many friendships he watched crumble for one reason or another. There's even a clip from a livestream where Chan was noticeably angry with staff and you can see the visible fear and awkwardness from the other members. Again, will not speculate on what any of it could mean, but it does point to something Fenrir and Chan may also have in common. When they are angry, they are
However, it's also important to keep in mind the sort of things Fenrir teaches and encourages from a Norse Pagan/Heathen perspective, so...
Fenrir in Norse Spirituality
A common name attributed to Fenrir is "breaker of chains". When we're talking about what this means from a spiritual standpoint, it means to free yourself from your past, free yourself from expectations or demands of others that holds you down and to let go and live free. For many, this can meaning learning how to cope with mental illness and trauma, learning how to manage (not control) one's anger, how to fuel emotions into actions and remain within the present and not think about the past or the future.
I've also heard many people describe Fenrir as a special kind of 'military boot camp' strict. This is the best way I can describe it; imagine, if you will, that you are a house. Fenrir is the property surveyor (the person who checks houses for faults). Fenrir will go around and tell you everything that isn't sturdy, that has cracks or other faults. Not out of malice, but because if you don't fix this, all it takes is one bad day and your self-worth comes crashing to the ground. Fenrir will even go out of his way to test these parts of yourself, again not out of malice but to make sure you can withstand it. Going back to the house metaphor; imagine Fenrir pointed out your foundations were made with weak cement, so you redo the foundations. Fenrir isn't convinced until he can push into it or stand on it and find it can withstand the weight. (This doesn't go into how our emotions fluctuate daily, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.)
Fenrir is also oftentimes seen as an example of justified rage. The rage of youth being mocked by their elders for simply being young. The rage Black people feel when another officer shoots yet another unarmed Black person. The rage LGBTQIA+ people feel when one of their own is killed or assaulted for simply being in love or expressing who they are. The rage women feel when men try to take advantage of or gaslight them into accepting lower. The rage of Indigenous people watching as their lands get bombed, farmed, and in general colonized and ripped of all its worth until nothing remains.
With all these factors in mind, let's finally get to the meet of this. The Stray Kids songs one (like myself) can associate with Fenrir. I will include lyrics, and you're more than welcome to reply or reblog with songs I may have missed. So, without further ado; let's get cracking! (Please note I will be using OT8 songs primarily for this post, again to avoid drama or anyone dogpiling about the controversy.)
'Placebo' (3RACHA original; 2017, Stray Kids original; 2018, re-recorded; 2021.)
"The positive belief that will even heal my wounds Keep going, the Placebo that works on me Honestly, there’s no need to be negative Trust myself, throw away those extra thoughts"
'Placebo' is a song essentially about relying on yourself to get through your challenges, while acknowledging what is currently making you feel weak. The fear and worry about wondering if you will actually make it, but telling yourself you can despite your worries, being your own friends in your darkest moments. Felix's verse I think is almost entirely applicable to Fenrir (Felix even says "drop these rusty chains" - remember, Fenrir was first bound by chains before Gleipnir.)
"Miroh" (original; 2019, re-recorded; 2020)
"Poison, trap, toadstool you can set them up I'll survive in the end, whatever it takes I know your traps, you set them up And I stomp on them tougher There's only one answer, you just have to open it"
"Miroh" (Korean word for 'maze') is an EDM-style song about persevering through the challenges you face, head held high, trusting your instincts and knowing that one way or another you have prepared for this moment and you will make it out the other side. The chorus starts with a line explaining that the narrator (Stray Kids) decided to go into the city (the challenges) themselves and know what is coming, are ready for it and know they can make it through the trial. The song also uses various animal sound effects, including a tiger's roar in the chorus, a hawk's caw and a bird-filled jungle soundscape. (Fenrir is often reported to be associated with swamps and mountains, so the inclusion of wild animal noises fits perfectly here.)
'Red Lights' (2021)
"No matter how hard I try to escape, there's no answer Until I fall asleep in the sun, even deeper I really wanna know, yeah I've already lost control"
This song is performed by Bang Chan and Hyunjin, and according to Genius the song "about compulsion and confusion of ego and about obsession about doing something". One would think, with the sexy sound and concept of the track, it would imply something of a sexy nature. However, it can also be about anything that someone can grow obsessed with. Another person, a feeling, an action, a moment, etc. The line "Tell me you hate me" makes me think of Fenrir talking to Tyr. The music video for the track also heavily features Chan and Hyunjin in chains, so one could also argue the obsession to be the desire to escape from their chains.
"MANIAC" (2022)
"The real self has been released (Yup, yup) Barely holding on (Yup, yup) After blinking once, back Again, back to cosplaying as what society Defines normal to be pow"
'MANIAC' is a song with a visible influence from Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' as it explores one's individual uniqueness, the expectations of society (which can delve into toxic perfectionism/happiness, conformity etc) and how we as a people have hidden our inner 'maniac' to fit in with the world. Even when in Asgard, surrounded by the Aesir and Vanir, Fenrir was always gonna be Fenrir. Just by his mere nature, he was deemed an outcast for being a larger and stronger wolf than they had encountered before, something that within itself isn't a crime. Fenrir would likely always be looked down upon if he showed discomfort, anger or any sort of negative emotion. In this song, Stray Kids basically asks the listener to open up their true self, live their authentic selves and enjoy the life they've been given, essentially; "shed the chains society has forced upon you."
"BEWARE" (original; 2018, re-recorded; 2020)
"My current state, the way I talk, my actions I know I shouldn't be like this But everything goes the opposite way I want you to understand me I don't know what will happen Again today, I'm barking"
Remember when I talked about Fenrir and justifiable rage and I brought up youth being angry with elders being condescending with them? This song is my 'case and point'. Going back to what I mentioned in 'MANIAC', no matter what Fenrir did the Aesir were likely not going to view him in a positive light. Ask any person who has tried to get on the good side of someone who couldn't care for them and you'll often find descriptions of growing tire, frustration and rage. Sometimes, we are going to encounter this in life - whether it be a boss who treats us poorly, a colleague/acquaintance/friend gossiping or lying about us behind our back, a family member who has expectations for you that you can't reach no matter what you try etc. Fenrir is no stranger to this; he experienced it firsthand living amongst the Aesir. That rage one feels in these moments is a healthy rage, a voice, which you will find is either being encouraged by Fenrir or is Fenrir himself, screaming at you "This isn't right, I shouldn't be treated like this!"
"SCARS" (2021)
"I'll never cry because I know that it'll never change I'll stay standing and endure it in an unknown place There will be many times I'll almost fall, but Alone, I reach out my hand, alone, I stand back up"
Sometimes, when we face hurdles in our lives we will feel sadness, sorrow or despair. If there's one thing I want to end this made tangent about, it's this; you will face challenges and it's OK to not be happy about it. It's alright to cry, to scream and wail and sob, to shed tears, feel fear, embarrassment, etc. It's alright if you need to punch a pillow or cry yourself to sleep. Remember; Chan probably did the same. For seven years. Fenrir probably did too, stuck within his personal Hell. But if there's one thing you should take from both of them, it's that you are stronger than you think you are. You can survive, you will survive. You will see the light on the other side one day; all it requires is fighting through the pain, even if that means crying from the hurt. We don't leave this life unscathed; we all will die with countless scars, both physical and mental. Be kind to yourself, know you are worthy of being alive right now, and you have the strength to push onwards. Carry the strength of Fenrir - and the strength of Bang Chan and Stray Kids - with you and remember you aren't alone fighting against the chains you've found yourself bound in.
(TLDR; an Autistic Norse Pagan loses were mind when were discovers a Fenrir tattoo design for Chan, goes on a long Stray Kids and Fenrir rant.)
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vinnie2757 · 2 months
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dont look too closely at any of them i hate freehanding lol
anyway jess' tattoos are an important part of his journey on account of being the human manifestation of a bad idea. every single tattoo has Meaning(tm) even though prior to sig arriving he has no idea why. they make a lot of sense once he knows who he is really. he has scandinavian heritage in every human lifetime, having become "human" during the danelaw, but he doesn't know his dad to know exactly what that heritage is (double lol) im just really enjoying hashing out what kind of cringe little runt nerd jess is
hold fast, harpoon, swallow, rope around wrst and crossed anchors: sailor tattoos, as he works on a fishing ship (he snuck aboard when he was 13, having just lost his mother, and lied about his age. the crew took him on, giving him a spare sweater, because he was not dressed for the weather, and he still has that sweater now as captain 20 years later)
algiz on the back on his neck as protection
part of vegvisir on his head to guide his two selves back together, and you bet the crew let him know about it whenever they get caught in bad weather. he grows his hair out into a mop of blondish curls and wears multiple beanies to hide it but they still wrestle the beanie off him and slap him upside the head like he's an old tv whenever they get caught in a storm. he sees the funny side most of the time
a vaguely norse looking fenrir on his shoulder, a half skull girl on his thigh and the altuna stone thor vs jormungandr carving on his ankle for his babies (fen thinks its hilarious when he sees it, and licks it anytime he can. jess does not appreciate it. jorm loves having his dad on the water, so he doesnt even mind the insulting tattoo. jess thinks thor's face is stupid which is why he got it. hel doesn't even know)
he drunkenly got 'lo do they call to me' over his heart. he thinks its for his mother. it is not for his mother (it's for the twins that died to bind him, though he doesn't know it's happened. sig has to tell him after a thousand years of holding that fucking bowl. she could do that argument in private. she is not going to do that argument in private)
the runes on his second knuckles are signifiers of bountiful harvests, safety and water, a makeshift spell to make sure their catches are good
please do not come for the runes, it is a quote unquote spell to keep the allfather's eye averted and keep him from sight. he pretends its to keep the slight of hand a little more magical because he does a lot of street magic when he's not on the boat. he doesn't realise until he survives near lethal injuries that he's using actual seidr to con hen parties out of fifty quid)
the symbol of eternal love in red on his collarbone because it is the place his wife kisses him most, on account of height difference my beloved. he doesn't know he's got it for her yet, he hasn't met her in this lifetime, but sig's coming. most of his tattoos are drunken spur of the moment ideas, and his tattooist finds this one incredible as he has never had a long term relationship and all others are blue)
he has heterochromia in both eyes and it gets progressively worse as the magic in asgard wears off and he starts gaining his godhood back until they go full gold. sig misses them when they're gone, but he doesn't miss the 180p he was using as his vision cone prior to the change.
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My DnD OC, Althorr the Utgardian. He's a Drow Elf Ancestral Guardian Barbarian. He was adopted by a Norse tribe of Barbarians from a region called Utgard.
I used references for the rune tattoos on his body. According to the guide I found online, the arrow pointing up on his abs is called "Teiwaz"which symbolizes Victory, Masculine Gods, and used as a Warrior Rune. The crooked H on his chest is prnounced "Hagalaz", which symbolizes Air and Transformation. So basically, it's a prayer to "Transform" to a "Masculine" god, kinda like a magical based HRT.
The tattoos on his biceps are Thorns, which are the symbol for the norse god Thor, who Althorr is named for. The Rune on his eyepatch is the symbol for Odin or Wotan.
More lore under the cut
Althorr was a foundling who was rescued as an infant from the harsh elements by a pair of hardy Norsemen from the Utgard tribe. His parents' corpses were found huddled around him trying the best they could to shield him from the cold. Other than being Drow Elves, there were no indications as to why they were there; the best guess is that they lost their way in the unforgiving forest and got caught in a blizzard. (His foster parents are named Valter and Theruize Utgardson. They passed away peacefully of old age at 85 and 87 respectively)
Althorr grew up with the Norsemen and learned their ways. His biggest aspiration as a child was to become an Ancestral Guardian Barbarian, a position of great respect and reverence within the tribe, the closest thing they had to a high priest.
At the age of 12, it was time for his coming of age ceremony, the first step toward being an Ancestral Guardian Barbarian. He will be required to preform one of the various deeds that his ancestors performed in order to commune with them in spirit.
He started with a tried and true deed: camp out in the wilderness, fast for three days and nights, and then break his fast with the heart of a small animal that he hunted with his bare hands. Upon completing this deed, the spirit of his great-grandfather appeared before him.
However, the spirit would not recognize him for the simple fact that he is not blood related to him. The spirit advised the young Althorr to seek another path, because he can never be an Ancestral Guardian Barbarian of the Utgard tribe.
That was 320 years ago. And during all that time, Althorr tried every deed known to his tribe's oral and written history in order to commune with the Ancestral spirits to prove his worth! And every time, he gets rejected! His fellow tribesmen feel that it is unfair and solemnly cheer him on. He has become a fixture of Utgard, as he has watched over seven generations of Utgardians. Although he spent most of his time in the forest surrounding their little village (earning him the Hermit background), he is still a well-loved and recognized member of their tribe. Countless men and women tell the stories when they were rescued or aided by Althorr over the many years, some even owing him their lives!
One such Utgardian is Gytha "Granny" Petersen, an ancient woman who knew Althorr since her childhood. Gytha made it her mission to comb through as many manuscripts, rune stones, and any record that was kept of deeds used to commune with the Ancestral spirits. Granny's research determined two things: 1) to call a spirit, the deed performed must be equal to or greater in significance than what that specific spirit accomplished when they were alive. That's why there are so many deeds! And 2) the older the spirit, the more authority they had among the other ancestral spirits.
Knowing that, Granny theorized that getting the approval of the oldest spirit is the best path for Althorr to receive the blessing of the Ancestors. And there are no older ancestor than Wotan! His legendary deed, a sacrifice of himself to himself, is know even beyond Utgard and the Norse tribes. Wotan sacrificed his right eye into the well of Mimir after hanging himself for nine days and nine nights at the tree of life Yggdrasil. To exceed that, Althorr will have to do the unthinkable: retrieve the eye of Wotan!
Althorr sacrificed his right eye to the well of Mimir and dove after it into the icy cold psudo-waters. He was submerged within it for nine days and nine nights in the abyssal darkness. Until at last he saw the golden sheen of Wotan's eye. He quickly retreived it, and escaped with his life from the clutches of Nidhogg, the icy Wyrm from the depth of the world tree. Upon reaching the surface, Wotan' eye in hand, he was met with the spectral stares of thousands of his Ancestral spirits.
The most senior members were not happy with him, and felt he committed sacrilege by even touching the eye! They were about to attempt to shove him back into the well as punishment, when hundereds of the newer spirits rose up against them in anger! These were spirits of people who personally knew Althorr, some of them grew up with him and knew him from when he was a child. Others only knew him after he became a fixture of their tribe. Many of them were those who owed him their lives and now were in a position to finally pay him back, even if it is after their death!
"How dare you do this to my boy?" Said one of the two very familiar Norsemen, the spirit of Althorr's adoptive mother "this boy toiled for centuries! He's more Utgaridan than you'll ever be!"
A fight was about to break out again, but was interrupted by a soul quake of cosmic magnitude. Every living and dead soul felt the tremors to their core as the spirit of Wotan materialized among them.
Wotan's spirit has become so powerful, that it diffused its essence in every nook and cranny of the Norselands. It assumed a vaguely humanoid shape for the first time in centuries, which was a momentous occasion in and of itself!
Thanks for finding my eye Wotan not so much spoke, as was being felt but alas I need it not any more.
Wotan then winked, and the sun was eclipsed for a brief moment. He then started again with
Keep it!
Wotan dissipated once again; with his disappearance, the eye of Wotan hovered gently, before ramming itself into Althorr's empty eye socket! The millennia that the eye spent in Mimir's well of knowledge, coupled with Wotan's own natural powers and hunger of knowledge, has created a powerfully curious magical item. Althorr could barely contain the flow of information into his mind. His only respite was whenever he closed his eye, which is why he wears an eyepatch.
Finally, at the age of 332, Althorr is able to start on his path to becoming an Ancestral guardian Barbarian! He decided to travel the world to make up for all the decades he spent as a hermit away from society. It could be a subconcious nudge from the Eye of Wotan, and its hunger for knowledge and new experiences, which influenced this decision. Gytha Petersen, who has long since compiled her findings of Norseland culture and stories into various books, helped Althorr facilitate this desire by tasking him with the job of reaching out to scholars and librarians across the realm with copies of her books. That's right! Meet the book-selling Barbarian, Althorr the Utgardian!!
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1 & 4 for the ask game
Hey Akira! Thank you for the ask!
1. Newest F/O? Oldest F/O? Any similarities between them? What's the biggest difference/s between them?
My newest F/O (or at least one of them) is Akuma from Street Fighter! And my oldest one is Thel Vadam from Halo! They’re both old men and pretty stoic for the most part. The BIGGEST is that Thel is more of a hero while Akuma is typically more of a Villain
4. Something you associate with your F/O-- a color, a item, etc; answer for multiple if you want
Hehe since it’s been a while since I’ve done an ask game let me answer this for ALL my F/Os 😈
Damon- The color Orange
Gumshoe- The color Green
Diego- Coffee
Marceline- Metal music
Marshall Lee- Same thing as Marcy
Scar- The color Black
Wolf- The color Neon Green
Gummigoo- Gummies (obviously)
Pieck- Carts
Doppo- Tigers
Retsu- Martial Arts
Halsin- Bears
Bojack- Depression (This isn't a joke. The first time I ever felt seen as a person with depression was from watching Bojack Horseman)
Tiffany- Black Widows
Crash Bandicoot- Looney Tunes
Dingodile- Cool animal hybrids
Grog- Barbarians
Atrocitus- The color Crimson Red
Bane- Luchdors
Killer Croc- Crocodiles
Gundham- Hamsters
All three of my Skeksis F/Os make me think of Vultures
Oni- Onis
Trapper- The freaking DBD Dating Sim 😆
Senshi- Cooking
Hagenezuka- Swordsmithing
Vergil- The Color Blue
Maui- Fish Hooks
Krem- Honestly don’t have anything for him yet 😅
Jiren- Don’t have anything for him either 😅
Cobra- Poison
Gajeel- Iron
Iskandar- Anything to do with Greek culture
Kirei- Priests
Gladio- Tattoos
Leonard- Fire
Foxy- Animatronics
Bradley- Homunculus
Broadway- Patrick Star from Spongebob
Brooklyn- Motorcycles
Goliath- Keith David
Kratos- Pantheons
Thor- Norse Myth
Ford- The Supernatural
Thel- Sci-Fi
Angel- Jumping Spiders
Hellboy- Demons
Alexander- Vampire hunters
Stolas- Owls
Dirk- Anime shades
Svarog- The color purple
Welt- Brown and White
Omni Man- That Mustache
Gojo- Blue and White
Geto- Gauges
Ganondorf- Green and Orange
Tauro- Archaeology
Bowser- Jack Black 😂
Luigi- The color Green
Magneto- Magnets
Miguel O’Hara- Vampires
Tali- Purple and Gold
Wrex- Red and Black
Tom- Baking
Shao- Dragons
Smoke- The color Gray
Enji- Fire
Shota- The color Black
Toshinori- Sunflowers
Jiraiya- Frogs
Brook- Skeletons
Oven- Heat
Crocodile- Sand
Jimbei- Whale Sharks
Kin’emon- Samurai
Baptiste- Greenish-Blue
Mauga- Maui 😂
Reinhardt- Lions
Mako- Pigs
Sigma- Space
Belos- The color Gold
Kabu- The color red
Feral Predator- Skulls
Fugitive Predator- Don’t really have anything for him 😅
Chris- Umbrellas
Blake- Cats
Hazel- Olive Green
Tyrian- Scorpions
Yang- The color Yellow
Rao- Don’t have anything for him
John- Traps
Double Trouble- Lizards
Hordak- Bats
Horde Prime- Green and White
Ketahn- Spiders
Bob Velseb- Michael Myers
Greg- Rose Quartz gems
Akuma- Demons
E. Honda- Sumo
Zangief- The color red
Draxum- Sheep
Bebop- Warthogs
Rocksteady- Rhinos
Meat Sweats- Gordon Ramsey
Splinter- Rats
Thomas- Chainsaws
Grune- Sabertooth Tigers
Kaynar- Jackals
Panthro- Panthers
Banjou- Don’t have anything for him
Renji- Don’t have anything for him
Tooru- The color Green
Barnaby and Eddie both remind me of Jim Henson Muppets
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
Thor: *explaining his tattoos* thus was for winning the pit of woes, my father was upset yet proud I have done it
Thor: *points to one on his arm* this was from being the one who found and slayed the great beast of the damaged woods
Thor: *points to a ring like tattoo* this was from vowing to my fair bruce *points to a tattoo on his wrist* this is to my war friend, hulk
Clint: so... no one knew you were up to your gills in tattoos
Thor: *laughs proudly* only bruce, loki too, but loki has a tattoo all over his arms as to his God hood of the tricky and mischief, mother of monsters, and father of fire
Clint:...why is that hot?
Thor: *laughs proudly* may you have many reflections of your battles one and memories to have young barton *walks off with his bowl of cereal*
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bjornolf-bjarki · 4 months
Revamped Sigurd reference sheet(Hellsing AU Lore bits included) Mature content ahead btw
Name(s) of character and explanations:
1: Sigurd Fenryka Magnusson (primary full name given by his father Petr Odayev Aleksander, nicknamed Magnus, and his uncle Wayland Gunther)
2: Constantine Valdorius Pendraco (Secondary full name given by his mother Irene Adriana Pendraco and grandfather Anarawd Pendraco)
The reason for his two full names is that it's a Welsh cultural (at least for my au) norm for families/clans to name their child with two full names to confirm their union in a marriage once it bears a child, thus unifying the two families together.
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Art Credit: @v4nt4bl4ck On tumblr as name is shown)
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and this one from @cry-ptidd
Classification: Thor Class Supersoldier, Psychically gifted individual.
Species: Human, infected with a curse from a Varcolac (Werewolf/vampire hybrid creature)
Condition and medical treatments: Undiagnosed ADD/Autism, treated Rage addiction, werewolf/vampire hybrid curse with wolfsbane pills and UV light treatment to keep the beast(s) at bay, and a fully enacted super soldier implantations and treatments to help his body grow into the curse so his body wouldn't be ripped apart by physical mutation and enhanced growth.
Age: in 1999 he'd be 20 years old, birth date is January 7th, 1979.
Gender: Male (amab) pronouns being he/him. He's pretty comfortable with how he was born but he does have some oddities he's got in this sort of identity he's got.
Sexuality and Kinks: Considered himself straight for most of his life but realized he was Pansexual/Bisexual when one of his best friends came out to him and they started dating for a little while. He's discovering more about himself each day in that department, especially since he's a confident switch in the dynamics.
NSFT part: He's got a breeding kink, some light bdsm, brat taming, competitive sex, fight play, biting kink, exhibitionism, and other loosely tied kinks as well.
Voice claim: Aiden Caldwell from Dying Light 2
Scars/body details: Incredibly chiseled and well muscled due to genetic modification, scars all over from scratches, deep cuts, stabs, gunshot wounds, notable scars on his face over his right eye and two parallel cut scars diagonally rising from his jaw to his nose, and a large bite wound at his side. He is also covered in Norse-style tattoo at the front of his body to help keep his powers in check and as a retelling of his life story since the 5 years of war beginning in 1994 after what he thought to be a temporary vacation when he met his first love Seras Victoria and was with her for a month while she was in the orphanage. Then he continued the rest of his trip with his older brothers to a huge medieval-themed festival in Kosovo and all the way to his oaths to avenge his oldest brother Joshua. Only for them to be dragged into the grim plans of millennium's schemes for their war against Alucard, England, and then the world. Years of conflict and loss painted his body with not just scars but with tattoos as well. Each rune recounted atoning for old shames and liberating lost lands from vampire hordes spurned on by rebellions in the Balkans. These things are how he bares his soul to those who truly begin to know him. He also has a wedding ring on his finger, though he won't talk much about it to anyone.
Personality: Strangely positive, yet still marked by a deep determination fueled by his grim past. He's also remarkably calm under most pressure he faces. He also feels very strongly about injustices against people and will vocally stand up for more vulnerable, oppressed people since he is deeply anti-authoritarian. He's also very gentle with most people since he still has a hard time gauging his own strength in some moments. He's also a massive adrenaline junkie too, often doing things like parkour in Urban environments if bored enough or maybe something like hunting dangerous games with minimal equipment in rural areas. He's overall a very casual, fun person to be around like Pip would be in Hellsing. Though, with people who would be his sexual/romantic partners, he is much more sensual in his mannerisms. For a morally grey-ish character, he's turned out better than most of the other characters in the Hellsing universe as a whole.
Powers/abilities: He's not only stupidly strong since he's a super soldier but he also has some psychic abilities. One is that he can instill panic/general emotional distress into people around him. It's almost like a full-power sonar blasted in a general area or directly aimed at a spot and you're underwater when it happens as a diver. It's not just loud, it's disorientating, literally to the point you get sick or possibly even die underwater from drowning. Sigurd's powers of course aren't exactly like that, but it's just a heavy, smothering presence in the air that makes you feel like walls are closing in around you. He's caused people to have heart attacks before at its worst. So not only can he bench press a whole-ass black bear and leg press one too, but he would also scare you half to death by getting a little frustrated at you. So he's had to really tone himself back from his angrier past. Another ability he has is being able to communicate to most animals due to his curse.
Professions: To put it bluntly this guy would put the famous doctor, surgeon, therapist, plumber, professor, mechanic, pizza delivery guy, etc Johnny Sins look like a chump. Sigurd's been a commander of entire armies before and more than that too. But he's also had a very humble background in more working-class jobs like being a butcher, factory worker, and construction worker, even tried working in fast food but quit after a week when calling a rude customer a "rambunctious hoe" and slapping his boss across the face for being a dick about it. He's also been a mercenary before for a short period of time during the beginning of the war he was in. He was also a sex worker of sorts after his 19th birthday. So yeah he's had a wild time. Finally, he's found a new job with Hellsing after a war in Italy when Alucard fought him to a near stalemate until Sigurd ran out of steam and surrendered after sending his soldiers away. And instead of being executed, he was spared to recruit him and see what he could do.
(more might be added soon since I posted this at 2:45 am or whenever, kinda going stir crazy)
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beheworthy · 1 year
If Thor and Jane were to get married, do you think Thor would invite the avengers? His family is obviously not attending 😁
Them getting married? 🥺 And none of his family would be there? 😭 And you're laughing?! 😭
Of course he'd want The Avengers to be there. But no one's left. Tony, Steve, and Natasha are gone. Bruce is the only friend he has left. It's so depressing.
I don't even have faith in Marvel to show a Norse wedding. They'd make it a Christian wedding the way Waititi gave him a Christian tattoo (RIP Loki). Love the level of effort/research that's put into Thor's story. :)
(I had to research Norse weddings for a work assignment and they seem like they'd be fun and intense.)
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seii-fantasy · 2 years
My little doctoress~
Qin Shi Huang x reader
Song/Theme playing:
Litchi Faye ling theme : Oriental Flower
I need some QIN !! 😭😭
Reader will look like Litchi Faye Ling from Blazblue
Y/a/n = your assitant's name =she/her
Y/b/n = your brother's name
Y/l/n = Your last name
⚠️Warning⚠️: Violence , jealousy, swearing , might talking about death , y/n being a meanie to Adamas and lime at the end
■¤▪︎■▪︎¤Rebel 1■▪︎¤▪︎
Being a renowed doctor , it was quite difficult but it was alright . Being assisted by your assistant Y/a/n , you were famous for your beauty and your kidness towards the people . The people describe you as an angel . And often you had many pretenders who wanted to marry you but you kept declining their proposition .
Until the Ragnarok started , Brunhilde has wanted you to be their healer and kind as you are you accepted .
And now you're working as a healer for Brunhilde , you got along pretty well with everyone after the first round , you were feeling speechless not because of The Norse God of the Thunder has won because the loyalty that Lü Bü's soldiers had , even tho they know they didnt stand a chance against Thor , they sacrificed their lives for him...
As for the second round you were sad , because you ,the father of humanity Adam has loose the fight agaisnt the God of the Olympius and his death affected the humanity , then after the 3rd round when Hrist(the angry Hrist) has kicked the door of your dispensary and yelled that Sasaki needed your help , after this you patched up Sasaki you three went back watching the next round
Then after the rounds coming and coming , here are we the seventh round as you were wandering in the corridors , suddenly a loud noise was heard "What in the world , was that!?" You thought then a thing appeared suddenly your head the thought of Brunhilde being attacked by a god/goddess as you start running to them , when you arrived to a certain part of the Amphitheater , you saw a man walkin between the piece of the walls he just broke , he was wearing a chinese clothes , a blindfold and a centipede tattoo was only right cheek and his spine...
Just at the sight of him , you immediately recongnize him since Brunhilde showed you every human fighter so...
Then you turned around and started to walk on tiptoe , but unfortunately "Who are you?" The emperor already caught you and now you cannot escape as you turned to see Qin Shi Huang standing right now in front of you "I am Y/n , Y/n Y/l/n" you said "Such a -"
Before he could finish his setence , your little brother , who came with you , was running to you while calling you , "Big sister!" He called "Yes y/b/n ?" You answered "Y/a/n need your help , she's got a patient who's really sick , and she doesnt know where is the book of medicine is-- *breathe* *breathe*" your little brother tried to explain real quick as you took him by the hand and said " Ok little one , thank you for telling me, now lets get back to the dispensary" . The emperor watched the scene with a smirk and then he continued his way to where he was going , in reality there wasn't patient , Y/a/n didn't need your help right now . As you kicked the door of ur dispensary in panick , Y/a/n blenched from their sleep , "Y/a/n , where is the patient ?" You yelled in panick "What , patient?" Y/a/n asked confused "Y/b/n told me , you had a really sick patient , and you didnt know where the book of medicine was!?" You said starting to think about something "Y/b/n , wasnt with me!" Y/a/n said still confused , "He was wandering in the corridor" "in the corridor?" You asked turning your head down to the little h/c-ette who was holding your dress so tight and started to cry"What is it Y/b/n?" You asked "*sniff , sniff* i am truly sorry sissy , i was very jealous , you were discussing with the handsome man , and i thought you will forget about me *sniff* i am very sorry...*cry*" feeling your heart breaking just at the sight of your brother crying , you took him and you enter your dispensary while calming your little brother , and y/a/n watching the scene with a peaceful smile but still thinking who might be the handsome man that your sibling was talking about....
●°•●°•●°●•●°•● 《Timeskip》
After your little brother was falling asleep , you have rejoined Brunhilde and her fighters , and the ravenette was very upset , and asked why was she had the long face as she answer "Only a king may fight a king , teeth to teeth , eye to eye , kingdom to kingdom , he might be strong but i've a known a man who can beat him" as she finished that , another bang was heard , other walls was broken ,and like breaking walls was job for him , it was just next to Brunhilde and you
Qin Shi Huang POV:
As if breaking walls was my job , i can't find the waiting rooms . And just as i get out of the piece of walls i just broke ; the beautiful lady names Y/N who was trying to get away is here with the oldest valkyrie , Brunhilde "Hehe , Nilde-san i suddenly remember my assistant was doing some dangerous experiment with medicinal herbs and i forgot that i should assist her , may i quit this rendez-vous please ?" The lady asked "Yes , you may quit" Brunhilde said
So the lady litteraly dissapeared
¤☆《no pov》¤☆
You litteraly dissapeared because you couldn't resist the Chinese Emperor , you had fallen for him , the first time when your sight landed on him , deep down you were blushing madly . The King of men was no fool , he knew that the beautiful doctoress was in love with him, even the Oldest Valkyrie was no fool she knew you were in love with Qin Shi Huang and knew the feeling was mutual but she won't say a word , even Alvitr Qin's futur valkyrie , knew you were in love with him and sometime she kept teasing you .
During the seventh round , you were sleeping because you were very tired ; or Y/a/n bursted into the dispensary and yelled "Y/N ! WE HAVE TWO PATIENTS ! THEY'RE VERY INJURED PLEASE HURRY!" As you heard the voice of your Assistant , you quickly hurry to your assistant when you're to the doorstep of your room and when you saw who were the patients , you couldn't believe your eyes : They were Qin and Alvitr , as y/a/n took Alvitr and leaved you with the King of men , "Qin , Qin please stay with me " you took Qin and placed him on your bed as you started to patch him from his deep wounds.
As you were done with Qin , someone burst into your dispensary , breaking the table next to the door he yelled "OI ! DOCTOR ! DO YOU HAVE A PATIENT ?" as y/a/n froze in fear . You yelled "WHY THE HELL YOU WANNA KNOW ! " as you let the King of Men sleep so you go deal with the person . It was none than Adamas "Because....that bastard killed my brother"his voice became more darker "Oi ! Don't burst into my dispensary while im helping my patient , its not my fault if your brother died . He died because he wanted to fight and if you don't get the fuck out of here . Dont except me to be nicer with you" you threatens the God "And what if i don't" he mockingly said ; suddenly your stick you uses when you fight as suddenly appears when you click your tongue , the long wooden stick was very fast that the God hasn't see it , so when he almost see it , the big wodden stick has knocked him out and when his limp body fell on the floor , you drag him out of your dispensary while saying: "You better not coming back or else im gonna kill you".
Then you came back to Qin who was half awake "Qin , how are you feeling" the King of Men who was half awake half asleep asked who was there , you answered that it was none of his buisness , that the only thing he should focus right now that was his life. Then you touched his forehead to see if he didn't have a fever as he took your arm and drag you over him , then you fell on top of him; head on his chest , listening to his heart beating , hands interwined as your cheeks became red like tomato. "Wha-wha-what in the world Q-Qin !?" You yelled really embarrased from this scene
"You know , you're really cute , when you're blushing" he smirked , "*sigh* , you " you said while relieving your head from his chest "yes i , little Jade" he respond , as you blush again and your face turned red by pure embarassement . As he was still smirking , he chuckle by your face.
It was midnight , you were reading your book like you always do , you were reading outside on the balcony of your room , the moon was just shining on you . As you heard a slight chuckle "Hăo , little Jade" you were surprised , you haven't see him coming "Hello Qin how are you "you asked "Im feeling good than before"the King of Men answered then it was an akward silence before you close your book and started to look at Qin who was standing next to the handrail of your balcony "The moon is beautiful " Qin said "Indeed , it is very beautiful " you answered but before you realized what he means , he smirked .
Then 5 minutes , later , you realized what he meant because you remember that you have seen this expression in the books that you mother has given you before she passes away
You blushed hard , covering your face in your book you were reading . "Aww it seems my little precious jade has get it" Qin cooed "I know you love me , and know that 我也愛你 (i love you too)!" He said as he took off his blindfold , as you look at his beautiful eye you were mesmerized by his eyes , he sneak his hand behind your waist as he took you and he kissed you passionately and your arms were holding Qin's neck
as he bit your bottom lip for permission as you let him explore the cavern of your mouth and your tongues were fighting for dominance , you kept moaning making Qin wanna kiss you more and as expected Qin won , and his tongue was dancing with yours in a sultry tango as you tap Qin's shoulder for telling him you were feeling breathless , he took you by the hips and he was going to place you on your bed and he started to kiss your jawline until he reaches your neck
As he placed soft kisses on your neck making you shuddering in pleasure and he found your sweet spot , he bite it as you moaned his name loudely which it makes him smirk
"As a payback for helping me ,my little doctoress , relax and let me help you, you won't regret it~"
The Hades one shots , the chapter 1 of Forbidden love are coming<3!
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myfavouritelunatic · 1 year
Get to Know a Blogger!
Thank you heaps for the tag @vellichormybeloved ❤️😘
Share your wallpaper: My laptop wallpaper is this phenomenal piece of artwork by @marimosalad which I often find myself not opening anything up on my computer and just gazing at it endlessly.
Last song you listened to: Forgive Me/Two Coins (Live) by City and Colour ❤️
Currently reading: This excellent series, As It May Be, by @somebirdortheother I am absolutely loving it!
Last movie: Nope, my second viewing, watched it with my family over Easter! Still so good!
Last show: The latest episode of The Mandalorian. Rewatched it for my podcast. Ep 6 was a fun one!
Craving: To finish The Blacksmith!! I'm literally on the home stretch now, holy crap!
What are you wearing right now: Blue jeans, a Killers shirt, a Loki hoodie, and a dark purple beanie. Winter has come early!
How tall are you: 5'9"
Piercings: Just the two, one in each ear.
Tattoos: Yes, three! A Thirty Seconds to Mars one (the Chinese symbols for Echelon), Thor (his name in Norse runes), and Loki (his name in Norse runes).
Glasses, contacts: Glasses!
Last thing you ate: My Mum's homemade rumballs! Same recipe since I was little! Yum!
Favourite Colour: (every time I see this question I think of Monty Python haha) PURPLE 💜
Current obsession: He who has had many names... Halbrand, Sauron, Mairon, The Dark Lord, Cinnamairon Roll, Just a Regular Middle-earth dude, Charlie Vickers... 😍 and The Rings of Power in general of course.
Any pets: Not yet!
Favourite Fictional Character: Oh this is a really difficult one... there are way too many to name them all. If I had to pick only one... Willow Rosenberg. Probably the first ever character I would have referred to as being my favourite!
The last place you travelled: Nowhere too exciting, visited my home town of Bendigo for Easter to see my family. 😊
Tagging, no pressure: @denzit @heronamedhawks @pursuitseternal @gil-galadhwen @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @honeyfarts666 @klynnvakarian
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lightthief04 · 1 year
Loki talking about their wife
As Loki's punishment, instead of keeping them locked up, which everyone knew wouldn't work, they were sentenced to follow Thor everywhere. Loki personally thought this was more of a punishment for Thor than for themselves, but what did they know? Maybe some karma was due, they supposed quite a bit probably. Anyway Thor was visiting Midgard to check up on the Avengers or whatever he had said, Loki hadn't really been paying attention. The point was they were on Midgard and Loki had to stay in the Avengers tower for the week they were there. At first, it had been great, they had snuck up on so many people and scared them. It hadn't been nearly as much fun though after Bucky yelled at them for sneaking up on him and Steve in the shower, according to him that was rude. Loki had just rolled their eyes and turned to books. The Midgardians had many books and Loki was content to read as many as possible. They were currently reading Sherlock Holmes which they had to admit was rather enthralling. They had been reading peacefully when the spider child sat across from them in one of the soft lounge chairs. Loki ignored him at first but decided it wasn't worth it after five minutes of the child staring at them.
“You’re Mr. Loki aren't you?” he asked. Loki was rather taken aback by the title Mr, they didn't particularly like it. They wrinkled his nose.
“Just Loki, but yes”
“Cool! What are you doing here? Where's thor? Is that why you’re here? Because Thor is? Didn't you try to take over??” Peter shot one question after the other rapid fire. 
“I'm here because i got in trouble, thor is gods knows where, yes, and no i was being mind controlled, but if you want to get technical my body did try and take over” 
“So you have to come to earth?”
“No i just have to go with Thor everywhere, which frankly id rather spend my time with Sigyn”
“Who's that?” Peter scooted closer to the edge of his chair. Loki raised an eyebrow at him.
“My wife” Peter's eyes grew even larger.
“You’re married!?” he seemed genuinely shocked, loki smirked.
“Yes, what made you think otherwise, i mean i have been alive for almost 6,000 years”
“Oh, i just, well you don't have a wedding ring” 
“A what?”
“You know, when you get married you put rings on your ring fingers” Peter looked down and studied his own hands as if he were trying to decide if that was something he wanted.
“Sounds dull plus you can lose trinkets like that” 
“So what did you do then?” Peter asked, sounding slightly affronted but mostly intrigued. 
“We got binding tattoos”
“Cool! Can you feel each other through them??” 
“Well, it's more like we can feel if the other is in trouble, it burns your skin slightly”
“That sounds rather harsh, considering you are the god of mischief right?” loki smirked. 
“Yes well, nothing compared to having poison dripped on your face for thousands of years” 
“Mmm” Loki didn't say any more, they abandoned the conversation in favor of continuing the story they were reading. Peter tried to get more answers out of them but to no avail. they went to go find a book on Norse mythology instead. 
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