#this wip is 70+ pages has b'elanna been born yet? no.
firstroseofspring · 5 months
last line challenge <3 :)
rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
i was tagged by the very coolest <3 @leohtttbriar, this is a wip from a fic where i'm trying to figure out what john and miral look like as a couple. also its not one line yayy
Miral has never seen a beach look so much like the desert. It takes time to get to the water, walking on powdery sand that sticks to the bottom of her feet, and the lack of clouds bathes everything in the light of Earth's sun, shimmering and stark against the cool shock of blue water, so unlike the thick black sand and soft green on the beaches she'd grown up visiting. The waves are small, barely rising up from the flat top of the water before folding into themselves unassumingly on the sand. Everything is harsh, and bare. There are no smooth boulders lining the shore like she's seen on Chu'paq, only more sand, and there are no caves to provide respite from the sun, only strange, curved trees with green heads that reach up several times her height. John's mother stares at Miral for a long moment when she sees her beach attire, and Miral holds her gaze, wondering briefly if the swimsuit she packed is unacceptable by the Terran standard. "Miral," Dolores says, and she trills the R in a way that John rarely does, quickly and subtly, leans into the vowels and stretches out her mouth. "Do you need a dermal regenerator?" Then one of his sisters, Laura, "I think the lifeguard keeps a first aid kit," and she eyes the long scar along her leg, and Miral looks at them, and realizes for the first time, despite the somewhat revealing beach attire they were all sporting- their skin is scar-less, smooth. Bare, like their beach. Miral had earned that scar, had stalked a sabre bear with her cousin, Rokar, for three days for that scar, and she cringes internally at the thought of healing it. "No," she starts, then adds, remembering, "-thank you. I show the scar intentionally. I received the wound recently on a hunting trip in the northern mountains, and the memory is dear to me."
i tag @mithrandirl, @gorseflowers, and @fauvester, plus anybody who would like to participate!
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