#tho his is clearer than Kota's
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So, in the issue of もえプロ about Shinsuke which Rachel, who as you know is the actual best, found for me in Japan, there’s a section for 100 questions & answers with the man himself. As I was gonna be translating it anyway (as best I can with limited skill), I thought I may as well post the results. The format will be Q // translation of Q followed by A // translation of A, with my notes in brackets with two asterisks (**). This will crop up when I have something to add or I’m a little shaky on the meaning or if the meaning tooootally escapes me... As w/ the questionnaires in “Be,” any tips on bits I’m clearly stuck on from native speakers or ppl with more advanced study under their belts than I have would be appreciated lol.
1. プロレスラーなろうと思ったのはいつ? // When did you decide to become a pro wrestler? 中学生 // (as a) Middle school student
2. 一日の練習量は? // How much do you practice daily?
その日によります。// It depends on the day.
3. 柔軟方法は? // (I think this is asking him how he stays flexible?)
戻すときに息を吐く。 // (I’m not sure what he says here but it’s something about breathing / exhaling, like ‘it comes back to me when I exhale’)
4. 試合前にするジンクスはある? // (** I think, are there ‘jinxes’ you do before a match? as in like...does he put the whammy on an opponent beforehand lol)
あるけど、 教えません。 // There are, but I won't tell.
5. 今まででいちばん苦しかった試合は? // So far, what was the most painful match?
覚えてないです。 // I don't remember.
6. 人生で初めて買ったプロレスに関するものは? // What was the first pro-wresting (related) thing you bought in your life?
プロレスの本。。。小説だったと思います。 // A pro-wrestling book...a novel/short story, I think.
7. プロレスにやっていてよかったと思う瞬間はどんなとき? // (** nother guess, but, I think they're asking about moments when he think it's good he's doing pro wrestling?)
違う世界を見られたとき。 // (** Times when he sees a 'different world'?)
8. ファンからの声援は聞こえる? // Can you hear the cheers from the fans?
聞こうとすれば聞こえます。// (**auto-translator spits this out as ‘If I hear it I hear it’ but I dunno how accurate that is...it sounds a bit indifferent lol)
9. 寮生時代の得意料理は? // (** I'm pretty sure they're asking him here what his specialty was when he was in charge of making the food at the dojo/dorm during his early days - young lions do the cooking and cleaning, etc.)
ちゃんこ // Chanko (**chanko is a very protein-heavy stew made in large quantities, traditional in sumo stables and, as it happens, pro wrestling dojos lol)
10. ファンにもらってうれしかったものは?// What are you happy to receive from your fans?
何でもありがたいです。// I'm grateful for anything/everything. (**I would be remiss if I didn’t include this link tbh. Any excuse. lol.)
11. 巡業の移動中、 バスの中でしていることは? // When traveling on provincial tours, what do you do on the bus?
雑誌や本を読んだり、 タブレットいじってます。 あんまり寝てないです。 // I read magazines, mess around with (my) tablet. I don't sleep much.
12. 巡業に必ず持っていくものは? // What do you always bring on tours?
お財布、 ケータイ、 試合道具 // Wallet, mobile (phone), ‘match tools’ (his gear/etc).
13. 幼い頃に憧れていた選手は? // As a young child, what player (wrestler) did you admire/were you attracted by?
プロレスに憧れてました。// I admired/was attracted by pro wrestling. (** as in, all of it and not necessarily any one person)
14. コスチュームやポーズはどうやって生まれる? // How do you come up with costumes and poses? (** technically they're literally asking how his costumes & poses are ‘born’)
自然とです。 // Naturally/spontaneously.
15. 今いちばん闘いたい選手は? // Who do you want to fight most now?
ダニエル・ブライアン // Daniel Bryan (** this magazine was published in 2015, so, prior to his official retirement)
16. 試合をしてみたかった伝説の選手は? // What legendary (wrestler) did you want to (fight)?
アンドレ・ザ・ジャイアント // André the Giant
17. ライバルは誰ですか? // Who's your rival?
人と比べないから。。。わかりません。 // Because I don't compare myself (to others)....I don't know. (** you're a rotten liar and Tana is RIGHT THERE, sensei!)
18. CHAOSで好きな選手は? // Who in CHAOS do you like? (**this is a fast and loose translation but that's what they mean lol)
みんな好きよ。// I like everyone.
19. CHAOSメンバーと飲むことはある? // Do you go drinking with any CHAOS members?
ありますよ。 いちばん��いのはYOSHI-HASHIです。// Yes I do. Most frequently, YOSHI-HASHI.
20. CHAOSメンバーを家族になとえると? // (** they're asking if CHAOS were a traditional family who would fill what role)
お父さんは邪道さん、 お母さんが外道さん、 長男は矢野さん、 オレは腹違い // Jado is mother, Gedo is father, Yano is the eldest son, I'm a son from a different mother (**autotranslate spat out “I'm a mistake” and it took me a while to stop laughing about it)
21. YOSHI-HASHI選手の体が最近引き締まったような気がしますが、 どう思いますか? // I feel like YOSHI-HASHI's body has recently become more toned, what do you think?
目の錯覚です。 // It's an optical illusion.
22. これまででいちばん痛かった技は? // What technique (move) hurt the most?
若手の頃に受けたスコット・ノートンのチョップ // When I was young I was chopped by Scoot Norton.
23. 棚橋弘至選手との対戦でいちばん印象的なのはどの試合? // Which was the most impressive match with Hiroshi Tanahashi?
ハイフライフローをグーパンチで迎撃した。。。。両国国技館でやった試合です。 (** his answer is basically ‘the one where I punched him out of the air when he was doing a High-Fly Flow...the match was at Ryogoku Kokugikan.’ He obviously doesn't remember which match it was and amazingly, neither do I, offhand)
24. どうしてそんなにアーティステイックに、 カッコ良く楽しそうに、 プロレスをしているの? // Why are you so artistic, cool and happy when you're doing pro wrestling?
たった一度の人生だから! Because we only have one life! (**YOLO to you too, sensei)
25. プロレスラーとしての職業病はありますか? // Are there occupational diseases for pro wrestlers?
刺激を求めすぎる。 // To seek out/want too much stimulation/excitement.
26. 海外に行くと新日本プロレスの選手でいちばん人気だそうですが、 それを受けてどう思いますか? // When NJPW wrestlers go overseas, you seem to be the most popular, how do you feel about receiving (that kind of adulation)?
良かったって感じ。 // It's a good feeling.
27. リング上でいちばん恥ずかしかった経験は? // (**they're asking about the most embarrassing experience he's had in the ring but I'm not sure if they're specifically asking if it was his most embarrassing, or just something he witnessed)
矢野通の投げた木槌が自分の頭に当たったとき。// The time Yano threw a wooden hammer and it (**either hit Shinsuke in the head, or hit Yano in the head...I'm not sure! 自分の頭 could be ‘my own head’ or ‘his own head.’ Either way I'm not surprised it involved Yano and a little proud that it didn't involve Tacos...)
28. 黒いタイツと赤いタイツのどっちを穿くかどうやって決めますか? // How do you decide between wearing the black tights or the red?
順番です。// There's an order.
29. 使わなくなったコスチュームはどうしてる?// What about the costumes you don't wear anymore?
全部保管してあります。 人にあげたりはしません。 // I keep them all. I won't give them to anyone else.
30. コスチュームのこだわりは? // (** ok they're...asking about his costumes but it could be like...his fixation or pickiness or criticism? about them)
パターンとか切り返しでデザイン性を出すようにしています。// (**Yeah I'm not sure about this at all. '切り返し' is a sumo move called a twisting backward knee trip so he might be talking about freedom of movement but other than something about pattern and design I have no idea)
31. 若手時代にいちばん恐かった先輩は? // When you were a young lion, who was the scariest senpai?
寮長の矢野通 // Dorm leader Yano Toru
32. プロレスの師匠は? // (who is the) master of pro wrestling?
いろんな方 // Various people
33. 新しい技の開発予定はありますか? // Do you have plans to develop new techniques (moves)?
急に生まれます。 // They are suddenly/unexpectedly born.
34. いちばん期待している後輩は? // Which kouhai (jr. at work, just...someone coming up behind him, younger) do you expect the most from?
オカダかな。// I guess Okada.
35. 自分の試合は見ますか? // Do you watch your own matches?
見るときもあれば見ないときまります。 // (**this boils down to sometimes, I think....the specifics escape me)
36. 最近、 いちばん美しいと感じたものは? // Recently, what's the most beautiful thing?
海 // the sea
37. お気に入りのアパレルブランドは? // Favourite clothing brand?
いろいろ // Various.
38. お気に入りの飲食店は?// Favourite restaurant?
コーヒーの美味しいところ。 // Place(s) with delicious coffee.
39. 何フェチ? // (** this again...lol....at absolute face value they're asking what his fetish is but it could also be passion/enthusiasm, which seems more likely)
いろいろ // Various
40. 好きなアーティストは? // Favourite artist(s)?
絞れません。 // I can't narrow it (down).
41. 肉体的・精神的 にくじけそうになったときの回復方法は何ですか? // How do you recover when you feel physically and spiritually/emotionally drained?
忘れること // (I) forget about things
42. レスラーの皆さんは食事量が半端ないイメージですが、 中邑さんの食事量はどのくらいですか? // All wrestlers have an image of eating an impressive amount, how much do you eat?
普通です。// A normal amount
43. 夜寝る前に必ずすることは? // What do you always do before you go to sleep at night?
歯磨き // Brush my teeth
44. どんなクルマに乗っていますか? (**this seems to be asking what kind of car he prefers to like...ride in...rather than drive?)
窮屈なクルマは好きじゃないです。 I don't like narrow/tight cars.
45. プロ野球はどこのファン? (**....this is asking...to what extent he's a baseball fan? I think? Which he wasn't at all as a child, he hated baseball but his dad was fanatical about it)
野村克也さんが監督されてたときはちょっと気になってましたが、 あんまり見ません。(** to the best of my ability, he's saying he had a bit of feeling for it when Katsuya Nomura was a coach but doesn't watch much otherwise)
46. 今、 プライベートで行きたい国は? // Now, what country would you like to go to privately (**as in, not for work)
北欧、 アラスカ、 南米、 南極 // Northern Europe, Alaska, South America, Antarctica
47. お気に入りの国は?// Your favourite country?
モロッコかな。// Morocco (**kana, I think, would mean ‘I wonder,’ or ‘I guess,’ so he's not sure but I guess that was the first thing that came to mind)
48. 京都弁はいつ使いますか?// When do you use Kyoto dialect? (** I didn't know there was such a thing!)
使いません。 実家では丹後弁です。// I don't use it. My parent's house is in Tango province (**I guess whatever dialect that is its range doesn't extend that far?)
49. サーフィンを始めたきっかけは? // When/how did you start surfing?
ブラジル人柔術家がコパカバーナでやってるのを見て。 // (** he says something about a person who does Brazilian Jujitsu in Copacabana...he's really led an interesting life, huh? lol)
50. 初恋はいつ? // When was your first love?
幼稚園 // Kindergarten
51. 好きな女性のタイプは? // What type of women do you like?
いろいろですね。// Various types...
52. 苦手な女性のは? // What (type of) women do you not like?
完璧主義者 // Perfectionists.
53. 女性がする好きな仕草は? (** This came up in 'Be' as well...it seems to be like, ‘what're your favourite way for a woman to act/behave/gesture’)
女性らしければ。。。。何でも。 (**this is even more confusing but he could be saying ‘If it's feminine...anything’ or just ‘if it's a woman, anything,’ I'm just not sure)
54. 今いちばんハマっていることは? // What are you most caught up by/addicted to right now?
サーフィン // Surfing
55. カラオケで必ず歌う曲は? // What song do you always sing at karaoke?
尾崎豊の「ダンスホール」 // “Dance Hall” by Yutaka Ozaki
56. お姉さんからは何と呼ばれていますか? // What do your (older) sister(s) call you?
真ちゃん // Shin-chan
57. スマホカバーは? // Is there a cover on your smartphone?
落としても大丈夫なやつ // It's safe to drop it
58. 好きなお酒は? // Favourite alcohol?
赤ワイン // Red wine
59. ファッションのこだわりは? // Are you obsessed with fashion?
自分の中の流行優先です。 // (** I think he's saying he has his own fashion preferences)
60. 美術部時代の代表作は? // What was the most important work/masterpiece of your art club days?
アクリルで描いた三十三間堂の絵。 たぶんモノはないと思います。 // Acrylic paintings of Sanjusangen-do (**a Buddhist temple in Kyoto). Perhaps there isn't (one definitive work), I think.
61. 酔っ払うとどうなりますか? // What happens when you get drunk?
寝ます。// I fall asleep.
62. 試合のない日の服装は?// What do you wear on a day without a match?
Tシャツ、 短パン、 草履 // T-shirt, shorts, sandals. (**this is crocs erasure, sensei)
63. 叶えたい夢は? // What's your dream?
南の島で暮らしたい。 // I want to live on a southern island.
64. ほかのスポーツでやってみたいものは? // What other sports would you like to do?
スケボー。 前にやってたんですけど、 ちゃんと教わってみたいです。 // Skateboarding. I've done it before but, I'd like to learn a bit more properly.
65. 着信音は? // (what's your) Ringtone?
設定は変えてません。 // I haven't changed the default setting.
66. 苦手な人タイプは? // What type of people are do you dislike? (**what type aren't good)
すぐに怒る人 // People who're quick to anger / lose their temper quickly.
67. 苦手なものは?// (** I think, based on his answer, they're asking him what he doesn't like eating...though it's literally more like “What stuff is bad?”
カエル、 うなぎ、 干し椎茸を戻したヤツはちょっと。。。。生椎茸はOKです。// Frog(s), eel(s), (**...something about a guy who returned dry shiitake mushrooms??? But he says that raw shiitake mushrooms are ok...)
68. 最近増えてきたプロレス女子についてどう思う? (**I'm not certain...this is either asking him about how he feels/what he thinks about the increase in joshi puroresu - women's wrestling...as in about more promotions/wrestlers? or like, about more women liking wrestling? I always thought that joshi puroresu was written in reverse order but maybe it's not set in stone and that is what they mean)
いいと思います。 人生を謳歌してるじゃないですか。 // I think it's good. They're enjoying their lives, aren't they? (**assuming he's referring to the women being...hypothetically referred to lol)
69. 視力は? // (how's) your eyesight?
両目とも2。0くらい // It's about 2.0 in both eyes (**I think this essentially means 20/20)
70. 握力は? // (what's your) grip strength?
計ったことありません。 // I've never measured it.
71. 肺活量? // Lung capacity? (**(I think)
計ったことありません。 数値に興味がないので。// I've never measured it. I'm not interested in numbers/numerical values.
72. ヒゲ何mmですか? // How long/what length is your beard?
73. サーフボードはどのくらい持っていますか? // How many surfboards do you have?
5本 // 5
74. 得意料理は? // What's your cuisine specialty (** special dish? One he's best at making presumably, now vs. his days in charge of the chanko)
アヒージョとか // Things like dried fish in garlic oil
75. 好きなスナックのポイントは? // (** this....seems to be them asking him something about what snacks he likes...snack points??? but his answer is confusing in this context)
インテリアが昭和なこと // (** because it's like “The interior of the showa period” which is like an historical era both in Japanese history and also a sort of slang they use to refer to a certain period of NJPW history, which, hoo boy did it take me a while to work that out in his book. Though plugging it into a google image search does bring up some kinda like...packaged fried shrimp or something so maybe it's a brand?)
76. 京都の峰山に行ったらここに行くべきというオススメの場所はどこですか? // Where would you recommend (people) go when in the Mineyama area of Kyoto? (** where Shinsuke grew up)
日本海 // Sea of Japan
77. 体形維持のために気をつけていることは? // How do you maintain your figure?
夜いっぱい食べたら朝少ししか食べない。 // If I eat a lot at night I only eat a little the next morning.
78. メガネは持ってますか? // Do you have glasses?
失くしたまま作ってません。 // (** he says something about losing them...but I'm not sure what. 失 is an alternate for 無 in 無くす, to lose / get rid of. 作る has a lot of meanings and none of them make this any clearer. He does have glasses, I've only seen him wear them once in a while though)
79. 海に入るのはどれくらいですか? // (** they're asking him when he goes into the sea how long he stays)
2時間くらい // Around 2 hours
80. 今、 プロレス以外にやってみたい格闘技は? // Now, other than pro wrestling, what martial arts do you want to do?
テコンドー // Taekwondo
81. バスケ部時代のポジションは // When you were on the basketball team your position was?
ポイントガードとセンター // Point guard and center.
82. バスケ部経験者として「SLAM DUNK」でいちばん好きなキャラクターは? // As someone experienced (in being on a basketball team), who's your favourite character in SLAM DUNK? (** it's a manga lol)
三井寿 // (**I have like...no experience with either basketball or SLAM DUNK but I think he names ‘Hisashi Mitsui’)
83. クルマの運転得意ですか? // Are you a good driver?
過信はしてません。 好きです。 // I don't overestimate my ability. I like it.
84. 初めて買ったクルマは何ですか? // What's the first car you bought?
ポルシェ911カレラ // (**I don't wanna question him here but...unless he only bought his first car fairly late in life I really really doubt that his first car was a like, $100,000+ Porsche 911 Carrera lol. But hell, maybe he did! Maybe it was. What the hell do I know?)
85. どうしてそんなに速くサインが書けるのですか? // How do you write an autograph so fast?自分のリズムで書いてるから。 // Because I'm writing to my own rhythm. (**he used to, obviously, sign his name in kanji rather than that swirly cursive thing he does now. It looked like this:
...and it never occurred to me that writing names that way would take a while but now it’s pointed out, Tana takes quite a while writing out his in that one documentary....but I digress)
86. コーヒーはどうやって飲みますか? // How do you drink your coffee? ストレート。 朝イチはミルク入れるかな。 // Straight. If it's first thing in the morning I put milk in, I guess.
87. 好きなスイーツはありますか? // Do you have a favourite sweet (candy, dessert)? ピーナッツバター // Peanut butter
88. コレクションしているものはありますか? // Do you have collections? 冷蔵庫につけるマグネット // Magnets for the fridge (**....cat butts?!)
89. 香水はつけますか? // Do you wear perfume? (**cologne, they presumably mean, aftershave maybe) 今はつけません。// I don't wear it.
90. サイン会や握手会などのイベントでドキッとしたことは? // What startled you during a meet and greet? 親戚の知り合いが来たとき。 // When my relatives & acquaintances come.
91. おふく��の味は? // What's the food like mom used to make / the taste of home cooking? へしこ // Pickled fish in rice-bran paste (heshiko)
92. 最大の失くしものは? // (**this is phrased kinda weird like "What thing is your biggest loss" but maybe it means what he loses most frequently, or a lot of?) 現金(笑)// Cash (lol)
93. Tシャツは何サイズ? // What's your t-shirt size? LかXL // Large or extra large
94. 女性は年上と年下ではどちらが好み? // Do you like older women or younger women? どっちも // Both/either
95. 描いた絵はどこに保管していますか? // Where do you store the paintings you've painted? 自宅の物置 // The storage room in my house
96. 洋服はどこで買いますか? // Where do you buy your clothes? ツアー中に地方で。 // In places during tours.
97. 朝パンですか? ごはんですか? // (** they're asking about his breakfasts...lol. Like if he has bread in the morning for some reason, or cooked rice) ごはんが多いかな。// Lots of rice, I guess.
98. 何歳まで現役を続けたいですか? // How long do you want to keep actively working? わからない。 // I don't know.
99. 30歳を過ぎて変わった部分ありますか? (** something about...if things have changed since he was 30? If his role has changed?) これと言ってない。// (** 'I can't say this'?)
100. 好きな言葉は何ですか? // What's your favourite word? 「自由」というものを表現に落とし込むようにはしてます。 // (** he says 'Freedom' but then goes on to add something about...trying to...express the concept or...apply it to expression or...some damn thing, I don't know.)
#Shinsuke Nakamura#Pretty Soldier Nakamura#Rasslin'#Fucked in translation#I'm not even sure if this is more or less accurate than the Be translations tbh#at least I didn't have to work out his handwriting this time#tho his is clearer than Kota's
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