#this was the moment when i realised i don't know how to spell nine and patricks surnames
liliuzan · 2 years
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INTO1 - Dancing on the Moon MV
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mourn-and-watch · 8 months
no but essek's abnormal behaviours in the last arc and especially in episode 140 are my roman empire. which is ironic because aeor is something of a roman empire itself. but in all seriousness, it was the episode that made me realise i love essek and his development so much and it kinda summarised it even before caleb's epilogue.
and i mean the "it's not fair" scene specifically. it's like, an epitome of his whole character progression from a person who put An Objectively Important Goal above all else without hesitation to someone who can't help but care for people around even more than his goal, no matter how big and relevant it is.
the mighty nein - and he alongside them - pretty much saved the world and freed an ancient city from thousand-year-long suffering. they defeated nine extremely powerful menacing entities who managed to stay out of everyone's sight for years and were so close to achieving their goal and dooming exandria in the process. they did the impossible and became heroes and somehow, they survived, even though they had bidden farewells a couple of hours ago because they had already understood what they had been facing. and nevertheless. they made it.
and none of them was celebrating.
mighty nein are basically essek's only friends. he knew them to be very unusual people, to put it lightly, loud and stubborn and completely inescapable once they consider you to be one of their own. and they showed him so much kindness and put so much faith in him, they were here playing the most atrocious music ever and digging clay in his backyard for a spell they invented just to help one of theirs and asking him if he could bring them pastries the day after they found out he was lying to them and had started a war. they were chaotic and weird and sometimes unbearable but most importantly they were carrying so much hope with them all this time - a hope they could end the war, a hope they could stop the angel of irons cult, a hope they could get better, a hope he could get better, and now, finally, that they could save their lost friend.
and that hope shattered, just like that, the moments after they'd already made the impossible. they saved so many souls - and then could not get back just that one.
for essek "my intentions were never good they were important" thelyss it just. shouldn't have mattered. they won. it could have been worse. people die and when they die they rarely come back. they should've been happy everyone else barely made it alive.
but for some reason, mighty nein being so defeated after they saved the world exposed him to that overwhelming feeling of injustice and unfairness. and i mean, there were many things essek considered to be unfair, but when i watched his first appearance and his interactions with mighty nein later on til their reunion in aeor arc, i wouldn't dare to guess that one of the things on that list would be something that personal. and personal not even to him.
the thing is, essek didn't even know who that guy was. why mighty nein cared about him so much. he had an idea, i guess, that he was their friend once, or someone in that body was. it was also a person who wanted to unleash a terrifying horrific aberration onto the material plane. it was a person very dedicated to killing essek and his friends - and they still didn't take any pleasure in fighting him. essek didn't feel strongly about lucien or molly, because he never knew them.
i don't think he mourned his death and failed resurrection. he mourned mighty nein's hope, the one they put in him when they had no reason to, the one they offered yasha in the cathedral and the one they kept after the spell for veth failed and the one they carried til the very end because they wanted it to reach molly. they had saved people with this hope. they had saved nations. they had saved the world. but they ended up feeling like it hadn't even been worth anything.
how desperate would it feel, witnessing people who for some reason always saw good in you when they absolutely shouldn't, who made literal miracles out of nothing, who ended wars and fought gods and tricked the hags and freed cities from horrors beyond anyone's comprehension purely because they thought it was the right thing to do and also loved their friends this much, silently crying over a dead body they couldn't bring back to life? how desperate would it feel to realise that with all your knowledge about time you dedicated your life to and threw away any principles for, you can't undo this? no one can. some things are left to fate alone and this time it wasn't kind to them. no matter how much good they did, they still got slapped in the face.
and it was, i think, such a genuine moment of empathy. like, essek is the character who prefers to put up a facade and act distant and self-composed but this time he just. walked away unable to watch this. the could only say to fjord that it wasn't fair. even when he was caught off guard in nicodranas he was able to explain himself and his motives to an extent even though he was a nervous wreck whose extra important plan went to hell the second the only people he cared about appeared. this time he had nothing to elaborate on. it just wasn't fair. it wasn't fair his friends didn't get what they wanted the most. it wasn't fair he couldn't do anything to make it right.
it is such a sad and beautiful and even cathartic scene because it is about person who started a war that destroyed so many lives - and then met this ragtag group of weirdos who saw a lonely stand-offish guy and said "hey, let's be friends!" and didn't even wait for him to answer. he saw them being serious and calculated and he saw them being ridiculous and extremely stupid, he saw their mistrust to outsiders and their loyalty to each other, he made spells with them and paid a visit to their hot tub, he ate their stale pastries and drank their hot chocolate mixed with whiskey, he was welcomed amongst them and in their wonderful home, both in xhorhas before they even found out what he had done and in the tower when they already knew - and then, he saw them mourning their loss, defeated and helpless, and he, a person who believed there were things more important than whole nations, let alone just one life, couldn't help but share the pain they felt. a pure display of compassion from someone who detached himself from it, who didn't believe he could grow into a better person capable of it again, but became one nonetheless without even realising it
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Bloody Beetle | Part Ten
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Summary: buckle up folks, it's the final showdown
Pairing: Steven x reader, Marc x reader, Harrow x reader, Layla x reader
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: fighting, deaths...
A/N: as always spelling and grammar are not my strongest skills so please be kind :)
Part Nine | Series Masterlist
- - - - -
Layla’s POV 
She wants to stop you from surrendering yourself, she knows it’s dangerous. 
But she also knows neither of you have time to think of another plan. 
As soon as you step out from behind the wall she wastes no time in sneaking over to where Osiris’ avatar is and pulls him to safety. 
“Hey! hey, hey…” She says as she tries to keep him upright and conscious. “How do we stop Ammit?!”
“This chamber is our most powerful place.” He wheezes. “From here we need to imprision Ammit in a mortal form.”
“A body instead of a statue. She’d be vulnerable… okay, how do we do it?” 
“We need more avatars than we have left…” he says before collapsing to the ground. 
“No, no no!” Layla tries to wake him, but when she checks his pulse she realises he’s gone. She thinks for a moment, pondering her options. Reluctantly she summons Taweret and agrees to be her temporary avatar. 
“I am so thrilled! We are gonna have so much fun together.” Taweret says excitedly. “I have a fabulous costume in mind.”
The sound of Harrow’s shout bounces off the walls, getting Layla’s attention. She peers around to watch. 
Harrow is stood in front of you protectively, talking to Ammit. Almost pleading with her. 
“What could she possibly do in the future that is so bad that she deserves this?”  
“She will be the one to kill you.”
Ammit’s reply sends the room silent. A few disciples spare glances at each other but no one dares make a sound. Layla notices the heartbreak on Harrow’s face. 
She watches as you try to stand, try to reason with Harrow, convince him Ammit is lying. 
She watches as Harrow turns to you, and reaches out to help you up from the floor.
She watches as he drives a dagger deep into your stomach and she has to fight with herself not to run over and kill Harrow herself. She knows with Ammit behind him he is too powerful for her to fight alone. 
She watches as everyone just steps over you, leaving you to die. Not a single one of them even pausing for a moment to consider helping you. 
As soon as they’re out she runs to you, calling your name. You manage to roll over and look at her and she sees the moment the last bit of life leaves you. Your body going still, eyes glassing over as you lay limp on the ground. She crouches next to you, checking and double checking for a pulse. Begging you to wake up, to not leave her alone. 
But that’s what she is now… Alone…
Marc is dead. You are dead. Without anyone to help her, she’s sure she will be next.
— — — — 
Y/N’s POV 
“Where am I?” You ask aloud, glancing at the bright white nothingness around you. “Steven? Marc? Anyone?”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” A voice calls from everywhere at once.
“Hello?” You respond. 
“I am Osiris, god of the underworld.”
“I have granted you resurrection but I ask something of you in return… Become my avatar.”
“Uh, look I don't think I'm really the person to be asking. I don't know how to be an avatar, I don't even really know what it means… I just know that Marc said it’s bad. Like being a slave? And I really don't want that-”
“You won’t be a slave, you will be powerful.”
“I’m sorry, but my answer is no. And if that means you have to send me back to the Duat then… I accept my fate.” 
“I admire your honesty and bravery Y/N. But we need more avatars than we have left if we are to defeat Ammit.” Osiris speaks calm but firm. “Take the powers that come with being my avatar, use them to defeat Ammit and when the job is done I will take them back from you. I will expect nothing more from you. You may continue to live your life free from any burden.”
“So just like, a temporary deal? Right?”
“And once Ammit is dealt with, I can just be normal again?” 
“Yes.” Osiris pauses. “Do you accept?” 
“I do.”
— — — — 
You gasp as you sit bolt upright on the cold stone floor of the pyramid, making Layla jump. 
“Y/N?!” She says, grabbing your arms to ground you as you flail around in a panic. “I got, I got you.”
You take deep breaths, clutching your hands to your stomach. You lift your shirt and watch in shock as the wound from the dagger closes itself, leaving you fully healed. Any weakness left from Harrow’s staff is gone too. You feel amazing.
“What… what just happened?” Layla says, wiping tears from her face and staring at your stomach. She helps you up off the floor. “You were dead!” 
“Osiris healed me.” You say, in shock yourself. Then you notice Layla’s outfit. Her mundane clothes from before gone, replaced with a gold and white Egyptian armour. “What are you wearing?” 
“Taweret chose it.” She says before explaining how she agreed to be her temporary avatar. You in turn explained the deal Osiris offered you. 
“Well, you look badass.” You say and she laughs. “Wait, if I’m an avatar too now, does that mean I get a costume too?” 
A bright light swirls around you and when it disappears you’ve changed. No more blood soaked clothes. Instead you're wearing green armour, similar to Layla’s, with white and gold fabric wrapped around your body. Attached to your back is a long golden staff with a hooked end. 
You look down at your clothes in amazement, then up at Layla. The two of you look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. You don't really know why you're laughing, but after the stress of the last few days it feels like a welcome break. 
“So, what do we do now?” You says once you composed yourself. Layla sighs, shaking her head. 
“I guess, we try to save the world.”
— — — — 
The two of you head outside. To your surprise the sky is as dark as night, even though you're pretty sure it’s still daytime. The sky is filled with purple lights, flying up from across the city and towards the other side of the pyramid where Ammit is. 
“She’s consuming souls.” Layla says as you watch horrified. The more lights she swallows the bigger she grows. She’s already almost the same size as the pyramid.
“How are we supposed to stop her?!” You ask, looking around frantically. You look up at the top of the pyramid. Harrow is up there, a purple glowing light surrounds him as he chants in a language you don't recognise. 
Before you can say anything, someone flies up to the pyramid and begins to fight Harrow. You recognise the person to be the same as the action figure you found in the museum, dressed head toe in white.  
“Who is that?” You ask Layla, turning her attention to the scene on the pyramid. 
“Marc?” She gasps before turning to you. “Did Osiris resurrect him too?” 
“I- I don't know. Maybe? I didn’t see him after we made it through the gates-”
You stop talking suddenly when you notice Khonshu appear next to Ammit. He goes to hit her with his staff but she reaches out a scaly hand and stops him. They begin to fight as Harrow and Marc fly though the air toward the town, still fighting each other. Khonshu manages to knock Ammit over and she comes crashing down near near you. The force of her slamming into the pyramid sends a cloud of dust and sand over you and Layla. 
“Little bugs.” Khonshu says when he notices he almost flattened the two of you. “Go! Help Marc.”
Layla rolls her eyes at him as she wipes dust from her clothes before turning to you and nodding. You run away from the pyramid in the direction that Marc and Harrow had gone. 
The streets are chaos. Everywhere you look Ammit’s disciples are grabbing people, judging their scales. You watch as Bobbi grabs someone. They begin to shake then fall to the floor as a purple light emerges from them and flies up into the sky. Those who aren’t distracted staring at the dark sky are running, screaming, from the disciples. As you begin fighting off disciples you notice Marc laying on the ground on the other side of the town square, Harrow stood over him with his cane pointed down at him. It starts to glow purple. 
Layla swoops in just in time and knocks Harrow away. He fires purple light from his cane at Layla, but she reflects it with the golden armoured wings attached to her arms and it bounces back at Harrow. It sends him flying backwards into a crowd of people. 
You knock out the guy you're fighting and run over to Marc. His face now uncovered and he spots you over Layla’s shoulder as he’s hugging her. As you get closer his clothes change to a white three piece suit.
“Y/N!” Steven’s voice calls happily as he hugs you tightly. His hand finds the crook attached to your back. “Oh my God, that- that’s Osiris’ crook! Oh that’s bloody brilliant that! Wow!”
“Steven I know this is a massive deal for you but we have to stop Harrow.” You say, smiling at him.
“Right yeah, sorry you just- you look amazing!” He smiles, turning to Layla. “You both do.” 
You hear a scream and turn to see a woman with two young children being cornered by a group of disciples. 
“I’ll go. You two get Harrow.” You say and Steven places a kiss on your cheek before he and Layla run into the crowd and begin fighting. 
You run the other way, grabbing the crook and using it to pull the first bad guy away. You swing him round and send him crashing into the side of a nearby building. The others turn on you, but you effortlessly manage to dodge their attacks and one by one knock them all out. You help the mother and her children find somewhere safe to hide before turning your attention back to the others just in time to see Harrow fighting Marc. 
“You need only remove one weed from the garden. You!” He says, purple light blasting from his cane at Marc.
Marc grabs one of his crescent moon shaped blades but Harrow uses the power from his cane to control Marc’s hand. Layla runs toward them but Harrow sends the blade flying at her and it pins her arm to the side of the truck, before sending a huge blast of power at Marc, forcing him down on his back. On a building above them you see Ammit has also overpowered Khonshu, pinning him down with his own staff. 
Harrow advances towards Marc and you run, throwing yourself in between them.
“STOP!” You shout and Harrow looks at you like he’s just seen a ghost.
“Y/N..?” He says breathlessly. “You’re-”
“Alive? Yeah, I was surprised too.” You say sarcastically. “Why are you doing this? You told me you wanted to stop her!”
“That was before…”
“Before what?”
“Before I knew you would betray me!” He shouts, hitting you with a flash of power from his cane. It knocks you flying out of the way, rolling across the dusty ground. You feel like the wind has been knocked from you as you lay on the ground trying to get your breath back. Harrow advances on Marc again, raising his cane and slamming it into his chest. Purple light streams up through the cane, killing him slowly. 
“NO!” You scream, scrambling to try to get up but a heavy boot comes down on your back. Bobbi stands over you, keeping you down, forcing you to watch. You look over at Layla, she’s surrounded by disciples, using her golden armoured wings to deflect the bullets being fired at her. 
Marc turns his head to look at you before his eyes turn white. 
You can’t really describe what happened next. Something takes over Marc and sends him into a killing frenzy. He’s unstoppable as he takes on multiple disciples at once, slaughtering each one without breaking a sweat. He turns to you and you feel Bobbi remove her foot from your back. She backs away but Marc throws a blade at her and it lodges itself in her forehead, killing her instantly. He locks eyes with you and you don't recognise him at all. That’s not Marc anymore, and it definitely isn’t Steven. He winks at you before taking on Harrow. It doesn’t take long for him to overpower him. Its only as he’s about to kill him that he freezes, his posture changing. He drops Harrow’s unconscious body and looks around in horror at the war zone around him. 
“That wasn’t you, was it Steven?” He says and his suit changes. “Not a chance mate.” 
He looks at you and you get up, dusting yourself down as you make your way over to him.
“Are you alright?” He asks, placing his hands on your face and checking you over. 
“I’m fine, I’m more worried about you.” You reply.
“Marc?” Layla calls, freeing herself from where Harrow had trapped her. Steven changes back to Marc. “What the hell was that?”
“I blacked out.” He says. He looks genuinely worried. 
A rumbling from the building next to you draws your attention to Ammit dragging Khonshu away. 
“Get Harrow!” Layla says “I know how to stop Ammit.” 
— — — — 
Marc carries Harrow and you both follow Layla back to the tomb in the pyramid. Once inside Marc throws Harrow down on one of the stones.
“The power of the room will help us bind Ammit to Harrow’s body.” Layla explains. “Quick grab my hand so we can start the spell.” 
Marc takes Layla’s hand and you take Marc’s. The three of you start chanting the spell in an ancient language, the words must be given to you by the gods because you have no idea what you're actually saying. A circle of light fills the tomb, surrounding the three of you and Harrow. Purple light descends down into Harrow’s body as the spell works. Harrow gasps awake, his wild eyes looking at the three of you. 
“You can never contain me!” Ammit speaks through him. “I’ll never stop!”
“Do the honours, little bug.” Khonshu appears next to you and hands you the same dagger Harrow had earlier used to kill you. “Finish it! Leave neither of them alive.”
You look at the dagger, still stained with your own blood and feel anger boil inside you. You step up to Harrow, grabbing him by his collar and pulling him up to face you. His bright blue eyes stare into your own. 
“Do it.” He croaks. He looks utterly defeated, ready to accept his fate. 
You lift the dagger high, ready to plunge. Then you hear Ammit’s words from earlier.
‘She will be the one to kill you.’
You hesitate, thinking over those words. If you kill him now that means she was right about you. 
“While he lives, so does she.” Khonshu’s words ring in your ears. 
While Harrow lives, so does Ammit. Trapped in a mortal body.
“I said I wouldn’t kill you and I meant it.” You drop Harrow back down on the stone and throw the dagger to the floor. “There are worse fates than death.” 
You turn your back and walk away.
“Weak little bug.” Khonshu mocks but you ignore him. 
Layla takes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“I have to finish this.” Marc says suddenly, taking one of his blades and readying himself to stab Harrow. “If not I’ll never be free.”
“Marc!” Layla shouts. “You have a choice. You are free!”
“The choice is vengeance! We cannot take the chance that Ammit finds a way out. She will kill again.”
“Now you sound just like her.” Marc says, throwing his blade away. “You want them dead, do it yourself. Now release us!”
“As you wish.” Khonshu says before disappearing. 
Marc’s suit starts to disappear, a bright white light shines out of his chest and fills the room. For a moment you’re blinded, and when the light fades you find Marc on his knees. His normal clothes have returned. You and Layla go to him, crouching beside him.
“Marc? Are you okay?” Layla asks, full of concern. He looks at her and nods.
“He’s gone.” He smiles. “Thank you for stopping me.”
“What do we with him?” You ask, looking over at Harrow still laying on the stone.
“Lock him up.” Marc replies. “He’s killed so many people there’s no chance he’ll never ever be released. He’ll be locked away until the day he dies. And then Ammit will be gone too.”
You can hear Harrow incoherently babbling away to himself, and you feel a sort of sadness creep in.
“You did the right thing Y/N.” Layla says, noticing the frown on your face. 
“Then why do I feel so… weird?” 
“Love…” Steven’s voice instantly makes you feel a bit calmer and he places his hands gently on your face, forcing you to look away from Harrow. “Hey, look at me… You died today. And then you came back. And then you helped save the world from a giant crocodile lady.” He says making you laugh. “That’s a lot to take in. You're allowed to feel weird. In fact I’d be worried if you felt normal after all that.” 
“I know he did some really awful things but I- I almost kind of feel sorry for him. Is that wrong?” You admit and Steven smiles lovingly. 
“That just proves even more that Ammit’s scales were wrong about you. You are a good person with a kind heart. It’s one of the many things I love about you.” 
He moves his hands to hold yours and you give him a small smile. 
“Thank you.” You share a kiss, before remembering Layla is currently watching you kiss her ex husband. You pull away, giving her an awkward smile. “We should probably get going.” 
“Yeah…” Steven laughs, picking up on the awkwardness of the situation. “Back to good old London town. Get this guy put away… behind bars… where he belongs…”
“Guys it’s fine.” Layla says, laughing at Steven’s awkward rambling. “I’m really happy for you.”
“Are you sure?” Marc’s voice again. He walks closer to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “I know I wasn’t the best husband. You deserved so much more.”
“It’s okay Marc, honestly. We’re better as friends.” She smiles a genuine smile at him. “Besides, I’ve decided I’m staying here in Egypt.”
“What?” You say, moving to join them. “You’re not coming with us?” 
“While we were fighting out there, a young girl asked me if I was an Egyptian superhero and it made me realise, we didn’t have anything like that. But now we do. I’m going to stay here and work with Taweret to give more young Egyptian girls someone to look up to.” She smiles. “Plus, England is too cold anyway.”
“You got that right.” You laugh as you give her a tight hug. “you are gonna be the most badass superhero ever. But I’m gonna miss you.” 
“You too.” She says and turns to Marc. “Look after her, or you’ll have me to deal with.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
— — — — 
Some Time Later
You headed back to England with Marc and Steven taking turns to take the body. Though you knew Steven best, the more time you spent with Marc the more you enjoyed his company too. 
Ammit’s presence in Harrow’s body meant he became more and more mentally unstable. He spent a lot of time rambling incoherently and occasionally Ammit would takeover, shouting about how she would escape and make everyone pay. Because of this, Harrow was admitted to Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital in London. 
A few days after Harrow was committed, you went to visit him. You don't know why, you just felt like you needed to be sure he was safely locked away. When the nurses first brought you to him, you almost didn’t recognise him. He was sat in a wheelchair, his ankles restrained to it. He looked lost, vulnerable. It made a part of you feel quite sad. 
“Hi Arthur.” You say quietly. He looks up at you blankly. 
“He’s on quite strong medication, so he may not talk very much.” The nurse explains and you nod. “I’ll just be on the other side of the room, shout if you need me.”
“Thanks.” You reply, watching her as she goes to sit with another patient on the far side of the room. You sit down at the table opposite Arthur. “How are you doing? Have you settled in here?” You ask but get no response. You start to feel awkward. You look around the room, trying to think of something to say. You glance down at the table and see paper with some lines painted randomly on it. “Did you paint that?” Harrow looks down at it and nods. “You enjoy painting?” He nods again. “How about we do some together.”
You grab two more pieces of paper, putting one in front go Harrow and the other in front of yourself, and you start to paint. Harrow joins in and the two of you sit quietly together making your own little pictures. 
When your picture is done you show Harrow and he smiles at the simple flower you have painted. He shows you his, just a triangle. 
“It’s good.” You smile. 
“It’s a pyramid. Like the ones they have in Egypt.” He says, slowly sounding more like himself. “Have you ever been?” 
“To Egypt?” You ask and he nods. “Yeah I’ve been, with you. You took me there, remember?”
He stares at you for a long moment, a flicker of something like hurt flashes on his face, and then he goes blank again. You try to make more conversation, but he doesn’t say much after that. 
Not long after the nurse comes back and tells you visiting time is over. You slide your flower painting across the table to Harrow. 
“You can keep this.” You say smiling. “Goodbye Arthur.” 
You get up and start to walk away. 
“Y/N!” He calls, making you stop and turn back. “I’m really sorry I killed you.” 
You didn’t say anything back, you just nod at him as the nurse leads you out. 
As you sign yourself out the nurse speaks to you. 
“That is the most alert and talkative we’ve seen him since he arrived. You must be someone important to him.”
Her words replayed through your head for the rest of the day and that night as you sat down to eat dinner with Steven you told him about it. 
“I’ve been thinking, I might go back and see him again.” 
“Really?” Steven asks. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” 
“You didn’t see him today Steven, he’s different. The dangerous man that we knew is gone. Now he just seems so… lost. I guess a part of me feels responsible for that.” 
“Love…” Steven sighs, putting down his food to fully concentrate on you. “Harrow is where he is now because of the things HE did. The choices HE made. You gave him plenty of chances, even after he murdered you!” He reaches across the table to hold your hands. “Listen, Marc wants me to tell you not to go but I know that will make you want to do it even more.” He says and you laugh, nodding. “If this is something you really want to do, if it makes you feel better, then I think you should do it. Just, please be careful.” 
“I will.”
The following week you head back to the hospital and do some more painting with Arthur. It soon became a regular thing. The more you visited the more chatty he became. He started to tell you about life in hospital, sharing stories about the other patients and in turn you told him about your life. Although he initially looked hurt to find out you and Steven were now dating, ultimately he said he was happy to see you happy. 
If you hadn’t known him before, you wouldn’t guess this was once the leader of a cult intent on releasing a dangerous Egyptian goddess into the world. You’d never guess how much damage he had caused just weeks ago. And you’d certainly never guess that dangerous Egyptian goddess was now trapped inside him. There were hints occasionally that Ammit was trying to take over, to shout abuse at you, but Harrow always made sure she couldn’t hurt you. 
You didn’t talk about what happened in Egypt, you didn’t want to drag it all up again. He wasn’t the same person now anyway. And at least he’d apologised to you. Instead you chose to give him a fresh start, and just enjoy your weekly visits talking and painting with Arthur Harrow. 
One morning you woke up to a voice in your head. 
Osiris’ voice. 
“The deal is done. I release you from your duty.” 
“Ammit had been defeated.” 
“Yeah, but that was weeks ago.” You say, not understanding why he’s waited till now to talk to you. “We imprisoned her in Arthur Harrow’s body and they’re both locked up.” 
“I release you from your duty.” He repeats and you feel a strange sensation move through your body. Then nothing. 
“Osiris?” You call out, but no reply. “Well that was weird…” 
“You alright love?” Steven asks as he comes into the bedroom and hands you a cup of coffee.
“Osiris just released me.” You say confused as Steven sits on the bed next to you. 
“Well that’s a good thing innit?” He replies with a smile.
“Yeah, definitely. It’s just… why now? Why this exact moment instead of when we bound Ammit or when her and Harrow were first locked away? What’s so special about this morning?” 
“Osiris is a busy guy, maybe he didn’t have time until now. Or maybe you're just thinking into it too much…” 
“I just think it’s a bit odd that’s all.”
“That’s the gods for ya, all a bit odd. I don't think us humans are supposed to understand ‘em.” 
“You’re probably right.” You say before taking a sip of your coffee. “Anyway, where did you disappear to this morning?” 
“What do you mean?” Steven asks blankly. 
“I woke up in the early hours and you were gone.”
“I don't remember going anywhere… Marc?” He shifts and Marc speaks “Don't look at me. I thought we were sleeping all night.”
“Do you need the restraints back on the bed?” 
“Only if you want them back” Marc says flirtatiously, flashing you a mischievous grin. He shifts again and Steven comes back. “Oy, back off you.” He says to Marc before focusing on you. "I probably just went to get water and don't remember. Don't worry about it.” He kisses you on the forehead. “Right, I’ve gotta get to work, laters gators.” 
“Laters.” You laugh, and blow him a kiss. He mimes catching it and putting it in his pocket before leaving. 
You decide to put the Osiris thing out of your head. Steven’s right, there’s no point trying to understand the mind of a god. You finish your coffee before you get out of bed and get ready for the day. 
In the afternoon you head to the hospital as usual, and are surprised to see police cars parked outside the building. As soon as you step inside the nurse you’ve become used to seeing comes over to you.
“Y/N, please come with me.” She says, leading you into a small side room with a police officer inside. 
“Is everything alright?”
“Please take a seat.” The officer says and gestures to the chairs. You sit down in one, the nurse sits next to you. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, getting nervous.
“Miss Y/L/N, earlier this morning someone came into the hospital, murdered three members of staff and left with Arthur Harrow.” 
“What?! Who?” 
“We don't know yet. The CCTV cameras were damaged. All we have is a few eye witnesses who say they saw a smartly dressed man wearing a flat cap wheeling Harrow out of the building.” The officer explains, and you feel your heart start to race. If Harrow is out then Ammit could escape. The nurse notices your breathing has picked up and reached over to hold your hand. “I’m sorry, I understand this must be distressing. Harrow is your friend, correct?”
“Uh… yeah…” you reply, trying to focus on what the officer is saying and not the panic running around your head.
“According to the sign in sheets you’re the only regular visitor he has. Do you have any idea of who could have done this? Or why they would have done this?”
You search your brain for any options. The only people who really know who he is are yourself, Marc, Steven and Layla. You definitely didn’t do it. Marc and Steven wouldn’t have done it, and you can’t imagine Layla would have. You realise the officer is still looking at you for an answer. 
“No, no sorry. I- I don't think he has anyone else.”
“Here, take my card. If you think of anything give me a call.” The officer hands you a small business card and the nurse leads you back out the room. 
“Are you going to be okay? I know you’re quite close to him.” She asks, noticing how shook up you are she places a gentle hand on your arm. “Do you want me to call someone to pick you up?” 
“I’ll be fine, thank you though.” You smile at her as you reach the door out the building. “You have my number, will you please let me know if there’s any news?”
“Of course. Take care Y/N.” 
You head outside, and cross the street to where there’s a small park. You find an empty bench and sit for a moment to process the news and what that could mean. Who could have known Harrow was there? Who could have wanted him out? Maybe there’s another Ammit fanatic out there who wants her released? 
A shudder goes down your spine at the thought of her getting out. 
You take your phone from your pocket and phone Steven. It rings out. You roll your eyes and try Marc’s number instead, incase he’s got the body right now. They have separate phones and refuse to answer each other’s if it rings. His goes straight to voicemail. That’s unusual. You check the time, 4pm. Steven will probably be getting ready to leave work. 
Needing to talk to someone you FaceTime Layla, she picks up almost straight away. 
“Y/N! Hey!” She says happily, her smile drops when she see’s your face. “What’s wrong?” 
“Hey, uh… sorry to call I just, I need to talk to someone and Steven and Marc aren’t answering and no one else will understand-”
“Y/N, you don't need to apologise. What’s happened?”
“Harrow’s gone.” You blurt out and she stares through the phone at you. “Someone took him from the hospital this morning, they don't know who did it and they have no idea where he is. I’m scared, Layla.”
“Hey, alright, it’s going to be alright.” She says, though her voice has a hint of panic. “And you can’t get through to Marc?” 
“His phone is off. I think Steven will be leaving work soon.”
“Okay, you head over to find him. I’ll keep trying his phone.” She says and you nod. “Y/N?” 
“It’s gonna be okay.” She says and you get the feeling she’s trying reassure herself as much as she is you. You nod and she hangs up the phone before you start walking toward the road, looking for a taxi. 
In the distance you see a white limo heading towards you. Usually you’d think nothing of it. You see a lot of different vehicles in London. But something about this one got your attention. The personalised number plate. 
You can’t help but stare at it as it gets closer to you. Something in your gut telling you to run. 
The car slows down as it gets closer to you and you can just about make out though the windows that the driver is wearing a flat cap. The limo pulls over and stops next to you. The driver gets out and you stare at him confused. 
“Marc…?” It’s definitely Marc’s body, but the expression isn’t Marc or Steven. It’s the same one you recognise from Egypt. The one who so easily fought and killed all Harrow’s disciples. Another alter?
“Hola, mi amor.” 
He winks at you as he walks around the front of the car, past you and opens the door at the back of the limo for you. He gestures for you to get in. You hesitantly walk to where the door is and peer in. You have to slam your hand over your mouth to stop a scream from escaping. 
There on the back seat is Harrow, a bullet hole in his forehead. 
You back away but the driver pushes you inside and slams the door closed. You scramble to get out, to get away from the corpse, but the door is locked. You bang against the door, screaming for someone to let you out and then you hear a voice from inside the limo. 
“Hello little bug.” 
A/N: Thank you so so so much for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed this series as much as I loved writing it. please feel free to comment or send me an ask, I would love to hear your thoughts :)
Taglist :  @sleepylunarwolf / @ahookedheroespureheart / @sleepyamaya / @spicydonut25 / @kult6 / @uncle-eggy / @malaanii/ @toracainz / @pinkiestwinkie / @galacticstxrdust / @mateihavenoidea / @xmariakx / @oscarissac2099 / @whycantwebefriendz / @parkeepingparker / @scoliobean
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la-petite-lapin · 5 months
Double the Love | Part Nine
Double the Love masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x female civilian!OC Word Count: 2.5k Series warnings (may change between chapters): 18+ Minors DNI, angst, mentions of death, mentions of violence, swearing, mentions of nudity, mentions of sexually explicit content, OC has anxiety, communication, polyamory, M/M/F
A conversation and a confession
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Simon doesn't say anything for a while. I sit next to him silently, waiting for the words I know are coming. Knowing that they're going to hurt.
I've accepted it. They're probably going to want to move out after this. God - how am I going to explain this to John...
"We thought you needed space today," Simon starts softly, his gentle tone soothing a part of me that I didn't know needed soothing. "We... I've messed up today. I should have shown you more affection. I shouldn't have let you doubt this."
I blink up at him, dazed and bewildered. He's going to have to spell this one out for me.
Like he's reading my mind, he explains, "We really like you, Tali. We didn't want to scare you away after how intense last night was." There's another beat of silence as he glances at Johnny, still fast asleep, and adds, "I think this a conversation that all of us need to be present for."
They like me.
The realisation sets in like a freight train. They really like me.
A giddy feeling somewhere between excitement and confusion creeps in, all but erasing the sadness I felt just moments ago. Simon looks at me, head cocked to one side like he can sense the heavy mix of emotions swirling around inside of me. There's a glimmer in his hazel eyes as he carefully watches my expression.
"Can we... can we wake him up now, please?" I know that it's selfish, but I need to know that this is resolved. I need to know that they both feel the same so that we can move on. So that I can think and plan and mentally prepare myself for what people are going to say.
Oh God.
What are John and Gaz going to think? The people I work with? I'd like to think that I don't really care about the opinions of others, but I do. Deep down, I do. Strangers can be judgemental and mean - especially where poly relationships are concerned. Shit, what about PDA? That's going to draw unwanted attention and...
"Hey, love." Simon gently squeezes my hand with his, scarred fingers surprisingly gentle against my much smaller ones. "Where did ya go?"
I swallow, suddenly aware of how dry my throat is, and how my knees are shaking. "I was just thinking."
"About this. Us." When he squeezes my hand again, I carry on, shifting closer to him on the sofa until I'm tucked seamlessly against his side. "People are going to judge us."
There's a pause before Simon does something that surprises me. He barks out a laugh. A loud, gruff laugh that startles me for a second, almost making me jump.
I look up at him like he's gone mad, and he looks back at me, eyes twinkling with humour as he smirks. "You really think that's going to be what they focus on, princess? I walk around in public, 6'7, dressed in all black with a bloody mask on. Johnny's hardly a wallflower either. You really think people will be rushing to judge the sweet, beautiful woman walking around beside us?"
Well, when he put it that way, I suppose they wouldn't.
"I mean, there's always going to be a chance that some people will, but fuck 'em. I've caught enough stares to last me more than a lifetime. 's like water off a duck's back." Some of the amusement leaves his tone, eyes solemn again for a moment as he adds, "But seriously, love, if they don't know us, then why should we bother what they think? It's something Johnny said to me when we first started going out. I used to get so fucking stressed out about people looking at us and whispering shit. Just wanted to rip their heads clean off their shoulders. But it's not our problem - it's theirs."
I nod slowly. It seems to simple when he says it like that. I know it won't be, but it gives me hope. Hope that - one day - I'll be as nonchalant about it as Simon is.
There's a grumbling sound from the other end of the sofa. One that draws both of our attention. "Wha's all this about problems and heads?"
Si and I look across at the same time, meeting a pair of heavy-lidded, confused bright blue eyes.
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"...and so Tali thought we weren't interested, and that we were ignoring her," Si says, rounding off his summary-version of our conversation to a now wide-awake Johnny.
"Right," the Scotsman says, cradling a mug of black coffee like it's his firstborn. "Well, respectfully, tha's a bunch of shite." He turns to me with wide eyes, and I try not to look sheepish. "Ye know that now, right?"
I offer him a small smile. "Right," I repeat.
The three of us are still in the living room - myself tucked back into my armchair, and the two of them sitting on the sofa facing me. There are some important matters that need to be discussed, questions that need to be asked, and ground rules that need to be laid. Things that won't get done if I'm sitting next to either of them. It'd be all too easy to get lost in their eyes, snuggle up to their ridiculously toasty body heat and drag them back into their room for round three.
I need to stay focused for this.
"So, what does this make us?" I ask, hoping that I don't sound as nervous as I feel. I'm surprised that I'm not physically shaking.
Johnny shrugs, glancing from Si back to me again before saying, "Our girlfriend. Partner. Take yer pick," just as Simon says, "Whatever you want us to be."
"I think I'd like to be your girlfriend, if that's okay." When they voice their more than enthusiastic approval, I turn to my next question, a nervous smile forming on my lips. "What will you tell John and Kyle?"
Simon frowns at my obvious hesitance, the movement tugging at the scars around his mouth. "Captain Price we can leave to you, if you're more comfortable that way. And Gaz... we can tell him we're together whenever you want. He's pretty open-minded."
I swallow thickly. "They're both coming over at the weekend."
There's a beat of silence before Johnny starts laughing. "Making plans with our friends without us already, lassie? We've only been together for half-an-hour."
My cheeks heat up and I fight the urge to get embarrassed. "John made then plans, not me."
Simon grins. "I think it's cute. It's good that you get along with Gaz; he's a nice lad."
We're getting side-tracked!
I clear my throat, all business once again. "There's something else that I need to tell you."
They both look at me, expressions holding varying degrees of concern and blind acceptance. They're looking at me like I hung the moon.
I know that it probably won't change the way that things are between the three of us, but I'm still nervous. Because - technically - I've been lying to them since we met.
They still don't know that I'm Alex's sister.
"Did Price ever tell you how he and I met?"
The question hangs in the air between us. I watch as it dawns on them: he never did. Regardless the pair stay silent, giving me the space to take a deep breath and continue on.
"We met over a year ago, when he came to inform me that my brother had died."
Simon's face turns a sickly greyish-white hue. "You- you never told me that he was military."
On the other side of the sofa, Johnny's expression darkens. "I didn't even know that ye had a brother." He pauses, eyes locking onto mine as he says, "But... if the Captain came to tell ye, tha' means... he was somethin' to do with our lot."
Si's head starts shaking before I can even get the next part of my confession out, like he knows exactly where this is all about to go. "My name - my full name - is Talia Keller. And my... my brother's name was Alex. Operations Officer Alex Keller."
Johnny lets out something between a groan and a choking noise. My heart is beating in my throat, palms clammy and chest too tight. Simon isn't even looking at me anymore; he's looking at the floor, the walls, the ceiling... anywhere but me.
"I... how? Alex never told us he had a sister." Simon sounds borderline frantic. I try not to let that statement hurt me; try to remind myself that it has no bearing on the love that my brother felt for me. Catching the look on my face, Simon adds a broken, "I didn't mean it like that."
If I didn't know any better, I'd say he wanted me to walk over to him and tell him that it's all a lie. One big, sick joke. That I actually met John through a friend of a friend, or some other totally normal circumstance. Not via a death notification.
"Calm down, Si," Johnny says suddenly, his soft, placating tone cutting through the room. "Calm down and let our lass talk." Blue eyes lock onto mine, offering me endless reassurance. "Carry on, love."
I clear my throat, hands clenching and unclenching into fists at my sides as I will myself not to cry. "Our parents died when we were young, and Alex joined the army when I was still just a kid. He was all I had left after our grandmother passed. And - when he died - John came to the flat to tell me he was gone." I remember the crushing weight of the loneliness I felt in those days that followed, and it brings a weak, bitter smile to my lips. "But he didn't just tell me and go. He left his number and he made an effort to be there when I needed him. He pulled me into his life; kept reaching out even when I was too stubborn to see that I really needed him around."
Johnny frowns, and I can see the unshed tears shining in his eyes. "But... why didn't ye tell us, love?"
I shake my head, my own tears falling freely. "I don't know," I say, honestly meaning it. "I just... I don't know. Maybe I thought it would be easier? So that you wouldn't pity me for it?"
Before Johnny can reply, Simon is standing up - crossing the living room with long, precise strides. He scoops me up from the armchair, cradling me in his big, muscular arms. I wrap my legs around his waist on instinct, burrowing my face into the crook of his neck to hide myself away from the world, letting the tears pour out.
"We don't pity you, princess," Simon says, his breath warm against the shell of my ear. I can hear the sofa creaking softly as Johnny stands up. Can feel his fingers brushing through my hair. "Just wish you'd told us sooner, that's all."
I peel myself away from Simon long enough to manage two words before I'm burying my face back into his shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, lovie," Johnny coos. "There's nothin' to be sorry about."
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Once we've all calmed down, Simon announces that it's time we all head off to bed. It's gone 11 and not only do I have work tomorrow but they have to nip across to the base for a meeting, so he has a point.
As Johnny and Simon rattle around the apartment, double-checking that they locked the front door when they came in earlier, and making sure all the windows are shut, I start to head off to my room. The room I sleep in alone.
"Um, where do ya think ye're going, lassie?" a voice calls out from the top of the hallway. I turn around to see Johnny standing there, his broad frame practically filling the space as he folds his arms across his massive chest.
I let out a quiet squeak. "Bed?"
Simon appears behind him, resting his chin on top of his boyfriend's - our boyfriend's - head. "Nice try. Get your arse into bed. I'm not in the mood to chase you tonight." With an adorable flash of vulnerability softening his battle-hardened features, he adds, "I want to cuddle."
Melting inside, I backtrack down the hallway and push their door open, hopping into what used to be my bed.
After a few minutes, I doze off, and when I open my eyes again, I'm bracketed on both sides by the warm, muscular bodies of my boyfriends. I try not to giggle like a teenage girl internally, but it does a lot to shake off the remaining sadness lingering from our conversation about Alex.
I roll over, accidentally slamming face-first into Simon's bare chest. Instead of whining about it, he grumbles, "Are you going to sleep like that?"
I blink, pulling away to glance down at myself. After I flopped down onto the mattress, I hadn't thought to take off my clothes. Or find myself anything suitable to sleep in.
Simon chuckles indulgently, joined swiftly by Johnny - his rock-hard chest vibrating against my back.
"Jesus, lassie, just sleep naked like us. 's easier," the Scotsman says, drawing my attention to the fact that they are both indeed naked. "Saves us havin' to move wardrobes around."
I ignore him, kicking off my jeans before pulling my shirt off over my head. I lay still for a moment before something occurs to me - another question I forgot to ask earlier. A glaringly obvious one.
"What happens after Johnny's stitches have healed?"
Silence fills the room. It makes me wonder if it's something they've been wondering too.
Johnny speaks first. "Tha' depends, lassie. We'd have to ask Captain Price. An' it depends on ye, and want ye wanna do. But we'll both have to return to active duty."
Before I can ask what that looks like for them, Simon clarifies, "That means we'll be out on assignments more often." I don't think I'm imagining the heavy note of sadness that weighs heavy in his voice as he adds, "Sometimes we'll both be gone for weeks at a time, with no way of getting in touch with you."
As much as I hate it, I've already made my peace with that part. The bit that I don't get is the living situation. When they are here, I'd like to stay with them. I can live in the flat while they're away, but what about when they aren't? It's not fair on Winnie to have all four of us staying here, encroaching on her space. This apartment is just as much her home as it is mine.
"Do you two have a place together?" I ask, more out of curiosity than anything. I highly doubt it, since they ended up here with me in the first place.
Simon shakes his head. "We never saw a need for one. When we're in the country, we stay in the barracks with the other soldiers." A frown forms on his lips and I pull back a little further so I can comfortably cup his jaw. I smooth my thumb along the length of his cheekbone. "But I don't think that's a place that I'm happy with you being in."
I open my mouth to protest but Johnny's hand appears from behind me, swatting the air between us. "Can we talk about this in the mornin'? Some of us would like to sleep."
With a soft giggle, I roll over again and press a chaste kiss to the tip of his nose, then his forehead, and the cheek not pressed against the pillow. I settle my head into the gap underneath his chin, feeling the comfortable weight of Simon's arm come to drape over my waist and onto Johnny's. I can hear the sound of them kissing goodnight over my head, and it warms my heart even more than I thought I would.
Sandwiched between the two of them, I doze off again.
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a/n: hi guys! I felt bad leaving you on a cliffhanger with that last one, so here's part 9 :) thank you so much to everyone for the kind words and support, both on posts and through messages, it does mean a lot 🧡 - lapetitelapin x
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sunjaesol · 3 years
don't be bashful, come over here
excerpt from a juke fic i won’t finish | title: gimme some // nina simone
After Julie and him became friends through the sheer power of chalk and childlike innocence, they were inseparable.
They played make-belief and wizards and spies and House and made mud cakes and dug around for worms to put in their gastronomic concoctions. Then Luke found her mom’s acoustic guitar and his world was changed forever. It was as if a crooked picture frame suddenly got straightened out. Luke and music made sense. Luke without music did not. It was the only truth in the entire universe that he was completely sure of.
Julie already played piano and frequently sang in church. He found church unbearable unless she performed (which became pretty clear to his parents, as he practically nailed himself to his bed every Sunday when he knew Julie wouldn’t be singing) and realised during one that hey, they could do this together too! 
And so, they formed their first band. Very originally called: “The Luke and Julie Band”. They played mismatched melodies and warbled through their first attempts at lyrics, but it was fun. He remembered how much fun he had.
How sometimes, when nights felt particularly lonely after a fight with his parents, he’d think back on those moments and let the nostalgia sting his chest.
When Julie’s mom died, she stopped talking to him. He didn’t take it personal. Not at first, at least. Even at thirteen, he knew that he would never completely understand what she was feeling. He pictured it like falling off a skateboard and smacking on your face, but when he told his mom that, she told him that it was even worse than that.
Weeks passed and she still didn’t talk to him. He went to her house a lot, rang the doorbell a lot, tried to catch her gaze at school a lot. Eventually, he just… stopped. He was tired of being mad and confused. There were only so many times he could take being avoided.
By springtime eighth grade, she’d become an afterthought.
The last time he talked to her was at Willie’s job a few weeks ago. She was leaning against the counter, showing Willie a TikTok, when she silently moved to the side at the sight of him. Willie caught the tense atmosphere just in time and flipped it around, babbling on and on about an upcoming tournament the shop was sponsoring and letting the silences in between be filled by the tinkering on Luke’s board.
"Are you competing?" Julie had asked.
"Nah. Just watching," he had replied.
"Oh. Okay."
And that was it. Safe to say they were estranged from one another.
One could say he was pretty surprised when he found her wandering inside the record shop on a slow Saturday afternoon. He had never seen her at Arnold’s. It unnerved him, like she was somehow intruding on holy grounds - his holy ground.
She didn’t address him. Well then.  
To have something to do, he ducked under the register and grabbed a crate with the records they were thinking of playing. Another task he and Arnold loved digging their teeth in: bickering about what belonged to be played; which song deserved to be heard. Passing controversial music facts back and forth was their favourite type of debate.
Now that Julie was meandering around, it felt weird to have Simon & Garfunkel - his comfort music - on. She didn’t have to know he still listened to them. 
The Radios? Black Box Revelation? Nina Simone? Blackwave? He went with his gut and grabbed Nina. 'I Put A Spell On You' never got old.
Julie perked up as the first notes hit from the amps, a smile alighting her face - and that was when he realised his mistake.
Nina was, to this day, one of her favourite artists. It was a fact buried deep within his subconscious that somehow unearthed itself. During repertoire of twentieth century jazz artists, he remembered how she played 'Tomorrow Is My Turn' and had Flynn sing Nina’s part. That was last year.
He remembered how tragic it sounded despite the message. He remembered biking with Julie to school when they were nine and how she sang 'Feeling Good' at the top of her lungs. (How everyone stopped in their tracks to listen.) He remembered slipping through the garden gate when he was ten and the kitchen doors were open and Julie and Rose were dancing to 'Gimme Some'. He remembered how that exact song played during her funeral “because she has to be celebrated,” Ray had said. He had less wrinkles back then.
And that all came back to him.
That smile fell on him, curious. He couldn’t read between the lines like he used to.
He shrugged. “I- it’s a good record.”
“It is.”
@blush-and-books @bluefirewrites @willexx @constantly-singing @unsaid-emily @pink-flame @ourstarscollided
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darter-blue · 4 years
Stucky (quick fic) [Bucky is typing]
Steve is so tired, he’s thinking about stealing the duct tape from Tony's emergency kit to keep his eyeballs from falling out of his head. 
They’re mid flight back to New York from… wherever they were this time (somewhere cold and dark and exhausting). Nat is on his left, asleep with her eyes open, which is the creepiest thing Steve has ever seen - and he once watched Dum Dum wash dirty underwear in his regulation M1 helmet before wearing it into a skirmish (they all came out alive, maybe it was good luck).
His phone isn't in his pocket, which is typical Steve Rogers luck, all he wants is to play a few rounds of that terrifyingly addictive cupcake game Clint downloaded for him to switch his brain off. But, oh! It's under Nat's seat. 
And his fucking passcode locks him out after three wrong attempts, of course! So he uses the Captain America override function that all these goddamn Tonytech Avengers phones have with his thumbprint. Before he has a chance to even look for the game, a message pops up on his screen. 
Received: First of all you just ignored my cats dressed up as Santa, so fuck you. Secondly…
The ellipses show up to say this person is typing more, but Steve has no idea what on Earth it's about, or who it's from (Bucky? What's a Bucky?), So he quickly types back and hits enter.
Sent: who is this?
The ellipses stop and then start again, and quite quickly Steve receives a reply:
Received: Dont you new phone who dis me asshole
Which is mystifying, because those words don't make any semblance of sense in a sentence together and why the fuck is this Bucky so angry?
Sent: I think, firstly, your language is uncalled for.
Oh god, he is turning into his mother.  
Received: Natasha, wtf
Oh! Maybe this is a wrong number? Maybe his and Nat's numbers are just one digit off or something.
Sent: Ah, well, I think you have me mistaken for your friend.
Received: EXCUSE ME
This seems like an excessive response, Steve wonders if he'll need to actually wake Nat for this. Maybe it's best to just refrain from hyperbole and set the poor man (woman?) Right.
Sent: No, I mean, you think I’m someone I’m not.
It occurs to Steve right after sending that, he is being somewhat obtuse.
Received: Nat, omg, what are you talking about???
Okay, Steve, spell it out:
Sent: No sorry, I’m not Natasha
Received: What?
Sent: I’m Steve
Receieved: Who the fuck is Steve?
Immediately the phone is ringing. A picture of a ridiculously attractive man pops up as a display picture and it must be an actor or a model Tony has programmed into the phone as a joke (one time he lets slip that Jimmy Stewart would be his Hall pass and he'll never live it down).
He answers, because it would be rude not to. 
'Who are you and why do you have Natasha's phone?' 
'I think maybe you have the wrong number,' Steve says back to that gruff, salty greeting (salty is his new favourite word of the day, thanks to the urban dictionary app FRIDAY put on his phone) 
'I… hang on..' the phone goes silent for a moment and Steve likes to think he's waiting very patiently for Mr grumpy to come back on and apologise profusely. He secretly is quite interested to hear that voice when it's not so gruff, and maybe a little contrite. 'No!' the voice barks into Steve's unsuspecting ear, 'This is definitely Nat's phone. I am not going crazy.' 
And for the first time Steve wonders if it's entirely possible this is, in fact, Natasha's phone.
'You still there, dude?' Bucky asks. And Steve grunts to confirm he is, but pulls the phone away slightly to check, and oh. Look at that. There is no crack in the bottom left hand corner of the back of the case.
'Ah, so it looks like you might be right,' Steve says, in lieu of an apology.
'Oh good, okay, you're not going to apologise for causing me a ridiculous amount of identity crisis for three a.m on a Monday morning?'
'No,' is Steve's answer. Partly because he never apologises. Partly because it's sort of fun to fuck with this guy.
'Wow, nice. Okay, Steve, what the fuck are you doing answering Nat's phone at this late hour?' Bucky asks, his voice has lost its gruff edge, has taken on the mild warmth of amusement (it is even more pleasant than Steve had anticipated), 'You guys hook up or something?'
'What? No!' Steve blurts out wildly, before he can stop himself (but, yuck. Natasha is like the pain in the ass little sister Steve never asked for) 'We work together.'
'Ah,' Bucky says, like he's just discovered a state secret, 'You're Steve from work.' - Oh lord, what has Natasha been saying about him? - 'You sound cuter than I was expecting.'
What. Does that mean?
'I uh…' Steve is at a loss, 'I am not cute.' 
Steve is a thirty something year old super soldier too world weary to even wear a parachute these days. He is not. Fucking. Cute.
'Sure, send me a selfie, I need to judge for myself.' He can hear Bucky chuckling to himself on the other end of the phone.
'I am not sending you a selfie.'
'Fair enough, you want me to judge in person, I can respect that,' Bucky says, and the warmth in his voice has reached dangerous levels. It's affecting Steve more than it should. 'Okay, if you’re Steve from work then you live here in New York, right? Which means you can meet me at Elsa's tomorrow night at nine.'
'I don't… know where that is?' Steve says, flustered and breathless for no good reason. 
'Google it. Okay it was nice chatting Steve but I gotta go,' he can hear Bucky yawn, hears the crack of his jaw, 'You shouldn't be calling people up at three in the morning, it's rude.'
'I didn't… You called me!' Steve says incredulously. Except Bucky has already hung up. He pulls the phone away from his ear and states at it, like it might offer him some answers. 
It does not.
It does have a picture of Bucky in the contact information though. And okay, if he's not a model or an actor then life is just unfair. Steve doesn't realise he's staring at the phone until Natasha's voice breaks through his musing.
'Two years I've been trying to set you up with someone nice and you end up picking up my best friend with a butt dial?'
Steve looks over at her and she hasn't moved at all. She still looks asleep. She really is creepy.
'It wasn't a butt dial!' he doesn't even know what that is, but he's sure it doesn't apply here.
'Uh huh. Remind me to get Tony to take your fingerprint override off my phone.'
Steve lays Nat's phone gently in her lap where she pretends to sleep on. He fishes his own out of his chest pocket, must have been there the whole time, and puts his head in his hands. 
He just wanted to play his cupcake game…
The phone pings a few seconds later and it's a message from Nat; Bucky's contact information (including his picture).
And he isn't sure what this feeling in his gut is, but it's definitely not the roiling miasma of banality that has been festering there lately.
Which is probably a good enough reason to not back out of this.
Really, how bad could one drink with a handsome stranger be?
He leans back in his seat and let's his head fall against the headrest. It could be nice actually.
'Atta boy, Steve.' Nat says, still as a statue.
Steve is pretty sure she can read minds.
He wouldn't even put it past her to have set this whole thing up somehow. 
The tiny tilt at the corner of her mouth suggests he might not be wrong.
part two  part three
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dorotheajanegilmore · 5 years
Devil’s Daughter
Previous: 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
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Chapter seven
I had been staying with the Winchester's for just over two weeks now. My purple case looked great against the brown walls of the guest room, really made it feel like home.
The first night I stayed at the bunker (Before visiting parents in NY)
"Sorry it's so plain." Sam has said when he first brought me in here.
I shrugged. "It's much better than my dorm."
He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah I know how ya feel. Stanford."
"NYU." I admitted and he nodded with an impressed face. "Creative writing."
I cringed. "Smarty pants."
Instantly an attractive smile broke out across his face and he shook his head, blushing wildly. "No. I never graduated."
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"I don't think I will either, at least not yet." I told him truthfully.
"I hope that decision isn't because of us? I know how it feels to have your studies cut short and if I could go back..." Sam paused before he shook his head, laughing at himself. "I actually wouldn't go back."
I laughed at his honestly and shook my head. "No, I've been contemplating dropping out for a while. This whole angels exhausting and paternity testing is just the push I needed."
"Right." Sam wondered over to the bed and sat down beside me. He looked at me with a face of concern. "How are you feeling? Honestly."
"Honestly?" I asked and he nodded. I let out a deep breath, letting my shoulder sink. "I feel...like it's not real. I haven't thought about too deeply or really acknowledged it properly. I know that's not healthy but I just don't know how to accept this. My family life has always been rocky, my mother hates me."
Sam recoiled and pulled an offended face, as if I had just delivered a blow to his stomach. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you." I knew that his situation was difficult at the moment. Dean told me that their mother was trapped in some sort of apocalypse world.
"Don't defend her, I promise. You'll see tomorrow, she hates me." I emphasised it again but he shook his head, not having it. I decided to just continue because there was no way in changing his mind. "So, how did Dean recover so quickly? Those guys tortured him too."
Sam shifted on the bed and adjusted his watch on his wrist. He was clearly uncomfortable the way he was sat because his legs are way longer than mine and even my legs ached. We were both sat criss cross and I couldn't take it any longer.
I moved to sit at the edge of the bed, Sam sighing in relief and copying me as he answered. "Castiel healed him. Dean was supposed to save you from those guys but they ended up injecting and torturing him too. Demons aren't really fond of us, we've made a name for ourselves as hunters and they didn't know he was working with Crowley."
I nodded understandingly. I bit the inside of my cheek as I thought about asking the next question. My curiosity got the better of me and so I asked. "Did you, do you and Dean think I'm evil?"
Sam thought for a moment, before gently taking my smaller hand in his larger one. "I won't lie to you. When Rowena told us that Lucifer had a daughter and we needed her help...I definitely believed you to be evil. I thought that we were gonna find you at a bar murdering people or eating babies." Sam laughed at that last part.
“Why eating babies?" I tilted my head to look at him, confused as to where he'd get that from.
"Because ya'know, Lilith eats babies? At least in mythology and all of my text books-"
As Sam rambled on I looked down at the ground. I had forgot about Lilith being my true mother, I was so busy worrying about the devil I forgot about his first demon.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Sam put a gentle hand on my shoulder and I shook my head.
"It's not your fault, Sam. I just can't believe I'm not a product of Christian and Rose. That Hallie and Alex aren't my blood related siblings. They'll always be my family, regardless of what a test says but I had that I don't have an actual connection to them. I hate that my blood isn't their blood. I hate that my blood is...evil." I sobbed as the word evil left my mouth.
Sam shook his head and wrapped his big arms around me, pulling me into him for a supporting hug. I cried into his red plaid chest as he held me tight. "You're not evil, Elle."
"You don't (hicup) know that!" I shook my head, feeling him hold me tighter. He began to rub his palm up and down my back, as if he was soothing a crying baby.
"No I don't, you're right. But if raising Jack has taught me anything, it's that we can't make quick assumptions."
Present day
(Two weeks living in the bunker)
I sat in the library with a book under my nose. Every waking moment of the passed week has been spent reading up on Lucifer, and learning my powers.
So far I have discovered my psionic energy blasts can be used in blasts, streams, waves and bolts to move things, lift and even throw things. Allowing me to hit, push or pull a target, potentially exerting enough force to destroy them. I had also improved my telepathy, I can control when to and when not to listen to thoughts so I could actually focus now.
As I was reading about Lucifer's cage I felt a presence enter the room. I was already on edge from all of the reading, Satan's not a happy guy. Feeling threatened I spotted a pair of scissors on the end of the table and used my new found powers to lift them up and send them at the person watch me.
As I span around, hands glowing red I realised who it was. Dean was stood at the door with wide eyes and hands held up in the air alarmed.
The blade of the scissors, surrounded by red wisps, hovered just inches away from his neck.
"I didn't mean to scare you, little red." He pushed the scissors away with his index finger. They landed in the floor with a snap and I sighed in relief.
"Dean, sorry about that." I felt immediate relief, so happy that it was him and not some creature I had been reading about. I cringed, hoping he wouldn't be to mad at me. "I'm reading about monsters so I'm a bit on edge.
"A bit?" He smirked, amused. He pulled out a seat opposite me at the table and sat down. "Is that why I was nearly executed in my own home?"
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I nodded and slid the book over to him. I pointed at a paragraph and he quickly skimmed over it. It said;
The powers of a nephilim would be to great to raise such a creature on earth among mortals. A human woman could never contain a baby nephilim for very long as it could tear them apart. A nephilim will grow at rapid speeds, much faster than a human woman's body could contain. Once born a nephilim will reach adulthood within a matter of hours.
"Yeah." Dean nodded, confirming that the information in front of me was in fact correct. "Jack was born and within twenty minutes he looked like he was twenty years old.
"So how come I have baby photos? Actual picture evidence of me growing through the years. Every birthday party photo shows a year of progression. Am I slow? Am I broken?"
Dean chuckled at my outburst and shook his head. "Elle, there's never been an angel, demon cocktail baby. You're the first. Perhaps Lilith's genes are much slower."
"Or." Came a Scottish voice from the doorway. Rowena stood with a mischievous smile on her face as she danced her way over to the table.
"Perhaps I did a wee spell to aid in your human growth. I was there when Lucifer chose your parents and he made sure that Rose would be strong enough to encapsulate you for nine months, not to raise your relatives eyebrows at a two month unholy pregnancy. The spell made sure that Lucifer's child would grow as a normal human until she reached adulthood, then her powers would slowly blossom. That's why it's important that we found you." She lifted her martini up as if to cheers us before taking a large sip.
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"I thought you want me to put him in a cage?" I raised a brow, wondering why she was adding to her story now.
Rowena shrugged. "That’s for the after party. Once we’ve rescued Mary from the apocalypse world, you and Jackie boy can work together to put him in a new cage, a stronger sturdier cage. Come on, had I told you this earlier you would’ve been overwhelmed and scared away. We need you, Red.”
Dean shook his head and pushed the book away. "Damn it, Rowena! Any other information you'd care to share?"
Rowena bit her lip and tapped her finger against her chin in thought. ”Aside from Lucifer wanting Jack and Elle back? No, not that I can think off.”
Next: 7
Tags: @lilulo-12 @vicmc624
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Bloody Beetle | Part Nine
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Summary: the afterlife is quite what you expected it to be
Pairing: Taweret x reader (platonic)
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: it's the afterlife y'all... you dead...
A/N: please note as much as I did some research into identity disorders, it may not he 100% factual and is supposed to be taken in context of the story... as always spelling and grammar are not my strongest skills so please be kind :)
Part Eight | Series Masterlist
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You're floating in dark nothingness. 
Your body weightless. 
Your mind empty. 
Just… nothing…
Then you hear something in the distance. 
A voice. 
A name being called. 
Your name. 
The voice gets louder, angrier, as it gets closer…
— — — — 
Your head slips from your hand as you jump awake from your position, leaning against your work desk. Donna, your boss, stands on the other side of the desk, looking down at you disapprovingly. 
“Is this what we pay you for? Sleeping on the job?” She tuts before continuing to rant at you. You ignore her, looking around the familiar museum inventory room as you try to shake away your sleep. Broken remnants of a realistic feeling dream flash in your mind, like a puzzle missing half the pieces. 
You had been in Egypt, that much is clear. But what were you doing there? Lots of people, unknown faces looking at you with hatred. Scales. A glowing purple light. A crocodile? 
You’ll have to tell Steven about this dream when you see him. Maybe he’ll understand it more than you do. Then you realise, he’s not here. 
“Is Steven not in today?” You ask suddenly, not really caring that you’ve interrupted whatever rant Donna was on. 
“Who’s that?” she looks at you blankly and you laugh. 
“Ste-ven.” You repeat clearly, emphasising each syllable. “Steven Grant? You know, the Egypt guy. Works with me down here like, all the time.”
“I don't know who you're talking about.”
“Steven!” You shout, getting frustrated now. 
“Don't matter how many times you say it!” Donna is getting more annoyed by the second. “There is no Steven that works here.”
“Is this some sort of joke?! I know you don't like him very much but even by your standards this is cruel!” 
“Okay, you need to calm down or soon you won’t be working here either!”.
“I’ll show you, look!” You grab your mobile and open the photos app. To your horror there’s not a single one of Steven to be found. “No! Where is it?! I took one just the other day… he was wearing one of those stupid pharaoh headdress things we sell to the kids. It was right here-”
“Y/N!” Donna snaps, snatching your phone and putting it down on the desk. “I don't know want to hear any more about your imaginary friend, alright? You’re wasting my time as well as your own! So unless you wanna be looking for a new job I suggest you drop it.”
You're about to argue back, but think better of it. Arguing with Donna is like hitting your head against a brick wall. 
“You’re right, sorry..." You say sheepishly, playing along. “I just got confused. I think I might be coming down with something.” 
“It’s alright.” Donna looks at you unconvinced but accepts it anyway. “Forget about it and get back to work.”
“Yes boss.” You say and she walks away, glancing back at you suspiciously before she leaves. 
As soon as she’s gone you pick your mobile back up off the desk to message Steven, but when you search your messages all the ones from him are gone. So you head to the contacts and scroll down to ’S’. Sarah, Shaun, Simon, Stuart… where’s Steven? You scroll up, thinking maybe he’s saved under ‘G’ for Grant. Nothing.
You consider for a moment calling the police. But what would you say? ‘My friend has disappeared, but no one remembers him and I have no evidence he ever existed?’ They’d either laugh at you or lock you up. Maybe you are going crazy… 
No. Steven was real! You remember him. The sound of his laugh as he would tell you a really crap joke he'd heard. The way his eyes would light up when someone asked him a question about Egyptian history. The smell of cologne whenever he bumped into you, which was more often than you’d think. He really was quite clumsy. That was one of the things you loved about him. And one of the things you had in common. 
You decide to go find J.B. Surely he’ll must remember Steven, even if he does always called him ‘Scotty’. If all else fails, you could at least get him to check security cameras. 
But as you step out from behind the desk, you don't notice the large box on the floor and trip over it. You manage to stop yourself falling by clinging on to the desk, but you send the box flying across the room, the contents spilling out everywhere. It's filled with action figures that you sell in the gift shop. You pick one up. 
At first glance you think it’s a mummy but then you notice, it’s a man. A man dressed all in white and wearing a white cape. You take another figure out, almost the same but this one wearing a white suit. 
You dig deeper into the box. It’s full of figures. Some the same as the two you’ve already got. Some with the skull of a bird and holding a crescent moon staff. A lady with dark curly hair. A crocodile... Then you find one that makes your blood run cold. A man, wearing a reddish brown outfit and sandals. He has shoulder length dirty blonde hair, and he’s holding a glowing purple cane. 
“Harrow?” You whisper, the name coming to you out of nowhere.
An image fills your mind; Harrow stood in front of you, plunging a dagger into your stomach.
You look down and realise your clothes are stained red with blood. Your heart and mind starts to race. Something isn’t right. You need to get out of here. 
You run to the door, swing them open and crash straight into someone. You look up and to your surprise see a tall hippopotamus stood smiling wildly down at you. 
You freeze as the two of you stare at each other for a moment. The hippo raises its hand in a waving gesture. 
“Hi!” A female voice. She sounds friendly enough.
“Uh… h-hi?” you stutter, trying to remain calm. 
“You're not screaming.” She says. You're unsure if this is a statement or a question. 
“Am I supposed to be..?”
“No, not at all. I’m just used to people screaming when they first see me. To be fair death can be quite traumatic as it is so I suppose to then come face to face with, well, me… must be quite startling.” She laughs. “You're handling this amazingly. Well done you.”
“Death?” You ask and her face drops.
“You didn’t know?” She says and you shake your head. 
“I thought it was just a bad dream.”
“Oh dear. I am very sorry, but I am afraid you are quite dead. Oh hang on! I have a thing I’m supposed to read…” She pulls a scroll out from her robe and unravels it before beginning to read. “Welcome gentle traveller to the realm of the Duat. I am Tawaret, goddess of women and children and I am here to guide you through your journey to the afterlife.”
“Wait wait wait, if I’m dead then why am I at the museum? Shouldn’t I be, like, in heaven or something?”
“Because the Duat’s true nature is impossible for the human mind to comprehend, you may perceive this realm as something more easily recognisable to you. Was this place special to you?”
You think back through all the happy memories you have here, in this room laughing with Steven.
“Yeah, I suppose it is.” You say with a smile. “But hang on, Donna was here. My boss. She was here earlier having a go at me as usual. How is that possible? Is she dead too?” 
“This place can appear as real as you want it to. Whatever would normally be here will be here, that includes people. But rest assured, she is very much still alive.”
“Then where’s Steven? He was always here with me, but Donna didn’t even know who he was!”
“Steven? Steven Grant?” She asks.
“You know him?” 
“I do. Goodness, how do I explain this?” She says, mostly to herself. “Steven Grant isn’t real.”
“Of course he is!”
“No dear, uh…” she pauses, thinking over her words. “Do you know a Marc Spector?” 
“Kind of. Not very well, but we’ve met.”
“Right! So… Steven is Marc.”
“I don't understand.” 
“Marc created Steven when he was young to help him escape the trauma he was going through. He may not have even realised that that’s what he did, but whenever life got too much for Marc he would become Steven instead.”
“No hang on, Steven told me that this Marc lives inside him. Are you saying it’s the other way around?” 
“Steven really believed he was who he was. He had no idea the truth.” She watches you for a moment. Watches as your brain ticks over everything and sadly the truth sets in. “I think deep down, somewhere, subconsciously a part of you knew. That’s why he’s not here. The Duat picked up on it.”
She was right. Ever since that night when Marc first spoke to you, a small part of you had wondered. Harrow had tried to tell you, in his own manipulative way. You just didn’t want to believe it; Steven wasn’t real. 
“I wish he was here.” You say sadly. Taweret puts a caring hand on your shoulder. 
“I know dear, this is a lot to take in. But as I said, you are handling this exceedingly well.” She smiles at you, holding out her hand. “Come, let me show you around.”
— — — — 
You follow Tawaret through the doors and to your surprise you're no longer in the museum. Instead you find yourself on a magnificent wooden boat sailing through sand.
“Where are we going?” You ask, staring out at the the amazing blend of purple, blue and gold that makes up the sky. It would take your breath away, if you weren’t already dead. 
“Hopefully to the Field of Reeds.”
“Yes, there’s just something I have to do…” she places her hand on your chest and pushes, reaching inside you and when she pulls her hand back out she’s holding your heart. You watch in shock as she away from you and places the heart on a scale. She takes a feather and places it on the other side of the scale. The scales swing a few times before settling in a balanced position. 
“Oh goody.” Taweret smiles. “I would have hated to have to throw you overboard.” 
“Excuse me what?”
“If they scales hadn’t balanced, you would not be permitted entry to the Field of Reeds. The dead would have dragged you down into the Duat where you would have remained forever frozen in sand.” She explains and you stare at her in horror. “But the scales are balanced, so no need to dwell on that.” 
You walk to the edge of the boat and look over at the sand below you. You can just about make out the shapes of human figures half buried in the sands, hands desperately reaching for something to grab onto. It sends a shiver down your spine. Taweret moves to stand beside you. 
“All these people had unbalanced scales?” You ask sadly.
“I’m afraid so.” 
“Do the scales ever get it wrong?” 
“That’s not possible.” Taweret says looking at you, she notices you look troubled. “Are you alright?”
“When Harrow judged me with Ammit’s scales, they were unbalanced.”
“Ammit is wrong. She judges based on things that might happen, what someone might do. We judge on what you have done." She turns to face you completely, putting her hands on your shoulder so you have to face her. She looks you in the face. "Believe me when I say, you are a good person Y/N Y/L/N.” 
“Thank you.” You say with teary eyes as the boat continues its journey. 
— — — — 
Eventually you arrive at the most beautiful place you have ever seen.
“Welcome to the Field of Reeds.” 
It’s indescribable. An endless view of golden warmth. Peace like you’ve never felt before. 
“It’s… I don't have the words…” 
“Enjoy it. You belong here.” 
You smile up at her. 
The peace doesn’t last long however, when suddenly you hear a familiar voice calling from a distance behind you. 
“Hey! Hey, hippo lady! You gotta take me back!”
You turn to where the voice is coming from. 
“Not this again.” Taweret sighs.
“Marc?!” You interrupt as you realise who is running toward you. He stops when he notices you. 
“Y/N? What- what are you doing here?” 
“Same as you.” You respond bluntly. “Harrow killed me.”
A range of emotions flash across Marc’s face. Anger and sadness being the mains ones. 
“I’m sorry.” He says simply, before turning his attention back to the hippopotamus next to you. 
“There’s nothing I can do Marc.” Taweret says before he can even ask. “Steven is gone.”
“What?” You look between Taweret and Marc in a panic, but Marc turns away from you. “What do you mean he’s gone?”
“The Duat has him.” Taweret explains. “When Marc died, the Duat split him and Steven into their own separate bodies in order to fairly judge their lives.”
“So Steven is one of those bodies in the sand?” You say in horror and she nods. “We can go back for him though? Right?!”
“It doesn’t work like that. If you leave here you can’t return.” She looks at Marc. “Please, enjoy your peace.”
Marc turns around angrily. 
“Peace?! There is no peace without Steven!”
“You don’t need him anymore Marc. You created Steven when you needed to cope with the worst parts of your life, but that’s over now.” She says, her voice gentle.
“So I get to go on to eternal peace, and he just…” Marc pauses. “Stays lost in the sand forever?”
A tear escapes down your cheek at the thought of Steven being one of those desperate figures you saw in the sand on the way here. Even though you now understand that Steven was only ever a personality created by Marc, he still felt real to you. You only really knew Steven. Your goofy, lovable, Egypt obsessed friend. 
“No.” Marc says suddenly. “I’m not good with that.” 
“Wait!” Taweret calls as Marc begins to walk off. “Think about this!” 
You watch him for a moment before turning to Taweret. She shakes her head at you, warning you. But you ignore her and run to catch up with him.
“What are you gonna do?” You ask. 
“I’m gonna get Steven back.” 
“Then I’m coming too.”
“Are you sure?” He stops and turns to you. It’s still so weird seeing Steven’s face but hearing Marc’s voice. “I can’t guarantee this will go well.” 
“He’d do it for it me.” You say and Marc nods.
The world around you starts to swirl. The golden sky turns dark and the reeds change to sand. Just ahead of you you spot him. Steven. Now one of the figures stuck in the sand. The two of you run over to him. His frozen hand is reaching out in front of him, a look of pain on his face. Marc crouches in front of him. 
“Steven. Looking pretty rough man.” He cries. “I don't know if you can hear me… From the moment you arrived, way back then, we were so young… You saved me. I survived because I knew I wasn’t alone. You were always there, alive, full of hope. I tried to protect that, and I failed. I couldn’t protect you.”
You feel a strange sensation in your feet and look down to see they’ve started to turn to ice, like Steven. Then you notice Marc’s hands have also started to change. 
“You didn’t abandon me.” He looks down at his frozen hand. “You didn’t abandon me. And although that field back there was looking pretty good, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna abandon you.” 
He tried to reach his hand up to hold Steven’s but his arm goes stiff. He looks at you and nods his head to gesture for you to come over. You crouch down beside him, looking into Steven’s terrified eyes.
“Hey Stevo. It’s Y/N. You know, Marc is right. You would never abandon the people you care about. How many times you stayed later than you needed to at work, just so I didn’t have to do inventory on my own.” You laugh as tears stream down your cheeks. “And I know you wouldn’t have left me with Harrow unless you had no choice. Because you are the best person I’ve ever met. You don't believe it, but you are. I should have told you that when we were alive. I should have told you how much you mean to me.” The feeling of your body quickly changing to ice spreading up your legs and arms. You manage to lift your hand to hold Steven’s.
Your body has completely changed now, only your head remains. You look at Marc. He reaches his hand up and places it over yours and Steven’s.
“You are the only real superpower I ever had.” He says to Steven as the ice takes over, freezing his head completely. 
You feel it creeping up the sides of your face. You fix your eyes on Steven and manage to whisper three little words as the last part of you becomes frozen in the sand.
“I love you.” 
— — — — 
The worst thing about being frozen in the Duat wasn’t actually the being frozen, but rather the fact that you were conscious the whole time. Forced to stare into the frozen eyes of the man you love, but unable to move or speak to him. 
All concept of time goes out the window. You have no idea how long you’ve been stuck like this, when suddenly you're aware of a rumbling sound and bright light shining to the side of you. As the light hits the side of your face its like warmth is being restored to your body. The ice melts away and you take a deep breath as life is restored to your body. 
You look over to see the giant ornate gates have opened, light pouring through them. You turn back to look at Steven, the ice is starting to melt from him.
“Steven…” you whisper and he looks at you, taking a big breath of air into his thawed body. 
“Y/N…” he smiles and hugs you before turning to a now unfrozen Marc. “Marc!” 
“Steven!” He says happily.
“You came back? What the hell’s wrong with you?!” Steven says, smiling as he helps Marc stand.
“Well I did a whole little speech there.” 
“It wasn’t that little.” Steven laughs, pulling Marc in for a hug. He turns to you, holding out his hand to help you stand. “I heard yours too.”
“I meant every word.” You say sincerely, looking into his eyes and he smiles as he gently places a hand on your cheek. 
“I love you too.” He whispers.
“Uh, guys.” Marc says from beside you. “As lovely as this moment is… we have a problem.”
You both turn to see what Marc is looking at. A giant sandstorm wave heading straight towards you. 
“Oh bollocks!” Steven shouts. “Come on, lets go!”
The three of you start to run, Marc struggling as his leg seems to be injured. Steven hooks one of Marc’s arms over his shoulder and you do the same on the other side.
“I’m slowing us down, just go!” Marc shouts.
“We’re not leaving you!” You reply, almost dragging him now. 
“Coming through!” You hear and turn around to see Taweret on her ship sailing towards you. “Osiris you old softie!” She calls as she crashes through the wave, slowing it down to give you time. “Now run!!” She shouts. 
“Hippo!!” Steven shouts, waving his hands in the air before Marc grabs him and pulls you all towards the gates. You run with all the strength you can muster and finally make it through the gates. 
— — — — 
“Where am I?” You ask aloud, glancing at the bright white nothingness around you. “Steven? Marc? Anyone?”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” A voice calls from everywhere at once.
“Hello?” You respond. 
“I am Osiris, god of the underworld.”
Part Ten
Taglist :  @sleepylunarwolf / @ahookedheroespureheart / @sleepyamaya / @spicydonut25 / @kult6 / @uncle-eggy / @malaanii/ @toracainz / @pinkiestwinkie / @galacticstxrdust / @mateihavenoidea / @xmariakx / @oscarissac2099 / @whycantwebefriendz / @parkeepingparker
(if you want to be added to the taglist please let me know!)
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